Module 1 - Analysis of Stress in 3D

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Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis

Lecture: Basics of Stress Analysis

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Mechanics is an area of science concerned with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected
to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies on their environment

Deformable Bodies:
The bodies which are capable of undergoing deformations (linear, angular etc.) when
subjected to certain loads, pressure, temperature, etc. are called deformable bodies. The
consequences of these deformation are strains and stresses
Course Contents
Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis:
Stresses on an arbitrary plane
Principal stresses and stress invariant
Mohr’s stress circles
Differential equations of equilibrium in Cartesian and
cylindrical coordinates
Three-dimensional strain analysis
Rectangular strain components
Principal strains and strain invariant
Compatibility conditions
Course Contents
Stress-Strain Relations: Unsymmetrical Bending:
Generalized Hooke’s law Flexure formula for unsymmetrical
Stress-strain relations for isotropic materials.
Energy Methods:
Principle of superposition
Curved Flexural Members:
Work done by forces, Elastic strain energy stored
Winkler-Bach formula
Maxwell-Betti’s theorem, Castigliano’s theorems
Strain energy expressions
Stresses in curved beams having

Fictious load method rectangular,

Statically indeterminate problems.  Circular and trapezoidal sections
Course Contents
Thick and Thin Cylinders: Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
The students will be able to:
Thick Cylinders and Rotating Discs
1. calculate the state of stress at the critical point of the
Lame’s theory for stresses in thick object.
2. analyze the failure analysis under static loading in
ductile and brittle materials using different theories
Thin rotating rings, of failures.
3. calculate deflection at any point on a solid structure
Stresses in rotating discs and
using Castigliano’s theorems.
cylinders 4. determine the distribution of circumferential and
radial stress along the thickness of thick cylinders.
Helical Spring
5. model real structures using fundamental component
Theories of Elastic Failure: analysis.
6. use contemporary s/w tools of MATLAB and FEA
Various theories of failure commercial packages for solving and displaying
Significance and applications results.
Lecture Contents and Learning Outcomes
 Introductory Mechanics: Rigid Body Vs
Deformable Body Bodies

 Forces on a body and their Classification

Three Dimensional
 Three Dimensional Stresses Stress Analysis

 Principle Stress and Stress Invariants

 Equations of Equilibrium: Cartesian Coordinates

Equations of
 Equations of Equilibrium: Cylindrical Coordinates equilibrium
Body: Rigid Body vs Deformable Body
Rigid Body Does NOT undergo any deformations due
Body: to applied loads (forces and moments).
Matter • Practically, no such bodies exist.
Bounded by
a Closed • For the purpose of analysis, such as in statics, the bodies are assumed to be
Surface rigid.
• The deformations are too small that the body may be treated as rigid

Deformable Undergoes deformations (change in shape

Body and size) due to applied loads
• All bodies in nature are deformable.
• Materials possess different degrees of deformations.
Forces on a Body: Surface and Body Forces
Point/Concentrated Force Surface Force Surface Force

Linear Distributed Force

Point Force

Linear Force

Gravity Force
(Body Force)
Types of Support and Support Reactions
Stress: Definition and Interpretation
 When a body is subjected to external forces, it
tends to deform.

 The body resists the deformations by developing


 Stress is the internal resistance of any body in

response to the external force

 Stress is the intensity of the internal force.

 Mathematically, Stress  or,   FR  F
Area A A

 Stress is a tensor quantity.

 The units of stress are N/m2, N/mm2, Pa, Mpa, etc.

Concept of Stress
 The main problem of engineering mechanics of
material is the investigation of the internal
resistance of the body, i.e. the nature of forces set
up within a body to balance the effect of the
externally applied forces.

 The externally applied forces are termed as loads.

