Polarization AND Huygen'S Theory of Double Refraction: Anuroop Ashok Ist Yr. B Tech
Polarization AND Huygen'S Theory of Double Refraction: Anuroop Ashok Ist Yr. B Tech
Polarization AND Huygen'S Theory of Double Refraction: Anuroop Ashok Ist Yr. B Tech
Anuroop Ashok
Ist Yr. B Tech
•Before the beginning of the nineteenth century, light was considered to
be a stream of particles.
• Uniaxial minerals are ones that crystallize in the tetragonal, hexagonal and trigonal systems.
• Light passing through a uniaxial crystal at an orientation other than the optic axis will therefore
break into 2 rays: an ordinary ray “o”, and an extraordinary ray “e”.
• A mineral in which the extraordinary ray is slower than that of the ordinary one (i.e. > ) is
considered to be optically positive, and vice versa.
• Examples: Calcite , Quartz
• Are minerals with 2 optic axes; i.e. 2 directions along which the light shows no birefringence and
vibrates in a circular section with a unique constant refractive index. (known as ).
• Biaxial minerals are ones that crystallize in the orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic systems.
• Biaxial minerals have 3 indices of refraction: , , and , listed in order of increasing values (i.e.
is always > > ).The maximum birefringence of a biaxial mineral will be: - .
• Light incident along one of the two optic axes will vibrate in one direction only with a refractive
index value given by the radius of the circular section to which it is perpendicular. If has a
value closer to than to , the mineral is biaxial positive, and vice versa.
• A light ray incident at any angle to the optic axes will still split into 2 rays. However, unlike in the
case of uniaxial minerals, both rays are extraordinary. One of these extraordinary rays will vibrate
with a refractive index of a value between and (called ’), the other between and (called
• Examples : borax, sugar, feldspar, and niter.
• Calcite is the crystallized form of Calcium Carbonate(CaCO3).
• It is the most stable polymorph of Calcium Carbonate( CaCO3).
• It is called Iceland Spar due to its large availabilities in Iceland.
• Color is white or none, though shades of gray, red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, violet, brown, or even black can occur when the mineral is charged
with impurities.
• Calcite is transparent to opaque and may occasionally
show phosphorescence or fluorescence.
• It exists in nature in several forms but cleaves very perfectly along 3
directions forming a Rhombohedron.
Calcite or Calcium
carbonate (CaCO3)
3-fold symmetry Large
CO3 carbonate Birefringence
groups are all in
planes normal to
the Optic axis.
It is possible to cleave calcite and form sharp faces that create a cleavage form (rhombohedron) as
shown below possessing faces of a parallelogram with angles of 78.08 and 101.92. There are only two
blunt (not sharp) corners (labeled A and B) where the surface planes meet. A line passing
through the vertex of each of these blunt corners and oriented so that it makes equal angles with
each face (45.5) and each edge (63.8) is clearly an axis of 3-fold symmetry and called the Optical
The 3-fold axis is related to the 3-fold
symmetry of the CO3 carbonate groups
shown previously and the line
representing this axis must be then
B parallel to the optic axis of the crystal, as
The direction in which the ray suffer no
Double refraction in the crystal is the
Optical Axis.
Any line in the crystal parallel to this
direction is also an Optical Axis.
The birefringent property of calcite
leads to the formation of two images
Colorless Calcite Rhombohedron with a as shown in examples.
long edge of ~12 cm. The images are related to the
existence of ordinary rays (o-rays)
and extraordinary rays (e-rays). An
analysis of these rays shows that both
these rays are linearly polarized.
• For the class of crystals called uniaxial, there is only one direction where all light
rays travel along the same path at a constant velocity.
• This direction defines the optic axis or principal axis, and any plane that contains
the optic axis is called a principal plane (sometimes called a principal
section) - the plane contain optic axis and normal to any cleavage face.
The optic axis is not a specific line, but indicates a direction in the crystal where
there is no double refraction.
• 3 principle sections through a point are observed- one for each pair of opposite
The o-wave, with its perpendicular
polarization, exhibits a single propagation
velocity, v. The wave stimulates
numerable atoms at the surface
producing a source of radiating spherical
wavelets, the summation of which leads
to a plane wave propagation as in the
case of an isotropic medium like glass.
In the above figure, E lies in the principal section, defining the
e-wave, and E = E|| + E, where E|| || Optic-axis. Each
component will propagate with velocities, v|| and v,
respectively. The result is that a point at the interface emits
waves that are elongated into an ellipsoid of revolution rather
than a spherical shape.
• A Principle section always cut the surfaces of a
Calcite crystals in a parallelogram with angles
of 109o and 71o.