Daily Express-23Apr 2
Daily Express-23Apr 2
Daily Express-23Apr 2
Tourism chiefs tell Britons: We’re desperate to welcome you back in weeks
By Giles Sheldrick
SPANISH tourism bosses told
Britons yesterday: “We des-
perately want to welcome you LOUIS THE THIRD
back this summer.”
Hopes of a booming summer
season hinges on a Covid passport
Kate’s sweet birthday snap
£ .99
No fridge. No freezer!
'LQQHU Rated Excellent
with over 20,000
Weather forecast
FOOTBALL fans are to be at By Sam Lister
the centre of a review into the Deputy Political Editor
sport after threats to create a
European Super League City and Manchester United
caused public fury. planned to form the tourna-
Temperatures in Centigrade The probe will look at how ment with top Spanish and
supporters can have more say Italian clubs while being pro-
North West: Dry with long sunny periods East Anglia: Dry and fine with lengthy over the game, different own- tected from relegation.
and a few patches of cloud. Gentle south- spells of sunshine and blue skies. Gentle ership and how money flows The Prime Minister decided
easterly winds. Warm. High 17C (63F). easterly winds. High 16C (61F). Fairytale day...William and Kate’s wedding
Northern Ireland: Sunny and dry with only London/South East: A dry and fine day
through clubs. to press ahead with the review
a few patches of cloud. Gentle south- with plenty of bright sunshine. Moderate The review will also examine despite the league collapsing.
easterly winds. Warm. High 16C (61F).
Wales: Dry and fine with lengthy spells of
sunshine. Gentle south-easterly winds.
Warm. High 18C (64F).
north-easterly winds. High 17C (63F).
South: A dry day with blue skies and
spring sunshine. Moderate easterly winds.
Warm. High 17C (63F).
whether an Ofcom-style inde-
should be created.
It will look at wider issues in
pendent football regulator the game following the high
profile problems with football
BBC show marks
Midlands: Dry and fine with lengthy spells
of sunshine. Gentle south-easterly winds.
Warm. High 18C (64F).
South West: Sunny and dry with only a
few patches of cloud. Fresh easterly winds.
High 15C (59F).
North East/Yorks: Dry and bright with long Channel Isles: A dry and fine day with
Sports Minister Nigel financing in recent years,
Huddleston said the outcry including Bury Football Club
over the attempt by six English going bust.
clubs to join a new tour- Conservative MP
the Cambridges’
sunny periods and only a few patches of
Amsterdam Fair 12C/54F Amsterdam Cloudy 12C/54F to somebody that he truly loves.”
Brussels Sunny 13C/55F Brussels Fair 13C/55F The programme will hear from a group of
Dublin Sunny 13C/55F Dublin Sunny 12C/54F
Frankfurt Sunny 15C/59F Frankfurt Sunny 15C/59F friends who found themselves treated to
Geneva Sunny 19C/66F Geneva Sunny 20C/68F an impromptu walkabout on the eve of the
Lisbon Showers 21C/70F Lisbon Thunder 21C/70F wedding by William and best man Harry.
Madrid Cloudy 18C/64F Madrid Fair 19C/66F
Paris Sunny 19C/66F Paris Sunny 23C/73F There will also be the views of a charity
Rome Fair 19C/66F Rome Sunny 20C/68F fundraiser who walked 55 miles from
Sussex in a full suit of armour as well as
Growing up
Louis, 3, on
his new bike
IT looks like Prince Louis has By Mark Reynolds
inherited the Royal Family’s love
of the outdoors as he shows off Tadpole, on which Louis is
his new bicycle on the eve of his perched, is considered one of the
third birthday. best “first bikes” for youngsters
This cute image of the little lad and retails at around £200.
on his sparkling red Frog bike Unusually, this year the young
was released by Kensington Prince – fifth in line to the throne
Palace last night. – is expected to celebrate his
It was taken on his first day at birthday in London.
nursery school in South His two siblings Prince
Kensington earlier this week by George, seven, and Princess
his proud mother Kate, who is Charlotte, five, usually spend
known for her striking their birthdays in the countryside
photography. with their parents.
Louis appears to be a mix of But while Louis is still too
both her and his dad William, young for primary school,
although he perhaps most George and Charlotte are both
resembles Kate’s father Michael pupils at Thomas’s Battersea and
Middleton. returned to classes on Tuesday,
following the Easter holidays.
Uniform The Duchess of Cambridge, 39,
was spotted treating her brood to
The prince, who celebrates his some fun school stationery at
birthday today, is wearing his Smiggle on King’s Road in
nursery school uniform and London on Monday.
sporting a rucksack – as well as a George and Charlotte’s private
broad grin. primary school is a short drive
A spokesman for Kensington from Kensington Palace, where
Palace said: “The Duke and the Cambridges are based during
Duchess of Cambridge are term time.
delighted to share a new The Palace is also Kate and
photograph ahead of Prince William’s administrative base and
Louis’ third birthday. traditionally where they conduct
“The photograph was taken at royal duties from.
Kensington Palace on Wednesday They spent most of their time
by the Duchess, shortly before at their rural home Anmer Hall,
Prince Louis left for his first day in Norfolk during the lockdowns.
of nursery at the Willcocks
Nursery School.” The Frog OPINION: PAGE 12
scheme which is expected to be
ready for lift-off on May 17.
It would allow millions to jet off
PAUL CHARLES to the Iberian peninsula for a long-
awaited summer holiday – their
Travel consultant first in 13 months.
The prospect of a wave of tourists
IT IS not just May 17 the whole flocking to the Balearics and
travel sector is eagerly beyond was greeted with joy and
awaiting for, but three other relief in Madrid yesterday.
dates, or checkpoints, as the Tourism chiefs in Iberia – which
Global Travel Taskforce refers
to them. covers Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar
June 28, July 31 and – told the British public: “You are
our No1 and we have missed
October 1 are to be pencilled
in your diary as they will be you dearly.”
the dates when the Speaking exclusively to the Daily
Government further opens up Express, Secretary of State for
travel as we hopefully ease Tourism Fernando Valdes said:
our way out of this pandemic. “Spain is very eager to welcome
Do not under-estimate the back Britons this summer after an
impact of the removal of the extended period.
Permission To Travel Form “The UK is our No1 market.
from May 17. This means “We have missed our British visi-
anyone can travel overseas tors dearly and we are very hopeful
without needing a reason, and to welcome them back soon.
won’t need to be interrogated “We feel vaccine certificates will
North Korea-style by armed
police at the airport. help boost tourism and again raise
I understand the hopes for summer holidays on
Government will reveal which Spanish shores.”
countries are in the new traffic Many destinations popular with
light colours of red, amber and British tourists will require them to
green on either May 6 or 7. have received a vaccine jab and
As global data is updated on provide proof of a recent negative
Thursday each week, this test before they are allowed in.
enables the Government to
take stock of the latest data on Efficient
May 6 and then publish its
thoughts on how countries will Covid passports, or health certifi-
be rated. cates, would allow them to meet
I still understand from this obligation and means a second
high-level sources, and summer season is not lost.
believe, all of Europe, and
countries such as Turkey, will
However it is not clear yet
be either amber or green in the whether tourists must have had one
first traffic light map. Add to or two doses of the vaccine.
that green possibilities such But Mr Valdes lauded Britain’s
as Israel, Barbados, Morocco, world-leading vaccination pro-
Maldives, Seychelles, gramme as “very efficient” and said
Grenada, St Lucia, Antigua he was confident it would pave the
and the British Overseas way for a “summer restart for
Territories and it’s easy to see international holidays between
why 20-30 countries could be Spain and the UK”.
green from the outset. He added: “We are ready to
Rebook receive visitors with protocols,
measures and advice in place to
its new traffic light system on May
6 or 7. It is thought that all of
scheme could be up and running as
early as May 17, but certainly in
ments on these matters by June, we
will be able to have a summer holi-
ensure their safety during their visit. Europe and countries like Turkey time for the peak summer season. day, probably not in the same man-
The US will go green before “Our tourism sector has been will be either amber or green. Mr Valdes said: “We hope by ner as 2019, but a well-needed
July 4 as President Biden
reopens borders to the British
working intensely behind the Green means quarantine-free early May the UK will clarify the restart to international tourism.”
as part of a reciprocal deal. At scenes to prepare for a tourism travel would be allowed, while date for restart and that all of Spain Fully vaccinated travellers could
the same time as the traffic recovery. amber would mean 10-day isola- will be under the minimum possi- even be allowed to sidestep tests
lights, the Government will be “We know British visitors are tion periods for those returning ble travel restrictions . and quarantine. That could mean
vital for many tourism-reliant areas from these destinations. the rapid opening of holidays to 30
publishing a Covid-19 charter
outlining consumer rights on in Spain and we share a Red means no entry will be countries that previously said they
travel. This will cover off what long and successful tourism history allowed from these countries. would ask travellers for proof of a
consumers can expect if a with the UK. The Department for Transport “A travel corridor between Spain jab, like Spain, Portugal, Cyprus,
country changes colour at “We look forward to tourism wants an official certification and the UK is another possibility. Croatia, Turkey and Israel.
short notice and how they can bouncing back and seeing British scheme enabling Britons to “We want tourists to travel to Britain’s biggest holiday firm Tui
seek a refund or rebook. visitors enjoy the diversity our instantly prove at borders they are Spain with all the guarantees of has reported bookings for July
The Government will also country has to offer.” safe to cross. Covid passports their safety and a travel corridor onwards are up 500 per cent, with
reveal more about how those The UK Government is expected would prove travellers have been could provide a possible solution. Spain, Greece and Turkey the most
who have been fully to reveal which countries feature in inoculated against the virus. This “If we are able to reach agree- popular destinations. However,
vaccinated will be able to
escape self-isolation at home
for 10 days when returning
may still be needed but
someone fully vaccinated will FOREIGN family holidays this summer By Giles Sheldrick also free. The total of £310 means the
not need to stay at home. could cost as much as 91 per cent more average cost of a holiday to Rome will
Cabinet Office papers confirm because of Covid protocols, says GREECE: Quarantine rules have been be around 63 per cent more.
this is being studied in detail. research by hotel booking site Hoo dropped for travellers from more than SPAIN: No test is required on arrival,
The US has already led the which looked at requirements for 30 nations – if they have been jabbed but like France and Greece, the cost of
way here, saying that US popular countries not on the red list. or tested negative for Covid-19. a test before travelling sits at £120. This
citizens who’ve been fully However the same additional costs means travelling will cost £370 more,
jabbed don’t have to FRANCE: Families hopping over the will be incurred for those travelling to increasing a week-long holiday to a
quarantine at all when they get Channel are likely to see the biggest Greece as France – the only difference popular destination such as Tenerife
back but merely have to take a rise in holiday costs. A week-long Paris being the test on arrival is free. from £681 per person to £1,051.
PCR test on day three of their visit will be about £460 per person. It means an additional £370 per USA: While no test is required on
return. But travellers must take a Covid test person, increasing the cost of a seven- arrival, one is needed in order to travel
Then, on May 10, the PM is
expected to give the go-ahead
before departure at £120, a second on night stay in a popular destination like at £60 with a second in order to come
for travel overseas to begin. arrival at £50 and a third test to return Crete by around 68 per cent. home at £71. With the average trip to
This is the one-week notice costing £60. A further two tests are ITALY: Travelling to Italy requires the Orlando costing £891 per person, the
period he has already set out then required for all travellers two same testing regime as both Greece and additional £322 to cover testing
before opening up the next and eight days after coming back to the France. But the test before departure is requirements means a trip to Disney Big increase...in
phase of undoing lockdown. UK costing £190. That means £420. lower at £60, with the test on arrival World will be 36 per cent more. cost of a Paris trip
No 10 probes leak
Things are hotting up...
Spanish resort of Las
Palmas and tourism
chief Fernando Valdes
of PM and Dyson’s
private messages
DOWNING Street says it will By Martyn Brown
launch a formal inquiry into the
leak of private messages his firm was ready but “sadly”
between Boris Johnson and it seemed no one wanted it to
billionaire Sir James Dyson. proceed.
The dramatic move comes Mr Johnson replied: “I will fix
amid Tory fears of a civil it tomo! We need you.”
service mole trying to sabotage The PM then texted Sir
the Government. James again and referred to
It was revealed in a series of Chancellor Rishi Sunak,
leaked texts that Mr Johnson saying: “Rishi says it is fixed!!
had promised Sir James he We need you here.”
would “fix” a tax rule so the Two weeks later, Mr Sunak
entrepreneur’s staff could help told the Commons Treasury
make ventilators for the NHS. Committee that the tax status
No.10 had initially said there of people who came to the UK
would not be a probe into how to provide specific help during
the texts were made public. the coronavirus pandemic
Are you ready to
But yesterday it announced would not be affected.
an internal inquiry, led by the
fly off on holiday Cabinet Office.
Downing Street said it will
publish correspondence
this summer? The PM’s official between Mr Johnson
spokesman told a and Sir James
YES: 0901 133 4440 Westminster
briefing: “The
“shortly”, after
the PM told the
NO: 0901 133 4441 position has Commons he
changed from was “happy to
Yes text DXYES to 84988 yesterday... share all the
No text DXNO to 84988 as usual, we details”.
keep things Sir James
Texts and calls cost 50p plus network access charge. under review
You must have the bill payer’s permission. said in a
Vote closes at midnight tonight. The Daily Express may and we have statement:
contact you by post, SMS and/or email with offers, now decided “When the
goods or services that may be of interest to you. to undertake Prime Minister
To stop receiving SMS messages please text this internal rang me to ask
‘NSNOINFO’ to the originating number. inquiry.” Dyson to urgently
SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390. He confirmed the build ventilators, of
probe will examine Taxing question... course I said yes.
the source of leaks of Sir James Dyson “We were in the
Mr Johnson’s private midst of a national
some experts have warned of a ing vaccination status, to other for lockdown – is due to end on communication “as related to
sting in the tail, with foreign family countries on the outbound leg. We May 9, eight days before the UK emergency and I am hugely
this issue of Dyson”. proud of Dyson’s response – I
holidays from all firms potentially are working on this as a priority embarks on stage three of its road- The BBC reported the texts would do the same again.”
costing as much as 91 per cent more and intend to have the solution map to freedom. were exchanged last year after He added: “Not one penny
as a result of testing protocols. ready as soon as possible.” While scores of travel operators the businessman failed to get was claimed from any
The Covid passport is likely to be The good news comes as Covid have been left on the brink by an answer to a letter he had Government, in any
digital, offering proof the holder stopped being the leading cause of Covid travel bans, no country has sent to the Treasury. jurisdiction, in relation to
has received a Covid jab, and certi- death in England and Wales. The felt it more than Spain, the Sir James – who has recently Covid-19.”
fied by the Government. virus was third in March, behind world’s second-most visited coun- changed his main address in Labour says the messages
dementia and heart disease, said try after France. Before lockdown it business filings from are part of a pattern of
Offer the Office for National Statistics. attracted 82 million tourists a year Singapore to the UK – wanted
to be sure his staff would not
government “sleaze”.
Between November and – including 18 million arriving from They emerged as the
Officials are now in a race against February the virus was the leading the UK – with the industry provid- have to pay extra tax if they Government faces allegations
time to make the scheme work. cause each month. ing more than 12 per cent of the travelled to Britain to work on of “cronyism” after a string
A Department for Transport So far 33,257,651 Britons have country’s income. In total, Britons the ventilators. of reports about former
pumped £16billion into Iberia. When he did not receive a Prime Minister David
spokesman said: “We are working had their first Covid jab while reply, he took the matter up
on a solution to enable residents to 11,192,601 have had their second. Cameron lobbying for his
with the PM. In one text he said employer, Greensill Capital.
prove their Covid-19 status, includ- Spain’s state of alarm – its name OPINION: PAGE 12
By Hanna Geissler Health Reporter
COVID-19 has been overtaken as
England’s number one killer for the first
time in four months.
Deaths from the disease fell by three
quarters in March compared with
February, Office for National Statistics
figures showed.