 In mechanics of deformable solids, externally
These externally applied forces may be due to any
one of the reason. forces acts on a body and it suffers deformation.
 From equilibrium point of view, this action
 due to service conditions
 due to environment in which the component should be opposed by internal forces which are
works set up within the material due to cohesion.
 through contact with other members  These internal forces give rise to a concept of
 due to fluid pressures
 due to gravity or inertia forces. stress.
Basics of Stress Analysis
 Consider a rectangular bar of some cross – sectional area and
subjected to some load (in Newton)
 Imagine that the same rectangular bar is assumed to be cut into two
halves at section XX. The each portion of this rectangular bar is in
equilibrium under the action of load P and the internal forces acting
at the section XX has been shown
 Now stress is defined as the force intensity or force per unit area.
Here we use a symbol σ to represent the stress. Where A is the area of
the X– section P
Assumption: The total force or total load carried by the rectangular bar is uniformly distributed over its cross – section. But the
stress distributions may be far from uniform, with local regions of high stress known as stress concentrations.
Basics of Stress Analysis
 If the force carried by a component is not uniformly distributed over its cross – sectional
area, A, we must consider a small area, ‘dA' which carries a small load dP, of the total
force ‘P', Then definition of stress is P
 As a particular stress generally holds true only at a point, therefore it is defined
mathematically as lim P
A  0 A
Units :
The basic units of stress in S.I units i.e. (International system) are N / m2 (or Pa)
MPa = 106 Pa
GPa = 109 Pa
KPa = 103 Pa
Some times N / mm2 units are also used, because this is an equivalent to MPa.
Basics of Stress Analysis: Classification of Stress
Transverse Tensile

Axial Compressive
Basics of Stress Analysis: Normal Stress
Normal stresses : If the stresses are normal to the areas concerned, then these are termed as
normal stresses. The normal stresses are generally denoted by a Greek letter (σ)
Basics of Stress Analysis: Shear Stress
Shear stresses :
 When the cross – sectional area of a block
of material is subject to a distribution of
forces which are parallel, rather than
normal, to the area concerned.
 Such forces are associated with a shearing
of the material, and are referred to as shear
 The resulting stresses induced are called
shear stresses
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: General State of Stress at a Point

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Three dimensional Stress Analysis: General State of Stress

General State of stress at a point :

 Stress at a point in a material body is defined as a
force per unit area.
 But this definition is some what ambiguous since
it depends upon what area we consider at that
 Consider a point ‘q' in the interior of the body
 Assume a cutting plane passes through a point 'q' dFx   xx dAx
perpendicular to the x - axis as shown below dFy   xy dAx
dFz   xz dAx
Three dimensional Stress Analysis: General State of Stress
 Similarly, Assume a cutting plane passes through a point 'q' perpendicular to the y - axis as shown

dFx   yx dAy
dFy   yy dAy
dFz   yz dAy

 Similarly, Assume a cutting plane passes through a point 'q' perpendicular to the z - axis as shown
dFx   zx dAz
dFy   zy dAz
dFz   zz dAz

The state of stress as depicted is called the general or a triaxial state of stress that can exist at any interior
point of a loaded body.
Three dimensional Stress Analysis: General State of Stress
dFx   xx dAx General State of Stress at a Point
dFy   xy dAx
dFz   xz dAx

dFx   yx dAy
dFy   yy dAy
dFz   yz dAy

dFx   zx dAz
dFy   zy dAz
dFz   zz dAz
Three dimensional Stress Analysis: Coordinate Systems
Cartesian - co-ordinate system Cylindrical - co-ordinate system
In the Cartesian co-ordinates system, In the Cylindrical - co-ordinate system we
we make use of the axes, x, y and z. make use of co-ordinates r, θ, and Z
Three dimensional Stress Analysis: Sign Convention
Sign convention : The tensile forces are termed as ( +ve ) while the compressive forces are termed as
negative ( -ve ).
First sub – script : It indicates the direction of the normal to the surface.
Second subscript : It indicates the direction of the stress.

