Is.13349.1992 0

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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 13349 (1992): Cast iron single faced thimble mounted

sluice gates [CED 3: Sanitary Appliances and Water

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 13349 : 1992
Reaffirmed 2007

Indian Standard

UDC 621.646.5 [669.13] : 628.146.5

BIS 1992


NEW DELHI 110002
April 1992 Price Group 6
( Secondcover page, Foreword, secondpara, fourth line) - Subsu-
tute 'I 200' for '12',
[ Second cover page, Foreword, fourth para, (b), jim line ]- Delete
the word 'gate' between 'back.' and -frame',
( Second cover page, Foreword, fifth para, fourth line) - Subsntute
'used' for 'use',
( Second cover page, Foreword, eighth para, fourth Ime) - Subsu-
tute the words -relatmg to' after the words 'the pracnces',
( Page 2, Table 3 ) - Substitute the follow mg for the exisung:

Table 3 Materials
( Clause 6.1 )

SINo, Item Material ConlormlDII Gra4e/Del\RJIltloo

to IS
(l I (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. illlrnble, {tame, gUide, CI\\llron ll\): 1993 lOG 100 Of hlghet
extensron g\lIde, slide
( shutter J. gear box,
pedestal, stem guide,
bracket. wedging devi-
ces, Rush bollom seal
2 Yoke ( Brrdge ) Cast Iron 210: 1993 FG 200 or higher
Structural 2062 1992 Glade A
3 a) Wedges Cast Iron 210, 1993 FG 200 or higher
Nav81 BrasS 291 : 1989 Grade 1 or Grade 2
Phosphor Bronze 28 19115 Grade I or 2
Leaded Tin Bronze 318,1981 LTD I or LTB2
Sl8mles< Steel 3444' /9117 Grade 2
hI Wedge Iacrngs Naval Brass 291 : 1989 Grade I or Grade 2
Phosphor Bronze 7814 1985 HB, Grade 2 or
HB, Grade 3

Price Groop I
Table 3 Materials ( Conttnued i

81 No. Item Material Conforming Grad.mesignallon

to IS
(l) (~) (31 (4) (5)
I eaded Tm Bronze 318' 1981 LTBlo.LTI!2
Sid mle" Steel 6911 . 1992 04CrlN, or
or 12Cr12 or
4 Operating nut ond Leaded rm Ilronze 3/8' 1981 I.TB lor LTB 2
Guide Bush
Connectrng block Cast Iron 210: 1991 FG 200 or h .gher
TIO Bronze 306. 1983 Sand Cast
Leaded TIO Bronze 318 1981 LTB lor LTD 2
6 Sealing Iaces Naval Brass 291 : 1989 Grade 1 or Grade 2
Phosphor Bronze 7814 1985 HB, Grade 2 or
HD, Grade]
Tm Bronze 306 1983 Sand Cast
Leaded TIO Bronze 318: 1981 LTD lor LTD I
Sial nless Steel 6911 . 1992 04Crl, Ni ne or
or 12Crl2 or
7 Stern extension road Mild Sleel 2062 1992 Grade A
Stainless Sleel 6(003 1972 04Cr/8NdO or
01 IZCd] 0,
8 Flu<h bottom Natural or 11855 1986
resihent seal Synthetic Rubber
9 Coupling Cast Iron ZIO. 1993 FG 200 Or higher
Mild Sll'Cl cosz 1992 Grade A
Stamless Steel 6(,01 1972 04Cr/8N,1O or
04( rI7N.IZMoZT.20
Or 12Crn or
10 Flush bottom Sea1 Cast Iron 210 . 1993 FG ZOO or h rgher
retainer bar
Phosphor Bronze 7814. 1985 liB, Grade ~ or
HD, Grade 3
Slam less Steel 6603 197! 04<"r18N,IO or
or 12Crl3 Or

Table 3 Materials ( Concluded)

81 No, Itrm Materlsl ConformlnR Grade/DcslRnS!lon

to IS

(lJ (2J (3) (4J (5)

11 Ant hor boll s Mild Steel 2062, 1992 Grade A

Stainless 6603,1972 \l~Cr18NII() or
Steel 04Crl7NI12M02T,20
or I2Crl3 or
12 Fasteners like a ssembly
bolts, studs. nuts, etc,
n) For wall thimbles Stamless Steel 6603 1972 04Cr18N,10 or
b) For gate assembly, Mild Steel 1361 (Part I)
stern gurdes and 1992 and
I,fllng devices 1363(Partl)
6603 t972 04er t8N!tO or
I In case of brass, bronze or stainless steel used for varrous components. only
the chenucul cornposiuon as specified In the relevant Indian Standard shall be
complied with
2 When copper zmc alloy comes In contact with water containing acid or alkah ,
IInc from the alloy drssolves Ieaving the alloy metal porous and weak 1 hrs toss
of zinc from the copper zinc alloy results In type of corrosion called dezmc.fka-
lion low zrnc content may resist deZlnClficat,on
3 Use of stainless steel fOI the seating faces and wedges should be avoided
wherever possible, becauve stamless steel machined surfaces rubbing ~gdlnst each
other under high pressure have ,I tendency to gall which may result In severe
damage to the "\ffac",
The use of bra .. vhould be avoided where denzmcrficatron ca n occur
Bronze haVIng less th~n 2 percent alunuruurn and 5 percent zinc shoull! be us.ll
where dezrncrficanon of bronze can occur If dezinctfica non of the bronze rs a
problem •• luide gate seal fJllng. and bronze casungs should be prosphor or
SIlicone bronze both of "hlC!> mcetmg the low zmc requirement

( Page 4, clause ) - Delete.

