In The Existing System The Transactions Are Done Only Manually But in
In The Existing System The Transactions Are Done Only Manually But in
In The Existing System The Transactions Are Done Only Manually But in
The Domain “Banking System " keeps the day by day tally record as a complete
banking. It can keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit,
Withdrowal, and Searching the transaction, Transaction report, Individual account
opening form, Group Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction
reports, Statistical Summary of Account type and Interest Information.
“Banking System " keeps the day by day tally record as a complete banking. It can
keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit, Withdrawal, and
Searching the transaction, Transaction reports, Individual account opening form, Group
Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction reports, Statistical
Summary of Account type and Interest Information.
In the existing system the transactions are done only manually but in
proposed system we have to computerize all the banking transaction using the software
Banking System.
They are:
Administrative Module
This module is the main module which performs all the main operations in
the system. The major operations in the system are:
To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the system needs to
be computerized.
The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low
system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations. It has got
following features
Security of data.
Ensure data accuracy’s.
Proper control of the higher officials.
Reduce the damages of the machines.
Minimize manual data entry.
Minimum time needed for the various processing.
Greater efficiency.
Better service.
User friendliness and interactive.
Minimum time required.
Feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the purpose of
the organization for the amount of work, effort and the time that spend on it. Feasibility
study lets the developer foresee the future of the project and the usefulness. A feasibility
study of a system proposal is according to its workability, which is the impact on the
organization, ability to meet their user needs and effective use of resources. Thus when a
new application is proposed it normally goes through a feasibility study before it is
approved for development.
The document provide the feasibility of the project that is being designed and lists
various areas that were considered very carefully during the feasibility study of this
project such as Technical, Economic and Operational feasibilities. The following are its
The system must be evaluated from the technical point of view first. The assessment
of this feasibility must be based on an outline design of the system requirement in the
terms of input, output, programs and procedures. Having identified an outline system, the
investigation must go on to suggest the type of equipment, required method developing
the system, of running the system once it has been designed.
The project should be developed such that the necessary functions and performance
are achieved within the constraints. The project is developed within latest technology.
Through the technology may become obsolete after some period of time, due to the fact
that never version of same software supports older versions, the system may still be used.
So there are minimal constraints involved with this project. The system has been
developed using Java the project is technically feasible for development.
The developing system must be justified by cost and benefit. Criteria to ensure that
effort is concentrated on project, which will give best, return at the earliest. One of the
factors, which affect the development of a new system, is the cost it would require.
The following are some of the important financial questions asked during preliminary
Since the system is developed as part of project work, there is no manual cost to spend
for the proposed system. Also all the resources are already available, it give an indication
of the system is economically possible for development.
The project would be beneficial because it satisfies the objectives when developed and
installed. All behavioral aspects are considered carefully and conclude that the project is
behaviorally feasible.
Design is the first step into the development phase for any engineered product or
system. Design is a creative process. A good design is the key to effective system. The
term “design” is defined as “the process of applying various techniques and principles for
the purpose of defining a process or a system in sufficient detail to permit its physical
realization”. It may be defined as a process of applying various techniques and principles
for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system in sufficient detail to permit its
physical realization. Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software
engineering process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm that is used.
The system design develops the architectural detail required to build a system or product.
As in the case of any systematic approach, this software too has undergone the best
possible design phase fine tuning all efficiency, performance and accuracy levels. The
design phase is a transition from a user oriented document to a document to the
programmers or database personnel. System design goes through two phases of
development: Logical and Physical Design.
The logical flow of a system and define the boundaries of a system. It includes the
following steps:
Reviews the current physical system – its data flows, file content, volumes ,
frequencies etc.
Prepares output specifications – that is, determines the format, content and
frequency of reports.
Prepares input specifications – format, content and most of the input functions.
Prepares edit, security and control specifications.
Specifies the implementation plan.
Prepares a logical design walk through of the information flow, output, input,
controls and implementation plan.
Reviews benefits, costs, target dates and system constraints.
Physical system produces the working systems by define the design specifications that
tell the programmers exactly what the candidate system must do. It includes the following
Design the physical system.
Specify input and output media.
Design the database and specify backup procedures.
Design physical information flow through the system and a physical design Walk
Plan system implementation.
Prepare a conversion schedule and target date.