Note: In the case of normal stresses the double script notation may be dispensed with as the direction of the normal stress and the direction of
normal to the surface of the element on which it acts is the same. Therefore, a single subscript notation is sufficient to define the normal stresses.
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: Rectangular Stress Components

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Three dimensional Stress Analysis
 Consider a body B in a rectangular coordinate system Oxyz
 The surface forces F1, F2, F3 are concentrated forces
 The surface force p is a distributed force.
 The support reactions R1, R2 and R3 are also surface forces

 Assume that the body is cut into two parts C and D by a plane 1-1 passing
through point P
 Each part (C and D) is in equilibrium under the action of the externally
applied forces and the internally distributed forces.
 Let ΔA be the area and n be the normal to the area ΔA corresponding to part
D. The corresponding area and normal in part C and ΔA’ and n' Free-body diagram of a
body cut into two parts
Three dimensional Stress Analysis
 The action of part C on D at the point P will be equal
and opposite to that of part D on C at point P’.
 Further, Assume that the body is cut into two parts C
and D by a plane 2-2 passing through same point P

Free-body diagram of a Body cut by another

body cut into two parts plane at the same point

 In general, stress vector acting at point P on a plane with outward drawn normal
2 n' will be different
from stress vector acting at same point P, but on a plane with normal n'
 Hence the stress at a point depends not only on location of the point (identified by coordinates x, y, z)
but also on plane passing through the point (identified by direction cosines nx, ny, nz of the normal).
3D Stress Analysis: Normal And Shear Stress Component

The resultant stress vector can be resolved into three components

one along the n and other perpendicular to n.
The component parallel to n is called the normal stress and the
component perpendicular to n is known as the tangential stress or
shear stress component

The resultant stress vector T can also be resolved into three components parallel to the x, y, z axes.
Rectangular Stress Components
 Let the body shown in Fig., be cut by a plane parallel to the yz plane.
 The normal to this plane is parallel to the x axis and hence, the plane is
called the x plane.

 The resultant stress vector at P acting on this will be T

 This vector can be resolved into three components parallel to the x, y, z axes.
 The component parallel to the x axis, being normal to the plane, will be denoted by σx.
 The components parallel to the y and z axes are shear stress components and are denoted by τxy
and τxz respectively
Rectangular Stress Components
 At any point P, one can draw three mutually perpendicular planes,
the x plane, the y plane and the z plane.
 The normal and shear stress components on these planes are

 These components are acting on a small rectangular element

surrounding the point P
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: Stress on an Arbitrary Inclined Plane

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Stress Components On An Arbitrary Plane
State of Stress at a point:
The stress at a point depends not only on the location of the point but also on the plane passing
through the point.
By state of stress at a point, we mean an information which is required at that point such that it
remains under equilibrium.
The totality of all stress vectors acting on every possible plane passing through the point is
defined as state of stress at that point.
The state of stress is important to determine the critical planes and respective critical stresses.
A general state of stress at a point involves all the normal stress components, together with all the
shear stress components
Thus, nine components are required to define state of stress at a point
Stress Components On An Arbitrary Plane
“A knowledge of stress components acting on three mutually perpendicular planes passing
through a point will enable one to determine the stress components acting on any plane passing
through that point.”

 Let the three mutually perpendicular planes be the x, y and

z planes
 Let the arbitrary plane be identified by its outward drawn
normal n whose direction cosines are nx, ny and nz.

 Consider a small tetrahedron at P with three of its faces normal to the

coordinate axes, and the inclined face having its normal parallel to n.
 Let h be the perpendicular distance from P to the inclined face.
Stress Components On An Arbitrary Plane
Let T be the resultant stress vector on face ABC. This can be resolved into
components parallel to the three axes x, y and z.

• The above equation is known as Cauchy’s stress formula.

