Penstock Block 2

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Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project

Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd

Detailed Design

0 Calc:
Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:
Anchor Block Number: AB1
Chainage: -
Centroid Location from U/S bottom corner
X- Co-ordinate,in m 3.06 From u/s origin
Y- Co-ordinate, in m 2.08
Z- Co-ordinate, in m( Lateral Direction) 3.00

Resolution of Forces
X- Component (kN),
Forces (kN) Y- Component (kN), ↓ '+'
→ '+'
F1u 100.39 -41.63 91.35
F1d 103.33 -36.19 96.79
F2u 451.74 411.07 187.33
-411.07 -187.33
F2d 465.00 435.55 162.85
-435.55 -162.85
F3v -1,158.94 -443.51 1,070.72
F3H 0.00 0.00 0.00
F4u 0.00 0.00 0.00
F4d 8.34 7.81 2.92
F5u 0.00 0.00 0.00
F5d 0.00 0.00 0.00
F6 200.00 -5.34 -12.90
5.34 12.90
F7u 403.49 367.16 167.32
F7d 403.49 -377.94 -141.31
F8v -4.00 -1.53 3.70
F8H 0.00 0.00 0.00
F9 0.00 0.00 0.00
F10 68.54 63.55 25.67
WB(KN) 3,190.93 0.00 3,190.93
Expansion Case -492.11 4,519.69
Contraction Case -432.45 4,496.51
Sum of horizontal and vertical Forces act at the Bend of Penstock
Expansion Case -555.65
Horizontal Forces (ΣPix)
Contraction Case -495.99
Expansion Case 1,303.09
Vertical Forces (ΣPiy)
Contraction Case 1,279.91

Forces and Checks 1

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

0 Calc:
Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:
Calculation for Acting Forces at the Bend of Penstock (Horizontal Plane)
Expansion Case 0.00
Horizontal Forces (ΣPiz)
Contraction Case 0.00
Seismic Load

Total Weight of the Block (W), KN 3,190.93

Seismic Coeff. 0.15
Seismic Force (F), KN 478.64
Wind load

Total Weight of the Block (W), KN 1,088.27

Wind velocity 55.00
K1 1.05
K2 1.08
K3 1.00
Vz 62.37
Pz 2,334.01 N/m^2
Cf 2.00 solidarity ratio=1
Ae 24.00
Wind Load(F),KN 112.03
Snow load
Snow load 2.50 KN/m^3 per mm snow
Thickness of snow 1.00 m
Actual snow load 90.00 KN

Calculation for Acting Forces at the Bend of Penstock (Vertical Plane with Seismic)

Expansion Case -77.01

Total Horizontal Forces (KN)
Contraction Case -17.36
Expansion Case 1,712.18
Total Vertical Forces (KN)
Contraction Case 1,689.01

Calculation for Acting Forces at the Bend of Penstock (Vertical Plane with Wind)

Expansion Case -443.62

Total Horizontal Forces (KN)
Contraction Case -383.96
Expansion Case 1,393.09
Total Vertical Forces (KN)
Contraction Case 1,369.91

Forces and Checks 2

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

0 Calc:
Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:

Calculation for Acting Forces at the Bend of Penstock (Vertical Plane with Seismic and wind)

Expansion Case 26.26

Total Horizontal Forces (KN)
Contraction Case 71.01
Expansion Case 1,216.64
Total Vertical Forces (KN)
Contraction Case 1,079.59

Forces and Checks 3

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

0 Calc:
Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:
Calculation for Overturning Moment (Vertical Plane without Seismic)
Expansion Case 12,552.79
Total Moment (KNm)
Contraction Case 12,607.04

Calculation for Overturning Moment (Vertical Plane with Seismic)

Expansion Case 14,773.25
Total Moment (KNm)
Contraction Case 14,827.50

Calculation for Overturning Moment (Vertical Plane with Wind)

Expansion Case 13,055.26
Total Moment (KNm)
Contraction Case 13,109.51

Overturning moment Factor(1.5)

Without Seismic

Expansion Contraction
Mo -1116.97089134166 -993.179714066369
Mr 13669.7612241799 13600.2221638416
Mr/Mo 12.24 13.7
Ok Ok
With Seismic
Expansion Contraction
Mo -123.79458782786 -0.003410552567644
Mr 14897.0395890125 14827.5005286742
Mr/Mo 120.34 4347536.1
Ok Ok
With Wind
Expansion Contraction
Mo -884.503481397661 -760.712304122369
Mr 13939.7612241799 13870.2221638416
Mr/Mo 15.76 18.2
Ok Ok

