Design of Surge Tank

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Date = 5/5/2021

Basic input Data

Length of HRT = 3600.00 m 3.25 m
Diameter of HRT = 3.40 m
Cross-sectional area of HRT = 9.08 m2
Net Head = 455.02 m
Design Discharge = 1.93 m3/s
Factor of Safety = 1.60 Surge Shaft

Design outputs
Flow velocity in HRT = 0.21 m/s
Wetted Parameter = 10.68 m
Mean Hydraulic Radius = 0.85 m
Resistence factor of Tunnel = 0.708
Area of Surge shaft = 5.17 m2
Area of surge shaft (provd) = 8.27 m2
Diameter of surge shaft = 3.25 m
Radius of surge shaft = 1.625 m ∆Z= ∆Q√∑Lt/At OR
Height of up surge (Dz) = 5.00 m √g*As
Height of up surge (ymax) = 5.00 m
(Above static level)
Converting Shaft in to Tank
Height above tunnel = 332 m
Volume of water in shaft = 2788 m3 12 m
Surge tank desired hight = 25 m
Corresponding area of S.Tank = 112 m2
Diameter of Surge Tank = 12 m

Surge Tank
Surface Material K (m1/3s-1)
Asbestos cement 90
Asphalt 65
Brass 90
Brickwork 65
Cast-iron, new 85
Clay tile 70
Concrete - steel forms 90
Concrete - finished 85
Concrete - wooden forms 65
Concrete - centrifugally spun 75
Copper 90
Corrugated metal 45
Earth 40
Earth channel - clean 45
Earth channel - gravelly 40
Earth channel - weedy 35
Earth channel - stony, cobbles 30
Floodplains - pasture, farmland 30
Floodplains - light brush 20
Floodplains - heavy brush 15
Floodplains - trees 5
Galvanized iron 65
Glass 100
Gravel 35
Lead 90
Masonry 40
Metal - corrugated 45
Natural streams - clean and straight 35
Natural streams - major rivers 30
Natural streams - sluggish with deep pools 25
Plastic 110
Polyethylene PE - Corrugated with smooth inner walls 65-110
Polyethylene PE - Corrugated with corrugated inner walls 40-55
Polyvinyl Chloride PVC - with smooth inner walls 90-110
Steel - Coal-tar enamel 100
Steel - smooth 85
Steel - New unlined 90
Steel - Riveted 55
Wood - planed 85
Wood - unplaned 75
Wood stave 85

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