Regenerative Agriculture: Soil Carbon Solution
Regenerative Agriculture: Soil Carbon Solution
Regenerative Agriculture: Soil Carbon Solution
Jeff Moyer, Andrew Smith, PhD, Yichao Rui, PhD, Jennifer Hayden, PhD
that is ready for widescale
implementation now.
Table of Contents
3 Executive Summary
5 Introduction
9 A Potent Corrective
28 Taking Action
This deteriorating planetary condition, along with a to the science or the climate Based on peer-reviewed research and the seasoned
deepening scientific understanding of and support for
regenerative agriculture, is the ecological context for this
change we can all see and feel observations of agronomists working around the world, this
white paper confidently declares that global adoption of
new white paper. Farmers, ranchers, agronomists, and around us. It is an invitation. regenerative practices across both grasslands and arable
academic researchers have been on task for these past six acreage could sequester more than 100% of current
years, and their great strides alone support the issuance anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and that stable soil carbon
of a fresh assessment of the state of science and practice. can be built quickly enough to result in a rapid drawdown of
While the planet continues to overheat, conventional
agricultural production systems and arable land misuse have, atmospheric carbon dioxide. We now know enough to have
Any success the 2014 white paper had must be viewed in real hope, and with this hope comes the responsibility to
over time, degraded approximately 75% of the Earth’s land
a grim planetary context: in 2014, there were 397 parts per journey down a new path.
areas. On top of that existing degradation, we are now losing
million (ppm) of atmospheric CO2, while today the Earth
an estimated 36 billion tons of soil every year, based on the
is burdened with 416 ppm. Every ppm of atmospheric CO2
2017 consensus estimate of the European Commission Joint
correlates to the release of 2 billion tons of terrestrial carbon,
Research Centre. Once again, using simple but deadly math,
so those nineteen parts per million since 2014 represent the
this suggests that since 2014 (when the previous white paper
transfer of 38 billion additional tons of carbon from below
was published) the planet has lost more than 200 billion
ground to the atmosphere.
tons of soil, or approximately 26 tons of topsoil for every
human. As a global society, we continue to trade our soil
Continuing the climate math, carbon dioxide is 3.67 times the
weight of carbon, so this transfer of 38 billion tons of below-
and our future for short-term profits and status quo JEFF MOYER TOM NEWMARK
production models. Chief Executive Officer, Rodale Institute Co-Founder & Chair, The Carbon Underground
ground carbon resulted in the deposition of approximately
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) said we needed to be rolled out tomorrow providing multiple benefits beyond climate
limit greenhouse gas emissions to 44 gigatons of carbon dioxide stabilization. The solution is farming. Not just business-as-usual
equivalent (44 GtCO2e) by 2020 [5]. If we did nothing new to industrial farming, but farming like the Earth matters. Farming in a
mitigate climate crisis, projections suggested that by 2020 annual way that restores the quality of soil, water, air, ecosystems, animals,
Human activities radically alter the planet—a power that comes emissions might be 56 GtCO2e, leaving a gap of 12 GtCO2e between and ultimately humanity. Farming that improves our soil’s natural
with a responsibility. Dominant societal narratives still favor the carbon already in the atmosphere and our desire to continue ability to function so the planet and all of its life can also function.
economic rewards even as the climate crisis and multiple other living normally on Earth [5]. This kind of farming is called regenerative agriculture.
interconnected environmental disasters shock our planet.
Earth has a big say in what happens, but the planet needs us Regenerative agriculture revitalizes land. It’s a systems approach
to cooperate in its healing for the sake of humans and all life. The solution is farming. where farmers work with nature, not against it. It’s a biological
Rachel Carson predicted this moment in 1962, and yet her words model based on principles of ecology. With the farmer’s help, farm
remind us that it’s not too late to change course: Not just business-as-usual and rangeland can lock carbon underground, thereby restoring
industrial farming, but degraded soils, addressing food insecurity, and mitigating the
“We stand now where two roads diverge. impacts of the climate crisis on food production. Regenerative
But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar Finca Luna Nueva farm in Costa Rica uses a syntropic farming system on farming like the Earth matters. agriculture is also our best hope for a quick drawdown of
poem, they are not equally fair. The road we newly established cacao fields, incorporating a diversity of plant species. atmospheric carbon dioxide. Let us learn from regenerative
farmers who have been cooperating with nature, who have “solved
have long been traveling is deceptively easy,
In 2018, total global emissions were 55.3 GtCO2e—approaching the for pattern” [8]. Their results are the inspiration that will fuel a
a smooth superhighway on which we progress
worst case scenario [6]. (A seven percent reduction every year for wholesale shift away from the failed era of sustainability to a golden
with great speed, but at its end lies disaster.
