Daily Express (2021.10.02)
Daily Express (2021.10.02)
Daily Express (2021.10.02)
By Giles Sheldrick
Chief Reporter
are snapping up some of the
best-value getaways in years.
British Airways are offering
seven nights in Tenerife for a
rock bottom £269 per person –
with a week in Portugal costing
just £30 more.
Heathrow boss John Holland-
Kaye declared that travel would
start to return to normal as tests
are dropped from Monday. He
Why dancing before
Strictly was tall order
Temperatures in Centigrade
No bedder tribute to NHS.. confirming: “It’s time
to give Australians
their lives back.”
Sydney, Melbourne
North West: Cloudy with the chance of East Anglia: Unsettled with some heavy MORE than 100 flags By Emily Braeger a blue cross on a white and Canberra are in
squally showers, heavy later. Strong showers, mainly later. Strengthening made of NHS bed sheets circle, combining NHS lockdown at present.
southerly winds. Chilly. High 13C (55F). southerly winds. High 15C (59F). are assembled to create Luke Jerram, the colours with a universal
Northern Ireland: Bright with some London/South East: Showers or longer
From November
sunshine, but also heavy showers. spells of rain, heavy and thundery at times.
a tribute to frontline installation has been symbol of healthcare. people will be
Moderate winds. High 12C (54F). Strong southerly winds. High 16C (61F). Covid heroes. touring the UK and Luke, inset, said: “This eligible to travel
Wales: Rain during the morning turning South: Mostly overcast and cloudy with the Installed on Bristol’s Europe for the past year. piece reflects changing when their state’s
heavier but more showery. Moderate chance of heavy showers. Brisk southerly College Green, the But wwill be in moods and atmospheres
southerly winds. Chilly. High 13C (55F). winds. High 15C (59F). artwork is also a according to the weather
vaccination rate hits
place on the
Midlands: Rain during the morning turning South West: Mostly overcast and cloudy memorial to green next to
gre and how visitors interact 80 per cent.
heavier but more showery. Moderate with the chance of heavy showers. Brisk the losses Bristol
Br with it. Travel would not
southerly winds. Chilly. High 13C (55F). westerly winds. High 15C (59F). immediately be open
experienced Cathedral
C “I hope this artwork
North East/Yorks: Unsettled with the Channel Isles: Cloudy and showery, during the will create a framed to foreigners, but the
chance of heavy showers, mainly later. heavy with hail and thunder later. Near until October
Fresh south-easterly winds. High 14C (57F). gale force southerly winds. High 16C (61F). pandemic. 17. Viewed
17 space and moment in government said it
Scotland: Cloud will build and heavy rain Sea: North Sea: Rough. Irish Sea: Rough. Created by from above,
fr time for personal and was working
will spread northwards. Breezy with brisk Channel: Rough. local artist the flags form shared reflection.” “towards welcoming
southerly winds. High 12C (54F). tourists back to
UK OUTLOOK TOMORROW: Bright with sunny spells and scattered showers which will our shores”.
be locally heavy and thundery. Unsettled across Scotland with heavy rain and gales.
SIX-DAY FORECAST Temperatures in Centigrade
London 9 17 11 16 9 15 10 16 12 18 12 18
Belfast 8 12 8 13 7 12 10 13 12 16 10 16
Birmingham 11 16
7 15 9 15 8 13 9 14 11 16
Cardiff 10 16 11 15 9 15 11 15 13 17 12 17
Glasgow 10 13 8 13 8 13 10 14 11 14 11 16
Manchester 8 14 10 15 8 13 9 14 11 16 11 17
Newcastle 7 13 7 14 7 12 7 13 10 15 10 16
Norwich 8 17 11 17 10 14 10 15 12 16 12 18
Plymouth Tour...Roger Taylor
11 16 12 15 10 15 13 15 14 16 13 16
Merck research labs head Dr Dean Li said:
WEATHER SERVICE “When you see a 50 per cent reduction in
of depression over summer, compared
with the pre-pandemic 10 per cent.
ignorance and an
amount of arrogance.
0906 156 0206 hospitalisation or death, that’s a substantial
clinical impact.”
“I just don’t
understand them and
CALL OUR WEATHER LINE WHERE YOU CAN SPEAK LIVE WITH OUR EXPERTS FOR UP-TO-DATE FORECASTS. CALLS COST £1.50 PER MINUTE If approved, molnupiravir will be the first Covid on Thursday, more than twice the to be honest, I think
oral treatment shown to treat Covid. number at the same time last year. it is idiotic not to be
Supplied by MeteoGroup Meanwhile, the NHS said 863,460 people The Office for National Statistics said vaccinated. Pathetic.”
in England have had a booster jab, about one in 85 people in England was
CORRECTIONS AND COMPLAINTS infected in the week to September 25,
He added: “I think
including vulnerable groups and those [vaccine] passports
If we’ve published anything factually contactable for advice at IPSO Gate
inaccurate, please contact the House, 1 Farringdon Street, EC4M with weakened immune systems. up slightly from the previous period. are a great idea and I
readers’ editor by email at 7LG. Website www.ipso.co.uk Covid vaccines are thought to Saffron Cordery, of NHS Providers, do think we owe it to
expressletters Telephone: 0300123 2220, email have prevented 24 million infec- said: “No one should be under any
@express.co.uk or write to [email protected]. If you have a everybody else to not
Readers’ Editor, Daily Express at complaint concerning a potential tions and more than 120,000 illusions about the scale of the task spread the damn
One Canada Square, London E14 breach of the Code of Practice, we deaths. But hospital leaders warned we face in the months ahead.” thing around.”
5AP and, once verified, will deal with your the NHS was under severe strain and Infectious diseases expert Prof Mark
we’ll correct it as soon complaint directly or The rocker will this
as possible. The Daily IPSO can refer your could face its most difficult winter. Woolhouse said the Covid patient month embark on a
Express and Sunday complaint to us. Please There were 4,916 people in numbers must “fall signifi- solo tour featuring
Express are published go to
by Express Newspapers, a www.reachplc.com/how-to-complain hospital in England with cantly before pressure on material from his
subsidiary company of Reach PLC, where you can view our Complaints the NHS starts to build up new album Outsider.
which is a member of IPSO, the Policy and Procedure. A How To ‘Substantial impact’...Dr Li during the winter”.
Independent Press Standards Complain pack is also available by
Organisation. We adhere to the writing to the Legal and Compliance
Picture: ANDREW MILLIGAN/PA & GETTY Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 3
Digging in
and Charles
at Balmoral
PRINCESS Beatrice and By Steph Spyro much love and gratitude for my was said to be delighted.
husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi amazing wife, baby Although her mother is a
have named their daughter delighted to share that we have Sienna and Wolfie.” princess, Sienna, 11th in line
Sienna Elizabeth – and released named our daughter Sienna Beatrice’s sister, to the throne, will
prints of her tiny feet. Elizabeth Mapelli Mozzi.” Eugenie, wrote: not have a royal
The Queen’s 12th great- Adding her joy that five-year- “Congratulations on title. But she’ll
grandchild was born just before old stepson Christopher, known your new angel”, after always be a
midnight on September 18, as Wolfie, would now have a the birth at the princess to her
weighing 6lb 2oz. little sister, she added: “We are Chelsea and parents.
Beatrice, 33, tweeted the all doing well and Wolfie is the Westminster
name of the newest royal best big brother to Sienna.” Hospital. And Proud ANDREW LEGAL
Patter of tiny feet...print by Beatrice yesterday, writing: “We are Edoardo said: “Feeling so the Queen parents... FIGHT: PAGE 17
Edoardo and
bookings to the Med hotspots. inclusive resort on Lanzarote for “More destinations can be vis- PSST. Have you heard that
Iago Negueruela, the Balearics’ £338 per person. ited again, with fewer restrictions – summer has been extended
tourism minister, said: “Our islands Claire Bentley, the managing and in time for half-term and book- this year?
The dropping of pre-departure
are the ideal destination for an director of BA Holidays, said: ings for the coming winter months.
autumn break. “Throughout this last year we have “The decision is an enormous tests from October 4 has been
“Over the last few years, we seen surges in holiday searches leap forward in returning to nor- the biggest of holiday hoorays
for people who didn’t get a break Ice Travel Group
have been increasing our proposi- when restrictions are lifted, so we mality with regards to leisure
this summer and are keen to dip
tion to attract holidaymakers in know there is pent-up demand. travel. It eliminates the past uncer- and Greece if you’re double
their toes in overseas waters.
the low season. Especially we “Following the announce- tainty and boosts confidence and Since it was announced that vaccinated, the beaches there
have developed more experi- ment of the new interna- reassurance for overseas travel in the traffic light system was being have been proving popular too.
ences in three niches: active, tional travel system, [on the coming months. consigned to the scrapheap, The fact people have been
gastronomy and culture. September 17] there was “People have gone without for a we’ve seen our sales double. searching holidays to the US and
During the autumn months, an increase of nearly 70 very long time, missing holidays, Holidays are still being booked Turkey all summer, and that they
the Balearics continue to offer per cent in all holiday the sun and visiting other countries for this month to Turkey and are the two destinations that
warm temperatures which are searches. and cultures. Portugal. But with no testing have been the focus of a booking
“October was the most- “Now the UK is travelling again requirements to get into Spain frenzy in the last week, shows
TUI’s Fritz Joussen searched travel month, to more and more destinations –
Heathrow Chief
Seven nights AFTER 18 months of
at the all-inclusive postponed plans, cancelled
4* SunCity Hotel & holidays and video calling, we
Beach Club, Olu Deniz, are becoming more confident
departing Leeds vaccines are working and can
Bradford on October 14 look to the future.
from £379pp The summer saw the return
● Icelolly of gatherings, gigs and
weddings, but there are still
some people waiting with
BARBADOS bated breath to take a trip
Seven nights at down a different sort of aisle.
the 3* bed and From Monday new
breakfast Butterfly streamlined travel rules will
Beach Hotel, Maxwell, come into effect making it
departing Gatwick on much easier to fly abroad.
November 2 from The traffic light system will
£769pp be simplified, with several
● Travel countries now “green for go”,
Supermarket meaning fully-vaccinated
passengers will only need to
take one lateral flow test after
they get home.
If you are doubly jabbed,
there will be no more pre-
departure testing, expensive
PCR tests or quarantine.
These changes will help the
UK to start catching up with
our European competitors,
many of which have
eradicated testing for fully
vaccinated passengers.
Amsterdam has become
Europe’s busiest airport,
closely followed by Paris
and Frankfurt.
This was a title previously
held by Heathrow, but the
restrictions have caused our
Seven nights at
airport to slip to the more
the all-inclusive 4*
humble 10th spot.
HL Paradise Island
Air travel is vital for the UK.
Hotel, Playa Blanca,
We are a cosmopolitan nation.
departing Gatwick on
Many have friends and family
December 5 from
overseas we’ve been unable
to see for too long.
● Icelolly
Millions of jobs rely on
exporting goods and services
all over the world, and on
UK lost £32million – BA could fly Paris and Frankfurt usurp London, els of customer loyalty particularly they brought in 2019. Patricia welcoming international
students and tourists who
to only around five of its 30 which now languishes at tenth in with cruises, where 74 per cent of Yates, the deputy chief executive of
spend their money here.
American destination cities. that list. advance payments were switched VisitBritain, said: “It has been Heathrow’s passengers alone
Heathrow was once ranked the Since the pandemic erupted in to another booking. encouraging to hear bookings are account for over £16billion of
world’s busiest airport, but as many March last year, Saga said it had Bosses said demand was “very looking strong heading into spend across the country.
countries eradicated testing for focused on ensuring that customers strong” for 2022/23 departures, autumn, and interest and inquiries Much trade travels by air –
fully-vaccinated passengers Britain whose holidays were cancelled are and ahead of two years ago. for holidays at home have seen a in fact the same long-haul
lagged behind. rebooked or offered a cash refund. Revenue and length of passenger sustained up-tick. passenger planes from
The pandemic saw Amsterdam, The firm has witnessed high lev- stays are up 58 and 39 per cent. “Domestic travel intentions are Heathrow also carry exports
While around 37 per cent of reve- also up from the same time last and incoming supplies.
nue booked for 2021/22 is from year and most people still plan to While borders have been
there is a lot of pent-up demand. lateral flow test cheaply and customers choosing to rebook continue with their UK trip, even if closed for passengers, these
Britons are also booking winter easily. Some people haven’t cruises that were cancelled last all overseas travel restrictions are planes have been grounded,
escapes to the likes of the taken to the skies for a very year at the height of the crisis. lifted.” She added that “23 per preventing the economy and
Canaries, Turkey, New York, long time. The most popular autumn and cent of people surveyed, represent- holidaymakers from taking off.
Las Vegas, Dubai, The Maldives But the feedback we are winter destinations are the ing 12.6 million UK adults, From next week, well-
and Barbados. getting from those who take the Canaries and Caribbean. deserved breaks will once
intended to take an overnight
The holiday floodgates are yet plunge is that the actual travel again become an option for
Britain’s domestic tourism sector domestic trip this autumn. millions of families that have
to fully open, though. experience is a lot smoother
Would-be travellers are still than they expected – and
has been battered by the “This would equate to an until this point been priced
waiting for confirmation of when when they return, they book effects of Covid, with fore- estimated £3.1billion in out of trips abroad, separated
expensive Day 2 PCR tests will to go away again as soon as they casts showing £51.4billion domestic tourism spending from loved ones and cut off
be scrapped. are able to. will be spent this year: it with that money going into from the world.
Yes, the new system is easier So what does all this mean? was £91.6billion in 2019. local economies and sup- We are looking forward to
to understand, cheaper and will Well, there are incredible Meanwhile, £5.3billion porting jobs.” welcoming you back, helping
save time. bargains to take advantage of, will be splashed out by you enjoy your long-awaited
But people also need to know and you can get a lot of hotel overseas visitors – less OPINION: PAGE 14 journeys and supercharging
they will be able to pick up a stars and value for your money. than one quarter of British trade.
the £28.4billion that BA’s Claire Bentley
Carrie will
speak at
LGBT+ bash
By Macer Hall
CARRIE Johnson will make a
rare public statement next
week by speaking out about
LGBT+ rights.
The Prime Minister’s wife
will be the guest of honour at
a Pride reception.
It is being organised by
the LGBT+ Conservatives
group as part of the
conference calendar. Carrie
will talk about the need for
widespread support, known
as “allyship”.
A statement from LGBT+
Conservatives said: “We’re
delighted to announce that
joining us as our guest of
honour at our Annual Pride
Reception, in partnership with
Stonewall UK, is Carrie
Johnson, long-standing ally
and friend of the group.
“She will be speaking about
the importance of allyship.”
Carrie, 33, a former Tory
communications chief, is
pregnant with her second
child with the Prime Minister.
Thrilled BORIS Johnson has recruited a By Macer Hall and social care system in England is well spent. Sir Gordon is
former Armed Forces chief to lead Political Editor and improve results for patients expected to deliver a report from
The couple married in a sweeping overhaul of the and others in care. It’s key his review to the Health Secretary
Westminster Cathedral in May management of the NHS and social objectives are to: early next year.
after the birth of their son care system. leadership is so important to that ● Build on the best examples of He joined the Royal Marines in
Wilfred last April. General Sir Gordon Messenger, a mission. We are committed to pro- outstanding leadership to reduce 1983 and rose through the ranks
Elena Bunbury, chairwoman
retired Royal Marines officer who viding the resources health and regional variation in efficiency and to command 40 Commando
of the LGBT+ Conservatives,
said Carrie often attended the has served as a vice-chief of the social care needs but that must health outcomes from 2001 to 2003, including
group’s events. defence staff, will head the most come with change for the better. ● Develop the leadership skills operational deployments to
She added: “Carrie is a far-reaching review of the health “It will help make sure individu- needed across both the health Afghanistan and in the invasion of
longstanding ally, and has service for 40 years. als and families get the care and social care systems for the Iraq in March 2003.
always been a good sport to The Iraq and and treatment they need, next 10 years Sir Gordon will have a team
LGBT+ Conservatives. Afghanistan veteran is wherever they are in ● Bring in fresh ideas and talented from the Department of Health
“She even judged our virtual under orders to the country, as we leadership to make sure that every and Social Care and the NHS to
lip-sync last conference. ensure taxpayers get build back better.” pound of taxpayers’ money support him led by Dame Linda
“We’re thrilled she’ll be value for money Tory sources
joining us in person this year out of the billions expect the review
in Manchester.” extra promised to lead to the most RAAB IS RIGHT TO SEE THE POTENTIAL IN
Carrie, who is director of to the system by in-depth shake up
communications at the the Prime Minister of NHS manage- BUSINESSMAN Sir John By Benjamin Cooper
Aspinall Foundation wildlife and Chancellor ment since the Timpson has backed Dominic
charity, has spoken out about Rishi Sunak. Griffiths Report Raab’s call for offenders guilty of ago. And he hopes Mr Raab’s
environmental issues and low-level crimes to be used to fill suggestion may not just be a
highlighted animal cruelty in His appointment was under Margaret
worker shortages. short-term fix.
China. announced last night as it Thatcher’s Government. He said: “If this represents a
She previously worked for emerged senior Tories will Improvements That introduced general The Justice Secretary said
permanent shift in attitude, it will
sea-life campaign group make the NHS and social ...Sajid Javid managers with overall people doing community
significantly reduce the number
sentences could become
Oceana. Her other jobs for the care system a key theme at their responsibility for performance and much-needed HGV drivers amid of prisoners who reoffend and
Tories include working on her annual party conference. budgets. People from the private the transport crisis. will cut the vast cost of our
now-husband’s successful Health Secretary Sajid Javid sector were also introduced on to Sir John’s eponymous cobbler prosecution and prison service.”
campaign to be re-elected said: “I am determined to make the NHS management board. and key-cutting chain began However, he was realistic
Mayor of London in 2012. sure the NHS and social care Now Sir Gordon’s review aims to recruiting ex-prisoners 20 years about staffing possibilities,
deliver for years to come and increase the efficiency of the NHS
warns on
tax burden
By Macer Hall
JACOB Rees-Mogg fired a
pre-Budget warning shot at
Chancellor Rishi Sunak
yesterday, saying the country
can afford no more tax rises.
The Commons Leader said
the UK was already facing the
highest tax increases since at
least the 1970s.
His remarks are likely to be
seen as a warning to Mr Sunak
to introduce no further rises in
Quick march... his Budget on October 27.
General Sir Gordon Many grassroots Tories are
Messenger, left, understood to be unhappy
will give his report about the Chancellor’s 1.25
to Boris Johnson per cent National Insurance
early next year hike to raise £12billion a year
for the NHS and social care.
In an interview, Mr Rees-
Mogg said: “We are as highly
taxed in this country as we
have been, pretty much since
the war, certainly since Harold
Wilson was Prime Minister.
“The idea that there is all
this extra tax to be plucked
out is simply false. If we are
to have a strong and growing
economy, we are taxed
Pollard, the chairwoman of Leeds Minister is determined that every show Sir Keir Starmer’s party can crime, the economy and the envi- as highly as the country
Teaching Hospital. The review pound of investment in NHS and no longer claim to be the party of ronment the key themes of the can afford.
follows concerns among some
ministers and Tory backbenchers
social care is well spent.
They argue the review will also
the NHS. The Government’s extra
investment, expected to reach
four-day gathering, which ends
on Wednesday. Tension
that the £12billion a year raised by help Mr Johnson’s levelling up around £36billion by the next Home Secretary Priti Patel will
the Chancellor’s new Health and plans by reducing regional general election, aims to tackle the seek to reassure the nation that the “The Conservative Party has
always been the party of low
Social Care Levy could be disparities in health outcomes that huge backlog of operations and police can get a grip on a surge in taxation and sound money.
squandered on bureaucracy and lead to much higher rates of mor- treatment left by the pandemic. violent crime and anti-social And sometimes there’s a
management salaries and bonuses. tality and serious long-term illness Tory insiders say the recommen- behaviour that has followed the tension between the two.”
Mr Sunak’s tax hike has angered in neglected regions of the UK. dations from Sir Gordon’s report reopening from lockdown. Mr Rees-Mogg said hitting
some party members, with Mr Johnson will highlight how will be considered by Mr Johnson Mr Sunak will lead a day of the richest with a wealth tax
ministers braced for criticism on Labour voted against the new tax and Mr Javid. discussion about employment and could drive them abroad and
the fringes of their conference in and extra investment in the NHS in It will include a timetable for the the economy, setting out the next slash revenue.
Manchester starting tomorrow. the Commons last month. implementation of reforms. steps for protecting jobs and He said: “The more
But senior Tories insist the Prime Ministers claim the move will Any findings will only apply to promoting growth after his fur- billionaires you have, the more
England, although the Scottish lough scheme ended this week. tax revenue you have, the
OFFENDERS, SAYS MILLIONAIRE COBBLER government and other devolved Mr Johnson and his ministers more you can afford to do,
administrations will be free to con- will also highlight the Government the stronger the economy
sider the findings. Sir Gordon’s plans for “greening” the economy you have.
saying the “current lack of skills as former convicts are only able review team will be funded and society ahead of the Cop26 “Taxation lowers economic
will not be solved overnight by to work for most firms by lying from within existing international summit on climate growth and it’s economic
HR managers tripping around on their application form. growth that we need to be able
DHSC budgets. change being held in Glasgow to pay the benefits and for the
the prison estate”. He added in The Times: They will work next month.
Sir John, who has 2,000 “If employers think ex-cons health service and so on that
closely with NHS Thousands of Tory grassroots as a country we want to do.”
branches, admitted: “There are can help with the current chief executives and members are expected to attend
some 85,000 people in prison crisis, and beyond, they Business Secretary Kwasi
other health and care the coming week’s hybrid confer- Kwarteng opposed keeping
and most won’t be available for should scrap for good
work any time soon.” their insistence on a
leaders, and consult ence, with others able to join taxes high in the long term.
In order to bring about a clean record.” clinical staff. remotely by computer link. Mr Kwarteng told the
“much simpler”, more permanent As well It will be the first time the ConservativeHome website
solution, he believes bosses Bold vision…Sir as health, Conservatives have been able to yesterday: “I don’t believe we
must change their policies – party chiefs rally in great numbers since before can tax our way to wealth.”
John Timpson
plan to make the December 2019 election.
By John Twomey
FIVE officers accused of
mO re
sharing grossly offensive
WhatsApp messages with
Wayne Couzens have been
suspended or put on
restrictive duties.
They face the sack and
go go g0
lost pension rights if a
Sisters Bibaa probe rules against them.
Henry and Nicole Three Met officers are on
Smallman were restricted duties while one
killed by Danyal with the Norfolk force and
Hussein, left one with the Civil Nuclear
Authority have been
All green and amber travel restrictions about, which is why our work is suspended.
based around changing attitudes, Boris Johnson said “we
have been lifted. Book now with the going after perpetrators and making must come down very hard”
on any officers sending
the police more accountable.
freedom to change your booking. “But also I’m afraid, and I feel
offensive messages. He
called for the recruitment of
very strongly about this, it is about more female officers.
some of these awful ingrained soci-
etal attitudes, sexism, misogyny.
“I didn’t grow up with some of
those prevalent attitudes we see admission of guilt by the force that
today, added Ms Patel, inset right.” they know there’s a problem”.
Boris Johnson said hundreds of But Policing Minister Kit
thousands of officers will be “heart- Malthouse claimed it was “perfectly
sick” by the murder of Sarah. reasonable” advice. Warped
He added: “I do think that we can Couzens, 48, used Covid laws to
trust the police. But there is a prob- carry out a bogus arrest. He used his
lem. And there is a problem in the police handcuffs to abduct Sarah in
way we handle rape, domestic vio- the back of a rental car. He then used
lence, sexual violence and the way his police belt as a murder weapon,
we handle the complaints of women strangling the marketing executive.
and girls. The killing sparked calls for police
“What you’re seeing is the whole to tackle male violence against
system snarled up with evidential
problems. So we’ve got to fix it.”
THE Metropolitan Police has set
Europe A UN report found that four in
five young women in the UK have out some guidance to support
the public without generating
suffered sexual harassment, but just additional fears of crime.
Flights Package holidayss 1.4 per cent of rapes reported to the
£24 £ 199
My view is that the advice is
.99 from police result in a charge or summons,
with many going on to reoffend.
legitimate and responsible.
However, we must remember
pp pp Scotland Yard has issued new guid- that at the heart of this debate is
ance to women frightened they may cruelty and breach of trust.
be abducted or raped by a lone More work must be invested in
police officer, saying they should the prevention of violence
attempt to flag down a bus, call 999 against women and girls –
or knock on a nearby door. significantly domestic violence
The advice prompted fury from and abuse. I would like to see
1,093,547 seats to Europe from £24.99 for flights from any UK airport. Holiday prices are based on thousands of selected holidays for 2 adults sharing. Prices apply women who say it “is just like an
to 7 nights stay departing between September 2021 and September 2022 from various UK departure airports with easyJet. Holidays subject to availability. Booking
Conditions apply. Price differences & travel restrictions may apply. easyJet holidays Ltd (ABTA Y6633) is ATOL protected (11694). See easyJet.com for details.
RQDEXVLYH Evil…Lindow faces life sentence
Teen raped by
‘British Bobby’
By John Twomey
A FORMER Kent Police officer
repeatedly raped a teenage
girl he met online while going
by username “British Bobby”.
Maidstone Crown Court
heard Mark Lindow, 61 – who
left the force in 2015 when he
met the girl – filmed the abuse
and invited a pal to rape her.
Lindow, of Folkestone, was
found guilty of five charges of
rape, one of making an
indecent photo of a child and
one of distributing an
indecent photo. Kurt Baker,
39, of Gravesend, was found
guilty of three rapes.
Lindow faces life in jail. They
will be sentenced next month.
The Met issued
guidance for
following the By Ollie Buckley
murder of
Sarah Everard AN officer who bombarded a
woman he met on duty with
inappropriate and flirtatious
Do you think society needs messages has kept his job.
PC Kenneth Brogan sent her
to change to end violence against women? more than 100 texts and
WhatsApp messages, even after
voice and authority to those were “almost laughable if it wasn’t Lord Stevens, former head relationship with the woman
affected by serious crime. How so disgusting”. It was like an of the Metropolitan Police, after taking a statement
this is applied should be part of said: “[Couzens] was seen from her.
a consultative process, but
“admission of guilt”.
Jess Phillips, shadow minister for driving around without any A disciplinary panel found
should lead to a victim’s charter. the Dorset officer guilty of
Officers must be patient in domestic violence, said: “I could clothes on from the waist
scream about the amount of things down, he was called a rapist, gross misconduct.
Birmingham City University providing explanations when Ford will now be placed
using police powers with respect women are told to do.” he was a really strange
individual, there is no way he on the national policing
to women and girls who may feel Sarah was “keeping herself com-
misogyny properly defined in barred list.
nervous about interactions with pletely safe, doing exactly what should have been given a gun.” Dorset Police Deputy Chief
law and treated as a hate crime. the police. This must not be any woman would do”. Ms Phillips Scotland Yard said it was
We must reflect differently on Constable Sam de Reya said:
seen as just an issue for the Met, said even she would have got in “taking extra measures to “I hope this sends a clear
victim and family experiences
regarding crime and give more
as public trust and confidence in Couzens’s car like Sarah did. ensure [its] vetting processes message that we take
policing generally has suffered. are the best they can be”. misconduct very seriously.”
debut, Dan Walker went Breakfast
to a friend’s wedding – and
once the dinner and
speeches were over did what
he calls his “normal wedding
He explains: “I’m like, ‘come on,
let’s all dance’. Then I go, ‘OK, I’ll go
Close bond...
Greg and Clare
GREG Wise will perform a poignant disco
number in memory of his sister tonight.
The actor and pro partner Karen Hauer
will dance to If You Could Read My Mind
by Ultra Nate, Amber and Jocelyn Enriquez
for his couple’s choice routine.
Greg, 55, is taking part in Strictly as a
tribute to disco fan Clare, who died aged
51 in 2016 from bone cancer.
The Sense And Sensibility, Johnny
English, Cranford and The Crown star said
Clare was a “big disco girl”.
He said of the routine: “What’s really
gorgeous about the song is it is about lost
love and the unattainable.
“And what we’ve put together, hopefully,
if it works and I don’t fall over, is almost
like a Greek myth of the love coming back
from the underworld for a brief moment of
celebration and then she has to go again.
on my head.” radio sports commentator before getting Breakfast, because we have a ‘no TV “It should be emotional, emotive and
But devout his BBC break on North West Tonight, before school’ rule, so my programme is explosive, and then very quiet, which is
Christian admits he would never have considered banned in our house.” lovely for a disco.”
Dan believes Strictly if it wasn’t for his three children, He went on: “My 14-year-old daughter Greg added that his wife Dame Emma
his excruciat- aged 10, 12 and 14, with Sarah, his wife was in the audience last weekend, she Thompson, 62, and daughter Gaia, 21, who
were in the audience last Saturday, were
ing rendez- of 20 years. was the one who was worried about me “thrilled, thankfully” with his performance
vous with a He says: “Last Christmas my kids sat embarrassing her. I looked up and I saw of the American smooth.
glass door me down and said there are two pro- tears coming down her face, and she gave
was meant grammes we’d love you to do: Saturday me this lovely little proud wave and
By Paul Jeeves
PIGS in blankets, sausages, hams and
other festive pork items are all likely to SAINSBURY’S is taking on 22,000 By Giles Sheldrick
be in short supply by Christmas Day due staff to cope with the Christmas
to a critical lack of working butchers. rush and paying handsome bonuses. contracts of between three and 12
And a “travesty” of waste is less than The supermarket, which also owns weeks, until January 8 next year.
a fortnight away – as farmers prepare to Argos, is creating 14,500 in-store Clo Moriarty, Sainsbury’s retail
“throw pigs in a skip” because a dearth jobs, 4,500 warehouse and logistics and digital director, said: “Christmas
of butchers means they cannot be positions and hiring 3,000 online is a fun time to work in retail. We will
delivery drivers.
d deliver what our customers want.”
slaughtered and carved. Business Minister Paul Scully
As space in farms begins to New and existing delivery
drive will receive a £500 said: “It’s great to see Sainsbury’s
run out, 150,000 animals ls windfall over the period.
win launching its biggest ever Christmas
are expected culled in the Workers will be on
W recruitment drive.”
next 10 days, the National
Farmers’ Union says.
National Pig Asso- ch
chain. They will either be ministers admitted that meat shortages
ciation chairman Rob re
rendered, or if not, sent at Christmas were a distinct possibility.
Mutimer said: “The indus- for
fo incineration. So it’s an But the British Meat Processors
try problem has got very y absolute
abs travesty.” Association (BMPA) says this number is
considerably worse over the he Usually
Us Mr Mutimer’s pigs still 14,000 short of the 15,000 the
last three weeks. We are within
ithin top the scales at 115kg when country will need – as it predicted
a couple of weeks of actually they go to slaughter, but the prob- chronic shortages of “labour-intensive”
having to consider a mass cull of animals lem means most have now swollen to pork products such as pigs in blankets.
in this country.” 140kg. Staffing shortages in key supply The BMPA said: “We really should
He warned: “[Cullings involve] either chains are causing chaos across the UK, have been producing Christmas food
shooting pigs on farm, or taking them to with critics blaming changes to the from about June or July onwards.”
an abattoir, killing the animals, and actu- labour market after Covid and Brexit. Retail analyst Clive Black of Shore
ally disposing [of] them in the skip at the The Cabinet is said to be thinking of Capital commented: “A lot of people
other end of the chain. easing visa restrictions for up to 1,000 eating on Christmas Day will be asking:
“These animals won’t go into the food foreign butchers in a major U-turn, after ‘What the hell is this?’”
On standby…
of women and girls to go about their daily IVEN that Boris ment levels never occurred, and
lives. Home secretary Priti Patel has Johnson has always while there is still a vital eco-
described her shock at being given a rape been a consummate nomic task to complete in the
alarm at school; we should never accept political showman it coming weeks – moving people
that this dread of assault is an inevitable can seem like we don’t who come off furlough and find
aspect of life. hear from him directly their old roles no longer exist,
very much these days. into new jobs, there is every
All elements of the criminal justice Labour accusations about him reason for optimism here.
system must raise their game to put cruel allegedly “hiding away” during There are now record num-
men behind bars and make it clear that the petrol crisis are horribly bers of vacancies and some sec-
those who prey on women will pay for their unfair considering his mother’s tors are crying out for extra
crimes. But it is also necessary to change funeral took place on Monday. staff. Skill shortages and geo-
the culture in which boys grow up. Nonetheless prime ministerial graphical factors must be fac-
Young people have unprecedented access public performances have been tored in, but it is still very help-
to violent pornography. Rigorous efforts are a strictly rationed commodity in ful to be facing this challenge
required to stamp out toxic notions about recent months. when so many companies are
how men should behave. Teachers and That is about to change as the looking to recruit.
parents all have a vital role to play in Conservative Party conference
gets underway in Manchester.
teaching the men of tomorrow to respect All eyes will be on Mr Johnson’s
women and girls; none of us should turn a keynote speech on Wednesday.
blind eye to abuse that could be taking This is when he can set out his HIS can lead Mr
place in our neighbourhoods or workplaces. stall in the knowledge that Johnson into painting an
We owe it to Sarah and her grieving millions of us will either listen economic vision for the
family that this heartbreaking tragedy will live or hear all about it on TV long-term too, involving better
bring change. It is time for justice. news bulletins. training of homegrown workers,
Oddly for someone who has higher productivity and higher
been in Downing Street for pay as the antidote to the his-
Britain’s natural reserve more than two years, it is his
first proper opportunity to com-
torical reliance of many compa-
nies on EU free movement.
UR campaign to buy the Horse municate to a mass audience his On levelling-up, many of us
Common nature reserve in New Forest vision across the broad sweep SHOWMAN: All eyes will be on the PM at the party conference would like to hear something
has won the backing of BBC of issues. So dominated has his about two obvious areas where
Autumnwatch presenter Chris Packham, premiership been to date by there is room for improvement:
who hopes the site will serve as a Noah’s two enormous stories – Brexit reinvigorating high streets and
Ark for crisis-hit wildlife.
Whatever we may think of the latest
and Covid – that there has been
precious little room for any-
thing else.
Patrick O’Flynn better local public transport.
Neither of these is as highfalu-
tin as the dash to net zero or a
notions about how to banish carbon
emissions, the nation can unite behind Political commentator green jobs revolution, but both
can make an appreciable early
efforts to cherish the countryside and difference to the quality of life
preserve its treasures for future generations. fits should people expect to see there are no signs of jitters in in the towns that have placed
Readers who fund this “rewilding” OTH Brexit and Covid from it in their local communi- financial markets about their trust in the Tories.
mission will help save species that have are capable of provid- ties? How will he ensure the Britain’s ability to service its If all this is the basis for calm-
thrived here for centuries but are now ing aftershocks and NHS is able to clear the enor- admittedly huge public debt ing us down, then cheering us
threatened with extinction. Our next week may see a new crisis mous backlog of operations and and inward investment contin- up should come naturally to the
grandchildren deserve to hear the birdsong in relations with Brussels if Mr diagnoses that has built up over ues to pour in. PM. For a start there is always
which brings us such pleasure today. Johnson suspends the Northern the past 18 months? Many of the supply issues Labour to mock after its horror
Ireland protocol. Yet even that These are just some of the really are to do with the global show in Brighton. Then there
will not crowd out the space for concerns crowding the political economy rapidly rebooting are doomsters to send packing
We need bolt for the blue other things which is just as
well, given the number of issues
on which an increasingly rest-
agenda. To put it in terms of the
three-word slogans so beloved
of his former adviser Dominic
after the pandemic, while oth-
ers originate from the blocking
of the Suez Canal and ensuing
such as those who predicted
100,000 Covid cases a day and
the NHS being overwhelmed
ARGAIN holiday prices have sent less public would like answers. Cummings, Mr Johnson must disruption to container trade after restrictions were relaxed
many in search of winter sun in a bid to How long are current short- Calm Us Down and Cheer Us earlier this year. Both are tran- in July. It just didn’t happen.
banish the winter blues. The suggestion ages of everyday items going to Up. On the former, he has sient factors which should be And neither will Christmas be
that Christmas delights such as pigs in continue? What is his plan to plenty in his locker. For a start, sorted out in months rather getting cancelled this year.
blankets may be in short supply this year tackle a looming cost-of-living public borrowing is running than years. A long-feared There’s no denying it has
will send shivers down millions of spines. crisis? How does he propose to substantially below forecast, “Covid collapse” in employ- been a rocky spell, but so long
What’s next? The reintroduction of sort out migration chaos in the as the real Boris Johnson
rationing? Suddenly, the idea of grasping
post-pandemic freedoms and escaping to a
English Channel? What about
growing anxieties on law and ‘Cheering us all up should come stands up next week Britain
will surely continue to plump
order? What does he mean by for him rather than any con-
land with brilliant blue skies and fabulous
cuisine sounds decidedly tempting.
“levelling-up” and what bene- naturally to the Prime Minister’ ceivable alternative.
Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 15
of all excuses
beautiful women
at the James
Bond premiere
this week, but
DO I have any sympathy for the star that
disqualified driver Katie Price shone brightest
who crashed her car after an was our very
all-night drink and drugs binge? own Kate.
Nope, not a jot. In her
Price has been banned from shimmering
driving SIX times in ten years, gold gown the
she’s had numerous car crashes Duchess of
and she’s repeatedly been Cambridge was
caught driving with no licence. more than a
Never mind crashing her car – match for any
Price’s whole life is a car crash. of the Bond
And I’m sorry but son Harvey beauties. Funny
cannot keep being used as an how the worse
excuse for everything that Meghan behaves
happens to her. Friends are the better Kate
claiming that Harvey going into a looks.
residential home is partly HE monster that is Wayne something that passes for happiness. As for Old
responsible for her current Couzens took more than one But till then what happened to Sarah Potato Face,
situation. Nonsense. life the night he raped and will continue to rip at their broken Daniel Craig,
Price just thinks the laws of strangled Sarah Everard and hearts. So when people talk about a even on his last
the land don’t apply to her. then set her body alight. He murder – it’s never just one life that outing as Bond
Worse, she can’t cope with the also stole the lives of the has been lost. he looked
fact she’s blown a £40million family who adored her – mum Susan, What about Couzens’ two children miserable.
fortune and is no longer the big dad Jeremy, brother James and sister who were in the house when the man Let’s hope
star she once was. Well, she Katie. Yes, her brave, broken-hearted they called Dad was arrested? They the next
needs to try because with every parents still live and breathe. They still had no idea this man they loved and recipient of
botched surgery she has to try the Bond
get up every day and put one foot in trusted as their protector was a cold- mantle is a
and turn back time, she looks front of the other but the life they once blooded killer yet they will grow up in
increasingly desperate! bit more
enjoyed, a life full of hopes and dreams the shadow of that, be tainted and grateful for
and happiness, now lies dead alongside shamed by it. They, and his wife Elena,
■ I’M the role of a
delighted their beautiful daughter. will always be “the pervert killer’s lifetime and
Britney Spears How can they ever know “normal- family”. That’s the life Wayne Couzens’ doesn’t play
has wrested ity” again when they must live with evil has condemned them to. it like he’s
back control of what they now know? They can’t unsee And because life is what it is, the bored and it’s
her multi-million the evidence of what Couzens did to anger at what Couzens did will eventu- beneath him.
pound fortune Sarah before he killed her. They can’t ally fade. We will push him to the back And pray to
from her unknow the gruesome details of her of our minds and move on. But Sarah’s God he has
manipulative final moments. That knowledge will family won’t. Their wounds will remain better dress
father. She’s a haunt them until their last breath. gaping – and THAT’S what murderers sense – no
39-year-old And if all that wasn’t enough, in do to families Bond worth
woman and burning her body Couzens deprived So when the Metropolitan Police his salt
even if she does would ever
them of one last look at her. He stole chief Cressida Dick says: “I’m sorry”, wear a
mess up her life and her finances their final goodbye. it just doesn’t cut it. Couzens was
– both are hers to mess up. raspberry
Yet, despite all that, the Everards allowed to prey on women while pink evening
But does this story really warrant found the courage from God knows serving in HER force and on
the frenzied global headlines it’s jacket even
had? Cries of “Free Britney” have where to face down Couzens in court. HER watch. NB: Wondering if it was
been ringing out around the world It was the last thing they could do for Women must be able to why Craig’s beautiful on pain of
with people sobbing, hugging and Sarah and so, with every last ounce of trust the police and the wife, Rachel Weisz, wasn’t death from
laughing in the streets. strength, they demanded he look them tragic irony here is that at the Bond premiere? That Blofeld
Overkill surely? in the eye while they told him what he the Met’s first ever old chestnut “work himself.
had taken from them. female police chief has commitments” was trotted out to
Yes, and it looks equally he heard from Sarah’s family in that disastrous Operation Midland which I’M not understanding the outcry over government plans to
frivolous for his wife to attend. courtroom will haunt him. ruined many innocent lives – again on reduce the threshold at which students repay their tuition loans
People say time heals – it doesn’t. It her watch. And she didn’t. So I don’t from £27,000 to £23,000.
■ WE’RE told Posh’s diet just allows people like the Everards to trust her to change it now. First, students SHOULD shoulder some of the cost of their
consists of steamed get through the days, the weeks, the And if she continues to cling on in education. Second, if they’re not earning more than £23,000 after
vegetables and toast topped with months that stretch endlessly in front the face of the increasing clamour for three years at university then perhaps they shouldn’t have gone.
salt. Which explains why she finds of them. They exist hoping that one her to quit – then she shames the Force The average salary for a supermarket worker is £31,000 and, as
it hard to ever crack a smile! day there might be something more – she professes to love and every decent hard as that job is, you don’t have to spend three years at uni and
they might laugh again or experience officer in it. incur massive debt to do it.
CAN I just ask those frothing-at-the-mouth, branded chocolates at Christmas or the friends. It’s about sharing a meal with the people scrapping at the petrol pumps have
hysterical doom-mongers (most of whom are particular French cheese you love or this people you love. Last year our fridges were no idea what it’s like not to have ANY food
embittered Remainers) screaming there’ll be year’s Must Have toy doesn’t constitute a full but at the last minute Covid stopped us at all. Which is why having to queue for
no Christmas/the country is finished/that national crisis. Nor does it mean Christmas from getting together with loved ones. petrol for 20 minutes (queues that exist
we’re in the grip of a national crisis, to calm is cancelled. Now THAT felt like a hardship. Trouble is because of panic buying) seems like a crisis.
down and get some perspective. Christmas isn’t about filling fridges and we live in a country which for decades has The sooner we calm down, the sooner this
Not being able to buy your favourite cupboards to bursting. It’s about family and never suffered any real hardship. Those situation will. No one’s going to starve!
THE number of stay-at-
home fathers is set to
soar in Britain.
Eight out of ten men
who became first-time
dads within the past year
plan to sacrifice their
careers to spend more
time with their children,
a book claims.
Han-Son Lee, author
of You’re Going to Be A
Dad!, said: “The
coronavirus outbreak
has, without doubt,
Hot seat...Prince Andrew smiles as he drives out of Balmoral spawned a generation
of superdads.”
6WDJHVDOXWHWR&KDOOLVDV And when the time’s right to switch energy again, we’ll be on hand to help.
COMIC Paul Whitehouse has By Alex Green
dedicated the first performance of
the reopened Only Fools And hand car dealer Boycie, died last
Horses musical to John Challis. month aged 79. It’s
Whitehouse, who plays Grandad Only Fools And Horses The probably
in the West End stage version of
the long-running sitcom, said he
Musical opened at London’s
Theatre Royal Haymarket last time
hoped the cast could pay a “fitting night after closing 18 months ago
tribute” to the actor. due to the pandemic.
Challis, best-known for his Whitehouse said: “He was a
portrayal of unscrupulous second- great supporter of the show.”
SO IT’S going to be a sort of psychological twilight
winter of discontent, with zone, dreading the rapidly
energy prices through the darkening days.
roof and the haulage driver Some swear by light box
shortage cancelling Christmas. therapy, but that doesn’t work for
Again. me. What does get me through to
Actually I don’t believe it will the bright shine of Christmas is
be nearly as bad as everyone’s that Danish hygge thing, the
predicting. I just think concept of cosy comfort, soft
commentators have got so used lamplight in warm rooms,
to Covid scares and lockdowns crackling fires, candles, furry
they can’t envisage a life without blankets and snug throws.
drama. My guess is The other weapon
that, on the whole, in my seasonal
winter will be costly anti-depression kit is
Ð ¦|
and a bit unpleasant,
but nothing like as
horrible as last year.
But for some of us
winter’s always
reading and I’ve
found the perfect
antidote to winter
blues in the
remarkable leap,
eìûná ×ná bleak. Those with from quizmaster
F 2 V<
SAD, or Seasonal extraordinaire to
8 S ( U
Affective Disorder, bestselling author, by
find the annual Richard Osman (left).
descent into bitter Not that his two
cold and darkness crime novels, The
particularly Thursday Murder
traumatic. Club (excellent)
For me it starts in and The Man Who
November, because that’s the Died Twice (even better), need
month my dad died in 1984; he any endorsement from me –
Ðo Ð éĄĄýéĄ[
house in Manchester, gradually
fading away.
I lived just around the corner,
phenomenal sales.
Clever, warm, and very funny,
both are set in an upmarket
and my abiding memory of that retirement village where a quartet
horrible month is sitting in a of residents, all around 80, solve
chair by the window in dad’s fiendishly complicated murders.
bedroom watching the light drain I guarantee they’ll charm the
from the day, murky afternoon bed-socks off you.
deepening into early black winter Simple pleasures, but they’ll
night while dad lay dying. cradle you through any winter of
Every November I re-enter a discontent.
HERE’S the thing about cheap abuse: it never, ever diminishes
the person or group it’s thrown at. It always diminishes the
perpetrator. Always. It’s an iron rule. Labour’s deputy leader may
VQXJJOH XS have believed she was being in-yer-face outspoken; “I call a spade
ô£Ó LQ VW\OH a spade” refreshingly direct when she described senior Tories as “a
bunch of scum”.
¨| Well, I don’t know about you, but my toes curled in embarrassment.
Why? Because Angela Rayner aspires to government. She may duly
successfully challenge Sir Keir Starmer and become leader of Her
Majesty’s Opposition. She may even become Prime Minister one day.
As it happens, I too think some senior Tories are pretty ghastly. Matt
Hancock, for example; Gavin Williamson (both now ex-senior Tories, but
you get my drift). But I hope I’d seek ways to criticise them with a little
more discernment and intelligence than Angela Rayner seems capable of.
Ignoring the fact that many former Labour loyalists who voted
Conservative in the last election will now feel personally tainted by the
¨ónÏ üü ÓݨÏnÓ £Aݨ£ôen ÓnAÏ[ |¨Ï æÓ ¨£ ôôô½ô¨½[¨ “scum” label, Rayner has made herself sound like a political yobbo. Not
>À}ià >Þ >««Þ° a good look: she should grow up. But at 41, that boat has surely sailed.
Kate did I’M NOT sure what I think about this week’s
indeed look revelation that Donald Trump whispered to Vladimir
“jolly lovely” at the Putin that he was about to “act tough” with him at a
Bond premiere. press conference in 2019.
But what really According to a former White House press secretary,
thrilled me about Trump leaned in close to Putin before murmuring in
that red carpet were his ear: “I’m going to act a little tougher with you. But
the photos of four it’s for the cameras.”
royals greeting the Shameless dishonesty; a two-faced deceit of the
stars. watching world? Or a
Did you notice? quintessential
They were example of realpolitik
SHAKING HANDS! in action; a glimpse
They DIDN’T WEAR into the smoke-and-
MASKS! Everything mirrors reality of
looked NORMAL! international relations
ANY There could be no more obvious sign that it’s at the top level?
man who back to business as usual. And, being royal, it Watching Trump
publicly was deliberate and meticulously planned. The leaning into Putin, I
compliments a pandemic is over, folks. You heard it here first. lean towards the
woman on her appearance latter.
goes where angels fear to
tread. He risks accusations
being plain pervy. So Daniel
Craig’s comment to the Duchess THAT terrible picture. Two also, grotesquely, a policeman. watch their daughter taken, to
of Cambridge at the Bond people illuminated in a And in that shot he’s arresting imagine her terror. How will they
premiere last Tuesday was grainy camera shot, one her for “breaking lockdown ever find peace?
pitch-perfect. “You look unmistakably Sarah rules”, handcuffing her, putting It’s difficult to comprehend
jolly lovely!” Who Everard in the clothes we saw her her in his car. Beyond hideous. such wickedness. An act so vile
could possibly be wearing in CCTV footage on the It was Sarah’s mother who demands we see evil as an entity.
offended by night she died. called Wayne Couzens the worst Couzens is just a man, and yet he
that? The other is a monster; “The of humanity. God help her is the devil, the embodiment of
very worst of humanity” who was parents, that in court they had to evil. No punishment is enough.
By Emily Braeger
Solo return...Gallagher
Trouble decker...activists removed from M1 demo, above
Motorway blockade By Laura Harding
LIAM Gallagher will
return to Knebworth –
nose after headlining the
Isle of Wight festival.
FORMER England captain Terry By Chris Riches England’s 1966 World Cup-winning
Picture: GETTY
By Daniel Wood
MINIATURE cameras,
the size of tablets, will be
swallowed by patients in
Butcher has backed calls for head- team to have been diagnosed with a revolutionary new test
ing to be booted out of football – you’ll never recover from a real dementia. His son John said he had for bowel cancer.
after seeing heartbreaking pictures huge and heavy brain trauma.” “no doubt” that heading had led to Designed to replace
of players suffering dementia. The Football Association recently his father’s death. standard colonoscopies,
The defender, who famously recommended a maximum of “10 In 2014, a re-examination of West they are being trialled at
suffered a head wound against higher-force headers” in any train- Bromwich Albion legend Jeff Astle’s Great Western Hospital
Sweden in 1989 and left the field ing week to protect player welfare. brain revealed his death in 2002 in Swindon, Wilts.
with his shirt soaked in blood, The practice has been banned in was caused by a condition normally The innovation, known
believes the game must change. under-11s sessions and is restricted linked to boxers. as a colon capsule
Recent research claims ex-foot- among other age groups. Last week Spennymoor Town and endoscopy, is part of a
ballers are three-and-a-half times Discussing how heading was a Team Solon played the first adult drive to help patients
more likely to die of dementia than huge part of the game in his day, 11-a-side football match with head- access non-invasive
the general public. Butcher explained: “The doctor ing restrictions to raise awareness cancer checks at home.
Butcher, 62, said: “Eventually I had to get the stitches in and get of dementia. Consultant colorectal
want to see football have no head- you back on the pitch. Butcher added: “We’ve seen pic- surgeon Anwar Owais
ing. Phase heading out. “People obviously just saw the tures of footballers of past genera- said: “Importantly, the
“I think you have to be very care- games, they didn’t see the training. tions with dementia and capsule cameras will
ful but I think you have to look at Heading was an integral part of the Alzheimer’s. It breaks your heart.” help to speed up the
safety. You have to look at families training session.” The FA said it had “helped to checks and avoid delays
losing their loved ones too early. Butcher backs calls from the fam- lead the way in ground-breaking in cancer diagnosis.”
“I don’t think people actu- ily of 1966 World Cup win- research” in brain injury trauma of The camera is
ally realise there’s some- ner Nobby Stiles who last footballers. designed to make its way
thing in football that can year said football needed It said: “We have made changes through a patient’s
be catastrophic for players to “address the scandal” to the way the game is played. digestive system
in the future. of dementia in the sport. “This includes issuing heading naturally, recording
“It would rule out the When Stiles died in guidance across every level of the images of the entire
trauma of heading a foot- October last year aged 78 English football pyramid. gastrointestinal tract.
ball particularly at pace. he was the fifth member of “We are also supporting the trial It sends them to a
“Injuries you all of concussion substitutes across the device the patient wears
recover from Tragic…Nobby Stiles FA Cup, FA Women’s Super League on their waist, a reader
generally. But suffered from dementia and FA Women’s Championship.” Terry Butcher leaves field covered in blood and sensor belt.
also “examining The real figure – from
inconsistencies England and Wales data
in the testa- between 2017 and 2021
ments of wit- – may be even higher as
nesses”. On the victim’s gender is not
September 5, always known.
2012 business- Girls numbered
man Saad 10,722 of 12,944 prey,
Al-Hilli, 50, his and those aged 12 to 15
Victim...Mr Al-Hilli wife Iqbal, 47, were worst-affected.
and mother-in- The amount of
law Suhaila al-Allaf, 74, were gunned offences recorded against
young females in general
down in their BMW.
The couple’s daughter, Zeena, four, also soared by 60 per
hid in the footwell and was unscathed. cent.
Her sister Zainab, seven, was shot and The NSPCC is now
beaten but recovered. demanding Culture
Cyclist Sylvain Mollier also died in Secretary Nadine
the bloodbath, after being blasted Dorries fix “substantive
seven times at point blank range. weaknesses” in the draft
Earlier this year, detectives said calibre as those fired by the antique the Areva nuclear power group but sidered many theories for the killings. Online Safety Bill.
they were investigating a possible link Luger PO6 used to murder the tensions in his personal life are more These range from Mr Al-Hilli’s It said: “The number
between the murders and a bungling Al-Hillis, who lived in Claygate. likely to have been a motive. past life in Iraq – including potential of girls targeted is
gang of contract killers based in Paris. If the gang was involved, it would Newly appointed prosecutor Line financial links to the country’s alarming and a reminder
Pistol rounds found at the home of be more likely that Mr Mollier, 45, Bonnet-Mathis said the “preservation madman former leader Saddam of the failure of
one member – a former police intelli- was the target, say investigators. of physical evidence” was a forensic Hussein – to an assassination by a platforms to protect
gence officer – were of the same He was a welder in a subsidiary of priority. Baffled detectives have con- “lone wolf” psychopath. young users.”
Pictures: CHRISTOPHER POLK & GETTY Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 23
as she launches her new
joint venture album in a
stunning global live
streaming performance.
The 35-year-old singer
made Love for Sale, a
collection of Cole Porter
classics, with crooner Tony
Bennett, 95, who couldn’t be
there as he now suffers from By Emily Braeger
But she gave a moving BANKSY’s famous Girl
solo performance of the title with Balloon could fetch
track – “Tone’s favourite” up to £3.5million at an
– and called for applause for auction this month.
“how great Tony Bennett is”. Christie’s London will
Gaga – who wore an also offer pieces by
elegant black evening dress David Hockney, Peter
and a shimmering gold gown Doig and Alighiero
with a dramatic leg slit – laid Boetti on October 15.