There were just under 4,200 registered monia deaths too.” Alzheimer’s Research have very similar benefits. The shots were
in March, making up 9.2 per cent of the UK said the figures would be “of little just as effective in people aged over 75 or
total from all causes. It was down from comfort to people with dementia”. with underlying health conditions.
more than 16,600 in February, which was Hilary Evans, the charity’s chief execu- Study author Sarah Walker, professor
30 per cent of all deaths. tive said: “These latest figures show that of medical statistics and epidemiology at
The UK yesterday recorded 2,729 as one crisis appears to ease, another the University of Oxford, said she was
more daily infections, up slightly from remains as urgent as ever. “cautiously optimistic” it will be possible
2,672 last Thursday, with 18 deaths – “The Government must honour its to control the virus with vaccines.
down 40 per cent from 30 a week ago. manifesto pledge to double its funding The results suggest inoculations cut
Some 33,257,651 have now received a for dementia research.” transmission, as well as disease, and work
first Covid jab while 11,192,601 have More than four in five people aged against the Kent variant, she added.
had a second dose. over 80 in England have now had both However, she warned that coronavirus
Covid-19 was the third leading cause vaccinations, according to NHS England. is “very good at throwing us curveballs”
of death in March behind dementia and The figures, which include jabs up to and “we’re always going to be one small
Alzheimer’s disease at 10.1 per cent, and April 18, estimated 78 per cent of those step away from the potential for things to
ischaemic heart diseases at 10 per cent. aged 75-79 have had both doses, along go wrong again”.
with 43 per cent of those aged 70-74.
Decline Meanwhile, two studies have provided Protection
further evidence of the impact of vacci-
In Wales, the virus also ranked third, nations in the UK. A second study on antibody levels
making up just 6.3 per cent of all deaths. Researchers analysed data from more showed 95 per cent of people had a
The steep decline, driven by the lock- than 1.6 million swab tests from 373,000 strong immune response to one dose of
down and vaccines, came after Covid-19 participants in the ONS Covid infection either vaccine.
had been the leading killer from survey between December and April. The response lasted at least 10 weeks,
November to February. They found infection rates fell by 65 supporting the UK’s decision to delay
Kevin McConway, emeritus professor per cent among people who had a first second doses for up to 12 weeks to allow
of applied statistics at The Open dose of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca more people to gain partial protection.
University, said: “It’s very good news to or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at least three Health Secretary Matt Hancock said:
see that Covid-19 has been pushed off its weeks previously (the time needed for “Vaccines work and today’s findings
depressing position as the leading cause immunity to develop) compared with from the ONS and Oxford University
of death in England in March. I expect it unvaccinated people. provide further evidence that both the
to have gone even further down this list The risk of infection with Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are
when the April analysis comes out.” symptoms fell even fur- having a significant impact on reducing
Death rates for some other diseases ther, by 74 per cent. infections across the UK.
such as dementia, flu and certain lung After a second “With over 33 million first jabs
conditions were also lower than usual. Pfizer dose, infection already in arms, saving lives and cut- MAGGIE Keenan, the first person in the world to
Prof McConway said: “A strong possi- rates dropped by 70 ting the risk of infection, it’s vital be vaccinated outside a clinical trial, has paid
bility is that many of those who would be per cent overall and everyone gets their second dose tribute to the “incredible” NHS staff giving out
expected to have died from those causes 90 per cent for when invited, to protect you and millions of Covid-19 jabs.
in March would have died previously symptomatic cases. your loved ones.” The 91-year-old grandmother of four made
during the pandemic, from Covid-19. There is not yet Public Health England’s weekly history when she got her first dose of the Pfizer/
“For influenza and pneumonia, the fall enough data to assess surveillance report confirmed that BioNTech vaccine on December 8 in Coventry.
in death rates is really large – in March two doses of the Oxford cases continue to fall in all age groups. During a video call with NHS chief executive
they were considerably under half the vaccine but experts said Rates were highest in those aged Sir Simon Stevens, Maggie said she was
both jabs appeared to 10-19, at 42.3 cases per honoured to kick off the drive and urged others
average rates from 2015-19. to come forward when invited.
“Lockdown restrictions and social dis- 100,000 population, and She said: “I’m telling everyone to go to get it
tancing reduce infections from all respira- ‘Very good lowest in people in their – it really is the best thing I’ve ever done. I hope
tory diseases, not just Covid, so they news’... Prof 70s at just 7.2 per
would have brought down flu and pneu- McConway 100,000.
KATE Garraway says her sick By Steph Spyro was helping him or the positives
husband is sometimes aware were just being noticed more
enough to remember to flatter something the other day. I “because I’m there to see the
her since he returned home. walked in the other morning... little things”.
But she said Derek Draper, and he said, ‘New dress?’, which Derek has been taken off
53, who was in hospital for a was just amazing. all machines and breathing
year with Covid, struggles to “And it was, actually! So I apparatus but has care at
keep the conversation going. thought it was amazing on so home, which Kate has adapted
The former political adviser many levels because he for his needs.
was admitted in March last recognised it and he realised Last month ITV broadcast
year and was so ill that doctors and remembered that I need a Finding Derek, a documentary
placed him in a coma. lot of flattery, so there was some exploring his illness and its
Kate said of his return to emotional connection there. effect on their two children.
the family this month: “It’s “It was just a little moment In one scene, Kate, 53,
been wonderful having Derek and then, of course, there recalls being told by Derek’s
home and there are lots of was nothing.” doctors that he was the
little positives. She told her Good Morning most seriously ill person
“There are little moments of Britain co-hosts that it was they had seen who had
Support...TV host Kate Garraway reaction and he actually said unclear whether being at home remained alive. Ordeal...Derek Draper is back home
By Aine Fox
THE number of Britons who
the first and to have set the ball rolling.” Philippines, said the speed of the rollout you’ve set the health service on the path
The former jewellery shop owner received had been “almost unbelievable”. towards this hugely successful vaccination
her second dose at the end of December She added: “Vaccinating Maggie was a rollout. Thank you both so much.”
and is now looking forward to “a little little spark of light in the midst of darkness Anyone aged 45 and over can book a jab.
By Hanna Geissler
CAT owners who cuddle and
sleep with their pets could be
at risk of catching Covid.
Experts say the pets only
A GROUP of students’ unions By Eleanor Busby in comparison to that which was (OIA) received 2,604 complaints suffer mild symptoms but
have written to the competition originally promised. from students in 2020 – the highest could act as a “viral reservoir”.
watchdog, urging it to “take action key parts of their educational “Most have been denied access number ever received in a year. Professor Margaret Hosie of
to uphold students’ rights” over experience and many having been to campus facilities and services, But the OIA, which can offer Glasgow University said: “Cats
tuition fees and rent payments sold a promise of many have had partial tuition refunds, has stressed often live very closely with
amid the pandemic. ‘blended learning’ practical material that there is a time lag in their owners, licking their
The open letter, backed by that has not been components of complaints reaching it as students hands or faces, sometimes
student leaders at 19 universities, delivered. their course have to raise the issue with their sleeping on or in their beds.
calls on the Competition and “Hundreds of removed or university first. “There could also be risks
Markets Authority (CMA) to thousands of dramatically A CMA spokeswoman said: “We associated with washing the
demand blanket fee refunds as a students have been changed, and are sympathetic to the situation cats’ food and water bowls and
result of Covid disruption. left with no viable hundreds of many students find themselves in, cleaning out litter boxes.”
The Department for Education route to redress on thousands have but this is a complex area legally Prof Hosie’s team revealed a
has confirmed that all remaining any meaningful been asked by the and consumer enforcement action four-month-old female ragdoll
students in England will not be scale, and as far as Government to not may not be the best or quickest kitten was put down after
allowed to return to in-person we can make out the return to campus solution for students’ problems. catching Covid-19 from its
lessons on campus until mid-May CMA has completely accommodation that The issues caused by lockdown can British owner.
at the earliest. ignored the issue. they are still being vary a lot between different cases.” The virus was found in the
The letter says: “This year, “Almost all students charged for.” The Daily Express has launched lungs but her killer pneumonia
students have been paying full have experienced a The Office of the a crusade to ensure students get a may be “coincidental”.
tuition, despite most having lost diminished experience Independent Adjudicator fair deal during the pandemic.
Pictures: CHANNEL 4; GETTY; REX Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 9
continued with details of an orgy
Jolly outlook... she went to as a teenager – but
Prue, left, with, insists she didn’t join in despite
from top, hubby stripping off entirely.
John, Bake Off The star told Jonathan Ross a
co-star Paul love of blue curacao has been her
Hollywood and downfall as Covid restrictions
By Jack Evans Dr Rupy Aujla eased this month.
A DAD told a judge: Prue said: “Rule of six every
night with cocktails – the result is
“This is a **** show” I’ve put on a stone. Alcohol doesn’t
after a speeding driver half put it on. I make them up – I
who killed his daughter like anything with blue curacao.”
dodged jail. The South Africa-born star, who
Ola Onubogu, 53, was married second husband John
doing 47mph in a Playfair four years ago, believes
30mph zone in Coventry her love for life has kept her young.
when he ploughed into “It’s happiness. I’ve just had a
11-year-old Isabelle really lucky life. I like my job, I like
Boshell in October. my family, I like my friends, I even
Local Onubogu, who like my husband.”
admitted causing death
by careless driving, was Bouncing
handed a six-month
suspended sentence and On her unintentional appearance
at an orgy in Paris, Prue explained:
a driving ban at Warwick “I thought I was going to a party.
Crown Court. Went with a very nice guy.
But on hearing he was “All I can say is room after room
spared prison, Isabelle’s of bouncing bottoms everywhere...
father Matthew stood up on the floor, in all the rooms. I was
and told the judge “this so embarrassed.
is a **** show” before “Anyhow, this guy thought it was
storming out. fantastic. So he just vanished. So
Judge Anthony Potter there I am, 19 or something. So I
later told Onubogu that went to the bar and somebody
if he had obeyed the immediately said to me, ‘Why have
speed limit “you would you got your clothes on?’
have been able to avoid “I realised the only way to be
that accident”. invisible was to take my clothes off.
So I took my clothes off.”
Prue’s latest TV venture is
Channel 4 series Cook Clever,
Waste Less with Prue & Rupy.
She says her co-presenter, Dr
Rupy Aujla, “believes food can be
medicine. Most doctors don’t, they
think pills will do.”
Meanwhile, Bake Off is set to be
filmed in a “bubble” again, possibly
returning to Essex or moving to
Sussex. Prue said: “I know it’ll be
Going going gong... in a white tent and I’m sure it’ll be
John Asbury and medals in June.”
● The Jonathan Ross Show is on
By Mark Reynolds
PREMIER League giants
Liverpool say they
cannot afford to buy the
£10,000 medals of the
footballing pioneer who
helped to form the club.
John Asbury spent 30
years in various roles at
Anfield, eventually
serving as chairman. GRAHAM Norton says Twitter is like By Mark Jefferies dangerous, people move out and it that all the time, it would be
His collection includes a rough neighbourhood – and its becomes a no-go area. quite annoying.
three League winners’ bosses must act now. think they have to engage on those “It doesn’t matter what you say. You “It’s very hard to sustain if it’s noth-
medals which were given The TV presenter’s job as a judge on platforms. I don’t think we’re any cru- could tweet, ‘Morning, what a lovely ing like you. Years ago I remember
to directors and players. RuPaul’s Drag Race UK made him eller or nicer than we’ve ever been. day’, and people will tweet Dolly Parton telling me, ‘Pick a per-
Auctioneer Adam realise how fortunate he was to build “I just think that social media back, ‘Oh, that’s easy for you sona that’s pretty close to you, other-
Partridge said: “The his career before social media. has given us a weird way to to say’.” wise life becomes difficult’. So mine is
family approached Graham, 58, who has a Twitter shout at the television so that The Bafta-winning chat basically me – but turbocharged.”
the club but received account but rarely uses it, said: “The the person on the television show presenter will return to The Irishman also told the magazine
an email to say that drag fans are really lovely. But I am hears you. host the BBC’s Eurovision he was a show-off growing up, joking:
they didn’t have the aware there is this toxic cabal – and if “Ultimately, Twitter in par- coverage on May 22. “You don’t get into an industry like
funds available.” they don’t like one of the drag queens, ticular has to do something – But he admitted what we this unless you are a vortex of need.
The sale takes place they go for them in a horrible way. because it’s like a neighbour- see on screen is not the real “We all like positive affirmation, but
on May 5. “If you’re in bed at night reading hood. If it’s rough and him. He told Saga maga- we don’t all require people sitting in
Liverpool had been horrible comments about yourself, zine: “That’s an rows and clapping.”
poised to join the who knows what damage that does to Rough...Graham is amped-up version ● The full interview is in this month’s
European Super League. you? I feel for young people who not a Twitter fan of me. If I was like Saga Magazine, out now.
How much the UK
economy grew while
emissions fell by
Year countries
aim to be greenhouse
gas neutral
THE Banfields plan to harness their By Steph Spyro you’re spending more money on
children’s eco enthusiasm to make eco stuff but using less money on
permanent changes. it’s teaching the children a load of the heating, it balances out. You’re
Key workers Joe and Mandy, things that we can then just make not using more money overall.”
both 43, and kids Amelie, nine, part of everyday life. We’re For lunch it was vegetable
Archie, six, and Ayla, four, took harnessing their enthusiasm when cottage pie and dinner was pasta.
the Daily Express Earth Day they’re not moaning about going to The family, who back this paper’s
pledge by turning off their heating, school in a car.” Archie, who helped Green Britain Needs You campaign,
ditching their car, and cutting out turn the heating off, said: “We like also refilled their bird feeder and
meat and fish yesterday. doing eco stuff.” planted a bee bomb to make their
Joe, from Milton Keynes, walked Joe added: “I’ve put a jumper on garden more pollinator friendly.
and cycled with his children to and the children have blankets Amelie said: “We should do
school. He said: “The thing that’s rather than it being baking hot in Earth Day more often because it
Joe takes Ayla to nursery really good about Earth Day is that the house.” Amelie added: “If makes the planet better.” Joe with children Ayla, Archie and Amelie
By Steph Spyro
LAST year was Europe’s warmest on
record, scientists say.
The annual temperature in 2020
was at least 0.4C higher than the
next five hottest years, all of which
occurred during the last decade.
It was also one of three warmest
years ever recorded globally, the
European State of the Climate
report revealed.
Scientist Freja Vamborg, of the
Copernicus Climate Change Service
(C3S) and the report’s lead author,
said: “Our findings highlight the
continued warming trend across
Europe and the rest of the globe.”
Greenhouse gases were also at
their highest levels in 18 years.
Carbon dioxide concentrations
rose by 0.6 per cent and methane by
nearly 0.8 per cent.
This is the highest annual level
since at least 2003 when satellite
observations started.
C3S director Carlo Buontempo
said: “It is more important than ever
that we use the available information
to act, to mitigate and adapt to
climate change, and to accelerate our
efforts to reduce future risks.”
A CHARITY has welcomed an
World united... “amazing year” for wildlife with
Boris Johnson
some threatened species having a
leaders at the record breeding season.
virtual summit, The number of species on Royal
including the Society of Birds reserves exceeded
US’s Joe Biden 18,500 last year with 3,000 of these
and Russia’s being of conservation concern.
Vladimir Putin The “highlight”
was the spoonbill,
with its successful
breeding at
vowed: “We will strictly control that can make a difference. Russia
coal-fired carbon power projects, is genuinely interested in galva- LEADERS BACK BOLD EMISSION TARGETS Havergate Island.
Three pairs
we will strictly limit the increase nising international co-operation.” nested – the first
in coal consumption.” Mr Johnson last year unveiled a BRITAIN aims to cut carbon emissions by success in Suffolk
Russian leader Vladimir Putin 10-point green plan for efforts to 78 per cent by 2035 for 300 years.
said his country already “makes a cut UK emissions.
gigantic contribution” by absorb- The Government rejected calls CHINA, the world’s biggest emitter, has vowed to be There were six Spoonbill had
carbon neutral by 2060 nesting attempts excellent year
ing about 2.5 billion tonnes of from experts to make Britons at Fairburn Ings in
carbon dioxide each year. change their diets to food that is USA, the second-largest emitter, aims to West Yorks which are thought to
But he also stressed the impor- lower in meat and dairy. halve emissions by 2030 have fledged a total of five young.
tance of slashing methane emis- But Business Secretary Kwasi ● The Daily Express has joined
sions, which have a significantly Kwarteng yesterday said: “I’m INDIA, third biggest emitter, plans to reduce forces with green entrepreneur Dale
stronger global warming effect certainly reducing my meat con- emissions by a third by 2030 Vince and the RSPB to help buy and
than carbon dioxide – and asked sumption, not only for environ- transform Horse Common, a 91-acre
others to join the fight. mental reasons but also for health JAPAN, the fifth-largest emitter, 46 per cent cut by 2030 area of woodland, heathland and a
Mr Putin said: “We invite all reasons. Maybe I can move to a
those interested countries to join full vegan diet at some point.” GERMANY, the EU’s largest emitter, aims to become nature haven in the New Forest.
greenhouse gas neutral by 2050 The initial goal is to raise £90,000
collaborative scientific research to towards a total cost of £450,000.
jointly invest in climate projects OPINION: PAGE 12
Visit via rspb.org.uk/expressappeal
AFTER nearly a year of living I wandered the country lanes biggest difference was that
with the pandemic, it has been and watched as spring people were forced to walk
a struggle for many people to unfolded. I looked for bird their parks and fields and, often TEACHING children to think like
remain positive. While happier nests, just as I had done in my for the first time, took notice of
times may still feel a way off,
one thing that has been a IOLO WILLIAMS youth, and marvelled at the
variety of bees and butterflies.
the natural world around them.