( Page 4, rlause 7.8.1, nmth line ) - Delete the word 'to'.
( Page ). clcm${' 7,1l.3,jirs! line ) -- Substuute the word -furrushed'
for -furmshes'
( Page 5, clause 7.12.1, fourth line ) - Substitute the word 'hold'
lor 'held',
( Page 5, clause 7.12.2, eleventh lme ) - Substitute the word 'With'
for -be',
( Page 5, clause 8.1. ei~/zifl fine) - Substitute the word 'use' for 30
( Page 5, clause 9.1, seventh line) - Substitute the word 'mecha. 31
msm' for -rnachanism'.
( Page S. clause 9.2, fifth Itne ] - Substitute the word 'bearing' 206
for 'hearrng' and -enclosed' for 'erclosed'.
( Page 6, clause 9.3, tenth line) - Substitute the words 'on which' 344
for 'or which'.
( Page 6, clause 9.:1,2, secondline) - Substitute the word 'manner'
for 'marncr', 660
( Page 6, clause 9.4, thirdline) - Substitute the word 'crank' for 691
(Page 7, clause 12.1, secondpara. sixth line) - Add rhe word 'of' 78/
between the words 'warping' and 'the gate'.
( Page 7, clause 13.3.2, second line) - Add the word 'for' between /122
'leakage' and 'class 1',
( Page 8, clause A-I, third line ) '- Substitute 'data' for 'date'. 1185
( Page 8, clause A-I, SI No. J2) - Add the word 'FIeld' before
( Page 8, clause A-I, Sf No. 14) - Substitute the following for the
'14. Wedges: Whether the wedging devices should have cast iron,
bronze or stainless steel wedges. If wedges are of cast Iron,
whether they should have cast iron contacting faces or should
have brass or bronze or stainless steel facings.'
( Page 9, Annex B ) - Substitute the following for the existing;

( Clause 2.1 )
IS No. Tille
28: 1985 Specification for phosphor bronze ingots and cast ings
( secondrevision)
210 ; 1993 Specification for grey Iron castings (!ourlh rel'ision )
291 : 1989 Specification for naval brass rods and sections (SUItable
for machining and forgmg ) (second reVISIOn)

e' for 306 19&3 Specrfication for un bronze ingots and castings ( third
revision )
necha- 318: 1981 Specification for leaded tin bronze ingots and castings
( second revision )
earing' 2062 1992 Specification for steel for general ..tructural purposes
(fouth remion )
which' 3444' 1987 Specification for corrosion resistant high alloy steel
and nickle base castings for general apphcanons ( second
6603: 1972 Specificatron for stainless steel bars and flats
nk' for 6911 1992 Specification for stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
(first revision )
ird 'of' 7814: 1985 Specificauon for phosphor bronte sheet and stnp
(first revision)
ietween 11228 . 1985 Recommendations for design of screw hoists
11855: 1986 General 1 equirements for rubber seals for hydraulic
e'. gates'
( Pag/' 9, clause C.3, second lme ) - Substitute the word 'hft' for
for lhe

1St iron,
1St Iron,
, should


is/on) (CED 3)
( SUItable
Sanitary Arpliances and Water FIttings Sectional Committee, CEO 3

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Sanitary Apphances and Water Fittmgs Sectional Committee had been approved by the CIvIl
Engineermg DiVIsIOn Council.

Single faced cast iron sluice gates are extensivly used In water supply and drainage works for
controlling the flow These are of two types one where the gate with spigot back frame I~ directly
mounted on the wall and the other where mounting on the wall IS through wall thimble The first
type I~ covered by IS 3042 : 1965 'Specificatron for smgle faced sluice gates (200 to 12 mm size )'
( under reVlslO1I ).

This standard covers slurce gates of second type meant for mountmg on the face of wall through
a cast Iron wall thimble an accessory which I~ first embedded In the wall and Its front flange being
flush with the face of wan. The gate frame having machined back flange IS mounted on thimble
flange, with a gavket in between the flanges, and IS fastened to It with the help of studs

Thimble mounted sluice gates have following advantages:

a) It remains clear off the wall even after ItS mstallation and hence it can be easrlv removed
from the face of wall whenever required either for repairs, maintenance or relocation.
b) Mounting of flange back gate frame gate on wall thimble elirmnates the necessity of using
anchor bolts, and providing recesses In the wall
c) The constructron makes the gate rigid and SUitable for unseating head apphcations.
d) Flange back construction makes It possible to test the !!ate at manufacturers works for its
leakage perf01 mance making It possible to specify permissible leakage lrmrts,

These gates are pnrnanly meant for use In water supply and waste water applicaticns such as
water filtration and purification works, Intake wells, numpmg stations, drainage and irrigation
canals, water and sewage treatment plants, flood control, thermal power stations and water cooling
plants, etc, rcqumng flow control or shut off These gates may also be use for mdustnal waste
water and With other fluids provided the surtahihty of materials used for the seating faces. wedge
facing, stem guide lining, stem nut, guide bush, resilient seat, etc, IS first ascertained for their
compatabihty WIth the end use.

The mformation to be supphed with enquiry and order by the purchaser IS given in Annex A.

As sluice gate IS a custom equipment It IS not practical to specify single type of material, or
method of construction of fabncauon. Vanous possible alternatives vary WIth the Site conditions
and requirements of the users. Such alternatives are dealt With separately at appropriate places In
this standard.

