Foreign Service List April 1974
Foreign Service List April 1974
Foreign Service List April 1974
APR 15 1974
Including Field Staffs of
Local Standard Time
Honolulu 5 a.m.
San Francisco 7 a.m.
Salt Lake City 8 a.m.
St. Louis 9 a.m.
Washington 10 a.m.
London 4 p.m.
Berlin 4 p.m.
Moscow 6 p.m.
Toyko Midnight
February 1974
Department of State
Preface III
Post Information and Special Notices IV
Abbreviations and Symbols V
Personnel Assigned to Foreign Service Posts 1
U.S. Missions to International Organizations . 47
Index of Persons 49
Geographic Index 89
Publication 7802
Revised February 1974
Publishing and Reproduction Services Division
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington , D.C. 20402
Price $2.25 (Single Copy) . Subscription Price : $6.50 Per Year: $ 1.75 Additional for Foreign Mailing
Post Information and
Special Notices
Offices Opened
Offices Closed
A / AIRA , . .
auslstant alr attacho cons , consul , consular Ind Designs . . Locarno Union on the In.
A /AIRLO . 0
assistant air llaigon cons. gen consul general
officer constr tornational Classification
A /ALUSNA . assistant naval attache count a of Industrial Designs
counselor of embassy . .
A / ALUSNLO assistant naval liaison atli . controller Inst Institute, Institution
officer insur . Insurance
AIARMA . . assistant army attacho DAC , . . Development Assistance 10 # Foroign Service Informa .
SHAPE . Supreme Headquarters of USOECD U.S. Mission to the Orga .
Rosch Cancer . International Agency for nization for Economic
Research on Cancer Allied Powers in Europe
SL Foreign Service Staff Cooperation and Devel.
RIAS . Radio in American Soctor opment
Foreign Service Reserve Officer Limited
RL . special purpose post USNATO . : U.S. Mission to the North
Officer Limited SP
SRS Thessaloniki Relay Station Atlantic Treaty Organi.
RPC Rhodes Program Center supervisor, supervisory zation
RRS . Rhodes Rolay Station USUN U.S. Mission to the United
Regional Service Center TRS . Tangier Relay Station Nations ( New York)
RU . . Foreign Service Reserve
Officer Unlimited UNESCO United Nations Educa
tional , Scientific and vetor . veterinarian , veterinary
S Foreign Service Staff officer Cultural Organization vis visual
sanitarian , sanitary USDA U.S. Department of Agri. VIS Vietnamese Information
SCI screening culture Service
SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Or. USEC U.S. Mission to European VN Viet Nam
ganization Communities VOC vocational
service USIA U.S. Information Agency VTVN Vietnamese
Linger William ) coms/ rec off S-6 3.72 LaPrade Robert C. gen ser off S- 2 2-73 Stoehr Sandra A. sec S-8 3.73
Marks G Rosalind bud/fis off S-2 2-73 Obrien Joseph A. coms/rec asst S.7 1.73 Vannort Isabelle sec S-4 10-69
Mori Ichiro for bldgs off R-3 2.72 Parker Otha L... coms tech S.4 7.73
Olson Richard L reg adm spec RU-3 8-70 Reed James B. coms /rec asst R-7 3.71 Political Section
Petersen Charles N telecoms asst S.7 4.73 Ross Jo Anne D sec S -6 1.73 Adams Judith A.. sec S -7 12-69
Peterson Richard L telecoms asst S-8 8-73 Thomas Clifford P JO coms/rec asst S.7 11.73 Bergman Paul M. labor/ pol oft 0-2 2-70
Silva Raymond E... coms/ rec asst S.7 7.73 Dumaine Robert T. pol oft R-4 8.73
Watson Donald E reg adm spec S.4 7.69 Armed Forces Attaches Jeffers Stanley K. poi off R-4 8.71
Welch Mary M Ders off 0.5 2.72 Witt Col Harry A DATT / AIRA 5.72 Kostrab June A.. sec S-8 4.71
Uttinger Col Joe W. ARMA 8.71 Malton Charles Tr. pol off R- 3 8.70
Page Capt George L ALUSNA 7.72 Trinka Frank G. pol ott 0-3 8.73
Wilcox Robert H. phys sci off R-2 12.73 Gary Ltc John H lii A /ALUSNA (USMC) 7.72 Wallace Josephine E sec S-6 6.71
Jetters Maj Donald D. A / AIRA 7.71 Witecki Thomas A. pol off R-6 8.71
Armod Forces Attachos
Stapleton Col Samuel L DATT /ARMA 6.71 FAS Economic /Commercial Section
Massa Capt Emiddio. ALUSNA 1.72 Lege Frederick M lii. agri att 6-67 Bardach Henry .. econ / cml off 0-3 7.73
Niblack Col Emmett A Jr AIRA 7.73 Corbett Joan Ellen econ /cml off 0-6 7.73
Huser MajHerbert C A/ARMA 6.72 USIA Krumviede Dale M. econ / cml off R- 5 8.72
Overbey Ltc Robert E .. A/AIRA 7.71 Pettus James T pub att off Lill Joe comm off 0.4 8.73
10.3 11.71 Martin S Douglas. trade prom off 0-3 6-73
Findlay Edward .. cult att off i0-3 10-73
FAS Schwegel Virginia S sec S-6 1.72
Wilson Dalton L. agri att 9.71 Sound Marilyn sec S.7 2.73
Willis Jar W 5.73 ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA (CA) Whelan Joseph A. trade prom off R-3 12-73
White Alfred J. econ /cml off 0.4 7.72
AID Manuel Tom act cons agt
Consular Section
Betzig Edward reg dev oft R.2 0.00
Diliberto Rose Mary .. sec S-6 10-73 BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND (C) Price Arthur L. ppt/citiz off 0-4 7.71
1.73 Reimuller David P. cons off S-4 9.70
Douglass C Raymond. reg gen engroff R-3
Ryerson William E. visa oft 0.5 6-73
Goodson William N. hsg ad R- 3 6.71 Friedman Jack prin off 0-3 9.70
Lima Lourdes sec S-S 10.71 Morimoto Sueo . cons off S - 2 6-73 Strutzel Michael P. visa oft 0-6 5-73
R.4 11.71 White Ray E Jr. cons off 0-3 11.73
Rogers Dwayne S. tech info oft
MELBOURNE, VICTORIA (CG) Administrative Section
Texido Robert C. adm off 0-3 7.72
Friedmann Eugene pub att off 10.2 7.70 Fluker , Robert prir off 0-1 9.73 Adams Wayne G. coms/ rec asst S-8 9.72
Dambrava Vytautas A. dep pub aff off 10.2 9.71 Dean Abigail L. sec S-6 3.73 Atkins John W telecoms off S-5 4.72
Laun Alfred A lii . br pub att off 10-4 9.72 McHale Edward Joseph . labor/pol off 0-3 10-72 Belair May A. pers off 0-4 5-73
(Assigned to Rosario) Brown Robert A. comm off 0.3 9.71 Belk William E coms/ rec asst S-9 12-73
Minutillo Robert N .. br pub att off 10.4 8.72 Hansen Peter T. comm oft 0.5 8.72 Boudreaux Lydia C. sec S-6 1.74
(Assigned to Cordoba) Karaer Arma lane cons off 0-5 2.73 Coughlin Michael E. S.3 7.71
Brockman Jack C book off reg 10.4 7.71 Richardson Donald M cons off R.4 10-69 reg adm spec
acao BNC dir Del Giudice Paul G. coms/rec off S-38.70
Channing James F 10.4 9.70 Knight George E. adm off 0-4 1.73 Fitzgerald Elizabeth F. sec S- 5 10-70
(Assigned to Rosario) Aschman Francis ... coms/ rec asst S- 6 8.72 Gray William R .. bud/mgt off R - 5 7.73
Cooper Patricia L exec sec S-5 7.72 Johnson Richard A S.7 5.72
Crane Louise Kellehe VOA reg corr 10.4 7.71 coms/rec asst
USIA Korcak Jerome M. med off RU-2 1.72
De Witt John L .. press oft 10.3 9-67 0-6 9.72
Dieterich William ) asst info off 10-4 2.72 Brokenshire Melvyn R br pub aft off 10-4 11.72 Mount Day Olin . gen ser off
Durbin Paula ) 10-6 9.71 Newnham Edward A. coms/ rec asst S-6 1.72
acao exchanges Olbrish Virginia A sec S-8 3.73
Gurvin Anne ). acao libr 10.4 2.72 PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA (C) coms/ rec off
Keith Harry... audio-vis off prog 10-2 2-72 Starr Dennis Julian R.7 11.73
R-5 4.72 Stevens Lynn E coms/rec asst S.7 10.72
Kemp Tyrone W asst cult att off Bruns William H... prin oft 0-2 7.72 Thompson James D. coms/rec asst S.7 12.73
Leiby Frederick. exec off R-3 10-12 Jacobsen Carl Rli comm off R-4 8.71 telecoms asst
10-6 1.74 Walker Richard S-6 3.73
McElhiney Gary P acao BNC dir Parker M Jane cons off S.4 1.73 Weirick John V. coms/rec off R- 5 8.72
(Assigned to Tucuman) Zimmerman E Heinz gen ser oft S-4 7.73
Meyer Charles R ... acao BNC coord i0-3 7.73 USIA
Miller James B info oft i0.3 11.72
Riccio Robert A cult aff off i0-3 7-69 Scherr Daniel . br pub aff oft i0.5 9.71 Armed Forces Attaches
Watt John David . acao BNC dir 10-6 2-71 Troy Col Guy K ... DATT / ARMA 6-72
(Assigned to Mendoza; SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH -WALES (CG) Steingasser Col Joseph . AIRA 8.73
Imholz Lt Col Robert E. A /ARMA 7.72
CORDOBA (CA) Hannah Norman B prin oft 0.1 7.71
Bailey Bonnie ). sec S- 8 3.71 FAS
Bachmann F Brenne . comm off 0-5 1.72 Ehman Frank W agri att 6.72
Egan John P. cons agt R-3
Goodsell James W trade prom off (Resident in Bern )
Heikenen Harry W. comm off 0-2 3.71
Marshall James C comm off R-3 10-72 USIA
AUSTRALIA Brennan Patrick W. cons oft S -6 11.73
Elam Richard Warren. cons oft 0-5 5-72 Arnold Philip W pub aff off 10-2 8.71
Fowler Alta...... cons off 0.4 1.72 Holzaptel Hans pub att ad 10-2 1.74
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (E) Santiano Anthony Michael cons off 0.5 11.71 Barkanic Steven A. asst mgr reg exhib R-58-72
Moran Lawrence ) adm off S.2 4.73 ctr
Browning Robert L. coms/ rec asst S -8 9.71 Braycich Joseph N. dep reg proj off 0-3 12-69
Executive Section Craig Thomas L mgr reg exhib ctr R-2 5-67
Green Marshall. АЕР CM 5-69 McLaughlin Roy R. coms/rec off R -6 2.72
Czuczka George T. into off i0-3 7.71
Harrop William C DCM 0.1 5.73 Dove Thomas C Jr info off 10.3 9.73
Johnson Emma E sec S-4 6-73 USIA Garnett Norris D. cult att oft 10.3 7.72
Walter Shirley M. sec S-6 4.72 Anderson James F br pub aft off i0-2 8.71 Garrett Ruby Nell asst publ off R-5 12-72
Cain Elizabeth A br cult aft off i0-6 4.73 Gayton Donald V Jr. asst mgr reg exhib R-4 4.73
Political Section ctr
Conlon Thomas F. pol off 0.2 7.71 Getter Saul S exec oft R-3 4.73
Koenig Anne M. sec S-6 10-71 Gledhill Wayne F asst cult att oft 10-5 1.73
Nenno William C pol oft 0.4 2.73 AUSTRIA asst info off R- 5 1.73
Holbert John Mckay .
Rich Marilyn A. sec S-8 12.73 Houk Wade B Jr. exec off reg R-3 3.72
VIENNA (E) Jacobs John K reg proj off R-2 8.70
Economic /Commercial Section Kost Barbara ). sec-adm S- 5 2.73
Carle Jack M. comm off 0.4 7.73 Executive Section Sheahan Cornelia M asst cult aft off 10-5 8-73
Larue Marilyn A. sec S.9 5.73 Humes John Portner. АЕР 10-69
Montgomery Robert econ / cml off 0.4 7.71 Resor Stanley R US rep MBFR
Simpson Robert E econ /cml off R- 1 3-73 Dean Jonathan ... dep US itp 0-1 9.72
Mowinckel John W. DCM 10.1 6-71 For U.S. Mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency
Administrative Section Barr Alan W spec asst 0-6 8-73 ( IAEA) and UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), See
Reiner Herbert Jr. adm oft 0.1 1.72 Ekern Halvor o pol oft R-2 10-73 Table of Contents.
Covey William Lee. coms /rec asst S.7 1.74 Grobel Olaf pol off 0.4 10.73
Ernhart Ronald F coms/rec asst S-6 8.71 Haight Mary E sec SIO 12-73
Gilbertson Jean A coms/rec off S-3 2.72 Harben William N. pol off 0-3 10-73 SALZBURG (C)
Hicks Reppard D bud fis/disb oft 0-4 1.73 Lee Elizabeth A sec S.4 9.73
Holt Gordon E.. coms/ rec oft S - 4 1.74 Roberts Adelina Rodriguez..... Sec S-8 Christensen Ward Lee. ........ prin off 0-3 6-73
ACTION , PC Mye Randolph ! prog econ RL- S 10-72 Meadows Mary E. nurse R.7 1.73
Thurston Robert V assoc dır R- 6 8.73 Plummer Frances A. , sec S.4 1.71 Mosher Geraldine L. coms/rec asst S-6 7.71
Rex Harold M. exec off R-2 10-68 Nice Jeremy pers off 0-5 3-72
Seeley Erwin C educ ad R.3 11.73 Perkins Jay A.. adm asst S.7 9.73
BOLIVIA Smith Earl E. dep food /agri off R-3 7-69 Pettit Thomas A coms/ rec asst S.7 5.72
Stonebrook Edward C. aud R-48-72 Plambeck Arthur C .. reg adm spec 0-4 8-72
Szepesy Eugene ) . dep prog off R-6 6-69 Proctor Michael S. telecoms asst S -8 12-72
LA PAZ (E) Williams Max H. asst prog off RL-5 5.73 Richtmyer Priscilla k pers off S-5 2.73
Ryan Jack W. gen ser off 0-6 1.74
Executive Section USIA Schenck Audrey A coms/ rec asst S.7 1.74
Stedman William Perry Jr ... АЕР 0.1 9.73 Morton Herwald H. pub att off 10-3 8.73 Wong Rose P .. bud/mgt off 0-4 3-73
Brewin Roger C. DCM 0-2 8-72 reg sec S-6 11.72
Carroll Mary R .. sec S- 5 9.73 Buchholz Margrett He .
Cordova Victoria R. info oft 10-4 9.72 Armed Forces Attaches
Florkey Roberta Ann . sec S- 9 4.73 sec -adm
De Rosa Josephine E. S-8 8-72 Moura Col Arthur S DATT /ARMA 6-67
French Graham Kenned cult att off 10-3 10.72 Messere Capt Edward ) . ALUSNA 10-72
Political Soction Hashimoto Robert Tad . pub aff trainee 10.7 7.73
R -8 5.72 (Resident in Rio de Janeiro)
Brossman Mark pol oft Springer Craig B. acao BNC dir R-5 5.73 Rauchenstein Col Henry D ..... AIRA 6-70
Fain Anna D sec SIO 4.73 Wilson Sheila P. sec-adm S-8 Deamusategui Maj Joseph 0 .. A /ARMA 5.71
Frederick Christian F pol off R- 5 7.72 (Resident in Rio de Janeiro)
Karpoff Leo G. pol oft R -4 7.72 Krupa Maj Stephen A Jr. A/ARMA 9.71
Konnersman Katherine sec S-6 5.73 Castro Lt Cdr Alexander Jr ..... A /ALUSNA 6-71
La Mazza John ) labor /pol off 0-4 9.73 BOTSWANA Briggs Ma, Patrick A. A/AIRA 6.72
Latrash Frederick W. pol off R-3 8.73
Lewis Antonie sec S-8 9.73
Maden Ann clk S-5 8.72 GABORONE (E) FAS
McGraw Teresa R. clk S-9 4.73 Thorburn W Garth agri att 6.72
Pace Robert S. pol off 0-5 6-73 Executive Section Wicks Robert J ... 5.73
Ravndal Frank M pol oft 0.4 7.73 Nelson Charles AEP 9.71
Taylor Robert L.. pol off R-5 5.72 Bishop Bradford Jr. DCM 0.4 2.72 AID
Kleiboeker Jenness. sec S-8 Weissman Marvin dir 8.73
Economic/Commercial Section McGuire Roger A. int rel oft gen 0-6 7.72 Abel Lawrence R- 5 10.71
Henderson James G 8.66 sec S-5 1.73 asst prog off
minerals off RU-4 Wicke Catherine G Albright Marsha G sec S- 7 7.71
Killeen Thomas B comm oft 0-5 10-71 Apodaca Dick F. ftp off R- 3 8.73
Lawson Marilyn sec S- 7 Administrative Section Brooks Charles E bud/acctg oft R- 5 11.72
McLean ) Phillip econ/cml off 0.5 9.73 Duncan Dillard H adm off S-38.72 Chable Alphonse C dep food /agri off R- 3 4-67
Whiting Albert W. econ/cml off 0-3 8-72 McKone Norman R coms/ rec adm asst S- 7 10.72 Chapnick Bernard prog oper off RL- 3 8.71
Clyne John R legal ad R-2 1.69
Consular Soction AID Cohen David A asst prog off R.4 10-69
French Jon M .. cons off R - 7 7.73 Confer Beulah A .. asst dev trng off R.4 3-68
Mudd Donald E cons off 0.5 6-72 Rea Samuel S. asst prog oft RL.4 12.71 Daniel Patricia G coms/ rec supvr S.7 1.70
Zimmerman Anne C. clk SIO 10-73 Davison John R acct RL- 5 11.72
ACTION, PC Dolio Ardwin educ ad R- 2 12-69
Administrative Soction Frankel Charles L. dir R-25.73 Frazao Marion P nutrition ad RL.4 1.73
Bleakley Kenneth W adm oft 0.4 7.73 Gelabert William F prog ott R.1 6-67
Caro Valerio 1 reg adm spec R-6 9.73 Hagel Fred C. dep multisector oft R -3 11.73
Connelley Robert L. telecoms asst S.7 7.73 Knowlan Charles ) ctir R:2 1.71
Huth Donald E BRAZIL Lusk Howard D. multisector oft R-2 5.71
gen ser off 0.5 10.73
Johnson Richard M med off RU-3 10-72 Miller John M asst prog off R-S 10-70
Kranz Jonathan Elliot. gen ser oft 0.7 8.72 BRASILIA (E) Moore Herman E gso R- 53-67
Larson Dale H coms/rec asst S-8 5.72 Newman Richard W exec off R.2 5.70
Lewis Robert A bud/fis off 0-6 9.73 Executive Section Robinson James A .. agri ad R-3 0-00
Malesic Anthony W. telecoms off R.7 9.71 Rodgers William L. food/agri off R-2 7.69
Crimmins John Hugh AEP CM 4.69 Staley Arnetta B. sec SL 4 10.71
Martinez Pasqual. coms/rec asst S - 8 1.72 sec S-5 11.72
McClain Anita F. pers oft S-5 6.73 Flynn Audrey R. Standley Robert R. multisector off RL-3 7-67
nurse Hill Barbara ). sec S - 6 5.73 Strieby Judith A. pers off R- 5 7.72
Parks Traba F S-4 4.72
Plymale Dwight L. telecoms off S- S 11.73 Thomson James F malaria ad R-2 0-00
Political Section Vandoren Melvin L. asst ctir R-3 10-70
Quinn John J. telecoms asst S-85-72
Reddick Edward F adm asst S-6 6-72 Asencio Diego C. pol off 0-3 2.73
Rorick Alberta 1 . coms/ rec oft S-6 8.73 Dockstader Kathryn M. sec S-9 12-72 ACTION , PC
Sainz Reyes M. coms/ rec asst S.9 7.73 Edgette Judith A pol off R-6 4.73 Ouweneel William M dir R- 2 10-73
Trombino Joseph Jr telecoms asst S-8 9-73 Elliott Carlyn sec S-8 1.74 R-3 10-73
sec S-6 5-70 Todd John A Jr. dep dir
Tuohy Sharon L. nurse R-6 12.71 Espe Frances Jean. Casasco Juan A prog trn off R- 3 6.73
Ustaski Walter telecoms asst S.6 7.73 Garland William A. pol off 0-5 8.73 R-6 8.73
pol off Cox Charles C assoc dir
Zilinsky Sandra Lee sec S-8 10.72 Gibson Barry R. R-6 10-73 Fraser Peter H. R-7 4.73
Girdler Lewis .. pol off 0-5 1.74
Gentile Robert H prog trng off R -4 7.73
Armed Forces Attaches Johnson Myra L. pol off R-6 7.73
Koplowitz Wilfred D. pol off R-2 6.72 Huger Gregory F prog off R-5 10.73
Gatewood Col Jack E. DATT / AIRA 1.74 Laser Lawrence C pol off R-3 7.72 Hurwitz William E physician R- 5 7.73
Reid Ltc James W. ARMA 6-73 Murphy Thomas F pol off R-5 Jacob Nelson L prog tech rep ag R -6 10-73
Castleman Capt Jerry D A/ARMA 10.72 Pfeifle Linda Margaret ... pol off 0-5 9.71 Lafleur James R. R- 5 7.73
Lynch Denis L prog tech rep ag R- 5 12.73
AID McDavid William E. assoc dir R- 5 10.73
Economic / Commercial Section Morse Wendell E Jr R-6 4.73
Oleson John R. dir R.1 7.73 comm oft 0-2 8-73 prog trng off
Berlin Calvin C. Tomasi Myron E R- 5 5-73
Mudge Arthur W li . dep dir RL.1 8.73 Einik M Michael . econ / cml oft 0-8 2.73
Armstrong Larry cap proj dev off R-S 10-71 Goldstein Gerald. econ /cml off 0.1 10.71
Arroyo David S pub safety off R-3 9.72 th sec USIA
McCabe Mary Elizabe S-6 9.73
Balsis Catherine A .. e cap proj dev off R-5 2.73 Pavlik Joan D. sec S-8 8-73 Tuch Hans N. pub aff off i0.1 8-71
Bathrick David D. comty off R-4 3-73 Stanford G Alonzo econ /cml off 0-2 10-71 Coffey Fred A Jr. dep pub aff oft 10-3 9.73
Boyer Mervin FJr. resident aud RL-3 8.72 (Resident in Rio de Janeiro) Opstein Sally br pub aff off 10.4 5.73
Brecher Frank W .. prog oft R-31.73 Vaznaugh Frederick S. econ / cml off 0-4 9.72 (Assigned to Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais)
Clark Robert K. dep clr R-31.73 Cohen Rita F. sec S-9 1.73
Delatorre David pub safety ad R -4 3-72 Consular Section Daniel Howard E br cult aft off 10-6
Diaz Angel M ... dep prog oft R - 4 7.73 R.7 11.73 (Assigned to Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais)
Dudley Richard D. gen engr oft R-3 7.73 Kaufmann Judith R ................ cons off Dipalma Lucille R asst cult atf oft 10-6 5.72
Eckersley Bruce L... acct R -4 9.71 Donovan Edward asst cult att off 10.4 5.72
Gutierrez Edna A. coms/ rec supur S - 4 8.73 Administrative Section Dove Richard E. exec off R-3 6.73
Hamilton Durlene M. sec S-6 9.68 Doak Leslie Alson adm off 0.7 2-73 Gilchrist Mildred R. exec sec S.7 1.73
Hasan Hasan A .. dep gen engr oft RL-3 8.72 Irvin H Robert. adm oft R-4 6-73 Halle Elinor . cult aff off 10.3 5.72
Hillier William J......... bud /acctg off RL.4 9-72 Scarritt Ralph ... adm oft 0.1 10.71 Hopping Ann cao reg libr R-5 1.73
Jensen Malcolm C. dep exec off R35-69
- Yordan Carlos M. adm off 0-3 5.73 Howard Carl D asst press off 10-4 12.71
Jickling David L. pub adm off R-3 0-00 Balashova Ethel disb off S-4 8.73 Rosenfeld Nathan Am studies ad R-3 6.72
Jones Douglas M. agri econ R-3 7-69 Caruso Joseph A telecoms asst S-5 8.72 Thompson Mary Cecili. sec S-8 11.73
Landry Amedee S health off R-3 10-69 Englebrake George L. coms/ rec off S -4 11.73 Velez Lester ne acao exchanges 10-5 7.72
Leonard Carl H.. cap proj dev off R-5 7.73 Etherton Elizabeth F sec S.7 1.73
Macdonald James B. aud RL-5 9.72 Fest M Judith . sec S- 7 9.73
Massey Parke D multisector off R-2 6-73 Fujioka Roy Y. gen ser oft S-1 9.72 BELEM , PARA (C)
McMoil William G. ctie R.2 6.73 Koop Robert W. med off R-3 7.73
Moffett Jesse R food /agri off R-2 12-66 Martinell Roger D. telecoms asst S- 8 9.72 Wackerbarth Paul H. prin oft 0-6 2.72
Tomasso RichardLomma telecoms off R-8 4:12 CANADA Ruble Richard WIP************* Viso off 0.5 2-12
Walther Kenneth W ....... telecoms asst $.1 10.71 Oroon Morvin D.... .. odm off 0:4 0:12
Wynne Willard ........ coms/noc off $-6 7.72 Podo Joseph C coms/rec OSS
Armod lorous Attaches USIA
Exooutivo Seotion
Nollond Col Patrick M RIORI ARMA 6.72 Manville Harrington .......... br pub off off 10:3 2:12
(Resident in Kinshasa) PorterWilliam AEP 8-69
Olomm Lic Dovid W ............. AIRA 6.73 johnson William M J ... осм 0.1 1.73
(Resident in Kinshasa) Eardley Dorothy A $.3 10-73
Abbott Cpt Michael H ... A/ARMA 2.13 Keim Mary $ .4 2.73
(Rosident in Kinshasa ) Keys joon E. soc $-4 10.70 For U.S. Mission to the International Civil Aviation Organization
Latimer Copt Dovid M .......... A /ARMA 7.72 Luable Lois L... 9.1 9.73 ( ICAO ), sao Table of Contents.
(Rosidont in Kinshasa) Stroub Alice Kathleen int rol ott gon 0.8 1.73
Political Section QUEDEC, QUEDEC (CO)
Challin Seymour labor/pol off 0-2 1.71
CAMBODIA Cooke Goodwin pol oft 0.3 7.72 Melby Everett kl prin off 0-2 11.70
tungth Robot pol off 0.2 Burt Alanson G * ... cons off 0.3 6.12
Camrecki Helen sec 5.6 7.73 Carter Richard Thomas.. " ... cons off R.7 2.73
Garber Audrey F sec S -6 3.73
Sao Khmer Republic Lconomic/Commercial Section ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND (CC)
Buchanan Thomas R. econ /cmi off 0.4 1.73 prin off 0.3 6.72
$.6 1.11 Dobbs Theodora B ..
Bullock Margaret .... Lubor John Victor .. ............. cons off 0.8 12.72
CAMEROON Fulton Margaret H. S-6 1.74
Higgins Poter 1 econ /cmi oft 0.4 8.71
Leary John C econ /cml oft 0.2 8.73 TORONTO , ONTARIO (CO)
YAOUNDE ( E) Mellor John E comm off 0.2 9.71
O'Connor Edward R. int trans off 0.4 7.73 Ylitalo Raymond prin off 0.1 10.12
Luooutlvo Section Vargo Mary Jean S-8 Dombroski Thorosa 1 SOC $.4 3.73
Moore C Robert .. AEP CM 7.72 Bycling Raymond Enout... comm off R3
DCM 0.3 4.73 Consular Section Fonnin Pavlo K. $.7 8.73
Friedman Gerald A.
Bontie Florenco Q ......... S-8 4.71 Galduk Ronald A. cons off 0.3 5.73 Kaven Helen E econ /cml off 0.3 3.73
Mundt Alice M .... S-5 2.73 Jacobs Robert Leonard . cons off 0-6 9.73 Luckett Morguerito 0....... SOC S-6 5.71
Parrin Eileen E S-8 5.73 Gentry Richard L.......... visa off R.7 3.73
Political Section Milliard Benjamin C. ppt/ citiz off S.1 6.12
S.9 8.72 Administrativo Section Loininger Wayne Stephen ....... Visa off 0.1 12.71
Alberti Deborah .............
Bliss Robert R. adm off 0.2 7.72 Luther Lola B. visa off 8.5 5.73
Political Economic Section Baxtor Henry E. coms/ rec off S.1 8.72 Powell Kaith .. visa off 0.4 6.71
S.2 6.73 Buenting Eloise A. coms/ roc off S-5 11-69 Richards Fornando L..... visa off R.1 12.73
Corydon Jolf III... pol/econ off Cossac Dorris P coms/roc asst S -6 11.71 Ridge Eleanor M viso off $.4 7.73
Grace Linda Ann S -6 8.72 Trujillo Doro . visa off S.5 9.73
Loonomic/Commercial Section Mitchell Richard A ...... coms/rec oss 5.6 7.72
Schlenker Thomas A. acon /cml off 0.5 2.73 Piatok Bernard F...... bud/lis off 0.4 1.71 Bullo , Loonard odm off S.3 8.73
Radicevich Robert B coms/noc oss S.7 4.73 Luchott Charles Edr . odm off RU.3 7.69
Consular Section Ross Barbora ) . coms/roc usst S -6 7.71
Ayting Robert S. cons off 0.6 8.72 Vaughan Marguerite B. fon ser off S-6 USIA
Morgon Nancy E. cons off R:8 6.73 Wonk Robert fan ser off S.3 11.71 Donohue Gorord A ............. br pub off off 10.2 6.73
Wood Doris E. pers off 0.5 9.73
Administrativo Section
Forgione francis A. odm off S.2
Bortle Bruce coms/noc off S.6 4.71 Hudson Miller N Jr. phys sci off RU.1 10.71
S.9 7.73 O'Shea Nodia . S - 6 7.72 Stutosman John H.... prin off 0.1 1.72
Clifton Joy C coms/tec usst Cole Jean 0 . $ .3 1.71
Detwiler Cuntis telecoms off S.7 7.71 Woodruff Arthur H. trng 0.3 8.73
pers spec Barcos John A. comm off 0.5 11.73
Griffin James M 0-6 10.73 Ide Donald C. econ / cm / off 0.3 3.73
Lewandowski David R. telecoms asst S-8 9.73 Armed Forces Attaches
nurse R:7 DATT/ AIRA 7.71 Ellers Xavier W. viso off S -1 1.70
Peer Betty C ..... Solomon Col William G. Komitor Jack S. ppt/citiz off S -5 12-68
Hanna Col Mark ARMA 8.72 $.4 4.70
Armod Porcos Attaches Murphy Cpt Frank M ALUSNA 7.71 Horan John R adm off
Gitton Moj John C...... AIRA 3.72
(Resident in N'Djamena ) PAS WINNIPEG, MANITOBA (CG)
Oconnell Cor Thomas W. A/AIRA 8.73 Olson Eugene T. agri ott 1.69
(Resident in N'Djamena) Mills William 6.72 Kelly William B.. prin off 0.2 6.69
Charlton Robert L. visa off $-4 11.69
AID USIA Vlahovich Doroslav S. cons off S - 2 8-73
Beery Lowrance AJI proj mgr ogni R-2 6-69 Fordney Ben F pub aft off 10.3 1.73
fell Arthur M. asst rog dvi off RL-3 6.73 Green Elinor into off 10.3 1.69
Hogon Archie CHP proj mgr agri R.4 11.72
Ireland Michael dep adm off R.5 6.69 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
Koehring John W reg dev off R.3 9.73 CALGARY, ALBERTA (CG)
Lesnott Nell E adm aide S-5 12-69 BANGUI (E)
Slocum Glenn Gr. asst prog off R-5 10.71 Hall Harold E prin off 0.1 5.72
Mangiafico Luciano visa off 0.6 7.72
ACTION, PC Pulver Inez b... cons off 0.4 8.73 Executive Section
Rifkin Norman dir Dale William N. АЕР 0.1 8.73
R.3 5.73 DCM 0.3 8.72
Hoover William F R.7 10.73 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA (CG ) Rosenthal James D.
med oft R-3 7.73 Hempel Ingeborg E SOC S.7 7.72
Madoff Lawrence
Scruggs Mar 0. Issoc dir R-6 5.73 Manbey David IS prin oft 0-2 9.72
Pavlovski Chester cons off S.2 8.71 Polltical Soction
VSIA Valis Laddie .... cons off S.5 1.73 Jones D Bradley clk -typist S-8 6.72
Bache Kenneth , pub oft off 10-3 8.73 MosebeyWilliam Lr... ...... pol off R4 7.73
Brown Richard G. cult att off 0.5 6.72 MONTREAL, QUEBEC (CG) Wohner Arlano V ....... S-8 11.12
Doos Joseph L. info oft 10.3 11.72
Griffin Katherine M into off 10.6 1.74 Harper Elizabeth ............. prin off 0.2 8.65 Economic /Commercial Section
Loikow Ann Hume pub off trainee 10.7 9.72 Simons Frances B. S-6 Moore William Howard .......... econ /cmi oft 0.7 12.12
Vogel Patricia C. exec 03st rog S-3 9.72 Aylward Paul Le econ / cml off 0.3 8.72
Lagosse Henry A. comm off 0-3 8.70 Administrativo Seotion
DOUALA (C ) Porry Arling M S-8 3.72 Hicks Irvin . adm off 0.5 6-73
Barrett Frank ) . viso oft $.4 3.71 Rold James R. coms/roc off S.7 6.73
Boerigter David L. ppt/citiz oft 0.5 4.73
Clarko Walter S. prin off 0.4 8.72 Daniel Diano..... viso off S-6 3.72
Cook Frederick B cons off 0.8 9.72 Dasombro Marjorie M viso off S- 5 2.73 Armed Forces Attaches
Lassiter Jomos H viso off 0.5 9.71 Giften Maj John C ........... AIRA 3.72
USIA Loving Lillie visa off S.1 10.73 (Resident in N'Djamena)
Losor Froderick E V............ br pub off off 10.4 9.73 Long Gertrude visa off $.4 Oconnell Cpt Thomas W ......... A /AIRA 8.73
Political Section Charbonnier Edward W ..... telecoms off S-6 9.73 Armed Forces Attaches
Citron Lowell S. pol off R - 6 9.72 Cole John R ... telecoms ott S- 6 4.72 Hussey Capt Patrick F. DATT / ALUSNA 6.71
Wall Rita A.. clk S -6 Grassle John E. gen ser off S- 3 8.72 Tugman Col Robert F. ARMA 6-70
Williams James Alan . pol off 0.5 7.73 Keil Rodolto F. coms / rec off S.7 4.73 Brewer Col Orse Jr. AIRA 6.70
Welsh Maj George H. A / ALUSNA 7.72
Economic /Commercial Section Armed Forces Attaches Vollmann Ltc Phillip D A /AIRA 5.72
Bowe Marian D econ /cml oft R-6 7.71 Barnett Col John H. ARMA 7.73
Grahame Jay R. econ/cml oft 0-47-72 Roche Col William L. AIRA 2.73 FAS
Consular Section Traeger Fred W. agri att 7.73
Austrian Michael cons oft 0-5 7.72 USIA
Administrative Section Heller Peter ... pub aff off 10-3 7.72
Jory Frances S. sec -adm S - 6 8-73
Edwards Eddie . adm off 0-4 6-73 COTONOU ( E) into off
McNeil Dennis V. adm oft R.7 6.72 Leifert Harvey 10.5 7.73
Abreu Linda L. sec S-9 Munsing Stefan P cult aff off i0-3 10-72
Brown Harold E JE mech engi R-5 7.71 Executive Section
Drews Marion J. coms/ rec off S-5 6-71 Anderson Robert АЕР 0.1 3.72
Greene Robert E. coms/rec asst S-6 12-69 McNamara Francis Terry. DCM 0-3
Kalina Louis M ... telecoms asst R.1 10.72 Dunn Lynda C. sec S - 8 4.73
Mackey James Edt telecoms oft R -4 6-71 Leonard Catherine L sec S-6 4.68
Merana Frederick R .. telecoms asst S-6 11.72
Miller Emmett W Political Section DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
telecoms asst S -7 12-72
Morgan Robert A Jr proc /supply off R-7 5-73 Waller Stephanie S .. sec S - 7 9.73
Mulvey Mark E reg adm spec RU-5 9.73 SANTO DOMINGO (E)
Obrien ) Michael bud fis/disb off 0-6 3-73 Economic /Commercial Section
Vavrecka Patricia A coms/rec asst S- 7 6-73 Executivo Section
Dies George Anthony lii ......... econ /cml off 0-8 10-73
e. Keller Samuel A econ / cml off 0-7 Hurwitch Robert A.. АЕР 0-1 8-73
Arnold Lowell E telecoms asst S.1 5.71 Crowley John Ir DCM 0-2 6-70
Bradshaw Beverley B. telecoms tech R- 7 5-73 Consular Section Brenna Delores G. sec S-5 8-70
Brown Ralph T. telecoms asst S- 7 1.71 Rogers Montgomery .............. cons off R.5 8.73 Darling June A sec S-4 5.73
Dace James C telecoms off R-4 7.71
Glanton William M. telecoms asst S -8 9.72 Administrative Section Political Section
Gregory Gerald D. telecoms off S-5 10.71 Chard Kenneth W. adm off 0-6 6.72 Abeyta Emma M. clk-typist S-9 7.72
Hosheit George W. telecoms asst 5.7 Hammond Robert E.. coms/rec oft S - 4 11.72 Beyer Joel H pol off R-6 7.72
Kerkstra Peter III telecoms asst S- 7 2-72 Hartwick Daniel E. telecoms asst S-8 Brugger Frederick A. pol off R.7 9.72
King James C telecoms asst S-8 Bumpus James N. pol off 0.4 7.72
Macdougall John D telecoms asst S.1 12.72 Armed Forces Attaches Chafin Gary E pol off 0-6 8-73
Mattson Edward L.. telecoms off S -5 9.72 Clayton Thomas A. pol oft R-4 5-71
Miller Raymond A. telecoms asst S-5 11.71 Smith Col Rayburn Lir ARMA 8.72 Dwiggins Joan H pol off
(Resident in Abidjan) R- 7 3.72
Pineau John A. telecoms asst S-6 10.71 Fambrini Robert L pol oft S-2 6-73
Provencal Richard G telecoms asst S.7 2.72 D Angelo Capt George A .. AIRA 2.73 Greig David Nr. pol off R-5 8.71
Rakow James C. telecoms asst S.1 2.73 (Resident in Monrovia) Guell Janet E.... sec S-8 12-73
Slack George L. telecoms engr R- 7 Hardin Maj Alva V Jr. A /ARMA 11.73 Markoff Stephanie M sec S - 8 8-73
Torella Ernest R telecoms off R-3 7.72 (Resident in Abidjan ) Merriam Geraldine C. clk-typist S-92-73
Tyskiewicz Lynda M. sec S-9 10-72 Misciagna Anne sec S- 7
Whiteman Stanley E. telecoms tech R.7 5.72 ACTION, PC Mooney Robert C pol off R-6 8.72
Yonkers Charles E. dep dir R-3 8.73 Morris Margaret A. clk-typist S10 12.73
Armed Forces Attaches Conroy Colleen 8. prog tech rep R-5 6-73 Ryan Dondald G. pol off R-8 8.73
Jessup Col Maurice E. DATT /ARMA 6-73 Smith Richard A pol off R- 7 10.72
Hunt Col Forest ALUSNA(USMC) 12-73 USIA Williams Albert N. pol oft 0-3 7.73
(Resident in Beirut) Ross Sherman M pub att off i0-3 7.72
Beveridge Lt Col Robert B .. AIRA 8.71 Economic /Commercial Section
(Resident in Beirut) Kennedy Charles A. econ / cml off 0-5 9.73
Lamberty Gerald econ /cml off 0-3 6-71
USIA DENMARK Lindsey AmyD. sec S-9 7.73
Wozniak Robert J. pub att off 10-3 6-70 Skol Michael M comm off 0-5 8.72
Austrian Sheila West pub aff trainee R-8 12-73 COPENHAGEN (E )
Grimland David D asst pub aft off 10-4 9.71 Consular Section
Holscher Louise sec-adm S-5 2.73 Arredondo Anthony cons off R-6 2-72
Executive Section
Bartley Julian L..... cons off R-6 5.72
Crowe Philip K АЕР 9.73 Buzbee Hubert H Jr cons off 0.4 1.71
Dunnigan Thomas DCM 0-2 7.72 DeHart Thomas A. cons off 0-2 9.72
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Johnson Fern L. sec S - 5 8.73 Gilmore John G.... cons off 0-4 7.73
Mann Helen M. sec S - 5 8-73 Hogan Michael ) visa oft 0.7 10-72
PRAGUE (E) Hunt Sharon E cons oft R:7 3.73
Political Section Hurley Catherine M visa oft 0-4 12-71
Executive Section Champlain Mary M pol oft R -4 6-72 Parsons Donald K visa off 0-5 11-70
Sherer Albert W Jr АЕР CM 3.72 Killham Edward pol off 0-3 6.71 Scott Inga sec S.7 10.73
Wortuel Arthur I. DCM 0-1 8-70 Kropp Margaret M clk-typist S- 8 2.72 Wythe Evelyn A... cons off R-7 6-73
Hayward Martha M sec S-5 5-73 Reinertson John E. labor/pol off 0-4 8-72
Wheeler Marcella D. sec S-4 3.72 Robertson Beatrice M sec S.7 1.71 Administrative Section
Notheis Walter M adm oft 0-4 7.73
Political Economic Section Economic /Commercial Section Carter Loy L telecoms asst S- 6 4.72
Bridges Peter S. pol/ econ off 0.3 1.72 Di Palma Salvatore... fisheries off RU - 4 8.71 Davidson Douglas K. gen ser oft 0-4 6-73
Farrand Robert W. econ / cml off 0.4 12-72 Jaskiewicz Marilyn A sec S-6 12.73 Everett Gary Lee . bud /mgt oft 0-7 12-73
Johnson Robert D pol off 0-5 4.71 Kemp Robert G.. comm oft 0-4 9.71 Hendry Roslyn M coms/ rec ott R-6 3.73
Kahane Richard A. econ / cml off R-5 1.72 Stahnke Paul K. econ /cml oft 0-3 9.71 Lantz Rush D coms/rec asst S- 7 9.73
Liptak Ann Marie sec S-8 6-72 Large Ronald K coms/rec asst R-8 10-73
Consular Soction Lutz James C .. telecoms asst S-7 5-73
Consular Section Clark Patricia R. cons off 0-6 8.73 Ness Donald L.. reg adm spec S -2 11.73
Brody Clifford L.. cons off 0-6 7.72 Gray Bruce N... cons off 0.7 4.73 Norman Onida Lou. sec S- 6 2.72
Carlson Eric John cons off spec ser R-6 8.73 Wolf Victor Jr. cons off 0-4 10-71 Pacheco Federico G... telecoms asst S -7 1.72
Hoover Richard W cons off 0-5 1.73 Roundtree William H .. clk S- 8 6-72
Administrativo Section Simmons Gerald E. rec mgt admr S- 6 8.72
Press and Cultural Section Hayden Stephen ) 0-4 8.73
Klecka Ivan I adm oft Armed Forces Attaches
press.cult oft 10-3 6-71 Baugh Roy S coms/rec asst S -T 11.71
Horrell Ruthe sec -adm S - 7 5-73 Cook Harry B. bud/mgt off S -5 2.73 Bethel LI Col William F .......... DATT/ALUSNA (USMC ) 3.71
Kinzer George C asst cult att oft 10-5 7.72 Dale Charles Jr telecoms oft Bosch Maj Brian ... ARMA 1.71
S-6 8.72
Kellogg Theodore E. coms/rec off S-6 9.71 Castleman Lt Col Stanley A ... AIRA 6-71
Administrative Soction Ketonen Robert W coms/roc asst S-7 10-73
Harwood Douglas James......... adm off 0.4 6.72 Taylor Everard S... gen ser oft S -5 7.73 FAS
Byron Germaine M. bud/fis oft R.7 6.72 Warren Everett G. telecoms asst S -7 4.72 Fouchs Lawrence R.............. agri att 1.73
EQUATORIAL GUINEA Treasrau Eugene L............... aud R-4 0-00 Administrativo Section
Walker Gaylord L ... food /agri off R-2 6-70 Carter Royal E. adm off 0.2 9.72
Warren Charles G.. ctir R-3 7.71 Dubois John bud fis/disb off S-2 11.71
MALABO (E) West Jack..... fa insp RL-3 10-73 Duncan Richard L. coms/rec asst S-6 10.73
Wolkow Dwight D prog econ RL-5 11.71 Dunn Jimmy C....... telecoms off S -6 8.71
Exocutivo Section Zonger C Richard. hsg ad R-2 3.72 Mickens Andrew Jr. coms/rec asst S.7 11.73
Moore C Robert. AEP CM 7.72 Zimmerman Lila E S.7 6.73 O'Neil Thomas P coms/ rec off $.4 5.73
(Resident in Yoounde) Peterson Mary . coms/ rec off S -6 7.72
ACTION, PC Tepper Thomas fon ser off 0.6 5.72
Mills John E dir R.1 5.73 Vago Richard L.. telecoms asst S- 6 5.72
ETHIOPIA Eith Arthur W. prog tech rep R-6 5.73
Ey John L...... physician R-3 11.73 Armed Forces Attaches
Rohaley Dolores M. ed prog tech rep R.4 6.73 Matthews Col Wallace G .... DATT /AIRA 4.70
ADDIS ABABA (E) Taschetta Mary.Rita 2.. adm off R-4 12.73 Corkan Col Lloyd Allan de ARMA 7.71
Wood Car Sidney Jr ALUSNA 7.71
Excautivo Section USIA Mumford Maj Joy C A /ARMA 8.72
McElhiney Thomas W AEP 7.71 Ross Roger P pub att off 10-2 2-73 Barry Le Cdr Kenneth R ......... A /ALUSNA 9.73
Wyman Parker D DCM 0.1 6.72 Berger Arthur S. osst cult off off 10.5 9.72
Gothe Arlene Ann ................ SOC S -6 8.72 Boucher Mildred 1. sec- adm S-6 12.72 FAS
Mojor Mong A .. S -3 8.71 Carroll Martin Cr cult att off 10.3 11.71
Catanoso Frank P into off 10.4 7.72 Howard James 0 ...... opri att 4.72
PoliticalSection asst into off 10.5 9.72 (Resident in Stockholm )
Tyson Richard C.
Anderson Carl R. pol off R.5 7.72
Anderson Therese L...... S-8 7.72 USIA
Brown Bazil W JE................. pol off 0.4 9.72 ASMARA (CO) Stier Victor L ..... pub oft off 10.2 9.71
Caldwoll Robt W labor/pol off 0-3 7.72 Fitzgerald Linda K... SOC-adm S.7 9.72
Kloch Mary L..... S.7 11.72 Rabida Albert A .... prin off 0.2 4.70 Knowles Richard E. into off R.3 6.73
Kosko Louise A. S-8 10.71 Lopos Barbara M SOC S -8 2.70 Pugh William H .. cult off off 10.3 8.71
Monczowski Matthew E ........ pol off R-4 9.71 Parry Robert C .... écon /cmi off 0.6 5.73 Rantanen Irving E. field prog oft 10.4 6-67
Pook Herschel F Jr. pol off R.3 8.66 Wolch Donald M. cons off $ -4 12.71 asst cult att off 10.6 3.71
Sebastian Potor. pol off 0-3 5.72 Strickler Theodore Eugono .. adm off 0-6 9.72 Strain Stephan
Waterman Daniel F .. pol off 0.5 6.72 Brennon Michael A. telecoms tech S-7 1.73
Kleinsmith Alexander. coms/roc off $.4 8.72
Loonomlo /Commorolal Section McKenna James F Ill . telecoms off R-8 12-71 FRANCE
Duncan Robert B econ/cml off 0-3 7.72 Spiker Donald R ... coms/ roc asst S-6 8.73
Hoerrner Jane B ocon/cml off R.7 6.73
Kauzlarich Richard D. comm off 0.6 5.73 USIA PARIS (E)
McCavitt John ....... econ/cml off R.6 6.72 Crawford Ralph ............. br pub oft off 10.4 7.72
Stadtler Walter E. econ /cml off 0.4 8.72 Executivo Section
Sylowa Bernice Ann S-8 9.71 Irwin John Nichol II . АЕР 3.73
Willis Patricia A ... S-6 7.71 Stone Galon L DCM 0.1 4.73
FIJI Beecroft Robert Mason int rel off gon 0.6 6.73
Consular Soction Dunn Edith Eastman S -6 7-69
Holm Donald K .... cons oft 0-6 4.72 Heine Velma A S.3 3.73
McNamara Brian Michael P ... cons off 0.7 8.73 SUVA (E)
Moreau Lorraine M. sec S- 5 2.70
Phillips James D. Spec asst 0.3 8.71
Administrativi Soction Executivo Soction SOC
Vale Olga Mario S -5 12.73
Thorne Nicholas GW . adm off 0.2 6.71 АЕР
Babcock Dwight C med off RU-2 9.73 Hall Walter V.. DCM 0.4 7.73 Political Section
Clarke Molenann pers off 0.5 8-73 Cope Nancy Jane. adm spec R.7 7.73 Church Rosa M.
Cole William A rog adm spec S-4 1.72 S -6
Cummins Patrick S. odm asst S -5 3.72 Consular Section Coie Valerie R SOC $10 6.73
Davis Gary P. telecoms asst S -6 4.72 Condon John P. labor /pol off 0.1 3.70
Fonnell Bernard ................... cons off 0.5 8.73 Davis ) Michael. pol off 0-6 10.72
Dennis Geraldine C. coms/rec asst S.7 7.73
Denton Robert B telecoms ssst S.1 4.72 Dobrin John R pol off 0-6 5.72
Dionne Thelma L. coms/rec off S.3 5.72 ACTION, PC Grimes John 0 . labor/pol off 0.4 6.72
Fortner Luther C. telecoms off R-6 6.71 Cantor Daniel D dir R.2 4.73 Hayashi Helen G S-5 9.71
Garde Rita Anne nurse R.7 6.72 Downes David .. rog prog off R-5 9.73 Holmes Henry A..... pol off 0.2 7.70
Kubek Frank ) . telecoms off R-6 11.73 Haag Richard A prod/trng of R.5 3.73 Humphreys Marvin W. pol off 0.4 6.73
Lowe David D. coms/rec off S-6 4.71 Olmsted Jr James W. assoc dir R-5 6.73 Mallon Patricia MC 5.6 5.71
Poigo James Adr. coms/ roc asst $.7 8.72 Molone Harry R Jr .. pol off 0.3 12.73
Scholl John G fron ser oft R.5 8.73 Melton Charles A pol off R-5 5.72
Wolters Kenneth L.... telecoms osst S.6 6.72 Mikovich Elizabeth A ............. SOC $.7 5.71
Woiser Lawrence W .... coms /roc asst S.7 5.73 FINLAND Murphy David E. Spec asst Rol 6.68
Wintor Elaino C ... **** ... Sec S-8 2.73 Onomoto Flora K $ .6 11.73
HELSINKI ( E) Pratt Mark S pol off 0.3 4.73
Armed Forces Attaches Prosel Joseph A ....... ....... pol off 0.5 12.71
Rosner Col Albert A ... DATT /ARMA 8.71 Executivo Section Shinn William T Jr. pol off 0.3 8.73
Baltz Li Col Dickey L. AIRA 6.72 Tangney Mildred M Sec $-6 6.71
Harrell Moj Charles A/ARMA 1.74 Krehbiel V John . AEP 5.73 Vreeland Frederick D.+++++++++ pol off
White Rollie Jr. DCM 0-2 1.73 R-3 8.71
AID Boyer Mary L. SOC $-5 9.73 Loonomic /Commercial Section
Koon Karen L.. S -6 6.73 Adoir Marshall P......
Withers John L dir R.1 11.70 ocon /cml off 0.7 8.72
Adoms Clyde S.. proj mgr agri R-3 1.72 Political Section Borrowman George trado prom off R-3 7-69
Bonyos John R - 4 0.00 Brown Gordon S ...... econ /cml off 0.4 8.73
Bortolet Robert F ....... coms/noc supur S-6 4.71 Adle Marian R .... S-8 10.73 Connell Mary Alice
Cobb Richard A... prop onal R.6 2.70 August Holdi...... S- 8 7.73 S -7 6-73
Devine Richard C ... econ / cml off 0.4 7.73
Crondall Larry K.. prop usst R.5 12.71 Clement Carl John pol off 0.4 8.73 Dickey Colette 1.
Ehro Voro..... $ .6 1.72 Eckroto Donald ......... pol off R.6 7.70 $.4 1.73
Olonne Rochello D $.8 4.73
Eubanks Konneth W .............. agri econ R.2 7.70 Hago Donna F...... Cla S.9 10.73 Flack Ronald D. 0.4 4.71
Fair Morguorito H ..... S.5 12.71 Irons Alden H .... labor/pol off 0.5 7.72 trado prom off
Garverich Donna ROTTER ...... SOC $.5 11.73 Simpson Robert. pol off R-6 8.71 Hacking Carol L. $.6 12.72
Qill Marold R. resident oud R.4 11.69 Harony Joseph A. comm off RU.3 9.13
Stongor Jeromos de pol off R4 5.72 Hyman Borrio I... comm off 0.2 9.71
Hicks John F. Int dev Intorn RL.7 0.00 Whipplo David D. ....... pol off R.3 9.73 Miller William F .................... Int trons off
Macdonald Roderick ? ....... R-3 8.73 0.3 3.73
Moll Carol T ...... 5-6 4.73 Patronis Janet... $-8 11.73
Loonomlo /Commorolal Seation Petrow Chris O. econ /cm / off 0.17.71
Marshall Larry M. Cop projdov off R-5 9.72 Aubert Jock Gothyn ..
McKoldin William H. to insp R 2 4.73 ocon /cml off 0-6 6.72 Plaisted Joan M...En comm off R5 11.73
Miller Donald I .................. prog off R.3 11.70 Hiroboyoshi Martin Y .. acon /cml off 0-2 10-69 Quen Ross Stofan ................. trado prom off 0.6 4.71
Mills Elizabe A ......... ...... sec SL:7 12-73 Holbrook Wallace ..... "FF , comm off 0.4 6.72 Riomar Reynold A ............ scon /cmi off 0.4 12:11
Morso Ted D ........... proj mgr aduc R.3 2.12 Hughos Poul R ... econ /cml off 0.3 1.74 Sodowski Carol Lynn ............ SGC $10 10.73
Riley Barry M ........ 088t prog off R : 4 1.73 Magmor Kathleen A 9-8 1.74 Soltamon Joseph I .......... ocon /cml off R:4 8-12
Schneider Harold .............. EXOC off R:2 10-18 Wagner Joon K ... trole soc $ 10 Sovogo Eleonor Wallaceum comm off 0.6 2.73
Stolton Alon L ............. malarla od RL- 3 0-00 Spillman Frank ................... comm off 0.6 10.72
Sudholt Allen W ................. agri od R-31.72 Consular Section Verschuur Jon B. comm off R.3 6.72
Sweet Robert....
L dop food / agri off R.2 7.72 Hansen forry D. cons off 0.5 6.73 Zachary Dan A. acon /omi off 0.2 3.13
Fisher Donald Z coms/rec off S-4 4.72 Pink Alyce F sec S- 6 8-72 Coe Andrew Stephenson adm off 0-3 7.71
Gage Charles M bud/fis ott S- 18-71 Seligmann Albert L pol off 0-2 8.71 Albamonte Marion D. sec S - 5 3.72
Garniss Cornelia E coms/rec asst S.7 5.72 Thyden James E .. labor/ pol off 0.5 7.72 Bellos Minna..... sec S-8 10-72
Gerwig Harold E JO coms/ rec oft S-5 8-72 Bostic Solomon Ir ......... coms/rec asst S.7 12-71
Gregorio F Peter . coms/ rec off S.4 5.72 Eastern Affairs Section Businger James G coms/rec asst S - 7 9.72
Grimste Robert T. coms/rec asst S-6 7.73 Akalovsky Alexander pol oft 0-2 8-70 Daymont Henry P coms/ rec asst S - 5 9.72
Haverty John James coms/ rec asst S-8 9.72 Chapman Geoffrey W. pol off 0-6 1.73 Dorfeld Charles W. electronics engr S 38.72
Hazewski Joseph J. com s / rec off R.7 8.72 Fishman Rosalind . sec S -6 4.72 Dwyer Marguerite W. sec S -6 10-70
Jackson William H. coms/rec off R.7 6.73 Flanagan Brian B reg adm spec R-6 9.73
Gable Edward G pol off R-3 8.7 :
Kappel Patricia A. coms/rec asst S.9 7.73 Mills Thomas Jr pol off R-4 9.70 Hardebeck Marvin C coms/ rec off R-6 5-69
Kennedy Donald N. coms tech S-4 8.70 Hellin Stephen A ... coms/rec asst S - 7 8-73
Kohlenbush William E Jr coms/rec asst S.9 1.74 Economic /Commercial Section Helm William R .. coms/ rec asst S.7 3.70
Lewis Whitney N. telecoms tech S-6 2.73 Hinen Dennis E .. coms/rec asst S- 7 6-70
LeBrane William H coms/rec off R-6 8.72 Bloch Felix S trade prom off 0.4 8.70 Jackson Lucius A
Eckstein William H. econ /cml oft R-58-72 electronics engr S - 3 9.72
Macdonald Charles R telecoms tech S.5 7.72 Macdonald Margaret E. Kadera Fred A. coms/ rec off S.4 6.71
Maffett Victor ) coms / rec off S-6 6-71 sec S.7 3.72 Kincaid Mary E.
Olson Oscar Jr econ /cml off 0-4 6-71 pers oft 0-6 9.72
Miller William B telecoms tech R-6 8-73 Misslbeck James W. reg adm spec 0-2 8-71
Moreland Frederick Jr. coms/ rec off S-2 8.72 Root William A. econ /cml off 0-2 9.71 Nielsen Preben R coms/rec off S- 6 8-72
Murphy Thomas J. coms/rec off R-6 7.72 Regan William W. electronics engr S- 2 7.73
Penn Earl coms/rec asst S-6 5-73 Consular Section Roodhouse James W gen ser off 0-5 1.73
Richardson Gary A. electronics engi S-5 12-71 Latta Merron L. cons off R 48-72
- Shellhorn Charles W electronics engr S - 2 12-72
Salsavage Metro W. com s /rec asst S- 7 8-72 Vitale A Stephen cons off 0.4 1.72 Thornton Calvin F diplo pouch asst S- 7 1.73
Satterfield Earl P coms tech S - 3 7.71 Wollemborg Leo R cons off 0-6 6.73 Weiss Charles J............ electronics engr RU-2 9.70
Scordo Jennie. sec S-6 8-73 Yanci Joseph Thomas coms/rec asst S-8 9.72
Small George W gen ser off 0-4 8-70 Administrative Section Anderson A Dwight.. coms spec S- 3 1.71
Sorenson Maxine E. rec oft 5.4 11.72 Larson Verne L. adm oft 0-2 8.70 Anderson Gordon A. diplo courier
Stanton Dianne Lee S - 5 10-70
com s /rec asst S-8 9.72 Augustus Richard A. coms/rec asst S.7 7.73 Andrews Thomas H. diplo courier S - 5 6-72
Stottman Charlotte A. sec S- 7 10.73 Hall James D. S -3 5.73 Bayard Carlton II
Stout Carles E coms/rec off diplo courier R-6 9.70
coms/rec off S-6 2.73 Kienzle Don Roland publ proc off 0-4 11.72 Bell Larry N. diplo courier S - 5 2.72
Swierczek Walter coms tech S-2 3.71 Le Zotte M Diane.. sec S -6 11.72 Calisti Calisto
Turner John diplo courier S - 7 3.73
coms/rec off R- 5 1.74 Plunkett Clyde A gen ser oft 0-4 9.72 Cassady John E. diplo courier S- 5 6-70
Wayker Charles D. coms/rec off S-6 2-72 Wick David Steven coms/ rec off R-7 4.73 Channell John Ws diplo courier S-4 4.71
Wuensch William L coms/rec asst S.7 12.73 Cull Robert D ... diplo courier S - 7 5-69
USIA Curley William R. diplo courier S - 5 12.72
ede De Graffenreid William L........ diplo courier
Rosinus Gunther K. dep pub aff oft 10-3 11-73 S - 7 2-71
Dixon John Mccance. coms tech S-5 5.73 Durbin John F.. diplo courier S - 6 8.72
Catherman Terrence F lang trainee 10.1 12.70 Eifert John Robert
Dorset Edward Leo . coms tech S-3 6-71 Farrar Sandra S. reg sec S-6 11.73 diplo courier S - 4 1.72
Flynn Janice Claire com s / rec off S-5 7-69 Hopkins Sarah E sec Grimes Thomas coms spec S - 2 9.73
Forrest Kenneth B coms/rec oft S -6 9.72 Guthrie Herman R ..
RU-3 6.71 Miller Robert D.. info ctr dir i0-6 9.70 diplo courier S - 7 5-69
Kincaid Jack Richard coms tech S-3 7.70 10.3 8.73 Hammerstrom John diplo courier S-6 7-73
Krause Mildred Tuohey John ). br info oft Hinton Michael
coms/rec oft S-5 1.74 Zehner Jan R.... br cult aff oft 10-4 9.72 diplo courier S-6 1-73
Rinker Joseph H coms tech S-3 1.73 Gert Gerard M. Irwin Frank P coms spec S - 2 8-72
Ruh Kenneth coms tech radio prog off 10-2 7.68 Johnson Joel B diplo courier
S-5 3.73 Sorkin Marvin radio prog off 10-2 8-69 S.7 7.72
Thornton Warren R. coms tech S.4 11-68 Kennedy Marshall Jr. diplo courier S- 7 1.71
Kinkade Jacque D diplo courier S - 5 5-73
Armed Forces Attaches BREMEN (CG) Kusrow Carl Bruce diplo courier RU- 7 10.72
DATT/ARMA Lahaie Roger W.. diplo courier RU-6 11-72
Druener Col Hanz K. 9.71 Laplante Robert J. diplo courier 5.4 8.72
Rogers Capt Edward B Jr. ALUSNA 7.72 Sullivan Kenneth P prin off 0-3 2-70
AIRA Weston Thomas Gary comm off 0-5 8-73 Laubsch Egon P. diplo courier S-5 1.74
Bloss Col Stuart M. 4.73 Bennett John E... cons off Lomanno Frank J.. diplo courier
Gole Maj Henry G A/ARMA 7.73 0-6 12.73 S -6 2-73
Johnson Lcdr Robert A A/ALUSNA 1-73 Mangelsen Albert D diplo courier S- 5 1.70
Giglio Maj Michael A. A/AIRA Monti Peter A. diplo courier S-6 8.71
7.71 DUSSELDORF (CG) Nesci Franklin diplo courier S-4 8.71
Martin Lt Col Thomas P A/AIRA 7.72 Norberg Carl E. S.4 7.70
diplo courier
Hennemeyer Robert T. prin off 0-2 9.71 Pfeifer Albert L. diplo courier S-4 9.73
FAS Harris Susan L. sec S -8 4.73 Puryear Robert M. diplo courier S.7 8.73
Oyloe Turner L. agri att 9.73 Huffman Robert C. econ /cml oft 0-3 11.72 Ragsdale Nathaniel R .. diplo courier S - 5 11.71
Harvey Gerald W asst agri att 7.72 Kelly George Lockwood. comm off 0-4 1.70 Reyes William D. diplo courier S - 6 5-72
Walters Homer F 8.71 Landers Richard K comm oft 0.7 5.73 Rodriguez Roberto diplo courier S - 6 8-72
Moran David R. econ /cml off 0-6 8.72 Rudolph William A. diplo courier S - 5 11.72
USIA Bofinger Paul Carl . cons oft 0-6 8.72 Samsel Howard M. coms spec RU-2 1.67
Longo D Thomas Jr. cons off 0-5 6-73 Schmoeger Thomas M. diplo courier S - 5 1.71
Russell Mckinney H. pub aft off 10-2 8.71 Brandt Wilhelmina Mae ..... coms/rec off S -5 11.72 Schultz Leroy R.
Cohen Alvin H dep pub aff off i0-2 1.73 diplo courier S-5 10-69
Stansfield Alan K .. diplo courier S - 5 12-69
Eisenstadt G Michael br pub aff off 10.3 9.73 USIA Zimmer Everett Cor diplo courier
Baskin Myron A. exch oft 10.3 1.74 S.7 2.71
Cohen Sigmund M Jr field prog oft 10.4 6-72 Fisher Frederic A. brpub att off 10-3 8-70
Copley II A M. exec sec S-6 11.73 Humphrey Ronald L info ctr dir 10-4 7.71 USIA
Dorset Barbara L sec S.7 2-73 (Assigned to Cologne) Scate John C. br pub aff oft ¡0.3 11.72
Fitz Richard B. field prog off 10.4 4.73 Borup Edgar S. info ctr dir 10.3 11.71
Grady Henry W audio -vis oft prog 10-4 6.73 FRANKFURT AM MAIN (CG) (Assigned to Saarbruecken)
Henry George D chief prog div 10.2 5.73 Champion Beverly C pub aff trainee 10.7 1.74
Koch Bruce R field prog off 10.4 9.73 Harlan Robert H. prin off 0-1 1.71
Olason Victor B. into andpress off 10.3 3.70 Nickerson Shirley L sec S- 5 3.73 HAMBURG (CG )
Pollock James C. asst into off i0.4 1.74 Sulser Jack A. int rel off gen 0-2 1.72
Stephen Karint .. cao đir lib ser R-4 1.73 Thomas Agnes M sec S- 6 1.74
cult aft off 10.1 9.68 Brogan John A III .. prin off 0-2 7.72
Weyl Michael. Wilmink Janet M sec S -6 12-71 Bebick Joan Ellen sec 8.71
Zeller Jack R exec off 10.3 6.72 S-8
Coontz Gustaf .. trade prom oft RU- 2 5-70 Chipman Harold E. pol off R-4 9.72
Dugstad Richard A. comm oft 0.4 8.72 May James N .. comm off 0-5 6-71
BERLIN (M) Harris Charles J ... econ /cml off 0.7 7.73 Strite Carolyn ) sec S -8 6.73
Henderson Ruth Miles. econ /cml off 0.7 2.72 Chester George A Jr. visa off 0-6 7.72
Exocutive Section Penninger Philip E. econ /cml off 0.5 8.71 McKenzie Bruce cons oft 0.7 4.72
Pitts John L..... ....... trade prom off 0-6 2-73 Nathness Sarah Louise. cons oft 0.5 1.72
Cobb Maj Gen W W. US cmdr Thomas Lavondus R trade prom off R - 4 6-73 Berry Frank L adm oft
Klein David asst chief mission 0-1 8-68 0-4 4-72
sec Apel Roy ). cons off spec ser 0-4 8-73 Maysa John . coms/rec off S -6 6-71
Bagwell Sharon F.. S.7 12-72 Bell Randolph M. cons off 0-7 8-12
Borg C Arthur. dep asst chief 0-2 5.71 Brett Arthur ). cons off spec ser R -4 12.72 USIA
mission Dudak Paul Y cons off spec ser R - 4 1.73
Mertz Helen A.. sec S - 5 8-73 R-6 2-72 Oconnor Thomas E br pub att off 10-4 10-70
R-2 5-71 Hudson Joszet S. cons off Hauger Donald W. info ctr dir 10-4 9-72
Weisz George pol off Irminger George R.. visa off 0.3 9.71
Kert Lewis A ...... 0.5 10-72 (Assigned to Hannover)
Political Soction ppt/citiz off
Krauss William Karl cons oft 0.7 9.73
Barkley Richard C. int rel oft gen 0.4 7.72 Quarterman Gwendolyn L....... cons off 0-5 12.73 MUNICH (CG)
Bennett William E pol off R -6 6.72 Radford Joseph visa off S-35-70
Bodde William Jr. pol off 0-4 6-73 Ronto Jack W visa off S - 4 2-73 Spivack Herbert D prin off
Greenwald G Jonathan. att ad R-3 1.73 0.1 11.72
Sten Charles R ... cons off 0-6 5.72 Potter Marian I... sec S -5 8-73
Gustafson Marianne U. sec S.7 7.72 Sunderland Roland S.. cons off S- 5 9.71 Kormann John Godlove. pol oft
Korenthal Esther. sec S.1 4.72 0.3 8.73
Swope Warren L ... cons off S -1 7-72 Santos Eleanor D. sec S.7 4.72
Phelps Homer R Jr. pol off 0-4 7.70 Veler Annette L cons off 0-8 10-12 Stimson Arthur H. pol off R 38-72
Thompson Francis A li telecoms oft R- Z 12-72 Political Section Maiolo Fortunato gen engr off RL-2 2.73
Thornburgh Charles T. telecoms asst S- 7 9.70 Riche Theodore R. adm oft R-6 6.73 Mann Robert J.... pub safety ad RL-4 11.72
Tyree David L... telecoms off S-5 5.72 Armijo Rosemarie . clk S -6 8.71 Martin F Douglas asst cap proj dev R-5 6-12
Viselli Thomas L Jr. telecoms off R-8 Brayshaw Charles H labor /pol oft 0.5 5.71 off
Von Sassenscheid Bertram E. gen ser asst 6.7 6.73 pol off 0-6 6-73 Pakchar Nathan. dep cal R.3 4.69
Webb Brenda J .. clk Burghardt Raymond F Dr
SIO 9.73 Burns Carol Ann sec S.9 7.72 Peterson Ivan B bud/acctg off R-4 6.66
Whitacre Gordon C. gen ser asst S-7 6-72 Engle Lowell L.. S.7 5.73 Pulaski Stephen ). pop mgmt ad R-5 3.71
Wilhelm John J Jr. clk-typist
telecoms off S -6 8.73 Gold Michael S... clk S.7 6.71 Riley James B reg dev ad R-3 0-00
Williams Jimmie C telecoms asst S -8 8-73 Macdonald Francis C .... pol off R-4 9.72 Salseda Michael M pub safety ad R-3 11.71
Wright Stephen E. telecoms asst S-8 7.72 Macmaster Bruce pol off R-4 10.71 Shannon John. cap resources dev R-3 12-72
Zanin Joseph D. telecoms engr R-5 6-72 Moss Val dr . pol off R.7 9.73 off
Nyhus Paul G. pol off R-53-72 Stout Virginia L. sec S - 5 5-67
Armod Forces Attaches Ouderkirk Richard H. pol off R-4 10-12 Whipple Boyd V. aud R-4 10-69
French Col James R DATT /AIRA 6.70 Palladino Lucy V. clk- typist S- 8 2-73 Wolff Warren .... cap resources dev R-2 10-69
Rogers Col Selwyn P Jr. ARMA 8.70 Potter Jo Carole.... sec S.8 4.73 oft
Smith Cpt George F.. ALUSNA 8-73 Pryce William T. pol off 0-4 7.71 Wright Peter C educ off R-3 6-68
Marder Ltc Everett J. A /ARMA 6.71 Terrell Edwin M ... pol off R-2 8-71
Calder Lt Cdr Donald J .. A /ALUSNA 3.71 White Gail R.. pol asst S - 6 6-73 ACTION, PC
Chancey Maj John A ... A / ALUSNA (USMC) 1.72 Stevens Peter N dir R-3 3-73
Andrews Maj C Peter. A /AIRA 8-72 Economic /Commercial Section
Castro Emil.. comm oft Wederspahn Gary M. R-6 9.73
0-5 6-73
FAS Ferch John A econ / cml off 0-3 11.71 USIA
Frink James C agri att Hogan James econ /cml off 0.8 8.72
9.69 Montana Phyllis Ann . sec S -8 5.73 Zischke Douglas A. pub aff off i0-2 9.71
Charouhas Thomas G acao BNC dir 10.3 5.72
USIA Consular Section Harrison Wendell N. pub aff trainee 10-7 5-73
Alexander Edward pub att oft 10.2 9.72 Belaval Leila S.. cons off S.4 5.72 Rivera Ismael info off 10-4 1.72
Droullard Maurice E. relay sta mgr S- 1 9-72 0-4 12-73 Wells Walter Edward. cult att off i0.3 4.73
Poole Henry B Jr Gross Howard R. cons off
dep relay sta mgr S- 1 9-70 Halmo James visa off 0-6 7.73
Anderson Sarah R. asst cult att off 10-6 10-73 Smith Barbara . cons off S -5 9.73
Carroll Philip W. radio prog off 10-2 1.74
Cavanaugh Frederick. exec off i0-3 6.70 GUINEA
Administrative Section
Copal James M radio engr supv S- 1 9-69 Sherlock Francis ) .
Dalzell John D exec prod -dir R -4 9-67 adm off S-2 10-71
Dankerl Hans , Bashaw Robert C. telecoms asst S-7 6-72 CONAKRY (E )
radio engr asst R-5 6-73 Brooks Freeman W. telecoms ott S -6 6.71
Supv Chambers Rodney C coms/ rec off S-6 9.73 Executive Section
Doherty John R. radio engr asst S-3 3.73 Geary Richard M. coms/ rec asst S-7 8-72
SUPV Todman Terence A AEP 0-1 8-72
radio engr supv Middleton George ... bud /fis ott S -6 1.72 DCM
Gronert John S S-2 8.73 Montana Thomas. S- 6 5-73 Haverkamp Roy T. 0-3 1.72
Hadid Anwar M radio writer- ed R.5 10.70 coms/rec asst Dovell Georgia L.. sec S-6 8.72
Morris Franklin H telecoms asst S-7 9.71 sec
Hicks John Henry news ed 10.4 6-73 Myers Emmett L... S- 2 7.73 Horton Mary L S-9 9.73
Hulsey Gilmer L. radio engr asst R-5 8.71 reg adm spec Wentz Joyce M. sec S-5 12.73
Scott James R... gen ser off S.4 11.73
Supv Shean James G .. telecoms asst S -6 6-72
Ibrahim Arif radio writer-ed S- 3 1.72 Sioris Demetrios A. coms/rec adm asst S.7 10.73 Economic /Commercial Section
Jibrin Said radio prog off S - 2 8.71 Snapp Mary E. pers off S- 4 7.71 Ellis Kathryn E. sec S - 8 3.73
Kayyali Talal Musa . radio writer-annce R-6 6.72 Wagner Connie Ann sec S- 7 6.72 Holzman John C econ /cml off 0.7
Kinkennon Alvin G. pwr plant engr asst S - 3 9.70 Wagner William P lii econ / cml off R-6 4.73
Supv Armed Forces Attaches
Kohl Walter A. into off 10-2 6.71 Consular Section
Leclair Leopold ) cult aff off 10-2 1.73 McTaggart Col Richard R ...... DATT /ARMA 8-73
Mallides Elizabeth V sec S-8 Pehrsson Cot Pehr H. ALUSNA 12.73 Raudenbush Peter V cons off R-S 6-73
Mallides Gabriel E radio writer-ed S-3 11.70 (Resident in Mexico, D.F.)