This was summed up to me
all-rounder Leonardo Da Vinci could
help them tackle the climate crisis,
researchers have suggested.
tremendous help is getting Welsh nature observer For the first time, a pair of red by a friend who lives in a block
outside and opening our eyes kites nested in a wood a of flats in Birmingham. She had University researchers from
and ears to the natural world. crescendo of a spring dawn stone’s throw from my kitchen just seen a peregrine falcon fly Cambridge and Edinburgh say pupils
No matter where you live, chorus. In lakes and pools, window and I watched as the past her window. As she told would benefit from science and the
rural or urban, wildlife is never frogs are gathering to spawn single chick took its first flight. me: “This has not just made my arts being taught together around
far away. Parks, gardens, and in woodlands and gardens, Did wildlife benefit from the day, it’s made my week, and climate change or food security.
cemeteries and ponds are snowdrops, daffodils and lockdowns? Certain species given me renewed vigour to Professor Pam Burnard said:
teeming with wildlife. primroses are adding colour. took advantage of fewer cars battle through these times and “If we look at the amazing designs
Singing robins and blackbirds I live on the edge of a small on the roads and walkers in the come out smiling the other end.” Da Vinci produced, it’s clear he was
are being joined by wrens and village in mid-Wales and, for hills, with Llandudno’s gangs That’s what wildlife can do combining disciplines to advance
great tits as they build up to the the first time since childhood, of goats making headlines. The for you. knowledge and solve problems.”
Picture: GETTY
and local parks – but we are a country
burning with wanderlust.
A Covid certification scheme could be in
place as soon as next month.
ESTERDAY the House
If a way is found for households to go on of Commons voted
holiday again without experiencing long unanimously to declare
delays at airports and prohibitive costs, that China is guilty of
then hordes of us will reach for suitcases carrying out crimes
and head for favourite destinations. against humanity and
Britons abroad can be assured of a warm genocide, over its treatment of
welcome in countries such as Spain, which the Uighurs in Xinjiang prov-
ince. China has already sanc-
before lockdown welcomed 18 million tioned a number of MPs who
tourists a year from the UK. have campaigned on this and it
We are not just a source of jobs and is good that the Commons as a
prosperity; the annual arrival of fun-loving whole has stood behind them.
British tourists is part of the rhythm of life China is a totalitarian state in
in communities throughout Europe and which dissent is crushed ruth-
beyond. Fernando Valdés, Spain’s Secretary lessly, as we are seeing in Hong
of State for Tourism, told us his country has Kong, and in which genocide is
“missed our British visitors dearly”. pursued brazenly. And it poses a
The feeling is mutual. direct threat to our way of life.
If holidays are possible this year we can But it is far from the only
threat. Today we face any num-
look forward to reunions with our ber of dangers, from Islamist
continental friends and celebrations that go extremism and state-sponsored DANGER ZONE: China’s leader Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, are on Britain’s radar
on late into the summer night. Iranian terror to a Russian state
which poses the most immedi-
Green and prosperous ate menace to our safety. And
that’s without even considering
going to form a key part of our
5G network. But last year, a
ORIS Johnson understands that the race
to switch to a green economy has
the likes of North Korea.
Earlier this week it emerged
that the Government intends to
Stephen Pollard reassessment by the National
Cyber Security Centre of the
threat the company poses to
nothing to do with sentimental “bunny introduce a bill to counter espi- Political commentator our security led to a ban on the
hugging” but is, in fact, a chance to trigger onage and underhand action by company’s involvement.
a technological boom. hostile states such as Russia and China has already established
The Prime Minister, who took part in an China. Anyone working on but the threat is far greater than investigating an explosion at an many deep footholds in the UK,
online Earth Day summit with President behalf of a foreign government isolated assassinations, and on a ammunition depot in 2014. The not least in universities, many
Biden yesterday, has no interest in turning in Britain would have to regis- much wider scale. Much so- Czech authorities say it was of which have grabbed its cash
his back on progress and modernity. ter their work here or face crim- called fake news is Russian in carried out by the same two without thinking through the
Going green is not about limiting our inal charges. And the Official origin, circulated on social men who were responsible for consequences.
Secrets Act will be updated to media by bots – computer gen- the Salisbury poisoning.
freedom to travel or pushing up energy
deal with people who work to erated accounts designed to But the Russian economy is a
costs. We need to find ways to heat our undermine our safety, such as look like real people. basket case and, for all the
homes and power our transport systems cyberhackers working for for- Investigations into the origin immediate threat posed by
which are not reliant on finite fuels, which eign states. of anti-vaccine conspiracy theo- Russia, the greatest long-term N FEBRUARY it was
are often found in states run by dictators ries, for example, show reams danger is from China – far reported that some 200
and are also poisoning our planet. of posts emanating from so- wealthier and far more unre- academics from a dozen
This newspaper has great green ambitions called troll factories in Russia. lenting in its expansion. universities are being investi-
because we believe the UK can lead the And there is no doubt that Under leader Xi Jinping’s gated over their possible, albeit
new industrial revolution. We want to see HE USSR may no longer Russia has tried to influence the “Belt and Road” programme, unintentional, help to the
communities that have missed out on exist but Vladimir Putin’s political process here, such as China is investing in nearly 70 Chinese government in building
Russia is one of the by pushing Scottish independ- countries and organisations. For weapons of mass destruction
prosperity proudly buzzing as prosperous most malign forces in the mod- ence through its agents as a way too long, this was viewed credu- through commercial deals over
centres of manufacturing and innovation. ern world. The Soviet Union of destabilising Westminster. lously as some kind of eco- research struck between univer-
was, as Ronald Reagan called it, Not that it is always under- nomic boon. Some realism has sities and Chinese companies.
Louis is prince of grins an “evil empire” – exporting
communism by force was in its
DNA. Russia today is different
hand: it is prepared to be bla-
tant and use military force,
invading part of Ukraine in
entered the discussion and it is
starting to be seen for what it is:
a plan by China to make other
Despite the reality of China’s
intentions being clear, the West
is split in its response. Germany
RINCE Louis beamed with joy on his but no less dangerous. It is more 2014 and having built up its nations dependent on it eco- is craven in its dealings with
first day at nursery school. We wish the of a gangster state, which uses troops on the border. nomically, and an attempt to China and New Zealand is
three-year-old the happiest of birthdays its military strength and an This week the Czech govern- gain back door control. actively seeking more Chinese
today. The delight he clearly brings to his army of agents to undermine us. ment expelled 18 Russian dip- Take communications com- involvement in its affairs.
family is especially poignant as the country According to Sir John Sawers, lomats it says are spies after pany, Huawei. It was originally If we do not stand together,
mourns the passing of his great-grandfather. the former head of MI6, we only we may well fall apart. The free
Louis looks thrilled with his new push know about 10 per cent of world has seen off ruthless ene-
bike in the photograph snapped by his Russia’s aggressive intelligence
activities. We all remember the
‘China has already established mies before so we know we can.
But that, unfortunately, is no
mum, and we hope his time at nursery will
be as gleeful as his grin.
Salisbury poisonings in 2018, many deep footholds in the UK’ guarantee that we will.
Leo McKinstry
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 13
Publican’s attack
on Starmer was
far from measured
ROD Humphris, joint landlord
of the Raven pub in Bath, has
been hailed as a hero in some
quarters for his aggressive
treatment of Sir Keir Starmer
during the Labour leader’s visit
to the city.
Brimming with indignation at
the impact of the lockdown,
which Labour supports, the N HIS epic novel 1984,
publican not only launched into
a bullying diatribe against Sir
George Orwell painted a
chilling picture of Britain Unpromising film
Keir but even tried to throw him
out of his establishment.
But Mr Humphris deserves no
under totalitarian rule. His
creation was a nightmarish
world of mass surveillance
fails to live up to
cheers. During subsequent
media interviews in the
aftermath of the confrontation,
and indoctrination, where liberty
was obliterated, language manipu- its hyped image
lated, literature suppressed and his- THE MUCH-HYPED
he showed a pathetically limited
tory treated as nothing more than psychological thriller
understanding of the pandemic.
More importantly, his loud- an instrument of socialist propa- Promising Young Woman
mouthed, bad-tempered ganda. “He who controls the past provoked a typically modern
approach is hardly the way to controls the future. He who con- controversy on its recent
engage in politics. trols the present controls the past,” release, when one review
People who dislike Sir Keir’s proclaims one of the party bosses. questioned whether the star
policies – and that looks like Ever since its publication more Carey Mulligan had sufficient
the overwhelming majority at than 70 years ago, 1984 has been glamour for the central role
the moment, judging by his widely heralded for its message of the femme fatale.
decline in the polls – should about the horrors of political The actress herself even
challenge him in civil debate, repression. Yet, to today’s woke publicly complained about
not descend to abuse. There is fanatics, the book is not so much a the criticism. But having just
already too much nasty friction warning as a blueprint. Total com- watched this so-called
in our system. pliance with their dogma is their “black comedy”, my own
With his cry of “get out of my view is that Ms Mulligan’s
goal. Thought control and punish- looks are the least of its
pub”, Mr Humphris is another ment are their means to that end.
example of intolerant cancel problems. Much worse are
culture at its worst. In true Orwellian spirit, they its unconvincing
seek to ccreate a climate of fear characterisations,
14 Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021
Naturalist Simon Barnes stands in for our columnist
AM ANXIOUS. Any day now. At least I hope
so. I’ve been listening out, waiting for the
sweet relief those sweet two notes will
bring. Cuckoo! I know for a fact that a
cuckoo that summers not far from here is
currently in France, having travelled up
from the Congo rainforest. Perhaps he has
seen the cuckoos from the shallow Norfolk
Valley where I live.
Every year I have lived here a cuckoo
arrives in late April and at once the
place is lit up with his sound, as if
he had always been there. And
then a few weeks
THE difference between male
later you notice and female mute swans is
the silence and subtle, at least to human eyes:
wonder if you’ll the male has a more
be lucky again pronounced bump on the
the following base of his beak.
year. We have Two have taken up residence
lost half of our in my garden. They spend all
cuckoos in the their time together and are very
past 20 years, for affectionate. I’ve spent the last
no single obvious fortnight trying to work out
reason. In some which is the female and I’m
places the decline coming to the conclusion that
has been steeper than in others. I neither is. Homosexuality has
used to hear them on Streatham been documented, according
Common in South London when I to one claim, in 450 non-human
species including monkeys,
was a boy; you’re highly unlikely apes, dolphins, bats, mallards,
to find one now. albatrosses, penguins and
One of the problems with black swans.
looking after cuckoos is that they I shall continue observing
migrate. They escape the winter without prejudice.
cold and food shortages (they like
caterpillars best) by flying down to
Africa, a journey fraught with
dangers which involves a crossing GREEN TIP: Use the
of the Sahara. Butterfly Conservation
website to learn five
We can now track their jour-
common garden butterflies:
neys. For the past 10 years the comma, peacock, small
British Trust for Ornithology has tortoiseshell, red admiral
been fixing satellite tags to cuck- and small white.
oos. Before it began the best
record of wintering cuckoos was
82 years old. So I can tell you
that PJ is in France as I write, IT IS always a joy to
perhaps calling coucou instead celebrate good news in
conservation – after all,
of cuckoo. Another bird, Carlton it’s rare enough. This is
II, is still in Africa; a third, the 10th anniversary of
Valentine, is presumed dead. SAVE: Saving Asia’s Vultures
Information from the project from Extinction. Here is a
gives us ideas of the important problem that does have a single
areas for wintering cuckoos, and obvious cause: diclofenac, an
of the way in which they time their anti-inflammatory drug given to
journeys. This can relate to shifting cattle, but it kills the vultures
weather patterns as well as the that feed on their carcases.
perpetual problems of the chang- The drug is now banned in
ing climate. So listen out. That sim- five countries and vulture-safe
ple, far-carrying call is a male’s zones have been set up in
imploring plea for a female – and many places. There have been
should you ever hear this followed population crashes of 99 per
by a weird bubbling sound, you’ll cent. Now they’re beginning to
build up again in some places.
know he’s got lucky at last. It’s a long hard road. Wish
them luck.
John Ingham is away
[email protected]
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 15
By Martyn Brown
DOMINIC Raab has
rejected accusations that
a £4billion cut to the
overseas aid budget
By Sam Lister Fighting for was “sneaked out” by
Deputy Political Editor Britain in his department.
World War The Foreign Secretary
BRITAIN has expressed its “deep One... told the International
regret” for failing to commemorate the King’s Development
hundreds of thousands of black and African Committee: “We haven’t
Asian military personnel who died Rifles in done this in anything
1916 who
fighting for the British Empire. operated in
other than a fully
Boris Johnson said he was “trou- East Africa, transparent way.”
bled” that troops who lost their lives Uganda and It comes after Mr Raab
were not honoured equally because of Somaliland set out how £8.11billion
the colour of their skin. of the aid budget would
The Prime Minister offered an be allocated – around 80
“unreserved apology” for the failures, per cent of the total UK
which were laid bare by an investiga- spend – including
tion ordered by the Commonwealth £906million for
War Graves Commission. humanitarian
He said: “During the First World preparedness and
War, millions of people from response.
Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Some 200 UK
Middle East fought for Britain GETTY charities, including Save
in the struggle against tyranny. the Children and Oxfam,
“Their contribution to vic- of the Government, I their lives for our freedoms at the Lammy, who worked on the 2019 doc- said in a joint statement
tory was immense, not just in offer an unreserved moment of greatest peril.” umentary Unremembered: Britain’s that the cuts represented
numerical terms but in their apology. Our shared Defence Secretary Ben Wallace Forgotten War Heroes that brought a “tragic blow” for many
courage and valour, and many duty is to honour and expressed “deep regret that it has the scandal to light, said some were in of the world’s most
paid the ultimate price so that we remember all those, taken so long to rectify the situation” mass graves. at-risk communities.
might live in peace and whatever their The commission’s report found that Professor David Olusoga, whose TV It added: “The
freedom today. background, around 335,000 black and Asian sol- company made the programme, said Government has not
“I am deeply trou- who laid down diers who fought for Britain were not the failure to properly commemorate even spared countries
bled by the findings commemorated in the same way as black and Asian soldiers is “one of the ravaged by humanitarian
of the special com- Scandal...Prof their white comrades. Some had no biggest scandals I’ve ever come across crisis, disease, war
mittee. On behalf David Olusoga headstones – while Labour MP David as an historian”. and poverty.”
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 17
Life on Mars...oxygen made on Red Planet
By Hanna Geissler
DRUGS used against
ovarian and breast
cancers could also help
fight other forms of the
disease, scientists say.
A study suggests the
medicines, known as
PARP inhibitors, are
able to kill cancer cells
that harbour a genetic
mutation by destroying
their DNA defences.
The same mutation is
found in around half of
all kidney cancer cases
as well as in some lung
or bile duct cancers, and
mesothelioma, linked to
asbestos exposure.
In findings published
in the journal Cancer Mars rover with
the Ingenuity
Research, experts say helicopter,
PARP inhibitors could which flew
offer a new approach for 10ft in the air
treating these cancers.
Study co-leader Prof
Chris Lord, of the
Institute of Cancer HUMANS could be one step By Rhiannon James producing propellant on Mars
closer to living on Mars after to make the trip home.”
Research in London, Nasa extracted oxygen from produce up to 10 grams of Trudy Kortes, a director
said: “This could its atmosphere. oxygen per hour. Nasa’s Jim at Nasa’s space mission
become a brand new It was done by a toaster- Reuter said: “This is a critical technology unit, said: “This
genetically targeted sized unit inside Nasa’s rover. first step in converting carbon process allows us to convert
approach to treating Five grams of oxygen was dioxide to oxygen on Mars. these abundant materials into
cancer, and could offer produced – equivalent to what “The results from this useable things – propellant,
hope to patients with an astronaut would need to technology demonstration breathable air, or, combined
various cancer types breathe for 10 minutes. are full of promise as we move with hydrogen, water.”
including a common The atmosphere on Mars is toward our goal of one day On Friday a mini helicopter
form of kidney cancer.” 96 per cent carbon dioxide seeing humans on Mars. made history by being the first
while oxygen is only 0.13 per “Oxygen isn’t just the stuff aircraft to land on another
The oxygen converter, above, and It is hoped the machine can explorers will depend on landed within 40 seconds.
where it sits in the Mars explorer
By Chris Riches
COMPOUNDS in green
vegetables can boost
skin and organ repair, a
study has discovered.