While formulatmg this standard an attempt has been made of making this standard in line with
other mternationally accepted standard ava ilable on the subject. GUIdance has been taken from
ANSI AWWA C-501-87 AWWA Standard for Cast Iron for Sluice Gates, issued by the Amencan
Water Works ASSOCiatIOn. At the same time relatrng to the practices In this field 10 the country
have been kept m view.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied With
the final value, observed or calculated expressmg the result of a test, shall be rounded off In
accordance WIth IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values ( tensed )'. The number
of signrficant places retained 10 the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specuied
value in this standard.
IS 13349: 1m
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE NOTE - In case or circular oeenmgs a gale wuh
square opening may be adopted provided that wall
1.1 This standard covers single faced vertically thimble has a circular opening to suu the water
way opening and a square lIange 10 surt the square
slidmg type cast Iron sluice gates of nominal Ilange of the gale frame
sizes from 300 to 2 500 mm, suitable for mount-
mg on the flange of cast Iron wall thimble 4.2 Types
These sluice gates are meant for use for water
supply and waste water applrcation 4.2.1 Sluice gates may be manufactured either
WIth risrng stem or non-rismg stem (see.
1.1.1 These sluice gates are designed for either Annex C)
seatmg head or unseating head, or both
NOTE - Non-rrsmg stern type sluice gates arc
NOTE - Gates designed for unsealing head shall generally not recommended
quality In all respects the requirements specified
lor seaung bead 4.2.2 Sluice gates may be either of conventional
bottom closure or flush bottom closure (see.
1.2 Sluice Gates as per this standard in addrtron Annex D).
to manual may be adapted to electric hydraulic 4.2.3 Slurce gates may be for either upward
or pneumatic power operation Requirements opening or downward openmg
for actuatmg gear except In case of manual
operation IS left to the mutual agreement 4.2.4 Sluice gates may have operating headstock
between the purchaser and the manufacturer either mounted on platform or directly mounted
on yoke
1.3 Sluice gates as per this standard may be of
the conventional-closure or of flush-bottom NOTE - Sluice gates wnh headstock mounted on
closure type. tbe yoke of frame are called self-contumed type


2.1 Indian Standards hsted in Annex B are the S 1 Nommal Sizes of square (or round) and
necessary adjuncts to this standard rectangular sluice gates shall be as given In
Table 1 and Table 2 respectively
3.1 Based on maximum unbalanced (seating or 1 Nommal SIze of a sluice gate shall be reckoned
unseanng ) water heads, sluace gates shall be by tho clear opemug of gale frame In case of
classified as rectangular openmg the size shall be specified as
Width x Height of opening The lI"t of the two
a} Class I - SUitable for maximum dimensions sball mean the Width of openmg
sluice gates unbalanced head up to 2 SIzes Indicated In Table 1 and Table 2 are
and includmg 5 metres preferred sizes Otber sizes as agreed 10 between
of water, the manufacturers and purchasers are permissible

b) Class 2 - SUitable for maxImum Table 1 Nominal Size or Square ( or Rounel )

sluice gates unbalanced head above Slnlce Gates in mm
5 metres and up to and
mcludmg 10 metres of ( Clause 5 I )
water, and 300 750 1 200 1 800
c) Class 3 - SUitable for maximum 400 900 1 400 2 000
sluice gates unbalanced head above 500 1 000 I 500 2 250
10 metres and np to and 600 I 100 1 600 2 500
including 15 metres of
-4 SHAPES AND TYPES 6.1 Matenals used In the manufacture of various
components of slurce gates shall conform to the
4.1 Shapes Indian Standards given m Table 3
4.1.1 The openmg of the sluice gates and the 6.1.1 Compon, nts other than mentioned In
wall thimble may be either circular, square or Table 3 shall conform to the appropriate Indian
rectangular. standard, where one exists
IS 13349 : 1992
Table 2 N omilJll size of RectlDRolar Sioice 7 GENERAL DESIGN ANDCONSTRUCTION
( Clouse 5.1 ) 7.1 Frames
Width x H.lght Wldlh x Height Width X
7.1.1 Design
300)( 400 1000 X 750 1500x1800
400 x 300 1000 X 1200 1500 X 2000 The frame shall be designed for maxrmum head
500 x 400 I 000 X I 500 1600 X 1200 indrcated in 3.1 for the appropriate class with
500 x 750 I 100 x 900 1600 X 2000 a minimum safety factor of five with regard to
600 x 400 I 100,< I 500 I 800 X 1200 tensile, compressive and shear strengths.
600 x 750 1 200 x 900 1 800 X 1500
750 x 500 1200 x 1 500 1 800 X 2500 7.1.2 Construction
750 x 600 1200 x 1800 2000 X 1500
750 x 900 1 400 x 1000 2000 X 2500 The frame shall surround the periphery of
750 x J 100 1400 X J 800 2150 X 1500 waterway opening and shall be of unit construc-
900x 600 1500 X 1000 2250 X 2500 tion without any jornt, cast In one piece,
900 x 1 200 1 500 X I 200 2500 X 1600 The frame shall be machined on the rear face
2500 X 2000 for bolting directly to the machined face 01 wall

