2d Shapes 3d Objects Kindergarten

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Unit Topic / Guiding Question:

2D Shapes/3D Objects

What do you notice about these shapes, and how are these shapes similar and different?


Through the exploration of 2D shapes/3D objects and their attributes students will begin to develop a vocabulary and understanding of how
shapes and objects can be described, measured and compared. This unit is designed to incorporate many hands-on, play-based lessons and
activities for the students. The unit will further expand students’ knowledge about 2D shapes and 3D objects, as well as access prior knowledge.
Students will be explicitly taught the concept of faces, sides, edges, and corners using visuals, videos, poems and games. Through math stations
and activities that are collaborative and hands-on, students will continue to develop different core competencies. The curricular competencies
that will be assessed through this unit are reasoning and analyzing, understanding and solving, communicating and representing and connecting
and reflecting.

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Big Ideas Essential Questions

Math: What are these different 2D shapes called?

Objects have attributes that can be described, What are these different 3D objects called?
U measured, and compared.
N How can we sort these 2D shapes?
E How can we sort these 3D objects?
How can we use different materials to build 2D shapes?
T How can we use 3D objects to build something?
N How can we describe different 2D shapes?
How can we describe different 3D objects?

Where do we find 2D shapes in the environment?

Where can we find 3D objects in the environment?

D Core Competencies:
Communication Thinking

Personal & Social

 Connect and engage with Creative:

 Acquiring and presenting Positive Personal & Cultural Identity
 Working collectively  Creating and
 Supporting group innovating
interactions  Generating and  Identifying personal strengths and abilities
 Evaluating and
Personal Awareness & Responsibility

 Self-advocating
 Self-regulation
 Well-being

Social Awareness & Responsibility


 Building relationships
 Questioning and  Contributing to community and caring for the environment
investigating  Resolving problems
 Designing and  Valuing diversity
 Reflecting and

Curriculum Competencies:

Reasoning and analyzing

 Use technology to explore mathematics

 Model mathematics in contextualized experiences

Understanding and solving

 Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving

Communicating and representing

 Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

 Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways
 Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions

Connecting and reflecting

 Reflect on mathematical thinking

 Connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other areas and personal interests

K Content:
O  Sorting 2D shapes and 3D objects using a single attribute
W  Building and describing 3D objects
 Exploring, creating, and describing 2D shapes
 Using positional language, such as beside, on top of, under, and in front of

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Summative Assessment (of Learning):

Through the unit, students will work through a 2D shape and 3D object book, where they identify, write the name of different shapes and objects,
and describe each shape and object and the appropriate attributes for each. At the end of the whole unit students will be assessed on their
understanding of identifying and naming shapes and objects, and identifying the appropriate attributes.

Formative Assessment (for Learning):

Throughout the unit there will be many opportunities for formative assessment. Formative assessment will take place through observations,
questioning, participation, discussions, self-assessment, games and a pre-learning assessment. Instructions will be explicitly taught and modelled,
and criteria will be clearly outlined for the students to follow and understand.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Instructional Activities
Learning Intentions

April 7th

 Introduction to 2D shapes and discussion

 Show the 2D shape video (shapes song for kids – The Singing Walrus)
 I can recognize and name different  Guiding questions; “what do you notice about these shapes?” “How are they the same,
2D shapes and how are they different?”
 I can find 2D shapes in the  Use 2D shape visuals to teach the names of 6 shapes (circle, square, oval, rectangle,
environment triangle, diamond)
 I can participate in discussions  2D shape scavenger hunt around the classroom
about 2D shapes

April 14th

 Review shape scavenger hunt

 Use visuals to introduce concept of sides and corners
 I can name and describe a circle  Teach/discuss the number of sides and corners of a circle, square and triangle using the
 I can name and describe a square shape poems
 I can name and describe a triangle  Shape game
 2D shape booklet for circle, square and triangle

April 15th

 Review sides and corners of a circle, square and triangle

 Teach/discuss the number of sides and corners of an oval, diamond and rectangle using
 I can name and describe an oval the shape poems
 I can name and describe a  Shape game
rectangle  2D shape booklet for oval, rectangle and diamond
 I can name and describe a
April 19th

 Review the number of sides and corners of all 6 shapes learned

 I can use different materials to

build a 2D shape Math station day/building day:
 I can follow directions during
math stations  Popsicle and pipecleaners to build a 2D shape
 Play dough mats building 2D shapes
 Tangram mats
 Draw with shapes/create a collage

April 21st

 Introduction to 3D objects (3D shapes song – The Singing Walrus) and discussion
 Guiding questions: “What do you notice about these objects?” “How are they the same as
 I can recognize and name different 2D shapes, how are they different?”
3D objects  3D object hunt outside and discussion about the objects
 I can find 3D objects in the  Real-life object sort
 I can participate in discussion
about 3D objects

April 23rd

 Review 3D object hunt and real-life object sort

 Use visuals/real life objects to introduce the concept of faces, edges and corners using
 I can name and describe a cylinder visuals
 I can name and describe a sphere  Teach/discuss the number of faces, edges and corners of a cylinder and sphere
 Object description game/Ispy
 3D object booklet for cylinder and sphere

April 26th

 Review faces, edges and corners of a cylinder and sphere

 Teach/discuss the number of faces, edges and corners of a cube and cone
 I can name and describe a cube  Object description game/Ispy
 I can name and describe a cone  3D object booklet for cube and cone

April 28th

 Review faces, edges and corners of all 4 3D objects learned

 Math station day/building day:
 I can use different materials to  Blocks
build a 3D object  Toothpicks and sticky tack
 I can find and describe different
3D objects

Resources needed:

 Worksheets
 Pipecleaners
 Popsicle sticks
 Chart paper
 Real life 3D objects
 3D blocks
 2D shapes
 Visuals
 Poems
 2D shape/ 3D object booklets


How did it go? How do I know?

Where to next?

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