University of
Manchester scientists
found that a compound
called sulforaphane can
lead to better division of
human skin cells, which EARLY signs of Alzheimer’s years By Joe Morgan oped a tracer, called BU99008, for
aids “regeneration”. before the disease takes hold could use in PET, or 3D, scans to detect
Sulforaphane is found be spotted using a scanner to iden- toms become noticeable enough to the response of astrocytes early.
in broccoli, Brussels tify small changes in the brain. be diagnosed. Dr Amit Kumar, researcher at
sprouts and cabbages. Scientists say the tracer – reveal- Researchers used brain tissue Karolinska Institute in Sweden,
Dr Svitlana Kurinna, ing a digital reconstruction of what from six individuals who died with said: “Our study shows that
who led the study, which is going on in the brain – could aid Alzheimer’s disease and seven con- BU99008 can detect important
was published in Nucleic early identification of the disease. trols who died of other causes. reactive astrocytes with good selec-
Acid Research, said: This may give patients a They were able to identify reac- tivity and specificity.
“We know that skin better chance of benefiting from tive astrogliosis, which is a marker – “The results can improve our
sometimes cannot early treatment. a distinctive process happening in knowledge of the role played
efficiently repair itself. While there is no cure, early inter- the brain – that shows the organ by reactive astrogliosis in
“But the mechanism vention can help lessen the symp- attempting to defend itself Alzheimer’s disease.”
we discovered uses the toms of memory loss and confusion. from the disease. Professor Agneta Nordberg,
body’s own processes to It also increases the possibility of This means that astro- at the same university, said:
induce division of cells.” medical trials and the chance to cytes, cells in the cen- “As far as we can judge, this
She continued: “At make lifestyle changes such as con- tral nervous system, is the first time
the moment, once tissue trolling blood pressure which may may be attempting to that BU99008 visualises
becomes fibrotic and help preserve brain function. fight the disease reactive astrogliosis in
scarred there’s no way of Alzheimer’s is the most common before the earliest Alzheimer’s disease
reversing it to a fully form of dementia, affecting around physical signs of brains. The results can
functional state. 47 million people worldwide. Alzheimer’s. have broad clinical
“Our ultimate goal is In the UK there are around The team devel- implications.”
to improve regeneration 850,000 sufferers. The study appears in the
of functional skin – and Changes in brain function can Researcher... Molecular Psychiatry
maybe other organs.” In rude health...scan of a healthy brain begin 10 to 20 years before symp- Prof Nordberg journal.
A PRISON chaplain yesterday By John Twomey prised to know there was intelli- ence staged by the Learning Together
admitted he may have been gence that Khan was trying to radi- prisoners’ education programme.
“conned” into thinking Fishmongers versations with me about wanting to calise inmates and “might commit an Co-founder Dr Amy Ludlow said
Hall terrorist Usman Khan was a change and make a fresh start.” attack” when he left prison. in the run-up to the tragedy at the
reformed character. But 11 months after his release Rev Foster said: “That would be a City of London’s Fishmongers Hall
Rev Paul Foster said the killer, in from HMP Whitemoor, Cambs, Khan surprise. If that intelligence is cor- Khan gave the impression he wanted
jail for plotting to set up a jihadi murdered Jack Merritt, 25, and rect, he was...presenting himself in a to live an “ordinary life” and had
training camp, “appeared to show Saskia Jones, 23, and wounded three way that was likely to deceive the been “generally fairly upbeat”.
remorse for what he had done”. others in a frenzied knife rampage. likes of myself and others....It is pos- He was shot dead by police on
He told the inquest into Khan’s Jonathan Hough QC asked the sible I have been conned.” London Bridge after the November
Deceiver...Terrorist Usman Khan deadly terror attack: “He had con- chaplain if he would have been sur- Khan, 28, ran amok at a confer- 2019 atrocity. The hearing continues.
Trevor with
his daughter
BROADCASTER Trevor Phillips By Sarah O’Grady
is grieving after the death of his
eldest daughter from anorexia. Holiday promised to continue
Sushila Phillips, 36, a freelance her sister’s efforts to help those
journalist, had battled the affected by mental illness “in
disease for 22 years. every way I can”.
The York University graduate The post had Sushila looking
died “peacefully in her own bed” gaunt but happy as she sat in a
on Wednesday with her dad, an garden with a glass of rose wine.
anti-racism campaigner, present Trevor, 67, recently wrote
and in her mum Asha’s arms. about “watching helplessly as
my older daughter battled a
Strongest severe eating disorder”.
He added: “Hours before
Her sister Holiday, 33, said on writing these words she and I
Facebook Sushila “was one of bade farewell on a familiar
the wisest, kindest, strongest threshold: the specialist unit to
and funniest people I knew. which she admits herself
Eternally compassionate in the periodically when the daily
face of unspeakable suffering, struggle against her demons
grateful for the small things proves too exhausting.”
every day. Trevor and his ex-wife, a
“The sun on her face and a psychotherapist, would not
smile from a stranger, she had comment further yesterday.
the most wicked sense of There are 1.6 million with an
humour, and she was committed eating disorder, says the charity
to fighting for justice for people Anorexia & Bulimia Care, with
suffering with mental illness.” young people most at risk.
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 19
Les in
1975 as
By Alex Green
BAY City Rollers frontman Les
Les McKeown
lead singer; McKeown has died suddenly at BORN 12 NOV 1955- DIED 20 APRIL 2021
Epic walk...Tony, age six the group home aged 65.
below; and, The Edinburgh-born vocalist tunes like Bye Bye Baby and
7RQ\V inset right,
a recent
was lead singer of the group dur-
ing their 1970s heyday.
They had a massive teen follow-
VWHSVIRU released by
A statement from his family on ing and sold more than 100 mil-
his grieving Twitter said: “It is with profound lion records, being heralded by the
sadness that we announce the press as “the biggest group since
death of our beloved husband Beatles”.
The Beatle
and father Leslie Richard
hard Former
Form home secretary
McKeown. Leslie died ed Jacqui Smith paid tribute
By Joe Morgan suddenly at home on n to the star, writing:
20 April 2021.” “One of my first loves.
DOUBLE amputee Tony Charismatic Sending love, condo-
Hudgell is walking 100 McKeown, born to lences and thanks for
steps without crutches Irish parents, joined the memories.”
in memory of Captain the pop band aged IIn 1975 McKeown
Sir Tom Moore. 18 in late 1973,, was fined £100 and
Six-year-old Tony– replacing founding ng banned
bann from driving for a
who last year raised over singer Gordon Clark.
ark. year afafter he struck and
£1.5million for the NHS His arrival coincided
i id d with
ith killed
kill d an elderly
l neighbour in
hospital that saved his the Bay City Rollers’ Edinburgh.
life – has only walked ascent to fame and Alongside McKeown in the
six steps unaided before, McKeown remained band’s heyday was bassist Alan
but will attempt it to lead vocalist until Longmuir, his younger brother
honour his hero. 1978. The group Derek on drums, plus guitarists
Adoptive mum Paula, enjoyed huge success Eric Faulkner and Stuart Wood.
of Kings Hill, Kent, said: at home and abroad He toured more recently under
“Sadly Tony never got to with their distinc- the name Les McKeown’s Bay
meet Captain Sir Tom. tive tartan outfits City Rollers. He leaves wife Keiko
“But there is not a day and upbeat pop and their son Jubei.
goes by that Tony does
not speak about him.”
Tony, whose six-mile
walk on crutches with
prosthetic legs last June
earned a Pride of Britain
award, had amputations
after injuries inflicted by
abusive parents.
His new challenge in
aid of London’s Evelina
Children’s Hospital starts
on April 30, which would
have been Captain Sir
Tom’s 101st birthday.
By News Reporter
ACTOR Jude Law has
welcomed a £7million
scheme set up to help
independent UK films
hit screens worldwide. SMALLER mobile providers By Rhiannon James universal change in tariff had should not only give network
The UK Global Screen have outshone the Big Four in made it more expensive to use reliability but also value for
Fund, a Government and terms of value for money, cus- Tesco and Sky. EE and Vodafone the provider, despite having a money and customer support.”
British Film Institute tomer service and network reli- failed to perform well overall, substantial balance to use up. To avoid overpaying, Which?
initiative, will provide ability, a survey found. falling in the bottom half of O2 was ranked the highest urged people to compare deals
grants for costs such as GiffGaff came out on top rankings and with particularly out of the big when theirs
international distribution. with 91 per cent of users saying poor value for money ratings. firms, and ends. EE
Talented Mr Ripley they would recommend them. Which? called the findings came in at insisted it
star Jude, 48, said: “This Giants O2, EE, Vodafone and unsurprising given that seven number five. “offers cus-
additional investment Three serve nearly 90 per cent per cent of their customers However, tomers the
will assist in sparking of the market. But they fell received incorrect or unexpect- just one in biggest net-
new international below GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile edly high bills. four rated the company as work and the fastest speeds
partnerships for the UK and Sky Mobile, which all Three scored the lowest of offering “excellent” value. with more 5G coverage than
industry, generating piggyback on O2 network. the Big Four with 10 per cent of Rocio Concha of Which? said: any other provider”. Three said:
more jobs and taking our Smarty, owned by Three and customers “experiencing unex- “The biggest mobile providers “We don’t think this is an accu-
productions to new a new entry to the Which? poll, pected or unreasonable hikes”. are being outshone by their rate reflection of our network
global audiences.” Right buttons...GiffGaff ranked joint second place with One of its customers said a smaller rivals. A provider or customer experience.
Was Rolling
20 Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021
By Fergus Kelly
T WAS an album with a title and cover
that were as typically attention-seeking
and suggestive as the group whose
Stones’ biggest
music it showcased. The arresting image
featured the lower trunk of a very obvi-
ously male figure in tight Levi’s jeans on
which was an actual working fly zip. Sticky
Fingers, released half a century ago today,
represented a fresh start for the Rolling
Stones and included what would become
one of their best-loved songs: Brown Sugar.
Yet what would go on not only to be the
album’s most enduring feature, but also
change the face of marketing, appeared on
By Mark Waghorn high BMI, but low levels of fat
tissue around their midriffs, could
CARRYING just a few extra be at lower risk.
pounds in a pot belly or muffin top Dr Tiffany Powell-Wiley, of the
can trigger heart disease, even if National Institutes of Health in
you are not overweight. Maryland, US, said: “Studies that
Research found just a little mid- have examined the relationship
dle age spread around your abdo- between abdominal fat and cardio-
men can trigger the world’s num- vascular outcomes confirm visceral
ber one killer, irrespective of your fat is a clear health hazard.”
body mass index (BMI). She added: “The timing of this
Health warning... ab flab could kill
Scientists analysed studies on information is important as the
abdominal obesity and discovered by waist-to-hip ratio, calculated by obesity epidemic contributes sig-
it indicates high levels of visceral dividing the circumference of your nificantly to the global burden of
fat – which wraps around the waist by that of your hips cardiovascular disease.”
organs and is linked to cardiovas- Ratios of 0.85 or more in women The good news is you can do
cular disease, diabetes and stroke. and 0.9 or more in men indicate something about it.
And in a statement published in high levels of visceral fat. Cutting down on calories and
the journal Circulation, they say So even people who would not regular exercise – about 150 min-
medical check-ups should always be considered overweight, could utes a week – can burn off abdomi-
include abdominal as well as have an increased risk of heart dis- nal fat. And the most beneficial
BMI measurements. ease if their bellies are round. physical activity is aerobic exer-
Abdominal obesity is measured Meanwhile, obese people with a cise, said the US researchers.
Picture: BNPS
Facial Oil “With every pot you never know
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Brought to you by never seen one that colour before
so I think I’ve been very lucky.”
A spokesman for National
Lobster Hatchery in Padstow,
said: “It is a pretty rare colour to
*Discount code only redeemable against one month rolling subscriptions to new customers.
come across – about a one-in-two
Pot luck...fisherman Tom million chance.”
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 23
Pictures: SWNS
By Tom Campbell
A BIRD’S-EYE view of Concorde on its By Tom Bevan digital shot is being sold via a block-
SURVIVORS of the final flight could be yours via a digital chain auction. Blockchain is the tech
Chernobyl nuclear auction – said to be the first of its kind. Heathrow to Filton airfield, Glos, where underpinning cryptocurrencies such as
disaster are more likely The iconic image shows the super- it was grounded on November 26, 2003. bitcoin and ethereum. It allows
to have genetic mutations sonic craft soaring over the Clifton Lewis said the innovative sale salutes information to be distributed, but not
that could lead to cancer. Suspension Bridge in Bristol. revolutions from three centuries, add- copied, meaning each piece of data has
But the problems have It has been described by broadcaster ing: “The image was about uniting engi- only one owner. Lewis’s photograph has
not been passed to their CNN as arguably “the greatest aviation neering triumphs of the 19th and 20th been “minted” as a non-fungible token
children, scientists say. photograph” of all time and shows centuries, showcasing Isambard (NFT) – transforming the digital work
The world’s worst crowds clamouring for a vantage spot. Kingdom Brunel’s suspension bridge into a verifiable asset that can be traded.
nuclear accident spewed Photographer Lewis Whyld, 43, from and the Concorde. The 24-hour sale starts when a reserve
radioactive elements London, took the shot from the skid of “Now it unites those with technologi- price of 20 ethereum (£35,000) is met.
into the atmosphere on Hot shot...Lewis Whyld a helicopter as Concorde flew from cal advances of the 21st century.” The ● To view, visit: foundation.app/whyld
April 26, 1986.
It killed up to 27,000
people – though some
experts believe even
more died – when a
reactor exploded at the
Ukrainian power plant.
Now scientists have
compared thyroid
tumours, tissue and
blood from hundreds of
survivors with those of
people not exposed.
They found victims
subjected to radiation
had more cancer-causing
double breaks in their
DNA. These are hardest
for the body to repair.
Young survivors were
the worst affected.
However, a separate
study found children
with at least one parent
exposed to radiation
from the blast did not
inherit cell mutations.
By Alice Hughes
BRITONS will spend the
equivalent of 22 years,
one month and four days
of their life online.
A study of 2,000
adults found the typical
week will see 59 hours
spent using the internet.
This amounts to 128
days a year, or 22 years
over an adult lifetime.
The study by
NordVPN also found
that during the week, For sale...the
seven hours and 55 iconic image
minutes is spent of Concorde’s
streaming TV shows and final flight
films while three hours
and 10 minutes goes on
By Emily Beament
HELICOPTERS are Agony...brother Damik hugs mum Katie,
lifting hundreds of bags left. Above, Daunte’s coffin, and the choir
of stone on to England’s
highest mountain to Overcome...From
left, dad Aubrey,
repair paths and prevent Rev Sharpton,
further erosion. mum Katie,
Work is starting this sister Diamond
week on the most and Mr Crump
popular route up to the
summit of Scafell Pike in
the Lake District.
It is climbed by more
than 250,000 walkers a
year but more are
expected with the easing
of lockdown restrictions.
But pressure from
walkers and Cumbrian
weather is leading to
rapid erosion of paths,
said the National Trust.
It is hoped the work,
which includes replacing
stonework, defining the
footway and installing
drains, will protect the
area and the upland
grassland habitat and the
rare plants it supports.
Most of the work on
the six-month project is
to be carried out by
hand by a team of
rangers using materials
found on the mountain
where possible.
she mistook her gun for a Taser. attorney Ben Crump as they paid died – we can’t understand why.
Daunte Wright’s funeral was held at a tribute. Rev Sharpton said in his Why did he die the way he died?”
church in Minneapolis two weeks after he eulogy: “I don’t care how much A gospel choir sang and some
DINING companions
influence what we eat
– and we are more likely
to mirror their choices, a
massive study found.
We tend to opt for
healthy meals if pals do.
But even eating with a
casual acquaintance can
affect how both order.
