Health and Physical Education, Question Bank

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Shri R.L.

T College of Science, Akola

Health and Physical Education
Question Bank
Std XI

Q1:- Answer in short.

1. What is ultimate goal of yoga?
The ultimate goal of yoga is Moksha (liberation).

2. When we are celebrates National Sports Day?

We celebrate National Sports Day on 29th August.

3. Write the definition of physical fitness given by howley and frank.

Howley & Frank define physical fitness as a state of well being with risk
of premature health problems and to complete daily activities.

4. What is the Motto of Olympic Flag?

The motto of Olympic Flag is Citius, Altius, Fortius.

5. What do you mean by injury?

An injury is damage to biological organism caused by physical harm.

6. What do you mean by Nutrition?

The process of taking nutrients into the body and using them is called

7. Write down types of vitamins?

There are two types of Vitamins, Fat soluble and Water soluble.

8. Write down types of Doping?

There are two types of Doping, Medicine Doping and Blood Doping.

9. How many elements in Carbohydrate?

There era three elements in Carbohydrate, Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

10. Who is said to be Father of Volleyball?

Sir Williams G Morgan is known as Father of Volleyball.

Q2:- Fill in the blanks.

1. The relay baton exchange zone is of -------------. (20 mtrs)
2. Maximum volume of Oxygen consumed and used by our body is ---- (Vo2
3. ---------- refers to the excess accumulation of fat in the body. (Obesity)
4. yoga is originated from a ------------- word yuj. (Sanskrit)
5. There are ----- circles on Olympics Flag . ( 5)
6. Rich sources of vitamin “E” is ---------- (Vegetables oil)
7. Health is a _________ concept emphasizing social and personal resource, as
was as physical capacities. (positive)
8. The distance of Handball penalty line is _________ from the goal. (9 mtr)
9. ___________ refers to the excess accumulation of fat in the body. (obesity)
10.India celebrates _______________ birth anniversary as National Sports Day.
(Major Dhyan chand)

Q3:-Match the pairs. (Answer given in front of the pair)

1. Flexibility HRPF component.
2. Sports Equipment Manufacturing Sports Material Engineering
3. Target Games Archery
4. Static balance skating and gymnastics.
5. Agility Zig Zag run
6. L. B. W Leg before wicket
7. Pranayama Breath control
8. Shot put landing sector 25Mtrs
9. Pole vault pit 6.00m Long, 6.00mWide
10. Hepatities B Vaccination

Q4:-True or false.
1. Circuit is a Swedish word means ‘speed play’. (False)
2. WADA is the Agency of Doping. (True)
3. WHO organization has declared Obesity as a disease and a disability.(True)
4. The optimal fat level of female is 23%. (True)
5. Anuloma Pranayam is a alternative nostril breathing. (True)
6. The diameter of shot put arena is 2.135meters(True)
7. Weight of the javelin for women category of 700gms. (False)
8. Weight of shot put for men category is 7.260kg. (True)
9. Boxing is a self defence game.(True)

Q.5:- Define terms.

Q.1 Define Doping.
Ans:- The unnatural use of performance enhancing drugs to improve the athletes
physical abilities and qualities, it is called Doping.
Q.2 Define First Aid?
First aid is the provision of initial care an illness or injury. It is usually performed
by non-experts or sometimes by an expert in case of an emergency, to a sick or
injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.

Q.3 Which is the opportunities are in sports fields available for the students of
Science stream?
Followings are the opportunities in the field of sports for science stream student: -
Sports Massage Therapist, Sports Lab Technician, Sports Medicine Physician,
Sports Psychotherapist, Sports Physician etc.

Q.4 Explain Physical Fitness Components?

There are two types of Physical Fitness Component- Health Related Physical
Fitness Component and Skill Physical Fitness Component
Health related Physical Fitness Component- Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular
Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility, Body Composition.
Skill related Physical Fitness Component- Speed, Power, Agility, Co-ordinator,
Balance, Reaction Time.

Q.5 Write down the names of International sports competition.

Olympic Games, Asian Games, Commonwealth Games, SAF Games are few
International sports competition.

Q.6 Write down the types of Asanas based on body position?

1 Asanas in the supine position 2 Asanas in the prone position
3 Asanas in Sitting position 4 Asanas in Standing Position

Q.7 Explain Interval Training with examples.

Interval Training is a type of discontinuous physical training that involves a
series of low to high intensity exercise interspersed with rest. Interval Training can
be described as short periods work followed by rest. The main aim is to improve
speed and cardiovascular fitness. E.g. cycling, running, rowing, etc.

Q.8 Write down the events of shorts distance running?

100 mtrs running, 200 mtrs running, 400 mtrs running are events of short

Q.9 Explain Throwing events?

Shot Put throw, Discuss throw, Hammer throw, javelin throw are the throwing

Q.10 Explain Jumping events?

Long Jump, High Jump, Triple Jump, pole vault are the jumping events.
Q.11 Explain Side effects of Obesity on Chart or Diagram.

BackPain Blood

Hormonal Heart
Imbalance Side Disease
Breast Obesity Joints
Cancer Diseases

Snoring Infetility

Q.12 Explain Mobile Fitness application

summary of
exercise duration of work

Mobile Fitness
heart rate
distance of walking/

sleep time

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