Determine training procedures, courses and timetable.
Devise a test and implementation plan and specify any new hardware/software.
Update benefits , costs , conversion date and system constraints
Design/Specification activities:
Concept formulation.
Problem understanding.
High level requirements proposals.
Feasibility study.
Requirements engineering.
Architectural design.
The Administrator logs in using the admin login. In this module two operations
are done. During login the Login and Password is verified with that in the database
The design of input focuses on controlling the amount of input required, controlling
the errors, avoiding delay, avoiding extra steps and keeping the process simple. The input
is designed in such a way so that it provides security and ease of use with retaining the
privacy. Input Design considered the following things:
Input Design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the input into a
computer-based system. This design is important to avoid errors in the data input process
and show the correct direction to the management for getting correct information from
the computerized system.
It is achieved by creating user-friendly screens for the data entry to handle large volume
of data. The goal of designing input is to make data entry easier and to be free from
errors. The data entry screen is designed in such a way that all the data manipulates can
be performed. It also provides record viewing facilities.
When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be entered with the help of
screens. Appropriate messages are provided as when needed so that the user will not be in
a maize of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create an input layout that is
easy to follow
A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the
information clearly. In output design it is determined how the information is to be
displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the most important and
direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent output design improves the
system’s relationship to help user decision-making.
Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out manner;
the right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is designed so
that people will find the system can use easily and effectively. When analysis design
computer output, they should :
Identify the specific output that is needed to meet the requirements.
Select methods for presenting information.
Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced by
the system.
The database design is a two level process. In the first step, user requirements are
gathered together and a database is designed which will meet these requirements as
clearly as possible. This step is called Information Level Design and it is taken
independent of any individual DBMS.
In the second step, this Information level design is transferred into a design for the
specific DBMS that will be used to implement the system in question. This step is called
Physical Level Design, concerned with the characteristics of the specific DBMS that will
be used. A database design runs parallel with the system design. The organization of the
data in the database is aimed to achieve the following two major objectives.
Data Integrity
Data independence
To structure the data so that there is no repetition of data , this helps in saving.
To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and report request.
To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions, deletions.
To reduce the need to restructure or reorganize data which new application
requirements arise.
A table is a relation. The rows in a table are called tuples. A tuple is an ordered set of
n elements. Columns are referred to as attributes. Relationships have been set between
every table in the database. This ensures both Referential and Entity Relationship
Integrity. A domain D is a set of atomic values. A common method of specifying a
domain is to specify a data type from which the data values forming the domain are
drawn. It is also useful to specify a name for the domain to help in interpreting its values.
Every value in a relation is atomic, that is not decomposable.
Table relationships are established using Key. The two main keys of prime importance
are Primary Key & Foreign Key. Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity Relationships
can be established with these keys.Entity Integrity enforces that no Primary Key can have
null values.Referential Integrity enforces that no Primary Key can have null values.
Referential Integrity for each distinct Foreign Key value, there must exist a matching
Primary Key value in the same domain. Other key are Super Key and Candidate Keys.
Relationships have been set between every table in the database. This ensures both
Referential and Entity Relationship Integrity.
As the name implies, it denoted putting things in the normal form. The application
developer via normalization tries to achieve a sensible organization of data into proper
tables and columns and where names can be easily correlated to the data by the user.
Normalization eliminates repeating groups at data and thereby avoids data redundancy
which proves to be a great burden on the computer resources. These includes:
First Normal Form:
The First Normal Form states that the domain of an attribute must include only atomic
values and that the value of any attribute in a tuple must be a single value from the
domain of that attribute. In other words 1NF disallows “relations within relations” or
“relations as attribute values within tuples”. The only attribute values permitted by 1NF
are single atomic or indivisible values.
The first step is to put the data into First Normal Form. This can be donor by moving
data into separate tables where the data is of similar type in each table. Each table is
given a Primary Key or Foreign Key as per requirement of the project. In this we form
new relations for each nonatomic attribute or nested relation. This eliminated repeating
groups of data.
A relation is said to be in first normal form if only if it satisfies the constraints that
contain the primary key only.
According to Second Normal Form, For relations where primary key contains multiple
attributes, no nonkey attribute should be functionally dependent on a part of the primary
In this we decompose and setup a new relation for each partial key with its dependent
attributes. Make sure to keep a relation with the original primary key and any attributes
that are fully functionally dependent on it. This step helps in taking out data that is only
dependant on apart of the key.