Mittag Rudi S.3 8.71 Shull Ltc Paul N. AIRA 1.72 Administrative Section
pwr plant engr asst
SUDV (Resident in Tegucigalpa) Yodzis Joseph R. adm off 0.4 8.73
Moore Ethel Lee exec sec 5.4 6.73 Carnes Maj Robert NALUSNA (USMC) 10-73 Hart Hobart M. gen ser off RU-5 6-73
Morris Robert E radio engr asst R-5 11.73 (Resident in Mexico, D.F.) La Bree Melvin C. telecoms off S.7 3.73
SUDV Macintosh Maj Robert M Jr .... A / AIRA 6.73 Lincoln Roger H telecoms asst S-8 6.72
Nagy William C. radio engr asst S-3 9.72 (Resident in Tegucigalpa) Spaulding Thomas M. med oft R-37.73
Supv Weatherford William 0 . coms/ rec off S : 4 10.72
Reinburg Jesse T. cao re libr R - 4 4.72 FAS
Ruffin Robert R. radio engr asst S.3 8.69 McDonald John C. agri att 6.72 USIA
Supv Ryan Henry A. pub att off R -3 8.70
Savalas Constantine . asst into off R-4 6-73 AID
Schuchmann Lloyd W. pwr plant engr supy S-2 9.70 Coy Edward W. dir R.1 1.69
Sencindiver David H exec off S-3 10.71 Tragen Irving G. ROCAP dir 0.1 6.73
Sokol George K. radio engr supy R-4 8.73 Parker Robert R dep ROCAP dir R.1 9.70 GUYANA
Van Den Berg Johanne . pwr plant engr supv S2 9.71 Allen Robert N.. multisector off 0.3 0-00
Webb Helen M sec S-9 1.69 Anderson Lester S. pub adm off R-3 5-66
Webb John W. exec off R -4 9-68 GEORGETOWN (E)
Bebout Tom G. acct R - 4 4.72
Whittaker Ford E radio ant / twr maint R-5 12-71 Binford William L prog off RL-3 5.71
Williams Leonardo M cao BNC đir i0.5 8.71 Bouchard Bruce E. Executive Section
int dev intern RL.1 0.00
Bravo Robert..... agri ad R-3 7-67 King Spencer M.. АЕР 0-1 10-69
Buchanan Charles A .. multisector off R-3 0-00 Sherry George B DCM 0-3 6.71
THESSALONIKI (CG) Emmel Irmgard. sec
Burski Cynthia C. population ad R.5 3.70 S -5 7.72
Chaij Daniel A .. multisector oft R-3 9.67 Lindsay Josephine ... ........ sec S-8 2-73
Brennan Edward T. prin off 0-2 7.71 Church Phillip E...
Hatfield Betty ). sec S-5 12-13 agri econ RL-4 11.70
Churchman Charles L. aud RL-4 8-72 Political Section
Jackson Richard L... pol oft 0-5 7.72 Bradtke Robert A
cons off 0.5 8.73 Costello Edward T. asst prog econ R - 4 6-73 pol off 0.7
Long Roger A. Daddio John P. resident and RL-38-72 Fitzgerald Bernard M pol off R-7 1.72
Davis Robert E. reg gen engr oft R-3 10-68 Pascale Gerald A sec S - 8 9.72
USIA Edwards David E prog asst RL- 5 5.71 Riefe Robert H pol oft
Stewart Ronald W br pub att off i0.3 7.73 R.3 9.73
Eyre John R .. prog off R - 4 3.71 Tomas John E... pol off R-5 4.73
Fiester Donald R Jr. food /agri ott R-2 1.73
Flinner Charles F ctir RL.17.73 Economic / Commercial Section
Fulghum Patricia A. sec S - 6 8-73 Torre Edward A.
GUATEMALA Gottlieb Lester ... exec off R 16.73 econ /cml off 0-5 8.73
Halbakken Darma K... Sec S -6 12-70 Consular Section
GUATEMALA (E) Hardin Herbert O.. pub safety off R-2 12-69
Joel Clark ....... econ ad R-38-72 Barnes Marsha E. cons off 0-8 7.73
Jonke Rudolf. dep exec off R48-72
- Munoz Roberto R. cons off 0-5 7.72
Exocutive Section Kahle John R. legal ad RL-38-72
Meloy Francis E Jr. AEP CM 7.69 Kilgore John D. urban dev off RL- 2 9.69 Administrativo Section
Dreyfuss John T... DCM 0-2 9.70 Labruzza Louis P. pub safety equip ad R - 4 5-69 Alspaugh Clarence H Jr. ...... adm ott
Fitzgerald Margaret M sec S.4 11.73 S -2 9.72
Latoy Vara C Hall. sec S-7 10.71 Bailey Eugene C.. gen ser off 0-6 3-73
Marshall Nancy H sec S- 5 1.73 Legrett Charles D. RL.3 8.71
Vallejos Viola 6. sec 10-71 ten engr off Decker Aubrey D. telecoms asst S.7 6.73
S.4 Lundgren John A. dep prog oft R-3 9-71 Smith David Warner. coms/ rec off R-6 1-73
Regional Economic Development Section Wimberg John E. fa insp R-3 12-72 INDONESIA
Sweetwood Charles W. minerals off RU-3 10-65 Wood GeorgeGr. asst ftp oft R - 4 7.67
Consular Section ACTION, PC JAKARTA (E)
Rice Thomas Joseph cons off R-6 7.72 Magers Ervin D prog tech rep ag R-6 12.73
White Richard W. cons off 0-3 11.72 Executive Section
Administrative Section Newsom David D. АЕР CM
Bradfield James A. Hemsing Albert E. pub aft off i0-1 6-73 Toussaint Donald R DCM 0-1 7.72
adm off S-48-72 Gilmore Donald Y. dep pub att off 10-2
Rieger John F adm ott 0.1 3.68 Klein Esther... sec /adm asst S-6 8.70
Banick Lillian R Anderegg John A br cult aff off 0-4 10.71 Marti Leona sec S-4 6-71
coms/rec off S.4 4.71 Banks Dolly V. exec sec S-5 8-73
Benedict Gary D. telecoms asst S-8 10-71 Porpotage Dora ... sec S-6 12-71
Bicha Juliet A. Collinge Robert A. press off 10-3 6-72 Strathern Clifton R spec asst R-2 7.72
clk- typist S10 11.73 Ellington Ben L. exec off i0-2 7.71
Blodget Benjamin B. telecoms asst S - 6 11.72
Bolt Thomas B Jr. telecoms asst S-6 11.72 Espie Stephen B asst publ off S- 2 6.72 Political Section
Brown Clarice 0 . sec S-6 6.72 Hazlett Mc Crea. cult aft off R- 1 9.71 Adams Dick C .. pol off
Hulbert Marilyn E. pub att trainee S- 5 4.73 R.4 5.72
Cariddi Charles A gen ser oft 0.3 8-73 Adesso Elena G .. sec S69-72
Child Ann...... S.1 1.73 Johnson Frances Alic sec S- 7 9.73 Benford Clyde M
bud/mgt off pol off R.7 7.72
Cvetan Edward ) . coms/ rec off R-58-73 Kirchwehm Howard E. into off 10.2 7.73 Bruck Linda M sec
dep cult att off 0-3 7.72 S9- 5-73
Davis Thomas Ir telecoms tech R-8 Lydon Roger M. Flott Frederick W. pol oft 0.2 6.72
Davison Dwight E telecoms off S-7 9.71 Mackellar Margaret E. cao đir lib ser 10-3 7.73 Furlich James E. pol off
Esch Paul E telecoms engr Marquis Bernie TJr . dep into off 10.3 8.70 R-5
R - 4 9.73 Harris Donald S labor/pol off 0.3 9.72
Etzel Edward med off RU- 1 8.71 Merian Robert A. press radio off 10-4 8.72 Monjo John C pol off
Failla Sebastian R 0-3 8.71
coms/rec asst S96-73
- Miller Douglas publ off S- 1 7.72 Murphey Patricia sec S.T. 8-72
Frye William Adr telecoms off R-6 1.74 Schulick Edward H. br cult aff oft 10-3 7.73 Pringle Robert M. pol off 0.5 3.70
Gaudette Robert R telecoms tech R- 7 5-72 Thornley Alfred R asst exec off R-5 8-73 Schneider Rita M. clk
Gelwicks Orville R telecoms asst S - 6 8.72
S.7 2.73 Washburn Velma l clk-typist S- 8 12-72
Hagee John V coms/rec asst S- 7 8-71 BOMBAY (CG) Wilcox Philip Cor pol off
Hammond Richard D telecoms tech R.7 7.73 0.4 5.72
Hanlon Robert J. coms/ rec asst S - 1 2-72
Harris Aldine. Bane David M. prin off 0.1 5.71 Economic /Commercial Section
telecoms tech R-8 7.73
Harrison Carl D reg adm spec R-6 3.71 Quigg Marion R.. sec S-6 1.72 Brooks Anne S.. SEC S.7 5.73
Hoffman Harry e Jr. gen ser oft S - 3 6-72 Gotchef Edward ). pol off R-6 7.73 Brower Carleton C.. econ /cml off 0-3 3-73
Kaptain John G disb oft R-6 8-73 McKenzie Susan E. clk S- 8 10.72 Cohn David H....... comm off 0.3 10.73
Kastens Royal F. reg adm spec R-38-73 Tomsen Peter.. pol off 0-5 11.72 Cunningham Carl B. comm off 0.5 7.71
Kelsey John W bldg ser spec S- 1 7.73 McCaskill Charles W. pol/econ off 0-3 7.72 Heginbotham Erland M econ /cml off 0.3 8.71
King Charles M coms tech S-5 1.73 Donohue / Patrick Jr. econ / cml off R-6 10-71 Leach Richard B econ /cml off R-6 9.71
Kirk Lucia V com s /rec asst S-6 3-73 Hough Arthur B econ / cmi off R-6 1-74 Locke Lawrence Y econ / cmi off R-5 8.71
Lottfield John Elr telecoms asst S -6 10-71 Panos John G. comm off 0.3 7.70 Matz James Richard econ / cml oft 0.4 8.71
Mahoney Richard M telecoms asst S - 7 6-73 Oleary David E. cons off R.7 4.73 Perreault Emily A. econ /cmi off 0-4 3.73
Maroney James W telecoms tech R.7 10-73 Reid James J .. cons off 0.5 3.73 Phipps Russell G econ / cml off RU-4 9.70
Marston Robert H. proc/supply off 0-6 12-69 Sheridan R Ann . S-5 9.73 Reilly James econ /cml off R :4 7.72
cons off
McIntosh Robert D telecoms off R.7 Coles Lemuel David , adm off 0-4 7.71 Shields Vincent M econ / cml off R-5 6-73
McLaughlin Richard R telecoms off R-6 7.72 Mehl Nello 0 coms /rec asst S- 7 3.72 Thomas Cheryl Kathleen . sec S-8 8.73
Morris Jane E. nurse R-6 8.73 Springer Stephen R. coms/rec off R.1 11.73 Whistler Richard T econ / cml off R -4 7.72
Murphy Charles M. telecoms asst S-5 6-73 Wozniak Suzanne K. sec S-9 10-73
O'Connor Leonard ) . com s / rec off S-6 3.71 FAS
O'Shea Marie F. pers off 0-4 4.73 Consular Section
Obrien Kenneth T. telecoms oft R.4 7.73 Fejfar Oldrich. agri att 11.72
Parker David )... Boswell William P. cons off 0-3 3.73
telecoms off R-6 Clerici Laura A ... cons off
Purinton John F. telecoms tech R-6 5-71 USIA 0-8 12.73
Ruffin Zelma N com s/rec asst S.1 1.72 White Walter P Jr. i0-3 2-73
Sala Lawrence B ... telecoms asst br pub aff off Administrativo Section
S-6 11.72 Johnson Charles A br cult aft off i0-3 5.73
Smith Verna E. sec S-5 2-71 King Alan M. Hortum Ernest adm off R-2 11.72
Sparshott Richard 0 reg adm spec S - 3 6-73 asst cult aff off 10-6 8.73 Bales Richard E. telecoms off R-6 6-73
Revey E Lewis br cult aff oft 10.2 2.73 Billick Michael.
Thompson James F diplo pouch asst S-6 gen ser oft 0-6 9.72
Varney William F. telecoms asst S - 7 9.73 Briges Jack C. med asst S - 6 8.73
Walker Edward Lee telecoms asst S - 8 9.73 CALCUTTA (CG) Charlton John F. gen ser off S - 4 6-73
Wasson Terry Lee telecoms asst S-8 7.73 Davis John Wir coms/rec asst S - 8 10-73
Pickering Laurence G prin off 0-2 6-70 Dechant Lawrence G. telecoms asst S -8 9.73
ocee Cooper Elizabeth V.. sec Durfey Frank D. reg adm spec
S -5 3.73 S- 2 8-72
Cox William 8 geog spec RU-3 2-67 Belz Dona Krause . clk S.7 11.72 Eye Ralph FW IT gen ser oft 0-4 9.72
Williams William W. phys sci off RU-2 9.71 Burleigh Albert Peter pol off 0.5 7.72 Foley Edward R. coms/ rec oft S-29.73
Garrett Earl Norbert III . pol off R-5 8-73 Gregory Barbara Ann coms/ rec asst S - 7 7.73
Armed Forces Attaches Austin Kathleen T sec S-8 12-71 Grevencamp William R. bud/fis off S - 3 10-73
Connelly Claude P. econ /cm off R-7 4.72 Grusheski James ] bldg mgt off 0-6 10-72
King Col William P. DATT /ARMA 6.70 Haar Juanita ... sec
Vollmer Capt Cecil R. ALUSNA 5.72 Rosselot Robert E econ / cmi oft 0-3 6-73 S - 7 7.72
McWilliams James W cons oft S -5 4.72 Hagelstein Arthur A med off R-2 2-72
Holmberg Col John B AIRA 6.73 Holman E Pauline coms/rec asst
Black Maj Ronald L... A/ARMA 2-73 Ball William E. adm oft S.3 6.73 S - 6 5.73
A /ARMA Bushelle Grell T. coms/ rec off S.7 2.73 Hughes Francis H. med off R.4 2.72
Kriesel Maj Melvin E dr . 11.73 Janas Leo T.
Brooks Lt Cmdr Paul E. A /ALUSNA 9.72 Replogle Donald B. telecoms off S- 7 6-73 telecoms off S-5 10.73
Lane Leonard W. coms/rec asst S - 5 7.72
Cook Maj Frank E. A/AIRA 5.73 Lanham Charles E. telecoms asst
USIA S - 8 10-73
Lourenco Manuel R Jr. disb off S - 5 1.73
FAS Bradley Holbrook... br pub aff off 10-2 2-72 McLaughlin Michael i Jr.. gen ser oft
Good David P R:1 11.72
Davis Horace ) . agri att 6-72 asst cult att off 10.7 5.72 Michalo Suzanne sec S- 6 11.72
Hall Lawrence E. asst agri att 6-73 Mixon Joel W bldg ser spec S - 3 6-73
Lane Richard dir (ARS) 11.70 MADRAS (CG) Moody Jack 8 . telecoms asst
Daugherty David . ( ARS) 12.70 S - 7 11.71
Murray Anne V. nurse S - 3 1.72
Eaves John Jr. Roberts Mary ) pers off S - 3 1.74
AID prin off 0-3 6.73 Shaw Oliver C
Thomson M Clara..... sec S -7 8-72 coms/rec asst S - 6 4.72
Barich Ann V. exec asst S-5 1.70 Greene Ernest Thomas Stevens Vincent W telecoms oft R-8 10-71
pol off 0.4 8.70 White Joyce ..
Baughman Jon.. dep cap resources R -4 6-73 Ogino Jack S. pol off 6-72 pers off S -2 2-71
dev oft R-5 Whitfield George P. telecoms asst
Sykes Kathleen S ... sec S-8 5-73 S -7 12-72
Boehme Carole A sec SL - 7 8-71 Yrizarry Anthony C bud/tis off S - 5 10.72
Bullard Ervin 1... Atchley John K ... econ /cml off 0-5 8.73
dep food /agri off R-3 7.72 Johnson Keith C econ /cml off R -6 6-71
Collamer Harold W. ctir R.4 1.71 Dunbar Richard C. Armed Forces Attaches
Fitzcharles Ann A. ftp off RL- 4 5-71 cons off 0-6 3.72
Shouse L Gordon adm off 0-6 10-73 Hammerquist Col Robert E .... DATT /ARMA 10-72
Gurley Lena M .. adm aide S- 6 8-73 Sherburne Maj Thomas N ... ARMA
Herr Richard H. prog off R-3 12-73 Lochner David H coms/rec off S.7 7.73 11:72
Mitchell Col Jerry Joseph .. ALUSNA (USMC) 8.72
Kingery Michael 1 . fen engr ad R-3 6.72 Tyndall Col Robert H. AIRA
Odonnell Kevin F. legal ad R-3 8-66 USIA 7.71
Witter Ltc Lee F. A /ARMA 4.72
Pratt A Doan aud R -4 8.71 Conlon Edward br pub aff off 10-3 5.71 Bell Lcdr John M.
Vincent Reginald C. fa insp R-2 8.70 Flood James NALUSNA 5.72
asst info off 10-4 1.71 Oppenhuizen Capt John P ...... NALUSNA 6.72
Weigley Gwendolyn M. S -4 10.71 Miller Merrill S. 10-4 9.70
White William R. Oxec off R-3 1-68 Wible Robert C. ...... br cult aft off Westmoreland Lt Michael N ... N /ALUSNA 9.72
asst cult aft off 10-7 5.72 Ellis Li Col Robert J .......... NAIRA 7.72
FAS Pierce William Allen ............. adm spec 0.7 1.73 ACTION, PC
Lanier Verle E agri att 9.73 Sawyer Warren C. ....., dir R-2 9.73
USIA Lucas David W. prog tech rep 18 R- 5 9.73
AID Lite Jeffrey H. br pub oft off 10.5 8.73 Walt Robb RL prog tech rep R-6 12.12
Cashin Richard M. dir R.1 9.70 Payne Roy M. br pub att off 10.6 7.73
Kauffman Kenneth M. dep dir R.1 11.73 USIA
Anderson Lester C. supply mgt ott R.3 5.67 Winkler Gordon ..... pub at off 10.1 4.73
Barton Ronald B asst prog off R.4 12.70 Bookman Michelle C. R-6 12.72
Bollinger Walter G. prog off R.3 12.73 IRAN cao tot list
Brennan Dennis J. cap proj dev off R-3 10-70 Bemis Robert . asst info oft 10.4 10.70
Brennan Thomas 0 asst ito off RL-5 3.71 Bricio Maria Luisa cao BNC asst die S.4 10.73
TEHRAN (E ) courses
Brigham Marvin W. gan engrad R.2 1.73
Carter William M. ctir R.1 12.71 Byers Bruce K. pub off trainee 10.6 3.72
Clark William A. legal ad RL.2 3.73 Executive Section Demyer William F. cult att oft 10.3 8.73
Clinton John population off R-2 9.69 Killea William D exec off 10.3 7.72
Dobruce Raymond A do ctly R-3 5.73 Holms Richard M. АЕР 3.73 Koury Marian T.... exec sec S-6 4.73
Doyle Mary A. dev ting off R-2 7.67 Meck L Douglas , DCM 0.1 7.70 McAtos Marilyn asst cult off off 10.5 6.72
Evans Edith F S6 9.71 Evans John M. int rel off gen 0.7 1.72 Pillsbury Philip Win . co BNC di 10.4 9.72
Fales Elmar Q asst dev ting off R-4 2-68 Walsh Rita SOC S- 4 11.12 Romick Marlin W. into ott 10.2 9.72
Fisher Cari M nwy engrad R.3 1.73 Woosley Dorothy L. S.5 11.70 Theodore Augustus . publ off R.3 4.69
Fraser William A cap proj dev off R4 8.73 Walton Frank M. asst cult off off S.2 6.72
Gill Charles I. tip off R-3 3.70 Political Section Weaver Dorothy M. coo BNC asst dir S.3 12.71
Gordon Alan M bud/ acctg off RL-5 8.73 Begion Zona D. clk -typist S.7 5.72
Gustman Ernest H Jr. resident and RL-3 6.73 courses
Chero John E .... pol off RU.4 7.73 White Elizabeth Ann.......... cao BNC dir courses S.2 11.73
Hannah Morbelle K. S-6 7.72 Escudero Stanley pol oft 0.5 7.71
Harris James E. aud R.4 2.72 2.73
Hill Ethel R coms/roc suPVT S:4 6.73 Gray Sandra L. clk-typist S-8
Ondrey Barbara R. clk -typist S- 8 4.71 KHORRAMSHAHR (C )
Hodgin Wilson ......... alec engrad RL:2 0.00 0.3 8.72
Jacob Joan M. S-6 1.71 Precht Henry pol oft
Schroen Gary C pol off R.7 6.72 Hornblow Michael M prin off 0.5 9.66
Jenkins George R int dev intern RL.7 0.00 6.73
Johnson William Howard pop mgmt od R.5 0.00 Stacy Carolyn 0 sec S -5 Crockor Ryan Clark ........ int rol off gen 0.7 9.72
Kennedy Donald .. asst per off R-5 0.00 Taylor Henry L. pol off 0.3 5.72 Ryan William W. adm off 8.4 10.12
Kuhn Louis M osst prof econ RL.4 0.00 Tsigris Constance M. S.9 5.73
Lawrence Waltor D. elec engrad R.2 9.73 TABRIZ (C)
Litwin Edna C ..... S -6 6.73 Economic /Commorclal Section
Logon John W.. asst supply mgt oft R.3 11.68 Bibus Mary Ann SOC S- 6 3.71 ....... prin ott
Mavro Alexander P. Oxec off R:2 1.73 S-8 3.73 Mast Charles A. 0.5 8.72
Castor Margaret Ann Noumann Ronald Eldredgo.... adm off 0.6 7.73
McAleerWalter M. civ engrad R.4 3.72 e ge
Cav Geor W ... econ / cml off RU-4 8.73
Mintz Steven P int dev intern RL.7 0.00 Ciazza Adrian B econ / cmi oft R-5 1.74
Newbill Mary E. sec $.4 4.73 Coulter Richard Arthur.. comm off 0.6 8.72
Norris James A. ocon ad R-3 9.71 Dorsey Patricia A S-8 1.73
Otto Leonard H. food/agri off R-2 6-66 rth e comm off 0.3 8.70 IRAQ
Ellswo Georg A.
Parkins Robert V dop spec met oft R.3 9.71 Lehtoldt William W. econ/cml off 0.1 8.69
Rattan Clarence in acct RL- S 10.70 Lenox Ryan L. econ /cml off R-6 6.71 BAGHDAD (U.S. INTERESTS SECTION, BELGIAN EMBASSY)
Roose Thomas M lii . dop pop off RL.4 1.72 Lundy Walter A Je... econ / cmlott 0.4 8.73
Roberts John E. asst prog oft R- S 1.73 Maimone Diane Angola , S.9 4.73
Solay Marian S.5 10.73 Patterson David R. The Government of Belgium assumed protection of U.S. in.
petrol off 0.5 7.73 terests in Iraq following severance of diplomatic relations
Smith Edward H JP cap proj dev off R.4 12.71
Smith Myron G. food/agri off R.2 0.00 between the United States and Iraq on June 7 , 1967. A U.S. In.
Consular Section terests Section was established in Baghdad October 1. 1972 .
Owenson James P asst supply mgt off RL-5 3.70 cons off
Torrell Daniel S. R.5 7.72 Arbona Donald .. R.7 7.73
asst dev trng off Fourier Georgo P ppt/citiz off 0-6 3.72 Lowrie Arthur L ... prin off 0.4 9.72
Tobias Ruth 1 .. SOC S.7 8.70 Lowrie Nancy sec $ 10
Trostle Ronald G R-5 2.72 Gross Clifford H cons off 0-3 3.73
asst prog econ Ratigan John R cons off 0.7 1.73 Main Ronald L adm oft 0-6 9.72
Vanrosite Rogi .. Cop resources dev R.3 10.73
off Render Arlene visa oft R-6 5.73
Voubel Ethel M L... S-6 8.71 Ringland Peter.. cons off S-2 8.71 BASRA
Warin Richard L. acct R.4 1.72 Wickham Ben B Jr. cons off R-6 9.71
Wolter Raymond M asst gso R.4 4.67 The Consulate in Basra will remain closed until further notice.
Woody David C ... fen engr off R-2 6.73 Administrativo Section
Brown Kairn C ... adm off 0.2 4.72
USIA Barone Elvira T. coms/rac asst S -6 1.72
Kliotorth Alexander pub att off CM 8.73 Blaydoo William coms/rec off S.7 8.73 IRELAND
Mount Robert W. dep pub att oft 10.2 6.70 Bright Robert L. coms/ roc asst S- 6 1.74
Bollard Richard Oxec off R.3 1.73 Cooper Forrell L... coms/roc off S.6 8.73
Brown Robert L dop BNC dir S.3 6.72 Cunningham James D. reg adm spec R-6 3.73 OUBLIN (E)
Campbell Ivan M radio off 10.3 1.71 Dì Cup Edward B bldg ser spec R-5 6.72
Cousey Paulo ) . cao exchanges 10.5 11.70 Doang James VIP con ser off R.7 9.73 Executivo Section
Conynghom Edward F. policyreschoff 10.3 9.72 Forris Robert E. fon ser oft 0.3 8.73 Moore John D ... AEP 6-69
Donovan Francis 1 . audio-vis ott prog 10.4 6.73 Gomber Daniel C bud/lis off 0.7 11.72 Sorenson Roger A .. DCM 0.2 6.69
Kyle Jerry E.. press off 10-4 7.73 Gebel Joseph M telecoms asst S-8 5.73 Arsoneau Thelmo M .............. SC $-4 11.73
Nyrop Flemming E. prog off 10.3 9.72 Hendrix R Phillip coms/ roc off $.4 7.73 Jordan Robert F... 1... Spec asst 10.3 1.73
Post Edword Elr . publ off 10.3 9.72 King Willis D. fen ser oft 0-6 12-68 Skinner Margaret. $-6 6.73
Reddish AnnicaME exec sec S-5 10.73 Kole snik Jam es C rog adm spec RU.4 8.73
Russ Coro L. acao exchanges $.4 1.74 Matera Lawrence W coms/ rec asst $.7 7.75
Spector )Brooks pub off trainee 10.8 8.73 Meyer Barbara E. Sec $ .9 Political Economic Section
Taylor Margaret V Icao BNC dir 10.3 7.72 Miller Deon R .. coms/rec oss S.7 4.73 Proper DatusC. ver.... pol off 0.4 7.71
Torado Margaret H. meg sec $.7 1.72 Miller Holen G S- 8
Yoki Michael M. usst field prog off 10.4 8.71 Nichols Jomos C telecoms isst $-6 1.73 Lconomic/Commercial Soction
Solmi Ralph telecoms osst $.7 2.73 Furness Georgo A de ............... econ / cml off 0.4 8.71
MEDAN (C) Vonce William R coms/rec off 8.6 8.70
Wald Howard F. bud /mgt off $.1 10.72 Consular Section
Kilpatrick Richard N .... prin off 0.4 12.73 Warner Richard N telecoms asst 9.5 9.72 0.3 7.73
Warnock Milton P. telecoms off R.6 8.72 Holl Winifred T...................... cons off
Norwood Thomos LI .... ...... ICON /cml off R.5 12.72
Warren Thomas ......... Lido Froncos .................. cons off 0.5 1.73
Poltler Alec M ... cons off 0.5 5.73 coms/roc off R.5 8.69
Scott Robert L. odm off S.5 3.72 Whost Myno Boryl. pers off 0.3 8.70 Administrativo Sootion
Stanford Cory s telecoms usst $.8 7.73
Lupo Samuel E........ odm off 0.4 6.73
VSIA Chopmon Albert S .............. phys sci off RU.3 8.73 Brooke Mauriel, fon sor off 0-6 9.73
Clower Loyco D ........ ......... coms/roc off $.6 7.71
Voughn Arthur A. br pub oft off 10-6 12.73 Myors Wolter Leon ... one coms/roc usst $.9 6.73
Armed Forous Attaches
SURADAYA (C ) Boynton Col John B DATT/ AIRA 6.71
Schott Col Homer E ..... ARMA 7.71 Armod lorous Attaches
Butterfield Lcdr John A ........... ALUSNA 7.73 Barringar Col Fred A ....... DATT /ARMA 6.72
Randolph Robert I............... prin off 0 :4 7.72
Millo Robert W. ... pol off R.6 7.72
Baker Richard W III...... um comm off 0.6 5.72 IAS
Bjorko Gerold telecoms asst 5.6 11:12 Vining Dole K. Stephanides Choralambos S. agri att 7.73
ISRAEL McGlade Clare M sec S -6 3-68 Idleberg Cdr Norman ALUSNA 5.72
Stone Howard E spec asst R-2 6-71 Crews Col Alvan M .. AIRA 6.73
Trimarco Thomas Hugh. spec asst R-2 3-73 Rohland Ltc Robert G. A /ARMA 6-73
TEL AVIV (E) Grosz Maj Nicholas H Jr A / ALUSNA(USMC) 8-73
Political Section Port Cdr Joseph C. A /ALUSNA 10.73
Executive Section Astala Katherine Marie . sec S -6 11-66 Johnston Maj Bobby ). A /AIRA 7.72
Keating Kenneth B. АЕР 8-73 Barnsdale William J. pol off 0-2 1.72
Veliotes Nicholas A. DCM 0-2 7.73 Beller Joyce M. sec S- 8 10-72 FAS
Cullen Joan C.. sec S.7 1.74 Boies Robert E pol off R-39-69 Beukenkamp Radboud L. agri att 11-69
Lukso Katharine ) sec S - 6 8-73 Briggs Connie B. sec S - 7 7.72 Gordon Chester H.. (ARS) 8.72
Overmyer Allen R int rel off gen 0-6 9.72 Cioci Mario L. pol off R -4 9.70 Geerken Forrest K Jr. 8.71
Pascoe Dorothy L Sec S : 7 9.71 Condon Eileen. sec S - 8 1.74 Piason Frank ) . 8-72
Creagan James F labor/pol off 0-5 4.72
Political Section Decaterini Ann F sec S- 5 11.73 USIA
Abington Edward Gordon ....... pol off 0-6 8.72 Distefano Joseph A pol off R-3 9.71
sec Gaynor Barbara A sec S- 6 1.71 Amerson Robert C. pub aff off 10.1 8.73
Burke Miriam V. S -8 7.72 McDonald James M Jr dep pub att off 10.2 9.71
Ford Joyce K. sec S-8 12.73 Holley Helen R. sec S -6 10-72
Illing Robert F int rel off gen 0.5 8.70 Antico Peter J. dep into off 10-4 10-73
Griff Arlene E sec S-7 9.71 Braun William K.. cult aft off 10-2 6.71
Hirsch John L. pol off 0-4 8-72 Jillson Anne Darrohn phys sci off 0-5 9.72
Manniello John L. phys sci off R.1 8.73 Chikes Csaba T. asst into off 10-6 5.72
Mousseau Nanette . sec S-9 10-72 Comiskey Stella M exec sec S- 5 7.73
Sandman Leonard labor /pol off 0-3 9.71 Nagy Ernest A labor /pol off 0-3 1.74 Crouch Charles Mille i0-8 6-73
Smith Walter Burges II.. 0-3 6-71 Paganelli Robert P. pol off 0-4 9.73 pub aff trainee
pol oft Haferd Margaret R. asst cult atf oft 10-3 3-69
Russell Theodore E pol oft 0-4 11.73
Vacca Mary A .. sec S -6 3.72 Kennedy G Alfred acao exchanges R-S 12-72
Economic / Commorcial Soction Rappaport Paul ) . info off 10-3 6-70
Collins Lee . comm oft R-3 6-73 Wise Samuel G Jr pol off 0-3 11.71
Garvey Evelyn sec S-8 6-73 Woolfley H L Dufour.. pol off 0-4 8.70
Kirby William A Jr. econ / cml off 0-6 8-73 FLORENCE (C)
Levy Cecil S sec S -5 4.73 Political Military Affairs Section
Matter James K Jr. econ /cmlott 0-3 8-70 Devine James B pol/mil aff oft R-2 7.70 Gordon Robert CF prin oft 0-1 2.72
Engel David A. pol/mil aff off 0-4 7.71 Broe Eileen L ... sec S-6 2.72
Consular Section Humphrey William Edwin . pol/econ off 0-5 6-73
Economic / Commercial Section Harpootian Ovsanna .. cons oft 0-5 1.73
Adams John H .. ppt/citiz off 0.5 11.71
Friesen Janice F. visa off 0-6 6-73 Cantwell John A. comm off 0-4 5.70
Hunter Douglas Randall cons off 0.7 9.73 Costanzo Christopher D econ /cml off R-5 2.73 USIA
Jones Douglas Hugh cons oft 0.7 3.73 Crafts Donald E. comm off 0-5 1.70 Lenderking William R. i0.3 9.73
Madison Michelle M. sec S-6 4.72 Ely Michael E. econ /cml off 0-2 11-72 (Assigned to Bologna)
Peters John G. visa off 0-4 8-73 Jones Irene P. sec S -6 7.73
Roeder Larry W. cons off 0-3 9-69 Laase Paul L. econ / cml off 0-3 8.72
Rossi Herman J III . comm oft 0-5 8-73 GENOA (CG)
Administrative Section Sacchet Edward Michael fin econ 0-4 5-72
Salvucci Paula B sec S- 8 5.72 Bruno Gori P prin off 0-3 5.73
McLean William H. adm off 0-3 6-73 Wilson David S... econ /cml oft 0-4 7.71 Bastiani Carl A pol off 0-4 7.71
Abrams Arthur H. coms/rec asst S-6 12-13 Wrobel Florence ). sec S-5 2-72 Ode Robert C cons oft 0-4 1.72
Beller Catherine M. bud/fis oft S- 1 7.71 Zucca Albert L. comm oft 0-2 10-73 Arthur Robert D. adm oft 0.6 9.72
Boissonnault Donald B. coms /rec asst S -6 12.71
Brown Michael E. telecoms asst S -7 8-71 Consular Section
Claxton Gerald telecoms asst S.7 1.72 MILAN (CG)
Getze Richard J .. com s / rec asst S-7 11.73 Ahlert Mary ). cons off spec ser S- 3 4.72
Holmes James Jr. coms/rec off R -6 6.73 Atkins Edwin F. cons off R -4 6-73 Fina Thomas W prin off 0-2 8.73
Kern Ivan Lee. coms/rec asst S.7 4.72 Battaglia Phillip V cons oft spec ser 0-6 7-69 Alhimook Daniel. econ /cml off S-2 6-70
Konya Charles , gen ser off 0-4 10.72 Bel Robert ) cons oft spec ser 0-6 7.73 Frost Peter F comm off 0-4 6-72
Musolf Lewis E. telecoms off S- 5 5.70 Cornes Clarence E Jr. cons off R-4 5-73 Furness Brian R. econ /cml off 0.5 7.72
Nayor Michael A. disb off Hummel Walter H. visa off 0-3 3.70 Goold Robert P. econ / cml off 0.4 7.73
0.6 9.72 Hussman Margaret . cons oft 0-1 8-73
Norton Donald E .. coms/rec asst S-6 9.72 Grimmer Dennis M trade prom off 0.7 4.72
sec McMullin Mary E. sec S-6 3.72 O'Brien Joseph trade prom off 0-4 7.70
Sonne Lorraine L. S-6 2.73 Welch Mary E .. S- 3 6-70
Totten Charles DJr . telecoms asst S- 7 6-73 ppt/citiz off Ross David A. comm off 0-6 11.73
Tatge Edward William trade prom oft R.2 1.72
Administrative Section Hassett Frederick H cons off 0.5 12-71
phys sci off Boudreau Henry C adm oft 0-1 7-69 Lonam William B visa off R -4 5-73
Chinn Herman I ... RU-2 10-73 Scioli Leonard 1. adm off 0-4 9.73 McCollum Carl W. cons off 0-5 8-72
Anderson Merle A .. coms/rec asst S- 9 9.73 Ball Laura E ..... coms/rec off S- 5 3-71
Armed Forces Attaches Bostock Harvey S coms/rec asst S.7 7.72 Clemente Gloria T. clk S-6 1.73
Forsman Col Billy B DATT /AIRA 8.72 Bowles Barbara A sec S-6 7.73
Stafford Col Mebane G. ARMA 6-73 Bowyer David G. reg adm spec R -6 8-73 FAS
McRight Li Cdr Clarence Jr .... ALUSNA 2.72 Broyles Richard G. telecoms asst S.7 2.72 8.73
Kosco Mai William G .. N/ARMA 2.72 Carter Walter Leon bud /mgt off 0-4 7.72 Montgomery Byron K ............. agri off
Juengling Lt Cmdr Robert G ... A /ALUSNA 6.72 Casey Thomas M. coms/ rec asst S-6 2.72
Manning MajFrank M A/AIRA 1.71 Chalett Herbert L S-7 1.73 USIA
coms/rec asst
D'Adam Mary sec / adm asst S- 6 9.70 Fotos Evan ....... br pub aft off 10-3 5.71
FAS Farr Jean L... pers off S -1 5-73 Lagamma Robert R.. asst br pub aff off 10-4 9.72
Douglas Dale B. agri att 6-73 Fuerlinger John A coms/ rec off S-3 11.71
LatauciBarbara E coms/ rec asst S-7 9.71 NAPLES (CG )
Luecke Kenneth W. gen ser off S- 3 10-69
USIA Monioudis John . gen ser oft 0-5 1.74
Moss Stanley D. pub aff off 10-2 8-73 Moretti Edward J. coms/rec off S- 5 6-72 Horowitz Daniel L.... prin oft 0-1 5-73
Crockett Thomas cult aff off R-3 11.73 Prouty Velma ) . coms/rec asst S-4 8.73 Dally Daryl Rae sec S-6 9.73
Lefkow Leonard L. info oft i0-2 7.73 Rader Owen R. telecoms off S-6 6-73 Donnelly Muriel ... sec S.4 5.73
Oneil Rita K exec sec S-3 5-73 Ragone Vincent A proc /supply off 0.5 4.70 Hall Pierson M int rel off gen 0-3 1.74
Schlessinger Andrew into ctr dir i0.5 7.73 coms/rec off S -5 5.71 Youle John econ /cml off 0-4 7.72
Reavey Henry F. Abell Nancy C. visa oft S -5 4-71
Richardson Mary E. coms/rec off S -4 1.72
Robert Lawrence ). gen ser oft 0-3 7.72 Del Gigante Norman F.. visa off S -4 9-73
HAIFA (CA) Roche William J. reg adm spec R -4 6-71 Fenton Richard Lewis cons oft spec ser 0-5 8-72
Schumacher Erma bud/fis off 0-5 7.73 Hall Mildred J..... ppt/citiz off S- 4 10-72
Sassower Jacob cons agt Sedlacek Donald E. coms/ rec off S- 2 12.70 Luchesa Richard H visa off 0-6 9.73
Sexton Jane E.. coms/rec asst S- 6 2-73 May Drew Stephen cons off spec ser 0-6 1.73
Sheagren Barbara Jo nurse R -4 2-72 Smoot Mary Cynthia .. visa oft R.7 1.72
Sinnott Christopher V coms/ rec asst S-1 4-72 Wills Warren E .. ppt /citiz off S- 3 8.71
ITALY coms/rec asst 1.74 Zhivkovitch Olga M. visa off 0-4 1.72
Smoot Elizabeth A... S- 9 Guilano Guiseppe Jr.
Swapp Gary R. coms/rec asst S- 9 11.73 adm off S-2 8-73
Wilson Edward . telecoms asst S- 7 6-73 McCoy William G ... coms / rec off R-5 9.73
Witte Jeanne B sec S -6 9.73
Executive Section Dodds Alan H. i0-3 7.72
AEP br pub aff off
Volpe John A 3.73 0-3 9.73 Altemus Paul B br into off 10.4 5.71
Beaudry Robert M. DCM 0-1 3-73 Rushing Charles E. trng
Addin gton Michel la sec S- 8 9-71
Bonavito Dorothea L sec S- 5 11.73 Armed Forces Attaches PALERMO (CG )
Genovese Mary C. sec S.4 9.71 McGrath Cpt Charles ............ DATT /ALUSNA 5.73
Lamantia Russell August Jr ... int rel oft gen 0-6 6-71 Metcalf Coi Donald ). ARMA 10-73 Chiavarini Mary T. ........ prin off 0-2 9.73
FEBRUARY 1974 19
Yano Helen M. sec . S -7 8.73 Schoonover M Norman cap proj dev off R-2 9.69 Palmer James C. cult att off 10-6 2.72
Allen Charlotte. ppt/ citiz oft S-2 6-65 Shear David ... reg cap resources R-2 9.72
Pelletreau Nancy Leslie. cons off R-7 6-73 dev off
Rutledge Roger Keith. visa oft 0-6 7-72 Simmers Betty . sec S.7 12-73
Sega Anthony E.. cons off 0-3 9.72 Stacy Roy A. prog plan oft R-3 12-73 JAPAN
Williams Richard H visa off 0-4 11.72 Wallingford Marie A. sec S- 5 12.73
Morse Adriaen M. adm off 0-6 6-73 Weisenborn David E. agri econ RL- 4 11.71
Williams Justin Jr... cap proj dev oft RL-3 11.73 TOKYO (E)
TRIESTE (C) Executive Section
Rackmales Robert prin ott 0-4 10-73 Knipper Paul dep dir R -4 9.73 Shoesmith Thomas P. DCM 0-1 7-72
Finstead Bruce A physician R-5 8.73 Armacost Michael H.. Spec asst
Howard Geoffrey S reg admin off R -4 9.73 R-210-72
TURIN (C) Pippitt Cameron L.. R.4 1.73 Lukso Margaret A.. protocol spec S - 4 11.72
prog tech rep McCanlies Wanda F sec S -4 3.73
Soso G Jean R-5 9.73 McNeal Douglas B pol off 0.7 6.73
Lanius Paul Baxter Jr. prin off 0.3 10.70 Weiss Stephen M trng spec R-3 7.73
Skok William Henry. cons oft 0-1 6-73 White Michael K. R -4 12.73 Moor Carol Carter statt asst RU-4 9.72
physician Pabst David A .. pol off 0-5 8-73
Patterson Marjorie E. sec S.7 11.72
IVORY COAST Perrin James .. pub aff off 10-3 1.73 Political Section
Allen Barbara S sec -adm S -6 Anderson Laurence Desaix ..... pol off 0-4 7.73
Foley Jean K. exec asst reg S-3 9.73 Bors Elaine E sec S-6 11.72
ABIDJAN (E) Gulliksen Gail . info off i0.5 5.71 Carlson Rodney W. pol off R- 58-70
Murphy Robert cao reº libr R-5 9.73 Cummings Stella T. sec S- 7
Executive Section Stanley Diane . into off 10.4 Deming Rust M. labor/pol off 0-5 3.72
Smith Robert S... АЕР Strovas Frank C. cult att off i0.5 9.72 Duemling Robert W. pol off 0-3 10-70
Diamanti Walker A. DCM 0-3 10.70 Farrar Lawrence Frank pol off 0-6 6-73
Russell Mary ... sec S-7 1.73 s
Fitzsimmon Mary A.. sec S-6 4.73
Smith Beverly ). sec S -6 6-72 Floyd Walter I do pol off R- 5 5-72
Fox Phyllis.... sec S-93-72
Political Section r
Hause Fern E sec S.7 12-71
Bergin Martin JJr. pol off R-3 9.73 JAMAICA Ihrig Herbert G JP labor/ pol off 0-2 9.71
Cammarata Joan M. clk S.99.73 Knaus John K .. pol off R-4 6-72
Ransom David M pol oft R.7 4.72 Mlynarchik Roy A. lang off RU-3 7-69
Twining Charles H Jr. pol off 0-5 7.72 KINGSTON (E ) Petree Richard W. pol off 0-2 8.73
Swift Frieda Jo sec S10 1.74
Economic /Commercial Section Executive Section Tsukahira Toshio G pol off 0-3 2-72
Ferriter John P. econ /cml off 0-4 7.73 АЕР Wickel James J .. pol oft RU- 3 6-67
Gosewisch Holly econ / cml off 0.7 8.72 Hewitt Ashley Cup DCM 0-3 7.73
Kimble Melinda L. comm oft 0-6 8.73 Estock Agnes U. sec S -6 11.73 Political Military Affairs Section
Lovata Genevieve V. sec S-8 8-72 Booher Sarah L. sec S-6 3.72
Ramsay William C comm off 0-6 11.73 Political Section Juchniewicz Edward S. pol/mil atf off R.4 9.70
Smith Stephanie A. sec S -8 1.74 Breer William T. pol off 0-4 9.72 Kobayashi Tadao pol/mil aff off 0-4 2-71
Erb Gary E. pol off R-5 8.73 Schmitz Charles A pol/mil aft off R-2 1.70
Regional Economic Development Section Keenan Thomas J. pol off R-4 9.73
Pease Norman L.. fisheries off R -3 10-71 McPherson Laveta ) . sec S-8 12.72 Economic/Commercial Section
Anderson ) David comm oft R-5 7.72
Consular Section Economic /Commercial Section Becker ) Peter trade prom off 0.4 7.72
Norman Marcial . cons off R-8 2.73 Kingsley Carolyn E ... ...... econ / cml off 0.4 9.73 Bellocchi Natale H. comm off 0-2 9.72
Boone Dorothy sec S-6 12-69
Administrative Section Consular Section Burns David H econ /cml oft 0-5 9.71
Baque William R. cons oft S-4 12-73 Calingaert Michael econ /cml off 0-2 7.72
Brown Edward H adm off 0-3 8.72 Clark William Jr econ /cml off 0.4 7.72
Curtain Lynn Wilson. coms/rec off S-6 7.72 Beattie Frederick O lii visa off 0.4 4.73 Dewitt Martha Ann . comm off 0-5 9.73
Farr Charles E... telecoms asst S-7 3.72 Berkley George A. cons off 0-3 1.72 Edmond Lester E econ / cml oft 0.16.70
Friedbauer Allan ... com s / rec asst S.1 2.73 Fagan Joseph F. cons off spec ser 0-5 5.72 Goldman Michael H comm off R4 8.70
Gallagher Michael F. bud/fis off 0.7 6.73 Handford William E.. cons off S- 5 8.73 Kopperman Diane sec S.7 3.73
Hackl Donald E. reg adm spec S-3 6-71 Martin Thomas H visa off 0-6 5.72 econ / cml oft 0-4 8.71
McHugh Reginald .. visa oft R.7 6.73 McRory William F.
Jackson Michael Roy .. bud/tis off 0-6 9.72 Nakatsu Lorry M. fisheries oft R-3 9.73
McCarthy Eugene Michael pers off 0.7 1.73 Merson Harry C visa oft S- 5 7.73 Parker Thomas Jr econ / cml off 0.5 7.73
Milanich Tillie .. bud/ fis oft S-5 9-68 Streicher Joseph O visa off 0-6 7.73 sec S.7 11.73
Milliren Thomas F. bud/fis off Severson Betty Jean
0-5 6-73 Stevenson Mary L... sec S-6 10.71
Nora Clyde G. bud/fis off R-7 8-72 Administrative Section Strong Bruce W. R -37.73
Scott Kenneth M Jr. gen ser oft adm oft trade prom off
0-7 8-72 Clift George WF . 0-4 2-73 Teague Ruth R. sec S.6 1.74
Sell Robert J... telecoms off R.7 7.71 Christy Hayes F. telecoms off S -6 10-73 Weaver Kaarn Jayne. comm off 0.7 9.73
Sutton Elizabeth Frances . bud/fis off S- 5 12-72 Keough Rosemary coms/ rec off S- 4 6-73 White Pearlie A sec S.7 4.72
Sweigart Dennis P coms/rec asst S.7 1.73 Knickerbocker James F Jr. gen ser oft S- 4 6-73 Whitney Peter D comm off 0-5 9.72
Wescott Janet Lane. sec S-8 1.73 Peshoff Roy G telecoms asst S -7 9.71
Reilly Edward FDI telecoms asst S -8 9.73 Consular Section
Armed Forces Attachos Wiley James F. coms/rec asst R-7 9.72 Crosson E Lewis.. cons off 0.3 8-73
Smith Col Rayburn L Jr DATT / ARMA 8.72 Cummings Thomas E. cons oft 0.4 8.71
Knerr Cdr Donald 0. ALUSNA 10-71 Armed Forces Attachos Davis Ruth A.... visa off R -S 10-73
(Resident in Monrovia ) Burns Ltc Mervyn J. DATT/ALUSNA (USMC) 6.73 Guignard Michael J. visa oft R.7 12-73
Hardin Maj Alva V Dp A /ARMA 11.73 Key Lt Col Spencer A. ARMA 8.72 Howell Frances Dodd visa off 0.4 3.71
(Resident in Port -au -Prince) Kelley Mary M. ppt/citiz off S-5 6.72
AID Mitchell Col Newell D .. AIRA 7.71 Kujubu Lawrence S visa off S- 5 7.71
Baron William CC rep gen engr oft R-3 0-00 (Resident in Caracas) Lindahl Eric G. visa oft 0-3 12-69
Bergier Frederic M. gen engr ad R35-71
- Miller Ltc Robert D ... A /AIRA 4.72 Neal Alfred H Jr. visa oft 0-6 8.71
Boone Fay lola sec S - 8 5.73 (Resident in Caracas) Schrader Carol ) sec SIO 10-73
Bowman Dorothy R adm aide S - 5 0-00 Tsukayama Robert A. cons oft spec ser 0.5 9.72
Clark Donald B int dev intern RL.7 0-00 AID Voultsos Mary . sec S- 6 8-73
Doerr Emil M supply mgt off R-2 0-00 Campbell Charles P. AID aff off R2- 0-00
Hiatt Wright. gen engrad RL-2 7.72 Cretecos James A. pub safety ad R-3 0-00 Administrativo Soction
Hill James E prog oper off RL-3 11.71 Dunlap John H ftp off R-3 9.72 Falkner Charles W. adm off 0-2 10-69
Jackson Leroy. asst cap proj dev RL.7 11.72 Kolar Hjalmar P. prog off R-3 2-73 Williamson Daniel Lr adm off 0.1 1.71
off Mosley Barnabas gen engr ad R - 4 0.00 Allison Marion C for blogs off R-3 10.73
Johnson Roy H. dep adm off R-5 0-00 Wallace Wilbur ) population off R - 4 7.73 Bell Robert E ... coms/rec off S.1 7.69
Nelson Gary L. int dev intern RL- 6 4.72 Boppel William K. telecoms asst S -6 6-73
Nevin Stanley R. contract sers off RL- 2 10.72 ACTION, PC Brown Donald P telecoms off R-6 8.73
Patrick Arthur V asst cap proj dev RL- 4 12-73 dir Clawson Daisy Lou . nurse S-3 4.73
oft Matheson James C. R-3 3.73 Conner John G .. coms/ rec asst S- 6 7.73
RL-2 0-00 Llewellyn Judith L assoc dir R-57-73 Dolgott Lawrence 0.4 8-73
Phippard James R. legal ad Nishihara Richard R - 6 9.73 bud /mgt off
Potter Thomas D. cap proj dev off R -4 0-00 prog tech rep Fink Myron D. coms tech R- 7 1.74
Rosenthal Irving prog off RL.2 7.72 Forbes Thomas L.. rec off R.7 1.73
Rubino Anthony F. depadm off RL.3 12.73 USIA Groot Kathryn ) pers off 0-4 4.70
Saccheri John B gen engr ad R-3 12-71 Johnson Roy W. pub aff off 10-3 4-73 Hauke Michael H. telecoms tech R.7 5.72
FEBRUARY 1974 21
Geoffroy George G aud R-4 9.71 Williamson Jack relief/rehab ad R-3 9.70 Gzehoviak Ronald A. gen ser oft S.4 7.72
Gephart David I Jr. gen engr ad R-4 7.73 Harrington James telecoms asst S-6 9-12
Guedet Paul.. cap proj dev off R-4 12-73 Consular Section Hawbecker John A. telecoms asst S -T 7.71
Gunning John N prog oft R-3 6-72 McCarthy John F III cons off R-6 7.72 Horn James Edwin coms/ rec asst S-6 10-73
Haas Marlin F area aud gen R-2 6-73 Klotzbach Lester W coms/rec oft S -4 3.71
Henry Richard ). bud/ acctg oft R.4 2.73 Laskaris Anne P nurse S- 2 11.73
Hirsh Michael H int dev intro RL.7 0-00 Public Affairs Section sec S- 7 1.74
Soergel Donald E. pub aff off 10.4 7.72 Meisenzahl Anne M.
Hotfarth F Leroy proj mgr agri R-3 12-68 Miller Lester E. bldg ser spec S-3 6.73
Hogan Edward B reg cap resources R- L 12.73 O'Hanlon Brendon P. reg adm spec S-3 8.71
dev off Administrativo Section Scerbak John R coms/rec asst S- 6 9.73
Jones Harold M food /agri off R 29-68
- Smith Lewis Curtis adm oft 0-3 7.72 Worthington Julia. nurse S-3 11.70
Jones William David . legal ad RL-3 5.73 Burley L Audrey disb off S-6 8.73
Karian Albert A gen engr ad R-4 9.72 Butler Cletis W. gen ser oft S- 3 9.71 Armod Forces Attaches
Kemper Joseph M exec off R-38.73 Clute Claude ) telecoms asst S-6 11.73 9.71
pers off 0.4 4.72 Hiebert Col Donald L............ DATT /ARMA
King Wayne ). int dev intrn RL.1 0.00 Cooney Margaret M.
Lackey Alvin S. Dop ad R-2 8-73 Dittmer Richard F. telecoms asst R.T 9.73 FAS
McCarron James W pop ad R-3 6-70 Fletcher James B coms/rec asst S.7 8.73
Miller Margaret D. sec S.7 5.73 Granzow Elizabeth R. nurse S-3 3.73 Jean Clarence V agri att 9-70
Moe Ida M. sec S.7 11.70 Griffin James A. coms/rec off S-6 8-70
Odell Bruce ... cap proj dev off RL- 4 3-72 k
Holbroo Thomas R coms/ rec asst ST 1.73 AID
Olsen Norman L. asst prog off R-5 0-00 Oboyle Dennis G.. telecoms off S.7 7.73 AdlerMichael HB dir 5.71
Pfeifter Dale B asst prog off R.4 7.73 Paukert Edward gen ser off 0-5 5.73 Barrett Dennis P dep prog off R-4 9.71
Porvaznik Michael. aud R-S 10-73 Rohmann Johanna W. coms /rec asst S-1 3-73 Baum Willy D. prog asst R-5 8.70
Rosenbaum Henry . dep exec off R-49-72 Satcher Sylvester. sec/adm asst S- 8 2-73 Brandon Scott W. population ad R-3 12-71
Rudowski Daniel P ctir R-2 7.72 Sturgeon George S coms/ rec asst S.7 1.73 Cahn Robert A cap proj dev off RL-2 1.72
Schaer David H. livestock ad R - 4 6-71 Telford Sidney Jr. reg adm spec R-5 12-73 Campisi Charles F aud RL- 5 8.72
Scott Samuel T Jr. gen engr ad R-5 1.70 Trebbe F Donley coms/ rec off R-5 3.73 Carmichael Nelle E sec S.7 10-68
Siddons Sandra A. sec S-6 2-73 Welsh Irene R. bud/fis oft 0.4 1.72 Carter Frances M sec S-6 5.71
Tribble James W. supply mgt off R-38-73 Yeager Kenneth R. coms/ rec asst S -8 1.74 Carter Theodore B legal ad RL-3 4.70
Westley John Richard . cap proj dev off RL.3 1.73 Chevoor William A. ctir R-2 2-70
Wilson ThomasNr. coms /rec supur S-3 0-00 Armed Forces Attaches Davis William L.. prog off R-2 10.71
Winter Marcus L. agri econ R-4 3-68 Burnell Col Ray Lr. DATT /ARMA 4.72 Givens Thomas H. exec oft R-2 6-66
Marcinko Lt Cdr Richard . ALUSNA 9.73 Gleason Carl P prog econ R-3 11.71
ACTION, PC Crim Maj Robert E. AIRA 7.73 Glenn Dorothy N. pop ad R-2 8-73
Tyson Herbert L. dir R-2 6-73 Opter ColDavid HE AIRA 2-73 Healy Betty ). sec S -6 9.73
Danchik Dennis G assoc dir R-S 11.73 Alliason Ltc John R. A /ARMA 7.73 Henrich Robert C bud/acctg oft RL-4 6-72
Hilliard Jr Joseph assoc dir R- 5 10.73 Campbell Maj Jerry P A / ARMA 6-73 Jones Francis C .. food /agri off R.2 0.00
R-5 11.73 Danner Maj Malcolm A. A / ARMA 11.73 Laursen Clyde C. gso R-4 8.66
Mann George S trng off Lehmann Glenn A econ ad R.2 7.72
McMahon Michael P. prog tech rep R-4 7.73 Galda Cpt Dwight W A /ARMA 6-73
Polatin Peter B. R-4 12.73 Holtom Ltc Stanley E. A /ARMA 11.73 McRae Martha C. sec S- 5 9.71
physician Moore Eugene W ffp off R-3 6.72
McDonald Maj Robert A A /ARMA 11.73
O Bryan Ltc William P. A /ARMA 11.73 Rizk William S. put entpr off R- 3 8.72
USIA Roxborough John W li . legal ad R.2 7.73
Ondecker Maj Lawrence W A /ARMA 7.73
Cushing Richard G pub atf off 10.1 7.71 Felker Capt Richard I. A /AIRA 6.73 Snowden Carol S. exec asst S-6 10-69
Canning Michael P into ctr dir 10.4 11.73 Spittle David L. resident aud R-3 8.71
Jenkins Richard A radio S-3 7.70 Thomas James K. gen engroff R-2 9.70
Logan Frenise A cult att off 10.3 7.73 Williams William M. educ off R-2 0-00
Medlin Violet L. sec-adm S-6 4.72 KOREA Witherow Boyd M asst gso R.4 10.73
Morley Gary G .. into oft 10.4 6.72
Scruggs Carolyn V cao reg libr S-3 7.73 ACTION, PC
Walsh John F. asst cult aft oft R-6 12-71 SEOUL (E) dir R.3 8.73
Williams David H. VOA reg corr R-4 3.71 Williams James L.
Keeton Jon W. dep dir R-5 7.73
Exocutive Section Feldmeier Russell ) . trng off R-6 2-73
Habib Philip C АЕР CM 10-71 Holt Daniel D ad R.7 8.73
Ericson Richard Air. DCM 0.1 8.70 Martin Hodges Lee physician R.3 11.73
KHMER REPUBLIC Messmore Kathleen M. sec S-6 12.72 Reich William P R-6 6.73
prog tech rep
Porpora Jeanette sec S- 5 10.71
Political Section pub att oft i0.2 9.73
Hess Clyde G.
Executive Section Boardman John S. pol off 0-6 7.73 Kays Robert E dep pub att off 10.3 8.73
AEP Cleveland Paul M. pol off 0-4 7.73 Lowrey Francis Willi br pub aft off i0-6 4.73
Enders Thomas 0 . DCM 0-1 12.70 Krause H Alan . pol off 0-5 7.69 (Assigned to Taegu)
Engle James B. DCM 0-1 7.73 Lichtblau George E labor /pol off RU-3 2-72 Parsons Blanchard K. br pub att off 10-4 7.72
Niemann Leona E. sec S-5 4.73 Liechty C Philip.... pol off R-69-69 (Assigned to Pusan)
Malone Martha ). sec S-8 9.72 Davidson Duane C info ctr dir 10-4 8.71
Political Military Affairs Section Nicol Donald J. pol oft R-48-69 Harley Philip C. asst cult aff off ¡0.7 11.72
pol oft 0-5 5.72 O'Donohue Daniel A pol off 0-3 7.72 Jue Stanton . field prog off 10-3 8.73
Carney Timothy Michael. Stone Susan R. sec S-8 6-73 exec sec S-4 3-73
Carpenter David pol/mil att off 0-4 7.73 Lipper Mary T.
sec Thompson Ward C. pol off 0-5 7.72 Magee James ). radio -mopix off R-3 8-69
Collins Gloria E. S-8 12.73 10-4 6-73
Collins Peter .. pol off 0-5 12-73 Menard H James asst info off
0-3 6.72 Economic /Commercial Section Phillips Frank H. exec off S-2 8.73
Gardner Paul F.. pol/mil aff off econ /cml off 0-4 8.70 Schindler Sol 10-3 7.72
Gavin Agnes Elizabeth . sec S -6 5.73 Benson Roger N. cult aft off
Smith Grace H sec S-8 9-73 Blakemore David L econ / cml off 0-5 2-71
Dougherty Kathleen M. sec S.7 9.73
Economic/Commercial Soction Galt Victor H. econ / cml off R-5 7.72
Getsinger Norman W. com m off 0-2 11.72 KUWAIT
Olmsted Thomas F. AID aff oft R-28.73 Grossman Andrew . comm off 0.7 9.73
Benbow Quincy... agri ad R-4 0-00 Lee Samuel S H... comm oft 0-3 9.71
Bisek Paul Albert acct RL-5 4.72 comm off KUWAIT (E)
Nelson Harold Tr. 0-5 6-73
Broman Barry M. econ/cml off R-6 5-73
Buckley Howard E asst prog off R-4 10.73 Consular Soction Executive Section
Carpenter Karl acct R.2 4.72 Stoltzius William A Jr. АЕР 0.1 2.72
Davis Peter .. prog econ RL-5 2.73 Amemiya Clayton Y. cons off R-7 7.73 0.3 7.70
Christenson Richard A. visa off R.7 11.73 McClelland Walter M. DCM
Elissabide Pierre dep spec mgt off R-3 7.71
cons off Brown Merrill A sec S-6 11.71
Garmany Hugh B supply mgt ad RL.4 9.73 Day Lois M. 0-2 7.71 sec
Moller Herbert B Jr. ppt/citiz off 0-6 2-72 Campello Marie S-8 11.73
Goodenough Audrey M sec S-5 3-72
Isaacs Jeannette A. sec S-6 0-00 Olenik Joseph E. visa off 0-4 9.72 Political Section
McKenna Patricia M sec S-6 2.73 Welty Dean L .. visa off 0.7 6.73
RL-5 12.72 Wenndort Rodelle L visa off S-4 10-70 Ames Robert C. pol off R-5 7.71
Millington Jeffery VS. prog asst Difillipo Donna clk S - 9 10-73
Niese William Jr gen engrad R-3 8-69
Papailias Helen C sec SL.7 8.73 Administrative Section
adm oft 0-2 1.72 Economic /Commercial Section
Sohlin Donnelly A. ctir R.1 5.71 Arel Leo A..
Sparks Lesley M. sec S-5 4.70 Andre Richard C bud/tis off 0-4 11.71 Bogosian Richard W econ /cml off 0.4 8.72
Svoboda Josef ). supply mgt oft R-3 3.71 Arehart John W. telecoms oft R-6 7-73 Casper Marilyn Edith sec S-8 4.73
Thacher Richard M asst gso R - 4 4-66 Byrd William H. gen ser off S- 1 11.71 McArthur Shirl F. econ /cmi oft 0-5 7.73
Usuda Joseph I. acct R-4 0-00 Callen Margaret A. coms/ rec asst S.7 9.73
Weden Charles Flip prog off R-3 3.73 Cunningham David S. telecoms asst ST 10.71 Consular Section
White Paul E. asst relief rehab ad R-5 10.73 Farley Vincent .... pers off 0.5 7.73 Branche Richard L .. .... cons oft R-6 5-72
Habib John S. cons oft R -4 Armed Forces Attachos Elliott James ...... resident aud RL.3 7.72
McKune Kenneth R. cons off R.7 6.73 Tretry Bg Richard G DATT / ARMA 8.73 Engler Leontine M. educ ad R-3
Bailey Ltc Broadus Jr. ARMA 5.72 Eure James C ... asst reg oft RL-4 5-67
Administrative Soction Graham Cpt Horace E ALUSNA 9.73 Figueira John S. comty dev ad RL-4 3.72
Peleuses Gus P adm ott 0-4 7.71 (Resident in Bangkok ) Fittro Louis L.... hyd engrad R-3 12.71
Bemus Herman H. telecoms asst S-8 1.74 Degroote Ltc Albert ) AIRA 10-73 Fitzgerald Hunter A. educ ad R-3 11-69
Bridgewater Irvin LIII . reg adm spec R.6 9.72 Taylor Maj Robert K. AIRA 8-73 Fleck Meredith L adm asst S.7 4.67
Gunn Richard L... coms/rec asst S.9 Russell Maj David E. A /ARMA 6.73 Flynn Peter S .. comty dev ad RL-5 7.68
McKinnon Charles L .. bud/fis ott S- 5 1.74 Tennant Maj Charles E A /ARMA 6.71 Foster Kenwoods. pub adm ad RL-5 0.00
gen ser oft 0-1 11.72 MacDonald Maj Gerald E. A /ALUSNA (USMC) 8.71 Fox Julian ....... pub adm ad RL.4 8-71
Robins David Snyder. Franco Franklin A. tran sys ad RL-4 5-70
Roeder Phyllis R... coms/rec ott S-6 8.71 (Resident in Bangkok)
Vasas Richard W telecoms oft Quinn Cpt James D A /AIRA 6.73 French Richard D. asst reg off RL-4 10-66
S-6 8.71 Fry BeverlyAnn population ad R-3 6-70
Welch Julia bud/fis oft 0-6 4.72 Soper Maj W John. A / AIRA 5.73
Fry Ralph D. well drilling ad R-3 9.67
AID Fuhrer John W aud RL-5 1.73
Ganiko Susumu dep spec mgt off R.3 2.70
Rodman George F adm off 0-5 1.73 Mann Charles A. dir 1-69 Garrett Ramon D. asst supply mgt oft R-5 5-69
Ramsey Gordon B dep dir R.1 9.69 Gibson Lee P. civ engrad R-3 1.73
USIA Aaron Denie F sec S -6 7.71 Gill William .. asst reg off RL.4
Adams Robert H. asst gso RL-4 10-66 Gillespie Frank L prog econ R-5 12-72
Lisle Leslie M. pub aft off 10-3 9.72 Albores Richard R-4 8-72 sec
Homan Thomas A. asst pub aft off 10-5 5-72 asst bud /acctg off Goodson Mary K. S.7 7.66
Allen Bobby W. acct R-4 1.73 Gray Travis R. civ engrad R -3 1.73
(Gult area) Allen Mary W. sec S -6 4.71 Green Jimmie. agri ad R-4 0-00
Almond Buddie R adm aide RL-6 0-00 Green Norman. educ oft R-3 7.65
Amundson Ellsworth M. relief/ rehab ad RL-S 10-70 Griffin Bennie H. civ engrad R-4 11-68
LAOS Arnwine Henry B pub safety ad R-3 3.72 Gsell James N. pub adm ad RL- 5 6-72
Bable Eugene P field coord off R-2 3.73 Hall Robert D. asst gso RL-6 9.73
Balen Linda V adm aide SL-9 0-00 Handlin James M mgt anal RL-6 6-70
VIENTIANE (E) Balser Joseph F. supply mgt ad R-3 7.72 Hauver C Gary .... mgt anal RL-4 0.00
Bang Hans .. asst prop util off R-4 4.67 Helwig Lawrence A.. adm aide RL-6 8.72
Exocutive Soction Baranyi Thomas Z. relief/rehab ad RL-5 2.71 Hembree Edward J. asst gso RL.7 0.00
Barkley Mimi M. adm aide RL-5 0-00 Henderson Van BS ext ad R.4 12-65
Whitehouse Charles S .. АЕР 0.1 9.73 Baxter Donald R. RL-4 9.71
Dean John Gunther DCM 0.1 9.72 asst reg oft Hertzog Howard A asst gso R 4 9.73
sec S-6 2-72 Bayer Gary L. comty dev ad R-5 11.71 Hood Walter J .. asst gso RL- 5 4.66
Johnston C Gaynelle.. Becker Lawrence F. pub health ad RL-3 10-65
Ruelas Celia A sec S-6 8-67 Humphrey Lewis D Jr. pub adm ad RL- 5 8.71
Bennett Clifford L aud R-5 10-69 Huxtable John A area coord R-4 8-71
Berth Paul M. rural dev asst RL-5 8.71 Jackmin William P asst relief rehab ad RL- 5 6-71
Political Section Beyda Henry .. dev trng off R-3 5-71 Jaranilla Ramon A
pol oft asst supply mgt off R- 5 9.73
Hoganson Jeromel 0.4 7.72 Bigenho Jerry N. asst prop util oft RL-5 9-68 Jetton Randolph H RL.4 11.71
Howland Richard C pol off 0.4 4.71 Blacka Thomas R. ctlr R.1 6-73 civ engrad
Jhin Paul Y. asst supply mgt off R - 5 6.71
Myers Robert P Jr. pol off 0-5 1.73 Bliss George T. prog off R-2 9.73 Kelly Kevin int dev intern RL.7 0-00
Perriello Domenic F. pol off R-5 7.72 Blose Carol B. sec SL-9 6.73 Kidd Robert asst field coord oft R- 5 2-66
Rigsby Gladys 0 . sec S.7 5.72 Bohanan Marion L pub adm ad RL- 5 5-71 Kingsbury Larry D engr tech RL.6 8.71
Tucker Jacquelyn . sec S-8 9-72 Bonnett Ernest F. asst gso R-4 9.69 Kirkley Sidney E clinician RL- 3 7.71
Broadway Richard D asst gso RL-5 3-68 Klemp Kenneth W. int dev inten RL.7 0.00
Political Military Affairs Section Brown Lyle H. relief/rehab ad RL-5 0-00 Koski Leslie C civ engrad R -4 3-72
Gralnek Maurice N pol/mil aff oft 0.5 7.73 Brown Owen K civ engrad R-3 12-68 Kranker Richard L. R-3 7.72
Brown Truman E. asst gso R- 5 10.70 asst supply mgt off
Krusekopf Paul C. dep exec off R.3 9.73
Economic/Commercial Section Brundage Kenneth P prog asst R-4 7.70 Kuhn Ernest C asst relief rehab ad R.4 8-66
Bryant Mabel H. sec S.7 1.72 Lane Willson G Jr R- 5 9-66
Anders James D Jr. econ/cml oft R.7 6.73 Buechler Philip area coord RL.4 9-66 agri ad
Hager William E. econ/cml off R-6 7.73 Lawson David P equip ad R-4 7.72
Buell Edgar M. asst field coord off R-3 Lebert Ruth E. asstdev trng off R.4 11.66
Murphy Alvis Craig econ/cml oft 0-5 4.72 Burton Joyce A exec asst S-6 5-69 Lee John W.
Platt John C lii clk S-4 9.72 mgt anal R- 5 10.71
Butler Gerald ) mgt anal R-S 10-70 Legg Phillip N gso R-38-69
Callahan James W Jr. mgt anal RL-4 0.00 Leonard Robert A. acct RL-5 8-73
Consular Section Cappello Betty A. sec S-7 4.73 Leonard William R R-3 2-66
Carlson Gustaf B engr tech RL-4 1.67 transp opers ad
Murphy Margaret Ann cons off 0.5 7.73 Lewin Howard S. engr tech RL-S 10-66
Cavalcante James asst reg oft RL-5 3.70 Liston Thomas A. maint ad R-3 9.72
Administrative Soction Cavanagh Muriel S. sec S-6 10-71 Long Donald L .. dep cter R-3 7.72
Crane Maurine . adm off 0.3 7.72 Celhay Emma M. transir S -4 8.72 Looney Morris G RL.4 7.72
Certo Paul.. asst reg oft RL-5 9.69 pub safety ad
Provencher Roger A.. adm off 0-2 8-73 (narc)
Bakke Alfred C. telecoms off S-6 12.71 Chan Elliott K pub safety R-4 9.70 Luken William C. adm off RL-4 3.71
Bannerman Robert B reg adm spec S-3 2-73 electronics spec Mackin Jean E. sec S.7 6.69
Bimmerle Diann M. sec S-8 11.73 Chapman Shelia Ann sec SL10 8-73 Macleod Josephine E. asst per off R-6 7.72
Carroll Anne L. pers off 0-4 10-72 Chessin Barnett comty dev ad RL-5 1-66 Macqueen John W. relief/rehab ad R-2 10-68
coms/ rec asst S-95-73 Choate William R adm aide SL - 7 7.71 Marsh Lyle D. constr ad RL -4 7-69
Cockerill Glenn A Chudzik Joseph M. prog eval oft RL-5 9.70
Coller Sharlotte A. nurse S-3 5.72 Martin James H. mgt anal RL.3 5.73
Damon Gerald R. telecoms oft S-5 12.73 Chung Andrew H. cmptr sys anal RL-4 0.00 Mataragas Constantino. asst reg off RL- 6 8.71
coms/ rec asst S-1 10-72 Clark Douglas J. asst prog off R-5 2.71 Maxwell Dayton L. empl dev off R-4 3-67
De Brosse Ronald P RL-3 11-71
Dustin Eben H ... med off RU-2 7.72 Clark Richard H. pvt entproff Maxwell Sally Lee. staff nurse R-5 11.67
Faith Francis C S-5 1.72 Click Grady H Jr... fa insp RL-5 9.72 Mayfield Dorris P prog doc clk SL.7 0.00
telecoms asst Colman James A. educ ad R-3 9-69 Maynard Paul John RL-3 11-69
Faught David W telecoms asst S - 8 10-73 pub adm ad
Connelly Thomas V logistics mgt off RL-4 7-69 McAlpine Harrison pub adm ad RL-4 9.71
Fisher Donald H telecoms asst S- 7 12-73 Connick Louis area coord RL-2 8.71 McBee Major W.