Table 3 Materials
( Clause 6.1 )
SINo. Item Material Conrorminll tn IS No.
(I) (2) (3) (4)
J, Thrmble, frame, guide, extcnncn gurde shde (shutler), Cast Iron 210: 1978
gear box pedestal, stern guide, bracket, wedges.fiush-
bottom seal support bar
2. Yoke ( Bndge ) Casl Iron 210 : 1978
Structural Steel 226 . 1975
3. Wedges, Wedge facings Naval Brass 291 : 1989
Phosphor Bronze 7814 I 1985
Leaded TIO Bronze 318: 1981
Stainless Steel 6911 : 1972
4. Operanng nut and guide busb Leaded TIn Bronze 318: 1981
5. Connecting block Cast Iron 210: 1978
TID Bronze 306: 1983
Leaded Tin Bronze 318: 1981
6. Seating fdces Naval Brass 291: 1989
Phosphor Bronze 7814: 1985
Tin Bronze 306: 1983
LeJded Tm Bronze 318: 1981
Starnless Steel 6911 : 1972
7. Stem Extenston Rod Mild Steel 226 : 1975
Starnless Steel 6603: 1972
8. Flush Bottom resihent seal Natural or Synthetic Rubber 11855 : 1986
9. Coupling Cast Iron 210: 1978
Mild Steel 226: 1975
Stuinless Steel 6603: 1972
10. Flush bottom seal retainer bar Cast Iron 210: 1978
Phosphor Bronze 7814: 1985
Stainless Steel 6603: 1972
11 Anchor bolls Mild Steel 226: 1975
Stainless Steel 6603: 1972


1 Mrmrnurn grade of cast iron used shall not be lower than FG 200.
1 In the case of brass, bronze or stainless steel used for various components, only the chemical composition.
as specified in the relevant Indian Standard shall be complied with.
3 When copper ZIDC alloy comes In contact With water containing acid or alkali, zinc from the alloy dIS-
solves lcuvrng the alloy metal porous and weak. Tbis loss of zinc from the copper zinc alloy results In a
type of corrosion called dezincrfication, Low zinc content may resist dezrnclflcation.
The use of brass should be avotded where dezincltlcation CJD occur. Bronze bavinilless than 2 percent
alumuuum and 5 percent zinc should be used where dezincification of bronze can occur. If dezinclftcatlon
of tbe bronze IS a problem. sluice gate seat facings and bronze casungs should be phosphor or silicon bronze
beth of \\hich meet the low zinc requirement,
4 Use of 51aIDless steel for the seating faces and wedges should be avoided wherever possible, because stain-
less steel machined surfaces rubbing against each other under high pressure have a tendency to gall whlcb
may revult In severe damage to the alidlng surfaces.

IS 1334!J: 199%

thimble. All other surface forming JOInts or poisonmg and ozone attack Rubber compounds
bearmgs shall be machined shall contain no more than I 5 puts of WlX
per 100 parts of rubber hydrocarbon and shall
7.2 Slide ( Sbutter ) be free of vegetable oils, vegetable oil denvatives,
animal fats and animal Oils
7.2.1 Design
7.4.2 Design
The slide made of cast Iron with strengthening
nbs where required and a reinforced section at Tho design of the se il sh III be such as to
the edges to receive the seating faces shall bc provide for the minimum leakage requirements
designed for the maximum head Indicated specified in 11.4 and 13.3.
!O 3.1 for the appropriate class with a minimum
safety factor of five with regard to tensile, 7.4.3 ConHruction
compressive and shear strengths
The rubber seal shall be mounted on the slide
or the frame and shall be held securely in place
7.2.2 Construction
WIth a retainer bar bolted to the fnme or slide
The slide shall have tongues on each Side leaving an unobstructed flush Invert
extending the full length The tongues shall be
machined accurately on contact surfaces 7.5 Guides
Surfaces of the shde that come Into contact with
the seat facings and wedges shall be machined 75.1 Design
accurately The maximum allowable clearance
between the shde and the slide guides shall GUides made of cast Iron shall be d esigned for
be 15 mm the maximum head Indicated (see 3.1) With a
safety factor of 5 for shear, compression and
7.2.3 Provision for Connecting Slide With Stem tension They shall be capable of taking the
entire thrust produced by water pressure and
The slide shall be provided With an Integrally wedging action WIth a safety factor of 5 The
cast pocket above the horizontal centre hne 01 guides shall be of such length that they extend
the slide, reinforced by nbs, to house the con- above waterway opening atleast by ( 0 5 X H
nectmg block In case of nsmg stem or an + 250) mrn, where 'H' IS the height of water-
operatmg nut In case of non-nsing stem The way opening 10 rmlhmetres
opcratmg nut pocket shall be drained
7.5 2 Construction
7.3 Seating Faces
GUides may be either Integrally cast WIth the
7.3.1 Design frame or may be formed by boltmg SUItable
guide strrps or guide bar, WIth grooves to the
The seatmg faces made of strtps of either naval trame ProVISIOn shall be made to prevent
brass or bronze or st.unless steel depending lateral movement of bolted on guides Wedges
upon the quality of fluid to be handled shall be or wedge facrngs shall be attached securely to the
secured firmly 10 machmed, grooves of either guides at POints where, III the closed positron,
rectangular or dovetail cross section In the frame they Will make full contact With wedgrng surfaces
and slide faces In such a way that they WIll on the slide
remain In place, free from distortron and loosen-
ing during the life of sluice gate GUide extensions, that IS portion of
guides extending vertically upwards of the frame
In case of class I duty gates the scatmg faces may either b~ integral With the frame casung or
may be attached to the machined flat faces of Integral WIth the guide bars Alternatively,
frame and slide WIth the help of either brass guide extensions may be III split construction
nvet pins or counter sunk head machine screws a nd may be bolted erther to the top of fram ~ or
of the same matenal to the top of guide bars
7.3.2 Clearance Spht guide extensions shall be firmly
secured at their JOints WIth the help of dowel
The face shall be '0 finished that the maximum pins or slot and tennon arrangement to ensure
clearance between the seating surfaces, With the proper alignment of guide groove,
slide In the closed positron, shall be 0 I,) mm,
7.~.2.3 GUides mcludmg their extensions up-
7.4 Seals for Flush Bottom Gates wards of the frame shall be machined on all
bearing and contact faces Faces of extension
7.4.1 General guide coming m contact With the seating f'ices
of the sitde while opening the gate Shl11 be
Resilient seals for flush bottom gates shall be fitted With seanng faces of the same mater al as
of natural or synthetic rubber. Reclaimed that on the slide The maximum allowable
rubber shall not be used Rubber seals shall be clearance between the sitde and the slid g ude
resistant to microbiological attack, copper shall be I 5 mm.