Auctioneer spokesman
Katharine Arnold said:
“Banksy created Girl
with Balloon with the
intention of reminding
us that, above all,
there is hope.”
Famously secretive
artist Banksy has done
various versions of Girl
with Balloon around the
Great company...Gaga and Tony world, starting with
murals in London.
on the live show in the One version sold for
company of a big band in more than £1million but
partnership with Westfield was then shredded by a
Century City shopping mall
in LA. It was played in their
device the artist had put
malls around the world. in the frame. But the sale
She said: “Jazz music is went ahead anyway.
the greatest music that I
believe exists in
America and for us
to all be
experiencing it
together and
coming together
Lady Gaga,
to watch it, sing it,
minus Tony
to listen to it, to
cheer for it…
launches their
“This is all that I
album live in New life…spaniel Eze
could hope for. I
LA. Crowds
just want to
watch the
express my deep
show at the
gratitude to all the
Westfield mall
fans that were
in Stratford,
here tonight.”
London, right
By Jack Evans
A DOG found crammed
inside a guinea pig cage
and near death has been
given a new lease of
life with the police.
Eze, a two-year-old
spaniel, was one of a
dozen puppies
abandoned in a van,
in Carlton, Notts.
The dogs were riddled
with the deadly
AN 83-year-old man put up a By John Twomey Ipswich Crown Court heard. The events as a “horribly gone parvovirus and although
“brave fight” before he was killers went to the pensioner’s wrong burglary where an old most died, Eze was
battered and strangled in his ruthlessly beaten “until he bled”home “to “obtain money man bravely put up a fight”. nursed back to health.
home, a court heard yesterday. before Snook strangled him. He directly from him or to take Snook, of Colchester, Essex, Once recovered, he
Donald Ralph was attacked by now faces a life sentence. items they could sell in order to was found guilty of murder and was trained by
distant relative Leighton Snook The attackers fled with Mr raise money,” said Simon burglary in August. Nottinghamshire Police
and a teenage accomplice after Ralph’s Volvo, a Browning Spence, QC, prosecuting. The boy, who cannot be to become an Oscar Kilo
they burgled his bungalow four shotgun and a Ruger rifle Police arrested Snook named for legal reasons, Wellbeing dog to help
days after Christmas last year. leaving their victim dead in the and the boy within three was cleared of murder officers talk about their
The pensioner had lived at bungalow in Aldham, Essex. days of the murder. but found guilty of mental health.
the property for 50 years, a Snook, related to the victim Isabella Forshall, manslaughter at the Inspector Rob Lawton,
court was told. by step marriage, was desperate QC, for Snook, same hearing. a dog handler who
He fought back when he for cash after running up a described the He admitted adopted him, said: “Eze
confronted Snook, 28, and the £8,000 debt to a cocaine dealer. burglary. The is fantastic and really
16-year-boy but was no match He had pestered Mr Ralph for Brave fight... sentencing hear- enjoys being at work,
Batterer...Snook, 28 for the two killers. Mr Ralph was money shortly before the killing, Donald Ralph ing continues. he loves everyone.”
24 Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021
Craig in his last Bond film
By Liz Burke
HEN Ana de Armas was
approached to star in the new
James Bond Film, No Time To
Die, she actually dithered about
whether to take the role or not.
Of course, she knew it was not
only a great compliment, but a career-boost-
ing opportunity that would introduce her to
a huge global audience.
But, still, given the history behind the
Bond Girl tag, there was no way she was
going to say yes without knowing exactly
what would be required of her.
“It was actually very flattering to be
called,” the Cuban-born actress admits in
her lightly accented English. “The character
had not been in the script originally. So
when Cary [Fukunaga, the director] called
me to say there was a part of the movie
that takes place in Cuba and that he was
thinking about writing a part for me, it
was insane.
“I was blown away and very excited. But I
also said, ‘OK, but I want to read the script
before I agree, because – yes, you know,
you’re Cary Fukunaga and it’s James Bond –
but I still want to know what I’m going to
have to do here.’”
As it turned
out, the 33-year-
old was delighted
with what she
007’s newest recruit on becoming a ‘bad*ss’
called her “bad-
*ss” role, playing
Paloma, a CIA
Bond Girl, growing up in Cuba... and why she
agent who packs
not only the
trademark Bond
was nearly the spy who stayed out in the cold
girl curves, but
also a powerful
punch of her spoof Knives Out, where they had already he is, he shows so much respect for the
own. Her turn formed a friendship. work, and that’s how I feel about him,
Ana, left with
attracted glowing her father “I love Daniel,” she says now. “And it was too. He’s very inspiring and a great mentor
reviews. nice that I’d worked with him before to me.”
Ramon, grew
“So it was all up in a small because being the new girl all alone in a
good!” she smiles. town in Cuba James Bond movie is very scary. But having
“And the Bond met Daniel before, there was no pressure on
movies are fun. I set because I was already broken-in with
liked the people James Bond himself.” NA grew up in Cuba, the daughter
on the set very much: this was Daniel’s fifth part of that.” She says the first Bond movie She admits the experience was also bitter- of a teacher and a government
Bond film, and you can tell that so many of she remembers seeing was Timothy Dalton’s sweet in that, as well as being Daniel’s fifth worker, a young girl from a small
them had worked together for some time, Licence To Kill. Bond outing, it was also his last. “It was very town, Santa Cruz del Norte, with big
because they are like a family. “At least that’s the one I remember. I’ve sad. It was a very emotional time for all of ambitions to act – “Not even Havana,” she
“It was a good group to be a part of and a liked all the Bond girls, especially Eva Green us, to see the end of something that had notes, wryly, “just a little beach town”.
great experience to have, especially in this and Léa Seydoux, and I thought Grace been in someone’s life for so many years. “There was not a day or a moment when
time when Bond’s women characters are Jones was awesome. But I think that Daniel “But it was also beautiful and I’m proud I said consciously, ‘I want to be an actress’ –
changing. is the best Bond so far.” of having been there with him in the last there wasn’t even a particular actress who
“That meant I was able to bring some- For Ana, it was the second time she had shot of the movie. Daniel is… how do you inspired me.
thing else to the franchise, maybe something worked with Craig: they had previously say? …relentless in his work, he always “I come from a very humble family, we
more interesting. I was very happy to be a appeared together in the 2019 detective shows up on set, no matter how exhausted never had a DVD or VHS or any of that, but
Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 25
I had a neighbour that had one.And one her mother was as worried as any mother
day I was in her apartment and I was watch- would be.
ing this movie – I think it was Matilda – and “It was very hard for her to see
afterwards I went downstairs to my place her 18-year-old daughter leave home to
and I played out the whole movie for my pursue a crazy dream, but she was always
brother who hadn’t seen it. supportive. My mom and I are very
“When I was watching movies after that, different. She’s very, very shy, she doesn’t
if I saw some scene played by a woman – or want to be in the spotlight, she doesn’t want
even a man, it didn’t matter – if I saw a any attention.
scene I liked, I wouldn’t wait to finish the “She’s very quiet, but she’s also very
movie, I would just run to the mirror to do it strong. And I think some of that just sticks
and then I would go back to the couch to with me, you know? She’s incredible and I
carry on watching.” miss her a lot.”
Although she confesses she still gets
homesick for Cuba and her family, she
says she’s also very happy now living in
Los Angeles.
HEN she turned 14, she joined “I love LA,” she says. “I love the weather
Havana’s National Theatre and mountains and beaches and the people
School of Cuba, and at 18, she and the food. Although most of my friends,
moved to Madrid to pursue a professional funnily enough, are not from LA.
career, before transferring to LA in 2014 “I haven’t really met too many people
to seek her fortune in Hollywood – a who are from LA, they’re mostly from
move that she now says was beyond her somewhere else. But that’s nice because
wildest expectations when she was nobody is from LA.
starting out. “And that brings us together
“I had American actors on
TV when I was growing up –
‘I think because we support each
other, and we give each
Tom Hanks and Julia Daniel’s the other company, you
Roberts and Richard Gere.
But to me, those movies
best Bond. I’m know?”
Private by nature, she
were so, so far from my proud to have been would prefer not to talk
reality that I was really
aware that it was all fic-
there with him in about her former boy-
friend Ben Affleck, whom
tion, while the Cuban TV or the last shot of she dated for a year before
movies I saw were much they broke up, reportedly
closer to my reality. the movie’ amicably, last January; nor
“The actors in those were the about her reported current one,
ones I wanted to be like, they were handsome Texas-based Tinder
the ones I admired. So, I didn’t necessar- executive Paul Boukadakis.
ily ever have a particular place or country But the itchy-footed actress does say,
that was my goal to go to, to be an actor. cryptically, that she’s not entirely sure she’ll
Like, I never thought of Hollywood or even stay in Los Angeles forever.
Spain before I went to Spain. “I think I might move somewhere else. I
“I just left because I had a Spanish don’t know. We’ll see. I sometimes think I’d
passport from my grandparents who were just like to explore somewhere else.”
born there, and I was excited about acting She stops, then smiles and shrugs: “But I
and I wanted to do more.” bet as soon as I decide to move, something’s
She acknowledges that, excited as she gonna happen,” she concludes cheerfully.
herself was by the move, at the time, “Something’s gonna call me back here.”
Why teetotal
Aoki and Sao Paulo medics. Pele’s tumour was found
He wrote: “When the path during routine tests in August.
is difficult, celebrate each step Hospital chiefs said he will
of the journey. continue with chemotherapy.
“Focus on your happiness. The triple World Cup
shouldn’t mean
It’s true that I can’t jump winner is one of the greatest
anymore, but these past few footballers, named Fifa Player
days, I’ve been punching the of the Century in 2000. Footballer’s coming home...ace and Marcia
ESPITE all the headlines about a rise in drinking during
alcoholic counterparts and they won’t give you the relaxed
buzz of a traditional glass of wine.
SUBSCRIBETODAY But they are good and getting better (and don’t be put off 4
WORTHOVER if you find them described as a “wine-based drink”)… so
ANDGETTHISSIGNED why not give them a go this month?
TEN heroic cystic fibrosis EXCLUSIVE
sufferers and 115 relatives By Chris Riches
are giving back to the I’ll put Beth
charity that supported damaging fundraising. So
them by running Sunday’s a crew of CF superstars
London Marathon. will push themselves to
foot forward
There are 10,500 their limits for the charity.
people in the UK Daily Express BETH Wood will lace
with CF, which writer Carlie up her trainers again
affects the digestive Pleasant, 31, whose on Sunday – her
system and life was changed by seventh marathon
since June while
destroys the lungs taking Kaftrio, struggling with CF.
with sticky mucus. said: “The Trust She is tackling 30
A Daily Express and their helpline 26.2-mile runs in a
campaign helped are the backbone year for the Trust but
bring to 90 per of our community cannot tolerate
cent of sufferers a ‘Backbone’ as they work Kaftrio. Beth, 30, of
daily pill called …Carlie tirelessly to fund Folkestone, Kent,
Kaftrio to alleviate research.” said it’s “very hard”
the worst effects. The charity’s Beverley as her lung function
But the work of The Burnham-Jones said: can hit 20 per cent.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust to “We’re so grateful She said: “I will
find a drug to help the to our supporters, some of dedicate this one to
other 10 per cent – and whom have CF. Their my little daughter
eventually a cure – has inspiring efforts make a Aurora. She is the
been held back by Covid massive difference.” reason I’m doing it.”
Pictures: BBC & PA
By Brian Farmer
A TV presenter hurt while acting as a “crash
test dummy” for a science show was yester-
day awarded £1.6million from the BBC –
which earned a ticking off from the judge.
Jeremy Stansfield, 50, had been strapped
into a go-kart-like rig while making Bang
Goes The Theory about child car-seat safety.
He claimed he suffered brain and spine
injuries, losing more than £3million in future
earnings. The BBC disputed the extent of his
injuries and his earnings claim.
But Mrs Justice Yip told the High Court: “I
must say that I find it astonishing that
anyone thought that this exercise was a sen-
sible idea. On his own account to camera,
the claimant was simulating a road traffic Outside court...Jeremy
collision of the sort that commonly y
causes injury. propelled along a track into a post. reaction have caused a constellation of symp- ally fit man. There are clips of him balancing
“Indeed, in the finished piece,
ece, The ai
aim was to replicate a car hit- toms and problems which have produced a and walking on his hands and scaling a build-
he rather prosaically observes,s, ting a lamppost for the BBC significant impairment in the claimant’s func- ing using vacuum gloves he created.
‘I wouldn’t recommend this’. One show in 2013.
On tioning. The effect has been to derail [his] suc- “In 2012, the BBC required him to undergo
Equally, there was evidence The crashes were per- cessful career in television as well as to a physical assessment before undertaking a
the BBC actively sought formed forwards and back-
fo restrict his life enjoyment generally.” project involving a human powered aircraft,
advice, was warned of the wards twice each.
w She awarded him £1,617,286 in yesterday’s which he had designed.
danger, yet allowed the Mrs Justice Yip said: ruling, which followed a High Court trial. “The results suggested he was performing
experiment to proceed.” “While none of the physical
“ Mrs Justice Yip revealed both parties agreed at the level of a competitive athlete.”
Jeremy – who used the injuries
in were particularly Mr Stansfield, who has an engineering The BBC said later: “We keep safety meas-
name Jem while co-present- severe,
se the combined effect background, should recover “two-thirds of ures on set under constant review and we
ing alongside the likes of together
tog with a psychiatric the damages”. made adjustments following the incident in
Maggie Philbin – had been en She added: “There is strong evidence that 2013. We wish Mr Stansfield the best.” Bang
strapped into the rig which h was Perilou
Perilous...star in show’s test rig prior to the crash tests he was an exception- Goes The Theory ran from 2009 to 2014.
By John Ingham
Environment Editor
Chris Packham
DAILY Express readers By John Ingham
have the chance to win an
afternoon nature-watching all you need to do to enter
with Chris Packham if they is make a donation.
help secure the future of “Now let me be really
Horse Common. clear: we would like large
The presenter has agreed donations but the largest
to be the prize in a contest donation is not necessarily
to help the RSPB raise the one that is going to win
money to buy the because if you make a
nature reserve. donation your name goes
All Chris asks is that into a hat and it’s a raffle.
readers make a donation to Anyone could win.
the reserve appeal. Their “We would like you to give
names will then go into the us £2,000 but if you only
hat from which five lucky give us £2 you still might be
winners will be picked. the winner.
The Daily Express “If Daily Express readers
launched the Horse are generous enough to
Common fund-raiser earlier give the RSPB the money to
this year while calling for buy this area they will be
more space for nature as putting their cash into
part of Green Britain Needs action to help the
You campaign. environment – and helping
We need to raise £90,000 to create a vital haven
which the RSPB says will for wildlife.
unlock donations for the “This is your chance to
remaining back the
£360,000. Daily
So far Express
readers campaign
have rallied to create
superbly, more space
pledging for wildlife
about and a better
£45,000 world for
including a everyone.”
£5,000 Beccy
donation Wise…Get close to barn owls Speight,
from RSPB chief
eco-entrepreneur executive, said: “It’s so
Dale Vince. generous of Chris to offer
The reserve will help this amazing prize and we
rewild a corner of the hope the winners have a
New Forest. fabulous and fun time
Chris insists that anyone with him.”
making a donation, large or Ecotricity and Ecotalk
small, will get a chance to boss Dale, who kick-started
win the prize to go birding the Horse Common appeal
with him. with his own donation, said:
He plans to meet the “The RSPB have an exciting
lucky winners at the Hawk plan for nature within the
Conservancy Trust, of New Forest and the land at
which he is president, near Horse Common is vital
Andover where they will be to that.
able to get close to birds “It will help connect other
such as barn owls, habitats – woodland and
peregrine falcons heathland – into a bigger
and vultures. haven for nature.
In a video made specially “My friend Chris Packham
for the appeal, he said: has been a big supporter of
“The Daily Express’ Green this from the start.
Britain Campaign has “I think it’s fab that
decided to organise everyone helping fund raise
a competition. for this project gets the
By Alice Hughes walk can feel like an adventure. “The prize for the chance to win some time
No matter the location, and competition is… yours truly with Chris and experience
THE perfect walk lasts no more whether people are looking to …a day birding with me, first hand his guru-like
than three hours – and includes challenge themselves or simply well maybe not just birding understanding of our
encounters with wildlife, as well as enjoy a stroll around somewhere but looking at wildlife. And native wildlife.”
picturesque views. new, there is a walk for everyone.”
Two thirds of 2,000 people The views people like to take in
polled said peace and quiet was
the most important part of a stroll.
include the sea, a field of flowers HOW TO DONATE FOR THE COMPETITION
and mountains.
The ideal walking temperature Six in 10 feel walking improves TO enter the contest please Common appeal, RSPB, The
was 17.8C – and for UK-based make a donation at Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire,
The unbeaten path…family in forest their mood and we are prepared www.rspb.org.uk/ SG19 2DL.
hikes, the preferred location is the to travel 49 miles to get to the horsecommonappeal where To enter the draw please
South West, followed by Scotland. popular choices being a national ideal location. you will be asked for contact write your name, email
The research by route planning park or countryside village. Adults go on an average five details. You can also send address and telephone
and navigation app Komoot also Komoot co-founder Jonas walks a month – and only one in a cheque made payable to number on the back of
discovered the perfect walk takes Spengler said: “If you head out 10 would choose to go alone, the RSPB to Daily Express Horse the cheque.
place in a forest – with other with an attitude of discovery, any OnePoll survey found.
THRILL-SEEKER: Three- HE JUMP jockeys of the late 1940s
times champion Richard were like Battle of Britain pilots with
Dunwoody later became a their weighing room camaraderie
seasoned polar explorer and cheerful dismissal of the risks
they faced. Perhaps that’s not too
surprising seeing most had seen
ac in the Second World War.
Bryan Marshall, the 1947/8 champion
w hailed from Ireland, survived a sniper’s
bu in his neck on the first day of the
D landings. Jack Dowdeswell, cham-
p in 1946/7, saw action in both North
A and Italy. The irrepressible “Jumping
Ja broke practically every bone in his
b as a jockey (some several times over)
ye was still riding and schooling horses well
in his seventies, eventually living to the
ri old age of 94.
On one occasion, his horse fell on the flat
ro a bend causing Jack’s arm to horrifi-
ca break. He later recalled: “My arm
b off, pulled out and stuck in my ribs”, their vehicle overturned. The Molonys dust- subsequently offered a job as a racing corre-
co “I was picked up and was sup- ing themselves off, walked away from the spondent. As a result, he was approached to
p to be unconscious; they gave me mor- accident and each rode a winner when they write his autobiography, The Sport of
p In the ambulance room some jockeys finally arrived at the racetrack. Queens, which led to a hugely successful
ca in and one said, ‘How’s Jack?’ and the But being a champion in those days was career as a best-selling thriller writer.
d who thought I’d passed out, said qui- certainly no path to riches. Despite winning Tim Brookshaw, who won the title in the
TOUGH GUY: Stan Mellor
et ‘He’ll never race again.’ But I croaked, ‘I the title in 1947, Jack Dowdeswell used to late Fifties, again demonstrated the remarka-
sustained serious internal bloody
bl well will!’” work as a stunt man in film studios in the ble resilience that characterises jump jock-
injuries in a fall but was back Back in the 1940s, health and safety on summer, earning £25 a day. eys. In 1959, he finished a heroic second in
on winning form within months the
th racecourse was virtually non-existent. A common theme which runs through the the Grand National despite riding for much
There were no back or body protectors for story of the 22 champions is the bad luck of the second circuit without stirrups.
the jockeys who wore cork helmets with no many of them suffered in the most famous Four years later he broke his back in a fall
chin straps, which could easily come off in a jumps race of them all – the Grand National. but overcame paralysis to walk again and
fall or split on impact. And there were hard even get back on a horse.
metal railings that you certainly wouldn’t Tragically, he was killed when thrown
want to meet head first. from a racehorse in 1981 –
The first post-war champion, Fred Rimell, but at his stables rather
retired in 1947 after breaking his neck twice O ONE seemed more jinxed at than the heat of a race.
in 12 months. And he was one of the luckier Aintree than Dick Francis, the Mancunian Stan Mellor
ones. Tim Molony, known as the “Rubber 1953/4 champion. His mount, was another tough-as-teak
Man”, was champion five times between Devon Loch, owned by the Queen Mother, a champion who won
1949 and 1955. “He was physically incredi- keen supporter of National Hunt racing, dra- the title three times
bly strong,” says his son, Danny. matically capsized on the run-in less than 50 in the early Sixties.
“He was as hard as nails. He rode in races, yards from the winning post in the 1956 He was in pole posi-
as jockeys did in those days, with injuries race. The collapse remains one of the sport’s tion to win a fourth
they regarded as minor but which nowadays greatest mysteries, yet despite the massive title in 1963 when,
would be judged too serious to allow a rider disappointment of coming so close to glory, contesting the lead, he
back into the saddle.” Francis, as he later admitted, gained more suffered a fall in a hur-
One day in November 1949, Molony was from Devon Loch’s capitulation than he dle race run at a cav-
travelling to the races with his brother would have done from its victory. alry charge pace
Martin and Leo McMorrow, both also jock- The jockey was asked to write a number at Aintree.
Francome loved to win
eys. They were involved in a car crash and of articles for the Sunday Express, and was His
but was happy to share Pictures: GETTY
the title with injury-hit
rival Peter Scudamore
limb to do it
horse put its foot on his head and he
received further kicks to his face from the
become the first jumps jockey to ride 1,000
girlfriend afterwards,”
d and Johnny afterwards ” he
recalled. The next day he finished 17th in the
to ride 200 winners in a season in 19
and he was succeeded by the brilliant
other runners. The hospital bulletin reported: The jockeys of the Swinging Sixties big race, not a bad effort considering the Richard Dunwoody. The three-times cham-
“Mellor has sustained fairly severe facial and worked hard but they certainly knew how to drama of the previous evening. pion of the 1990s found retirement so hard
internal injuries and he is seriously ill.” party too. Terry Biddlecombe and Josh that, to try and recapture the “sense of liv-
Yet, miraculously, just a few months later Gifford were great champions and also great ing” he had when race riding, he set himself
he was back in the sad- pals and, together with weighing room col- a number of extreme challenges.
dle and riding a 25-1 league David Mould, were known as The In 2003, he competed in the inaugural
winner. Stan not Three Musketeers for the fun they had. N 1970, Biddlecombe was almost killed Polar Race to the North Pole, and then
only made a full On the night before the 1963 Grand when he was crushed by a horse at headed in the opposite direction to the
recovery but National, Biddlecombe invited his “attrac- Kempton but he later reflected that, had Antarctic. Dunwoody has subsequently
went on to tive” hotel receptionist out for a drive. He he died, he would have departed doing the raised the best part of half a million pounds
borrowed jockey Johnny Lehane’s car and thing he enjoyed most. for good causes, including walking 1,000
drove out to the beach for “a night of pas- John Francome whose laid-back, noncha- miles for 1,000 hours for Racing Welfare.
sion in the back seat”. lant air belied a fierce determination to win By the 21st century the financial rewards
After a while the pair drifted off to sleep. once the tapes were raised, won the title for champion jockeys had become much
Terry was awakened by a slapping sound on seven times between 1976 and 1985. greater, but the requirement for toughness
the front wheels. The tide was coming in! In 1982 the Swindon-born jockey known remained. No one embodied this more than
He tried to start the engine but as the ‘gentleman’ was responsible for one of the remarkable AP McCoy, now Sir Anthony,
it croaked and so he had to run about the greatest acts of sportsmanship ever seen. who won the title an incredible 20 times
a mile to gather a rescue team For the second year running, his main between 1996 and 2015.
together to pull the car out of rival, Peter Scudamore, had seen his title In January 2008, AP fractured both sides
the sea. hopes dashed by injury. So when he reached of his T12 vertebrae and shattered two other
“When I got there the water was “Scu’s” score, Francome stopped riding, bones in his back after a fall at Warwick. To
up to the car bonnet and I was meaning the title was shared. Scudamore, an hasten his recovery he underwent a cryo-
out of favour, both with my new eight times champion, became the first man therapy treatment – enduring extremely cold
temperatures in a special chamber.
When told the coldest any human had
endured was -145 Celsius, McCoy asked for
the dial to be set to -150 degrees. He was
back in action in time for the Cheltenham
Festival in March.
Proving once again that champion jump
jockeys really are a breed apart.
● Champion Jump
Horse Racing Jockeys
From 1945 to Present
Day by Neil Clark
(White Owl Books,
£25) is out now.
For free UK P&P,
call Express
Bookshop on
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Francis wrote
for the Sunday
Express and later
became a best-
selling author
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Big draw...young visitors take in Chris’s painting as they visit beauty spot
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STEP right up for beautiful blooms, By Hamish Morrison
/$#05.#%1)0',+/ birds, fish and all manner of creatures
– and that’s just the stairs leading to a you go, it’s a really 3D experience.
celebrated nature reserve. You see people walking up gingerly
&#!&'..#!)'+#/3'0& ,"5*,2#*#+0+"!+ # '*#+/',+/!*4!*4 !*
Artist Chris Rutterford painted because they are worried about
the 3D mural at Loch Leven breaking the mural. I heard
50'%&0#+'+%0&#&+")#/,+0&#/'"#,$0&#!&'. ,),1./
2') )#)!(.,3+1.%1+"5.#* in only two weeks. people arriving, cooing in
&#!&'.)/,$#01.#/*//%#-,'+0/'+0&#/#0 +".#5 It gives visitors a delight and jumping out
)1* ..#+"1--#..#,$0&# !(.#/03'0& glimpse of what’s to their skin when they
come at the top with saw it. Some people
'!"& )!(3'2#)&'.
+$!( .#*3'2#)&'. imagery of wetlands, walking down the
+*-) .,3+3'2#)&'.
+$. .#53'2#)&'. forestry and wildlife. stairs don’t even
Chris, 48, said: realise it’s there.
,+%,)#. 1.%1+"53'2#)&'. “We were up there “The grey stairs
every day. I like to were totally
make murals that bear inappropriate for Loch
with the stairs becoming a now and creating theatre for
tourist destination in themselves in people when they arrive.”
Kinross, 30 miles north of Edinburgh. The reserve is brimming with
Chris, inset, said: “The tops of the wildlife through the seasons –
stairs are still concrete, so it’s quite a including geese, ospreys, otters,
funny feeling when you walk up it. kingfishers and bats – and rare plants
The art on the stairs reveals itself as like the threatened coral root orchid.
Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 35
TORY conference
attendees are
“encouraged” to bring
an up-to-date NHS
Covid vaccine pass with them,
ORIS Johnson is muster- but will not be asked to show
ing the Tory faithful “face them on entry, says advice to
to face and cheek by attendees. The light touch
jowl”, just as he promised approach is a wise move,
in an online speech a year given that Tory big beasts
ago. Covid robbed the David Davis and Graham
Prime Minister of a victory confer- Brady are holding a
ence last autumn to celebrate prop- “Conservatives Against
erly his general election landslide Covid ID Cards” fringe event
and delivery of the Get Brexit on Monday.
Done pledge.
A year on from a muted virtual MARGARET Thatcher is
gathering, his troops arrive in featured on a new series
of mugs on sale to the
Manchester this weekend in a far Tory faithful at their
from exultant mood with those conference. “Milk before tea?
twin triumphs distant memories. No. No. No,” says the slogan on
Technically, this year’s Tory con- the novelty crockery.
ference will be a hybrid affair, with
party members able to log in to the TRANSPORT Secretary
big debates virtually. Grant Shapps is hosting
Yet the event’s organisers still an event for the maritime
expect around 10,000 attendees to industry at the Tory
pack into the Manchester Central conference. “Come and join us
convention complex over the com- for a tot of rum,” says the
sternest critics
Mr Johnson’s leadership. warns against too much
The Government’s Health and indulgence in Manchester.
Social Care Levy, to raise £12billion The veteran backbencher has
a year for the NHS and long-term told Parliament’s The House
support for the elderly and vulnera- magazine his tip for surviving
ble, is seen as a Labour-style tax a party conference is to never
raid that will hit household budgets drink alcohol after 9.30pm.
and act as a drag on employers.
Sceptics in the party, including FACEBOOK will be
Cabinet ministers, fear billions among the firms with a
could be swallowed up by bloated stall in the exhibition
hall at the Tory
bureaucracy and soaring consul- conference. MPs are wondering
tancy fees in the ever cash-hungry ing and heating their homes while shifting his ideological ground can dons Conservative principles while whether the digital giant’s vice
health service. China and other fast-growing coun- wrong foot his opponents and sup- presiding over a punishing squeeze president of global affairs – a
A cap on energy price rises, a tries carry on polluting. porters alike. No Tory can deny it on the cost of living for millions of certain Nick Clegg – might put
policy denounced as “Marxist” by Rhetoric from ministers about helped to win votes in former families may prove vulnerable to in an appearance. The former
the Tories until Theresa May the drastic need for action now to Labour heartlands in the north of the threat. Lib Dem leader would certainly
pinched the idea from former save the planet in the run-up to the England at the 2019 election. Mr Johnson should still have cause a stir.
Labour leader Ed Miliband, is United Nations’ COP26 environ- “The Conservatives are not an much to celebrate this week. The
destroying competition in the mar- ment summit in Glasgow later this easy opponent to pin down,” the fact that the party is gathering SADIQ KHAN bemused
ketplace as smaller firms are driven month will stretch those nerves. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer “cheek by jowl” at all is a tribute to Labour delegates by
out of business. For free-marketeer Tories, the moaned ahead of his party’s confer- his Government’s astonishingly adopting a slow-paced,
And while household incomes Government’s preference for big- ence in Brighton. successful mass vaccination metronomic rhythm for
are squeezed by accelerating infla- state solutions is causing alarm. The danger for the Tories is that a programme. his speech at the party’s
tion, many Tories are increasingly Mr Johnson and his allies need to rejuvenated opposition proves To win genuinely warm applause conference in Brighton. “Sadiq’s
nervous about the Government’s brace themselves for some com- equally adept at political cross- from his first truly “face-to-face” been having some media
training,” said one friend of
pursuit of the “net zero” target for plaints from the conference fringe dressing. In his conference speech mass Tory audience for two years, the London Mayor, adding: “He
eliminating carbon emissions by about the direction of Government on Wednesday, Starmer signalled the Prime Minister will have to is trying to be a bit more
the end of the decade. policy. Some salvos may even his admiration for Tony Blair’s vote- serve up some genuine statesmanlike for his second
They fear a backlash from house- spring from within Cabinet ranks. grabbing New Labour project. Conservatism in his keynote con- term at City Hall.”
holds forced to pay more for motor- The Prime Minister’s knack for A Tory government that aban- ference speech on Wednesday.
Minister Gordon
Labour chiefs with
his leadership of a party
SIR KEIR Starmer and his team are one senior party aide told me at the end of the while the party had a “good week” Starmer had commission tasked with
congratulating themselves after turning a conference, adding: “Keir has seen them off.” failed to explain his past backing for Corbyn to keeping the four parts of
chaotic week at the seaside to their advantage. This week’s Labour conference certainly felt become Prime Minister. the UK together. “In typical
Labour’s annual conference in Brighton very different from the party’s last full To move on, Starmer had to be clearer Gordon fashion, he’s
began with party deputy leader Angela Rayner gathering two years ago when the Jeremy about why the “Corbyn era was an affront” writing the whole thing
denouncing the Tories as “scum” before Corbyn fan club ruled the roost. to traditional, mainstream Labour values, the himself,” said one
descending into a series of bitter clashes More business suits and fewer “Free independent peer tweeted. shadow cabinet
with the hard-Left. Palestine” T-shirts could be seen around Many former Labour voters will feel the member,
A frontbencher quit the shadow cabinet in the conference centre and hotel bars. same. After Corbyn’s election flops, his adding: “The
protest at the direction of the party and the Yet Labour has some way to go before supporters are so enfeebled within their big fear is it is
leader’s speech was punctuated by boos convincing all of those repulsed by the party that isolated howls of protest were all going to end
and heckles. hard-Left excess of the Corbyn years. they had left. up being very
Yet the mood among Starmer’s aides was Lord Walney, the former Labour MP John Seeing them off was the easy part for complicated.”
buoyant as they headed from the south coast. Woodcock, who quit the party and urged voters Starmer. Rebuilding trust with voters will prove
“We’ve heard the last roar of the dinosaurs,” to back the Tories at the last election, said that far more challenging.
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Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 37
Is there anything you’re yearning
to know? Send your questions, on
any subject, to the contacts given
below, and we will do our best to Sarah Anderson, from
answer them… Birmingham, loves the work
of WH Auden and would like
A Trick or treating can actually Now the leaves are falling fast,
Nurse’s flowers will not last;
be traced way back to Celtic
Nurses to the graves are gone,
Britain. October 31 was called And the prams go rolling on.
Samhain, and was a celebration of Whispering neighbours, left
the harvest and welcoming in the and right,
dark half of the year. It was also a Pluck us from the real
festival for honouring the dead delight;
and it is thought you could TRICK OR SWEET: Halloween was a festival for honouring the dead and celebrating the harvest. Below, Autry And the active hands must
appease the spirits that walked freeze
the earth by leaving food and
drink on your doorstep.
When Christianity spread, the
A “Singing Cowboy” Gene
Autry made his first ever trip
outside of America in the summer
Merseyside, on August 25, a week
before war was declared.
He returned to the UK in 1953,
church and each, but a few, such
as challenge and chase, come
from Old French. Others, such as
Lonely on the separate
Dead in hundreds at the
practice evolved into something of 1939, when he arrived in which will have been when your Champagne and chef, are back
called souling, when poor people London with Champion the wife spotted him. He performed pronounced with a “sh” sound Follow wooden in our track,
would knock on the doors of Wonder Horse, riding him up the at the Empress Hall in London as they are relatively new, Arms raised stiffly to reprove
wealthier families in their town steps and into The Savoy hotel. for a month-long stint, with borrowed from French. In false attitudes of love.
and promise to pray for dead Gene, who made close to 100 Starving through the leafless
Champion, and took part in a After the Norman Conquest,
relatives in exchange for sweet Western films, toured the UK and number of personal appearances, French spelling habits were Trolls run scolding for their
treats known as soul pastries. Ireland in 1939, playing to tens including visiting the children’s inserted into Anglo-Saxon words food;
In Ireland and Scotland, they of thousands of fans. ward of West Middlesex hospital. that had the same sound but had And the nightingale is dumb,
would sing on the doorstep His tour kicked off on August 1 Gene is the only entertainer to previously been spelled with a And the angel will not come.
and receive nuts and fruit, or in Cork and took in 14 cities have five stars on the Hollywood simple c in Old English. So, Cold, impossible, ahead
money. including Cardiff, Birmingham, Walk of Fame, one each for for example, words like cild Lifts the mountain’s lovely
Trick or Glasgow, records, radio, film, television and became child. head
treating took Newcastle, live theatrical performance, And not to forget there Whose white waterfall could
off in earnest in Leeds and including rodeo. is also the fabulously throaty bless
the 1920s in Manchester. sound from Scottish Gaelic, heard Travellers in their last
America, with When he visited Why in some words and with words such as loch, distress.
sweets Dublin, 75,000 names, such as my surname, pronounced with a more “ach”
eventually people gathered is the “ch” pronounced as a “k” but sound, also found in the Scottish If you can’t remember the
replacing for a parade in in other words, like Finchley, it has word dreich, meaning dull or words to a favourite verse
home-baked his honour. a “ch” sound? gloomy and Scottish weather at or song from yesteryear,
goodies due to But his John Nicholls, Sedgefield, its most miserable. send us a snippet and we’ll
the ease factor. Hollywood film County Durham do our best to find all the
studio was PLEASE SEND US YOUR wonderful words.
Q My wife
Susan seems
to remember
getting twitchy
with the
A The “k” sound from ch is
widespread among words
with a Greek origin, as can be
● By email: put “questions”
seeing Gene across Europe, seen with Christ, chaos, charisma in the subject line and send
Autry in the late and made him and chronic. to [email protected]
1940s or early get the next Your surname is derived from ● By post: to Any Questions, Daily
1950s at her local available ship Nicholas, from the Greek name Express, One Canada Square,
church. Did this back to Nikolaos. Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP
occur? America after Most words with a “ch” sound ● Unfortunately we cannot reply
Mike Saxby, performing in come from Old English and are individually, but we will feature
Yeovil, Somerset Birkenhead, Germanic in origin, such as the best questions on this page.
‘Sir Roger’
Pictures: GETTY
Willie Garson
was King
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021, AGED 57
AS CARRIE Bradshaw’s
best friend Stanford Blatch
in Sex And The City, Willie
Garson added a wit and
flamboyance that made his
of the Kop
scenes with Sarah Jessica
Parker fizzle with brilliance.
The actors were real-life
pals who met years earlier
on a blind date. Garson said
they often struggled to
make it through their scenes
because they would be
laughing so hard.
He starred in 27 out of 98
episodes from the TV series
NGLAND World Cup and the first two Sex And
winner and Liverpool’s
record league scorer, Roger Roger Hunt The City films. Two months
prior to his death, he was
spotted filming a scene with
Hunt was a brilliant and
formidable striker. A piv- Footballer Parker for the show’s latest
revival, And Just Like
otal force in Alf Ramsey’s That..., in New York.
1966 side, he played in all six BORN JULY 20, 1938 Garson was a prolific
matches and scored three goals. - DIED SEPTEMBER 27, 2021, AGED 83 actor on stage and screen,
During his 11 years at Anfield, appearing in more than 75
Hunt scored 285 goals in 492 films and 300 TV episodes
appearances, a record only broken Roger Hunt. Hunt’s achievements over four decades.
by Ian Rush in 1992. saw him bestowed with an honor- From the mid-1980s
Today, he retains the club’s ary knighthood from the Kop and onwards he starred in some
record of 244 league goals – it’s no he will forever be known as ‘Sir of the biggest shows of all
wonder Anfield fans called him Roger’ by supporters of the club he time, including Twin Peaks,
“Sir Roger”. graced with such distinction.” Ally McBeal, Friends, Star
Paired with Ian St John, he won Hunt was born in Glazebury, Trek: Voyager, Buffy The
league titles in 1964 and 1966 and Lancashire, and played for Croft
the club’s first FA Cup in 1965, Youth Club, Stockton Heath and
scoring in the final at Wembley Devizes Town before signing for
against Leeds United. Liverpool, aged 20, in 1958. KOP IDOL: Liverpool and England legend Roger Hunt
A modest man with a strong His talent was clear from the
work ethic, he was unrivalled for start, scoring against Scunthorpe
his finishing ability yet was never United in his first game. the final against West Germany he his family’s haulage company. He
seen to boast. In summing up Hunt became a consistent striker was the first to celebrate Geoff was awarded an MBE in 2000 for
Hunt’s talent, current Liverpool for the club and scored the equal- Hurst’s controversial goal, when his World Cup victory and was
manager Jurgen Klopp said: “Roger iser against Borussia Dortmund in officials were deliberating whether inducted into the English Football
Hunt comes second to no one in the 1966 European Cup Winners’ the ball had crossed the line after Hall of Fame in 2006.
his importance in the history of Cup final, although Liverpool went crashing down off the bar. He died at home following a long
Liverpool FC, that much is clear.” on to lose 2-1 in extra time. Hunt left Liverpool in 1969 and illness and is survived by his
The club said in a statement: In the World Cup that summer he spent three years with Bolton second wife, Rowan Green, and his
“Liverpool FC is mourning the scored twice against France and Wanderers before retiring from two children, David and Julie, from
passing of legendary former player found the net against Mexico. In football in 1972 and working with his first marriage.
Alan Lancaster
ALAN Lancaster was the founding
BORN SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 member and bassist of Status Quo,
Highland Park, New Jersey
to Muriel and Donald M.
– DIED SEPTEMBER 15, 2021, AGED 90 who was dumped by his bandmates Paszamant.
after their 1985 Live Aid set,
PERHAPS the most unlikely before making a triumphant return Musician After studying theatre at
Wesleyan University, he
looking lothario in TV history, three decades later.
Robert Fyfe played wayward attended Yale School of
He met lead singer Francis Rossi, BORN FEBRUARY 7, 1949 Drama and quickly found
husband Howard Sibshaw in
Last Of The Summer Wine. at school in 1962 and appeared on – DIED SEPTEMBER 26, 2021, AGED 72 work in television.
Howard enjoyed many 15 albums as the band scored His other long-running
secret rendezvous with massive hits with Rockin’ All Over role was as con man Mozzie
brassy blonde Marina, played The World, Whatever You Want and court settlement. In March 2010, in US comedy-drama White
by Jean Fergusson. But his Down Down. he met with Rossi and Rick Parfitt Collar, which ran for six
domineering wife Pearl, Lancaster co-wrote several in Sydney and amends were made. series until 2014.
played by Juliette Kaplan, songs, including Don’t Think It His ill health prevented an Although his Sex And The
City character was gay,
always brought him to heel. Matters, and together with Rossi, anticipated 2011 reunion of the Garson was heterosexual
Fyfe joined the cast in 1985 gave Status Quo their name. “Frantic Four” line-up – Rossi,
and appeared in 230 episodes. in real life and was praised
So he was shocked to be Lancaster, Parfitt and John ACE OF BASS: Alan Lancaster for injecting nuance and
Born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, unceremoniously sacked by phone Coghlan – but the band’s concerts
Robert Douglas Fyfe sensitivity into his
in Australia, where he had settled were rapturously received two performance.
graduated from the Northern some years earlier. years later. Dulwich. The band were renamed
Theatre School. As well as He was an advocate of
His bandmates were miffed by Alan Charles Lancaster was born Status Quo once Coghlan joined adoption and adopted his
TV work he appeared in films,
including The 51st State.
his decision to emigrate to the in Peckham, south London, and and Rossi recruited Parfitt after son Nathen, now 20, in 2009.
In 1957 he married stage other side of the world and had attended Sedgehill Comprehensive meeting him at Butlin’s. He died of pancreatic cancer
designer Diana Rush, who secretly started work on a new School. He and Rossi formed The Lancaster died after a long battle at his home in Los Angeles
died several weeks before album. Lancaster took out an Scorpions, renamed The Spectres, with multiple sclerosis and is and is survived by Nathen.
him. They are survived by injunction against them using the before Lancaster’s father got them survived by his wife Dayle, his
their three sons. Status Quo name, although he their first gig, aged 13, at the children Alan Jr, Toni and David, Written by KAT HOPPS
eventually agreed on an out-of- Samuel Jones Sports Club in and five grandchildren. & JAMES MURRAY
involved children to create
an inspirational garden.
ESPITE or perhaps because of lock- Huge congratulations to our
down, Cultivation Street 2021 saw winners, Chewton Common
more entries than ever before. Record Playgroup in Christchurch,
numbers of people entered our Dorset, who win £1,000 and
community gardening competition, a Miracle-Gro® hamper.
including many returning projects, but
also a huge number of brand new entries, A YEAR ago, the entrance
to the playgroup was
gardens created over the past 18 months and nothing but surfacing and
still coming into their own. a lonely picnic bench. The
These weren’t just community gardens; there staff agreed this wasn’t a
were school gardens too, and our judges were reflection on their happy
blown away by the high standard of the entries, VISION: Helen Dow, near right, and her team at
nursery and decided they Chewton Common encouraged children to help
highlighting just how important gardening and wanted an interesting and
growing together is for the nation. And how for transform a drab area, above, into a haven, below
engaging space.
so many people it benefits physical health as After asking children if
well as mental wellbeing. they wanted to take part in
Cultivation Street, sponsored by Miracle- some gardening, and
Gro® and supported by the Daily Express, receiving an overwhelming
remains a beacon of green guidance and advice. “Yes!”, they got to work to
We love watching gardens grow and develop so create an outdoor space
we are already so excited for next year – the where children could learn
10th anniversary of the campaign! and which parents, staff
and visitors would enjoy.
Express Editor in Chief Gary Jones said: “It’s They began by acquiring
been a pleasure and a privilege to support large used tyres and
Cultivation Street and see the many wonderful placed them around the
community gardening projects making life that side of the building for
little bit better for everyone the planters. A greenhouse
length and breadth of the UK. was donated which
Huge congratulations allowed them to start
especially to our winners growing in the winter months. To who see the value in an amazing
but also to everyone who learn along the way, the children outdoor space the children can take
helped make this a record planted everything themselves so responsibility for and ownership of.”
year for entries.” there was a real sense of
achievement when they saw it all ● Second place went to St Nicolas C
come together. of E Primary School in Downderry,
Playgroup owner Helen Dow said: Cornwall, winning £500 and a Miracle-
“There is such great value in Gro® hamper, placed third was Chaucer
planting, growing, digging, and Junior School in Ilkeston, Derbyshire,
playing outside. The children love to winning £250 and a Miracle-Gro®
garden so to win this award is truly hamper.Two highly commended prizes
brilliant. It is so important for young go to St Nathaniel’s Primary in Stoke-on-
children to be outside, and we are Trent, Staffs, and Bengeo Primary School
lucky enough to have amazing staff in Hertford, both winning hampers.
Can you find 18 or more Fill the grid so that
E D words containing only the
five letters shown on the
left? Each word must include
the letter in the centre, in
every column, row, and
3x3 square includes all
the digits from 1 to 9.
Level: Moderate
Target: 24 mins
WIN £100
The Sunshine Puzzle has been a firm favourite with readers of the Express for many FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £100 CASH read down the letters in the highlighted squares to reveal the mystery word
years. All you need to do is find the correct home for the listed words. We have ACROSS
helped you by placing two. Here are the words that go into the grid: 1 Mother with equipment,
ancient, from plant (8)
D 5 Approach and speak to cold
commanding officer in a
CATCH E street (6)
10 Legendary aquatic creature
T troubling short conmen
less (4,4,7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 straps (7) LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION
1 x Battleship 22 Hoped that torn drape takes ACROSS 1 Betrayal, 5 Strait, 10 Under the weather, 11 Crowned,
A 3 year (6) 12 Arsenic, 13 Assemble, 15 Tibia, 18 Royal, 20 Unseemly, 23 Narrate,
24 Dental thread used by woman 25 Achieve, 26 For the time being, 27 Rulers, 28 Initials.
2 x Cruiser DOWN 1 Brunch, 2 Tediously, 3 Arrange, 4 Aphid, 6 Transit, 7 Ashen,
B 3
on ship (5)
25 Graduate with article will 8 Turncoat, 9 Sweaters, 14 Brunette, 16 Ballerina, 17 Transfer, 19 Leather,
C 1 3 x Destroyer swim (5) 21 Exhibit, 22 Reigns, 24 Rural, 25 Amman. Prizeword: Precious.
0907 181 2557
Extra letter clues
1 Baked treats (8) F 0907 181 2559
1 2 3 4 5 6 Country, capital LAST SATURDAY’S G 30 17 10 5 15 34 32 13 33 32 18 29 36 Call for up to six extra letter
Tehran (4) SOLUTION H
6 7 8 9 10 8 Singer, _ Goulding (5) clues. (Deduct three
11 Hire (6) beech berth berthed I 26 18 9 2 29 25 26 8 18 4 9 3 15 minutes for each extra
12 Elderly (4) breech butch butcher J
11 letter heard.) Callers will
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15 Deadly (5) chert cherub chub L also be given two black
12 13 14 16 Charged particle (3) chute echt etch square numbers free of any
17 Young animal (4) M 32 21 21 6 34 35 19 30 21 12 11 18 27
etched etcher ether N target time penalty.
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1 Tiara clip (anag.) (9) S 11 38 2 9 24 17 11 19 30 5 20 11 4
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20 21 3 Kin (9) to 64343.
4 Cambridgeshire city (3) U 6 11 37 35 5 8 19 10 33 19 14 38 39 Texts cost £1 plus your usual
22 5 Looks like (9) V operator rate.
7 Areas (7) W 23 11 19 14 38 25 37 15 12 29 25 39 6 LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION
9 Faithful (5) X Black squares: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11,
10 Salaries (7) Y 20 21 10 15 39 5 39 32 17 13 31 11 7 16, 17, 22, 25, 27, 32, 35, 37.
13 Acted boldly (5) Across: Table, Football, Foxy,
18 Solo song (4) Z Zeppelin, Flute, Visa, Leisure,
LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION 19 Term of respect for a Nice, Asked, Microdot, Guru,
ACROSS 1 Contempt, 6 Hail, 8 Galas, 11 In-tray, man (3)
Call 0907 181 2586 for Schmooze, Knoll.
12 Crew, 14 Ads, 15 Argon, 16 Peg, 17 Name, today’s Target solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Down: Fawn, Mush, Awful, Lax,
19 At once, 20 Adieu, 21 Anne, 22 Plasters.
DOWN 1 Chickpeas, 2 Nine, 3 Egregious, 4 Ply,
For today’s solution *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your
telephone company’s network 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Telegrams, Jived, Joke, Oozy,
Pique, Observers, Urn, Equal,
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5 Isosceles, 7 Airhead, 9 Aaron, 10 Abdomen,
13 Wrote, 18 Acne, 19 Ail.
*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone
company’s network access charge.
access charge. All puzzles use
The Chambers Dictionary F ■ K G Plan, Axed.
[email protected]
with ALAN
Pond strife
Your weekly gardening
to-do list
■ Sprinkle sharp sand on boggy
areas of the lawn to improve surface
drainage and firm up the ground. If
it’s a place you have to walk over,
consider sinking a few stepping stones
in place to avoid muddy tracks when the grass wears out.
■ Clean, oil and sharpen garden tools and put them
If your pond is looking overgrown, straggly round the edges or is in need away in the shed. Add storage racks or shelving so it’s
of some TLC, this is the perfect time of year to do something about it easy to find what you need next season.
■ Make or set up a new compost container,
ready to take all the compostable waste
y the end of the season, PREPARE drain for a few you collect when you start clearing
most ponds are looking a Stretch the seconds and then
net taut so up the garden at the end of
bit overgrown and in it doesn’t
bale into a bucket. the season.
need of a sort-out. And if droop in Work slowly, so as
you keep fish, a few basic the water not to stir up the
precautions will keep them safe
and happy through the winter.
murk too much.
Don’t try to get all SPOTLIGHT ON...
Cut back
the silt out.
Plants need some
to root into and it
shady spots
Trim moisture-loving perennials Dry shady spots aren’t great
or bog plants growing in the area Pull out houses lots of
rotting for plants but they can be
around the pond. A few species leaves beneficial bacteria, tamed by working in
are late flowering, so take care so aim to leave a organic matter and
not to cut down plants with PREDATOR De-sludge layer a couple of planting dry-shade lovers
more flowers to come. Fish can Over several years, garden inches deep all over the floor of in tiers for a showy effect.
The spring and summer- shelter
ponds slowly start to fill the pond. Into the top storey go
flowering kinds, however, can from herons
in a plant themselves in, since plants and shrubs. Try berberis (both
be cut off completely – foliage pot or pipe wildlife generate waste that Protect evergreen and deciduous), PERIWINKLE
and all – roughly 2in above sinks to the bottom as silt. Place a large clean plant pot or evergreen euonymus, Prunus
ground level. By the time a pond has been 12in length of plastic pipe on its laurocerasus (laurel), hollies and Pittosporum
Next, work on marginal plants established for five years or side in the deepest part where tenuifolium. Add snowberry (symphoricarpos) for
growing in shallow water at the more, some of this sludge needs it’s well surrounded by water iridescent berries and periwinkle for starry blue
edge of the pond. Dead-head any to be removed to keep the water weeds, so fish can take shelter in flowers.
that still have flowers to come, case of herons or other For deepish shade two real gloom merchants stand
at the correct depth.
but cut down all those that have This helps to maintain predators. out – Danae racemosa (Alexandrian laurel) and ruscus
finished for the year – their a suitable temperature Cover the surface of aculeatus (butcher’s broom). Both are evergreen with
foliage will be looking very tatty for fish, aquatic the pond with a net, linear stems and green flowers followed by loud
by now. wildlife and the
By the time stretching it taut so the orange berries. They both spread slowly under trees
If evergreen waterside plants, beneficial bacteria
it’s been centre doesn’t droop or shrubs where nothing else grows.
such as some sedges (Carex) still hawthorn often flowers that keep conditions established into the water. For the mezzanine floor, a rugged perennial is called
look good, or dwarf bulrushes quite late into autumn, so if it’s in check. for five years This will help deter for, so go wild with ground-covering swathes of
have seed heads, still looking good, leave it alone De-sludging is best sludge herons, but the main bergenia, Alchemilla mollis (lady’s mantle), brunnera,
then leave those for winter till later. done in autumn. needs purpose is to collect lamium, ajuga (bugle) and Euphorbia amygdaloides
decoration – just remove any There’s no need to removing falling leaves before robbiae.
broken stems or damaged Thin out empty the pond of they drop in the pond Add contrasting patches of upright Iris foetidissima
foliage to tidy up their Now is not the time to divide plants and fish, or even siphon and rot. and grassy-leaved lily turf (Liriope muscari).
appearance. water plants (wait until spring), the water out. Just take a square This is because they use up The basement is the place to naturalise early spring
Pull out yellow leaves of water but if you have some that you plastic pot, 4-6in across, to use valuable oxygen when they bulbs that complete their annual growth cycle before
lilies. This prevents rotting want to get rid of, it’s a good time as an underwater scoop. decompose, as well as helping conditions turn drier and shadier. Your best bets are
vegetation falling back into the to lift them out, complete with Lean over the water and work silt build up. daffodils, snowdrops, winter aconites and hardy
pond and fouling the water (any the planting basket they grow in. carefully across the floor of the Remove the leaves from the cyclamen. If they’re happy they will shed seed and
leaves that are still green and Tip them on to the compost pond, between plants, gathering net regularly before their weight form stunning floral carpets.
healthy can be left alone). Water heap, where they’ll soon rot. sludge. Lift out gently, allow to drags them down into the water.