Frank Wilfred Douglas gen ser ott 0-6 10-72 dep pub safety off R-38.71
Corbin Robert E staff nurse RL-5 12-69 McCall Otis Jr asst gso RL- 5 3-67
Giles Nathaniel L Jr. telecoms asst S-7 5-73 Correa Louis F. asst gso RL-5 9-66 McCluskey William H livestock ad R-3 10.71
Hall William Henry. gen ser off 0.7 7.73 Cosgrove George T asst relief rehab ad R-4 7.70 McCreedy Patricia A .. R-3
Harr Allen C ... coms/ rec off S-3 7.73 pub health phys
bud/tis off Cothorn John A.. pub adm ad RL-5 0-00 McGann Richard T. aud RL-4 12-69
Hulings Joseph S lii 0-6 10-72 Crist Richard L prog plan off R-3 6.72 McKeithen Edwin T lii RL-5 10-12
Hungerford David A. med off RU-2 9.71 asst prog oft
Croasdell Theodore P asst gso RL-4 11-69 McKenney Grace D exec asst S-6 1-70
Ikegami Russell M com s /rec asst S- 7 4.72 Culbertson Thomas W. relief/rehab ad RL-5 6-68 McMahon Ellen F coms/rec supur S-4 5-71
Kaznocha Theodore J. bldg ser spec S.4 8.72 Cummings Dorothe E. sec S -6 9.69 Medlin George C. RL-4 6-71
Leech John J.. disb off 0.6 7.73 asst supply mgt off
Curtis Howard M. equip ad RL-4 2-66 Mellor Charles R. pub adm ad RL-4 0-00
Levis William A reg adm spec R-6 1.71 Dahlstedt Anne L adm oft R-5 11.73 Michael Frederick W. asst supply mgt off R - 4 9.70
Loberg L Dawn ... sec S-6 1.73 Dakan Robert T. asst prog off R-5 1.73 Michael Mildred E. sec SR- 1 0-00
Martin Raymond B Jr reg adm spec R-6 7.70 Daveler Delberta M sec SR- 7 1-68 Michaud Therese A asst per off R-4 2-69
McCorkle Jimmy M. telecoms asst S.7 12.70 Daveler Harold S. asst gso R-5 1-68 Miller George C... pub safety ad R-3 11-65
Murphy Thomas F. telecoms off R-6 6-72 Dean Leslie A .. prog econ R-5 4.71 Miller Herbert N comty dev ad R-5 9-66
Murtha John A. bud/mgt off 0.3 4.73 Diller John E... prog econ R.4 9.71 Mitchell Donald R dep food /agri off R-3 7.70
Petersen Terry M telecoms tech R.7 8.72 Ditter Wilma L ...... exec asst S- 6 10-68 Mitchell Stanley D. acct R-4 6-71
Powell John M gen ser oft 0-3 9.73 Donnelly Bernard E. den engr oft RL-2 9.73 Monnie Stanley M med tech asst R-5 9-69
Radewan Terrance F com s/ rec asst S-8 11.72 Doucette Karen M. sec SL10 12.71 Morgan Moses I. agri ad R-3 2-69
Schuloff Franklin A. telecoms asst S.7 11.73 Dougan Donald A .. med tech asst R-4 4-65 Morris Charles M fa insp R-3 4.71
Shonk Sara E. disb off S.4 12.73 Downing Millard asst gso R-5 0.00 Morrison John Thomas. coms spec RL-5 0-00
Skinner Frank W. com s /rec asst R.7 8.73 Dropik Raymond E acct R-5 10-71 Mumm Alan H. population ad RL-4 0-00
Thomson Richard C Jr. telecoms asst S-8 10-71 Duggan Evelyn M. sec S-5 12-69 Murray John Francis.. equip ad R - 4 9.69
Tucker James K .. coms/rec asst R.7 9.72 Duke David H. gen engr ad RL-3 11-66 Murto Warner C.. asst per oft R-4 12-69
Wilkinson Etta 1 coms/ rec asst R.7 11.72 Ein Melvin B asst supply mgt off RL-5 2-68 Myers Kenneth Lyle engr tech RL-5 1-68
Zangara Anthony J. telecoms asst S - 7 8-71 Eisert Patricia sec S-7 6.72 Nell Gerald L ... comty dev ad RL - 6 1.71
FEBRUARY 1974 23
0-5 7.72
SchriderWilliam F acct R-3 6.71 Beardsley Bruce Anthony ....... cons off LESOTHO
Dixon Michael Thomas. visa off 0-7 6-71
Seema Joy.. sec SL-7 6-69 Eason Bobby F. sec S-8 1.73
Shealy Thomas E pub adm ad RL-5 9.71 Kelly Frank P. visa off 0-5 3-71 MASERU (E)
Shepley Steven C asst prog oft R.4 7.65 Ledesma James V cons off R.7 2.73
Smith Hiram E. asst supply mgt off R- 5 0.00 Maule Robert W cons off 0-3 8.71 Executive Section
Snyder Stanley E. soils ad RL.4 4.67 Schmidt Judith Ann cons off 0-6 5.72 Nelson Charles ) АЕР
Spier Delmar D R-3 8.72 9.71
pub safety off Stapleton Seton . visa oft 0-5 4.73 (Resident in Gaborone)
Sprowls Roger G ffp off R-3 10-70 Frisbie Norman H. DCM 0.4 1.71
Stettner Walter F. econ ad R.12-72 Administrative Section Haught Donald D DCM 0.4 2.71
Stone Sanford ) area coord R-3 12-65 Mills Henry R. 0-3 6-73 Cardoso Mary P.. sec S-6 11.72
Stutsman Homer R R-2 7.73 adm off
supply mgt off Beard Arlynn E. coms tech S - 3 1.73 Halsted David Crane. , int rel off gen 0-5 8-73
Sultan Herbert L contract sers off R-3 Brennan Kevin C gen ser off 0-7 1.74
Thall Marcia sec S-6 8.73 pers off 0-5 4.72 Administrative Section
Thompson Macalan RL-5 8-69 Cencetti Mary Reed .
asst supply mgt off Chowning Charles E telecoms asst S.7 1.72 Cardoso Ariel S. adm spec S-6 11.72
Threadgill Mary Jane. sec S.7 9.72 Christie Harry E bud/fis off 0-4 8.71
Tileston Fred M. hyd engrad R-2 3-71 Correri Louis J. coms/ rec off R-3 6-69
Totino Thomas A. int dev intrn RL.7 0-00 Armed Forces Attaches
Creeden William E telecoms off S-4 7.72 ARMA
Trapp Marilyn ) . prog doc clk SL.7 5-71 Dourney Daniel telecoms asst S-8 5.72 Wagoner Col Fred E Jr. 12-70
Trencher Richard A mgt anal RL-5 7.72 Gilliam Wallace Hopkins. reg adm spec R-4 9.72 (Resident in Pretoria )
Tucker John W. relief/rehab ad RL-6 1.72 Harcum Gilbert M Smith Col John B AIRA 6.71
coms/rec asst S.7 8.72
Uyeno Keiso asst supply mgt off RL- S 10-12 Horacek Hubert J. coms/ rec off S-3 5-73 (Resident in Pretoria )
Vanquill Michael E. pub adm ad RL-5 7.71 Huston Colleen 0 coms/ rec off S-5 9.70
Voth Leland W. agri ad R.4 1-67 Johnson Nathan E. S.7 8.73 AID
Wadley Don F. area coord R-3 7.73 Kekich Mary Ann sec S-8 4.73 Johnson Harry R. asst prog off R-5 5-73
Wagner George E constr ad R-4 Kemp Henry W. reg adm spec 0-3 7.71
Walling Raymond V. asst gso R-3 1-68 Maziarz Joseph S coms tech S- 5 7.71 ACTION, PC
Weldon Charles L. health off R-2 Mc Nutt Leta. sec S-8 10-72 Berky Andrew S. dir
Wilding -White Charles F. pub adm ad R-3 7-65 Minor Charles James reg adm spec S-48-73 R- 5 12.73
Minor William B Jones Donald E assoc dir R- 5 8.73
Wilson Thomas L. agri ad R - 4 7.71 telecoms asst S.7 4.72
Wirtz Anthony H prog eval off R-3 4-68 Muroski Donald E .. coms/rec asst S - 7 9.73
Woods John B. asst prog off R.5 2.71 Murray James M. gen ser off 0-4 7.73 USIA
Worley Robert L. asst area coord R-59-66 Niedzielak Walter ).. coms/ rec asst 5-6 9.70 Bailey Berton M pub aft off R.4 8.73
WulffRobert M. asst relief rehab ad RL - 4 9-69 Pickerel Kenneth R telecoms asst S- 6 12-73
Young Ella Mai . coms /rec clk S-5 5.72 Roche Peter ). reg adm spec R-5 8.70
Young Oliver G .. pub safety ad RL-5 1.72 Steward James H coms/rec asst S - 7 4.72
(narc) Taylor Betty C sec S.7 7.72 LIBERIA
Young Pearl FA . sec S.7 8.71 Thomas Garnett L coms tech S - 3 12.70
Zimmerman Robert E. area coord R - 4 7.72 White Robert W. reg adm spec R-3 1.72 MONROVIA (E)
Zwick Kenneth E. adm asst RL-6 0.00 Wilde Henry ....... med off R-3 8.73
Wolczanski Gerald F. telecoms asst S-8 7.73
Woodard Richard 0 . telecoms asst S - 8 1.74 Executive Section
USIA Mantull Melvin L. АЕР 0-1 12.72
Pate Lewis W pub aff off 10-3 6.72 Language School Bean Maurice D DCM 0-2 7.73
Gildea Robert V.. dep pub aff off 10-3 3.72 3.73 Archer Rebecca E. sec S.4 12.71
Converse Margaret M. asst info off 10-6 10-73 Hughes James R trng R.7
Hughes Ralph C. trng R-6 8.73 Gray Mary E sec S-6 3.73
Guzowski Andrew P. press off 10-3 6-70 Oconnell John G. trng R-8 8-73
Hall Dolores ) . exec sec S.7 7.12 R-8 8-73 Political Soction
Hardy Howard W Jr. cult aft off 10-3 8-72 Peacock Jeffrey D. trng
exec off Snow James A ... sci linguist RU -4 3-66 Carroll Edward I lii pol off R-8 8-73
Purcilly June . S-2 7.72 Wilson David R trng R-5 9.72 Long Nancyl. sec S-8 2.73
Reid John M. acao BNC dir 10-4 11.71 trng 0-6 3.73 Nalle Beauveau B pol off 0-3 1.72
Winn David M.
Sey Bonnie B. sec S- 7 9.72
LEBANON Held Colbert C geog spec RU-3 9.71 Economic /Commercial Soction
Runner Benjamin C Jr. reg adm spec R-6 11.70 Adams Madison M Jr. .......... econ /cmi oft 0-3 8-73
Sura George . coms tech S-3 1.71 Bligh John W Jr. comm oft 0-5 2.72
BEIRUT (E) Eastman Karen Dorne. sec S-8 4-73
Executive Soction Consular Section
Godley G McMurtrie . АЕР CM Armed Forces Attaches Guerra Manuel R .... ...... cons off 0-5 5-72
Houghton Robert B DCM 0-2 10-70 Hunt Col Forest J....... DATT /ALUSNA (USMC) 12.73
Acton Georgia May.. sec S4 11.73 ARMA 6.72 Administrativo Section
Chandler Claire F. sec S -4 10-70 Wegner Col Leonard W Jr.
Beveridge Lt Col Robert B. AIRA 8.71 Smith Philip Meade adm off 0-4 6-72
Glanville Ann V sec S -6 10-73 Siderius MajRobert R. A / ARMA 12-72 Stanton James W adm off R- 5
Keller Vicki Sue. sec S-8 8-73 Abdo Arthur ). telecoms oft S - 5 12.71
FEBRUARY 1974 25
Gonzalez Julio 8 cons off S -5 7-68 (Assigned to Morelia ) TIJUANA, BAJA CALIFORNIA (CG)
Hall Perry A. cons off $-4 1.74
Jackson Howard I. ppt/citiz oft 0.4 8.73 Fagan Margaret A. prin off 0.1 6-71
Karp Samuel visa off 0-3 1.70 CIUDAD JUAREZ, CHIHUAHUA (C) visa off
Eastwood Lelah ) S 3- 8.71
Kinney Douglas S. cons off 0-6 6.72 Esposito Flavio A visa oft S-3 1.72
Lautz Donald C. visa off 0-4 1.72 Shapiro Goodwin... prin oft 0-3 6-73
Lennox Marjorie A sec S- 5 8-72 GerberMary visa off S-5 7.71
leggio Anthony.. cons off 0-6 1.72 Hansen Margaret Ann . sec S- 7 10-67
Martinez Edward E. visa off 0-5 10-70 Armstrong Sam G visa oft 0-4 3-72 McCoy David W visa off S-5
Mullen Kathleen cons off R-7 4.73 Barbeau Irene M. visa off R.7 8.73 Milburn Edward M visa oft 0-5 8-73
Persiko Robert D cons oft 0-7 2.73 Hutson Harry M JE cons off spec ser S-3 12-73 Pearl Nancy E visa oft S- 3 1.73
Peterson Peter cons off 0-2 4.73 King Beatrice . ppt/citiz ott S- 3 Wechsler Henry C. visa oft 0.4 5.71
Root Danny B. cons off 0-6 11.12 McLaughlin Gerald G cons off spec ser S- S 10-70 Stuckey Charles W. adm oft S - 3 9.73
Sardinas Martha L... cons off R-8 1.74 Moreno Ofelia C adm off S- 5 1.53
Shipp Lois ..... ppt/citiz oft 0-5 2-73
Smith Joyce A.. cons off R-6 10-73
Swope Mary Elizabeth
Tremblay Donald R cons off 0-6 1.72 prin off
Ortwein Mathias ) . 0-1 9.73
Administrativo Section Mattner Katherine N. sec S -5 3.73 MONACO (C)
Hayes Joseph E .. econ / cml off 0.7 2.72
Dikeos Victor H adm off 0-1 10-12 Brown Charles F cons off 0.4 7.73 No office maintained at Monaco .
Moot Edwin H Jr. adm oft 0-3 7.71 Donahue Gilbert cons oft 0-6 9.73
Paton David T. adm off S-2 12-73 Drescher Conrad M 0-5 5-73 Hicks Eleanor ........ prin oft 0-5 1.72
Bashore Clayton R. telecoms asst S -7 5-73 visa off (Resident in Nice)
Callihan William V. R-4 3-73 Gutierrez Ernest B. visa off 0-3 11.72
coms/ rec off Louie Linda H. R.1 4.72
Costello Margaret C sec S -8 6-73 cons off
Devlin Joseph M. S.7 3.72 McPherson Neil E. cons off spec ser R-4
coms/rec asst Summers George L. R.7 7.73
Eckblom Myrtle . pers off 0-4 3-72 cons off MOROCCO
Farrell James F coms/rec asst S- 7 4.72 Watson Bobby L cons off S-4 3-73
Ferguson Earl . proc /supply off R.7 9.71 Keeton Russell L. adm off S- 5 1.73
Fernandez Joseph bud/fis off S.1 12.73
Gillespie Charles A Jr. gen ser oft 0-5 9.72 USIA
rt S-6 8-72 Executive Soction
Goins Herbe S.. coms/ rec asst Dennis John br pub aff off 10-4 1.73
Gwyn Keith M. reg adm spec R-5 8-73 Powers Robert A. acao BNC dir 10.4 8.73 Neumann Robert G АЕР 1-67
Hernandez Dennis L .. com s /rec oft S.4 7.70 Parker Richard B DCM 0.1 7.70
Hetland Elaine C.. sec S10 12.73 Kalkbrenner Helen C sec S.7 11.73
Hiller Lemoine Elr. telecoms asst S-6 12.11 HERMOSILLO, SONORA (CG) Swoyer Jean M sec S-4 4.70
Hunt Theresa A per s off 0-5 6-73
Hurley Elizabeth R sec S-5 9.73 Yelton Elmer E. prin off 0-3 12.70 Political Soction
Linville Duane T. gen ser oft 0-5 11.71 Valenzuela Maria D. sec S- 7 7-66 Carleton William B. clk S.7
Massey Thomas W telecoms asst S-6 7.71 Belew Wendell L... econ /cmi off 0.5 3.73 Cogan Charles G. pol off R-3 7.71
Mutton Erna Ann. nurse S-2 7.70 Patterson John S. econ / cml off 0.1 6.73 De Tarr Francis pol off 0.3 7.71
Rivera Charles H. coms/rec off S-6 9.69 Thomas Meldon R visa off S- 5 7.73 Dorsie Helene.. sec S.7 2.71
Scanlan Richard A. telecoms asst S.1 12.73 Villalovos Louis cons off 0.4 10-73 Dunbar Charles F Jr pol off 0-4 7.73
Schultz Edward F. reg adm spec S.1 7.73 Wunsch Gerald A 0.7 6.73 Ferraro Nancy A sec S-9
cons off spec ser Furukawa Joy M sec S-6 4.73
Staufter James E telecoms off S-4 5-72 Davis Richard V. adm oft S- 5 3-73
Waldin Betty A. bud/fis off S- 4 4.73 Le Gallo Andre ). pol off R.5 1.72
Weaver Elizabeth C. clk S-8 11.70 Stoumpos Catherine sec S-6 12.72
USIA Thompson Elizabeth H. clk S.7 8.72
Weinstein Rhoda. Ders off 0-6 4.72
Milton Robert P.. br pub att oft 10-5 9.73
White John M coms /rec asst S-6 7.72
Wylie Donald A. coms/rec asst R.7 7.73 Economic /Commercial Section
MATAMOROS, TAMAULIPAS (C) Belsito Barbara E sec S - 8 6-73
..eso Lore Mark. econ / cml off 0-4 9.72
Simonpietri Andre C .. phys sci off RU- 1 9.71 Smith Matthew DJI prin oft 0-3 2-72 Ryan Robert i dr. econ /cmi off 0.3 8.73
Bigelow Paul F. cons off S.4 7.73
Consular Section
Armed Forces Attaches
DATT /ARMA Cayer Robert H. cons oft 0-6 5-72
Cavazos Bg Richard E 9.73 MAZATLAN, SINALOA (C)
Pehrsson Cot Pehr H. ALUSNA 12.73 Administrativo Section
Sherrill Col Alvan Cdr . AIRA 1.72 Tienken William Henry prin off 0.4 1.71
Converse Col Stanley P. A/ARMA 6-71 Lheureux David E. adm off 0-3 8-12
Kirkpatrick Ronald K... cons oft 0.7 8.73 Grandy Michael B telecoms asst S-8 6-72
Carnes Maj Robert A .. A /ALUSNA(USMC ) 10-73
Hanrehan Arthur D. reg adm spec R-48-72
FAS MERIDA, YUCATAN (C ) Hasenkamp Caroline M. bud /mgt off 0.4 2.73
Johnson Dolly Ann . pers off 0-5 1.73
Smith Richard A agri att 2-72 King Anita Ray. sec S-6 4.72
Freckmann James K .. 8-72 Sommer Charles G .. ...... prin off 0-2 11.73
cons off 0-5 9-73 Ott John W. gen ser oft S-2 4.70
Jacobs John D 4.73 Ackenbom R Maryetta. Reeves Joseph A coms/rec asst S - 7 12-73
Scruggs James Olii . coms/rec asst S - 1 6-72
AID MONTERREY, NUEVO LEON (CG) Turley Thomas R coms/rec off R-7 8-70
Berg Richard M. tech into off R-2 11-68 Urquhart Edward telecoms off S - 7 1.74
Bowes Marjorie M tech info spel R -3 Dobyns Edward P. prin oft 0.1 9.73 Villinski Theodore ) . gen ser off 0-6 6-72
Donnelly Thomas R dep tech into ott R - 4 9.70 Mullin John ).. comm off 0-4 8.73
Suchan Gregory Michael . econ / cml off 0-8 8-73 Armed Forces Attachos
USIA Burget Isela Bulnes cons off S- 5 10-73 Shelton Capt John P. DATT / ALUSNA 6-72
Carter Darrell D pub aft off 10.1 8.73 Collins Betty ). cons off 0-6 7.72 Thompson Col Lawrence D ..... ARMA 7.72
Adams Eugene prtg off S - 2 1.73 Dillard Diane visa off 0-6 5-72 Croker Lt Col Charles J... AIRA 7.72
Albright Donald H. asst cult att off i0-3 9.72 Hawks George Jr visa off R -6 12-71 Mulherin Maj Charles H I ..... A /ALUSNA(USMC) 4.73
Becchetti Fred acao BNC coord i0.3 9.72 Johnson Wyatt B visa off R -6 2-72
Biggerstaff Howard E book off reg i0-38-72 Kreuser Edward visa off 0-4 10-73 FAS
Brown Elizabeth L ... exec sec S- 5 Matthews Ruth S cons off 0-5 7.73 Gilbert Alvin E... agri att 9-73
Caicedo Harry .... publ off R-4 11.72 Meisol Mildred visa oft S -5 7.72
Carroll James B press off 10-4 8-73 Moller John D. visa oft 0-6 1.74 A10
Collett Mary ).. cao đir lib ser S - 2 10.73 Parsons Wesley H. visa off 0-5 7.71 Bell Francis ) . agron ad R-2 3-73
Coppola John F pub aff trainee 10-6 4.73 Allard Clarke William adm off 0.7 7.73 Bowles Wally F. gen engr off RL-38-66
Feltman Marion sec S.7 10.72 Konkol Genevieve M. sec S- 5 12-71 Brashich Neboysha R. R-5 4.72
Fielden Bert S. exec oft R 38-69 Lamar Jeanne F. sec S- 4 1.74 asst prog off
- Carner George... asst prog off R-5 7.71
Iceland Harry . acao youth i0.5 7.72 Crooke Elaine F. sec S-7 9-72
Kerr John F. pub aff trainee 10-6 10-12 USIA Davis Muriel A sec S- 7 6-72
Kling Katherine prog asst i0-6 9.72 Elleby Douglas A.... br pub att oft 10-3 9.73 Davis William ) agron ad R-4 7.68
Kristula Michael A into off i0.3 7.73 Demongeot Patrick D prog econ R-3 11.70
Lindsey William H Jr .. acao exchanges 10-5 6-73 Fallon Leland E. range mgt ad R 38-69
Monblatt Steven J. radio off 10-5 2-73 NUEVO LAREDO, TAMAULIPAS (C) Ferguson Carl E food/agri ott R-2 7-69
Phillips Richard B. cult att oft 10.3 8.70 Flynn Lawrence W. fto off R 4- 10-73
Sprager Hart G... TV oft S - 2 7.72 Goelz Louis P prin off 0.4 7.73 Gutman Harvey E .. asst dir R-2 6-71
Switzer Thomas W. acao BNC dir 10-5 6-71 Solomon Paul. cons off 0-6 12-73 Macarthur Archibald G prog off R-3 7.71
FEBRUARY 1974 27
Milot Arthur ctir R-2 7.67 Administrative Soction Mack Evelyn Marie . sec S- 8 8-13
Moore William H. coms/rec supur S-4 7.72 Rau Donald E.. adm off 0-3 8.73 Salmon Charles B Jr pol off 0-4 8.71
Poulsen Niels H. population oft RL-3 12-69 Bush Louis G med off RU-2 6-72 Warner Pamela D. sec S-1 2-13
Ronsheim Nan sec SL-7 6-69 Coleman Richard G. gen ser oft S-4 10.72
Schartman Susan asst per oft R-5 3-72 Downey Timothy A. telecoms asst S.T. 10-72 Economic /Commorcial Section
Thomas William R. dep clr R-3 7.71 Gallant Joseph A. telecoms off R-6 11.73 Blodgett John Q econ / cml off 0-2 5-70
Walton R Max. asst gso R-4 6-70 Howell William Ray. coms/ rec asst S-6 8.71 Cobb Carroll E econ /cml off 0-3 4.70
Welbert Charles put entpr oft R-2 2-69 Hubler John F ir coms/rec asst S -4 8.73 Davis Lucille S. sec S-6 10-12
Wellons George R asst gso R4 9.69 Massey Johnny F. clk S -7 7.73 Griffin Ralph 011 comm off 0-5 2.73
Wilson Helen A. multisector off RL-2 11.70 McAskill Vincent ) . telecoms off R-6 1.73 Johnson Lillian ) sec S-8 10-73
Wroten Marva Ann sec S-6 3.72 Newland Frank R clk S.7 Marin Rafael L. econ /cmlott 0.5 4.71
Palmer Margery bud fis/disb oft 0-5 7.72 Moore Carlos F ) . econ /cml oft 0-6 2.72
ACTION, PC Salzer Warren L.. clk S-6 11.71 Voorhees Harold C comm oft 0-2 9.71
Reid Richard S. dir R-3 1.73 Thalacker Donald D telecoms asst S -6 5-71
Chitty John P. prog tech rep ag R.5 9.73 Walcott Millicent E. nurse S -4 8.73 Administrative Soction
Rhinehart Frank E. admin off R -58-73 Weaver Robert clk S -6 7.72 Pinckney Samuel M Jr adm oft 0-3 9.73
Williams Sandral coms/rec asst S-8 11.72 Begley Margaret B coms/ rec asst S.7 11.12
USIA Womack Theresa P. pers spec S-6 9.72 Brickhill Arthur gen ser off R-6 1.74
Chociey Richard G coms/rec oft S-6 3.71
Behrens Robert H. pub aff off 10-1 8.71 Armed Forcos Attaches Cooper Kenneth M. telecoms asst S.7 7.73
lossi Milton L dep pub aff off 10.3 7.72 Klee Herbert Jr gen ser oft 0-6 3.72
Keith Kenton W br pub aft off 10-4 9.73 Nemeth Col Stephen A. DATT /ARMA 7.73 Korn Thomas A. telecoms off S-6 8.72
(Assigned to Fez) Vollmer Capt Cecil R ... ALUSNA 5-72 Kutsmeda John E coms/ rec off R.6 8.73
Murbach Vernon S cao Eng teach off S-3 6-70 (Resident in New Delhi) Mason William coms/ rec off S-4 8.70
Royer William B Jr. Eng teach off reg S-4 1.72 Holmberg Col John B. AIRA 6.73
Millspaugh Larry G coms/rec asst S.1 10.71
Scanlon John H cult att off 10-3 8-73 (Resident in New Delhi) Posch Irma E sec S-6 8.73
Shahboz Mercy A. sec -adm S-4 3.72 Brooks Lt Cmdr Paul E. A /ALUSNA 9.72 0.5 5.72
(Resident in New Delhi) Weeks Richard L. bud/mgt off
Smith Douglas H. into oft 10.3 9.72
Stern Sonja H. sec - adm S-7 1.74 Cook Maj Frank E ..... A /AIRA 5.73
(Resident in New Delhi) Armed Forces Attaches
Wallace Christopher asst into off 10.7 12.73 6-73
Sundberg Capt John P DATT / ALUSNA
FAS Rising Col Lucien E. ARMA 6.71
CASABLANCA (CG) Riddle Col Andrew M. AIRA 6.72
Davis Horace ) .. agri att 6-72 A/ALUSNA(USMC) 1.73
(Resident in New Delhi) Sousa Maj Richard G.
Brubeck William H prin off 0-1 9.70
Hughes Mary P. sec S-6 9.72 FAS
Olson Donna R AID
clk-typist S- 1 1.72 Kuhl Jerome M agri att 9.73
Van Gilder Edmund labor /pol off 0.5 8.72 Ide William C dir R- 1 1.69 Warren Cline ) . 4.72
Bartlett Robert H R-3 6-69 asst agri att
Colby Mark T. econ /cml oft S-2 7.73 agri ad Williams John A 10.70
Fisher Joseph Lr. comm off R-38-73 Bishop John A .... civ engr ad R- 3 12-73
Whitman Edward B Ir int trans off 0.3 7.71 Bloodworth William A. agri ad R-4 7.69
Burdick John R. RL-4 11.73 USIA
Plues Richard E. cons oft R-5 6-72 pop mgmt ad
cons off Caudill John W. agri ad R-3 10-69 Chapman R Dabney ... pub aff off 10-3 1.73
Tamny Mildred P. 0.5 8.73 Benson Philip A cult att off 10-3 11.70
Mims William C adm oft 0-6 1.73 Caulfield Dorothy E. sec S- 5 6-72
Vicini Eileen F. sec Colling Frank. ext ad R-3 0.00 Demitz Sherwood H. into off 10.4 8.72
S- 7 10-12 Murrie Hilda M. sec-adm S- 5 5.73
Crane Jacob L lii prog off R-3 2-72
Curtis Michael M gso R-5 11.70 Scher Shirley sec- adm S-6 11.71
Domidion Ann M educ ad RL-3 6-69
Synodis Peter N. br pub aft off 10.4 7.72 Everson Leighton R. bud/ acctg oft R-4 10.72 AMSTERDAM (CG)
Gregory Andre N. asst br pub att oft 10.7 10-12 Gardner James E. gen engr off R-3 10-73
Herder Francis R. asst prog off RL-4 2.72 Braderman Eugene M prin off 0-1 9.71
TANGIER (CG) Jordan Howard C. asst gso R-5 8-65 Okane Helen M. sec S-6 5.72
Lee May Y sec S-5 3.73 Pitkin Genevieve M sec S-6 11.73
Courtenaye Richard H prin oft 0-3 3.71 Macis Margaret A sec S-6 9.73 Jelley Robert E comm off 0-4 11.71
sec S-6 11.73 Miller William A ctir R-3 8.72 Croddy Arnold I do cons oft 0.7 5.72
Thompson Joanne M exec off R.2 8-73
Rankin Haywood cons off 0.7 6.73 Murtha John F. Priest Lyman W cons off 0.5 10.72
Hyde William A .. adm oft 5.4 6.73 Newbry Burton C educ off R-2 0.00
Peasley Carol A. prog econ R- 5 8-70
Pellowski Mildred A. adm aide S-4 6.70 ROTTERDAM (CG )
USIA Pitts Staley L. educ ad R-3 1.70
Frazee Alvin M relay sta mgr S.18.72 Propst John W Jr. irrig farming ad R-3 11-66 Erickson Elden B. prin off 0-2 6-70
Cacopardo Marianne sec S-9 11.73 Radi Arnold J. ext ad R-5 12-69 McMaster Helen ). sec/adm asst S-5 5.70
Ender Herbert Dwr plant engr asst S-3 Reasonover George D. gen engr ad R- 2 7.72 Fenzi Guido C. comm off 0-4 9.73
SUPV Ruf Helen . coms/rec supur R- 5 11-69 vanRavenswaay Lyle A.. visa off S-4 4.73
Engle Samuel W. radio engr supy S-2 9.73 Smith Phillip D food /agri off R-3 0-00 Coffey John P visa off 0-4 7.73
Feehan Edward . exec off R-4 1.70 TraytorsWilliam H. pop ad R-3 8-72 Krehbiel Albert D. cons off 0-6 5.71
Filler Paul A Jr. pwr plant engr supv S-2 9.70 Weems William R dev trng off R-3 2-70
Lamar John D. radio engr supv S-3 8.68 Williams James L asst prog oft R-5 10.71 FAS
Mitchell Charles H radio engr supy S-2 9.73 Chace William G. (ARS) 9-69
Segrest Charles D radio engrasst S.3 8.73 ACTION, PC Risse Lawrence A. (ARS) 6-73
SUPV Snyder Harry M dir R-3 7.73
Hoffman Phyllis C adm oft R-6 10-73 CURACAO, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (CG)
Malick Jeffery A. assoc dir R- 7 6.73
NEPAL Smith Margaret M. trng off R.4 5.73 Lotton Harry M. prin off 0-2 6-70
True Lawrence D physician R-5 4.73 Adams Virginia B. sec S- 5 5.70
Wishinski Paul R. assoc dir R- 7 6-73 Kreisberg Donald econ /cml off 0-5 6-73
KATHMANDU (E) Moody William cons off S-4 6.73
USIA Mathews Gerald S. coms/rec adm asst S-5 10-73
Executive Section Obee Kent D. pub aff off 10-4 7.73
Cargo William I. АЕР CM 10-69 Flower Ludlow lii . asst pub aff off i0-5 9.72 PARAMARIBO, SURINAM (CG)
Quainton Anthony CE . DCM 0-3 10-73 Goldman Rita E sec -adm S 7 4.72
Gayman Pauline M. sec S-4 1-69 Johnston Donald A. prin off 0-3 7.73
Zagorski Elizabeth I. sec S - 8 10-73 Holladay Thomas L cons off 0-1 6-73
Taylor Wilma Pauline adm spec R.6 9.73
Political Section NETHERLANDS R- 7 4-73
Tuten James T. coms/ rec asst
Ashley Rachel Christine. sec S-6 4.73
Read William A. pol off R-6 5-72 THE HAGUE (E)
Tatu Francis 1 . pol off 0-4 7.72
Woodsend Elizabeth A.. pol asst S-5 7.71 Executive Section NEW ZEALAND
Gould Kingdon Jr. АЕР 10-73
Economic /Commercial Section Tanguy Charles R DCM 0-2 7.72 WELLINGTON (E)
Ericksen Emil P. econ /cm off 0.3 8.72 Cullen Romayne G sec S-5 1.71
Murray Joseph A JE econ /cml off S - 4 9.70 White Betsy B sec S - 3 11.72 Executive Section
Consular Soction Political Soction Wood Chalmers B DCM 0-2 1.71
Kunkel John R cons off 0-8 3.73 Burns Robert L..... pol off 0-3 6.72 Moore Kathleen R. sec 5-7 1-74
FEBRUARY 1974 29
Anderson James M asst prog oft R -5 4.71 Stanback Barbara sec S - 8 8.73 Simmons William L ............ pol oft 0-4 3-71
Anderson Sydney C int dev intern R-5 12.71 Teir Grace ). sec S- 5 9-73 Wolfe Alan D ... pol off R-2 8-69
Burns Mildred A .. sec S-5 9.70
Carey Francia L.... sec S-6 2.73 Political Section Economic /Commercial Section
Conville Edmund F aud RL-4 1.73 Adams Glenn R. pol off R.6 7.70 Evans Barbara M. sec S- 8 9-73
Endsley Robert W acct R-5 1.73 Booth Richard Thomas labor/pol off 0-5 9.73 Mc Teague Alan J. econ /cmi oft R-6 3-72
Flynn Helen J..... sec S- 6 9.71 Dean Warren L pol off R-2 8-70 McMillan Sidney L.. sec S- 8 7.72
Fortune Leon R ... asst so RL-5 2.70 Donchi Don ) . pol off 0.5 7.73 fin econ 0-4 7.72
Nettles George C.
Fuglie Winton L.. proj mgr agri R-4 10.73 German Robert K pol oft 0-3 7.7 : Richter Stephen W. econ / cml off R -6
Gracia Cecilia coms/ rec supvr S-3 6.73 Juul Judith E. sec S-Z 11.72 Sanderhoff Lubert 0 econ /cml off 0-2 11-68
Hardy Ernest S. asst ctir R-48-69 Linete Dorothy D sec S -6 8.72 Smith Dane Fur 0.4 7.72
Hohm Elmer ).. aud R-5 11.73 econ / cml off
Otte Gretchen E clk S -8 12-71
Kirk Gloria C sec SL - 6 1.72 Schuster William E clk-typist S- 7 6-70 Consular Section
Kirk James H. educ off RL-2 6-71
Lateef Victor proj mgr agri R-3 0-00 Archard Douglas B. cons oft 0-6 4.72
Economic /Commercial Section
Liberti Anthony L.. asst gso R.4 7.69
Lyons ThomasCr pop ad RL.3 8.73 Griffith John C. econ /cml off 0-3 8-73 Administrativo Section
sec S-6 9.70 Olson F Pierce econ / cmlott 0-4 10-71 Collins Willis B Jr. adm off 0-2 10-72
Mansfield Gladys M Warpula Karin L sec S10 10-73
Melby A Wayne. aud RL-4 8-73 Adams Simmie E telecoms asst S-6 8.73
Michaelson Jack gso R-3 2-69 Blanchard Leroy D. telecoms asst S -6 1.72
Miller F Brett. exec off R-3 10-68 Consular Section Bohnet Constance M. coms/rec asst S -7 1.74
Moore Audrey D sec SL.7 3.73 Alexander Leslie M visa off 0.7 8.73 Bohnet Dalton Craig gen ser off R-7 12-73
Myers Rodney P. aud RL.4 10-72 Cardozo Julia Maria cons oft 0-6 6-72 Burnett Mary Jo ... disb oft R-6 12-72
Nadeau Edward ) . prog oft R-3 8.72 Crehan Richard F. cons off S-3 7.73 Chambers William M reg adm spec R-5 9.73
Olson Russell 0 food /agri off R.1 8-65 Neitzke Ronald ppt/citiz oft 0.7 8.72 Conard Mary F sec S-5 1.71
Parker Charles D dep prog oft R-3 6-73 Doss Ralph W telecoms off S-5 1.73
Pedersen Harry ). asst ctir R -3 6.68 Administrative Section Farnham Dean C. telecoms tech R -8 11-71
Roebuck Thelma C. pers off RL- 5 0-00 Curry John M. adm oft S -1 8-73 Fulham William R. telecoms asst S- 8 8-73
Smith Arthur. R.2 8.72 Couch Thomas M. coms/rec off R-6 1.73 Grymes Morrey E Jr. coms/ rec off R-8 4.72
Springer Herbert A gen engrad R-3 3.73 Dollar Robert W. coms/ rec asst S-8 3.73 lacono George ... bud /mgt oft 0-4 6-73
Tillinghast Lee E. resident aud R-2 7.72 Hill Francis A. telecoms off S-6 6-72 Jersey Thomas L. telecoms off R -6 7.73
Tyler Thomas Edward asst prog off R-5 10.72 King Russell Frank coms/ rec asst S-7 3.73 Kuhla Bernard C telecoms off R -6 7.73
Woodhull James E. proj mgr agri R-2 2-71 Rogers Jerry L. telecoms asst S.7 6.71 Malakoskie Felix C telecoms asst S-7 7.71
Stafford Robert F gen ser oft S-4 7.73 Milton Lee B. med oft RU-2 6.73
USIA Moore William ).. bldg ser spec S-2 7.73
Southard Cliftord E. pub aff oft i0.2 7.73 Armod Forces Attaches O'Brien Emmett coms tech R-6 11.72
Nevitt Robert LM . dep pub aft off 10.3 7.73 Sheppard Frederick H gen ser oft S-4 1.73
Sorge Col Marlowe B. DATT/AIRA 1.73 Sorg Richard B pers off S -3 11.72
Benson John D exec oft R-3 7.72 Woodman Col Richard T. ARMA 8-73
Brown Nelson C asst cult att oft 10-6 9.73 Decook Cpt David W. ALUSNA 6.73 Stibal Ronald Lee coms/rec asst R-7 8-73
Grant Robertson R. VOA reg corr R -3 7.71 7.72 Thompson Gwen A coms/ rec off S -4 10-73
McCutchan Cmdr Milton L ..... A/ALUSNA Wilson Edward B. coms/rec asst R-8 5.72
Lage Alice M cao rec libr S-2 12-72 Welkom Lt Col Jerome G. A / AIRA 6.70
Peters Phelon D cult att oft 10-38-71 Wilson John S .. telecoms asst S-6 7.73
Shaw Dennis R field prog off S- 3 11-73 USIA
Smith Mary C asst into off i0.5 8.72 Armed Forces Attaches
Togami Frances ) . exec sec 5.4 5.73 Voth Robert C pub att oft 10-2 7.71 Clayville Col Howard G. DATT /AIRA 6-73
10-3 4.72 Bell Charles L info off 10-4 3-73
Vogel Joe B info off La Mee Wilma S- 5 8.72 Gillilland Col William S. ARMA 4-73
sec-adm Sayer Cdr William D. ALUSNA
Ryan Henry B cult att oft 10.4 7.72 Beachem Ltc Paul J A /ARMA 7.73
The Consulate at Enugu will remain closed until further notice. 12-72
OMAN Phillips Stanley W. .......... agri att
prin oft 0-4 8.73 Wheeler Joseph C. dir R.1 8.73
Barr Brady G. Wolfter William A. dep dir R- 17.70
McKinnon Yvonne S sec S-6 8.71 Executive Section Allen Daniel E
sec S-8 11.73 dep cter R-5 11.73
Weid berg Janice .. Stoltztus William A Jr. АЕР 0-1 2.72 Anderson Leland R. dep food/ agri off R-2 10-73
Mitchell George H Jr. econ/cml off R.7 4.72 (Resident in Kuwait) R-3 2-73
adm off 0-6 11.72 n off Auchter Edmund L. prog econ
Ray Paul V Jr. Quinlan Clifford J. pri 0-3 6.72 Belcher Clifford prog plan off R-3 6-73
Ham Bradford W. com s/rec asst S.7 4.72
Bell Chester S Jr cap resources dev RL-2 9-73
Political Section oft
USIA Sullivan Richard M lii . clk S.7 1.73 Bell June S ... pers off R-S 8.72
Lattanzi A Frank br pub att off 10.4 8.71 Cassanos James G. gen engr ad R-2 11.73
Huchel Gerald E asst br pub att off 10.6 2.72 Economic /Commercial Section ChromyAnthony ). resident aud R-3 10-71
Wilson Veda B asst br pub aff off 10-6 McEldowney Frederick C ........ econ /cml off 0-6 4.73 Conniff Francis W aud R-4 0-00
Dimick Niel A .. agri engrad R-3 10-67
Consular Section Duerbeck Warren B gso R-4 8.73
KADUNA (C ) Hager L Michael.. legal ad RL-2 10-70
Headley Robert Lr. cons oft R-5 11.72 Haynal Andrew P.
0.4 8.73 population off RL- 2 11.73
Trail George A III . prin off Hickson Durwood H. asst so R -5 4-69
Walton Sharon F sec S.9 8.73 Administrativo Section Imrie Marie S sec S-6 11.71
Chaveas Peter Russell, econ /cml off 0-6 Lee Gary E. adm off 0-6 12.73 Johnson Muriel B exec asst S-4 4.68
Ince Robert W. econ /cml off R-6 6.72 Quinlan Louise B coms/rec adm asst S-8 Kelley Katherine G. sec S-5 9.70
Shannon Barbara A sec S-8 8-73 Kerchen Robert ). pop mgmt ad R-2 9.73
Sisk Charles H. adm oft 0-5 5.73 ACTION, PC Lufkin Shirley H sec S-6 8.70
Humphreys M ) telecoms asst S-6 9.71 Burns Richard P R-6 9.73 Matthias Charles D. multisector off R -2 8-73
Kindl Charles L telecoms asst S-6 9.71 McIntyre William R. R-2 9.71
multisector oft
Murphy Francis Jr. health off R-3 10-73
AID Newberg Richard R. food /agri ott R- 1 0-00
Hannah Arthur . livestock ad PAKISTAN Patalive Charles J ... cap proj dev off RL-5 11.72
Raczka Wanda A .. exec asst S- 3 9.73
USIA Rice William A. ctir R-2 6-72
ISLAMABAD (E) Rothe Marschal Dr. pop ad RL.4 11.72
Hood Dell .... br pub att oft i0-5 9.71 Rusinak George E. exec off R-3 2-72
(Assigned to Kano) Executive Section Schafer John R.. aud R-5 11.73
Marek Joseph L Dr. br pub att off 10-4 9.72 Silberstein Spencer M. population ad R-4 1.72
Byroade Henry A. AEP CM 8-69
Luppi Hobart N DCM 0-2 8-72 Teague Aundrae M. coms/rec supur S- 4 2.72
Ahles Edith Ruth sec S- 4 5-73 Thomas William R. prog off R: 1 9.73
NORWAY Hall Nancy ).. sec S- 6 1.74 Turner Virginia H. sec S -5 4.71
Unti James G agri econ R.4 3-68
Political Soction Waggoner Loring A. asst prog off R-5 1.73
OSLO (E) Durlin Ruth J... sec S -9 9.73 Williams Floyd J. agri ad RL-3 8-72
Hatfield Beverly Ellen sec S-8 5.73
Executive Soction Ingraham Edward C. pol off 0-2 7.71 USIA
Byrne Thomas R... AEP 0-1 9-73 King Marguerite Cooper pol off 0-4 6-72 Brescia Peter F pub att off 10-29-72
Buchanan Thompson R. DCM 0-2 7.70 Pettinelli Joseph pol off R.7 6.73 Barnes Norman C into ott 10.3 4.12
Durkee Michael L. into off 0-5 6.72 Quandt Phyllis Y. clk S10 Cohen Harold S. exec off R-3 6.72
Crawford Thomas Proc. asst cult att oft 10-4 9.73 Consular Section Administrativo Section
Gorin Stuart.... publ off R-5 9.73 Barnes Lewis V .. cons off R.7 3.73 Bartholomew Carl J. telecoms asst S.7 1.73
Hopwood G Richard cult att off i0-3 6-71 Blanton James Taylor. cons off 0-6 2.72 East Pressley D .. telecoms off R.7 3.72
Sherwin Leonard .... cao đir lib ser S -2 8-73 Dyels Jake M Jr. visa off 0-5 7.73 Harbaugh Larry M. telecoms off R-7 11.73
Sweet Ruth B exec sec S-4 7.70 Langford Patricia Ann cons oft 0-5 5-73 Kramer John Stephen coms/rec asst S - 8 10-73
Tueller Blaine C cons off 0-3 7.73 Mills William B Jr. coms/ rec asst S.7 8.72
KARACHI (CG) Parker William D. coms/rec off S - 6 2-72
Administrative Section Thornton John W bud/fis oft S.16.71
prin oft French Harry G. adm oft 0-2 7.73 Weaver Clare M. pers off R.7 8.73
Tiger M Gordon 0-2 10.72
Van Order Matthew H ... pol oft 0-4 7.70 Armor William H.. reg adm spec S -1 1-65
Allan L Stuart comm oft 0-6 10-73 Bauer Irene Mary pers oft 0-5 7.72 Armed Forces Attaches
Borden Judith D sec S-96-73 Berry John E. med off R-3 8-73 Little Col Roger M. DATT / ARMA 1.74
Brown Edward R econ / cml off RU-4 6-72 Breitenbach Betty ). sec S - 1 3-73 Massa Capt Emiddio ALUSNA 1.72
Bryant Edward WM comm off 0-4 9.72 Chenevert A Bernadine sec S -6 1.72 (Resident in Buenos Aires)
Miller-Jones Henry A Dr econ /cml off S- 5 9.73 Glynn Ellis V gen ser off S- 2 8-70 Overbey Ltc Robert E.. A /AIRA 7.71
Weaver Alice M sec S-8 4.73 Goode Benjamin C bud/fis oft S - 2 5-72 (Resident in Buenos Aires)
Keene Douglas R. cons off 0.5 9-73 Gossett Asie coms/rec asst S - S 11.72
Thurman David E. cons off S-4 Herse John R .. reg adm spec S 38-73
Woodward Donald R. adm off 0-3 6-72 Markowitz Melvin coms/ rec asst S - 7 12-72 Sause Oliver L ... dir R.1 7.73
Farrey Gordon L. telecoms oft R- 7 6-73 Miles Joseph C. gen ser oft S - S 10-72 Adler Robert W. prog econ R-3 9.71
Hooper Robert W coms tech S- 2 5.73 Minard D Annette . sec S- 8 5-73 Barrigan Donald B. ctlr R-3 9-69
Hyde Jim H. coms/ rec off R-6 11.73 Pelczynski Casper ). electronics engi R - 4 10-71 Clary Jol H. asst prog oft R-58-73
Macdonald Stewart W. gen ser oft S- 3 6-69 Ribera Robert C coms/ rec off R-5 6-73 Holz Norbert F dep educ off R-3 10-71
McIntyre Wallace D coms/ rec asst S-7 3.73 Wolf John C. electronics engr R-6 8.70 Lafoy Vara Lee sec S- 7 5-71
Sisterman John B. telecoms asst S - 7 10-73 Yauchuczek George S. coms/rec off R-7 9.70 Mann Frank A. educ off R-3 1-67
Smith George A coms/rec asst S - 8 6-73 Marti Fred R.. dep tood /agri off R-3 7.72
White Joseph E. telecoms asst S - 8 11.71 FAS Miles Henry L. cap resources dev RL-3 8.73
Rudbeck James P.. agri att 7.73 off
AID (Resident in San Jose ) Morse John W. population oft R-3 0-00
area coord Oshaughnessy Philip S. gen engr off R-2 12-68
Diehl George CJr . RL-2 10.72 Packard David C. exec off R.3 1.73
Schoux William P asst prog oft R-4 4.72
USIA Firter Alexander dir 10-71 Twentyman Lee A. int dev intern RL.7 0-00
Pinch Edward T. br pub aff off 10-3 7.71 Rublee George dep dir R- 1 6-71 White Sanford W. food /agri oft R-3 2-69
Bartz Carl F Jr. br cult aft off i0-3 8.72 Adams Robert D. dep gen engr off R-3 10-66 Witherell Ronald A. prog off R-3 8-71
Davis Sandra L. sec S-8 7.72 Bassford Henry H. cap proj dev off R- 5 9.72
Heath Robert C info ctr dir 10-6 11.73 Biava Richard D pub safety ad R-3 9.72 ACTION, PC
Stein Herman br info off 10-4 5-73 Brown Beverly A. coms/rec supur S-5 11.71 dir
Condodemetraky G. gen engrad R - 4 5-73 Berry Jr William L. R-3 12.73
Dimond Francis M. urban dev off R-3 8.70 Foucher Gerald L dir R -4 12-73
LAHORE (CG ) Donato Candeloro C gen engr off Mosher Charles B physician R- 5 7.73
RL-3 9.73 Mowbray Robert N. R-6 9.73
Fascell Rudolph .. exec off R-2 2-69 prog tech rep ag
King Gordon D. prin oft 0-2 5.72 Fitchett Delbert A. econ ad RL-38-72
Rees Mary E. sec S- 7 4.72 Ford Marion H comty dev ad R-4 1.73 USIA
Carlton Paul F. pol oft S-2 4.71 Funicello Anthony A prog eval off R-5 11.70 Jacoby Peter H pub aff off 10-3 7.73
Griffin George GB. pol off 0.5 7.73 Hill Joe 0 Jr. acct R-4 1.70 Johnson Joe B info off 10-6 8-73
Griffin Ann E .. cons off 0-6 7.72 Hinojosa Virgilio dep gen engr oft RL- 4 11.73 Michael Robert L cult aft oft i0.5 3.73
Creach William Ross. adm off 0-6 8.72 Hottey Paul C. pub safety ad R - 4 8.72 Stevie Phyllis A. sec-adm S-6 3.72
Hilley George J coms/ rec off R- 7 9.72 Johnson Henry P. prog oft R-2 11.70
Kovach Marjorie S. telecoms asst S -8 10-73 Meeks William A dep exec off R-3 10.71
Nathanielsz Ault M dep cap resources RL-4 3.73
USIA dev off PERU
Miller George E br pub att oft 10-3 7.70 Naylor William H Jr. ctir R.2 7.73
br cult aft off 10-3 9.73 Novins Malcolm S. put entpr off R-3 5.71 LIMA (E)
Besom Donald G Jr. sec S - 5 9.72
Kruse Thomas R. br info off i0.3 9.72 Orourke Margaret S.
Loo Virginia ML . ¡0.7 5.73 Reinhart James L .. pub safety off R-3 0-00 Executivo Section
pub aff trainee Rhodes Rebecca ) . sec S - 7 2.72
Townsend Elizabeth J............. info ctr dir i0.5 8.72 R-3 7.70 Belcher Taylor G. АЕР 8-69
Robertson David agri ad
agri ad R-35-67 Barnebey Malcolm R. DCM 0-1 7.73
White Raymond A JI Keskinen Viola M sec S-3 10.73
Kuntz P Diane sec S-9 4.72
USIA Nixon Miriam E. sec S-6 10-69
Everts Stockwell prin off 0-3 6.73 Niswander Melvin C. pub aft off i0-2 2-71 Welch Richard S int rel off gen RU-3 6.72
Claridge Nancy D. cao reg libr S- 5 7.73
USIA Cooke Francis A cult aff oft i0-3 9.72 Political Section
Rizzie Melvin l . info ctr dir i0.3 4.73 Foy Helen M sec -adm S-6 1.73 Bittle Dorothy ) sec S - 6 8-73
Newman Yale. info off i0.3 4.72 Coldren Lee 0 pol off 0-6 9.71
Wunder Van S lii pub aff trainee i0-6 5.72 Evanow Serge N. pol oft R-4
Flores Daniel... pol off R-6 9.71
PANAMA Golden Ronald clk S- 6 8-72
Gonzalez Raymond E. pol off 0-3 6-70
PARAGUAY Keane John F.. pol oft 0-6 6-72
Ladenburg Arthur T. pol off R-5 9.73
Executive Section ASUNCION (E) MatthewsWade H B... labor/ pol off 0-3 1.73
McCeney Margaret A. sec S.1 11.73
Jorden William J. АЕР Rondon Fernando E.. pol off 0-4 6.73
Fisher Margaret Ann sec S-9 12.72 Executive Soction
AEP Salmon Joan A .. clk S- 6 9.72
Kiyonaga Joseph Y int rel oft R-39-73 Landau George W. 0-1 10-12 Schindell Jean B sec S- 8
Ledbetter Edwin D spec asst 0-3 10-73 Richardson Ralph W DCM 0-3 7.72 Vincent Susan M. sec -
Meister Jean E sec S-5 7.73 Chiotis Frances..... sec S- 5 8.72 sec S10 12.73
sec S -Z 11.73 Waddle Kimberly A.
Miller Ardith H sec S- 4 5-72 De La Rosa Carmen Wirth Mary B sec S-6 11.73
Wolk Mary E sec S- 8 12-70
Political Section Political Soction
Bennett Marjorie A. sec S-8 11-73 Braibanti Ralph Lynn ... pol off 0-7 5-73 Economic /Commercial Section
Blacken John D pol oft 0-4 6-73 Dickens Charles B pol off R-4 12-71 Amori Albert econ /cml off R-6 7.72
Homme Robert Onan. pol off 0-4 6-73 McLain W Douglas Jr. pol off 0-4 8-73 Cheney Edward R. econ /cml off 0-2 3-73
Lavigne Beverly A sec S.7 2-73 Olejarz Michael H Jr. pol off R-8 9-72 Fullmer Robert G. comm off R-3 2-70
Rooney William F pol oft R-6 9.71 Yeabower Anna M sec S-8 5.73 Martinez Marie . sec S -5 1.73
Webb Haven N pol off 0-5 6-73 Munro Glenn A econ /cml off 0-4 4.73
Economic / Commercial Section Roberts Gary G. econ /cml oft R-6 3-72
Economic /Commorcial Section Micucci Angela Marie . sec S - 8 1.74 Ronollo Richard A. econ / cml oft S- 5 8-72
Daniels M Gordon econ /cml off 0-3 10-72 Smith Joseph L econ /cml off 0-4 1.73 Rueda Richard Jr. comm off 0-4 9.73
Pruett Steven R. econ / cml off R-7 11.73 Spears Karen S sec S - 8 9.71 Wolf Ira . econ / cml off 0-6 12.73
Ribera Nivea M sec S-9 Wilson Dan A. econ / cml off 0-7 8-73 Yeats Florence sec S- 8 10.72
Stahlman John W. comm off 0.4 6-73
West Walter G fin econ 0-4 7.71 Consular Section Consular Section
Withers Dorothy S sec S -Z 10-73 Mason James D. cons off S - 2 8-72 Calloway Daniel J.................. cons off R - 6 6-71
FEBRUARY 1974 31
Craven Robert L... visa oft R -8 9.73 PHILIPPINES Fontaine Melvyn P. telecoms asst S -7 7.71
Devlin Willard B. cons off 0-3 4.70 Foose Robert A. telecoms asst S - 6 8-73
Lee Edna Jo... cons off R-7 10.72 Gentry Doyle E.. proc/supply off 0.5 7.71
Lindberg Edward V. visa off S- 2 7.73 MANILA (E) Gibson Wayne W telecoms tech S - 6 7.72
Morris Murrow B ppt/citiz off 0-5 2.73 Glenn Eleanor Van Trump pers off 0-3 5-72
Webb James Jr. cons oft R-8 11.73 Executive Section Goodman Terry L. telecoms asst S.1 8.72
Sullivan William H. АЕР CM 8.73 Graham Larry A.. telecoms off S- 7 6-71
Administrativo Soction Purnell Lewis M DCM 0-2 8-73 Griffin ) Donald. coms/rec asst R.7 4.73
Nelson Roy C .. adm oft 0-2 10.73 Harbison Joanna sec S -5 7.7 ! Grottenthaler Daniel G. telecoms asst S- 8 9-72
Addis John L Ders off S-2 12-72 Johnston Linda H sec S -6 6-72 Harden Otis H telecoms off S -6 12-70
Carreiro Norman R. telecoms asst S- 7. 7.72 Jones Janice H sec S- 9 12-73 Harker Thomas 1. telecoms off S - 5 7.70
Kalaris George T pol off R-2 6-70 Harris Erman H. diplo pouch asst S - 9 7.73
Cohen Roger N. coms/rec asst R-8 5.73 sec Hebert Arthur D. adm asst S -8 7.71
Fagin Annette sec S -6 2.73 Stephens Marie ) S -5 6-73
Gagat Ronald J. telecoms asst S.7 7.72 Valk Lois Annette. sec S.7 7.71 Hedberg Robert Jerry. telecoms asst S -6 2-72
Henry Alton L .. telecoms engi S -4 7.70
Graham John R. gen ser oft 0-5 6-72 Herrington Parker A telecoms tech R-8 6-73
Hudson Virgil A JE telecoms asst S - 7 8-73 Political Section
Jetterson Harold B. Cook Eiler R. labor/pol off 0-3 10-73 High M Nancy coms/rec oft S - 6 10-12
coms/rec off S-35-73 Hoak Paul S -6 5-72
Neuser David C. coms/rec asst R-8 1.74 Donohue Thomas A. pol off R-3 9.71 telecoms off
Giraldi Clara 1 . sec S.1 9.72 Holbert Thomas C telecoms asst S - 8 6-72
Potter Jane M. bud/tis off 0-4 10.73 Hughes Robert G. telecoms off R - 6 7.73
Pruitt Charles reg adm spec S-2 6-71 Lowman Shepard C.. pol off 0-3 1.73
Meade Frazier .. pol off 0-3 9.73 Jackson Phil ... telecoms tech R-8 10-71
Rollins Lloyd A. coms/rec off S-6 11.72 Kelchner William E telecoms asst S -5 5-73
Schenk Mary L sec S.7 1.74 Miller Richard H.. pol off R-S 10-71 R.7 1.73
Oreilly John P pol off R-5 4.72 Kinsel Charles R coms tech
Taylor Ruth S sec /adm asst S-8 6-73 Koehnen Lawrence J. telecoms asst R.7 11.73
Trotter Kenneth W telecoms asst S- 7 2-72 Spear Jeannette A. sec S -6 6-73
Timberman Thomas F. pol oft 0-5 11.73 Kramer Lloyd L. telecoms off R-7 8-72
Kresse Thomas Robert bud /mgt off 0-4 9.72
Armed Forces Attaches Political Military Affairs Section Larson Terry A. coms tech S -4 6-12
Searl Capt Floyd C. DATT /ALUSNA 7.72 Little Joe M reg adm spec S- 3 5-66
ARMA 8-71 Forbes John David .. pol off 0-5 2-71 Lobb Kenneth G telecoms off R-7 7.71
Schmalzel Col Joseph L.. Mc Intosh Myrna. sec S- 8 7.72
Hackworth Ltc Robie . AIRA 7.73 Mabry Donald telecoms asst S -7 8-73
A / ARMA Palmer Ronald D. pol off 0-3 6-71 Masterson Richard B. telecoms asst S-8 11.72
Costino Ltc Michel . 10-72
Maxwell Gilbert SI bldg ser spec S- 3 6-73
Economic / Commercial Section McCartney Arthur C telecoms tech R-8 12-73
FAS fin econ 0.4 5.71 McClintock John D
Angevine Charles E.. telecoms asst S-7 4.73
Ferree Paul ) . agri att 1.72 Arnold Terrell E. econ /cml off 0-2 7.71 McCool Raymond C. telecoms off R-6 7-73
Churchill Malcolm H. comm off 0-4 5-72 MeiselWilliam M telecoms asst S.T 6-73
AID Dugan Gordon ) . comm off 0.5 Mertz John G. telecoms tech S-6 6-70
Finberg Donald R. dir R.1 8.73 Gibson Stephen R. comm off 0-4 8.72 Miller Albert R .. coms/ rec asst S- 7 8-73
Baca Jose R. dep exec off R-3 5-69 Hart Mary Katherine. sec S- 6 9-72 Miller Donald H. adm asst S - 5 7.73
Benjamin Aaron L urban dev off R-3 7-72 Pratt Barbara G ... sec S- 8 2.73 Morfino James coms/rec asst S - 8 5-73
Smith Vernon G. econ /cml oft R -6 Moss Carl L. telecoms asst S-8 11.70
Briggs Charles multisector off R-2 10.72 Wahl Theodore A. econ / cml off 0-3 7.71 Murray Mark A. telecoms asst S - 8 6-72
Brookshier Curry C. food /agri off R-28.70 telecoms engr R-4 6-72
Burnett Barry S. asst cap proj dev R-5 1.70 Myers Larry K.
Consular Section Newlin Kenneth W. telecoms tech R-T 6-73
off Newman John R. telecoms off R-4 6-71
Butler Edward E. comty off R-4 2-71 Armstrong Mary W. mail/file asst S-5 6-72
Arp Merle E. cons off spec ser 0-4 1.71 Omalley Michael P telecoms engr R-5 5-72
Dodson Buddy K. asst fto off R-S 12-69 Oneil Francis E. telecoms asst S - 7 9.72
Ehrich Rollo L agri econ RL-3 0-00 Betts David A... cons off 0-2 7.73
Guadagno Peter D. visa off S-4 12.73 Patterson Robert F telecoms tech R - 6 8-73
Fowler Dallas D. gen engr oft R-37.73 Pearcy Harold M. telecoms asst S - 6 6-73
Hickson Donald E. acct R-3 7.70 Hiraga George M. cons oft spec ser S -5 9.72
Hoog John F visa oft 0-7 8-72 Pendleton Hollis K. telecoms tech R-6 8-72
Hurley Marvin E educ ad RL-4 10.70 Peters Bobby G. telecoms off R-6 6-73
Jones William Mcp Kaeuper David H. visa off 0-6 4.72
asst cap proj dev RL-3 1-69 McKee Nancy A visa off R.1 9.72 Pierce Joseph E. telecoms asst S-8 9.72
off Moore John H. ppt/citiz off 0.4 8.72 Pohl Stephen E med off R-38-73
KnightMargaret E prog oft R-3 1.70 Ness Donald Ray visa oft S-S 10-71 Prichard Hiram W telecoms asst S - 1 3-12
Michalec Josephine S. sec S-6 12-70 Peterson Robert B. visa off S- 3 7.73 Reiner Margot Ellen pers off 0-7 4.71
Moore Robert C. ctir R-3 7.73 Rossi Frederick I .. cons off 0-5 6-71 Reynolds Eugenel telecoms off R-5 12.71
Ritchie Robert F. dep prog oft R4 8.73 Stellmacher Edward 0 visa oft 0-3 8.70 Rich Fred .. telecoms oft S-6 9.72
Schindell Robert M exec oft R-2 3-67 Ward June E S. sec S-5 3.73 Roche Donald W. gen ser asst S - 8 6.73
Smith C Gregory Jr. asst cap proj dev R-5 1.70 Wood B Sue... ppt/citiz off 0-7 8-72 Rossano Gerard N. telecoms asst S - T 11.72
off Rounds Bruce C. telecoms off R - 4 7.72
Walsh Anne V. coms/ rec supur S-6 5-73 Administrativo Section Rutledge Chester F. telecoms asst S.7 5.73
Warner George C. ffp off R-3 5.71 Bosworth Sherwood R. adm oft S - 5 4.73 Samsel Brenda C. sec S - 8 6-73
Weinberg Charles B. multisector off R -2 9.72 Samsel Ronald T.. adm asst S-7 6-73
Feinstein Harry.. adm oft 0-2 9.73 Schulle Charles W.. R-4 7.73
Willebeek -Le Mair Jacob . dep gen engrott R -4 9.72 Ready Francis X .. adm off 0-2 8-71 telecoms engr
Williams Norman Robert........ legal ad RL.4 8.73 Alden Dennis H telecoms off R.7 5.73 Shirley Fredrick G.. gen ser off 0-6 8-73
Aldrich Clifford M telecoms asst S- 6 2-71 Siavage Robert A. telecoms off S-4 9-73
ACTION, PC Aust John A .... telecoms tech R-8 1.72 Simpson Hugh E. telecoms off S -2 5-72
dir R-2 6.73 Balser Alex Jr. gen ser asst S - 7 6-71 Singleton Stephen E telecoms asst S - 6 1.72
Mehrer George W. Smiley George E. coms/rec off R-S 7.72
Clark William F. dep dir R-5 12.73 Beck Paul C .. telecoms asst S- 8 3-73 Smith Lewis T.
assoc dir Beckwith Edwin R. telecoms asst S- 6 3.72 telecoms tech R- 7 1.74
Baldino George F R-5 9.73 Smith Linda S .. sec S- 9 7.73
Jones John W. assoc dir R-4 7.73 Blondino Frank R. telecoms asst S- 7 5-12 Snell Charles E
Bolduc David ). telecoms off S- 3 9.73 telecoms tech R-7 6-72
Robertson James E admin off R-6 10-73 Soldan Rudolph gen ser oft 0-3 5-72
Bolweg Frank .... telecoms oft S - 7 8-72 Spector Sam .
Bone Merle C Jr .. telecoms off R -6 6.72 coms/rec off S- 1 6.71
USIA S.7 11.71 Tedeschi John ) ... telecoms asst S - 8 5.73
Boucher Charles A. telecoms off Temple Wesley D.
Gallagher Jack W. pub aff off i0-3 12.72 Brewington Harry K.. telecoms engr R - 6 7.73 telecoms asst S - 5 12.72
Cariaga Melvin 1 . br pub aff oft iO-5 2-73 S -4 8.73 Toulotte Albert F telecoms off S - 6 7-13
Brodfuehrer William T. bud /fis off Ulrich Michael J.
(Assigned to Trujillo) Bushell Carol D. SOC S- 8 6-73 telecoms off R-7 8-73
Anderson Parker ).. acao BNC dir i0-6 11.72 Carroll Dennis P. telecoms asst S - 8 1.74 Vasko Philip F. telecoms off S-4 3.72
(Assigned to Cuzco) sec S 9- 6-73 Vinal Henry G. telecoms asst S - 8 8-73
Casey Julia A Vorrasi Steven W.
Bright John L..... acao BNC dir 10.4 1.73 Casper John Jr gen ser asst S- 7 7.71 telecoms asst S - 8 12-73
Conn Jack L coms tech S- 3 7.70 Wakeman Donald C telecoms off R-2 5-73
(Assigned to Arequipa) Wallace David M. S- 7 5-71
Bush Edna M ..... sec -adm S - 6 4.73 Connifey John F. telecoms off R-5 7.73 telecoms tech
Coughlin Frances E... cult att off 10-3 10-72 Copeland James M. coms/rec off S - 6 9.72 Wallace James M. gen ser asst S - 8 6-73
S - 8 1-74 Ward Phillip R .. telecoms tech R-8 6-12
Garces Ramon . info off 10-4 8.72 Crea Nicholas S. telecoms asst Wheeler Henry P.
Gibbons Robert R.. acao BNC dir 10-5 9.71 Dale Robert M. telecoms asst S.7 6.71 telecoms asst S - 7 9.73
Daris Lois Ann coms/ rec asst S - 6 7.72 Whitley Julian P Jr. telecoms tech R-6 6-71
Kneebone Terrence asst info oft 10.4 4.70 Willa Stuart A S - 7 3.73
McWalters Mary P exec off R 49-73
- Davis Richard E. proc /supply off S- 5 6-71 coms/rec asst
Williams Ann sec S-5 2-73
Reeber Mary K. asst cult aft off i0-6 1.73 Decroes Samuel L. telecoms off R-7 6-72 Williams Beverly C.
asst info off Deede Hans P telecoms engr R-6 6-72 coms/rec off R-6 1-12
Saxton Paul ) . 10.7 6.72 Williamson Jimmy D. telecoms tech R-8 6.72
Settle James D. pub aff trainee i0-6 7.73 Dinagen James F telecoms off R-6 6-73 Zielinski Joseph R. S - 4 7.72
Spencer Charles Jr. R-4 10.71 Dornan Thomas ). telecoms asst S- 7 5-73 telecoms off
prog resch off reg
Stephens Diana Carol.. cao ra libr R.7 1.73 Drinkard Maureen V coms/rec asst S- 7 9.70
Fenner Billy A ..... telecoms asst S- 6 11.73 Armed Forces Attaches
Firment Conrad M. telecoms off S - 6 4.72 Baker Col Charles E .. DATT / AIRA 6-72
PIURA (CA) Fischer Sidney gen ser off S - 5 4.72 Dixon Col Frank W. ARMA 6-12
Flack Alton B. telecoms tech R-6 8-73 Peacock Cdr Henry F ALUSNA 1.71
Dickinson Sheridan G .. act cons agt Flagg Warren H. telecoms off R - 6 6-73 White Maj Robert .... A /AIRA 5-73
Masters Bernard H.. prog off R-3 7.73 Executive Section Baltimore Richard L lii.. pol/econ off 8.72
Mau Edward S C. population ad R-3 10-71
McCardell Joseph. dep exec oft R-3 0-00 Davies Richard T АЕР 0-1 12.72
Davis John R JE DCM 0-2 2.72 Economic /Commercial Section
McLarney Thomas P bud/acctg off R-48-71 Jereczek Lucille A. sec Croteau Althea ) sec S -7 11.72
McMahon James L pub safety off R-2 0.00 S- 4 6-72
Miller Bessie E. coms/rec clk Polumbo Loretta L. sec S -5 1.73 Stephenson Byron R... econ /cml off 0-4 9.71
S-6 3-72 Tompkins Tain Pendleton ...... econ /cml off 0-5 1.72
Miller George W. prop util off R-3 4.72 White James W. econ /cml off 0-3 3.72
Moxley John E... pub safety ad R-48-72 Political Section
Nelson Richard B area dev ad R-4 11.67 Berube Annette M. sec S.7 6.73
Ostertag F Samuel . exec oft R-3 3-67 Dewey Nancy R. clk S.7 6.73 Consular Section
Person Dorothy pers oft R-4 11.69 Gebhardt Carl E. pol off R-57.72 Bloom Hyman cons off 0-3 6.73
Reid Robert L. contract sers off R-3 4.70 Scanlan John D pol off 0-2 7.73 Cole Harry Edt cons off 0.1 5.73
Robinson Grover S ctir R-2 3.70 Seymour Jack M Jr. pol ott 0.5 7.73 McElhaney Douglas L... cons off R-6 7.73
Rodman Richard A. asst gso R-5 2-69
Rogers Robert K Sr. pub adm ad RL-3 0-00 Economic /Commercial Section Administrative Section
Rose Thomas L area dev ad RL 2 12-70 Johnson Ralph R. econ / cml off 0-6 8.73 Garon John Charles adm off 0-5 7.72
Shaw Norman F constr ad R-3 2.73 Kopp Harry . comm off 0.5 6.71 Allais Robert Emil . coms /rec asst S-7 1.73
Sheppard Frank W Jr. multisector oft R.2 1.70 Roppe Dorothy A sec S -8 12.72 Becker Jane Ellen. pers spec 0.8 4.73
Short D equip req ad RL-4 2-71 Schmidt Carl W. econ / cml off 0-3 8.72 Grimm Lottie E... bud/fis off S -4 8.72
Smith Frank R. pub safety R-39-67 Timmins Mary Jane . sec S-6 2-73 Howell Edward L. gen ser off S- S 10-72
electronics Spec Hughes Leslie F telecoms off S-5 6-73
Smith Kenneth F pub adm ad RL-2 12-71 Consular Section Lewison Janis M. coms/ rec off S-4 6-72
Spat William C. resident aud R-3 10.72 Cline Michael K... cons off R.5 11.72 Lowell Frank W. telecoms asst S- 8 5.73
Steitz Gunter P. constr ad R.3 1.73 Emmons Robert Duncan . 0.4 7.72 Parisi Saverio coms/rec asst S-6 12-72
Tanji Flora M. sec S-5 8.73 cons off
multisector oft Herspring Dale Roy . visa off 0-6 9.73
Terry Charles W. R.2 7.70 Lamb Anthony B visa off 0.7 7.73 Armed Forces Attaches
Thivierge Arthur Jr cap proj dev off R-3 6-73 Otto Allan W. 0-4 7.73
Tinsler Douglas L. prog anal R-4 3.70 visa off Blackley Col Peter P. DATT /AIRA 10-73
R-3 9-68 White Frances WD. Sec S -8 8-73 Yerkes Col Charles W dr . ARMA 1.72
Umhoeter Richard pub adm ad 7.72
Voorhies Otto G. asst prop util off RL-5 3.70 Thomson Capt Alexander 0 .... ALUSNA
field coord off Press and Cultural Section Grubbs Ltc Edward Flr . NARMA 9.72
Whelton Joseph M R 2- 9-68
Baldyga Leonard press-cult off 10.3 7.72 Bride li Peter F. A /ALUSNA 5-72
Bazala Razvigor... asst info off i0-5 8-70 Richmond Lt Col John P. NAIRA 6.71
ACTION, PC asst into oft i0-5 12-73
Becskehazy Peter T
Devine Barry M dep dir R-3 9.73 Bennetch Dorothy ). sec S -8 9-73 FAS
Elwell William R. reg dir R-5 9.73 Key Richard M.. cult att off 10.2 7.72 11.71
Shorter Charles B reg dir R-4 8.73 into off Bryan Harry C agri att
Mandros James i0.3 7.72
Beetle Melvin E trng off R -4 12.73 McCready George H. cao Eng teach off S- 2 9.71
Furby Brian B. assoc dir R-5 3.73 exec asst S- 4 9.73 USIA
Metcalf Susan ).
Grube Douglas I ... reg dir R.5 9.73 Walsh Cornelius C pub att trainee 10.7 3.72 Conley James D.... pub aff oft 10-2 8-71
Shiraishi Charley T assoc dir R-3 9.73 Arcos Cresencio S Jr. pub aff trainee R.7 6.73
Tibbs Dan ). reg dir R-6 7.73 Administrativo Section Jacobsen William L ..... info off 10.4 8.71
0-3 7.72 White Priscilla L... sec S-6 5.72
Conrath Ernst. adm off
USIA Adamson Jerry ! telecoms asst S- 6 8.72
Lee Maurice E. pub atf off 10.1 9.73 Baudoin Laury A. disb off S -6 7.72 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA (CA )
Phillips ) Paulli . dep pub att off i0-2 8-73 Beckett Georges reg adm spec S 3- 8-73
Rowlett John E dr. relay sta mgr R-2 9.71 Bradshaw Lewis E .... bud / fis ott S -3 5.73 Garton Ronald CV . cons agt
Tate Frank A. dep relay sta mgr S.1 1.71 Fador Cyril J. telecoms off R-7 6-72
Anderson Wallace L ........ prto spec-shift supv S-2 8-72 Jaworski Ronald R coms/rec oft S - 6 1.73
Bartelt Dean E. radio engr asst R-5 5.73 Keathley Jerrell G .. gen ser oft 0-6 9.73 OPORTO (C )
supv Lindsey Marjorie E pers spec S- 5 9.72
Brown Dean Kelvin . publ off 10.3 4.70 Norris Raymond L coms/rec asst S - 8 7.73 Taylor Rush W Jr. prin off 0.4 9.72
Cannon Thomas L. publ off R-1 6-70 Stymo Mitchell... fen ser off S - 3 1.73 Abeyta Victor A. cons off R-6 2-72
Lutkoski Robert Anthony ........ adm spec 0.7 1.73 (Resident in Belgrade) Zorman James M telecoms asst S- 8
Welsh Lt Col JeromeF. AIRA 7.72
Fiter Ltc William A. DATT /ARMA 7.73
Daniels Rolte B prin off 0-5 3.73 RWANDA
Parris Mark Robert .. cons oft 0-8 4.73 AID
Alkassim Abdel S. pub safety RL-S 10-71
KIGALI (E) electronics spec
Campbell Jack ) . pub safety ad R-4 0-00
Executive Section Forcey Jack M. pub safety ad R-5 0-00
Van Oss Hendrik prin off 0-2 8-71
Alofs Geneva H sec S-8 7.73 АЕР Hensel Elliott B. pub safety ad R.3 12-68
pol/econ oft 0-4 6-71 Shostal Pierre DCM 0.4 6.72 Najjar Najib A pub safety ad RL- 5 5-68
MacDougall Hugh Cooke. Morris Lucille sec S - 7 11.73
Reed Randolph . pol/econ off 0.5 1.74 Nesbitt Charles pub safety off R-2 7.71
adm off Wright Rebecca L.. sec S - 5 9.71 Simmons Bruce B. pub safety ad R-4 6-70
Clee George Dr. S-4 1.74
Dawson Theodore A. adm oft S -4 6-72 Wagoner Sydney S. pub safety R-3 6-66
Brown Frances W coms/rec off S-5 11.73 Political Section electronics spec
Allen Catherine E .. sec S-8 1.73 Zeigler John C. pub safety ad R 48-
- 71
Rawson David P. pol off 0-6 1.73
Administrativo Section Ruggiero Robert R pub aff off 10.3 8.71
Briggs Everett E. prin off 0-3 8-72 Allen William W.. adm off 0-6 6-72 sec-adm 5-72
Conrad Joan L. sec S-8 10-73 Lording Elizabeth A.. S- 6
Bellamy Conrad coms/rec oft R- 7 8-12 Rasco Roger C. cult aft off i0.5 6.71
Porter Bruce F. econ / cml off 0-5 1.73
Fugit Edward Francis. cons off 0-6 5-73 Rock John B cao BNC dir courses S- 3 11-21
coms/ rec oft Armed Forces Attaches Smith James E. info ctr dir 10-6 4-73
Coley Joel ] Jr. S- 5 9-69
Neilond Col Patrick M. ARMA 6.72
(Resident in Kinshasa) DHAHRAN (CG)
MACAO Glamm Ltc David W AIRA 6-73
(Resident in Kinshasa) Bahti James H prin oft
Osborn David L prin off 0-1 7.70 Abbott Cpt Michael H. A /ARMA 2-73 0-2 5-72
(Resident in Hong Kong) (Resident in Kinshasa) Stroud Margaret E sec S-8 9-13
Latimer Capt David M.. A /ARMA 7.72 Martin David C pol/ econ off R-5 1.72
(Resident in Kinshasa) Hooper James R cons off 0-6 4-12
Christopherson Bruce . adm oft 0-6 7.72
QATAR Burkhardt Paul G coms/rec asst R-7 9.72
Malinoski Edward J. telecoms off S-6 3.71
SAN MARINO Weber Ronald L. telecoms off S -6 1.74
Executive Section No office maintained at San Marino.
