Brain Contusion: Morphology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment
Brain Contusion: Morphology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment
Brain Contusion: Morphology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment
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Vytautas Ragaišis
Clinic of Neurosurgery, Kaunas Medical University Hospital, Lithuania
Key words: brain contusion, pathogenesis, secondary neuronal damage, intensive care,
Summary. Focal cerebral contusions can be dynamic and expansive, leading to a de-
layed neurological deterioration. In head – injured patients, the rise in intracranial pres-
sure (ICP), subsequent to uncontrollable swelling, is the only and the most frequent cause
of death. Studies show that brain swelling, after traumatic brain injury (TBI), is caused by
brain edema rather than cerebral blood volume (CBV). CBV is reduced in proportion to
cerebral blood flow (CBF) reduction, following a severe TBI. Cerebrovascular damages,
leading to subsequent reductions in regional CBF, may play an important role in secondary
cell damages following TBI. The histological examination revealed the formation of
microthrombosis in the contused area, extending from the center to the peripheral areas
within 6 hours after injury. In the pericontusional zone and surrounding parenchyma,
vasoresponsivity may be nearly three times normal, which suggests hypersensitivity to hy-
perventilation and other phenomena.
Glutamate is the most widely distributed excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian
brain. However, when glutamate is present in excessive quantities, it may overactivate spe-
cific ion channels, especially the N-methyl-D-aspartate channel. A shift of potassium into
the extracellular space will result in rapid swelling of astrocytes, which absorb quantities
of potassium to preserve ionic homeostasis. This process may cause rapid cytotoxic edema,
which is probably, a major factor in causation of posttraumatic raised ICP. The presence of
a focal contusion and primary or secondary ischemic events were the clinical features most
strongly correlated with high dialysate of glutamate. Raised ICP was significantly more
common, and outcome was worse in patients with high levels of glutamate.
Contusion is a key factor in the development of blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability.
BBB endures at least 7 days post TBI. Biphasing opening of the BBB, following head trauma
and a possible second wave of secondary brain damage, was confirmed. Brain tissue pO2
monitoring might become an important tool in the treatment regime for TBI patients.
Histologically the loss of CA3 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus was observed ipsilat-
erally in the cortical contusion and bilaterally in diffuse axonal injury. Aggressive, early
hyperventilation after TBI augments neuronal death in CA3 hippocampus.
Due to high mortality associated with such cerebral contusions, a standard practice has
evolved into evacuating contusions in patients who had deterioration in the level of con-
sciousness, lesions more than 30 sec and CT suggestion of raised ICP.
Severe head trauma is one of the prevailing causes 50% of patients, contusion foci are located in surgi-
of death in the developed countries. According to sta- cally favorable frontal and temporal lobes. Until quite
tistics, 100,000 people die from trauma in the United recently, little emphasis has been placed on the analy-
States every year. Severe head injuries constitute ½ sis of reasons of the neurological state deterioration
of these deaths. Hundreds of thousands of head trauma after hospitalization. In 1993, Stein et al. proved that
survivors suffer from long-term disabilities (1). After the deterioration of the neurological state of hospital-
severe and moderate head injuries, parenchymal dam- ized patients is an indication of poor outcome (1). By
age is detected in over 55% of cases (2). For over implication, the main task of a surgeon is to avoid or
Correspondence to V.Ragaišis, Clinic of Neurosurgery, Kaunas Medical University Hospital, Eivenių 2, 3007 Kaunas,
Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected]
244 Vytautas Ragaišis
reduce secondary neuronal damage, which, in effect, tration of the macrophages, apoptosis, phagocytosis,
causes the deterioration of the neurological state (1, 2, and atrophy (12). The majority of neuro-researchers
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). It is thus distinguish the following zones in the severely injured
necessary to reduce ICP or to maintain cerebral brain: contusional, pericontusional (synonyms -
perfusion pressure (CPP) at 60-70 mm Hg. Neuro- perilesional, hypoperfusional, ischemic, edemic). Very
logical state is classified as deteriorated when Glaskow important is hypoperfusive zone, which is very dynamic
Outcome Scale (GCS) is reduced by 2 scores and the and apt to expansion in cases of inadequate treatment
pupils are asymmetric (>1 mm) as well as areactive. (8, 12, 17, 22, 23).