The other fork of the road — the one less What is Regenerative Agriculture? the next decade is needed to limit warming to 1.5°C) [6]. What’s age of regeneration.
more, “accelerated soil erosion may be the second largest
traveled by—offers our last, our only chance
to reach a destination that ensures the
source of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, and its Agricultural Emissions
Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles credible estimates are not known” [7]. We spent the last decade
preservation of the earth.” that rehabilitates the entire ecosystem and enhances natural walking a path to a precipice. The emissions cuts needed now “may Agriculture as practiced across most of the world is not yet part of
—Rachel Carson in the Introduction to Silent Spring [3] resources, rather than depleting them. seem impossible,” says Inger Andersen, the Executive Director of the solution—it’s part of the problem. Rather than mitigating the
the UNEP, “but we have to try” [6]. climate crisis, it is a net producer of greenhouse gas emissions both
The globally connected food and farming system succeeds in Robert Rodale, son of American organic pioneer J.I. Rodale, directly through conventional industrial farming practices, and
producing an enormous oversupply of foodstuffs unimaginable to used the term ‘regenerative’ to distinguish a kind of farming And yet, there is hope right beneath our feet. There is a indirectly through land-use change and the greater food system
our great-grandparents because we’ve focused on calorie yields. that goes beyond simply ‘sustainable.’ Regenerative agriculture: biotechnology for massive planetary rehabilitation that is tested [10]. Agriculture production accounts for around ten percent of
It’s no surprise to anyone paying attention that this carbohydrate and available for widespread dissemination right now. The cost is annual emissions (6.2 Gt CO2e) [11]. The food system at large,
abundance comes at a high price: widespread degradation of land, “…takes advantage of the natural tendencies including fertilizer and pesticide manufacture, processing,
water and air; biodiversity and ecosystem losses; continued hunger of ecosystems to regenerate when disturbed. transportation, refrigeration and waste disposal, accounts for
and nutritional deficiencies paired with a rapid rise in obesity and In that primary sense it is distinguished 30% or more of total annual emissions [11].
related diseases; and destruction of rural communities and farmer from other types of agriculture that either
livelihoods around the world [2]. The dominant farming system oppose or ignore the value of those natural
relies on synthetic and proprietary inputs that increase in cost every tendencies.” [9]
year, while commodity crop prices stagnate and soils deteriorate.
These problems arise from chemical-based forms of agriculture, Regenerative agriculture is marked by working to
crop monocultures, and mismanagement of livestock, which now achieve closed nutrient loops, reduction or elimination of
cover what were once the world’s most fertile agricultural lands: biocidal chemicals, greater crop and biological diversity,
fewer annuals and more perennials, and practices that
“The uniformity at the heart of these systems, mimic natural ecological processes. Some leaders of the
and their reliance on chemical fertilizers, movement also believe regenerative agriculture should
pesticides and preventive use of antibiotics, extend beyond our treatment of natural resources and
leads systematically to negative outcomes include commitments to animal welfare and social fairness.
and vulnerabilities.” [4] These pillars are included in the Regenerative Organic
Certification [see page 23].
A POTENT CORRECTIVE If only cover crops were adopted in otherwise conventional systems
across all cropland [16] ~4% of annual CO2 emissions might be
While the thought experiment shows us the potential for soil
carbon sequestration, soils are varied and it is unlikely that we
sequestered. However, by bundling practices, if management of all can achieve such a sweeping shift in agricultural production
In 2018, global emissions of greenhouse gases were 55.3 metric gigatons (Gt CO2e). The vast majority of these emissions—37.5 Gt—come current cropland shifted to a regenerative system like the Mid- quickly. But even small changes will have an impact—the
from carbon dioxide, which could be reduced significantly by regenerative agriculture [4]. Data from farming and grazing studies show Atlantic site [18] we could potentially sequester 8 times more than Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports
the power of exemplary regenerative systems that, if achieved globally, would drawdown more than 100% of current annual CO2 cover crops alone, or 32% of annual CO2 emissions (~12 Gt CO2). “high confidence” in the evidence for soil carbon sequestration as
emissions. Global extrapolations of carbon sequestration rates recorded by agricultural scientists in Table 1 are provided as a thought And, if all global pasture was managed to a regenerative model like an atmospheric carbon dioxide removal strategy [9].