Stoltztus William All АЕР 0-1 2-72 Gordon Robert CF .. prin off 0.1 2.72
(Resident in Kuwait) SENEGAL
Wheelock John 1... prin off 0.3 2.73 (Resident in Florence)
Executive Section
BUCHAREST (E) JIDDA (E) Aggrey O Rudolph АЕР 0.1 12.73
Perkins Raymond Lir. DCM 0.3 8-12
Executivo Soction Calanni Angela .. sec S-5 2-12
Executive Section Akins James E. АЕР 0-2 8-65 Delph Norma ) sec S -6 1.72
Barnes HarryGr. AEP 0.1 Horan Hume A. DCM 0-3 2-72
Martens Robert .. DCM 0-2 6-71 Rains Elizabeth L. sec S -7 9.73 Political Section
O Brien Marilyn Ardelle sec S- 7 1.73 spec asst i0-2 Dodd James P labor/pol off 0.5 7.73
Sabbagh Isa K.
Shay Gertrude E sec S-5 10-72 Hardy Alan M pol off 0.4 11-67
Political Soction Sayers Nancy E clk S.7 9.12
Mainland Edward A pol off 0-4 8-73 Political Soction Tisak M Susan sec S -8 2.72
Rickert Jonathan B pol off 0-5 7.71 Browett Richard clk S -7 2-72
Drushal Mary L sec S10 6.73 Economic /Commercial Section
Economic/Commercial Section Girsch Genevieve M sec S -6 4.72 R-5 5-72
Randolph Charles L................ econ /cml off
Bramante A Donald econ /cml oft 0-3 7.71 Murphy Nicholas M. pol oft 0.4 1.74
Gruner Jay K .. comm off RU-5 6-71 Stipp Rebecca F. sec S.9 1.74 Consular Section
Schwartze Kathleen D sec S-6 3-73 Blanford James E.. cons off 0.7 12-12
Silins Ints M econ /cm / oft 0-5 9-73 Political Economic Section Donnelly Shaun Edward .. 0.7 1.73
cons off
Bird Eugene H.. pol/ econ oft 0-3 3-72
Consular Section Close Raymond H. pol/ econ off RU-3 6.70
cons oft Administrative Section
Craighead Eugene E. R-4 12.73 0-3 11.73
Gunther Jean... cons off R-6 11.73 Nicholas Julian C. adm off
Political Military Affairs Soction Pogue William B adm off 0-5 1.72
Tumminia Frank cons off 0-4 7.71 Cecil Charles 0 . ............... pol/mil aff off 0-5 1.73 Boswell Eric ... gen ser off 0-8 2-13
Press and Cultural Section Brown Richard J... coms/rec asst S- 1 5-73
Economic / Commercial Section Cappelli Alfred P. telecoms off S-1 5-73
Rentschler James M. press-cult off 10-2 8-71 Browett Linda Cheryl sec S-93-73 Dietz Claudette Lou nurse S-3 7.72
Davids Sherry L.... exec sec S-8 11.72 Kelling David N. econ /cml off R.7 7.72 Jones Charles A telecoms asst S- 7 12-73
Gilbert Richard J. cult aft ott 10-4 7.72 Murphy Dennis P. comm off 0-5 7.73 Maffei Victor E ... S-5 10-12
La Salle CW li asst cult aft off R -5 10.72 coms/ rec off
Rajotte Denise M sec S-9 11.73 Meyers Frank J Jr. coms/rec asst S-8 11-12
Shippe John J. asst cult atf off i0-5 9.72 Wyman Samuel H. econ /cml oft R-5 5-72 Muollo Thomas telecoms asst S.T 4-72
Welsh Anne V. sec-adm S-5 11.73 Weber Arnold R med off R.3 7.73
Wills E Ashley pub aff trainee i0-8 8-73 Consular Soction
Benson Ross E cons oft 0-6 3-73 Armod Forcos Attaches
Administrative Section
Schrage William F. adm oft 0-5 7.71 Anderson Lt Col David H ........ DATT /ALUSNA(USMC) 7.72
Administrativo Soction
Berckman Gypsie C. coms/ rec off S-6 3-73 Doscher Charles R adm oft 0.4 8.71
Brown Spencer W. reg adm spec R-6 3-73 AID
telecoms off S-6 10.71 Bell Thomas A. coms/rec off R-7 6.72
Craig Dennis ) . Benthall Joe M. telecoms asst S -7 4.72 Edwards Ralph I .. proj mgr agri R-3 10-66
Decker Paul Elr . telecoms off R.7 1.74 Dombkowski Maryanne. nurse S-4 5-73 Ellis Joseph R. asst reg dvl off RL-37.72
Fiala Raymond F. telecoms off S-6 11.72 Grisser Harold R proc/supply off S -5 6-72 Fredrick David W. asst prog off R-5 11.72
McCrory Janet C. bud fis/disb off 0-5 4.72 Howe Henry M bud fis/disb off 0-5 8.70 Grant Theodora M. sec S - 5 4.73
Murray Dina M. sec S-9 11.72 Hughs John L .. coms/ rec asst S-5 8-73 Haynes Rebecca M. sec S- 5 2-69
Simpkins Leroy C gen ser oft 0-6 8-72 Kozak Larry Joseph. coms/rec asst R-8 8.72 Henry Rex L. proj mgr agri R 40-0
- 0
Mead Morris G telecoms off S-6 8-72 McAdams David reg dev off RL-2 5-71
Armed Forces Attaches Pohl Edward B gen ser oft 0-5 4.70 McDill Robert proj mgr agri R-3 10-12
Dahlquist Col Frederick C. DATT /ARMA 7.71 Pohl Joy L. sec/ adm asst S -7 1.71 Saenz Paul... prog oper off RL-4 10-71
Cockrell Cdr Wilbur W ALUSNA 7.73 Vieira John A. bldg ser spec R.7 7.73 Walsh David A prog oper off R-3 11-73
FEDRUARY 1974 35
Bernal David V. cons oft spec ser R-7 6-72 Byrne Patricia M. DCM 0-2 2-73 Armed Forces Attaches
Cash Harvey ). cons okt 0-2 9.71 Brown Arvilla E. sec S- 5 2-72 Wagoner Col Fred E Jr. ARMA 12.70
Cheevers Joseph P cons off spec ser S-3 6-73 Kenny Margaret C. sec S - 5 3-71 (Resident in Pretoria)
Curtis Allison S. sec S-6 7.72 Smith Col John B AIRA 6-71
Toyryla David T. cons off spec ser 0.7 3.73 Political Section (Resident in Pretoria )
Tucker Susie J. visa off R -6 7-72 Garcia Bettie ). clk-typist S -8 5-73
Weyres Virginia A. visa off 0-3 12-71 Higham James A. pol off RU -4 2-71 AID
Kay Andrew R Dr. pol off 0-4 9.73 Berg William B. proj mgr R-2 12-21
Administrative Section Montgomery Stephen E. pol oft R-6 11.71 Bunting Catherine W sec S-6 8-72
Thaxton Clinton adm off 0-3 1.73 Olton Regina 0 . sec S-6 8-73 Burtord Robert S. ctir R -4 2-73
Colombo Louis R. reg adm spec S- 1 8.71 Thibault Albert A Jr. labor/ pol off 0-5 1.72 prog off R-3 9.73
gen ser ott 0-5 10-70 Eaton George T.
Endrizzi Marino S. Lewis George E asst prog oft R-5 8-73
John Walter E Jr. coms/ rec asst 5.7 5.73 Economic /Commercial Section McDonough Thomas G. educ oft R-3 8.71
Menke D Kathleen pers oft S- 2 2.72 sec S -6 4.72 Smith Wesley S food /agri off R-2 0-00
sec S-8 9.71 Aitor Marion G.
Odor Sandra S Brynn Edward . econ /cml ott 0-6 2-73 Ward Charles D. reg dev off R-2 6-72
Quinn Claire R sec S-4 11.73
telecoms off S- 8 9.73 Hawbaker Thomas D. econ /cml off R -6 7.73
Rogers Wayne M Hawley James M III econ / cml off 0.4 7.73 ACTION, PC
Ross Lillian A. bud/fis oft 0-3 10.73
Steeves James W coms /rec oft R.7 5.71 Harrison Jr John L R-3 10-73
Stuckner Kenneth E telecoms oft R-8 7.73 Consular Section Iszard David M. physician R-3 8.73
Taylor John R coms / rec asst S-6 9.73 Harr David C. cons off 0-6 2-73 King John R ... assoc dir R-6 9.73
Taylor Luther T. com s /rec oft R-5 2.71 Sullivan Sean F. ting off R-3 10-73
True James W. gen ser off S-5 9.71 Administrative Section
Zimmerman Julie Ann . sec S-8 12-73 McNaughton Doyce R adm oft 0-4 6-73
Davies Alice W nurse R-S 11.72 SWEDEN
Armed Forces Attaches y
Donnell Eileen M sec /adm asst S -8 10-72
Dixon Col James T. DATT / ARMA 6.71 Hannemann George A bud fis/disb off 0-6 6-72
Fox Cpt Richard ALUSNA 10-73 King Frederick Edward coms/rec asst S -7 10.71 STOCKHOLM (E)
Canady Col Thomas H Jr. AIRA 9.71 Olton Harry A. coms/ rec off S-5 3.73
Harnish Ltc Albert G Jr. A/ARMA 11-70 Roberts David A. gen ser oft 0-6 4.73
Bock Lt Cdr Karl F A/ALUSNA 7.73 Executive Section
Rosinski Joseph telecoms off R.7 3.73 АЕР
Sierra Maj Hector G.. A/AIRA 6-73 telecoms asst S- 7 10-72
Short George D .. Guthrie John C. DCM 0.1 6.70
FAS Herner Isabel sec S -6 3.72
Armod Forcos Attaches
Miller Clarence L... agri att 8.69 7.72 Political Section
6-73 Seger Cmdr Ralph L Jr ..... DATT /ALUSNA
Welton Richard S Dubose Robert W Jr pol oft 0-5 1.71
AID Heino Aune E sec S- 7 3.73
USIA Hughey Walter M. pol off R.7 6.72
i0.1 8.73 Bawden Judith E sec S.7 4.72
Rylance George A. pub att oft R-3 9.72 Hutchins Bruce D. pol off R-5 7.72
Beltran Cesar D asst cult att oft 10-6 3.72 Birnbaum Harold prog off
Olsen Arthur J. pol off RU-2 5.71
Johnson Millard L.. cult aff off 10.3 8.69 Polzien Marilyn M. clk S-8 11-71
McNertney Donald E. prog off i0-3 6.70 USIA clk S-8 10-12
into off i0-3 8.72 pub att off i0-3 10-71 Samac Diana E.
Morad James L.. Russell Howard H Jr. Slezak Lester P labor /pol off 0.4 8.71
Morville V Miro into ctr dir 10.4 12.73 Johnson Homer R. relay sta mgr S-2 7.72 R-4 7.73
exec sec S -6 5.72 Swerdlin George D pol off
Steadley Dana Aldridge Ruth M. sec-adm S- 6 10.73
Ross Richard F cult att oft i0.5 1.73 Economic /Commercial Section
VALENCIA (CA) Weinhold William J. info oft 10.4 4.73 R-4 11.73
Boney James D. comm off
Bowen Barbara ). sec S-8 1.14
Sanz Ramon SUDAN sec S-8 5-73
cons agt Casey Patricia M.
Dozier William B econ /cml off 0-2 3.71
KHARTOUM (E) 0-6 2-13
BARCELONA (CG) Kachmar George A trade prom off
Kirby Richard N. comm oft 0.3 7.72
Executive Section econ /cml off 0-4 9.73
Zimmermann Robert Walter ... prin off 0.1 8.71 Brewer William D AEP 0.1 McDonnell Mary E
sec S-5 12.72 0-3 3.73 Putnam Jane. sec S- 6 1.71
Holmes Jean M. Fritts Robert E DCM Sherwood Harrison B econ /cml off 0-5 3-72
Teller Dirck comm off 0.4 6-71 Kilgas Bertha M. sec S-5 1.74
Douglas A Hugh Ji cons ott 0-3 1.72 sec S.7 12.71
cons oft 0-6 11.73 Pederson Dorothy V. Consular Section
McLean Joseph G. Political Section 0-6 6-73
Steinkamp Kent R. cons off R.7 3.73 Hancock Michael Lawrence .... visa off
Barrera Manuel. adm off 0.7 3.73 Hopper Norma ) clk S- 6 1.73 Kautsky Richard W. cons off 0.4 12-73
Natirboff Murat. pol off R-3 6.72 Stevens Justice B. visa off R-6 5.72
Peale Samuel R pol oft 0-4 10.71
USIA sec S-8 11.72
Herath Kent A br pub aft off i0.3 7.73 Seepe Peggy K Administrative Section
Rogers Alan A. acao BNC dir R-4 7.73 Consular Section Meresman Joseph adm off 0-3 6.72
Vincent Eugene G cons asst 5.7 Christie Keith R coms/ rec off R-6 8-73
Administrative Section Dennis David L telecoms off R-T 11-72
PALMA DE MALLORCA (CA) Sanderson Melville AJr. adm oft 0-3 9.71 Frandock Michael gen ser off S.4 3.72
Bendersky Michael E ... telecoms off S-6 11.72 Greco Charles Saverio . bud/fis off S-6 1.74
Bestard-Bonet Bartolome....... cons agt Brawn Edwin L.. gen ser oft 0-6 10-72 Maxwell Martha L coms/rec asst S- 5 7.72
Klein Philip A. adm spec S- 3 7.73 Mc Laughlin Archie Jr coms/rec off S-9 11.73
IBIZA (CA) Robinson Robert W coms/ rec off R.7 6.73 Mraz David S bud / fis off S-5 1.71
Sneed Phillip R telecoms asst S -7 12-72 Parsons Ronald C. telecoms asst S-8 5.72
Terry Carroll Milton cons agt AID
Broadnax Madison AID aff oft R.2 0.00 R-2 11.73
BILBAO (C ) sec S - 6 6-73 Sohns Ernest R phys sci off
Macmillan Mae R.
Parks Neil L. prin off 0-3 12.72 USIA Armed Forces Attaches
McCulloch Gerald cons off 0-6 9.72 pub aff oft 10.3 1.73 Burman Col John R DATT /AIRA 6-12
Thompson George R. Prout Col William L. ARMA 5.71
Mattran Gerald C pub aff trainee 10.7 8.73 7.72
Donnelly Capt William N. ALUSNA
SEVILLE (CG) Serchak Ltc William E. A /ARMA 7.72
SWAZILAND Chinn Lt Cmdr Donald M. N /ALUSNA 6-72
Cutter Curtis C. prin oft 0-4 1.72 Hall Ltc Bud T. A /AIRA 6-71
Gillespie Jack F. cons oft S - 4 7.72
Stevens Richard L. cons off 0-6 5.72 MBABANE (E)
Weaver Eric R adm off 0-6 6-72 FAS
Executive Section Howard James 0 . agri att 4.72
Nelson Charles J .. АЕР 9.71
(Resident in Gaborone) USIA
SRI LANKA Spicer R Peter .. DCM 0-3 8.71 Lewinsohn Joann pub att off 10-2 10-12
Hobgood Doris ) . sec /adm asst S - 1 3-73 Barry David F. pub aff trainee 10.7 7.13
COLOMBO (E) McConnell Donald ) . int rel ott gen 0-5 12-72 Haynes Molly A. exec sec S-5 9.73
Petty Wilbert C. cult att oft . 10-3 11.71
Administrativo Soction Traub Daniel L. info ctr dir 10.4 8-73
Exocutivo Section 10.3 5.70
0-1 10-12 Dutty Patrick ) . coms/ rec adm asst S - 5 1.73 Zavis William M. info off
Van Hollen Christopher ......... AEP
FEBRUARY 1974 37
Morse Lyle A. diplo courier S - 5 1.73 Mack Thomas P cap proj dev off R-2 11-69 Stieglitz Perry ) .. cult aft off i0.3 8-73
Otto John L.. diplo courier S - 4 4.72 Marsden Donald C. pvt entpr oft R 39-66
- Thomas Phillip F. Dubl exhib off 10-4 972
Porter Leonard 1 . dig computer sys R-5 7.73 Mayadas Yuri A. exec asst RL-S 10-67
anal McBride Joseph N asst prog off R-S 11.71
Smith Peter R. diplo courier S-5 3.73 McCabe James 0 mgt anal off R -4 1.71 CHIANG MAI (1)
Soelberg Ray Bruce. diplo courier S-5 8-72 McClusky Campbell S. asst prog off R-5 2.70
Verrier Alfred Jr. coms spec S-2 7.73 McCollum Douglas F. pub safety ad R-4 9.70 Montgomery James M prin off 0-4 6-71
Waight James W diplo courier S-6 3-71 McDonald William F .. cap resources dev R-4 4.70 Castrodale Richard Cecil. cons off 0-5 9.73
Young Robert A. computer sys admr R-2 3.73 off Otis Terrell Reid . cons off 0-6 6-12
McHugh John F supply mgt off R-3 9.71 Stephens Fred D cons off R-7 6-71
SEATO McMahon Thomas M. pub safety ad RL-6 0-00 Kaufman Kenneth N. telecoms asst S -6 10-73
0-4 2-72 Molfetto Charles pub safety ad R-3 5.69 Nelson Melvin W telecoms asst S -6 5-71
Debold Leroy E dr.. Moore John E. exec off
Rochlen Donald H. 10-4 R- 1 12-71
Murray James D educ ad R-2 8-70 AID
Nacke Algie... pub safety ad R-3 0-00 Allen James D. pub safety ad R -4 4-71
Armed Forces Attaches (narc)
DATT /AIRA 8-71 Bonkowski Lucian A. gen engrad R -4 3-12
Whitley Col George A .. Naugle Louvain asst per off R - 4 4.70 Fullilove Sam M. RL -3 6-73
Ewan Col Richard CH ARMA 7.72 Ofarrell Paul .. int dev intern RL-7 0.00 gen engr ad
Graham Cpt Horace E ALUSNA 9.73 Oriordan Desmond gen engr ad R -4 10-68
Olson Donald A. fa insp R-2 6-73 Radmer Elmer C. R-3 1-67
Seale Lt Col Thomas A. A /ARMA 6.71 Pell Francis H pub safety ad R38-70
- pub safety ad
MacDonald Maj Gerald E A/ALUSNA(USMC) 8.71 Perry Francis M. R-3 5.71 Searcy William G. Dub safety ad R-4 3.70
pub safety Spalla Louis R pub safety ad R -4 0-00
Breen Maj Joseph A .. A/AIRA 8-72 electronic engr
FAS Petrequin Harrys Jr. dep reg dev off R-2 9.70 USIA
Haviland Guy Lr. agri att 9.72 Reilly Thomas E. asst gso R-3 3-68 Smith David G br pub aff oft 10.4 8-69
Reynolds Robert P. pub safety ad R-48-72
AID Rheingans Charles R. asst comty dev ad R - 4 2-71
Riggs Fletcher E ... food /agri off R-2 10.70 SONGKHLA (C )
Ernst Roger.... dir R- 1 9.73 Roberts Herbert C R-3 6-71
Siegel Stanley ... dep dir R.1 8.73 dev trng off Colebaugh Harold F. prin off
Rogers Richard H. pub safety ad R-4 7.69 0.5 8-73
Ackerman William ) rural youth ad R.4 11-69 Rogers Ronald A prog oft R-3 4.68
Aoki Frank 1 . aud R-4 12.70 Roller Cordia H pub adm ad R-2 3-69 AID
Arent Alma l sec S-6 9.73 Rubel Charles.
sec dep prog off R-3 7.71 Jackson Robert H. pub safety ad R-3 0-00
Baldwin Mary C S-6 4.73 Ruppert Philip W. pvt entor oft RL 9.70
Barrett Peter T. prog anal RL-4 2-66 Turner Samuel L pub safety ad R -4 11.72
contract sers off RL-2 Schulman Martin asst prog off RL.4 2.71
Bennett Adolph . 7.72 Scott Robert V. ctir R-2 6-73
Best Albert gen engr ad RL-2 10.71 Seeger William A. gso R - 4 1-67 UDORN (C )
Best Mildred K. sec S- 7 7.73 Sellers Robert G. R-5 3-72
Boorady Edna A legal ad R.1 11-67 asst prog off
Shearer Robert B pub safety ad RL-4 7.72 Broh -Kahn Jere . prin ott 0-4 8-72
Bowers Gerard R. population ad R-5 12.71 Shutt Merrill M. health off R-2 3-65 Ford Annie Sue. cons off R.1 5.73
Bradley Michael R. acct RL-5 2.72 Smail Robert W. educ oft R-2 7.73 Hamilton Thomas P cons off 0.5 7.73
Brainard Norma B. pub health nurse R-S 3-68 Small F William multisector oft R-2 4.72
ad Smith John B hyd engr ad R-2 7.69
Brevoort Dorothy S sec SL-6 9.72 AID
Sperling Jonathan L asst prog off R -4 6-70 Bargnesi Samuel R-3 3-68
Burmester Waldemar E. pub safety ad R-3 8-71 Steinberg David I. reg resch /eval off RL-2 11.71 well drilling ad
Bynum Patricia Nell . sec S-6 1.70 Stickel Wendy A int dev intern RL.7 0-00 Braaten Richard D. pub safety ad R -4 6-69
Callahan Edwin D. gen engr ad R-3 7.70 Stlawrence Joseph L reg dev ott R- 1 11-66 Cox Millard S. constr ad R-3 4-71
Carlson Elroy C. agri mktg procsg R-3 9.71 Thompson Robert A. prog oper off R - 4 2-73 Elmore Gerald C. equip ad RL-4 11.70
ad Tumavick Nancy M. prog eval off R-5 4.70 Garland Donald K. equip ad R4 3.73
Carter Hannah E. sec S-6 7.73 Valandingham Mary A sec S - 6 8-73 Severson Phillip L pub safety ad R-3 0-00
Champagne John L. asst prog off R.5 10-70 Vanderhoeven Ludovicus M. aud mgr R-3 10-73 Smith Chester G gen engr ad RL-3 2-73
Clapp Edwin S... legal ad R-20.00 Viszneki Mary B sec S- 5 7.73 Thomsic Frank L gen engr ad R-3 8.71
Cohen Louis A. hyd engrad R-2 10-12 Waldron Carol E. sec SL - 8 0.00 Wear George R educ ad RL-4 9-70
Conrad Elmer L. coms/ rec supYT S-3 7-68 Walls Donald F.. acct R-3 3-73
Cookson Forrest Elr. econ ad RL.3 10.72 Walton Henry E. pub safety ad RL-5 0-00 USIA
Dossi Henry S. aud R-4 10-73 Ward James T asst dev trng off R-4 1-68 Katzka John E br pub aff oft 10-6 12-71
Dwyre Michael Den pub adm ad R-48-69 Warren Oakley D pub safety ad R-39-72 (Assigned to Khon Kaen)
Edmonds Scott W. population off R-3 11.73 White William G pub safety ad RL-4 12.71 Bonjoc George P. asst br pub aft off 10.7 1.73
Erickson Arlene J. sec S-6 11.73 Wills ) Robert pub safety ad RL-4 7.72 (Assigned to Khon Kaen)
Finn Thomas M pub safety off R- 1 8.72 Young Robert A. dep area aud gen R-2 3.73
Fox Lowell G. aud RL-3 11.72 Zimmerman Robert F. resch / eval off RL-5 1.72
Fox Nancy ). sec S.7 1.70
Franklin Douglas S asst bud/acctg off R-5 5-72 ACTION, PC TOGO
Garney John ). dep exec off R-2 10-72
Garvin James E. dep spec mgt oft R-4 2.72 Eisele Donn F .. dir R-2 6-73
Gaul Robert E reg dev ad R-4 6-73 Lilienthal Philip H. dep dir R -4 12.73 LOME (E)
Goodridge Elsie V. sec S-5 8-73 Johnson S Eileen prog off R-4 10.73
Gray Linda Kay... sec S-T 6.73 Lehman James D prog tech rep R -6 3.73 Executive Section
Grayson Abraham gen engrad R-2 6-68 Megill Donald M. physician R-3 10-73 Rawls Nancy V
R-3 12-70 Shaw William B trng off R-6 9.73 AEP
Greeley Gerald G asst pub safety off Curran James C. DCM 0-3 9.73
Gregory Clark Sir pers off R-4 0-00 Finkelstein Phyllis Ann. sec
Hagerty Leonard D acct R.3 5-73 USIA S - 8 7.73
R-4 6-69 Scott Irma A... sec S - 6 1-73
Hall Rudy G ... pub safety ad Hedges John L.... pub aff off 10.1 1.71
Hammond Granville S. educ off R.2 9.72 Haratunian Mourad W. dep pub aff off R-2 8.73
Hanks James F. RL-5 12-70 Economic / Commercial Section
asst cap proj dev Hillgartner William relay sta mgr S.1 10-71
off Pate Ernest C.. dep relay sta mgr S-2 3-71 Marcus Randolph ............... econ /cml off 0-6 3-12
Hanscom William E. pub safety ad R-4 2-68 Burke Janis C.. sec S- 8 11.72
Hao James E asst go RL-59-69 Casper Bernard exec off 10-2 7.72 Administrativo Section
Harrell Edgar C. prog econ RL.3 3.71 Cooke Doris S.. reg sec S -6 7.71 Prince Thomas adm off 0-4 9-73
Harrison Francis M area aud gen R- 1 6.73 Corey Wayne L... VOA reg corr R-6 12-73 Kalla Richard L ... coms/rec oft R-8 12-72
Hegna Charles F aud R-5 9.71 Flynn Virginia 0 exec off R-5 12-69
Hessick Joann . sec 9.7 3.70 Hodai Patrick T. cao stu activities R -6 12.73 Armed Forces Attaches
Hester James C. asst per off R -5 0-00 Hoft Donald W.. radio engr supv S-2 7.70 Smith Col Rayburn Lir ARMA 8-12
Hewitt Susan Marie sec SL-7 8-72 Holland Edward W Jr. press off i0.5 6-72
Hines Jon Franklin resident aud R-3 6-70 Juergens Jack W. cao BNC dir 10-3 4.70 (Resident in Abidjan)
sec D Angelo Capt George A......... AIRA 2-73
Holmquist Dolores M. S-6 7.72 Klappert Herman E mopix off S -1 6-73
Jacobson John J. asst coms/rec S - 7 1.72 Krecke David K. (Resident in Monrovia )
acao exchanges 10-5 2-71
Hardin Maj Alva V Ir . A /ARMA 11.73
supur Kushlis Patricia H. BNC prog asst i0-6 1-73
Johnson Howard P. multisector off R-2 8-69 Martin Ann Jeryl. cao die lib 10-7 3.70 (Resident in Abidjan)
Kelly William M fa insp R-2 2-73 Mathews B Ellen . cao BNC dir courses S- 3 7-68
Kent Jack M. prog off R-2 9.73 Mayer Frederick . pwr plant engr supv S -2 8-67 AID
Kindice Jon P pub safety ad R-3 10-71 McCarty Mary Beth exec sec S- 4 5-73 Purcell James H. proj mgr hvy egp RL- 5 1.73
Klein John bud/ acctg oft R-4 2-71 McKnight Cleon ) radio engr supv S- 2 6-73
Lamb Murray E pub safety ad R-3 0-00 Newman Donald R info off i0-3 9.71 ACTION, PC
Larson Denton E dep cle R -3 8.72 Newman Jane P cao đir lib ser R-5 1.74
Liercke Terrence F. R-4 7.72 Post Ronald J .. 10-7 7.73 Singer Stanley M. physician R-3 6-73
asst prog off pub aff trainee
Loisel Eleanor sec S-6 8.73 Rose Douglas S. asst cult aff off 10-5 8.73
Lundberg Alfred D. asst prog off R-58-72 Rowland Mona B. exec asst S -4 6-73 USIA
Lyden John R .. asst gso R -37.70 Shroeder Terry B. press off -att 10.4 8.71 Rotundo Vincent pub aff oft 10-3 971
TONGA Cleveland Donald R ......... gen ser off 0-6 9-73 Minnick Clarissa C sec S - 1 11.12
Cromwell Stephen R. coms/rec asst S.7 11.72 Wiseman Barbara J.. sec S 95.72
Davis Guy J ....... gen ser off 0-6 7.72
NUKU'ALOFA (E) Dunhaver Herbert D bud /fis off 0.5 6.69 Political Military Affairs Soction
Ehly Richard E. telecoms asst S - 7 6-73 Bloch David pol/mil aff off 0.5 7.73
Executive Section Mc Elhoe Lucille G bud /fis off S- 4 9.72 Boehm Richard W. 0-2 9.71
sec pol/mil att off
AEP Milikien Norma L .. S - 6 4.73 DeLaBarre R Robin pol/mil aff oft 0.4 8.71
Price Inez B....... pers off R -6 8.72 Johnson Marie E... sec S -5 11.71
ACTION, PC Schadler John A. med off R-3 1.73
Cahoon Richard A. R 4- 8-73 Shaw Charles W. telecoms off S.5 8-72 Economic /Commercial Section
Rossiter Henry D med off R 3- 8-73 Smith J Bruce for bldgs off R-3 8.72
Windle George David . coms/ rec off R-6 8.71 Magnor James B Jr. econ /cml off 0-4 5-72
Timmons John D prog trn off R - 6 10-73 Maxwell Barbara H sec S -5 12.73
Young Thomas M. coms/rec asst S.96.73
MeyerGERobert comm off 0.3 8.72
Mitchell Kelly G. sec S-8 4.73
Armed Forces Attaches Murphy Patrick N. econ /cml off R-6 9-73
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Johnson Col Raymond E........ DATT /ARMA 6.71 Nyren Albert V. econ / cml off 0-2 6-73
Meukow Cmdr Walter T .. ALUSNA 8-72
PORT-OF -SPAIN (E) (Resident in Valletta ) Consular Section
Collums Haley D cons off 0-6 7.73
Executive Section FAS Smith Alice M. cons off 0.4 4.70
Gilbert Alvin E.... agri att 9-73
Miller Lloyd Ivan АЕР (Resident in Rabat) Administrativo Section
Moffat Jay P. DCM 0.3 1.71 Southerland Harlan. adm off 0-2 6-72
Rich Robert G Jr. DCM 0-3 7.67 AID Andranovich Andrew . gen ser off 0.4 7.73
Baker Pearl A. sec S-5 5-72 Gerard Sumner dir 0-00 Catolla Virginia E. coms/ rec off S-5 11.72
Wilmeth Doris E sec S - 6 11.73 Thompson Herbert L... dep dir R1- 8-73 Dieffenderter John H. gen ser oft S -5 8.73
Barnhill Martha F sec S - 7 11.72 Foste r Dana P. telecoms asst S-7 4.73
Political Section Butchart Douglas W. proj mgr agri R-32-67 Hunter William ) coms/ rec asst S-8 9.72
Heatley George W. labor/pol off 0-4 9.72 Carlson Roger D... prog off R - 4 9.71 Hutchinson George A Jr. telecoms asst S.7 7.73
Mossman Judith K. clk S - 8 11.73 Corinaldi George V. educ off R - 4 6-70 Jelich John W bud /mgt oft S-2 8-71
Ward James R. pol oft R-2 10.72 Davis Evelyn S ... exec asst S.3 4.73 Kennedy Bowen K. pers off S-2 11-72
Demartin Monique . coms/rec supur S - 6 8.72 Kidwell William A. telecoms off S.7 5.73
Economic /Commercial Section Grawe Jeanne K sec S- T 5.70 Leonard Thomas M coms/ rec asst R.7 7.71
Todd James C econ /cml off 0-5 9.73 Gray Harold S.... asst prog off RL-S 10-71 Minnick Ray D. coms/rec asst S.9 1.74
Gren MorleyH. ctir R-2 9-70 Myers Martin H coms/rec asst S- 6 8-73
Consular Section Grigsby Buford H. agron ad R-2 5-72 Putney Rufus D. reg adm spec R-S 10-71
Holtaway James S. prog eval off R-5 7.71 Richardson Samuel R. coms/rec oft R-5 7.73
Campbell Ann P cons off 0-4 6-72 Hulliung Albert D dep cle R-3 11.71 Robinson Fred L. 0-6 8.73
Cooper Allen visa off S-4 8.72 proc/ supply off
Keller Howard B health off R-4 0-00 Rouleau Robert A. coms/ rec asst S -Z 10-12
Forry Joseph Patrick visa off R-6 6.72 Kennedy John W. proj mgr R-2 6-70 Wojahn Hilda ). sec
Horsey Sarah R. cons off R-7 S.7 11.73
Lake Henry F. &SO R -4 0-00
Mahoney Michael M. cons off 0-6 2-72 Leary Joan H sec S - 6 3-72 CENTO
Zerolis John W. visa off 0-6 10-72 Macdonald John W. supply mgt oft R-4 4-72
adm off R -4 12-73 Burgess Harrison W. 0-3 9.71
Mahan L Blair. Farrior John M .. 0-2 7.71
Administrative Section Maher James Od. ftp off R-3 3.70
Olson Gordon B. adm off 0-6 9.73 acct R-5 2.72 McCormick Francis P 0-3 8.71
Matthews Mark S.
Stricklin Jay S adm oft S-4 6-73 Mogannam Ihsan L. dev ting off R-3 7-68
Day Frank E. coms/rec off R -6 9.73 Moore Zella L ... sec S - 5 0-00 Armed Forcos Attaches
McKinney George A coms/rec asst R -8 10-72 Morales Herson E. pub health ad R-3 6.72 James Col Harold L. DATT / AIRA 7.73
Ngo Peggy K... sec S - 7 7-69 Barrett Col Frederick T.. ARMA 7.73
Armed Forces Attaches Pierson Gordon K asst dir R-2 12-71 Vaughn Capt Robert E. ALUSNA 12.72
ALUSNA 12.73 Schwartz Marvin A. prog econ RL-S 3-72 Degeneffe Lt Col Delano E. A /ARMA 7.71
Clare Cpt James S. R-3 1.72 Hodgen Maj Donald A A / ALUSNA (USMC) 7.73
(Resident in Caracas) Shallow Donald D proj mgr agri
AIRA 7.71 Vincent Marc . population ad RL-20-00 Dunning Maj William H. A /AIRA 6.73
Mitchell Col Newell D .. agron ad
(Resident in Caracas) Webb Eugene R.. R3- 8-69
Wood Sylvia M .. sec S - 7 9-69 FAS
FAS Davis William L.... agri att 6.71
Scholz William L. agri att 7.73
Beach Peter EM prog tech rep R-3 7.73 AID
USIA Ervin Lawrence ). prog off R.4 9.73 Toner Joseph S .. dir R- 1 0-00
Singleton Anthony V. prog tech rep R-7 6-73 BelcherMarjorie S dep dir R.17.71
Mulligan Donald W pub aff off i0-3 6-73 Vale W Michael. prog ting off R -6 4.73
Moyer Lezetta ) cult alf off i0-6 10-73 Addison George B gso R-4 10-69
Artaud Jean ME.. cap proj dev off R-2 8-73
USIA Boulos Dorothy A. pers off R-4 0-00
Stratmon David L Sr pub aff off 10-3 8.73 Broome Douglas P asst prog off R-5 8-72
TUNISIA Manderino Eva C post mgt asst off S - 4 3.73 Brown Harvey D exec off R-2 10-73
reg Byergo KeithM.. dep food / agri off R-3 9.71
Schoonover Richard C. into off 10-4 10.71 Clissold Mary S. sec S- 7 8-73
TUNIS (E) Schulman Helen sec-adm S -6 6.73 Colpitts Andre B educ oft R-4 11.73
Stephens William Jr cult att off 10-4 1.74 Cooper Paul A. ctir R-2 8.71
Executive Section Wilcox John G. info ctr dir 10-4 9.73 Dimmick Neill T aud R-5 6-73
Seelye Talcott W. АЕР 0-1 10-72 Dolley Darrell dep cer R-3 5.72
Tienken Arthur 1 DCM 0-2 7.73 Dykstra Thresa N sec SL.7 1.72
Blackmon Joyce C sec S- 6 3-71 Elliott Martha H. bud /acctg off R-5 1.72
Cheslick Virginia sec S- 4 1.73 TURKEY Gatch Brent Lee . gen engrad R-3 9.73
Gothard Coinage Nr. aud R-5 6-70
Political Section ANKARA (E ) Griffin Patrick H. resident aud R-3 7.71
Gurney Charles R. SOC Sci ad R-3 6.71
Baas Marc Allen pol off 0.7 9.72 R-5 4.72
Cromwell Margaret A. sec S- 6 11.72 Exocutivo Section Hahn Zachary M cap proj impl off
Gregg Jennifer A sec S- 9 2-73 Jones Barbara P. sec 9.4 9.70
Macomber William B Jr ..... AEP 5-73 Kinney Eleanor A. sec S- 6 11.72
Hare Charles R labor/pol off 0-4 8.70 Spain James W DCM 0-1 8-72 R-3
Leatham Warren ). hyd engr ad
Ellson Donald C Spec asst 0-5 7.73 Lee Elizabeth P. sec S - 7 5-71
Economic /Commercial Section nor
Price Elea C. Sec S-5 1.72 sec S - 7 12-73
econ / cml off R-5 1.73 Levinsky Marion.
Burgess Dwight S. Rensch Patricia L sec S -8 7.73 Lewis Philips gen engr oft -
Curry John H econ /cmi off 0-5 6-72 Slavik Pauline A .... sec S- 6 9.73 Mann Charles K. prog econ RL-3 3.71
Logan Alan écon / cml off 0-4 9-73 Marland Leland F. dep area and gen RL.2 7.73
McGannon Suzanne sec S -6 7.71 Political Section R-38-72
Vickers Willie Jo sec S-7 9.73 Mathews Charles R.. gen engr ad
Aisley Harold ....... labor/pol off 0-2 7.69 McAdory Marcus G coms/rec supvr S- 5 0-00
Bulmash Patricia Ann........ sec S-6 9.71 McSweeney Lois C. asst prog off R-4 5-71
Consular Section Dickmyer Esta V. SGC S- 1 7.70 Nance William B R-5 9.71
asst prog off
Bruha James A.. cons off R - 6 5.72 Draper Morris ... pol oft 0-2 8.70 Obrien Garry ). aud R-4 8.73
Willett John Hurd cons off 0-6 1.72 Hartley Charles R. pol off 0.4 7.71 Oconnor Thomas prog eval oft R-3 11.70
Hoskins John M pol off R-3 6-71 Pompa Leonard. educ off RL.3 3.70
Administrative Section Macdonald Alaster.. pol off R-5 7.73 Rennie Carol A.. sec S - 5 2.70
Vickers Harold E adm off 0-4 11.73 McFarland George A Jr ... pol off 0-4 8.73 Rice Edward J. agron ad R - 4 5-71
Rishoi Thomas Lee............ asst cap proj dev RL- 6 11.73 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST Donoho Col John Alvis. AIRA 1.74
oft REPUBLICS Adamson Cwo Lyn S. A /ARMA 5-73
Samuelson Stanley D. agri ad R-3 11-68 Anderson Roy V. A /ARMA 3-73
Shope Bill... cap resources dev R-2 9.73 Frazier Howard W. A /ARMA 3-13
off MOSCOW (E ) Jones Franklin D A /ARMA 3-73
Teil Kurt H. dep reg dev off R-3 1.70 Lajoie Ltc Roland A /ARMA 9-13
Executive Section Odom Lt Col William E A / ARMA 6-72
USIA Stoessel Walter Dr. АЕР CM Pritchard Col Denzil L. A /ARMA 6.71
Dubs Adolph .. DCM Thomas Ltc Edward , A /ARMA 6-73
Benson Raymond E. pub att off i0.2 9.71 0-1 9.72 White Freddie A ... A / ARMA 3.73
Harper Edward M. dep pub aff off 10.3 4.73 Graham Esther R sec S-6 12.72 Manthorpe Cdr Wm H I Jr. A /ALUSNA 10-71
Clayton John D. into off 10.3 7.71 Russell Barney L ... A /ALUSNA 3-73
Dunman TaborEr asst into off 10-4 11.73 Political Soction Tiede Lt Col Herbert R. A /ALUSNA(USMC) 7.71
Getchell John S. cult aft off 10.2 7.72 Andrzejewski Gertrude A. sec S8 6.73 Wyckoff Lcdr Roger D. A /ALUSNA 10-13
Groffsmith Geoffrey . cao BNC đir 10.3 8.72 Buechel Janet G. sec S8 7.73 Andersen Capt Frank R A /AIRA 6-72
Kreutzer Bruce ) . exec off R-3 1.71 Collins James F. pol off 0-5 8.73 Braun Mal C A /AIRA 3-73
Mclimpsey James L. pub aff trainee R.7 10.73 Garrison Mark J.. pol off 0-3 7.71 Churchill Dallas W A /AIRA 3.73
Peterson Barbara .. asst cult att off S-2 11-65 Graves Donald E pol off RU-3 10-66 Coccio Alan N A /AIRA 3-73
Simms Kenneth A asst cult aff off 10.6 9.72 Kamman Curtis W. pol off 0-3 Everidge Eddie F A /AIRA 3-73
Szojak Mildred I. exec sec S- 6 6-72 Kelly David B pol off R-48-72 Fenton Richard E. A / AIRA 3-73
Levitsky Melvyn. pol off 0.4 12.72 Force T Sgt John R. A /AIRA 1.74
Menter Elinor K sec S - 6 1.72 Haire M Sgt Horace E. A /AIRA 11.73
ADANA (C) Ronhovde Erik S. pol oft 0-5 1-69 Kolt Cot George.. A /AIRA 6-73
Steiner Steven E pol off 0-5 Millett Maj David P A /AIRA 5-73
Hallman William H... prin off 0.4 7.71 Wenick Martin A... pol off 0-4 11.70 Moore Capt Lloyd Tolson Jr ..... A /AIRA 7.12
Snow Stephen R. cons off 0.7 3.73 Zimmermann Warren pol off 0-3 7.73 Wojda Richard F. A /AIRA 3.73
Russell Louis P adm spec S.5 5.72
Economic / Commercial Section FAS
ISTANBUL (CG) Dorough Felix.... comm off 0-5 12.73 Neetz Roger E. agri att 12-73
Elliott Mary A. sec 8 9.72 Danyluk A Paul 4.73
Melencamp Noble M econ / cml off 6.73 Huth William P. 9.72
Mace Howard P prin off 0.1 6.72 Niles ThomasMT. comm off 0-4 11.73
Thompson Blanche E sec S-5 4.72 sec S- 7 2-73
Gallagher Rose M sec S-8 11.73 Sharp Ronna Ruby
Smith Arthur .... econ / cml oft 8-73 LENINGRAD (CG)
Goodwin Robert B pol oft R.5 8.73 Swartz David H econ /cml off 6.72
Griesbacher Helga A. .: sec S- 5 12.71 Zwaduk Linda J.. sec 8 1.74 Gleysteen Culver. prin off 0-2 2-71
Mock Robert F pol off R -6 7.73 Quinn Eileen ). sec S -8 7.73
Molinar Elizabeth A. sec S.7 1.74 Consular Section Tanona Felicia C. sec 9.4 3.72
Thompson W Kenneth pol oft 0-5 6-73 sec Matthews Gary L. pol/econ off 0.4 8.73
sec S-6 9.72 Gase Roberta E.. S-6 11.72
Veldt Bette Kleiman Kathryn sec S -8 12-72 Schorer David W cons oft R-6 6-12
Burkart James E econ /cml off R-5 8.71 Ober Robert Fr. cons off 0-4 6-72 King Philip A .. adm oft 0-5 7.73
Ogden Geoffrey. comm oft 0.4 7.73 Willems Leonard F cons off 0.4 7.73 Barkman Robert N reg adm spec S- 1 1.73
Williams Thomas Edward . econ / cml off 0.4 7.70 Loft Kenneth A. coms / rec asst S-1 9-73
Amerman S Phillips L cons off R- 7 Press and Cultural Section Loftin Danny M gen ser off R-6 10-73
Jones Ralph T cons oft 0-4 7.72 Nalle David 10.1 6.72 Thomas Louis C. coms /rec asst S -6 11.73
Orr Peter D .. cons oft 0-6 8-73 press-cult off Sheehan Donald F.
Clifton Jo Ann sec S-9 1.72 br cult aft off 10.4 8.73
Zajac Eugene C. cons off 0-6 2.72 Deane Nancy M exec sec S-6 3.73
Langan Douglas adm off 0-6 9.71 Flam Eli . press off 10.4 7.72
Casey James John. coms/rec off S-6 6-73 Fredenburg John A. asst into off 10.4 5.73
Martin Seymour I. telecoms asst S.7 9.72 Gain Phyllis G. sec S -7 10-72
McGraw Ronald H telecoms off S-6 5-73 Johnson John A exec asst R- 7 8.73
Stephens Jerry M. coms /rec asst S- 7 9.72 Moxhay Diana ) . asst cult aft off R-6 3.73 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Sullivan Paul B ir gen ser oft S-6 6-72 Noah Lynn H. cult aft off 10-2 8.73
Prosser Mary V. sec S-8 9.72 ABU DHABI (E)
Berg K Marshall. br pub aft off 10.2 9.10 Administrative Soction Exocutive Section
Kasanof Anton N. br cult aft off 10.3 4.72 Allen Thomas F. adm off R -4 6.73
Kroese Evelyn K.. sec-adm S-6 8.69 Engle Gerald L. adm off R -5 8.73 Stoltzius William A dr . АЕР 0-1 2-72
Langham George D asst cult att off i0.5 10.73 Joyce John M .. adm off 0-5 6-73 (Resident in Kuwait)
br info oft i0.3 8.71 Sommerlatte Karl E. adm off 0-2 7.73 Griffin Philip ... prin off 0.4 4.72
Sholes Christopher L...
Barrett Christopher B. coms/rec asst S.1 12.71
Bates Larry E. coms/ rec oft S -Z 11.72 Political Section
IZMIR (CG ) Buice Eugenie V sec S-8 6-73 Conradis John CF. clk S-8 6.72
Chaddic Joe H .. coms/ rec off S-6 10-73
Smith Glenn Lee prin off 10.1 9.72 Corbin Richard L. adm asst S.7 2.72 Economic /Commercial Section
McGuinness John P. int rel oft gen 0.7 8.73 Dalton Reginald F. accts asst S- 5 11.72 Howell W Nathaniel Jr econ / cml off 0-5 5-12
Sodersten Z Kathryn sec S- 6 12-71 Debrow Patrick D gen ser oft R-6 7.73 Limbert John W econ /cml oft R- 7 11.73
Flanigan Alan H. pol oft 0.5 7.73 Dunlap George S. coms/rec asst S-6 8-73
Case Samuel C adm off S.4 8.73 Everidge Barbara sec S.9 9.72 Consular Soction
Ferguson David R. coms/rec asst S-8 10.73 Fernald James M. cons oft RU-S 6-72
AID Gain Ronald L ..... coms tech S-5 8.72
Parker Marvin M equip ad R-3 12-67 Haefner Joseph F coms/rec asst S -7 12.73 Administrativo Section
Hagopian Floyd H. coms/ rec off S.7 1.72
Harvey Gordon E. reg adm spec S- 2 8-73 Faulk Richard C. adm off 0-5 8.71
USIA Huff James Gerhard publ proc oft 0-6 6.73 Bradley Richard H. coms/rec adm asst S- 7 6-73
Mc Dowell Robert E ............. br pub att off i0.5 1.73 Husted IreneBF sec S -6 5.72 Graybill James A telecoms off S.7 7.72
Hyde Roger coms/rec asst S -6 10.71
Ivanich Donald coms/rec off S-6 1.74
Kleiman Joel coms/ rec asst S -Z 11.72 UNITED KINGDOM
UGANDA Lindsey Lawrence D. coms/ rec asst S-6 10-73
Mustard Ruthe D ...... coms/ rec off S-5 1.73
Nelson Francis .. pers off 0-5 12.71 LONDON (E)
KAMPALA (E) gen ser oft 0-6 8.73
Nix John U
Prosser James F. coms/ rec off R-5 7.72 Executive Section
The U.S. Embassy in Kampala, Uganda was closed on Putnam Robert E bud /mgt off S- 2 2.73
November 10, 1973 and all official personnel were withdrawn. The Scott Joyce E. fis spec S-6 11.73 Annenberg Walter H. АЕР 4-69
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany has assumed protec. Stuart Warren E. disb off S- 5 11.73 Sohm Earl D. DCM 0-1 10-71
tion of U.S. interests in Uganda. gen ser off 0-5 11.71 Herfurt Jack A. cons off 0-1 6-66
Walls Phillip ...... Kerley Eileen M. sec S -4 1.73
Ward Joyce G ... fis spec S- 7 8.73
Wetherbee Harry L... R-7 12.72 Mitchell Annabelle sec S-3 4-69
gen ser off Morris Henrietta . sec S-3 7-65
Newsom Eric David . int rel off gen 0-6 10-12
Smith Sharon C sec S- 8 5.73
Tech Jack L phys sci off R-3 11.71 Strader Gwynne L. sec S-5 7.73
Ward John Kendall. phys sci off 0.5 4.73
Political Section
Armed Forces Attaches Flowerree Charles C ... ........ pol off 0-3 10-72
Mayo Radm James O........... DATT /ALUSNA 6-73 Galloway William J. pol off 0-1 7-65
Polgar Thomas... pol off R-2 1.72 Gower Col Perrin W Jr. AIRA 6-73 Danner Frank J..... aud R-4 8.71
Sizer Henry Sears. pol off 0.4 8.70 McKnight Maj James L. A /ARMA 11.73 Davies Weyburn . san engr ad R-39-66
Tanequoot Sue D. sec S-8 9-73 Foster Ltc Hugh B A /AIRA 4.73 Debutts Dale C educ ad R.3 5-69
Thomas Fred CD pol oft R-4 6-73 Deluca Gilda H. nurse ad R-4 7.67
Walker David M.. pol off 0-5 1.73 AID Devin David W. int dev intern RL.7 11-68
Young Jennie B. sec S-5 10-73 Robinson John P dir 11-68 Dikcius Daniel V asst gso RL-S 3-68
Bennett John T. dep dir 0-2 0-00 Dominguez Alfonso D. ftp off R-37.73
Polltical Military Attairs Section RL-51-68 Doucette Robert A.. asst contract sers RL-4 4.68
Adams Gary D. land reform ad off
Colin Donald I .... pol/mil aff off 0.4 7.72 Adams Ruth A. asst dev trng off R 4- 12-71
Kinsolving Lucien L... pol/mil aff off 0-3 1.74 Aitken Richard L. R-4 0.00 Drago Ronald ) aud RL-5 11.71
import spec
Akers Andrew A. acct RL-5 6-70 Duncan Forest A Jr. asst prog econ RL-6 9.71
Economic /Commercial Section Allen Richmond Eckman E John aud mgr R-3 10.72
asst prog econ R-2 10-67 Egi Berdine Pitsch sec S- 7 5-72
Ashida James H comm off 0-3 9.72 Ames Harvey M J Jr prog anal RL-5 6-70 Egi Frank R.
Grant Daniel V. econ / cil oft 0-6 9.72 Anderson James A. asst contract sers RL.3 5.73 asst prog off R-39-66
econ /cml off 0.7 12.73 oft Eldredge Louis M. gen engrad R-4 4.71
Hall James Henry Ellinwood Margery L.. adm aide S-5 9.72
Kobler Arthur L... econ / cml oft 0.5 7.71 Anderson Morris C constr supt R-3 8.70 Elliott John R agron ad
econ /cml off 0-4 7.70 Anderson Vivian C R - 4 12.71 R.4 4.67
McConville Donald Floyd. asst ftp off Engberg Stephen B asst prog oft RL-S 10-68
Tumas Helen S.... sec S-5 12.73 Antrillo Anthony. asst gso RL-6 0-00 Erickson L John. prtng mgt off RL-5 0.00
Antroinen Aaron P. veter ad R-3 4.71 liaison off
Araginez Esther sec S-6 6-66 Evans John DJr. RL-2 7.69
Consular Section Evans Richard ) . asst prog off R-3
Burke Walter S. cons off S.1 3.73 Asay Merril B land reform ad R-39-69 Evans Ruth K.. sec
Askin Peter W. R-2 9.72 S - 5 10-72
Hobart Stephen visa off 0.6 3-73 dep prog off Eyler Helen .. coms/rec supur S - 3 9.73
Peters Lauralee M. visa ott 0-6 9.72 Atwood Milford W area dev ad R-4 2-71 Faircloth Jack adm asst
Austin William D. area aud gen RL- 2 2-73 RL-5 7.69
Robinson Jayne H. sec S - 4 5-73 Farmer Estell M adm aide S-6 10-73
Seckel Alice L.. ppt/citiz off S 3- 8-72 Averill Wilmot L.. food /agri off R-2 10-73 Fellers William S Jr asst supply mgt off
Bailey Franklin . aud R-4 11-72 R -4 10-66
Wazer M Patricia cons ott S-4 11.73 Fisher Jessie M sec S-7 1-69
Bailey Toliese A.. adm aide S -6 4-68 Fisher Richard F aud
Bak Eunice A. sec S - 7 5-71 RL-S 10-12
Administrativo Section Baker William M Fitzpatrick Joseph E. pub adm ad R-3 5.69
Deibel Paul W adm off 0-3 9.73 transp opers ad R - 4 2-67 Fontaine Raymond G. relief/rehab ad RL-4 6-68
Walker Lannon. Bassett Warren R. mgt anal RL-5 0-00 Framstad Grant K. asst prog off R-3 6.72
adm off 0-3 5.73 Beck Niels C ind engr ad R-3 11-67
Abreu Abelardo ). gen ser oft S-5 2-73 Franklin Alex W. irrig farming ad R-4 1.71
Begley Walter L... agri ad R 4- 8-67 aud mgr RL-3 6-72
Alley James ...... mail/file asst S.1 6-72 Bellack Lorraine A. sec S - 7 4.71 Frederick Arthur R.
Alphin Earl D com s /rec asst S- 9 Bender James W. aud RL-37-73 Frink Clifford L... logistics mgt oft R-2 9-67
Anthony Earl G. telecoms asst S-8 9-72 Fritzler Geoffrey G. aud mgr RL-3 8.72
Bennington James 0 . area dev ad R - 4 10-71 Fukutome Ben T. aud mgr RL-3 3.73
Armbruster Susan A. coms/ rec asst S-6 7.73 Benoit John J.. gen engr ad R-38-72
Berger Rosella R. sec S-6 1.73 Bernholz Herman R-2 9.72 Gallagher Roger F. asst coms/rec S-6 6-69
Booher Ralph A .. gen ser off S- 3 11-73 mgt anal supvr
Caltee Richard A. Bettucci Frank A. asst cap proj dev RL-4 8-66 Gallick Lydia K. sec S- 7 8-69
proc /supply oft S-2 6-72 oft
Capri Joseph D.. gen ser oft 0-3 1.72 R-3 Gallo Gloria M. nurse ad RL-3 3-68
Cardin Renold W. Bibos Genevieve asst per off Gibson Robert E. asst contract sers R-3 11-68
bldg mgt off S - 5 1-68 Bieler John W. ta insp R-2 9.72
Davis John Bjr.. coms/ rec asst S.7 12.73 trade spec off
Durtee Neal i.. telecoms asst Bilecky Anatole . RL-4 3-68 Giza Edward T... acct R-4 0.00
S-5 6-73 Billings Clark H asst prog off R -4 6-71
Garrett Donna H. sec S-8 6.73 Gleason Ralph N. dep food / agri off R.1 8.72
Garrett Marvin L Jr. Bird Ralph .. hwy engr ad RL-3 2-67 Gollings Robert L. transp opers ad R-3 12-65
reg adm spec R-3 6-73 Bjorlykke Arthur Jr. contract sers off RL-2 0-00
Gonz William W gen ser off 0-6 6-71 Graf Gerald Gerhard labor prog dev off R-3 3-67
gen ser oft Blacker Barbara asst coms/rec S- 6 8-69 Hatenrichter John L. libr ad RL-3 3-67
Green Theodore S dr 0-6 6.72 supvr
Griffin Robert C med tech S-4 8.71 Halfon Molly .... sec S.7 1.71
Hammond David G Jr. telecoms asst S-8 9-72 Botts Byron 0 . asst relief rehab ad R-39-67 Halligan Robert asst prog off R -3 7.73
sec Braddock Henry L. asst prog off RL-4 4-68 Hancock John F. gen engr ad R-S 10-71
Harris Vera ). S-6 10-73 Brady Ignatius C. asst ftp oft R-48-73
Harrison Melvin L... reg adm spec R- Z 2-73 Hanson Roland W aud R -4 7.73
Heard James F. telecoms off Braunstein Milton coms/rec clk S - 6 4.73 Hardesty Raymond L asst supply mgt off RL-3 4-68
R -5 11.73 Bressette Margaret B. exec asst S -6 11-68
Jackson Antoinette C sec S-6 9.73 Hardin Seaborn D coms/ rec clk S.7 9.70
Jazynka Alfred L. Brilliant Leigh M. cmptr sys anal R-2 1-68 Harmon Clifford 1 asst ffp off R-4 3-68
bud/mgt off 0-3 8.73 Brougham Robert B asst prog oft R-2 9.71
Johnson Stephanie E. pers off S-5 5-72 Harris David W... reports oft RL-5 4.69
Brown Clarence ) acct RL-3 5.72 Harris Kenneth E. comty dev ad
Jones Charles Jr. coms/rec asst S - 7 4.73 Brown David Van RL-2 4.66 R-38-69
pers off pub health phys Hartman August. agron ad R.4 11.69
Keck Mary H. S.5 7.73 Budea Nicholas asst prog oft RL- 3 9.69
Kegley Robert A.. coms/rec off S-5 9.73 Hashimoto William T... asst gso R-40-00
disb off Burgener Lynn W. aud RL- 5 7.71 Hatchimonji Ike T.. agri ad R-5 7.67
Kinsey Ina Jean . S-5 12.71 Burgess William Dr. agri mktg procsg RL- 4 10-67
Koga Lindy M. motor transp off S-4 9.73 Hauge Osborne 1 dep pvt entproff R- 16-67
ad Hayes John T. comty off RL-3 1-67
Kozuch Frank ) . travel/transp off S -6 10-71 Burgett Laurence M agron ad R-4 2-72
Lawton Elsie C. coms/rec asst S - 8 12-73 Heffley Carl V. area dev ad RL.4 9.70
Burke Richard P. spec asst RL- 6 8-70 Heilman Janet M. sec S-7 7.72
Lema C Rita. pers off 0.4 9.73 Bush Ernest R. asst gso RL-4 10-65 Heilman John
Lester Jerry W. coms/ rec asst S-8 8-71 multisector off R.1 9-69
Cale Sterling R adm asst RL-5 11.71 Henson John D. asst supply mgt oft R-3 9.72
Linderer Donald L CO! tech R-8 7.72 Camden John E. asst dev trng off R-4 7.73
Long Patrick B telecoms asst S-8 6-73 Hileman Walter E asst gso RL-4 9-66
coms tech Camp Wilbur E. hwy engr ad R-3 1-69 Hobbs E Jean adm aide S- S 10-66
Lunsford John C. S-4 4.70 Carbonel Jacques E acct R-5 5-72 Holmes John W.
Maffia Kenneth Robert. reg adm spec R-7 9.73 cmptr sys admr RL-3 9.70
Carter Bernita D sec S-6 8.72 Hooper Linda ) . sec S - 8 11-70
Mauck Joseph E coms/ rec off S - 4 9.73 Carter David E .. mgt anal RL-3 10-70
May Clyde R. R-6 5-72 Hope John MR . pub adm ad R -3 4-67
reg adm spec Castleman Edward Spec asst R-2 2.70 Howard Emory M. agron ad
McDonald John E bldg ser spec R-5 11-73 R-2 2-69
Cavanagh George P. aud RL- 4 9.71 Howe Kenneth E. educ ad R-2 6-71
McGrath Everett U Jr. coms/rec asst S.7 8-72 Chang John C. asst prog econ RL-4 6-73
Medlin William ) gen ser off Hughes Richard L. livestock ad R-3 11-71
0-5 2.71 Chapman Edwin 1 pub adm ad R -4 3-69 Hull Gerritt L .. structural engr ad
Mendoza Nicacio . coms tech S - 5 8.73 asst relief rehab ad RL-3 2-71
Chasse Homer L... RL-S 10-67 Hurst Charles ) equip ad R-4 5-69
Merighi Paul . coms/ rec oft S-2 9.72 Christian Genevia C. adm asst S-6 1-68 Huss Mark C
Munagian Mary.. nurse R.7 9.73 asst prog off R-3
Clark Teunison C Jr. educ oft R- 1 10-69 Irons Edward P pub health phys RL-2 9.70
Nibley Lloyd E telecoms tech R-7 5.72 Clark Victor.. agri mktg procsg RL- 5 5-68 sec
Olen Milton W telecoms off S-3 3-72 Irvin Philomena Cunnane S.7 4.71
ad Irvin Thomas C prog plan off R-2 11.71
Olney Robert B med oft RU-3 9.72 Clarke C Eugene mgt anal RL.3 0.00 Irving Richard F. fa insp
Oslowski Ronald S. coms/rec asst S-8 8-73 RL.3 8.71
Clements Leon ... electronics tech R-4 4.71 Jackson Isaiah A Jr pub health phys R-2 11-67
Phillips Robert A. telecoms off R-7 10-73 Coffman Beverly A import spec RL- 4 2.70 Jackson James B.. transp spec
Ratkiewicz John W telecoms asst S - 8 6-72 Collins Paul T. R-3 1-67
cmptr sys anal RL-3 6-70 Jacobson George D. multisector off R- 1 3-68
Reed James S. med off R 3- 9-72 Combs Clarence G acct R - 4 9-66 Jacobson Jerome J.. legal ad
Riebhoff Donald R telecoms asst S.7 4.71 R-2 9.73
Combs Dorothy N. asst supply mgt off R -4 Jarman Marion .. sec S-5 7-69
Rounds Richard L. telecoms asst S-6 1.74 Cooper Flora E coms/rec clk S-6 0-00 Jefferson James C. cmptr sys oper
Schreiber Joseph B travel/transp off 0.7 12.72 RL-5 3-69
Cooper John A. pub adm ad R-38-65 Jotte Harry M .. aud mgr R38-73
Story Daniel E. telecoms asst S- 8 11.72 Cooper Thomas L .. agri ad RL-5 5-68 Johnson George D electronic engrad RL-3 4.70
Strelick Arthur P bldg ser spec S-6 9.73 Cotten Joel Quentin .. asst prog oft RL-S 10-71 Johnson William F. agri ad
Tinker Richard D coms/rec asst S.7 11.72 R-3 11.73
Cox Cyril .. acct R - 4 10-66 Jones Ronald W. land reform off RL-2 0-00
Williams George E. coms/rec off S-6 8.73 Craig Robert V. comty off RL-2 3-66 Jordan Robert L. asst gso RL-5 2-67
Wright William D. coms/ rec oft S- 8 10-72 asst gso RL-5 8-73 Judy Robert D.. land reform ad
Young Roy 0 . bud /mgt off 0-5 8.71 Crees Henry B R 47-67
Creyts Harold G. fa insp RL-3 1.70 Juni Robert P pub health phys RL-3 0-00
Cross Thomas. asst gso RL- 4 8-67 Kanrich Ernest. prog off R- 1 5-72
Armed Forcos Attaches Crossley Myrtle L. sec S- 6 5-69 Kapsanis Tina. sec S-S 10-65
Murray Mg John E DATT Crow Harry B JE legal ad RL-5 0-00 Keefe John P hwy engrad RL-5 2-71
Maglioni Bg Ralph .... DEP DATT Culp Virginia L... sec S- 7 10-67 Kellogg Marion L. exec off R-2 12.71
McMahon Col Richard A. ARMA 7.73 Damato Joseph A. asst gso R-3 Kennedy John E. pub health phys R-2 9.72
Morgan Cpt Leroy W Jr. ALUSNA 7.73 Danforth F ) . equip ad RL-5 0-00 Kepler Robert J.. mgt anal off RL.3 4.70
FEBRUARY 1974 43
Kesler John T. import spec R - 4 7.70 Raterman Francis E. dep multisector oft R- 1 8.71 Williams Edward W.. agri ad R 47-66
King Robert L. SOC welfare ad RL-3 6-69 Rawlins Charles R. aec off R-3 1.71 Williams John L ..... traffic mgt ad R-2 1-67
King Roy A. aud R - 4 7.67 Reed Dana S. constr supt RL- 4 6-66 Williams Karol Ann E asst prog off RL-4 12-69
Knaver Doris C.. SEC S.3 8.70 Reed E Anne sec SL.7 9.70 Windley Guy F aud RL-3 6-73
Kollodge Donald G aud R-49-72 Reese Fred M. aud R 38-73
- Withers Archibald M asst prog off R -39-71
Kopt John A .. asst so RL-5 11-67 Reitsnider Charles S. asst prog oft R-3 Witten Charles H.. san R-4
Kopf Kenneth agron ad R-2 9.70 Reilly Myrtle C ... asst coms/rec S- 6 4.70 Wolford John L asst supply mgt oft RL -4 7.66
Kostamo Paul M. acct RL-5 12.70 super Wong Andrew R. asst gso RL-S 10-67
Kraichman Samuel dep area aud gen R.2 2.71 Replogle Allen D hyd engr ad R-3 0-00 Wong Anthony L W asst supply mgt off R-3
Krakauer Max F. equip ad RL-S 3-67 Reynolds Robert G ... asst supply mgt off RL- 5 1.68 Wong Arthur.. asst itp off R-S 10-67
Kramer Alfred S asst relief rehab ad R - 4 0.00 Rhoades Ira Otto.. electronics tech RL - 4 0-00 Wood Dennis M area dev ad RL-5 3-12
Kurland Bert . reliet/rehab ad R-4 3.73 Roberts Timothy Je asst gso RL-6 Wood Theodora A asst prog oft R-5 2.73
Lafollette Evan P acct RL-5 5-71 Rogers Raymond ) . asst contract sers RL-S 2-71 Wunsch Edward asst ctir R -31.70
Landeau Elizabeth N. asst prog econ 0-3 6.71 oft Wynn B Harry. ta insp R - 4 12-66
Lane Warren E exec ott R-2 6-73 Rose Jack M. aud mgr R.2 11.73 Yeomans Charles D asst ctir R-3 11-68
Lannes Evelyn M. sec S.7 5.72 Ross David R. SOC welfare ad RL-S 7.67 Yoder Von C. pub health ad R 5- 3-70
Leat Evelyn G. sec S - 6 10-66 Roughton Curtis M. aud mgr R-3 3-66 Youens John P. asst gso R-S 10-68
Levoy Leota E. sec S.7 6.68 Rudd Neil G. cmptr sys anal RL.4 0.00 Youngs Kenneth B adm off R-4 7.71
Lindenberg Vera SEC S.7 2-69 Ruoff Edward G relief/rehab ad R 38-73
- Yuhas Andrew ... asst prop util off RL-5 5.70
Lotgren Thomas D. Spec asst RL-S 12.71 Russell Joseph .. asst supply mgt oft RL- 3 0-00 Zigler Robert S... empl dev off R-3 2.73
Long Rufus A. credit ad R-3 9.72 Russell Roger L.. gen engr ad R.4 5.68 Zornes Earl .. asst go RL-4 9-67
Lowell Frederick M. gen engrad R-3 9.71 Ryder Donald E. aud RL- 4 9.71 Zvinakis Dennis C .. ... land reform ad RL.7 11.11
Ludwig Otto H asst prop util off R-3 9.71 Salzburg Joseph S. comty dev ad RL- 4 5-67
Lustick Sylvia sec S - 6 9.72 Satler Sidney .. aud mgr RL-3 8.71
Lustig Owen ) prog eval ott R-3 7.73 Schatter David H asst gso RL-S 12-66 USIA
Macmillan Neil G. asst prog econ RL.4 10-73 Schow Anna M. S.7 9.71 Brement Marshall pub aff off 0-3 4-73
Magee William F. ta insp R-2 5-73 Scott Monroe A.. asst supply mgt off R -4 3.70 Culpepper James L dep pub aff off 10-3
Mahan Val R. prog anal R-S 3.73 Seckinger Charles B dep tood / agri oft R-2 6.71 Bach William br pub aft off R-6 10-73
Maher Catherine C. sec S.7 4.67 Sharpe Willard D. prog econ R.1 7.70 Mc Taggart Arthur ). br pub att off i0-3 1.73
Manz Hans ) ... asst supply mgt off R-3 11-66 Shepard Ralph L. dep transp opers RL- 4 12-65 (Assigned to Hue)
Margosian Leon D. pub adm ad R-2 12-68 off Thomas Lawrence M. br pub aff off i0.5 2.72
Marsden Lee D. civ engrad R-3 11-66 Shields Robert dev trng off R-3 7.71 (Assigned to Can Tho)
Martin Charles N ctir R- 16.73 Singleton Ralph M. asst cap proj dev R-4 11.70 Armilla Jose.... prog resch ott R-4 3-73
Martindale Thomas K. asst ctir R.2 8.73 off Ayers Patricia Conn news ed 10.4 7.72
Maupin Lester F .. well drilling ad RL-4 Sinks Jimmy M. san R-5 11.67 Ayers Thomas W. into oft 10-3 7.72
May John supply mgt oft R.3 9.71 Show Norman P.. asst contract sers RL-3 11.71 Barker John S. exec off 10-2 5-72
McAllister Michael P. import spec RL-5 3-71 oft Bautch Suzanne G. sec S.9 10.73
McClelland Donald N asst prog econ R.2 8.70 Smallenbroek Theodore.......... visual into spec RL- 5 3-68 Billingslea Ella T sec S- 7 4.72
McClure Richard C.. acct RL-S 4.71 Smith Hadley E econ ad R-3 6.73 Brewster Donald C. cult aft off R-3 6.73
McIntyre Leo R import spec RL-3 9.71 Smith Harold R. asst 50 RL-5 2-68 Burleson Hugh L policy off i0-3 7.73
McLaughlin Richard D asst prog off RL-S 4.71 Smith James R. asst supply mgt off RL-S 10-67 Copp Jean T. acao exchanges R-6 4-12
McLeroy George B agri mktg procse R-3 10-66 Smith Jean E.. sec S- 6 5-71 Donahue Dennis D. publ off i0.5 1.73
ad Smyth Cecil B Jr. aud RL-4 10.70 Fleischer Vladimir ) . radio off R-3 5-67
Meagher Edward ta insp R -3 10-73 Snead Jack R. fen engr ad R-3 9.68 Flood Lawrence B. cao BNC đi 10.4 10-68
Melville Donald N. prog anal R -4 11-66 Snelling Annie R. asst per off R - 4 0-00 Hogan John F Jr. press ott 10.2 1.70
Merricks Newton M. asst 50 RL-3 3-68 Sobotta Joseph A equip ad R-4 10.71 Hyde Wayne F. audio-vis off prog R-4 10.73
Messick William L. asst comty dev ad RL-48-67 ner
Spoo J Clark.. equip ad RL- 4 8.72 Johnston Tess R. sec S.7 9.73
Metcalf Robert B. asst reliet rehab ad RL.5 9.70 Springer Gertrude asst per oft R -4 3-69 Lowdermilk William F. asst exec off S- 1 2-12
Miencier Edna M acct R -4 10.70 Squire Arnold W. acct R-5 8.72 Martin James P. asst exec off R -5 1.66
Miley Harry C. dep prop util off RL- 4 1-66 Stader Donald E.. area dev ad RL-5 8.70 Mueller Robert asst info oft R.4 5.72
Miller Alwin V. educ ad R.3 0.00 StandsWanda Sec S.7 5.70 Peterson Wayne Stanf. field prog off i0.5 1.73
Miller Dan Flr. gen engrad R- 1 2-71 Stark David B acct R - 4 9.68 Pike Douglas..... ad 10.2 10.73
Milligan Wesley For asst prog off R-3 1.73 Stark Meritt W. pub health phys RL-2 1.72 Swenson John A. asst cult aft off i0.5 5.73
Mitchell Lois Geraldine sec S - 7 10-68 Steele Carol H. reports off RL-S 7.73 Swenson Rosalind L. book off 10.7 6.73
Mizrahi Jacques A. aud RL 4 11.72 Steele John S. asst relief rehab ad RL-5 0.00 Talarico Mary T. exec sec S-6 11.72
Morton Berry E. educ ad R-39-67 Stewart Thomas B supply mgt off R2- 0.00 Washburn James V mopix -engr oft reg S- 1 2-66
Muirhead Ellyn C sec S.7 5.68 Stewart William Cr acct R-5 9.72 Wenzel Kurt W. mopix off R-3 11.70
Mundy James C Jr. electronic engrad R-3 5.66 Strachan William aud R-3 11.72 Willis Charles E radio engr supv S-2 1-67
Murphy Jack M. acct R-3 1-68 Strom Allan W. gen engr ad R - 4 9.73 (Assigned to live
Murray Virginia S. asst prog off R-3.7.70 Sutton Daniel For asst so R-5 5-67
Nagy Albert A. asst prop util off RL-5 4-67 Swanson Lewis E. agri engr ad R.3 6.70
Napier Jack P. erec off R.2 12-68 Tappan Walter C. agri ad R.3 4.72 DANANG (CG)
Nedopad Louis F pub health ad RL-4 12-67 Taylor Mildred .. asst per off RL-5 6-69
Neville Mary C. educ ad R.2 1.73 Thomas John M pub health ad RL -S 10-65 Popple Paul M. prin off 0-2 7.73
Niblo Winfield P dep multisector off R-2 7.68 Thomas Ross F pub adm ad R-3 9.68 Howley James M. pol off S-2 5-73
Nicklas Charles Eje pub adm ad R 2 10.71 Thompson Allen asst supply mgt off RL- 4 6-67 Skowronski Harriet P. sec S- 6 1.73
Noftlet Juanita L. SOC welfare ad RL-4 8.70 Thompson Reed W. fa insp R-3 3-68 Tull Theresa A pol off 0.4 8.73
Northup John M Jr. asst so R-4 5.70 Thorsen Thomas W. pub adm off R-2 8-67 Goeser James R cons off 0-6 5-73
Oakley Aida G sec S-7 5-69 Tierney Eugene elec engr ad R-3 7.72 Haukness Steven A adm off S-3 1-67
Oehrlein Thomas F ind trng ad RL.3 5.70 Todd Francis M. prop util off R-3 7-66 Nurnberger Elsie Marie coms/rec asst S.7 4.73
Oldham William D. health off R-2 11.71 Trogler Donna D. sec S- 1 3-69
Olowach Dorothy L acct R-3 5.72 Trout Joseph Francis. asst contract sers RL: 4 9.72 AID
Omahony Adah sec S - 7 7-67 off
Oneill Hugh W. SOC welfare ad RL.5 7.68 Turman James A. educ ad R-3 4.72 Adams Wilson S. pub health ad R-3 5.68
Ortega Lewis... asst cap proj dev R-2 10-67 Vanwagoner Leon .. SOC welfare ad RL- 6 5.71 Barker Dennis G. san R-5 8-66
off Vasile Joseph A .... electronic engr ad R-3 12.70 Barnett Ralph E. gen engr ad R-3 11-69
Osullivan Angela M. SEC S- 8 9-68 Vayhinger Albert C .. electronics tech RL- 4 3-66 Boyce John E. transp spec RL- 4 8-71
Pare A Maurice exec off R 3- 6-69 Viles Ann M. sec SR -7 10.70 Briggs Janet L... sec S- 6 5-67
Patten Marion F .. asst so R - 4 3-67 Viles John L... aud mgr R-4 10-69 Chatman Melvin R. asst area dev ad RL.5 10-70
Paulson Henry W. asst per off R-3 Viragh Bendegui A. dep trade off R-3 4.71 Cottey Thomas C.. hwy engr ad RL.4 4.70
Paupe William E pub health ad R-2 0-00 Vonspiegelfeld Wolfgang. trade off R-2 10-68 Coy Joseph CJr . asst adm off RL-5 8-66
Perlman Arthur. ta insp RL-3 10-73 Wagner Darlene G .. S.7 9.68 Daly Paul A .. area dev ad RL-3 7.71
Peterson Edwin ...... archit ad R-3 1-68 Wagner Leroy prog oper off R-3 10-72 Fleming William D area dev ad RL-S 3-72
Peterson Vernon W. asst supply met oft RL.4 3.67 Wallace Stephen F. asst prog oft R - 4 8.70 Goodman Donald C. traffic mgt ad RL-6 7-67
Pierson RobertCr relief/rehab ad RL-3 5.68 Walters Everett Glenn . pvt entpr ad R -4 5-68 Herrick Loe W. R 48-66
Pinholster William L ... asst contract sers RL:4 8-73 ker
Wanama William E.... mgt anal R 48-67
- Holte Olav B. transp opers ad RL-S 12-68
off Ward William E. asst so R -4 10.73 Jones Raymond G. multisector oft RL-3 0-00
Pollock Ronald H ............ agri mkts procsa RL-3 0-00 Warner Jack E .. asst prog off RL- 6 5-68 Kelling Roger R. asst area dev ad RL- 4 6-69
ad Wasiniak Edward G..... asst per off R-3 7.70 Leaty Daniel L ... area dev ad R-3
Powell Jean S. S.7 8.72 Wasylyshyn Alexandro ... sec SI 10.70 Martin James V. adm ott R-4 9.69
Presnell Alice A. S51-66
- Webb Henry M asst ftp off R.4 8.70 McCandliss Robert Scott area coord RL-3 10-67
Price Linda K. SOC SL.7 2.69 Weigel J Henry .. put enter ad R-2 8-72 Nebblett Milton E .. asst relief rehab ad RL- S 11-69
Puritoy Leroy . hwy engr ad R-3 4-67 Wells Sharon S .. SOC SL.7 7.72 Palmer Douglas W area dev ad RL-5 6-72
Quirk Richard acct R-3 2-68 Westerlund Charles W. aud R -4 5-69 Rose John C. asst relief rehab ad RL- 6 6-72
Radclifte Philips acct R -4 7.73 Westlake Gene W aud R - 4 4.73 Shirk Peter W asst prog off RL- 6 3-72
Radcliffe Richie B. SR - 7 0.00 Wilbur Halsey M M. credit ad R-3 8.73 Thomas Howard C Jr. area coord RL-3 10-71
Roley Charles M.... import spec R.4 7.73 Wilas John W. pub health ad R-5 11-67 Treadway Ralph S. asst reliet rehab ad RL-6 9.71
Rancher Evelyn M. sec S - 6 8.72 Wiley Andrew L.... aud R - 4 9.72 Wilson Theodore ...... area dev ad R-4 6-71
Ranz Norman 0 ... to insp RL- 3 0-00 Willett Perley Odell. electronics toch RL- 5 3-68 Zerzavy Frederick M. pub health phys RL-2 6-71
Wolcott Philip A Jr. publ off 10-3 8.71 AID Economic /Commercial Section
Davis HermonSr. dir R- 1 2-68 Gerlach Frederick H. ............. econ /cml off 0-5 8.72
ZAGREB (CG ) Adelman Carol A. asst prog off RL-5 12.72
Bennett Donald ) pub safety ad R-3 9.72 Consular Section
Wilson Orme Jr. prin off 0-2 7.70 Collins Marilyn.... sec SL-8 8.71 Taylor J Clagett. cons off 0-5 7.72
Satterfield Bangta May. sec S-6 8.72 Dunham Charles B Jr. ASO R-4 12-68
Von den Steinen Erwin W pol/econ off 0-4 5-72 Graham James A. , dep prog off R-5 2.70 Administrative Section
Windsor Robert A. pol/ econ off 0-6 8.72 Guardiano Joseph C. proj mgr R-2 9.73 adm oft
Herter Charles ) . dep exec off R-2 7.69 Scassa Eugene L 0-5 8.73
Redmond Paul . cons off R-6 7.73 Barrett Donald W telecoms oft R.T 6-72
Taylor Lawrence Palmer. cons oft 0-5 7.73 Kelly James M. prog oft RL-3 12.71 coms/ rec oft S- 6 2-73
Kelly Kathleen A. adm aide S.1 0.00 Emmons Kathleen
Fitzsimons Catherine E. sec S -5 11.72 Hill Michael W. clk S.7
Lacerte Paul H equip ad RL-4 10-72 0-6 8-73
Leister Charles 1 pub safety off R-3 4-70 Hooper PaulM gen ser off
USIA Liapis Steven G.... acct R-4 7.72 Jacks David T... coms/rec off S-6 6.72
Daly John br pub aff off 10-3 1-73 Maclauchlan William R. asst gso RL-4 2-71
Kiehl William P asst br pub att off 10-6 11.12 Means John E.. pub safety ad R 4- 9-67 Armed Forces Attachos
Merseth Edward L. pub safety ad R-4 1.73 Morris Ltc Robert P. ARMA 12-72
Neptune , Gerard tood /agri off RL.3 8.72 (Resident in Blantyre)
Norton Royall E. dep multisector oft R-3 4.72
ZAIRE Paquette Dorothy M sec S- 6 9-73 USIA
Powell Frederick H. pub satety R-3 4.71 Lewis Arthur W. pub aff oft 10-3 10-72
KINSHASA (E) electronics spec Lanum John B. into off 10.3 11.73
Robertson Eloise. asst per off R -5 0-00
Smith George L aud R-4 2-72
Executive Section Solinski Ethel D sec S -5 2.70
Vance Sheldon B. AEP CM 6-69 Thompson Arthur R. ctor R-2 9.72
Newlin Michael H. DCM 0-2 8-72 Toole John L. RL-5 2.71 POLITICAL ADVISERS (POLADS)
sec pub safety
Lindsey Lynette C. S-8 5.72 electronics spec
PollockMary S sec S-4 2-73 CINCAFSOUTH (NAPLES)
Political Section Crosson William H dir R-2 4.73 Okun Herbert S pol ad 0-2 4.73
Allocca Richard pol off R-6 5.71 Bumpurs Cart ). prog tech rep R-6 12-73
Andrew Robert F pol off 0-3 8-72 Faraher Jeanne F trng of R-4 6-73
Benedetti Robert A. pol off R-6 1.74 CINCEUR (STUTTGART)
McEnaney John P. assoc dir R-5 2.73
Bleam Dennis clk S-4 6.71 Stammer Thomas Allen. prog tech rep ag R -6 7.73
Blowers Jay H. pol oft 0.4 7.72 R-6 6.73 Konner C Michael. 0-6
Weeks Willet lii reg field off Bowie John M.