Forces and Checks 4

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

0 Calc:
Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:

For Vertcal Plane

Checking Against Overturning for Seismic for no Seismic
Expansion Case Case Case
Moments about U/S bottom face, (kN-m) 14,773.25 12,552.79
Ratio (Sum of M / Sum of V), in m 3.27 2.78
Eccentricity, e in m 0.27 0.22
Allowable Eccentricity, eallowable in m 2.00 1.00
Check for Eccentricity (e < eallowable) Ok Ok
Contraction Case
Moments about U/S bottom face, (kN-m) 14,827.50 12,607.04
Ratio (Sum of M / Sum of V), in m 3.30 2.80

Eccentricity, e in m 0.30 0.20

Allowable Eccentricity, eallowable in m 2.00 1.00

Check for Eccentricity (e < eallowable) Ok Ok

Checking for Bearing Capacity
Allowable Bearing Pressure, (kN/m2) 225.20
Expansion Case
Pbase 159.27 153.50

Check for Bearing Capacity (Pbase < Pallowable) Ok Ok

Contraction Case
Pbase 162.07 149.42

Check for Bearing Capacity (Pbase < Pallowable) Ok Ok

Checking Against Sliding
Expansion Case
(µ x Σ V)/(ΣH) 29.34 4.59
Allowable FOS for Sliding Stability =1.20 Ok Ok
Contraction Case
(µ x Σ V)/(ΣH) 129.54 5.20
Allowable FOS for Sliding Stability =1.20 Ok Ok

Forces and Checks 5

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

0 Calc:
Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:


For Horizontal Plane
Checking Against Overturning for Seismic for no Seismic
Expansion Case Case Case
Moments about U/S bottom face, (kN-m) 15,702.51 13,482.06
Ratio (Sum of M / Sum of V), in m 3.47 2.98
Eccentricity, e in m 0.47 0.02
Allowable Eccentricity, eallowable in m 2.00 1.00
Check for Eccentricity (e < eallowable) Ok Ok
Contraction Case
Moments about U/S bottom face, (kN-m) 15,632.98 13,412.52
Ratio (Sum of M / Sum of V), in m 3.46 2.97

Eccentricity, e in m 0.46 0.03

Allowable Eccentricity, eallowable in m 2.00 1.00

Check for Eccentricity (e < eallowable) Ok Ok

Checking for Bearing Capacity
Allowable Bearing Pressure, (kN/m2) 225.20
Expansion Case
Pbase 185.09 127.69

Check for Bearing Capacity (Pbase < Pallowable) Ok Ok

Contraction Case
Pbase 182.22 128.95

Check for Bearing Capacity (Pbase < Pallowable) Ok Ok

Checking Against Sliding
Expansion Case
(µ x Σ V)/(ΣH) #DIV/0! 4.721
Allowable FOS for Sliding Stability =1.20 #DIV/0! Ok
Contraction Case
(µ x Σ V)/(ΣH) #DIV/0! 4.721
Allowable FOS for Sliding Stability =1.20 #DIV/0! Ok

Forces and Checks 6

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design


Z- Component
(kN), → '+'





Forces and Checks 7

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Forces and Checks 8

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Forces and Checks 9

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Forces and Checks 10

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Forces and Checks 11

Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Design of Anchor Block

Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:


Chainage: -
Length of Penstock 1006.80 m 2.3816
Weir Level 1452.00 masl
Anchor Block Level 983.23 masl Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ec 25491
Ground Level 978.44 masl Concrete Grade (Compressive strength fck) fck 20.00 Mpa
length (L) 6.00 m Characteristic tensile strength of steel fy 415.00 MPa
width (B) 6.00 m Modulus of elasticity of steel Es 2.00E+05 MPa
height (Hu) 4.00 m Max. tensile strength of concrete fct 3.13 Mpa
height (Hd) 3.00 m Average tensile strength of concrete fct (used) 1.57 MPa

Projection Depth = 1.00 m Required minimum cover of concrete tc 3.28 m

Embedded length of penstock in the block 6.23 m

Buried depth of block at the upstream face, h1 1.70 m Depth of height to be filled 0.00 m
Buried depth of block at the downstream face, h2 1.40 m Surcharge load 0 kN
Base L 6.00 m Vehicle load 0.00 kN
Base W 6.00 m Total overburden load 0 kN
Base T 0.00 m
Penstock diameter (d) 2.00 m Assume centre of bend at 1/2 of 6m from upstream 3.000 m
Thickness of penstock (t) 0.012 m Ai 12.000 1.500 9.000
Penstock clear cover by anchor at uphill face 0.93 m Xi 1.500 4.000 4.500
Centre of gravity from the u/s of the block 3.059 m

Thus the weight of block WB acts 3.059 from left most point O.