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Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 49
Edited by email [email protected]
twitter @TravelEdNigel @marjorieyue
NIGEL @JaneMemmler @LissamanVicky
THOMPSON online express.co.uk/travel
@TravelEdNigel instagram.com/dailyexpresslifestyle
Ghoul of
Wicked Warwick GlasGLOW,
Castle Glasgow
Discover some gruesome Botanic Gardens
truths in the Horrible As an undercover
Histories maze, meet the reporter for the
Witches of Warwick, plus The GLOWING Glasglopolis Globe, your
Spooky Mansion and Haunted Glasgow Botanic
mission is to discover why a
the season
Hollows are making a comeback toxic gloop has taken over the
with spellbinding shows and activities. city. Explore the spectacular 60-minute
October 23, 31. Tickets from £24. illuminated trail in this
Castle After Dark is an evening event brand-new story that puts you at the
on selected October dates with festival- heart of the action. October 27 to
themed live entertainment. Tickets £20, November 14, adults from £20, children
warwick-castle.com from £12, itison.com
Cruise news
vessels explore the Tilbury, Essex. Passengers have a
BIG DEAL mighty Mississippi choice of 80 nationwide pick-up BIG DEAL
BY NIGEL THOMPSON plus the Columbia points across England and Wales
Spa break from £125pp: Maldives from
and Snake waterways with earlybird fares starting at
Hotel group The House of Four classic US river paddlewheelers £1,750pp: Save up to 40%
in the Pacific £40 return per person up to
Daniel Thwaites has two-night are to get a major makeover ahead of on accommodation rates at
Northwest and they will be revamped October 15. Coaches feature toilets, Constance Halaveli, Maldives.
luxury champagne breaks, with the 2022 sailing season. by March to the same ‘’sophisticated video/television and air-con. Seven nights B&B. Includes flights
breakfast, a bottle of bubbles, a
Queen of the Mississippi, America standard’’ as new ship American ambassadorcruiseline.com
Bollinger cooler and glasses to take from Heathrow and transfers.
home, cocktails, £30pp towards
and Queen of the West will also be Melody. americancruiselines.com ■ Princess Cruises has resumed Departs November 15.
a meal and a spa treatment. renamed American Splendor, American ■ Joining a 2022 cruise with post-lockdown itineraries from Los inspiringtravelco.uk,
houseofdanielthwaites. Heritage, and American West, while Ambassador will be easier and more Angeles with Grand Princess returning 01244 433311.
co.uk/spa American Pride will retain its original relaxing with the launch of a new to the Pacific for a five-day voyage to
name. The American Cruise Lines coach travel service to the port in Mexico. princess.com
decorations at the Pleasure Gardens on
October 24. Join medieval man of the
woods, John Forrester, to make lanterns BRICKING IT
on October 25. Journey by lantern light Spookiness at
into the grounds to meet some of its Legoland
most iconic creatures on October 26, or
come dressed for the occasion on
October 27 for Professor Bubbles’
magic show. Adults, £8.20, children £6,
email [email protected]
twitter @TravelEdNigel @marjorieyue
@JaneMemmler @LissamanVicky
online express.co.uk/travel
encounters at
Chessington World of
Adventures, Surrey
See the Wild Witches of Adventure
Point who will be casting devilish
spells, keep an eye out for the
Vampire Villagers and Wilf The
Werewolf. Scare mazes Creepy
Caves: Resurgence and The
Forgotten Forest return. October
16-31, from £34, chessington.com
Rocker’s fang-tastic Pumpkin Trail from £179 for a three-night Stay+Play park’s adventure maze, and Hair-raising fun at
and the Haunted House Monster break, haven.com/holidays/autumn/ the new Sugar Skull Witch, a Hatfield House,
Party. Don your scariest outfit and late-breaks wickedly stylish character Hertfordshire
get a selfie at the meet-and-greets. who travels via a hidden Little monsters can follow a
October 14-31, £39, legoland.co.uk Wander into the hoverboard. Fancy dress fun-filled trail around the grounds
darkness at Blenheim competition, freaky face- where they will bump into creepy
Ghost Fest at Oxford Palace, Oxfordshire painting and mini beasts in the characters who recount spine-
Castle & Prison Watch out for flickering flames in a Discovery Centre. October 23-31, PUMPED tingling stories and teach you dance
Dare to join a spooky evening tour to fiendish fire garden as you wind your from £26, drusillas.co.uk Peppa Pig moves ahead of the Spooktacular
stars at
hear stories of the castle’s 1,000-year- way through the illuminated Paultons Disco. October 28-31, adults £10,
old past. Resident warlock Merlin haunted woods. Then discover the Halloween at Hogwarts, children £15, hatfield-house.co.uk
awaits in the crypt. Head to the top of Secret Garden filled with more Warner Bros Studio Tour, Scarefest at Alton
St George’s Tower as the city lights hidden surprises. October 22-31, Watford Towers, Staffordshire Frights and Sprites
twinkle. October 16-17, 22-31, £18, adults £15, children £10, parking £10,
Spooky season here is all about the
Dare to enter four terrifying mazes at Blackgang Chine,
oxfordcastleandprison.co.uk blenheimpalace.com/halloween Dark Arts. See the floating pumpkin Isle of Wight
display in the Great Hall and learn and a brand new attraction, Trick
O’Treat Town. Visit Freak Show: Head to Rumpus Mansion LIVE to
Spine-tingling Sea Life Faboolous Shriek the moves behind a wand combat
Toxic Junkyard, The Attic: Terror of hear ghost stories told by Lady
Follow an immersive in-tank trail Week at Drusillas Park, scene, just like the Battle of
the Towers and others, along with Edwina and Franklin. Chase
celebrating the creepiest creatures of East Sussex Hogwarts, in a live duel with gremlins, dance like a devil at the
the deep, coupled with spell-casting Death Eaters. Event is on until Garden Lights Walk: Whispering
Keep little horrors happy with live Souls, part of the event’s family Spooky Disco and get creative at the
with a sea witch and a trick or treat action thrills such as Haunted November 7, adults £47, creepy crafts workshop. October
surprise at Sea Life centres across the Heights, a haunted house experience, children £38, wbstudiotour.co.uk friendly line-up of entertainment
18-22, 25-29, £24.50pp, blackgang
UK from October 2-31. Adults from including CBeebies Land Monster chine.com. For adults, Terror Island
Mummy Mayhem, a takeover of the Ball. October 8-10, 15-31, from £39,
£14.50, children £10.50. Venues in Harry Potter: A Forbidden is back. October 22-31,
Manchester, Weymouth, Brighton, Forest Experience, Arley scare mazes £10, FEAR IN £23.50pp, 16+,
Loch Lomond, Birmingham, Bray, altontowers.com FOREST
Hall & Gardens, Cheshire For Potter
Great Yarmouth and Hunstanton, Potter fans will love this light trail fans at
visitsealife.com inspired by the Forbidden Forest and Frightfully good Arley Hall PrimEvil,
creatures from the Harry Potter fun at Paultons Lenwade,
Halloween at and Fantastic Beasts series. As Park, Hampshire Norfolk
Haven resorts evening falls, lights transform the The Legend of Paultons Discover five horrifying
Let the ghoul times roll at landscape into a magical outdoor Manor returns this year haunts including the
Haven resorts with pumpkin trail. Make your way through featuring the tale of Circus of Terror, with
carving and slime monsters, woodland and encounter Pickles the Pumpkin and surprise rooms and
then get spooked with shows mystical creatures including the Spirit Squad. creepy corridors. Street
including Halloween Once Hippogriffs, centaurs, unicorns Tornado Springs, the performers, street food
Upon A Time, the fancy dress and Nifflers. From October 16, park’s new world of and entertainment.
parade and the Seaside Squad SHUDDER tickets from £19, hpforbidden attractions, is getting a October 8-31, £21,
Hocus Pocus Party. October 16-31, HOOD At forestexperience.com ghostly makeover. primevil-scare.com
Edited by email [email protected]
twitter @TravelEdNigel @marjorieyue
NIGEL @JaneMemmler @LissamanVicky
THOMPSON online express.co.uk/travel
@TravelEdNigel instagram.com/dailyexpresslifestyle
museum.ca). Several are 65ft home to some of the best Just 10 minutes from downtown CA NA DA
Buy of the week high – the tallest they could Ottawa, you can be transported to USA
vegetarian food in Ottawa. Parliament Gallery
squeeze into the building. But A tasting tour run by C’est serenity at this Scandi-style jewel. tawa
Ot w Hill
some First Nations tribes on In winter the Bon Cooking allows you to Or simply sip a glass of wine with Rive
Ri ver
the West Coast made them Rideau Canal sample some of the best friends and listen to the sounds of the Wellington
Who doesn’t twice as big. breeze while taking in the views over West Rideau 1 KM
freezes over dishes on a 2.5 mile walk Canal
love a great Clear an afternoon, to the city from their steaming infinity
turning it around the neighbourhood,
city? This
explore the impressively- into a huge (cestboncooking.ca). pool, 10 outdoor baths and waterfalls. GET THERE
designed Ottawa Art skating rink There are also nine saunas, steam Air Canada offers flights from
explores more Gallery, which is spread baths infused MAJESTIC Heathrow to Ottawa via Toronto
than 100 around over five expansive floors, Market leaders with Parliament from £489 return in November.
the world, from (oaggao.ca) Its centrepiece is its The historic ByWard Market is a lively Hill aircanada.com
ancient gallery dedicated to the Firestone neighbourhood teeming with speciality
settlements to today’s huge Collection of Canadian Art. food shops, vibrant craft stores, bars
metropolises. and clubs (byward-market.com). BOOK IT
Themes cover ancient For slower-paced Sundays, visit Rooms at the Fairmont Chateau
civilisations, riverside and Wine and dine Ottawa’s Farmer’s Market at Laurier hotel in Ottawa starts at £121
maritime cities, urban design and There’s a buzz among the foodies Lansdowne Park. The produce a night on room-only. fairmont.com/
today’s centres. The pages are seated around the open kitchen at from the 150 vendors comes laurier-ottawa
bursting with rich illustrations, Play Food & Wine on York Street, directly from farms within
(playfood.ca). Its speciality is
quotes, facts and timelines.
beautifully presented sharing plates
60 miles of the market. MORE INFO
■ Great Cities, £25, dk.com/uk (ottawafarmersmarket.ca). ottawatourism.ca
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Professor’s Study Proves Why 8# )$) +. ( ,-1*.*,*)-3.#*/-)-
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Genesis out to
rock the Germans
ere’s a car that might just the motorway. The engine produces
achieve Hyundai’s plan to
successfully introduce its
THE FACTS 207bhp and 325lb ft of torque and
does 0-62mph in 7.9sec. The ride is THE RIVALS
upmarket Genesis brand into Genesis GV70 2.2D Luxury comfortable and the handling secure.
the UK. Line five-door SUV No car like this – an SUV weighing in
We’ve already been impressed by at two tonnes – is fun to drive but a
the G80 saloon and GV80 SUV Price: £42,820 seating position that’s lower than
models. They’re well made, stylish Engine: 2.2-litre four-cylinder typical does make you feel more in
inside and out, and offer an diesel, 207bhp. touch with the road.
alternative to the mighty three 0-62mph: 7.9sec Although the car is built in
German brands. If you fancy Fuel consumption: 38-40mpg South Korea, with design and
Mercedes-Benz GLC 220d
something a bit different a Genesis engineering carried out in America, Good quality, well made and
might tick your boxes. Co2 emissions: 189g/km the chassis development is done in solid. But everyone’s got one.
But now we have smaller versions Germany so that the cars feel at £47,345
of those cars – the GV70 and G70. home on our roads.
This week we’re driving the GV70 There’s generous headroom and
SUV for no better reason than this legroom in the front of the GV70 and
is likely to be the body style that in the back, too. The rear seats split
will attract the most interest. That and can be folded flat from the
means sales. luggage area via a remote lever. You
Think of the Genesis as a rival to get 542 litres of space and there’s even
BMW’s X3, Mercedes’ GLC and Audi’s a place to stash the luggage cover
Q5. It’s 4.7 metres long and comes when it’s not being used. Also, the Volvo XC60 Inscription
with a choice of either a 2.5-litre electric tailgate’s push button switch At this price you get a mild
turbocharged petrol engine or a is up by the windscreen wiper so you hybrid petrol drivetrain.
2.2-litre diesel unit. piano black trim in the GV70, no buttons for essential and oft-used don’t get your fingers dirty feeling for Refreshingly different with
The car we’re testing has the latter wood, nor any of the other cliched functions such as heating. it under a lip. plenty of Nordic style.
and is in Luxury Line trim which materials such as fake carbon fibre. The rotary knob is set close to the Like the larger Genesis models, the £46,875
means a price of £42,820 without any Instead you get a very tasteful and similar-looking knob with which you GV70 feels more American than
options or packs. minimalist cabin with a strong select gears. It’s easy to go for the European – and in a good way. It
Ours has enough trinkets added, feeling of luxury. wrong one but you’d get used to it offers a really strong alternative to
which include an Innovation pack On the centre console there’s a within a couple of weeks of the current premium
and Nappa leather, to lift the price to rotary knob with which you can ownership. Four-wheel brands that’s appealing in
£50,620. control the infotainment system and drive is standard on all its own right and not just
The GV70 isn’t quite as good its 15.4in display. It’s a good job too models, as is an eight- You get a because it’s different.
looking on the outside as its bigger since the screen is uncomfortably far speed automatic gearbox. tasteful Pure electric models BMW X3 20d X-Line
brother but that’s subjective – you from finger reach. The diesel engine is very minimalist from Genesis are in the Looks cheaper but has less
might prefer it. What really impresses All the controls, including the quiet once it has warmed cabin with a pipeline which should give equipment. Very competent
me is that the interiors of all the new attractive looking column stalks, are up and almost silent when strong feeling the brand an even better but lacks design flair inside.
Genesis models take a refreshingly of high quality and have a slick action you’re on the move. There’s of luxury chance of establishing itself £44,310
different approach. You’ll not find any – plus there are proper knobs and also very little tyre noise on after this good start.
Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 59
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FTSE 250
FTSE 100 7027.1
FTSE ALL SHARE 4029.0 -30.0
Shares Traded 4576.2 million
Centrica 57¾ +1
Int Consolidated Airlines 188 +9½
National Grid 895¼ +10½
Rolls-Royce Holdings 143 +2¾
JD Wetherspoon has racked up nearly By Graham Hiscott
+90 £190million of annual losses since the SPARK GOES FROM ELECTRICALS FIRM
start of the Covid crisis. difficulties in getting enough staff. It paid SHARES in online
POPULAR SHARES ON THE SLIDE The pub giant yesterday announced the out nearly £23million in staff bonuses electricals firm AO
Abrdn 253 -2¾ biggest financial setback in its history and free shares in the year, with nearly World slid more
AstraZeneca 8773 -185 after plunging £154.6million into the red 90 per cent going to workers in pubs. than a fifth on news
Aviva 393¾ -2 in the 12 months to the end of July. The results also revealed the company it is struggling with
BAE Systems 565 -¼ That was on top of the is planning to promote trucker shortages.
Barclays 188 -1¾ £34million deficit the year “worker directors” – pub or The firm, founded
BP 338 -2¼ before. The only other annual area managers – to its board. in Bolton by John
BT Group 158¾ -1 loss was in 1984. Five Wetherspoon pubs Roberts, expects
GlaxoSmithKline 1385½ -18 Wetherspoon founder and opened during the year, but 16 full-year core profits
HSBC Holdings 388¾ -1½ chairman Tim Martin used the were closed or sold, leaving it of £35-50million.
results to again hit out at the with an estate of 861. Last year it made
Lloyds Banking Group 45¼ -1¼
Government over lockdowns And the company confirmed £64million on the
Marks & Spencer Group 181½ -2
back of a boost in
NATWEST GROUP PLC 223 -2 and “draconian restrictions”. it would not be paying a final demand during the
Royal Dutch Shell 'B' 1645½ -4 He also slammed the differ- dividend. pandemic. But
Royal Mail 416½ -4½ ent rates of VAT applied to Russ Mould, investment bosses revealed
Sainsbury (J) 284½ -1 pubs and supermarkets. FALLING SALES: director at broker AJ Bell, said: sales were up –
Tesco 248 -5¼ He said: “In spite of these boss Tim Martin “How much sympathy rising five per cent
Unilever 3973 -32 obstacles, Wetherspoon is Wetherspoons will get for its in the half-year
Vodafone Group 112¼ -1 cautiously optimistic about the outcome complaints about the backdrop for the to yesterday.
for the financial year.” pubs industry is open to question as it And they’re
WORLD MARKETS Sales tumbled nearly 39 per cent to serves up results which look so unappe- optimistic, saying:
WALL STREET £772.6million last year. The company tising that most investors would probably “While we continue
TOKYO 28771.1 -681.6 suffered from the fact that many of its want to send them back to the kitchen. to see industry-wide
HONG KONG 24575.6 -87.9 issues relating to
pubs are in city centres which were often “Spoons has gone through a period of
GERMANY 15156.4 -104.3 supply chain
FRANCE 6517.7 -2.3
deserted for long spells in the pandemic. unprecedented disruption, which helps
Despite Covid curbs being eased, explain its record annual loss, disruption, we have
STERLING VALUE takings were still 8.7 per cent down on “But so have many of its independent implemented
measures to help
Dollar 1.356 +0.009 pre-pandemic levels in the first nine peers and smaller chains which don’t
mitigate these
Yen 150.568 +0.686 weeks of its new financial year. have the same financial heft and scale to TRUCKER TROUBLE: Founder John Roberts challenges.”
Euro 1.169 +0.006 The firm, like many, highlighted ride out the crisis.”
GOLD($) 1758.80 THE manufacturing sector saw February and the fourth consecutive PLANS have been announced to the pandemic. Chief executive
KRUGERRAND(£) 1296.17 growth slow last month on the back month of decline. pump £5billion into 22 new and Jace Tyrrell said: “This unprece-
SILVER(pence) 1660.38 of surging material prices and staff Rob Dobson, director at IHS existing spots in London’s West End. dented level of billions in capital
BRENT CRUDE($) 78.84 shortages. Markit, said the figures highlight the The New West End Company, investment will cement our spot as
An index, by IHS Markit and the “risk of the UK descending towards which represents 600 firms on the world’s most iconic and diverse
Base rate 0.10%
Chartered Institute of Procurement a bout of ‘stagflation’ as growth in Oxford Street, Regent Street, Bond consumer district.”
Halifax mortgage rate 3.99% and Supply, fell from 60.3 to 57.1. It output and new orders sharply eases Street and in Mayfair, wants to help He added that the revamps will
Retail Price Index +4.8% (CPI +3.2%) was the weakest performance since while costs and selling prices soar.” the district bounce back from cater to “21st-century customers”.
House price Index +4.5%
Unemployment 1,600,000 ++ THE FTSE 100 THE FTSE 100 THE FTSE 100 ++ MARKET REPORT
52 WEEK 52 WEEK 52 WEEK BP’s shares closed down 2.35p at
337.95p yesterday, but are up on
3i Group.........................................1281 -½ 1339 960 Hikma .............................................2367 -83 2695 2193 NatWest Group ............................ 223 -2 225 107½
A.B. Foods .................................1844½ -15½ 2494 1639½ HSBC Holdings .........................388¾ -1½ 455½ 296½ Next .................................................8172 -40 8394 5744 the week which has been
Admiral Group.........................3131#
Anglo American.....................2603½
+23 3688 2642
-19 3444 1796½
Imperial Brands..........................1527 -31½ 1674 1219 Ocado .............................................1645 -17½ 2883 1636½
Pearson ........................................726½ +14½ 869½ 499½
dominated by fuel shortages.
Informa.........................................560¾ +11½ 598½ 381½
Antofagasta ..........................1353½# -8½ 1925 980½ InterContinental Htl.................4925 +169 5312 3870 Pershing Square Hold.............2665 +10 2790 2055 Royal Dutch Shell dipped 0.24
Ashtead Group...........................5612 -34 6162 2774 Intermediate Cap.Grp .............2047 +2 2340 1171 Persimmon...................................2605 -63 3238 2314 per cent to 1,645.6p, having
TOURIST’S POUND AstraZeneca.................................8773 -185 8958 6794
Auto Trader ................................583¾ -5 660¾ 539¾
Intertek Group.........................4867# -110
Intl Consolidated Airlines........ 188 +9½
Phoenix Group .........................636½
Polymetal Intl. .............................1228
-9 786¼ 623½
-30 1883½ 1226 started the week at 1,556.32p.
Avast............................................565½# -2¼ 609½ 420 Prudential .................................1450½ -4½ 1585½ 934½
Australia 1.81 dollar Aveva Group ...............................3516 -84 4220 3107
ITV...................................................109¼ +2½ 132½ 68¾
Reckitt Benckiser .......................5704 -126 7706 5519 Topping the FTSE 100’s gainers
John David Group ....................1035 -13½ 1151 691
Canada 1.65 dollar Aviva............................................393¾# -2 426¼ 256½ Johnson Matthey......................2650 -35 3300 2149 RELX.................................................2170 +23 2226 1527½ was British Airways owner IAG,
B&M Europ Value Ret ............573¼ -17½ 601 461½ Rentokil Initial ............................... 580 -3½ 613¾ 464½
China 8.03 renminbi BAE Systems .................................. 565 -¼ 582½ 397 Kingfisher....................................332½ -4 376½ 260¼ Rightmove................................682½# -¾ 746¾ 555¾ which rose 5.33 per cent to
Land Securities...........................697# 750½ 505
Czech Rep. 27.37 koruna Barclays ............................................ 188
Barratt Development ..............654#
-1¾ 189½
-6½ 794¾ 482½
Legal & General........................279¼ -1¾ 296½ 182¼
Rio Tinto.........................................4808 -105½ 6658 4266
Rolls-Royce Group ...................... 143 +2¾ 147½ 39
188.02p. It was joined by
Denmark 8.20 krone Berkeley Grp Hldgs ..................4293 -69 5372¾ 4259 Lloyds Banking Grp...................45¼ -1¼ 50 26½ Royal Mail....................................416½ -4½ 606½ 226½ InterContinental Hotels Group
BHP Billiton ..............................1843½ -44½ 2375½ 1490¼ London Stock Ex........................7448 -2 9910 6914 Ryl Dutch Shell ‘A’..................1647¾ -7¼ 1661½ 900
Eurozone 1.14 euro
BP ........................................................ 338 -2¼ 341¼ 193½ M&G...............................................200¾ -2¾ 248½ 144¾ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘B’..................1645½ -4 1659¾ 866½
(up 3.55 per cent at 4,925p) and
Hong Kong 9.34 dollar British Amer.Tob .................2539½# -64½ 2924 2448 Meggitt ........................................743¾ +5½ 839¼ 262½ Sage Group ................................700½ -9¼ 756½ 558½ Premier Inn owner Whitbread (up
Hungary 387.77 forint British Land ................................494¼ -1 544¾ 340½ Melrose ......................................172¾# -1¼ 190¾ 105 Sainsbury (J) ..............................284½ -1 340 190¼
BT Group .....................................158¾ -1 205½ 98¾ Mondi .........................................1811½ -18 2068 1463 Schroders ......................................3546 -49 3871 2603 2.71 per cent at 3,406p).
Israel 4.07 shekel Bunzl................................................2420 -35 2700 2150 Morrison (Wm) ............................. 297 +2½ 297 161¾ Scottish Mortgage................1384½ -43½ 1451 991 Ending the week with a sinking
Japan 144.00 yen Burberry Group..........................1860 +45 2264 1356 National Grid .............................895¼ +10½ 979 806½ SEGRO.............................................1207 +12 1306½ 871¼
Coca-Cola HBC ...........................2404 +5 2784 1755 Severn Trent.................................2603 -1 2915 2168 feeling were, among others, B&M
Mexico 26.17 peso Compass Group.....................1558½ +34½ 1646 1055
CRH ...............................................3438# -52 3921 2636
Smith & Nephew...................1281½
Smiths Group..........................1433½
-5½ 1668½ 1242
-7½ 1661 1329
European Value Retail (down 2.95
New Zealand 1.88 dollar
Norway 11.30 krone Croda International...............8440# -104 9304 5860 Smurfit Kappa .........................3793# -79 4305 2904 per cent at 573.2p), Lloyds
DCC ..................................................6140 -58 6614 5006 Spirax-Sarco ..............................14765 -205 16600 10710 Banking Group (down 2.86 per
Poland 5.05 zloty Diageo ............................................3531 -75 3635½ 2499 SSE....................................................1584 +13 1675 1250
Russia 90.84 ruble DS Smith......................................400¾ -12 462¼ 277 St James’s Place..........................1491 -16 1692 885½ cent at 45.24p), and British
Entain..............................................2156 +26 2377 933 Standard Chartered .............432¼# -3¾ 521½ 345
Saudi Arabia 4.77 riyal Evraz ..............................................570¾ -23½ 698¼ 340½ Standard Life ................................. 253 -2¾ 331 218 American Tobacco (down 2.48
South Africa 19.46 rand Experian Group..........................3108 -1 3388 2273 Taylor Wimpey..........................154½ -1¼ 191¾ 105¾ per cent at 2,539p).
Ferguson ....................................10230 -105 10765 7722 Tesco.................................................. 248 -5¼ 261¾ 202¾
Sweden 11.23 krona Flutter Entert. ...........................14820 +140 16915 11860 Unilever..........................................3973 -32 4892 3733 The standout faller on the FTSE
Switzerland 1.21 franc Fresnillo............................................ 777
-4½ 1357½ 745¼
-18 1525¾ 1190¾
United Utilities..........................969½
Vodafone Group......................112¼
+1 1088½ 850½
-1 142½ 101¾
250 was online electricals firm
Thailand 42.69 baht Glencore ......................................350¾ -1¼ 353½ 155½ Whitbread.....................................3406 +90 3595 2101 AO World, hit by a shortage of
Turkey 11.14 lira Halma..............................................2820 -22 3137 2194 WPP Group..................................... 994 -6½ 1017½ 599¾ drivers. Its shares fell more than
Hargreaves Lansdown.....1421½# -10 1788 1348½
United States 1.32 dollar 24 per cent, to close at 164.6p.
%$(6\VWHPV } ~ )LQVEXU\*ZWK ,Q ,3*URXS ~ ~ } } :+6PLWK ~~ ~ 3HWUD'LDPRQGV } } +D\V ~ } ~
Health Care Equipment & Services 3RO\PHWDO,QWO ~
6PLWK 1HSKHZ ~ ~ ~ Mobile Telecommunications
6HQLRU } ~ +DQVD7VWĢ$ģ ~ 0 * ~ 0HDUV*URXS ~
8OWUD(OHFWURQLFV +DQVD7VW3OF ~ 0DQ*URXS ~ ~ Household Goods & Home Construction 0LFKDHO3DJH ~ ~ ~
+HQGHUVRQ(XUR7VW ~ 3DUDJRQ*URXS ~ %DUUDWW'HYHORSPHQW ~ ~ Nonequity Investment Instruments 0LWLH*URXS } } }
Alternative Energy 2U\[,QW*ZWK
Nonlife Insurance
%HD]OH\*URXS ~ ~ ~
+LVFR[ ~ ~
Fixed Line Telecommunications Oil & Gas Producers
%7*URXS ~ Industrial Engineering %3 } } ~
-30&ODYHUKRXVH Food & Drug Retailers
Beverages ,0, *XOI.H\VWRQH3HW ~ ~
Technology Hardware & Equipment
%DUU$* 1RUWKJDWH ~ %$70$GYDQFHG ~ ~ ~
-30(PHUJ0NW } ~ 0RUULVRQ:P ~ -.;2LO *DV ~ ~
-30(XUR6PO&R 2FDGR ~ ~ 3UHPLHU2LO } }
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-30*OREDO(PHUJLQJ ~ ~ ~ 6DLQVEXU\- ~ } 5\O'XWFK6KHOOĢ$ģ } ~
-30,QGLDQ 5\O'XWFK6KHOOĢ%ģ ~ ~ Tobacco
Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution Travel & Leisure
-RKQ:RRG*URXS ~ ~ ~ ~ $LU3DUWQHU } } ~
3HWURIDF ~ ~ ~ &HOWLF ~ ~
/DZ'HEHQWXUH Personal Goods
Construction & Materials 'RPLQRģV3L]]D ~} ~ ~
&5+ )LUVW*URXS } ~
'LDOLJKW ~ Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology )OXWWHU(QWHUW
0DWUL[,QF *ZWK ~ ~ ~
0RQNV,QY7VW Real Estate Investment & Services
6PDUW- &R ~ ~ ~ 1DWLRQDO([SUHVV ~~ }
Electricity 1HZ,QGLD 'HYHORSPHQW6HF ~ ~ ~
Food Producers :HLU*URXS ~ 6SRUWHFK }} }
Electronic & Electrical Equipment $%)RRGV ~~ ~ ;DDU ~ ~ 6WDJHFRDFK*URXS ~
$FDO $QJOR(DVWHUQ ~ 78,$* ~~ ~
2[IRUG7HFK9&7 ~ ~ Industrial Metals & Mining 0RXQWYLHZ(VW
6SHFWULV *UHHQFRUH*URXS ~ } Industrial Transportation
5&07HFKQRORJ\7UXVW ~ $626
5($+ROGLQJV ~ } ~ )LVKHU- 6RQV Real Estate Investment Trusts
Equity Investment Instruments 5,7&DSLWDO3DUWQHUV %RRKRR ~ } ~
$EHUIRUWK6POO&R 6FKURGHU,QF ~ Gas, Water & Multiutilities &KXUFKLOO&KLQD
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Financial Services
(GLQ,QY7VW ~ /RRNHUV ~ ~ ~ 9ROH[ ~ ~
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'4*<+22)5;+79.+6589'-+ @ +'9:7/4-8/=86+)/'22>)533/88/54+*65797'/985,7/4)+./2/6
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<316;/B?45/88:+*/49.+>+'75,./86'88/4-A56@6@@B?29F9.+3589 A<1.F #<@AA<?22=<@A$%$&#"<E#""
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<<<<+893/489+757*+78)53 #92.@2529=B@A<822=F<BB=A<1.A2D6A5@2920A21@=206.9<332?@
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$B@@299<B@2"E3<?1$<.1<B?;2:<BA5* 3F<BD<B91=?232?;<AA<?2026C2A52@2=92.@2A608A56@/<E,-
&<92.?;:<?2./<BA<B?=.?A;2?@=92.@2@22<B?=?6C.0F=<960F.ADDDD2@A:6;@A2?0<9920A6<;0<: =?6C.0F
(10) Runs: 1
Owner: Mr Paddy Barrett
STUBBLE FIELD (29) 8 2 .................. L Jones 97
Places: 1 £2,560
HOOD: Nos. 5, 7.
SP FORECAST: 5-2 Beholding, 9-2 Sammarr, 5 Jasmine Joy, Nell Quickly, 7 Crema
Inglesa, Babindi, 10 Mellow Magic.
(18) Runs: 6 Wins: 2(F,GS) Places: 2 £60,740 Trainer: S Pearce Owner: Howard Duff Racing
Trainer: E Bethell
2 14L4
Owner: Clarendon Thoroughbred Racing
BETHERSDEN BOY (42) (C&D) 8 13 ..S W Kelly 94
BLINKERS: No. 9 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 3, 9 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 16, 23, 26.
SP FORECAST: 7-2 Fearby, 6 Tatsumaki, Adaay In Asia, 8 Foden, 10 Piffle, Ernie’s
Valentine, 12 Stubble Field, 14 Zoom, Favourite Child, Bond Power, 16 Others.
1 (7) 124215
£8,100 (3) 7f
DIVINE MAGIC (19) (D) M Botti 3 9-8 ...................N Callan 89
(4) Runs: 4 Wins: 1(S) £5,295 GUIDE: FEARBY has been performing with great credit in some of the major 2 (10) 51214 FARHH TO SHY (18) (D) G Margarson 3 9-6 .. J P Spencer 92
Trainer: R Hughes Owner: Rj Rexton And Cd Dickens juvenile Pattern contests in recent starts, finishing third in the Mill Reef (6f, gd) 3 (2) 18932L ● NEBULOSA (22) (C&D) A Balding 3 9-4 ......O Murphy 92
on his latest outing, and the son of Havana Gold looks the one to beat on these 4 (3) 313411 FLAME OF FREEDOM (19) (D) E J-Houghton 3 9-3 .. W Buick 91
3 10611 ERNIE’S VALENTINE (42) (D) 8 13 ..W Buick 102 5 (9) 19624L PROFESSIONAL WIDOW (17) R Spencer 3 9-2 ..A Villiers(3) 93
terms. The Richard Hannon-trained Foden was highly impressive when getting
(25) Runs: 5 Wins: 3(F,A) £12,455 off the mark at Lingfield (7f, sft) in June and has the potential to step up again 6 (6) 5-12122CASTANA DIA (17) C Wall 3 9-0 ..........................J Mitchell 91
Trainer: P & O Cole Owner: Williams, Campbell, Sennett & Cole on just his third start, while Tatsumaki maintained his unbeaten record in 7 (4) 233253 WIDAAD (14) (C&D) G Boughey 4 8-11 ...................B Curtis ★95
4 2341 BOND POWER (34) 8 11 ...........................G Lee 96 dominant style at Newcastle (6f, tpt) last month and also gives the impression 8 (5) 34L-165BELLAZADA (84) (C) B Meehan 3 8-11 .................M Dwyer 91
(20) Runs: 4 Wins: 1(F) Places: 2 £9,646 that further improvement may be forthcoming. 9 (1) 912132 SILENT FLAME (16) (T) B Millman 3 8-11.............Doubtful 94
10 (8) 321384 CANOODLED (30) E Walker 3 8-8 ........................R Dawson 93
T: B Smart O: Bond Thoroughbred & Christian Star Ptr TRACK FACTS: GOING: Good to Soft. Right Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (2016- CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 7, 8 HOOD: No. 3.
5 012 CLARETS GLORY (16) (D,T) 8 11 .. R Hornby 93 21): William Buick 21% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2016-21): C Appleby SP FORECAST: 7-2 Flame of Freedom, 5 Widaad, 6 Castana Dia, 7 Canoodled,
(15) Runs: 3 Wins: 1(F) Places: 1 £8,359 27% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 1.10 Takeustothemoon (hood), 2.20 Sienna Bonnie Nebulosa, Divine Magic, 8 Farhh To Shy, 10 Professional Widow, 12 Others.
Trainer: M Dods Owner: Mr D Bardsley And Mr M Dods (cheek pieces), Streak Jazz (cheek pieces), Deacs Delight (blinkers, tongue strap),
4.40 Bellazada (cheek pieces). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 1.10 Dukedom. 1.45 LONGEST TRAVELLER: No Speak Alexander (2.55), Shale (2.55), Epona Plays
6 11 TATSUMAKI (29) (D,F) 8 11 ............ N Callan 101 Ensemble(hcp), Evident Beauty(hcp). 2.20 Clarets Glory, Goldenhurst. 2.55 Mother (2.55), Mother Earth (2.55), Champers Elysees (2.55) Ireland; Silent Flame
(14) Runs: 2 Wins: 2(F,A) £11,448 Earth. 4.05 Babindi(hcp), Mellow Magic. 4.40 Divine Magic(hcp), Farhh To Shy(hcp), (4.40) 219 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 2.55 Tahlie from P Bary in France to R Varian.
Trainer: M Botti Owner: Ahmed Bintooq & Partner Silent Flame(hcp). DRAW: Inconsistent. 3.30 Total Lockdown from N Tinkler to J Butler.
RACING: THE SCOUT’S TOP TV TIPS Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 67
68 Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 RACING: TODAY’S CARDS PLUS ARC LINE-UP
€168,750 2m 3f 194yds (13)
1 (8) L1L STRATUM (43) W P Mullins (IRE) 8 9 2.................. C Demuro
£9,277 (Class 3) 7f 127yds (6 dec)
1 (2) 41L MASTER ZOFFANY (63) (C&D) R Fahey 9 7
£4,860 (5) 1m 5f 84yds (12)
1 (8) 632 EURO IMPLOSION (16) (D,T) K Dalgleish 5 9 7
2 (5) 735 EMPEROR OF THE SUN (20) D O’Brien (IRE) 4 9 2 Ryan Sexton(7) C Rodriguez
3 (7) 150 MAX LA FRIPOUILLE (37) R Collet 9 9 2............. T Bachelot
G M Ryan
4 (13) 252 KARLSTAD (27) (C) P&J Brandt 6 9 2 .......................M Guyon
2.50 QATAR
1 (7)
€168,750 1m 5f 202yds (11)
213 VALIA (41) (C&D) A de Royer-Dupre 4 9 4 ....... C Soumillon
2 (4) 714 THE KODI KID (22) (C&D) C Fellowes 9 7 . S B Kirrane
3 (1) 41-7 ● MAYAAS (14) (F) W Haggas 9 3 ...... A Farragher
1.55 Mayaas 4.15 Gaassee
2 (3)
3 (6)
4-53 POT OF PAINT (138) J Groucott 4 9 7 ...Jane Elliott
246 TORONTO (20) C Fellowes 4 9 5 ..............S Donohoe
4 (3) 461 LARADO (6) M Appleby 9 2(6ex) ..Erika Parkinson(3) 4 (5) 591 SOPHAR SOGOOD (7) (C,F) J Butler 4 9 3 ...J F Egan
5 (4) 330 CACOPHONOUS (74) M Havelkova (CZE) 6 9 2.. M Havelkova 2 (2) 145 NOBLE MUSIC (18) (C&D) J Reynier 5 9 4 .............. G Mosse 5 (6) 056 ABDUCTION (14) R Fahey 8 13......O McSweeney(3) 2.30 Soul Seeker 4.48 Triple Nickle 5 (10) 445 GABRIAL THE ONE (7) (C) R Fahey 5 9 3...C Murtagh(3)
6 (3) 121 SKAZINO (41) (C) C E Rossi 5 9 2 ....................... M Barzalona 3 (4) L16 BELIEVE IN LOVE (63) (D) R Varian (UK) 4 9 4....A Atzeni 6 (5) 30L KRAKEN POWER (20) I Jardine 8 11 ..Josh Quinn(3) 6 (9) 723 NAKEETA (16) (D) I Jardine 10 9 2 ..............A Mullen
4 (11)3-30 PASSION (20) (D) A P O’Brien (IRE) 4 9 4 ......I Mendizabal 3.05 Designer 5.20 Pretty Fair
7 (1) 411 STRADIVARIUS (22) (D) J & T Gosden (UK) 7 9 2 BLINKERS: No. 4 VISOR: No. 5 CHEEK PIECES: No. 3. 3.40 Coul Queen 7 (12) 4L6 MADEEH (7) (D) P Kirby 5 8 13 ................T Hamilton
L Dettori 5 (3) 322 CONTROL TOWER (18) N Clement 4 9 4 .................. S Maillot 8 (11) 45L ● TRIPLE NICKLE (36) B J Llewellyn 5 8 11 ..J Bryan
6 (8) 816 THUNDER DRUM (48) J Reynier 3 8 11 .................E Hardouin W-Factor: Larado (98); Abduction (97); Kraken Power (96).
8 (9) 266 ALKUIN (41) (C) N Caullery 6 9 2 ...........................E Hardouin SP FORECAST: 9-4 Larado, 3 Mayaas, 7-2 The Kodi Kid, 4 Master 9 (4) 0LL PROTON (19) A Carroll 5 8 11..................... L Edmunds
9 (6) 261 TRUESHAN (67) A King (UK) 5 9 2....................James Doyle 7 (9) 533 GLENARTNEY (44) E Walker (UK) 3 8 11..................O Peslier
10 (10) 3-03 CALL THE WIND (27) (C&D) F Head 7 9 2 ..............O Peslier
11 (2) 411 MEMPHIS (55) R Dzubasz (GER) 4 8 12..........B Murzabayev
413 YESYES (23) (D) R Beckett (UK) 3 8 11 ...........James Doyle
515 LOVING DREAM (44) J & T Gosden (UK) 3 8 11
Zoffany, 12 Abduction, 14 Kraken Power.
£7,020 (4) 7f 127yds (6)
10 (1) L-56 OVERHAUGH STREET (7) (C&D) E De Giles 8 8 9
P-L Jamin(5)
12 (12) 422 PRINCESS ZOE (50) (C&D) A Mullins (IRE) 6 8 12
J M Sheridan
L Dettori
10 (10) 145 WILLOW (56) A P O’Brien (IRE) 3 8 11 ...................... G M Ryan
11 (6) 212 JOIE DE SOIR (41) A Fabre 3 8 11 ........................ M Barzalona
£9,277 (3) 5f 15yds
1 (6) 002 MAJOR JUMBO (21) (C,D) K Ryan 7 9 7
1 (3) 360 ● COUL QUEEN (44) (C) P Evans 3 9 9 ....J F Egan
2 (2) 151 GOMETRA GINTY (20) (D,T) K Dalgleish 5 9 9
C Rodriguez
11 (2) 073 FLOOD DEFENCE (12) I Jardine 7 8 8...A Farragher(5)
12 (7) 0-42 PORT OR STARBOARD (13) B J Llewellyn 4 8 7 ..W Cox(3)
TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 7, 11 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 8, 12
13 (11) 111 BUBBLE SMART (27) (C) M Delzangles 4 8 12........ G Mosse O McSweeney(5) 3 (1) 372 FLYING WEST (17) (D) J Fanshawe 4 9 6 .A Farragher(5) HOOD: Nos. 3, 6.
BLINKERS: No. 13. BLINKERS: No. 1. 2 (3) 219 GABRIAL THE DEVIL (14) (C&D) R Fahey 6 9 3 4 (4) 232 RANI OF JHANSI (40) D M Simcock 3 9 1 ....S Donohoe W-Factor: Flood Defence (87); Toronto (86); Triple Nickle (85).
W-Factor: Trueshan (129); Princess Zoe (126); Stradivarius (125). W-Factor: Valia (117); Passion (116); Believe In Love (113). C Murtagh(3) 5 (6) 6L4 HAZEL (18) D Loughnane 3 9 0 ....O McSweeney(5) SP FORECAST: 10-3 Sophar Sogood, 9-2 Euro Implosion,
SP FORECAST: 2 Stratum, 5-2 Princess Zoe, 11-4 Stradivarius, SP FORECAST: 7-4 Valia, 2 Noble Music, 7-2 Joie De Soir, 7 Loving 3 (2) 451 MILITIA (25) (C&D) P Midgley 6 9 0....C Rodriguez 6 (5) 077 CELTIC EMPRESS (16) (D) D O’Meara 3 8 13 7 Nakeeta, 8 Gabrial The One, Pot Of Paint, 10 Others.
7 Trueshan, 12 Bubble Smart, Skazino, Emperor Of The Sun, 14 Others. Dream, 10 Believe In Love, 12 Yesyes, Passion, Willow, 16 Others. 4 (4) 574 LIHOU (7) (C,D) P Evans 5 8 13 .....................J F Egan M Crehan(3)
5 (1) L0L FIRST COMPANY (45) (D) D Carroll 3 8 13
No CVs. 4.52
Twistaline 7.00 Temple Bruer
£3,240 (5) 1m 4f 51yds
1 (6) 172 BLISTERING BARNEY (30) (D) C Kellett 5 9 10
5.25 El Hibri 7.30 Flying Dragon 6.30 HANDICAP
£3,240 (5) 6f 20yds (11) 2
D Costello
(3) 01L THORN (J12) (D) J Gallagher 5 9 8 ....... A Beech(5)
No job adverts. 6.00
Top Table
Forge Valley Lad
TOUCHWOOD (25) (D) C Hills 3 9 10 .......... F Norton
TANFANTIC (30) (D) B Meehan 3 9 9......L Steward
ALPHONSE KARR (18) (C&D) T Ward 3 9 7 ..D Muscutt
(2) 5L0 CUBAN HOPE (19) G Kelleway 5 9 7... E Mackenzie(5)
(4) 403 ● FLYING DRAGON (49) (C) R Phillips 5 9 6..J Peate(7)
(7) 770 FROZEN WATERS (19) R Hannon 4 9 4 .. S Hitchcott
4 (6) 325
STALINGRAD (8) G Tuer 4 9 7................... D Costello 6 (5) 3LL COUPE DE CHAMPAGNE (19) (C,D) M Johnston 3 9 3
H Russell(3)
2 (1) 864 OLIMBA (23) G Boughey 9 7.................... A Beech(5) 8 (7) 24L
SEEKING PERFECTION (14) (D) Frank Bishop 3 9 0
3 (13) 597 EIGHT OF DIAMONDS (16) S P C Woods 9 6..D Muscutt VISOR: No. 7 HOOD: Nos. 1, 2, 4.
C Bennett W-Factor: Cuban Hope (83); Frozen Waters (82);
4 (3) 507 CHEESE THE ONE (19) Joseph Parr 9 5 .. S Cherchi(3) 9 (4) 675 FREEDOM FLYER (12) (C&D) R Carr 4 8 13..H Russell(3)
5 (10) 4L0 PENELOPEBLUEYES (35) A Keatley 9 5 ...B McHugh Flying Dragon (80).
10 (3) 850 MABRE (10) P Evans 4 8 12.........................G Downing SP FORECAST: 7-4 Hooflepuff, 5-2 Blistering Barney, 5 Thorn,
6 (8) L00 AURELIA GOLD (19) S Dow 9 3 ................J Duern(3) 11 (8) 0LL MARTINEO (10) (C&D) J Butler 6 8 11...........G Wood
7 (9) 137 SUN RISING (28) D Brown 9 2 ......................C Hardie Flying Dragon, 12 Coupe De Champagne, 16 Others.
8 (2) 860 DOUBLE DENIM (57) R Hannon 9 2 .......S Hitchcott TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 5, 6 CHEEK PIECES: No. 9 HOOD: No. 4.
W-Factor: Freedom Flyer (85); Tanfantic (84); Touchwood (83).
9 (6) 807 DIVINING (51) J S Moore 9 2 ......................L Steward
10 (11) 764 HURRY UP HEDLEY (15) (F) W Haggas 8 13..D Costello
11 (5) 252 ● TWISTALINE (15) B Millman 8 9 ..............M Ghiani
SP FORECAST: 7-2 Stalingrad, 4 Alcazan, 9-2 Touchwood,
6 Show Me A Sunset, 8 Tanfantic, 12 Others.
£2,700 (6) 1m 1f 104yds (10)
1 (3) 8-40 SPARKLE IN HIS EYE (130) (D) M Hammond 5 9 10
12 (4) LL9 TRAVERS (15) S P C Woods 8 8............... G Rooke(3) M Ghiani
13 (7) 667 PERCEIVABLE (15) J Butler 8 6......................G Wood
BLINKERS: Nos. 10, 12 VISOR: No. 1 TONGUE STRAP: No. 3
CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 2, 11, 13 HOOD: Nos. 3, 13.
£6,019 (3) 6f 20yds (10) 23 (9)
1 (10) 470 VOLATILE ANALYST (14) (D,T) K Dalgleish 4 9 12
574 BROKEN RIFLE (11) (C&D) W Bethell 4 9 9 ...C Hardie
(2) 520 MR FUSTIC (17) Andi Brown 3 9 8........S Cherchi(3)
4 (7) 752 CAP D’ANTIBES (40) M Roberts 4 9 6 .. G Rooke(3)
W-Factor: Double Denim (71); Travers (68); Perceivable (67). B McHugh 5 (4) 117 TYCHE (21) (C&D) B Ellison 4 9 5 ........H Russell(3)
EXCLUSIVE RE SP FORECAST: 11-4 Hurry Up Hedley, 7-2 Twistaline, 5 Olimba, 8 2 (4) LL7 ROYAL BIRTH (60) (C,D) S C Williams 10 9 10
ADER 6 (10) 190 ARTISAN BLEU (16) (C&D) A West 3 9 5 ...W Carson
Sun Rising, 10 Cheese The One, 14 Others. R Coakley
3 (7) 64L RED MIRAGE (42) (D) M Johnston 3 9 8 .. F Norton 7 (8) 467 ● GHOSTLY (46) (C&D) Mrs Stella Barclay 3 9 2
J Peate(7)
CES 5.25 BET365 NOVICE STAKES 2YO 4 (3) L2L CAROLINE DALE (49) D Loughnane 3 9 7 ... D Muscutt
£3,510 (5) 7f 36yds (12) 5 (6) 62-5 CITY WALK (20) (D) S bin Suroor 4 9 4 ....Doubtful 8 (1) L0L AINE JORDAN (11) M Johnston 3 9 0......... F Norton
1 (4) L AADEL (18) G Boughey 9 5 ....................... A Beech(5) 6 (5) 844 NELSON GAY (24) (C,D) R Hughes 3 8 13 ...G Rooke(3) 9 (5) 705 CITY WANDERER (18) R Carr 5 8 10 .. Ella McCain(5)
7 (9) 444 EL HOMBRE (222) (C&D) M Loughnane 7 8 10 10 (6) 9-36 SCARBOROUGH CASTLE (93) D M Simcock 4 8 10
2 (6) BARLEY M Meade 9 5........................................C Hardie L Steward
3 (1) 6 COURT OF SESSION (17) S & E Crisford 9 5 . R Coakley S Cherchi(3)
8 (2) 727 ● TEMPLE BRUER (44) (D) R Cowell 3 8 8....M Ghiani BLINKERS: Nos. 7, 9 CHEEK PIECES: No. 5.
4 (10) L5 DON BEKAR (22) I Williams 9 5..... B Sanderson(3)
5 (3) 322 ● EL HIBRI (45) (F) B Meehan 9 5..........L Steward 9 (8) LL5 GIORGIO VASARI (7) (D) D Shaw 3 8 6 ..A Beech(5) W-Factor: City Wanderer (70); Tyche (69); Aine Jordan (68).
6 (5) 4 GREYART (18) W Knight 9 5 ...........................M Ghiani 10 (1) 557 TATHMEEN (8) (C&D,F) A Brittain 6 8 5..C Hardie SP FORECAST: 3 Tyche, 7-2 Cap D’Antibes, 13-2 Scarborough
7 (11) 0 OMNISCIENT (10) Sir M Prescott 9 5 ..........Doubtful VISOR: Nos. 9, 10 TONGUE STRAP: No. 2 Castle, 7 City Wanderer, 8 Broken Rifle, 10 Others.
9 (8) 88 REFAI (30) J Chapple-Hyam 9 5 ..........S Cherchi(3)
10 (12) 63 SANDY PARADISE (14) R Hannon 9 5 ..S Hitchcott
11 (2) 024 ROCK MELODY (25) K P De Foy 9 4 ........ D Muscutt
W-Factor: El Hombre (103); Giorgio Vasari (102);
Caroline Dale (101). 8.30 HANDICAP (DIV 2)
£2,700 (6) 1m 1f 104yds (10)
SP FORECAST: 5-2 Nelson Gay, 4 El Hombre, 6 Temple Bruer, 1 (10) 630 WILLY NILLY (12) D McCain 4 9 11....Ella McCain(5)
12 (7) LL FALMOUTH BALLERINA (12) J Tickle 9 0 .. G Rooke(3) Caroline Dale, 7 Volatile Analyst, 8 Red Mirage, 10 Others. 2 (7) 6-79 SIR JOHN BOWDLER (20) (F) M Johnston 3 9 9
W-Factor: Rock Melody (91); El Hibri (84); Sandy Paradise (76). F Norton
SP FORECAST: 9-4 El Hibri, 3 Rock Melody, 7 Sandy Paradise, TRACK FACTS: GOING: Standard. Left Handed. TOP TRACK
Greyart, 8 Barley, 10 Rampoldi Plan, 12 Others. JOCKEY (2016-21): Cam Hardie 8% Strike rate. TOP TRACK 3 (3) 906- ● FORGE VALLEY LAD (390) D M Simcock 4 9 8
TRAINER (2016-21): P Evans 11% Strike rate. L Steward
4 (5) 501 MEADRAM (24) (C&D) M Tregoning 3 9 7 ..D Costello
RACING: REDCAR CARD AND RESULTS Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 69
£5,400 (Class 4) 7f (12 declared)
Reel Rosie
Norman Kindu
4.10 Safe Voyage
4.45 Pisanello
5.15 Little Ted
1 (7) 64 A BETTER WORLD (17) Phillip Makin 9 5 .................R Scott 3.35 Symphony Perfect 5.50 Harrogate CONNECTIONS of Stradivarius are By Chris Goulding
2 (5) AT THE DOUBLE(T) Sir M Prescott 9 5.................. Doubtful
3 (6) CAPTAIN HOWSE(T) Sir M Prescott 9 5 ................ Doubtful hoping the forecast rain at Longchamp
him,” said Dettori. “His last two
4 (12) 9L COTAI CREEK (11) P Midgley 9 5 .......................... J Garritty
5 (10) 0
6 (1)
LITUUS (9) G Tuer 9 5..................................................S James
MOOJDEE(T) R Varian 9 5 ....................................... E J Walsh
1 (1) L84
£26,654 (1) 7f
OH THIS IS US (21) (D,T) R Hannon 8 9 5 .........J Fanning
today does not arrive before he
runs in the Qatar Prix du Cadran. efforts have been excellent, and this
7 (8) 0 PURPLE ICE (28) M Dods 9 5 ..................................... T Eaves 2 (5) ● SAFE VOYAGE (42) (D) J J Quinn 8 9 3 .... JP Sullivan
1L5 With the ground already described will be his first go at this. Hopefully,
8 (4) RED ASTAIRE T Easterby 9 5 ...............................D Fentiman 3 (6) 32L
AZANO (30) (D) D O’Meara 5 9 0 .................................S Gray the ground won’t be too soft, and the
9 (3) SPIRIT CATCHER M Johnston 9 5 .........................J Fanning 4 (7) 168
MOTAKHAYYEL (49) (D,F,T) R Hannon 5 9 0 .... D O’Neill as soft, Thady Gosden, joint trainer
10 (2) 1 ● REEL ROSIE (35) (C&D) E Bethell 9 3 ... P J McDonald 5 (3) 306
BULLACE (17) (D,T) R Beckett 3 8 12 ........................K Stott
with his father John, said: “At the rain stays away.
11 (9) 95 COPPER MOUNTAIN (7) M & D Easterby 9 0 ..J Mason(3) 6 (2) 234
RHOSCOLYN (17) (D,F) D O’Meara 3 8 12 ............J Watson
12 (11) 35 SIMPLY GORGEOUS (26) R Fahey 9 0 ...............P Hanagan 7 (4) 335
GLESGA GAL (24) (D,T) H Palmer 3 8 7............P Hanagan moment the ground seems OK, but “It looks like a very strong race
W-Factor: Simply Gorgeous (78); Reel Rosie (76); A Better World (68).
SP FORECAST: 7-4 Moojdee, 5-2 Reel Rosie, 5 Spirit Catcher, 6 Simply
they are due some rain in the with last year’s winner Princess Zoe
W-Factor: Motakhayyel (130); Rhoscolyn (122); Safe Voyage (120).