Buczacki Jeffrey ). pol oft 0-8 4.73 pol ad 0-3 1.72
Collins Nancy R sec S-9 10-72 Judd Thomas M. pol ad 0-2 9.73
pol off USIA Muller George F. pol ad 0-1 6-73
Hammer Lowell V. R-4 4.72
Kim James pol oft R-3 9.71 Tull James N. pub att oft 10-2 8-72
McClellan ) Diane Ballard. Doi off 0.7 4.73 Alexander Milo R exec off R-4 9.73
Bitondo Rocco R cao Eng teach oft R -4 7.73 CINUSNAVEUR (LONDON)
Panitt Jeffrey pol off R-7 10-72
Turcotte Linda S sec S-8 Grise Viola E ... exec sec S- 4 8.71
sec Halepas Georgia E. exec sec S -5 11.73 Gelber Herbert Donald pol ad 0.3 8.73
Viger Victoria A. S10 8.73
Wrubel Lorraine Mary . sec S-8 9.72 Kent Donald ..... info off 0-3 9.72
Schrager Stanley N. asst into off 10-6 10-73 CINUSAREUR (HEIDELBERG )
Economic /Commercial Section Seal E David . prog off i0.5 1.73
0.7 2.73 Sherman Lois M asst cult aft oft i0-6 8.73 Moffett James D. 0-2
Cooper Laurel M. econ /cml off Simmonds John Watkin .. cult att off 10.4 7.73
Katt Nancy sec S10 asst cult aff off i0-6 5-73
Kraso Willi Sam econ / cml off 0-2 9.73 Taylor Larry R.
comm oft 0-3 9.71 SHAPE ( BRUSSELS)
Lawrence Myron Brockway .
Riordan Jerris Kathleen. sec S-8 8.73 BUKAVU (C )
Beers R Rand.. pol ad 0-6 6-73
Consular Section Long Edward L. pol ad 0-1 11.72
Loving David W. prin off 0-5 6-73
Myrick James F cons off 0-6 12-71 Trahan Eugene Alr. adm spec R.7 2.73
Stephan Charles L III . cons oft 0-6 12-73
Administrativo Section
Berg Richard W. adm off 0-3 9.73 Archer Edward E prin off 0-5 8.73
Adams Michael ). gen ser oft 0.7 8.73 Kunsman Frank 1. coms/rec adm asst S - 7 5-73
Alarid Joel bud /mgt oft 0-4 1.72
Beck John B fis spec R.7 3.73 USIA
Blanchard Philip C coms/rec oft R- 7 1.73
Davis Frederick C. telecoms asst S-6 5-72 Archibald Joha LG . br pub aft off i0.5 2.73
DeCastro Joaquin B telecoms off S-3 6.72
Dilallo Olympia N. bud/fis off 0-6 10-73 LUBUMBASHI ( C )
Dishaw Robert A. com s /rec asst S.1 10-73
Gagnon Wilfred C. telecoms off R-6 Junior Lewis D... prin off 0-3 1.72
Grace Charles M. med off RU-2 7.72 Holstman Audrey M. sec S -8 3.72
Green Roy E telecoms off R-6 10-71 Johnson Gilbert M. econ /cml off 0-6 11.72
Grimes Ernest E. telecoms asst S.7 8.72 Hudson William J. adm off 0.7 11.72
Harner William D telecoms off R-6
Harrison Richard I lii telecoms oft R -8 12-12
Horn Walter C. gen ser oft S-2 8-73 AID
Kenley Tyrone . coms/rec asst S.7 6.72 Hatem Roy A pub safety ad R-3 1.71 .
King Stephen H. bud/fis oft R.5 9.72
Laurello Ralph Fr. reg adm spec S-3 7.72 USIA
Lowe Richard S. coms/rec asst S-8 4.13 Russell Roger Str. br pub att off i0-5 8-72
Markey David S. telecoms asst S- 7 9-73
Plasse Roger E... clk S- 7 6-72
Ryan James P Jr. telecoms asst S-7 9.72
Schwertteger Dorothy G coms/ rec off R-4 3-68 ZAMBIA
Valdez Manuel Jr. coms/rec off S-1 3.71
Winter Dolores I .. sec S-5 3.72
Woolwine Walter James. bud/fis oft 0.7 1.73 LUSAKA (E)
U.S. MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS (USUN), NEW Montavon Paul A. R-2 8.72 Office of Public Affairs Advisor
YORK Hamilton William G. ...... pub aff couns 10.2 4.70
U.S. MISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY Burnett Stanton H. dep pub aff couns 10.3 8.69
Asumendi Dorothy C sec S.7 6.73
Executive Section AGENCY ( IAEA ), VIENNA Ganas Stacia exec sec S-6 2.72
Radday Harold F. info oft USNATO 10.4 8.72
Scali John A ... US rep Tape Gerald F US rep
Bennett W Tapley Jr dep US rep CM 8-69 Porter Dwight dep US rep CM 9.70
0.1 8.71 sec S-5 11.71 Security Advisor
Schaufele William E Jr. dep US rep Hodgins Rosemary A.
Arakelian Mary. sec S.8 1.74 Gabbert Thomas G. phys sci oft R-3 7.71 Trumps Col Shirly R. ...... Security adviser
Curry Harriet B. sec 9.4 9.73 Harris Mary N. sec S-6 4.72
Dilisio Vilma Mae. sec S-6 6-67 Hinson Sherman N pol off 0-6 4.72 Administrativo Section
Dobbins James F Jr staft asst 0-5 7.73 Jones George F. pol off 0.4 6.71 Soldow James ). admin oft R.2 9.71
Robinson Linda B sec S.7 2.71 Labowitz Allan M phys sci oft R.1 10.70
Stupp Carol M ... sec S.7 1.74 Prelec Frances M sec S- 8 4.73 Joint Administrativo Section
White Barbara M. CM Tooraen Fru R coms/ rec asst S.7 9.72 adm off R-2 9.71
Zuber Helen A sec S-6 7-69 Mullen Sheila M. sec S -8 4.72 Soldow James .
Bartlett Tom L.. coms/rec oft S-4 8.72
Cumming Robert ). coms/rec asst S-8 3.72
Political Affairs Section U.S. MISSION TO THE U.N. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Daniels Daniel H. adm off int org 0.4 9.73
Kitchen Robert W. dep US rep R.1 Lee Elder A. coms/rec asst S.7 2.73
Carter Rudulph. Phillips Randolph S coms/rec asst S.7 11.73
Coudert Charles 0 ad RU-4 5-73 US rep 0-1 9-68 Pitman Chalmer E coms/rec off S-2 8.72
Ellam Katharine 1 rpts off S-6 1.72 Stibravy William J.
Gribble Marion L. int econ 0.4 7.71 Prater Earl C. coms/ rec asst S-8 9.73
Guiney Maureen E sec S- 7 3.67 Pritchard Gary C coms/rec asst S-6 1.73
Haltom Travis F sec S-5 10-71 Rek Donald C. coms/rec asst S.7 4.72
Howison John M pol off 0-2 9.71 U.S. MISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION Szabados Rudolph L coms/rec asst S-9
Immerman Robert M. pol oft 0.3 5.72 ORGANIZATION (ICAO ), MONTREAL
Katzen Jay K .. pol off 0.4 5.73 NATO International Staff
Lorenz Joseph P pol off 0.4 7.73 Dillon Betty Crites . US rep
Norbury Joseph BJP pol oft 0.3 7.71 9.70 Abidian John V. reg adm spec R.2 1.73
Wolte George.. pol off 0.3 7.71
Thayer Harry ET. pol off 0-2 9.66 Larocco Antoinette M sec S-8 7.72 Andrews George R.
Werner Sally .. ad 7.6 10-71 Maslanka Eileen T. adm asst S-6 8-66 Blinn Leslie audio-vis ott S-2 10.67
Economic and Social Affairs Section Bragdon Merritt CJE int econ 0.4 8.70
U.S. MISSION TO THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY Gussman William H. pol off 0.4 4.69
Ferguson Clarence Clyde Jr... US rep R.1 6.70 Kelly Giles Merrill. into off S- 1 4.70
Kitchen Robert W Ir... ...... dep US rep R.1 10.10 ORGANIZATION (USNATO ), BRUSSELS
0-6 9.72 Kovach Eugene G. phys sci off RU.1 1.70
Hume Cameron R. pol/econ off Kunzig Louis Albert Jr adm oft int org R.2 8.69
Kein Robert. ad R:2 10-73 Executive Section
ad R-2 8-72 Lisstelt Mark C int rel off gen 0.4 6.73
Mousky Stafford Rumsteld Donald АЕР 2-73 R.1 8-69
Sanders Irving int econ 0.4 8.66 DCM 0.1 11.72 Seim Harvey B phys sci off
McAuliffe Eugene V. Spielman Herbert.. int rel off gen 0.3 1.72
Wiggins Guy A. pol/econ off 0-2 8.73 Birrer Mary R sec S - 4 11.72
int rel oft gen 0.5 8.73 Stark George W. aud RU-3 5.69
Clark Bruce W int rel off gen R.1 6.73
International Organization Affairs Section Dickman Shirley sec S-8 4.73 Tucker Gardiner L
Bache G Michael. adm oft int org 0.3 9.73 Gentzler Judith Ellen sec S.7 6.72
Davis Gwendolyn . sec S.7 1.74 Goldwin Robert A spec asst R-3
Keller Edward E Jr , adm off int org 0-3 7.73 Goodell Leona M sec S- 2 2-73
Kuttner Sol.. adm off int org R.3 9.73 Slater Mari Michele. sec S-9 2.73 The Joint Administrative Organization services USNATO ; see
Stottlemeyer David L. adm off int org R.2 7.71 Subwick Erma ) sec S-6 8.70 under Embassy Brussels,
Wallace Virginia M. sec S-37.70
Reis Herbert K. ........ att ad RU- 18.65 Office of the Political Advisor
Collins Robert D. pol off 0.4 2.71 COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (USOECD), PARIS
Public Affairs Section Everill Florence B. sec S-5 6.72
Frame Gloria , sec S-6 12.73 Executive Section
Sheldon Courtney R into ad R- 19.73 Gencalp Hortencia F sec S.7 1.73 Rogers Stephen H int econ 0.2 9.72
Davis Charles ) . Spec asst R-3 4.73 Goodby James E... pol oft 0-2 8.71 Semser Ethel F.. sec S- 7
Donohue Tara Anne. sec S.7 7.71 Lutes Sherry Ann . sec S.8 4.72
Halpine Stuart. into ott AID 10.3 1.72 Moore Annette sec S.6 9.71 Economic/Commercial Section
asst pub att off 10.6 10.71 Reddy Leo ... pol oft 0.4 7.70 sec S-8 10.72
Thomas Robert K Smith Jackson L... pol off 0-3 9.70 Ames Beverley June
Collins Mary C sec S-8 1.73
Administrativo Affairs Section Culyba Mary .... sec S.7 6.72
Office of the Dofonso Advisor Gervers John HC. R-6 7.73
McKee Henry Hunt. adm oft 0.1 1.70
Barcori Helene , security sp RU-5 Prendergast William B. def adv Pfeiffer Robert F int econ 0.4 3.71
Glennon Joseph F. security off RU-3 Ellis Radm George FJr . dep det adv Rosen Gerald A. int econ 0.4 8.70
Bosworth Col Joe F .. rep EUR aerospace Shea Susan Elizabeth , sec S.95-73
coord Stromayer James int econ 0-3 9.71
PERMANENT MISSION OF THE UNITED STATES OF Carbine Col James Tr........... exec off Summers Thomas E int econ 0-2 8-71
AMERICA TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES Clinard David M...... dir nuc plng & sp Wakefield Donna R SOC S.6 9.73
Dienst Col William Jr. , dir armaments Administrative Section
Ford John W. dep US rep 0.1 8-67 Gray Norman ....... dir comm -elec
0.1 8.68 Loveland Tratton dir intra.log Moore Bert C adm off 0-3 6-72
Henderson Douglas . dep US rep Hammons Theodore coms/rec asst S.7 4.73
Luna Edilberto sec S.7 1.72 Tucker Col William Jr dir det opns
Tyler James E... dir det plng Motch Joan F. adm spec S-4 10.72
Martinez Pedro pol off 0-6 4.73 Norman Irene M coms/ rec off S-6 3.70
McNeil Francis ) III. int rel ott gen 0.3 6.72
Moffitt William Alan . int rol ott gen 0-6 5-73 onica of the Political-Military Advisor
SGC S- 5 4.67 Ledogar Stephen J ... pol/mil att off 0-3 7.73 Security Trade Control Unit
Reynolds Doreen L sec S - 5 3.72
Taylor Elkin . pol off 0.4 6.71 Rodecker J Brayton pol /mil att off 0-4 7.71 Hargrove Gale .
Tolman Elizabeth B.. int econ 0.3 2.71 Wilkinson Theodore S III ......... pol/mil att off 0-4 8.70 Papendorp ) Theodore .. int econ 0.3 6.72
Tutte Inga R.. sec S -6 2-73 Townsend Lewis R int econ 0.3 7.72
Office of Economics Advisor Worley Pauline M coms/ rec asst S.7
AID Goodspeed H Kent.. econ /cml off 0-2 8.73
Alter David E Jr. int rel ott R.1 4.66 Moore Ralph R. econ /cmi oft 0-4 6-73 OECD International Staff
Johnson Charles B prog anal off R-2 9.72 Sanders Cameron H Jr int rel ott gen 0.5 6.73 Roderick Hilliard . int rel off RU- 1 11.65
FEBRUARY 1974 47
Wisner Arnold K coms/rec asst S- 6 6-71
Hemily Philip W. phys sci off RU-2 7.65 Yelton Nancy A ... sec S -6 10-70
Kramish Arnold. phys sci off R- 1 8.70
FAS Thuroczy Nicholas M agri att 6-71
Hirsch Hans G. agri att 12.73
AID Dinsdale Dona S. sec S- 6 7.71
Martin Edwin M chmn DAC 0.00 Klein George dev coord off RL-3 0-00
Mossler John R. US rep DAC (dir) 7.70
Asselin Robert Jr. asst prog econ R-5 5.72 USIA
Barr Sara E sec S-6 10-71 Kraus Max W. pub att ad 10.2 9.72
Bruce Carol F. sec S -6 1.70 Grabell J Alison ... into ott USIO 10-6 3.72
Helman Howard dev coord oft RL 3 8-70 Woodward Patricia . asst info off R4 1.73
Hulehan Jerome D dev coord oft R-4 8.71
Lebworth Christina D sec S-5 3-73
Maroncelli Marguerite M sec S-4 10.73 OFFICE OF PERMANENT V.S. REPRESENTATIVE TO
Sleeper Louis G. dev coord off R-2 2-73 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND
Templeman Donald C Jones William B US rep 0-2 9.73
Warvariv Constantine. dep US rep R-3
Kenney John H. pol oft RU - 4 1.72
GENEVA Maxim Robert M. pol off 0-5 9.73
Pitts Nathan A pers off R-2 10.70
Executive Section Tinsley Carolyn W.. adm spec S.4 9.72
Dale Francis L. АЕР 1.74 Townsend Doris Aleen. sec S-8 10.72
Bassin Jules dep US rep 0-1 8-69
Bietry Arline ) sec S-6 8.73
Cottman James Stewart Jr. pol off 0-3 8-71 OFFICE OF U.S. REPRESENTATIVE TO FOOD AND
Gough Betty C. pol oft 0-2 11-65 AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO ), ROME
Lawrence Edward W. adm off int org 0-3 6-68
Byrnes Paul ) . pol/ econ off RU-2 7.70
Political Soction Caprio Theresa Ann sec S.9 10.71
Ausland John Campbell exec coord 0-1 3-73 Coburn Harry L.. pol/ econ off 0.4 7.70
Drexler Robert W pol oft 0.3 8.72
Economic /Commercial Section John Jeannette exec asst SL-S 6.73
Campagnolo Paula Ann sec S - 8 4.73 Skiles Victor H reg dev off R-2 4.73
Cleveland Richard A. int econ R-4 5-72
Coyne John P. econ/cmi oft R-6 6-72
Culbert William E. int econ 0.1 7-69 U.S. MISSION TO THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (USEC),
Dansey Sarah Vp sec S-8 8-72 BRUSSELS
Flynn Mary P. sec S-8 4.72
Ford Nancy . pol oft R.7 7.72 Exocutive Section
Jokull M Phyllis rec oft S-3 8.71 Greenwald Joseph A. AEP CM 10-72
Keegan Mary T sec S-8 3.72 Meyer Ray A. int rel oft gen 0-6 12.72
Kochanek Anthony S int econ 0.3 8.71 Mortensen Bonita B. sec 5.4 10.72
Lande Stephen L int econ 0.4 9.73
Maloy Kevin int rel off gen R-5 5.73 Political Section
Maroney Kathleen E sec S-8 12-71
Miller William K int econ 0-1 1.71 Barbis George M pol off 0-3 9.69
Morales Maria E sec S-8 1.74 Crump John E. pol off 0.3 9.71
Prohme Rupert. int rel oft gen 0-2 8-67 Doherty John T labor/pol off 0-3 10-73
Ray John Elr. int econ 0-3 7-67 Finegan Catherine A. sec S- 5 9.73
Sandel Leo int rel oft gen R-38.70 Healy Theresa A. pol off 0-3 9.72
Schrader Roger C. labor/pol off 0-3 11-69 Hjortsberg Karin Lynn sec S- 9 4.73
Spruce William E int econ 0.4 8.73
Stiliman Arthur M int econ 0-3 9.73 Economic /Commercial Section
Tessmer Karen Sylvia . sec S - 6 1.73 Doherty Margaret P. sec S- 8 1.74
Wilder Throop M Jr pol oft R - 4 8.70 Dwyer Patricia A sec S.7 5.73
Evans Betty Sue. sec S-8 1.72
Refugee, Migration, and Red Cross Affairs Section Johnston Ernest B Jr econ /cml off 0-2 7.72
Carlin James L .. ret/mig off RU- 1 Martin Richard R. econ / cml off 0.4 8.70
Donnelly Edward S -1 9.72 Myerson Jacob M. econ /cml oft 0-1 12-68
ret/mig off Napoletan Camille A sec S.7 1.72
Jordan Sandra Lee sec S-8 4.71
Love Ruth sec S.7 7.71 Spiro Joel S econ/ cml off 0-4 7.73
Martin Henry C. 0.3 7.72 Wendt E Allan fin econ 0-3 9.71
ret/mig off
Megerian Lillian . sec S- 6 10-73
Siatacas Spiros A ref/mig off 0-4 9.71 Euratom Soction
Skaltsounis Helen G. sec S-8 2.73 Bradley RussellG. sr rep
McDonough Michael D sc adv
Administrative Section Stella Robert A.... SC adv
Fine Shirley M adm off 0-3 6-70
Hunt Thomas ). adm off 0-3 9.68 FAS
Ray John M adm off S - 3 6-70 Koenig Ernest . agri att
Bacha Jules D. coms /rec off S-6 8.73 Schroeter Richard B. asst agri att 9.70
Barbieri Anthony G. reg adm spec S.1 7.72 O Connell Thomas B 1.71
BrueglGordon coms/rec off S-2 8-69 Riggs David W. 5.71
Cumbo Roberto telecoms asst S-8 5.72
Ditanna Pasquale L bud /mgt off 0-5 9.69 USIA
Ferrara Theresa A coms/rec off S-3 6-71 Hoffman Arthur S. pub aft couns i0.1 5.73
Flight Ambrose W. gen ser oft S - 2 2-73 Cook Robin E .. exec sec S- 6 10-71
Landis Marlene M. sec S-7 4.73 Kordek John F. info off USEC i0-3 9-69
Logsdon Wayne K.. coms/ rec asst S-7 6-72 Meyers Robert S. into off USEC 10-4 12.73
Lourie Alan E med telecoms off R - 8 8-73
Lybyer Janice M. coms/rec asst S-59-69
McDonald Vincent C reg adm spec S - 2 8-73
Oliver Beverly A........ sec S - 8 1.74
Papa Albert E. gen ser oft S -1 9-69 The Joint Administrative Organization services USEC: see under
Proulx Gerry M .. sec S - 6 4.72 Embassy Brussels
Roe Glenn Paulamine coms/rec asst S95.73
Wehr Janet M sec S.9 9.73
Adkisson Kathryn E. USIA (R-4) Allen Glenn ! STATE ( S -3) A /SY Anderson Burnett F France, Paris
Adle Marian R. Finland, Helsinki Allen Harry Michael STATE (R-8) A / SY Anderson C Milton Ecuador, Quito
Adler Julian G ... STATE (R-2) 0/ISO Allen Hattie R STATE (R-8) MED Anderson Carl R Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Aandahl Fredrick. STATE (R-2) PA Adler Kenneth P Germany. Munich Allen James D Thailand, Chiang Mai Anderson Charles A. STATE (0-5 ) SCA
Aaron Bertram S Brazil, Recife Adler MichaelHB Korea, Seoul Allen James E. AID (R-4) SER/FM Anderson David Germany, Bonn
Aaron Denie F. .Laos, Vientiane Adler Robert W .Paraguay. Asuncion Allen Lafe F USIA (R-2) Anderson Dexter STATE (0-4) ARA /LA
Abayomicole Arjuna 0 AID (RL-4 )PHA/POP Att Sarah R .U.K. , London Allen Mary W Laos, Vientiane Anderson Dion . USIA ( 10-4)
Abbott David F .France. Paris Agafonoff Mary T. ..Nigeria, Lagos Allen Morris . U.K., Hong Kong Anderson Donald E. AID (R.2 ) COMP/ FS
Abbott Cot Michael H. Zaire , Kinshasa Aggrey O Rudolph Senegal, Dakar Allen Richmond Viet-Nam, Saigon Anderson Donald M China, Peking (U.S.
Rwanda , Kigali The Gambia. Banjul Allen Robert B STATE (0-3 ) 10 Liaison Office)
Burundi, Bujumbura Agniel Lucien D USIA (R-3) Allen Robert M Germany, Munich Anderson Earle E Thailand. Bangkok
Abdo Arthur ) Liberia , Monrovia Aherne Richard W STATE (0-4) H Allen Robert N Guatemala, Guatemala Anderson Edwin A El Salvador, San
Abel Lawrence Brazil, Brasilia Ahlert Mary ) Italy. Rome Allen Ronald T. Colombia. Bogota Salvador
Abell Nancy C. ..Italy, Naples Ahles Edith Ruth .Pakistan, Islamabad Allen Thomas F Union of Soviet Socialist Anderson Evelyn V. STATE (S-6) EUR
Aber Richard J. Burma, Rangoon Ahlgren Charles S STATE (0-5) M/FSI Republics, Moscow Anderson Frank R. .Libya, Tripoli
Abercrombie Frank D. AID (R-3) AFR/DS Ailor Marion G Sri Lanka, Colombo Allen Thomas M Greece. Athens Anderson G Norman STATE (0-3) NEA
Abers Benno. USIA (R-4) Ainso Ive P USIA (R-7) Allen Ward P STATE (0-1 ) ARA- LA Anderson George A Belgium , Brussels
Abeyta Emma M .Dom . Rep. , Santo Ainsworth Thomas W. STATE (0-3) PER Allen William W Rwanda, Kigali Anderson Glenn Alfred Thailand, Bangkok
Domingo Aisley Harold Turkey, Ankara Allenbach Richard J Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Anderson Gordon A .. Germany, Frankfurt
Abeyta Victor A. ..Portugal. Oporto Aitken Richard L Viet- Nam, Saigon Allende Nicholas Germany. Bonn Anderson ) David Japan , Tokyo
Abidian John V ..USNATO. Brussels Aka Althais ) ACTION ( R -6 ) 10 / AF Alley James ) , Viet-Nam, Saigon Anderson James A Viet-Nam , Saigon
Abington Edward Gordon ...Israel, Tel Aviv Akahloun Eleanor L Uruguay. Montevideo Allgood Franklin D. USIA (R-4) Anderson James E Chile, Santiago
Abramo Vincent ACTION (R -5) 10/AF Akalovsky Alexander Germany, Berlin Alliason Ltc John R. Khmer Republic, Phnom Anderson James F Australia, Sydney
Abramowitz Morton ! STATE (0-2) POL Akers Andrew A Viet -Nam, Saigon Penh Anderson James H USIA ( R - 5)
CINCPAC Akins James E Saudi Arabia, Jidda Allie William L .. AID (R -3) MO/AFR Anderson James M .Nigeria , Lagos
Abrams Arthur H Israel, Tel Aviv Akiyama Carol F. ACTION ( R -4 ) Allison Marion C Japan, Tokyo Anderson Joan N Haiti Port-au -Prince
Abrams Manuel . STATE (0-1 ) S/IG 10/ NAN/EAP Allitto , Anthony Spain, Madrid Anderson Jr Minor W. Costa Rica . San Jose
Abreu Abelardo ) Viet-Nam, Saigon Alarid Joe L Zaire. Kinshasa Allitto Kathleen Spain, Madrid Anderson L Donald USIA ( R- 4 )
Abreu Linda L. Cyprus, Nicosia Albamonte Marion D Germany, Frankfurt Allocca Richard Zaire. Kinshasa Anderson Laurence Desaix Japan, Tokyo
Abshire Billy R ..Kenya. Nairobi Albaugh Richard M STATE (R-3) A /OPR Allred Dennis A Chile. Santiago Anderson Leland R. Pakistan , Islamabad
Aceto William F STATE (R - 5) A/BF Albert Frank Lee USIA (10.4) Almassy John G .Liberia. Monrovia Anderson Leona M STATE (0-2 ) M / FSI
Acevedo Bertha R. Colombia. Bogota Albert John . USIA (R-2) Almasy Betty ). ..Yugoslavia, Belgrade Anderson Lester C Indonesia , Jakarta
Achen Susanne M Venezuela. Caracas Alberti Deborah L Cameroon , Yaounde Almond Buddie R Laos, Vientiane Anderson Lester S Guatemala , Guatemala
Achilles Norman L STATE (0-5) M/FSI Alberti Francesco Ir Mexico, Mexico. D.F. Alots Geneva H .. Portugal, Lourenco Anderson Lt Col David H Senegal, Dakar
Ackenbom R Maryetta Mexico, Merida Albon William C Jr. Liberia , Monrovia Marques Mauritania , Nouakchott
Ackerman Donald L Colombia. Bogota Albores Richard Laos, Vientiane Alouf Barbara Ann STATE (S- 7 ) MED Mali, Bamako
Ackerman Karl D STATE (0-1 ) ARA/LA Albrecht Anthony C STATE (0-2) EUR Alpern Stanley B ..Upper Volta. The Gambia . Banjul
Ackerman William J ... Thailand. Bangkok Albright Bruce . USIA (10.4) Ouagadougou Anderson Merle A Italy, Rome
Acosta William Colombia , Bogota Albright David E. USIA (R-4) Alpert Hubert ) STATE (R-2) MED Anderson Michael G STATE (R.7 ) trng
Acquavella Joseph F .Niger, Niamey Albright Donald H Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Alphin Earl D. Viet Nam, Saigon Anderson Morris C. Viet Nam. Saigon
Acquisto Ernest . USIA (R - 3) Albright Marsha G Brazil, Brasilia Alspaugh Clarence H Jr. . Guyana, Georgetown Anderson Parker ) Peru , Lima
Acton Benjamin A STATE (R - 5) 0/ISO Alden Dennis H Philippines, Manila Altemus Paul B Italy, Naples son
Ander Raymo DJ nd USIA ( 10-6 )
Acton Georgia May Lebanon , Beirut Alden John S AID (R-2 ) ASIA / TECH Alter David E JE USM /OAS, Wash Anderson Robert Dahomey. Cotonou
Adair E Ross Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Alder Donald H. Venezuela, Caracas Alvarez Fred ..Nicaragua, Managua Anderson Roy L China , Taipei
Adair Marshall P France, Paris Aldrich Clifford M. Philippines, Manila Alvarez Jesse ) USIA (R- 7) Anderson Roy V Union of Sovie cialist
Adams Alvin Por STATE (0-5) NSC Aldridge Milton Greece, Athens Alvarez Maria S Chile. Santiago Republics , I w
Adams Benson D .STATE (R-3 ) PM Aldridge Ruth M. Sri Lanka. Colombo ez
Alvar Raymo ) . nd STATE (0-4) Com Dept Anderson Sarah R Greece. Athens
Adams Clyde S Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Aldriedge John L. USIA ( R-5) Amateis Roland P Jr. Belgium , Brussels Anderson Sidney D STATE ( RU - 3 )ACUM
Adams Dick C Indonesia, Jakarta Aleksa Joseph Germany, Munich Ambach Dwight R STATE (0-3) WarColl Anderson Stanton D STATE (R - 1 ) H
Adams Donald L. STATE (R - 7 ) SCI Alexander Albert N ..Lebanon, Beirut Trong Anderson Sydney C. ..Nigeria, Lagos
Adams E Avery Jr. STATE (0-2) INR Alexander Edward .Greece, Athens Ambre Earl A. ACTION (R -5) Caribbean Anderson Therese L Ethiopia , Addis Ababa
Adams Elaine Argentina, Buenos Aires Alexander Joseph N China, Taipei Ambrose Margaret H. Bangladesh. Dacca Anderson Vivian C. Viet Nam, Saigon
Adams Eugene ) . Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Alexander Leslie M „Norway. Oslo Ambrose Marie A. India, New Delhi Anderson Wallace L Philippines, Manila
Adams Fred L .. .Liberia, Monrovia Alexander Marie .. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Ambrosia Marguerite AID (S-6) SER /PM Andranovich Andrew Turkey, Ankara
Adams Frederick El .Liberia , Monrovia Alexander Martha B STATE ( S- 7) AF Amemiya Clayton Y Korea, Seoul Andre Richard C Korea , Seoul
Adams Gary D Viet-Nam , Saigon Alexander Mary L. STATE ( S -7) A /BF Amerman S Phillips L. ..Turkey, Istanbul Andrew Robert F. Zaire, Kinshasa
Adams Gerald S Chile, Santiago Alexander Milo R Zaire. Kinshasa Amerson Robert C . :Italy, Rome Andrews Archie M .U.K . London
AdamsGlenn R. ..Norway. Oslo Alexander Norman Jr Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Ames Beverley June. USOECD , Paris Andrews Edmund L ..Argentina , Buenos Aires
Adams Harold P .AID (R.2) COMP/FS Algayer Alan W. USIA (R-5) Ames Edward M AID (R -3) OPS Andrews George R USNATO, Brussels
Adams James USIA (R-4) Algire Wayne W STATE (R- 7) A /SY Ames Harvey M J Jr. Viet-Nam , Saigon Andrews Maj C Peter Greece, Athens
Adams John H Israel, Tel Aviv Alhimook Daniel .Italy, Milan Ames Robert C Kuwait, Kuwait Andrews Mary E El Salvador, San
Adams Judith A ..Austria, Vienna Alikanian Michael USIA (R.4) Amine Assad Jordan. Amman Salvador
Adams Madison M Jr. .Liberia, Monrovia Alio Ivan S .. ACTION (R -2) 10 Amori Alberti. .Peru, Lima Andrews Nicholas G STATE (0-2 JR
Adams Michael Zaire, Kinshasa Alkassim Abdel S. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Amos Joan M. AID ( S-6) COMP /FS Andrews Richard B El Salvador San
Adams Robert D .Panama, Panama Allais Robert Emil Portugal, Lisbon Amos Lorraine E STATE (S -7 ) PER Salvador
Adams Robert H .Laos, Vientiane Allan L Stuart Pakistan, Karachi Amos Phillip R Colombia, Bogota Andrews Thomas H Germany, Frankfurt
Adams Ruth A. Viet-Nam . Saigon Allan Virginia R. STATE (R- 1 ) P Amos Preston E. .USIA (0-4) Andrews William H. AID (R -4) OPS
Adams Simmie E. Pakistan, Islamabad Allard Clarke William Mexico. Monterrey Amott John C. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Andros Elizabeth M China, Peking ( U.S.
Adams Virginia 8 . .Netherlands, Curacao Allard Ken D. Thailand, Bangkok Amstutz ) Bruce STATE (0-2) S /IG Liaison Office)
Adams Wayne G ..Austria, Vienna Allegro James New Zealand, Amundson Ellsworth M Laos, Vientiane Andruch Diane M Colombia, Bogota
Adams Wayne Thomas STATE (0-5) EB Wellington Anagan Cleo .Yugoslavia , Belgrade Andruch Gordon R Colombia, Bogota
Adams Wilson S Viet-Nam , Danang Allen Arthur B .STATE (0-2) CU Anania John R Ghana, Accra Andrzejewski Gertrude A Union of Soviet Socialist
Adamson Cwo Lyn S Union of Soviet Socialist Allen Arthur P STATE (0-2) INR Anctil Gabrielle E „AID (SL -8)AFR /NAR Republics , Moscow
Republics, Moscow Allen Barbara Joan. Tanzania, Dar es Anderegg John A STATE (0-4) PER Aneiro George. STATE (0-4 ) EA
Adamson Florence Cathryn China, Taipei Salaam Anderege John A ..India, New Delhi Angevine Charles E Philippines, Manila
Adamson Jerry L. .Poland, Warsaw Allen Barbara S. ..Ivory Coast. Abidjan Anders Eric R ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Angulo Charles Bonin STATE (R.7) A/OPR
Addington Michella ..Italy, Rome Allen Bobby W .Laos, Vientiane Anders James D.Jr. Laos, Vientiane Annenberg Walter H .U.K. , London
Addis John L.... .Peru, Lima Allen Carolyn M. STATE (0-6) M Andersen Capt Frank R ..Union of Soviet Socialist Annigian Lucille .Kenya, Nairobi
Addison George B. ..Turkey. Ankara Allen Catherine C Viet-Nam , Nha Trang Republics, Moscow Annis Fred V. AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Adelman Carol A .Zaire, Kinshasa Allen Catherine E Rwanda, Kigali Andersen Curtis C Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Antholt Charles H. AID (R-5) ASIA /TECH
Adelman Sime H USIA (10-4) Allen Charles B .AID (R-2) AFR /NAR Andersen Marjorie M. Colombia, Bogota Anthony Earl G Viet-Nam, Saigon
Aderhold Monroe E. .STATE (R-4) Com Dept Allen Charlotte Italy. Palermo Anderson A Dwight. .Germany, Frankfurt Anthony William H. USIA ( 0-2)
Adesso Elena G .. ..Indonesia , Jakarta Allen Daniel E Pakistan, Islamabad Anderson Bernice W .Dom . Rep., Santo Antico Peter ) Italy. Rome
Adkins Elmer H Dr. „AID (R-2) OPS Allen Dorothy L. .STATE ( S-7) NEA Domingo Antiles Adrienne H USIA ( R- 7)
Adkins Jack W .USIA ( S- 2) Allen Elizabeth T STATE ( S- 3) EUR Anderson Borje S. ..Germany. Stuttgart Antippas Andrew F. STATE (0-4) EA
Antone Ann Basore Dolores J
Antone Ann STATE (R-8) MED Astor Charlotte H USIA (R-8) Baker James E South Africa , Pretoria Barfield John Daniel . China. Taipei
Antoni Mary Jeanne STATE (S- 7) S/S Asumendi Dorothy C. USNATO , Brussels Baker James W. USIA ( R -4) Bargnesi Samuel Thailand . Udorn
Antonini Loretta F USIA (S- 7) Atchley John K. India, Madras Baker Jerry L. Switzerland, Bern Barich Ann V. India, New Delhi
Antonoff Valentina USIA (R-7) Athens Mary W Greece. Athens Baker Jesse L Greece, Athens Barile Gina E STATE ( S -4) EUR
Antos Gloria Ann Chad, N'Djamena Atherton Alfred L Jr STATE (0-1 ) NEA Baker John Ar STATE (0-2) EUR Barkanic Steven A. Austria, Vienna
Antrillo Anthony Viet-Nam , Saigon Athos Ethel P STATE (R-3) INR Baker John H. STATE (RU - 1)DG /MED Barker Dennis G Viet -Nam , Danang
Antroinen Aaron P Viet-Nam , Saigon Atkins Edwin F Italy. Rome Baker Keith D .AID (R-5) PHA /PVC Barker John S Viet-Nam Saigon
Antunes Juliet C USIA (10.4) Atkins John W. Austria, Vienna Baker Louis R. .USIA (R-3) Barker Terry ). Viet Nam. Can Tho
Aoki Frank T Thailand, Bangkok Atkins Leland K. STATE ( S -2 ) A /OC Baker Nevin C .Liberia, Monrovia Barkley Mimi M Laos, Vientiane
Apel Roy . .Germany, Frankfurt Atkinson Capt Wilton L. ..Japan. Tokyo Baker Patricia B .USIA ( S-7) Barkley Richard C Germany. Berlin
Apodaca Dick F Brazil, Brasilia Atwell Donald L. .AID (R-3) AFR /NAR Baker Pearl A Trin & Tobago, Port-of. Barkman Robert N Union of Soviet Socialist
Aposporos Themistocles G.Argentina, Buenos Aires Atwood Milford W. Viet-Nam , Saigon Spain Republics, Leningrad
Apple Dorothy H AID (R-6) SER/PM Aubert Jack Gethyn ..Finland, Helsinki Baker Richard A. .USIA (R-8) Barlow Francis Jordan. Amman
Applegate Stanley A AID (R-2) LA /DR Auchter Edmund L .Pakistan, Islamabad Baker Richard W III . Indonesia , Surabaya Barlow Loral W AID (R-5) AG/AUD
Appling Hugh G Viet-Nam. Saigon Auerswald Paul E STATE (RU - 2)PA Baker Robert J. .U.K ., London Barlow Ted H STATE ( S- 4 ) SCA
Araginez Esther . Viet-Nam. Saigon Autricht Gabor M. USIA (R-2) Baker Robert J. .U.K . London Barmon Ward Davis China, Taipei
Aragon Philix S. USIA (R-5) AugustHeidi ..Finland , Helsinki Baker Vincent STATE (0-2) PM Barnard Robert J .. STATE (0-3) PER
Arakelian Mary. USUN, N.Y. Augustine Janet T STATE (R-8) O/ISO Baker William M. Viet-Nam, Saigon Barnebey Malcolm R Peru. Lima
Arbona Donald Iran, Tehran Augustus Richard A. .Germany. Berlin Bakey Charles R Dr. .U.K., London Barnes Harry G Jr Romania, Bucharest
Arcand Paul E Thailand , Bangkok Aulicino John V. USIA (R-2) Bakke Alfred C Laos, Vientiane Barnes Lewis V Panama, Panama
Arcement Margaret H Haiti, Port-au -Prince Aulik Russel E. China, Taipei Bakley Robert N AID (RL- 2)ASIA /CD Barnes Marsha E Guyana, Georgetown
Arcement Ned W Haiti, Port- au -Prince Ausland John Campbell US Mission, Geneva Bakos Dennis M .Greece, Athens Barnes Norman C. Pakistan, Islamabad
Arceneaux Robert L .Brazil , Rio de Janeiro Aust John A. .Philippines, Manila Balabanis G Paul STATE (0-4) EB Barnes Richard L. Venezuela, Caracas
Archard Douglas B Pakistan, Islamabad Austin Gilbert F. USIA (10-1 ) Balash Tillie A. USIA (R- 7) Barnes Thomas J. Thailand, Bangkok
Archer Edward E .Zaire, Kisangani Austin Kathleen T. ...India , Calcutta Balashova Ethel. .Brazil, Brasilia Barnes William JA ..Japan, Tokyo
Archer George W. STATE (R-5) EA Austin Robert D Jr El Salvador, San Balboni Robert T USIA ( R-3) Barnett Col John H Czechoslovakia, Prague
Archer Rebecca E Liberia, Monrovia Salvador Baldassarri Carol Ann . STATE ( S- 7) E Barnett Francis L AID (R-4) OPS
Archi Richard K. AID (R -5) ASIA /DP Austin Theodore Jr. .STATE (0-5) ARA /LA Baldi Joseph M. ACTION(R -6) 10 /LA Barnett Ralph E Viet-Nam, Danang
Archibald John LG .Zaire, Kisangani Austin William D Viet-Nam, Saigon Baldino George F. .Peru, Lima Barnhart Marcella India, New Delhi
Archie Mildred . USIA (S-5) Austrian Michael I ... Cyprus, Nicosia Baldridge James E Yemen Arab Republic, Barnhart Margaret J. STATE (0-4) PER
Arcos Cresencio Sur ..Portugal, Lisbon Austrian Sheila West Cyprus, Nicosia San'a Barnhill Martha F Tunisia Tunis
Arehart John W Korea, Seoul Avenius Sheldon H Jr. Venezuela, Maracaibo Baldwin James D Greece, Athens Barnsdale William Italy, Rome
Arel Leo A. Korea, Seoul Averill Wilmot L ... Viet-Nam, Saigon Baldwin Karl A .Philippines, Manila Baron Albert R .Niger, Niamey
Arenales Alfonso STATE (0-3 ) INR Awagain Albert E STATE (S-3) DG /MED Baldwin Mary C. Thailand, Bangkok Baron Robert K. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade
ArentAlmal Thailand, Bangkok Axelrod Philip . Spain, Madrid Baldyga Leonard . Poland, Warsaw Baron William CC . Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Arenz Francis A Colombia , Bogota Ayala Constance G „Nigeria, Lagos Balen Linda V .Laos, Vientiane Barone Elvira T Iran , Tehran
Arias Julio Javier STATE (0-2) SCA Ayers Patricia Conn . Viet-Nam, Saigon Bales Richard E ..Indonesia, Jakarta Barone Margaret M AID ( S-6 ) COMP/FS
Arias Ltc Roger FA . Ecuador. Quito Ayers Thomas W. Viet-Nam, Saigon Balis John S. „AID (R -3) Trng Comp Barr Alan W. ..Austria, Vienna
Arietti Michael R STATE (0.7 ) INR Ayling Robert S Cameroon, Yaounde Ball Albert. .USIA ( 10-4 ) Barr Alfred R STATE (0-5) INR
Armacost Michael H. Japan. Tokyo Aylmer Robert R STATE (S -4) S / S Ball Harris H Greece, Athens Barr Brady G Nigeria, Ibadan
Armbruster James P STATE (S-6) A /OC Aylward Paul Lr. .Canada, Montreal Ball Laura E. .Italy, Milan Barr Robert W USIA (10-3)
Armbruster Susan A Viet Nam. Saigon Ball Thomas H .Lebanon, Beirut Barr Sara E USOECD, Paris
Armfield Eva A STATE ( R-6) PER Ball William E. India, Calcutta Barraclough William G STATE (0-4) EB
Armijo Elsie M ..Argentina , Buenos Aires Ballantyne Robert AID (R-2) ASIA /TECH Barrasso Emanuella USIA (R- 5 )
Armijo Rosemarie Guatemala, Guatemala Ballard Austin ) AID (RL-3)AG/AUD Barrera Cordova Alba . Spain , Madrid
Armilla Jose Viet Nam. Saigon Baas Bryan H. .U.K., London Ballard Edgar E Dr STATE (R-3 ) A /FBO Barrera Manuel Spain , Barcelona
Armitage John A. STATE (0-1 ) EUR Baas Marc Allen .. Tunisia, Tunis Ballard Richard J Indonesia, Jakarta Barrett Christopher B. Union of Soviet Socialist
Armor William H. Panama, Panama Babcock Dwight C. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Ballenoort Dirk A. .ACTION(R -4) Republics, Moscow
Armstrong Beverly J Switzerland, Bern Baber M Sharon STATE (S-5) INR 10 /NAN /EAP Barrett Col Frederick L. Turkey. Ankara
Armstrong George H AID (R-4 ) COMP/FS Babin AnthonyJr. STATE (0-4) A /BF Ballinger Marjorie Ellen .Libya, Tripoli Barrett Dennis P Korea, Seoul
Armstrong Larry Bolivia, La Paz Babishvili Vladimir USIA (R- 7) Ballou Christopher H. ..U.K. , Hong Kong Barrett Donald W .Zambia, Lusaka
Armstrong Martin Harold . STATE (0-3 ) AF Bable Eugene P. Laos, Vientiane Ballou Patricia Jane. Upper Volta , Barrett Donn F STATE (R-6) PA
Armstrong Mary W. .Philippines, Manila Babylon John R AID (RL-4 )AFR /DP Ouagadougou Barrett Frank ) Canada, Montreal
Armstrong Oscar V STATE (0-1 ) EA Baca Jose R Peru , Lima Ballow Barry E USIA (10-4) Barrett John L STATE (0-2 ) Com Dept
Armstrong Sam G Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Bach William Viet- Nam, Saigon Balow Pamela K Thailand, Bangkok Barrett Mary F. STATE (R-5) PER
Armstrong William Jr. STATE (S- 7) NEA Bacha Jules D US Mission, Geneva Balser Alex Jr .Philippines, Manila Barrett Peter 1 Thailand, Bangkok
Armstrong Willis C STATE (0-1 ) EB Bache G Michael . USUN, NY Balser Joseph F .Laos, Vientiane Barrett Robert S IV Viet-Nam, Saigon
Arndt Richard Tallmadge .... STATE (10-2)CU Bache Kenneth Cameroon , Yaounde Balsis Catherine A Bolivia , La Paz Barrett Thomas Jr .Brazil, Recife
Arndt Thomas M. AID (R- 3) Irng Comp Bachhuber David Harold ..STATE (R-2) MED Balsitis James E Viet-Nam, Can Tho Barrigan Donald B .Paraguay, Asuncion
Arnold Elizabeth M .U.K., Hong Kong Bachmann F Brenne Australia , Sydney Baltimore Richard L lii Portugal, Lisbon Barringer Col Fred A. Ireland, Dublin
Arnold Lowell E Cyprus, Nicosia Backus Anne P. STATE (R -4) PER Baltz Lt Col Dickey L .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Barron Thomas F. Singapore, Singapore
Arnold Marilyn AID (S- 7) SA / VN Bacon John George Germany, Bonn Balzer Clayton P. .USIA (R-2) Barrosse Marc Aur AID (R-4) ARA -LA /PAN
Arnold Philip W Austria, Vienna Baer Bernice .USIA (R-4) Ban Dinh Van , .USIA (R-4) Barry Cdr Thomas M .U.K. , London
Arnold Terrell E .Philippines, Manila Baer Lillian C. ACTION (R -6 ) 10/AF Ban Elizabeth USIA (R-8) Barry Charles W AID (RL-4 )SA /IR
Arnwine Henry B Laos, Vientiane Baer Robert M AID (R-5) SER/CM Band William FX AID (R- 1 ) AG /IIS Barry David F Sweden, Stockholm
Aronhime Joseph F Nicaragua, Managua Bagnal John E STATE (S-2) A /SY Bane David M ..India , Bombay Barry Katherine E Greece, Athens
Arp Merle E Philippines Manila Bagwell Sharon F .Germany, Berlin Bane Howard T. Kenya, Nairobi Barry Lt Cdr Kenneth R .Finland, Helsinki
Arredondo Anthony .Dom . Rep . , Santo Bahl Byron H „AID (R-5) AFR /CWR Bang Hans. .Laos, Vientiane Barry Michael 1 Nicaragua, Managua
Domingo Bahti James H. Saudi Arabia, Dhahran Bangs Gerald C. STATE ( S -4) A /BF Barry Robert L. USIA (0-4)
Arrington Frank W AID (R-3 ) AG Baihly Walter Lee ACTION (R -6) 10 Banick Lillian R India, New Delhi Barsoum Elias S STATE (R 4) INR
Arroyo David S. Bolivia, La Paz Bailey Berton M. .Lesotho , Maseru Bank Richard K. STATE (R-4) EB Bartch Carl E .U.K. , Edinburgh
Arseneau Thelma M Ireland, Dublin Bailey Bonnie ). Australia, Sydney Bankard Margo C Afghanistan, Kabul Bartelt Dean E Philippines , Manila
Artaud Jean ME Turkey. Ankara Bailey Charles H .Liberia, Monrovia Bankett Jean M ACTION(S-8) 10 / LA Bartenstein Thomas E Jr STATE (S-5) A /OPR
Arthur Robert D Italy. Genoa Bailey Eugene C. Guyana, Georgetown Banks Dolly V. India, New Delhi Barth Norman E Germany. Bonn
Arthur Theodore S USIA (R-2) Bailey Franklin Viet -Nam, Saigon Banks V Hobson. USIA (R-2) Barth Richard A Nicaragua, Managua
Anzac DanielNr. .Chile, Santiago Bailey George W Viet- Nam, Nha Trang Bannerman Robert B .Laos, Vientiane Bartholomew Carl J. .Paraguay, Asuncion
Arzt Joanne .France, Paris Bailey Hassell H. .Liberia, Monrovia Banque Robert Japan. Osaka-Kobe Bartholomew Curtis W .STATE (S-2) ARA-LA
Asay Merril B. Viet Nam. Saigon Bailey Kenneth Hur STATE (0-4) 10 Banyas John .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Bartlebaugh Richard T. Greece, Athens
Asch Rose Marie .AID (R-5) IT /TS Bailey Ltc Broadus Jr .Laos, Vientiane Baque William R Jamaica, Kingston Bartlett Robert H. Nepal, Kathmandu
Ascher James M USIA (10-3) Bailey Maj Richard W. South Africa, Pretoria Baquet Charles R III . STATE (0-5 ) A /OPR Bartlett Samuel B STATE (0-4) PER
Aschman Francis ) . Australia, Melbourne Bailey Mary E STATE ( S-5) A /OC Baranyi Thomas Z .Laos, Vientiane Bartlett Tom L. USNATO, Brussels
Asencio Diego C Brazil, Brasilia Bailey Patrick G Colombia , Bogota Barbeau Irene M Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Bartley Julian L. .Dom . Rep., Santo
Ashcanase Abe S Afghanistan, Kabul Bailey Raymond M Ecuador, Guayaquil Barber Edwin L III STATE (0-5 ) PM Domingo
Ashcraft Lyndal R .Guyana, Georgetown Bailey Toliese A. ..Viet-Nam, Saigon Barber Nancy V STATE (S-6) 10 Bartley Oler A JE STATE (0-3) EA
Ashenbrenner Irmal . Colombia . Bogota Bair William D .. Colombia, Bogota Barbian Paul E. STATE (0-5) EB Barton C Cary AID (R-2) COMP/FS
Ashford Howard Jr. STATE (0-2 ) PER Baird James D .. .AID (R-4) SER/ENGR Barbieri Albert F. South Africa. Cape Town Barton John B Nicaragua, Managua
Ashford Robert S. Mexico, Mexico. D.F. Baith Daniel Bruce. STATE ( S -6 ) A /OC Barbieri Anthony G US Mission, Geneva Barton Ronald B Indonesia, Jakarta
Ashford Theophilus E. .USIA ( 10-3) Bajek Leon J ...... .France, Paris Barbis George M .USEC, Brussels Bartreau Evelyn Cecile Colombia, Bogota
Ashida James H Viet-Nam. Saigon Bak Eunice A Viet-Nam, Saigon Barbour Ernest ) Afghanistan, Kabul Bartreau William L. Colombia , Bogota
Ashley Betty L AID (S-5) SA /IR Bake Mary Louise Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Barbour Robert E STATE ( 0-2) P Bartz Carl Fur .Pakistan, Karachi
Ashley Fredrick C STATE (0-5) M/FSI Baker Allan E .USIA (R-2) Barbour Russell C .Madagascar, Basek Gary S. .Belgium , Brussels
Ashley Joseph P. Liberia, Monrovia Baker B Kimball. USIA (R-5) Tananarive Bash Richard M .Argentina, Buenos Aires
Ashley Rachel Christine Nepal, Kathmandu Baker Col Charles E Philippines, Manila Barcas John A. Canada, Vancouver Bashaw Alice L .Argentina , Buenos Aires
Ashton Norman R. AID (R -2) ASIA /EMS Baker Dorothy E .Ecuador, Quito Barcori Helene USUN, N.Y. Bashaw Robert C Guatemala, Guatemala
Askey Dennis Japan , Tokyo Baker Edward A Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Bardach Henry ..Austria,Vienna Bashore Clayton R Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Askin Peter W. Viet Nam. Saigon Baker Franklin H STATE (R -4) SCA Bardagiy Andrew M USIA ( R-3) Basile Joseph. STATE (0-4) EUR
Assaturian Gourgen H. USIA (R-4) Baker Harrison L. Philippines, Manila Bardolph Grace Belgium . Brussels Baskey Nicholas S dr STATE (0-5) PER
Asselin Robert Jr USOECD, Paris Baker Herbert W Germany. Bonn Bardos Arthur A Belgium , Brussels Baskin Myron A. Germany, Bonn
Astala Katherine Marie Italy. Rome Baker ) Loretta Viet-Nam , Saigon Bareford Henry E. ...Kenya, Nairobi Basore Dolores . Costa Rica, San Jose
Bass Charles White ... .STATE (0-4) A /MC Beer Ida .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Bennett Paul ). .Burma, Rangoon Jordan. Amman
Bassett Brant Gordon USIA ( S -9 ) Beers R Rand .POLADS, SHAPE Bennett Theodore E .. USIA ( R-3) Cyprus, Nicosia
Bassett Charlotte B USIA ( S -9) (Brussels) Bennett W Tapley Jr. USUN, N.Y. Bevis Jimmy L .U.K.. London
Bassett Warren R. Viet-Nam , Saigon Beery Lawrence A JE Cameroon, Yaounde Bennett William E Germany. Berlin Bayda Henry ... .Laos, Vientiane
Bassford Henry M .Panama, Panama Beetle Melvin E „Philippines, Manila Bennett William W USIA ( S- 2) Beyer Beatrice K. .AID (S-6) SER/PM
Bassin Jules. .US Mission, Geneva Bettel Edwin L ... El Salvador, San Bennington James 0 Viet-Nam. Saigon Beyer Gordon R Tanzania, Dar es
Bastek John A STATE (0-5) M/FSI Salvador Bennsky George M. STATE (0-2) EB Salaam
Bastian Walter M Jr. .USIA (10-1 ) Begien Zana D Iran, Tehran Benoit Betty A Argentina, Buenos Aires Beyer Joel H. .Dom . Rep., Santo
Bastiani Carl A Italy, Genoa Begley Margaret B Netherlands, The Hague Benoit John J. Viet-Nam, Saigon Domingo
Bastress Carol A .ACTION(R-6) 10 Begley Walter L. Viet-Nam, Saigon Benson Dolores S USIA (R-5) Biava Richard D. .Panama, Panama
Bateman Edward C STATE (RU -2 ) A/OPR Begor Dorothy F. .Bangladesh. Dacca Benson James M France, Paris Bibos Genevieve. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Bateman Nancy E STATE (RU-6)INR Behnke Paul E. STATE (R-7) trng Benson John D .Nigeria. Lagos Bibus Mary Ann. Iran, Tehran
Bates Karen L Germany. Bonn Behotéguy Scott L. Haiti, Port-au -Prince Benson Philip A. .Netherlands, The Hague Bicha Juliet A. India, New Delhi
Bates Larry E. .Union of Soviet Socialist Behrens Bernice Woodard .... STATE (R -4) CU San Benson Raymond E Turkey. Ankara Biddick Thomas V STATE (R-8) trng
Republics, Moscow Fran Benson Roger N .Korea, Seoul Biddle Robert W .China , Taipei
Bates Quentin R. .Belgium, Brussels Behrens James E... ..Greece, Athens Benson Ross E Saudi Arabia , Jidda Bider Lorice M. .STATE (S.5) CIEP
Luxembourg. Behrens John F .. ..Nigeria, Lagos Benthall Joe M Saudi Arabia, Jidda Bielak Peter P .Ecuador, Guayaquil
Luxembourg Behrens Robert H Morocco, Rabat Bentley Robert B STATE (0-5 ) EUR Bieler Dorothy ). Afghanistan , Kabul
Bates Quentin R. .Belgium , Brussels Beidleman Edward B ..Japan, Osaka-Kobe Benton Phyllis M .STATE ( S- 9) PA Bieler John W Viet-Nam, Saigon
Bathrick David D. .Bolivia , La Paz Beigel Edgar ) . STATE (RU-2)EUR Bentz Ruth E. ..Algeria, Algiers Bielinski Stanley Jr. STATE (R-7) A /SY
Batjer Helene A. .Bulgaria, Sofia Beko Helen E. USIA ( 0-4 ) Benz John S. AID (R- 1 ) AG Bien Thomas L... USIA (R-5)
Bator Edmund A. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Bel Robert J. ..Italy, Rome Berbick Helen I ... ..AID (S-5) MO /AD Bienvenue Patricia M .Thailand, Bangkok
Batt Ira STATE (S- 1 ) INR Belair May A. ..Austria, Vienna Berckman Gypsie C .Romania , Bucharest Bienvenue Richard A. ..Thailand, Bangkok
Battaglia Elio Lee .USIA (R-3 ) Belaval Leila S. .Guatemala, Guatemala Berg Edward Anthon .Belgium , Antwerp Bierke John H .AID (RL-5)SER/CM
Battaglia Phillip V ..Italy, Rome Belcher Clifford Pakistan, Islamabad Berg K Marshall ..Turkey, Istanbul Bierman Russell W. Tanzania, Dar es
Battey Bryan M .USIA (10-2) Belcher Marjorie S. Turkey, Ankara Berg Michael E. .Brazil, Recife Salaam
Baudoin Laury A .. .Poland, Warsaw Belcher Taylor G Peru, Lima Berg Richard M. „Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Biersbach Dolores A. STATE ( S-6) EUR
Baudrand Lou Ann AID (S-7) SA / PPB Belden James 0 STATE ( S- 2) SCA Berg Richard W. ..Zaire, Kinshasa Bies Bernard W Jordan. Amman
Bauer Arthur Costa Rica , San Jose Belew Wendell L. Mexico, Hermosillo Berg William B. Swaziland, Mbabane Bietry Arline ) . .US Mission , Geneva
Bauer Edwin A .U.K. , Hong Kong Belk William E. Austria, Vienna Bergen Mary K. AID (S- 7) COMP /FS Bigelow Alfred B .AID (R-4) PHA /PRS
Bauer Irene Mary. .Panama , Panama Bell Brian STATE (10-2 )ARA /LA Berger Arthur S .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Bigelow Lee S. Thailand. Bangkok
Baugh Roy S Denmark, Copenhagen Bell Charles L .Norway, Oslo Berger Rosella R Viet-Nam, Saigon Bigelow Paul F .Mexico, Matamoros
Baughman Jon India, New Delhi Bell Chester S Jr. Pakistan, Islamabad Berger Samuel D .STATE (CM ) M /FSI Bigenho Jerry N .Laos, Vientiane
Baum Willy D .Korea, Seoul Bell Faye V „AID ( S -5) COMP /FS Berges Beverly Jean Venezuela, Caracas Biggerstaff Howard E.. Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Bauman Arthur C. .Belgium , Brussels Bell Francis ) Morocco, Rabat Bergesen Alf E STATE ( 0-3 ) EA Biggs Jeffrey R. USIA (R -4 )
Bauman Oliver A AID (R.2) COMP/FS Bell Holley Mack . Ecuador, Quito Bergheim Myrtle. .USIA (R-6) Bigler Roy C Afghanistan, Kabul
Baumann William H. .AID (R-3) OPS Bell lii Andrew .ACTION(R- 1 ) 10 Bergier Frederic M. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Bilecky Anatole ..Viet-Nam, Saigon
Baur Thomas C .Afghanistan, Kabul Bell James P Jr. Colombia, Bogota Bergin Martin Jr. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Biller Joel W .STATE (0-2) E
Bautch Suzanne G Viet Nam. Saigon Bell Joel E Thailand, Bangkok Bergin Peter Edward STATE (R-8) A /SY Billick Barbara T Brazil, Sao Paulo
Bawden Judith E Sri Lanka, Colombo Bell June S. Pakistan, Islamabad Bergland Lucy S. .STATE ( S- 3) PER Billick Donald Brazil, Sao Paulo
Baxter Craig.... .STATE (0-4) FA /USMA Bell Larry N. .Germany, Frankfurt Bergman Paul M Austria, Vienna Billick Michael Indonesia, Jakarta
Baxter Donald R .Laos, Vientiane Bell Lcdr John M. Indonesia, Jakarta Bergold Harry Er STATE ( 0-3) Sec Defense Billig Neil B. .Nicaragua, Managua
Baxter Henry E. Canada, Ottawa Bell Randolph M .Germany, Frankfurt Bergstrom Alan H .. STATE ( 0-5 ) INR Billings Clark H. Viet-Nam. Saigon
Baxter Mary Anna. South Africa. Pretoria Bell Robert E .Japan, Tokyo Bergus Donald C. .STATE (0-1 ) M/FSI Billings Martin H. ..AID ( R -4) AFR /DS
Bay Anna R ..Portugal, Lisbon Bell Robert H AID (R-3) AFR /DS Berkley George A Jamaica, Kingston Billingslea Ella 1. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Bayard Carlton II. ..Germany, Frankfurt Bell S Morey STATE (0-2) ARA / LA Berky Andrew S .Lesotho, Maseru Billo Charles G .. STATE (0-5) EB
Bayer Gary L. .Laos, Vientiane Bell Sheridan W lii .China , Taipei Berlin Calvin C. Brazil, Brasilia Billson Patricia A Greece, Athens
Bayer Mary Finland, Helsinki Bell Susan Jane STATE ( S- 7) PER Berlind Alan D.. Belgium , Brussels Bilyeu George F .AID (R-3) SER/PM
Bazala Razvigor .Poland , Warsaw Bell Thomas A. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Bermingham James F Venezuela. Caracas Bimmerle Diann M ..Laos, Vientiane
Beach Peter EM ..Tunisia . Tunis Bell Virginia Ann . STATE ( S- 7) S /PC Bernal Anselmo E .. .AID (R-4) PHA /POP Bintord William L Guatemala, Guatemala
Beach Teresa M STATE (S-4) NEA Bellack Lorraine A. Viet-Nam , Saigon Bernal Caesar P. AID (R-3) OPS Binns Jack R STATE (C-4) ARA/LA
Beachem Ltc Paul ) . Pakistan, Islamabad Bellamy Conrad L. Rwanda, Kigali Bernal David V. Spain , Madrid Binns William A Viet-Nam , Can Tho
Beachner William F. ..Madagascar. Bellamy William E. STATE (R-3) PER Bernard loan E. ..Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Birch John K. .USIA (R-3)
Tananarive Beller Catherine M .Israel, Tel Aviv Bernard Ursula 1. .STATE ( S-5) CU Bird Eugene H Saudi Arabia , Jidda
Beahler John ..Kenya, Nairobi Beller Joyce M Italy, Rome N.Orleans Bird H Reid Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa
Beal Altus A. STATE (S- 7) CU Bellido Moises M. STATE ( S-3) ARA /LA Bernbaum John A .. STATE (R-6) PA Bird Ralph Viet- Nam, Saigon
Beal Leroy Ethridge Jerusalem , Jerusalem Bellinger Earl W .Nigeria , Lagos Bernheisel Charles K.. AID (R -4) IT / P Bird Robert Pr. USIA (R-2)
Beal Williams . Germany. Bonn Bellocchi Natale H Japan, Tokyo Bernholz Herman Viet-Nam, Saigon Birkhold Maurice P. .El Salvador, San
Beales Robert W. .Lebanon, Beirut Bellos Minna Germany, Frankfurt Bernier C Edward ..Lebanon , Beirut Salvador
Beall David Russell. ..Bulgaria, Sofia Belmonte Vincent L STATE ( S-6 ) A /BF Bernier Geraldine .USIA ( S- 8) Birn Richard .Malta, Valletta
Beam John C. Burundi, Bujumbura Belsito Barbara E. Morocco. Rabat Bernius Lyle D. .AID ( R -4 ) TA /PM Birnbaum Harold .Sri Lanka, Colombo
Beams George E. .USIA (R-3) Belt Richard D Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Berrett Rob L... ..AID (R-2) Trng Comp Birrer Mary R. .USNATO, Brussels
Bean Don E STATE (0-4) Uncy Trng Beltran Cesar D Spain, Madrid Berrington Robin A. ..Japan. Tokyo Bisbee Royal D. .USIA (10-2)
Bean Maurice D .Liberia, Monrovia Belz Dona Krause India, Calcutta Berris Jan Carol .USIA (10-6) Bischoff William E ..France, Paris
Bean Ralph E. .Nigeria, Lagos Bemis Robert Iran, Tehran Berry Bruce M AID (R-4) SER / FM Bisek Paul Albert ..Khmer Republic, Phnom
Beard Arlynn E .Lebanon, Beirut Bemus Herman H Kuwait, Kuwait Berry Frank L. ..Germany, Hamburg Penh
Bearden Glenn W STATE (S- 7) INR Benbow Quincy . Khmer Republic, Phnom Berry John E. .Panama, Panama Bishop Alan M. ..Mauritius, Port Louis
Bearden Milton A Switzerland, Bern Penh Berry Jr William L ..Paraguay, Asuncion Bishop Boyd W .STATE ( R -6) EUR
Beardsley Bruce Anthony ....Lebanon , Beirut Bender Bonita Lynne .. India, New Delhi Berry Judith Ann . AID (SL.7)COMP /FS Bishop Bradford Jo ..Botswana, Gaborone
Beasley George F... .China, Taipei Bender Jacob E Jr. Greece, Athens Berry LA. ..AID (R-3) COMP/FS Bishop Edward R ..Philippines, Manila
Beattie Frederick O lii Jamaica, Kingston Bender James W. Viet-Nam , Saigon Berry Maxwell K. STATE (0-4) M /FSI Bishop James K JE .STATE (0-3) AF
Beaudry RobertM Italy, Rome Bendersky Michael E Sudan, Khartoum Berth Paul M. ..Laos, Vientiane Bishop John A Nepal, Kathmandu
Bebick Joan Ellen. .Germany, Hamburg Benedetti Robert A ..... .Zaire, Kinshasa Bertolet Robert F .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Bishop Maj Warren E. .U.K., London
Bebout Tom G Guatemala, Guatemala Benedick Richard Elliot. STATE (0-3) EB Bertot Joseph A. .USIA (10.4) Bishop Vernon E .. .STATE (RU -4 )A /SY
Becchetti Fred. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Benedict Gary D India, New Delhi Bertotti Timothy L .Dom . Rep .. Santo Bishton Robert A. STATE (0-2) PER
Becelia Joseph F STATE (0-5) EUR Benedict Lawrence N STATE (R-7) trng Domingo Bisk Norma E ..France,Paris
Beck John B .Zaire, Kinshasa Benford Clyde M. Indonesia, Jakarta Bertram Bruce lan ..USIA (10-3) Bissell Phyllis H .STATE (S-7) PER
Beck Niels C. Viet Nam. Saigon Benge Michael D .AID (RL-4 )COMP /FS Berube Annette M ..Poland, Warsaw Bisset Alfred .AID (R-2) TA /PM
Beck Paul C .Philippines, Manila Benham Julia E. .USIA (S- 7) Berzins G Dzintars .USIA ( R -6) Bisset Lawrence E. .AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Becker Gilbert D Thailand, Bangkok Benis Erica USIA (R-5) Besachio Saverio M. ..ACTION (R -6) 10 Bitondo Rocco R .. ..Zaire, Kinshasa
Becker ) Peter ..Japan , Tokyo Benjamin Aaron L .Peru, Lima Besheer Marie . ..Upper Volta, Bittle Dorothy ). ..Peru, Lima
Becker Jane Ellen ..Portugal, Lisbon Benjamin Finley E. USIA (R-5) Ouagadougou Bittner Edward C Venezuela, Caracas
Becker Janie M. ..Mali, Bamako Benker Robert Edwin . STATE ( R -8 ) A /SY Besom Donald G Jr. ..Pakistan, Lahore Bittner ) Peter. ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Becker John P STATE (0-4 ) EUR Bennetch Dorothy Poland, Warsaw Best Albert L .Thailand, Bangkok Bizic Eli William .STATE (0-5) NEA
Becker Joseph E .Nigeria, Lagos Bennett Adolph J ... Thailand , Bangkok Best Charles R. Venezuela, Caracas Bjerke Gerald L ..Indonesia . Surabaya
Becker Lawrence F. .Laos, Vientiane Bennett Clifford L .Laos, Vientiane Best Gloria K. Thailand, Bangkok Bjorlykke Arthur Jr Viet-Nam, Saigon
Becker Robert W. STATE (0-5) EUR Bennett David C .. STATE (R-7) trng Best Mildred K Thailand, Bangkok Black Donald P ..STATE (0-4) 10
Beckett George S. ..Poland, Warsaw Bennett Donald J.. .Zaire, Kinshasa Best Pauline A ..AID (S-4) AA /AFR Black Dorothy Jean. .STATE (0-5) M/FSI
Beckham Robert W. ..Haiti, Port- au -Prince Bennett Frank Cr Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Bestard-Bonet Bartolome ....Spain, Palma de Black H Clay. STATE (0-4) EB
Beckman Robert W. AID (R-4) ASIA /SA Bennett Helen L ......... ..AID ( S -4) MO/CM Mallorca Black James A .. .ACTION (R - 3) 10 / AF
Beckner Michael Wade. STATE (R-7) A /SY Bennett Henry Michae .USIA ( 10-4) Bethel Lt Col William F. .Dom. Rep., Santo Black James S. ..Liberia, Monrovia
Beckwith Barbara Anne ..Ghana, Accra Bennett John E. .Germany, Bremen Domingo Black Lillian F STATE (RU- 4 )PA
Beckwith Edwin R. ..Philippines, Manila Bennett John T Viet- Nam, Saigon Betts David A. .Philippines, Manila Black Maj Ronald L ..India, New Delhi
Beckwith John W ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Bennett Johnny Roger Belgium, Brussels Betts Lucelous Uganda. Kampala Black Richard T STATE (R-2) EB
Becskehary Peter I ..Poland, Warsaw Bennett Josiah W Viet-Nam, Saigon Bettucci Frank A Viet-Nam, Saigon Black Robert R. .USIA ( R -4)
Beecham Charles R USIA (10-2) Bennett Margaret ) .Belgium , Brussels Betzig Edward .. .Argentina, Buenos Aires Blacka Thomas R. ..Laos, Vientiane
Beecham Susanne E STATE ( S -7) EUR Bennett Marjorie A Panama, Panama Beukenkamp Radboud L .....Italy, Rome Blackburn Antoinette .Ghana, Accra
Beecroft Robert Mason .France, Paris Bennett Marjorie ). USIA (R-5) Bevacqua Carmen F............Egypt. Cairo Blackburn Carl E .. „ STATE ( S -7) AF
Beekman Michelle C Iran, Tehran Bennett Nancy A. ...AID (S-7) LA /CAR Beveridge Lt Col Robert B ...Lebanon, Beirut Blackburn Dorothy H .USIA (R-5)
FEBRUARY 1974 51
Blackburn Paul P Brkic Barry
Blackburn Paul P ...Japan, Tokyo Boeker Paul H STATE (0-3) S /PC Boudreau Henry C Italy. Rome Brand Julee A. South Africa.