Anchor block parameters: Yi 3.000 4.333 2.500

Centre of gravity from the u/s of the block 2.608 m
In horizontal Plane Centroid Location from U/S bottom corner
Angle of upstream pipe with horizontal in hor plane (a) 163.00 o X- Co-ordinate,in m 3.06
Angle of downstream pipe with horizontal in hor plane (b) 163.00 o Y- Co-ordinate, in m 2.08 Setting Out point
Angle of intersection (D) 0.00 o Z- Co-ordinate, in m( Lateral Direction) 3.00

Input Data 12
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Design of Anchor Block

Sub: Detail design of Anchor Block Chk:

Input Parameters for Design:

Maximum Temperature, Thot in °C 30
Minimum Temperature, Tcold in °C 0 Output of for Load Calculation
Young's Modulus (E), in N/mm2 200000 Angle (β°-α°) -4.00
Coefficient of Linear Expansion, α in /°C 1.25E-05 Block volume excluding volume of the pipe, in m3 132.96
Installed Power Capacity in KW 49000 Weight of the Block, WB (kN) 3,190.93
Design Discharge, Q in m3/sec 13.55 Weight of Pipe, WP (kN/m) 5.95
Gross head, hgross, in m 468.78 Weight of Water, WW (kN/m) 30.82
Surge head, hsurge, in m (as 15% of Gross head) 70.31625 Sum, (WP + WW), (kN/m) 36.77
Total Head, htotal, in m 539.09 Calculation of Relevent Forces
Penstock Details: F1u (kN) Component of the weight of pipe and enclosed water 100.39
Horizontal bend angle of Penstock in degree, θ˚ 0.000 F1d (kN) perpendicular to the pipe alignment. 103.33
Upstream penstock inclination in Degree, α° 24.500 Frictional force per upstream support pier (kN) 50.19
Downstream penstock inclination in Degree, β° 20.500 Frictional force per downstream support pier (kN) 51.67
Internal Diameter of Penstock, d in mm 2000 F2u (kN) 451.74
Frictional force of pipe on support piers.
Is there change in Diameter of Penstock, Put 'Y' or 'N' N F2d (kN) 465.00
If Yes, then Changes Diameter of Penstock is, in mm F3v (kN) Force due to hydrostatic pressure within a vertical bend. -1,158.94
Change Internal Diameter of Penstock, dchange in mm 2000 F3H (kN) Force due to hydrostatic pressure within a horizontal bend. 0.00
Penstock pipe thickness, t in mm 12 F4u (kN) Force due to the component of the weight of pipe parallel to 0.00
Distance to upstream support pier, L2u(m) 6 F4d (kN) the pipe alignment. 8.34
Distance to downstream support pier,L2d (m) 6 F5u (kN) Force due to the thermally induced stresses in the absence of 0.00
Distance to upstream expansion joint, L4u (m) 0 F5d (kN) an expansion joint. 0.00
Distance to downstream expansion joint, L4d (m) 4 F6 (kN) Force due to friction within the expansion joint. 200.00
Coeff. Of friction between pipe & support piers, f 0.25 F7u (kN) Hydrostatic force on exposed ends of pipe in expansion 403.49
Number of Piers at Upstream 9 Starting Block F7d (kN) joints. 403.49
Number of Piers at Downstream 9 F8 (kN) Dynamic force at the pipe bend. i.e. Centrifugal Force -4.00
Materials Properties F8H (kN) Dynamic force at the pipe bend. i.e. Centrifugal Force 0.00
Uphill ground slope in Degree, i° 22 F9 (kN) Force due to the reduction of pipe diameter. 0.00
Unit weight of soil, γsoil (kN/m3) 18 Active soil pressure coefficient, Ka 0.474
Friction Angle in Degree, ø° 30 F10 (kN) Force due to earth pressure on upstream face. 68.54
Allowable Bearing Pressure, (kN/m2) 200
Coefficient of Limiting Friction at Base of Block, µ 0.5 Calculation for centre of gravity of the block
Unit weight of concrete, γconcrete (kN/m3) 24 From upstream face of the block, in m 3.06
Unit weight of pipe material, γpipe material (kN/m3) 78.5
Unit weight of water, γwater (kN/m3) 9.81
Depth of Cutting 1.40
Gross Safe Bearing Pressure, (kN/m2) 225.2

