Paa5101Ew-M: Optical Tracking Miniature Chip: Pixart Imaging Inc
Paa5101Ew-M: Optical Tracking Miniature Chip: Pixart Imaging Inc
Paa5101Ew-M: Optical Tracking Miniature Chip: Pixart Imaging Inc
Key Parameters
General Description
The PAA5101EW is a high performance and high accurate Parameter Value
optical tracking chip using PixArt LASER/LED hybrid optical Supply Voltage VDD : 2.7 ~ 3.6V
navigation technology. It integrates an optical chip with a Control Interface 3-wire SPI
LASER light source in a single miniature package. When
Companion lens LST0-217
working with an external infrared LED and a PixArt
Infrared 850nm LED
designed companion lens LST0-217, the chip can track on Light Source
Infrared 850nm LASER
a wide range of material surfaces from white glossy tiles
to shag carpets. Besides, the sensor also provides a high Up to 45ips (LASER mode)
Max .Tracking Speed
DOF range to accommodate to uneven surfaces when UP to 100ips (LED mode)
tracking. Run mode :
Operating current 11.5mA (LASER mode)
Key Features
(@ VDD = 3.3V) 44mA (LED mode)
Reflowable SMT package with built-in VCSEL LASER Power down : 15uA
light source in a single package Distance from chip top
5 cm
LASER/LED hybrid optical navigation technology to tracking surface
Compliance to IEC/EN 60825-1:2014 Eye Safety with Package Size L x W x H 4.4 x 4.6 x 1.0 mm
Class 1 LASER power output level Ordering Information
Tracking on glossy surfaces (metal, tiles) by LASER and
Part Number Package Type
rough surface (cloth, carpets) by LED with a lens
PAA5101 LGA 10-pin
Wide DOF range of tracking
High accuracy of tracking
Tracking speed is up to 45 ips on glossy metal surfaces
Support 3-wire SPI interface
Programmable resolution
Devices that requires tracking on surfaces with wide
DOF working range For any additional inquiries, please contact us at
Devices that requires tracking on surfaces with wide
range of material surfaces
Devices that requires detecting the speed and distance
of moving surfaces
List of Figures
Figure 1. Chip Architecture Functional Block Diagram ................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2. Pinout Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Chip Package Outline Diagram ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4. Lens Mechanical Dimensions ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5. PCB Layout Guides .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6. Reference Application Schematics ............................................................................................................................... 10
List of Tables
Table 1. Signal Pins Description...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 3. Recommended Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 9
Table 4. DC Electrical Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 5. Registers List.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
PAA5101 is a high performance CMOS-processed optical image chip with integrated digital image process circuits. It is based
on PixArt LASER/LED hybrid optical navigation technology which measures changes in position by optically acquiring
sequential surface images (frames) and mathematically determining the speed, the direction and the magnitude of motion.
The displacement X and Y information are available in registers. A host controller can read and translate the displacement
X and Y information from the SPI serial interface.
Since LASER and LED are not allowed to turn on at the same time, the host controller should also keep reading the Image
Quality registers to determine whether if LASER or LED should be chosen to illuminate the surfaces. In general, when LASER
is chosen for illumination, the Image Quality value is high when tracking on tiles and is low when tracking on carpets. On
the contrary, when LED is chosen for illumination, the Image Quality is high when tracking on carpets and is low when
tracking on tiles.
Note: Throughout this document PAA5101 is referred to as the chip.
RLED Controlled
by MCU
Lens Light Source
Switch Driver POWER On RESET
Signal Description
DC Characteristics
Table 4. DC Electrical Specifications
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions
LASER Run mode tested for:
White Tile
- 11.5 - mA
IVDDRN Black Tile
Power Consumption 11.0
Wooden Flooring
- 44 - mA LED Run mode
IVDDPD mA VDD current @power down
I/O Input High Voltage VIH 0.7* VDD - - V
I/O Input Low Voltage VIL - - 0.3* VDD V
I/O Output High Voltage VOH VDD -0.4 - - V @IOH = 2mA
I/O Output Low Voltage VOL - - 0.4 V @IOL = 2mA
Notes: All the parameters are tested under operating conditions: V DD = 3.3V (including LASER current), TA = 25°C
Registers Summary
Table 5. Registers List
Address Register Name Access Reset Brief Description
0x00 Product_ID1 R 0x31 Product Identifier [11:4]
Upper 4 bits for Product Identifier, PID [3:0]
0x01 Product_ID2 R 0x61
Lower 4 bits for Product Version, VID [3:0]
0x02 Motion_Status R - Motion Status information
Low Byte of X-movement for 16-bit 2’s complement data
0x03 Delta_XL R -
Delta_X[15:0] = {Delta_XH[7:0], Delta_XL[7:0]}
Low Byte of Y-movement for 16-bit 2’s complement data
0x04 Delta_YL R -
Delta_Y[15:0] = {Delta_YH[7:0], Delta_YL[7:0]}
0x06 Configuration R/W 0x10 Software power down and reset
0x09 Write_Protect R/W 0x00 Write Protect to avoid missed-writing registers
0x0D RES_X R/W 0x27 CPI resolution setting for X-direction
0x0E RES_Y R/W 0x2B CPI resolution setting for Y-direction
High Byte of X-movement for 16-bit 2’s complement data
0x11 Delta_XH R -
Delta_X[15:0] = {Delta_XH[7:0], Delta_XL[7:0]}
High Byte of Y-movement for 16-bit 2’s complement data
0x12 Delta_YH R -
Delta_Y[15:0] = {Delta_YH[7:0], Delta_YL[7:0]}
0x15 Shutter R - Shutter value[7:0]
0x17 Frame_Avg R - Average brightness of a frame
0x51 LD_SRC R/W 0x0E Programmable current source for LASER
0x75 IQH R - High byte of IQ (Image Quality) [15:8]
0x76 IQL R - Low byte of IQ (Image Quality) [7:0]