Blackburn Robert R Jr. .China, Peking (U.S. Boerigter David L Canada, Montreal Boudreau William J .. STATE (0-4 ) HEW Johannesburg
Liaison Office) Boerner Alfred V USIA (R-2) Boudreaux Lydia C Austria, Vienna Brand Robert A .U.K . London
Blacken John D Panama, Panama Boerner Charles L .USIA (S- 3) Bougon Susan ..Yugoslavia, Belgrade Brandin Robert M. .Greece, Athens
Blacker Barbara. Viet-Nam , Saigon Boerner Michael P. STATE (0-3) EB Boulos Dorothy A. ..Turkey. Ankara Brandon Scott W Korea. Seoul
Blackford Peggy STATE (0-7) S/IG Bofinger Paul Carl Germany. Dusseldorf Bourgin Mariada C. STATE (R-5) CU Brandt Henry W .. Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Blackiston Slator C STATE (0-2) SCI Boggs Leslie M. STATE ( S- 3) EA Bourgin Simon E USIA (R-2) Brandt Mary Rose STATE (0-5) CU
Blackley Col Peter P .Portugal, Lisbon Boggs William D .France, Bordeaux Bourne Frances .STATE (R-2) PER Brandt Robert D AID (R-3) COMP /FS
Blackman Bruce M. Ecuador, Quito Bogosian Richard W. Kuwait, Kuwait Bourne Francis S. USIA (R-3) Brandt Wilhelmina Mae Germany. Dusseldorf
Blackmon Joyce C Tunisia, Tunis Bohanan Marion L. ..Laos, Vientiane Bourne James W. Honduras, Tegucigalpa Brandwen Marvin D .USIA (R -4)
Blackwill Robert Dean . STATE (0-5) S/S Bohl Adilene A. AID ( S-4) AA / ASIA Bourne John D AID (R-3) SER /COM Brannen Charles W USIA ( S- 1)
Blaikie Col John W. .Ecuador, Quito Bohnet Constance M. .Pakistan, Islamabad Bourquein Robert L AID (R-3) Trng Comp Brant Barbara P. AID (S-4 ) SER/OM
Blain Oscar Afghanistan, Kabul Bohnet Dalton Craig Pakistan, Islamabad Bouse Mancy S. .USIA (R-6) Brashich Neboysha R. Morocco, Rabat
Blair Elizabeth A .Ecuador, Quito Boies Robert E Italy. Rome Boutin George T STATE (0-6 ) M /FSI Brasile Margaret 1 . AID (R-4) COMP/FS
Blair George M STATE ( S -6) A /OC Boissonnault Donald B .Israel. Tel Aviv Bouton Norman M .Greece, Athens Bratrud Theodor E. AID (RL-5)SER/H
Blair Madge M STATE (S-9) A /OPR Bojarczuk Catalina M. USIA ( S- 9) Bouvier Joyce .USIA (S- 7) Braun Mal C. Union of Soviet Socialist
Blair Robert Dew Greece, Athens Boland Barbara A .ACTION(S-6) 10 Bova Michele M. Costa Rica, San Jose Republics, MOSCOW
Blair William D Jr STATE (RU- 1 )P Bolduc David ) .Philippines, Manila Bovis H Eugene .. .STATE (0-4) M/FSI Braun William K. Italy, Rome
Blake Evi P. STATE (S-5) INR Bolen David B ..Yugoslavia. Belgrade Bowcutt Michael C .France, Paris Braunberger Virginia .Philippines, Manila
Blake James ) STATE (0-1 ) AF Boles Charles K. STATE (R-6) A /SY Bowden Lewis W STATE (0-3) Com Dept Braunstein Arthur H. .Niger, Niamey
Blake Melville E JE STATE (0-3) Treas Dept Boles Kenneth E. .USIA (R-2) Bowdler William G. .STATE (CM ) ARA/LA Braunstein Milton Viet-Nam , Saigon
Blake Robert D Costa Rica, San Jose Bolij Genevieve STATE (S- 8) 10 Bowe Marlan D. Cyprus, Nicosia Bravo Robert. Guatemala, Guatemala
Blake Roberto STATE (CM ) AF Bolinski Joseph ) Nigeria , Lagos Bowen A Dane Jr STATE (0-3) Treas Dept Brawn Edwin L Sudan , Khartoum
Blakeburn Paul H STATE (0-6) S/S Bolling Edward A .AID (R-4) COMP /FS Bowen Barbara A STATE (R-5) EUR Braxton Michael L USIA (10-6)
Blakemore David L. Korea, Seoul Bollinger Walter G Indonesia, Jakarta Bowen Barbara ) . Sweden, Stockholm Bray Charles W III STATE (0-2) S/PRS
Blanchard Leroy D. Pakistan, Islamabad Bollmann Elizabeth B Switzerland, Bern Bowen Elbert BJP AID (R-2) COMP/ FS Braycich Joseph N Austria, Vienna
Blanchard Philip C. .Zaire, Kinshasa Bolster Archie M. ..India , New Delhi Bower Thomas E ..STATE (R-2) M/FSI Brayshaw Charles H. Guatemala, Guatemala
Blanchard William Gli .Liberia, Monrovia Bolt Thomas B Jr. ..India, New Delhi Bowers Charles R. STATE (0-5) CU Brayton Donald E Liberia, Monrovia
Bland Merton L USIA (10-4) Bolweg Frank ) . ...Philippines, Manila Bowers Frances ) .U.K ., Hong Kong Brazeal Aurelia E STATE (0-6) S/S
Blane John P STATE (0-3) AF Bomar Miguel .USIA (R-5) Bowers Gerard R Thailand, Bangkok Breard Hypolite F STATE (S.4) PA
Blaney Harry C lii STATE (0-4) S/PC Bonavito Dorothea L. Italy. Rome Bowers Jeffrey Warren STATE (R-8) SY Brecher Frank W. Bolivia, La Paz
Blanford James E. .Senegal, Dakar Bond Laurance W AID (RL- 4)ASIA /CD Bowes Marjorie M. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Breckon M Lyall. STATE (0-4) PM
Blankenship Donald L .Chile, Santiago Bond Richard C .. USIA (R-2) Bowie John M .POLADS, CINCEUR Brede Kathleen STATE (S-8) ARA /LA
Blanton James Taylor ..Panama , Panama Bone Merle C Jr. ..Philippines, Manila ( Stuttgart) Bredeck Duane R STATE (S- 7) AF
Blase Sam E STATE (S-3) A /OC Boney James D. Sweden, Stockholm Bowie Thomas D STATE (0-1) S/IL Breecher Charles H. AID (R- 1 ) SA /PPB
Blasenstein Gerald Joseph ..STATE (R-8) 0/ISO Bonilla -Sosa N Victor ). STATE (R-7) trng Bowker Donald L Dr. Barbados, Bridgetown Breeland Mary ) Venezuela , Caracas
Blattberg Roger S China, Taipei Bonjoc George P. Thailand, Udorn Bowles Barbara A ..Italy. Rome Breen Maj Joseph A. Thailand , Bangkok
Blaydoe William T Iran, Tehran Bonkowski Lucian A ..Thailand, Chiang Mai Bowles Wally F Morocco, Rabat Breer William T Jamaica, Kingston
Bleakley Kenneth W. .Bolivia, La Paz Bonnaffon Robert A. ..Kenya, Nairobi Bowman David D Greece, Athens Brehm Vance W. .Ghana, Accra
Bleam Dennis L. .Zaire, Kinshasa Bonnefil Adolphe. .AID (R-3) OPS Bowman Dorothy R .. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Breisky Arthur E STATE (0-4) FA/USNA
Bleha C Thomas STATE (0-4) EA Bonnett Ernest F .Laos, Vientiane Bowman Francine L STATE (S -6 ) DG /MED Breitenbach Betty Panama, Panama
Bleidner James 0 Costa Rica, San Jose Boochever Louis C. Belgium , Brussels Bowman Margaret B STATE (S-4) M Breitenbach Charles A AID (R-2) LA /DR
Bleske August Germany. Bonn Boogaerts Bailey Patrick .....Liberia , Monrovia Bowyer David G Italy, Rome Brement Marshall Viet-Nam. Saigon
Blevins ) Donald .U.K ., Hong Kong Booher Ralph A. Viet-Nam, Saigon Boyatt Thomas D STATE (0-3) NEA Bremer Gordon D ACTION (R -5) 10
Bligh John W Jr. ..Liberia, Monrovia Booher Sarah L Japan, Tokyo Boyce Edward G .AID (R -4) OPS Bremer L PaulIII STATE (0-4) S
Blinn Leslie F .USNATO, Brussels Booker Melzar P .STATE (R.2) A / FBO Boyce John E. Viet-Nam, Danang Bremseth Cameron F AID (R-2) IT/P
Bliss George T. .Laos, Vientiane Bookhardt Patricia Lee . .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Boyce Ralph L. .USIA (10-3) Brendgard Donald E. ..Kenya, Nairobi
Bliss Robert R Canada, Ottawa Boone Dorothy ..Japan, Tokyo Boyd Theodore A. .USIA (10-7) Brendley Richard E STATE (S-6) A/OC
Bloch David Turkey, Ankara Boone Fay lola. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Boyd Thomas F. .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Brenna Delores G Dom . Rep . , Santo
Bloch Felix S .Germany, Berlin Boonstra Clarence A Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Boyd Tobias . .Greece, Athens Domingo
Block Alfred ..AID (R- 1 ) SER/COM Boorady Edna A ... Thailand, Bangkok Boyer Anne C. .USIA (R-5) Brennan Dennis Indonesia, Jakarta
Block Donn W AID (R-2) COMP/FS Boorstein Michael A STATE (0-6) M/FSI Boyer David P .USIA (R-3) Brennan Edward T Greece. Thessaloniki
Blodget Benjamin B India, New Delhi Booth Richard Thomas . .Norway. Oslo Boyer Delores R Kenya, Nairobi Brennan John Vincent Nigeria, Lagos
Blodgett John Q........ Netherlands, The Hague Booth William .Liberia, Monrovia Boyer Mervin F Dr. Bolivia, La Paz Brennan Kevin C ..Lebanon, Beirut
Blodgett John Stephen ..Nigeria, Lagos Boppel William K. Japan, Tokyo Boyer Neil A. STATE (R-4) CU Brennan Michael A. ..Ethiopia, Asmara
Bloem Kenneth D ACTION (R -7) 10/AF Borales Daniel Jerusalem , Jerusalem Boyle John A. .U.K ., London Brennan Patrick W Australia, Sydney
Blondino Frank R .Philippines, Manila Borden Judith D Pakistan, Karachi Boyle Monica F .AID (S-7) COMP/FS Brennan Thomas 0 Indonesia, Jakarta
Blood Archer K STATE (0-1 ) PER Borden Richard L USIA (R-3) Boyle Walter F STATE (R-7) SY Brenner Marvin E Bangladesh. Dacca
Bloodworth William A. ..Nepal, Kathmandu Borg C Arthur. .Germany. Berlin Boynton Alice F .Burundi, Bujumbura Brent William F lii USIA (R- 7 )
Bloom Gretchen ACTION (R -6 ) 10 Borg Parker W STATE (0-4) M/DG Boynton Col John B Iran. Tehran Brescia Peter F. Pakistan, Islamabad
Bloom Hyman . ..Portugal, Lisbon Borich Joseph ) China, Taipei Boynton Peter Colombia, Bogota Bresler Ralph Edwin STATE (0-5) AF
Bloom Justin L STATE (R- 1 ) SCI Boring Lawrence E Argentina, Buenos Aires Boynton Willard H AID (R- 1 ) PHA/POP Bressette Margaret B Viet-Nam . Saigon
Bloom Peter AID (R-4) ASIA /CD Born Donald W. STATE (0-4) NEA Bozkurt M Adnan . .USIA (R-5) Brett Arthur Germany, Frankfurt
Bloomfield Richard J. STATE (0-1 ) ARA/ LA Borom Jeraldine N. Barbados, Bridgetown Braaten Richard D Thailand. Udorn Brevig Beverly A..... Viet-Nam . Saigon
Blose Carol B Laos, Vientiane Borough Ella M Thailand, Bangkok Brackman James F. .Yugoslavia Belgrade Brevoort Dorothy S Thailand . Bangkok
Bloss Col Stuart M .Germany. Bonn Borrowman George .France, Paris Braddock Henry L. Viet-Nam, Saigon Brewer Col Orse Jr. Denmark, Copenhagen
Blount Guy L Ghana, Accra Bors Elaine E Japan, Tokyo Braderman Eugene M .Netherlands. Brewer William D .Sudan , Khartoum
Blow Stuart STATE (R-2) S / FW Borsare Col Edward F. Belgium , Brussels Amsterdam Brewin Roger C Bolivia, La Paz
Blowers Jay H. .Zaire, Kinshasa Luxembourg. Bradfield James A. India , New Delhi Brewington Harry K. Philippines, Manila
Blucker Robert 0 . STATE (0-4) 10 Luxembourg Bradford William G STATE (0-1) AF Brewster Donald C Viet-Nam . Saigon
Blum Charles Henry El Salvador, San Borstnik Paul ..USIA (R-6) Bradley Anne C .AID (S- 7) ASIA /NE Brewster Herbert D. STATE (0-1 ) SCI
Salvador Borter David P STATE ( S.4) A /OC Bradley Holbrook. ..India, Calcutta Brewster Robert C. Ecuador, Quito
Blum Georgia M ..Algeria, Algiers Bortle Bruce L Cameroon . Yaounde Bradley John A STATE ( S - 1) INR Bricio Maria Luisa Iran, Tehran
Blum Ronald S .. USIA (R-4) Bortle Florence G Cameroon, Yaounde Bradley Michael R. .Thailand, Bangkok Brickhill Arthur ) .Netherlands. The Hague
Blumberg Morris .Ghana, Accra Borup Edgar S .. Germany, Frankfurt Bradley Richard H United Arab Emirates, Bride Lt Peter F Portugal, Lisbon
Blume Barbara ). .U.K ., Hong Kong Borycki Sandra. ..USIA (R.7) Abu Dhabi Bridges Lena P. Barbados, Bridgetown
Blume Wilbur T USIA (R-3) Bosch Maj Brian ) . .Dom . Rep. , Santo Bradley Russell G. ..USEC. Brussels Bridges Peter S. Czechoslovakia, Prague
Blumgart John D AID (RL -2 )AFR /DS Domingo Bradrick Maxine ). ..Mali, Bamako Bridgewater Irvin Lill Kuwait, Kuwait
Blumle Mary Louise .STATE ( S-6) EUR Boshoven Nancy. Germany. Bonn Bradshaw Beverley B .Cyprus, Nicosia Briggs Charles C. .Peru, Lima
Blust Merwin Carl. .El Salvador, San Boss Joy ..... .AID ( SL- 7)IT/ P Bradshaw James E. .USIA (10-3) Briggs Connie B .Italy. Rome
Salvador Boster Davis Eugene . STATE (0-1 ) EUR Bradshaw Lewis E. .Poland, Warsaw Briggs David G. .USIA (10-2)
Blystone James ) ... STATE (R-6) A /SY Bostic Solomon Jr. Germany, Frankfurt Bradtke Robert A. ..Guyana. Georgetown Briggs Everett E .Portugal, Luanda
Bninski Julia M .USIA (R-6) Bostick Ronald E. STATE ( S- 3) A /OC Brady Charles C. Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Briggs Jack C. Indonesia , Jakarta
Boardman John S. .Korea, Seoul Bostock Harvey S Italy. Rome Brady Ignatius C. Viet-Nam. Saigon Briggs James E .STATE (0-3) NEA
Boardman Richard A.. STATE (0-4)CU Boswell Eric . Senegal, Dakar Brady James R ..Philippines, Manila Briggs Janet L. Viet-Nam , Danang
Bobbitt Gary D Germany, Bonn Boswell George W. .AID (R-3) AA /AFR Brady John L. Yemen Arab Republic. Briggs Maj Patrick A. Brazil, Brasilia
BobelRonald E AID (R-3) Trng Comp Boswell Mildred E .STATE ( S -7) INR San'a Brigham Marvin W. Indonesia, Jakarta
Boccard Donald E .USIA (R-4) Boswell William P .Indonesia, Jakarta Bragdon Merritt C Jr. ..USNATO, Brussels Bright John L. Peru, Lima
Bocian Bernadine C Madagascar, Bosworth Brian R AID (R-4) COMP/ FS Braibanti Ralph Lynn . .Paraguay, Asuncion Bright Robert L .:Iran, Tehran
Tananarive Bosworth Col Joe F ..USNATO, Brussels Brainard Alfred P STATE (0-4) EUR Brilliant Leigh M Viet-Nam, Saigon
Bock J Richard . STATE (0-5) M/FSI Bosworth Sherwood R .Philippines, Manila Brainard Norma B Thailand, Bangkok Brims John S .. STATE (0-4) M/FSI
Bock Lt Cdr Karl F Spain, Madrid Botti Anita L ... .ACTION (R -7) 10 / LA Brake Eugene.... .USIA (R-3) Brinson Samuel K .France. Paris
Bodde William Jr .Germany, Berlin Botts Byron 0 Viet-Nam, Saigon Bramante A Donald. .Romania, Bucharest Brion Kathleen A USIA (S-9)
Bodine Barbara K.. ..U.K., Hong Kong Bouchard Bruce E Guatemala, Guatemala Bramble Joanne K. STATE ( S-6 ) EUR Briscoe Iris C ACTION (S - 7) 10 /AF
Boehm Richard W ..Turkey, Ankara Bouchard Donald J. .STATE (0-4 ) PER Bramble Norman . .ACTION (R -4) 10 Brittin Burdick H. STATE (RU - 2) S / FW
Boehm Walter W. „AID (R-4) COMP/FS Boucher Albert L. .AID (R.1 ) AG Bramson Brian H .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Britton Arthur. ..Viet- Nam, Nha Trang
Boehm Walter W. STATE ( R -4) CU Boucher Charles A. .Philippines, Manila Branch Opal G STATE ( S-4 ) SCA Britton Dudley ). .AID (R-4) COMP /FS
Boehme ArthurHr ..Philippines, Manila Boucher Gwynne H .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Branch Stuart E STATE (S- 2) NOC Britton Harry P China, Taipei
Boehme Carole A .... ..India, New Delhi Boucher Mildred T. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Branche Richard L ..Kuwait, Kuwait Brkic Barry .USIA ( R -6)
REBRUARY 1974 53
Calhoun Thomas R Chiancono Prank A
Calhoun Thomas F. ....New Zealand, Carle Jack M Australia, Canberra Carter Thomas H. ..Nigeria, Lagos Chalett Herbert L ..Italy. Rome
Wellington Carle Robert STATE (0-3) FA /AFSC Carter W Beverly Jr. Tanzania, Dar es Chalfant James G .AID (RL- 3)COMP /FS
Calitano Jean .ACTION (R -6 ) 10 Carleton William B Morocco, Rabat Salaam Chalfin Seymour ..Canada, Ottawa
Calingaert Michael ..Japan, Tokyo Carley John H STATE ( ) CU Carter Walter Leon .Italy, Rome Challinor John R. ..Madagascar,
Calisti Calisto. ..Germany, Frankfurt Carlin James L. .US Mission, Geneva Carter William H Indonesia, Jakarta Tananarive
Calkin Homer .STATE (R-3) PA Carlson Brian E. Venezuela, Caracas Carter Z Yvonne AID (S-6 ) AA /SA Chamberlain June STATE (S- 7) PA
Call Clyde F ...... ..Nicaragua, Managua Carlson Delmar R. STATE (0-1 ) FA /ICAF Cartier Bernice W AID (S-7) AFR /ESA Chamberlain Richard . ..USIA (R-5)
Callahan Edwin D .Thailand , Bangkok Carlson Elroy C Thailand, Bangkok Caruso John L STATE ( S- 7) A / OC Chamberlain Robert L .AID (R -4) AFR /CWA
Callahan James .. ..Lebanon, Beirut Carlson Eric John Czechoslovakia, Prague Caruso Joseph A... Brazil, Brasilia Chamberlin David W Afghanistan, Kabul
Callahan James W Jr .Laos, Vientiane Carison Gustaf B .Laos, Vientiane Carusone Anthony M Venezuela, Caracas Chamberlin James W STATE (0-7) ting
Callahan John W AID (R.2) SER/ENGR Carlson Harlan W. .AID (RL- 4 )ARA-LA /PAN Carver Hubert E Mali, Bamako Chamberlin Marguerit. .USIA (R- 7)
Callaway Gilbert R ..USIA (10.4) Carlson John P. Colombia, Bogota Carver Margaret A. France, Paris Chamberlin Taylor M. STATE (R -6) ARA/ LA
Callaway James R. „AID (R-3) SER/ENGR Carlson Robert Joseph Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Casady Lance B STATE (R-6) A /BF Chambers Rodney C. Guatemala, Guatemala
Callen Margaret A. ..Korea, Seoul Carlson Rodney W Japan, Tokyo Casagrande Ronald B Brazil, Sao Paulo Chambers William M. Pakistan . Islamabad
Callihan William V ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Carlson Roger D. Tunisia, Tunis Casasco Juan A. Brazil, Brasilia Chambless Lloyd E .. Philippines, Manila
Calloway Daniel s . ..Peru, Lima Carlson Roy O .Germany, Stuttgart Case Samuel C Turkey, Izmir Champagne Constance L ....STATE (S-6) PER
Calloway Lucy ..Kenya, Nairobi Carlton Bruce W. STATE ( S- 7) AF Casertano Lawrence L. USIA (R-5) Champagne Eugene E St .....STATE (0-2) EA
Camden John E Viet-Nam, Saigon Carlton Paul F. ..Pakistan, Lahore Casey Doyle K. ..AID (R-3) COMP/FS Champagne John Thailand, Bangkok
Cameron Daniel F Burma, Rangoon Carlucci Frank C STATE (0-1 ) HEW Casey Edith F. El Salvador, San Champagne Rita V. STATE (S-7) EUR
Camitta Hugh D. ..STATE (0-5) PM Carmen Robert W. ..Nigeria, Lagos Salvador Champeau Harold C. .U.K., Hong Kong
Cammarata Joan M. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Carmichael Nelle E .Korea, Seoul Casey Edward A Jr. STATE (0-5) M /FSI Champion Beverly C. .Germany, Frankfurt
Camp Wilbur E ... Viet Nam, Saigon Carmichael Peggy R .South Africa, Pretoria Casey James John Jurkey, Istanbul Champlain Mary M. Denmark , Copenhagen
Campagnolo Paula Ann ......US Mission , Geneva Carner George.. .Morocco, Rabat Casey Julia A .. ..Philippines, Manila Chan Elliott k.. .Laos, Vientiane
Campanilo Frank STATE (R-5) A /OPR Carnes Maj Robert A. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Casey Mary Ann STATE ( 0-8) trng Chancellor Robert T. .USIA (R-3)
Campbell Alice P. STATE ( S-6) EA Nicaragua, Managua Casey Patricia M. Sweden, Stockholm Chancey Maj John A. Greece, Athens
Campbell Ann P. ..Trin & Tobago, Port-ot. U.K.. Belize City, Belize Casey Thomas M. Italy, Rome Chandler Claire F. ..Lebanon, Beirut
Spain Honduras, Tegucigalpa Cash Frank Eur .Germany, Bonn Chandler Dennis M ..AID ( R -4) ASIA /SA
Campbell Annie L. STATE (S-7) A /OPR Guatemala, Guatemala Cash Harvev ) Spain, Madrid Chandler James B ..AID (R-1 ) Trng Comp
Campbell Charles P Jamaica, Kingston Costa Rica, San Jose Cashin Richard M ..Indonesia, Jakarta Chandler William D Chile, Santiago
Campbell Daniels USIA (R-6) El Salvador, San Cason James Caldwell „Portugal, Lisbon Chaney Bruce G Switzerland, Bern
Campbell Dorothy C STATE (S-2) A / FBO Salvador Casper Bernard. Thailand, Bangkok Chang John C. ..Viet-Nam, Saigon
Campbell Elaine E F. .Ghana, Accra Carnes Marylu.. STATE (0-5) ARA -LA Casper John Jr. .Philippines, Manila Chang Walter F. Colombia, Bogota
Campbell Francis R ..Dom . Rep., Santo Carney Timothy Michael......Khmer Republic, Phnom Casper Marilyn Edith Kuwait, Kuwait Channell John Ws ..Germany, Frankfurt
Domingo Penh Cass Nancy ).. Viet-Nam, Saigon Channing James F .Argentina, Buenos Aires
Campbell Frank W. .Liberia, Monrovia Caro Valerio T ..Bolivia , La Paz Cass Townsend M Uruguay, Montevideo Chao Yuhua . STATE (R-3) MED
Campbell Hugh K. .STATE (0-4) INR Carolan Philip E „ Afghanistan , Kabul Cassady John E. .Germany, Frankfurt Chaparro Felipa ..AID (S -T) SA /RD
Campbell Ivan M. .Indonesia, Jakarta Carolan Thomas Jr .Lebanon, Beirut Cassanos James G. .Pakistan, Islamabad Chapdelaine John USIA (R-3)
Campbell Jack Saudi Arabia, Jidda Carp Mircea Germany, Munich Casse Marshall L lii .STATE (0-7) EB Chapin Frederic L. Brazil, Sao Paulo
Campbell John W STATE (0-4) EA Carpenter Albert W. Ecuador, Quito Cassell Marvin A. USIA (R-4) Chapin William A. STATE (0-3) SCI
Campbell Maj Jerry P Khmer Republic, Phnom Carpenter David .Khmer Republic, Phnom Casteel Donald D .U.K. , Hong Kong Chapleski Joseph P .Liberia, Monrovia
Penh Penh Castleman Capt Jerry D Bolivia, La Paz Chaplin Maxwell STATE (0-2) CU
Campbell Mary Lou ..STATE (S-7) EB er
Carpent Harlow Jr China, Taipei Castleman Edward Viet-Nam, Saigon Chaplin Stephen M .USIA (10.5)
Campbell Neil Howard .STATE (R-2) IGA Carpenter Karl F. .Khmer Republic , Phnom Castleman Lt Col Stanley A.Dom . Rep.. Santo Chapman Albert S .. Iran, Tehran
Campbell Rachel C Greece, Athens Penh Domingo Chapman Christian A STATE (0-1 ) EA
Campbell Richard P Jr STATE (R-2) S Carpenter Michael .Thailand, Bangkok Castor Margaret Ann . Iran , Tehran Chapman Edwin T. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Campbell Robert C ... STATE (R-7) trng Carpenter Phyllis M. ..Lebanon, Beirut Castro Emil .Guatemala, Guatemala Chapman Geoffrey W .Germany, Berlin
Campbell Stephen J. ..STATE (0.1 ) S/IG Carpenter Robert L. .AID (R-5) PHA /POP Castro Herlinda H AID (R -3) COMP/FS Chapman Lyon ... ..AID (R-4) OPS
Campbell Steven Mcd ..Uruguay , Montevideo Carpenter Ronald B ..Chile, Santiago Castro Lt Cdr Alexander Jr. ,. Brazil, Brasilia Chapman Mary Patricia STATE (R-3) PA
Campbell William M ... ..Chile, Santiago Carpenter Stanley S ..STATE (0-1 ) Int. Castrodale Richard Cecil.....Thailand, Chiang Mai Chapman R Dabney .Netherlands, The Hague
Campello Marie. Kuwait, Kuwait Carr Barbara L .. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Caswell Julia K. .USIA (R-7) Chapman Richard E. .Ghana , Accra
Campisi Charles F Korea , Seoul Carr Carolyn I.... STATE (S- 7) NEA Catanoso Frank P .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Chapman Shelia Ann .Laos, Vientiane
Campo Victor C. .El Salvador, San Carr Clara L .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Caterini Dino USIA (10-4) Chapman William K Chile, Santiago
Salvador Carr Ira T. Viet- Nam, Nha Trang Catey Mary Jane AID (S-5) AA /SER Chapnick Bernard. Brazil , Brasilia
Campos Roger . .Colombia, Bogota Carr John C ..ACTION (R -6) 10/AF Catherill Barbee C .ACTION(S-6) Charbonnier Edward W Czechoslovakia, Prague
Camuti William P .STATE (S.4) A /OC Carr Milton ..AID (RL-2)IT/P 10 /NAN /EAP Chard Kenneth W ..Dahomey, Cotonou
Canady Col Thomas M de Spain, Madrid Carr Robert K. STATE (0-5) CU Catherman Terrence F. Germany, Berlin Charest Eldon E ..U.K. , London
Candey Douglas S. STATE (R- 7) SCA Carrasco Eliseo ... ..Chile, Santiago Cattell Robert A Senegal, Dakar Charette Joseph A .Nicaragua , Managua
Conn Alice V. STATE (S-5) CU Carreiro Norman R .Peru, Lima Catterson William A. ..Philippines, Manila Charles Howard R Greece, Athens
Cannestra Evelyn A STATE (S-6) AF Carrico Peter Paul . STATE (0-7) INR Caudill John W .Nepal, Kathmandu Charlton John F Indonesia, Jakarta
Canney Paul F. STATE (0-3) WarColl Carrier Elizabeth A ..France, Paris Caughell Leone A Thailand , Bangkok Charlton Robert L. .Canada. Winnipeg
Trng Carrillo Maria A.. ..STATE (S-9) EA Caulfield Dorothy E „Nepal, Kathmandu Charouhas Thomas G. Guatemala, Guatemala
Canning Michael P. „Kenya ,Nairobi Carroll Anne L. .Laos, Vientiane Causey Paula . Jndonesia, Jakarta Charwat Martin Allan . .USIA ( 0-5 )
Connon John F .U.K., London Carroll Dennis P. ..Philippines, Manila Cauterucci Anthony Honduras, Tegucigalpa Chase Allan STATE (R-2) S/IG
Cannon Thomas L .Philippines, Manila Carroll Edward I lii . ..Liberia, Monrovia Cauvin Glenn C. AID (R-5) PPC /RB Chase Milton M .USIA (R-2)
ConslerNorman .STATE (0-4) SCA Carroll James B .. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Cavalcante James J. Laos, Vientiane Chase Robert W STATE (0-3) NEA
Cantor Daniel D .Fiji, Suva Carroll Marjorie. .ACTION (S10) 10 Cavallaro John F STATE (S-4) A /OPR Chase Wilbur P STATE (0-2) SCA
Cantrell Kathlyn D. STATE (R-7) DG /MED Carroll Martin C Ir. ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Cavanagh George P Viet-Nam , Saigon Chasse Homer Viet-Nam, Saigon
CantrellWilliam Ali STATE (S10) MED Carroll Mary Ann ..ACTION(R -7) 10 Cavanagh MurielS ..Laos, Vientiane Chastain Reginald B Jr ..AID (SL-5)COMP /FS
Cantu Mario STATE (S-6) PER Carroll Mary R. Bolivia, La Paz Cavanaugh Frederick. Greece, Athens Chatak Julia ... .AID (R-5) IT /TS
Contwell John A .Italy, Rome Carroll Philip W. .Greece, Athens Cavanaugh Louis NJI STATE (0-4) 10 Chatman Melvin R Viet-Nam, Danang
Cao-Garcia Joi. .STATE (R-4) S/IG Carroll Regina A. ..USIA (R-6) Cavanaugh Robert S. Venezuela. Caracas Chatten Robert L..... Colombia , Bogota
Caplan Harold .. Ghana, Accra Carroll Robert ..STATE (0-5) EA Cavazos Bg Richard E. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Chavoas Peter Russell .Nigeria, Kadung
Cappelli Alfred P. Senegal, Dakar Carroll Thomas E ..Chile, Santiago Cavazos Catherine G. STATE (S.7) A /OC Cheatham E Marie ..Malta, Valletta
Cappello Betty A .Laos, Vientiane Carroll William E. .USIA (R-2) Cave George W. ..Iran, Tehran Cheatham James H STATE (0.5) EB
Capri Joseph VietNam , Saigon Corson Anne D STATE (R-8) O /FADRC Cawley Jr W James ..ACTION (R -7) 10 /LA Cheek James E ...... .STATE ( ) CU
Caprio Theresa Ann . USR /FAO, Rome Carson Johnnie STATE (R-5) INR Cayer Robert H. ..Morocco, Rabat Check James Richard . ..Nicaragua, Managua
Caravello James G USIA (R-3) Carson Michael J. ..Hungary, Budapest Cazonave Rudolph AID (R-3) COMP /FS Choevers Joseph P Spain, Madrid
Carberry Donald .... .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Carson Virginia S ..STATE (R-5) M/FSI Ceaser Edward .. Bangladesh, Dacca Chen Marjorie W. AID ( S-5) ARA-LA /PAN
Carbin Sturgis R. .AID (R-3) LA /DR Carter Alan . ..Japan, Tokyo Cecchini Leo For Spain, Madrid Chenevert A Bernadine ..Panama, Panama
Carbine Col James 1 Jr. USNATO, Brussels Carter Astrid N ..STATE ( S-4) MED Cecere Peter P. Uruguay, Montevideo Cheney Edward R .. .Peru, Lima
Carbone Martha C .. .Haiti, Port-au -Prince Cartor Bernita D. ..Viet- Nam, Saigon Cecil Charles 0 Saudi Arabia , Jidda Chong Abraham STATE (R-6) A /ALS
Carbonel Jacques E ... Viet-Nam , Saigon Carter Darrell D.. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Colhay Emma M .Laos, Vientiane Chere John E Jran, Tehran
Cardarelli Dominick .USIA (R- 7) CarterDavid E Viet-Nam, Saigon Colla Glenn Richard . STATE (0-4 ) POLAD CNO Chermak Anne M ..USIA (S- 9)
Corden Botty Jano . STATE (S-7) M/FSI Carter Donald P .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Colla Micaela A .. .U.K., London Chorn Victoria L .USIA (R-7)
Carden Noah S.. STATE (S-3) M/FSI Carter Frances M ..Korea, Seoul Cencetti Mary Reed Lebanon, Beirut Cherne Leo STATE ( ) CU
Cardin Renold W Viet- Nam, Saigon Carter Hannah E ..Thailand. Bangkok Cerni Michele G. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Chernenkoff Sidney A .AID (RL-5)LA/ EP
Cardoso Ariel S .Lesotho, Maseru Carter Harry M Jr. ..Ecuador, Guayaquil Cernik Marvin .AID (R-3) PHA /POP Chernush Akosh .USIA (R -6)
Cardoso Mary P. .Lesotho, Maseru Carter Harry Tyson STATE (R- 1) M Certo Paul. .Laos, Vientiane Cherry Philip India, New Delhi
Cardozo Julia Maria ..Norway. Oslo Carter James W. ..Burma, Rangoon Cesarec Justina E AID (R-5) COMP/FS Cheshes Martin L .. ..Bahamas, Nassau
Cordwell David L...... STATE(0-6) M /FSI Carter Jay B „AID (R-2) Trng Comp Cessac Dorris P. Canada, Ottawa Cheslaw Irving G. ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Cardwell Leonard R. ..AID (R-3) COMP /FS Carter Landon C. ..Singapore, Singapore Chable Alphonse C. Brazil, Brasilia Cheslick Virginia .. Tunisia, Tunis
Corey Francia L ... ...Nigeria, Lagos Carter Loy L.......... ..Dom . Rep., Santo Chace Thomas William STATE (R-7) SY Chessin Barnett ..Laos, Vientiane
Carey Glenn William Germany. Stuttgart Domingo Chace William G .Netherlands, Rotterdam Chesteen Charles N ..Nigeria, Lagos
Carey Guy M STATE ($ 10) S/S Carter Michael E. STATE (S-5) AVOC Chadbourn Philip H Jr .France, Marseilles Chester George Adr . ..Germany.Hamburg
Carey Robert V .STATE (0-3) S /R Carter Richard Thomas . Canada, Quebec Chaddic Joe H. Union of Soviet Socialist Chetwynd Eric Jr ..AID (R -4) TA
Corey William D Ghana, Accra Carter Royal E. .Finland, Helsinki Republics, Moscow Chavez Robert J .. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires
CargoWilliam .Nepal, Kathmandu Carter Rudulph .USUN, N.Y. Chatin Gary E .. .Dom . Rep. , Santo Chevoor William A. ..Korea, Seoul
Cariaga Melvin 1 .Peru, Lima Carter Susan S .. .STATE ( S-6) AVOC Domingo Chowning Annie K .. ..AID ( S-6) PHA /PVC
Cariddi Charles A. ...India,New Delhi Carter Theodoro B ..Korea, Seoul Chaij Daniel A. ..Guatemala, Guatemala Chiancone Frank A. .USIA (10-3)
FEBRUARY 1974 55
Cooper Flora E Davor Barbara D
Cooper Flora E. Viet-Nam, Saigon Cowell Roger A. ...............USIA ( S- 1) Cromer Charlotte M. AID ( S -6 ) PHA/PRS Cutter Michael G. ..Bangladesh, Dacca
Cooper Florence E STATE (R -6 ) SCI Cowles Calvin D ..AID (R-2) PPC /PE Cromwell Margaret A. .Tunisia, Tunis Cutts Robert D .AID (R -3) COMP /FS
Cooper Fred C .USIA (R-7) Cowper Lawrence T AID (RL- 2)TA / H Cromwell Stephen R. .Tunisia, Tunis Cutts Yuriko N. ..AID ( S- 5) COMP /FS
Cooper Gladys 0 . ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Cox Charles C ..Brazil, Brasilia Cromwell W Kennedy III .Somalia, Mogadiscio Cvetan Edward ..India, New Delhi
Cooper James Ford Colombia, Medellin Cox Cyril. Viet-Nam, Saigon Cronin Ellen C. .STATE ( S-5) M /FSI Cylke Owen P. AID (R-3) AFR /CWR
Cooper John A Viet-Nam, Saigon Cox Dan AID (R-3) AFR /NAR Cronk Edwin M. Singapore, Singapore Cyr Ann I. STATE ( S-7) M
Cooper John M. .U.K., Hong Kong Cox David W. ..Venezuela, Caracas Crooke Elaine F. .Morocco, Rabat Czaia Clarence ) ..AID ( R -4) SER /FM
Cooper Julia STATE (S-7) S/S Cox Leonard B Jr USIA (R -4) Croom Kathleen Joyce .STATE (0-6 ) INR Cziok Sharon Kay .Egypt, Cairo
Cooper Kenneth L. STATE (0-3) A /OPR Cox Millard S. ..Thailand, Udorn Crosby Oliver S ... .Nigeria, Lagos Czuczka George T. Austria, Vienna
Cooper Kenneth M .Netherlands, The Hague Cox Milo L ..AID (R-2) TA /AGF CrossCharles T. STATE (0-1) S /PC
Cooper Laurel M .Zaire, Kinshasa Cox Philip... .El Salvador, San Cross Leland W .USIA (10-4 )
Cooper Lola Sybil .STATE (S-4) ARA /LA Salvador Cross Robert D. USIA ( 10-3)
Cooper Patricia Argentina, Buenos Aires Cox W Russell ..USIA (R-3) Cross Thomas. ..Viet-Nam. Saigon
Cooper Patricia P ACTION (R -7) 10 Cox William A ... ..STATE ( S- 7) A /OC Crossley Myrtle L. Viet-Nam, Saigon 0 Angelo Capt George A .......Liberia, Monrovia
Cooper Paul A Turkey. Ankara Cox William B. Jndia, New Delhi Crosson E Lewis Japan , Tokyo Dahomey. Cotonou
Cooper Roger B .USIA (R-7) Coy Edward W. .Guatemala, Guatemala Crosson William H. ..Zaire, Kinshasa Sierra Leone, Freetown
Cooper Thomas L Viet-Nam, Saigon Coy Joseph Cr Viet- Nam, Danang Croteau Althea ). ..Portugal. Lisbon Niger, Niamey
Cooper Virginia G. .STATE (R-2) CU Coyne John P .US Mission, Geneva Croteau Charles E. ..STATE ( S- 7) NOC Togo, Lome
Cooperman James AID (R-2) SER/ENGR Coyne Lawrence W Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Crouch Charles Mille. Italy. Rome Ghana, Accra
Coote Wendell B STATE (0-1 ) AF Coyne Patricia M. STATE ( S-6) PER Crow Harry B Jr Viet- Nam, Saigon Upper Volta.
Copal James M. Greece, Athens Coyner Col Donald F. ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Crowe Brian G. ..STATE (0-5 ) INR Ouagadougou
Cope Henry Joseph AID (R -4) COMP/FS Craft Cecil R ..Liberia, Monrovia Crowe Philip K.. .Denmark, Copenhagen D'Adam Mary . ..Italy. Rome
Cope Nancy Jane ..Fiji, Suva Crafts Donald E. ..Italy, Rome Crowfoot Arthur P .U.K., London Da Silveira Edmund A .Brazil, Recife
Copeland James M ..Philippines, Manila Craig Dennis ... ..Romania, Bucharest Crowley Christopher D. ..Viet Nam, Nha Trang Dace James C Cyprus, Nicosia
Copes John AID (R-4) SER/MP Craig Francis F .AID (R-4) COMP /FS Crowley Edwin D ..Belgium , Brussels Dachi Stephen F. .Hungary, Budapest
Copin Susan C USIA ( 10-6) Craig John B STATE (0-5) NEA Crowley John Jr ..Dom . Rep. , Santo Dachman Monis M STATE (R-2) MED
Copley II AM Germany. Bonn Craig John T. AID (R-2) LA /MRSD Domingo Daddio John P .Guatemala, Guatemala
Copmann Lyle D. USIA ( 10-1 ) Craig Robert V Viet- Nam, Saigon Crowley Shirley ..Nigeria, Lagos Dagata Martin V. ..AID (R-3) LA / DR
Copp Jean T Viet-Nam, Saigon Craig Thomas L .. ..Austria, Vienna Crowley Thomas P. STATE ( 0-2) trng Daghir Gladys S. .Nigeria, Lagos
Coppola John F. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Craighead Eugene E Romania, Bucharest Croy Mel F ..AID (R-3) COMP/FS Dahl Ltc David C. .Uruguay. Montevideo
Corbett Demetrius M USIA (R-4) Craigie David G. Greece, Athens Crump Frank B. STATE (0-5) ACDA Dahl Phillip B.. STATE (0-2) S/IG
Corbett Joan Ellen Austria, Vienna Craigo Craig S STATE (R- 7) A /SY Crump John E. ..USEC, Brussels Dahlquist Col Frederick C ...Romania ,Bucharest
Corbett Larry .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Crain Lawrence W .AID (R-2) COMP /FS Cruz-Gonzales Adrian .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Dahlstedt Annel .Laos, Vientiane
Corbin Richard L. Union of Soviet Socialist Crain Ralph R. STATE ( S- 2) A /OC Cubbison Edwin P Colombia, Cali Daigle Donald C Greece, Athens
Republics, Moscow Cram Richard W. South Africa, Pretoria Cubstead Lane T. USIA ( S- 2) Dakan Robert T. .Laos, Vientiane
Corbin Robert E. .Labs, Vientiane Cramer Dwight M. .China, Taipei Cudd Jere L .USIA (S - 9) Daks Lawrence Donald China, Taipei
Corbitt Jane M. Singapore, Singapore CramerMartin G STATE (RU -2 )CU Cudney James A. „AID (R.2) SA /PPB Dale Charles Jr Denmark, Copenhagen
Corcoran Kevin K .. .China , Taipei Cramer Ray D ... ..Kenya, Nairobi Culberson Cdr George W Jr ..Belgium , Brussels Dale Francis L. US Mission, Geneva
Corcoran Li Col Lawrence A Chile. Santiago Crampsey Leo E .Germany, Bonn Culbert William E .. .US Mission, Geneva Dale Ira Ir. .Liberia , Monrovia
Corcoran Thomas J. .Haiti, Port-au-Prince Crandall David L. .U.K., Horg Kong Culbertson Robert E. ..Nicaragua, Managua Dale Robert M. .Philippines, Manila
Cordova Harold P AID (R -4) AA/SA Crandall Larry K. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Culbertson Thomas W. ..Laos, Vientiane Dale William N Cen. African Rep .
Cordova Victoria R .Bolivia, La Paz Crane Jacob Llii . Nepal, Kathmandu Cull Robert D Germany, Frankfurt Bangui
Core Christopher . USIA (R- 7) Crane James F USIA ( 0-3) Cullen Joan C. ..Israel, Tel Aviv Daley Donald D STATE (RU -2)A /SY
Corey Wayne L. ..Thailand, Bangkok Crane Louise Kellehe. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Cullen Romayne G. .Netherlands. The Hague Daley Roger ) France, Paris
Corhan Joseph D USIA (R-4) Crane Maurine ...Laos, Vientiane Culley William A. .USIA (R -6) Dalgliesh Albert W .Lebanon. Beirut
Coriden Guy E Jr STATE (RU- 2)CU Crank Horace V AID (R-4) COMP/ FS Cullins Evelyn N. ..Ghana, Accra Dally Daryl Rae Italy, Naples
Corinaldi George V. Tunisia, Tunis Craumer William E STATE (RU - 2)IGA Culp Virginia L. Viet-Nam, Saigon Dalsimer Anthony S .. .STATE (0-4) CU
Corkan Col Lloyd Allan Jr.....Finland, Helsinki Craven Robert L. .Peru, Lima Culpepper James L. Viet Nam.Saigon Dalton James ) . .AID (R-2) ASIA / TECH
Corkery Eugene D. USIA (R-4) Crawford Douglas M Venezuela, Caracas Culyba Mary . ..USOECD, Paris Dalton Reginald F Union of Soviet Socialist
Corlew Rufus W. South Africa, Pretoria Crawford Franklin STATE (0-3) PER Cumbo Robert 0 . US Mission, Geneva Republics, Moscow
Corn Dorothy K. STATE (S-5) MED Crawford John P. STATE (0-4) EB Cumming Isabel A ..Japan, Tokyo Daly John J Jr. .Yugoslavia, Zagreb
Cornelius John M de Tanzania, Dar es Crawford Morris H Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Cumming Robert ..USNATO , Brussels Daly Kathleen M .STATE (S-7) S / S
Salaam Crawford Ralph ) ..... Ethiopia, Asmara Cummings Dorothe E ..Laos, Vientiane Daly Paul A. Viet-Nam , Danang
Cornes Clarence Ede ..Italy. Rome Crawford Shirley L ...... AID ( S-5) ASIA /CD Cummings Stella T Japan, Tokyo Dalzell John D Greece, Athens
Coronway Gwendolyn .. Kenya,Nairobi Crawford Thomas Proc . Pakistan, Islamabad Cummings Thomas E. Japan, Tokyo Damato Joseph A Viet-Nam. Saigon
Corr Edwin G. Thailand , Bangkok Crawford Todd W. Colombia, Bogota Cummins Capt Peter P. .France, Paris Dambrava Vytautas A. .Argentina, Buenos Aires
Corr John H. .USIA ( 10-3) Crawford William RJ Yemen Arab Republic, Cummins Frank USIA (R -4) Dameron William H lii . .STATE (0-5) S/S
Corr Joseph J Jr AID (R-2) ASIA /DP San'a Cummins Patrick S. ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Damon Gerald R .. .Laos, Vientiane
Correa Louis F Laos, Vientiane Crawley John RJ STATE ( S-9) T Cummiskey James R .AID (R-5) PHA /POP Danchik Dennis G .Kenya, Nairobi
Correl Frank D AID (R-2) ASIA/DP Crea Nicholas S Philippines, Manila Cunditf Cart C .... .STATE ( 0-4) Unix Trng Dandrade Walter C. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Correri Louis ) . .Lebanon, Beirut Creach William Ross Pakistan, Lahore Cunningham Carl B Indonesia, Jakarta Dandridge James E France, Paris
Corris John William Jr. STATE (R- 7) N /SY Creagan James F. Italy, Rome Cunningham David S .. ..Korea, Seoul Dane Ernest B III . STATE (0-4) SCA
Corry Francis B Thailand, Bangkok Creager Donald E. Brazil, Sao Paulo Cunningham Dena Kay W ....STATE (0-5) SCA Danforth F1 Viet-Nam, Saigon
Corte Arthur B .STATE (0-3) Univ Trng Creane Stephen F. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Cunningham Francis XavierSTATE (0-7) trong Danga Karl I. ..Philippines, Cebu
Corydon Jeff lii Cameroon, Yaounde Creech Don S .Ghana , Accra Cunningham Hilary ...........Bangladesh.Dacca Dangelo Luciano STATE ( R -4 ) HEW
Cosgrove George T .Laos, Vientiane Creecy Richard B L...... STATE (R-3) ACDA Cunningham James D ... ..Iran, Tehran Dangler Richard M. .AID (R-3) ENG
Costantino Arturo G .AID (R- 1 ) SER /ASHA Creeden William E. ..Lebanon, Beirut Cunningham Jettrey R. Japan, Osaka-Kobe Daniel Diane. .Canada, Montreal
Costantino Richard N. .AID (R-4) COMP /FS Creekmore Janie G STATE (RU -5 )CU Cunningham John E. STATE (0-2) AF Daniel Howard E Brazil, Brasilia
Costanzo Christopher D Italy. Rome Creekmore Marion V STATE (0-4) M / FSI Cunningham Kathleen .USIA (S- 5) Daniel Luther Brack .Liberia, Monrovia
Costello Edward 1 . Guatemala , Guatemala Crees Henry B Viet-Nam, Saigon Cunningham William J.. .STATE (0-3) CU Daniel Patricia G. Brazil, Brasilia
Costello Margaret C .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Crehan Richard F. .Norway, Oslo Cupps Halbert T. .USIA (R-2) Daniells Peter K .AID ( R - 2) AFR /CWA
Costino Ltc Michel .Peru, Lima Cresham Andrew T .. STATE (S-4) A /OC Curley Albert li Greece, Athens Daniels Daniel H .USNATO, Brussels
Costrell Edwin S. .STATE (R-2) PA Cretecos James A. Jamaica, Kingston Curley William R .Germany, Frankfurt Daniels Gussie L lii .AID (R -5) AFR /NAR
Cote Dennis ). Brazil, Sao Paulo Crews Col Alvan M Italy. Rome Curran Brian Dean. .STATE (R-7) ting Daniels M Gordon. .Panama, Panama
Cothorn John A. Laos, Vientiane Creyts Harold G .. Viet-Nam , Saigon Curran James C. Togo, Lome Daniels Rolfe B .Portugal, Ponta Delgada
Cotten Joel Quentin Viet- Nam, Saigon Crichton David E. ..AID (RL-5)SER/CM Curran Robert Theodore STATE ( 10-1)PER Dankerl Hans Greece. Athens
Cotter Michael W. STATE (0-5) ARA /LA Crider R Don .El Salvador, San Currie Mary L. .Somalia, Mogadiscio Dankert Roger L STATE (0-6) EA
Cotterman M Lee ... STATE (0-3) L Salvador Currier Charles Gilman Viet- Nam, Saigon Dann Clayton S STATE (R-2) PER
Cottman James Stewart Jr...US Mission. Geneva Crigler Trusten Frank. STATE (0-4) M/FSI Curry Harriet B. ..USUN, N.Y. Danner Frank J. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Couch Thomas M .Norway. Oslo Crim Maj Robert E .... Khmer Republic, Phnom Curry John H. ..Tunisia, Tunis Danner Maj Malcolm A. .Khmer Republic, Phnom
Coudert Charles 0 . .USUN, N.Y. Penh Curry John M. .Norway. Oslo Penh
Coughlin Frances E. ..Peru, Lima Crimmins John Hugh . .Brazil, Brasilia Curtain l.ynn Wilson ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Dannerhoj Eric E Malta, Valletta
Coughlin John W AID (R -4) SER /FM Crisostomo Desiderio L ...AID (R-3) COMP/FS Curtis Allison S ..Spain, Madrid Dansey Sarah Vo . .US Mission, Geneva
Coughlin Michael E Austria, Vienna Crist Richard L ........... .Laos, Vientiane Curtis Col Thomas H ..U.K ., London Dantonio Dante .AID (R-3) SER /FM
Coulter Richard Arthur. Iran. Tehran Criswell Eva .Nicaragua, Managua Curtis Gene P. .Greece, Athens Dantonio Dominic A Viet-Nam, Nha Trang
Coulter Robert Cr . AID (R-5) Trng Comp Critchlow James... .USIA (R -2) Curtis Howard M. ..Laos, Vientiane Danyluk A Paul .. .Union of Soviet Socialist
Countryman John R. Gabon, Libreville Critzer Martha Ann . STATE (R-7) MED Curtis John ) USIA (R -4) Republics, Moscow
Courtenaye Richard H. Morocco, Tangier Croasdell Theodore P .Laos, Vientiane Curtis Michael M. ..Nepal, Kathmandu Darbyshire Ann E STATE (0-6) M /FSI
Courtney Charles E .USIA (10-3) Crocker Alfred M ..USIA ( 10-4) Curtis Ronald V. ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa Darcy John G. USIA (R-5)
Courtney William F. STATE (0-1) S /IG Crocker Marilyn ....... .Argentina, Buenos Aires Curtis Theodore ) ..AID ( R -4) COMP/FS Dargan Lina B. .ACTION ( S-6) 10 /AF
Courtney William Harrison ..STATE (0-6 ) EB Crocker Ryan Clark ..Iran, Khorramshahr Curtiss Richard H ..Lebanon, Beirut Daris Charles L .STATE (0-5) AF
Couts Claro M. AID ( S- 7) LA /APV Crocker William T ...... ..USIA ( 10-3) Cusack Thomas E ..Thailand,Bangkok Daris Lois Ann ... .Philippines, Manila
Covey James P South Africa, Pretoria Crockett David N. .STATE ( S - 1) M /MS Cushing Henry B VietNam, Can Tho Darling June A... .Dom . Rep., Santo
Covey William Lee Australia, Canberra Crockett Rosemary F. .USIA (R-7) Cushing Richard G. ..Kenya, Nairobi Domingo
Covington G Harold. .STATE ( S -6 ) 10 Crockett Thomas J.... Israel, Tel Aviv Cusick Charles ..Mauritius, Port Louis Darling Roger S. AID ( R -3) COMP/FS
Covington William H .Liberia, Monrovia Croddy Arnold J Jr. .Netherlands, Cuthell David C ... .STATE (0-1) EA Darlington Frank. .USIA (10.4)
Cowan Mary Frances. ..Upper Volta, Amsterdam Cutherell William H. ..Venezuela,Caracas Daskaloff Milan ....... USIA (R-3)
Ouagadougou Croghan Allan B..............USIA (10-4) Cutler Walter L. .STATE ( 0-3) M /FSI Datta Harold ..... .Philippines, Manila
Coward Francis P. ..Burma, Rangoon Croker Lt Col Charles ........Morocco, Rabat Cutter Curtis C Spain. Seville Daver Barbara D. .STATE (S-4) CU Honolulu
Daugherty Barbara Anne .....Ghana, Accra Day Frank E ... ..Trin & Tobago, Port-ot. Dempsey George Timothy ....STATE ( 0-7) trng Dietz Carolyn J... ..AID (S-7) COMP/FS
Daugherty David . ...India , New Delhi Spain Demski Christine P Japan. Naha, Japan Dietz Claudette Lou. .Senegal, Dakar
Daugherty Rene R .Ghana, Accra Day John G. STATE (0-3) NEA Demyer William F ...Iran, Tehran Dietz George ) STATE (R- 1 ) Ex -im Bank
Daulong Francis R STATE ( S -9) A /OC Day Kenneth H .STATE (R-2) A / BF Denicourt Raymond F ..Mali, Bamako Dietz Gilbert D. .Liberia, Monrovia
Daveler Delberta M .Laos, Vientiane Day Lois M ..Korea, Seoul Denlinger Theresa E STATE ( S -5 ) PER Difillipo Donna Kuwait, Kuwait
Daveler Harold S. .Laos, Vientiane Day Robert E Jr. STATE (0-4) INR Denman David C. .Colombia. Bogota Diggins John R JE STATE (0-1 ) SCA
Davenport Edwin Jr. Argentina, Buenos Aires Day Terrance M. STATE (0-4) AF Dennett Francis Malawi, Blantyre Diggle Arthur V .USIA ( 10-3)
Davenport Elizabeth . STATE (R-7) trng Daymont Henry P. .Germany. Frankfurt Denney George CJr STATE (RU- 1 )INR Diggs ) Hall.. STATE (0-5) AF
Davenport Robert V ..AID ( R -4) OPS Days Rudolph .. .STATE (0-4) PER Dennis David L... Sweden, Stockholm Diibon Thomas A .Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Davey Gerald K.... Viet-Nam, Nha Trang De Alba Vivian B .USIA ( S- 5) Dennis Geraldine C Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Dikcius Daniel V. Viet-Nam , Saigon
David John R ... ..Nigeria, Lagos De Brosse Ronald P. .Laos, Vientiane Dennis John L.. .Mexico, Guadalajara Dikeos Victor H. Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Davidow Jeffrey . .Chile, Santiago De Carvalho Joao M. .USIA (R -4) Dennis John M. STATE (0-3) M /FSI Dilalla Patricia Ann. .Yemen Arab Republic.
Davids Sherry L. Romania, Bucharest De Cay Edward B ..Iran, Tehran Denson Elaine Doris . Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur San'a
Davidson Douglas K. .Dom. Rep., Santo De Cou James H .USIA (10-4) Dent Theodore W Jr. AID (R-5) SER /FM Dilallo Olympia N. Zaire, Kinshasa
Domingo De Graffenreid William L......Germany, Frankfurt Denton Frank H .Afghanistan, Kabul Diliberto RoseMary .Argentina, Buenos Aires
Davidson Duane C Korea, Seoul De La Rosa Carmen Paraguay. Asuncion Denton Robert B. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Dilisio Vilma Mae .USUN, N.Y.
Davidson Elizabeth .AID (S-6) SER/MP De Pierre Daria. STATE ( 0-7) tnt Denys Arnold ). STATE (S -6 ) CU Dillard Diane. .Mexico, Monterrey
Davidson Marie M. ..Afghanistan, Kabul De Pontet Ariel B. ..USIA (R -4) Deornellas John L .STATE ( S-2) ARA-LA Diller John E .Laos, Vientiane
Davidson Michael R .STATE (R-7) M/FSI De Rosa Josephine E ..Bolivia, La Paz Depew Charles R USIA (R-3) Dillery C Edward ..U.K., London
Davidson Ronald A.... ACTION (R -3) 10 De Santillana Gerald . ..Haiti, Port-au -Prince Depree Willard A STATE (0-2) S /PC Dillon Betty Crites ..USM /ICAO, Montreal
Davies Alice W Sri Lanka, Colombo De Tarr Francis ..Morocco, Rabat Deremer Herbert.. .STATE (R-5) A /BF Dillon Dorothy ..USIA (10-2)
Davies Archie. .USIA (R-3) De Vos Peter Jon. STATE (0-4) ARA / LA Derenzo Joanmarie A. AID (RL- 5 )OPS Dillon Edward P USIA (R-5)
Davies Richard T. .Poland, Warsaw De Wilde Jan ..STATE (0-6 ) INR Derge David R. STATE ( ) CU Dillon Paul L ..India, New Delhi
Davies Rodger P. STATE (CM ) NEA De Witt John L ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Derosa Teresa Maria USIA (R-3) Dillon Robert S. STATE (0-3) NEA
Davies Weyburn . Viet-Nam, Saigon Deal Elva ). USIA ( S-5) Derrick Richard E.. ..Afghanistan , Kabul Dimick Niel A. .Pakistan, Islamabad
Davila Michael A. STATE (0-4) ARA/LA Deal Timothy E. STATE (0-5) EB Dertadian Richard N STATE (0-4 ) PER Dimino Carl. ..Venezuela, Caracas
Davis Allen C. STATE (0-3) WarColl Deamusategui Maj Joseph Brazil, Brasilia Desbrisay Bligh . ..AID (R-3) SER /OM Dimmick Neill T.. ..Turkey. Ankara
Trng 0 Deschambault Rolland J .....AID (R-2) AG /AUD Dimodica James S. Greece, Athens
Davis Anne M. .U.K ., London Dean Abigail L. ..Australia, Melbourne Descoteaux Norman M .Ecuador, Guayaquil Dimond Francis M .Panama, Panama
Davis Carl E. .USIA (10-2) Dean Allan E .AID (R-3) COMP/FS Desmond Timothy .STATE ( R -4) ARA /LA Dinagen James F. ..Philippines, Manila
Davis Charles J. USIA (R-3) Dean David ...U.K ., Hong Kong Desombre Marjorie M. .Canada, Montreal Dinegar Caroline A ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Davis Charles ) . ..USUN, N.Y. Dean Frank B .USIA (R -4) Desrosiers Russell AID (R-3) AA/ TA Dinicola Jean L... Chile, Santiago
Davis Charles W. STATE (RU -5) SCA Dean James C STATE (0-4 ) NEA Desseau Catherine M. STATE (S-7) ARALA Dinsdale Dona S US Mission, Geneva
Davis Col James H Nigeria, Lagos Dean John Gunther. ..Laos, Vientiane Detwiler Curtis J. Cameroon, Yaounde Dion Jerrold Mark STATE (0-4) EA
Davis E Lloyd STATE (S-2) A / OPR Dean Jonathan .Austria, Vienna Deupree Nora M ..AID (R-4) SER /FM Dionne Rachelle D. .France, Paris
Davis Edwin L ..Liberia, Monrovia Dean Leslie A .Laos, Vientiane Devier Carl W STATE ( S-5) AF Dionne Raymond P AID (RL-5)SER/CM
Davis Emma B. .USIA (R-7) Dean Robert W. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Devight Gary D. .STATE ( 0-7) trng Dionne Sheila M. .Ghana, Accra
Davis Evelyn S. ..Tunisia, Tunis Dean Stanley C .STATE (R -4) 0 /FADRC Devin David W. Viet-Nam, Saigon Dionne Thelma L .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Davis Frederick C Zaire, Kinshasa Dean Warren L. .Norway. Oslo Devine Barry M. ..Philippines, Manila Dipalma Lucille R Brazil, Brasilia
Davis Gary P ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Deandrea Dorothy M. STATE (S- 7) 10 Devine Frank J. STATE (0-1 ) ARA/LA Dirks Robert E. .AID (R-4) COMP/FS
Davis Goerge S. USIA (R-3) Deane Nancy M Union of Soviet Socialist Devine James B. ..Italy, Rome Disciullo John . STATE (RU-2)INR
Davis Griffith „AID (R-2) PHA /POP Republics, Moscow Devine John ) . .Chile, Santiago Dishaw Robert A .Zaire, Kinshasa
Davis Guy Tunisia, Tunis Dearborn Frances MR Tanzania , Dar es Devine Richard C France, Paris Distefano Joseph A. ..Italy, Rome
Davis Gwendolyn. USUN, N.Y. Salaam Devine William Jr Brazil, Sao Paulo Ditanna Pasquale L US Mission , Geneva
Davis Hampton STATE (RU -3 )A /CPR Deardortt William H Jr. .STATE ( S-5) EUR Devlin Joseph M. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Ditommaso Philip USIA ( 0-3)
Davis Harold G. USIA (R-2) Deason Robert G .STATE (0-4) EUR Devlin Willard B ..Peru. Lima Ditter Wilma l ..Laos, Vientiane
Davis Hermon S Jr. ..Zaire, Kinshasa Deasy Bernard T. .Mauritius, Port Louis Devol Edward F Jr. USIA (R-2) Dittmer Clark M STATE (R -5) O/SY
Davis Horace ) India, New Delhi Debell Georgia ) . STATE ( 0-8) trng Dewey Nancy R. ..Poland, Warsaw Dittmer Lyle A STATE (S- 7) PER
Nepal, Kathmandu Debold Leroy E Jr. Thailand, Bangkok Dewitt John W .Ecuador, Guayaquil Dittmer Richard F Khmer Republic, Phnom
Davis Michael .France, Paris Debrow Patrick D ..Union of Soviet Socialist Dewitt Martha Ann Japan, Tokyo Penh
Davis Joan R .. ..Afghanistan , Kabul Republics, Moscow Dexter John B STATE (0-2) EA Dix Audrey A STATE (S-5) 10
Davis John Bjr . Viet-Nam , Saigon Debruce Raymond A. Indonesia, Jakarta Deyo Richard B „AID (R-4) AA / TA Dixon Ben F. STATE (0-2) POLAD
Davis John R STATE (0-5) ARA /LA Debutts Dale C. Viet Nam . Saigon Deyoe Carrol F .. .AID (R-2) TA /AGF USCG
Davis John R Jr. ..Poland, Warsaw Decaterini Ann F .Italy, Rome Dezonna Geralynn L STATE (R-6) PA Dixon Col Frank W .. Philippines, Manila
Davis John W Jr Indonesia, Jakarta Dechant Lawrence G .Indonesia, Jakarta DeCapua Mario R Switzerland, Bern Dixon Col James T Spain, Madrid
Davis Joyce R. .Belgium , Brussels Deckelman Elizabeth K ..AID ( S- 7) AG /IIS DeCastro Joaquin B ..Zaire, Kinshasa Dixon John Er .USIA (R-3)
Davis L Harlan El Salvador, San Decker Aubrey D. .Guyana, Georgetown DeGrace William B. South Africa. Dixon John Mccance. .Germany. Bonn
Salvador Decker Paul E Jp .Romania, Bucharest Johannesburg Dixon Mary E STATE (S- 7) O/FADRC
Davis Lovie E .AID (R.5) SER /PM Declercq Wilfred F .STATE (0-4) 10 DeHart Thomas A. .Dom . Rep. , Santo Dixon Michael Thomas ..Lebanon , Beirut
Davis Lucille S. .Netherlands. The Hague Decook Cot David W .Norway. Oslo Domingo Dizard Wilson P. USIA (10-2)
Davis Mildred E STATE (S-8) A /OPR Decroes Samuel L .Philippines, Manila DeHaven Claridel S STATE ( S -5) A /BF Dizikes Dean . .Greece. Athens
Davis Muriel A. Morocco, Rabat Deede Hans P. ..Philippines, Manila DeLaBarre R Robin ..Turkey. Ankara Djerejian Edward P STATE (0-4) NEA
Davis Nathaniel STATE (CM ) M /DG Deeley Leonard H .China. Taipei DePedraza I Paul. El Salvador, San Djordjevic Leokadia .USIA (R-7)
Davis Peter .Khmer Republic, Phnom Deem Patsy A .. .Liberia , Monrovia Salvador Doak Leslie Alson ..Brazil, Brasilia
Penh Deerfield Eddie .USIA (10-3) DeRouville Anthea S ... Switzerland, Bern Doane James V Dr. ...Iran, Tehran
Davis Richard E. Philippines, Manila Dees Joseph L Cameroon, Yaounde DeSonia William L .. STATE (RU -2 )IGA Dobbins James FJr ..USUN, N.Y.