A relation is said to be in second normal form if and only if it satisfies all the first
normal form conditions for the primary key and every non-primary key attributes of the
relation is fully dependent on its primary key alone.
Third Normal Form:
According to Third Normal Form, Relation should not have a nonkey attribute
functionally determined by another nonkey attribute or by a set of nonkey attributes. That
is, there should be no transitive dependency on the primary key.
In this we decompose and set up relation that includes the nonkey attributes that
functionally determines other nonkey attributes. This step is taken to get rid of anything
that does not depend entirely on the Primary Key.
A relation is said to be in third normal form if only if it is in second normal form and
more over the non key attributes of the relation should not be depend on other non key
Table: bank_table
Primary bank id
Table: bankwithdraw
Primary Key: b id
Table: DailyTrans
Primary Key: Account no:
Owner Name char(30)
Table: current
Primary Key: account no
Monitor : VGA/SVGA
in a text box can be converted to a numeric data by using the function Val(text). The
following example illustrates a simple program that processes the input from the user.
Example 3.1
In this program, two text boxes are inserted into the form together with a few labels. The
two text boxes are used to accept inputs from the user and one of the labels will be used
to display the sum of two numbers that are entered into the two text boxes. Besides, a
command button is also programmed to calculate the sum of the two numbers using the
plus operator. The program use creates a variable sum to accept the summation of values
from text box 1 and text box 2.The procedure to calculate and to display the output on the
label is shown below. The output is shown in Figure 3.2
Private Sub Command1_Click()
‘To add the values in text box 1 and text box 2
Sum = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.Text)
‘To display the answer on label 1
Label1.Caption = Sum
End Sub
Figure 3.2
3.2.2 The Label
The label is a very useful control for Visual Basic, as it is not only used to provide
instructions and guides to the users, it can also be used to display outputs. One of its most
important properties is Caption. Using the syntax label.Caption, it can display text and
numeric data . You can change its caption in the properties window and also at runtime.
Please refer to Example 3.1 and Figure 3.1 for the usage of label.
End Sub
example, if you wish to add a number of items to Combo box 1, you can key in the
following statements
Example 3.3
Private Sub Form_Load ( )
Combo1.AddItem “Item1”
Combo1.AddItem “Item2”
Combo1.AddItem “Item3”
Combo1.AddItem “Item4”
End Sub
The Check Box control lets the user selects or unselects an option. When the Check Box
is checked, its value is set to 1 and when it is unchecked, the value is set to 0. You can
include the statements Check1.Value=1 to mark the Check Box and Check1.Value=0 to
unmark the Check Box, as well as use them to initiate certain actions. For example, the
program will change the background color of the form to red when the check box is
unchecked and it will change to blue when the check box is checked. You will learn
about the conditional statement If….Then….Elesif in later lesson. VbRed and vbBlue are
color constants and BackColor is the background color property of the form.
End Sub
Private Sub Option6_Click()
Shape1.Shape = 5
End Sub
3.2.10 The Drive List Box
The Drive ListBox is for displaying a list of drives available in your computer. When you
place this control into the form and run the program, you will be able to select different
drives from your computer as shown in Figure 3.3
Case "customer"
Set rptCustomers.DataSource = Nothing
Set rptCustomers.DataSource = rsCustomers
Case "deposit"
Set rptDeposits.DataSource = Nothing
Set rptDeposits.DataSource = rsDeposit
Case "withdraw"
Set rptWithdrawals.DataSource = Nothing
Set rptWithdrawals.DataSource = rsWithdrawal
End Select
End Sub
cmdAdd.Enabled = False
cmdSave.Enabled = True
cmdCancel.Enabled = True
cmdEdit.Enabled = False
cmdQuit.Enabled = False
Call UnLock_Form_Controls(Me)
