Digital Multimeter: This Warranty Is Valid Only Within Japan

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AC500V Peak Max.700V
- +,-
DC/AC 450V

This warranty is valid only within Japan.


Dempa Bldg, 4-4 Sotokanda 2-Chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

-1- -2-

/ / / / /


( AUTO )


* :

-3- -4- -5- -6-

-7- -8- -9- -10-


2 %rdg+10dgt) 11M

DC/AC 500V
%rdg+5dgt) 10M


10 120

10cm DC[mV]
400mV 0.7%rdg dgt)
100.0mV 0.7% )= .0[mV]
100[mV] 100.0mV 0.7%rdg dgt)
99.0[mV] 101.0[mV]
400.0[mV] [dgt] 0.3[mV]
-11- -12- -13- -14-
[1] SAFETY PRECAUTIONS equipment (e.g. motors) that generates induced or [2] APPLICATIONS AND FEATURES
This instruction manual explains how to use your new digital surge voltage since it may exceed the maximum
allowable voltage.
multimeter PS8a safely, Before use, please read this manual 5.Never use meter if the meter or test leads are 2-1 Applications
thoroughly. After reading it, keep it together with the product for damaged or broken. This instrument is portable digital multimeter designed for
reference to it when necessary. 6.Never use uncased meter. measurement of weak current circuits.
The instruction manual given under the heading of must be 7.Be sure to disconnect the test pins from the circuit when
followed to prevent accidental burn or electrical shock. changing the function. 2-2 Features
8.Before starting measurement, make sure that the
function and range are properly set in accordance with Auto Power off function (15 mins)
1-1 Explanation of Warning Symbols the measurement. Shell type pocket size multimeter.
The meaning of the symbols used in this manual and attached 9.Never use the meter with wet hands or in a damp
to the product is as follows. environment.
:Very important instruction for safe use. 10.Be sure to use test leads of the specified type.
11.Never open tester case except when replacing batteries.
The WARNING messages are intended to prevent accidents to Do not attempt any alteration of original specifications.
operating personnel such as burn and electrical shock. 12.Never use the meter near place where there are strong
The CAUTION message are intended to prevent damage to electromagnetic Waves.
the instrument. 13.To ensure safety and maintain accuracy, calibration and
check the tester at least once a year.
Alternating current (AC) Direct current (DC)
14.Indoor use only.
PS8a Buzzer
Diode Rsistor
1-3 Overload protection

1-2 Warning instruction for Safe use Function Input Max. Rating Max. Overload
WARNING Terminals input value protection input
To ensure the meter is used safely, be sure to observe the
DCV DC500V DC500V, AC500V
instruction when using the instrument.
Dempa Bldg, Sotokanda 2-Chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 1.Never use meter on the electric circuits that Exceed 1kVA. ACV +, - or Peak 700V
2.Pay special attention when measuring the voltage of Never apply AC/DC450V
AC33Vrms(46.7V peak) or DC70V or more to avoid injury.
3.Never apply an input signal exceeding the maximum voltage
rating input value.
4.Never use meter for measuring the line connected with * A C v o l ta g e i s r e g u l a t e d b y r m s o f s i n e w a v e .
-1- -2- -3-

[3] NAMES OF COMPONENT UNITS [4] DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Start-up when changing the function.
3-1 Multimeter 3.Always keep your fingers away from test pins
Function switch START Inner Battery Check: Set Diode test when making measurements.
function. Measure voltage between test
Test pins Turn this switch, to turn on and off the power and to select
leads. Inner battery voltage is 2 times of
the functions of ACV, DCV, , ,. . reading. 5-2 Voltage measurement
Test porbe (Red)
Main unit or 5-2-1 DCV measurement: Maximum rating input value
Test porbe (Black) Low battery indication Yes
test leads DC500V
Mark is indicated when low battery. damaged? Range: 400.0mV, 4.000V, 40.00V, 400.0V, 500V
Lead Reel
The reading does not become 0 when the input terminal is
Case Over display No B shorted. But this does not bring about the influence to
Display OL indication when input is over maximum rating input measurement.
Panel A. Set the function
value except ACV and DCV functions. “ - “ indication appears when applying test pins reversed.
at .
Function switch B. Short the red and
RANGE HOLD switch black test pins. WARNING
Pressing this switch once sets the manual mode and the
Range Hold switch A Never input voltage
range is fixed. AUTO on the display disappears.
Once the manual mode is set, the range moves each time more than 500VDC
3-2 Display this switch is pressed. Checking the unit on the display and The buzzer
the place of the decimal point, select a desired range. To
DC return to the auto mode, keep pressing this switch anodal
Low battery indication Yes
Auto range mode AUTO on the display appears.
No problem Do not use.
[5] MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE Start measurements Please repair the meter.
5-1 Start-up Inspection
1.Be sure to pre-check the meter before use. WARNING
2.Do not use a damaged meter and test leads. 1.Never apply an input signal exceeding the maximum
AC Unit 3.Check continuity of test leads. rating input value.
Minus Decimal point 4.When a battery exhaust mark appears in the display, 2.Be sure to disconnect the test pins from the circuit
recharge battery.
-4- -5- -6- -7-