Davis Richard V ..Mexico, Hermosillo Deford TMcAdams .STATE (0-5) NEA DeWitt Lloyd L .. .U.K ., London Dobbs Theodore B Canada, St. John's
Davis Robert D .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Degan John i Je .U.K ., London Di Giovanni Cleto Jr. Venezuela, Caracas Dobrenchuk Stephen A. STATE (0-3) SCA
Davis Robert E. .Guatemala, Guatemala Degenette Lt Col Delano E...Turkey.Ankara Di Meglio Genevieve .France, Paris Dobrichan Milan AID ( R -4) COMP/FS
Davis Robert L STATE (RU - 5) A /FBO Degrands Dominic STATE ( S- 7) EUR Di Palma Salvatore .Denmark, Copenhagen Dobrin John R. .France, Paris
Davis Robert Lee STATE (R-7) N /SY Degroote Ltc Albert .Laos, Vientiane Dial Gladys I..... Venezuela, Caracas Dobsa Lillian G Japan, Fukuoka
Davis Roy G .. STATE (RU -6 )SCA Dehenseler Hollis A ..Afghanistan, Kabul Diamanti Walker A ..Ivory Coast. Abidjan Dobson Julia M. .USIA ( S- 3)
Davis Ruth A. Japan, Tokyo Dehmlow Jay L STATE ( R -8) trng Diamond Lowell E AID (R-4) OPS Dobyns Edward P ..Mexico, Monterrey
Davis Sandra L .Pakistan, Karachi Dehner Marie .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Diao Richard K. .USIA (R-5) Dockstader Kathryn M. Brazil, Brasilia
Davis Shelby C. Switzerland, Bern Deibel Paul W. Viet-Nam. Saigon Diaz Angel M. .Bolivia, La Paz Dodd James P Senegal, Dakar
Davis Thomas Jr. India , New Delhi Deitchman Robert A. South Africa, Pretoria Diaz Porfirio M ..Afghanistan, Kabul Dodds Alan H. ..Italy. Naples
Davis Thomas W Jr .STATE (0-3) NEA Del Favero Marcella M. .STATE ( S- 5) EUR Dibble David E ..Ghana, Accra Dodds Col Jack A. ..Ghana, Accra
Davis William B .USIA (10-2) Del Gigante Norman F. Italy. Naples Dibble Richard A. Singapore, Singapore Dodge Ronald B Viet-Nam, Nha Trang
Davis William Morocco, Rabat Del Giudice Paul G. .Austria, Vienna Dickens Charles B .Paraguay, Asuncion Dodge William A. Thailand, Bangkok
Davis William L. ..Korea, Seoul Del Grosso Antonio N. .Liberia, Monrovia Dickens Joy A Venezuela, Caracas Dodson Buddy K .. ..Peru , Lima
Davis William L. Turkey. Ankara Del Rio Jose P. USIA ( R -4) Dickerman Charles R .Iceland, Reykjavik Doerr Emil H. Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Davison Dwight E. .India, New Delhi Del Rossi Virginia B STATE ( S -5) 10 Dickey Colette .France, Paris Doggett Clinton L. ..AID (R.2) COMP /FS
Davison John R. Brazil, Brasilia Delaney Richard ) .Philippines, Manila Dickey V Raymond. .Burma, Rangoon Doherty John R. ..Greece, Athens
Davison John S.. .STATE (0-5) AF Delanty William C .Liberia, Monrovia Dickie Joan L. .USIA (10-4 ) Doherty John T. .USEC, Brussels
Davit Alexander ) STATE (0-1) PER Delatorre David .. .Bolivia, La Paz Dickinson Dwight. .Togo. Lome Doherty Kathleen R .Belgium , Brussels
Davitian Alice .USIA (R-5) Deligianis George .Bangladesh. Dacca Dickinson Harold L .. USIA (R-3) Doherty Margaret P .USEC, Brussels
Dawkins Naomi Sue Thailand, Bangkok Delong Helene .STATE (R-6) PA Dickinson Sheridan G.. .Peru, Piura Doherty Mary Frances . ..Jordan, Amman
Dawkins Stephen P .STATE (0-4) EUR Delong Howard G ..USIA (R-2) Dickman Francois M .STATE (0-2) NEA Dohse M June .Ghana , Accra
Dawson Charles H.. .USIA (10-3) Delph Norma ... .Senegal, Dakar Dickman Shirley J. USNATO, Brussels Doig Marvin T. .STATE (S-2) A /SY
Dawson Horace G Jr .USIA (10-2) Deluca Gilda H. VietNam, Saigon Dickmyer Esta V. ..Turkey, Ankara Dolan Brian P. .Niger, Niamey
Dawson James W. ..Kenya, Nairobi Deluise Amelio C .USIA (R-2) Dickson William S USIA ( 0-3) Dolan Daniel L STATE (0-5) M /FSI
Dawson Lovetta STATE ( S -8) EA Demartin Monique .Tunisia , Tunis Diedrich William S .STATE (0-5) ARA /LA Dolan Maryanne Theresa .....Yugoslavia , Belgrade
Dawson Richard S Jr .Nigeria, Lagos Dembowski Donald E ..AID (R-3) SA /VN er
Diettendert John H Turkey. Ankara Dolezal Edward J. Thailand , Bangkok
Dawson Ruby G. .STATE ( S-6 ) EA Demetre Michael C.. AID ( R -4 ) WDR Diehl George CJr. Pakistan, Karachi Dolgoft Lawrence Japan, Tokyo
Dawson Theodore A. ..Portugal, Lourenco Deming Rust M. ..Japan, Tokyo Diehl Harold C.. ..Liberia, Monrovia Dolibois John E... STATE ( ) CU
Marques Demiray Janet C. .USIA ( 10-6 ) Dieli Samuel P .USIA (10-3) Dolio Ardwin .Brazil, Brasilia
Dawson Thomas Cli STATE (0-6 ) E Demitz Sherwood ..Netherlands, The Hague Dienst Col William Jr. .USNATO, Brussels Dollar Robert W. ...Norway. Oslo
Day Arthur R Jerusalem . Jerusalem Demongeot Patrick D .Morocco, Rabat Dies George Anthony lii .Dahomey. Cotonou Dolley Darrell L... .Turkey, Ankara
Day Ferdinand T. STATE (RU - 3)PER Dempsey Francis ) . STATE ( S- 7) S /S Dieterich William ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Dollman William M. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
FEBRUARY 1974 57
Dolney George A Ellison Ollie B
Dolney George A USIA (R-4) Dowling Bernard C. .USIA (R-5) Dunlap Henry A. USIA (10-1) Edington Blanche M. .USIA (R-5)
Doloft Leo STATE (S - 4) NEA Dowling Thomas E STATE (R-8) trng Dunlap John H .. Jamaica, Kingston Edletsen John B AID (R-3) PHA /POP
Dols Richard J .. STATE (0-4) AF Downes David .Fiji. Suva Dunlop Thomas Ph . Viet-Nam , Saigon Edminster David K. .Germany. Bonn
Dombkowski Maryanne Saudi Arabia , Jidda Downes Gail L. .STATE ( S -7) S / S Dunman Tabor E Jr. ..Turkey, Ankara Edmond Lester E. Japan , Tokyo
Dombroski Theresa L Canada, Toronto Downes Jack C. STATE ( S -4 ) A /OC Dunn Beverly K .. STATE ( S-7) A /OC Edmonds Peter B .Egypt. Cairo
Dombrowsky David Somalia, Mogadiscio Downey Timothy A ..Nepal, Kathmandu Dunn Edith Eastman . .France, Paris Edmonds Scott W Thailand , Bangkok
Dome Valeta R .STATE (S-6) AF Downie Andrew R AID (R-3) AA / TA Dunn Faye E South Africa, Pretoria Edmondson Laska ) STATE (S-7) NEA
Domick Francis AID (R-2) MO/AD Downing Millard ) ..Laos, Vientiane Dunn Jimmy C. ..Finland, Helsinki Edmondson Mary Lou Bangladesh. Dacca
Domidion Ann M. ..Nepal , Kathmandu Doyle James R. .STATE ( 0-8) trung Dunn L Milner .Greece, Athens Edmondson William B. STATE (0-2) CU
Domingo Frances M Thailand, Bangkok Doyle Mary A Indonesia, Jakarta Dunn Lynda C .Dahomey, Cotonou Edquist Gary R. USIA (R -8 )
Dominguez Alfonso D Viet Nam. Saigon Doyle Ronald J.. STATE (S- 8) ARA /LA Dunn Paul J. AID (R-3) COMP/ FS Edris James A .Ecuador, Guayaquil
Donahue Dennis D Viet-Nam, Saigon Doyle Terence W ACTION (R -3) 10 Dunnigan Cornelius ..Jordan, Amman Edwards Anne Hepburn. .U.K. , Hong Kong
Donahue Gilbert J .. ..Mexico , Guadalajara Dozier William B. Sweden, Stockholm Dunnigan Thomas .Denmark, Copenhagen Edwards Charles P. AID (R-3) AA /PPC
Donaldson Brig Gen John W France, Paris Dragan Oksana E USIA (R-5) Dunning Maj William H. Turkey, Ankara Edwards David E .. Guatemala, Guatemala
Donato Candeloro C ..Panama, Panama Drago Ronald J. Viet-Nam, Saigon Dupre Lawrence ). STATE (R-2) A /OPR Edwards Donald H AID (R-4) SER/MP
Donchi Don ) ..Norway. Oslo Drake Betty ). Thailand, Bangkok Dupuis Bernard E. Ecuador, Quito Edwards Eddie. Cyprus, Nicosia
Donegan Patsy Lee. STATE (R- 7) CU San Drake Emily Japan, Tokyo Durand Ramon F Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Edwards Elizabeth A STATE (S-7) A /BF
Fran Drake Harold A JE .Liberia, Monrovia Durbin John F. .Germany, Frankfurt Edwards Horace Y USIA ( 0-3)
Doney John H JE .AID (R -3) OPS Drakoulis Mary .. STATE (R-6) SCI Durbin Paula .Argentina, Buenos Aires Edwards Mary Ruth STATE (R-4) PER
Donnel Catherine Ann .USIA ( S-5) Drakulic Nikola M. USIA (R-8) Durfee Neall.. Viet-Nam, Saigon Edwards Ralph ) . Senegal, Dakar
Donnelly Bernard E .Laos, Vientiane Draper Frazier . .France, Paris Durfey Frank D ..Indonesia, Jakarta Edwards Timothy Ghana, Accra
Donnelly Capt William N Sweden, Stockholm Draper Morris ...Turkey.Ankara Durham Richard L ... STATE (R-2) ACDA Efimenco N Marbury. USIA ( 10-3)
Donnelly Edward .US Mission, Geneva Dray Margaret B. STATE (R-3) INR Durham William H. .USIA (10-4) Egan John P -.Argentina, Cordoba
Donnelly Eileen M Sri Lanka, Colombo Drengler Lauryn C .Uruguay, Montevideo Durkee Michael L ..Norway. Oslo Egan Wesley W Jr South Africa. Durban
Donnelly Francis ) STATE (R-2) 10 Drescher Conrad M ..Mexico, Guadalajara Durlin Ruth J.. ..Pakistan, Islamabad Egan William M. Viet-Nam, Nha Trang
Donnelly Muriel ). Italy. Naples Drew John W Jr. STATE (RU-2)PER Duryee William A. Honduras, Tegucigalpa Egi Berdine Pitsch Viet-Nam , Saigon
Donnelly Neal .USIA (10-3) Drew Walter H .Ghana, Accra Dustin Eben H. .Laos, Vientiane Egi Frank R. Viet-Nam. Saigon
Donnelly Shaun Edward Senegal, Dakar Drews Marion ). .Cyprus, Nicosia Dutton William Lur STATE (0-3) EUR Ehlers Edgar . Uruguay, Montevideo
Donnelly Thomas R .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Drexler Liliane Iceland, Reykjavik Dux Michael J ... STATE (0-2) EB Ehly Richard E Tunisia, Tunis
Donoho Col John Alvis Union of Soviet Socialist Drexler Robert W US Mission, Geneva Dwelley Robert L Colombia, Bogota Ehman Frank W. Switzerland, Bern
Republics, Moscow Dreyfuss John T. .Guatemala, Guatemala Dwiggins Joan H .Dom . Rep. , Santo Austria, Vienna
Donohue Gerard A Canada, Toronto Driggers Roy W. Honduras, Tegucigalpa Domingo Ehren Vera .Ethiopia . Addis Ababa
Donohue , Patrick Jr India, Bombay Drinkard Maureen V .Philippines, Manila Dwor Leonard S .Lebanon, Beirut Ehrich Rollo L .. .Peru, Lima
Donohue Tara Anne . .USUN. N.Y. Driscoll Everly. USIA (R-7) Dworken Morton Rr STATE (0-5) PM Ehrlich Richard . AID (R-5) COMP/FS
Donohue Thomas A .Philippines, Manila Driscoll Richard V. USIA (R-3) Dwyer Deborah A. .USIA (R-8) Ehrman James ) . STATE (0-6) M/FSI
Donovan Edward J.. .Brazil, Brasilia Driscoll Robert S IV ..U.K ., Belize City, Belize Dwyer Marguerite W. .Germany, Frankfurt Ehrman Madeline E Thailand, Bangkok
Donovan Eileen R. Barbados. Bridgetown Drissel Donald Jacob Jr STATE (R-8) A /SY Dwyer Patricia A... USEC, Brussels Eicher Peter D STATE (0-8) trung
Donovan Ellsworth A STATE (R-2) A /OPR Driver Daniel ..... ..AID (RL-3)SER/H Dwyer Paul S. STATE (0-4) MED Eichler Thomas E USIA (R-5)
Donovan Francis T Indonesia, Jakarta Droegemeyer Don . .Philippines, Manila Dwyer Richard A .. STATE (0-4) CU Eichorn Virginia M STATE (S-7) EUR
Donovan Marion Ann AID (S-6) AFR /NAR Dropik Raymond E. .Laos, Vientiane Dwyre Michael Deh. Thailand, Bangkok Eidem H Roy. STATE (0-7) trong
Donovan Mary E. STATE (R-4) PA Drotos John Joseph. STATE (R-7) A /SY Dyels Jake M Jr Panama, Panama Eidenberg Harvey A. .U.K., Hong Kong
Donovan Michael W. STATE (0-5) E Droullard Maurice E Greece. Athens Dyer Donald R STATE (RU-3 )INR Eidsness Jan Christina India, New Delhi
Doo Dana P AID (S-7) LA /BR Druben Stanley ACTION (R -3) Micronesia Dyer Joseph C. USIA (R-2) Eifert John Robert Germany, Frankfurt
Doody William F AID (R-4) SA/PPB Drucker Darrell I USIA (10-2) DyessWilliam J. STATE (0-4) EUR Eighmie James Wilson Jr .....STATE (0-5) INR
Dooley John A. STATE (R-7) trng Druener Col Hanz K Germany. Bonn Dykes William R Jr. „Philippines, Manila Eilers Xavier W. Canada, Vancouver
Dooley Norman USIA (S-9) Drushal Mary L.. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Dykstra Thresa N. Turkey. Ankara Eilts Hermann F .Egypt. Cairo
Doolin Drexel AID (R-4) OPS Du Chateau Philippe. ..USIA (S-9) Dyrek Frances M. Greece, Athens Ein Melvin B. Laos, Vientiane
Dorfeld Charles W. Germany. Frankfurt Duane Paul A Jr. ..Yugoslavia, Belgrade Dziewit Maria STATE ( S -8) EUR Einaudi Luigi R. STATE (R-2) S/PC
Dorman Philip F USIA (10-2) Dubois David USIA (10.1 ) Einik M Michael Brazil, Brasilia
Dornan Thomas ) .Philippines, Manila Dubois John .Finland, Helsinki Eisele Donn F Thailand , Bangkok
Dornheim Arthur R STATE (0-3) EA Dubose Robert W JE ..Sweden, Stockholm Eisenman Helen M Greece. Athens
Dorough Felix Union of Soviet Socialist Dubray Elaine L. USIA (S-7) Eisenstadt G Michael Germany. Bonn
Republics, Moscow Dubrow Stephen Mark . USIA (R-7) Eagleburger Lawrence S STATE (0-2) Eisert Patricia .Laos, Vientiane
Dorr Robert E. Japan, Fukuoka Dubs Adolph Union of Soviet Socialist Eagleton William Lur .Algeria, Algiers Eisinger Richard A .USIA (R-5)
Dorrance John C .STATE (0-3) EA Republics, Moscow Eakin Terry C. Venezuela. Maracaibo Eisner Adolph H Uruguay, Montevideo
Dorset Barbara L. Germany. Bonn Duchesne Rafael A. ..Philippines, Manila Ealum James M. STATE (0-3) S/S Eith Arthur W Ethiopia , Addis Ababa
Dorset Edward Leo .Germany. Bonn Dudak Paul Y. Germany. Frankfurt Eardley Dorothy A. Canada. Ottawa Ekern Halvor o Austria, Vienna
Dorsey Helen L .ACTION(S-8) Dudley Charles H .STATE (0-5) EB Earl Ralph F. .France, Paris Ekstrom James S. Niger, Niamey
10 /NAN /EAP Dudley Lillian B. ..Germany. Bonn Earle Ralph li .. STATE (R- 1 ) ACDA Elam Harriet Lee STATE (R-5) CU
Dorsey Patricia A. Iran, Tehran Dudley Richard D .Bolivia, La Paz Early Robert R. Colombia, Elam Richard Warren Australia. Sydney
Dorsie Helene . .Morocco, Rabat Duemling Robert W Japan , Tokyo Buenaventura Elbon Sam B Greece, Athens
Doscher Charles R Saudi Arabia, Jidda Duerbeck Warren B Pakistan, Islamabad Eason Bobby F .Lebanon, Beirut Elbourn Mabel Lee Viet-Nam , Can Tho
Dosedlo Mildred H STATE (S-8) AF Duffel Marian D STATE ( S-5 ) MED Eason Earl I. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Elden Hilbron C. Afghanistan, Kabul
Doss Ralph W. .Pakistan, Islamabad Dutty June B. ..Ecuador, Guayaquil Eason George S. Guyana, Georgetown Eldredge Louis M Viet-Nam, Saigon
Dossi Henry S Thailand, Bangkok Dutty Michael John. .Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur East Pressley D .Paraguay, Asuncion Elfers Frederick D. STATE (0-4) S/IG
Doster Jerry C USIA (10-2) Duffy Patrick . Swaziland. Mbabane East Robert M .Philippines, Manila Eliasson Col Arne H. Afghanistan, Kabul
Dotherow Barbara A AID (R-5) SER/MO Dufour Diana .Ghana, Accra Eastman Harland H .U.K., Liverpool Eliot Theodore Lur Afghanistan, Kabul
Dotson Richard M Germany. Bonn Dugan Gordon ... ..Philippines, Manila Eastman Henrietta L. USIA (R-5) Elissabide Pierre Khmer Republic, Phnom
Dotson William A .. STATE ( S -4) A /OC Dugan John H .. STATE (RU- 4)A /SY Eastman Karen Dorne Liberia, Monrovia Penh
Doty Quetzal. Ghana, Accra Duggan Evelyn M ..Laos, Vientiane Easton Mark M. STATE (0-4) EA Elkington Anna G .U.K. , London
Doubleday Thomas PJI STATE (0-6) 10 Dugstad Richard A. ..Germany, Frankfurt Eastwood Lelah ) Mexico. Tijuana Ellam Katharine T .USUN, N.Y.
Doucette Karen M. .Laos, Vientiane Duhart Donna ) . .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Easum Donald B Upper Volta. Elleby Douglas A „Mexico, Monterrey
Doucette Robert A. Viet-Nam. Saigon Duke David H. .Laos, Vientiane Ouagadougou Ellena Peter AID (R-2) OPS
Dougall Gm Richardson STATE (R-2) PA Duke Donald W. USIA (S- 1) Eaton Conrad P STATE (R-3) O /FADRC Eller Don C. STATE (R-2) WarColl
Dougan Donald A .Laos, Vientiane Duke Virginia C. STATE ( R- 4) L Eaton George T. Swaziland, Mbabane Trng
Dougherty Bernard John Jr...STATE (R-7) SY Dulavey David G. ..AID (RL-4 )PPC /IA Eaton Samuel D STATE (0-1 ) S /PC Ellice Douglas V Jr .STATE (R -8) trng
Dougherty H Rowland. USIA (10-3) Dulin William E. .USIA (R-3) Eaton William F. Viet-Nam , Saigon Ellington Ben L. ..India, New Delhi
Dougherty Jill M .USIA (R-8) Dulitz Donald K. ..AID (R-4) COMP /FS Eaves John Jr India, Madras Ellinwood Margery L. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Dougherty Kathleen M. .Korea, Seoul Dumaine Robert Austria, Vienna Ebbecke Charles W .ACTION (R -3) 10 Elliott Carlyn .. .Brazil, Brasilia
Dougherty Martin Charles ...ŞTATE (R-6) SY Dumas Roburt Andre. USIA (10-3) Ebenau Irwin .. .U.K ., Liverpool Elliott H Aubrey Jordan, Amman
Dougherty Mary P STATE (S-4) AF Dunaway Constance STATE ( S- 4) PA Ebert Louis V III . Brazil, Sao Paulo Elliott James .Laos, Vientiane
Doughty C Harvey. ..AID ( R -4) COMP /FS Dunbar Charles F Jr .Morocco , Rabat Ebia Novella . .Belgium, Brussels Elliott Jean T. STATE (R-6) A / OC
Doughty Lynn 0 . El Salvador, San Dunbar Richard C. ..India, Madras Eblan Joseph 0 .STATE (0-4) Com Dept Elliott John R. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Salvador Duncan Charles A AID (R -4) COMP/ FS Echols Jaines R USIA (10-2) Elliott Martha H Turkey. Ankara
Douglas A Hugh Jr. Spain, Barcelona Duncan Dillard H Botswana, Gaborone Eckblom Myrtle ). .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Elliott Mary A Union of Soviet Socialist
Douglas Dale B. .Israel, Tel Aviv Duncan Enoch S. South Africa, Pretoria Eckersley Bruce L .Bolivia, La Paz Republics, Moscow
Douglas Danny C .U.K ., Hong Kong Duncan Forest A Jr Viet-Nam, Saigon Eckert Carlos R .Ecuador, Quito Elliott Thomas C AID (R- 1) ENG
Douglas L Cheryl. .USIA (S-9) Duncan Ivy Ruby ..Nigeria, Lagos Eckes Marie E. South Africa. Pretoria Ellis Athol H. AID (R-2) AFR /CWA
Douglas Terrence R India, New Delhi Duncan Leo A ... Viet- Nam, Nha Trang Eckman E John , Viet-Nam , Saigon Ellis Clarke N STATE (0-5) EB
Douglass C Raymond Argentina, Buenos Aires Duncan Nancy .. ..Afghanistan, Kabul Eckrote Donald G Finland, Helsinki Ellis Harry H. AID (R-2) COMP/FS
Douglass Michael D Germany, Bonn Duncan Richard .Finland, Helsinki Eckstein Ann .... .U.K., London Ellis John R. .U.K ., Hong Kong
Douglass Robert H. .AID (R-3) COMP/ FS Duncan Robert B. .Ethiopia. Addis Ababa Eckstein William H. .Germany, Berlin Ellis Joseph R. Senegal, Dakar
Douglass Stanley C STATE ( S-4 ) trng Duncan - Peters Stephen. ..India, New Delhi Ecton Stephen M. Japan. Sapporo Ellis Kathryn E Guinea, Conakry
Dourney Daniel.. .Lebanon, Beirut Dunford David ) . STATE (0-5) EB Eddy John ) Colombia, Bogota Ellis Lt Col Robert J. Indonesia, Jakarta
Dove Charles AID (R-3) COMP/FS Dunham Charles 8 Jr ..Zaire, Kinshasa Edensword Jon G Jordan . Amman Ellis Marise A .... .ACTION (R -3) Caribbean
Dove Richard E .Brazil, Brasilia Dunhaver Herbert D .Tunisia, Tunis Edgar William H .U.K., London Ellis Radm George FJr . USNATO. Brussels
Dove ThomasCr .Austria, Vienna Dunkerley Craig G. STATE (0-6) EA Edger David N. Chile. Santiago Ellis Roy D.... Liberia, Monrovia
Dovell Georgia L. Guinea, Conakry Dunlap Georges ..Union of Soviet Socialist Edgette Judith A. .Brazil, Brasilia Ellis William A.. Colombia, Bogota
Dowell Robert Lor STATE (0-4) INR Republics, Moscow Edgins James A. STATE (R-3) AJOPR Ellison Ollie B STATE (0-4) AF
Ellison Robert M. AID (R-5) AFR/ESA Eustace John M AID (R-2) SER / PM Farrell Christopherd, Liberia, Monrovia Fields Marshall L AID (R-3) AFR / ESA
Elliston Thomas R .USIA (R-3) Evander William Cone STATE (S - 3) A /OC Farrell Eileen A... .U.K. , London Fiers Alan DJr. STATE (R-5) NEA
Ellsbury Allan V. STATE (R-7 ) PER Evanow Serge N Peru, Lima Farrell James F. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Fiester Donald R JR Guatemala, Guatemala
Ellson Donald C .Turkey, Ankara Evans Barbara M ..Pakistan, Islamabad Farrell Kathleen Greece, Athens Fiter Ltc William A. Saudi Arabia, Jidda
Ellsworth George A Iran . Tehran Evans Betty Sue .USEC. Brussels Farrey Gordon L. .Pakistan, Karachi Yemen Arab Republic.
Elly Edward A. .USIA (10-3) Evans Darla Jean .Mauritius, Port Louis Farrior John M ..Turkey. Ankara San'a
Elmore Gerald C Thailand, Udorn Evans David L. Costa Rica, San Jose Farris Nathaniel . ..AID (R-3) IT/ P Figgins Dan W Jr. STATE (0-5) FA /AF Acad
Elmore I Carole ... .Chile, Santiago Evans David Meredith STATE (0-4) CIEP Farwell Albert E. ..AID (R - 1 ) SER /LR Figueira John S .Laos, Vientiane
ElmquestKaren ). Greece, Athens Evans Edith E. .Indonesia, Jakarta Fascell Rudolph Panama, Panama Figueroa Angelo M STATE (R-7) trng
Elrod Warrick E .STATE (RU-2)M/FSI Evans Gordon W. AID (R.2) AA / PPC Fassberg Harold E. „ STATE (RU-2)M/FSI Figura Thaddeus 1 . STATE (0-2) A/OPR
Elsbernd Lawrence B .Argentina, Buenos Aires Evans Jeffrey W. AID (RL-5 )ASIA /CO Fasullo John A. .AID (R-5) SER /MP Fike Margaret M. Jordan, Amman
Elser Eleanore .... „Philippines, Manila Evans John Dir ..Viet-Nam, Saigon Faucett Philip M Jr. ..AID (R-2) LAAPV Filakovsky John F STATE (S-6) A /OC
Eltz Regina Marie . .STATE (0-4) S / S Evans John M Iran. Tehran Faught David W .Laos, Vientiane Filler Paul A Jr. .Morocco, Tangier
Elwell William R .Philippines, Manila Evans Richard ) Viet Nam, Saigon Faulhaber James H AID (R-3) COMP /FS Fimbres Rudy V. STATE (0-3) WarColl
Ely Michael E .Italy, Rome Evans Richard .Lebanon, Beirut Faulk Richard C United Arab Emirates, Trng
Emerine Franklin D STATE (S-5) A/BF Evans Robert B Philippines, Manila Abu Dhabi Fina Thomas W Italy, Milan
Emery Weston L. .Ecuador, Quito Evans Ruth K Viet-Nam . Saigon FaulknerWilliam Ho ..AID ( R -4 ) SASIR Finan Charles E Venezuela, Caracas
Emmel Irmgard Guyana, Georgetown Evans Tony H ACTION (R -3) 10 Fawcett Jack B Ecuador, Guayaquil Finberg Donald R .Peru, Lima
Emmert Fredric A .Brazil, Salvador Evans Winifred . AID (R- 5) COMP/FS Fearey Robert A. STATE (0-1) FA /NWC Finch Charles C STATE (0-2) DG/EM
Emmling Charles R. .Burma , Rangoon Eveland Raymond Ernest ....Canada. Toronto feathers Robert M. STATE (S -4) PER Finch Lawrence E. STATE (R-2) INR
Emmons Charles Edward ....STATE (0.4) PER Everett Gary Lee ...... .Dom . Rep., Santo Featherstone Edward M ..Barbados, Bridgetown Finch Richard W. STATE (0-3) EA
Emmo Kathl ) , een ..Zambia, Lusaka Domingo Feaver Alice E STATE ( S- 7) AF Findlay Edward ) .Australia . Canberra
Emmons Robert Duncan .....Poland, Warsaw Everett Phoebe H. AID (R -3) IT/P Fedel Robert F ..Kenya, Nairobi Findley James W. .Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Ender Herbert. ..Morocco, Tangier Everidge Barbara Union of Soviet Socialist Fedor Cyril ..Poland, Warsaw Fine Neil C. Ecuador, Quito
Enders Thomas 0 Khmer Republic, Phnom Republics, Moscow Feehan Edward . Morocco, Tangier Fine Rena L. .China , Taipei
Penh Everidge Eddie F Union of Soviet Socialist Feeley Mary T ..Venezuela, Caracas Fine Sherman ) STATE (0-4) EA
Endrizzi Marino S .Spain , Madrid Republics, Moscow Feeney John M ..Haiti, Port -au-Prince Fine Shirley M US Mission, Geneva
Endsley Daniels USIA (10-3) Everill Florence B USNATO, Brussels Fei Edward C ... AID (R- 1) PPC /RC Finegan Catherine A .USEC, Brussels
Endsley Jerry E ..Uruguay, Montevideo Eversen Irwin A. STATE (S-4) A /OPR Fein Lawrence S .USIA (R-5) Fingerhut Jarvis .AID (R-4) AG/IIS
Endsley Robert W ..Nigeria , Lagos Everson Leighton R Nepal, Kathmandu Feinstein Harry ..Philippines, Manila Fink John E. Yemen, Aden
Engberg Stephen B ..Viet-Nam , Saigon Everts Stockwell. .Pakistan, Peshawar Fejfar Oldrich ..India , Bombay Fink Myron D Japan, Tokyo
Engeberg Stanley M USIA (R-2) Ewan Col Richard Cr.. Thailand. Bangkok Felder Robert C STATE (0-5) ARA/ LA Finke Blythe F .USIA (R -4)
Engel Bernard USIA (10.5) Ewing Eldon E. Viet-Nam , Nha Trang Feldman Harvey . .China , Taipei Finkelstein Phyllis Ann . ..Togo, Lome
Engel David A ..Italy, Rome Ewing John Venezuela, Caracas Feldman James H. .Belgium , Brussels Finley Travis A. STATE (R-8) A /OC
Engelbrech Henry A Jr ..Singapore, Singapore Ewing Raymond C Switzerland, Bern Feldmeier Russell ..Korea, Seoul Finn Chester Er India, New Delhi
Engelhart Jim E. ..STATE (S-2) A /OC Exton Fred Jr STATE (0-4) CU Feldstein Michael . .AID (R-5) PPC /RB Finn Michael F USIA (S-3)
Engelking Jeannette B Mexico , Mexico, D.F. Ey John .Ethiopia , Addis Ababa Felix John W Jr .. .USIA ( S-3) Finn Michael T .STATE (R-6) A/OPR
EngerWarren Jay ..Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur Eye Ralph F W Jr. Indonesia, Jakarta Felker Capt Richard I .Khmer Republic, Phnom Finn Richard B STATE (0-1 ) S/PC
England Robert A. STATE (0-4) PM Eyer Anita B STATE (R-5) A /BF Penh Finn Thomas M .Thailand. Bangkok
Engle Gerald Union of Soviet Socialist Eyler Helen Viet-Nam, Saigon Fell Arthur M .Cameroon, Yaounde Finnegan William FJr. STATE (S-5) SCA
Republics, Moscow Eyre John R Guatemala, Guatemala Fellers William S Jr. Viet -Nam, Saigon Finnerty Dennis. STATE (0-5) M/FSI
Engle Harold USIA ( 10-2) Ezell Patricia R USIA (S.4) Feltman Marion . Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Finney John D JE STATE (0-5) EA
Engle James B Khmer Republic, Phnom Ezelle Robert E .. .Germany. Bonn Femminella Bernard A STATE (0-5) 10 Finotti Benedict E STATE (R-2) A/BF
Penh Ezquerra Mary Jean . ...Argentina, Buenos Aires Fenhagen F Weston .USIA (10-2 ) Finstead Bruce A. ..Ivory Coast , Abidjan
Engle Lowell L Guatemala, Guatemala Fenn Margaret F. .U.K., London Fiorane James 1 . Germany. Bonn
EnglePaul France. Paris Fennell Bernard ) ..Fiji, Suva Firter Alexander.. .Panama , Panama
Engle Samuel W. Morocco, Tangier Fenner Billy A. .Philippines, Manila Firment Conrad M Philippines, Manila
Englebrake George Brazil, Brasilia Fenstermacher Edward B ....STATE (0-3) A /OC Fischer David 1 ... .Bulgaria, Sofia
Englehart Phyllis ) Thailand, Bangkok Fabey William USIA (R-4) Fenton Richard E Union of Soviet Socialist Fischer Donovan G STATE (R-3) A/SY
Engler Leontine M .Laos, Vientiane Fabian Linda ) Colombia, Bogota Republics, Moscow Fischer Forrest USIA (10.4)
English Burt F Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Fabricatore Lucy Mexico, Mexico. D.F. Fenton Richard Lewis. ..Italy, Naples Fischer Marian H. .USIA (R-5)
En kojiJohn T. Venezuela, Caracas Facinelli Robyn M. STATE (0-8) trung Fenzi Guido C. .Netherlands, Rotterdam Fischer Robert W .Chile, Santiago
Enlow Sari E STATE (S-6) A/OC Facterman Martin W Colombia, Bogota Fera Pau! P AID (R -4 ) OLAB Fischer Sidney... .Philippines, Manila
Ennis Barbara STATE (R-5) PA Fagan Charles A lii .Belgium , Brussels Ferch John A. Guatemala, Guatemala Fischman Joel Anthon Singapore, Singapore
Enos Robert M. .Liberia, Monrovia Fagan Joseph F Jamaica, Kingston Ferchak John R. STATE (0-3) PER Fish Catherine F. Switzerland, Bern
Enriquez Alfredo B Viet-Nam, Can Tho Fagan Margaret A ..Mexico. Tijuana Ferguson Ben R. Philippines, Manila Fisher Carl M Indonesia, Jakarta
Ensmann Marion ..Mali, Bamako Fagin Annette Peru, Lima Ferguson Carl E .Morocco, Rabat Fisher Daniel Lee Brazil, Sao Paulo
Epley Mary Ann .AID (S- 7) SA /EX Failla Sebastian R India, New Delhi Ferguson Clarence Clyde Jr.USUN, N.Y. Fisher Donald H .Laos, Vientiane
Eppinger Vera F Belgium , Brussels Fain Anna D Bolivia , La Paz Ferguson David R. Union of Soviet Socialist Fisher Donald Z. Germany. Bonn
Epstein George H .Belgium . Brussels Fair Marguerite H. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Republics, Moscow Fisher Frederic A .Germany. Dusseldorf
Epstein Shirley M Nigeria, Lagos Fairchild Albert E. STATE (0-5) CU Ferguson Donald C. .China, Taipei Fisher Glen H STATE (0-3) M/FSI
Erb Gary E. Jamaica, Kingston Faircloth Jack Viet-Nam, Saigon Ferguson Earl . .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Fisher Jessie M. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Erb Herbert Bli USIA (R-7) Fairfax Ben F. .USIA (S-9) Ferguson Joyce M „Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Fisher John W. Venezuela, Caracas
Erdahl William B ..Viet-Nam . Nha Trang Fairley E Lee . USIA (10-3) Ferguson Kenneth D STATE (S-4) A /OC Fisher Joseph Lir . ..Morocco, Casablanca
Erdman Richard W STATE (0-6) NEA Fairweather Jane . USIA (S-2) Ferguson Kenneth P STATE (R-4) S/IG Fisher Kathryn E. STATE (S-4) PER
Ericksen Emil P Nepal, Kathmandu Faith Francis C .Laos, Vientiane Ferguson Mary P USIA (R-7) Fisher Margaret Ann .Panama, Panama
Ericksen M Catherine AID (R-4) SER/CM Falcone Swetlana I. .USIA (R-7) Ferguson Robert E. Philippines, Manila Fisher Richard A .U.K ., London
Erickson Arlene ) . Thailand. Bangkok Fales Elmer G. Indonesia, Jakarta Fergusson Harvey Spain, Madrid Fisher Richard F. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Erickson Elden B .Netherlands, Rotterdam Falk George .. Venezuela, Caracas Fernald James M. United Arab Emirates, Fisher Sarah G. .Thailand, Bangkok
Erickson John Viet Nam,Saigon Falke Lucy S. USIA (S-7) Abu Dhabi Fisher ThomasFor ..AID (RL-2)AG
Erickson Wanda P .USIA (S-8) Falkiewicz AT USIA (10-2) Fernandez Aurelius USIA ( 10.4) Fisher Wayne W. Belgium, Antwerp
Ericson Richard A Jr. ..Korea, Seoul Falkner Charles W. Japan, Tokyo Fernandez Jose L. STATE (R-6) ARA- LA Fishman Rosalind. .Germany. Berlin
Erker Lucille E. AID (5-3) PHA/FDRc Falkner William Robert. STATE (0-6) M/FSI Fernandez Joseph. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Fishwick Edward H. .USIA (R-5)
Erney Kenneth R. .STATE (S-5) A/OC Fall Dorothy W. USIA (R-4) Fernandez Joseph F .Uruguay, Montevideo Fisk David D. Chile, Santiago
Ernhart Ronald F. .Australia, Canberra Fallon Leland E. Morocco, Rabat Fernandez Maria Cris .USIA (S-8) Fitchett Delbert A. Panama, Panama
Ernst David H. STATE (0-1 ) PER Falzone James R STATE (0-4) EA Ferrara Theresa A.... .US Mission, Geneva Fittro Louis L .... .Laos, Vientiane
Ernst Roger. Thailand. Bangkok Fambrini Robert L .Dom . Rep. , Santo Ferrari Madeline M. STATE (S -3) A /MC Fitz Richard B .Germany, Bonn
Ertel Dawn E Venezuela, Caracas Domingo Ferraro Nancy A.. .Morocco, Rabat Fitzcharles Ann A. .India, New Delhi
Ervin Lawrence ) Tunisia , Tunis Fannin Paula K Canada, Toronto Ferree Paul ) Peru , Lima Fitzgerald Bernard M .Guyana, Georgetown
Erway Dorothy W .Liberia, Monrovia Fanning Marjorie Rath Ghana, Accra Ferrer James Jr Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Fitzgerald Betsy A. Japan, Tokyo
Erway Thomas R Liberia, Monrovia Faraher Jeanne F. Zaire, Kinshasa Ferris Helen M .Germany. Bonn Fitzgerald David F. Japan. Sapporo
Erwin James M AID (R-3) COMP/FS Farber James P ..Malawi, Blantyre Ferris Robert E ..Iran, Tehran Fitzgerald Elizabeth F. ..Austria, Vienna
Esch Paul E. India , New Delhi Farkas Ruth Lewis ..Luxembourg. Ferriter John P ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Fitzgerald Geraldine M .Lebanon, Beirut
Escudero Stanley T... Iran. Tehran Luxembourg Ferry Edward ... STATE (S-4) A /OC Fitzgerald Hunter A. .Laos, Vientiane
Eshleman Von R. STATE (R- 1 ) SCI Farland Joseph S. Iran, Tehran Fessenden Abbe AID (R-4) ASIA / SA Fitzgerald James M Colombia, Bogota
Eskin Otho Evans , STATE (0-4) 10 Farley Vincent ) . „ Korea, Seoul Fest M Judith .Brazil, Brasilia Fitzgerald Linda K. .Finland, Helsinki
Espe Frances Jean .Brazil, Brasilia Farmer Edgar C. STATE ( S-5) A /OC Fetterolf Wallace K. .U.K ., London Fitzgerald Margaret M. Guatemala, Guatemala
Espie Stephen B. India, New Delhi Farmer Estell M. Viet-Nam. Saigon Fiala Raymond F .Romania , Bucharest Fitzgerald Patrick E. .Chile, Santiago
Esposito Flavio A. Mexico , Tijuana Farmer Guy W. Colombia. Bogota Fichte Royce ) STATE (0-6) S / S Fitzpatrick Donald E .. STATE (R-7) PER
Estep Hunter Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Farmer Lyndan .USIA (R-8) Fidanza Sylvester G .. USIA (R-4) Fitzpatrick Joseph E .. Viet Nam, Saigon
Estes Bonita M. South Africa, Pretoria Farnham Dean C Pakistan , Islamabad Fidler Miriam .Burundi, Bujumbura Fitzpatrick Thomas .Yugoslavia , Belgrade
Estes Lawrence D. .USIA (10-4) Farnus Louise .Luxembourg. Fiebig Marjory . .U.K. , London Fitzpatrick Virginia M .. Venezuela, Caracas
Estock Agnes U Jamaica, Kingston Luxembourg Field Donald Lee Jr. STATE (0-6 ) EA Fitzpatrick William G Jr STATE (S-6) A /OC
Etherton Elizabeth F. .Brazil, Brasilia Farr Alice AID (S-6) LA /CA Field Elaine M. .China, Taipei Fitzsimmons Mary A. Japan, Tokyo
Etzel Edward India, New Delhi Farr Charles E. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Field Joann P. .Ecuador, Quito Fitzsimons Catherine E. ..Yugoslavia ,Zagreb
Eubank Margaret A. Uruguay, Montevideo Farr Jean L .. ..Italy. Rome Fielden Bert S ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Flack Alton B. „ Philippines, Manila
Eubanks Kenneth W Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Farrand Robert W .Czechoslovakia, Prague Fields Charles Er Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Flack Ronald D. France, Paris
Euler Sherman F STATE (S- 1 ) EA Farrar Lawrence Frank ..Japan, Tokyo Fields David C. STATE (0-5) A /BF Flage Evelyn M. India, New Delhi
Eure James C. .Laos, Vientiane Farrar Sandra S. ..Germany. Berlin Fields Louis Gr. STATE (R-2) L Flage Warren H. ..Philippines, Manila
FEBRUARY 1974 39
Flam Eli Games Lilliant
Flam Eli Union of Soviet Socialist Foresta Donald A. .France, Paris Republics, Moscow
Republics, Moscow Forgione Francis A ..Cameroon, Yaounde Frederick Arthur R. ..Viet- Nam, Saigon
Flanagan Brian B. .Germany, Frankfurt Forman Douglas N Jr ..STATE ( 0-2 ) 10 Frederick Christian F. ..Bolivia, La Paz
Flanagan Charles E USIA (R-5) Forner George F. ..Yugoslavia. Belgrade Colombia, Bogota Gabbert Thomas G. .USM /IAEA, Vienna
Frederick Richard G Gable Edward G. ..Germany, Berlin
Flanagan John C USIA (R-5) Forrest Kenneth B Germany. Bonn Fredrick David W. Senegal, Dakar STATE (R- 7) trng
Flanagan Lois USIA (S- 2) Forrester Martin C ..STATE (0-4) ARA / LA Fredricks Edgar ] STATE (R-6) 10 Gadsden James 1.
Flanegin Robert L. STATE (0-3) PER Forry Joseph Patrick ..Trin & Tobago. Port-of. Fredrickson Channing ........AID (R-3) AA /TA Gaffey Joseph E JE .U.K . Hong Kong
Flanigan Alan H Turkey, Izmir Spain Colombia, Bogota Gaffney Raymond C .Greece, Athens
Fredrickson Richard E. Gagat Ronald ) .Peru, Lima
Flaspohler Richard E Viet-Nam , Can Tho Forsman Col Billy B. .Israel, Tel Aviv Freedman Col Edward P..... Switzerland. Bern
Flaten Robert A STATE (0-4) S/IG Forsten Weikko A .. Venezuela, Caracas Freeman Anthony G. Brazil, Sao Paulo Gage Charles M Germany, Bonn
Flatin Bruce A STATE (0-3) EUR Forster Clifton B. .USIA (10-2) Gage Patrick A. .Liberia, Monrovia
Freeman Arthur L .. STATE (R-3) EB Gagnon Constance M. .U.K. , Hong Kong
Fleck Benjamin A. STATE (0-2) M/FSI Forster Donald E ..Liberia, Monrovia Freeman Charles W Jr. STATE (0-5 ) EA STATE (R-7) trng
Fleck Meredith L. .Laos, Vientiane Forster Richard D STATE (0-3) 10 Freeman Edwin R. .USIA (R-3) Gagnon James M.
Fleischer Lowell R STATE (0-4 ) M/FSI Forsyth Roger C. .Argentina, Buenos Aires Gagnon Wilfred C .Zaire, Kinshasa
Freeman Harold ..AID (R-3) ASIA TECH Gaiduk Ronald A Canada, Ottawa
Fleischer Vladimir ) . Viet-Nam, Saigon Forti Carol A .. USIA (R-6) Freeman Theodore R Jr. ..Kenya, Nairobi
Fleisher Eric W. USIA (0-3) Fortner Luther C. .Ethiopia , Addis Ababa Gain Phyllis G Union of Soviet Socialist
Freeman Wallace E USIA ( S- 3) Republics, Moscow
Fleming C Roy de Chile, Santiago Fortunatow Elena USIA (R-5) Freeman Walter E. .Liberia, Monrovia
Fleming Elizabeth Ghana, Accra Fortune Leon R ... .Nigeria, Lagos Gain Ronald L. Union of Soviet Socialist
Freid Ethel K .USIA (R -8) Republics, Moscow
Fleming William D Viet-Nam , Danang Fosberg Morton F .USIA (10-3) French Col James R. .Greece. Athens
Flemming Harry S STATE ( ) CU Foster Charles A. AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS Gaines David ) .Liberia, Monrovia
Flesher Thomas R .Yugoslavia, Belgrade French Graham Kenned. Bolivia, La Paz Gaippe Gordon C. USIA (R -8)
Foster Dana P Turkey. Ankara French Harry G .Panama, Panama
Fletcher James B. Khmer Republic, Phnom Foster Dorothy L. South Africa, Pretoria Gaither Donald S. STATE (R -6) 10
Penh French Jerome 1 AID (R-2) TA /DA Galanto Fred I .. STATE (0-3) EUR
Foster Homer P. STATE ( S-4 ) S / S French Jon M ... .Bolivia, La Paz
Flight Ambrose W .US Mission, Geneva Foster Hubert C Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Galasyn Florence AID (S-6) MO/CM
Flinner Charles F. .Guatemala , Guatemala Foster John P. USIA (10-3) French Juanita W USIA (R-5) Galayda Mary. .Belgium , Brussels
Flood James .India , Madras Foster Kenwoods .Laos, Vientiane French Kenneth A. STATE ( S-3) AJOC Galbraith Audrey .Portugal, Lisbon
Flood Lawrence B Viet -Nam , Saigon Foster Ltc Hugh B Viet-Nam, Saigon French Mary Ellen ..Kenya, Nairobi Galbraith Francis ) . ..Indonesia, Jakarta
Flood Patrick J. STATE (0-4) EUR Foster Shirlee AID ( S- 6) PHA /PVC French Nancy ). STATE ( S-5) NEA Galbraith William Jr. Algeria, Algiers
Flores Daniel Peru. Lima Foti John A AID (RL-5)AA/SA French Richard D ..Laos, Vientiane Galda Cpt Dwight W. Khmer Republic, Phnom
Flores George M AID (R-5) ASIA /SA Fotos Evan Italy, Milan French Stephen P Viet-Nam, Can Tho Penh
Florey Frank P USIA ( 10.4 ) Fotouhi Abol F USIA ( 0-3) Freres Jay P. .Bangladesh, Dacca Gale Laura L AID (S-5) AFR /CWA
Florio Lloyd AID (R- 1 ) TA / H Fouche Robert M. STATE (0-4) PER Freund Lawrence S .U.K., London Gales Edwin A. .AID ( R - 3) AFR /ESA
Florkey Roberta Ann .Bolivia , La Paz Foucher Gerald L .Paraguay. Asuncion Freundel Milton AID (R-2) ARA-LA Galford Clara 1 STATE (S-6) EA
Flott Frederick W Indonesia, Jakarta Fouchs Lawrence R .Dom. Rep . , Santo Friday Mary Ollie STATE (RU -4 )PER Gallagher Charles D. .Lebanon, Beirut
Flower Ludlow li . Nepal, Kathmandu Domingo Friedbauer Allan ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Gallagher Jack W Peru, Lima
Flowerree Charles C .U.K ., London Foulon Robert C STATE (0-2) S/IG Friedland Sidney STATE (0-4) 10 Gallagher James ) . Greece. Athens
Flowers Judy M. .ACTION(S-8) 10 Fourier George P. Iran, Tehran Friedline Robert L. ..Liberia , Monrovia Gallagher Michael F Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Floyd Arva Cr STATE (0-2) EUR Fournier Jr James F Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Friedman Gerald A Cameroon, Yaounde Gallagher Robert P. STATE (0-5 ) EUR
Floyd Carroll L. STATE (0-3) EUR Fourt Maynard H USIA (R-2) Friedman Jack . Australia, Brisbane Gallagher Roger F Viet-Nam, Saigon
Floyd Walter I dr . Japan, Tokyo Fouts John D AID (R-2) COMP/FS Friedman Townsend B Jr STATE (0-5) S /PC Gallagher Rose M. Turkey. Istanbul
Fluker , Robert Australia, Melbourne Fouts Susan Carey STATE (0-7) trng Friedmann Eugene ) . Argentina, Buenos Aires Gallagher Thomas P. STATE (0-5) trng
Flynn Audrey R Brazil, Brasilia Fowler Alta . Australia Sydney Fries Robert T. ..AID (RL-4 ) SER /FM Gallagher William L STATE (0-5) EB
Flynn Betty ). .STATE (S-7) PA Fowler Dallas D Peru, Lima Friesen Janice F ..Israel, Tel Aviv Gallant Joseph A .Nepal, Kathmandu
Flynn Helen ) . .Nigeria , Lagos Fowler Harold D. .Liberia, Monrovia Frietze William C. .Colombia, Bogota Gallas Vivian H AID (S.4) SER / PM
Flynn James E. STATE (R - 7 ) S/S Fowler James R AID (R- 1 ) A /AID Frink Clifford L Viet-Nam, Saigon Galli Michael N AID (R-2) TA /AGF
Flynn Janice Claire . .Germany. Bonn Fowler Kenneth A USIA (R-3) Frink James C Greece, Athens Gallick Lydia K. Viet-Nam. Saigon
Flynn Lawrence W Morocco, Rabat Fowler Virginia R. STATE ( S-4) ARA-LA Frisbie Norman H ...Lesotho,Maseru Gallivan James M. STATE (R-3) IGA
US Mission, Geneva Fowlkes Charles E AID (RL-5 )SER /FM Frith Kenneth R .Nicaragua, Managua Gallo Gloria M. Viet -Nam , Saigon
Flynn Mary P Galloway William
Flynn Peters .Laos , Vientiane Fox Cpt Richard T. Spain, Madrid Fritts Robert E. Sudan, Khartoum .U.K., London
Flynn S Ann Burma, Rangoon Fox Galen W .U.K ., Hong Kong Fritz Carl R. AID (R-2) TA / PM Galt Victor H. .Korea, Seoul
Flynn Teresa M USIA (R-8) Fox James W. Colombia, Bogota Fritz Paul W. .Ecuador, Quito Galutia Irving D STATE (S-4) A /BF
Flynn Virginia 0 Thailand, Bangkok Fox Julian .... .Laos, Vientiane Fritzler Geoffrey G Viet-Nam, Saigon Galvan Fernando F. USIA (R-3)
Flynt Susan B. USIA (R-6) Fox Lowell G Thailand, Bangkok Froebe John A Dr STATE (0-4 ) NSC Gamber Daniel C Iran. Tehran
Fochs John E Chile, Santiago Fox Mary J Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Froehlich Walter. .USIA (R-3) Gamble Roger R. Argentina, Buenos Aires
Fogarty Edelen Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Fox Nancy ) Thailand, Bangkok Froemming Gale A. „ AID (R-3) COMP /FS Gammell Emma ) . .Lebanon, Beirut
Foglesong Robert D Mexico, Mexico. D.F. Fox Phyllis. Japan, Tokyo Fromowitz Samuel C STATE (0-4) M /FSI Gammill Mary E Afghanistan , Kabul
Folan Patrick M STATE (0-6) S / S Fox Richard K Jr STATE (0-1 ) CU Frost Peter F .. Italy. Milan Gammon Cpt James M Singapore, Singapore
Folchetti Michele W STATE (R-6) A /OPR Fox William J. STATE ( S-6) A / OC Frowick Robert H. STATE (0-3) EUR Gammon Samuel R lii. STATE (0-1 ) S/S
Foley Edward R Indonesia, Jakarta Foy Helen M. Panama, Panama Fry Beverly Ann .Laos, Vientiane Gamon David L South Africa, Cape Town
Foley Francis L. STATE (0-3) INR Fraleigh Albert S. .Philippines , Manila Fry CM . USIA (10-4) Gamrecki Helen F Canada, Ottawa
Foley Jean K .. Ivory Coast , Abidjan Frame Gloria .USNATO , Brussels Fry Marijane K. Uruguay, Montevideo Ganas Stacia .USNATO , Brussels
South Africa. Frame Thomas .El Salvador, San .Laos, Vientiane Ganiko Susumu . .Laos, Vientiane
Foley John Warner de Fry Ralph D Ganley Oswald H.
Johannesburg Salvador Fry Samuel Edwin Jr. STATE (0-3) S/S STATE (RU -2 )SCI
Foley Mary Ann USIA (R-6) Framstad Grant K. Viet-Nam, Saigon Fyberger Elizabeth A AID ( S- 7) MO / LA Gant Jon A. Ecuador, Quito
Foley Michael Daniel Haiti, Port- au-Prince France Gordon D .U.K . London Frye William A Jr. India, New Delhi Gappa Howard L STATE (R-8) A /OC
Foley Theodore T Dom . Rep. , Santo Francis Albert A Viet Nam, Saigon Fuchs Alexa A. Garalde Mary .China, Taipei
.Belgium , Brussels Garbars Anda . USIA (R-7)
Domingo Francis George V. .Greece, Athens Fuchs Joseph L.. STATE (R-3) O /FADRC
Folger John D Somalia , Mogadiscio Francis Jack H. ..Tanzania, Dar es Fuerlinger John A .Italy. Rome Garber Audrey F Canada, Ottawa
Follestad Robert L ... STATE (0-3 ) CU Salaam Garces Ramon ..Peru. Lima
Fuerth Leon S. STATE (0-5) PM Garcia Bettie
Fon Robert L .. STATE (S-4 ) A /OC Francis Marvin H. .Chile, Santiago Fugit Edward Francis. .Portugal, Luanda Sri Lanka, Colombo
Fontaine Melvyn P Philippines, Manila Francis William W. STATE (RU -2)O / ISO Garcia Daniel Venezuela, Caracas
Fuglie Winton L ..Nigeria, Lagos Garcia Frank W
Fontaine Raymond G Viet-Nam . Saigon Francisco Jean M USIA ( S -8 ) Fuhr Samuel E AID (R-2) AFR /NAR .USIA ( R -4)
Foo Charles T USIA (10.4) Franco Edward D. .USIA ( 10.4 ) Garcia John W Jr. .USIA (R-6)
Fuhrer John W ..Laos, Vientiane Garcia Marco A
Foose Robert A Philippines, Manila Franco Franklin A. ..Laos, Vientiane Fujioka Roy Y Brazil, Brasilia Venezuela, Caracas
Foote Rachel C Greece. Athens Frandeen Ned W. Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Garciazayas Bertha .USIA (S -7)
Fukutome Ben T. Viet-Nam. Saigon Garde Rita Anne. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Forbes G Ryder.. STATE (0-4 ) SCA Frandock Michael . ..Sweden, Stockholm Fulghum Patricia A. .Guatemala , Guatemala
Forbes John David .Philippines , Manila Frank Bonnie Ann . .U.K ., Edinburgh Gardella Louis Jr ..AID (R-3) PHA /POP
Fulham William R .Pakistan, Islamabad Gardiner Alice E .USIA (S -5)
Forbes Thomas L Japan. Tokyo Frank Wilfred Douglas. .Laos, Vientiane Fuller Alexander SC . .Bangladesh. Dacca
Forbord Thomas Austin ..Kenya, Nairobi Franke Herman H STATE ( S- 5 ) A / BF Gardner Brenda R. Colombia , Bogota
Force 1 Sgt John R. Union of Soviet Socialist Frankel Charles L .Botswana, Gaborone Fuller Donald L .. South Africa, Cape Town Gardner Donald A.. .AID (R-2) SER / H
Republics, Moscow Frankenstein John Fuller William F .Philippines, Manila Gardner James Nepal, Kathmandu
.U.K. , Hong Kong Fullilove Sam M Thailand, Chiang Mai
Forcey Jack M Saudi Arabia, Jidda Franklin Alex W Viet-Nam, Saigon Gardner James R. STATE (RU - 1)INR
Ford Alan W. STATE (0-2) PM Franklin Douglas S. Thailand, Bangkok Fullmer Robert G. .AID (R-2) COMP /FS Gardner Paul F. .Khmer Republic, Phnom
Ford Alfred W AID (R-4) ASIA / SA Franklin Gregory B USIA (R-7) Fullmer Robert G Peru , Lima Penh
Ford Annie Sue Thailand . Udorn Franklin Linda ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Fulton Margaret H. .Canada, Ottawa Gardner William S Jr .AID (RL-2) SER /ENGR
Ford Emmett B Jr STATE (0-3 ) CU Frascarelli Jessica .U.K ., London Fulton Robert Barry. ..Japan, Tokyo Garibay Col Raul A. ..Uruguay, Montevideo
Ford Hillman S U.K., Hong Kong Fraser Cynthia ) .France, Paris Fulton Robert M .Thailand, Bangkok Garland Donald K.. .Thailand. Udorn
Ford James W Ghana, Accra Fraser Peter H .Brazil, Brasília Funicello Anthony A. .Panama, Panama Garland Keith Patrick . .STATE (0-5) INR
Ford John N. Viet-Nam , Nha Trang Fraser William A.. Indonesia, Jakarta Funkhouser Richard STATE (0-1) PER Garland William A. .Brazil, Brasilia
Ford John Seabury Germany, Bonn Frayne Warren H. Guyana, Georgetown Funsch Robert J. .Canada, Ottawa Garmany Hugh B. Khmer Republic, Phnom
Ford John W. USM /OAS. Wash Frazao Marion P .Brazil, Brasilia Furby Brian B .. ..Philippines, Manila Penh
Ford Joyce K Israel, Tel Aviv Frazee Alvin M. ..Morocco, Tangier Furlich James E. Indonesia, Jakarta Garms David ... Bangladesh, Dacca
Ford Marion H Panama, Panama Frazee Wade W. ..Haiti, Port -au -Prince Furman Allan R. ..AID (R-2) Trng Comp Garner Joan E. STATE (0-6) M /FSI
Ford Nancy US Mission. Geneva Frazer Lyman L.... STATE ( S- 2) A /SY Furness Brian R. .Italy. Milan Garner John D Mali, Bamako
Ford Theodore Minton . STATE (0-1) trng Frazier Howard W. .Union of Soviet Socialist Furness George A Jr. ..Ireland, Dublin Garner STATE (0-6 ) EB
Ford Wallace L China, Taipei Republics, Moscow Furst Walter C .. AID (R-2) PPC /PE Garner Norman Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa
Ford William R .Nigeria, Lagos Frechette Myles R Rene. ..STATE (0-4) ARA / LA Furukawa Joy M. ..Morocco, Rabat Garner Rolland G ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Ford William W. .France. Paris Freckmann James K. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Fuselier Burley P ..STATE ( R -4 ) 0 / SY Garnes Lillian .... ACTION ( S -6)
Fordney Ben F Canada, Ottawa Fredenburg John A. Union of Soviet Socialist Futatsugi Jun N. Chile, Santiago 10 /NAN /EAP
FEBRUARY 1974 61
Graham David Halsema James
Gregorio Nicholas . .USIA (R-3) Grover Mary M. Viet-Nam, Saigon Hackett James T. STATE ( 0-4) ACDA
Burma. Rangoon Gregory Andre N Morocco, Casablanca Groves Marie . .STATE (S-9) ARA /LA Hackett Robert F STATE (S -8 ) S
Laos, Vientiane Gregory Barbara Ann. Indonesia, Jakarta Groves Paul M. Philippines, Manila Hacking Carol L .France, Paris
Graham David. AID (R-3) COMP / FS Gregory Clark S Jr. .Thailand, Bangkok Grubbs Ltc Edward F Jr Portugal, Lisbon Hackl Donald E Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Graham Esther R Union of Soviet Socialist Gregory Gerald D. STATE ( S- 7) A /OC Grube Douglas .Philippines, Manila Hackworth Ltc Robie Peru, Lima
Republics, Moscow Gregory Gerald D .Cyprus. Nicosia Gruber Helen F STATE ( S- 5 ) PER Hadid Anwar M .Greece. Athens
Graham Hilton L. .STATE (0-5) M /FSI Gregory John A AID (R-4) COMP/FS Gruer Rose Mary STATE (R- 7) MED Hadsel Fred L ... ..Ghana, Accra
Graham James A .Zaire, Kinshasa Gregory John M Jr STATE (0-4 ) EB Grunberg Ronald . .USIA (R- 7) Haetner Joseph F. Union of Soviet Socialist
Graham John A. STATE (0-5) PM Gregory Mildred. Afghanistan. Kabul Grundeman Raymond D ..Thailand, Bangkok Republics, Moscow
Graham John R Peru, Lima Gregory Nicholas USIA (R -3) Grundon Robert W. Venezuela . Caracas Haegele Richard G. .Malta, Valletta
Graham Larry A. „ Philippines, Manila Greig David NJE .Dom . Rep., Santo Gruner Jay K. Romania, Bucharest Hafenrichter John L. Viet Nam. Saigon
Graham Pierre R ..Jordan, Amman Domingo Grusheski James J. ..Indonesia, Jakarta Haterd MargaretR ..Italy. Rome
Graham Richard C ..Venezuela. Caracas Gremillion Maurice ) El Salvador. San Grymes Morrey E JE Pakistan, Islamabad Haley Anna M .. ..Hungary, Budapest
Grahame Jay R. .Cyprus, Nicosia Salvador Grzybek John A STATE (R-2) A /FBO Haffner Katherine N ..Mexico, Guadalajara
Grahl Larry C. STATE (0-5) PER Gren Morley H ....... Tunisia, Tunis Gsell James N Laos, Vientiane Hafrey Daniel USIA ( 10-3)
Gralnek Maurice N ...Laos, Vientiane Gresham William F. Bangladesh. Dacca Guadagno Michael J. STATE (R-7) EUR Haftorson Roy G Jr Bangladesh , Dacca
Grammo Reynald P Thailand, Bangkok Grevencamp William R .. Indonesia, Jakarta Guadagno Peter D Philippines, Manila Haga Donna F ..Finland, Helsinki
Granados Jairo ) .. AID (R-5) SER /PM Grewe Shirley Ann STATE (S -6) PER Guardiano Joseph C Zaire, Kinshasa Hagee John V India, New Delhi
Grande George . AID (R -3) SA /VN Grey Robert Dr. STATE (0-4) PM Guay Col Georges R France, Paris Hagel Fred C Brazil, Brasilia
Grandon Opal P. AID ( S- 7) SER /PM Gribbin Robert E lii STATE ( 0-7) trng Gudyka Joseph M Greece, Athens Hagelstein Arthur A Indonesia, Jakarta
Grandy Michael B. ..Morocco, Rabat Gribble Marion L UNIDO. Vienna Guedet Paul . Kenya, Nairobi Hagen Frank W Ir STATE ( S -5) EA
Graner Ralph H .Algeria, Algiers Griego Robert H. ..Yugoslavia , Belgrade Guell Janet E Dom . Rep. , Santo Hagen Gerald E Greece. Athens
Granick Robert E STATE (R.2) S/IG Grier Joseph D .Brazil , Rio de Janeiro Domingo Hagen Lloyd D USIA (10-3)
Granier James Venezuela. Caracas Griesbacher Helga A Turkey. Istanbul Guenther Ethel L Ecuador. Quito Hagen Robert S. STATE (0-7) INR
Granier Judith A. Venezuela. Caracas Grieves William P AID (R-3) OPS Guenther Nella B STATE ( S-5) EA Hagenah Todd D Ecuador, Quito
Grant Charles R .Liberia, Monrovia Griff Arlene E Israel, Tel Aviv Guenther Robert STATE ( S -3) M /FSI Hager L Michael Pakistan, Islamabad
Grant Daniel V Viet-Nam, Saigon Griffel Eric AID (R-2) PPC /RC Guerra Manuel R. .Liberia, Monrovia Hager William E ..Laos, Vientiane
Grant Henry R Burma, Rangoon Griffey Beatrice M Honduras, Tegucigalpa Guerriero Donald A. STATE ( 0-5) Unit Trng Hagerty Elizabeth Bowen ....STATE ( S-6) SCA
Grant Lindsey . ..Cyprus, Nicosia Griffin Alma A ..AID (S- 5) SER /PM Guerrini John C USIA (R-8) Hagerty Herbert G STATE (0-3) PM
Grant Robert Y .AID (R-2) PHA/POP Griffin Ann E Pakistan, Lahore Guertin William J. .U.K ., London Hagerty Leonard D Thailand, Bangkok
Grant Robertson R .Nigeria, Lagos Griffin Bennie H .Laos, Vientiane Guftain Tomas H AID (R -4 ) OPS Hagopian Floyd H. Union of Soviet Socialist
Grant Roderick N. Belgium, Brussels Griffin Donald R. STATE (R-7) INR Guido Michael P AID (R-3) SER /PM Republics, Moscow
Grant Terrence G. STATE (0-4) NEA Griffin Edward G STATE (R-3) INR Guignard Michael ) Japan, Tokyo Hahn Nyoka White. .USIA (R-5)
Grant Theodora M .Senegal, Dakar Griffin GeorgeGB .Pakistan, Lahore Guilano Guiseppe Ir ..Italy. Naples Hahn Peter W STATE (R-4) A /FBO
Grant William B ..Singapore, Singapore Griffin ) Donald . „Philippines, Manila Guilbert Frances S STATE (S - 3) 10 Hahn Zachary M Turkey. Ankara
Granzow Elizabeth R .Khmer Republic, Phnom Griffin James A Khmer Republic, Phnom Guiler Debbie R Barbados, Bridgetown Haig Ransom S Jordan. Amman
Penh Penh Guiney Maureen E USUN, N.Y. Haigh Patricia Ann. STATE (R-7) trng
Grassle John E .Czechoslovakia . Prague Griffin James M. Cameroon , Yaounde Guiot Howard V. .Liberia, Monrovia HaightHarold E .Ecuador, Quito
Gravely John W .USIA (R-5) Griffin Joan K. .Libya. Tripoli Guise Margaret L .U.K. , London Haight Mary E Austria, Vienna
Graves Donald E Union of Soviet Socialist Griffin Katherine M Cameroon, Yaounde Guldseth Frank .Greece, Athens Haight Richard D .Burma, Rangoon
Republics, Moscow Griffin Patrick H. Turkey, Ankara Guler Jay V. AID (R-4) COMP/FS Hailey Clifford M STATE (RU-2)PER
Graves Janet ..ACTION(S-8) 10 / AF Griffin Philip ) . United Arab Emirates, Gulick Clarence S. AID (R- 1) PPC /IA Haines George H III Chad. N'Djamena
USIA ( 10-3) Abu Dhabi Gulli Edward N. STATE (R-2) A /BF Hainsworth William C .USIA (R-3)
Graves John E Ivory Coast, Abidjan Union of Soviet Socialist
Graves William Henry . Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Griffin Ralph D II. .Netherlands, The Hague Gulliksen Gail ) Haire M Sgt Horace E
Griffin Robert C. Viet-Nam, Saigon Gullion Doris G Philippines, Manila Republics, Moscow
Grawe Jeanne K. ..Tunisia. Tunis Costa Rica, San Jose USIA (R-3)
Gray Bruce N. .Denmark, Copenhagen Griffis L Gilbert ..ACTION (R -4 ) 10/AF Gullo Robert M Hakim David
Griffith James L AID (R-2) ARA -LA /PAN Gundersen Jon STATE ( 0-7) trng Hakimi Mirza P USIA (R -6)
Gray David L. USIA (0-3) Brazil, Sao Paulo
Gray G Alexander. ..Nicaragua, Managua Griffith John C. .Norway, Oslo Gundlach Mary Louise Halaby George A. USIA (R-5)
Griffith Thomas L .Liberia , Monrovia Gunn Evah M AID (S-7) PHA /PVC Haladay Robert H .Ecuador. Quito
Gray Harold S. Tunisia. Tunis STATE ( 0-8) trng Kuwait, Kuwait
Gray Ir Howard K. Malawi, Blantyre Griffith Wayne G. Gunn Richard L. Halbakken Darma k .Guatemala, Guatemala
Griffiths G Gene STATE (0-5) M/FSI Gunning John N. Kenya , Nairobi Hale Allen M. STATE (0-6) S/S
Gray Linda Kay .Thailand. Bangkok Romania, Bucharest
Gray Lt Col William W. .France, Paris Griffiths John L Honduras. Tegucigalpa Gunther Jean Hale James E Yugoslavia , Belgrade
Griffiths Richard M. STATE (S-2) A /SY Gurley Lena M. India, New Delhi Hale Russell L .Chile. Santiago
Gray Mary E. .Liberia, Monrovia ..Jurkey. Ankara
Gray Nancy R .Nigeria, Lagos Grigg Ernest C lii .Nigeria . Lagos Gurney Charles R Halepas Georgia E .Zaire, Kinshasa
Griggs Colby G .STATE (R- 7) A /OC Gurvin Anne ) . .Argentina, Buenos Aires Haley George W USIA (R- 1 )
Gray Norman .USNATO, Brussels STATE (R- 1 ) A /SY AID (R-4) OPS Halfon Molly
Gray Sandra L .Iran. Tehran Grignon Henri G Gussie Andrew Viet-Nam. Saigon
Grigorovichbarsky N. USIA (R-6) Gussman William H .USNATO, Brussels Hall Coralee USIA (R-3)
Gray Travis R .Laos, Vientiane Tunisia. Tunis .Germany, Berlin Hall Dolores ) Laos, Vientiane
Gray Victor S .Poland, Warsaw Grigsby Buford H. Gustafson Marianne U
Grimes Ernest E .Zaire. Kinshasa Gustafson Thomas . STATE (0-5) SCA Hall Francis S Venezuela, Maracaibo
Gray William R. Austria, Vienna Grimes John 0 . .France, Paris Indonesia , Jakarta AID (R-2) AA /SA
United Arab Emirates. Gustman Ernest H Jr. Hall Hal 0
Graybill James A Grimes Richard D. Bangladesh. Dacca STATE (S.4) A /SY Hall Harold E. Canada, Calgary
Abu Dhabi Gutensohn Philip D .AID (R-2) OPS
Grimes Thomas 1 . .Germany, Frankfurt Guth Stanley W Hall James A STATE (S-6 ) N /OC
Grayson Abraham Thailand. Bangkok Grimland David D Cyprus, Nicosia STATE (0-4) ARA /LA Hall James D. Germany. Berlin
Greco Charles Saverio. Sweden, Stockholm Guthrie Donald Keith. .Germany, Frankfurt
Grimm Lottie E. Portugal. Lisbon Guthrie Herman R Hall James Henry Viet-Nam, Saigon
Greeley Gerald G Thailand , Bangkok Grimmer Dennis M ..Italy. Milan Sweden , Stockholm Hall Jo Ann Jordan, Amman
Green Arthur Colombia. Bogota Guthrie John C .Bolivia, La Paz
Grimsley William CJr . India, New Delhi Gutierrez Edna A Hall John E Switzerland, Bern
Green Charles B Colombia. Bogota Grimste Robert I ..Germany. Bonn Gutierrez Ernest B Mexico, Guadalajara Hall John M .Chile, Santiago
Green Eleanor K AID (R-2) AA /SA Grip Carl . STATE (0-3) 10 Morocco, Rabat Hall Lawrence E .India, New Delhi
Green Elinor Canada. Ottawa Gutman Harvey E Afghanistan . Kabul
Grise Viola E Zaire. Kinshasa Guyer John D Hall Leon C STATE (R-3) A /BF
Green Henry Odr. .USIA ( 10.4) Grisser Harold R. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Uruguay, Montevideo Hall Ltc Bud T Sweden, Stockholm
Green James W. AID (R- 1 ) TA /PM Guzman Charles C .Laos, Vientiane
Grob Louis W STATE ( S- 2) A /SY Guzowski Andrew P Hall Mildred J. Italy, Naples
Green Jimmie Laos, Vientiane Grobel Olaf.. Austria, Vienna AID (S-7) SER/MP Hall Nancy Pakistan, Islamabad
Green Marshall Guzowski Judith M ..ACTION (R - 7)
Australia, Canberra Groceman Clarence H ..AID (R-3) SER/ENGR Guzzetta Francis J. Hall Oliver R .. .Liberia, Monrovia
Green Marvin D .Canada, Montreal Grodsky Morris ... AID (R-3) OPS 10 /NAN / EAP Hall Peggy A. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Green Norman .Laos, Vientiane Groeneweg Marvin .Bahamas, Nassau Gwyn Keith M Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Hall Pierson M. .Italy. Naples
Green Robert U. STATE (S-3) AF Groennings Sven 0 . STATE (R -3) EUR Gwynn John B Spain , Madrid Hall Robert B ..Lebanon , Beirut
Green Roy E... Zaire, Kinshasa Grottsmith Geoffrey.. ..Turkey. Ankara Gwynn Robert P. STATE (0-4) Com Dept Hall Robert D .Laos, Vientiane
Green Theodore S Jr.. VietNam, Saigon Groll Theodore Jr .Thailand. Bangkok Gwynne J Guy STATE (0-5) M /FSI Hall Rudy G .. Thailand, Bangkok
Green Willie STATE (0-5) ARA -LA Gronert John S. Greece, Athens Gzehoviak Ronald A ..Korea, Seoul Hall Vina Rhue ..China, Taipei
ireenaway Stephen A. STATE (S-5) A /OC Groom Howard William , „ Ecuador, Quito Hall Virginia R ..USIA (S-5)
sreenberg Allen S Poland, Warsaw Grooms Carlton C Greece, Athens Hall Walter V. ..Fiji, Suva
Greene Beth M .Ecuador. Quito Grooms Sally M. Colombia, Bogota Hall Wayne .. .USIA (R -4 )
Greene Daniel G Costa Rica, San Jose Groot Kathryn . Japan, Tokyo Hall William Henry ..Laos, Vientiane
Greene Ernest Thomas India, Madras Gross Aaron ). USIA (R-3) Haag Richard A. .Fiji, Suva Hall Winifred T. Ireland, Dublin
Greene Frank P. Thailand, Bangkok Gross Bernard Eli . STATE (R-7) A /SY Haahr James C. Uruguay, Montevideo Halla Roman J. STATE (R -4 ) NEA
reene James, AID (R -2) Trng Comp Gross Bettye STATE ( S-6) A /OC Haar Juanita ) .. Indonesia , Jakarta Hallberg Parker F USIA ( R -4 )
reene Myles L. STATE (0-3) 10 Gross Clifford H .Iran, Tehran Haas George F. Tanzania, Dar es Hallberg Richard I. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
reene Richard J. .AID (R-3) LA /MRSD Gross Howard R Guatemala, Guatemala Salaam Halle Elinor ... .Brazil, Brasilia
Greene RobertE Cyprus, Nicosia Gross Kurt F. .Germany. Bonn Haas Marie-Joelle . STATE ( S- 9) CU Haller L Michael Japan. Tokyo
Sreenough John W. Philippines, Cebu Grossman Andrew .Korea. Seoul Haas Marlin F .Kenya, Nairobi Hallford Scott S. .China, Taipei
Greenwald G Jonathan Germany. Berlin Grossman Frederick ) . Greece, Athens Haas Steven Charles. STATE (0-7) EB Halligan Robert. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Greenwald Joseph A .USEC, Brussels Grossman Lawrence Argentina, Buenos Aires Haase Dale E USIA (S-4) Halliwell Claris R .Brazil, Sao Paulo
Greer Bernice USIA (R- 7) Marshall Haase James D .Uganda, Kampala Hallman Bryon A Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Greer Mary F... STATE (S -6) PA Grossman Stephen B .ACTION (R -6 ) 10 /LA Habib John S. .Kuwait, Kuwait Hallman William H. .Turkey.Adana
Grego Chester H. STATE (S-7) /OC Grosz Maj Nicholas H Jr. Italy, Rome Habib Michael STATE (0-5) M /FSI Halmo James L .Guatemala, Guatemala
Gregg Jennifer A. .Tunisia, Tunis Grottenthaler Daniel G. .Philippines, Manila Habib Philip C. .Korea, Seoul Halpin Frank T USIA (R-3)
Grego Albert ..... .Nicaragua, Managua Grove Brandon H Jr STATE (0-2 ) S /PC Hablas John P .STATE ( S -4) A /OC Halpin John M. .AID (R-3) TA /RUR
Gregorio F Peter Germany. Bonn Grover Charles W STATE (0-3) ARA /LA Habron James W ..AID (R -4) Trng Comp Halpine Stuart .USUN, N.Y.