IS 13349 : 1992

roller bearing of approprratc size. All gears 9.8 Surface Preparltioa

and hearing shall be er closed 10 a housing.
SUItable prOVISIOns shall be made for lubn- All exposed surfaces of the head stock mecha-
catron nism shall have protecnve coatrng applied in
accordance With 8
9.3 Lifl Mechanism
The 11ft mechanism shall be supplied wuh a 10.1 All parts of the slurce gate and acessorres
pc devtal m.u hmcd and drilled 10 receive the shall be maclnned accurately on rnaung and
gCJr housing and drtlled for bolting to the bcar mg surfaces All like parts, except for the
operating floor The height of the pedestal seaung sca'mg surfaces, shall be Interchangeable
shall re sufficient to provide the honzontal <0 that replacement parts can be furnished at
hand wheel in c. se of ungeared lJf1s or the hen- any lime and attached In the field With a mmr-
zo ntal nxis of the dnvmc shaft for crank 10 case mum of funr g, chrpp ng or rcmachmmg All
of geared lilts at a convenient workrng height parts shdll conform 10 designed dimensions and
of approxrmately ~OO rnm from the base of the shall be free from defects of material and work-
pedestal or the opcrannp floor or which the manshrp All attaching bolt holes shall be
operator has to stand The pedestal shall be dTJIJed accurately to layout mdicated on the
provnlcd wnh a sunable covered Window to drawings
enable easy c ler mng and grcasmg of the stem
thri ads 10.1.1 All cast ngs <hall be clean and sound
Without defects that could Impair their function.
9.3.1 Manual hftmg mecharnsm to be mounted
directly <'11 the yoke of self contained gate may ]0.1.2 The seatmg faces shall have smooth
be provided wuh or WIthout pedestal, as machmcd or hand scraped surface hmsh All
required surfaces, <uLh as guides-to-frame and frame-to-
wall thimble shall be machined flat.
9.3.2 ThL lift mecl aru-m shall be designed In
such a rmr ncr as to permit the gate opciatmg It SHOP TESTING
under the operaung head specified, WIth ,,11 11.1 All sluice gates sh,111 be subjected to the
effort not mere than 70 Newton meter on lifung
test- specified m 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and ll.S for
device after the sluice ( that IS slide/shutter) IS
their confru rmty to the specified requirements
unse.ncd from Its wedges
ll.2 Seat Clearance Cheek
9.3.3 GUidance as necessary Olav be obtained
from IS 11228 1985 while des gnmg the hft Before final assembly, a1\ sealing and wedging
mechanism of a gate. surfaces ~halJ be cleaned thoroughly of all
foreign materials and final adjustments made
9.4 HandwheeljCrank With the gate fully closed, the clearance between
seating faces shall be checked With a 0 10 mm
The maximum handwheel diameter SI1.\11 be thick feeler gauge If 0'1 mm thick feeler gauge
H'O rnm and the maximum Clank radius shall be can be inserted be/ween seaung sealing faces,
400 mrn The crar k shall be removable and then wedging devices must he readjusted or the
Illlcd wu h a corrosion n sistant sleeve type gate slide or gate frame or both refinished until
handle The wheel or crank shall rotate either mserucn I, no longer possible.
in I onzontul or vertical plane,
] 1.3 Smooth Movement Te~t
9.5 Opening Direetlon
After completion, all seating and w(dgrng
1 he drrection of wheel or crank rotauon to open surfaces shaIl be cleaned thoroughly of all
thc g.ue shall be counter clockwise and shall foreign matenals and final adjustments made.
be mdic. ted on the hit mecbarusm The sluice gate shall then be shop operated from
the fully dosed to the fully open posuion to
9.6 Stem Cover I,
venfy that the assembly workable
E, eh n-ing stem 100t shall be provided With a
suitable <tern cover The cover shall be made 11.4 Shop Leakage Test by Applying Unseating
of a galvanized pipe Hydraulic Pressure
A shop leakage test by applying the specified
9.7 Gate Travel Indtcator rn ixrrnum unseatrng hydraulic head shall be
Gate navel Indicator shall be provided to conducted at the manufacturer's workshop. The
rr dicate the position of the gate test shall not show leakage III excess of 25, 3'5
and 4 5 lures per minute per meter of seatrng
NOTE - All gates h ivmg width of opening equal peruncter for class I, class 2 and class 3 sluice
to or greater than two limes tbe height of openmg
fhaJI be prOVIded wnh two ]Jfong devices connect- gates respectively For gates designed for seat-
ed t-y a tandem shoft for simultaneous operation. mg head only an equivalent unseatmg head shall.