Gorgeous, 10 A Better World, 14 Red Astaire, 25 Lituus, 33 Others. SP FORECAST: 13-8 Motakhayyel, 7-2 Safe Voyage, 5 Rhoscolyn, afternoon. and Trueshan in there. They both like
6 Bullace, 8 Oh This Is Us, 14 Glesga Gal, 16 Azano. soft ground.”
“According to the forecast it’s after
1 (4) 5
£5,400 (4) 7f
AUSTRALIAN HARBOUR (16)(T) R Varian 9 5 .. E J Walsh
£10,308 (2)7f 219yds (12) the race, so hopefully it will hold off As for a record seventh victory in
2 (11) BELUGA GOLD J J Quinn 9 5 .......................................K Stott 1 (2) 232
SCOTTISH SUMMIT (21) (C&D) G Harker 8 9 10 ...K Stott until then.” tomorrow’s Arc, Dettori believes the
3 (8) 6 BRUNELLO BREEZE (30) T Tate 9 5 ................. JP Sullivan 2 (8) 024
HORTZADAR (10) (C,D) D O’Meara 6 9 6 ................ D Nolan ground has gone against Love.
4 (7) GOLDEN SHOT(T) Sir M Prescott 9 5 ..................... Doubtful 3 (3) 261
COPPER AND FIVE (18) (C&D) R Carr 5 9 0...J Mason(3) Frankie Dettori, who partners the
5 (9) 4 HA LONG BAY (11) A Keatley 9 5.................... Jimmy Quinn 4 (6) 223
A BOY NAMED IVY (8) (C&D) M Dods 3 8 10 ........ T Eaves seven-year-old, also expressed “They’ve always said she is better
6 (10)49 RAVENGLASS (37) R Fahey 9 5 ............................P Hanagan 5 (9) 536
HAYADH (18) (D) Harvey Bastiman 8 8 9 .............S James
7 (1) L THUNDER VALLEY (58)(T) J Tate 9 5 ........ P J McDonald 6 (5) ● PISANELLO (18) (D) D O’Meara 4 8 8..............J Watson
065 TOUGH GOING: concerns about the ground that will on faster ground, so I hope we don’t
8 (3) 31 ● ALETHIOMETER (19) (D,F) M Dods 9 3 ..B Garritty(3) 7 (4) 326
GIVE IT SOME TEDDY (11) (C&D) T Easterby 7 8 7 favour Trueshan, Stradivarius’s get too much rain,” added Dettori.
9 (6) 7 DANBY WISKE (35) M Dods 9 0 ................................ T Eaves D Fentiman Stradivarius
10 (5)36 MAGGIE’S JOY (49) K Burke 9 0 .............................S James 8 (1) 132 DELGREY BOY (8) (D) T Easterby 4 8 6 ............P Hanagan will face soft conqueror at Ascot last year when the “As I’ve said in the past, you’ve
11 (2)5 MARIHA (16) M Johnston 9 0 ................................... D O’Neill 9 (12) 584 OLD NEWS (18) (D) Mrs L Stubbs 4 8 5 .....................S Gray
CHEEK PIECES: No. 7. 10 (11) 612 SUCELLUS (18) (D) O Greenall 5 8 5.........Megan Nicholls ground in the mud was flying. “He’s an absolute always got a chance on Aidan’s second
W-Factor: Alethiometer (77); Australian Harbour (74); 11 (7) 241 PERFECT SWISS (16) (D) T Easterby 5 8 0..... JP Sullivan Prix du Cadran legend and I’m excited to get back on or third string.”
Maggie’s Joy (73). 12 (10) L75 AL ERAYG (15) (C&D) T Easterby 8 8 0 ..... Jimmy Quinn
SP FORECAST: 9-4 Alethiometer, 3 Australian Harbour, 6 Maggie’s Joy, BLINKERS: No. 9 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 10, 12
8 Ravenglass, Mariha, 12 Thunder Valley, Beluga Gold, 14 Others. CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 5, 6, 12.
W-Factor: Hortzadar (105); Hayadh (104); Give It Some Teddy (103).
£3,402 (5)1m 5f 218yds
1 (4) 1/41- CORNERSTONE LAD (J216) (C&D) M Hammond 7 10 0
SP FORECAST: 11-2 Give It Some Teddy, 6 Scottish Summit, 7 A Boy
Named Ivy, Perfect Swiss, Copper And Five, 8 Others.
B Garritty(3)
2 (2) 593 BILLY NO MATES (36) (D) M Dods 5 10 0.............. T Eaves
3 (8) 2-12 SEPTEMBER POWER (25) (D,T) R Varian 4 9 11 ...E J Walsh
£3,402 (5) 1m 2f 1yds
1 (6) 546 SAGAUTEUR (52) D O’Meara 5 9 11........................J Watson
4 (10) 20-L SET IN STONE (62) R Menzies 7 9 10 .......... P J McDonald 2 (4) 320 PHOTOGRAPH (17) (C) D Carroll 4 9 10 ................... H Shaw
5 (6) 342 DAAWY (12) R Fell 7 9 10.......................... Joanna Mason(3) 3 (14) 454 FLORENZA (19) C Fairhurst 8 8 13 ...........................A Elliott
6 (3) 118 GIFT OF RAAJ (27) (C&D) R Fell 6 9 8 ....................R Scott 4 (12) 576 JOMONT (29) M Dods 4 9 9 ........................................ D Nolan
7 (7) 0-3L RED TORNADO (166) C Fairhurst 9 9 6 ...............J Fanning 5 (11) 321 CAREY STREET (11) (D) Mrs L Stubbs 5 9 9 ...J Mason(3)
8 (5) 4L2 ● NORMAN KINDU (74) (D) D O’Meara 3 9 2....J Watson 6 (3) 345 TOMMASO (86) P Kirby 3 9 8 ......................... P J McDonald
9 (1) 452 TAJDID (31) R Hannon 3 8 12.................................... D O’Neill 7 (1) 122 ● LITTLE TED (15) (D) T Easterby 4 9 7...........P Hanagan
10 (9) 546 RIGGSBY (24) J Camacho 3 8 12 ........................ JP Sullivan 8 (13) 844 PRYDWEN (25)(T) G Scott 3 9 7.............................. Doubtful
CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 4, 5 HOOD: No. 2. 9 (9) 741 BROCTUNE RED (11) G Boanas 6 9 6 ....................J Fanning
W-Factor: Daawy (79); Billy No Mates (78); Red Tornado (78). 10(10) 242 LIVIA THE EMPRESS (21) (D,T) G Scott 3 9 5 .. E J Walsh
SP FORECAST: 7-2 September Power, 4 Cornerstone Lad, 6 Norman 11 (2) 57L ASTRONOMIC CHOICE (86) T Dascombe 3 9 5 .... T Eaves
Kindu, 7 Billy No Mates, Gift Of Raaj, Tajdid, 8 Daawy, 16 Others. 12 (5) 268 BLUETECH (11) J J Davies 4 9 4 .................................K Stott
13 (8) 323 LIBBY AMI (7) G Tuer 3 9 3 ....................................... Doubtful
3.35 TWO
1 (3)
£85,065 (1)5f 217yds
(15) ITV4
LAST CRUSADER (15) (D) K Burke 9 2 ...................S James
14 (7) 865 BOLD TERRITORIES (36) M Dods 3 9 0 .......B Garritty(3)
15 (15) 774 DANDY’S ANGEL (13) J Wainwright 4 8 13 ..... JP Sullivan
2 (6) 699 CHIPOTLE (22)(T) E J-Houghton 9 1...................... C Bishop W-Factor: Bluetech (78); Broctune Red (77); Photograph (76).
3 (7) 255 MOJOMAKER (44) D Loughnane 9 0 ................P Cosgrave SP FORECAST: 5 Carey Street, 11-2 Sagauteur, 6 Broctune Red, Little
4 (5) L53 LORDMAN (21) T Dascombe 8 12 ................... P J McDonald Ted, 10 Livia The Empress, Bold Territories, Jomont, 12 Others.
5 (1) 71L MOT AND THE MESSER (33) (D) T Dascombe 8 9 ..T Eaves
6 (8)
7 (13)
8 (12)
PERFECT GLORY (10) Phillip Makin 8 9 ..............J Fanning
VINTAGE CLARETS (15) (F) R Fahey 8 9 ..........P Hanagan
ANADORA (20) K Ryan 8 7.............................................S Gray
1 (8)
£4,482 (4)
STARS IN THE NIGHT (15) (D) K Ryan 4 9 7 ..........K Stott
9 (11) 754 GLITTERING CHOICE (8) T Dascombe 8 7 ...Megan Nicholls 2 (11) 17-5
POLITICS (17) (D) Phillip Makin 3 9 7 .......................R Scott
10 (14) 845 ● SYMPHONY PERFECT (23) (D,T) R Hannon 8 7 ...J Watson 3 (15) 735
GHATHANFAR (15) (C) T Waggott 5 9 6 ................. T Eaves
11 (15) 4 ATOMISE (16)(T) C Fellowes 8 4 ................................R Scott 4 (9) 415
GINGER JAM (12) (D,F) N Tinkler 6 9 3 ..F McManoman(3)
12 (2) 120 ROMAN DRAGON (45) (D) T Dascombe 8 3..Jimmy Quinn 5 (7) 460
SAVALAS (85) (D) G Harker 6 9 3 ...........................S James
13 (4) 343 MAY BLOSSOM (18) D O’Meara 8 1 .................... JP Sullivan 6 (16) 1L5
HAVAGOMECCA (28) (D) M Dods 3 9 1 ........B Garritty(3)
14 (9) 6 POETIKEL PIECE (20) Adrian Nicholls 8 1 ......D Fentiman 7 (6) 572
GOOD LUCK FOX (20) (D) P Midgley 5 9 0 ...... J Garritty
15 (10) 6 TOO FUNKY (22)(T) R Spencer 8 1..............Joanna Mason 8 (1) 431
MELODY KING (17) (D) J J Quinn 4 8 12 .......... JP Sullivan
VISOR: No. 13 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 6, 9. 9 (14) 74L
SARAS HOPE (25) (D,T) J Gallagher 4 8 9... A Breslin(5)
W-Factor: Vintage Clarets (115); Roman Dragon (108); 10 (12) 877
MACHREE (7) (C&D) D Carroll 6 8 9 ......................... H Shaw
Chipotle (106). 11 (5) 5-L0
OUR LITTLE PONY (19) (D) L Mullaney 6 8 7 ....J Watson
SP FORECAST: 4 Vintage Clarets, 9-2 Chipotle, 6 Symphony Perfect, 12 (2) 586
TAR HEEL (7) T Easterby 3 8 7 ...........................D Fentiman
7 Last Crusader, Anadora, 8 Mojomaker, 10 Others. 13 (13) 621
THRILLA IN MANILA (16) (D) P Midgley 5 8 6 .. P Hanagan
GUIDE: Chipotle failed to fire in the Flying Childers (5f, gd-fm) last time out 14 (4) 0L3
TERUNTUM STAR (17) (D) D C Griffiths 9 8 6 .. P Mathers
but the Windsor Castle winner (6f, gd-fm) demands the utmost respect. Any 15 (3) 472
VAN GERWEN (7) (D) P Midgley 8 8 6......Megan Nicholls
rain won’t help his cause, though, and a chance is given to VINTAGE 16 (17) ● HARROGATE (10) (D) P Midgley 6 8 5 ...........J Fanning
CLARETS, who was by no means disgraced on his latest performance at 17 (10) 54L
DARK SHOT (25) (D) S Dixon 8 8 3.............K Schofield(5)
Ayr (5f, gd-frm). The Richard Fahey-trained colt may take a step forward BLINKERS: Nos. 10, 17
and gets the nod, while the lightly raced Last Crusader is another to CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 4, 13, 14 HOOD: Nos. 2, 8, 9.
consider as he drops in class following defeat at Chantilly (6f, sft) last time. W-Factor: Our Little Pony (100); Ghathanfar (96); Saras Hope (95).
TRACK FACTS: GOING: Good. Left Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (2016- SP FORECAST: 6 Melody King, 7 Ghathanfar, 8 Thrilla In Manila, Good
21): Kevin Stott 15% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2016-21): T Luck Fox, 10 Harrogate, Van Gerwen, Stars In The Night, 12 Others.
Easterby 9% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 2.25 Thunder Valley (cheek pieces),
3.00 Set In Stone (cheek pieces), 4.45 Hayadh (cheek pieces), 5.15
Photograph (tongue strap).
BEATEN FAVOURITES: 3.00 Tajdid(hcp). 4.45 A Boy Named Ivy(hcp), Give
It Some Teddy(hcp). 5.15 Sagauteur(hcp). DRAW: Middle to high numbers
have a decided advantage on the straight course
ASCOT: Good to soft-soft in 2.45—GEORGE BANCROFT (Jonjo O’Neill Jr, trifecta: £1492.10. CSF: £228.62. Non-runners:
places 10-3) 1; The Yellow Mini (6-4 jt fav) 2; Cirrus (16-1) Mileva Roller, On We Go.
1.55—DARK SHIFT (D Tudhope, 9-2 jt 2nd 3. 5 ran. 31/2l, 33l. (C Longsdon; 6-4 jtfav Placepot: £1,724.00
fav) 1; Bonneval (4-1 fav) 2; Walhaan (11-2) 3. 12 Keepyourdreamsbig). Tote: £3.50; pl £1.80, £1.30. (Race 1) 2, 8, 7; (2) 2, 1; (3) 3, 5; (4)
ran. hd, nk. (C Hills). Tote: £5.50; pl £2.20, exacta: £8.90. trifecta: £37.20. CSF: £9.27. 5, 3, 7; (5) 7, 1; (6) 3, 8;
£1.80, £1.90. exacta: £30.50. trifecta: £141.30.
CSF: £22.16.
2.30—BARTZELLA (T Marquand, 3-1) 1;
3.20—JUMPING CATS (Jamie Moore, 16-1) 1;
No Worries (3-1 fav) 2; Nashville Nipper (11-1) 3.
H’cap 11 ran. 11l, 51/2l. (G L Moore). Tote: £17.80; pl
£4.40, £1.60, £2.60. exacta: £79.80. tricast:
Quadpot: £261.70
4.55—KHATM (B Curtis, 5-4 fav) 1;
Without Envy (11-1) 2; Country Pyle (9-4 2nd fav)
3. 7 ran. 31/2l, 2l. (W Haggas; 2-1 fav
Kingsofthemidlands). Tote: £3.30; pl £1.70, £4.50.
£572.49. trifecta: £1597.80. CSF: £65.80.
3.55—MISTER TICKLE (N F Houlihan, 5-6 fav)
Greengage (8-1) 2; Benadalid (25-1) 3. H’cap 8
ran. nk, hd. (G Boughey). Tote: £1.80; pl £1.10, Text PL
AY to
1; Marble Moon (8-1) 2; Bonanza Sam (8-1) 3. H’cap £2.10, £4.50. exacta: £14.00. tricast: £170.11.
exacta: £32.30. trifecta: £107.60. CSF: £34.46. 5 ran. 5l, 99l. (G L Moore). Tote: £1.60; pl £1.10,
3.05—SCOPE (R Hornby, 13-8 fav) 1; Chalk trifecta: £124.30. CSF: £12.67.
£2.50. exacta: £6.60. trifecta: £20.40. CSF: £7.41. 5.25—THRAVE (Erika Parkinson, 11-2) 1;
Stream (5-2 2nd fav) 2; Mandoob (5-1) 3. 6 ran.
71/2l, 31/2l. (R Beckett). Tote: £2.10; pl £1.30, £1.70. Placepot: £166.00 Bringitonboris (11-4 fav) 2; Harry Love (11-1) 3.
(Race 1) 8, 2, 4; (2) 5, 3; (3) 4; (4) 2, H’cap 10 ran. 13/4l, hd. (M Appleby). Tote: £6.00;
exacta: £6.20. trifecta: £23.00. CSF: £5.77.
3.40—BICKERSTAFFE (C Fallon, 10-3 fav) 3; (5) 6, 9, 1; (6) 3, 4.
Quadpot: £29.10
pl £2.10, £1.30, £2.80. exacta: £23.20. tricast:
£165.87. trifecta: £242.40. CSF: £20.52. Non- Texts cost £2.00
1; Strike Red (8-1) 2; Cairn Gorm (14-1) 3. H’cap
9 ran. hd, 1l. (K Burke). Tote: £4.10; pl £2.40,
£4.00, £1.60. exacta: £27.10. tricast: £334.37.
1.15—WEST END LADY (S Mulqueen, 6-1) 1;
runner: Fieldsman.
6.00—FRANTASTIC (R Havlin, 2-13 fav) 1;
Gliding Bay (14-1) 2; Cabinet Maker (28-1) 3. 7 ran.
+ 1 standard network rate message OCTOBER
trifecta: £324.60. CSF: £30.92. Non-runner: Misscarlett (17-2) 2; Zara’s Universe (17-2) 3.
Stylish Performer. 43/4l, 11/4l. (J & T Gosden). Tote: £1.10; pl £1.10, £3.80.
4.15—RAJINSKY (P-L Jamin, 10-3 2nd fav) 1;
H’cap 8 ran. 4l, 11l. (L Russell; 2-1 fav Methag).
Tote: £6.60; pl £1.90, £1.90, £2.20. exacta:
exacta: £4.40. trifecta: £25.80. CSF: £4.00.
6.30—THUNDER POWER (J Mitchell, 4-5
or call
Uber Cool (4-1) 2; Caribeno (40-1) 3. H’cap 9 ran. £44.10. tricast: £431.61. trifecta: £270.90. CSF:
4l, 21/2l. (T Dascombe; 3-1 fav Future Investment). fav) 1; Moqadama (4-1) 2; Jack Daniel (13-2) 3. 9
£53.90. ran. 31/4l, 21/2l. (R Varian). Tote: £1.60; pl £1.10,
Tote: £4.10; pl £1.50, £1.70, £5.70. exacta: £21.30. 1.45—AWAY AT DAWN (B Hughes, 7-2) 1;
tricast: £444.93. trifecta: £274.00. CSF: £17.14. £1.30, £2.00. exacta: £5.00. trifecta: £17.60.
Burrows Diamond (5-2 fav) 2; Authorizo (10-3 CSF: £4.85. Non-runner: Fanzone.
Non-runners: Buriram, Single. 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 7 ran. 7l, 23l. (D McCain). Tote:
4.50—SUNRAY MAJOR (L Dettori, 11-10 7.00—VARIETY ISLAND (P Dennis, 12-1) 1;
£4.10; pl £2.10, £2.00. exacta: £12.80. trifecta: Lunasa (66-1) 2; Tinkerstar (16-1) 3. H’cap 14
fav) 1; Ibiza Rocks (25-1) 2; Cliffs Of Capri (20-1) £35.10. CSF: £12.88. ran. 3/4l, 2l. (Simon Whitaker; 10-3 jtfav Say
Calls cost £2.00 + network access charge.
3; Able Kane (15-2 ) 4. H’cap 17 ran. hd, hd, hd. 2.20—BOB’S BAR (B Hughes, 13-2) 1; Storm
(J & T Gosden). Tote: £2.00; pl £1.10, £3.30, Grace, 10-3 jtfav Claim To Fame). Tote: £14.50;
Lorenzo (33-1) 2; Bellaney Gem (85-40 2nd fav) pl £4.40, £15.00, £5.10. exacta: £658.40. tricast:
£3.60, £2.10. exacta: £30.30. tricast: £448.31. 3. 6 ran. 3l, 21/2l. (D McCain; 4-6 fav Gladiatorial).
trifecta: £299.40. CSF: £42.36. Non-runner: Tote: £6.50; pl £8.30, £2.60. exacta: £84.10.
£12320.30. trifecta: Not won. CSF: £675.29.
7.30—PACINO (P Hanagan, 9-4 fav) 1;
or post your name and phone number to
Desert Doctor. trifecta: £225.70. CSF: £94.12. Non-runners:
Jackpot: £7,801.20
Placepot: £65.10
Readysteadybeau, Who’s The Guv’nor.
2.55—SUPREME STEEL (A Anderson, 12-1)
Debated (11-2) 2; Vintage Polly (50-1) 3. H’cap 13
ran. 1/2l, 3/4l. (R Fahey). Tote: £3.30; pl £1.70,
£1.80, £9.70. exacta: £18.10. tricast: £518.96.
Express Win,
(Race 1) 8, 1, 7; (2) 3, 5; (3) 5, 1; (4) 1; Real Armani (10-3 2nd fav) 2; Exit Ten (8-1) 3.
2, 4, 3; (5) 5, 4, 6; (6) 1, 17, 4, 8.
Quadpot: £9.80
H’cap 8 ran. 11/2l, 91/2l. (M Sowersby; 9-4 fav
Breaking The Ice). Tote: £13.90; pl £2.80, £1.70,
trifecta: £560.00. CSF: £14.59. Non-runner:
Perfect Soldier. PO Box 8162
8.00—ZENZERO (B Curtis, 11-1) 1; Tefnut
FONTWELL: Good to soft
1.00—ZACONY REBEL (J Bowen, 7-1) 1;
£2.00. exacta: £67.70. tricast: £345.71. trifecta:
£406.70. CSF: £53.45.
3.30—BAVINGTON BOB (T Midgley, 2-1 fav)
(11-4 2nd fav) 2; Gold Ring (33-1) 3. H’cap 13 ran.
nk, 11/4l. (D O’Meara; 5-2 fav Must Be An Angel).
Derby, DE1 9GU
Haddex Des Obeaux (13-8 2nd fav) 2; Baddesley 1; Glinger Flame (5-2 2nd fav) 2; Sheriff Garrett Tote: £11.50; pl £2.70, £1.70, £6.90. exacta:
(11-2) 3. 9 ran. 51/2l, 71/2l. (T Lawes; 5-4 fav Our (11-4) 3. H’cap 6 ran. nk, 61/2l. (A Hamilton). Tote: £58.20. tricast: £1037.73. trifecta: £949.20.
Surprise). Tote: £8.20; pl £2.00, £1.10, £1.80. £2.70; pl £1.50, £1.60. exacta: £7.80. trifecta: CSF: £39.98. Non-runner: Ask The Wind.
exacta: £24.00. trifecta: £140.20. CSF: £20.15. £17.70. CSF: £7.32. Non-runner: Grand Morning. 8.30—BUNIANN (K Stott, 9-4 fav) 1;
1.35—SMALL BAD BOB (T J O’Brien, 7-2) 1; 4.05—TOKARAMORE (C O’Farrell, 9-4 fav) Another Angel (5-2 2nd fav) 2; Queen Of
Thibault (13-2) 2; Wasdell Dundalk (5-2 fav) 3. 1; Roll Of Thunder (10-1) 2; Izzy’s Champion Kalahari (9-1) 3. H’cap 9 ran. shd, shd. (P ,?
µU,²bnµb8²b½ubµµ8ubµVbY++ɽ} ¢+(U,bbO½Y¢bYbµÏ¾¾ÏggϹϹϢ8ubg¥¢Ðb½²bµ8n½b²bµOµb8½
H’cap 5 ran. 5l, 4l. (P Henderson). Tote: £3.70; (17-2) 3. H’cap 6 ran. 11/2l, 4l. (I Jardine). Tote: Midgley). Tote: £3.00; pl £1.40, £1.40, £2.90.
exacta: £7.90. tricast: £39.84. trifecta: £60.90. Yu}½½}b8µ½Y8Ën½}b½}ɽO½8Y8˵½FbO}8²ubY¢(µ½8b½²bµOµb8½Yu}½p½}n½}bnÉu½}¢ bÉb²
pl £1.80, £2.70. exacta: £21.00. trifecta: £54.00. £3.00; pl £1.80, £4.50. exacta: £21.40. tricast:
CSF: £23.09. £157.79. trifecta: £115.00. CSF: £22.04. Non- CSF: £7.83. Non-runners: Mutabaahy, Soapys ÉFbµbbO½bY8½²8Yn²8O²²bO½b½²bµ8n½b²½}bOµuY8½b8YÉFbO½8O½bYFË}bɽ}pY8˵¢Â,?
2.10—PILBARA (C Hammond, 9-2) 1; runners: Ballycrystal, Cash Again. Sister, The Bell Conductor. bɵºÂºp¹¹º
Anemoi (7-4 fav) 2; Highway One O One (5-2 4.40—GEONICE (B Hughes, 15-2) 1; Elusive Placepot: £244.30 Fbu8Yb8È88Fbb8µbµbb²²È8O˽Obb8½ÉÉÉ¢bʲbµµ¢O¢Âº²È8O˽Ob¢,}µ²ÎbY²8Éb²µµËYO8½bY8O²µµ½}b²*b8O}½½bµ¢
2nd fav) 3. H’cap 4 ran. nk, 24l. (Miss Suzy Red (33-1) 2; Abington Park (9-4 fav) 3. H’cap 12 (Race 1) 4, 7, 3; (2) 9, 6, 5; (3) 2, 3;
Smith). Tote: £5.30; exacta: £12.50. trifecta: (4) 5, 10, 1; (5) 10, 11, 6; (6) 2, 4, 5; ²8nµ½n²F²8YµµbbÉÉÉ¢²b8O}O¢OºÂ²F²8Yµ
ran. nk, 1l. (J J Quinn). Tote: £8.10; pl £7.80,
£24.00. CSF: £12.70. £1.30, £2.20. exacta: £267.00. tricast: £741.39. Quadpot: £76.70
Olympic snub
1. Who won Great Britain’s third Olympic gold at Tokyo 2020 in the men’s
mountain bike cross-country race?
2. Which cricketer scored his first List A century to help
Nottinghamshire beat Warwickshire by 86 runs in the
Royal London Cup?
3. Which Welsh goalkeeper has joined Burnley after leaving
Crystal Palace?
drives Purdue
4. Who won a silver medal for Team GB in the 1909: The first rugby match 2006: Lord Stevens, leading
women’s triathlon in Tokyo? was played at Twickenham the inquiry into corruption
5. Which American tennis player won three when resident club in English football,
successive Wimbledon ladies’ singles titles in Harlequins faced Richmond. announced there were 39
the Fifties?
6. Which Scottish League Two football team play 1968: Robert Gibson of the transfers involving eight
at Station Park? St Louis Cardinals pitched a English league teams which
7. Which players normally wear the numbers 3 and 4 championship record 17 merited further investigation.
marathon bid
in a Rugby League team? strikeouts against the 2009: Rio was awarded the
8. Which English snooker player was the surprise Detroit Tigers in baseball’s 2016 Olympic Games.
winner of the World Professional Championship World Series. The Tigers won
in 1986? the best-of-seven clash 4-3. 2010: Wigan beat St Helens
9. Which American golfer won the US Open at Congressional in 1964? 22-10 in the Super League
10. Which goalkeeper won 119 caps for Northern Ireland?
1980: Muhammad Ali had his
last world heavyweight title Grand Final at Old Trafford.
Centres. 8 Joe Johnson. 9 Ken Venturi. 10 Pat Jennings. fight. He was retired after 2019: Dina Asher-Smith won
10 rounds against Larry 200m gold at the Doha World
4 Georgia Taylor-Brown. 5 Maureen Connolly. 6 Forfar Athletic. 7
ANSWERS: 1 Tom Pidcock. 2 Haseeb Hameed. 3 Wayne Hennessey.
Holmes in Las Vegas. Athletics Championships.
Charlotte Purdue says
from the British Athletes it’s been minimal.” Purdue admits that in
Commission, wrote an Asked if she would light of Sarah Everard’s
open letter to UKA chief feel comfortable running tragic murder she will
executive Jo Coates for Britain now, Purdue give more thought to
+%!2%,!*%#(%04%2/!8!"+%3. 6)3(8.41-!,%!$$1%22!-$
.-3(%1%5%12% about the selection said: “It has definitely where she trains, saying:
“I did receive a reply,
a letter basically saying
tainted my desire.
“It’s an honour to run
for Great Britain but,
“In the day, I do feel safe
running outside
myself but I run on the
If you wish to receive information and offers from carefully selected by Express Newspapers, please tick here To see how your data is processed please
refer to Express’s Privacy Policy: www.shop.express.co.uk/privacy. Reg. London 141748 Express Newspapers Reg. London 141748. One Canada Square, she acknowledged my definitely, I won’t forget treadmill now when it’s
Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom, E14 5AP. points and would look about this whole year. I dark and in the winter
PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH. into it further,” she said. felt I could have run well because it’s a lot safer.”
Paine points
finger at Root
over England’s
Change as good as a
rest for excited Rea
travel doubts
By Gideon Brooks
desperate to claw
back the World
Championship lead in
Portugal after banking
the best lap at Portimao
ahead of today’s race,
said: “We made a
significant change to
my bike.
“I feel like I have
TIM PAINE has fired an opening OPEN The six-time
made a step in my
riding. I feel
salvo in the Ashes battle by telling
England’s wavering tourists to finally
Paine, right,
more confident.
“I’m really
get off the fence and make their has told topped both excited for this
minds up. counterpart sessions to one and ready
Australia’s captain took aim at Joe Root to end with a
commit to
to get stuck in.
Root after his counterpart revealed time of 1min “I was able
earlier this week that he was not yet Ashes tour 41.466secs, REA
Down Under to do things
ready to commit to touring in the 0.191secs clear with my bike
current climate. of Kawasaki team-mate today that I haven’t
But a forthright Paine said the Alex Lowes. been able to all season.
time for dithering had gone, saying: Rea, who trails PATA “I’m looking forward
“No one is forcing you to come. Yamaha’s Toprak to seeing how that goes
“They’ll have a choice to make – Razgatlioglu of Turkey in the race with the
you either get on that plane or don’t. by 20 points at the top other riders.”
No one is forcing you. If you don’t of the overall standings ZOE BURN
want to come, don’t come.
“The Ashes are going ahead. The
first Test is on December 8 whether THE BIG PICTURE
Joe is here or not.
“There will be a squad of England
players coming.”
Conditions for England’s squad
have been the subject of concern,
with many players expressing
reservations about having to tour
without their families.
Discussions reached governmental
level with Prime Ministers Boris
Johnson and Scott Morrison trying
to ensure worries are addressed. AT THE
Australia has some of the strictest DOUBLE:
Covid-19 protocols in the world. Danish
Yesterday the state of Victoria, pair at
which hosts the Boxing Day Test in badminton’s
and do it. They all want to come, Sudirman
Melbourne, announced it was
making it mandatory for pro
sportsmen to be fully vaccinated,
although it was unclear whether that
there’s no doubt about that.
“They’re trying to get themselves
the best possible conditions they
Strauss says ECB Cup in
72 Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 RUGBY LEAGUE: SUPER LEAGUE GRAND FINAL Main picture: ALEXANDRE DIMOU
magic Dragons
claims it has been By David Anderson smoke.
harder to reach the top Dragons fans created a
because of his name. where I am, after
winning 30 fights and carnival atmosphere ahead of
Eubank says he has the sell-out against Hull KR
had to deal with the dedicating my life to
the sport, that pressure in Perpignan, before watching
pressure of being their team book their Grand
compared to his isn’t there as much.
“People know I’m Final place with a 28-10 win.
famous father For Aussie Drinkwater – in
throughout his career. the real deal, this is
his second spell at the club
But he finally
believes he has now
established himself in
what I do, it isn’t a
gimmick. I definitely
think I have created
having also played for London
Broncos, Leigh and Hull KR
in Super League – it was a
interception try and assist about playing the game and play great, which I guess is a
his own right. my own path, I’m my
own man. People know new but exciting experience. to continue his influential not the occasion. We’ve got good thing – we still won
Eubank, below, faces He said: “It was pretty campaign. some pretty senior players when not playing good footy.
Anatoli Muratov at me for me, not for
being the son. I’m in a crazy to be honest with all the He said: “The reception here and a lot of us have “We know next week in the
Wembley Arena smoke bombs at the stadium. when we got there was great, played in big games. I thought Grand Final we’re going to
tonight as part of Sky great position.”
You couldn’t see where you but the changing room was we handled that pretty well. have to be a whole lot better.
Sports’ new boxing Although Eubank,
were going. very relaxed. Everyone was “I think when we look back “But it’s a good sign when
line-up and admitted: 32, has won the IBO
“The fans here are very nice and calm and we spoke and watch the video we didn’t you win and don’t play great
“Absolutely, it’s been super-middleweight passionate, they’re great to in a semi-final.”
harder for me. belt twice, his goal is to play in front of and are very Drinkwater will again
win a world title down SMOKIN’: Drinkwater
“The pressure has loud. It probably exceeded takes the applause distance himself from any
been on from day one, at middleweight and he my expectations. pre-match hype in Perpignan
from my first fight on is the WBA’s No.1 “They created a great this week ahead of next
Channel 5 in front of contender. atmosphere and thankfully Saturday’s season decider.
1.5million viewers, He is keen to make we got the job done. He added: “I don’t read the
which is unheard of up for lost time, “It was a great occasion – newspapers or listen to the
for a fighter making having fought just the club did a brilliant job of news because I don’t
his debut. once in the past 22 putting it on and the people understand that much.
“I was being months. And he of Perpignan really supported “It helps me blank it all out,
compared to had to deal with the us. We rewarded them by which probably helped me a
my father and tragic death of his doing our job and we’re off to bit this week. I’m in my own
that was brother Old Trafford.” little world.
comparing a Sebastian in While passions were high “I’ve no idea what people
world July. off the field, on it the Dragons are saying about me – I don’t
champion He said: “The kept their cool, with read the paper or anything.
to a novice. path is make a Drinkwater producing “I’m in my own little bubble
That’s how statement in a crucial 80-metre here and it has been good.”
it’s always this fight,
been. I’ve then from
always had this December
expectation, we’ll be
this pressure to fighting
uphold the again and I
family name. want a big
Now I am name.”
IPL (Dubai): Kolkata Knight Riders Alfred Dunhill Links Championship
165-7 (20 overs, Iyer 67), Punjab (Old Course St. Andrews, Scotland).
Kings 168-5 (19.3 overs, Rahul ICE HOCKEY
67). Punjab Kings win by 5 wickets. Elite League Challenge Cup Group
Bob Willis Trophy - Final A: Fife v Dundee.
Warwickshire v Lancashire Group B: Guildford v Cardiff.
LORD’S: Warwickshire beat Lancashire Group C: Sheffield v Manchester.
by an innings and 199 runs Elite Lge: Nottingham v Coventry.
(Miles 5-28) Betfred Championship Semi-Final
WARWICKSHIRE: First Innings 518 (3.15): Featherstone v Halifax
(Rhodes 156, Yates 113, Sibley 57, (5.30), Toulouse v Batley.
Hain 55, Parkinson 4-78) RUGBY UNION
LANCASHIRE: Second Innings The Rugby Championship (11.05):
(Overnight 171-6) Argentina v Australia (8.05), South
R Jones lbw Briggs .........................18 Africa v New Zealand.
L Wood b Johal ..............................28 Gallagher Premiership (3pm):
T Bailey c Burgess b Norwell ...........24 Leicester v Saracens, Newcastle v
J Blatherwick st Burgess b Briggs....11 Wasps, Northampton v Lon Irish
M Parkinson not out .........................0
Lb2 w1 nb4...............................7 (2pm), Worcester v Gloucester.
United Rugby Championship IN THE
Total (68.2 overs) .................241
Fall: 23, 94, 120, 143, 158, 158,
195, 212, 233.
(7.35): Ben Treviso v Edinburgh
(1pm), Glasgow v Sharks (3pm),
Munster v Stormers, Ospreys v
Bowling: Norwell 14.2-2-60-3, Miles
15-1-67-1, Bresnan 8-0-24-1, Briggs 19-1-
Cardiff, Zebre v Ulster (5.15). crosses for
58-3, Johal 10-2-30-1, Yates 2-2-0-0. TENNIS a try as the
Umpires: D Millns & M Burns. ATP Sofia Open (Sofia, Bulgaria).
WTA Chicago Fall Tennis Classic French side
ALFRED DUNHILL LINKS CH’SHIP (Chicago, Illinois, USA). book their
(Old Course St. Andrews, tickets for
Scotland)—(Gbr & Irl unless
stated, Par 72) 2nd Rd: 134 T
TOMORROW Old Trafford
Hatton 64 70, 135 D Gavins 67 BASKETBALL
68, 136 D Willett 67 69, H Li (Chn) BBL Cup North Group: Cheshire v
64 72, 137 T Fleetwood 66 71, J
Winther (Den) 66 71.
Glasgow, Manchester v Newcastle.
IPL: Royal Challengers Bangalore v
Punjab Kings (Sharjah, 11.0),
Hatton holds on to lead despite wobble
California, USA)—2nd rd selected: Kolkata Knight Riders v Sunrisers TYRRELL HATTON GOLF into second place with ❑ALEJANDRO Del Rey
C Norrie (Gbr) bt (8) D Evans (Gbr) Hyderabad (Dubai, 3.0). overcame three bogeys a four-under 68 at wrote his name into the
7-6 (7-3) 6-3; (2) C Ruud (Nor) bt A
Murray (Gbr) 7-5 6-4. ICE HOCKEY on a frustrating back him drop strokes at the Carnoustie. history books, firing the
Elite League Challenge Cup Group
A: Dundee v Belfast. nine to shoot a two- 10th, 13th and 16th Former Masters lowest score to par on a
TODAY’S DIARY Grp C: Manchester v Nottingham.
Elite League: Cardiff v Fife,
under 70 and retain the holes at Kingsbarns as champion Danny major tour with a
(3pm unless stated)
Coventry v Sheffield. lead in the Alfred he ended the second Willett made the most 14-under 58 at the
BASKETBALL RUGBY LEAGUE Dunhill Links round with a one-shot of a lightning start – Swiss Challenge.
BBL Cup South Group: Bristol v
London, Surrey v Plymouth City. Betfred League 1 Preliminary Championship. advantage on 10 under with two birdies and The Spaniard posted
Final (3pm): Keighley v Doncaster.
CRICKET The Englishman par. an eagle in his first eight birdies and three
IPL: Mumbai Indians v Delhi Gallagher Premiership (3pm): looked in control with Compatriot Daniel three holes – to stand eagles at Golf Saint
Capitals (Sharjah, 11.0), Sale v Exeter. two early birdies. But Gavins eagled the two shots back Apollinaire in France on HAT ON: Tyrrell
Rajasthan Royals v Chennai Super United Rugby Ch’ship (2pm): in cold yesterday
Kings (Abu Dhabi, 3.0). Dragons v Leinster. windy conditions saw par-five 14th to move following a 69. the Challenge Tour.
RUGBY UNION: GALLAGHER PREMIERSHIP Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 73
Main picture: HARRY TRUMP
part of
By Alex Spink
BRISTOL Malins had a productive
loan spell at Bears when SARACENS are to be
BOOST Saracens were relegated taken over by an
investment consortium
that includes South
Africa legend Francois
The Londoners have
agreed a £32million
deal that will secure
the long-term future of
the club.
It will also bring to
an end Nigel Wray’s
26-year ownership,
450 words of rugby though his daughter
union Lucy is to remain as
the club’s chief
executive. The deal sees
former England
on his return
winner Maggie
gaining eight England caps. disappointing times. Alphonsi join the
At Leicester today the full-back “But if I dwell on that it’s not going board, while Michael
returns to his club colours when the to get me anywhere.” Yormark, the president
Londoners play the league leaders. Despite Elliot Daly being injured for of the Roc Nation
to get back in that England shirt and the foreseeable future, Malins has his
The promising youngster, who last agency founded by
really show what I am about. work cut out just to keep the No.15
appeared for Saracens in 2019 Jay-Z, comes aboard as
“But I can’t look too far ahead. My shirt at Saracens.
before they were relegated from the a special adviser.
head is firmly with Saracens. I need to Alex Goode is back from Japan and
Premiership and he was loaned to the Confirmation is
Bears, is now a full international. put in some big performances for my starts on the bench at Welford Road,
club and hope something comes expected today from a
Malins, right, is also a player full of while Elliott Obatoyinbo was club set for a dramatic
hunger after two separate injuries off the back of it.” outstanding at Bristol on the opening READY TO
Malins, 24, made his full upturn in fortunes less
stalled his England career just as it was night of the season. KICK ON:
England debut in the win Malins than two years after
taking off. Even with Lions duo Owen Farrell being convicted of
“I really want to over France in March and was and Jamie George back in the starting got in the
named to start against Ireland England salary cap breaches,
kick on,” he said. line-up, nobody at Saracens will kicked out of the
a week later, only for a leg underestimate a Leicester side set-up
“It was great during Premiership and fined
to get my first injury to rule him out on coached by Steve Borthwick that have
the day of the game. time £5.36m.
England start in won their first two games. away Wray will be reduced
the Six Nations, The Cambridge-born “They’re top of the pile at the
star worked his to the role of minority
but obviously moment, the ones to beat,” said shareholder with, it is
disappointing that I way back in time Malins. “But we’re back where we
for England’s summer thought, no input in
was then caught short with want to be, in the Premiership. And decisions.
injuries. I have a burning desire series, only to damage we’re determined to enjoy it.”
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‘Stick with my
35 Colchester v Salford City.................
36 Exeter v Walsall..............................
37 Mansfield v Barrow.........................
38 Newport Co v Scunthorpe ...............
39 Northampton v Sutton ....................
40 Oldham v Harrogate Tn ...................
41 Port Vale v Leyton Orient ................
42 Stevenage v Hartlepool...................
43 Tranmere v Crawley Tn ....................
cinch Scottish Premiership
45 Dundee Utd v Ross County .............
I wanted to
STAR: Trossard; Maupay, Connolly.
ARSENAL (4-2-3-1) Ramsdale; games against Arsenal ● Arsenal’s
Ronaldo, in Aubameyang has 5 goals in his past 5
first spell Tomiyasu, White, Gabriel, Tierney;
Partey, Lokonga; Saka, Odegaard, games. He scored 4 in his previous 17
at United,
Smith Rowe; Aubameyang. KICK-OFF: 5.30pm, Sky Sports
we had
not seen
● Palace’s Zaha has been involved in PALACE (4-3-3): Guaita; Ward,
before’ Guehi, Andersen, Mitchell;
8 goals in 12 PL games against
emulate my
Leicester (6 goals, 2 assists) Gallagher, Kouyate, McArthur;
Ayew, Edouard, Zaha.
● The Foxes have won 1 of their past LEICESTER (3-5-2): Schmeichel;
5 away league games against Palace Evans, Soyuncu, Vestergaard;
(D2 L2), winning 2-0 in Nov 2019 Castagne, Bertrand, Tielemans,
TOMORROW: 2pm, Sky Sports Barnes, Maddison; Daka, Vardy.
idol Cristiano
TOTTENHAM (4-2-3-1): Lloris, ● Spurs’ Son has been involved in 10
Tanganga, Sanchez, Dier, goals in his past 11 PL home games
Reguilon; Skipp, Hojbjerg; Moura, (6 gls, 4 ast) ● Villa’s Ings has scored
Lo Celso, Son; Kane.
ASTON VILLA (3-5-2): Martinez, 6 goals in his past 6 games against
Konsa, Hause, Mings; Cash, Tottenham in all competitions,
McGinn, Ramsey, Luiz, Targett; including 4 in his past 3 against them
Ings, Watkins. TOMORROW: 2pm
challenges for all managers in football condemned complex
IT IS one of the great Kenny Dalglish, Kevin Keegan, Arsene Liverpool have done that with to face Pep’s teams because they Government plans that
managerial rivalries in Wenger or Rafa Benitez. Guardiola, and also in Germany when are so good. I like that because it is allow players to travel
football history. Yet Klopp says he does not feel the his Dortmund resisted the might of one of those games where people say for international duty
But Jurgen Klopp same towards Guardiola. Bayern Munich. the Premier League, Bundesliga, in red-list countries as
says there is one key “It’s true. I’m not sure if I ever told Their record in HOW THEY STAND Champions League is
C “just not right”.
difference between Pep, but I like him,” said Klopp. “I two countries is oon this [other] level – New rules were
P W D L F A Pts
his epic bouts with annoy him with things I say in press breathlessly level. Liverpool 6 4 2 0 15 4 14
tthere is no mercy for introduced yesterday
Pep Guardiola and conferences that are not meant to say Klopp and Guardiola Man City 6 4 1 1 12 1 13 m mistakes. that now let players
the other battles anything bad about have won four apiece Chelsea 6 4 1 1 12 2 13 “If you make a who travel for matches
of the bosses
that have
detonated the
Things I him or Man City.
“Somebody on
the City staff tells
in Germany, while Man Utd
both have won five Everton
each since the battle Brighton
6 4 1 1 13 5 13 m
6 4 1 1 12 7 13 p
6 4 1 1 8 5 13 p
mistake you get
punished, and that is
pretty much the game
in red-zone nations,
such as Brazil, to train
and play immediately
Premier League
– he likes his say in the him that, ‘Klopp
said this’ and I
was reignited
England in 2016.
in West Ham
Aston Villa
6 3 2 1 13 8 11 a
6 3 1 2 9 7 10 a
6 2 3 1 8 5 9
against Man City
on their return – so
long as they isolate
adversary. can see in his But the pair have Arsenal “But if you don’t
The two go
press do conference he gets
really angry. Sorry
mixed socially, and Tottenham
Klopp revealed: “Two Watford
6 3 0 3 5 10 9
6 3 0 3 4 9
6 2 1 3 7 9
9 [[make mistakes] – at
7 lleast when you are
outside football hours.
That means they
cannot go home to
once more at
Anfield, with a
annoy him for that.
“No, I respect
him a lot. I want to
years ago, we had a Leicester
few situations where Wolves
6 2 1 3 7 10 7 L
6 2 0 4 3 5 6 h
Liverpool – then you
have a chance and I
we went together to Crystal Palace 6 1 3 2 6 9 6 tthink it is interesting
their families and must
be confined to a hotel
record of nine wins win desperately, he wants to do that, Manchester for Southampton 6 0 4 2 4 7 4 tto give it a try.” of their choosing when
each – and three and we are completely different awards – and our Newcastle 6 0 3 3 7 14 3 Klopp says the key they are not involved
families met. Leeds 6 0 3 3 6 14 3 in playing or training.
draws – since they personalities but, nonetheless, I like Burnley 6 0 2 4 5 11 2 iis to stop City
Players must also
first locked horns in him and I respect him.” “And I can tell you Norwich 6 0 0 6 2 16 0 p possession.
Germany in 2013. Ferguson had decades of feuding, that somebody with a “They have have food delivered to
In the Premier League, his most famous with Wenger when family like Pep Guardiola must be a different possible organisations, a clear their rooms to avoid
the great rivalries have Arsenal’s Invincibles’ good person, because Mrs and the kids structure with some changes from any contact with
tended to involve Sir Alex challenged are outstanding and that is what is time to time,” he said. “The main people outside their
Ferguson, with the key feature Manchester United’s important to me. So during the game, thing is to keep the ball as long as football bubble.
one of searing hostility towards dominance. Klopp’s whatever he says and whatever I say, it possible.” “I don’t think it is
properly thought
through,” Klopp said.
Bosses have taken rivalry from Germany into Premier League
FROM BACK PAGE midfielders in the last lines, much closer to what we did
“It feels a little bit
like somebody in the
Government opens the
door in an important
IN GERMANY: PLAYED 8 what we think it should and all of a sudden nothing before than last year. office and says, ‘By the
exactly look like. We are in a was the same,” said the “So it means we have way, we still have to
WINS: Klopp 4 Guardiola 4 good moment, but that’s Liverpool boss. stability, and then you have sort the footballers’.
FINALS: Klopp 2 wins, Guardiola 1 what we have to be to have a “In the middle of the freedom for the offensive “We take people out
FIRST GAME: DFL Super Cup 27/07/13 Dortmund 4 Munich 2 chance against them [City].” season you have to reinvent stuff in dangerous and of normal life for three
The Reds are the last your game – we needed that threatening situations... weeks and away from
IN ENGLAND: PLAYED 13 remaining unbeaten team in time to add depth to our and you can score more their families for no
the Premier League, but existing qualities. often.” real reason.
WINS: Klopp 5 Guardiola 5 (3 draws) Klopp is adamant they are “It took time, and we are Roberto Firmino, left, “We take care of our
FINALS: Guardiola 1 (Community Shield) Klopp 0 not yet back to the supreme not back to what we did could return to the front line, players. They are here,
CL: Klopp 2 Guardiola 0 best which saw them win before. with James Milner continuing they live with their
FIRST GAME: PL 31/12/16 Liverpool 1 Man City 0 the title two seasons ago. “But we changed some in the absence of the injured families, they don’t do
“Last season we had to play things as well, and we’re Trent Alexander-Arnold. anything else. They
come to training and
December 8 whether
His England counterpart Joe Root has
refused to fully commit until receiving clarity
about entry requirements, quarantine and
bubble conditions. But Paine, left, said: “Well,
By David Maddock
JURGEN KLOPP has warned
Manchester City that Liverpool’s
goal blitz has not even come
close to showing their full
The Reds scored a remarkable
20 goals in September to sit
proudly on top of the Premier
League and emerge as joint-
leading scorers in this season’s
Champions League.
And manager Klopp believes
there is even more to come from
his side – insisting they have
missed far more
chances than they ey
have taken.
“To be
honest, when
people said we
scored 20 goals
in September it
didn’t feel like it,
said Klopp, right.
“I have a lot of chances on my
mind – and I’m really positive –
that we missed.
“It is not that I want to
score 40 goals or whatever, it
is just we are not even close to
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Daily Express Saturday, October 2, 2021 1
Welcome to your brilliant Saturday Express eight-page puzzles pullout. We’ve got plenty here
to keep you busy, from your favourite crosswords to brain-teasing sudokus and more. Enjoy!
1 _ Bright, plays Linda in EastEnders (6) 1 Celebrity Big Brother 18 housemate (5,7)
4 Melanie _, actress mum of Dakota Johnson 2 _ Riley, competed on Strictly in 2012 (4)
(8) 3 Model who is David Bowie’s widow (4)
10 Ashley _, former High School Musical star 5 Elen, _ ex-fiancee of Frank Lampard (5)
(7) 6 Harrison _, Han Solo in the Star Wars films (4)
11 Street dance troupe led by Ashley Banjo (9) 7 Catherine _, British comic actress (4)
12 Greg _, star of Cuckoo and Man Down (6) 8 Paz _, played Maria Callas in Grace Of Monaco
16 _ Douvall, model and reality TV personality (4)
(6) 9 _ Chiles, TV and radio presenter (6)
18 _ Mullins, American wife of Rupert Friend 13 _ Harington, Game Of Thrones star (3)
(5) 14 _ Hirsch, US TV and film actor (5)
19 Elizabeth _, appeared in The Hunger Games 15 _ Klum, model and America’s Got Talent judge (5)
films (5) 17 Winner of Celebrity MasterChef 2016 (6,6)
22 James _, aka Martin in EastEnders (3) 19 Mary _, TV historian (5)
23 _ Lucy, finalist on The Voice 2016 (5) 20 Chris _, appears on Scott Mills’ Radio 1 show (5)
24 Katya _, the BBC’s Europe Editor (5) 21 Veteran glam rock band (5)
25 _ Perkins, TV-presenting partner of Mel 22 _ Tonioli, Strictly Come Dancing judge (5)
Giedroyc (3) 26 _ Sturgess, starred in the film One Day (3)
27 _ Hough, former Dancing With The Stars pro 28 Nick _, member of Duran Duran (6)
(5) 31 _ Grace Moretz, star of the 2020 horror film
29 Claire _, star of Homeland (5) Shadow In The Cloud (5)
30 _ Minchin, BBC Breakfast presenter (6) 32 Band fronted by Gavin Rossdale (4)
31 Charlotte _, won Celebrity Big Brother 12 33 _ McKinnon, star of the 2016 Ghostbusters
(6) reboot (4)
37 _ Aplin, British singer-songwriter (9) 34 _ Keene, played Cindy in EastEnders (4)
38 Jane _, British-born actress (7) 35 Ella _, ‘Just Got Paid’ singer (4)
39 _ Lopez, US singer and actress (8) 36 Whitney _, US TV personality (4)
40 Michael _, star of the film Spotlight (6)
The number in A 2 A
each square 1 B B
corresponds to a C C
letter. Work out D D
the words in the E
grid using the
letters provided. F F
Fill in these G G
known letters H H
first, then I I
use skill and J J
judgement to K K
work out the L L
others. M M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Y 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2 digits: 32 48 98 99 2 digits: 22 50 60 71 V Y W X
3 digits: 118 126 198 199 240 419 589 751 3 digits: 102 103 191 222 312 391 657 919 939 909
878 991
4 digits: 1251 1994 2114 3492
digits: 3091 3101 5705 7507
digits: 26501 95026
5 digits: 28996 91999 7 digits: 6291912 6919122
7 digits: 5620189 6821996
9 digits: 292949684 787818114 912221992
9 digits: 366773221 412133113 423919221 466753224 T
Each row and column hold the numbers 1 to 9 and the numbers in the cages must add to the given total.
6 8 No number can be repeated in a cage.
