MCQ On History of Physical Education
MCQ On History of Physical Education
MCQ On History of Physical Education
(Ans : B)
(Ans : C)
(Ans : D)
4. During exercise, the Cardiac Minute Volume in the average man may rise from four (4) litres to–
(A) 10 litres (B) 15 litres (C) 20 litres (D) 25 litres
(Ans : B)
(Ans : B)
(Ans : C)
(Ans : B)
8. Which of the following systems of the body is the focal point in movement?
(A) Circulatory system (B) Nervous system (C) Respiratory system (D) Muscular system
(Ans : D)
(Ans : C)
10. Which one of the following concepts reflects the true nature of Modem Physical Education?
(A) Physical training (B) Science of Movement (C) Movement Education (D) Athleticism
(Ans : A)