IS 13349 : 1992

be used For this test clamps may be used in lubr cated, each slide shall be operated for one
place of top and bottom wedges ( see 7.8.2 ). complete cycle, open-close-open or close-open-
U.5 Hydrostatic Test
11.5.1 Hydrostatic test shall be carried out on 13 INSPECTION, SHIPMENT AND FIELD
the gate assembly at manufacturer's \\ orkshop TESTlr-.G
as given in 11.5.2.
13,1 Inspection
11 5.2 Water pressure of 1 5 times the unbalanc-
ed specified maximum operating head shall be All work performed under thrs standard shall
applied to the sluice gates In closed POSition for be subject to Inspection and approval by the
a period of 5 minutes Under th s test there purchaser or hrs agent who shall have access to
shall be no leakage through the metal nor shall all places of manufacture where materials are
any part be permanently deformed. bClng produced or fabricated, or where tests are
being conducted and shall be accorded full
12 INST ALLATION fdcililies for mspecuon and observauon. All
slurce gate or part that docs not conform to the
12.1 General requirements of thi~ st.mdat d shall be made
The purchaser should follow the manufacturer's satisfactory or shall be I ejected and replaced.
gurdchnc, about the mmnnurn clearance for
installation, stormg and handling for the gates 13.2 Shipment
under supply in addition to those covered
in 12.2 to 12.5. SluIce Gates shall be complete when shipped
and the manufacturer shall use all due and
It shall be the purchaser's responsibility to customary care 111 preparing them for shipment
handle, stet e ,1 nd Install the wall thimble, gate, to aVOId damage in handling or ill transit. Parti-
operating mechanism, stern, stern guides and cular care shall be taken to see that the parts
accessones In accordance WIth the manufac- are completely dosed and locked In POSition
turer's drawuigs and recornrnendanons. Care before shipment. Parts that are to be embedded
shall be taken to avoid war pmg the gate frame m concrete may be shipped scparutcly, if request-
and to maintam tolerances between seaung ed by the purchaser. Sluice Gates of 600 mm
faces. All gates, thimbles, sterns and operators and larger shall be bolted securely or otherwise
shall be plumbed, shimmed and aligned fastened to skids 111 such a manner that they may
accurately. be safely handled.

12.2 Hole Protection 13.3 Field Leakage Test

Tapped holes in thimbles shall be plugged for
protection during concrete pouring and setting. A field leakage test may be performed by the
purchaser after installatron of the sluice gate.
12.3 Surface Protection The manufacturer shall be notified of the test In
sufficient tunc to enable him to have hIS repre-
DUring ei ecuon, the surfaces of the thimble and sentative present at the test site After ad
gate shall be covered or otherwise protected adjustments have been made and the mechanism
from concrete spillage, paint, 011 and deb: i, properly lubncatcd, each gate slide shall be
Any damage that occurs to the thimble or gate operated through one complete cycle as ,I hnal
10 storage or handhng shall be set fight prior check on proper operation before starung the
to installation of the gate or testing and opera- leakage test Seating and unve.umg heads sha]]
non of the gate. be measured from the top surface of the water
to the centre of the gate.
12.4 Thimble
13.3.1 Searing Head
Thimbles shall be POSitioned accurately and
supported to prevent slufung durmg the pouring Under the maximum specified si.atmg head, the
of the surrounding concrete. Thimbles shall be leakage shall not exceed I 25 lpm ( lures per
carefully braced both honzontally and vertically minute) per metre of seating pernucr. r.
to prevent distortion Concrete shall be poured
carefully to provide a good bond to the thimble
without VOids. Grout shall be forced Into the 13.3.2 Unseating Head
au vent holes.
Under (he maximum specified unseating head,
the leakage class I, class 2 and class 3 sluice
12.5 Slide gates Ih,dl not exceed 2 5, 3 5 and 4'5 Jprn (iltres
After the entire assembly of manually operated per minute) per meter of seating per.meter,
gates has been installed, adjusted, and properly respectively.

IS 13349 : 199%

14 MARKING d) Year of manufacture.

14.1 Following information shall be embossed
on the slide of each sluice gate: 14.% Any additional marking required may be
agreed to between the purchaser and the
a) Indication of the source of manufacture, manufacturer.
b) Size class and type of sluice gate,
c) '+' for seating and '-' for unseating 14.3 Each sluice gate may also be marked With
head, and the Standard Mark.

( Foreword)

A·l When placing orders for slurce gates to be b) 10 ma1:hmed ~T\)1)\,t'>.

manufactured accordmg to this standard the 12. Leakage test, whether required
purchaser should include the followlllg date In
his enqurry/order: 13. Type of fluid to be handled' whether fresh
or raw water on sewage, etc.
I Number and trtlc of this Indian Standard. 14. Wedges: Whether to be lined with brass,
2. Shape of waterway; round, square or bronze or stainless steel on their mating
rectangular taper ed faces or to have cast iron contact-
3. Size: If rectangular, width X height 109 faces.
4. Design head from surface of water to 15. Acceptable materials:
centre lme of gate, 10 metres.
NOTE - In the absence of any specific provision
a) Seating head, by the purchaser. aoy hsted rnarenal shall be
b) Unseatmg head, acceptable. 11 IS recommended, however, that
unless experience hal shown that dezincihcatron or
c) Both seating head and useaung head. dealumrmzanon has not been a problem. the pur-
chaser should prohibit the use of rnatenals likely
S Ope rat 109 head: from surface of water to to be subject to dezrncrficauon or dealurmnrzanon.
cenn e line of gate, 10 metres
6 Distance between centre lme of waterway 16 Inspection by purchaser, If any.
to base of operating platform, In metres 17. Any special desgn and construction
7 Method of operation: Manual/electrtal/ required for conditions beyond the scope
hydraulic or pneumatic, If one or the other of this standard, should be defined, 10-
of the last three particulars of supplies, cludmg intended operation frequency and
motive water/air pressures available. duranon.
8. Length and shape of wall thimble ( see 18. An installation requirement drawmg
7.10.2 ) should be furrnshed by the purchaser
showing clearances, wall thickness, details
9 RISing stem or non-rismg stem (see of wall pipe and thimble installauon,
Annex C). location of lrft mechanism, that is,
10 Type of closure: Conventional or Flush whether on yoke or on platform and
Bottom ( see Annex. B ). whether the gate IS to be upwards open-
II Type of fitment of sealing faces for class I mg or down-wards opemng
duty gates: 19. Number of units required for each similar
a) On machined flat surface, or size and type of gate.