These symptoms indicate the need to introduce Several pathophysiological processes triggered by
correctives in treatment. Without any changes in treat- BC are of special significance, and disturbances in
ment, mortality rates increase from 9.6 % to 56.4%, cerebral blood flow are among them. Severe head in-
whereas good results, according to GCS, decrease jury causes disturbances both in hemispheric and re-
from 68 to 29 % (1). It has been proved that subse- gional cerebral blood flow (CBF). Examinations show
quent neurological state deterioration is caused mainly that CBF in the contusion foci is 4.7 ml/100g/min., and
by brain parenchyma damage. it is 16-18 ml/100g/min. in the hypoperfusional zone.
BC or BC with hematoma comprises approximately In the normal brain, CBF is >50 ml/100g/min. (24).
60 % of the totality of intracranial injuries (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Ischemic threshold is commonly considered to be 18-
8, 16, 17, 18). Contusions leading to the neurological 20 ml//100g/min. Disturbances in blood vessel sensi-
state deterioration are more common in the age group tivity are frequent in hypoperfusional zone and are
of over 40 (56 %). Sometimes initial brain damage related to the increase and, even more so, to the de-
seems mild or moderate immediately after the injury crease of arterial blood pressure (ABP), the increase
(2). In patients with BC, neurological deterioration, on of ICP, the decrease of CPP, and changes in ventila-
average, manifests 6 hours after the trauma (77.5 %), tion (12, 18, 24, 25). In hypoperfusional zone, blood
while neurological worsening caused by extracerebral flow decreases 3 hours after the injury, while the prob-
hematomas occur up to 6 hours after the injury (19). ability of blood vessel thrombosis significantly increases
For children and young people, GCS score <9 on ad- after six hours postinjury (26). Adequate treatment
mission was predictive of either severe neurological and permanent multimodal monitoring enable to pre-
state deterioration or death caused by multiple contu- vent expansion of the hypoperfusive zone into the nor-
sion, brain swelling, and brain herniation, i.e. a com- mal brain for approximately 10 days postinjury and
plex of symptoms indicative of a dynamic, progres- even longer periods. An important fact to be pointed
sive nature of head injury (11). In 1998, Firsching et out is the absence of reperfusion in this zone (18).
al. performed magnetic resonance image (MRI) scan- Lebedev reports cases of hypoperfusional zone re-
ning of over 100 severely head-injured patients of poor duction (27). Erratic clinical management brings about
neurological state immediately after the trauma and the increase of this zone and its expansion into the
detected primary brain stem contusion (pons), which normal brain, which causes an irretrievable brain dam-
was not visible on CT. In the majority of cases, these age. Hypoperfusional zone can encompass approxi-
patients exhibited poor outcome (20). mately 15% of brain hemisphere. The aggressive ex-
Studies on the subject emphasize the importance pansion of the volume of the contusion focus increases
of an in-depth knowledge of pathogenesis for adequate the secondary neuronal damage. In patients with poor
clinical management of BC. Recent findings throw new outcome, hypoperfusional zone can be very extensive
light on pathogenesis and secondary neuronal dam- and encompass a large bulk of brain hemisphere (3, 4,
age. BC used to be defined as traumatic necrosis fol- 5, 24, 28, 29). Cerebral autoregulation is an ability to
lowed by reabsorption. Such a view defies the pro- maintain normal CBF despite changes in CPP; BC is
gressive nature of the injury, though its dynamics is likely to cause severe damage in cerebral autoregula-
implied in the commonly acknowledged fact of reab- tion. Cerebral autoregulation is based on active varia-
sorption. The currently used definition of BC points tions of cerebrovascular resistance. ABP, ICP, and
out that it is a dynamic and expansive process inevita- CBF measurements provide important data about ce-
bly leading to the deterioration of the neurological state rebral autoregulation (30, 54). We perform ICP and
(21). Dynamic processes are most pronounced in neu- ABP slow wave simultaneous measurements to in-
rons, glial tissue, and blood vessels. In the early stages, vestigate their correlation.
microscopic examination reveals perivascular hemor- Very important for brain contusion pathogenesis is
rhage, astrocytic swelling, changes in the myelin, infil- the increase of glutamate, its coagonist aspartate, and
structural amino acids (threonine and valine) in paren- glutamates and for the increase of structural amino
chyma microdialysis probes or in cerebrospinal fluid acids (threonine and valine) resulting from neuronal
(CSF). Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter in death (7, 16). Following this study, it can be suggested
brain. Evidence has been provided on its significant that the combination of ischemic events and brain con-
role in “the causation of both acute and chronic neu- tusion causes a more severe secondary neuronal dam-
ronal damage.” Recent studies state that “many of age.