21 13 16 14 5 7 15 12 9 10 21 11
2 9 5
10 12 10 15 10
4 5 2 1
4 15 5 14 17 14 14 9
6 1 4 3
23 11 10 17 15 13 8 8 19
1 7
8 11 15 19 14
2 8 7 5
9 10 12 10 10 13
5 8 6 4
16 10 24 12 15 19 9 13 12
5 1 6
8 5 17 16 18 12 17 14
2 5
5 10
W 7
13 15
8 25
27 10 8
9 32
10 15 45 12 6 25 12
Y X Z 27 21 12 28
T R S 14 16
15 10
8 7
13 11 14 16 5
W V Z 12
15 10
7 12
15 17
W S 10 15 30
22 10 24 20
R X T 11
13 12
22 27
11 6 21 8
Y U 29
17 12
4 14
9 11 17 14 16
Y W U 14 18 23 15
11 15 9 11
9 10 8 9
11 10 11 12
12 13 14 13 14 15
15 16 17 16 17 18 19
18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23
23 24
24 25 26 25 26 27
27 28 29
28 29 30 31 32 30 31 32 33
33 34
34 35 36 37 35 36 37 38
38 39 40 39 40 41 42
41 42 43 44
ACROSS 36 Neat, orderly (9) 16 Counting frame (6) ACROSS 35 Ski slope (5) 7 Eager (4)
38 Brave (7) 19 Respond (5) 8 Planet (7) 36 Cook in an oven (5) 10 Suds (6)
9 Genuine (9)
39 Sleazy (6) 20 Month (3) 9 Embolden (9) 37 Soaks up (7) 11 Learn (4,3)
10 Eastern (8)
40 Nuisance (4) 22 Concur (5) 13 Rage (5) 39 Public sale (7) 12 Nab (6)
12 Makes a mistake (4)
41 Women’s underwear (8) 23 Perspires (6) 14 Unify (5) 41 Coarse, uneven (5) 19 Make practical use of (7)
13 Red wine (6)
42 Massacre (9) 25 Scientist’s room (10) 15 Whole number (7) 42 Turning tool (5) 21 Greyhound racing (3,4)
14 Rich stew (7)
26 Belonging to him (3) 16 Reap (7) 43 Sound of someone 24 Haute couture (4,7)
15 Immediately (9)
DOWN 27 Curving inwards (7) 17 Greek letter (5) approaching (9) 26 Shorten (10)
17 Stubborn (9)
30 Handover (8) 18 Small rodent (5) 44 Game of chance (7) 28 Block of text (9)
18 Cyclone (7) 1 Cosmetic surgery (4-4)
31 Crucial (8) 20 Evaluates (5) 29 Wild and disorderly (7)
20 Putty-like substance (6) 2 Begins (6)
32 Takes refuge (8) 22 Type of lizard (6) DOWN 30 Seem (6)
21 Be unsuccessful (4) 3 Spike heel (8)
33 Peculiar (7) 23 Rigorous (6) 1 Accountancy book (6) 32 Steadfast (8)
24 Hospital department (8) 4 Move about hurriedly (6)
35 To collapse (4,2) 25 Lockjaw (7) 2 Completely naked (8) 33 Method (6)
26 Tightrope (4,4) 5 Regulates (8)
36 Strain, emphasis (6) 27 Cookie (7) 3 Hard-working (11) 34 Group of three (7)
28 Chooses (4) 6 Revolting (10)
37 Representatives (6) 30 Single-cell organism (6) 4 Subordinate (9) 38 Go back (6)
29 Subsides (6) 7 Pancreatic hormone (7)
31 Of Denmark (6) 5 Causing laughter (7) 40 Moderately cold (4)
31 Bomb holes (7) 8 Yellow fruit (6)
34 Self-service restaurant (9) 11 Cajole (7) 32 Stinks (5) 6 Branch of maths (10)
1. Tress (4)
3. Decorative object (8)
This two-speed crossword has two sets of clues, 9. Evergreens (7)
10. Nips (5)
but just one grid 11. Personal income (7,5)
13. Reveal (4,2)
CRYPTIC CLUES 15. Concluding part (6)
17. Bookings (12)
ACROSS DOWN 20. Greek muse (5)
1. It’s worked by key operators (4) 1. Standard feature of a city street? (4-4) 21. Tiles (7)
22. Pause (8)
3. Pretty useless object? (8) 2. One of two keys I find in the kennel (5)
23. Creative sectors (4)
9. Unusually sly term for evergreen shrubs (7) 4. Charges for original film shots (6)
10. Snacks anglers look forward to? (5) 5. Form that saves time for the writer (12) DOWN
11. Soldier intends to acquire personal wealth 6. Result of converting sea into land (7) 1. Street light (4-4)
(7,5) 7. One may win it by a head (4) 2. Dog (5)
13. Appear to accentuate (4,2) 8. A delightful craft? (8,4) 4. Hurries (6)
15. It concludes a dossier about a returned 12. Signals from a disorder some time 5. Shortening (12)
article (6) afterwards (8) 6. European republic (7)
17. Doubts about bookings? (12) 14. Work in the theatre? (7) 7. Throw (4)
20. Time to muse (5) 16. Unwilling to make up a piece of poetry (6) 8. Cruiser (8,4)
21. Go in for making fresh cover (7) 18. I rose, perhaps, in the basket-making trade 12. Communications (8)
22. Break one’s nose perhaps (8) (5) 14. Function (7)
23. Skills he requires to make a suit (4) 19. A word of action (4) 16. Disinclined (6)
18. Willow tree (5)
19. Action word (4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DOWN
1 Strong (6) 50 Nonsense (7)
13 14 15
2 Quickly (2,1,5) 52 Disorder (4)
3 Say (5) 54 Pull (5)
4 Learn (4,3) 56 Yet (5)
16 17 18 19 5 Light (6) 57 Spring (4)
6 Mark (5) 58 Missile (5)
7 Caught (6) 60 Broke (4,3,3)
8 Gun case (7) 64 Left (8)
20 21 22 23 24
9 Used (6-4) 67 Evaluate (8)
25 26 27 10 Command (5) 68 Comfort (7)
11 Trying (8) 69 Mean (7)
28 29 30 31 32 33 12 Error (4) 72 Fat (6)
24 Gaunt (7) 74 Channel (6)
34 35 76 Hurries (6)
25 Prepared (5)
26 Actually (2,5) 77 Ashen (5)
36 37 38 39 40 41
27 Nationality (7) 78 Sugary (5)
29 Angry (5) 79 Imitating (5)
31 Ran (5) 81 Useless (4)
42 43 44 45 46 32 Go off (4)
47 48
34 Spirit (6)
35 Shove (4)
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 37 Encourage (7)
41 Weapon (7)
57 58 45 Decision (6)
47 Deserts (7)
59 60 61 62 48 Hold (7)
68 69
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Can you spot the six differences between these two pictures?
77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84
85 86 87
13 Free (3,7) 33 Trying (6,1,2) 59 Programme (6) 83 Information (3-4)
14 Flower (3,4) 36 Hurled (6) 60 Herd (5) 84 Acclaim (6)
15 Truly (6) 38 Happen (5) 61 Instruct (5) 85 Soundless (6)
16 Blow (6) 39 Circular (5) 62 Stay (6) 86 Release (7)
17 Forcing (7) 40 Certainly not! (2,4) 63 Easily (5,4) 87 Worry (3,2,1,4)
18 Crept (5) 42 Opened (5) 65 Maintained (7)
19 Bursts (4) 43 Order (7) 66 Well-known (7)
20 Cut of meat (5) 44 Clothing (6) 70 Form (5)
21 Healed (5) 46 Trip (4) 71 Stew (6)
22 Fears (6) 49 Picture (4) 73 Bore (5)
23 Suspicious (5) 51 Idea (6) 75 Game (5)
28 Boat (7) 53 Excellent (3-4) 80 Above (4)
30 Rock (7) 55 Reason (5) 82 Hell (5)
Follow the instructions from left to right, starting with the number
given to reach an answer at the end of the row
),.055,9 (5:>,9
(+=(5*,+ (5:>,9
New thriller exposes The iconic game
the dark side of show returns with
1960s London Bradley Walsh as host
A world of
difference Prince William reveals the first incredible
YOUR ESSENTIAL environmental projects hoping to win a
SEVEN-DAY TV share of his £50 million Earthshot fund
A gripping new drama
set in 1960s London
Must-see shows
Adrian Edmondson stars
in the latest episode
V star Jimmy has been a
11 THE EARTHSHOT PRIZE regular on our screens with
Prince William on the shows like Food Unwrapped
global green initiative and Jamie And Jimmy’s
13 BRASSIC Friday Night Feast. Now he’s
Michelle Keegan returns back fronting his own series,
in the madcap comedy Dream Builds On Wheels. The
15 BLANKETY BLANK 46-year-old lives in Suffolk
Bradley Walsh hosts the with his wife Caela and
much-loved game show their children Molly Rose,
10, Cora Mae, eight, Neve,
16 SOAPS five, and Bo-Lila, three
On a Friday evening, I’m
21 SPORT typically finishing filming
22 TV & RADIO GUIDE or work at the farm, so
when I’m done, I’ll head back
52 FASHION home in the car.
Dreamy denim
The kids will already be With wife
55 BEAUTY back from school ready and Caela and Pal Jimmy de Ville helps out
Perfect scents their children on Dream Builds On Wheels
excited for the weekend, so all
57 FOOD their bags will be heaped up,
With Aldo Zilli with their clothes in a massive tangle. l I tend to get up quite early, usually Then if the weather
Then, eather is good e’ll
good, we’ll
Then they’ll have baths and get 5am. Then Saturday starts with go for a walk. If not, it’s a film.
60 FICTION changed – all that madness! pancakes for the kids and we’ll I’m always showing my
63 PROPERTY After that, I’ll get their dinner ready. all go out for a walk with our dog, children films and saying, “I loved
Rural retreats I usually use my deep-fat fryer Whiskey, who’s an Irish terrier. this as a kid” and they say, “It’s
outside and cook whole prawns in My favourite breed of dog and my rubbish.” But we love watching
their shells, dipped in flour, white favourite drink combined! a good adventure like Indiana
67 CROSSWORD & STARS wine vinegar and white wine. They We then like to walk down Jones or the recent Jungle
make the best crispy deep-fried to the local pub to have some Cruise, where you can
69 THE WEEK THAT WAS prawns – you can eat the whole lot, lunch before strolling back again. close the curtains and
70 LAST WORD shell and everything. Or we’ll go to the farm and feed tuck into popcorn. WORDS: RIANNE ISON
Harriet Thorpe We’ll also have squid, mussels all the animals.
and clams with chunky bread, garlic On Sunday, it’s all about the Jimmy Doherty’s Dream Builds
Website: www.express.co.uk and parsley. They’ll devour that and roast. I start prepping on Saturday On Wheels airs on Tuesdays at
Editorial: 020 8612 7000
[email protected]
I’ll have a nice glass of wine or a and we’ll have friends over for 9pm on Quest. It’s also available
Guinness before we watch a film. lunch, or my brother and his kids. to stream on Discovery+
Editor-In-Chief Caroline Waterston (maternity) Acting Editor-In-Chief Karen Cross Acting Deputy Editors-In-Chief Lizzie Smith and Rowan Erlam Acting Celebrity & Entertainment Director Lisa Jarvis
Acting Deputy Celebrity & Entertainment Director Jenny Kyte Celebrity Editor Sarah Morton Entertainment Editor Clare Fisher TV Editor Jenny Rodger Features & Lifestyle Director Emma Jones
Deputy Features & Lifestyle Director Michelle Garnett Lifestyle Editor Victoria Gray Health & Real Life Editor Susanna Galton Fashion & Beauty Director Michelle Darlow Beauty Director Lynne Hyland
Fashion Editors Harriet Wheeler and Lauren Goodwin-Grafton Beauty Editor Laura Mulley Creative Director Polly Brown Art Editor Lauren Richards-Ozzati Deputy Art Editors Chloe Reeves and Louise Robinson
Acting Deputy Art Editor Alexandra Hurst Picture Editors Abby Wells, Sal Jackson and Sarah White Senior Picture Researchers Jeanne Terblanche and Lina Darton Production Director Jennie Wignall
Chief Sub Editors Becky Ward and Natalie Bowen Deputy Chief Sub Editors Melanie Hancill and Sam Kistamah Group Image Quality Manager Simon Spann Senior Studio Manager Lee Edwards
Dark days
in the
East End
There’s fact behind the
fiction in a gripping
tale of love and hate
in 60s London
Sunday, 9pm, BBC One
Vivien goes
fascinating story based undercover and tthe
h East End of the early 60s
marches with Colin
on real events is brought aas their backdrop, it’s actually
to life by a stellar cast in MManchester that’s standing in
BBC One’s epic new ffor
o London here.
period drama Ridley Road, For Sarah Solemani – the star
which starts this week. oof Bad Education who wrote and
But don’t think bonnets and pproduced Ridley Road – the aim
carriages – it’s beehives and wwas to create a very watchable
scooters here as we go back sseries
e that chimes with situations
to the Britain of 1962, when aaround the world today.
fascism and neo-Nazism While O C
O’Casey is a
were on the rise. newcome
newcomer, Solemani wrote the
A group of Jewish men and story with many of her cast in
women formed the 62 Group, an n m
mind. They include
anti-fascist resistance movementt gets c
gets caught
au ghtt up with
ith tthe
he behind
b ehi
hindd hits
hits like
like Happy
py Eddie Marsan and
that wasn’t afraid to use violence group and undertakes a Valley, Last Tango In n Tracy-Ann Oberman
to defeat its enemy. brave and risky challenge on Halifax and It’s A Sin.n. as the leaders of
At the centre of the drama is behalf of her community. And although the 62 Group.
Vivien Epstein (Agnes O’Casey), It’s been made by Red, the team have Meanwhile, Tamzin
Rory Kinnear is
a young Jewish hairdresser who the production company faithfully recreated sinister Colin O
Outhwaite plays
“With an arranged marriage
looming, she’s aware there is a role
she must fill that she knows isn’t
Tom gets into right for her. She takes a leap of
trouble with the faith and runs away to London.”
boys in blue
Tamzin Outhwaite Rita Tushingham “Nancy is a brilliant
as Barbara Samantha Spiro
as Liza plays a landlady character. She’s almost like
the brains behind the 62
Barbara, a hairdresser whose
h l
play, h was d
he drawn tto th j t
the project Group and takes on the role
mixed-race son faces his own and its message, and feels of mentoring Vivien.”
prejudice. Samantha Spiro plays strongly about what it has to
Vivien’s mother Liza, while British offer a modern audience.
screen legend Rita Tushingham “It’s a fast-paced, moving
is a London landlady. exploration of the British past, “I grew up in Hackney, I’ve
And it’s Rory Kinnear who with a keen eye on contemporary shopped on Ridley Road
plays the sinister Colin Jordan, Britain and its politics; with a with my dad since I was a kid.
head of the National Socialist great love story in the centre and But I was absolutely blown
Movement, which had broken a corner of British politics which away by the fact that this stuff
away from the BNP. may not be the prettiest but, actually happened.”
Although Rory was repulsed quite often until now, has
by the character he was asked to remained unexplored.”
TV insider
Our pick of the best to watch – don’t miss outt
10pm, ITV2
The spectacular
9pm, Channel 5 Northern Lights
Funny New
major series for Channel 5. The geysers, glaciers, whales, rancid
country’s unique isolated position shark meat, mega-spas heated
has created an equally unique by the Earth’s core and eye-
culture and, as Alexander wateringly expensive beer.
Sunday, 8am, BBC Two
The 41st London Marathon
On your marks,
get set... business
Celebrity Juice captain Emily it’s a good thing – because
is back with its usual Atack is back with the second I share so much. I really
format and route, with series of her own comedy learnt that in the first series.
Gabby Logan leading the show this week. We caught I had to say to myself,
presenting pack. up with her to find out more... “Emily, when you stand up
As ever, there’ll be there and talk about all those
plenty of stories. Will What’s your favourite thing things, they are going to air
world record holder Brigid to talk about in the show? on television and people
Kosgei, the new Olympic silver I loved the holiday episode. I sit are going to see them. You’re
medallist, win her third in a room with the writers and not in the pub talking to
successive London Marathon title? talk about everything that’s your friends!”
Shura Kitata will defend his title in happened to me on holiday.
the men’s elite race, while David We sit around laughing then Any new celebrity impressions
Weir is back for his 22nd come up with scenes. We’ve to look forward to?
consecutive appearance all been on those mad Zante I do Davina McCall, Lorraine
in the men’s wheelchair race. and Magaluf trips. Kelly and Anna Richardson.
Plus, of course, there’ll be Davina was the hardest one.
the amateurs in wacky costumes, It’s also a fun run Do people tell you that you I actually get more nervous
all aiming to stay the course and for charities share too much? about the impressions than
collect a medal. I’m really bad – or some say anything else.
Sunday, 8pm, BBC One
he legendary Sir David
Attenborough and
The animal the makers of A
kingdom finds Perfect Planet
true love in The are back with a new
treat for Sunday
Mating Game nights, seeing how
members of the Two male
animal kingdom find ruffs fight for
mates – and it’s a
suitably sumptuous watch.
“The Mating Game shows the
and Simon
Tuesday, 9.30pm,
New The victim is found
on a remote island
Channel 4
A woman has been
murdered in a cottage on
Contestants a remote Scottish Island
Nick and a
and rookie detectives
Everyone’s a suspect
in this family MIDSOMER MURDERS
Sunday, 8pm, ITV
ou get a cosy feeling when that
familiar theme tune heralds another
episode of Midsomer Murders. For
even with death on the menu, the
perennial drama is always the TV
equivalent of comfort food.
There’s a new episode to enjoy this
week and, as ever, a cracking list of guest
stars – including Adrian Edmondson,
Caroline Quentin and Rachael Stirling –
join the likes of Neil Dudgeon and Fiona
Dolman to tell the tale.
Victor Karras’ family have gathered
to celebrate his 70th birthday. He’s
been running the family business,
manufacturing beautiful handmade
games, for 50 years, so his pregnant
wife Eleanor decides to give the gathering
a games twist and arranges a special
murder-mystery weekend.
The fun is taking place at Hulton
Manor, a sprawling residence on its own
island, and there’s a storm raging as the I spend
family play out a fictional killing. But then
Victor tumbles down the stairs and is
most of
impaled by a life-size Egyptian figure my life
– becoming a real fatality.
Barnaby and Winter are soon on the in fantasy
scene to investigate and forensics expert worlds,
Big onw inning
Great Briti
n m
sh, s
eat, fr
d- w
war gro
a ome
d, h
Red Tracto
Prince William and Sir David
Attenborough launch a prize
to support the planet’s
greatest green initiatives
e’ve already seen the
Duke of Cambridge
talking to his hero
and mentor, Sir
David Attenborough, about THE EARTHSHOT PRIZE:
their shared passion for REPAIRING OUR PLANET
environmental causes. Prince William and Sir Sunday, 6.05pm, Tues &
Now they’ve teamed up David (left) aim to tackle
environmental blights Weds 10.35pm, BBC One
and, aided by other keen
conservationists including Brazilian
footballer Dani Alves and singer Shakira,
launched global competition the Earthshot
Prize – offering a £50 million funding pot for
projects that tackle key blights. SHAKIRA – the
Along with Prince William
And the project’s message is being and Sir David, a panel of CHRISTIANA Colombian singer
brought to our screens in an inspiring great names from all FIGUERES from and philanthropist –
five-part documentary series that will give walks of life has been Costa Rica, will be in episode 4,
us reason to hope for a brighter future. assembled to help who led Revive Our Oceans.
One of the prize’s five categories is decide who will win the negotiations
explored in each show – the opener Protect awards. They are... for 2015’s Paris
And Restore Nature is followed by Fix Ourr Agreement
Climate, Clean Our Air, Revive Our Oceanss on climate
and, finally, Build A Waste-Free World. change,
Witness amazing people from around appears in
episode 2, Fix
the world doing incredible work as Prince
Our Climate.
William introduces the finalists for the
groundbreaking contest’s inaugural year.
Behind the
scenes of the IBRAHIM from m
documentary air of
Chad is co-chair
the Indigenouss
People’s Forumm
the Brazilian from Japan – the Change and
professional former International
footballer, is in episode
Space Station
appears in 5, Build A
astronaut – features
the opening in episode 3, Waste-Free
episode. Clean Our Air. World.
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¨ȸȒƳɖƬɎ«ƺǔژي04925171 ¨ȸȒƳɖƬɎ«ƺǔژي04925173 Briefs
ver since series two of
Sky comedy Brassic
finished, fans have been
wondering what Erin
whispered to Vinnie as he was
carted off by the police moments
The girls (and Tyler)
are back Michelle Keegan and co hot-foot
after he declared his feelings for her. it back to our screens for the third
Not least actress Michelle Keegan, who
plays Erin. “All my mates have been saying,
series of madcap comedy Brassic
‘What did you whisper?’,” the 34-year-old
laughs. “And, to be honest, until we started
this season, I didn’t know!”
But viewers can sleep easy, as they’ll
finally find out the answer as we reunite
with Erin, Vinnie (Joe Gilgun) and the gang.
“This series, we actually find out what
Erin whispered,” Michelle teases. “There’s
also conflict between her and Vinnie to do
with Tyler, and there’s still a love triangle
going on between her, Dylan and Vinnie.”
As the new season opens, Vinnie’s just
finished his stint inside and returns home,
promising to lie low now he’s under the
watchful eye of newly promoted Detective
Carl Slater. Meanwhile, Erin’s taken over
The Rat & Cutter strip club and is trying
to make it into a classy establishment.
But old habits die hard and it’s not long
before Vinnie and his friends are creating
more chaos in exchange for cash. Cut to
plenty more of the crazy moments that the
Northern comedy is famed for – including
a hilarious sequence in episode one where
a job involving a bull goes typically wrong.
Michelle recalls, “That was my first day on
set for series three and there was actually
a real bull. Erin’s always been the sensible
character – the first ever Brassic we did was
her at college trying to make a new life for
herself – so for her to be involved in the
antics [this time] was really good fun.”
And in episode six of eight, Erin’s up to
“no good” as she and her friends Carol “Let’s nick ’em!”
(Bronagh Gallagher) and Sugar (Joanna
Higson) take centre stage for a big stunt
and get caught up in criminal activity.
Michelle says, “I had to get into a car
moving backwards, which I was a bit
nervous about. But it was really fun!”
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being busy’
Bradley Walsh finds viewers a little bit of laughter parents and grandparents a laugh with the contestants and
during a particularly tough year. enjoyed the nostalgia of the celebrities on the panel. Pound
a moment in his I love nostalgic telly and Blankety show with the return of the for pound, Blankety Blank is the
hectic schedule to Blank is one of those iconic theme tune, cheque book and funniest show I’ve ever done.
talk game shows formats everyone remembers. pen and ridiculous questions,
and the kids enjoyed filling in the Why do you think the show
he busiest man on TV, Last year’s special was the blanks alongside the celebrities. has remained so popular?
Bradley Walsh, returns to most-watched entertainment The format is simply timeless.
host a new series of the show across all channels on What was the highlight More than anything, though, the
iconic show after its popular Christmas Day. Why do you of filming this series? show has always provided joy,
one-off last Christmas. think it was so successful? It was being back in front of a laughter and fun. Plus, it’s the
The 61-year-old, who says he I think because the show is so live studio audience. Audiences unpredictable moments that
feels honoured to be stepping legendary and can be enjoyed always create such a fantastic always get the biggest laughs,
into the shoes of Les Dawson by the whole family. We’ve had atmosphere and it’s never quite and we’re never short of those.
and Sir Terry Wogan, is also host great feedback from viewers, the same without one. I also had
of The Chase and Take Off With Which celebrity guests
Bradley & Holly. And he is filming did you find the most fun?
the festive episode of Doctor It’s an We had a return visit from
Who and The Larkins (a remake McFly’s Danny Jones, who took
of The Darling Buds Of May). honour to part in last year’s Christmas
“I love being busy,” he says. follow in the SIR special. It feels like playing a
Here, Bradley chats about TERRY parlour game down the pub with
what makes his job so special
footsteps of WOGAN Dan – he is a great guy and really
and the highlights of the first full Sir Terry and funny. Comedians Rob Beckett
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TIME BE UP? on Aadi.
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Wednesday and shames gets a ticket.
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SKY SPORTS NFL 7.30-11.00pm Cincinnati
live action on satellite
Premier League Royal Challengers
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7.30pm). SKY SPORTS ARENA 7.30-10.30pm FOOTBALL 11.00am-2.30pm SPFL Grand Prix Darts Coverage of day two.
Fight Night International Chris Eubank Jr Aberdeen v Celtic (Kick-off 12.00noon). 1.00-4.30am NFL Los Angeles Chargers v
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SKY SPORTS FOOTBALL 12.00noon-3.00pm MLS Portland Timbers v Inter Miami CF SKY SPORTS ARENA 7.00-11.00pm World Sun 6pm
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12.30pm). 5.20-7.30pm Bundesliga RB Angeles Galaxy v Los Angeles FC (Kick-off the tournament. SKY SPORTS CRICKET
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SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT 6.00am 8.30am NRL Coverage of this year’s Grand National League Wealdstone v Solihull Knight Riders v Rajasthan Royals.
International Netball England’s Vitality Final. 11.30 SPFL Aberdeen v Celtic Moors (Kick-off 7.45pm). EUROSPORT 1 7.00-11.00 World Grand Prix Darts
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TBA). 8.00-10.20 Rugby Championship Sunday Crystal Palace v Leicester City Binche Coverage of the one-day race. 12.30-5.00am NFL Seattle Seahawks
Argentina v Australia (Kick-off 8.05am). (Kick-off 2.00pm). 4.00 Super Sunday 5.00-7.00pm Cycling: European Track v Los Angeles Rams (Kick-off 1.20am).
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Albion (Kick-off 11.30am). 2.00pm County 4.30pm). 6.45 WSL Birmingham City v International Under-21 Football Slovenia
Championship Cricket Coverage from Manchester United (Kick-off 6.45pm). Wednesday v England (Kick-off 7.15pm). BT SPORT 1
the fifth and final day of the final. 5.00 SNF 9.15pm-12.30am NFL Coverage of an NFL SKY SPORTS ARENA 9.00-11.00am 9.15am-1.15pm Women’s International
Brighton & Hove Albion v Arsenal (Kick-off match. 1.10-4.30am NFL New England International Netball England Vitality T20 Cricket Australia v India. 10.00pm
5.30pm). 7.30 Fight Night International Patriots v Tampa Bay Buccaneers (Kick-off Roses v Australia Diamonds. 7.00-11.00pm MLB Action from MLB Postseason.
Chris Eubank Jr v Sven Elbir. 10.30pm- 1.20am). SKY SPORTS PREMIER LEAGUE World Grand Prix Darts Coverage of day 1.30-5.00am MLB Action from MLB
12.00m’t PGA Tour Golf The Sanderson 1.00pm Super Sunday Crystal Palace v four of the tournament. 12.00m’t-2.00am Postseason. BT SPORT 2 12.30-4.00am
Farms Championship. SKY SPORTS PREMIER Leicester City (Kick-off 2.00pm). WNBA Coverage of a play-off match College Football Arkansas State Red
LEAGUE 11.00am-2.00pm WSL Chelsea v 4.00-7.30pm Super Sunday Liverpool v (Tip-off TBA). SKY SPORTS CRICKET Wolves v Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Brighton & Hove Albion (Kick-off 11.30am). Manchester City (Kick-off 4.30pm). 2.50-7.00pm Indian Premier League (Kick-off 12.30am). EUROSPORT 1 2.20-
5.00-8.30pm SNF Brighton & Hove Albion v BT SPORT 1 12.00noon Ligue 1 Rennes v Royal Challengers Bangalore v Sunrisers 4.05pm Cycling: Gran Piemonte
Arsenal (Kick-off 5.30pm). BT SPORT 1 Paris Saint-Germain (Kick-off 12.00noon). Hyderabad. SKY SPORTS FOOTBALL
11.30am-3.00pm Premier League 2.00-5.15pm Premiership Rugby Union 7.30-10.00pm UEFA Nations League Italy Friday
Manchester United v Everton (Kick-off Sale Sharks v Exeter Chiefs (Kick-off v Spain (Kick-off 7.45pm). SKY SPORTS MAIN SKY SPORTS ARENA 7.00-10.00pm World
12.30pm). 5.00pm Vanarama National 3.00pm). 7.00 Golazzo Live A look ahead EVENT 9.00-11.00am International Netball Grand Prix Darts Coverage of day six of
League Eastleigh v Boreham Wood to tonight’s Serie A action between Atalanta England Vitality Roses v Australia the tournament from the Morningside Arena
(Kick-off 5.20pm). 7.30-9.45 Serie A and AC Milan. 7.45-10.00pm Serie A Diamonds. 3.00pm Indian Premier in Leicester. SKY SPORTS CRICKET 10.50am
Sassuolo v Inter Milan (Kick-off 7.45pm). Atalanta v AC Milan (Kick-off 8.00pm). League Royal Challengers Bangalore v Indian Premier League Sunrisers
12.00m’t-3.00am MLB Action from Major BT SPORT 2 11.30am-1.30pm Serie A Sunrisers Hyderabad. 7.00-11.00 World Hyderabad v Mumbai Indians. 2.50-7.00pm
League Baseball. BT SPORT 2 3.00pm Bologna v Lazio (Kick-off 11.30am). Grand Prix Darts Coverage of day four. Indian Premier League Royal Challengers
MotoGP 6.00-10.15pm MotoGP 2.30pm MotoGP 4.15 MotoGP 6.00 12.00m’t-2.00am WNBA Coverage of a Bangalore v Delhi Capitals. SKY SPORTS
BT SPORT 3 8.00am-1.30pm Badminton MotoGP 7.30-9.00pm MotoGP BT SPORT 3 play-off match. BT SPORT 2 12.30-3.30am FOOTBALL 7.00-10.15pm World Cup
Badminton action from the semi finals of the 2.00-4.00pm Serie A Sampdoria v Udinese CFL Toronto Argonauts v Ottawa Qualifier Czech Republic v Wales (Kick-off
BWF Sudirman Cup. 2.30-5.15pm (Kick-off 2.00pm). 5.00-7.00 Serie A Redblacks (Kick-off 12.30am). EUROSPORT 1 7.45pm). SKY SPORTS GOLF 1.00pm
Premiership Rugby Union Leicester Fiorentina v Napoli (Kick-off 5.00pm). 2.20-4.00pm Cycling: Milano-Torino The European Tour Golf The Open de Espana.
Tigers v Saracens (Kick-off 3.00pm). 7.30-9.45pm Ligue 1 St Etienne v Lyon one-day race. 5.00-8.30pm Cycling: 6.00 LPGA Tour Golf The Cognizant
11.00pm-2.30am UFC Thiago Marreta (Kick-off 8.00pm). EUROSPORT 1 9.40am- European Track Championships Founders Cup. 8.00 PGA Tour Golf The
Santos v Johnny Walker. 3.00-4.30am 4.55pm Cycling: Paris-Roubaix Shriners Children’s Open. 10.00pm-1.00am
Supercars Action from Race 13 of the Coverage of the race in France. Thursday PGA Tour Golf The Shriners Children’s
Repco Australia Supercars Championship SKY SPORTS NFL 2.30-5.00am NFL Seattle Open. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT 11.00am
in Winton. 5.15-1.30pm Women’s Test Monday Seahawks v Los Angeles Rams (Kick-off Indian Premier League Sunrisers
Match Cricket Australia v India. SKY SPORTS NFL 1.00-4.30am NFL Los 1.20am). SKY SPORTS ARENA 7.00-11.00pm Hyderabad v Mumbai Indians. 2.50pm
EUROSPORT 1 9.10-10.30pm Cyclo-Cross Angeles Chargers v Las Vegas Raiders World Grand Prix Darts Coverage of day Indian Premier League Royal Challengers
The women’s race in the USCX Series. (Kick-off 1.15am). SKY SPORTS ARENA five of the tournament from the Morningside Bangalore v Delhi Capitals. 7.00 World Cup
9.00-11.00am International Netball Arena. SKY SPORTS CRICKET 10.50am Indian Qualifier Czech Republic v Wales (Kick-off
Sunday England Vitality Roses v Australia Premier League Chennai Super Kings v 7.45pm). 10.15pm-1.00am PGA Tour Golf
SKY SPORTS NFL 5.00pm NFL Coverage of Diamonds. 6.00-11.00pm World Grand Punjab Kings. 2.50-7.00pm Indian The Shriners Children’s Open. SKY SPORTS
an NFL match. 9.15pm-12.30am NFL Prix Darts Coverage of day two. Premier League Kolkata Knight Riders v PREMIER LEAGUE 7.40-9.45pm World Cup
Coverage of an NFL match. 1.10-4.30am SKY SPORTS CRICKET 2.50-7.00pm Rajasthan Royals. SKY SPORTS FOOTBALL Qualifier Germany v Romania (Kick-off
NFL New England Patriots v Tampa Bay Indian Premier League Delhi Capitals v 7.30-10.00pm UEFA Nations League 7.45pm). BT SPORT 1 7.00-10.00pm
Buccaneers (Kick-off 1.20am). SKY SPORTS Chennai Super Kings. SKY SPORTS Belgium v France (Kick-off 7.45pm). Premiership Rugby Union Harlequins v
ARENA 6.00-11.00pm World Grand FOOTBALL 7.40-9.45pm Irish Football SKY SPORTS GOLF 1.00pm European Tour Bristol Bears (Kick-off 7.45pm). EUROSPORT 1
Prix Darts Coverage of day one. Crusaders v Coleraine (Kick-off 7.45pm). Golf The Open de Espana. 6.00 PGA Tour 12.30-2.30pm Cycling: Women’s Tour
BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4
F’VIEW 1 t SKY 101 t VIRGIN 101 t F’SAT 101 F’VIEW 2 t SKY 102 t VIRGIN 102 t F’SAT 102 F’VIEW 3 t SKY 103 t VIRGIN 103 t F’SAT 103 F’VIEW 4 t SKY 104 t VIRGIN 104 t F’SAT 104
6.00am Breakfast 10.00 Saturday 6.45am The Dengineers (R) 7.15 6.00am CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 6.05am The King of Queens (R) 7.20
Kitchen Live 11.30 Nadiya’s Ricky Wilson’s Art Jam (R) James Martin’s Saturday Mike & Molly: double bill (R) 8.00
Family Favourites (R) 12.00noon 7.30 Blue Peter (R) 8.00 Morning 11.40 Ainsley’s Good Frasier: triple bill (R) 9.25 The
Football Focus. With Alex Scott. Deadly 60 (R) 8.30 Supersized Mood Food. Using nuts and Simpsons (R) 11.50 Couples
1.00 BBC News; Weather Earth (R) 9.30 Landward 10.00 seeds to create tasty dishes. Come Dine with Me (R)
1.15 London Marathon: We Run Hugh’s Wild West (R) 11.00 12.35pm James Martin’s American 12.50pm Four in a Bed (R)
Together Profiling some of the Serengeti II (R) 12.00noon Adventure The TV chef explores 3.35 A Place in the Sun Mandy
inspirational people who are The Hairy Bikers Go North (R) Baton Rouge in Louisiana. (R) and Paul from Sussex search
taking part in the elite race. 1.00 Best Bakes Ever Recipes. (R) 1.05 Simply Raymond Blanc (R) for a new home in the Spanish
1.45 Escape to the Country (R) 1.45 Take a Hike Five episodes. (R) 1.40 You’ve Been Framed! town of Dolores. (R)
2.45 Money for Nothing Sarah 4.15 Flog It! The team values items Unstoppable! Comical clips. 4.35 George Clarke’s Old House,
Moore saves tents, dining at Blackpool Tower Circus New Home George helps a
2.40 Live and Let Die (1973/PG)
chairs and a dressing screen. (R) including an assortment of retired couple redesign their
James Bond spy adventure,
watches and a pistol. (R) Edwardian home. (R)
3.15 Garden Rescue The team must starring Roger Moore. ★★★★
create a tranquil garden. (R) 5.00 A House Through Time 5.35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or
5.00 Family Fortunes (R) List It Phil Spencer returns to
The final episode opens at the
4.00 Final Score Football results. outbreak of the Second World 6.00 ITV News; Weather Brixworth in Northamptonshire
5.10 BBC News; Regional News War. Last in series. (R) 6.15 Regional News; Weather to catch up with Sarah and
5.30 Question of Sport (R) 6.00 Super League Play Off 6.30 Celebrity Catchphrase Ian who appeared on the
6.00 The Hit List (4/5) Contestants Highlights All of the best action Bill Bailey, Kathy Burke and Gok show back in 2015. (R)
show off their music knowledge. from the play-off semi-finals. Wan take part in the gameshow. 6.30 Channel 4 News
6.45 Strictly Come Dancing 7.00 Meet the Moose Family: 7.30 The Cube Tayif and his 7.00 Bettany Hughes’
Tess Daly and Claudia Natural World The intimate brother Mo from Manchester Treasures of the World
Winkleman present as the story of a mother moose conclude their journey inside (5/5) The historian visits a dig in
celebrities take to the dance bringing up her calf in the wilds The Cube, while partners Sally Istanbul which features several
floor once again, with viewers of the Canadian Rockies, who and Sarah from Port Talbot are artefacts from multiple eras.
given the chance to vote for face a life of constant danger confident that they have the 8.00 Britain’s Forgotten Wars
their favourites for the first time. from the hungry wolves and skills to win. Phillip Schofield with Tony Robinson (2/6)
9.00 Blankety Blank (1/10) bears that live nearby. (R) hosts the game show. The civil war that raged after the
Bradley Walsh hosts a revival 8.00 Royal Academy Summer 8.30 Beat the Chasers break-up of Yugoslavia in 1992.
of the comedy quiz show. Exhibition 2021 Presenters Contestants from across the 9.00 Rocketman (2019/15)
With stars Adjoa Andoh, Kirsty Wark and Brenda UK take on Jenny Ryan, Anne Premiere. Elton John enters an
Martine McCutcheon, Johnny Emmanus go behind the Hegerty, Shaun Wallace, Mark addiction rehabilitation session,
Vegas, Jimmy Carr, Chizzy scenes at the London arts Labbett, Paul Sinha and and recounts his life in a
Akudolu and Joe Swash. institution to find out which Darragh Ennis, hoping to win big flashback, covering his days as
9.30 Casualty Matthew is stuck in aspiring artists will make it money. Bradley Walsh hosts. young Reginald Dwight growing
traffic when an injured teenage onto the walls this year. 9.30 Paul O’Grady’s Saturday up in 1950s Britain. He takes
girl falls onto his car leaving 9.00 The Spice Girls at the BBC Night Line Up (4/6) Paul puts piano lessons, makes his way
a bloody handprint, bringing A trip into the music archives questions, scenarios and into the Royal Academy of
traumatic memories flooding to mark 25 years since the dilemmas to Bill Bailey, Mel B, Music, and hones his craft in
back. Frustrated by racism in formation of the Spice Girls, Ross Kemp and Nicola Adams, local pubs before becoming
Holby, Rash becomes inspired featuring their finest who must arrange themselves one of the world’s biggest pop
to help the community after appearances on a range of from best to worst correctly to stars. Golden Globe-winning
an encounter with the sister BBC shows from over the years, match the order the British biopic, starring Taron Egerton
of an old schoolfriend. from Wannabe to Headlines. public have put them in. and Jamie Bell. ★★★★
10.15 BBC News; Weather 10.00 Later – with Jools Holland 10.15 ITV News; Weather 11.20pm Elton John: The Red Piano
10.30 Match of the Day Damon Albarn performs a song 10.35 The Silence of the Lambs The singer’s critically acclaimed Las
Gary Lineker presents highlights from his new album, while (1991/18) Trainee FBI agent Vegas concert, featuring hits from
of the latest Premier League making her debut on the show Clarice Starling is sent to his remarkable repertoire. 1.20am
is Julie Campbell, aka Lonelady. interview an imprisoned The Last Leg. Adam Hills, Josh
fixtures, including Manchester
10.45 Last Man Standing: Suge psychopath with a taste for Widdicombe and Alex Brooker
United v Everton, Chelsea are joined by celebrity guests for
v Southampton, and Knight and the Murders of eating his victims. The inmate
a comic review of the significant
Wolverhampton Wanderers Biggie and Tupac (2021/18) offers to help catch a serial killer moments of the past seven days. (R)
v Newcastle United. Nick Broomfield revisits Los who is holding a politician’s 2.15 The Simpsons. Double bill.
11.50pm Tonight with Target Angeles in search of new daughter hostage – but to learn Lisa discovers Bart’s demented twin;
With live performances from Arrdee, evidence of rap mogul Suge what he knows, Clarice has to blood-curdling tales, featuring an
Potter Payper, Jaz Karis and Tiwa Knight’s involvement in the engage in his dangerous mind army of Homer clones and zombie
Savage. 12.40am The NFL Show. Dan deaths of Tupac Shakur and games. Thriller, starring Jodie cowboys. (R) 3.05 24 Hours in A&E.
Walker is joined by former players Osi the Notorious BIG. ★★★ Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott A man suffers a cardiac arrest following
Umenyiora and Jason Bell to present 12.30am FILM The Gangster, Glenn and Ted Levine. ★★★★★ a road accident. (R) 3.55 Iris Prize
highlights of Thursday night’s game – the Cop, the Devil (2019/15) South 12.45am Home Shopping 3.00 FYI Best British Shorts: Pompeii. Short
Cincinnati Bengals v Jacksonville Korean crime thriller, starring Ma Extra 3.15 The Void. Gameshow. (R) drama about a tube ride home. (R)
Jaguars. 1.10 Weather for the Week Dong-seok and Mu-Yeol Kim. 4.05 Unwind With ITV 5.10-6.00am 4.10-6.10am Hollyoaks Omnibus.
Ahead 1.15-6.00am BBC News ★★★★ 2.15-6.05am This Is BBC Two Winning Combination (R) Extended edition of the soap. (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
The Spice Girls
At The BBC
9pm, BBC Two 2 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! Children’s shows. A tad scarily, it’s 25 years
10.00 SpongeBob SquarePants since the Spice Girls hit
Double bill. (R) the charts. Still, it’s a Scotland & Wales
10.25 Entertainment News on 5 good excuse to rummage BBC Scotland
Showbiz news and gossip. through the archives 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland 7.00pm
10.30 Friends Five episodes. (R) and dig out some fine The Seven 7.15 The Edit. Entertainment
news. 7.30 Sportscene Saturday. The
12.55pm Police Interceptors old clips. Songs here latest Scottish Premiership matches. 8.30
Double bill. A Porsche is range from their debut Born to Be Wild. Theresa releases a
pursued by eight police cars Wannabe to that one hedgehog and its newborns into the wild.
and a helicopter; police hunt for they did just before 9.30 Scot Squad. Singh and McKirdy pull
two men armed with machetes over a couple of Scotland’s most
they split up, which if you celebrated children’s entertainers. 10.00
and a sawn-off shotgun. (R)
give us a moment we’re Best of Chewin’ the Fat. Highlights of the
2.55 A Bridge Too Far (1977/PG) sure we’ll remember comedy sketch show, starring Ford
Fact-based drama recreating a Kiernan, Greg Hemphill, Karen Dunbar,
the name of.
Second World War campaign to Mark Cox, Paul Riley and Julie Wilson
capture a series of strategically Nimmo. 10.30 Two Doors Down. Everyone
important bridges. Starring Dirk is encouraged to reveal their hidden
Bogarde, James Caan and
Michael Caine. ★★★★
ITV2 ITV3 talents. 11.00pm-12.00m’t TRNSMT
F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115
BBC One Scotland
6.20 5 News Weekend Headlines. As BBC One except: 10.00am The Great
6.00am Totally Bonkers Guinness 6.00am George and Mildred 7.00 Food Guys 10.30 Nadiya’s Family
6.25 Battle of Britain (1969/PG) World Records 6.25 Love Bites 8.20 Coronation Street Omnibus 9.55 FILM Favourites 11.00am-12.00noon The Royal
In 1940, the Luftwaffe launches Secret Crush 9.20 Dress to Impress Carry On Up the Jungle (1970/PG) Opening of the Scottish Parliament
a campaign of aerial attacks 4.00-5.10pm Sportscene Results
11.20 Australian Ninja Warrior 1.00pm Comedy, starring Sid James and 5.20-5.30 Reporting Scotland 11.50
against Britain to gain control You’ve Been Framed! Gold 1.30 Frankie Howerd. ★★ 11.55 Wycliffe Sportscene Saturday. Football highlights.
of the skies ahead of a planned Catchphrase Celebrity Special 1.00pm Agatha Christie’s Poirot 12.50am Tonight with Target 1.40
land invasion. Under the 2.30 FILM Robots (2005/U) Animated 3.00 Midsomer Murders. Double. The NFL Show 2.10 Weather for the Week
leadership of Air Chief Marshal adventure. ★★★ 4.20 FILM Shark A woman is stabbed to death; a fitness Ahead 2.15-6.00am BBC News
Hugh Dowding, the RAF Tale (2004/U) Animated comedy. ★★★ fanatic dies after being electrocuted.
mounts a determined defence 6.10 FILM Despicable Me 3 7.00 Midsomer Murders The bodies BBC One Wales
(2017/U) Animated sequel, featuring of a glamorous senior citizen and As BBC One except: 2.45pm Garden
over the summer and autumn. Rescue 3.30-4.00 The Girl with the
Second World War drama, the voice of Steve Carell. ★★★ a distinguished doctor are found
Colourful Leg – Our Lives. Bernadette
starring Laurence Olivier and 8.00 FILM Pitch Perfect 2 (2015/12) beside a river – but then the prime Hagans’ journey to the final of Miss Ireland.
Michael Caine. ★★★ Comedy sequel, starring Anna suspect is also discovered dead. 5.20-5.30pm BBC Wales Today
Kendrick and Rebel Wilson. ★★★ 9.00 Vera Delving into the past of an
9.00 Michael Caine: The Man BBC Two Wales
10.15 Family Guy Triple bill. extreme sports fan who has plunged
& The Movies The story of from a cliff in a ball of flames, and
the actor’s journey to stardom, 11.45 American Dad! 12.40am The As BBC Two except: 4.15pm Flog It! 4.30
Stand Up Sketch Show 1.40 Don’t Vera uncovers a lifetime of bullying. A House Through Time 5.30-6.00 Inside
featuring interviews given across Culture 7.00-8.00pm Gardeners’ World.
Hate the Playaz 2.40 Iain Stirling’s 11.00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 1.00am
his stellar career. Alongside CelebAbility 3.20 Unwind With ITV Belgravia 2.00 George and Mildred Monty Don is preparing the borders
Caine’s own memories, stories for the change of seasons.
3.30-6.00am Teleshopping 2.30-6.00am Teleshopping
and personal reflections, the
programme includes some of
his finest work, including clips BBC Four Drama As ITV except: 6.15-6.30pm STV News
from his Academy Award- F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158
ITV Wales
nominated performances.
7.00pm Vienna: Empire, Dynasty 7.10am Birds of a Feather 11.00 As ITV except: 12.35-1.05pm Newsweek
and Dream Simon Sebag Montefiore Sharpe 1.00pm One Foot in the Grave Wales. The week’s top stories. 6.15-
10.30 Harry Brown (2009/18) 6.30pm ITV News Cymru Wales
An elderly retired Marine takes follows the Habsburgs to their 3.00 Rosemary & Thyme: triple bill
dramatic demise. Last in series. 6.00 The Brokenwood Mysteries
the law into his own hands
8.00 Brazil with Michael Palin Mike, Kristin, and the team look into
when his friend is murdered 6.00am Cyw 8.00 Bernard 8.05 Y Doniolis
by hoodlums on a London Michael finds a rich diversity of people the murder of a farmer’s market owner,
8.15 Ar Goll yn Oz 8.35 Cath-Od 8.45 Byd
in the Brazilian south. Last in series. who staggers into the crowd with
estate. Crime thriller, starring Rwtsh Dai Potsh 8.55 Chwarter Call 9.10
Michael Caine and Emily 9.00 FILM The Truth (2019/PG) a garden implement embedded into Mabinogi-ogi a Mwy 9.35 Dreigiau:
Premiere. A movie star is reunited her back. Starring Neill Rea. Gwarchodwyr Berc 10.00 Mynyddoedd y
Mortimer. ★★★★ Byd 11.00 Codi Hwyl America 11.30 Dau
with her daughter after publishing 8.00 Hetty Wainthropp Investigates
12.30am Criminals: Caught on her memoirs, leading to a series of An arsonist terrorises a housing estate, Gi Bach 12.00noon Ffermio 12.30 Nyrsys
Camera Nick Wallis joins police forces 1.00 Pysgod i Bawb 1.30 Cynefin 2.30 Am
revelations. Drama, starring Catherine and Hetty goes undercover in a
around the nation to discover how Dro! 3.30 Hydref Gwyllt Iolo 4.30 Dan Do
CCTV and technological advances are Deneuve and Juliette Binoche. ★★★★ quilt-making circle in her search for 5.00 24 Awr: Tomi Roberts-Jones 5.15
helping to bring criminals to justice, 10.40 United Skates – Storyville the culprit. Patricia Routledge stars. Clwb Rygbi 6.15 Hewlfa Drysor 7.15
focusing on the streets of London. (R) Documentary exploring the campaign 9.00 Silent Witness Nikki and the Newyddion a Chwaraeon 7.30 C’mon
1.00 The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show attempting to save the US’s last Lyell team investigate a suspicious Midffild 8.15 Corau Rhys Meirion. Rhys
standing roller rinks from closure. death from 20 years previously after Meirion brings together a choir of women
3.00 Entertainment News on 5 3.05 who have experienced breast cancer.
Cocaine: Can’t Stop Using (R) 3.55 12.05am How to Get Ahead: At a skeleton is found in a concrete
9.15 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer. Elin Fflur chats to
The Great Gardening Challenge (R) Medieval Court 1.05 Motherland 1.35 pillar in a multi-storey car park. author Caryl Lewis. 9.45 Clwb Rygbi.
4.50 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.15 Great Brazil with Michael Palin 2.35-3.35am 11.20 Ashes to Ashes 1.40am Trial & Ospreys v Cardiff Rugby. 11.30pm-
Artists (R) 5.40-6.00am Milkshake! Vienna: Empire, Dynasty and Dream Retribution 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping 12.05am Cryfder Sioned Halpin
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am World of Sport 6.05 The Car 7.00am Don’t Be Tardy 7.55 Chrisley 6.00am Teleshopping 7.25 Border 6.00am Nothing to Declare 11.00 Stop,
Chasers 6.30 Dempsey and Makepeace Knows Best 8.50 Be Beautiful 9.00 Interceptors 8.20 Rick Stein’s Far Search, Seize 12.00noon Paramedics:
8.25 World Superbike Highlights LittleBe 12.00noon Masters of Flip Eastern Odyssey 9.20 Rick Stein’s Life on the Line 1.00 Police Force:
9.30 LIVE ITV Racing: The Opening 1.00 The Only Way Is Essex 2.00 Ferne Long Weekends 10.20 Storage Australia 2.00 Highway Cops 3.00
Show. 10.30 The Big Match Revisited McCann: First Time Mum 3.00 The Hunters UK 11.20 American Pickers Police Ten 7 4.00 999 Frontline 5.00
11.45 British Touring Car Championship Real Housewives of Cheshire 12.20pm Secrets of the Supercars: Stop, Search, Seize. Documentary.
Highlights 1.15pm World of Sport 6.00 The Real Housewives of double bill 2.20 Top Gear 3.20 6.00 Road Wars Double bill. A drug
1.30 LIVE ITV Racing: Live from Cheshire A death in the family Top Gear Patagonia Special dealer tries to escape being searched;
Ascot. From Ascot, Newmarket and causes heartbreak for the Bardsleys. 6.00 Would I Lie to You? Triple bill. police officers combat vehicle crime.
Redcar. 4.15 FILM Gunfight at the 7.00 Dinner Date Kimberley from 8.00 QI XL With guests Jimmy 8.00 Frontline Police Rav Wilding
OK Corral (1957/PG) Western. ★★★★ Glasgow dines with three blind dates. Carr, Lee Mack and Alice Levine. accompanies officers on a drugs raid.
6.40 FILM The Poseidon Adventure 8.00 Celebrity Dinner Date Dating 9.00 NEW Outsiders David Mitchell 9.00 Britcam: Emergency on Our
(1972/PG) Disaster movie, with Gene show, featuring reality star Andy Jordan. oversees the chaos as three pairs of Streets Marshals Marco and Alex do
Hackman and Ernest Borgnine. ★★★★ 9.00 Botched Terry Dubrow performs comedians undertake outdoorsy tasks. their best to curb anti-social behaviour.
9.00 FILM The Blues Brothers surgery on a woman’s nipples, and a 10.00 FILM Bad Boys (1995/18) 10.00 Killer in My Village The story of
(1980/15) Comedy, starring John patient wants to look like an alien. Michael Bay’s action thriller, starring Will the killing of Peter Wrighton, who was
Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. ★★★★★ 10.00 Ibiza Weekender XXL Smith and Martin Lawrence. ★★★★ targeted by Alexander Palmer in 2017.
11.40 FILM Scarface (1983/18) Deano, Imogen and Jordan return. 12.25am QI XL. With David Mitchell. 11.00 Paranormal: Captured 12.00m’t
Gangster thriller remake, starring 11.30 Ibiza Weekender XXL. Jordan 1.30 Hypothetical 2.20 Live at the Killer Neighbours 1.00 Night Cops 2.00
Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer. tries to prove himself. 12.35am Unwind Apollo 3.10 The Indestructibles Border Security: America’s Front Line
★★★★★ 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping With ITV 1.00-7.00am Teleshopping 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping 4.00-6.00am Police Force: Australia
6.00am Breakfast 7.10 Match of the 6.05am Gardeners’ World (R) 7.05 6.00am CITV 9.25 ITV News 9.30 6.10am Mike & Molly (R) 7.15 The
Day (R) 8.30 Politics England Countryfile (R) 8.00 LIVE Wonders of Scotland with David King of Queens (R) 8.30 The
9.00 The Andrew Marr Show London Marathon. Gabby Hayman (R) 10.00 Love Your Simpsons (R) 9.30 Sunday
10.00 LIVE London Marathon. Logan presents live coverage Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh Brunch. With guests Alice
Gabby Logan presents coverage of the start of the event. 10.00 11.55 All Around Britain Levine, Peter Schmeichel,
of the race through the capital. Your Home Made Perfect (R) 1.00pm ITV Racing: Prix de L’Arc Billy Idol and the Charlatans.
2.30pm BBC News; Weather 11.00 The World’s Most de Triomphe Ed Chamberlin 12.30pm The Simpsons (R)
Extraordinary Homes (R) and Francesca Cumani present 2.45 The Great British Bake Off
2.45 Songs of Praise From 12.00noon LIVE MOTD: coverage of the Prix de L’Arc de
Westminster Abbey. Noel Fielding and Matt Lucas
Women’s Super League. Aston Triomphe from ParisLongchamp. present biscuit week, which
3.25 Points of View TV opinions. Villa v Arsenal (kick-off 12.30pm). 3.30 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars sees the bakers make filled
3.40 Best of Seven Worlds, One 2.40 Flog It! From Derbyshire. (R) Coin-drop quiz show. (R) brandy snaps and a toy
Planet A compilation of the best 3.30 Jay’s Yorkshire Workshop (R) 4.30 Dickinson’s Biggest and made entirely from biscuit. (R)
moments from the series. (R) 4.30 Saving Lives at Sea The crew Best Deals A massive diamond 4.15 Mrs Doubtfire (1993/12)
4.40 BBC News; Regional News is involved in a race against time ring that gave everyone A divorced actor disguises
5.05 Countryfile Catching up with to rescue two young men. (R) something to talk about. himself as an ageing female
a farming family in Cumbria. 5.30 Villages by the Sea 5.30 The Cube Tayif and his younger housekeeper to get a job looking
6.05 The Earthshot Prize: Ben Robinson examines the brother Mo conclude their after his own children. Comedy,
Repairing Our Planet (1/5) history of Lindisfarne. (R) journey inside The Cube. (R) with Robin Williams, Sally Field
Five simple but ambitious 6.00 London Marathon Highlights 6.30 ITV News; Weather and Pierce Brosnan. ★★★★
goals to repair our planet. Action from the Marathon. 6.45 Regional News; Weather 6.30 Channel 4 News Headlines.