IS 13349 : 1"1

( Clause 2.1 )

IS No. Tille IS No. Tille

210: 1978 Specification for grey iron cast- 318 : 1981 Specification for leaded in
ings ( third revision) bronze ingots and castings
( second revISIon)
226 : 1975 Specification for structural steel 6603: 1972 Specification for stainless steel
( standard quality) ( fifth bars and flats
6911: 1972 Specification for stainless steel
291 : 1989 Specification for naval brass rods plate, sheet and strip
and sections (suitable for 7814:1985 Specificationfor phosphor bronze
rnachinmg and forging) t second sheet and strip (first revision)
11228: 1985 Recommendations for design of
Specification for tin bronze screw hoists
306: 1983
ingots and castmgs ( third 11855: 1986 General requirements for rubber
revision ) seals for hydraulic gates

( Clauses 4.2.1 and A-I (9) )

C-l Rising stem gates have non-rotating stems threaded part of the stem remains normally sub-
and rotatmg lift-nuts. The hft nut IS housed In merged It is impossible to regularly clean and
lift mechanism which rcmams safely above gate lubncate it. Any debris or rubbish jamming In
well water level. the threads create wear of the stem and the
operating nut and make the gate very difficult
C-2 Non-rising stem gates have rotatmg stems to operate. Operating problems WIth such gates
and non-rotatmg lift nuts. The lift nut IS increase WIth the gate size.
housed III a pocket provided at the top of slide. C-4 Wherever possible the use of non-rising
stem gates should be avoided. Such gates should
C-3 The big disadvantage of the non-rising stern be used only in those locations where there IS
gates IS that the threaded operating hfe nut and limited head room or where the nsmg stem is
stem remain in the exposed-position 1D the gate likely to interfere With some other part of the
well and hence the threads rernam exposed to installation over the top of operating headstocks
damage and corrosion. Further, since the or hft mechanisms.

( Clauses 4.2.2 and A-l (10) )

D·I CONVENTlONAL OR FLUSH BOTTOM vertical clearance between the bottom of the
operung, that IS, invert of the gate and the
D-l.l The conventional closure involves two rnvert of the chamber or channel structure.
corrosion resistant seatmg faces mating against
each other, when the gate IS fully closed. One D-1.2 If the gate with conventional closure is
such face is provided across the bottom of the installed at a situation, where the bottom of the
shde and the other corresponding horizontal gate opening is to be at the same elevation as
face is provided across the bottom of the frame. the invert of the chamber or channel structure,
The bottom edge of the slide has to travel then a recess or a cut-out is formed at the invert,
beyond the invert of the gate to cause this type where debns, SlIt and foreign matenal may
of closure to be made. Hence gates with con- collect. These interfere WIth the proper closing
ventional bottom closure are recommended for of gate. Gates With flush bottom closure aVOId
only those mstallations, where there IS an ample such recess or cut out at the Invert and hence

IS 13349: 1991

such gates are recommended for such srturtrons ch rmber IS needed or when the deflectron of tho
where the bottom of the gate openmg, as well as bottom edge of the slide under hrgh seaung
the chamber or channel floor are to bs at the pressure, in case of Widergate, IS likely to create
same elevation or level. problems of interference between the seat fac-
mgs on the frame and th ~ slide at th: tlm~ of
In case of flush-bottom closure, the bottom closing the gate.
corrosion resistant seatrng face IS omitted from
the slide as well as the frame. A resihent rubber 0·1.4 Flush-Bottom Sluice Gates are rnstalled
seatmg face IS substituted either along the In the same manner as coavennoual gates A
bottom of slide or along the bottom of the recess or cut-out IS provided rn the floor along
frame. If the rubber seaung face IS provided the Width of waterway opcnmg for accommodat-
along the bottom of slide, It closes against a ing the bottom member of frame, After putting
machined CJ~t Iron bar fitted at the bottom of the gate in posrnon, the recess can be filled With
frame with ItS machined face flush with the gate asphalt surfacing material or concrete contain-
Invert If the rubber seating face IS provided mg saw dust The recess should be filled level
along the bottom of frame, top of the rubber WIth the floor of the chamber and the invert of
seJII) kept flush with gate invert In this case the gate
the slide closes against the resilient rubber 'cal
m the invert Purchasers should consult the manufacturer
0·1.3 Gates with flush bottom closure are also regarding the dimensronsof the recess or cut out
recommended when complete flushmg of the to be provided 10 the floor.