Researchers followed
6,000 hospital staff over
two years – collecting
data on three millions By Paul Jeeves Fisher said: “We took advice from the council meetings resume, perhaps in
encounters. They found Yorkshire Local Councils Association July, it would be open to members to
pairs were more likely to A COMMUNITY stalwart who has and the rules are quite clear. co-opt the two councillors back.
have healthy options served his area for more than 50 years “If a member doesn’t attend meet- Other councillors have been hit by
when they sat with has been “sacked” as a councillor for ings for six months without a good the six-month rule where they had to
co-workers who failing to attend meetings on Zoom – reason, they must be disqualified. attend meetings virtually.
regularly ate well. because he does not have a computer. “If we had not disqualified the two
Dr Douglas Levy, of Dennis Baxter, 91, who picks litter councillors, every decision the parish Backlash
Massachusetts General from a playing field near his home council then made that they partici-
Hospital, told Nature every day, is the longest-serving Offline...Strensall’s usual council venue pated in would have been unlawful.” A member of Craven District
Human Behaviour member of his parish council. He said people could give their Council, North Yorks, was disqualified
journal: “People may But he was disqualified after been picking litter up every morning.” apologies and remain on parish coun- last year because he failed to
change behaviour to national rules meant that, as he had Chairman Tony Fisher said Strensall cils, but not being able to attend attend a meeting for six months via
cement a relationship. not “attended” a meeting in six with Towthorpe Parish Council had no because they could not use Zoom was video-conferencing, which sparked an
“Co-workers may months, he could no longer serve. choice but to disqualify Mr Baxter not considered a sufficient reason. angry backlash.
also give each other All council meetings have been on under national rules. He said it was “quite sad” as Mr Earlier this year, a fiery exchange
license to go for Zoom because of Covid restrictions. Another councillor, Raymond Baxter had been a parish councillor at Handforth Parish Council in
unhealthy foods or exert Mr Baxter, from Strensall, North Maher, has also been disqualified too for more than 50 years, but added: Cheshire went viral when members
pressure to make a Yorks, said: “I haven’t got a computer. because, although he does have a “We have no choice”. were disqualified for not attending
healthier choice.” There’s a playing field here and I have computer, he“doesn’t do Zoom”. Mr Mr Fisher said when normal parish meetings.
Will the
By Emily Retter
ERHAPS the writing was on the wall
when a teenage Emerald Fennell was
ordered by her exasperated teachers
BACK in the headlines courtesy of a new to bounce a tennis ball alone during
romance with retired lawyer Ian Hollis, 17 PE lessons at upper-class boarding
years her junior, I’m reminded actress Sarah school Marlborough College. Home
Miles, pictured, has unseen letters from late may have been with the smart set in
lover Laurence Olivier in London’s Chelsea, where family pals
her attic. included Sirs Elton John and Andrew Lloyd
After rediscovering the Webber, and the Delevingne sisters, Poppy
“forgotten” letters in her and Cara, were firmly in her circle.
Sussex home – their But despite the silver spoon, the actor,
extramarital affair lasted writer and director, loved for her roles
“off and on” for seven in BBC’s Call The Midwife and Netflix’s
years – the Ryan’s Daughter The Crown, was never going to be
star, 79, was previously the jolly hockey sticks type epitomised
approached by an unnamed biographer by Marlborough’s famous pupils such
about making the contents public. as the Duchess of Cambridge and
Apparently reluctant, over three decades Princess Eugenie.
since Olivier’s death, Sarah’s remarked: “I’m She hated sports and would rather be read-
not sure Larry would want that.” ing gothic horror stories.
Destined early to defy expectations, asked
by her mum at the age of seven what she
NOSTALGICALLY recalling Margaret wanted to be when she grew up, the little
Thatcher publicising her 1980s anti-litter girl answered “actress” – but added, a little
campaign in Westminster’s St James’s more unpredictably: “I want to write stories
for royal
Park, Leader of the Commons Jacob about murder.”
Rees-Mogg mischievously adds: “Actually, And it’s that dark ambition which has now
litter had to be put down for her to pick up, landed the game-changing 35-year-old a
as there wasn’t any immediately to hand.” place in the history books as she becomes
the first British woman ever to be
nominated for Best Director at the
PRESENTER Jonathan Dimbleby, who left Academy Awards.
the BBC after 32 years in 2019, takes aim The nomination also makes her, alongside
at the corporation’s recent coverage of Nomadland’s Chloe Zhao who’s also in the
Harry and Meghan’s “toe-curling” US running, the sixth and seventh women ever
television appearance. to find themselves up for the Oscar. Never
Highlighting the BBC News website’s have two women together appeared on the
reporting of the couple’s explosive claims, Best Director shortlist, either.
he complains in The Spectator: “There was And only one woman in all 93 previous
no hint of scepticism and no reminder that years has ever won, The Hurt Locker’s
these were unsubstantiated allegations Kathyrn Bigelow who beat her ex-husband
against unnamed individuals who would James Cameron and his behemoth Avatar
never answer back.” in 2010.
Brother of fellow broadcaster David, For Emerald, the best friend of Killing Eve
Jonathan memorably had a royal scoop of creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge, it’s her debut
his own: it was during his 1994 TV interview self-penned feature film Promising Young
with Prince Charles that the heir to the Woman starring Carey Mulligan, that could
throne admitted to adultery with Camilla. now help her make history on Sunday.
HOLLYWOOD actor Sir Patrick Stewart,
now backing Labour MP Tracy Brabin’s bid
to be mayor of his native West Yorkshire, UT it’s not your usual Oscar fare:
was bemused about a bizarre falling out indeed Emerald is still pinching her-
with former party leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Labour luvvie Sir Patrick, 80, has since
self that her uncomfortable “comic
recounted: “Jeremy said horror thriller” about rape was made at all –
‘oh you’re looking very
well’, and I made some
let alone that it’s up for five Oscars overall,
including Emerald again for Best Original
Thanks to her darkly comic film, she is the
light-hearted riposte
along the lines of ‘you
can’t judge a book by
The oldest of two daughters, Emerald’s
father is high society jeweller Theo Fennell,
first British woman EVER nominated for a
its cover’. For some
inexplicable reason, this
annoyed him. He shot
whose customers have included the
Beckhams, Madonna and friend Elton.
Her mum is author Louise Fennell, and her
Best Director Academy Award. But then,
back ‘You know, Patrick,
you could just have said thank you instead
of making a joke out of it.’”
sister Coco is a fashion designer whose
clothes have been worn by the likes of Rita despite her impeccable connections,
Ora and Daisy Lowe.
Stewart, pictured, added: “I couldn’t
understand how he could take offence at
such an utterly innocuous remark.”
Emerald’s portrayal of Camilla in The
Crown takes us into potentially sensitive
Emerald Fennell has never played to type...
areas, her father was friends with the
Duchess of Cornwall’s rival, the late
Princess Diana.
THE late Sir Sean Connery is voted Britain’s
She says she was always remain on very good terms with
second best “male film star of the 21st
fascinated by Camilla and the Duchess of York, also a
century” in a new much-publicised poll,
had asked her agent to loyal customer, and her for-
only losing to Tom Hardy.
look out for a part play- mer dresser, Jane Andrews,
Yet he actually retired as long ago as
ing her. was working as a shop assis-
2003. Explaining his decision at the time,
“She’s always struck tant at Theo’s Fulham shop
Connery bluntly concluded of the movie
me as interesting – so when she killed boyfriend
industry: “I’m fed up with the idiots.”
much is written about Tommy Cressman in 2000.
her. I discovered how Apparently, she is not
DISCUSSING the days when she hosted
funny and brilliant named after the jewel but
star-studded garden parties, Dame Esther she is,” she explained. rather Emerald was inspired
Rantzen remembers on her latest With a nod to her by the 1930s it-girl Lady
podcast “a very celebrated lady” enjoying own background, she Maud ‘Emerald’ Cunard,
a steamy romp with a male companion added: “I’m basically who became infamous
“behind the Portaloo”. playing a chain-smok- for encouraging her
Offering his own recollection of Esther’s ing posho standing in
gatherings, former That’s Life! co-presenter a corner making cut- IN THE FAMILY: Emerald with her
Adrian Mills reveals comedy favourite ting remarks. So it’s not father Theo, writer mum Louise and
Frankie Howerd insisted on chasing him a stretch.” Her parents fashion designer sister Coco
around the swimming pool.
Houses are so deer around here
By William Janes
By Stephen Beech
DEERLY beloved,
A SIMPLE blood test we are gathered
could tell whether a here today...
patient with chest pains Residents on a
has had a heart attack. housing estate
Early treatment is vital could not believe
to limit damage but their eyes when they
current tests can be saw this herd of
invasive or take time. grazing deer outside
Chinese researchers their homes.
Alex Sarzi-Sartori,
looked for markers in
36, said: “I opened
the blood that form a the window and the
“unique fingerprint” to deer were just right
diagnose a heart attack. there, chilling in the
They found small shade, so I grabbed
molecules, called my camera.”
metabolites, in the The deer had
blood which can identify braved the A12 to
tell-tale markers. reach the estate in
Study corresponding Harold Hill, Romford,
author Dr Xiangqing east London, from
Kong, of the First Dagnam Park.
Affiliated Hospital of However, Harold
Nanjing Medical Hill Deer Aid warned
University, said: “Such people to stay away
markers could be Seen and herd... as the deer “are wild
the deer relax on and unpredictable”.
helpful in confirming a housing estate
a heart attack in a
timely manner
when angiography
is unavailable.”
A suspected heart 4)01
attack patient will still
undergo various tests
but the blood sample
will be useful in quickly Self Watering
Tomato Tower
eliminating causes. The
findings are in Frontiers
In Cardiovascular
'ROSKLQV £19.99
By William Janes
friendships and develop DAME Helen Mirren says the By Stian Alexander
rivalries – much like 1970s were a “terrible time”
humans, a study reveals. for women when they were dig her heels in working in the
The mammals, said to “more objectified than ever”. movie industry, she admitted:
be one of the most The Prime Suspect star, 75, “Sometimes I had to stand my
intelligent animals, who won a best actress Oscar ground in my career.
create team membership in 2007 for her performance “I was always a little bit
based on co-operation. in hit movie The Queen, bolshy and a bit annoying, I’m
Dolphins who have said she was “really cross” sure, as a younger woman.”
assisted each other in the she had to live through the She also said she remem-
past go to their aid when 1970s as “an adult”. bered her mother Kathleen Featuring a planter, The ingenious base
called – but the opposite Speaking in the latest edi- telling her she should learn water well and four levels, allows your plants to have
is true if they haven’t tion of Reader’s Digest, out how to iron a man’s shirt. this tower creates a great constant access to water
helped, say University of this week, the actress said Dame Helen said: “My environment for growing as they need it, and you
Bristol scientists. women were suddenly “objec- mum was once ironing a shirt tomatoes, peppers, can top this water up
They also respond to tified” – treated as sex objects and said, ‘Come here, I’d runner beans, peas and by filling the well on the
friends of allies – – as soon as the Swinging better teach you’. blackberries. base of the planter, or by
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Afro-punk duo Opal & Nev murdered her sister, so
were about to hit the big parents they’re going
Detective Jacob Berger is travelling round Europe but
time when they imploded determined to bring her to
following a race riot at a move into a chaotic
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music showcase in 1971. one hot on her trail.
Singer Opal had left and try to lose their virginity.
Taryn and Jacob are The 20-year-olds aren’t
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A “goofy white boy” with he world is undergoing Set in 1971, this story of
a region below the possibilities beyond so the searchers are self-discovery, friendship
song-writing chops, he rapid change as we Sahara, which has our world. convinced Taryn knows its and family is a life-affirming
heads to America, sees enter a new era of seen an estimated As the space race whereabouts. and upbeat read, with
Opal perform in a complex power rivalry. 3.8 million people gathers pace, and Epic, imaginative and Emma Kennedy’s
nightclub, and persuades And, in The Power Of displaced in recent great powers exquisitely written, this is trademark warmth and
her to work with him. The Geography, a sequel to the years, many seeking including the US, a feat of fantastical humour shining through
duo make a record which word-of-mouth bestseller to reach Europe, Russia and China world-building. every chapter.
achieves cult status. Prisoners Of Geography, Tim and that number is integrate space BY EITHNE FARRY BY EMMA LEE-POTTER
But the record company Marshall looks at 10 key world only set to climb. warfare into their military
want a bigger fan base and regions and considers how On to Ethiopia which, with budgets, it is increasingly likely
the ill-fated musical they are likely to shape our 12 large lakes and nine major to become another source of Dreamland
showcase seems the ideal futures. In his expert hands, it geopolitical tension.
solution. No one reckoned makes for fascinating reading.
rivers, is empowered by water. Rosa Rankin-Gee
Its neighbours are reliant And throughout this Scribner, £14.99
on the nastiness of another The journey begins in on its supplies, creating a accomplished book, the reader
act on the bill. Australia, increasingly taking region where future ‘water is frequently reminded that a Set in a near-future Margate, this brilliantly
The band’s compelling centre stage because it sits wars’ are likely. new empire is relentlessly bleak dystopian novel is seen through the eyes
story is told by a multitude below the world’s most Then there is Saudi Arabia, extending its sinister reach of Chance, a teenage girl who moved to the
of voices interviewed by economically and militarily where oil is running out, and – the superpower that is rundown seaside town with her mother and
journalist S Sunny Shelton. powerful dictatorship – China. post-Brexit United Kingdom, China, exploiting every brother, thanks to a £500 government
Her father Jimmy was a So Australia finds itself which remains a powerful and opportunity to gain power and relocation grant.
drummer for the band and adjacent to the economic influential nation. undermine its rival, the US. Climate change and the divide between rich
murdered at the showcase powerhouse of the 21st London is still a dominant This subplot and poor has pushed inequality in the UK to
– and she is determined to century and keen to play a global financial powerhouse underpins a ● To order any extremes. Chance’s life is filled with
find out exactly happened. bigger role on the global stage. and the UK also has an wonderfully of the books featured, poverty, crime, drugs and fear – until she
Fizzing with energy and The big question is who they astonishing output of culture, entertaining and please phone The Express meets Franky, a girl unlike anyone else
lyricism, this provocative will choose to play with. Bookshop on 01872
both of which earn immense lucid account, 562310, or order online at
she knows.
debut tackles racism, the The Australians also face the sums for UK plc. It is also written with wit, Their relationship brings light and
pleasures and pitfalls of challenge of climate change www.expressbookshop.co.uk.
seeking new alliances but fears pace and clarity. Standard P&P charge of love into Chance’s life – but all is not
creativity, and ultimately and the risk of large-scale the economic and military I can’t imagine what it seems. This compelling novel is
population shifts. Marshall £2.95 for orders under
celebrates music and its consequences of an reading a better £12.99. We no longer horribly plausible, chilling and feels eerily
power to transform lives. explores the fascinating independent Scotland. book this year. accept cheques or like a warning that’s come too late.
BY EITHNE FARRY possibility of governments As well as assessing other postal orders.
Armchair Explorer West Cork
Laughable Women’s Prize For
From walking the entire African In Ireland in the mid-1990s, Billed as “the topical news show Fiction Podcast
continent to taking the mind- French film producer Sophie for people who don’t like topical Ever wondered what your
altering drug ayahuasca in the Toscan du Plantier was found news shows”, this new weekly favourite authors read in their
depths of the Amazon rainforest murdered near her holiday home. podcast offers an amusing take spare time? Writer Yomi Adegoke
or even kayaking from Greenland The police suspected local man on the more light-hearted and finds out in the third series of this
to Scotland, this podcast’s guests have some Ian Bailey was responsible but never found enough bizarre stories of the news cycle. fortnightly podcast.
entertaining stories to tell. evidence to charge him. Hosts Jayde Adams, Red Richardson and Garrett In each episode she interviews a different female
Travel writer and photographer Aaron Millar Now, radio journalists Jennifer Forde and Sam Millerick discuss the ludicrous and overlooked novelist from across the globe about the books
interviews adventurers who share their best tales Bungey revisit the small town in West Cork where news of the week, from exploding corpses to that shaped their lives. Guests include Kim Cattrall,
from their trips. They’re all underscored by music the murder took place to find out how the tragedy psychic asparagus spears and chimps wearing Ruby Wax and author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
and sound effects that bring the stories to life. affected a tight-knit community. clothes. Episodes are a pandemic-and-politics-free And why not explore the previous two series of
Previous guests include presenter and explorer And they speak to Bailey, who denies murder but zone, which is a welcome relief. the show, hosted by writer Zing Tsjeng?
Levison Wood and Rebecca Stephens MBE, the has lived with the stigma of being the main suspect They also include snippets from their own lives, The Women’s Prize book club also discusses a
first British woman to summit the highest peak in ever since. Many interviewees have never spoken including when Jayde reveals she used to be different literary theme in each episode, such as
every world continent. publicly about the murder before. Cherie Blair’s personal shopper at Sainsbury’s. war, love or identity.
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 35
Music with
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September 1143. Sergeant Catchpoll hopes a fire at a
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around the city that seem linked, a hooded figure stalking
the streets, and a possible murder that has gone
undiscovered for several months, the duo have to work
together to uncover the arsonist and avoid getting more
than their fingers burnt in this puzzling investigation.