7.05 Strictly Come Dancing: 7.00 Incredible Journeys 7.00 Family Fortunes Gino 7.00 Big Ben: Restoring the
The Results Tess Daly and with Simon Reeve D’Acampo hosts as the World’s Most Famous
Claudia Winkleman present The presenter discusses the Serghiou family from Clacton- Clock Architectural historian
as the two lowest-scoring challenge of preserving unspoilt on-Sea face the Cooper Anna Keay explores restoration
couples face elimination in this wildernesses. Last in series. (R) family from Scotland, trying work on the clock tower,
year’s first dance-off. Tom 8.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: to guess the most popular designed to restore it
Grennan provides the music. Gone Fishing Paul and Bob responses to surveys posed to its original Gothic glory.
8.00 The Mating Game are on the River Severn in to 100 people for a chance to 8.00 Lost Treasure Tombs
New series. Exploring the Worcestershire to fish for win a £30,000 jackpot prize. of the Ancient Maya (2/2)
lengths that some animals zander. Last in series. 8.00 Midsomer Murders Evidence of human sacrifice
will go to in search of a mate, 8.30 Chris and Meg’s Wild As the owners of Karras Games is uncovered in Honduras, and
including ostriches, zebras, Summer Chris Packham and gather for a murder mystery an expedition to Guatemala
kangaroos and nursery web Megan McCubbin head to the weekend, the immersive must brave an erupting volcano
spiders. David Attenborough Western Isles. Last in the series. experience takes a puzzling to discover why the Maya
narrates the programme. 9.00 The Ranganation (1/6) twist when a killer strikes for abandoned their cities.
9.00 Ridley Road (1/4) Fact-based Topical comedy show hosted real. The police’s detective 9.00 Celebrity SAS: Who Dares
thriller telling the story of a by Romesh Ranganathan. skills are put to the test as Wins As the final challenge
Jewish hairdresser living in early 9.45 If Beale Street Could Talk they are forced to solve this begins, only five contenders
1960s London who joins an (2018/15) Premiere. A couple’s case on their own. Detective remain. For their final challenge,
underground movement trying plans of starting a family are drama set in a picturesque they must go on the run from
to prevent the rise of far-right derailed when the fiance is rural county where death a trained team of hunters, with
extremist groups. Starring arrested for a crime he did not lurks around every corner. just a compass and a map to
Agnes O’Casey, Eddie Marsan commit. Drama, starring KiKi Neil Dudgeon, Nick Hendrix find their way to the extraction
and Tracy-Ann Oberman. Layne and Stephan James. and Annette Badland star. point. Last in series.
10.00 BBC News; Regional News 11.35pm FILM I Am Not Your Negro 10.00 ITV News; Weather 10.00 Foxy’s Fearless 48 Hours
10.30 Match of the Day 2 (2016/12) Documentary-maker Raoul 10.20 Sorry, I Didn’t Know with Maya Jama Model
Mark Chapman presents action Peck uses an unfinished manuscript by Panel show with a twist, hosted Maya Jama trains to bungee
from the latest Premier League James Baldwin, an account of the lives by Jimmy Akingbola, with jump off a 75-metre-high
fixtures, including Liverpool and successive assassinations of civil team captains Chizzy Akudolu transporter bridge by abseiling
v Manchester City at Anfield. rights leaders Medgar Evers, Malcolm off sea cliffs and taking
and Judi Love and guests,
11.45pm The Women’s Football X and Martin Luther King Jr, as the a 100-metre zipline across
springboard for this examination of the unveiling interesting Black
Show Highlights of the weekend’s history facts along the way. a gap spanning jagged rocks.
games in the Super League, including black experience in America. Narrated 11.00pm Gogglebox TV critiques. (R)
by Samuel L Jackson, the film uses 10.45 Unbelievable Moments
Aston Villa v Arsenal. Manchester City Caught on Camera A man 12.00m’t FILM Overlord (2018/18)
v West Ham United and Birmingham Baldwin’s words as it explores Action thriller, starring Jovan Adepo.
City v Manchester United. everything from Hollywood stereotypes in danger of being swept over ★★★★ 1.50 FILM Nobody’s Fool
12.20am FILM Rosie (2018/12) to police brutality. ★★★★★ 1.05am a steep waterfall is rescued. (R) (2018/15) Romantic comedy, starring
Premiere. A mother tries to protect Prince Philip: The Royal Family 11.40pm All Around Britain Tiffany Haddish and Whoopi Goldberg.
her family after their landlord sells the Remembers. A royal tribute to the Ria Hebden and Alex Beresford learn ★★★ 3.40 FILM Iris Prize Best British
house they were renting, leaving them Duke by his children and other about Belfast’s history. (R) 12.40am Shorts: Dungarees (2020) Drama,
homeless. Drama, starring Sarah members of the family. (R) 2.05 Home Shopping 3.00 FYI Extra. written by Abel Rubinstein. ★★★
Greene and Moe Dunford. ★★★★ Question Time. Fiona Bruce hosts the Entertainment news. 3.15 Motorsport 3.50 Couples Come Dine with Me (R)
1.45 Weather for the Week Ahead political debate. (R) 3.05 Holby City (R) UK (R) 4.05 Unwind With ITV 5.05- 4.40 Location, Location, Location (R)
1.50-6.00am BBC News. Headlines. 3.45-6.30am This Is BBC Two 6.00am Tipping Point. Quiz. (R) 5.35-6.00am Beat the Chef (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
Celebrity SAS:
Who Dares Wins
9pm, Channel 4 3 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! Children’s shows. The end is in sight.
10.00 SpongeBob SquarePants (R) Just five celebs remain
10.25 Entertainment News on 5 from this original lot Scotland & Wales
10.30 NFL End Zone Action from the who signed up to put BBC Scotland
latest matches in the NFL. themselves through 10.00am The Sunday Show 10.30 This Is
11.00 Friends Four episodes. (R) hell. But who has what BBC Scotland 7.00pm The Seven 7.15
12.55pm Planet of the Apes (2001/12) Sportscene. Aberdeen v Celtic and
it takes to cross the Rangers v Hibernian. 8.30 The Mountain.
Sci-fi adventure remake, with finishing line? Hard to New year snowstorms hit the resort.
Mark Wahlberg. ★★★ say. Maybe none of 9.00 The Common Riding. Cameras follow
3.10 The Fifth Element (1997/PG) them has. Maybe they’ll the annual summer event at Hawick in
Sci-fi adventure, starring the Scottish Borders. 10.00 Still Game.
all quit. “Stuff this for a Jack and Victor decide to spend their
Bruce Willis. ★★★★ game of soldiers,” they funeral fund. 10.30 David Wilson’s Crime
5.35 5 News Weekend Headlines. might say. Which would Files. Criminologist David Wilson
5.40 Tomb Raider (2018/12) be rather apt… uncovers Scotland’s racist underbelly.
A kickboxing heiress risks her 11.00pm-12.00m’t Seven Days
life to save her missing father
when she discovers a clue to BBC One Scotland
his location. Action adventure,
starring Alicia Vikander. ★★★★
ITV2 ITV3 As BBC One except: 8.30-9.00am The
Great Food Guys 2.45pm The Sunday
F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115 Show 3.10 Songs of Praise 3.50 Points of
6.45 5 News Update Headlines. View 4.05-4.40 Bargain Hunt 4.55-5.05
6.00am FYI Extra 6.15 Totally Bonkers 6.00am George and Mildred 7.00 Reporting Scotland 11.45 Sportscene.
8.00 Million Pound Guinness World Records 6.45 Love Emmerdale Omnibus 9.55 Agatha Football highlights. 1.00am The Women’s
Motorhomes Rustie Lee Bites 8.40 Dress to Impress 11.40 Christie’s Poirot 3.55pm A Touch of Football Show 1.35 Weather for the Week
goes shopping for her first Ahead 1.40-6.00am BBC News
Family Fortunes 12.45pm Catchphrase Frost. Drama, starring David Jason.
motorhome, and a couple 1.50 You’ve Been Framed! 2.50 You’ve 6.00 Lewis Hathaway and Lewis BBC One Wales
with a baby and a dog move Been Framed! Gold 3.20 FILM The investigate a murder committed on the
As BBC One except: 8.30-9.00am Money
into a customised overlander. Flintstones (1994/U) Live-action first night of a quiz weekend held at for Nothing 3.40pm Hidden Wales with Will
A couple who live full-time in a cartoon comedy. ★★ 5.05 FILM Hotel Chaucer College. Alan Davies stars. Millard 4.10-4.40 Betty Campbell: Statue
motorhome with their daughter, Transylvania (2012/U) Animation, with 8.00 Joanna Lumley’s Home Sweet for a Heroine. Wales’ first black head
two cats and two dogs travel the voice of Adam Sandler. ★★★ Home – Travels in My Own Land teacher. 4.55-5.05pm BBC Wales Today
to Oxfordshire to meet other 6.55 FILM The Fast and the The actress travels around the UK.
enthusiasts. Last in the series. Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006/12) 9.00 The Savoy Documentary about BBC Two Wales
9.00 Rich House, Poor House Adventure, starring Lucas Black. ★★ the glamorous London hotel. As BBC Two except: 10.00am Politics
9.00 FILM Mean Girls (2004/12) Wales 10.30-11.00 The Hairy Bikers’
Kim and Dave have risked 10.00 Vera Joined by a new addition Bakeation 4.30-5.30pm Incredible
everything by converting a field Comedy, with Lindsay Lohan. ★★★★ to the ranks, Vera and the team Journeys with Simon Reeve 7.00 Scrum V.
in Northumberland into an 11.10 Family Guy. Animation. investigate the murder of a surgeon Action from the United Rugby
12.00m’t American Dad! 12.55 Iain and the abduction of his daughters. Championship. 7.45-8.00pm Nature’s
organic farm, growing fruit Weirdest Events. Unusual natural events.
Stirling’s CelebAbility 1.40 Don’t Hate 12.00m’t Coronation Street Omnibus
and vegetables, and raising
the Playaz 2.25 Totally Bonkers 2.40 Emmerdale Omnibus 5.00
pigs and other animals, but Guinness World Records 3.15 Unwind George and Mildred. Sitcom. STV
rarely have time off and money With ITV 3.30-6.00am Teleshopping 5.55-6.00am Unwind With ITV As ITV except: 1.00-3.30pm LIVE STV
is tight. They and their two Racing. Coverage of today’s race
children swap lives and homes
with millionaire businesswoman BBC Four Drama meetings. 6.45-7.00pm STV News
Ampika, whose house is just F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158 ITV Wales
outside Manchester. (R) As ITV except: 6.45-7.00pm ITV News
7.00pm Classic Cellists at the BBC 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 The Bill Cymru Wales. Today’s headlines; Weather
10.00 When TV Goes Horribly A celebration of the cello, through 11.00 Pride and Prejudice. Drama.
Wrong A compilation of some of its greatest interpreters. 6.20pm Call the Midwife S4C
8.00 Jacqueline du Pre: A Gift Preparations for Shelagh’s wedding 6.00am Cyw 8.50 Penblwyddi Cyw 9.00
television mishaps, including Llwybrau’r Eirth 10.00 Ffit Cymru 11.00
Beyond Words Tribute to the cellist, are rudely interrupted by the shock
the time a fire alarm on Channel who died of multiple sclerosis aged discovery of an unexploded bomb. Mamwlad Gyda Ffion Hague 11.30
4 News left presenter Krishnan Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol
just 42 back in October 1987. 8.00 Miss Scarlet and the Duke 12.00noon Yr Wythnos 12.30 Dan Do
Guru-Murthy making the 9.00 Listening Through the Lens: Crime drama set in Victorian London, 1.00 Rygbi Pawb. Rugby union magazine
headlines rather than reporting The Christopher Nupen Films starring Kate Phillips and Stuart Martin. show. 1.45 LIVE Clwb Rygbi. Dragons v
them and journalist Michael Documentary about the director who 9.10 Broken With time running out Leinster (kick-off 2.00pm) 4.05 NEW Agor
Crick looks back at an championed classical music on TV. on her deception, Roz phones Father y Clo Byr. A chance to marvel at treasured
encounter with an angry MP. (R) possessions from across Wales. 4.15
10.30 We Want the Light: Jews Michael from work, ahead of a Eisteddfod AmGen: Cwt Cerdd 5.15
1.00am The 21.co.uk Live Casino and German Music Documentary devastating and public confrontation Ffermio 5.45 Pobol y Cwm Omnibws 7.15
Show 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 examining the complex relationship with her boss. Sean Bean stars. Newyddion a Chwaraeon 7.30 Dechrau
3.10 The Tube: Going Underground. between Jews and German music, 10.30 Rebus The detective connects Canu Dechrau Canmol 8.00 Am Dro! Aled,
Rob Bell examines the history of the from Mendelssohn to Wagner. the shooting of two boys and a Erwyn, Lauren and Bethan battle to win
Central Line. (R) 4.00 British Made with 12.00m’t How to Get Ahead: At teacher at a local college to a member the £1,000. 9.00 Drych. A former
of Edinburgh’s criminal fraternity. kickboxer with dystonia makes the
John Prescott (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) Renaissance Court 1.00 The Beauty crossing to Bardsey Island. 10.00 Y Byd
5.10 Great Artists (R) 5.40 Milkshake! of Diagrams 2.00 Jacqueline du Pre: 12.05am The Casual Vacancy. yn ei Le. Guto Harri discusses hot topics
Monkey’s Amazing Adventures (R) 5.45 A Gift Beyond Words 3.00-4.00am Drama. 1.25 Trial & Retribution. Crime of the week. 10.30-11.35pm Cynefin.
Peppa Pig 5.55-6.00am Peppa Pig (R) Classic Cellists at the BBC drama. 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping The rich history of Llangollen.
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am The Car Chasers 6.25 Auto 7.00am Don’t Be Tardy 7.55 Chrisley 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Border 6.00am Border Patrol 8.00 Police
Mundial 6.50 Extreme E: Electric Knows Best 8.50 Be Beautiful Interceptors 8.00 Rick Stein’s Long Force: Australia 10.00 Highway
Odyssey 7.15 Motorsport UK 8.10 9.00 LittleBe 12.00noon Unboxed Weekends 9.00 Storage Hunters UK Patrol 11.00 Road Wars 1.00pm
British Touring Car Championship 12.25 The Real Housewives of New 10.00 American Pickers 11.00 Secrets Monkey Life 4.00 Highway Cops 5.00
Highlights 9.45 FILM Dirty Rotten York City 3.05 The Real Housewives of the Supercars 1.00pm Top Gear Caught Red Handed: double bill
Scoundrels (1988/PG) Comedy. ★★★ of Atlanta 4.55 The Only Way Is Botswana Special 2.00 Top Gear 3.00 6.20 Caught Red Handed Thieves
12.00noon FILM Brewster’s Millions Essex 5.55 Celebrity Dinner Date Would I Lie to You? 5.00 Top Gear let wild boars escape from a farm.
(1985/PG) Comedy. ★★★ 2.05 7.00 Ferne McCann: First Time 6.00 Big Zuu’s Big Eats Double bill. 7.00 Monkey Life Double bill.
FILM Flash Gordon (1980/12) Mum Ferne and her daughter Sunday 7.00 Fast Justice The Sentinels 8.00 The Force: Manchester A traffic
Sci-fi comic-strip adventure. ★★★★ are back from their staycation. stop a taxi linked to drugs in Suffolk. cop gets more than he bargained for.
4.15 FILM The Poseidon Adventure 8.00 Mummy Diaries Extra Looking 8.00 Border Force: America’s 9.00 Killer in My Village The story of
(1972/PG) Disaster movie. ★★★★ back at memorable moments. Gatekeepers Packages of meth 22-year-old Emma Baum, who was
6.35 FILM Force 10 from Navarone 9.00 The Only Way Is Essex Cameras are found in the wall of a trailer. battered to death by her ex-boyfriend
(1978/15) Second World War adventure follow the lives, loves and scandals of a 9.00 Have I Got a Bit More News for David Davies in a row over their child.
sequel, starring Harrison Ford. ★★★ group of real-life Essex guys and girls. You With guest Reginald D Hunter. 10.00 Paranormal: Captured
9.00 FILM Van Helsing (2004/12) 10.00 Botched Surgeons Terry Dubrow 10.00 Late Night Mash Fake news. Experts take cameras to notorious
Gothic action adventure. ★★★ and Paul Nassif recall some of the 11.00 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled hotspots for paranormal activity.
11.40 FILM Passenger 57 (1992/15) celebrity patients they have treated. 12.00m’t QI XL 1.00 Have I Got a Bit 11.00 When Life Means Life 12.00m’t
Action thriller. ★★ 1.25 Minder 2.25 11.00 Botched 11.55 Vanderpump More News for You 2.00 Live at the How I Caught the Killer 1.00 Night
The Protectors 2.55 Unwind With Rules 12.50am Unwind With ITV Apollo 3.00 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Cops 2.00 Police Force: Australia
ITV 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping 1.00-7.00am Teleshopping Worrier 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping 4.00-6.00am Border Patrol
6.00am Breakfast 9.15 Rip Off Britain 6.30am Bargain Hunt (R) 7.15 6.00am Good Morning Britain Current 6.00am Countdown (R) 6.40 Cheers
10.00 Defenders UK 10.45 Antiques Road Trip (R) 8.00 affairs and lifestyle features. (R) 7.35 The King of Queens (R)
Claimed and Shamed (R) 11.15 Jay’s Yorkshire Workshop (R) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment news. 9.00 Frasier (R) 10.30 Ramsay’s
Homes Under the Hammer (R) 9.00 BBC News at 9 10.00 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
12.15pm Bargain Hunt BBC News 12.15pm Politics and lifestyle features. 11.30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R)
1.00 BBC News; Regional News Live Conference 2021 12.30pm Loose Women Celebrity 12.30pm Steph’s Packed Lunch
1.45 Doctors Bear’s attempt to help 1.00 Head Hunters Quiz show. (R) interviews and topical debate. 2.10 Countdown Word game.
his mother backfires on him. 1.45 Eggheads Quiz show. (R) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 3.00 A Place in the Sun (R)
2.15 Unbeatable Quiz show. (R) 2.20 Crossfire (1947/12) Drama, 1.55 Regional News; Weather 4.00 Chateau DIY New chateau
3.00 Escape to the Country starring Robert Mitchum and 2.00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories owners Helen and Matt
A couple look for a new Robert Young. ★★★★ The cases of Natalie Jarvis create a homage to Napoleon.
home in Northamptonshire. 3.45 Curiosity Gameshow. (R) and Trent Warburton. 5.00 Four in a Bed The first of this
3.45 Garden Rescue Charlie 4.30 Glorious Gardens from Above 3.00 Winning Combination Quiz week’s destinations is The View
Dimmock and Harry and David Christine Walkden takes to the show, hosted by Omid Djalili. which is located in Tynemouth.
Rich head to Yardley. (R) skies above Gloucestershire. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Coin-drop quiz, 5.30 The Perfect Pitch (6/20) The
4.30 Antiques Road Trip Margie 5.15 Flog It! Valuing antiques. (R) hosted by Ben Shephard. campers visit Pembrokeshire.
Cooper and Paul Martin search 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of 5.00 The Chase Quiz show, 6.00 The Simpsons Bart goes to
for bargains in Somerset. Games With Roger Black. hosted by Bradley Walsh. work in a burlesque theatre. (R)
5.15 Pointless Low-scoring quiz. 6.30 Strictly: It Takes Two Fanzine 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 Hollyoaks Cindy grows tired of
6.00 BBC News; Regional News devoted to the dancing show. 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather holding everything together. (R)
7.00 The One Show With 7.00 River Walks: The Deben 7.00 Emmerdale Kim employs 7.00 Channel 4 News
Jermaine Jenas and Sam Quek. Miranda Krestovnikoff walks someone to track down Jamie. 7.55 Rebecca’s Story: Stand
7.35 Panorama Current affairs. along the Deben in Suffolk. 7.30 Coronation Street Nina Up to Cancer A short film
8.05 EastEnders Suki uses her 7.30 Mastermind The specialist decides to name and shame about 14-year-old Rebecca,
authority to get revenge on subjects are James Bond Corey, and James receives the who has had cancer four times.
Honey, and Martin is forced to villains, the life of Lord Byron, news he has been waiting for. Life had got back to normal in
take a new job. Bobby offers JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth and 8.00 Beyond the Line: North 2017 when she relapsed again,
Dana a peace offering. the castles of Northumberland. Wales Traffic Cops (3/4) but she continues to have
8.30 The Goes Wrong Show Presented by Clive Myrie. A look at how officers of the ongoing treatment. (R)
(2/5) Chris resumes control 8.00 Only Connect Two of the North Wales Roads Policing 8.00 Jamie Oliver: Together
of the group and puts on a teams who won their opening Unit deal with the job’s dangers. The chef prepares an all-
production of a little-known play heats, return for the next 8.30 Coronation Street vegetarian menu of curries
by Shakespeare (but not the stage of the competition. Nina refuses to let Corey go with a selection of side dishes
famous one). Robert does not 8.30 University Challenge unpunished. Imran manipulates for a gathering of NHS junior
take his non-speaking part lying Wolfson College, Oxford, Simon to get Sabeen off his doctors and midwives enjoying
down. Henry Lewis stars. clash with the University of back, while PC Brody calls on a well-deserved night off.
9.00 Silent Witness (9/10) Part Bristol in the first round. James with an apology. 9.00 24 Hours in Police
one of two. Nikki’s students 9.00 Blair & Brown: The New 9.00 Gordon, Gino & Fred Go Custody (2/6) A violent brawl
make an alarming discovery Labour Revolution (1/5) Greek! After indulging in the being fought with knives and
while dissecting a body Examining the careers of those unique produce of the Greek hammers breaks out in front
donated for their training. The at the heart of New Labour, islands, Gordon Ramsay, Gino of a Luton takeaway, while the
case that follows brings Nikki featuring interviews with the key D’Acampo and Fred Sirieix local police officers struggles
dangerously close to a student. players involved in a movement head to the nation’s capital to deal with the incident due
Guest starring Sian Phillips. that still divides opinion. Athens in a vintage campervan. to a lack of available personnel.
10.00 BBC News; Regional News 10.00 Alma’s Not Normal (4/6) 10.15 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.00 First Dates A sexual health
10.35 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK The hospital informs Lin that her A fresh perspective on the advisor with two soon-to-be-
(2/10) Two-time Strictly section could finally be lifted, major stories of the day, married daughters goes looking
champion Oti Mabuse puts although this is dependent on featuring national and for love, and a part-time singer
the queens through their paces her either moving into a hostel international news, featuring enjoys a special evening with
as she coaches them for their or in with a family member. reports and analysis. a professional magician.
dance performance. 10.30 Newsnight The day’s events. 10.45 Regional News; Weather 11.05pm The Holden Girls: Mandy
& Myrtle Double bill. (R) 12.05am
11.50pm The Apprentice Australia 11.15pm Black Power: A British 11.00pm The Real Manhunt: The
Sex Actually with Alice Levine. Alice
The celebrities try to create the ultimate Story of Resistance A look at the Night Stalker Susanna Reid interviews explores the world of sadomasochism.
Sydney tourism experience. The team 1960s and ’70s through the eyes of senior officers from Operation (R) 1.05 Undercover Boss USA (R) 1.55
with the best customer feedback will the young black people who refused Minstead to tell the real story of the Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Mandem
win money for their project manager’s to take racism as a part of the natural 17-year hunt for the serial rapist known (R) 2.10 FILM Woman at War
charity. The losing team must face order of things in the UK. (R) 12.45am as The Night Stalker. (R) 11.55 All Elite (2018/12) Comedy drama, with
Lord Sugar, and someone will be fired. Countryfile. The One Man And His Dog Wrestling: Dynamite. Hard-hitting Halldora Geirharosdottir. ★★★★ 3.50
1.00am The Graham Norton Show. sheepdog trials. (R) 1.45 Saving Lives action from the world of All Elite Iris Prize Best British Shorts: The
With guests Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Greg at Sea. A crew battles through gale Wrestling. 12.45am Home Shopping Scene (R) 4.05 Couples Come Dine
Davies, Dave Grohl and Kadeena Cox. force winds and huge waves to try to 3.00 FYI Extra 3.15 Lingo (R) 4.05 with Me (R) 5.00 Location, Location,
(R) 1.45 Weather for the Week Ahead save a surfer. (R) 2.45 When Ruby Wax Unwind With ITV 5.05-6.00am Tipping Location (R) 5.50-6.00am Kirstie’s
1.50-6.00am BBC News. Headlines. Met (R) 3.45-6.30am This Is BBC Two Point. Coin-drop quiz show. (R) Fill Your House for Free (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
Blair & Brown:
The New Labour
Revolution 4 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine 9pm, BBC Two
11.15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum
Landlords (R) 12.10pm 5 News Made by the team Scotland & Wales
12.15 Police Interceptors (R) behind Thatcher: A Very
1.15 Home and Away See 6.00pm. British Revolution, this BBC Scotland
superb new series will 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland 2.00pm
1.45 Neighbours See 5.30pm. Sign Zone: Disclosure: Priced Out 2.30
2.15 Witness to Murder: A Darrow cover the period from Sign Zone: Grand Tours of Scotland’s
& Darrow Mystery (2020/PG) 1997, the year a radical Lochs 3.00 Sign Zone: Our Planet Now
Premiere. Thriller, starring rebranding exercise swept – Scotland Climate Change Special 4.00
This Is BBC Scotland 7.00 Sportscene:
Kimberly Williams-Paisley. ★★ Labour to power for the
SWPL Hightlights 7.30 Landward 8.00
4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the first time in absolute yonks. Back from the Brink 8.50 Loop 9.00 The
Sun Female impersonator But we begin in 1983, Nine 10.00 River City 11.00 Scot Squad
James rents a working farm. (R) as Tony Blair and Gordon 11.30pm-12.00m’t Scary Adult Things
5.00 5 News at 5 Headlines. Brown enter Parliament,
each looking about 12.
BBC One Scotland
5.30 Neighbours Melanie launches As BBC One except: 6.30-7.00pm
into a secret project. (R) Reporting Scotland 7.35-8.05 Disclosure:
6.00 Home and Away Martha calls Who’s Watching the Kids? 10.35 The
Alf out for his behaviour. (R) ITV2 ITV3 Scotts 11.05 Panorama 11.35 Sportscene:
SWPL Hightlights 12.05am RuPaul’s Drag
6.30 NEW Eggheads Jeremy Vine F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115 Race UK 1.20 The Edit 1.35 The
hosts the weekday quiz show. Apprentice Australia 2.45 Weather for the
6.00am FYI Extra 6.15 Love Bites 6.00am Classic Coronation Street Week Ahead 2.50-6.00am BBC News
7.00 London’s Greatest Bridges 7.20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8.00 7.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05
with Rob Bell Engineer Rob Emmerdale 8.30 Coronation Street Heartbeat 9.10 Man About the House BBC One Wales
Bell explores the extraordinary 9.30 Ellen’s Game of Games 10.30 9.45 George and Mildred 10.20 As BBC One except: 10.45-11.15am
stories about four of London’s Dress to Impress 11.30 Love Bites A Touch of Frost 12.40pm Heartbeat Claimed and Shamed 6.30-7.00pm BBC
most iconic bridges. Followed 12.30pm Emmerdale 1.00 Coronation 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Wales Today 7.35-8.05 NEW X-Ray. The
Street 2.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show consumer rights show celebrates its 20th
by 5 News Update Coronation Street 3.50 A Touch of anniversary. 10.35 Panorama 11.05
8.00 Motorway Cops: Catching 3.00 Dress to Impress 4.00 Love Bites Frost 5.55 The Darling Buds of May RuPaul’s Drag Race UK 12.20am The
Britain’s Speeders (3/8) 5.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.00 Wycliffe A boat owner dies. Apprentice Australia 1.30-6.00am News
A suspected drug dealer 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 8.00 Lewis A professor is found dead
has an unusual explanation 7.00 Superstore Double bill. on Halloween with a stake through BBC Two Wales
for the suspicious contents of 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Double bill. her heart and it turns out she was As BBC Two except: 7.00-7.30pm Black
9.00 Family Guy Lois grounds Peter. an old student friend of Hobson. and Welsh 11.15 NEW It’s My Shout. A
his car – but an even bigger student happens upon a living statue who
surprise faces the police when 9.30 American Dad! The boys go 10.00 Blue Murder Janine asks seems to be as lonely as she is. 11.25
they also search his home. away on Klaus’s stag weekend. Richard to prioritise the case of a Saving Lives at Sea 12.25-12.45am Coast
Followed by 5 News Update 10.00 Family Guy Triple bill. promising footballer who was killed
9.00 Casualty 24/7: Every 11.25 American Dad! 11.55 Bob’s while out celebrating his birthday. STV
Burgers 12.50am Superstore 1.45 11.35 Wycliffe 12.45am The Darling As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm STV News;
Second Counts Buds of May 1.50 Man About the
Don’t Hate the Playaz 2.25 Totally Weather 6.00-6.30 STV News at Six;
Documentary following the Bonkers Guinness World Records House 2.15 Unwind With ITV Weather 10.45 STV News 10.50 Scotland
work of medical emergency 3.20-3.30am Unwind With ITV 2.30-6.00am Teleshopping Tonight 11.20 The Real Manhunt: The Night
teams in the A&E department Stalker 12.15-3.00am Home Shopping
of Barnsley Hospital as they
treat the injured and seriously BBC Four Drama ITV Wales
sick patients. Plus, a look at F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158 As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm ITV News
the role of hospital volunteers. Cymru Wales 6.00-6.30 ITV News Wales at
7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00am Teleshopping 7.40 A Place to Six 8.00-8.30 NEW The Pier 10.45 ITV
Journeys Michael Portillo begins the Call Home 8.25 The Bill 9.35 Classic News Cymru Wales 11.00 Sharp End
10.00 Police Code Zero: 11.25 Beyond the Line: North Wales Traffic
last leg of his journey to Caernarfon. Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty
Officer Under Attack (7/10) 12.00noon The Bill 1.00 Classic Cops 11.55pm-12.45am The Real
Programme exploring the rising 7.30 The Joy of Painting A mountain Manhunt: The Night Stalker
overlooking a wilderness lake. EastEnders 2.20 Peak Practice 3.20
number of assaults on police Bergerac 4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
officers, revealing what they 8.00 Secrets of the Museum
5.20 Birds of a Feather. Sitcom.
face in the line of duty. Frankenstein’s monster is brought 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Newyddion S4C
back to life at the V&A. 6.00 Bread Adrian is arrested. a’r Tywydd 12.05 Nyrsys 12.30 Heno 1.00
11.05pm Police UK: Armed & Deadly 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Rene is in trouble.
9.00 Madame Tussaud: A Legend in Ar Werth 1.30 Llefydd Sanctaidd 2.00
This edition examines how the police Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
arm themselves to take on the Wax The story of the woman behind 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine
the worldwide waxworks empire. Hobbo becomes a master of disguise Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
dangerous threat of organised criminal Tywydd 3.05 Corau Rhys Meirion 4.00 Awr
gangs. (R) 12.00m’t Criminals: Caught 10.00 The Russian Revolutionary: to deceive his hidden enemies.
Fawr: Blociau Rhif 4.05 Jambori 4.15
on Camera. Why cameras are proving Zaha Hadid on Kazimir Malevich 8.00 The Brokenwood Mysteries Rapsgaliwn 4.30 Pablo 4.45 Patrol
useful when it comes to controlling The avant-garde works of Russian A fundraiser at the Brokenwood Pawennau 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Y Sioe
football fans. (R) 12.50 Entertainment abstract artist Kazimir Malevich. Empire Cinema becomes fatal. Fwyd 6.30 Garejis: Dan y Bonet 6.57
News on 5 1.00 LIVE NFL: Monday 10.30 Imagine British architect David 10.00 New Tricks Jack investigates Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno 7.30
Chipperfield talks to Alan Yentob. when a diamond worth millions is Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 8.00 Pobol y
Night Football. Los Angeles Chargers Cwm 8.25 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer 8.55
v Las Vegas Raiders (kick-off 1.15am). 11.40 Stonehenge: A Timewatch found in a flat. James Bolam stars.
Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 9.00 Ffermio
4.30 Britain’s Greatest Bridges (R) Guide 12.40am How to Get Ahead: 11.20 Bad Girls. Prison drama. 9.30 Cymru ar Ffilm: O’r Pridd i’r Plat 10.00
4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House At Versailles 1.40 Madame Tussaud: A 12.35am Waking the Dead 2.35 Life Ceffylau Cymru 10.30 Bois y Rhondda
Doctor (R) 5.35-6.00am Milkshake! Legend in Wax 2.40-3.40am As 8pm on Mars 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping 11.00-11.35pm Cymry ar Gynfas
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am The Protectors 6.25 Cadfael 7.00am The Real Housewives of 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Border 7.00am Highway Patrol 8.00 Motorway
7.45 Dempsey and Makepeace 8.40 Cheshire 8.00 Buying and Selling 9.00 Interceptors 8.00 Road To Riches 9.00 Patrol 9.00 Police Force: Australia
The Professionals 9.45 Minder 10.55 LittleBe 12.00noon Unboxed 12.30 Storage Hunters UK 10.00 American 10.00 Police Ten 7 11.00 Nothing to
The Saint 12.00noon The Big Match The Real Housewives of Potomac 1.25 Pickers 12.00noon Top Gear Declare 12.00noon Border Patrol 1.00
Revisited 1.00 Cadfael 2.40 Dempsey The Real Housewives of Cheshire 2.25 Botswana Special 1.00 Top Gear 2.00 Road Wars 2.00 Border Security:
and Makepeace 3.45 The Professionals The Only Way Is Essex 3.10 Million Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA 3.00 America’s Front Line 3.00 Nothing to
4.50 Minder 5.55 The Big Match Dollar Listing: LA 4.05 The Real Top Gear 4.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race Declare 4.00 Stargate Atlantis
Revisited. Action from December 1979. Housewives of New Jersey 5.00 5.00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation
7.00 Junk and Disorderly Making a The Real Housewives of Atlanta 6.00 Star Trek: Enterprise Drama.
6.00 QI XL With Jeremy Clarkson.
profit on automobile memorabilia. 6.00 Masters of Flip A house in the 7.00 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
woods is crying out for additions. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House of
8.00 MotoGP Highlights The Red Bull Games With Rachel Riley and JB Gill. 8.00 S.W.A.T. A prison riot.
Grand Prix of the Americas. 7.00 Buying and Selling 9.00 Fred & Rose: The Unanswered
A couple with a long list of renovations. 7.40 Would I Lie to You? Panel show.
9.00 Cycling: Women’s Tour Questions Documentary asking how
Highlights Action from stage one. 8.00 Dinner Date Grace looks for love. 8.20 QI With Sue Perkins and Bill Bailey. many girls the Wests might have killed.
10.00 FILM The Matrix (1999/15) A 9.00 Totally Unbelievable Counting 9.00 QI XL With Phill Jupitus. 10.00 Fringe Mystery drama.
computer hacker joins rebel fighters to down inspiring celebrity bodies. 10.00 British as Folk Visiting Glasgow. 11.00 How I Caught the Killer
free the human race from machines. 10.00 Botched Patients who ended up 11.00 Outsiders 12.00m’t Taskmaster 12.00m’t Britain’s Most Evil Killers
Sci-fi action thriller, with Keanu Reeves. with a surgical disaster. 1.00 Have I Got a Bit More Old News 1.00 The Force: North East 2.00 Police
★★★★★ 12.45am Motorsport UK 11.00 Love Island USA 11.55 The Only for You 2.00 Would I Lie to You? 2.45 Force: Australia 3.00 Highway Patrol
1.45 The Car Chasers 2.35 Unwind Way Is Essex 12.45am Unwind With Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 4.00 Motorway Patrol
With ITV 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping ITV 1.00-7.00am Teleshopping 3.35-4.00am The Indestructibles 5.00-6.00am Nothing to Declare
6.00am Breakfast 9.15 Rip Off Britain 6.30am Bargain Hunt (R) 7.15 6.00am Good Morning Britain 6.00am Countdown (R) 6.40 Cheers
10.00 Defenders UK 10.45 Antiques Road Trip (R) 8.00 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment news. (R) 7.35 The King of Queens (R)
Claimed and Shamed (R) 11.15 Shop Well for Less? (R) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat 9.00 Frasier (R) 10.30 Ramsay’s
Homes Under the Hammer 9.00 BBC News 10.00 BBC and lifestyle features. Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
12.15pm Bargain Hunt (R) News 12.15pm Politics Live 12.30pm Loose Women Celebrity 11.30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R)
1.00 BBC News; Regional News 1.00 Head Hunters Quiz show. (R) interviews and topical debate. 12.30pm Steph’s Packed Lunch
1.45 Doctors A woman in labour 1.45 Eggheads Quiz show. (R) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2.10 Countdown Gameshow.
enlists Ruhma’s help. 2.20 A Woman’s Secret (1949/PG) 1.55 Regional News; Weather 3.00 A Place in the Sun (R)
2.15 Unbeatable Quiz show. (R) Mystery, with Maureen O’Hara 2.00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 4.00 Chateau DIY Helen and Matt
3.00 Escape to the Country A home and Gloria Grahame. ★★ The discovery of the largest create an armoury in the tower.
in the Wiltshire countryside. 3.45 Curiosity Terry and Simon from slavery gang in UK history. 5.00 Four in a Bed The best-value
3.45 Garden Rescue The team Essex compete against Trace 3.00 Winning Combination Quiz B&B contest continues at
comes up with plans for a and Mark from Lancashire. (R) show, hosted by Omid Djalili. Northern Hotel in Angus.
cookery-themed garden. (R) 4.30 Glorious Gardens from Above 4.00 Tipping Point Coin-drop quiz. 5.30 The Perfect Pitch The campers
4.30 Antiques Road Trip On their Christine Walkden takes to 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh visit the eco-friendly Kite View
second day of bargain hunting the skies above Cumbria. (R) presents as contestants Keith, Farm near Haverfordwest.
in Somerset, Paul Martin falls 5.15 Flog It! Guildford Cathedral. (R) Carole, Molly and Charlie work 6.00 The Simpsons Homer begins
in love with a juggling clown. 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of as a team to take on the Chaser. to worry about his marriage. (R)
5.15 Pointless Low-scoring quiz. Games With Roger Black. 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 Hollyoaks Cindy decides to call
6.00 BBC News; Regional News 6.30 Strictly: It Takes Two 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather Luke out for his behaviour. (R)
7.00 The One Show Another 7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road 7.00 Emmerdale Meena comes 7.00 Channel 4 News Including
mix of nationwide reports and Trip Comedians Jamali Maddix home and makes her presence sport and weather.
live studio-based chat. and Bobby Mair buy items of felt, and Charles is shaken 8.00 The Great British Bake Off
7.30 EastEnders Dotty is left interest in West Yorkshire. (R) by a mysterious message. The contestants take on a trio
shocked by an unwanted 8.00 Saving Lives at Sea (7/10) 7.30 Wonders of Scotland with of bread challenges, putting
reveller at the club, and Zack The RNLI crew in Newhaven David Hayman (4/4) The their own twist on an Italian
pulls a prank that ends badly. face a race against time actor’s journey draws to a close focaccia, making a Greek-
7.50 Holby City Donna struggles as they respond to reports with a venture along the North inspired snack and creating a
to connect with Mia after the of a man who has suffered Sea shores of East Lothian, showpiece in milk bread.
devastating news, and Louis a seizure on board a tall ship. where he discovers the origins 9.30 Murder Island (1/6)
is forced to make a decision. 9.00 Dementia & Us (1/2) of Scotland’s national flag. Murder mystery with a twist
8.30 My Family The Harpers are Part one of a groundbreaking 8.00 Love Your Garden The team – the investigators are members
all set to redecorate their home, two-part series following four demonstrates how to take of the public, competing to find
and even Janey’s boyfriend people with dementia and their inspiration from the gardens of the killer and pocket themselves
Brian is asked to help – until, families over the course of two grand stately homes to create £50,000. The body of Charly
that is, Ben discovers he spent whole years. The programmes a beautiful design that works for Hendricks has been found at
the night in her room. (R) explore what it is like to live with a traditional domestic garden. an old run-down property she
9.00 Silent Witness Part two of the condition over a period of 9.00 Unbelievable Moments was renting from the local pub
two. Stranded in the flooded time, as cameras follow the Caught on Camera A man landlord. It’s up to four pairs of
care home, Jack and Simone families through the ups and wrestles an alligator to save the amateur sleuths to search the
fight to help the residents, while downs of life and the challenges life of his puppy, and a couple scene and unpick the clues,
Nikki and Galloway discover they face. Narrated by Dreane are caught on camera being hoping to find a motive for
the killer may also be inside. Williams, who herself lives attacked by a wild, rabid the crime. Created by leading
Emilia Fox stars. Last in series. with vascular dementia. animal on their own driveway. crime writer Ian Rankin.
10.00 BBC News; Regional News 10.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 Gogglebox The armchair
10.35 The Earthshot Prize: Gone Fishing Paul and Bob 10.30 Regional News; Weather critics share their opinions on
Repairing Our Planet are on the River Severn in 10.45 Heathrow: Britain’s what they have been watching
(2/5) The climate category of Worcestershire to fish for Busiest Airport A passenger on television, with cameras
the Earthshot Prize, focusing on zander, and enlist the help of has an entourage of armed capturing their instant reactions
the inspiring and often local guide Tim Maslen to find police officers waiting for him, and the lively discussions that
unexpected solutions to the the best spots. As they sit and and Demi plunges into his role are prompted by the week’s
climate challenge nominated wait, they ruminate on the state of ‘passenger saviour’. (R) biggest and best shows. (R)
for the first Earthshot Prize. of Britain’s rivers in general and 11.10pm Beat the Chasers 11.35pm Taskmaster Contenders
11.40pm Question of Sport With the threats that they are now Contestants from across the UK take include Alan Davies and Victoria Coren
Olympic 400 metre champion Christine under. Last in series. (R) on the six experts. (R) 12.10am Junk Mitchell. (R) 12.35am Foxy’s Fearless
Ohuruogu, Scotland midfielder John 10.30 Newsnight The day’s events. and Disorderly. Henry Cole and Sam 48 Hours with Maya Jama (R) 1.30
McGinn, Strictly finalist Jamie Laing 11.15pm NFL This Week Action from Lovegrove look to make a profit on Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
and Olympic silver-medal-winning the fourth week of fixtures. 12.05am automobile memorabilia at the Bristol 2.20 Undercover Boss USA.
swimmer Siobhan-Marie O’Connor. (R) Patrick Kielty: One Hundred Years of Classic Car Show. (R) 1.00 Home Documentary. (R) 3.10 George Clarke’s
12.10am Richard Osman’s House of Union (R) 1.05 For Peat’s Sake – Our Shopping 3.00 FYI Extra. Amazing Spaces (R) 4.05 Unreported
Games Night (R) 12.40 The Hit List (R) Lives. A look at peat-cutting on the Isle Entertainment news. 3.15 Loose World (R) 4.30 Location, Location,
1.25 Weather for the Week Ahead of Lewis. (R) 1.35 A Killing in Tiger Bay Women (R) 4.05 Unwind With ITV Location (R) 5.25 Beat the Chef (R)
1.30-6.00am BBC News (R) 2.35-6.30am This Is BBC Two 5.05-6.00am Tipping Point. Quiz. (R) 5.50-6.00am Jamie’s Comfort Food (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
Murder Island
9.30pm, Channel 4
Imagine if members 5 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine of the public had to
11.15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum solve a murder. Don’t
Landlords (R) 12.10pm 5 News laugh, it’ll probably Scotland & Wales
12.15 Police Interceptors (R)
1.15 Home and Away
happen before long, as BBC Scotland
far more serious crimes 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland 2.15pm
See 6.00pm. (R)
take priority, such as BBC Scotland News Special – Coronavirus
1.45 Neighbours See 5.30pm. wearing your face mask Udate 3.00 This Is BBC Scotland 7.00
2.20 A Sinister Secret (2020/PG) Roaming in the Wild 7.30 Black & Scottish
upside down on the 8.00 NEW Scotland’s Sacred Islands with
Thriller, starring Margaret bus to work. For now, Ben Fogle. An island pilgrimage following
Anne Florence. ★★★ this six-parter centres the ancient sea roads of the Inner
4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the merely on a fictional Hebrides. 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Slavery:
Sun Drag act Wayne and his Scotland’s Hidden Shame 11.00pm-
killing, dreamt up 12.00m’t The Common Riding
husband host a fun day. (R)
by Rebus creator
5.00 5 News at 5 Headlines. Ian Rankin. BBC One Scotland
5.30 Neighbours Rose gets a shock As BBC One except: 6.30pm Reporting
when her date is interrupted. (R) Scotland 7.00 River City. Maggie confronts
6.00 Home and Away Justin a demon from her past. 8.00 EastEnders
re-thinks his business idea. (R) ITV2 ITV3 8.20-9.00pm Holby City. Hospital drama.
6.30 Eggheads A team of chemists F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115 BBC One Wales
take part on the quiz show.
As BBC One except: 10.45am Homes
6.00am FYI Extra 6.15 Love Bites 7.20 6.00am Classic Coronation Street 7.00 Under the Hammer 11.45am-12.15pm
7.00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Heartbeat X-Ray 6.30-7.00pm BBC Wales Today
Tina comes to see Dr Sobia Emmerdale 8.30 Coronation Street 9.10 Man About the House 9.45 8.30-9.00pm The Crash Detectives. A
Wyne, having been diagnosed 9.30 Ellen’s Game of Games 10.30 George and Mildred 10.20 A Touch of pedestrian is seriously injured after being
with cirrhosis of the liver and Dress to Impress 11.30 Love Bites Frost 12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Classic struck by a car in a residential street.
the possibility of Hepatitis C. 12.30pm Emmerdale 1.00 Coronation Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation
Followed by 5 News Update Street 2.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Street 3.50 A Touch of Frost 5.55 BBC Two Wales
8.00 The Yorkshire Vet (5/12) 3.00 Dress to Impress 4.00 Love Bites The Darling Buds of May. Drama. As BBC Two except: 1.45pm Welsh First
5.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.00 Wycliffe The detective embarks Minister’s Questions 2.35 Eggheads
A goat with a painful foot 3.10 FILM A Woman’s Secret (1949/PG)
condition is brought in to see 6.00 Catchphrase Celebrity Special on a race against time to recapture a Mystery, starring Maureen O’Hara. ★★
Peter, who takes some X-rays 7.00 Superstore Double bill. convict who has escaped from prison. 4.35 Glorious Gardens from Above
to try and find out the cause. 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Double bill. Tina 8.00 Midsomer Murders A land 5.20-6.00 Coast 7.00 The Hairy Bikers’
realises she must part ways with her dispute leads to murder during a Asian Adventure 7.30-8.00 Wales’ Black
A bulldog is rushed in after Miners 11.15 It’s My Shout 11.30 NFL This
eating some chewing gum. imaginary horse; the kids play a prank. cowboy fair run by the Wild West
Society of a Midsomer village. Week 12.20-1.05am Natural World
Followed by 5 News Update 9.00 Family Guy Double bill.
10.00 Plebs Double bill. 10.00 Blue Murder Janine STV
9.00 Our Yorkshire Farm (1/7) investigates the death of a doctor.
The family tackle their second 11.00 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm STV News;
12.30am Bob’s Burgers 1.25 11.35 Wycliffe 12.40am The Darling Weather 6.00-6.30 STV News at Six;
lockdown during one of the Buds of May 1.45 Man About the
Superstore 2.15 Totally Bonkers Weather 10.30 STV News 10.40 Scotland
worst winters they have ever Guinness World Records 3.15 Unwind House 2.15 Unwind With ITV Tonight 11.05 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest
faced, and have to juggle work With ITV 3.30-6.00am Teleshopping 2.30-6.00am Teleshopping Airport 11.35 Beat the Chasers
on the farm with the childrens’ 12.30-3.00am Home Shopping
homeschooling. Later, when
an arctic blizzard batters the BBC Four Drama ITV Wales
farm, Amanda and Clive go F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158 As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm ITV News
in search of their lost sheep. Cymru Wales 6.00-6.30 ITV News Wales at
7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00am Teleshopping 7.40 A Place to Six 10.30 ITV News Cymru Wales; Weather
Journeys Michael Portillo sets off Call Home 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic 10.45-11.10pm Fishlock’s Choice
10.00 Hoarder Homes: No
on a trip through Britain’s industrial Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty
Room to Move (5/9) Richard heartlands in the footsteps of George V. 12.00noon The Bill 1.00 Classic S4C
in Dorking, who is 71, finally EastEnders 2.20 Peak Practice 3.20 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Newyddion S4C
7.30 The Joy of Painting American
decides to seek expert help artist Bob Ross paints a lakeside path. Bergerac 4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet a’r Tywydd 12.05 Caru Siopa 12.30 Heno
after filling his home with over 5.20 Birds of a Feather. Comedy. 1.00 Ar y Lein 1.30 Ffermio 2.00
8.00 The Good Life Perky the pig Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
four decades worth of daily gives birth in the middle of the night. 6.00 Bread With Paul McCartney. Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
newspapers. Meanwhile, a 8.30 One Foot in the Grave Victor 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! In the aftermath of her Tywydd 3.05 Noson Lawen 2021 4.00 Awr
former actress with mounds Meldrew faces up to retirement. wedding day, Denise is out for blood. Fawr: Sali Mali 4.05 Stiw 4.20 Anifeiliaid
of rubbish cluttering her home 9.00 300 Years of French & 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine Bach y Byd 4.30 Octonots 4.45 Ahoi! 5.00
decides it is time to get help. (R) Toby goes to see Aunty Wainwright. Stwnsh: Byd Rwtsh Dai Potsh 5.15 Cer I
Saunders The duo celebrate the 30th Greu 5.35 Un Cwestiwn 5.55 Ffeil 6.00 Wil
11.00pm FILM King of Thieves anniversary of their sketch show. 8.00 The Last Detective The team ac Aeron: Taith yr Alban 6.30 Rownd a
(2018/15) Crime drama, starring 9.50 Dawn French Live: 30 Million investigates when an ex-con is Rownd 6.57 Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno
Michael Caine. ★★★ 1.10am The Minutes The comedian’s critically murdered as he prepares to publish his 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 8.00
21.co.uk Live Casino Show 3.10 acclaimed one-woman show. memoirs. Roger Daltrey guest stars. Pobol y Cwm 8.25 Rownd a Rownd 8.55
The Tube: Secrets of the Underground 9.35 New Tricks Standing investigates Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 9.00 Cynefin.
11.45 Some Vicars with Jokes. The rich history of Cardigan. Last in
(R) 4.00 British Made with John Double bill of the comedy. 12.45am a greyhound’s kidnapping.
series. 10.00 Heliwr. Barbagallo confesses
Prescott (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 The Beauty of Diagrams 1.45 Great 10.55 Bad Girls A newcomer arrives. and becomes the key to the investigation.
House Doctor (R) 5.35 Fireman Sam British Railway Journeys 2.15-3.05am 12.05am Waking the Dead 2.15 Judge 11.05-11.40pm Pobl a’u Gerddi. Aled
(R) 5.45-6.00am Paw Patrol (R) 300 Years of French & Saunders John Deed 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping Samuel visits the gardens of Mici Plwm.
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am The Saint 6.50 Cadfael 8.10 7.00am The Real Housewives of 7.10am Border Interceptors 8.00 Road 7.00am Highway Patrol 8.00 Motorway
Dempsey and Makepeace 9.10 The Cheshire 8.00 Buying and Selling 9.00 To Riches 9.00 Storage Hunters UK Patrol 9.00 Police Force: Australia
Professionals 10.20 Minder 11.25 The LittleBe 12.00noon Unboxed 12.30 10.00 American Pickers 12.00noon 10.00 Police Ten 7 11.00 Nothing to
Saint 12.30pm The Big Match Revisited The Real Housewives of Potomac 1.25 Top Gear 1.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race Declare 12.00noon Border Patrol
1.35 The Adventures of Sherlock The Real Housewives of Cheshire 2.25 2.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Border Security:
Holmes 2.45 Dempsey and Makepeace The Only Way Is Essex 3.10 Million 3.00 Top Gear 4.00 Red Bull Soapbox Canada’s Front Line 3.00 Nothing to
3.45 The Professionals 4.50 Minder Dollar Listing: LA 4.05 The Real Race 5.00 Rick Stein’s India Declare 4.00 Stargate Atlantis
6.00 The Big Match Revisited Brian Housewives of New Jersey 5.00 The 6.00 QI XL With Phill Jupitus. 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation
Moore with action from January 1980. Real Housewives of Atlanta 7.00 Richard Osman’s House of 6.00 Star Trek: Enterprise Drama.
7.00 Junk and Disorderly Henry 6.00 Masters of Flip A home blighted Games With Rachel Riley and JB Gill. 7.00 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cole and Sam Lovegrove experience by termite and water damage. 7.40 Would I Lie to You? Panel show. 8.00 S.W.A.T. DEA agent
mixed results at the Stafford Show. 7.00 Buying and Selling 8.20 QI With Sean Lock. Katrina Walsh’s son is kidnapped.
8.00 Cycling: Women’s Tour A couple search for a new home. 9.00 QI XL Double bill. Featuring guest 9.00 The Rookie Nolan and Talia
Highlights Action from stage two. 8.00 Dinner Date Robbie looks for love. panellists Aisling Bea, Holly Walsh and lose control of a crime scene.
9.00 World Superbike Highlights 9.00 Ferne McCann: First Time Nikki Bedi; with Stephen K Amos, 10.00 Fringe Sci-fi mystery.