• This equation shows that the nine rectangular stress components at P
will enable one to determine the stress components on any arbitrary
plane passing through point P.
Stress Components On An Arbitrary Plane
Stress Components On An Arbitrary Plane

Thus, Normal Stress on an inclined plane is:

And Hence, Shear Stress is:

n 2

  T 
2 2
Stress Components On An Arbitrary Plane
Thus, Normal Stress on an inclined plane is:

For 2D
If normal to the plane makes an angle θ with the x axis, then

n  cos  
n  sin  
n 0

Thus, Normal Stress is:

   cos     sin    2 cos   sin  

n x


Three Dimensional Stresses: Illustrations
Illustration: A rectangular steel bar having a cross-section 20 mm X 30 mm is subjected to a tensile
force of 6000 N. If the axes are chosen as shown in Fig., determine the normal and shear stresses on a
plane whose normal has the following direction cosines:

Given Data:

To Find:

Three Dimensional Stresses: Illustrations

n 2

  T 
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: Cross Shear, Principal Stresses

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
3D Stress Analysis: Important Relations
Rectangular Stress Components
Normal Stress on an Inclined plane
 x



   
 xy y zy


 z
Cauchy Stress Formula
Shear Stress on Inclined Plane
n 2

  T 
Equality of Cross Shears
Consider an infinitesimal rectangular
parallelepiped surrounding point P.
Let the dimensions of the sides be Δx, Δy,
and Δz
On the left x plane, the stresses are σxx,
τxy, and τxz. On the right faces, these
stresses are
 xx
 xx  x
 xy  xy x
 xz  xz x
Equality of Cross Shears
On the bottom y plane, the stresses are σyy, τyx, and τyz. On the top face, these stresses are

 yx  yy  yz
 yx  y  yy  y  yz  y
y y y

On the rear z plane, the stresses are σzz, τzx, and τzy. On the front face, these stresses are

 zx  zy 
 zx  z  zy  z  zz  zz z
z z z
Equality of Cross Shears
For equilibrium, the moment of the forces about x, y, and z axis must vanish.
Taking moment about z axis
Equality of Cross Shears
For equilibrium, the moment of the forces about x, y, and z axis must vanish.
Taking moment about z axis
y   xx  y   xy  x
 xx yz    xx  x yz   xy 
 x yzx   yy xz
2  x  2 x  2
  yy  x   yx  x
   yy  y xz   yx  y xzy   zy xy
 y  2  y  2
y   zy  x    y
  zx xy   zy  z xy   zx  zx z xy 0
2  z  2  z  2
Divide by Δx Δy Δz throughout
 xx y  xy  yy y  yx  zy x  zx y
   xy  x    yx  y   0
x 2 x y 2 y z 2 z 2

x  y  z  0
Similarly,  
xz zx
 
yz zy
 xy   yx
Equality of Cross Shears
Rectangular Stress Components

 x

  x



       
 xy y zy
  xy y yz


 z
 xz

 z

 Instead of 9 stress components, there are only six independent stress components.
 The stress tensor is symmetric in nature
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: Principal Stresses

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Principal Stresses
The normal and shear stress components can be determined on any plane with normal n, using
Cauchy's formula

n 2

  T 

 Are there any planes passing through the given point on which the resultant stresses are wholly
normal (in other words, the resultant stress vector is along the normal)?
 What is the plane on which the normal stress is maximum and what is its magnitude?
 What is the plane on which the tangential or shear stress is maximum and what is its magnitude?
Principal Stresses
Assume that there is a plane n with direction cosines nx, ny and nz on which the stress is wholly
normal. Let σ be the magnitude of this stress vector.

The components of stress along the x, y and z axes are

However, Cauchy stress states

Principal Stresses
      n 
 n 
x yx zx x

    
 xy y
zy y 0
  xz
 yz
     n
z z

The above is the set of homogenous equations. In order to obtain its non-trivial solution, set its determinant equal to zero
Principal Stresses
 The three roots of the cubic equation can be designated as σ1, σ2 and σ3.
 All these three roots are real.
 Substituting any one of these three solutions in characteristic equation, we can solve for the
corresponding nx, ny and nz.
 In order to avoid the trivial solution, the following condition is used along with any
two equations
 Hence, with each σ there will be an associated plane.
 These planes on each of which the stress vector is wholly normal are called the principal
planes/shearless planes, and the corresponding stresses are called principal stresses
Principal Stresses: Stress Invariants
The Cubic equation is as:

The coefficients in the Cubic equation are expressed as:

 The terms I1, I2, and I3 are called first, second and third
stress Invariants.
 An invariant is one whose value does not change when the
frame of reference is changed.
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: Principal Stresses:Illustrations

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Principal Stresses

      n 
 n 
x yx zx x

    
 xy y
zy y 0
  xz
 yz
     n
z z

Principal Stresses
 The three roots of the cubic equation can be designated as σ1, σ2 and σ3.
 All these three roots are real.
 Substituting any one of these three solutions in characteristic equation, we can solve for the
corresponding nx, ny and nz.
 In order to avoid the trivial solution, the following condition is used along with any
two equations
 Hence, with each σ there will be an associated plane.
 These planes on each of which the stress vector is wholly normal are called the principal
planes/shearless planes, and the corresponding stresses are called principal stresses
Principal Stresses: Illustrations
Illustration: The state of stress at a point is given as follows:
Determine the principal stresses and the direction of minimum
principal stress.
Also, check on the invariances of I1, I2, I3.
To find:

Principal Stresses: Illustrations
Solution (Continue)…
Principal Stresses: Illustrations
Solution (Continue)…
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: State of Principal Stresses and Pure Shear
Hydrostatic State and Octahedral Stresses

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
General State of Stress and State of Principal Stress
General State of Stress
 x
 xy

    (referred to x-y-z coordinate system)
 xy y yz

 xz
 yz
 z
State of Principal Stress:
If principal axes is chosen as the coordinate axes and the rectangular stress components are referred as

 1
0 0
0  0 (referred to 1-2-3 principal axes)
 2

 0 0  
 The state of stress at a point can be characterized by the six rectangular stress components
referred to a coordinate frame of reference.
 The magnitudes of these components depend on the choice of the coordinate system.
 If, for at least one particular choice of the frame of reference, we find that σx = σy = σz = 0, then a
state of pure shear is said to exist at point P.

Thus, State of Pure Shear: 0   

xy xz

 0  
(referred to frame of reference where σx = σy = σz = 0 )
 xy
 yz

 0 

 Note that I1 (σx + σy + σz ) = 0 in the given state.

 Therefore, the necessary condition for the state of pure shear is that the value of first stress
invariant must be zero.
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Module: Three Dimensional Stress Analysis
Lecture: Principal Stresses

Dr. Neeraj Grover

Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]
Mohr’s Circle in 3D
 Arrange the principal stresses such that algebraically σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3.
 Mark off σ1, σ2 and σ3 along the σ axis and construct three
circles with diameters (σ1 – σ2), (σ2 – σ3), and (σ1 – σ3).
 The bounded region is called Mohr’s stress plane p and the three
 circles are known as Mohr’s circles.
 Points A, B and C represent the three principal stresses and the
associated shear stresses are zero.

 The maximum shear stress is equal to 1/2 (σ1 – σ3) and the associated normal stress is 1/2 (σ1 + σ3)
.This is indicated by point D on the outer circle.
 There are three extremum values for the shear stresses
Plane State of Stress
Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Cartesian Coordinates

 The equations of equilibrium must be satisfied at all points

throughout the volume of the body.
 Consider a small rectangular element with sides ΔX, ΔY and
ΔZ isolated from its parent body.
 Let the body force components per unit volume in the x, y
and z directions be γx, γy, and γz.
Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Cartesian Coordinates

Considering Force Equilibrium in x direction:

Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Cartesian Coordinates

Force Equilibrium in x direction:

Force Equilibrium in y direction:

Force Equilibrium in z direction:

Equilibrium Equations for Plane Stress State
For a plane state of stress,
Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Cylindrical Coordinates

Force Equilibrium in r direction:

Force Equilibrium in z direction:

Force Equilibrium in θ direction:

Differential Equations of Equilibrium: Cylindrical Coordinates
Plane Stress Case
(In absence of Body Forces)

Axisymmetric Case
Dr. Neeraj Grover
Assistant Professor, MED
Email: [email protected]

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