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Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 37
T’S ST GEORGE’S DAY AT get his own show as well, come pairing of the Spice Girls with folks, my husband definitely won’t
THE BBC! I appreciate it’s St November. Echo And The Bunnymen. get himself sent off for kicking out
George’s Day in lots of other Mike Ward And besides, these programmes This song of theirs, On Top Of at Diego Simeone in the 47th
places as well, but what I are only music compilations, The World, was recorded for the minute against Argentina.”
mean is there’s an actual previews celebrating performers with close England football team ahead of Elsewhere tonight, the
programme with that title ties to their respective nations, so the 1998 World Cup in France – penultimate part of CHURCHILL
(apart from the “It’s” and the tonight’s TV I guess the makers are on fairly safe and, as the official anthem, (C5, 9pm) brings us up to 1945.
exclamation mark, those are my ground. displayed a level of optimism that The war will soon be over, the
own) going out on BBC4 tonight The Irish one, for example, any England fan older than about Nazis will have been crushed,
at 10pm. persuasion. (Now that St George’s included U2, Van Morrison and The 12 could have told them was the Hitler will be dead – and Winston
I must admit that I’m slightly Day is, I mean, not the BBC, Pogues, while the Welsh featured kiss of death. will call a general election,
surprised. heaven forbid...) the likes of Sir Tom Jones, Dame “Looking like it’s going to confident that a grateful nation
I didn’t think the feast day of But then last month it put Shirley Bassey and Baroness happen,” they sang. “Knowing that will sweep him comfortably back
England’s patron saint was an together similar programmes to Bonnie Tyler. the time is right /With pride on our to power.
occasion the BBC was all that keen mark the feast days of Saint David Lining up tonight for England is side and the passion / We’ve got “Looking like it’s going to
to celebrate these days, now that and Saint Patrick, so I guess it’s a particularly broad range of acts, the glory in our sight...” happen,” he sang. “Knowing that
it’s considered rather too closely somewhat made a rod for its including Sir Elton John, Maddy I believe there was even an the time is right / With pride on our
associated with political own back. Prior and Joe Strummer. extended version, where Posh side and the passion / We’ve got
undesirables of a numbskully I’m assuming Saint Andrew will By far the oddest, though, is the Spice sang: “And don’t worry, the glory in our sight...”
PICKS OF THE DAY DID YOU KNOW? Rosie Jones began writing for The
Film: Suicide Squad, ITV2, 9pm Last Leg during their coverage of the 2016 Summer
Never mind the good, only the bad
Olympics. She has also written for Harry Hill’s Alien
and the ugly can be members of the Fun Capsule and 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown.
superteam at the heart of this
comic-book caper. Following the
catastrophic events of Batman v
Superman: Dawn Of Justice, the US
government sanctions hard-as-nails
Amanda Waller (a menacing Viola
Davis) to press-gang incarcerated
villains into doing its dirty work –
rogues such as hitman supreme
Deadshot (Will Smith), cannibal Killer
Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
and the Joker’s madcap moll and
manic blonde bombshell, Harley
Quinn (Margot Robbie, left) who steals
the show in this yarn about the
end-of-the-world antics of the Squad’s
adversaries and their minions.
By Deborah Stone
FTER months of online house-
hunting the end of lockdown
restrictions could well spark a mini
property boom – especially in
England, Wales and Northern
Ireland where stamp duty and
land tax holidays continue until June 30.
Now that stay-local rules have been lifted,
people contemplating a long-distance move
can finally resume real-life searches.
It comes as many of us have reassessed
our whole lives to decide whether we want
to work from home instead of an office or
move to live closer to family or old friends.
This was the experience of Dave and
Lynda Huzal, who spent the first lockdown
researching a move to Somerset from
Lancashire to be near their son and his
family. “The national lockdown brought
home to us the distance, how far apart we
were, and this made us start looking more
seriously in late April,” explains Lynda, 67.
The couple were torn between staying
near friends in Lytham St Annes,
Lancashire, where they had lived nearly 20
years, and family in Blackburn, where they
had both grown up.
But when Dave, 66, joined Lynda in
retirement 18 months ago they knew they
wanted to see more of their grandsons, Ted DISTANCE IS NO OBJECT: Dave and Lynda Huzal picked Cross Farm in Somerset so they could be near their son Christopher and his family
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Dave and Lynda managed to move into
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IVING space is designed to be managed to start their new life.
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On our ‘take anywhere’ Luggie Folding Scooter Range
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Beatingg Loneliness
After Loss
Nothing could prepare 54+5,:.+.'8*+9::./4-9='9-5/4-
Olympic high jump silver '96'8+6'8:B
medallist Dorothy Shirley- $.+'**9A5:95,6+562+145=3+'9
Emerson for the loneliness :./9(8/-.:'4*659/:/<+6+8954'4*/:9
that came with going home .5='3*+:+83/4+*:5(+(;::.+8+
to an empty house after the
death of her husband. 96/8/:'4*)'4*5'::/:;*+:59;6658:
WINNING FRIENDSHIPS: Dorothy (right) proudly displays her medals to friends she’s
585:.?.'*2/<+*'4/4)8+*/(2+2/,+ 5:.+89/4.+825)'28'4).5,54+5, made at the Oddfellows.
#53+"2?36/)'3+9:8'<+22/4-:.+ 95)/+:/+9:.+"**,+225=9 3+3(+89:5/3685<+:.+7;'2/:?5, :./9='?45=='4::5;9+3?2/,+9
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I didn’t want
to go at first
The Oddfellows is the trading name of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Manchester Unity Friendly Society Limited, incorporated and registered in
England and Wales No 223F. Registered Office Oddfellows House, 184 – 186 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WB.
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 47
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FTSE 100 6938.2 +42.9
FTSE 250 22364.9 +279.1
FTSE ALL SHARE 3965.0 +29.4
Shares Traded 6183.4 million
AstraZeneca 7673 +53
Barclays 182¼ +1½
BT Group 154½ +1¼
Centrica 56 +½
GlaxoSmithKline 1348½ +½ THE London Stock Exchange has By Geoff Ho
Int Consolidated Airlines 200½ +6½ pulled off a massive coup after it was
Lloyds Banking Group 42 +¼ picked by tech group Alphawave IP for its the silicon intellectual property business
Marks & Spencer Group 158 +3½ upcoming £3.2billion flotation. model was invented by great British
National Grid 915 +11 The group’s IPO (initial public offer- companies like Arm and Imagination
Rolls-Royce Holdings 102¾ +3 ing), one of the largest of the year for the and where there is a deeply experienced
Royal Mail 498½ +2½ exchange, is backed by City investment semiconductor community.” BIGGER SLICE: Chain’s sales were up 18 per cent in first quarter
Saga 375½ +15½ giants BlackRock and He added: “There is
Vodafone Group 134 +1¼ Janus Henderson. a long track record in DOMINO’S saw “exceptional during the quarter while store
Whitbread 3411 +36 The pair will own the UK of investors trading” during lockdown, collections are trading at
£367million of who understand the with first quarter sales up 65 per cent of 2019 levels.
POPULAR SHARES ON THE SLIDE shares, giving them value of licencing 18.7 per cent to £371.3million. Mr Paul believes Domino’s
more than 11 per semiconductor IP.” Pizza chain CEO Dominic can hold on to its gains.
Aviva 397 -2¾
cent of the company. The Anglo-Cana- Paul said delivery orders He said: “The investments
BAE Systems 500 -26½
between December 28 and we are making give us
BP 295 -¾ Alphawave, which dian company has March 28 were particularly confidence in our ability to
HSBC Holdings 415½ -¼ makes semiconduc- been profitable since good, more than offsetting capitalise on opportunities
NatWest Group 192¼ -½ tors used in elec- FAST-GROWING: Semiconductor group it first started three lower sales from its Covid-hit which lie ahead as the nation
Royal Dutch Shell 'B' 1302½ -4¼ tronic circuits, will years ago. collection business. begins to emerge from
Sainsbury (J) 248¾ -1 use the money raised from selling shares It designs high-performance, energy- Deliveries grew 6.8 per cent lockdown restrictions.”
Standard Life Aberdeen 274 -¾ to accelerate its growth around the world. efficient semiconductors for use in 5G
Tesco 226 -1¼ It says the flotation will raise its profile and other high-speed digital communica-
4131½ -8 and allow it to reward and recruit key tions infrastructure.
employees and executives. The fast-growing company says it
The LSE has traditionally lost out on enjoys profit margins of 53.9 per cent
WALL STREET 33,814.0 ▼ -323.2
technology company flotations to Nasdaq and that since its formation, revenues RENTOKIL Initial has had a during the first quarter. Some
TOKYO 29188.2 +679.6
in New York, but recently it has seen have grown annually at 161 per cent. For sparkling pandemic thanks to £75.7million came from one-off
HONG KONG 28755.3 +133.4
success, attracting Deliveroo and cyber 2020 it had revenues of £23.6million. strong demand for its disinfec- disinfection contracts.
GERMANY 15320.5 +124.6
FRANCE 6267.3 +56.7
defence group Darktrace, which is Last year it booked contracts worth tion services. Hygiene more than offset
preparing for its own £4billion IPO. £54.1million, compared to £19.6million The pest control group said weakness at its pest control
STERLING VALUE Alphawave executive chairman John in 2019. With the rapid growth in data use that its hygiene division, which business caused by people
Dollar 1.383 -0.009 Lofton Holt said: “We are a global busi- it believes that huge growth will continue. provides hand sanitiser, soaps working from home.
Yen 149.549 -0.943 ness and proud to be taking Alphawave The IPO is being managed by Barclays, and deep-cleaning services, saw First-quarter revenues rose
Euro 1.152 -0.005 public here in the United Kingdom where JPMorgan and BMO Capital Markets. a 48.5 per cent rise in revenues 12.8 per cent to £711.3million.
GOLD($) 1780.60
TAYLOR Wimpey believes the hous- agreed to buy, worth £2.81billion, GREENSILL Capital’s Australian and its leadership, for authorities in
KRUGERRAND(£) 1287.24 ing market will remain buoyant. up from 10,853 worth £2.67billion parent company is to be liquidated, a Australia.
SILVER(pence) 1882.72 The house builder pointed to the 12 months ago. move that will trigger further investi- Greensill’s demise threatens the
BRENT CRUDE($) 65.11 extension of the stamp duty holiday Boss Pete Redfern called the order gations into the conduct of its execu- survival of GFG Alliance, the metals
until October, low rates, strong cus- book “healthy” and added: “The tives and its financial affairs. and energy empire of billionaire
OTHER INDICATORS tomer demand and willing lenders. UK housing market continues to be Administrator Grant Thornton Sanjeev Gupta. Greensill was the
Base rate 0.10% Taylor Wimpey’s order book has resilient and we are trading in line said it will begin a further review of main lender to GFG, which owns
Halifax mortgage rate 3.99% 10,995 homes that people have with our full-year expectations.” the collapsed British lender’s parent, Liberty Steel.
Retail Price Index +1.5% (CPI +0.7%)
House price Index +8.5%
Unemployment 1,703,000 ++ THE FTSE 100 THE FTSE 100 THE FTSE 100 ++ MARKET REPORT
Sindall was the biggest winner
3i Group.....................................1235½ +12½ 1257 735½ HSBC Holdings .......................415½# -¼ 455½ 283¼ Paddy Power Betfair .............14905 +210 16915 8808
A.B. Foods .....................................2313 +5 2494 1624 Imperial Brands..........................1487 -11 1735 1219 Pearson ..........................................794# +4 867¾ 423½ among main market shares
Admiral Group............................3190 -14 3257 2240 Informa.........................................552½ -11½ 598½ 354½ Persimmon...................................3156 +26 3210 2020 yesterday, rising just under 20 per
Anglo American......................3094# +25½ 3199½ 1354½ InterContinental Htl.................5106 +84 5312 3152 Phoenix Group .......................722¼# -8¾ 786¼ 554½
Antofagasta ..............................1805# -36 1872½ 765 Intermediate Cap.Grp .............2039 +38 2050 980½ Polymetal Intl. .........................1634½ +55½ 2050 1389½ cent to 2,235p on the back of a
Ashtead Group...........................4712 +62 4727 1803½ Intertek Group............................6138 +92 6440 4416 Prudential ..............................1491½# -1 1577½ 934½ strong trading update.
TOURIST’S POUND AstraZeneca.................................7673 +53 9320 6794 Intl Consolidated Airlines....200½ +6½ 219½ 91 Reckitt Benckiser .......................6801 +18 7960 5854
Investors clamoured for the
Aveva Group ...............................3925 +90 4102½ 2600 John David Group ...................... 923 +26½ 940¾ 476¼ Reed Elsevier ...........................1943½ +24 1961 1527½
Australia 1.74 dollar Aviva................................................397# -2¾ 420½ 229 Johnson Matthey......................3266 +79 3300 1845½ Renishaw.......................................6525 +90 6900 3182 shares after Morgan said business
BAE Systems ................................500# -26½ 541½ 397 Kingfisher....................................360½ +1½ 361½ 138 Rentokil Initial .........................507½# -4½ 571 441¼ was even stronger than it forecast
Canada 1.68 dollar Barclays ........................................182¼ +1½ 189¼ 87¾ Land Securities.........................719½ +16 725½ 489 Rightmove...................................... 619 +19¼ 683¼ 453¼
China 8.37 renminbi Barratt Development ..........779½# +9½ 794¾ 432½ Legal & General......................271¾# +¾ 296½ 178 Rio Tinto.........................................6005 +31 6480 3557 when it unveiled its 2020 results in
Czech Rep. 27.85 koruna Berkeley Grp Hldgs ..................4590 +30 4889 3902 Lloyds Banking Grp.................... 42# +¼ 44½ 24 Rolls-Royce Group ..................102¾ +3 136¾ 39 February. Its secured order book is
BHP Billiton ..............................2186½ +8 2357 1263½ London Stock Ex........................7708 +42 9910 6914 RSA Insurance Grp..................682½ 683½ 339¾
Denmark 8.17 krone BP ........................................................ 295 -¾ 365¾ 193½ M&G...............................................210½ -½ 231¾ 109 Ryl Dutch Shell ‘A’..................1363¼ -3 1583½ 900 worth £4billion, an increase of
Eurozone 1.14 euro British Amer.Tob .....................2743# +6½ 3275 2448 Melrose ......................................163½# +3½ 186¾ 83½ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘B’..................1302½ -4¼ 1518 866½ 15 per cent on last year.
British Land ................................511½ +9½ 532 322 Mondi ......................................1980½# +13 1988 1282 Sage Group ................................646½ +3½ 765½ 558½
Hong Kong 10.16 dollar
BT Group .....................................154½ +1¼ 156½ 97¾ National Grid ................................. 915 +11 991 806½ Sainsbury (J) ..............................248¾ -1 254¾ 179¼ FTSE 250 caterer SSP Group
Hungary 389.70 forint Bunzl................................................2456 +32 2603 1640 NatWest Group ......................192¼# -½ 199½ 93¼ Schroders ...................................3530# +1 3665 2534 was the second highest climber of
Israel 4.25 shekel Burberry Group..........................2068 +14 2123 1252½ Scottish Mortgage................1251½ +44½ 1415 630
Coca-Cola HBC ...........................2539 +41 2544 1755
Next .................................................8050 +140 8296 4422
SEGRO..........................................1010# +16¼ 1011½ 789½ the day, up 5.5 per cent to 328.6p.
Japan 142.97 yen Ocado .............................................2217 +46 2895 1590½
Compass Group.........................1580 +18 1607 1050½ Severn Trent.................................2447 +15 2589 2168 The highest climber from the FTSE
Mexico 26.06 peso CRH ...............................................3426# +3 3528 2268 Smith & Nephew....................1492# +26 1736 1336½
Croda International..................6850 +72 6896 4759 Smiths Group.......................1630½# +10 1643½ 1172 100 was the Scottish Mortgage
New Zealand 1.86 dollar
Norway 11.10 krone DCC ..................................................6412 +62 7204 5006 Spirax-Sarco ........................... 12285# +90 12310 8546 Investment Trust, which ended
SSE....................................................1509 +50½ 1612 1171
Poland 4.98 zloty
Diageo ........................................3316½ +88½ 3319 2440
St James’s Place...................1309½# +8 1358½ 781½
3.7 per cent higher at 1,251.5p.
DS Smith........................................413# -¾ 424½ 252¾
Russia 98.96 ruble Evraz ..............................................630¼ +12 638 239 Standard Chartered .............478¾# +4¼ 513½ 336¾ Defence giant BAE Systems was
Experian Group..........................2771 +82 3171 2258 Standard Life ...............................274# -¾ 331 204½ the biggest loser, falling 5 per cent
Saudi Arabia 4.94 riyal Ferguson ....................................9286# +74 9458 5294 Taylor Wimpey........................184¾# +1½ 191¾ 99¼
South Africa 18.97 rand Fresnillo......................................908½# -20½ 1357½ 673½ Tesco.................................................. 226 -1¼ 247¾ 202¾ to close at 499.9p.