5-2-2 ACV measurement: Maximum rating input value 5-3 Resistance measurement: Max. rating input value 40M 5-4 Checking Continuity ( ) 5-5 Testing Diode ( )
AC500V ohm Open voltage is approx. DC 0.4V. Diodes is good when following readings appear.
Range: 4.000V, 40.00V, 400.0V, 500V Range: 400.0 ohm, 4.000k ohm, 40.00k ohm, 400.0k ohm, Buzzer sounds at less than 10 ohm to 120 ohm. Open voltage is approx. DC 1.5V.
Accuracy is guaranteed int eh case of sine wave 4.000M ohm, 40.00M ohm
(Bandwidth 40Hz ~ 400Hz) Open voltage is approx. DC 0.4V. WARNING
In the AC4V range, the reading does not become 0 when If a finger touches a test pin during measurement, the Never input
no input signal. But this does not bring about the reading will be influenced by the resistance in the human
influence to measurement. body. Voltage or current


Never input voltage Never input Never input
more than 500VAC Voltage or current Voltage or current

Reading is Forwarding voltage drop

OL indication appears.
-8- -9- -10- -11-

[6] MAINTENANCE 6-4 Estimated time of Recharge and usable [8] SPECIFICATIONS 8-2 Measurement Range and Accuracy
Light Power TIme of Estimate Accuracy assurance range: 23 5 , 80%RH max. No condensation.
8-1 General Specification
6-1 Maintenance and inspection recharge usable time
1.Appearance: Is the appearance not damaged by falling? Measuring method : method Function Range Accuracy( ) InputImpedance Remarks
2.Test leads: Is the cord of the test leads not damaged? Or is 5,000 LUX 12 hours 3 hours Display : 3 3/4 digit, 4000 counts
(at a window in cloudy) 400.0mV (0.7%rdg+3dgt) 100M
the core wire not exposed at any place of the test leads? Range Selection : Auto and Manual ranges
If your meter falls in any of the above items, do not use it 10.000 LUX (Approx. 10cm from 5 hours 5 hours Over indication : “OL” indication (except AC/DC500V ranges) 4.000V Approx.11M
and have it repaired or replace it with a new one. fluorescent lamps 15W x 2 pcs. ) 40.00V
Polarity indication : Automatic Selection “-” indication
30,000 LUX or more 5 hours 6 hours Low battery indication : Below approx. 2.4V, “ “ indication appears.
6-2 Calibration 400.0V (1.3%rdg+3dgt) Approx.10M
The manufacturer may conduct the calibration and (at a window in fine whether) Sampling rate : Approx. 3 times/sec.
inspection. For more information, please contact the dealers. AC sensoring : Average sensoring
4.000V (2.3%rdg+10dgt) Approx.11M Accuracy in
[7] AFTER-SALES SERVICE Environmental : Operation altitude < 2000m the case of
6-3 Storage 40.00V
CAUTION condition Pollution degree II
sine wave.
1.The meter are not resistant to volatile solvent and 7-1 Repair Operating temperature : 5 ~40 , humidity range Max. 80% RH 400.0V (2.3%rdg+5dgt) Approx.10M
must not be cleaned with thinner or alcohol. For If the meter fails during use, check the following items before & humidity for temperatures up to 31 decreasing
500V 40~400Hz
cleaning, use dry, soft cloth and wipe it lightly. sending it for repair. linearly to 50% RH at 40
2.The meter are not resistant to heat. Do not place the Storage temperature: 5 ~40 , 80%RH max.
400.0 Open voltage: Approx
Is the test lead broken?
instrument near heat-generating devices (such as a 4.000k (2.0%rdg+5dgt) DC0.4V
soldering iron). Is the battery exhausted? Please recharge the battery. & humidity 0 ~5 , 40 ~50 , 70%RH max.
3.Do not store the instrument, in a place where it may We repair defective product(s) at cost. When sending it to us : No condensation. (Remove batteries) 40.00k The measuring current
be subjected to vibration or from where it may fall. for repair, please use appropriate packing material. Power supply Amorphous Solar Battery + Lithium Manganese
400.0k changes according to
4.For storing the instrument, avoid hot, cold or humid : Dioxide Rechargeable Secondary Battery
places or places under direct sunlight or where Auto power off : 15 min after no operation 4.000M (5.0%rdg+5dgt) the resistance of the
7-2 For information or Enquiries
condensation is anticipated.
If you need information regarding purchase of repair parts or if Power consumption : Approx. 5mW at DCV 40.00M (10%rdg+5dgt) resistor to measure.
you have any other sales related questions, please contact the Size.Weight : 115(H) x 57(W) x 18(D)mm, Approx85g Buzzer sounds at less then10~120
dealer, selling agent, or maker. Accessory Instruction manual
It may not make accurate measurement near places that there Openvoltage:Approx1.5V
7-3 SANWA web site
Http:// are high-magnetic field or strong electrical field generated by Specifications and extenrnal appearance of the
transformers, large current lines or radio transmissions product described above may be revised for
Email: [email protected]
equipments. modification without prior notice.
-12- -13- -14- -15-

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