experiment showing the power of regenerative agriculture to drawdown atmospheric carbon dioxide. the Midwestern US study [23], an additional 114% of all annual CO2
emissions (~43 Gt CO2) might be sequestered. There is a clear opportunity to restore degraded soils by capturing
TABLE 1: Carbon Sequestration Potentials atmospheric carbon through regenerative agriculture. Investing
By those calculations, shifting both crop and pasture in human capacity, knowledge infrastructure and safe, proven
management globally to regenerative systems is a powerful agricultural techniques can produce the change we need to
PLACE/STUDY MAIN CROP combination that could drawdown more than 100% of annual stabilize the climate while providing significant co-benefits to
PRACTICES (Mg ha- yr- )
1 1
(Gt CO2 yr- )
CO2 emissions (Figure 1), pulling carbon from the atmosphere farmers and consumers everywhere.
% CO₂ and storing it in the soil.
C+ CO₂ CO₂
Cropland – accounts for approximately 30% of arable farmed land
FIGURE 1: Carbon sequestration potential of global adoption of regenerative agriculture
Cover crops
Global [16] Various 0.32 1.17 1.63 4.35
(global metanalysis)
Regenerative organic
Grain crop
US, Mid-Atlantic [17] system - diverse 0.85 3.12 4.34 11.6
Regenerative organic 50
US, Mid-Atlantic [18] system - compost Corn & Wheat 2.36 8.66 12.04 32.11
Costa Rica [19] Cacao & Poro 4.16 15.27 21.23 56.61
agroforestry 40
US, Southeast [24] Rotational grazing Dairy 8.0 29.36 133.37 355.65
C is change in soil carbon in (Mg ha-1 yr-1) and CO2 is the equivalent of C as carbon dioxide.
Total potential carbon sequestration in Gigatons (Gt) if all global cropland or grazing land converted to the respective Global annual CO2 emissions Global Soil C sequestration potential
regenerative system and percentage of carbon dioxide offset from 37.5 Gt CO2e global annual greenhouse gas emissions [4].
*Not peer-reviewed.
Without sufficient organic matter, soil cannot support microbial life 7 Eliminating synthetic chemicals
or plant life without vast amounts of imported inputs. Two-thirds
of conventional corn and wheat cropland soils have been depleted Regenerative agriculture is focused on outcomes and practices
to less than two percent organic matter [12], limiting yields and that ensure outcomes: these interlinked practices support soil life
requiring injections of chemical inputs. This is food production on and minimize erosion by retaining biomass from a wide variety of
Photo: Brittany App, Tablas Creek Farm
life support, ignoring the vast potential for creating healthy food by living and dead roots, shoots, and microbes, which work together to
healing the land. But there is another way. As J.I. Rodale, a founder sequester carbon [8,26].
of the organic movement in America, wrote on a blackboard in 1942:
While regenerative agriculture has to be a place-based, customized, • Multi-Story Cropping • Riparian Forest Buffer • Filter Strip
Soil Carbon Sequestration
systems approach, there are certain interlinked practices that are
• Windbreak/Shelterbelt • Vegetative Barrier • Grassed Waterway
part of most regenerative systems. Soil carbon sequestration means maximizing atmospheric carbon Establishment
dioxide removal and minimizing soil carbon losses. • Windbreak/Shelterbelt • Hedgerow Planting
• Silvopasture Establishment Renovation
• C
ross Wind Trap Strips
For soil carbon sequestration to occur, all of the soil organic
• Forage and Biomass Planting • Alley Cropping Conservation Cover
carbon sequestered must originate from the atmospheric carbon
pool and be transferred into soil organic matter through plants, • Nutrient Management • Riparian Herbaceous Cover • Wetland Restoration
plant residues, microbial residues, and other organic solids [28].