GlaxoSmithKline ....................1348½ +½ 1742¼ 1190¾ Unilever......................................4131½ -8 4892 3733 The FTSE 100 enjoyed another
Sweden 11.15 krona United Utilities..........................967½ +10¼ 978¼ 822¾
Glencore ....................................292½# -½ 305 136½ positive day, closing 0.6 per cent
Switzerland 1.23 franc GVC Holdings..............................1665 +2 1705 664½ Vodafone Group.......................... 134 +1¼ 141 101¾
Thailand 41.04 baht Halma..............................................2615 +39 2622 2079 Weir Group ...................................1941 +26 2107 808¼ higher at 6,938.2, while the FTSE
Hargreaves Lansdown............1697 +27 1865 1348½ Whitbread.....................................3411 +36 3595 2049
Turkey 10.60 lira
Hikma ..........................................2437# -8 2695 2100 WPP Group.................................952½ +5½ 978 540¼ 250 also made gains, rising 279.1
United States 1.36 dollar points or 1.3 per cent to 22,364.9.
52 Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 RUGBY LEAGUE: BETFRED SUPER LEAGUE Picture: MIKE EGERTON
French polish
DON’T MISS for Warriors
BEVAN FRENCH stopped, Smith took
added an extra
WIGAN 22 the line on, was ankle-
dimension to Wigan’s CASTLEFORD 12 tapped just short but
impressive attacking flicked a superb pass
arsenal as Adrian By Gareth Walker inside for Hardaker to
Lam’s side maintained wasn’t quite there but finish.
their perfect start. it was good to get him Three minutes before
French made his first back on the field.” the break, the home
appearance after a Wigan led 12-8 at the side crossed again,
delayed return from break after the visitors French finishing his
Australia, with Lam opened the scoring, first from a Liam
picking him on the left Derrell Olpherts Farrell pass.
wing to retain in-form finishing a smart move The Tigers drew level
Zak Hardaker at in the right corner. again soon after the
full-back. The response from restart, with Olpherts
It worked perfectly, Wigan was impressive. scoring his second. But
with Hardaker Hastings made a break it was not long before
excelling again and from inside his own French completed his
French crossing twice. half, and after he was own double.
Sam Powell’s late
effort sealed a high-
quality win and, with Fages smokin’ on top
VALID ON half-backs Jackson
ANY SPORT! Hastings and Harry
Smith providing
the strings as
champions Saints into his path. Then
Sim ply cut o opportunities for Fages and Jonny
your voucher auntd
French and others, Lam made it four wins
from four to keep Lomax combined to
has a wealth of send in centre Mark
attacking options. hold of top spot.
take into shop The Warriors coach Fages gave Saints
the lead after five
Percival. Chris
McQueen pegged
said: “We joked in the
week about Bevan minutes, courtesy of back the lead minutes
scoring a hat-trick in Jack Welsby batting a after the restart
his first week back – he Lachlan Coote bomb before Lomax struck.
Inside tomorrow’s
players – including himself
– has taken him by characters here, me became Leeds’ fifth top
surprise. included, that at times try scorer during his
The Black & Whites are weren’t doing what’s best 12 seasons at the club.
unbeaten this season, and for the team. Handley, who signed a
back rower Savelio said: “I don’t want us to get long-term deal at Leeds
“It’s the stuff that you ahead of ourselves – we’ve this week, said: “Hally
don’t see, behavioural not been beaten but we’re was one of the best
things with people, only four games in – but wingers in the world. It
including me, that he’s he’s got us working for was great to follow in his
changed already. I didn’t each other.” footsteps. I want to keep
pushing to be better.”
think a new coach could GARETH WALKER
SNOOKER: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 53
By Hector Nunns
MARK WILLIAMS has seen his
controversial break-off shot
given the official green light
ahead of a titanic Crucible clash
against John Higgins today.
Murtagh is bowled
The pair have seven Betfred
over by milestone
World Championship titles
between them – sharing some
epic battles at the iconic venue. THERE are three
things certain in this
Williams, 46, famously did his “I felt back to my
press conference naked after world – death, taxes
and Tim Murtagh best,” said Murtagh,
beating Higgins 18-16 in a 2018 who will be 40 in
final viewed as one of the taking County
August. “I felt in good
greatest ever matches. Championship wickets. rhythm and it was good
And Higgins, 45, has won The Middlesex to pick up a few
only one of their three classic bowler scooped wickets because
semi-finals in Sheffield. up another against Surrey
This year, Williams triggered a quartet to take it always
storm in his first-round match by his first-class means a bit
continuing with a negative tactic total to 850. more – our
employed all season. It involves
rolling off just the back cushion
BARE And thanks local rivals and
WITH to Sam Robson a quality side.
to nestle in the pack of reds – (46no) and MURTAGH “I didn’t
preventing any chance of easy ME... Robbie White know it was
openers for his opponent. Higgins and (52no), who took that many wickets, but
Three-time winner Williams Williams Middlesex to 114-3, his I enjoy testing myself
actually has the fastest average before the
2018 final, and Toby Roland-Jones’ against the best players
shot-time on tour and is one of (3-41) efforts in
which the and I’m glad to answer
the game’s great entertainers. dismissing Surrey in
The Welshman is angry other Welshman the annual question,
won, leading their first innings for ‘can I still do it?’”
players were consulted on the
row, and said: “I am the fastest
to a very 154 were not wasted. DEAN WILSON
player on tour – there are more
important things going on in the conference
world than moaning about my
poxy break-off.”
Record seven-time world
champion Stephen Hendry,
commentating for the BBC, said:
difference between that and
other defensive shots?”
Higgins admits Williams has
Higgins said: “I’m so proud to
have come through with those
two guys.”
Racy Ron HARD TO
“I hate it. Mark has used it this
season but it is very negative.”
However WPBSA chairman
inflicted some of his most
painful defeats at the Crucible.
He said: “At this venue he’s
Williams said: “It will be
another great occasion against
John. Thirty years after we first
backfires SPLIT IT:
Jason Ferguson said last night: given me three of my biggest played and we are still RONNIE O’SULLIVAN was at the
“Asking the players for feedback ever losses; two semis and going. He is 45, I am 46 pegged back by Anthony Europeans
was certainly not a personal a final. He’s played and playing at the McGill at the Crucible. in Basle
attack on Mark Williams. unbelievable stuff worlds… it does The Rocket finished level
“He is one of the most against me. It will be not get any at 4-4 after the first
entertaining players ever, and a rolling back the years, better.” session of their best-of-25
class act. But the shot did creep and that 2018 final is frame last-16 clash.
in with other players. up there standard- O’Sullivan raced into a
BREAK WITH 4-1 lead boosted by breaks
“The rules committee chaired wise as one of the TRADITION:
by referee Jan Verhaas looked at greatest matches Williams has of 81, 105 and a superb
it and felt there was no need for here.” caused a total clearance of 138.
a rule change, and I agree. He’s Higgins, Williams stir with his But looking set to clear
done it because the standard of and Ronnie approach up for a 5-1 lead O’Sullivan, TENNIS OLYMPICS
long potting has improved so O’Sullivan all turned below, chasing
chas a
much… and what is the pro in 1992. seventh crown,
seven TOP seed Rafa Nadal TEAM GB chief
sscrewed the
scr booked his place in the Mark England says
cue ball back
cu quarter-finals of the British athletes are
Fury’s super-fight is no Josh, says Hearn 6. Which horse won the 2,000 Guineas, the Derby
and the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe in 1989?
7. What number lies between the 5 and the 1 on a
NTHO JOSHUA’S BOXING away despite a verbal the biggest fight in British
8. Which tennis player partnered John McEnroe to
£200million super-fight By David Anderson agreement for a two-fight boxing, when all the three Wimbledon men’s doubles titles in the
against Tyson Fury is deal, but promoter Hearn heavyweight belts will be Eighties?
“10 percent
“100 Fury’s camp on Sunday said: “It’s as done as it up for grabs. It may 9. What name is given to a type of competition in which each contestant
happening”. and says both sides are can be. It’s non-stop at happen in late July or meets all other contestants in turn?
Eddie Hearn tweaking the agreement. the moment, but it’s 100 early August so Joshua, 10. Which team did Chelsea beat in the replayed 1970 FA Cup final?
se a proposed
sent Fans are concerned how percent happening.” left, could be without 9 Round robin. 10 Leeds.
ven and date for
venue long it is taking to nail Saudi Arabia have trainer Rob McCracken, 4 Christian Benteke. 5 Vladimir Kuts. 6 Sea the Stars. 7 20. 8 Peter Fleming.
the und
the undisputed world down the details. Fury offered the biggest purse who will be with Team ANSWERS: 1 Axar Patel. 2 Jonathan Woodgate. 3 Kimi Raikkonen.
heavyweight title clash to has threatened to walk and are nailed on to host GB at the Olympics then.
54 Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 RUGBY UNION: GATLAND EYES ENGLAND WING
Premier League DARTS
LEICESTER (3) ....... 3 WEST BROM (0) ... 0 PREMIER LEAGUE (Milton
Vardy 23 Keynes): R Cross (Eng) bt G
Evans 26 Durrant (Eng) 7-5; J Clayton (Wal)
Iheanacho 36 bt M van Gerwen (Ned) 7-3, N
P W D L F A Pts Aspinall (Eng) bt G Anderson (Sco)
Man City ................. 33 24 5 4 69 24 77 7-2.
Man Utd .................. 32 19 9 4 64 35 66
Leicester ................. 32 18 5 9 58 37 59 GOLF
Chelsea ................... 32 15 10 7 50 31 55 ZURICH CLASSIC OF NEW
West Ham ............... 32 16 7 9 53 42 55 ORLEANS (Avondale, Louisiana)—
Tottenham ............... 33 15 8 10 56 38 53 Early 1st Rnd scores (USA unless
Liverpool ................. 32 15 8 9 54 38 53 stated, Par 72): 62 V Hovland (Nor)
Everton ................... 31 14 7 10 43 40 49 & K Ventura (Nor), 63 C Champ &
Arsenal ................... 32 13 7 12 44 36 46 T Finau, B Horschel & S Burns, K
Leeds ...................... 32 14 4 14 50 50 46 Bradley & B Steele, M Hubbard &
Aston Villa ............... 31
Wolves .................... 32
Crystal Palace ......... 31
S Cappelen (Den), K-H Lee (Kor) &
K Stanley, 64 X Schauffele & P ONE TO
Southampton........... 32
Newcastle ............... 32
Brighton .................. 32
Cantlay, B Watson & S Scheffler,
65 M Thompson & W Gordon, D
Willett (Eng) & T Hatton (Eng).
Jack Nowell
Burnley ................... 32 8 9 15 26 45 33
Fulham.................... 33 5 12 16 25 43 27 (Spain)—1st Rnd (Gbr & Irl unless will put
West Brom .............. 32 5 9 18 28 62 24 stated): 63 R Roussel (Fra), M his Lions
Sheff Utd................. 32 4 2 26 17 56 14 Kieffer (Ger), J Luiten (Ned), J B. credentials
CRICKET Hansen (Den), 64 W Besseling
on the line
LV= COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP (Ned), S Jamieson, R Bland, M
GROUP 1 Ford, J Suri (USA), B Evans, A Del in Bristol
Durham v Derbyshire (Emirates Riv- Rey (Spa). tonight
erside): Durham 307-4 (96 overs; D ICE HOCKEY
G Bedingham 170no, J T A Burn- ELITE LEAGUE: Coventry Blaze 5
ham 75). Sheffield Steelers 7.
Sale ..........16
Harlequins 16
Hunter’s final hurt as Poppy earns her day
Detroit 117, San Antonio 87 Miami
107, Sacramento 128 Minnesota North’pton 16 9 0 7 8 349 306 46 ENGLAND captain Sarah By Alex Spink said: “Sarah understands she is in the best shape she
Lon Irish ...16 6 2 8 9 315 354 41 Hunter has been dropped the situation. has ever been.”
125, Portland 105 Denver 106, LA
Clippers 117 Memphis 105.
Bath..........16 8 0 8 8 362 433 40
to the bench for 67-3 win in Italy. But Red “She’s not quite at the England were denied the
Leicester ...16 8 0 8 4 336 340 38
CYCLING Wasps .......16 6 0 10 7 336 424 31 tomorrow’s Six Nations Roses boss Simon Middleton level she would want to be chance of a hat-trick of
Newcastle .16 6 0 10 2 238 298 30
Gloucester.16 4 0 12 10 347 420 26 final against France. has chosen to start Poppy and we need, which is to Grand Slams when Covid
Bilbao (Spa) Bahrain Victorious 4h
39m 42s, 2 A Vlasov (Rus) Astana Worcester .16 3 0 13 7 234 426 19
Hunter, left, started Cleall at No.8 at be expected after 13 restrictions forced a
Premier Tech, 3 S Yates (Gbr) Team Guinness Pro14 Rainbow Cup
BikeExchange both at same time, (8.15): Edinburgh v Zebre, Ulster v her first Test for 13 Twickenham Stoop. months out. shortened format.
4 N Quintana (Col) Arkea-Samsic Connacht. months a fortnight ago, Middleton, who passes the “Poppy has a really good But victory over France
+58s. Overall: 1 S Yates (Gbr) 15h SNOOKER leading England to a captaincy to Emily Scarratt, all-round game. Physically would still be notable.
31m 48s, 2 Bilbao +58s. World Championship (Sheffield).
FOOTBALL: CARABAO CUP FINAL Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 55
Sunday, February 24, 2008 FIGHTER: Lingard at West Ham
CHELSEA 1 (Drogba 39)
TOTTENHAM 2 (Berbatov
70 pen, Woodgate 94) I almost quit
CHELSEA (4-3-3)
Cech; Belletti, Terry,
Carvalho, Bridge; Lampard,
in lockdown
Mikel (J Cole 98), Essien
(Ballack 88); Wright-Phillips
(Kalou 72), Drogba, Anelka
says Lingard
By Paul Brown
JESSE LINGARD has revealed
Robinson; Hutton, Woodgate, he almost walked away from
King, Chimbonda football as he battled mental
(Huddlestone 61); Lennon, health issues during lockdown.
Jenas, Zokora, Malbranque The Manchester United
(Tainio 75); Keane (Kaboul winger has found a new lease of
102), Berbatov life on loan at West Ham, forcing
Referee: M Halsey. his way back into the England
Attendance: 87,660. squad.
But he admits that lockdown
blues, his mother’s depression,
put that right. from Middlesbrough. back off the Spurs defender and into to your beliefs. Get your players
But he fears even ending their But the 41-year-old, who was man the net. onside and have conversations with
trophy drought might not be enough of the match that day, still believes it Woodgate recalled: “I was getting them. That’s the key.
to convince Harry Kane to stay at was only possible because Michael cramp at the time. I pointed to JJ to “I know he’s still a young guy but
the club. “They have to start Dawson suffered a hamstring injury put it in the right area and I would he’s been trusted with that job until
winning trophies with the stadium
they have built and the players they
have,” said Woodgate.
“They have the best striker in
England in Harry Kane. They need
in the build-up.
He said: “It was down to Michael’s
misfortune really. I am sure he
would have started. It’s the only
trophy I won so it’s got to be one of
go and attack it.
“I didn’t always think [Didier]
Drogba was great at marking from
set-plays and he was marking me. I
thought if JJ put it in the right area,
the end of the season so he must be
good at it. It’s an incredible
opportunity for him. He’s Spurs
through and through so he’s
someone the fans can relate to also.”
● WEST HAM have joined a long list of
clubs interested in Norwich full-back
Max Aarons. The Canaries are ready to
for Blades 0
Source: Opta
By David Anderson
squad have been told
they are playing for
their careers.
With the Blades’
relegation confirmed,
caretaker boss Paul
our season
is over in
terms that
we know
what our fate
is, we’ve still got six
games where we have
points we can win.
“Players are playing
for pride and their own
careers, so that’s our
focus. That’s the
importance of the
games in front of us.
“The bigger picture
is playing for careers.”
A SWIFT Vardy blasts home the opener and
just 13 minutes later Iheanacho is
TREBLE celebrating after scoring the third
Southampton on Sunday. By James Nursey charged in at the back post to
7%)'().'*534' And there was no let up head in Tielemans’ corner, which
!3),93,)03).4/!0/#+%4)$%!, whatsoever as City kept their foot as they consolidated third. They was helped on inadvertently off
on the accelerator to stay on almost took the lead in the second Phillips.
3)'(43%%).'!.$4!+).'/.(/,)$!9 course for a top-four finish too. minute when Iheanacho did well With Albion losing their heads
5,4)#/!4%$ --/"*%#4)6% Rampant Leicester were three to rob a dithering Conor in a torrid spell, Castagne also
,%.3%3).#/20/2!4).',!4%34()'( goals to the good at the break Townsend. lashed a shot against the post.
