Relativistic Velocity Addition Law Derived From A Machine Gun Analogy and Time Dilation Only
Relativistic Velocity Addition Law Derived From A Machine Gun Analogy and Time Dilation Only
Relativistic Velocity Addition Law Derived From A Machine Gun Analogy and Time Dilation Only
Abstract. We consider a scenario that involves a machine gun, the bullets it fires and a
moving target, considered from the rest frame of the machine gun and from the rest frame
of the target respectively. Involving the special relativity via its two postulates and the
time dilation formula we derive the relativistic velocity addition law showing that it leads
to the Lorentz transformations for the space-time coordinates of the same event.
of the OX axis and hit the moving target T at constant time
intervals ∆tr = tr − 0 . The time interval ∆tr is measured as a difference
between the readings of a clock C located where the bullet hits the target and
the reading of clock C0 when the target is located in front of it. The clocks C
and C0 are synchronized in accordance with the procedure proposed by
Einstein. By definition tr represents a coordinate time interval.
a Y, Y' t=t'=0
C0, C0'
O X, X'
b Y Y' t= te
U T t'= t'e
C0 C0'
O O' X, X'
V⋅ ∆te
Y Y' t= tr
t'= t'r
C0 C0'
O O' X, X'
V⋅ ∆tr
Figure 1a. The machine gun MG and the target T are located at the same point in
space the clocks the clocks C0 and C0′ attached to them reading both a zero time.
Figure 1b. Position of the target T when the machine gun fires a bullet.
Figure 1c. Position of the target T when the bullet hits it.
Equating the distance traveled by the second fired bullet with the
distance traveled by the target between the reception of the second and of the
first bullet, we obtain (U<V)
Vtr = U (tr − te ) (1)
from which we obtain
tr = . (2)
which holds for the corresponding time intervals ∆te and ∆tr respectively.
Let C0′ be a clock attached to the target. It reads t’=0 when it is located in
front of the machine gun but reading tr′ when the second hits it, where by
definition ∆ tr′ =( tr′ -0) represents a proper time interval related to ∆tr by the
time dilation formula
∆t r = (3)
1− 2
With (2) and reformatting (3) we obtain
∆tr′ = ∆te c2 . (4)
which relates the proper time interval ∆te at which the machine gun fires
successive bullets measured in its rest frame and the proper time interval ∆ tr′
at which the successive bullets hit the target measured in its rest frame.
Let I’(X’O’Y’) be the rest frame of the target. There the machine gun
moves with velocity V in the negative direction of the axes O’X’, whereas
the bullets move with velocity U’ in the positive direction. We equate in this
case the distance traveled by the machine gun in the time interval ∆te and the
distance traveled by the bullet i.e.
Vte′ = U '(tr′ − te′ ) (5)
from which we obtain expressed as a function of time intervals
∆te′ = . (6)
In this case ∆ te′ represents a time interval measured as a difference between
the readings of a clock C’ of the reference frame I’ located where the bullet
is fired ( te′ ) and the reading t ′ = 0 of the clock C0′ attached to the target. The
two clocks mentioned above are synchronized in the reference frame I’
following the same synchronization procedure as in I. The clock commoving
with the MG measures a proper time interval te between the emissions of
two successive bullets, which is related to te′ by the time dilation formula
te = (7)
1− 2
with which (6) becomes expressed as a function of time intervals
∆te = ∆tr′ c2 . (8)
Eliminating te and tr′ between (4) and (8) we obtain that the velocities of the
same bullet relative to I and respectively to I’ are related by
U ′ +V
U= (9)
U ′V
1+ 2
or by
U −V
U'= (10)
1− 2
In this way we have derived the relativistic addition law of parallel velocities
without prior knowledge of the Lorentz transformations.
x x′ U′
= (13)
t t ′ 1 + VU ′
Equation (13) suggests considering that
x = f (V ) x′(1 + ) (14)
VU ′
t = f (V )t ′(1 + ) (15)
where f(V) represents an unknown function of the relative velocity but not
of the space-time coordinates of the events involved. This guess is based on
the logical evidence that the transformation equations (14) and (15) should
be linear, in order to transform the uniform motion of the bullet in one of the
reference frames into a uniform motion in the second frame. We obtain the
algebraic structure of f(V) by imposing the condition that for U’=0 (15)
accounts for the time dilation i.e.
f (V ) = (16)
1− 2
and so (14) and (15) become
1+V /U ′ x′ + Vt ′
x = x′ = (17)
1−V / c 2 2
1 − V 2 / c2
1 + VU '/ c 2 t ′ + Vx′ / c 2
t = t′ = (18)
1 − V 2 / c2 1 − V 2 / c2
Thus we have derived the Lorentz transformations for the space time
coordinates of an event generated by the same bullet as detected from two
inertial reference frames in relative motion taking place at the same point in
space when the synchronized clocks of the two frames located at that point
read t and t’ respectively. Under such conditions relativists say that the
Lorentz transformation relates the space-time coordinates of the same event.
A simple and transparent scenario considered from two inertial
reference frames in relative motion and special relativity involved via its two
postulates and time dilation leads to the relativistic addition law of parallel
velocities which leads at its turn in a transparent way to the Lorentz
transformations for the space-time coordinates of the same event. We found
a direct and simple inference way that starts with the two relativistic
postulates and proceeds via time dilation formula and the deduction of the
relativistic velocity addition law to finally reveal another deduction for the
Lorenz transformations.
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