the normal physiological processes of the cortex and The data lead to an assumption that the rise of
the hippocampus, in particular, are thought to depend glutamate in brain microdialysate is followed by the
on this neurotransmitter function of glutamate.” The increase of ICP, decrease of CPP, progressive dam-
increase of glutamate significantly activates ion chan- age in hippocampus, brain stem, cerebellum, and,
nels, N-methyl-D-aspartate channel, in particular. In inevidently, in the pericontusional area. The increase
a random manner, sodium and calcium penetrate into of glutamate >20 mmol/L is suggestive of poor out-
cells while potassium enters the extracellular space. come. When glutamates increase up to 50-100 mmol/
“When this process is rapid, it can result in massive L, neuronal death can be detected within several hours
accumulation of intracellular calcium with rapid neu- due to their overexcitation. Studies on animals and
ronal death - ‘fast excitotoxicity.’” Such dynamics humans indicate that contusion in one hemisphere leads
leads to a fast neuronal death that can occur during to neuronal death not only in the focus of BC but also
the first day after the trauma. In case of delayed en- in the brain stem, cerebellum, and, especially, in the
try of calcium, neuronal death can be traced within ipsilateral hippocampus. In cases of contusion in both
the period of 5-7 days after the injury (7). The pen- hemispheres, neuronal death occurs in bilateral hip-
etration of potassium into the extracellular space causes pocampus, brain stem, and cerebellum (3, 4, 5, 7, 8,
a rapid swelling of astrocytes. This can, in turn, lead 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35). Second-
to “cytotoxic edema,” which is thought to cause the ary hippocampus damage can evoke posttraumatic
increase of intracranial pressure. The investigation of epileptic seizures because hippocampus modulates
morphological changes has provided more insight into epileptogenic activity (36, 37, 38). The rise of the neu-
the mechanism of astrocyte swelling (7, 12, 16). The rotransmitter glutamate causes increased
implementation of the microdialysis technique revealed hyperglycolysis, which, in turn, affects a further in-
a rise of glutamate in the extracellular space after se- crease of this neurotransmitter and, in this way, en-
vere head injury and stroke. The blockage of glutamate hances the activity of this destructive circle. If CPP
by N-methyl-D-aspartate channel antagonists de- remains <70 mm Hg for more than 1 hour, the level of
creases the secondary damage of neuronal cells. It glutamate increases, and brain becomes very vulner-
has been detected that the biggest amounts of this able. The increase of the glutamate concentration is
neurotransmitter are found in cases of brain contusion not even; the highest levels of glutamate have been
(>20 mmol/L), subdural hematoma and diffuse injury detected within 9 days postinjury. It has to be pointed
(< 20 mmol/L), and epidural hematoma (about 3 mmol/ out that even in cases of normal CPP (80-110 mm
L). These findings suggest that the more severe brain Hg), the occurrence of an epileptic seizure causes a
damage, the higher the increase of glutamate (7). Post- significant increase of glutamate (30-60 mmol/L (39).
traumatic increase of glutamate in the cerebrospinal The above-described processes can be defined as a
fluid is indicative of neuronal and glial damage as well chain reaction to be interrupted by a careful clinical
as cytotoxic rather than vasogenic edema (31). management.
In a lot of cases, BC is accompanied by the fol- Clinical testing of “Selfotel,” the NMDA receptor
lowing parallel states, which can cause brain ischemia: antagonist, did not come to expectations. “Selfotel”
hypoxemia (PaO2 <60 mm Hg), hypotension at mean proved to be ineffective at high levels of glutamate
arterial blood pressure (MABP) <50 Hg (for >30 min. (e.g. increase of 50 times normal). Data on 693 pa-
prior to resuscitation), hemispheric CBF <20 ml/100g/ tients demonstrate that satisfactory results were seen
min., herniation (fixed dilated pupil), and CPP <50 mm only in patients with epidural and subdural, i.e.
Hg for >30 min. (7). extracerebral hematomas, in cases of mild brain pa-
It has been detected that ischemia is an important renchyma damage (40). The use of “Selfotel” for the
factor influencing the increase of glutamate, which is treatment of animals with brain contusion demonstrates
>80 mmol/L, in cases of brain contusion, and 5-20 better results (28).
mmol/L in the absence of brain contusion. This im- The damage of brain blood barrier (BBB) is also
plies that brain contusion is crucial for the behavior of very important (4, 5, 14, 41, 42). Approximately a
decade ago, the majority of neurosurgical research BC (44). These findings help to explain the deteriora-
emphasized the vasogenic origin of posttraumatic brain tion and differences of CPP and brain parenchyma
swelling. At present, many leading scholars in the field, oxygen saturation in different brain locations (22, 31,
such as Marmarou, Bullock, Schroder, and others, high- 35).