15!,)49/04)#!,4%#(./,/'9 against 19th-placed West Brom, The in-form striker raced clear But Iheanacho netted the third
%.42%&/#53).'7)4(/.%%9% whose recent revival scarcely on goal but took a heavy touch in the 36th minute with a
0)%#%$)/042%!$*534-%.44/35)49/52 seemed believable on this which allowed keeper Sam composed close-range finish from
/7.%9%3)'(40,53&/,$$/7.25""%2 evidence. Johnstone to force him wide. Vardy’s excellent run and
%9%#503&/253%7)4(30%#4!#,%3 Perhaps Albion should have Iheanacho then had a shot cut-back.
/-%3).3-!243),6%2#/,/52 known they were in for a torrid which Johnstone did well to block. It was the striker’s 13th goal of
).#,5$%3#!3%72)34342!0,%.3 night when Mbaye Diagne But West Brom also had a 2021 – second to only Harry
$534#!030/,)3().'#,/4(!.$ managed an astonishing air-shot superb early chance when Kane, who has 15.
9%!2'5!2!.4%% early on. Matheus Pereira picked out Unimpressed Albion manager
Vardy showed no sign of
rustiness, though, his clinical
Diagne from Matt Phillips’ cross.
Yet the Senegal forward, who
Sam Allardyce sent on defender
Semi Ajayi at the break.
finish opening the scoring in the has two goals since joining on His side improved but never
23rd minute. loan in January from Galatasaray, looked capable of salvaging
Former Baggies defender Jonny missed the ball completely with anything and it was just damage
Evans headed a quick-fire second his effort. limitation.
I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to Trans-World Trading Offer DX717.
Please write your name and address on the back of your cheque.
before in-form Kelechi Iheanacho Albion were made to pay a LEICESTER (3-4-1-2): Schmeichel 7; Fofana 8
also notched in the first half. heavy price as Leicester then (Albrighton 62, 6), Evans 8, Soyuncu 7; Castagne 7,
Or please debit my… Visa MasterCard Maestro card It could have been even worse scored twice in quick succession. Ndidi 7, Tielemans 9, Thomas 7; Maddison 7 (Perez 72);
for Albion, who are nine points First Vardy ran on to Timothy Iheanacho 8, Vardy 8 (Praet 85). Goals: Vardy 23, Evans
Card no Iss no (if Maestro) 26, Iheanacho 36.
from safety with a shocking goal Castagne’s unselfish lay-off from
Valid from Exp date Security code WEST BROM (4-2-3-1): Johnstone 6; Furlong 6, O’Shea
difference and look doomed. Youri Tielemans’ defence-splitting 6, Bartley 5, Townsend 5; Yokuslu 5, Maitland-Niles 6;
Mr Mrs Ms First name ............................................................................ Initials ...................................................
Yet Leicester appear set for pass to end an 11-game drought. Phillips 6, Pereira 6 (Grant 73), Robinson 5 (Ajayi 46, 6);
Champions League qualification The striker buried a first-time Diagne 3 (Robson-Kanu 62, 6).
Surname ............................................................................ Address ...............................................................................................
WOLVES will write off striker Raul By Dave Armitage
Postcode .............................. Daytime tel no ..............................................................................................................................
Signature ............................................................................................................................... Date ................................................... Jimenez for this season.
non-contact and he still has not headed
The 29-year-old is making great
progress from a fractured skull but the ball, despite wearing a headguard.
this term
5DN. For customer enquiries please call 0207 722 2976. Offer subject to availability. Please allow 14 days for delivery. If not fully satisfied, please
return within 14 days for a refund/replacement. *Calls cost 12p per minute from a BT landline plus network extras. Calls from other networks Arsenal’s David Luiz at Molineux summer’s Olympics but Wolves
and mobiles may cost more.
in November. He has been back in say he cannot be considered before he
training for two months but it has been has played for them.
PGA Tour are
handing out £6million
to the player who ma
the most impact on
social media. If Tiger
sends out a picture ods
his sock drawer, he
Our Chief Sports Reporter tackles the big issues head on
push for change while
ED SMITH’S exit brought to
an end the position of
England’s chairman of
selectors, which is a loss to
comedy if not cricket.
Smith, below, was a safe
THE European football
rebellion should make
English rugby union’s
powerbrokers think twice.
Premiership clubs who
have wanted a closed shop
thought they were getting
somewhere last week.
Any deal still has to get
through the RFU Council,
and, having seen football’s
events this week, would
they want to be those who
signed the death knell of
dreams in their sport?
Remember, Exeter were in
the National Leagues.
he cringing apologies for rank and file have been buoyed by at these clubs is whether to push but helped to regenerate the east of Arsenal – but judge as you find, and
the European Super League this week’s unexpected and joyous on and try to remove those owners Manchester too. Tottenham, even he has been found with his
fiasco have been made victory for the common man. who brought shame to their though they were really just fingerprints all over the crime scene.
and emollient words There is a realisation in the institutions. chancers trying to get in with the Likewise, any lingering trust
offered by the big six air that their small voices can, This is their moment to strike cool crowd, could be a different United fans had in the Glazer
owners – their talk is of after all, be heard. while the force is with them. story. Daniel Levy might want to operation has been traded in the
rebuilding bridges and trust. It would be naive to believe Sunday sees the Carabao Cup keep a low profile. Across London, chase for a fast buck. Nothing Joel
They hope this will be the that it was purely fan power final at Wembley Stan Kroenke is facing a Glazer, left, says will alter that.
end of the matter. that sunk the ESL. The involving two of the mass protest against his The Glazers have proved
Short though football
supporters’ attention
internal opposition plotters – Manchester
within the clubs – City and Tottenham. It
Their small ownership at Arsenal
ahead of tonight’s
impermeable to dissent in the past
over the millions the family have
spans tend to be –
trophies and shiny
in a few cases also sees the tentative
expressed publicly return of club fans with voices can Premier League game
against Everton.
leveraged out of the club since their
takeover 16 years ago, but this will
new signings are – from players 2,000 from each among One might imagine be a test of their skin thickness.
prone to work to
reset and erase – it
and management the 8,000 at the game.
hit home, as An opportunity to
be heard there would
something similar at
be It is easier to insulate yourself
against the noise when you are
does not feel as
if the collective
did government enjoy live football again
threats of doubles as a chance to after all Anfield against John W
Henry tomorrow before
thousands of miles away and no one
can force the Americans to sell up,
memory card can intervention, but speak up. It is unlikely the Newcastle game but concerted calls for them to take
just be wiped in this the cacophony there will be much in the way of given the sense of betrayal felt on their baseball bats home will carry.
case. of protest protest against Sheikh Mansour Merseyside. If anything good is to come out of
The fan protests at provided the from City supporters, despite the Henry was supposed to be the the demise of this grubby project of
Manchester United’s straw that broke revulsion amongst their followers at lesser of the three evils when it self-enrichment then it might be the
Carrington training the cartel’s back. their involvement in the carve-up. came to the American venture exit from the English game of some
ground yesterday against The choice now Abu Dhabi benevolence has not capitalists who have bought into the of the rogues behind it. They will
the Glazers show how the for the supporters only transformed their football club top English football clubs – and not be missed.
58 Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 FOOTBALL: SUPER LEAGUE FALLOUT
things have happened in those
18 months than probably in
the past 20 years.
“We need to win every
Kroenke at the Zoom meeting:
“English football is clearly not
for you, you should leave.”
The Gunners director said:
It would be
that the architects behind the
European Super League will not
give up trying to get the project
game now in the
Premier League to
give us the best
possible chance to
“We asked ourselves,
what is worse: a
European Super
League or a
unfair for the
off the ground.
“The project is on standby,”
said the Real Madrid president.
“We’re going to continue working
be in Europe next
Tempers ran high
at a fans forum
European Super
League without
Arsenal? We also
asked ourselves what
players to pay
on the Super League. We’re all
together, reflecting on the future.”
A dozen clubs has been reduced
to just three – Real Madrid,
attended remotely by
Kroenke’s son, Josh, an
Arsenal director and chief
executive Vinai Venkatesham
do the fans want? The
global fan wants Arsenal
against Barcelona as often as
the price
Barcelona and Juventus – after yesterday. “English fans want to see
fans’ backlash forced nine to But Kroenke, above, insists more big matches, but you
rethink their actions. his father has no intention of also still want your cold
Perez added:“They have not selling the club while the nights in Stoke. We got it
given us a chance. We have to do
it now. We cannot wait three
board have plans for
substantial investment. He
“It was never our intention BIG CHANCE TO OUST OWNERS
admitted the Arsenal had “got to harm English football.” NEIL SQUIRES – PAGE 57
FOOTBALL: SUPER LEAGUE FALLOUT Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 59
Main picture: JULIAN FINNEY
in tomorrow’s Daily Express
express.co.uk/sport 18+, TERMS APPLY, SEE TOMORROW’S PAPER
By Gideon Brooks
OLE GUNNAR Solskjaer’s
preparations for Manchester
United’s showdown with Leeds
have been thrown into chaos
after he was forced to cancel
training because of fuming fans.
A group of supporters breached
security at the Carrington training
complex yesterday morning to
protest against the Glazer family’s
More than a dozen of them
blocked the main entrances and
held up banners saying ‘Glazers
Out’ and ‘51% MUFC’.
It came less than 24 hours
after co-owner Joel
Glazer wrote a
letter of apology
to supporters
Published by Express Newspapers, a subsidiary company of Reach Plc, One Canada Square,
London E14 5AP. 0208 612 7000. Outside UK +44(0) 208 612 7000. Printed by Reach Print-
...and Arteta
ing Services, St Albans Rd, Watford WD24 7RG; Reach Printing Services, Hollinwood
MIKEL ARTETA expects protests By Mike Walters against Everton tonight, Arteta, Ave, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8EP; D C Thomson, 80 Kingsway East, Dundee DD4 8SL;
against Arsenal owner Stan Kroenke and Tony Banks below, said: “I will try to prepare Independent News & Media, 124-144 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1EB. Bermont Impresion S.L
Avenida de Alemania 12, 28821 Coslada, Madrid, Spain; Deposito Legal no. TO-394/96; T.F.
at the Emirates tonight and said: players’ minds on the long shot of a the team in the best possible way. Print SA, Tenerife; EUROPRINTER SA Zone Aéropole, avenue Jean Mermoz,B 6041 GOSSELIES
“The fans are free to express “We know we might have a Tel. 0208 612 7000. Outside UK +44(0) 208 612 7000
backlash at
j is tto try to
turbulent week. Villarreal.
make the team
Arsenal legend Ian Wright joined Asked if the
a focused as
the chorus against the club’s lingering ppossible to
Daily Express Friday, April 23, 2021 1
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10 5 Each sequence –
Enter your answers as indicated by the arrows, including items connected
with our TV star, then read the letters in the shaded squares to reveal Solve our 1 2 3 4 5 6
the name of the London district in which she grew up (6). crossword, then
Solution in Monday’s puzzle pull-out rearrange the 7 8
letters in the
(Of tide) shaded squares 9 10
Our star’s Event in a recede Projecting
first name regatta edges of a to reveal the name
(4,4) Singer, _ roof 11 12 13
Paige of a TV show
(3,4,5). 14
5 Simon _, actor playing the title 15
role in 11 Across (4)
Work Sin City 7 The host of The X Factor, _
actress, 16
roster O’Leary (6)
Jessica _
8 John _, snooker player who 17
co-presented the game show
Trophy Big Break (5) 18 19 20
11 New ITV crime drama based
on the novels of Peter James,
Ringed Risotto with Richie Campbell (5)
planet ingredient 12 Actor who played the fourth
incarnation of the Doctor (3,5) 21 22
13 Comedian who is the only
Equipment permanent panellist on QI, _
Keen Davies (4) 22 Michelle Dockery’s 4 The longest-serving 14 Michelle _, former US
15 _ Edmonds, the presenter of Downton Abbey character, presenter of Blue Peter, First Lady appearing
Edible Deal Or No Deal (4)
Lyric mushroom
Ajar Lady _ Crawley (4) John _ (6) on the new kids’ show
poem 16 Celebrity chef and former I’m DOWN 5 _ Schofield, the co-host of Waffles + Mochi (5)
Watch Had food
face a Celebrity King of the Jungle, 1 _ Grylls, adventurer who This Morning (7) 17 Richard Ayoade’s
Gino _ (7) recently took Jonny 6 2000s drama with Alistair character in The IT
Our star’s 17 _ Mikkelsen, Danish actor
Shivering Jotter Wilkinson on a Wild Mackenzie and Susan Crowd, Maurice _ (4)
fever who played the title role in Adventure on ITV (4) Hampshire, Monarch Of 19 will._._, singer who is one
Hannibal (4) 2 One of the presenters of The _ (4) of the coaches on The
Power 18 US actress who played the Loose Women, _ Nolan (6) 9 The Flight _, new Sky 1 Voice (1,2)
Harm, rating title role in Lizzie McGuire, _ 3 _ ..., movie review show comedy drama with Kaley 20 Alf Stewart in Home And
Dirt Duff (6) whose title reflected the Cuoco (9) Away, _ Meagher (3)
21 _ Macfarlane, creator of year, which ran from 10 Shauni McClain in Solution in Monday’s
Family Guy (4) 1971-2018 (4) Baywatch, _ Eleniak (5) puzzle pull-out
Our star’s
role in
For every
Crashing Autumn
Symbol on Drinks
1 Which three-letter word can mean an 6 Which Canadian-born actor played the title
Nobleman a stave Young
brewed in implement with a handle used in sports role in the 1985 American film Teen Wolf?
Kitchen horse
bags or a mainly nocturnal flying mammal?
cupboard 7 Lasting from May-December 2015, The
2 Directed by Ryan Coogler, which 2018 1989 World Tour was a concert tour by
US superhero film starred the late which US singer-songwriter?
Chadwick Boseman and 8 George Milton and Lennie Small are the
Arcade Simon hit, Also-ran
Michael B. Jordan? two main characters in which 1930s
game _ Does It
Better 3 Which word beginning with A follows novella by John Steinbeck?
Off-the-cuff Assume ‘Tarzan Of The’ to form the name of 9 Which series, broadcast on the BBC,
remark praying a 1912 novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs? stars Tahar Rahim as Charles Sobhraj
(2-3) position
4 What, according to the famous slogan, and Jenna Coleman, left, as
Not Going is for life, not just for Christmas? Marie-Andree Leclerc?
Rocky hill Out star, _ Chore
5 With which cover version did English pop Solution in Monday’s puzzle pull-out
Invoice TV show group Tight Fit have a UK No. 1 single in 1982?
Turkish written by
ruler our star,
Wager Killing _ MENTATHLON QUESTION Which CGI character had a worldwide hit in 2005
Toward with a remix of ‘Axel F’ from Beverly Hills Cop?
1 Which singer released the album Come Fly Fly. Solve the clues and find the answers in the grid.
tower With Me in 1958? (5,7) Solution in Monday’s puzzle pull-out
location 2 What is the two-word Latin phrase usually
translated as ‘Time flies’ in English? (6,5) S T E R I A T S A D E R F
3 Who released the 1979 album Spirits Having
DITLOIDS Flown? (3,3,4) D E S N I N L J T R E M R
MUDDLESOME 4 Who starred as Major Dan Kirby in the 1951
If we asked you what “7 D of the wartime action film Flying Leathernecks? (4,5) R M U T E U R O W L N U A
We’ve scrambled up the 5 ‘Light Flight’, used as the theme tune to the
W” stood for, you would soon O P R E C B E H G B O L N
names of three historical BBC series Take Three Girls, was a song by
guess we meant 7 Days of the
Week, but what are the rather
English battles. Can you which British folk-rock group? (9)
work out what they are? W U N D C A P N P A S B K
more tricky ones below? Today’s 6 Which dancer made an early appearance in
theme is song titles with numbers. Solution in Monday’s the 1933 Hollywood musical Flying Down To R S W A N L A W H U N D S
Solution in Monday’s puzzle pull-out Rio? (4,7)
puzzle pull-out and the last 7 A cover version of Joni Mitchell’s song ‘This E F N I Z T O A R S H L I
one forms part of
the Mentathlon solution.
Flight Tonight’ was a 1973 hit for which
Scottish hard rock band? (8) H U A E N A B Y T B O O N
99 R B by N 8 Who starred as doomed scientist Seth Brundle
2) BOTANISTS GET HALF in the 1986 horror film The Fly? (4,8)
50 W To L Y L by P S 9 Which English aviatrix, the first woman to fly O I P D A H C E R P Y F T
solo from London to Australia, died when her
24 H F T by G P plane came down in the Thames Estuary in N T K R U N L D T E M F R
8 D A W by T B 3) BASH LOW early 1942? (3,7)
10 What was the original three-word title of the
LEFTFOOTED BRIT song ‘Fly Me To The Moon’ made famous by
2 O Of 3 A B by M L Frank Sinatra in the 1960s? (2,5,5) R S E E G E E B E H T J D