Physics Velosity Time Graph - JPG
Physics Velosity Time Graph - JPG
Physics Velosity Time Graph - JPG
the displacement-time graph
When this line crosses the t-axis, the object has (momentarily) stopped, and is in the process of changing direction. Negative
velocity must mean movement in the opposite direction.
This object then begins to move backwards but is increasing in speed, because we see it going from zero velocity to -40
m/min in the next 10 minutes.
Note that during the entire period from 15 min to 40 min, the object had the same acceleration, as the slope of this line is
constant throughout this period. So, going forward, slowing down and going backwards, speeding up are both negative
acceleration. From 40 min onward, the object is still moving in reverse (the line is still below the t axis) but is now reducing its
speed, until it stops at t=55 min. Its acceleration is positive while it slows down, backing up.
Finally to your question about points to the left of the "y-axis" - this space contains information about motion that
happened before time t=0. Remember that moment t=0 might be considered as the first instant that we began to record
information, or maybe it is just an arbitrary moment. If so, events to the left of the
vertical axis make sense. They just happened earlier in time.