light the importance of cytotoxic brain edema (7, 12). ICP and CPP monitoring does not reflect brain
A closely related problem is the decrease of BBB. In oxygen consumption. Recent management schemes
literature on the subject, different data on the BBB propose the estimation of direct parenchyma satura-
damage time are reported. Baldwin et al., for example, tion for oxygen. This method offers higher accuracy
indicates two stages. During the first stage, BBB de- (>90%) compared with that of the oxygen blood satu-
creases in brain cortex and hippocampus 1 hour after ration method in jugular bulb (accuracy 46 %) and
the injury. After 3 hours, BBB returns to the initial excludes risk factors such as vein sinus trombosis (45).
level. During the second stage, BBB decreases in brain In the brain contusion focus, pO2 is constantly below
cortex and hippocampus 1-2 days postinjury (5). hypoxic threshold (decreases by 70%) and is not af-
Soares et al. detected the decrease of BBB in brain fected by hyperventilation (HV), a fact that is indica-
cortex and hippocampus 2-12 hours postinjury followed tive of the brain death zone. In the pericontusional zone,
by its restoration to the initial state within a three-day- pO2 decreases, while the reaction of blood vessels to
period (19). Holmin et al. report on the decrease of HV, ABP, and ICP as well as CPP changes is signifi-
BBB 2 days after the injury, reaching its maximum 5- cantly disturbed. In the normal brain, both pO2 and
6 days postinjury. BBB restores to normal within 16 blood vessel reactivity is not impaired (34). Aggres-
days (41). The decrease of BBB causes not only sive HV (PaCO2 21mm Hg) radically reduces
vasogenic edema but also inflammatory processes, hipoperfusional zone saturation (by ½) even when CPP
which, in turn, can cause secondary neuronal damage is above 60 mm Hg. This is due to the changes in the
(41, 42). reactivity of blood vessels in the pericontusional zone
Katayama et al. reveal one more aspect of the and severe vasoconstriction (24, 31, 34, 35). BC is
pathogenesis of the BC focus volume increase. They thus a very aggressive process triggering many patho-
detected a rapid increase of osmolarity in the BC fo- logical mechanisms that, in turn, activate new pro-
cus due to the neuronal cell disintegration, homogeni- cesses, many of which still need further investigation
zation, and metabolic disturbances. Such “mass” is (37).
inclined to reabsorb liquids; a process that can be re- With regard to the stated above, it would be perti-
ferred to the increase of osmolarity in this mass, pro- nent to recapitulate BC-induced changes in brain and
vided CBF remains sufficient (26). the body: changes in ABP, the decrease of regional
The increase of ICP and the decrease of CPP will and hemispheric CBF, the increase of contusion focus
be mentioned only in passing because this subject is osmolarity, the expansion of water into contusion fo-
not the primary intent of the present study. In order to cus, the increase of ICP, the decrease of CPP, the
maintain optimal CPP and to retain optimal brain oxy- occurrence of brain ischemia, the increase of glutamate
gen saturation, it is essential to manage ICP. When concentration and structural amino acids, the swelling
ICP is >20 mm Hg, it is considered pathological, and, of the glial tissue, the decrease of BBB, the triggering
when ICP is over 40 mm Hg, it is very dangerous. of inflammatory responses, the increase of platelet
ICP is one of the main indicators of poor outcome, cells activating materials and free radicals, changes in
though there is an alternative view foregrounding the brain pH, the possibility of brain hyperemia occurrence,
significance of CPP. The decrease of ICP is essential and the decrease of brain saturation. Neuronal death
for the increase of CPP. Regardless of CPP, the initial is detected in the BC focus and the surrounding tissue
ICP of >20 mm Hg yields a poorer outcome than that as well as in the hippocampus, brainstem, and cer-
of <20 mm Hg. With ICP greater than 20 mm Hg, it is ebellum (4, 5, 7, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 25, 26, 30, 32, 41,
very difficult to maintain CPP in the range of 70-80 42). There exists a controversial view on the role of
mm Hg. The increase of CPP at the expense of the brain hyperemia: some authors regard it as a negative
increase of MABP does not yield good results. CPP factor while others point out its beneficial effects (33,
should not be allowed to decrease below 60-70 mm 41).