Input Data 13
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design



Setting Out point

Input Data 14
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Subject: Detail design of Anchor Block

Reinforcement design for thermal cracking and anchorage
Reference: IRS Concrete Bridge Code 1997
BS 8007 : 1987
For thermal cracking, 250 mm thick concrete is considered.
For all the block same diameter and spacing of the reinforcement is used as it will be same for all
Block name AB1
Block dimensions
Length 6.00 m
Width 6.00 m
Upstream 4.00 m
Downstream 3.00 m
Concrete cover at top (minimum) 0.93 m
Base slab
Width 6.00 m
Thickness 0.00 m
Length 6.00 m
Pipe dimensions
Internal diameter 2.00 m
Thickness 12.00 mm
External diameter 2.02 m
Concrete section thickness (minimum)
Side wall 1.99 m
Cover slab 0.93 m
Concrete C20 fck 20.00 N/mm2
Steel Fe 500 fy 500.00 N/mm2
Direct tensile strength of the immature concrete fct 0.98 N/mm2
Specific wt. of the concrete gcon 24.00 Kn/m3 As Per BD 28/87-BS Code

Reinforcement for side wall

As per BS 8007 : 1987
1)It is designed as wall of thickness greater than 500mm.
2)Only the reinforcement at the outer face is calculated. Inner face reinforcement is same
Bar direction is parallel to Height
Depth of concrete controlled by reinforcement face D 250.00 mm
Width of the section b 6000.00 mm
Area of steel As 2931.05 mm2
As Per BD 28/87-BS Code
Diameter of the bar considered 12.00 mm
C/s area of each bar 113.10 mm2
No. of bars required in each side 25.92
Clear cover for the bars 50.00 mm
spacing of the bars 235.52 mm
Provided spacing 200.00 mm
Provided no. of bars 31

Reinforcement Design 15
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Subject: Detail design of Anchor Block

Reinforcement design for thermal cracking and anchorage

Reinforcement for cover slab and bottom

Depth of concrete controlled by reinforcement face D 250.00 mm

Width of the section b 6000.00 mm

Area of steel As 2931.05 mm2

Diameter of the bar considered 12.00 mm

C/s area of each bar 113.10 mm2
No. of bars required in each side 25.92

Clear cover for the bars 50.00 mm

spacing of the bars 235.52 mm
Provided spacing 200.00 mm
Provided no. of bars 31

Provide these bars in both directions

Calculation Of Permissible Stresses and Strains

Anchorage bar diameter d 12.00 mm
C/s area of each bar As 113.10 mm2
Design bond stress tbd 1.92 N/mm2

Development length of bar Ld 679.69 mm

50*d 480.00
Design bond stress tbd 1.92 N/mm2

Reinforcement Design 16
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Subject: Detail design of Anchor Block

Reinforcement design for thermal cracking and anchorage
Anchorage reinforcements for the horizontal bends

* Forces at the bend is taken from the design sheet of thrust blocks/ anchor blocks.
* Force at the bend doesn't include block wt. and dead wt. of pipe and water.
* The resultant of the Rx and Ry loads at bend from the design sheet of anchor block is
resolved into one radial load through bend intersection and one normal to the first.
* The radial load converts to a uniform load and the normal load is resisted by shear in the block.

Block AB1

Pipe internal diameter Di 2.00 m

Angle of the bend D 0.00 o

Radius of bend 0.00 m

Rx (478.64) (478.64)
Ry 6231.88 6185.52
Resultant R 6250.23 6204.01
Angle made by R with the horizontal 85.61 o
Angle made by radial force with the horizontal 90.00 o

Angle between the radial force and resultant 4.39 o


Total force at the bend 6250.23 Kn 6204.01

Force factor 1.50 1.50

Considered force 9375.35 Kn 9306.02
9375348.70 N 9306015.36

Radial force Rr 9347817.84 N 9278278.78

Tangential force Rt 717958.77 N 717958.77

Curve length 0.00 m 0.00

Tangential length of the curve 0.00 m 0.00
Total block length 6.00 m 6.00
Total length for UDL 6.00 m 6.00

Radial UDL force 1557969.64 N/m 1546379.80

Tangential UDL force #DIV/0! N/m #DIV/0!

