GIT Imp From Part 1 Medicine Group
GIT Imp From Part 1 Medicine Group
GIT Imp From Part 1 Medicine Group
5.Which is the most common causes of recurrent oral ulcer and its conformatory test??
Ans: Bechet's oesophagus, Pathergy test
★ Recurrent oral ulcer +recurrent meningitis +migratory thrombophlebitis>> bechet
10.50y pt presented e sudden onset of chet pain vomiting e dysphagia.Ecg revals normal
x-ray showing air bubble on the chest.Dx: gastric volvulus
16.Antibody reduced in coeliac disease⇨IgA & blind loop stndrome⇨ IgA & IgM
19.highly specific and sensitivity test of h.pylori infection: 13Urea breath test
23. #physiology
Propulsive movement of Large intestine also called -?
Ans: Mass movement.
24.Pacemaker of gut?
Ans: Interstitial cells of cajal
27. Between 20-60% of patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome have which type of MEN?
Ans: MEN-1
* artery responsible for acute small bowel ischaemia- superior mesenteric artery(40-50)%
* 90% pancreatic neoplasm are adenocarcinoma that arise from the pancreatic ducts.
60% tumor arise from the head of pancrease.
39.Dysphagia+IDA+Oeshophageal web
dx: Plummer vinson/Paterson-kelly syndrome
42.What is High sensitive and high specific test for H. Pylori: 13c Urea breath test
47.40y pt peripheral oedema e low albumin endoscopy showing mucosal fold on the
body of the fundus.
dx: Ménétrier's disease
50. Patient having ileal resection + Watery diarrhoea + Oxalate calculi in kidney.
Useful non invasive marker for this condition? Ans:7@-hydroxycholestenone
51.Most common extra intestinal feature of IBD? Ans: large joint arthritis
53. UC> VT > Pulmonary embolism > CTPA (1st line Inv)
C-Cobble stone
H-High temperature
R-Reduced Lumen
I-Intestinal fistula
S-Skip lession
T-Transmural ulcer(All layer)
A-Abdominal pain,any age,Ashkenazi jews
S-Submucosal fibrosis,smoker
58. ✪pancreatitis✪
*S. Lipase is mo
* S. Amylase returned to normal within 24-48 hrs from the onset of acute pancreatitis, if
persistently raised after then that suggests pancreatic pseudocyst
★Solid > Liquid = Carcinoma
★Liquid > solid + choking during meals = Neurogenic dysphagia
★ Liquid > solid + proximal muscle weakness + ptosis = Myasthenia Gravis
★ Solid & Liquid + chest pain + Aspiration pneumonia = Achalasia
★ Solid & Liquid + proximal muscle weakness + facial rash + ANA positive =
Dermatomyositis / Polymyositis
★ Solid & Liquid + halitosis + regurgitation + nocturnal cough = Pharyngeal pouch
★Solid & Liquid + dysarthria +diabetes+distal muscle weakness = Myotonic Dystrophy
✪ Hyperkeratosis of palm & sole.which carcinoma may be developed in this patient? Ans:
Ca of oesophagus( SCC)
also Arsenis poisoning( palmoplanter keratosis)
♦♦ Question ::
1.first step management of upper git bleeding??
2.late features of diseminated malignancy??
3.malabsorption +weight loss
investigation choice:
4.investigation of persistent constipation??
5.which is the most common causes of recurrent oral ulcer and its conformatory test??
6.recurrent oral ulcer +recurrent meningitis +migratory thrombophlebitis
7.most common metabolic causes of dyspepsia??
8.rx of oeshophageal stricture??
9.most important oesophageal irritant??
10.50y pt presented e sudden onset of chet pain vomiting e dysphagia
Ecg revals normal x-ray showing air bubble on the chest
11.investigation choice of gerd?? standar investigation of gerd??
13.investigation choice of oesophageal stricture??
14.Rare complication of IDA??
15.most common causes of oeshophagitis in children??
16.which antibody reduced in coeliac disease nd blond loop stndrome??
17.60y old pt presented e haematemesis nd melena after proper resuscitation,ot
undergone to endoscopy,endoscopy showing large ulcer on the lesser curvature of
which artery is liable to bleeding??
♦♦Answer ::
1.iv access
2.wt loss
3.facal elastase
4.barrium enema or ct colonography
5.bechet oeshophagus pathergy test
6.bechet oeshophagus
7.hypercalcaemia 8.endoscopic ballon dilation
9.gastric acid
10.gastric vulvulas
12.24h ph
13.endoscopy cricoid web
16.igAnd iga,igm
17.left gastric artery
Scenario -
Crohn's disease -
Oral ulcer ( any part of git)+ Diarrhoea + abdominal pain + wt loss +H/O cigarette
50Y old patient sudden onset chest pain, vomiting dysphagia but Ecg normal & chest
X-ray show air bubble on chest
Gastric volvulus
***Whipple's disease :
1)Confirmatory test : Duodenal / Jejunal biopsy.
Finding : deposition of macrophage containing PAS.
1st line treatment : I/V Ceftriaxone for 2weeks followed by oral Co-trimoxazole for at
least 1 year.
SBA Practice
Ans:Microbiological culture
Ans:Terminal Ileum
Dx:Laxative abuse
Dx:Whipple's disease
Ans:Oesophageal manometry
1)Inv.of choice : SeHCAT test
Bile acid sequestrants: Cholestyramine/ Colesevelam.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome :
💥Cobblestone appearance
💥ASCA positive
💥Barrium follow-through showing:characteristics rose thorn ulcers.