Hg (1, 43). Until quite recently, ICP was believed to These complex changes and the morphology of the
be uniform in the entire skull cavity. Lately, however, dynamics of the hypoperfusive zone play an important
not only supra-infratentorial but also interhemispheric role in the consideration of an effective surgical treat-
gradients of ICP have been detected in patients with ment. During surgical treatment, a histological exami-
nation of the pericontusional zone was performed by volume by 15%, while the fall of MABP up to 50 mm
an electronic microscope. The examination revealed Hg doubles the contusion volume (22).
that, in extracellular spaces, swelled astrocytes exter- The problem of HV as a means of minimizing ICP
nally compress blood microvessels obstructed by red also needs to be considered. For approximately 20
cells and white cells. The fact that the blood vessel years, HV has been a commonly used technique for
endothelium is not impaired confirms the astrocytal the reduction of ICP. Recent research emphasizes
origin of blood microvessel compression (7, 46). negative effects of aggressive HV and points out a
Lebedev claims that astrocytes exhibit changes dur- high degree of risk involved in its use (47). It has been
ing the first minutes after the trauma (27). indicated that the use of HV in the clinical manage-
Neuronal death caused by brain contusion occurs ment of BC can cause a 40% increase of neuronal
at different time intervals in different locations. In brain apoptosis in hippocampus at PaCO2 <25 mm Hg af-
cortex, it can occur 24 hours postinjury, while maxi- ter 5 hours. This occurs only in cases of BC. The
mum apoptosis is observed on 7th day after the trauma. expansion of contusion focus has also been detected,
In hippocampus, it occurs within 48 hours and in thala- and this is referred to vasoconstriction, especially in
mus within 14 days (8). Baldwin reports cases of neu- the pericontusional zone, reduced CBF, alkalosis, and
ronal death in hippocampus 24 hours postinjury and increased negative effects of glutamate (9). As it has
states that BC causes the death of 41% of neurons in already been stated, the increase of the contusion fo-
this zone (5). A question then poses itself whether cus, along with its penetration into the normal brain, is
and how this posttraumatic chain reaction can be in- determined by the expansion of the pericontusional
terrupted and what clinical management can yield best zone due to highly distorted and raised vasoreactivity
results. (6, 12, 40). In recent studies, the majority of research-
As it has already been stated, brain contusion is a ers claim that conservative treatment of BC is inef-
dynamic and expansive process having pronounced fective. BC focus is a zone of dead brain, an urgent
effects not only in the vicinity of the contusion focus removal of which can hinder its expansion into the
but also in more remote areas such as hippocampus normal brain (46). In many countries, patients with
and the brain stem. Inadequate treatment and the ab- BC undergo surgical treatment. The main criteria for
sence of monitoring enhance these effects. The rec- surgical treatment are the following: the deterioration
ommended optimal MABP is 140-70 mm Hg and the of conscious, according to the GCS; contusional focus
optimal CPP range is between 105-70 mm Hg (22). of >30 cc; the symptoms of increased ICP (com-
Some authors recommend maintaining CPP above 70 pressed brain ventricles, compressed or invisible basal
mm Hg, and they hold that the decrease of CPP un- cisterns, and the midline shift on CT (21, 48). The
der 30 mm Hg can double the contusion focus (1, 22, present survey of literature on BC provides sufficient
29). Some authors explore the influence of MABP on evidence to claim that surgical treatment can reduce
the dynamics of the BC volume. For example, the rise the secondary neuronal damage and improve short-
of MABP up to 140 mm Hg increases the contusion term as well as long-term treatment results.
Vytautas Ragaišis
Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikų Neurochirurgijos klinika
Raktažodžiai: galvos smegenų kontūzija, patogenezė, antrinis neuronų pažeidimas, intensyvioji terapija,
chirurginis gydymas.
Santrauka. Galvos smegenų kontūzijų gydymas yra labai aktualus. Dėl chirurginio galvos smegenų kontūzijos
gydymo indikacijų ilgai buvo diskutuojama, tačiau pastaraisiais metais prieita vieningos nuomonės. Įrodyta, jog
kontūziniai židiniai nėra stabilūs, jie didėja, o dėl jų poveikio padidėja intrakranijinis slėgis, atsiranda galvos
smegenų įstrigimo pavojus. Kuo intrakranijinis slėgis didesnis, tuo pacientų prognozė yra blogesnė. Be to,
galvos smegenų kontūzija sukelia antrinių morfologinių neuronų pokyčių atokiose nuo kontūzinio židinio galvos
smegenų vietose: hipokampe, galvos smegenų kamiene. Tik žinodamas galvos smegenų kontūzijos patogenezę
ir skyręs reikiamą gydymą, gydytojas galės sumažinti antrinį neuronų pažeidimą, sukeltą galvos smegenų
kontūzijos, ir pasiekti geresnių gydymo rezultatų. Tikimasi, kad šiame straipsnyje pateikiama literatūros apžvalga
dėl rekomenduojamos galvos smegenų kontūzijos gydymo taktikos galėtų tapti pagrindu diskusijai apie tokių
pacientų gydymo koregavimą.
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