( Clause )

E-I The maximum force required to activate a H = Head of water at g ue centre line, In
sluice gate occurs durtng the unseating and metres,
raismg the weight of the slide. In the closing,
or normally the downward motion of the gate, P, = Weight of slide, 1U Newtons, and
the weight of the stem and slide acts In the PI = Weight of stem, in Newtons.
direction of motion and reduces the force
required. The fricuon factor '/' between the slide and the
seats may be taken as 0 35. The weight of the
E-2 The force required to activate the slide IS, stem and slide should be obtained from the
in part empmcally determrned. The weight of manufacturer of the gate It has not been general
the slide and stem, the head of water on the practice to reduce the weight of the slide or stem
gate at the centre Iine of the openrng, and the because of the buoyant effect of the water. The
fncnon of the slide against the seats and wedges force required to overcome the fncnonal effect
are required to calculate the force to open the of the wedges IS accounted for by empirically
gate These factors are normally presented In assigning one half the weight of the slide The
the following manner force, thus deterrmned, is associated WIth 200
F=JO OOOx/xA xH+I 5xP,+P. Eq (I) Newtons effort on the activator Once released
where from the wedges the force m Newtons becomes:
F = Total maximum force required to open F = 10000 xl X A X H + P, + r, Eq (2)
slide. In Newtons;
The force determrned by Eq 2 WIll be less than
I Fncuon factor of slide against seat; the unseating force and IS th: force required for
A = Area of gate openmg, In square metres, sustained effort on the activator

IS 13349 : 1992

( Clause 7 11.1.4 )
Table 4 (Concluded)
F-l Nornmal diameters of mild steel or stainless GateSIze JO mrn Stem Diameters, 0 mm for
stems recommended for varIOus srzes and three r-----A.--, Gale of
classes of gates calculated on the baSIS of Euler's 51 WIdth x Herght r-----A-----~
Column Formula (see 7.11.1) and assuming (I) No Class I Class 2 Class 3
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
maximum slenderness rano of 200 (see 7.12.2 l, II 750 x 500 30 30 30
are given m Table 4 12 750 x 600 30 30 30
F-2 Threads on the stern arc assumed to be 14
13 750 x 750 35 35 35
750 x 900 40 40 40
smgle start square threads WIth picthes consi- 15 750 x I 100 40 40 40
dered as under 16 900 x 600 30 30 35
Stem Dta Pilch 17 900 x 900 40 40 40
mm mm 18 900 x 1200 45 45 45
30 to 45
19 1000 x 750 35 35 40
6 20 1000 x 1000 40 40 45
50 to 75 10 21 1000 x 1200 45 45 45
80 to 90 12 22 1000 x 1500 50 50 50
23 1100 x 900 40 40 45
F-3 Stem diameters as mentroned m Table 4 arc 24 1 100 x 1100 40 40 45
checked for interference free travel of stem 25 1100 x 1500 50 50 SO
couplmg, If any, between the stem guides 26 1200 x 900 40 40 45
27 1200 x 1200 45 45 45
F-4 DIameters stated 10 Table 4 arc recommend- 28 1200 x 1500 50 50 SO
ed for guidance The diameter of stem to be 29 1200 x 1800 55 55 55
finally decided for a particular gate should be 30 1400 x 1000 40 40 45
checked for being safe m cntrcal bucklmg as 31 J 400 x 1400 45 45 SO
per 7.11 1 for the output of the operanngj'hft 32 1400 x 1800 55 55 55
mechanism ( operatmg headstock) to be adopt- 33 1500 x 1000 40 40 45
ed by the manufacturer 34 1500 x 1200 45 45 ~O
35 150J x 1500 50 50 55
Table 4 Recommended Nominal DIameters of 36 J 500 x 1800 5, 55 60
Mild Steel or Stainless Steel Stems for 37 1500 x 2000 60 60 65
Various Classes of Gales 38 1600 x 1200 45 45 SO
39 1600 x 1600 50 50 55
GateSIze in rom Stem Diameters in rnm for 40 1600 x 2000 60 60 70
r - - - A - - - --.. Gates of 41 1800 x 1200 45 45 55
51 W,dlb x Height r-------.A..------... 42 1800 x 1500 SO 50 60
No Class I Class 2 Class 3
(3) (6)
43 1800 x J 800 55 60 70
(I) (2) (4) (5) 70 80
44 1800 x 2500 70
I. 300 x 300 30 30 30 SO 50
45 2000 x 1500 65
2 300 x 400 30 30 30
46 2000 x 2000 60 65 75
3 400 x 300 30 30 30 70 70 85
47 2000 x 2500
4 400 x 400 30 30 30
48 2250 x 1500 60 65 75
S 500 x 400 30 30 30
49 2250 x 2250 65 70 85
6 500 x 500 30 30 30
500 x 750 30 30 30
50 2250 x 2500 70 70 85
7 2500 x 1600 60 65 75
8 600 x 400 3" 30 30
52 2500 x 2000 6S 70 85
9 600 x 600 30 30 30
x 2500 70 75 90
53 2500
10 600 x 750 35 35 35

Standard Mark

The use of the standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply witli the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the pro-
ducer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to
that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from
the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureauof Indian Standarda
BIS is a statutory instilution established under the B.4ruu o/Indian Standardf ,4cl, 1988 to promoto
harmoniousdevelopment of the activities of standardization, muking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in
the Course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbolsand sizes, type or
gradedesignations. Enquiries relatingto copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications), BIS.
Rnislon of Indian Standards
Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments. if any,
are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in
possession of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent
to BIS giving the following reference:

Doc: No. CEO 3 ( 4802 )

Amendments IssuedSince Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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