Action from the Algarve. Mum Ferne decides to try ice skating. Susan Calman and Lou Sanders. 11.00 How I Caught the Killer. Police
10.00 FILM The Matrix Reloaded 10.00 Botched Terry Dubrow operates 11.00 Taskmaster 12.00m’t Mock the investigations. 12.00m’t Britain’s Most
(2003/15) Sci-fi thriller sequel, starring on a transgender woman’s breast. Week 12.40 Have I Got a Bit More Evil Killers 1.00 The Force: North East
Keanu Reeves. ★★★ 12.45am Lethal 11.00 Love Island USA 11.55 The Only News for You 1.40 Would I Lie to You? 2.00 Police Force: Australia 3.00
Weapon 1.40 The Professionals Way Is Essex 12.45am Unwind With 2.15 QI 2.50 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Highway Patrol 4.00 Motorway Patrol
2.35-3.00am Unwind With ITV ITV 1.00-7.00am Teleshopping Worrier 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping 5.00-6.00am Nothing to Declare
F’VIEW 11 t SKY 130 t VIRGIN 140 t F’SAT 147 SKY 114 t VIRGIN 123 SKY 112 t VIRGIN 132 Alibi
6.00am Il Volo with Placido Domingo 8.00am The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 9.00 6.00am Teleshopping 8.00 Impractical SKY 132 t VIRGIN 126
8.15 Brunelleschi’s Impossible Dome Everybody Hates Chris 10.00 Parks Jokers: Inside Jokes 11.00 My Wife 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch
9.05 Tales of the Unexpected 10.00 and Recreation 11.00 Our Cartoon and Kids 1.00pm Friends Mysteries 9.00 Rizzoli & Isles 10.00
Discovering 11.00 The Art of President 12.30pm Silicon Valley 1.45 Unforgettable 11.00 Hudson & Rex
6.00 Friends Six episodes. A power 12.00noon Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder
Architecture 12.00noon Rembrandt Curb Your Enthusiasm 3.00 Modern cut exposes Chandler to temptation; Mysteries 1.00 Death in Paradise 2.00
from the National Gallery, London, and Family 4.00 Will & Grace 5.00 30 Rock Ross and Monica’s grandmother dies; Murdoch Mysteries 4.00 The Good Wife
the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 1.00 5.30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Thanksgiving does not go as planned; 5.00 Rizzoli & Isles 6.00 Unforgettable
Tales of the Unexpected 2.00 6.30 Silicon Valley Double bill. The gang celebrates New Year’s Eve; 7.00 Hudson & Rex 8.00 Death in
Discovering 3.00 Tate Britain’s Great 7.40 Curb Your Enthusiasm Comedy. Chandler’s mother visits; Rachel ends Paradise. A dead body turns up in the
British Walks 4.00 The Yardbirds: Music her relationship with Paolo. police station. 9.00 Happy Valley. Catherine
9.00 Bored to Death Double bill. A receives a tip-off regarding Tommy’s
Icons 4.30 Video Killed the Radio Star newly single Jonathan gets kidnapped; 9.00 FILM Coming to America
5.00 Tales of the Unexpected whereabouts. 10.20 Why Women Kill.
Jonathan is hired to retrieve a book. (1988/15) An African prince journeys to Alma celebrates finally being admitted into
6.00 Discovering: Robert Mitchum 10.15 Miracle Workers: Oregon Trail the USA to escape an arranged the Garden Club11.20 The Good Wife
7.00 Landmark The Wales heat. 10.45 The Tonight Show Starring marriage and search for a worthy wife. 12.20am Unforgettable 1.15 Ms Fisher’s
8.00 The Michelangelo Code: Jimmy Fallon American chat show. Comedy, starring Eddie Murphy. ★★★★ Modern Murder Mysteries 2.25 Briarpatch
Secrets of the Sistine Chapel 11.20 FILM Beverly Hills Cop II 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping
11.40 The Late Late Show with James
10.15 James Brown: Live Corden 12.30am Hitmen: Reloaded (1987/15) Comedy thriller sequel, Animal Planet
11.35 Soundbreaking 12.35am The Art 1.30 Code 404 2.00 Wellington starring Eddie Murphy and Judge
SKY 162 t VIRGIN 251
of Architecture 1.35 The Sixties Paranormal 2.50 Black Monday 4.00 Reinhold. ★★ 1.20am Baywatch 2.20
2.35 Discovering: Neil Young 30 Rock 4.30 Everybody Hates Chris South Park 3.40 The Daily Show 4.15 6.00am Teleshopping 8.00 Treehouse
3.05-4.00am Master of Photography 5.00-6.00am Teleshopping The Middle 5.00-6.00am Teleshopping Masters 9.00 My Cat from Hell 11.00
Amanda to the Rescue 1.00pm Crikey!
It’s the Irwins 2.00 Treehouse Masters
GOLD Nat Geo Discovery 4.00 Dr Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet 5.00 Pit
Bulls & Parolees 8.00 Big Cat Tales 9.00
SKY 110 t VIRGIN 124 SKY 129 t VIRGIN 266 SKY 125 t VIRGIN 250 The Zoo: San Diego 10.00 My Cat from
Hell 12.00m’t Animal Cops Miami 2.00
7.30am Ever Decreasing Circles 8.35 8.00am Air Crash Investigation 10.00 6.00am Wheeler Dealers 7.00 Dive Alaska: Homestead Rescue 3.00 Finding
Hi-de-Hi! 9.20 Porridge 10.00 Last of Car S.O.S. 12.00noon Europe from Wars Australia 8.00 Building Off the Bigfoot 3.50 Crikey! It’s the Irwins 4.40
the Summer Wine 11.20 Keeping Up Above 1.00 Dinosaurs from the Deep: Grid 9.00 Edge of Alaska 10.00 Diesel Nature’s Strangest Mysteries: Solved
Appearances 12.00noon Dad’s Army Drain the Ocean 2.00 Drain the Oceans: Brothers 11.00 Wheeler Dealers 5.00-6.00am Teleshopping
12.40 Ever Decreasing Circles 1.20 Hi- Lost Worlds of the Mediterranean 12.00noon Junkyard Empire 1.00 Gold
de-Hi! 2.00 Porridge 2.40 The Vicar of 3.00 Air Crash Investigation 5.00 Rush: Parker’s Trail 3.00 Flying Wild TCM Movies
Dibley 4.00 Keeping Up Appearances ISS: 24/7 On A Space Station Alaska 4.00 Alaska: Homestead SKY 315 t VIRGIN 415
4.40 Last of the Summer Wine 6.00 Car S.O.S. Double bill. The hosts Rescue 5.00 Wheeler Dealers 6.00am Hollywood’s Best Film Directors
6.00 Porridge A cuppa causes a stir. take on a Car SOS emergency; the 6.00 Fast ’n’ Loud The team tries to 6.35 Off Set 6.50 Cow Country (1953/U)
guys head to County Durham. get a 1964 Galaxie ready for auction. ★★★ 8.30 The Lusty Men (1952/U)
6.35 Hi-de-Hi! Classic comedy. ★★★★ 10.50 The Cowboys (1972/PG)
8.00 Rise Again: Tulsa and the Red 7.00 Outback Truckers A cyclone
7.20 Dad’s Army The men head off for ★★★ 1.30pm Law of the North (1932/PG)
a weekend at a training camp. Summer Following the excavation of a threatens tanker driver Michael’s load. ★★★ 2.50 Assignment in Brittany (1943/
possible mass grave in Tulsa. 8.00 Kindig Customs The team PG) ★★★ 4.55 Cattle Annie and Little
8.00 The Vicar of Dibley Double bill.
10.00 Rise Up: The Legacy of Nat secretly refits a 1932 Roadster. Britches (1980/PG) ★★★ 6.50 El Paso
9.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys Comedy. Turner Documentary about a slave 9.00 Gold Rush Gold miners of the (1949/PG) ★★ 9.00 Breakdown (1997/15)
10.00 Sandylands Comedy drama. revolt in pre-Civil War America. Yukon put everything on the line Thriller, starring Kurt Russell. ★★★★ 10.55
10.40 Mrs Brown’s Boys Comedy. in the hopes of striking it rich. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976/18) Clint
11.00 Nazi Megastructures 12.00m’t Eastwood Western. ★★★★★ 1.45am
11.20 The Young Ones 12.05am Peep Hitler’s Last Stand 1.00 WWII’s 11.00 Combat Dealers 12.00m’t Gold Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954/U)
Show 1.15 Marley’s Ghosts 1.55 Mrs Greatest Raids 2.00 Seconds from Rush 2.00 Deadliest Catch 3.00 Gold ★★★★★ 3.45 TCM Shorts: Ben Miller Off
Brown’s Boys 2.40 The Young Ones Disaster 3.00-5.00am Air Crash Rush 4.50 Gold Divers 5.40-6.00am Set 4.00 Close Up 5.00-6.00am
3.15-4.00am Ever Decreasing Circles Investigation: double bill How It’s Made. Wooden model aircraft. Hollywood’s Best Film Directors
BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4
F’VIEW 1 t SKY 101 t VIRGIN 101 t F’SAT 101 F’VIEW 2 t SKY 102 t VIRGIN 102 t F’SAT 102 F’VIEW 3 t SKY 103 t VIRGIN 103 t F’SAT 103 F’VIEW 4 t SKY 104 t VIRGIN 104 t F’SAT 104
6.00am Breakfast 9.15 Rip Off Britain 6.30am Escape to the Country (R) 6.00am Good Morning Britain 6.00am Countdown (R) 6.40 Cheers
10.00 Defenders UK 10.45 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment news. (R) 7.35 The King of Queens (R)
Claimed and Shamed (R) 11.15 8.00 See Hear 8.30 Beechgrove 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat 9.00 Frasier (R) 10.30 Ramsay’s
Homes Under the Hammer (R) 9.00 BBC News at 9 and lifestyle features. Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
12.15pm Bargain Hunt (R) 10.00 BBC News 11.00 11.30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R)
Politics Live Conference 2021 12.30pm Loose Women Celebrity 12.30pm Steph’s Packed Lunch
1.00 BBC News; Regional News
interviews and topical debate.
1.45 Doctors Valerie visits a patient 1.00pm Head Hunters Quiz. (R) 2.10 Countdown Word game.
1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather
who thinks she is his daughter. 1.45 Eggheads Quiz show. (R) 3.00 A Place in the Sun (R)
2.15 Unbeatable Quiz. (R) 2.15 Celebrity Painting Challenge 1.55 Regional News; Weather
4.00 Chateau DIY Helen and Matt
3.00 Escape to the Country Mariella Frostrup presents. (R) 2.00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories have to hoist a four-poster
A couple looking to move from 3.15 An Island Parish: Anguilla (R) The barrister examines the case through a window.
Scotland to rural Wiltshire. (R) of a fire that ravaged a mansion
3.45 Curiosity James and Simon in Shropshire village in 2008. 5.00 Four in a Bed The rivals stay
3.45 Garden Rescue An exotic take on Kim and Scott. (R) at the Kirkstyle Inn in Perth.
garden in Ruddington. (R) 3.00 Winning Combination Quiz.
4.30 Glorious Gardens from Above 5.30 The Perfect Pitch (8/20)
4.30 Antiques Road Trip Margie Gardens in Staffordshire. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Coin-drop quiz. The campers visit Folly Farm
Cooper tries her hand at pottery. 5.15 Flog It! From Newcastle. (R) 5.00 The Chase Quiz show. campsite, and the zoo and
5.15 Pointless Low-scoring quiz. 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of 6.00 Regional News; Weather adventure park next door.
6.00 BBC News; Regional News Games With Roger Black. 6.25 Party Political Broadcast 6.00 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R)
6.55 Party Political Broadcast 6.30 Strictly: It Takes Two By the Conservative Party. 6.30 Hollyoaks The day of
By the Conservative Party. With Janette Manrara. 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather Brody’s funeral arrives. (R)
7.00 The One Show With Sam 7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road 7.00 Emmerdale Meena has 7.00 Channel 4 News
Quek and Jermaine Jenas. Trip Old friends David Gower David in her control, and 7.55 Young Carers: Stand Up
7.30 Boots and Beards – Our and Nick Hancock take a road Rodney continues his to Cancer The story of Lola,
Lives The story of a Scots- trip through Hampshire on campaign to win back Diane. Isabelle and Blossom.
Asian hillwalking group helping a search for antiques. (R) 7.30 Coronation Street Kevin 8.00 Location, Location,
people from ethnic minority 8.00 Your Home Made Perfect is concerned that something Location Kirstie Allsopp and
backgrounds explore the Architects Damion Burrows has happened to Abi. Phil Spencer search North
great outdoors, gathering and Will Foster compete using 8.00 Heathrow: Britain’s Wales and Cheshire for a couple
again after a year in lockdown. virtual reality to remodel a Busiest Airport Staff at who need more space, and
8.00 The Repair Shop 1990s build in Milton Keynes. Heathrow prepare for the arrival retirees moving from Scotland
The craftspeople turn their 9.00 Catching a Predator of Air Force 1, and although the to the Manchester area.
attention to a vintage steel- The story of the investigation airport is quieter than usual, it is 9.00 Grand Designs Kevin
bodied acoustic guitar, a into serial male attacker still a huge effort logistically to McCloud meets Cumbrian
precious toy doll, a sculpture Reynhard Sinaga, the biggest make sure things run smoothly. couple Rob and Ruth, who
broken in an earthquake and case of its kind in British legal 8.30 Coronation Street Zeedan have bought a 200-year-old
a well-travelled leather trunk. (R) history. With exclusive access is infuriated when his promo former blacking mill and plan
9.00 28 Up: Millennium to Greater Manchester Police’s event flops, while Daniel gives to slot in a new, timber-clad
Generation (2/2) Part two of investigation from 2017 to Summer a confidence boost. structure within its walls. But
two. The documentary catches 2019, this film tells the story of 9.00 Hollington Drive (2/4) the original building is a
up with cerebral palsy sufferer Sinaga’s horrific crimes and his Theresa and Helen are trying scheduled monument and
Talan, who is moving into his eventual conviction, when he to make sense of the children’s Historic England inform them
own home, and Stacey, who was prosecuted in 2020 for 159 stories when Hollington Drive it is too dangerous to repair,
is starting a new chapter in counts of rape and other sexual is rocked once again after giving them no choice but to
her life after teaching in China. offences, against 48 men. a dead body is discovered. rebuild the ancient mill.
10.00 BBC News; Regional News 10.00 Mock the Week Dara O 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.00 Sex Actually with Alice
10.35 The Earthshot Prize: Briain and Hugh Dennis mark 10.30 Regional News; Weather Levine (3/3) Alice explores
Repairing Our Planet the end of 2020 with a special 10.45 Peston Political magazine the world of sex and wellness,
(3/5) The documentary looks at show looking back on the show presented by Robert meeting a tantric influencer,
the global issue of air pollution. year’s events along with unseen Peston, featuring major a man on a journey of sexual
11.35pm The Mating Game Natural material and outtakes. (R) interviews with MPs, topical discovery and a woman who
history series. (R) 12.35am Ambulance. 10.30 Newsnight The day’s events. runs ‘sexual goddess’ courses.
guests and cultural figures.
Cameras follow the staff of North West 11.05pm The Love Triangle Dating
11.15pm FILM Selma (2014/12) In 11.40pm British Touring Car
Ambulance Service as they care for the show featuring couples who are
people of Lancashire. A call to help 1965, civil rights campaigner Dr Martin Championship Highlights Steve Rider wanting to try a polyamorous
a patient who is threatening to jump off Luther King Jr plans a peaceful march presents the best action from the relationship. (R) 12.05am The Great
a bridge requires an urgent response across Alabama which will change eighth meeting of the season from British Bake Off: An Extra Slice.
during a busy day shift. The police history. Fact-based drama, starring Silverstone, which features the 22nd, With Jo Brand. (R) 1.00 Ramsay’s
advise a serious road traffic accident David Oyelowo and Tom Wilkinson. 23rd, and 24th races of the campaign. Kitchen Nightmares USA (R) 1.50
on the motorway, while a later call ★★★★ 1.15am See Hear. Magazine 12.55am Home Shopping 3.00 FYI Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back (R)
reporting a stabbing turns out to be for the deaf and hard of hearing. With Extra 3.15 Cooking with the Stars. 2.45 FILM Solace (2015/15) Crime
a hoax – leaving call handler Elly feeling voiceover. (R) 1.45 A House Through Emma Willis and Tom Allen host the thriller, starring Anthony Hopkins. ★★★
frustrated and angry. (R) 1.35 Weather Time. A factory owner with a history celebrity cookery series. (R) 4.05 4.25 Location, Location, Location (R)
for the Week Ahead. Latest forecast. of questionable business dealings. (R) Unwind With ITV 5.05-6.00am 5.20 Beat the Chef (R) 5.45-6.00am
1.40-6.00am BBC News. Headlines. 2.45-6.30am This Is BBC Two Tipping Point. Coin-drop quiz. (R) Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
Catching A
9pm, BBC Two 6 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy
Vine 11.15 Nightmare Tenants,
This fascinating
Slum Landlords (R) 12.10pm documentary Scotland & Wales
5 News at Lunchtime 12.15 explores the
Police Interceptors (R) inside story of the BBC Scotland
investigation into 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland 7.00pm
1.15 Home and Away See 6.00pm. Scotland’s Sacred Islands with Ben Fogle.
1.45 Neighbours See 5.30pm. serial male rapist An island pilgrimage following the ancient
2.20 A Deceitful Mother: Lies That Reynhard Sinaga. sea roads of the Inner Hebrides. 8.00
Kill (2020/PG) Thriller, starring The trial of the Roaming in the Wild. Mark and Andrew
Manchester-based head to Assynt in the north of Scotland to
Tanya Clarke. ★★★ seek out the Northern Lights. 8.30
4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Malaysian mature Landward. The increase in marine animal
Sun Looking for a bar to rent. (R) student became disturbances in Ullapool. 9.00 The Nine
5.00 5 News at 5 Headlines. the biggest rape 10.00 Two Doors Down 10.30 Debate
case in British Night. Topical debate. 11.30pm-12.00m’t
5.30 Neighbours Aaron and David David Wilson’s Crime Files
panic as they realise their legal history.
daughter has been taken. (R) BBC One Scotland
6.00 Home and Away The all- As BBC One except: 2.15pm Politics
nighters are taking their
toll on Ryder and Chloe. (R)
ITV2 ITV3 Scotland 3.00-3.45 Unbeatable 6.30
Reporting Scotland 6.55-7.00 Party
F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115 Political Broadcast. By the Scottish
6.30 Eggheads Quiz show. Conservative Party. 11.35 Debate Night
6.00am FYI Extra 6.15 Love Bites 6.00am Classic Coronation Street 7.00 12.35-1.35am The Mating Game
7.00 The Gadget Show (2/12) 7.20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Heartbeat
Jon takes to the skies to put Emmerdale 8.30 You’ve Been Framed! 9.05 Man About the House 9.35 BBC One Wales
Apple’s highly-impressive Gold 9.30 Ellen’s Game of Games George and Mildred 10.40 A Touch As BBC One except: 6.30pm BBC Wales
AirPods Max to the test, and 10.30 Dress to Impress 11.30 Love of Frost 12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Today; Weather 6.55-7.00 Party Political
Broadcast. By the Welsh Conservatives
Harry Wallop shares tips Bites 12.30pm Emmerdale 1.00 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Classic 10.30 BBC Wales Live; Weather 11.05 The
revealing how to save money You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.00 The Coronation Street 3.50 A Touch of Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet
on bicycle insurance. Followed Ellen DeGeneres Show 3.00 Dress to Frost 5.50 The Darling Buds of May 12.05am The Mating Game 1.05
by 5 News Update Impress 4.00 Secret Crush 5.00 Totally 6.55 Wycliffe The Cornish detective Ambulance 2.05-6.00am BBC News
8.00 This Week on the Farm You’ve Been Framed! Gold investigates a suspected kidnapping.
(4/7) Peter Wright heads to 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase With 8.00 Endeavour A famous thief STV
Oti Mabuse and John Thomson. attempts to steal a Faberge egg. As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm STV News;
Scarborough to find out about Weather 6.00-6.25 STV News at Six;
the damage plastic waste 7.00 Superstore Double bill. 10.05 Blue Murder Janine is called in Weather 10.30 STV News; Weather
causes to local marine life, and 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Double bill. when an army battalion is rocked by 10.40 Scotland Tonight 11.05 Peston
Reuben Owen puts a new 9.00 Family Guy Four episodes. the murder of a NCO, but finds herself 12.00m’t-12.55am Junk and Disorderly
electric tractor to the test. 11.00 Family Guy 11.25 American Dad! falling for the officer who sought out
Followed by 5 News Update 12.25am Bob’s Burgers 1.20 her aid. Richard Fleeshman guests. ITV Wales
Superstore 2.15 Totally Bonkers 11.35 Wycliffe 12.45am The Darling As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm ITV News
9.00 Iceland with Alexander Guinness World Records 3.05 FYI Buds of May 1.50 Man About the Cymru Wales. The day’s headlines.
Armstrong (1/3) Extra 3.20 Unwind With ITV House 2.20 Unwind With ITV 6.00-6.25 ITV News Wales at Six
The presenter embarks on 3.30-6.00am Teleshopping 2.30-6.00am Teleshopping 10.30-10.45pm ITV News Cymru Wales
a journey across Iceland,
traversing the full breadth of
the country to discover more BBC Four Drama 6.00am Cyw 11.00 Dysgu Gyda Cyw:
F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158 Darllen ’Da Fi 11.05 Ben a Mali a’u Byd
about Iceland’s unique culture, Bach O Hud 11.20 Do Re Mi Dona 11.35
wildlife and landscapes. Shwshaswyn 11.45 Y Diwrnod Mawr
7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00am Teleshopping 7.40 A Place to
12.00noon Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd
10.00 Million Pound Journeys Michael Portillo catches a Call Home 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic 12.05 Dau Gi Bach 12.30 Heno 1.00
glimpse of Edwardian life on celluloid. Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty
Motorhomes A look at the 12.00noon The Bill 1.00 Classic
Ceffylau Cymru 1.30 Sgwrs Dan y Lloer
country’s most impressive 7.30 The Joy of Painting An oval 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
painting inspired by autumn. EastEnders 2.20 Peak Practice 3.20 Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
motorhomes, beginning with Bergerac 4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet Tywydd 3.05 Cynefin 4.00 Awr Fawr: Caru
a couple who are having their 8.00 Wild Brazil The animals look
for breeding partners. Last in series. 5.20 Birds of a Feather. Sitcom. Canu 4.05 Sam Tan 4.15 Cei Bach 4.30
own off-road vehicle built that 6.00 Bread Adrian has his poems Pablo 4.45 Sbarc 5.00 Stwnsh:
can deal with any terrain. (R) 9.00 Enslaved with Samuel L Rhyfeddodau Chwilengoch a Cath Ddu
Jackson A team of journalists published, so buys gifts for the family. 5.25 Boom! 5.35 Potsh 5.55 Ffeil 6.00 Ar
11.00pm FILM The Fifth Element 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Helga reports the
examine the transatlantic slave trade. Werth 6.25 Darllediad Gwleidyddol gan y
(1997/PG) A 23rd-century New York location of the paintings to the Colonel. Ceidwadwyr Cymreig 6.30 Bois y Rhondda
cab driver protects a mysterious 10.00 NEW Restoring the Earth:
The Age of Nature Documentary 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine 6.57 Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno 7.30
woman destined to save the world Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 8.00 Pobol y
from destruction. Sci-fi adventure, series about nature’s resilience. Hobbo finds a suitor for Stella.
Cwm. Jason confronts Mickey for what
starring Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman 10.55 From Ice to Fire: The 8.00 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries he did to Amanda. 8.25 Y Byd yn ei Le.
and Milla Jovovich. ★★★★ 1.25am Incredible Science of Temperature An radical left-wing politician’s Guto Harri discusses hot topics of the
The 21.co.uk Live Casino Show 3.25 Exploring the temperature scale. illegitimate daughter is kidnapped. week. 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd
11.55 From Ice to Fire: The Incredible 10.00 New Tricks Detective drama. 9.00 Trysorau Gareth Edwards. The former
Entertainment News on 5 3.35 Michael rugby player selects 10 items of
Portillo: Our Housing Crisis – Who’s Science of Temperature 12.55am The team tracks a possible serial killer.
memorabilia for a new exhibition. 10.00
to Blame? (R) 4.15 Inside the Tube: Great British Railway Journeys 1.25 11.20 Bad Girls. Prison drama. Am Dro! 11.00-11.35pm Wyt Ti’n Iawn?
Going Underground (R) 5.05 House Enslaved with Samuel L Jackson 12.35am Waking the Dead 2.55 Life The experiences of a group of farmers
Doctor (R) 5.35-6.00am Milkshake! 2.25-3.15am As 10pm on Mars 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping who have been affected by mental health.
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am The Saint 6.50 The Adventures 7.00am The Real Housewives of 7.35am Yianni: Supercar Customiser 6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 Highway
of Sherlock Holmes 7.50 Dempsey Cheshire 8.00 Buying and Selling 8.00 Timber Kings 9.00 Storage Hunters Patrol 8.00 Motorway Patrol 9.00 Police
and Makepeace 8.55 The Professionals 9.00 LittleBe 12.00noon Unboxed UK 10.00 American Pickers 12.00noon Force: Australia 10.00 Police Ten 7
10.00 Minder 11.10 The Saint 12.15pm 12.30 The Real Housewives of Top Gear 1.00 Red Bull Soapbox 11.00 Nothing to Declare 12.00noon
The Big Match Revisited 1.20 The Potomac 1.25 The Real Housewives of Race 2.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Border Patrol 1.00 Road Wars 2.00
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 2.30 Cheshire 2.25 The Only Way Is Essex USA 3.00 Top Gear 4.00 Red Bull Border Security: Canada’s Front
Dempsey and Makepeace 3.40 The 3.10 Million Dollar Listing: LA 4.05 The Soapbox Race 5.00 Rick Stein’s India Line 3.00 Nothing to Declare 4.00
Professionals 4.45 Minder. Drama. Real Housewives of New Jersey 5.00 6.00 QI XL With guest Aisling Bea. Stargate Atlantis 5.00 Star Trek:
5.55 The Big Match Revisited The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Next Generation. Sci-fi drama.
7.00 Richard Osman’s House of
7.00 Junk and Disorderly 6.00 Masters of Flip Kortney and 6.00 Star Trek: Enterprise
Dave take on their biggest project yet. Games With Rachel Riley and JB Gill.
8.00 Cycling: Women’s Tour 7.00 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
7.00 Buying and Selling Jonathan 7.40 Would I Lie to You? With James 8.00 S.W.A.T. Crime drama.
Highlights All the best bits from stage Acaster, Gabby Logan and Fay Ripley.
three of the AJ Bell Women’s Tour. Scott tackles the unusual layout. 9.00 Britain’s Most Evil Killers
9.00 World Rally Championship 8.00 Dinner Date Damien from 8.20 QI With Jo Brand and Jack Dee. A profile of killer John Sweeney.
Highlights Action from Finland. Lancashire looks for love. 9.00 QI XL With Josh Widdicombe. 10.00 Fringe Mystery drama.
10.00 FILM The Matrix Revolutions 9.00 Billie and Greg: The 10.00 Outsiders The pairs try to 11.00 How I Caught the Killer 12.00m’t
(2003/15) Sci-fi sequel, starring Keanu Family Diaries Reality series. demonstrate various skills in barbering. Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 The
Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. ★★★★ 10.00 The Only Way Is Essex 11.00 Live at the Apollo 12.00m’t Force: North East. Documentary.
12.40am Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers 11.00 Love Island USA. Relationship- Mock the Week 12.40 Have I Got 2.00 Police Force: Australia 3.00
1.40 The Professionals 2.40 Unwind based reality show. 12.55am Unwind a Bit More Old News for You 1.45 Highway Patrol 4.00 Motorway Patrol
With ITV 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping With ITV 1.00-7.00am Teleshopping Would I Lie to You? 2.30-3am QI 5.00-6.00am Nothing to Declare
6.00am Breakfast 9.15 Rip Off Britain 6.30am Escape to the Country (R) 6.00am Good Morning Britain 6.00am Countdown (R) 6.40 Cheers
10.00 Defenders UK 10.45 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment news. (R) 7.35 The King of Queens (R)
Claimed and Shamed (R) 11.15 8.00 Gardeners’ World (R) 9.00 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat 9.00 Frasier (R) 10.30 Ramsay’s
Homes Under the Hammer (R) BBC News at 9 10.00 BBC and lifestyle features. Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
11.45 The Queen’s Baton Relay News 12.15pm Politics Live 11.30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R)
12.30pm Loose Women Celebrity
12.30pm Bargain Hunt (R) 1.00 Head Hunters Quiz show. (R) interviews and topical debate. 12.30pm Steph’s Packed Lunch
1.00 BBC News; Regional News 1.45 Eggheads Quiz show. (R) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2.10 Countdown Gameshow.
1.45 Doctors Karen lashes out. 2.15 Celebrity Painting Challenge 1.55 Regional News; Weather 3.00 A Place in the Sun A search
2.15 Unbeatable Quiz show. (R) The artists tackle landscapes. (R) 2.00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories for a home in Alicante. (R)
3.00 Escape to the Country 3.15 An Island Parish (R) The cases of Dr Ian Paterson, 4.00 Chateau DIY Helen and Matt
A couple searching for a house 3.45 Curiosity Gameshow. (R) and a burglar who targeted get ready to open their chateau
in rural North Yorkshire. (R) 4.30 Glorious Gardens from Above a village for 10 years. to guests on Valentine’s Day.
3.45 Garden Rescue An Australia- With Christine Walkden. (R) 3.00 Winning Combination Quiz 5.00 Four in a Bed At Hazeldene
meets-Scotland garden in 5.15 Flog It! Valuing antiques at De show, hosted by Omid Djalili. Guest House in Perth.
Cambourne, Cambridgeshire. (R) Montfort Hall, Leicestershire. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Coin-drop quiz. 5.30 The Perfect Pitch The campers
4.30 Antiques Road Trip Margie 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh explore the Preseli Hills.
Cooper and Paul Martin search Games With Roger Black. presents as Helen, Inaam, 6.00 The Simpsons Ned Flanders’
for antiques in Cornwall. 6.30 Strictly: It Takes Two Janette George and Deborah take part. home is destroyed. (R)
5.15 Pointless Low-scoring quiz. Manrara dishes up all the latest 6.00 Regional News; Weather 6.30 Hollyoaks Sienna and Damon
6.00 BBC News; Regional News backstage gossip on the show. 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather hit another bump in the road. (R)
7.00 The One Show Ronan 7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road 7.00 Emmerdale Charles 7.00 Channel 4 News
Keating and Rylan Clark-Neal Trip Paralympians and gold has a covert meeting in the 7.55 Courtney and Cameron’s
host the live magazine show medal winners Danny Crates woods, and Marlon orders Story: Stand Up to Cancer
featuring a mixture of celebrity and Liz Johnson shop their way Bob to stay away from April. A tale about a duo both having
chat and stories of interest. around Suffolk and Essex. (R) 7.30 How Green Is Your treatment for cancer. Courtney
7.35 EastEnders Dotty invites 8.00 The Hairy Bikers Go North Supermarket? Tonight meets Cameron in hospital
mum Sandy for a chat, The duo explore an area close Jonathan Maitland examines and the pair think that they will
Bernie starts to worry about to Dave’s heart – Cumbria and the Green credentials of be blood brothers for life. (R)
Rainie’s behaviour and Bobby the Lake District. They cook a Britain’s biggest supermarkets, 8.00 Joe Lycett’s Got Your
has an idea to help Martin. breakfast, a summer vegetable and asks what we can do as Back Jo Brand joins Joe as
8.00 Shop Well for Less? strudel and a Thai feast. consumers to play our part? he goes on a mission to make
Alex Jones and Steph 9.00 Don’t Exclude Me (2/2) 8.00 Emmerdale Tracy cries with Britain’s beaches more
McGovern try to help the Miller Marie Gentles continues her relief, and Marlon blames Bob eco-friendly by banning cheap
family in North Lincolnshire, with work at Hilton Hall Primary when April turns on him. polystyrene bodyboards. Plus,
parents Wes and Mel wanting School, helping Oscar, six, 8.30 The Martin Lewis Money comedian Joanne McNally
to save up for their wedding and Olivia, nine, deal with Show: Live Martin Lewis investigates diet fads and the
after 10 years together. (R) behavioural issues that are continues to answer questions team explores online shopping
9.00 Ambulance (2/6) Dec and reaching a point of crisis. on family finances, household fraud loopholes. Last in series.
Nicole are dispatched to an Olivia’s outbursts mean that bills, and consumer rights. 9.00 Taskmaster (3/10) Greg
eight-week-old baby who has her relationships with staff 9.00 Savile: Portrait of a Davies sets more tasks to
stopped breathing. Dec also have deteriorated. Meanwhile, Predator Documentary a team of celebs comprising
cares for the parents of the Marie’s work with Oscar looking inside the criminal world of Alan Davies, Desiree Burch,
infant, who have been left reaches a crucial moment with of Jimmy Savile, one of Britain’s Guz Khan, Morgana Robinson
fearful for the outcome. an outburst in the playground. most prolific sex offenders. and Victoria Coren Mitchell.
10.00 BBC News; Regional News 10.00 QI Sandi Toksvig looks at 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.00 Hunting the Football
10.35 Question Time Fiona Bruce sugar and spice and all things A fresh perspective on the Trolls – Jermaine Jenas
presents the topical debate, nice with Alice Levine, Jason major stories of the day. The growing problem of online
inviting a panel of politicians Manford, Rose Matafeo and 10.30 Regional News; Weather trolling focusing on the abusive
and other guests to answer series regular Alan Davies. 10.45 Gordon, Gino & Fred Go tweets targeted at Marcus
questions from a virtual 10.30 Newsnight Headline analysis. Greek! After indulging in the Rashford, Jadon Sancho and
audience on subjects that have 11.15pm The Ranganation unique produce of the Greek Raheem Sterling in the 24
made the headlines this week. Comedy show in which a group of 20 islands, Gordon, Gino and Fred hours after the Euros final.
members of the public get the chance head to the Greek capital 11.05pm 24 Hours in Police Custody
11.35pm Newscast Adam Fleming, to have their say on the state of A brawl breaks out in front of a Luton
Laura Kuenssberg and Chris Mason modern Britain. (R) 12.00m’t Fever Athens in a campervan. (R) takeaway. (R) 12.05am Mo Gilligan:
discuss the week’s biggest stories on Pitch: The Rise of the Premier League. 11.50pm Paul O’Grady’s Saturday Black, British and Funny (R) 1.05
their weekly round-up from A look at the rise of the celebrity Night Line Up Paul puts questions, Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins (R)
Westminster. 12.05am Blankety Blank. footballer, symbolised by David scenarios and dilemmas to Bill Bailey, 2.00 Taskmaster. Gameshow. (R) 2.55
Bradley Walsh hosts a revival of the Beckham and the breed of players Mel B, Ross Kemp and Nicola Adams. Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Paint the
comedy quiz show. With Adjoa Andoh, who were starting to resemble rock (R) 12.30am Home Shopping 3.00 Dragons’ Eyes (R) 3.10 Ramsay’s
Martine McCutcheon, Johnny Vegas, stars more than sportsmen. (R) FYI Extra 3.30 How Green Is Your Kitchen Nightmares USA (R) 4.00
Jimmy Carr, Chizzy Akudolu and Joe 1.00 Strictly Come Dancing (R) 3.15 Supermarket? Tonight (R) 3.55 Couples Come Dine with Me (R) 4.50
Swash. (R) 12.40 Weather for the Week Strictly Come Dancing: The Results (R) Unwind With ITV 5.05-6.00am Tipping Location, Location, Location (R)
Ahead 12.45-6.00am BBC News 4.10-6.15am This Is BBC Two Point. Coin-drop quiz show. (R) 5.45-6.00am Jamie’s Comfort Food (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
Don’t Exclude Me
9pm, BBC Two
At Milton Hall Primary, 7 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy behavioural specialist
Vine 11.15 Nightmare Tenants, Marie Gentles helps
Slum Landlords (R) 12.10pm six-year-old Oscar and Scotland & Wales
5 News at Lunchtime 12.15
Police Interceptors (R)
nine-year-old Olivia BBC Scotland
confront their anger- 12.00noon First Minister’s Questions
1.15 Home and Away See 6.00pm. 1.00pm This Is BBC Scotland 7.00 LIVE
related issues. Olivia’s
1.45 Neighbours See 5.30pm. outbursts mean she’s Sportscene Live. Denmark Under-21s v
2.20 Tracking a Killer (2021/PG) Scotland Under-21s (kick-off 7.05pm).
currently spending 9.00 The Nine 10.00 The Scotts 10.30
Premiere. Drama, starring Laurie precious little time in Best of Chewin’ the Fat. Highlights of the
Fortier and Ashton Leigh. ★★ the classroom. But for comedy sketch show. 11.00pm-12.00m’t
4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Oscar, a playground Slavery: Scotland’s Hidden Shame
Sun A pest controller who tantrum might just
lives on the Costa del Sol. (R) BBC One Scotland
mark the start of a As BBC One except: 11.15-11.45am
5.00 5 News at 5 Headlines. significant turnaround. Homes Under the Hammer 6.30-7.00pm
5.30 Neighbours Three households Reporting Scotland; Weather
are thrown into chaos. (R)
6.00 Home and Away Jasmine and BBC One Wales
Cash’s romance blossoms. (R) ITV2 ITV3 As BBC One except: 6.30-7.00pm BBC
Wales Today. The day’s headlines; Weather
6.30 Eggheads ’Midlife Crisis’ F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115
take on the regular team.
6.00am FYI Extra 6.15 Secret Crush 6.00am Classic Coronation Street 7.00 BBC Two Wales
7.00 Autumn Gardening With 7.20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Heartbeat As BBC Two except: 11.15pm it’s My
Carol Klein The gardening Emmerdale 8.30 Coronation Street 9.10 Man About the House 9.45 Shout 11.30pm-12.00m’t Coast
expert reveals some of the 9.30 Ellen’s Game of Games 10.30 George and Mildred 10.20 A Touch of
seasonal changes since the Dress to Impress 11.30 Secret Crush Frost 12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Classic
last trip to Glebe Cottage in the 12.30pm Emmerdale 1.00 Coronation Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm STV News;
Street 2.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Weather 6.00-6.30 STV News at Six;
spring. Followed by 5 News Street 3.50 A Touch of Frost 5.55 Weather 7.30-8.00 Scotland Tonight.
8.00 The World’s Most 3.00 Dress to Impress 4.00 Secret The Darling Buds of May. Drama. Current affairs show. 10.30 STV News
Scenic Railway Journeys Crush 5.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.00 Wycliffe The detective applies 10.45 How Green Is Your Supermarket?
(2/6) In Anchorage, Alaska, 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase his intuition to a fatal shooting. Tonight. Examining the Green credentials
7.00 Superstore Double bill. 8.00 Vera A crime of passion is of Britain’s biggest supermarkets. 11.10
cameras focus on the flagship Gordon, Gino & Fred Go Greek! 12.15am
service the Denali Star, a luxury 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Double bill. suspected when a former policeman Paul O’Grady’s Saturday Night Line Up
passenger train and part of 9.00 Hell’s Kitchen The chefs is stabbed to death, but Vera uncovers 12.55-3.00am Home Shopping
the great Alaska Railroad fleet. compete in their first team challenge. a more complex case involving the
Followed by 5 News Update 10.00 NEW The Emily Atack Show hostile takeover of a brewery. ITV Wales
9.00 All Creatures Great and 10.45 Family Guy Animation. 10.00 Blue Murder The team As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm ITV News
11.15 Family Guy 11.45 American Dad! investigates the death of a private Cymru Wales; Weather 6.00-6.30 ITV
Small (4/6) It’s an important detective. Caroline Quentin stars. News Wales at Six; Weather 10.30-
day for Tristan in more ways 12.40am Bob’s Burgers. Comedy.
1.40 Superstore 2.30 The Stand Up 11.05 Wycliffe 12.10am Honour 1.10 10.45pm ITV News Cymru Wales
than one, as he celebrates his Sketch Show 3.25 Unwind With ITV The Darling Buds of May 2.15 Unwind
birthday and Siegfried gives him 3.30-6.00am Teleshopping With ITV 2.30-6.00am Teleshopping
new responsibilities as a vet. 6.00am Cyw 12.00noon Newyddion S4C
a’r Tywydd 12.05 Pysgod i Bawb 12.30
Tristan has to withstand the
pressure and succeed in the BBC Four Drama Heno 1.00 Mynyddoedd y Byd 2.00
Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
challenge set by his brother F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158 Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
before celebrating his birthday. Tywydd 3.05 Am Dro! 4.00 Awr Fawr:
7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00am Teleshopping 7.40 A Place to Tomos a’i Ffrindiau 4.10 Sblij a Sbloj 4.20
10.00 Ambulance: Code Red Journeys Michael Portillo visits Call Home 8.35 The Bill 9.35 Classic Oli Wyn 4.30 Digbi Draig 4.45 Deian a Loli
Heaton Park in Manchester. Holby City 10.55 Classic Casualty 5.00 Stwnsh: Y Doniolis 5.10 Ar Goll yn Oz
Critical care paramedic Pete
7.30 The Joy of Painting Artist Bob 12.00noon The Bill 1.00 Classic 5.30 Mabinogi-ogi a Mwy 5.55 Ffeil 6.00
Edwards and the Midlands Air EastEnders 2.20 Peak Practice 3.20 Lowri Morgan: Her 333 6.25 Darllediad
Ambulance Trauma Team are Ross paints a mountain landscape.
Bergerac 4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, Gwleidyddol gan Plaid Cymru 6.30 Rownd
dispatched to give life-saving 8.00 A House Through Time a Rownd 6.57 Newyddion S4C 7.00 Heno
Charting history through the successive Pet 5.20 Birds of a Feather. Comedy.
treatment to a motorcyclist who 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 8.00
inhabitants of a house in Newcastle. 6.00 Bread Classic sitcom. Pobol y Cwm. Sioned is forced to make a
has been thrown off his bike. (R) 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Rene is sent to
11.05pm FILM Tomb Raider 9.00 FILM The Babadook (2014/15) big decision. 8.25 Rownd a Rownd. Caitlin
(2018/12) A kickboxing heiress risks Horror, starring Essie Davis. ★★★★★ photograph the invasion plans. and Mali finalise their protest plans
7.20 Last of the Summer Wine against the chicken factory. 8.55
her life to save her missing father when 10.30 Mark Kermode’s Secrets of Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 9.00 Bois y
Cinema The critic dissects the horror Hobbo’s quest to find a man for Stella
she discovers a clue to his location. Rhondda. The boys go camping. 9.30
Action adventure, starring Alicia genre, revealing how filmmakers leads him to put up an advertisement. Rygbi Pawb. Rugby union magazine
Vikander and Dominic West. ★★★★ exploit people’s darkest fears. 8.00 Dalziel & Pascoe A housewife show. 10.15 Welsh Whisperer – Ni’n Teithio
1.00am The 21.co.uk Live Casino 11.30 FILM Hitchcock’s Shower dies of chemical poisoning, leading Nawr. The Welsh Whisperer travels north
Show 3.00 Entertainment News on 5. Scene: 78/52 (2017/15) Documentary the detectives to suspect terrorism. to Sarn Meyllteyrn to meet locals.
looking at the enduring legacy of the 10.00 New Tricks A pathologist joins 10.45-11.50pm Drych: Jason Mohammad
Showbiz news. 3.10 One Night with – Trelai, Y Terfysg a Fi. Jason Mohammad
My Ex (R) 4.00 Secrets of British iconic shower scene in Psycho. the team. Guest starring Timothy West. looks back on the riots in the Ely estate in
Factories (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) ★★★★ 12.55am Great British Railway 11.20 Bad Girls. Prison drama. Cardiff in 1991, to discover why the
5.10 House Doctor (R) 5.35 Fireman Journeys 1.25 Wild Brazil 2.25-3.25am 12.30am Waking the Dead 2.55 Life incident happened and how it has
Sam (R) 5.45-6.00am Paw Patrol (R) A House Through Time. Documentary. on Mars 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping impacted the lives of residents.
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am Great World Cup Goals 6.10 7.00am The Real Housewives of 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Yianni: 6.00am Teleshopping 7.00 Highway
The Saint 7.00 The Adventures of Cheshire 8.00 Buying and Selling 9.00 Supercar Customiser 8.00 Timber Patrol 8.00 Motorway Patrol 9.00 Police
Sherlock Holmes 7.55 Dempsey and LittleBe 12.00noon Unboxed 12.30 Kings 9.00 Storage Hunters UK 10.00 Force: Australia 10.00 Police Ten 7
Makepeace 9.05 The Professionals The Real Housewives of Potomac 1.25 American Pickers 12.00noon Top Gear 11.00 Nothing to Declare 12.00noon
10.10 Minder 11.15 The Saint 12.20pm The Real Housewives of Cheshire 2.25 1.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race 2.00 Border Patrol 1.00 Road Wars
The Big Match Revisited 1.25 The The Only Way Is Essex 3.10 Million Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA: double 2.00 Border Security: Canada’s Front
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 2.40 Dollar Listing: LA 4.05 The Real bill 3.00 Top Gear 4.00 Red Bull Line 3.00 Nothing to Declare 4.00
Dempsey and Makepeace 3.45 The Housewives of New Jersey 5.00 The Soapbox Race 5.00 Rick Stein’s India Stargate Atlantis 5.00 Star Trek:
Professionals 4.50 Minder. Drama. Real Housewives of Atlanta The Next Generation. Sci-fi drama.
6.00 QI XL With Josh Widdicombe.
5.55 The Big Match Revisited 6.00 Masters of Flip Kortney and 6.00 Star Trek: Enterprise
Dave take on a house with great chi. 7.00 Richard Osman’s House of
7.00 Junk and Disorderly Games With Rachel Riley and JB Gill. 7.00 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
8.00 Cycling: Women’s Tour 7.00 Buying and Selling Jonathan 8.00 S.W.A.T. Jim is in the spotlight.
and Drew Scott help a widower. 7.40 Would I Lie to You?
Highlights Highlights from stage four of 9.00 Agatha Raisin Part two of two.
the AJ Bell Women’s Tour, held between 8.00 Dinner Date Jessica from 8.20 QI With Ruby Wax and Sean Lock.
10.00 Fringe A train station is
Shoeburyness and Southend in Essex. Manchester picks three blind dates. 9.00 QI XL With Sindhu Vee. devastated by an explosion.
9.00 FILM Casino Royale (2006/12) 9.00 Vanderpump Rules Jax and 10.00 Late Night Mash Fake news. 11.00 How I Caught the Killer 12.00m’t
Spy thriller, starring Daniel Craig. ★★★★ Brittany tie the knot in a lavish ceremony. 11.00 British as Folk 12.00m’t Mock Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 The
12.05am FILM The Matrix (1999/15) 10.00 Totally Unbelievable the Week 12.40 Have I Got a Bit More Force: North East. Documentary.
Sci-fi action thriller, starring Keanu 11.00 Love Island USA 11.55 The Only News for You 1.40 Would I Lie to You? 2.00 Police Force: Australia 3.00
Reeves. ★★★★★ 2.40 Unwind With Way Is Essex 12.45am Unwind With 2.15 QI 2.45 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Highway Patrol 4.00 Motorway Patrol
ITV 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping ITV 1.00-7.00am Teleshopping Worrier 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping 5.00-6.00am Nothing to Declare
F’VIEW 11 t SKY 130 t VIRGIN 140 t F’SAT 147 SKY 114 t VIRGIN 123 SKY 112 t VIRGIN 132 Alibi
6.00am LA Philharmonic Centennial 8.00am The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 9.00 6.00am Teleshopping 8.00 Impractical SKY 132 t VIRGIN 126
Birthday Gala 7.40 Sir Simon Rattle Everybody Hates Chris 10.00 Parks Jokers: Inside Jokes 11.00 My Wife 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 Murdoch
9.00 Tales of the Unexpected 10.00 and Recreation 11.00 Our Cartoon and Kids 1.00pm Friends Mysteries 9.00 Rizzoli & Isles 10.00
Discovering 11.00 The Art of President 12.30pm Silicon Valley 2.20 Unforgettable 11.00 Hudson & Rex
6.00 Friends Six episodes. Rachel 12.00noon Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder
Architecture 12.00noon National Curb Your Enthusiasm 3.00 Modern confesses all; Ross draws up a list of Mysteries 1.00 The Coroner. Crime
Treasures: The Art of Collecting 1.00 Family 4.00 Will & Grace 5.00 30 Rock Rachel’s good and bad points; Phoebe drama. 2.00 Murdoch Mysteries 4.00
Tales of the Unexpected 2.00 5.30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air learns the truth about her father; Joey The Good Wife 5.00 Rizzoli & Isles 6.00
Discovering 3.00 Landmark 4.00 6.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air gets a part in a daytime soap; Carol and Unforgettable 7.00 Hudson & Rex.
Chicago 4.30 Video Killed the Radio Carlton’s former girlfriend arrives. Susan prepare to tie the knot; Part one Thriller. 8.00 The Coroner. A body washes
Star 5.00 Tales of the Unexpected 6.30 Silicon Valley Triple bill. of two. Joey dates a crazed fan. ashore. 9.00 Why Women Kill. Alma
6.00 Discovering: Humphrey Bogart decides to run for the vacated presidency.
8.15 Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry 9.00 Live at the Apollo With Dara 10.00 Harrow 11.00 The Good Wife
7.00 Great Film Composers: The causes a rift between expectant parents. O Briain, who offers tips on putting 12.00m’t Unforgettable 1.00 Ms
Music of the Movies A look at 9.00 Greg Davies: The Back of My smug doctors in their place. Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries 2.00
soundtracks of the 1990s. Mum’s Head Stand-up comedy 10.00 The Complaints Department Briarpatch 4.00-6.00am Teleshopping
8.00 The Undiscovered Tony from the Lowry in Salford. Jimmy Carr, Russell Kane, Geoff Norcott
Hancock A profile of the comedian. 10.45 The Tonight Show Starring and Sarah Keyworth, are quizzed by Animal Planet
9.00 Comedy Legends Jimmy Fallon American chat show. Jimmy Carr on funny complaints. SKY 162 t VIRGIN 251
10.00 Chris O’ Dowd: Off Camera 11.45 Hitmen: Reloaded 12.45am The 11.00 Asian Provocateur 12.00m’t 6.00am Teleshopping 8.00 Treehouse
11.15 The Movies 12.15am The Late Late Show with James Corden Michael McIntyre’s Big Show 1.00 Bob’s Masters 9.00 My Cat from Hell 11.00
Michelangelo Code 2.25-3.15am 1.35 Trollied 3.05 30 Rock 3.35- Burgers 2.00 South Park 3.40 The Daily Amanda to the Rescue 1.00pm Crikey!
Discovering: The Cure 5.00am Everybody Hates Chris Show 4.15-5.00am The Middle It’s the Irwins 2.00 Treehouse Masters
4.00 Dr Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet 8.00
Lone Star Law. Game Wardens Ben and
GOLD Nat Geo Discovery Chelsea discover illegal drugs. 9.00
Louisiana Law. A reckless hunter is
SKY 110 t VIRGIN 124 SKY 129 t VIRGIN 266 SKY 125 t VIRGIN 250 investigated for shooting down a highway.
10.00 My Cat from Hell. Documentary.
6.00am Teleshopping 7.30 Ever 8.00am Air Crash Investigation 10.00 6.00am Wheeler Dealers 7.00 Dive 12.00m’t Animal Cops Miami 2.00
Decreasing Circles 8.35 Hi-de-Hi! 9.20 Car S.O.S. 12.00noon Europe from Wars Australia 8.00 Building Off the Alaska: Homestead Rescue 3.00
Porridge 10.00 Last of the Summer Above 1.00 World’s Biggest Battleship: Grid 9.00 Edge of Alaska 10.00 Diesel Finding Bigfoot 3.50 Crikey! It’s the
Wine 11.20 Keeping Up Appearances Draining the Ocean 2.00 Drain the Brothers 11.00 Wheeler Dealers Irwins 4.40 Nature’s Strangest Mysteries:
12.00noon Dad’s Army 12.40 Ever Ocean: Egypt’s Lost Wonders 3.00 Air 12.00noon Junkyard Empire 1.00 Gold Solved 5.00-6.00am Teleshopping
Decreasing Circles 1.20 Hi-de-Hi! 2.00 Crash Investigation: double bill 5.00 Rush: Parker’s Trail 3.00 Flying Wild
Porridge 2.40 The Vicar of Dibley 4.00 Mars: Inside SpaceX. Documentary. Alaska 4.00 Alaska: Homestead TCM Movies
Keeping Up Appearances 4.40 Last of 6.00 Car S.O.S. Double bill. The Rescue 5.00 Wheeler Dealers SKY 315 t VIRGIN 415
the Summer Wine. Classic comedy. hosts are off to Wolverhampton; Tim 6.00 Fast ’n’ Loud The crew sets out 6.00am Hollywood’s Best Film Directors
6.00 Porridge Prison comedy. and Fuzz take on a 1973 saloon. to reconstruct a 1968 Ford F-100 truck. 7.10 Off Set 7.35 The Wild Westerners
8.00 Wicked Tuna Captain Dave 7.00 Outback Truckers Steve is (1962/U) ★★★ 9.10 Torpedo Run
6.35 Hi-de-Hi! Classic sitcom. (1958/U) ★★★ 11.10 Silver River (1948/
7.20 Dad’s Army Wartime comedy. Marciano fishes in a secret location. hauling a big load across three deserts. PG) ★★★ 1.30pm Valerie (1957/PG) ★★★
9.00 Alaska: The Next Generation 8.00 Kindig Customs The ’67 GTO is 3.20 Wild Bill Hickok Rides (1942/U) ★★★
8.00 The Vicar of Dibley Double bill. Temperatures drop to record lows. ready for its debut, but the team isn’t 5.05 Raiders of the South (1947/U) ★★★
9.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys Comedy. 10.00 Alaska State Troopers Officers sure about Dave’s colour choice. 6.20 The Cowboys (1972/PG) Western,
10.00 Sandylands Comedy drama. hunt for an armed and suicidal criminal. 9.00 Naked and Afraid XL A decision starring John Wayne. ★★★ 9.00 Fire with
10.40 Lenny Henry’s Race puts a survivalist’s challenge at risk. Fire (2012/15) Action thriller, starring Josh
11.00 Nazi Megastructures 12.00m’t Duhamel. ★★★ 11.05 The Andromeda
Through Comedy Documentary. Hitler’s Last Stand. Documentary. 11.00 Combat Dealers 12.00m’t Naked Strain (1971/PG) ★★★ 1.50am El Paso
11.40 Peep Show. Comedy. 12.50am 1.00 WWII’s Greatest Raids 2.00 and Afraid XL 2.00 Deadliest Catch (1949/PG) ★★ 3.45 TCM Shorts: Ben
The Vicar of Dibley 2.05 The Rebel Seconds from Disaster 3.00- 3.00 Naked and Afraid XL 4.50 Gold Miller Off Set 4.00 Close Up 5.00-6.00am
2.40-3.25am Marley’s Ghosts 5.00am Air Crash Investigation Divers 5.40-6.00am How It’s Made Hollywood’s Best Film Directors
BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4
F’VIEW 1 t SKY 101 t VIRGIN 101 t F’SAT 101 F’VIEW 2 t SKY 102 t VIRGIN 102 t F’SAT 102 F’VIEW 3 t SKY 103 t VIRGIN 103 t F’SAT 103 F’VIEW 4 t SKY 104 t VIRGIN 104 t F’SAT 104
6.00am Breakfast 9.15 Rip Off Britain 6.15am Homes Under the Hammer 6.00am Good Morning Britain 6.00am Countdown (R) 6.40 Cheers
10.00 Defenders UK 10.45 (R) 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Entertainment news. (R) 7.35 The King of Queens (R)
Claimed and Shamed (R) 11.15 8.00 Chris and Meg’s Wild 10.00 This Morning Celebrity chat 9.00 Frasier (R) 10.30 Ramsay’s
Homes Under the Hammer (R) Summer (R) 8.30 Mortimer & and lifestyle features. Kitchen Nightmares USA (R)
12.15pm Bargain Hunt Whitehouse: Gone Fishing (R) 11.30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R)
12.30pm Loose Women Celebrity
1.00 BBC News; Regional News 9.00 BBC News at 9 10.00 BBC 12.30pm Steph’s Packed Lunch
interviews and topical debate.