MsgBox ("Are Ypu sure")
Call clear_Form_Controls(Me)
Call GenerateNewAccountCode
txtAccountID.Locked = True
End Sub
cmdCancel.Enabled = False
cmdEdit.Enabled = True
cmdQuit.Enabled = True
With rsAccTypes
If NewRecord = True Then
NewRecord = False
End If
Call DisplayaccTypes(rsAccTypes)
End With
MsgBox ("Are You Sure")
Call Lock_Form_Controls(Me)
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
lblStatus.Caption = CStr("Record :" & rsAccTypes.AbsolutePosition & " of " &
End Sub
End Sub
lblStatus.Caption = CStr("Record :" & rsAccTypes.AbsolutePosition & " of " &
Call DisplayaccTypes(rsAccTypes)
End Sub
txtAccountID.Text = !AccountID
txtAccountName.Text = !AccountName
txtDescription.Text = !Description
'txtInterestRate.Text = !InterestRate
txtMinBalance.Text = !MinBalance
End With
End Sub
Dim cleardisplay As Boolean
Dim strMessage As String
With rs
.Find "Scode ='" & txtDisplay & "'"
If .EOF Then
MsgBox "Pin Number is incorrect or does not Exist", vbCritical, "ATM-Pin
txtDisplay = "": txtDisplay.SetFocus
fraTransaction.Visible = True
fraSecretCode.Visible = False
End If
End With
txtDisplay = ""
End Sub
fraAcctType.Visible = False
fraTransaction.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStatement_Click()
fraTransaction.Visible = False
fraAcctType.Visible = True
End Sub
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
txtAccountNo.Text = !AccountNo
MsgBox "Invalid Customer Code", vbInformation
txtAccountNo.Text = ""
Exit Sub
End If
Dim lstItem As ListItem
Private Sub cboAccNo_Click()
Set rsTemp = New ADODB.Recordset
rsTemp.Open "Select * from tblCustomers Where AccountNo='" & cboAccNo.Text &
"'", cnBank, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With rsTemp
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
cboAccNo = !AccountNo
cboCustomerID = !CustomerID
cboFirst = !FirstName
MsgBox "Invalid customer ID/Name/Account NO. Please Try Again", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cboCustomerID_Click()
Set rsTemp = New ADODB.Recordset
rsTemp.Open "Select * from tblTransactions Where CustomerID='" &
cboCustomerID.Text & "'", cnBank, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With rsTemp
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
Call LoadListView(rsTemp)
MsgBox "No Transactions bearing this customers' first name. Please Try Again",
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
With rsTemp
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
Call LoadListView(rsTemp)
MsgBox "No Transactions Were carried out between these Dates. Please Try Again",
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
'With rsTemp
'If .RecordCount > 0 Then
'Set rptStatement.DataSource = Nothing
'Set rptStatement.DataSource = rsTemp
'MsgBox "few"
'End If
'End With
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
'Text1.Text = lvwTransactions.SelectedItem.Text
Call connectDatabase
Call LoadListView(rsTransactions)
With rsCustomers
For X = 1 To .RecordCount
cboCustomerID.AddItem !CustomerID
cboFirst.AddItem !FirstName
cboAccNo.AddItem !AccountNo
Next X
End With
Frame1.Enabled = False
End Sub
End Sub
Set rsTemp = New ADODB.Recordset
rsTemp.Open "Select * from tblTransactions", cnBank, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With rsTemp
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
Call LoadListView(rsTemp)
MsgBox "Database Empty..", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
Dim currBalance As Currency
MsgBox "Invalid Customer Code", vbInformation
txtAccountNo.Text = ""
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cboCustomerNo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call cboCustomerNo_Click
End Sub
With rsWithdrawal
If NewRecord = True Then .AddNew
!TransactionID = txtTransactionID.Text
!CustomerID = cboCustomerNo.Text
!AccountNo = txtAccountNo.Text
!Narration = txtNarration.Text
!AmountWithdrawn = txtAmountWithdrawn.Text
!Dated = txtDated.Value
End With
With rsTransactions
!CustomerID = cboCustomerNo.Text
!AccountNo = txtAccountNo.Text
!Narration = txtNarration.Text
!CheckNO = "N/A"
!Dated = txtDated.Value
!Debit = "00"
!Mode = "N/A"
!Credit = txtAmountWithdrawn.Text
!Balance = currBalance
End With
'rsBalances.Open "UPDATE tblBalances SET Balance ='" & currBalance & "' WHERE