Reinforcement Design 17
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Subject: Detail design of Anchor Block

Reinforcement design for thermal cracking and anchorage
Concrete Bond Resistance

Spacing 150 mm 150

Diameter 16 mm 16
Horizontal Plane
Radial Force 233.70 KN 231.96
Surface Area
rad 301592.89474462 mm2 301592.89474462

Induced Stress 0.8 Mpa 0.8

ok ok
Concrete Shearing Resistance
Length of block 6.00 m
Width of block 6.00 m

Area of concrete 24.00 m2

Shear stress 0.03 N/mm2

Reinforcement Design 18
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Subject: Detail design of Anchor Block

Reinforcement design for thermal cracking and anchorage
[This value is less than any value in Table 19 of IS 456 : 2000] ok

Anchorage reinforcements for the vertical bends

* Forces at the bend is taken from the design sheet of thrust blocks/ anchor blocks.
* Force at the bend doesn't include block wt. and dead wt. of pipe and water.
* The resultant of the Fx and Fz loads at bend from the design sheet of anchor block is
resolved into one radial load through bend intersection and one normal to the first.
* The radial load converts to a uniform load and the normal load is resisted by shear in the block.

Block AB1

Pipe internal diameter Di 2.00 m

Angle made with horizontal by pipe before bend 24.50 o

Angle made with horizontal by pipe after bend 20.50 o

Angle of the bend D (4.00) o

Radius of bend 4.43 m

Fx (77.01) (17.36)
Fz 6231.88 6185.52
Resultant R 6232.35 6185.54
Angle made by R with the horizontal 89.29 o
Angle made by radial force with the horizontal 92.00 o

Angle between the radial force and resultant 2.71 o


Total force at the bend 6232.35 Kn 6185.54

Force factor 1.50 1.50

Considered force 9348.53 KN 9278.32
9348531.62 N 9278315.30

Radial force Rr 9338091.79 N 9278278.78

Tangential force Rt 441684.40 N 26033.03

Curve length 0.31 m 0.31

Tangential length of the curve 0.15 m 0.15
Total length of block 6.00 m 6.00
Total length for UDL 6.00 m 6.00

Radial UDL force 1556381.23 N/m 1546412.19

Tangential UDL force 2855121.06 N/m 168281.85

Reinforcement Design 19
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Subject: Detail design of Anchor Block

Reinforcement design for thermal cracking and anchorage

Concrete Bond Resistance

Spacing 150 mm 150

Diameter 16 mm 16
Horizontal Plane
Radial Force 233.46 KN 231.96
Surface Area
rad 301586.577668139 mm2 301586.57766814

Induced Stress 0.8 Mpa 0.8

ok ok
Concrete Shearing Resistance

Length of block 6.60 m

Width of block 6.00 m

Area of concrete 26.40 m2

Shear stress 0.02 N/mm2
[This value is less than any value in Table 19 of IS 456 : 2000] ok

Reinforcement Design 20
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

s Per BD 28/87-BS Code

er BD 28/87-BS Code

Reinforcement Design 21
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design

Reinforcement Design 22
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design






Reinforcement Design 23
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design





Reinforcement Design 24
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design






Reinforcement Design 25
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd
Detailed Design





Reinforcement Design 26
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering
Detailed Design
Project: 0
Dwg. No.
Dwg. Title

Length (mm)
Bar No.of bars in No. of Total No Shape Length of
Grade Diameter Spacing Shape Remarks
Mark each Group Groups of Bars code A B C D E n r Bar (mm)

r r
158 1 21 21 Y 12 200 A
C 38 3060 3060 3060 36 L vary


A r r
159 1 21 21 Y 12 200 38 600 3060 600 36 L vary


A r

160 2 27 54 Y 16 150 B 37 800 1909.8 48 L vary


161 1 27 27 Y 16 150 B Semi Circular

39 1445 1351 1445 48 L vary

B> 2r+2d

162 1 21 21 Y 12 200 20 3060


163 2 11 22 Y 12 200 37 1930 1930 600 600 36 L vary


164 2 8 16 Y 12 200 20 1930 1930 1000 1000 36


Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project
Hydro-Consult Engineering
Detailed Design
Project: 0
Dwg. No.
Dwg. Title

Length (mm)
Bar No.of bars in No. of Total No Shape Length of
Grade Diameter Spacing Shape Remarks
Mark each Group Groups of Bars code A B C D E n r Bar (mm)

165 1 8 8 Y 12 200 99 1930 1930 600 600 36 L vary


166 1 8 8 Y 12 200 99 1930 1930 1200 1200 36 L vary


167 2 5 10 Y 12 200 99 1930 1930 3060 3060 36


168 2 5 10 Y 12 200 99 1930 1930 600 600 36


169 2 11 22 Y 12 200 A 20 3060


170 1 31 31 Y 12 200 38 1930 1930 36



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