1.45 Unbeatable Quiz. (R) News 12.15pm Politics UK 2.10 Countdown Word game.
1.30 ITV Lunchtime News; Weather
2.30 The Repair Shop A wartime 1.00 Head Hunters Quiz. (R) 3.00 A Place in the Sun A quest for
1.55 Regional News; Weather
bicycle car is restored. (R) 1.45 Eggheads Quiz show. (R) a home in Mazarron, Spain. (R)
2.00 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories
3.00 Escape to the Country Ginny 2.15 Celebrity Painting Challenge Robert Rinder examines the 4.00 Chateau DIY Some unwanted
Buckley helps a couple to find The semi-final. (R) murders of police officers Nicola wildlife is found in a chimney.
a rural retreat in Norfolk. (R) 3.15 An Island Parish The island Hughes and Fiona Bone. (R) 5.00 Four in a Bed The B&Bers
3.45 Garden Rescue Charlie and the hosts its annual carnival. (R) 3.00 Winning Combination Quiz confront each other.
Rich brothers come to the aid 3.45 Curiosity Gameshow. (R) show, hosted by Omid Djalili. 5.30 The Perfect Pitch (10/20)
of Elizabeth from Brighton. (R) 4.30 Glorious Gardens from Above 4.00 Tipping Point Coin-drop quiz, The campers set up at
4.30 Antiques Road Trip Margie Exploring Hampshire. (R) hosted by Ben Shephard. Fishguard Bay Resort.
Cooper and Paul Martin head 5.15 Flog It! From Longleat. (R) 5.00 The Chase Strategic quiz show, 6.00 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R)
for Plymouth. Last in series. 6.00 Richard Osman’s House hosted by Bradley Walsh. 6.30 Hollyoaks Liberty tries to
5.15 Pointless Low-scoring quiz. of Games With Jo Brand. 6.00 Regional News; Weather convince Damon to let go of his
6.00 BBC News; Regional News 6.30 Strictly: It Takes Two Gossip. 6.30 ITV Evening News; Weather resentment towards Sienna. (R)
7.00 The One Show With Ronan 7.00 MOTDx Jermaine Jenas and 7.00 Emmerdale Diane has 7.00 Channel 4 News
Keating and Angellica Bell. the rest of the team are back to regrets. An accident gives Including sport and weather.
7.30 Question of Sport (6/36) look at Premier League culture. Rodney an opportunity. Bob 7.30 Unreported World Ayshah
With four Olympic medallists 7.30 Inside Culture (3/7) Mary feels pleased with himself. Tull reports on the indigenous
from Tokyo – modern Beard asks why we are drawn 7.30 Coronation Street Alya and women going missing without
pentathlete Kate French, diver to literature, theatre, TV and film Zeedan fight back against a trace in the wilderness of the
Jack Laugher, boxer Karriss that take us ’back to school’. Debbie, while Kevin demands United States, in instances that
Artingstall and BMX freestyler 8.00 Grand Tours of Scotland’s information from Tez. often become cold cases.
Charlotte Worthington. Lochs Paul Murton explores 8.00 Simply Raymond Blanc 8.00 The Great British Bake Off:
8.00 EastEnders Dotty finds her the lochs of Skye, learns how The chef cooks a sensationally An Extra Slice Jo Brand
frustrations increasing when to throw a spear, discovers a fresh flash-fried squid, with chews over recent events
mum Sandy comes under fire. Viking ship canal, and stands a fennel and rocket salad. (R) from the contest, joined by fans
8.30 Richard Osman’s House of on the roof of the Cuillins. (R) 8.30 Coronation Street Zeedan’s of the show Aisling Bea, Martin
Games Night Famous faces 8.30 Gardeners’ World Monty father-in-law spells out exactly Kemp and Melvin Odoom.
test their general knowledge. Don and the team celebrate the what he wants. James looks Plus, an interview with the
9.00 Have I Got News for You wonder of trees, and explore forward to a bright future. Kevin week’s eliminated baker.
(1/10) More famous faces and the role they play in our gardens leaves Abi a heartfelt voicemail. 9.00 Gogglebox The armchair
a guest host join in the fun on and the wider landscape. 9.00 Grantchester (6/8) critics share their opinions on
the satirical current affairs quiz. 9.30 The North Water (5/5) The The leader of a student CND what they have been watching
9.30 The Cleaner (5/6) Wicky priest takes care of Sumner, group falls to her death from during the week, with cameras
meets with a social media explaining that he has spent a college building while staging capturing their instant reactions
influencer with millions of many months as a missionary a protest, and Will and Geordie and the lively discussions that
followers, whose home is the for the Inuits, attempting to discover her demise is not as are prompted by the week’s
scene of a fatal electrocution. convert them. Last in series. accidental as it appears. biggest and best TV shows.
10.00 BBC News; Regional News 10.30 Newsnight The day’s events. 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.00 The Last Leg Adam Hills,
10.35 The Graham Norton Show 11.05pm Blair & Brown: The New 10.30 Regional News; Weather Josh Widdicombe and Alex
(3/22) The host is joined by Labour Revolution Examining the 10.45 Rocky IV (1985/PG) The Brooker are joined by celebrity
actress Andie MacDowell, who careers of those at the heart of New Italian Stallion agrees to help guests for a comic review
discusses her Netflix ‘dramedy’ Labour, featuring interviews with the Apollo Creed train for a match of the significant moments
Maid, and Billy Porter, the key players involved in a movement against a seemingly invincible of the past seven days.
that still divides opinion to this day. The 11.05pm First Dates A sexual health
award-winning singer and star boxer from the Soviet Union,
series begins in 1983, when Labour advisor with two soon-to-be-married
of New York-set drama Pose. suffered a savage election defeat and only to see his friend die as
daughters goes looking for love, and a
11.25pm FILM Sliding Doors two young Labour MPs entered a result of injuries sustained in
part-time singer enjoys an evening with
(1998/15) A London woman’s entire Parliament for the first time. Tony Blair the fight. Rocky vows to avenge
a professional magician. (R) 12.10am
future hinges on whether or not she and Gordon Brown came from very him, and prepares to take on Murder Island. Murder mystery with
catches a train. In one version of different backgrounds, but they shared the Russian heavyweight in his a twist – the amateur investigators are
events, she gets the chance to start the same burning ambition – to make own country. Drama sequel, members of the public, competing to
afresh and lead a happy new life, but Labour electable again. (R) 12.05am starring Sylvester Stallone. ★★ find the killer and pocket themselves
in the other she is stuck supporting Dementia & Us. Groundbreaking series 12.20am Sorry, I Didn’t Know Panel £50,000. (R) 1.05 FILM Behind
her lazy, unfaithful boyfriend. Comedy following people with dementia and show. (R) 12.45 Home Shopping 3.00 Enemy Lines (2001/12) Bosnian War
drama, starring Gwyneth Paltrow. their families over the course of two FYI Extra 3.15 Rolling in It (R) 4.05 drama, starring Gene Hackman. ★★
★★★ 1.00am Weather for the Week whole years. (R) 1.05 Panorama (R) Unwind With ITV 5.05-6.00am Winning 2.50 Come Dine with Me 5.10-6.05am
Ahead 1.05-6.00am BBC News 1.35-6.00am This Is BBC Two Combination. Omid Djalili hosts. (R) Location, Location, Location (R)
★★★★★ brilliant ★★★★ very good ★★★ good ★★ average ★ bad
Channel 5
F’VIEW 5 t SKY 105 t VIRGIN 105 t F’SAT 105
9pm, ITV
Will and Geordie don’t 8 OCTOBER
6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine exactly see eye to eye,
11.15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum we discover tonight,
Landlords (R) 12.10pm 5 News when it comes to the Scotland & Wales
12.15 Police Interceptors (R)
1.15 Home and Away See 6.00pm.
thorny issue of nuclear BBC Scotland
disarmament. So let’s 12.00noon This Is BBC Scotland 7.00pm
1.45 Neighbours See 5.30pm. hope they can at least The Seven 8.00 Our Planet Now –
2.15 Death and Deceit: Martha’s put their differences Scotland Climate Change Special. How
Vineyard Mysteries 2 (2020/ Scotland’s innovators and experts are
to one side for long tackling the world’s climate emergency.
PG) Mystery drama, starring enough to catch 9.00 Guilt. Thriller, starring Mark Bonnar.
Jesse Metcalfe. ★★★ whoever’s accidentally- 10.00 Still Game. Jack and Victor are left
4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the on-purpose shoved minding the shop. 10.30 A View from the
Sun West Midlander Vince Terrace 11.30pm-12.00m’t Up for It
a student CND leader
rushes to get his bar ready. (R)
5.00 5 News at 5 Headlines.
off the roof of a BBC One Scotland
college building. As BBC One except: 6.30pm Reporting
5.30 Neighbours Tensions are high Scotland 6.55-7.00 Party Political
between several caretakers. (R) Broadcast by the Scottish Greens. By the
6.00 Home and Away Nikau plans Scottish Green Party. 7.30-8.00
to keep Bella from getting rid
of her camera for good. (R)
ITV2 ITV3 Landward. The increase in marine animal
disturbances in Ullapool. 11.25 Question
F’VIEW 6 t SKY 118 t VIRGIN 115 t F’SAT 113 F’VIEW 10 t SKY 119 t VIRGIN 117 t F’SAT 115 of Sport 11.55 A View from the Terrace
6.30 Eggheads Quiz show. 12.55am FILM Sliding Doors (1998/15)
6.00am FYI Extra 6.15 Secret Crush 6.00am Classic Coronation Street 7.00 Comedy drama. ★★★ 2.30 Weather for the
7.00 The Thames with Tony 7.20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Heartbeat Week Ahead 2.35-6.00am BBC News
Robinson (7/8) The presenter Emmerdale 9.00 You’ve Been Framed! 9.10 Man About the House 9.45
starts his journey in Richmond Gold 9.30 Ellen’s Game of Games George and Mildred 10.20 A Touch of BBC One Wales
upon Thames, at Hampton 10.30 Dress to Impress 11.30 Secret Frost 12.40pm Heartbeat 1.45 Classic As BBC One except: 3.00-3.45pm
Court Palace, a 1,000-room Crush 12.30pm Emmerdale 1.30 Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Coronation Bargain Hunt 6.30 BBC Wales Today
You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.00 The 6.55-7.00 Party Political Broadcast by Plaid
residence which was King Street 3.50 A Touch of Frost 5.55 Cymru. By Plaid Cymru. 11.25 Match of
Henry VIII’s favourite. Followed Ellen DeGeneres Show 3.00 Dress The Darling Buds of May the Day Wales 11.55 FILM Sliding Doors
by 5 News Update to Impress 4.00 Secret Crush 5.00 6.55 Wycliffe Two grieving widows (1998/15) Comedy drama, starring
You’ve Been Framed! Hall of Framed lay rival claims to a corpse. Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah.
8.00 The Cotswolds with Pam
6.00 Catchphrase Celebrity Special 8.00 Doc Martin Double bill. A bug ★★★ 1.30-6.00am BBC News
Ayres (4/4) The poet visits the
Oxfordshire town of Burford for 7.00 Superstore Double bill. sweeps through Portwenn; Louisa
8.00 Bob’s Burgers Double bill. tries to help one of her pupils.
BBC Two Wales
a look around Cotswold Wildlife As BBC Two except: 7.30-9.30pm LIVE
Park, a place she’s been visiting 9.00 Hell’s Kitchen The teams go 10.05 Blue Murder Part two of two. Scrum V. Ospreys v Sharks (kick-off
for decades. Pam feeds some head to head in a speed challenge. As the murder investigation steps up 7.35pm). 11.05 It’s My Shout 11.20
of the endangered lemurs, 10.00 Family Guy Triple bill. following Shap’s confession, Janine Inside Culture 11.50pm-12.05am Coast
11.25 American Dad! 12.25am Bob’s tries to make amends with her son
before locking horns with one
of its mightiest residents. Burgers 1.20 Superstore 2.15 Totally Tom. Caroline Quentin stars. STV
Bonkers Guinness World Records 3.05 11.10 Wycliffe 12.15am Honour 1.15 As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm STV News;
Followed by 5 News Update FYI Extra 3.20 Unwind With ITV The Darling Buds of May 2.20 Unwind Weather 6.00 STV News at Six; Weather
9.00 Susan Calman’s Grand 3.30-3.30am Teleshopping With ITV 2.30-6.00am Teleshopping 6.25-6.30 Party Political Broadcast.
Day Out on the Norfolk By the Scottish Green Party. 10.30-
Broads The comic’s second
run of excursions begins on the BBC Four Drama 10.45pm STV News. Headlines; Weather
Norfolk Broads as she hits the F’VIEW 9 t SKY 116 t VIRGIN 107 t F’SAT 107 F’VIEW 20 t SKY 143 t VIRGIN 130 t F’SAT 158 ITV Wales
road in her vintage campervan. As ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm ITV News
7.00pm Irish Rock at the BBC 6.00am Teleshopping 7.30 A Place to Cymru Wales 6.00 ITV News Wales at Six;
A compilation of archive performances. Call Home 8.20 The Bill 9.25 Classic Weather 6.25-6.30 Party Political
10.00 1984: The 30 Greatest Hits Broadcast. By Plaid Cymru. 10.30-
8.00 TOTP: 1991 Double bill. With Holby City 10.50 Classic Casualty
Suggs counts down the 30 12.00noon The Bill 1.00 Classic 10.45pm ITV News Cymru Wales
biggest pop anthems from the Brothers in Rhythm, Utah Saints,
Oceanic and Simply Red; with EastEnders 2.20 Peak Practice
year, featuring hits from Prince, Hannah and Her Sisters, Rozalla, 3.20 Bergerac 4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, S4C
Madonna, Frankie Goes to Bizarre Inc and Sabrina Johnston. Pet 5.20 Birds of a Feather 6.00am Cyw 12.05pm Newyddion S4C a’r
Hollywood, Cyndi Lauper and Tywydd 12.15 Datganiad Covid-19 1.00
9.00 Citizens of Boomtown: 6.00 Bread Mrs Boswell takes a trip. Garejis: Dan y Bonet 1.30 Bois y Rhondda
Tina Turner. The Madness The Story of the Boomtown Rats 6.40 ’Allo ’Allo! Michelle reveals her 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
frontman also takes viewers on Documentary telling the story of the love for Rene. Kirsten Cooke stars. Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
a nostalgic tour of some of the Irish band led by singer Bob Geldof. 7.15 Last of the Summer Wine Tywydd 3.05 Llanw 4.00 Awr Fawr: Timpo
most important cultural events Hobbo learns that Howard and Toby 4.10 Halibalw 4.20 Sigldigwt 4.35 Blero yn
10.30 Sight and Sound in Concert: Mynd i Ocido 4.45 Byd Tad-Cu 5.00
and movements that took place Boomtown Rats DJ Pete Drummond are unhappy with their love lives.
Stwnsh: Dennis a Dannedd 5.10 Cath-Od
in music and elsewhere. (R) introduces a classic concert by Bob 8.00 Father Brown Return of the 5.20 NEW Cic 5.40 Rygbi Pawb 5.55 Ffeil
1.00am The 21.co.uk Live Casino Geldof’s band from the Goldiggers crime drama, starring Mark Williams. 6.00 Pobl a’u Gerddi 6.30 Sgwrs Dan y
Show 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 nightclub in Chippenham, Wiltshire. 9.00 Miss Scarlet and the Duke Lloer 7.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd
3.10 One Night with My Ex (R) 4.00 First shown in February 1984. Crime drama set in Victorian London. 7.30 LIVE Sgorio Rhyngwladol. Czech
Republic v Wales (kick-off 7.45pm).
British Made with John Prescott (R) 11.30 The Old Grey Whistle Test 10.10 New Tricks The team reopens 10.00 Nigel Owens: Wyt Ti’n Gem?
4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.10 House 12.10am As 7pm 1.10 TOTP: 1991 the case of a murdered teacher. 10.35-11.40pm Eisteddfod AmGen: Cwt
Doctor (R) 5.35 Fireman Sam (R) 2.10-3.45am Citizens of Boomtown: 11.25 Bad Girls 12.35am Waking the Cerdd. With Lewys Meredydd, Delwyn
5.45-6.00am Paw Patrol (R) The Story of the Boomtown Rats Dead 3.00-4.00am Life on Mars Sion, Tara Bethan, Casi Wyn and Lleden.
ITV4 ITVBe Dave Pick
F’VIEW 25 t SKY 120 t VIRGIN 118 t F’SAT 117 F’VIEW 27 t SKY 131 t VIRGIN 119 t F’SAT 118 F’VIEW 19 t SKY 111 t VIRGIN 127 t F’SAT 157 F’VIEW 35 t SKY 159 t VIRGIN 165 t F’SAT 144
6.00am The Derby Through the Years 7.00am The Real Housewives of 7.10am Yianni: Supercar Customiser 7.00am Highway Patrol 8.00 Motorway
6.15 The Saint 7.05 The Adventures of Cheshire 8.00 Buying and Selling 9.00 8.00 Timber Kings 9.00 Storage Hunters Patrol 9.00 Police Force: Australia
Sherlock Holmes 8.10 Dempsey and LittleBe 12.00noon Unboxed 12.30 UK 10.00 American Pickers 12.00noon 10.00 Police Ten 7 11.00 Nothing to
Makepeace 9.10 The Professionals The Real Housewives of Potomac 1.25 Top Gear 1.00 Red Bull Soapbox Race Declare 12.00noon Border Patrol
10.20 Minder 11.30 The Protectors The Real Housewives of Cheshire 2.25 2.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Border Security:
12.00noon Great Racehorses 12.20 The Only Way Is Essex 3.10 Million 3.00 Top Gear 4.00 Red Bull Soapbox Canada’s Front Line 3.00 Nothing to
The Big Match Revisited 1.30 LIVE ITV Dollar Listing: LA 4.05 The Real Race 5.00 Rick Stein’s India Declare 4.00 Stargate Atlantis
Racing: Live from Newmarket. From Housewives of New Jersey 5.00 The 6.00 QI XL With Sindhu Vee. 5.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation
Newmarket, York and Chepstow. Real Housewives of Atlanta 7.00 Richard Osman’s House of 6.00 Star Trek: Enterprise Drama.
4.30 The Best of the 70s 4.50 Minder 6.00 Masters of Flip Dave and Games With Lolly Adefope. 7.00 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
5.55 The Big Match Revisited Kortney head into uncharted waters. 7.40 Would I Lie to You? At 8.00 S.W.A.T. Luca spots a serial
7.00 Junk and Disorderly The 7.00 Buying and Selling Helping a Christmas With Henry Blofeld. killer everyone thought was dead.
Classic Motor Show in Birmingham. couple spruce up their drab home. 8.20 QI Double bill of the quirky quiz. 9.00 Killer Neighbours A man is shot,
8.00 Cycling: Women’s Tour 8.00 Dinner Date Matt chooses to 10.00 FILM Bad Boys (1995/18) Two but there is no sign of the killer.
Highlights Action from stage five. dine with three potential sweethearts. detectives are forced to swap identities 10.00 Fringe Walter tries to trigger
9.00 FILM Quantum of Solace 9.00 Botched Double bill. A breast- as they hunt for a heroin consignment. Olivia’s memory. With Leonard Nimoy.
(2008/12) James Bond thriller, starring obsessed Brazilian seeks her 33rd Action thriller, starring Will Smith 11.00 How I Caught the Killer 12.00m’t
Daniel Craig and Olga Kurylenko. ★★★ breast surgery; a woman whose face and Martin Lawrence. ★★★★ Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 The
11.15 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite was disfigured in a motorcycle wreck. 12.30am Sliced 1.50 Would I Lie to You? Force: North East 2.00 Police Force:
1.20am Auto Mundial 1.50 Minder 11.00 Love Island USA 11.55pm- At Christmas 2.25 QI 2.55-4.00am Australia 3.00 Highway Patrol 4.00 As
2.55-3.00am Unwind With ITV 1.00am The Only Way Is Marbs Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 8am 5.00-6.00am Nothing to Declare
5.00am Get Set With Radio 1. 6.00 The Happy Hour 5.00am Radio 1 Relax. 6.00 Radio 1’s Chillout 5.00am Radio 1 Early Breakfast With Arielle Free. 7.00
From Radio 1. 7.00 Adele Roberts. 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 7.00 Sam And Danni. 10.00 Radio 1 Matt And Mollie. 10.32 Rickie, Melvin And Charlie.
Anthems. 11.02 Dean McCullough. Huge hits and the Anthems. 11.02 Dean McCullough. 1.00pm Matt And 12.45pm Newsbeat. 1.00 Scott Mills. 3.32 Vick And
best new music. 1.00pm Matt And Mollie. 4.00 Mollie. 4.00 Radio 1’s Life Hacks. 6.00 The Official Jordan. 5.45 Newsbeat. 6.00 Radio 1’s Future Sounds
Radio 1’s Dance Anthems With Charlie Hedges. 5.00 Chart. 7.00 Radio 1’s Chillest Show With Sian Eleri. With Clara Amfo. 7.00 Radio 1’s Hottest Records. 8.00
Radio 1’s Dance Anthems With Charlie Hedges. 6.00 9.00 Rock Show With Daniel P Carter. 11.00 BBC Radio 1’s Future Artists With Jack Saunders. 10.00
Radio 1’s Dance Anthems With Charlie Hedges. 7.00 Introducing On Radio 1. 12.00m’t Radio 1’s Future Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist With Sian Eleri. 11.00
1Xtra’s Takeover With DJ Target. 9.00 1Xtra’s Rap Soul With Victoria Jane. 1.30 Radio 1’s UK R&B Mix. Radio 1’s Drum & Bass Show. 1.00am Radio 1’s Drum
Show. 11.00 Radio 1’s Soundsystem. 1.00am Radio 1’s 2.00 Radio 1’s Decompression Session. 3.00 Radio 1’s & Bass Mix. 2.00 Get Set With Radio 1. 3.00 Radio 1’s
Classic Essential Mix. 3.00 Future Dance Mix With Chill Mix. 4.00-5.00am Radio 1 Dance. Workout Anthems. 4.00-5.00am Radio 1 Dance.
Sarah Story. 3.30 Pete Tong’s Hot Mix. 4.00-5.00am
Radio 1’s Dance Anthems With Charlie Hedges. RADIO 2 RADIO 2
5.00am Tracks Of My Years. 6.00 Good Morning 6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show. 9.30 Ken Bruce.
RADIO 2 Sunday. 9.00 Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs. 11.00 12.00noon Jeremy Vine. 2.00 Steve Wright In The
5.00am Radio 2 In Concert: Beverley Knight. 6.00 The Alex Jones Show. 1.00pm Elaine Paige On Sunday. Afternoon. 5.00 Sara Cox. 6.30 Sara Cox’s Half
Sounds Of The 60s With Tony Blackburn. 8.00 Dermot 3.00 Sounds Of The 70s With Johnnie Walker. 5.00 Words and Music Wower. Sara plays the biggest and best tunes to get
O’Leary. 10.00 Claudia Winkleman. 1.00pm Pick Of Paul O’Grady. 7.00 Sunday Night Is Music Night. 9.00 listeners dancing. 7.00 Jo Whiley’s Shiny Happy
The Pops. 2.00 Pick Of The Pops. 3.00 Rylan On The Sounds Of 2004. 10.00 Dr Rangan Chatterjee. 5.30pm Radio 3, Sunday Playlist. Jo plays her favourite album tracks and
Saturday. 6.00 Liza Tarbuck. 8.00 The Rock Show With 12.00m’t OJ Borg. 2.30 One Hit Wonders With OJ Borg. musical gems rarely heard on Radio 2. 7.30 Jo Whiley.
Johnnie Walker. A selection of rock tracks. 9.00 3.00 Pick Of The Pops. 4.00-6.30am Vanessa Feltz. To celebrate Coventry’s tenure as City Music and chat. 9.00 The Blues Show With Cerys
Shaggy’s Reggae Hotshots. The Jamaican-American of Culture, this episode draws Matthews. New and classic blues tracks. 10.00
singer shares some his favourite tracks of the genre. RADIO 3 inspiration from its links to the motor Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation. The DJ introduces
10.00 The Craig Charles House Party. The broadcaster 7.00am Breakfast. 9.00 Sunday Morning. 12.00noon a mix of soulful tunes. 12.00m’t OJ Borg. 3.00
presents some of his favourite funk and soul tracks. Private Passions. 1.00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. industry. Actors Martins Imhangbe Pick Of The Pops. 4.00-6.30am Vanessa Feltz.
11.30 The Craig Charles House Party Mixtape. Funk 2.00 The Early Music Show. 3.00 Choral Evensong. and Ruth Bradley read extracts by
and soul sounds. 12.00m’t Ana Matronic’s Dance 4.00 Jazz Record Requests. 5.00 The Listening RADIO 3
Devotion. 2.00 Let’s Abba Party! 4.00-5.00am TBA. Service. 5.30 Words And Music. 6.45 Sunday Feature: writers including Margaret Atwood, 6.30am Breakfast. 9.00 Essential Classics. 12.00noon
Dear Phillis. 7.30 Radio 3 In Concert. 9.00 Record Seamus Heaney and Wilfred Owen. Composer Of The Week: Julius Eastman. 1.00 Radio 3
RADIO 3 Review Extra. 11.30 Slow Radio: Homeward. 12.00m’t Lunchtime Concert. 2.00 Afternoon Concert. 4.30
7.00am Breakfast. 9.00 Record Review. 11.45 Music Classical Fix. 12.30-6.30am Through The Night. New Generation Artists. 5.00 In Tune. 7.00 In Tune
Matters. 12.30pm This Classical Life. 1.00 Inside Mixtape. 7.30 Radio 3 In Concert. 10.00 Music Matters.
Music. 3.00 Sound Of Gaming. 4.00 Music Planet. 5.00 RADIO 4 News from the music world. 10.45 The Essay:
J To Z. 6.30 Young Voices At Southbank. 7.30 Radio 3 5.30am News Briefing. 5.43 Bells On Sunday. 5.45 Telegraph Wires – Five Views Of Ted Hughes. Helen
In Concert. 10.00 New Music Show. 12.00m’t Profile. 6.00 News Headlines. 6.05 Something Mort looks at Hughes’ poems about animals. 11.00
Freeness. 1.00-7.00am Through The Night. Understood. 6.35 Natural Histories. 6.57 Weather. Night Tracks. 12.30-6.30am Through The Night.
7.00 News. 7.10 Sunday. 7.54 Radio 4 Appeal.
RADIO 4 7.57 Weather. 8.00 News. 8.10 Sunday Worship. RADIO 4
5.30am News Briefing. 5.43 Prayer For The Day. 5.45 8.48 A Point Of View. 8.58 Tweet Of The Day. 9.00 5.30am News Briefing. 5.43 Prayer For The Day. 5.45
Four Thought. 6.00 News And Papers. 6.07 Ramblings. Broadcasting House. 10.00 The Archers. 11.00 Desert Farming Today. 5.58 Tweet Of The Day. 6.00 Today.
6.30 Farming Today This Week. 6.57 Weather. 7.00 Island Discs. 11.45 Just One Thing With Michael 9.00 Start The Week. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM)
Today. 9.00 Saturday Live. 10.30 The Kitchen Cabinet. Mosley. 12.00noon News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Book Of The Week: George III. 10.00 Woman’s Hour.
11.00 The Briefing Room. 11.30 From Our Own Forecast. 12.04 Just A Minute. 12.32 The Food 11.00 The Untold. 11.30 Loose Ends. 12.00noon News.
Correspondent. 12.00noon News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Programme. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World This 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 The Reader. 12.18
Forecast. 12.04 Money Box. 12.30 The News Quiz. Weekend. 1.30 The Listening Project. 2.00 Gardeners’ You And Yours. 12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World At One.
12.57 Weather. 1.00 News. 1.10 Any Questions? 2.00 Question Time. 2.45 Green Originals. 3.00 Drama: The What’s Funny About 1.45 A Home Of Our Own. 2.00 The Archers. 2.15
Any Answers? 2.45 Just One Thing With Michael Good Earth. 4.00 Bookclub. 4.30 Art Of Now: Hong 11.30am Radio 4, Wednesday Drama: The National. 3.00 Brain Of Britain. 3.30 The
Mosley. 3.00 Drama: The Goldilocks Zone. 4.00 Kong. 5.00 File On 4. 5.40 Profile. 5.54 Shipping Food Programme. 4.00 The Dreams We Live Inside.
Weekend Woman’s Hour. 5.00 Saturday PM. 5.30 Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 Sally Phillips and Victoria Pile look Roma Agrawal explores how people experience
Political Thinking With Nick Robinson. 5.54 Shipping Pick Of The Week. 7.00 The Archers. Lilian has her architecture. 4.30 Beyond Belief. Faith in the modern
Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.15 eyes on the prize while Josh wants to have his cake back on the creation of the female- world. 5.00 PM. News headlines with Evan Davis. 5.54
Loose Ends. 7.00 Profile. 7.15 The Infinite Monkey and eat it. 7.15 Comedy From The Wilderness. James led sketch show Smack the Pony. (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock
Cage. A look at the merits of flies. Last in series. 7.45 Peak presents a report on the Wilderness Festival in News. 6.30 Just A Minute. 7.00 The Archers. Brian
It Ain’t Me You’re Looking For: Bob Dylan At 80. Sean Oxfordshire. 7.45 Miss Bessemer Saves The Train. By They talk about their favourite meets his match and Chelsea throws a spanner in the
Latham examines different kinds of endings in Dylan’s Roy Apps. 8.00 More Or Less. Numbers and statistics moments and the challenges of works. 7.15 Front Row. Arts programme. 8.00 White
songs. Last in series. 8.00 Archive On 4: The Black used in everyday life. 8.30 Last Word. The lives of bringing the series to the screen, as Mischief. New series. Curator Ekow Eshun explores the
Panthers. The history of the black militant group. 9.00 famous and less well-known people who have recently concept of whiteness. 8.30 Analysis. Edward Stourton
GF Newman’s The Corrupted. By GF Newman. 9.45 died. 9.00 Money Box. The latest from the world of well as the chances of it returning. leads a discussion of European security. 9.00 Electric
Scottish Shorts. Still Life by Margaret Kirk. Last in personal finance. 9.25 Radio 4 Appeal. On behalf of Ride UK. Peter Curran continues his electric car
series. 10.00 News. 10.15 Bringing Up Britain. Anjula Village Water. 9.30 Analysis. Peter Pomerantsev journey. Last in series. 9.30 Start The Week. Kirsty
Mutada asks if separating the sexes for education a examines how a society can survive without a Wark chairs a discussion of images of powerful
good idea. 11.00 Brain Of Britain. 11.30 Contains common identity. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The leaders. 9.59 Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight. News
Strong Language Live From Coventry. 12.00m’t News Westminster Hour. With Carolyn Quinn. 11.00 The Film round-up with Ritula Shah. 10.45 Book At Bedtime:
And Weather. 12.15 Green Originals. 12.30 New Programme. 11.30 Something Understood. 12.00m’t The Reader. By Bernhard Schlink. Read by Rupert
Frequencies. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC News And Weather. 12.15 Thinking Allowed. 12.45 Wickham. 11.00 George The Poet. 11.30 Mastertapes.
World Service. 5.20-5.30am Shipping Forecast. Bells On Sunday. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As 12.00m’t News And Weather. 12.30 Book Of The Week:
BBC World Service. 5.20-5.30am Shipping Forecast. George III. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World
RADIO 5 LIVE Service. 5.20-5.30am Shipping Forecast.
5.00am 5 Live Boxing. 6.00 Saturday Breakfast. 9.00 RADIO 5 LIVE
Scott Mills And Chris Stark. 11.00 Fighting Talk. 5.00am The Sports Desk. 5.30 5 Live Sport. 6.00 RADIO 5 LIVE
12.00noon 5 Live Sport. 3.00 5 Live Sport. 5.00 Sports 5 Live Science. 7.00 Sunday Breakfast. 10.00 Laura 5.00am Wake Up To Money. 6.00 5 Live Breakfast.
Report. 6.00 6-0-6. 8.00 Kermode And Mayo’s Film Whitmore. 12.00noon 5 Live Sport. 2.00 5 Live Sport. 9.00 Your Call. 10.00 Naga Munchetty. 1.00pm Nihal
Review. 9.00 Chris Latchem. 12.00m’t As Heard On 4.00 5 Live Sport. 4.30 5 Live Sport. 6.30 6-0-6. 9.00 Arthanayake. 4.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 The Monday Night
BBC Sounds. 1.00-5.00am Hayley Hassall. Mobeen Azhar. 1.00-5.00am Dotun Adebayo. Club. 9.00 5 Live Sport. 9.00 5 Live Rugby Union.
10.30 Colin Murray. 1.00-5.00am Dotun Adebayo.
7.00am Alan Titchmarsh. 10.00 Bill Turnbull. 1.00pm 7.00am Aled Jones. 10.00 Bill Turnbull. 1.00pm CLASSIC FM
Alexander Armstrong. 4.00 Moira Stuart’s Hall Of Fame Catherine Bott. 4.00 John Humphrys. 7.00 Smooth 11am Radio 4, Friday 6.00am More Music Breakfast. 9.00 Alexander
Concert. 7.00 Saturday Night At The Movies. 9.00 Classics At Seven. 9.00 Moira Stuart Meets. 10.00 Armstrong. 12.00noon Anne-Marie Minhall. 4.00 John
David Mellor’s Melodies. 10.00 Smooth Classics. Smooth Classics. 1.00-6.00am Bill Overton. These are tough times for farmers, so Brunning. 7.00 Smooth Classics At Seven. 8.00 The
1.00am Katie Breathwick. 4.00-7.00am Sam Pittis. what draws someone into the Classic FM Concert With John Suchet. 10.00 Smooth
RADIO SCOTLAND Classics. 1.00-6.00am Bill Overton.
RADIO SCOTLAND 6.00am Classic Scottish Albums. 6.30 Clever About industry? Hannah Jackson finds out
6.00am Classic Scottish Albums. 6.30 Out Of Doors. Cash. 7.00 Our Story. 7.30 New Every Sunday. in this new series following young RADIO SCOTLAND
8.00 Good Morning Scotland. 10.00 Shereen. 11.30 8.00 Sunday Morning. 10.00 The Sunday Show. people who are starting their farming 6.00am Good Morning Scotland. 9.00 Mornings.
The Good, The Bad And The Unexpected. 12.00noon 12.00noon Off The Ball. 2.00 Sportsound. 5.00 Your 12.00noon Lunchtime Live. 1.30 The Afternoon Show
Off The Ball. 2.00 Sportsound Rugby. 6.00 Clever About Requests With Gary Innes. 7.00 BBC Radio Scotland lives. She begins by meeting sheep With Janice Forsyth. 4.00 Drivetime. 6.00 Get It On
Cash. 6.30 Our Story. 7.00 Take The Floor. 10.00 Billy Young Traditional Musician. 9.00 Jazz Nights. 11.00 farmers during lambing season. With Bryan Burnett. 8.00 Vic Galloway. 10.00
Sloan. 1.00-6.00am As BBC Radio 5 Live. Iain Anderson. 1.00-6.00am As BBC Radio 5 Live. Iain Anderson. 12.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 FM: 97.6-99.8 MHz RADIO 5 LIVE AM: 693 & 909 KHz
RADIO 2 FM: 88-90.2 MHz CLASSIC FM FM: 99.9-101.9 MHz
RADIO 3 FM: 90.2-92.4 MHz RADIO SCOTLAND FM: 92.5–94.7 MHz
RADIO 4 FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz, LW: 198 KHz
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La dolce vita
Delicious Italian
classics to create
and enjoy at home
Aldo Zilli
We have
some great
calzone 2
recipes for
you this week. They are from INGREDIENTS
PizzaExpress From Italy With Love: For the dough:
100 Favourite Recipes To Make ★ 150ml warm water
At Home. (about 27°C)
We started our Casa Zilli ★ 1 tsp caster sugar
takeaway business at the ★ 2 level tsp dried METHOD To make the calzone:
beginning of the pandemic, yeast or 15g To make the dough: 1. While the dough is rising, heat the
making 100 pizzas for the local fresh yeast 1. Pour the warm water into a bowl oven to 230°C/210°C fan/gas mark
intensive care unit – and they are ★ 225g plain flour, and add the sugar. Stir in the dried 8. Lightly oil 2 non-stick baking trays.
still on our menu today. Of course, plus extra for yeast, or crumble fresh yeast into 2. Use one puck of dough (the other
I’ve always loved pizza and we dusting the water. Mix until it has dissolved, can be frozen). Divide it into two.
make some fantastic ones. But ★ 1½ tsp salt then cover. Leave to stand in a warm Dust your work surface with flour.
have you ever tried creating some ★ 2 tbsp extra-virgin place for about 15 minutes until Press and push each piece of
of these delicious classics at olive oil a froth develops on the surface. dough into a circle, about 26cm in
home? It’s really so simple and For the calzone: 2. Sift the flour into a large mixing diameter – slightly larger than the
everyone will love them. ★ Olive oil, for bowl, stir in the salt and make a well usual base. Place your pizza bases
A calzone is an Italian oven- greasing in the middle. on the baking trays.
baked, folded pizza, often ★ Flour, for dusting 3. When the yeast is ready, add the 3. Using a tablespoon, spread a layer
described as a turnover, and ★ 160g passata olive oil then pour the mixture into of passata over half of each pizza
made with leavened dough. I think ★ 50 slices (about the flour well and stir. base, leaving about 3cm around the
you’ll find this recipe for a nduja 100g) pepperoni 4. Lightly flour your hands and slowly edge. Put the slices of pepperoni
calzone spicy and comforting in ★ 60g nduja sausage mix the ingredients until they come over the passata, then add the nduja,
equal measure. ★ 40g red chilli together to form a dough. torn into pieces. Add the peppers
Looking for something different? peppers, from a jar 5. Generously dust a work surface and fresh chilli, then the mozzarella,
Try the pianta, which is cheese- ★ 40g hot green with flour. Tip the dough on to it and dividing them equally between the
free and is instead topped with peppers, from knead for 10 minutes until it’s smooth, pizza halves. Season with oregano
artichokes, spinach, mushrooms a jar silky and no longer sticking to your and black pepper.
and pine kernels. ★ 20g fresh red fingers. Have enough flour on the 4. Brush chilled water around the
chilli, diced surface to stop the dough being sticky, edge of each base. Fold the
★ 80g block but not so much it becomes dry. calzones over the filling so the
mozzarella, diced 6. Divide the dough into two. Lightly edges meet. Press along the edge
★ 2 pinches of oil your hands and shape the dough of each to seal together. If you have
dried oregano into two neat portions (known as a pastry crimper, run that around
Topping: pucks). A very fine layer of oil will the edges and pull away any
You can follow Aldo on Twitter ★ Olive oil, for transfer from your hands to the pucks excess dough.
@AldoZilli or @CasaZilli or find him brushing and stop them from drying out. 5. Brush each calzone with oil, top
on Instagram @aldozilli_official and
★ 4 slices (40g) 7. Put the pucks in 2 bowls, cover with 4 slices of pancetta and sprinkle
Facebook. Book a place on one
of Aldo Zilli’s Italian Cookery
pancetta, halved with clingfilm or a tea towel and leave with grated Parmesan.
Masterclasses by visiting aldozilli.com ★ 20g Parmesan in a warm place until doubled in size, 6. Place in the preheated oven and
cheese, grated about 45-60 minutes. bake for 8-10 minutes. Serve.
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A Tower
Of Strength
Balance and courage are important, but it’s people who
keep our worlds from crashing down By Sharon Haston
ate’s cava tasted sour as “I’ve always wanted to see La Sagrada Familia was
she watched the flamenco Barcelona and I need some time stunning, although Kate couldn’t
dancers. The girl swirled alone to think,” she’d insisted. help but think the exterior looked
her red and black frilled “It’s not like you to be so a bit like a melted candle. Inside,
dress as the boy danced around impulsive, Mum,” her daughter she gasped as the sun streamed
her with his arms held aloft in Emily had fretted. through the multi-coloured
a beautiful arch. Luke hadn’t said much at all. stained glass windows.
The dance was fiery and She ordered another cava. After a stroll along Las
amorous. Kate sighed. She Emily was right. Up until a few Ramblas with its bustling cafes,
couldn’t remember the last months ago, her life had been she walked among the chimneys
time she and Luke had been meticulously ordered with her job of La Pedrera. They looked like
passionate. These days it was at the bank and daily walks with stormtroopers in the Star Wars
all about whose turn it was to Jake, her beloved Labrador. films she’d loved as a teenager.
take out the bins. “It’s not my fault you were made
Once upon a time, they’d redundant,” Luke had yelled. HUGE CIRCLE
watched sunsets on a Cornish “No, but you could be more Her stomach growled, reminding
beach, so caught up in their love understanding,” she’d screamed. her it was lunchtime and she set
they hadn’t cared about the She felt as if she was off to find some tapas.
waves splashing over, and redundant from life, not just her Turning into a square, she
probably ruining, their clothes. job. The final straw had been frowned. It was teeming with
She wondered if he was when she’d lost Jake and didn’t people. She wondered if some
enjoying his fishing even have her daily kind of sport was going to take
trip. She’d texted to walk with him to place as a huge group of people
let him know she’d anchor her. wore red shirts, another group
arrived in Barcelona Luke suggested wore turquoise ones.
and received a A castell, getting another dog, “You don’t want to miss this,”
cursory thumbs up. which led to another a Spanish man, a few years older
She looked at the or human argument. How dare than her, said.
emoji on her phone.
It seemed to mock
tower, is a he think they could
just replace Jake.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“They are going to build been doing it for hundreds of
her. Everything in her tradition She forced a smile castells.” He pointed towards years. It’s very moving to watch.
life was a huge as the waiter brought the red shirts who had formed I took part until I started having
thumbs down… that goes her bill. She was a huge circle of people as a base problems with my back.”
“You can’t just jet
off to Barcelona on
back on holiday in this
beautiful city. She
upon which others had started
to climb on top of.
Kate forgot about her hunger
as she watched the human
your own!” Her best centuries should try to relax “What’s a castell?” she fanned tower grow taller.
friend Donna had and enjoy it. herself with the pretty blue fan She noticed that stronger men
been aghast. “I’ll come with you.” Next day, she was like she’d treated herself to. were the base or “tronk” as her
But Kate knew Donna would a sightseeing machine, “It’s a human tower,” the man new friend, Alessandro, explained.
hate the hustle and bustle and starting early and ticking off the replied. “It’s a tradition here in A band played light rhythmic
sightseeing in a city. suggestions in her guidebook. Catalonia,” he explained. “We’ve melodies as the red shirts, a
sense, so you are right about the couldn’t begin to imagine how
bravery,” Alessandro nodded. she would have felt if it had been
“They surely can’t go any her own granddaughter, Mia.
higher. Oh my goodness, now Her heart contracted. She
there are children!” Kate’s hand didn’t see Mia as much now
flew to her mouth. that Emily and her husband had
A small child who must only moved due to their new jobs.
have been around seven years
old was determinedly climbing THE FOUNDATION
over adults and some older She phoned Emily and a giggling
children. Kate couldn’t see her Mia told her she’d just made a
face, but she could imagine it was birthday card for Granny, but
scrunched up in concentration. she wasn’t supposed to tell.
“The tower is finished “How are you enjoying
when the enxeta, that little girl, Barcelona, Mum?” Emily asked.
reaches the top and raises her “It’s fantastic, but I’m missing
arm,” Alessandro explained. all of you,” Kate bit her lip.
At least the child was wearing “We’ll come to see you as
a helmet Kate thought as she soon as you’re home. You’ve
watched her steady ascent. been through a lot recently, Mum.
The murmurings and Enjoy the rest of your holiday.”
laughter of the crowd hushed as Kate sipped her wine. It was
everyone watched the enxeta. true. She had been through a
Kate realised that everyone, lot. But she’d been so caught
even the opposing team in the up in her misery that she’d run
turquoise shirts, wanted the away from everyone she loved.
child to reach the top. She thought of the castell and
The silence erupted into their interconnectedness. She’d
roaring cheers and applause as always thought of herself as the
the girl raised her arm in triumph foundation of their family and
at the pinnacle of the tower. now their tower was wobbling.
Kate clapped and cheered She called Luke but he didn’t
until her throat was hoarse. Tears answer. She pushed her glass
streamed down her cheeks. aside. Maybe she’d left it too
She’d never seen anything like late. The emotion of the day
this. No, she hadn’t just seen it, had caught up with her. She
she’d been part of it. There was wandered back to her hotel
a sense of togetherness and in the Gothic Quarter.
community in the crowd. Blinking, she took off her
Alessandro clasped her hand. sunglasses as she walked into
“She’s my granddaughter, the cool of the hotel reception.
Liliana,” he said proudly, tears “Kate!”
in his eyes. She spun round. Luke
“Oh, she was amazing. You strode towards her, sweeping
must be so proud,” Kate said. her into his arms.
“I am going to hug her,” he “Luke! I don’t understand.
disappeared into the crowd. How are you here?”
mixture of men and women but they help each other when Kate waved him goodbye and He shook his head. “I couldn’t
of different ages, clambered that happens, and it doesn’t resumed her search for tapas. enjoy the fishing trip for worrying
skilfully up their team’s backs stop them trying again.” As she bit into the delicious about you here, all alone. I don’t
and shoulders before standing The tower was now eight prawns in oil and garlic, she like being apart from you.”
aloft to hold up the next layer layers tall. Kate’s heart pounded. realised she hadn’t taken any She put her finger to his lips.
of people in the tower. She was willing them to photos of the castell. She had “I’m glad you’re here.”
Kate was spellbound. She succeed, terrified in case the been too transfixed watching it, As they made their way,
counted seven layers of people climbers came tumbling down. to reach for her camera. hand in hand, to her room, Kate
from the ground up. “They’re all so brave,” She thought of Alessandro’s was relieved that her own castell
“Do they ever fall?” she asked. she whispered. granddaughter, Liliana, bravely was back in place, tall and strong.
Alessandro laughed softly, “Their motto is strength, climbing to the top. She’d been Together, they would work out
“Oh yes, sometimes they do, balance, courage and common terrified watching the child. She whatever came their way.
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in the grounds indoor pool
The Langley in
Buckinghamshire is The hotel’s main
a grand Palladian- restaurant is Cedar, all
style manor, which soft lighting, sumptuous
was once a hunting chairs, elaborate gold
lodge with royal mirrors and tall windows
connections and has overlooking the grounds.
been modernised with We had pre-dinner cocktails
opulent touches. on the terrace as the sun was WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?
Everywhere you turn there setting and spotted Hollywood
are windows offering views of the 18th-century star Michael Douglas dining with It’s an ideal base for walking, cycling and jogging, with
Capability Brown gardens and parkland, with a companion at the next table! parkland in every direction. Stroll around and you might
cows grazing and swans gliding across the lake. Cedar’s menu has a modern spot herons and deer. Take a walk to the Temple
But the first thing you notice is the absolute Italian twist. The smoked Gardens and on a clear day you’ll be able to see
quiet. Within an hour of arriving, we felt so Zen. mozzarella tortelli, served with Windsor Castle. With its outdoor pool and the added
There are 41 rooms in the mansion and the a fresh garden pea cream and attractions of a six-seater cinema and tennis courts,
adjoining Grade II listed Brew House, which pea shoots was a good choice this hotel is a wonderful destination, rain or shine.
exudes country character. We stayed in for the first course. But our
a deluxe suite in the main house with the main, the slow roasted lamb
wow-factor. The king-size bed was in the shoulder resting on smooth
middle of the room, which boasted high ceilings, turnip purée, was a showstopper.
a stone fireplace and a marble bathroom. For dessert, don’t miss the
10 ★ TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 You have plenty of energy and enthusiasm, and
11 12
★ there is an aura of confidence about you. Everyday jobs will be handled
with ease. Even new tasks will present little in the way of challenge.
★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4302** to hear more
★ GEMINI May 22 - Jun 21 You’re growing bored with a project you took on
13 14 15 16 17 ★ some time ago. You might wish you could press the fast-forward button
and move on to the next job but it’s important to finish what you started.
★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4303** to hear more
★ CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 23 Your boss will ask for your views on new projects.
19 20 21 ★ Not only will they like your suggestions but they’ll want to experiment with a
few ideas immediately. This makes it a good time to press for career changes.
22 ★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4304** to hear more
28 29 30 31
★ VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 You might take on an exciting challenge to do with
★ a charity or fund-raising project. An investment idea is worth looking into.
This could seem like one of the best decisions you’ve made in a long while.
★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4306** to hear more
★ SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 Praise will come your way for a job well done.
ACROSS DOWN ★ A senior colleague who has hardly noticed you is starting to realise how
7 See 12 Across 1 __ Oguntonade, property expert on good you are at your job. Don’t decline an unexpected invitation.
8 Bart Simpson’s saxophone-playing The Great House Giveaway (4) ★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4308** to hear more
sibling (4) 2 __ Norris, played Karen in Cold Feet (8)
9 __ Dingle, father of Nate, Debbie, Kyle 3 Claude __, Lord Sugar’s assistant in ★ SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21 You could reach an important turning point
and Isaac in Emmerdale (4) The Apprentice (7) ★ in your financial affairs. Family life is changing, calling for a thoughtful decision
11 What Alma’s Not, according to Sophie 4 __ Cracknell, Olympic gold medallist concerning the domestic budget. You’ll know if you’re making the right choice.
Willan (6) and Celebrity SAS participant (5) ★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4309** to hear more
12 & 7 Across Drama about a disgraced 5 Driving __, BBC docusoap that shot
medic joining an Arctic expedition (3,5,5) Maureen Rees to fame (6) ★ CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 People will praise you for recent hard work but
13 Jay __, replaced by Jimmy Fallon on 6 See 24 Down ★ a newcomer in the workplace starts to take the limelight. Keep your feelings to
yourself. You both have abilities, so combine forces and share the rewards.
The Tonight Show (4) 10 See 25 Across
15 __ Edmondson, the late Rik Mayall’s 14 __ Monsoon, Absolutely Fabulous PR ★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4310** to hear more
frequent colleague (3) company owner (5)
16 2013 ITV sitcom set in ancient Rome (5) 17 Michael __, former newsreader and ★ AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 You can be very convincing when you turn on
19 Gary __, football anchor man and former 999 presenter (5) ★ the charm and others will find it hard to turn you down. Embrace a new
opportunity and your enthusiasm will inspire family and friends to join you.
player (7) 18 __ Dunn, jailed Holby medic who put a
20 __ At First Sight, where couples are bomb under the hospital! (7) ★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4311** to hear more
hitched minutes after meeting (7)
23 Nora __, Last Of The Summer Wine
21 Thoroughfare where the Neighbours
have lived since 1985 (6,2)
★ PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 The week will not lack moments of pleasure and
battleaxe (5) 22 Acclaimed Russell T Davies series set ★ some wonderfully romantic evenings. A friend who always has an eye for
a bargain will put you on to the whereabouts of a great travel offer.
25 & 10 Down New Greg Davies comedy during the AIDS crisis in 1981 (3,1,3)
about a crime scene sanitiser (3,7) 24 & 6 Down Musical quiz show hosted ★ Call one of my dedicated astrologers on 0905 789 4312** to hear more
26 First name of Phoebe by husband-and-wife ★ ** Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s network access charge – maximum of 6 minutes duration.
rigging took it to 191m.
The building – now
the BT Tower – was
awarded Grade II listed
status in 2003. The
restaurant closed in
1980 amid security
fears. At 310m, the
Shard in Southwark is
now the UK’s tallest
completed building.
Check out what happened in history
To see more
1962 5 OCTOBER
The first James Bond
Banksy’s Girl
With Balloon
photos from film Dr No premiered in London.
self-destructed at
the archives Based on Ian Fleming’s 1958 novel
for your area, auction. On selling for
of the same name, it starred Sean
visit Memory £1,042,000 at Sotheby’s
Lane at Connery, with Ursula Andress as
in London, the picture
Bond girl Honey Ryder. The plot sees
co.uk shredded itself.
007 head to Jamaica when an agent
The artist had
goes missing. While it received a
installed a slicer in the
mixed reception at the time, it’s now 4 OCTOBER inting if it was auctioned.
frame to destroy the painting auctioned
considered one of the best Bond films. Interne
Internet activist Julian The first artwork to have been created live at
Dr No may be e the Assang
Assange launched auction and retitled Love Is In The Bin, it is on
first title in the movie WikiLe
WikiLeaks. The whistle- loan to the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart in Germany.
franchise, but it was blowing site’s domain name
the fifth book. The he re
was registered in Iceland.
first, Casino Royale, 9 OCTOBER
It gained notoriety after The Phantom
P Of The
was published
is currently
being held in
prison, London. n. 1986 in Lon
London it is second
only to Les Misérables.
Harriet Thorpe
The Ab Fab actress, 64, on keep evolving. It’s not OK to stop
her fondness for Gogglebox, just because you reach a certain
why she watches herself back age. You have to keep going.
on TV, and the importance Have you got a favourite
of embracing reinvention British soap?
I love them all because they,
What is your favourite again, keep you hooked in.
TV programme? I don’t have a favourite, but I’ve
I adore Gogglebox! Throughout done Doctors three times now.
history, man has needed a I loved being a part of that.
reflection of his society to love What film could you watch
and joke at the world that we live over and over again?
in. I love Long Lost A 1942 film called
Family, too. Now, Voyager with
Are you a binge- Bette Davis. It’s the
watcher? most beautiful film
Yes – hashtag yes! I think and she’s the most
You don’t even think extraordinary actress.
about it, do you? If it’s vital It’s about love and loss
you’re enjoying it, why
would you stop?
to keep and reclaiming your life
from thinking you’re
Do you watch
yourself on TV?
evolving nothing to finding that
you’re enough.
We all have to, it’s – don’t What’s your go-to
part of our job to see
what works and what
let age karaoke track?
Having done Mamma
doesn’t work. I never stop you Mia!, it has to be
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