CustomerID='" & cboCustomerNo.Text & "'", cnBank, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
End Sub
MsgBox ("You are successfully Withdrawed,plz check your current balance,Thank
End Sub
With rsCustomers
For X = 1 To .RecordCount
cboCustomerNo.AddItem !CustomerID
Next X
End With
txtDated.Value = Date
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateNewTransactCode()
Dim lastnumber As Long, newnumber As Long
'Check if there are records in the file
With rsWithdrawal
If .BOF = True And .EOF = True Then
lastnumber = 1000
lastnumber = !TransactionID
End If
'Generate New Number
newnumber = lastnumber + 1
txtTransactionID.Text = newnumber
End With
End Sub
End Sub
rsTemp.Open "Select * FROM tblBalances WHERE CustomerID='" &
cboCustomerNo.Text & "'", cnBank, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With rsTemp
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
lblBalance.Caption = !Balance
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
If txtAccountNo.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Account No.", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
With rsDeposit
If NewRecord = True Then .AddNew
!TransactionID = txtTransactionID.Text
!CustomerID = cboCustomerNo.Text
!AccountNo = txtAccountNo.Text
!Narration = txtNarration.Text
!AmountDeposited = txtAmountDeposited.Text
!Mode = txtMode.Text
!CheckNO = txtCheckNo.Text
!Dated = txtDated.Value
End With
With rsTransactions
!CustomerID = cboCustomerNo.Text
!AccountNo = txtAccountNo.Text
!Narration = txtNarration.Text
!CheckNO = txtCheckNo.Text
!Dated = txtDated.Value
!Debit = txtAmountDeposited.Text
!Mode = txtMode.Text
!Credit = "00"
!Balance = currBalance
End With
'rsBalances.Open "UPDATE tblBalances SET Balance ='" & currBalance & "' WHERE
CustomerID='" & cboCustomerNo.Text & "'", cnBank, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
End Sub
With rsCustomers
For X = 1 To .RecordCount
cboCustomerNo.AddItem !CustomerID
Next X
End With
txtDated.Value = Date
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateNewTransactCode()
Dim lastnumber As Long, newnumber As Long
'Check if there are records in the file
With rsDeposit
If .BOF = True And .EOF = True Then
lastnumber = 1000
lastnumber = !TransactionID
End If
'Generate New Number
newnumber = lastnumber + 1
txtTransactionID.Text = newnumber
End With
End Sub
End Sub
If KeyAscii = 13 Then txtAmountDeposited.SetFocus
End Sub
MsgBox "Pin Has been Successfull changed!", vbInformation
Unload Me
frmWel.fraTransaction.Visible = True
MsgBox "Confirm Pin does not march with New Pin", vbInformation
txtOldPin = ""
txtNewPin = ""
txtConFNewPin = ""
End If
End With
End Sub
Call WithDraw
End Sub
frmWaitWithD.Show vbModal
MsgBox "The Sum of: " & WithD & " Has been Deducted from your account",
frmCash.cmdCancel.Visible = False
frmCash.lblDisplay.Visible = False
Load frmCash
frmCash.Show vbModal
End Sub
PrevBal = rsC.Fields(4)
txtWAcctTyp = rsC.Fields(1)
txtWSname = rsC.Fields(2)
txtWFname = rsC.Fields(3)
txtWPrevBal = PrevBal
End If
End With
End Sub
Statements View
Load frmWithD
frmWithD.Show vbModal
End If
End With
ActVariable = txtStAcctNum
Call Crent
With rsC
.Find "AccountNumber =" & ActVariable & ""
If .EOF Then
MsgBox "Account does not Exist! Please contact customer services",
vbInformation, "A T M Service....."
txtStAcctNum = ""
cmdSearch.Caption = "&Inquire"
Unload Me
frmCash.Image1.Visible = False
frmCash.cmdOk.Visible = False
Load frmCash
frmCash.Show vbModal
End If
End With
End If
Unload Me
frmWel.fraTransaction.Visible = True
frmWel.fraAcctType.Visible = False
frmWel.fraSecretCode.Visible = False
End Sub
Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. It can be considered to be the most crucial stage in achieving a
successful new system gaining the users confidence that the new system will work and
will be effective and accurate. It is primarily concerned with user training and
documentation. Conversion usually takes place about the same time the user is being
trained or later. Implementation simply means convening a new system design into
operation, which is the process of converting a new revised system design into an
operational one.