• Tree/Shrub Establishment • Range Planting
Soil life is exceptionally complex, comprised Feeding soil life to encourage biodiversity and abundance means 1 PHOTOSYNTHESIS
managing the farm so that there are living roots in the ground for as
of a vast community of microscopic bacteria, During photosynthesis, plants convert
much of the year as possible. Roots aid soil health by directly feeding carbon dioxide (a gas) into sugar
fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, as well (carbohydrate molecules).
microbes with their exudates including sugars, amino acids, and
as meso- and macrofauna like arthropods, organic acids, by creating the right kind of soil structure to protect
earthworms, springtails, spiders and insects. carbon, and by partnering with mycorrhizal fungi to store carbon
This plant-derived carbon enters the soil
and cycle nutrients [33,35]. As leading soil ecologist Francesca in the form of litter or root exudates. Soil
There are billions of these organisms in just one teaspoon of Cotrufo, PhD of Colorado State University says: microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) live in
healthy soil. The soil community builds carbon stores through its association with plant roots and decompose
interactions underground with the soil physical structure, living these organic compounds. During the
“It’s becoming very clear that in order to decomposition, nutrients (nitrogen,
roots and decomposing organic matter, and aboveground with
regenerate soils, we have to have continuous phosphorus, sulfur, etc.) are released to
plants, animals, weather, people and their farming practices. support plant growth.
and diverse inputs, and that mostly comes
from living roots.”
The abundance and composition of soil life is heavily influenced 3 CAPTURING CARBON
—(Cotrufo Interview) Microbial necromass (dead microbial
by the farm system. To harness soil carbon sequestration and its
biomass) can be stored in organo-mineral
co-benefits, farmers choose interlinking management strategies that
Farmers must also manage microbial carbon use efficiency by associations or microaggregates. This
increase biodiversity above and below ground. A systematic review physically protected stable carbon is mostly
applying high-quality plant inputs. When processing plant inputs,
of over 50 international studies found nearly 60% more biomass of microbial origin.
microbes simultaneously use carbon for growth and maintenance.
from soil microorganisms in organically managed farm systems
Carbon use efficiency is the proportion of a carbon input that
versus conventional [30]. The soil life in the organic systems were 4 RESTORING BALANCE
microbes assimilate relative to the carbon lost, or respired, out Increasing the number of microorganisms
also over 80% more active than in conventional systems [30].
of the system as carbon dioxide [36]. Soil has a conservative in the soil helps bring carbon levels back
This is not surprising, as most organic systems, and all regenerative
carbon to nitrogen ratio of about 10:1. This means that for soil into balance, which leads to healthier soil,
systems, are built on interlinking practices designed to increase healthier food, and a healthier planet.
carbon sequestration to occur, every 10 units of carbon require
biodiversity and support soil health.
one unit of nitrogen. This explains why high carbon inputs are,
counterintuitively, not associated with proportional gains in soil
Recent research underscores the predominant role of soil microbes
carbon. Applying diverse but low quality (high C:N ratio) inputs
in building soil carbon stores. Contrary to previous thought, it’s
(e.g. high proportion of sawdust or woodchips) or cover crops
not the recalcitrant plant material that persists and creates long
(e.g. cereal only) results in low carbon use efficiency, which causes
term soil carbon stores, instead it’s the microbes who process this
a larger proportional loss of carbon. These high carbon to nitrogen
plant matter that are most responsible for soil carbon sequestration
ratio inputs also put microbes under stress, resulting in nitrogen
[31,32]. Stable soil carbon is formed mostly by microbial necromass
mining from existing soil organic matter. To avoid this, farmers
(dead biomass) bonded to minerals (silt and clay) in the soil.
should include high quality (low C:N) inputs such as legume cover
Long term carbon storage is dependent on the protection of the
crops and manure, vegetable based, or worm compost, which are
microbially-derived carbon from decomposition. This protection
more efficient in building carbon.
takes place in soil pores in a specific size range of 30-150
micrometers, which are created by roots from diverse polycultures—
Plants rely on available nutrients provided by the soil. This nutrient
not from monocrops [33].
cycle depends on rapid carbon matter turnover by microbes,
This means that to enable soil carbon storage, farmers should focus
resulting in particulate organic matter (POM), which does not store LIVING MICROBES
carbon over long periods [34]. Managing agricultural soil to increase
on encouraging diverse carbon inputs to create pore structures
biodiversity and soil life abundance below ground results in organic
and feeding soil microbes, both of which are achieved with a wide MICROBIAL NECROMASS
matter buildup that stores carbon for the short and long terms. Both
variety of plant roots. These roots help microbes build biomass that
types of organic matter are needed for proper ecosystem function,
becomes necromass-mineral amalgams that store carbon over very
long time periods [34].
nutrient retention and cycling, and food production. SOIL MINERALS
Worldwide hunger and food access are inequality issues that can
Policymaker, farmer, or eater—everyone can do something to
be ameliorated in part by support for small-scale regenerative
support shifting the food system from industrial to regenerative.
agriculture, both urban and rural [156]. For those smallholder
Photo: Rodale Institute
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