💥Inv.of choice :Colonoscopy
Ischaemic colitis /acute colonic ischemia :
♦Elderly patients
♦The splenic flexure is most commonly affected site
♦Most commonly affects watershed areas
♦ Presents with sudden onset of cramping, left-sided,lower abdominal pain and rectal
♦Arterial thromboembolism is usually responsible. But colonic ischemia can also follow
⬆Severe hypotension
⬆Colonic volvulus
⬆Strangulated hernia
⬆Systemic vasculitis
⬆Hypercoagulable states.
♦Young women are affected 2-3 times more often then men.
♦Coexisting conditions associated:
⬆Non-ulcer dyspepsia
⬆Chronic fatigue syndrome
⬆Constipation predominant :
Acute small bowel ischemia :
♦ Typical presentation :Severe mid or upper abdominal pain which is dull aching in
pass medicine
Rx venesection
Gastroenterology: GERD:
Dr Ahnaf Tahmid (A-118001)
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Endoscopy
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> 24 hours pH monitoring
Barrett’s Oesophagus:
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> Endoscopy
Oesophageal Stricture:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Endoscopy
Gastric Volvulus:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Chest X-ray
Ca Oesophagus:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Upper GI endoscopy with biopsy
Perforation of oesophagus:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Water soluble contrast swallow (But in difficult cases both
CT and careful endoscopy may required)
Pharyngeal pouch:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Barium swallow
Achalasia cardia:
❖ Investigation of choice/1st line >>> Upper GI Endoscopy
❖ diagnostic/Initial investigation >>> Barium swallow
❖ Confirmatory/Gold standard investigation >>> Manometry
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Upper GI endoscopy
H.Pylori infection:
❖ Rapid investigation >>> Serology
❖ Cannot differentiate current from past infection >>> Serology ❖ Good for population
studies >>> Serology
❖ Highly sensitive & specific investigation >>> 13C-urea breath test ❖ Cheap
investigations >>> Faecal antigen test & Rapid urease test ❖ Gold standard
investigation >>> Microbiological culture
Perforation of stomach/gut:
❖ Most useful investigation/ Investigation of choice >>> Chest X-ray (erect posture)
❖ Confirmatory investigation >>> Water soluble contrast swallow Zollinger-Ellison
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Basal gastric pH level
❖ Single best screening test >>> Fasting gastrin levels
❖ Confirmatory investigation >>> Secretin stimulation test
Ca stomach:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Upper GI endoscopy with biopsy
Gastric lymphoma & Carcinoid tumour: ❖ Investigation of choice >>> EUS
Coeliac disease:
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> Endoscopic small bowel biopsy
❖ Investigation of choice/1st line >>> tissue transglutaminase (TTG) antibodies ❖
Most sensitive and specific investigation >>> Anti-endomysial antibodies
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth:
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> Culture of small bowel aspirate
❖ Non-invasive diagnostic test >>> Hydrogen breath test Whipple's disease:
❖ Diagnostic test >>> Small bowel biopsy (jejunal) Bile acid diarrhoea:
❖ Most accurate & specific investigation >>> 75SeHCAT
❖ Investigation of choice >>> 75SeHCAT
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> 75SeHCAT
❖ Useful non-invasive marker >>> Serum 7α-hydroxycholestenone
Protein-losing enteropathy:
❖ Confirmatory investigation /Investigation of choice >>> Measurement of faecal
clearance of α1-antitrypsin or 51Cr-labelled albumin.
Meckel's diverticulum:
❖ Confirmatory investigation >>> Abdomen scanning following an intravenous injection
of 99mTc-pertechnetate
Colorectal cancer:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Colonoscopy
❖ Investigation for staging >>> CT chest,abdomen & pelvis
❖ Investigation for local staging of rectal cancer >>> Pelvic MRI or Endoanal ultrasound
❖ Investigation for monitor of recurrence >>> Serum CEA
Familial adenomatous polyposis:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Genetic testing
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Genetic testing
Hirschsprung's disease:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Full-thickness biopsy
Inflammatory bowel disease:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Colonoscopy
❖ Highly sensitive & specific investigation >>> Barium enema
❖ Investigation for monitoring >>> Serum Calprotectin or Lactoferrin ❖ Investigation
that differ IBD from IBS >>> Serum Calprotectin
❖ Useful screening test for IBD >>> Serum Calprotectin
Irritable bowel syndrome:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Clinical diagnosis (Rome IV criteria)
Acute small bowel ischaemia:
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> Contrast CT
Acute colonic ischaemia:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Contrast CT
Chronic mesenteric ischaemia:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Mesenteric angiography
Acute pancreatitis:
❖ Has greater diagnostic accuracy >>> Serum lipase
❖ Confirmatory investigation >>> USG + Serum lipase Chronic pancreatitis:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> CT scan
❖ Investigation of choice prior surgery >>> MRCP
Adenocarcinoma of pancreas:
❖ Investigation of choice >>> USG/Contrast CT
❖ Confirmatory investigation >>> EUS- or CT-guided Cytology Pancreatic exocrine
❖ Investigation of choice >>> Faecal elastase
❖ Gold standard investigation >>> Secretin stimulation test