Software testing should not be confused with debugging. Debugging is the process of
analyzing and localizing bugs when software does not behave as expected. Although the
identification of some bugs will be obvious from playing with the software, a methodical
approach to software testing is a much more thorough means for identifying bugs.
Debugging is therefore an activity which supports testing, but cannot replace testing.
Other activities which are often associated with software testing are static analysis and
dynamic analysis. Static analysis investigates the source code of software, looking for
problems and gathering metrics without actually executing the code. Dynamic analysis
There are three ways to test program.
For correctness
For implementation efficiency
For computational complexity
Test for correctness are supposed to verify that a program does exactly what it was
designed to do. This is much more difficult than it may at first appear, especially for large
Unit testing
Integration Testing
Data validation Testing
Output Testing
Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design – the
software component or module. Using the component level design description as a guide,
important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module.
The relative complexity of tests and uncovered scope established for unit testing. The unit
testing is white-box oriented, and step can be conducted in parallel for multiple
components. The modular interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows
into and out of the program unit under test. The local data structure is examined to ensure
that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity during all steps in an algorithm’s
execution. Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that all statements in a module have
been executed at least once. Finally, all error handling paths are tested.
Tests of data flow across a module interface are required before any other test is
initiated. If data do not enter and exit properly, all other tests are moot. Selective testing
of execution paths is an essential task during the unit test. Good design dictates that error
conditions be anticipated and error handling paths set up to reroute or cleanly terminate
processing when an error does occur. Boundary testing is the last task of unit testing step.
Software often fails at its boundaries.
Unit testing was done in Sell-Soft System by treating each module as separate entity
and testing each one of them with a wide spectrum of test inputs. Some flaws in the
internal logic of the modules were found and were rectified.
After unit testing in Sell-Soft System all the modules were integrated to test for any
inconsistencies in the interfaces. Moreover differences in program structures were
removed and a unique program structure was evolved.
This is the final step in testing. In this the entire system was tested as a whole with all
forms, code, modules and class modules. This form of testing is popularly known as
Black Box testing or System testing.
Black Box testing method focuses on the functional requirements of the software.
That is, Black Box testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of input conditions
that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program.
Black Box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories; incorrect or
missing functions, interface errors, errors in data structures or external data access,
performance errors and initialization errors and termination errors.
The system considered is tested for user acceptance; here it should satisfy the firm’s
need. The software should keep in touch with perspective system; user at the time of
developing and making changes whenever required. This done with respect to the
following points
The above testing is done taking various kinds of test data. Preparation of test data plays
a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data, the system under study is
tested using that test data. While testing the system by which test data errors are again
uncovered and corrected by using above testing steps and corrections are also noted for
future use.
Once the system is successfully developed the next important step is to ensure that the
administrators are well trained to handle the system. This is because the success of a
system invariably depends on how they are operated and used. The implementation
depends upon the right people being at the right place at the right time. Education
involves creating the right atmosphere and motivating the user. The administrators are
familiarized with the run procedures of the system, working through the sequence of
activities on an ongoing basis.
Implementation is the state in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. By this, the users get the confidence that the system will work
effectively. The system can be implemented only after through testing.
The systems personnel check the feasibility of the system. The actual data were
inputted to the system and the working of the system was closely monitored. The master
option was selected from the main menu and the actual data were input through the
corresponding input screens. The data movement was studied and found to be correct
queries option was then selected and this contains various reports. Utilities provide
various data needed for inventory was input and the module was test run. Satisfactory
results were obtained. Reports related to these processes were also successfully
generated. Various input screen formats are listed in the appendix.
Implementation walkthroughs ensure that the completed system actually solves the
original problem. This walkthrough occurs just before the system goes into use, and it
should include careful review of all manuals, training materials and system
documentation. Again, users, the analyst and the members of the computer services staff
may attend this meeting.
Account Opening Form
Amount Type
Account type(Current)
Deposit Transaction
Transaction Report(Deposit&Withdrawal)
“Banking System " keeps the day by day tally record as a complete banking. It can keep
the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit, Withdrawal, and
Searching the transaction, Transaction report, Individual account opening form, Group
Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction reports, Statistical
Summary of Account type and Interest Information.
6. Ian Somerville ‘Software engineering’
7. Rajeev mall ‘Software engineering’
8. Elmasri Navathe ‘Fundamentals of database systems’