Philosophical Basis of Physical Education - Spring 2013
Philosophical Basis of Physical Education - Spring 2013
Philosophical Basis of Physical Education - Spring 2013
NOTE: Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt four questions from the rest. All questions carry equal marks.
Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are not allowed. Attempt your paper only in one language otherwise it would
be result in deductions of your marks.
Q.2 Write down Four definitions of Phy Edu of Foreign/Local Authors, also elaborate in detail the
objectives of Phy Education:
Q.3 Name different Philosophies of Phy.Education, also discuss their role & importance in Phy.Edu
Q.4 Write note on the historical perspective of Phy. Edu in China & SwWhat measures would you enlist as
safety tool
Q.5 What measures would you take as safety tool for indoor & outdoor Facilities
Q.6 Prepare a performance comparison of Pakistans performance at Asian and Olympic Games till 2012
Q.7 Define growth & development, also write down the characteristics & recommended activities for
children of 9-12 years of age.
Q.8 Elaborate in detail different Teaching Methods used in Teaching/Training of Physical Education/Sports.