Gregorio Gertrude N ...Germany.Bonn Grover Harold Eur „Ghana, Accra Hacker Michael ...Ecuador, Quito Halsema James ) ..Chile, Santiago
Halsey George A Jr. USIA (R-3) Hardcastle Leslie .U.K. London Hart Mary Katherine .Philippines, Manila Hayes Peter A .. Thailand, Bangkok
Halsted David Crane .Lesotho, Maseru Hardebeck Marvin C. Germany, Frankfurt Hart Mary M. Greece, Athens Haynal Andrew P. Pakistan, Islamabad
Halterman Rachel Thailand, Bangkok Harden Otis H Philippines, Manila Hart Richard R .U.K., Hong Kong Hayne William A. STATE (0-2) Environ
Haltom Travis F. USUN, N.Y. Hardesty Raymond L. Viet-Nam. Saigon Hart Samuel F Chile. Santiago Coun
Halton Ernest STATE (S-4) 0/FADRC Hardie Alvis 0 AID (R-3) AFR /NAR Harter Dennis G .China, Taipei Haynes Molly A. Sweden , Stockholm
Ham Bradford W .Nigeria, Ibadan Hardin Herbert 0 Guatemala, Guatemala Harter Eugene C Jr USIA ( S - 1) Haynes Philip USIA (R-4)
Hambley Mark G. Yemen Arab Republic, Hardin Maj Alva V Jr. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Harter John USIA (0-3) Haynes Rebecca M. Senegal, Dakar
San'a Niger, Niamey Hartgen Judith Ann STATE ( S-6 ) A / OC Hays Daniel ) AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Hamer Burlin B AID (R -2) FFP Togo. Lome Hartland Robert E USIA (R-2) Hays Donald S. STATE (0-8) trong
Hamer Robert C Guyana, Georgetown Upper Volta, Hartley Charles R. ..Turkey. Ankara Hays George A. Nigeria, Lagos
Hamilton Don Reed USIA (R-7) Ouagadougou Hartley Douglas G. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Hays Otis E Jr. USIA (R-2)
Hamilton Donna ) STATE (0-6) S/S Dahomey. Cotonou Hartley J Frederick. USIA (10-3) Hayse Richard F .U.K. , London
Hamilton Durlene M .Bolivia, La Paz Hardin Seaborn D Viet-Nam. Saigon Hartman Arthur A. STATE ( 0-1) EUR Haythorn Richard R. .Algeria, Algiers
Hamilton Hugh G Dr. STATE (0-5) M/FSI Harding Alfred IV STATE (0-3) CU Hartman August Viet-Nam, Saigon Hayward Martha M .Czechoslovakia, Prague
Hamilton Johr Randle STATE (0-6) ARA/LA Harding Benjamin F. STATE (0-6) INR Hartman Shirley M. USIA ( R-8) Hazelton Joan M South Africa, Cape Town
Hamilton Ralph E. STATE (RU -2 )A /BF Harding Richard D STATE (0-4) EUR Hartmann Roger STATE ( S- 7) A /OC Hazewski Joseph .Germany, Bonn
Hamilton Robert H AID (R-5) OPS Hardy Alan M Senegal, Dakar Hartung Kenneth Allen STATE (0-3) PER Hazlett Mc Crea India, New Delhi
Hamilton Thomas P. Thailand, Udorn Hardy Edwin Fle AID (R- 5) SER/PM Hartwell Ralph B .Nigeria, Lagos Headley Robert Llr Oman , Muscat
Hamilton Veronical AID (S-4) SER/PM Hardy Ernests .Nigeria , Lagos Hartwick Daniel E .Dahomey. Cotonou Headrick Everett AID (R-3) AFR/ESA
Hamilton William C. STATE (0-1 ) INR Hardy Howard W Jr .Laos, Vientiane Hartwick Tobias New Zealand. Headrick William A. .Chad, N'Djamena
Hamilton William C Jr Thailand, Bangkok Hare Charles R Tunisia, Tunis Wellington Healy Betty Korea, Seoul
Hamilton William G. USNATO, Brussels Hare Paul J. STATE (0-4) S/PRS Harvey Diane E. USIA (R-8) Healy Theresa A USEC, Brussels
Hamlin Benjamin W. STATE (S-9) EUR Haresnape Robert E .France, Paris Harvey Gerald W. Germany. Bonn Healy William C. USIA (R-4)
Hamm Corless P .ACTION ( S-6 ) 10 Harger Richard F. .Nicaragua, Managua Harvey Gordon E Union of Soviet Socialist Heaney William D STATE (0-5 ) PER
Hammel Richard C .Burma, Rangoon Hargrove Gale USOECD, Paris Republics, Moscow Heaphy Eileen M Costa Rica, San Jose
Hammer Dwane E AID (R-4) Trng Comp Hargrove Maria C STATE (S-9) ARA/ LA Harvey Mary Lou Colombia , Bogota Heard James F Viet-Nam , Saigon
Hammer Lowell V Zaire, Kinshasa Harker Thomas 1 . ..Philippines, Manila Harwood Douglas James .Czechoslovakia, Prague Heard John AID (R- 5) LA /MRSD
Hammerquist Col Robert E. Indonesia, Jakarta Harkins Charles R AID (R- 1 ) OPA Harwood Paul V. Ecuador, Quito Hearne Francis PG .Nigeria, Lagos
Hammerstrom John Germany, Frankfurt Harlan Robert H. Germany, Frankfurt Hasan Hasan A .Bolivia, La Paz Hearney Robert P STATE (S-6) A /OC
Hammond David G Jr Viet-Nam, Saigon Harley Philip C Korea, Seoul Hasenkamp Caroline M Morocco, Rabat Heater Russell C STATE (0-3) 10
Hammond Granville S Thailand, Bangkok Harman Sally L Spain, Madrid Hashimoto Robert Tad Bolivia, La Paz Heath Robert C Pakistan, Karachi
Hammond Mikhail I. USIA (S-9) Harmon Agnes G STATE ( S- 4) CU Hashimoto William T. Viet-Nam, Saigon Heatley George W. Trin & Tobago. Port-of
Hammond Norris E. Belgium , Brussels Harmon Arelthia . USIA (S-8) Haskell Janelle G. USIA (R-8) Spain
Hammond Paulette Y ACTION (S-6 ) Harmon Clifford T Viet-Nam. Saigon Hasness Randell K. .Libya, Tripoli Heatley Jo E. AID (S- 5) ASIA /EMS
10 /NAN / EAP Harmon Mary C Bangladesh. Dacca Hassett Frederick H. Italy, Milan Heavner Theodore IC STATE (0-2) EA
Hammond Richard D. India, New Delhi Harmon William R. .USIA (S- 1 ) Hassler Herman Jr .STATE ( S -7) AF Hebert Arthur D. „ Philippines, Manila
Hammond Robert E. Dahomey, Cotonou Harner William D. ..Zaire, Kinshasa Hastings James AID (R-4) AG /AUD Hebert Louis C .Argentina , Buenos Aires
Hammons Theodore USOECD. Paris Harnish Ltc Albert G Jr Spain, Madrid Hatala Stella G „Niger, Niamey Hechler Rita M USIA (R-4)
Hamolsky Sidney L Colombia, Bogota Haroldson Noel N STATE (S -5) A /OC Hataway James De STATE ( 0-4 ) INR Hecht Dorothy Jean Chile, Santiago
Hampson Herbert E. STATE (S-2) A /OC Harper Alameda E Liberia, Monrovia Hatch William R South Africa, Pretoria Hechtman Robert AID (R-4) LA /PAN
Hampton ID AID (R-3 ) COMP/FS Harper Edward M ..Turkey. Ankara Hatchell Ltc Ernest L Jr. .U.K ., London Heck Cathern USIA (S-5)
Hamrick Samuel J Jr. STATE (0-4) AF Harper Elizabeth ) . Canada, Montreal Hatcher Pierce E .USIA (S- 2) Heck L Douglas Iran, Tehran
Hancock John F Viet Nam, Saigon Harper Howard H. Colombia, Bogota Hatchimonji Ike T Viet-Nam , Saigon Hedberg John V STATE (0-2) A /SY
Hancock Michael Lawrence Sweden. Stockholm Harpootian Ovsanna ..Italy, Florence Hatem Roy A Zaire. Lubumbashi Hedberg Robert Jerry. Philippines, Manila
Handford William E Jamaica , Kingston Harr Allen C .Laos, Vientiane Hatfield Betty ) Greece. Thessaloniki Hedges John L Thailand, Bangkok
Handleman Stanley AID (R-3 ) ASIA/TECH Harr David C Sri Lanka, Colombo Hatfield Beverly Ellen. Pakistan, Islamabad Heditsian Corinne A Lebanon, Beirut
Handler Howard R. El Salvador, San Harrell Edgar C Thailand, Bangkok Hathaway Gardner R. Uruguay, Montevideo Hedstrom Kenneth Richard Algeria, Algiers
Salvador Harrell Maj Charles Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Hatsukano Tom S. AID (R-4) SER/COM Heerlein E Arlyne. Thailand, Bangkok
Handler Richard Viet-Nam, Can Tho Harrell Roy A AID (R-4) SA / PPB Hattman Stephen M. ACTION (R -5) Heffley Carl V Viet-Nam . Saigon
Handley William ) . STATE (CM ) S/NM Harrick Philip Jr. STATE ( S- 2) A /SY 10 /NAN /EAP Heflin Martin G STATE (0-4) Com Dept
Handlin James M .Laos, Vientiane Harriman Thomas T .Philippines, Manila Hauben Michael E. Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Hegburg Alan Shaw Germany. Bonn
Handly Arthur M. AID (R- 1 ) PPC/RC Harrington Catherine A AID (S- 7) OPS Hauge Osborne 1 Viet-Nam, Saigon Heginbotham Erland H. Indonesia, Jakarta
Handyside Holsey G. STATE (0-2) PM Harrington James ] .Korea, Seoul Hauger Donald W. .Germany. Hamburg Hegna Charles F Thailand, Bangkok
Hanes Ellen STATE (R -4) PER Harrington Jerome L. Colombia , Bogota Haugerud Howard E STATE (RU - 1)M /FSI Heichler Lucian STATE (0-3) EUR
Haney Fred L Jr. USIA (S-2) Harrington Michael B. STATE (0-7) S/IG Haught Donald D .Lesotho, Maseru Heidel Lewis ) Kenya, Nairobi
Haney Philip H AID (R -3) COMP/FS Harrington Richard D. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Haugrose Irene Shirley STATE ( S-6 ) A /BF Height Edward F Thailand. Bangkok
Haney Robert C USIA ( 10-2) Harrington Richard ) . STATE (0-4) SCA Hauke Michael H .. Japan, Tokyo Heikenen Harry W Australia, Sydney
Hankins Allen C Philippines, Manila Harrington Thomas M France. Lyon Haukness Steven A Viet-Nam , Danang Heil Alan L Jr USIA (R-3 )
Hanks ]Wayne STATE (S-3) A/OC Harris Aldine India, New Delhi Haungs Ruth M. AID (S - 7) SER /COM Heileman Carolee STATE (0.7) Com Dept
Hanks James F. Thailand. Bangkok Harris Arden .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Hauseman Robert W USIA (R-5) Heilman Janet M Viet-Nam , Saigon
Hanks Mary N. AID (S- 5) ARA -LA Harris Bobby STATE ( S-8) EA Hauser Fern E Japan , Tokyo Heilman John Viet-Nam, Saigon
Hanley C Norman STATE (0-3) PER Harris Charles ) Germany. Frankfurt Hausman Col Conrad K. .Hungary, Budapest Heilman Lawrence C Bangladesh, Dacca
Hanlon Roberts. India, New Delhi Harris David W. Viet- Nam, Saigon Hausman Lawrence R AID (R-4) LA /DR Heilman Michael J .. STATE (0-7) trng
Hanna Col Mark ) Canada, Ottawa Harris Donald S. Indonesia, Jakarta Hausrath Donald C .China. Taipei Heim Richard Dunlap STATE (0.7 ) EB
Hannah Arthur ). Nigeria, Kaduna Harris Erman H ..Philippines, Manila Hauver C Gary . .Laos, Vientiane Heimann John P. Belgium , Brussels
Hannah John P Liberia, Monrovia Harris F Allen STATE (0-5) EB Havens George P Tanzania, Dar es Heimann Judith M Belgium , Brussels
Hannah Marbelle K Indonesia, Jakarta Harris Harriet K .Lebanon, Beirut Salaam Heimgartner Maryann L STATE (S-6) PER
Hannah Norman B Australia, Sydney Harris Harry B ..AID (R-3) OPS Haverkamp Roy T Guinea, Conakry Heinaru Ilmar. STATE (RU - 3) PA
Hannemann George A Sri Lanka , Colombo Harris Jacob J. .AID (R-3) COMP / FS Haverty John James Germany. Bonn Heine Velma A. France, Paris
Hannon John C. Tanzania, Dar es Harris James E. Indonesia, Jakarta Haviland Guy L Jr Thailand, Bangkok Heinig Stewart Chr Switzerland, Bern
Salaam Harris Kenneth E Viet-Nam, Saigon Hawbaker George D. ..AID (R-3) COMP/FS Heino Aune E. Sweden, Stockholm
Hannum Maureen S STATE (S.6) Saipan TPI Harris Kenneth 0 Chile, Santiago Hawbaker Thomas D. Sri Lanka, Colombo Heintzen Harry L. USIA ( 0-3)
Hanrehan Arthur D „ Morocco, Rabat Harris Lilburn L .Brazil, Rio deJaneiro Hawbecker John A Korea, Seoul Heise Charles E .U.K., Hong Kong
Hanscom William E Thailand, Bangkok Harris Mary N .USM /IAEA , Vienna Hawe Georgene C. .Atghanistan, Kabul Helble John ). STATE (0-3) EA
Hansel Jack H .Argentina, Buenos Aires Harris Peter . Costa Rica. San Jose Hawes James E .AID (R-3) LA / DR Held Colbert C Lebanon, Beirut
Hansen Allen C USIA (10-3) Harris Stanley P Germany. Bonn Hawes John H .. STATE (0-4 ) NEA Helfand Harvey Z .ACTION(R-6) Micronesia
Hansen Margaret Ann Mexico, Tijuana Harris Susan L Germany. Dusseldorf Hawken Ashley L USIA (R-3) Helgerson Richard W. USIA ( 0-3)
Hansen Nikk ! Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Harris Vera ) Viet-Nam, Saigon Hawkins Doris G.. ..ACTION ( S- 7) 10 Heller Annemarie AID (S-7) IT /TS
Hansen Peter T. Australia, Melbourne Harris W Colleen „Nicaragua, Managua Hawkins Fred D Japan, Tokyo Heller David Cr STATE (S-6) EA
Hansen Ruth E STATE (R-7) trng Harris William B. .U.K. , Hamilton Hawkins Genta A.. STATE (0-6 ) M /FSI Heller Jack 1 .AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS
Hansen Ruth G. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Harris William T AID (R-4) ASIA / TECH Hawkins James Henry Jr. Malta, Valletta Heller Peter ) .Denmark, Copenhagen
Hansen Terry D Finland, Helsinki Harrison Carl D India, New Delhi Hawkins Martin C Uruguay, Montevideo Hellin Stephen A .Germany, Frankfurt
Hansford David P Thailand, Bangkok Harrison Cynthia A STATE (S10) M /FSI Hawks George Jr. Mexico,Monterrey Helm John W STATE (0-3) trong
Hanson Arnold C .Burma, Rangoon Harrison Francis M. ..Thailand, Bangkok Hawley Alyce Fay. STATE (S -6 ) DG /PA Helm William R. Germany, Frankfurt
Hanson Charles M Jr. .Ghana, Accra Harrison George A Dom. Rep. , Santo Hawley James M III. Sri Lanka, Colombo Helman Gerald B. STATE (0-3) Unit Trang
Hanson G Lenora AID ( S- 4) OPS Domingo Hawley Maj Gerald S .U.K. , London Helman Howard USOECD. Paris
Hanson Roland W Viet-Nam . Saigon Harrison Jr John L ..... Swaziland, Mbabane Haworth Mervin E. .U.K., Hong Kong Helmke Marian N STATE ( S-6 ) MED
Hanson Thomas R .STATE (0-1) trng Harrison Lawrence E AID (R- 1 ) LA / DP Hayashi Helen G .. ..France, Paris Helms Richard M .Iran. Tehran
Hanu Michael A. USIA (R-3) Harrison Melvin L. Viet -Nam. Saigon Hayashida Robert Y STATE (0-5) PM Helseth William A. Afghanistan , Kabul
Hanu Rada D .USIA (R-5) Harrison Richard / lii Zaire, Kinshasa Hayden Frederick G. .AID (R -4) MO /ASIA Helwig Lawrence A .Laos, Vientiane
Hao James E Thailand. Bangkok Harrison Roberta A.. ..ACTION ( S-6 ) 10 Hayden Stephen J .. .Denmark, Copenhagen Hemard John 0 . STATE (R - 4) 10
Hara Hugh H Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Harrison Roger G. STATE (0-5) EUR Hayden Walter AJT STATE (0-4) M /FSI Hembree Edward ) .Laos, Vientiane
Harary Joseph A. France, Paris Harrison Wendell N Guatemala, Guatemala Hayes Catherine L STATE ( S-5 ) ARA/LA Hemenway Brewster R Ecuador, Quito
Haratunian Mourad W. Thailand, Bangkok Harrod John P. Poland, Poznan Hayes Edward R. Greece, Athens Hemily Philip W. USOECD, Paris
Harbaugh Larry M. .Paraguay. As Harrop William C. Aus lia, Canberra Hayes lii Homer M ACTION(R-5) 10 / AF Hemingway Barbara STATE (R- 7) trng
Harben William N. Austria, Vienna Harshbarger Jake Tanzania, Dar es Hayes John T. Viet-Nam, Saigon Hemingway Frank S STATE ( S -6) S/S
Harbin William Bruce Thailand, Bangkok Salaam Hayes Joseph E .Mexico, Guadalajara Hempel Ingeborg E. Cen . African Rep..
Harbison Joanna Philippines, Manila Hart Donald F. ..Ecuador. Quito Hayes Linda A. Belgium, Brussels Bangui
Harcum Gilbert M ..Lebanon, Beirut Hart Hobart M ..Guinea, Conakry Hayes Patrick R. STATE ( 0-2) thg Hemphill Alan K .......... Japan, Tokyo
FEBRUARY 1974 63
Hemsing Albert E Hough Arthur 8
Hemsing Albert E India, New Delhi Monaco, Monaco Hobgood Harlan H .. AID (R-2) COMP/FS Holmes Ryland L „AID (R-2) TA / AGF
Henderson Bernard STATE (S-3) PER Hicks Irvin . Cen. African Rep .. Hocker George E Jr Nigeria, Lagos Holmquist Dolores M Thailand, Bangkok
Henderson Douglas USM /OAS. Wash . Bangui Hockman Myrtle D. STATE (RU -5 )O /FADRC Hols John A Jr. .USIA (R-4)
Henderson E Wayne .. Thailand, Bangkok Hicks John F. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Hocko Andrew Jr. USIA (R-6) Holscher Louise. Cyprus, Nicosia
Henderson Hale S Jr Jordan , Amman Hicks John Henry Greece, Athens Hodai Patrick T Thailand, Bangkok Holsey Leonard AID (RL-5 )COMP/ FS
Henderson James G .Bolivia , La Paz Hicks Reppard D Australia, Canberra Hodge Max E STATE (0-3) AF Holstman Audrey M Zaire, Lubumbashi
Henderson John B STATE ( R -5) A/OC Hickson Donald E. Peru, Lima Hodgen Maj Donald A. Turkey, Ankara Holt Daniel D. Korea, Seoul
Henderson Mahlon STATE (0-6) EA Hickson Durwood H Pakistan, Islamabad Hodges Reginald K. Sierra Leone, Freetown Holt Gordon E. Australia, Canberra
Henderson Marion ) .. STATE (S-6) EA Hidlebaugh Joyce USIA (S-3) Hodgin Wilson J. Indonesia, Jakarta Holt Harold Kr. STATE (S-5) NEA
Henderson Ruth Miles .Germany, Frankfurt Hiebert Col Donald L Korea, Seoul Hodgins Rosemary A. .USM /IAEA, Vienna Holt Irene M .AID (R-5) SER /PM
Henderson Van BS .Laos , Vientiane Higbie Leslie W USIA (R-4) Hodsoll Francis SM STATE (0-4 ) Environ Holt James W STATE (R- 7) A /SY
Hendricks Geraldine F STATE (S-6 ) ARA/ LA Higgins John D. Argentina, Buenos Aires Coun Holtaway James S Tunisia, Tunis
Hendrickson RL. AID ( R-4 ) OPS Higgins John R. Venezuela. Caracas Hoefler Charles ) . STATE (S -6 ) A /OC Holte Olav B. Viet -Nam, Danang
Hendrix R Phillip Iran, Tehran Higgins Peter 1 Canada, Ottawa Hoerrner Jane B. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Holtom Ltc Stanley E. Khmer Republic, Phnom
Hendry Roslyn M Dom . Rep . , Santo Higgins Richard Switzerland. Bern Hoff Donald W. Thailand, Bangkok Penh
Domingo Higgins Ruth E. .Luxembourg Hotfacker Lewis STATE (0-1 ) S/CCT Holton David C. STATE (0-4) M /FSI
Hendsch Shirley B USIA (10.4) Luxembourg Hoffarth F Leroy Kenya, Nairobi Holtz Nancy Jo. Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Henley Phillip W France, Paris Higginson Charles ..Algeria, Algiers Hoffenberg Marvin ) . STATE (0-4) ARA / LA Holway John B. .USIA ( R -4)
Henneke Frederick Loren STATE (0.7) CU High George Borman . STATE (0-3) ARA / LA Hoffer Patricia A Thailand, Bangkok Holz Norbert F .Paraguay, Asuncion
Henneke Janet L M STATE (0-8) S/S High Jack Vli . .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Hotter Richard A Thailand, Bangkok Holzaptel Hans . Austria, Vienna
Hennemeyer Robert T Germany. Dusseldorf High M Nancy. Philippines, Manila Hoffey Paul Panama, Panama Holzman John C .Guinea, Conakry
Hennessy John W Colombia, Bogota Higham James A Sri Lanka , Colombo Hoffman Arthur S. USEC. Brussels Homan Thomas A. Kuwait, Kuwait
Hennick Dorothy ) . Switzerland, Bern Hilburn Paul W Jr STATE (0-5) M/FSI Hoffman Charles 0 STATE ( S -2) A /OC Homme Robert Onan .Panama, Panama
Henrich Robert C Korea, Seoul Hileman Walter E Viet-Nam , Saigon Hoffman Harry Ede India, New Delhi Hon Col William M. .Chile, Santiago
Henry Alton L Philippines, Manila Hilford Lucia V Colombia, Medellin Hoffman Herbert A STATE (0-5) 10 Honadle Malcolm L AID (RL-4 ) SER / FM
Henry George D Germany. Bonn Hilker Henry E Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Hoffman Phyllis C .Nepal , Kathmandu Honan Kevin E .. STATE (0-8) trong
Henry Isabella H. Germany. Bonn Hill Barbara J. .Brazil , Brasilia Hoffman William .Nigeria, Lagos Honeycutt Armand A South Africa, Pretoria
Henry James E. AID (R -4) OPS Hill Barbara L ACTION(S-7) 10 / LA Hoffmann Myron L. USIA ( 10-4) Hong Douglas S USIA (R- 7)
Henry Rex L Senegal, Dakar Hill Donald P Viet-Nam, Can Tho Hotmann John R. STATE (S-5) A /MC Hong Yong Bo JUSIA ( R -6)
Henry Richard ) Kenya, Nairobi Hill Ethel R Indonesia, Jakarta Hofmann Linda L Chad, N'Djamena Hood Dell ..Nigeria, Kaduna
Hensel Elliott B Saudi Arabia . Jidda Hill Francis A .Norway. Oslo Hogan Archie Cr Cameroon , Yaounde Hood Walter .Laos, Vientiane
Hensgen Bernard M USIA ( 10.6) Hill George A AID (R-4) LA /DP Hogan Edward B .Kenya, Nairobi Hoof Bruce F Jr. STATE (S-6) A /OC
Henshaw Diana E. Switzerland, Zurich Hill Gordon E STATE (R- 7 ) trng Hogan James ] .Gabon, Libreville Hoog John F. ..Philippines, Manila
Henson Delores B ACTION(S10) 10 Hill H Kenneth ..Yugoslavia, Belgrade Hogan James L. Guatemala, Guatemala Hook Gladys M STATE (S-4) A /CPR
Henson John D Viet-Nam , Saigon Hill Jacquelyn Taylor STATE ( S- 3) M Hogan John For Viet-Nam, Saigon Hook Lester .AID (R-3) SER/COM
Henze Christopher M. USIA (10.4) Hill James E ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Hogan Michael J. .Dom . Rep . , Santo Hooker H Donn AID (R-5) TA/H
Herath Kent A Spain, Barcelona Hill Joe 0 Jr .Panama , Panama Domingo Hooker Raymond W ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Herder Francis R Nepal, Kathmandu Hill John M. AID (RL-3)SER/COM Hogan Ruth A .. USIA ( S -4 ) Hooks , Aubrey .. STATE (0-7) M/FSI
Herfurt Jack A U.K. London Hill June H. USIA (R-6) Hoganson Jerome L .Laos, Vientiane Hooper Gwendolyn . AID (R- S) SER/FM
Heritage George Franklin STATE ( R-8 ) A/ SY Hill Lillard L USIA (R-3) Hohm Elmer ) Nigeria, Lagos Hooper James R Saudi Arabia , Dhahran
Herman Jan Kenneth STATE ( R-8) A/OPR Hill M Charles STATE (0-4) CU Hohman Ernesto Thailand, Bangkok Hooper Linda ) Viet-Nam, Saigon
Hermes Thomas ) Hill Michael W Zambia, Lusaka Hoke Beth P USIA (S -6 ) Hooper Paul M. Zambia, Lusaka
ACTION( R-6 ) Holben Ralph E Hooper Robert W .Pakistan , Karachi
10/ NAN/ EAP Hill Rey M. AID (RL: 1 )COMP/FS .Dom . Rep. , Santo
Hermesman Roy R. STATE (S- 1 ) EUR Hill Robert B STATE (0-2) PER Domingo Hoover George G. Dom . Rep.. Santo
Herminath Arien L Brazıl, Rio de Janeiro Hill Robert C .Argentina , Buenos Aires Holbert John Mckay Austria, Vienna Domingo
Hernandez Dennis L Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Hill Robert Charles Argentina, Buenos Aires Holbert Porter L. .Ecuador, Guayaquil Hoover Gerald R Malawi. Blantyre
Holbert Thomas C .Philippines, Manila Hoover Richard W. Czechoslovakia, Prague
Hernandez Raul). Costa Rica , San Jose Hillenbrand Martin Germany. Bonn
Holbrook Thomas R Hoover William F Cameroon, Yaounde
Hernandez Robert AID ( R.4 ) COMP/FS Hiller Lemoine E JI Mexico, Mexico. D.F. Khmer Republic, Phnom
Hernandeztravieso A USIA (R - 5 ) Hilley George ) . Pakistan, Lahore Penh Hope John E Ecuador, Quito
Herndon Kathryn A Nigeria , Lagos Hillgartner William Thailand, Bangkok Holbrook Wallace F. .Finland, Helsinki Hope John MR Viet-Nam . Saigon
Herner Isabel Sweden , Stockholm Hilliard Benjamin C Canada, Toronto Holcomb Blakeslee R AID (R-3) IT/P Hopkins Arthur H Jr USIA ( S- 2)
Herpy David W Thailand. Bangkok Hilliard Jr Joseph . ..Kenya, Nairobi Holcomb Eugene L AID (RL- 5) A /AID /OEO Hopkins Homer B AID (R - 1 ) SER /PM
Herr Richard H India , New Delhi HillierWilliam Bolivia, La Paz Holcomb Wilbert M AID (R-4) PHA/PVC Hopkins John T. Philippines, Manila
Herrera Delia L China, Peking ( US. Hillshafer Wayne D Thailand, Bangkok Holcombe William C. .Lebanon , Beirut Hopkins Lance G Uruguay, Montevideo
Liaison Office) Hilmy Salman M. USIA (S-2) Holda William J Japan, Tokyo Hopkins Mark W .Yugoslavia , Belgrade
Herrera Reyes G AID ( R - 3 ) AG/AUD ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Holdcroft Lane E AID (R-2) AA / SA Hopkins Ralph D .Liberia, Monrovia
Hilpert Myra E. Holderness John .Nigeria, Lagos Hopkins Ruth S. .USIA (R-4)
Herrick Lee W Viet Nam, Danang Himes Rex L STATE (0-7) M/FSI Holdren Richard C. Viet-Nam, Can Tho Hopkins Sarah E
Herriges Gail M Thailand, Bangkok Hinderer Harry A. Viet-Nam, Saigon Germany . Berlin
Holdridge John H. ..China , Peking (U.S. Hopman Abraham N. Uruguay. Montevideo
Herring Thomas E Brazil , Rio de Janeiro Hinderliter Robert D ..Bangladesh,Dacca Liaison Office) STATE (S-3) A/BF
Herringer Nancy B STATE (R - 5) EB Hinen Dennis E Germany, Frankfurt Hoppe Mary U.
Hines Jon Franklin Thailand, Bangkok Holeva Francis ) STATE (S-3) M/FSI Hopper Norma ). Sudan , Khartoum
Herrington Parker A. Philippines , Manila Holguin Melquiades R. .AID (R-5) OPS Hopper Robert F STATE (0-6) EUR
Herriott Andra ) Ecuador. Quito Hines Richard STATE (0-4) 10 Hopping Ann .Brazil, Brasilia
Herron John C Jr Viet-Nam. Can Tho Hines William T. Chile. Santiago Holguin Raul Belgium , Brussels
Holladay Thomas L. .Netherlands, Hopwood G Richard. Pakistan, Islamabad
Herse John R Panama, Panama Hinker Edward ) ..Germany, Munich Paramaribo Horacek Hubert J. .Lebanon , Beirut
Hershey Fred W AID (R - 5 ) COMP/FS Hinkle Randolph B Japan. Osaka -Kobe Holland Edward W Jr Thailand, Bangkok Horan Harold E STATE (0-3 ) NSC
Herspring Dale Roy Poland, Warsaw Hinojosa Jose A ..Uruguay, Montevideo Holldorf Harlan L .. ..Liberia, Monrovia Horan Hume A Saudi Arabia, Jidda
Herter Charles ) Zaire, Kinshasa Hinojosa Virgilio .. .Panama, Panama Hollenbeck Gerald Donald ...STATE (R- 7) A / SY Horan John R .. Canada, Vancouver
Herter Christian A Jr. STATE ( ) Int Jt Com Hinson Sherman N USM/IAEA, Vienna Holleran James R. .U.K., Hong Kong Horn Doris A. .Greece, Athens
Hertzog Howard A. Laos, Vientiane Hinton Deane R. STATE (0-1 ) CIEP Holley Helen R. Italy, Rome Horn James Edwin Korea, Seoul
Herz Martin F STATE (0-1 ) 10 Hinton Michael ..Germany, Frankfurt Holliday Alda G ..AID (RL-2)COMP/FS Horn Mary Jo Greece, Athens
Hess Clyde G Korea, Seoul Hipson John S STATE (R.7) SY Holliday Daniel M STATE (0-3) EB Horn Walter C. Zaire, Kinshasa
Hess David W USIA ( 0-5) Hirabayashi Martin Y ..Finland, Helsinki Holliday Robert W. STATE (0-3) S /PRS Hornbeck Harold .USIA (S - 3)
Hess Oleen Tanzania , Dar es Hirabayashi S Edward . AID (RL -3 )TA /PM Hollingsworth John A.. .Luxembourg. Hornblow Michael M. Iran , Khorramshahr
Salaam Hiraga George M Philippines, Manila Luxembourg Horne Ann P USIA (S-5)
Hesser Leon F AID ( R - 1 ) ASIA/TECH Hirama Jay .. .AID (R-3) SER /PM Hollis Allan L. Argentina, Buenos Aires Horne Gerard F. AID (R-2) TA /DA
Hessick Joann Thailand , Bangkok Hirsch Abraham M. AID (R-3) TA /PM Holloway Jerome K Jr. Japan. Osaka-Kobe Horning Stevan M .Philippines, Manila
Hester Donald Vance . Chad . N'Djamena Hirsch Gerry S. ACTION(R-3) 10 Holly Bruce M. STATE ( S- 2) O /FADRC Horoschak Theodore .Liberia, Monrovia
Hester James C Thailand. Bangkok Hirsch Hans G USOECD, Paris Holly Sean M STATE (0-4) CU Horowitz Daniel L Italy. Naples
Hetherington Irvine USIA ( S- 1 ) Hirsch John L Israel, Tel Aviv Holm Arvid G .. Singapore, Singapore Horowitz Herbert Eugene .....China, Peking (U.S.
Hetland Elaine C Mexico , Mexico, D.F. Hirsch Stephen H .ACTION (R - 5) 10/AF Holm Craige Granniss STATE (R-5) A / SY Liaison Office)
Hewitt Ashley CJI Jamaica, Kingston Hirsh Michael H ..Kenya, Nairobi Holm Donald K. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Horrell Ruthe. Czechoslovakia, Prague
Hewitt Lyle R. STATE (0-4 ) AF Hirshberg Robert L ..Germany. Bonn Holm William H .Libya, Tripoli Horsey Sarah R Trin & Tobago. Port-of
Hewitt Marianne B STATE (0-5) S/S Hirshorn M Bruce STATE (0-4) NEA Holman E Pauline Indonesia , Jakarta Spain
Hewitt Susan Marie Thailand, Bangkok Hishmeh George S. USIA (R -4 ) Holmberg Col John B. ..India, New Delhi Horsley Martha W. .AID ( R -4 ) PPC /PDA
Hewitt Warren E STATE (RU- 2)10 Hitchcock David USIA ( 10-2) Nepal, Kathmandu Horton Mary L. Guinea, Conakry
Heyman Barry N AID (RL.7) Trng Comp Hitchcock Wilbur W. .Argentina, Buenos Aires Holmes Alice ) . .Ecuador, Quito Horton Robert L. .Algeria, Algiers
Heyman 1 Austin AID (R -2 ) Trng Comp Hitchcock William K STATE (0-1) CU Holmes Brooke C. STATE (0-5) M/FSI Hortum Ernest Indonesia, Jakarta
Heymann Henry L STATE (0-3) S /FW Hix Luther M. STATE ( R-2) CU Holmes Cecilia M ..ACTION(R-6) 10 Horwitz Leonard J. Uruguay, Montevideo
Heyniger Lambert STATE (0-4 ) INR Hjortsberg Karin Lynn USEC, Brussels Holmes Dewey S. Iceland, Reykjavik Hose Winfield Scott Jr ..Tanzania, Zanzibar
Heyward Cdr Irvine K. South Africa. Cape Town Hoak Paul ) . Philippines, Manila Holmes Edward W South Africa, Durban Hosey Earl D. .Argentina, Buenos Aires
South Africa, Pretoria Hoath James R. AID (R-2) PPC / PDA Holmes Henry A. .France, Paris Hoshal Wayne D STATE (S- 1 ) A /OC
Hiatt Wright Ivory Coast, Abidjan Hobart Stephen J. Viet- Nam. Saigon Holmes James H. .STATE (0-5) White House Hosheit George W. Cyprus, Nicosia
Hickey Daniel T STATE (0-5) S/S Hobbie Charles A ACTION ( S-6 ) 10 Holmes James Jr. .Israel, Tel Aviv Hoskins John A. .AID (R-2) GC
Hickey Edward S USIA ( R- 3) Hobbs David L .. .U.K., London Holmes Jean M. Spain, Barcelona Hoskins John H .. Turkey, Ankara
Hickey James P STATE (R -6) PPT Hobbs E Jean Viet-Nam, Saigon Holmes John W. STATE (0-3) EB Hostetler Richard W STATE ( S-4) A /OC
Hickman James R Yugoslavia, Belgrade Hobbs Harry D. Brazil, Sao Paulo Holmes John W. Viet-Nam, Saigon Houck Harry H. AID (R -4) COMP/FS
Hickman Kent B AID (R- 5) MO/PP Hoben Edmond H AID (R-2) SER/H Holmes Oscar .. STATE (S10) E Houdek Robert G Sierra Leone, Freetown
Hicks Eleanor. France, Nice Hobgood Doris ) Swaziland, Mbabane Holmes Richard A STATE (0-5 ) EA Hough Arthur B India , Bombay
Hough Richard .Dom . Rep., Santo Hull Gerritt L VietNam , Saigon Hyde Wayne F. Viet-Nam, Saigon Jackson Howard T Mexico, Mexico. D.F.
Domingo Hull Gordon A. Jordan, Amman Hyde William A. Morocco, Tangier Jackson Isaiah AJr. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Hough Thomas D. ..Bulgaria. Sofia Hulliung Albert D Tunisia, Tunis Hyder Maurice ... ..Philippines, Manila Jackson ) Alexander STATE (0-5) A /BF
Houghton Arthur A lii .Egypt, Cairo Hulse Stacy B Jr .Greece, Athens Hydle Lars Holman ..U.K., Belfast Jackson James B. Viet-Nam. Saigon
Houghton Robert B. .Lebanon, Beirut Hulsey Gilmer L. Greece, Athens Hylaman Roy E. STATE ( S- 3) AVOC Jackson Johnnie Lee STATE (S-7 ) MED
Houk Wade B Jr. Austria, Vienna Hultslander Robert W. Venezuela , Caracas Hyland John J Jr. STATE (R-7) A / OC Jackson Kenneth V USIA (R-4)
Houlahan ) Michael.. New Zealand. Hum Col Richard F. .China, Taipei Hyman Borrie 1 . ..France. Paris Jackson Leroy .Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Wellington Humborg Kenneth C STATE ( S- 2 ) PM Hyndman James A Greece. Athens Jackson Lowell Richard Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
House Marie T .USIA (R-3) Hume Cameron R. .USUN, N.Y. Hynes Richard ) ..Ghana, Accra Jackson Lucius A. Germany, Frankfurt
House Wendell G USIA (R -6) Humes John Portner .Austria, Vienna Jackson M David Jr. Liberia , Monrovia
Houston Robert B Jr ..STATE (0-2) EUR Hummel Arthur W Jr. STATE (0-1) EA Jackson Marilyn F. Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Hovanec Vincent). .Gabon, Libreville Hummel Walter H Italy. Rome Jackson Michael Roy .Ivory Coast. Abidjan
Hovis William P .Ecuador, Quito Hummon John P .Philippines, Manila Jackson Murray E STATE (0-2) 10
Howard Arthur ..AID (R-2) AFR /NAR Humphrey George L .. .AID ( RL-5)SER /CM lacono George. ..Pakistan, Islamabad Jackson Phil .Philippines, Manila
Howard Barbara D ..Liberia, Monrovia Humphrey George Merwin ...STATE (0-4) EUR Ibrahim Arif ..Greece, Athens Jackson Richard L Greece, Thessaloniki
Howard Carl D .. .Brazil, Brasilia Humphrey Lewis Dr .Laos, Vientiane Iceland Harry Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Jackson Robert A. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Howard Christine B. .USIA (S- 9) Humphrey Ronald L .... Germany. Dusseldorf Ide Donald C. Canada, Vancouver Jackson Robert H Thailand, Songkhla
Howard Emory M Viet-Nam, Saigon Humphrey William Edwin ...Italy,Florence Ide Florence Frances. .STATE ( S- 7) PER Jackson Sharon E USIA (R-8)
Howard Geoffrey S. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Humphreys M ... .Nigeria, Kaduna Ide William C ..Nepal, Kathmandu Jackson Tennessee Ghana, Accra
Howard J Daniel ..Japan, Tokyo Humphreys Marvin W France, Paris Idleberg Cdr Norman. ..Italy, Rome Jackson William H Germany. Bonn
Howard James 0 Sweden, Stockholm Hungerford David A .. .Laos, Vientiane Ifft Edward Milton STATE (R-2) PM Jackson William R. STATE (S-4) EA
Finland, Helsinki Hunsaker Jerry C STATE ( S- 4) CU Ifshin Edward S ..Japan, Osaka-Kobe Jacob Joan M. Indonesia, Jakarta
Howard Richard B STATE ( 0-4) ARAILA Hunsaker Leland S. „AID (R-3) SER /PM Ifshin Stanley R ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Jacob Nelson Brazil, Brasilia
Howarth Richard H. .U.K., Hong Kong Hunt Alma M. ACTION (R -7) 10 Ihrig Herbert G Jr. ..Japan, Tokyo Jacobini Charles B .Brazil, Recife
Howe Bruce T .STATE (S- 1 ) Justice Dept Hunt Col Forests. .Lebanon, Beirut Ikegami Russell M .Laos, Vientiane Jacobs Barry Br Venezuela, Caracas
Howe Fisher STATE (0-1 ) COGCFP Cyprus, Nicosia Ikels Larry ). USIA ( 10-4) Jacobs John D Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Howe Henry M Saudi Arabia, Jidda Hunt David P. Somalia, Mogadiscio Illing Robert F. Italy, Rome Jacobs John K.. Austria, Vienna
HoweJoseph G. .AID (R -3) SER/ENGR Hunt Janice E. Singapore, Singapore Imholz Lt Col Robert E. Austria, Vienna Jacobs Joseph W Viet-Nam , Nha Trang
Howe Kenneth E Viet-Nam, Saigon Hunt Leamon R. STATE (0-1 ) A /OPR Imirie Scott Fjr. STATE (R-2) AVOPR Jacobs Marilyn Jane AID ( S- 7) MO/AFR
Howell Edward L .Portugal, Lisbon Hunt Lester M AID (R-4) SER /FM Immerman Robert M .USUN , N.Y. Jacobs Martin South Africa. Pretoria
Howell Frances Dodd . ..Japan, Tokyo Hunt Sharon E. .Dom . Rep., Santo Imp Joel Gerard .China, Taipei Jacobs Robert AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS
Howell James A. .Libya, Tripoli Domingo Imrie Marie S Pakistan, Islamabad Jacobs Robert Leonard Canada, Ottawa
Howell Odie R JE STATE (RU -2 )A /BF Hunt Theresa A. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Imus Richard H. STATE (0-4) PER Jacobsen Anna M .U.K. , London
Howell W Nathaniel Ir United Arab Emirates. Hunt Thomas ... .US Mission. Geneva Inatuku Sumiko STATE ( S-8) ARA/ LA Jacobsen Carl Rli Australia, Perth
Abu Dhabi Hunter Dallas W. AID (R-3) AA / PHA Ince Robert W. ..Nigeria, Kaduna Jacobsen George R. Japan, Tokyo
Howell William Ray ..Nepal, Kathmandu Hunter David J .ACTION (R -7) 10 / AF Indseth Berger A. AID (R-2) COMP/ FS Jacobsen William .Portugal, Lisbon
Howison John M USUN , N.Y. Hunter Dorothy C .... .El Salvador, San Ingersoll Barbara ). STATE (R-8) A /FBO Jacobson Anna Rose .Greece. Athens
Howland Richard C .Laos, Vientiane Salvador Ingersoll John STATE (0-2) EB Jacobson Dorothy J. AID (S-5) COMP/FS
Howley James M Viet-Nam. Danang Hunter Douglas Randall.......Israel,Tel Aviv Ingerson Clayton C. Viet-Nam, Can Tho Jacobson Eleanor G. STATE (RU-4)PA
Howley John F. Luxembourg. Hunter Edward ......... USIA (S -2) Ingraham Edward C. .Pakistan, Islamabad Jacobson George D Viet-Nam , Saigon
Luxembourg Hunter Frederick Norman ...STATE (R-7) SY Ingram D Larry Colombia . Bogota Jacobson Jerome ). Viet-Nam , Saigon
Hoyt James... Philippines, Manila Hunter James M Thailand, Bangkok Ingram Reginald K Sr Ghana, Accra Jacobson John J. Thailand, Bangkok
Hoyt Michael PE STATE (0-4) AF Hunter Philip E.. Ecuador, Quito Inman Jerry L .USIA ( 10-3) Jacobson Robert Edward Jr.Greece, Athens
Hrinak Donna ). STATE (R-8) trng Hunter William .... Turkey. Ankara Inskeep Paul Andrew . STATE (0-6 ) INR Jacobson Stephen H AID (RL.7 )Trng Comp
Hsu Brenda M AID (S- 7) COMP/FS Huntzinger Robert G. Viet-Nam, Can Tho lossi Milton L. Morocco, Rabat Jacoby Peter H. .Paraguay. Asuncion
Huard Jeanne M. .USIA (R-7) Hurd Darrel W .AID (R.4) OPS Ireland Michael J. Cameroon . Yaounde Jacqueney Victoria B USIA (10.6)
Hubbard Donnels. Japan, Tokyo Hurd James D. STATE (RU -2 )Com Dept Irick Bonnie E. Venezuela, Caracas Jadwin Billy ) Viet-Nam, Can Tho
Hubbard Thomas C STATE (0-5) EA Hurd John G South Africa, Pretoria Irick Linda C STATE (0-5 ) EA Jaeger George W. STATE (0-3 ) WarColl
Hubbard Wharton Drexel. STATE (0-3) CU Hurd Michael G. ..Japan, Tokyo Irish George K. South Africa, Pretoria Trng
Huber Herbert G .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Hurley Catherine M ..Dom . Rep.. Santo Irizarri Wilfrido L Costa Rica. San Jose Jaeger Normal STATE (S-6) DG/EM
Huber Joseph C. .Nicaragua, Managua Domingo Irminger George R. Germany. Frankfurt Jagers Russell T JI STATE (S-4) 0/SY
Hubig Frederick Jr Ecuador, Guayaquil Hurley Elizabeth R. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Irons Alden H Finland, Helsinki Jakubik Vivian D AID (S-7) MO/ASIA
Hubler John F Jr. .Nepal, Kathmandu Hurley John Jr. STATE (0-5) INR Irons Edward P. Viet-Nam, Saigon James Alan G. U.K. , London
Huchel Gerald E .Nigeria, Ibadan Hurley Leo F Jr. Japan. Tokyo Irvin H Robert... Brazil, Brasilia James Alma Frances France, Paris
Huddleston RobertW. AID (R-3) LA /CAR Hurley Marvin E .. .Peru, Lima Irvin Philomena Cunnane ....Viet-Nam . Saigon James Charles A AID (R- 1) ASIA/NE
Hudkins Hugh A .Liberia, Monrovia Hurley Michael ) . USIA (S-9) Irvin Robert H. .USIA (S- 3) James Col Harold L Turkey. Ankara
Hudman Ltc George D ..U.K., London Hurley Rachel L. .STATE ( R -4) L Irvin Thomas C. Viet-Nam, Saigon James Daniel ) . STATE (0-2) PM
Hudson Harold A AID (R-5) IT /P Hurley Sharon V France, Martinique Irving Frederick. Iceland, Reykjavik James Doris Ann Thailand , Bangkok
Hudson John H Japan, Tokyo HurstCharles Viet Nam, Saigon Irving Richard F Viet-Nam , Saigon James Hatcher M UC Viet-Nam , Nha Trang
Hudson Joszet S. .Germany, Frankfurt Hurst Elmer F. STATE ( S-4) EA Irwin Frank P.. Germany, Frankfurt James Hazel D. STATE (R.7) A/OPR
Hudson Miller N II Canada, Ottawa Hurst Ltc Robert L .Bulgaria, Sofia Irwin John Nichol li . France, Paris James ) Frank AID (R -3) SER/FM
Hudson Virgil A Jr. .Peru, Lima Hurst Peter F. AID (R-4) COMP /FS Isaacs Arnold M. STATE (0-4) ARA / LA James John Paul Ecuador, Quito
Hudson William .Zaire. Lubumbashi Hurst William H. STATE (R-3) SCA Isaacs Eunice H STATE (R-6) PA James Larry D USIA ( R - 7 )
Huesmann Robert G. Tanzania, Dar es Hurwitch Robert A .. .Dom . Rep .. Santo Isaacs Jeannette A. Khmer Republic, Phnom James Thomas C Thailand, Bangkok
Salaam Domingo Penh James Ullmont L AID (R-2) AFR/NAR
Huey George 0 . Argentina. Buenos Aires Hurwitz Edward . STATE (0-3) EUR Isacco Caroline I. .USIA (S-6) Jameson Donald STATE (0-5) EA
Huft James Gerhard Union of Soviet Socialist Hurwitz William E. .Brazil, Brasilia Isenman Paul ) AID (R-3) PPC /PDA Jameson Ferris R. STATE (0.7) S/R
Republics, Moscow Huser Maj Herbert C. Argentina, Buenos Aires Isenstead Eric ). Venezuela. Caracas Jamison Judith R. .U.K . London
Huft Rodney STATE (0-7) SCI Husick Charles L..... Tanzania, Dar es Isham Heyward . .Haiti, Port-au -Prince Janas Leo T Indonesia, Jakarta
Huff Thomas D .STATE (0-2) CU Salaam Isom Harriet W STATE (0-4 ) EA Janin Henry H. STATE (0-5) M/FSI
N.Orleans Huss Mark C Viet Nam. Saigon Iszard David M .. Swaziland, Mbabane Janowski Louis F STATE (0-4 ) PM
Huffman James S. Switzerland, Zurich Hussey Capt Patrick F. ..Denmark, Copenhagen Ito James A. .AID ( R -4 ) SER /FM Janus E Eileen ... Haiti, Port-au -Prince
Huttman Robert C Germany. Dusseldorf Hussman Margaret Italy. Rome Ivanchukov Naran Sansha ..Burma, Rangoon Jaranilla Ramon A. Laos, Vientiane
Huger Gregory F .Brazil, Brasilia Husted Irene BF Union of Soviet Socialist Ivanich Donald ) Union of Soviet Socialist Jarek Albert W Nigeria, Lagos
Hugerth Christine S .AID (R-3) TA /EHR Republics, Moscow Republics, Moscow Jarman Marion Viet-Nam , Saigon
Hughes Arthur H .Germany, Bonn Huston Colleen 0 .Lebanon , Beirut Ivers Thomas C AID (R-5) LA /DR Jarrell John AJT STATE (R- 7) A/SY
Hughes Blaine W. .Liberia, Monrovia Huston Hayden H .Lebanon. Beirut Ivie John K... STATE (S - 3) MP Jarrett Larry G Zambia, Lusaka
Hughes Francis H. .Indonesia, Jakarta Hutchins Bruce D Sweden, Stockholm Ivory Boyd A AID (R-3) COMP/FS Jaskiewicz Marilyn A .Denmark, Copenhagen
Hughes Freddie ... STATE (S.4) A /OC Hutchins Deane L. ..Nigeria, Lagos Ivory Hugh .USIA (R-5) Jassie Newton L Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Hughes Harry L .Haiti, Port -au -Prince Hutchins James Adr. .Poland, Warsaw Izenberg Ivan .U.K., Hong Kong Javrotsky Igor .. AID (R-3) SER/COM
Hughes Helen H .Colombia , Bogota Hutchins Joseph R. STATE ( S- 2) NOC Jaworski Ronald R. .Poland, Warsaw
Hughes James Flii . STATE (0-4) SCA Hutchinson Annette B Ghana, Accra Jay Anthony J. STATE (0-4) CU
Hughes James R ..Lebanon, Beirut Hutchinson Daniel W. Mali. Bamako Jazynka Alfred Viet-Nam . Saigon
Hughes Judith 1. STATE (0-6) AF Hutchinson George A de ..Turkey. Ankara Jazynka Mary... Viet-Nam, Saigon
Hughes Leslie F. .Portugal, Lisbon Hutchison Barbara A. ..Dom . Rep ., Santo Jabbour Pierre M. STATE ( S-4) M /FSI Jean Clarence V Korea, Seoul
Hughes Mary P .Morocco, Casablanca Domingo Jacaruso Jerold W. STATE (RU -3 )A /OC Jee Arlen W ... AID (R-3) OPS
Hughes Morris N T STATE (0-6) S / S Hutchison David H. .STATE (0-5) CU N.Y. Jaccard Catherine France, Paris Jetters Maj Donald D Australia, Canberra
Hughes Paul R. .Finland, Helsinki Huth Donald E. ..Bolivia, La Paz Jackman Mary E. STATE ( S-6 ) A / BF Jetters Stanley K .Austria, Vienna
Hughes Ralph C. ..Lebanon, Beirut Huth William P Union of Soviet Socialist Jackman Richard B Jordan. Amman Jefferson Harold B Peru, Lima
Hughes Richard L. Viet Nam. Saigon Republics, Moscow Jackmin William P .Laos, Vientiane Jefferson James C Viet-Nam . Saigon
Hughes Richard M .USIA ( 10.4) Hutson Hal R. STATE ( R -8) AVOC Jackovich Victor L ..Iceland, Reykjavik Jefferson Thomas Kavansa .Bangladesh. Dacca
Hughes Robert G. .Philippines, Manila Hutson Harry M Jr. .Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Jacks David T. Zambia, Lusaka Jefferson Ulysese STATE (S-5) A/OC
Hughey Walter M. Sweden , Stockholm Hutson Thomas R. ..Yugoslavia ,Belgrade Jackson Antoinette C. Viet-Nam. Saigon Jelich John W. .Turkey. Ankara
Hughs John L Saudi Arabia. Jidda Huxtable John ..Laos, Vientiane Jackson Barbara A India, New Delhi Jelley Robert E. .Netherlands.
Huhtala Marie T. .France, Paris Hvoslef Inger..... AID (R -4) COMP /FS Jackson Benjamin F. STATE ( R -6 ) NVOC Amsterdam
Hulbert Marilyn E ..India ,New Delhi Hyde Franklin Deforest. STATE (0-6) N / BF Jackson David H .. STATE ( S-4 ) EUR Jellison Robert A .USIA ( 10-2)
Hulehan Jerome D USOECD, Paris Hyde Jim H. .Pakistan, Karachi Jackson Eula Mae STATE ( R -4) PER Jenkens Alton L STATE (0-3) S/IG
Hulen Elmer C .. .STATE (0-3) EA Hyde Roger L. ..Union of Soviet Socialist Jackson Franklin E ..Nicaragua, Managua Jenkins Alfred Le S. .China, Peking (U.S.
Hulings Joseph S lii. .Laos, Vientiane Republics, Moscow Jackson Henry F Greece,Athens Liaison Office)
MEBRUARY 1974 65
Jonkins Betty D Koogan Mary ?
Jenkins Betty D USIA ( R-8) Johnson Jay P .AID (R-3 ) AFR /ESA Jones Franklin D. Union of Soviet Socialist Kahane Richard A Czechoslovakia, Prague
Jenkins Charles R Afghanistan, Kabul Johnson Jesse R .AID (R-3) FFP Republics, Moscow Kahle John R. Guatemala, Guatemala
Jenkins George C. STATE (R-3) A /OPR Johnson Joan C Liberia , Monrovia Jones George F. USM /IAEA, Vienna Kahn Louis E STATE (0-5) 10
Jenkins George R. Indonesia, Jakarta Johnson Joe B Paraguay, Asuncion Jones Harlow E .Thailand. Bangkok Kahn Shirley M. .USIA (R-4)
Jenkins Gratton Harry. STATE (0-4 ) AF Johnson Joel B. .Germany, Frankfurt Jones Harold M. .Kenya, Nairobi Kaiser Herbert. STATE (0-3) AF
Jenkins Joseph S .AID (R-4) OPS Johnson John A Union of Soviet Socialist Jones Harry E STATE (0-5) SCA KaiserWillard S .AID (R-3) IT/P
Jenkins Karen D STATE (0-4) S/S Republics, Moscow Jones Howard D. ..Thailand , Bangkok Kaklikian Harry 2 .Ghana , Accra
Jenkins Kempton B STATE (0-2) H Johnson Keith C India, Madras Jones Irene P Italy, Rome Kalaris George T. Philippines, Manila
Jenkins Richard A Kenya, Nairobi Johnson Kenneth S Honduras, Tegucigalpa Jones Janice H. Philippines, Manila Kalas Wayne P STATE (R-1) SCA
Jenkins Walter E dr .STATE (0-1 ) SCI Johnson Lcdr Robert A... .Germany, Bonn Jones Janice L China, Taipei Kalicki Jan H. STATE (0.7) ACDA
Jennings Albert I STATE (R.2) A /FBO Johnson Leon M Jr. STATE (0-5) CU Jones John A Jr ..USIA (10-3) Kalina Louis M. Cyprus, Nicosia
Jennings Billie Joe . STATE (S.7) A/MC Johnson Lillian J. Netherlands , The Hague Jones John W Peru, Lima Kalkbrenner Helen C Morocco, Rabat
Jennings Col Allen B Belgium , Brussels Johnson Lorraine ) , Thailand, Bangkok Jones Katherine A. USIA (R-3) Kalla Richard L .Togo. Lome
Luxembourg, Johnson Marie E. Turkey, Ankara Jones Laura L. USIA (R- 5) Kallas Gerald J. ..USIA ( 10-3)
Luxembourg Johnson Marilyn USIA (10-2) Jones Lorraine L .Honduras. Tegucigalpa Kalodimos Magdeline G ..Portugal, Lisbon
Jenrette Claris ) Uruguay, Montevideo Johnson Marjorie A. U.K , London Jones Louise M. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Kamberis Harry G. .Bangladesh. Dacca
Jensen Blaine W .AID (R-4) Trng Comp Johnson Mark . Upper Volta , Jones M Gordon STATE (0-5) NEA Kamenske Bernard H USIA (R-2)
Jensen Don C STATE (0-4) NEA Ouagadougou Jones Mary Roberta USIA (10-5) Kaminsky Wadim USIA ( R-7)
Jensen James A USIA ( 0-3) Johnson Michael E STATE (S- 7) EA Jones Munro P STATE ( S- 1) NEA Kamman Curtis W Union of Soviet Socialist
Jensen Malcolm C Bolivia, La Paz Johnson Michael ) STATE (R.2) CU Jones Peter Edward . Argentina , Buenos Aires Republics, Moscow
Jensen Maryl. Luxembourg, Johnson Millard L. Spain, Madrid Jones R Dennis . Jordan , Amman Kamprad Walter T SIATE (0-3) NEA
Luxembourg Johnson Muriel B Pakistan , Islamabad Jones Ralph E AID (R-3) COMP / FS Kane Betty Lou STATE (S-6) EA
Jenson Charles A. USIA (R -3) Johnson Myra L Brazil, Brasilia Jones Ralph T .. Turkey, Istanbul Kane Edward RM . .Algeria, Algiers
Jenson George E ..Liberia, Monrovia Johnson Nathan E Lebanon , Beirut Jones Ray E. China, Peking (U.S. Kane N Stephen STATE (R-5) PA
Jepsen Daniel C Senegal, Dakar Johnson Peter B Costa Rica, San Jose Liaison Office) Kane Shirley A. China. Taipei
Jepson Melvin T. Japan, Naha, Japan Johnson Philip K JE STATE (0-4) ARA/ LA Jones Raymond G. Viet-Nam, Danang Kane Walter A AID (R-4) AG / AUD
Jereczek Lucille A Poland, Warsaw Johnson Ralph R .Poland , Warsaw Jones Robert Douglas. .USIA (10-5) Kane William .USIA (R-2)
Jeremenko Elizabeth USIA (S-9) Johnson Richard A Austria, Vienna Jones Roberto USIA ( 0-3) Kangas Lenni W AID (RL- 2 )PHA/POP
Jersey Thomas L. .Pakistan , Islamabad Johnson Richard E Yugoslavia, Belgrade Jones Roderick L STATE (R-3) A /BF Kanrich Ernest Viet-Nam, Saigon
Jerzynski Madeleine F. ..Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur Johnson Richard G .Belgium , Brussels Jones Ronald W. Viet-Nam, Saigon Kantzer A Noelle USIA (R-7)
Jespersen George G. AID (RL-4)AFR /NAR Johnson Richard M. Bolivia, La Paz Jones Sammie N. Tanzania, Dar es Kapar Charles Philippines, Manila
Jessup Col Maurice E .Cyprus , Nicosia Johnson Robert D Czechoslovakia , Prague Salaam Kaplan Annette F USIA (R-5)
Jett Dennis Coleman Argentina, Buenos Aires Johnson Robert G AID (R-2) COMP/FS Jones Teresa Chin STATE (R-7) trng Kaplan George R STATE (0-3) HEW
Jetton Randolph H. Laos, Vientiane Johnson Robert R AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS Jones Walter W USIA (R-2) Kaplan Philips Germany, Bonn
Jew Chester C AID ( R-4 ) OPS Johnson Roger E. STATE (R-2) A /CPR Jones William B .USR /UNESCO, Paris Kappel Patricia A Germany. Bonn
Jhin Paul Y Laos, Vientiane Johnson Roy H. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Jones William C III . STATE (0-2) INR Kaps Helen K. STATE (R-5) A/OPR
Jibrin Said Greece, Athens Johnson Roy W Jamaica, Kingston Jones William David Kenya, Nairobi Kapsanis Tina Viet-Nam, Saigon
Jickling David .Bolivia , La Paz Johnson Ruth E STATE (S-3) EA Jones William E. USIA (10.4) Kaptain John G. India, New Delhi
Jilison Anne Darrohn ..Italy. Rome Johnson S Eileen Thailand, Bangkok Jones William G Germany, Munich Kapusta Alvin Afghanistan, Kabul
Joel Clark Guatemala, Guatemala Johnson Sandor A.. .U.K ., Belize City, Belize Jones William Mcp Peru , Lima Kapusta Carolyn Jean Afghanistan, Kabul
Joffe Harry M Viet-Nam , Saigon Johnson Stephanie E Viet-Nam, Saigon Jonietz Karl K STATE (0-6) P Karaer Arma Jane Australia , Melbourne
Johannes Elizabeth A. Nicaragua, Managua Johnson Stephen I STATE (0-5) M/FSI Jonke Rudolf Guatemala, Guatemala Karam Jalil .Haiti, Port-au -Prince
Johannes Lois A AID (S-6) SER/ENGR Johnson Thomas E Philippines, Manila Jonnes Lloyd Jr AID (R- 1 ) AA /PPC Karapetian Jack USIA (R-4)
Johannesen Jean M Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Johnson Thomas F. Germany. Stuttgart Jordan Howard C Nepal, Kathmandu Karch John USIA (R-2)
John Jeannette USR /FAO, Rome Johnson U Alexis STATE (CA ) S / AJ Jordan Kathleen M AID (S-4) ASIA /CD Kardell John R Nicaragua, Managua
Johns Bernard Jerusalem , Jerusalem Johnson Vernon C Tanzania, Dar es Jordan Michael R Bangladesh, Dacca Karian Albert A. .Kenya, Nairobi
Johns John S Nicaragua, Managua Salaam Jordan Philip L. AID (RL-4)SER/COM Karkashian John Edward ..... STATE (0-3) ARA /LA
Johns Robert A Greece. Athens Johnson Walter E Jr Spain, Madrid Jordan Robert F Jreland, Dublin Karnacki Edward A... STATE (R4) CU San
Johnson Carl STATE (S-6) PER Johnson Willard C Viet-Nam , Can Tho Jordan Robert L. Viet-Nam, Saigon Fran
Johnson Aaron W. Liberia , Monrovia Johnson William E. STATE (R-4) A/OC Jordan Sandra Lee .US Mission, Geneva Karp Samuel . Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Johnson Alexandra Uteev STATE (0.7 ) INR Johnson William F. Viet Nam, Saigon Jordan William C. USIA ( R-8) Karpoff Leo G Bolivia, La Paz
Johnson Alfred E Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Johnson William H. AID (R-2) AFR/DS Jorgensen Wesley E Thailand, Bangkok Karpovich Serge STATE (R-3) EUR
Johnson Arlene E STATE (S -6) EUR Johnson William Howard Indonesia, Jakarta Jorgenson Raymond C STATE (0-5) M/FSI Karris Gustave U.K., London
Johnson Barbara J. ACTION(R -7) 10 /LA Johnson William M Jr. Canada, Ottawa Jory Frances S .Denmark, Copenhagen Kasanof Anton N Turkey, Istanbul
Johnson Barbara M STATE (S-6) A/OC Johnson Willie STATE (S-5) A /OC Josephson Lenore . China, Taipei Kasey Frances .Germany. Bonn
Johnson Bernard A STATE (R -8 ) SY Johnson Wyatt B. Mexico, Monterrey Josephson Robert L AID (R-4) SA / EX Kaslaitis William ) USIA (R-4)
Johnson Betty M AID (S- 5) AA / ASIA Johnston C Gaynelle .Laos, Vientiane Joshi Jaimini N. USIA (R-5) Kasrai Joyce A STATE (S- 7) AF
Johnson Brenda ) ACTION (R -8) 10 /LA Johnston Donald A Netherlands, Josif Harold G. STATE (0-2) AF Kassebaum Cary L Viet-Nam . Can Tho
Johnson Carol Sue STATE (S-9) NEA Paramaribo Josserand Ann E. .Liberia, Monrovia Kastens Royal F India , New Delhi
Johnson Celestine F USIA (R- 7 ) Johnston Ernest B Jr. USEC , Brussels Jova Joseph I .. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Kates Ronald L. Niger, Niamey
Johnson Charles A. India. Bombay Johnston James ] Nigeria, Lagos Jowers Roy B USIA (R-3) Katt Nancy L Zaire, Kinshasa
Johnson Charles B USM /OAS, Wash. Johnston John S AID (R-5) SER /PM Joyce David C. STATE ( R-6) A/BF Kattouf Theodore H STATE (0-7) trng
Johnson Charles K. STATE (0-2 ) EUR Johnston Laura ) STATE (S-6) PER Joyce Edward ) Venezuela. Caracas Katz Abraham STATE (0-1 ) EUR
Johnson Charles W. ..Afghanistan, Kabul Johnston Linda H .Philippines, Manila Joyce John M Union of Soviet Socialist Katz Julius L. STATE (RU- 1 )EB
Johnson Charlye M AID ( S-6) GC Johnston Loretta B Viet-Nam , Saigon Republics, Moscow Katz Paul AID (R-2) OPS
Johnson Col Raymond E Tunisia, Tunis Johnston Maj Bobby .Italy. Rome Joyce June M Venezuela, Caracas Katzen Bernard STATE ( ) CU
Johnson Cpt Keith V .U.K . London Johnston Melvyn. USIA ( R-5) Joyce Marion D USIA ( R -4) Katzen Jay K. .USUN, N.Y.
Johnson Dale D Burma, Rangoon Johnston Myriam L USIA (R-4) Joyce Richard B .USIA ( S - 2) Katzka John E. Thailand. Udorn
Johnson Daniel A. Haiti, Port-au- Prince Johnston Ronald B Kenya, Nairobi Joyner Ellen Gayle STATE (S-4) ARA /LA Kauerz Bernice C. .Egypt, Cairo
Johnson Darryl N STATE (0-5 ) M/FSI Johnston Tess Viet-Nam, Saigon Juchniewicz Edward S Japan, Tokyo Kauffman Kenneth M. Indonesia, Jakarta
Johnson Dean H Afghanistan, Kabul Joiner Theresa R. .ACTION (R -6) 10/AF Judd Thomas M .. .POLADS, CINCEUR Kaufman Kenneth N. Thailand, Chiang Mai
Johnson Deanna i . USIA ( S-7 ) Jokull M Phyllis US Mission, Geneva (Stuttgart) Kaufman Robert E. .U.K., London
Johnson Denise L ACTION (R - 7) 10 Jones A Elizabeth Egypt. Cairo Judkins Newell K Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Kaufmann Judith R .Brazil, Brasilia
Johnson Dolly Ann Morocco, Rabat Jones Adolph W. STATE (0-3) 10 Judy Kerlin 0 .AID (R-4) COMP/FS Kautsky Richard W. Sweden, Stockholm
Johnson Elizabeth M Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Jones Amos G Thailand, Bangkok Judy Robert D ..Viet- Nam, Saigon Kauzlarich Richard D .Ethiopia , Addis Ababa
Johnson Ellen Mck . STATE (S-4) PER Jones Arthur Webb .STATE (R-8) A / SY Jue Stanton ..Korea, Seoul Kavan Helen E.. Canada, Toronto
Johnson Elsie E ACTION ( S-6 ) 10 Jones Barbara P .Turkey. Ankara Juengling Lt Cmdr Robert G Israel , Tel Aviv Kavanagh Lawrence W AID (R-4) MO / LA
Johnson Emma E Australia , Canberra Jones Berenice E USIA (S-5) Juergens Jack W ..Thailand, Bangkok Kawamoto Yukio STATE (RU-4 )CU
Johnson Emmett A Brazil, Recife Jones Betty Jane Jerusalem , Jerusalem Jule Richard A. .Liberia, Monrovia Kay Andrew R Jr Sri Lanka, Colombo
Johnson Ethel L. Venezuela, Caracas Jones Charles A. Senegal, Dakar June Mary Day . STATE (R-8) MED Kaya Albert Mitsuo Haiti, Port-au -Prince
Johnson Evelyn E. USIA (R-8) Jones Charles Jr Viet-Nam, Saigon Jung Elizabeth M. STATE (S- 7) EA Kayoda Henry S Belgium , Brussels
Johnson Fern L Denmark, Copenhagen Jones Charlotte M .Nicaragua, Managua Jung Lucile M STATE (S-3) A /BF Kays Robert E .. Korea, Seoul
Johnson Frances Alic India, New Delhi Jones Christopher GL STATE (0-6) S/S Juni Robert P. Viet-Nam, Saigon Kayyali Talal Musa Greece, Athens
Johnson Frank K. STATE (R- 1 ) MED Jones Clement Don . USIA (10-3) Junior Lewis D Zaire, Lubumbashi Kaznocha Theodore J. .Laos, Vientiane
Johnson George D. Viet Nam, Saigon Jones Clyde Lester. STATE (S-7) ACDA Junk C Patricia STATE (0-3) EUR Kean John H Ghana, Accra
Johnson Gilbert M Zaire. Lubumbashi Jones Curtis F STATE (0-2) INR Juntunen Dorian ) France, Paris Keane John F. .Peru. Lima
Johnson Gregory Lee Japan , Tokyo Jones D Bradley .. Cen. African Rep ., Jurecky John P. Spain, Madrid Keane Thomas Jerry .France, Paris
Johnson Guy C France, Paris Bangui Jurvis Lorin A .USIA (R-3) Keany Mary El Salvador, San
Johnson Harry R .Lesotho, Maseru Jones D Lowell, .Germany, Munich Juul Judith E ..Norway. Oslo Salvador
Johnson Henry A USIA ( R- 7) Jones Dallas Ler STATE (0-1 ) EB Kearney James Colombia, Bogota
Johnson Henry P Panama, Panama Jones David Taylor STATE (0-6) INR Keasbey William P Jr .STATE (0-4) INR
Johnson Herbert H AID (R-3 ) SER/FM Jones Donald E... .Lesotho, Maseru Keathley Jerrell G .Poland, Warsaw
Johnson Homer R Sri Lanka , Colombo Jones Douglas Hugh . Israel, Tel Aviv Keating Kenneth B Israel, Tel Aviv
Johnson Howard P Thailand, Bangkok Jones Douglas M. Bolivia, La Paz Kabaker Ray N .USIA (R-3) Keaton Joseph A. Costa Rica. San Jose
Johnson Ingrid Y ACTION (S-8 ) 10 /LA Jones Edwin F STATE (R-2) INR Kable Charles H III .Chile, Santiago Keck Mary H Viet-Nam, Saigon
Johnson Ira ) Ir. Tanzania, Dar es Jones Ellis O MI.. STATE (0-4) HUD Kachmar George A ..Sweden, Stockholm Keefe John P Viet-Nam, Saigon
Salaam Jones Eugene Franklin STATE (S-3) A /OC Kadera Fred A ..Germany, Frankfurt Keefer Edward C .STATE (R-6) PA
Johnson James F STATE (S-8) 10 Jones Francis C .. ..Korea, Seoul Kadilis John STATE (0-5) Com Dept Keegan Mary Ann STATE (S-5) 10
Johnson James T .China, Taipei Jones Franklin STATE (0-5) A /OPR Kaeuper David H ..Philippines, Manila Keegan Mary T US Mission, Geneva
Keeley Robert V .STATE (0-3) AF Kennedy John E Viet-Nam, Saigon Bangui Klappert Herman E. Thailand , Bangkok
Keenan Laurence Paul .AID (RL-3)COMP/FS Kennedy John N. South Africa, Pretoria Kimura June . ..U.K ., Hong Kong Klasek Viola A. .USIA (S-5 )
Keenan Ltc John J. .U.K., London Kennedy John W .Tunisia, Tunis Kincade David H Thailand. Bangkok Klaus Stephen A. Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa
Keenan Thomas J. Jamaica, Kingston Kennedy Margaret Ob . .USIA (R-7) Kincaid Jack Richard .Germany. Bonn Klebenov Eugene. Colombia. Bogota
Keene Douglas R. ..Pakistan, Karachi Kennedy Marshall J Jr.. .Germany, Frankfurt Kincaid Mary E .. ..Germany, Frankfurt Klecka Ivan T Czechoslovakia, Prague
Keeton Jon W Korea, Seoul Kennedy Moorhead C Jr STATE (0-3) EB Kincaid Nancy E. .USIA (S- 5) Kleckner Kay . .. Tanzania , Dar es
Keeton Russell L Mexico, Guadalajara Kennedy Patrick Francis . STATE (0-8) AF Kindell Florend E .Greece. Athens Salaam
Keeve Jack P „AID (R-2) COMP/FS Kennedy Sheila T... USIA ( S -6 ) Kindice Jon P Thailand. Bangkok Klee Herbert Jr... .Netherlands, The Hague
Keffer Dorothy E AID ( S -6) LA /MRSD Kenner Hilda M Uruguay. Montevideo Kindice Shirley K. „AID ( S- 7) COMP/FS Kleiboeker Jenness Botswana, Gaborone
Kegley Robert A. Viet-Nam, Saigon Kenney David T STATE (0-5 ) INR Kindi Charles L .Nigeria, Kaduna Kleiman Joel. Union of Soviet Socialist
Kehoe Ltc James P ..U.K. , London Kenney George R. STATE (0-3) AF King Frances M .STATE ( S-6 ) EA Republics, Moscow
Keiderling Wallace E USIA (10-4) Kenney John H. .USR /UNESCO, Paris King Alan M India. Bombay Kleiman Kathryn Union of Soviet Socialist
Keil Janine S ..Egypt, Cairo Kennicott Wanda L. .Gabon , Libreville King Anita Ray Morocco, Rabat Republics, Moscow
Keil Rodolfo F .Czechoslovakia, Prague Kennon Lawrence ). India, New Delhi King Barrington Jr .STATE ( 0-3 ) PER Klein David .Germany, Berlin
Keim Mary E Canada, Ottawa Kenny Margaret C Sri Lanka. Colombo King Bayard STATE (0-2) INR Klein Esther Indonesia, Jakarta
Kein Robert .USUN, NY Kent Donald J. .Zaire, Kinshasa King Beatrice ) .Mexico. Ciudad Juarez Klein George US Mission, Geneva
Keiswetter Allen Lee STATE (0-5) EUR Kent Jack H Thailand, Bangkok King Bernard C .USIA (10-4 ) Klein Jacques Paul . STATE (0-6) M/FSI
Keiter Samuel C .Burundi, Bujumbura Kent Linda A ..Thailand, Bangkok King Billie J. Kenya. Nairobi Klein John ..Thailand, Bangkok
Keith Harry ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Kent Robert J. .USIA (R-3) King Carolyn ) . .Haiti, Port-au -Prince Klein Philip A Sudan, Khartoum
Keith Kenton W. Morocco, Rabat Kent Robert W Jr. .STATE (0-3) SCA King Charles M ..India, New Delhi Klein Robert M AID (R-2) AA/PPC
Kekich Mary Ann .Lebanon, Beirut Keogh Dennis W Colombia , Bogota King Col William P ..India, New Delhi Klein Stephen „AID (R-3) Trng Comp
Kelchner William E .Philippines, Manila Keogh Thomas P Jr. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. King Donald R .. STATE (R-2) SCI Kleinkauf Therese Ann .Haiti, Port-au -Prince
Keleher Lt Cdr John A Venezuela, Caracas Keogh William H. .USIA (10-3) King Duane ! .USIA (10-4 ) Kleinsmith Alexander Ethiopia, Asmara
Keller Edward Er .USUN, N.Y. Keough Rosemary .Jamaica, Kingston King Frederick Edward Sri Lanka. Colombo Klemp Kenneth W. .Laos, Vientiane
Keller H Evelyn .Lebanon, Beirut Keough William T STATE ( S- 3) CU Honolulu King Glenn E. .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Klemp Stephen H STATE (0-7) trng
Keller Howard B ..Tunisia, Tunis Kepler Jean M. Yemen Arab Republic, King Gordon D .Pakistan. Lahore Klemstine James A. .STATE (0-4) EA
Keller John M ... ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur San'a King James C ..Cyprus, Nicosia Klieforth Alexander ..Indonesia , Jakarta
Keller Kenneth C Ecuador, Guayaquil Kepler Robert J .. Viet-Nam, Saigon King John F STATE (RU - 2 )S /PRS Klieforth Leslie STATE (0-4) E
Keller Peter R .Chile, Santiago Kepler Robert W Yemen Arab Republic, King John Henry STATE (0-6 ) EUR Kline Donovan W STATE (S-4) A/OC
Keller Samuel A. .Dahomey, Cotonou San'a King John R. Swaziland, Mbabane Kline Harold P Switzerland, Bern
Keller Vicki Sue .Lebanon. Beirut Kerakos Mary Lou STATE ( S-8 ) NEA King Joseph DD STATE (R-2) MED Kline Katherine ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Kelley Frederick T STATE (0-4) EA Kerchen Robert J. .Pakistan, Islamabad King Jr Elton F. ..ACTION (R -4) 10 /AF Kline Robert Eli ..Colombia, Bogota
Kelley James P Greece, Athens Kerkstra PeterJr Cyprus, Nicosia King K Kimberly. .USIA (R -8) Kling John 0 . „AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Kelley John E .. STATE (0-4) POL Kerley Eileen M .. .U.K ., London King Kermit C. ..AID (R -4) COMP /FS Kling Susan M. USIA (R-8)
CINCPAC Kern Christopher 0 .USIA (R-6) King Marguerite Cooper ..Pakistan, Islamabad Klingaman Susan M. ..Germany, Bonn
Kelley Katherine G .Pakistan, Islamabad Kern Eugene 0 .Germany. Munich King Mary E .. ..Kenya, Nairobi Klingelhoefer Col John W .....Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Kelley Mary M. Japan, Tokyo Kern Irwin S Japan, Osaka - Kobe King Philip A .Union of Soviet Socialist Klingenmaier Richard H. STATE (R- 7) SY
Kelley Patrick ) . Japan, Tokyo Kern Ivan Lee .Israel, Tel Aviv Republics, Leningrad Kloch Mary L Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Kelley William .STATE (0-3) S/IG Kerr James E Jr. Colombia, Cali King Raymond A. ..AID (R-3) SER / FM Kloepping Sharon A .. South Africa, Durban
Kelliher Patricia ) . STATE (S-5) AF Kerr John F .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. King Richard F STATE (0-4 ) ARA / LA Klontz Charles E .. STATE (0-1 ) MED
Kelling David N. Saudi Arabia , Jidda Kerrigan William M STATE (0-2) PER King Robert L. Viet-Nam, Saigon Klosson Boris H. STATE (0-1 ) PM
Kelling Roger R Viet-Nam . Danang Kerst Kenneth A STATE (RU -2 )INR King Ronald A. USIA (R-8) Klotzbach Lester W. Korea, Seoul
Kellogg David L. Belgium , Brussels Kert Lewis A. .Germany, Frankfurt King Roy A. Viet-Nam, Saigon Kludt James B. STATE (R- 1 ) MED
Kellogg Francis L STATE (R- 1 ) S/R Kertley Mary Etta ACTION (S-8) 10 / AF King Russell Frank ...Norway. Oslo Knauer Doris C. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Kellogg Marion L Viet -Nam Saigon Kervin Paul D .USIA (R-8) King Samuel L. .STATE (R-2) PER Knauf Kenneth W STATE (0-2) A/SY
Kelloge Theodore E. Denmark, Copenhagen Keskinen Viola M. .Peru, Lima King Spencer M. ..Guyana, Georgetown Knaus John K Japan, Tokyo
Kelly Anne C. .USIA (S-3) Kesler John L. Viet-Nam, Saigon King Stephen H ..Zaire, Kinshasa Knaus William A .. .USIA (S-6)
Kelly David B. Union of Soviet Socialist Kessler David B Md . STATE (R-2) MED King Travis A. AID (R-3) IT / P Kneebone Terrence H. Peru, Lima
Republics. Moscow Kessler Earl A II . Sierra Leone, Freetown King Wayne ). ..Kenya, Nairobi Knepper William E. STATE (0-3) ARA /LA
Kelly Donald A Greece. Athens Kessler Judd L .Chile, Santiago King Willis D Iran, Tehran Knerr Cdr Donald 0 ..Liberia,Monrovia
Kelly Edmund H. STATE (0-5) EA Ketonen Robert W. Denmark, Copenhagen King Yvonne M ..ACTION ( S-6 ) 10 Sierra Leone, Freetown
Kelly Edmund W STATE (S-6) M/FSI Kettenhoten George B Japan, Naha. Japan KingeryMichael ..India, New Delhi Ghana, Accra
Kelly Frank P .Lebanon, Beirut Key Cpt Harry N Jr .U.K., London Kingsbury D Louise .USIA (R-7) Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Kelly Gary Kent. Greece, Athens Key Dolores Elizabeth ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Kingsbury Larry D. .Laos, Vientiane Knickerbocker James FJr ....Jamaica , Kingston
Kelly George Lockwood ..Germany. Dusseldorf Key Lt Col SpencerA. .Haiti. Port-au - Prince Kingsbury William F. STATE (0-5) PER Knickmeyer Robert H. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires
Kelly Giles Merrill .USNATO, Brussels Jamaica. Kingston Kingsley Carolyn E Jamaica, Kingston Knieps Karlene G ... STATE (S-7 ) S/S
Kelly James M .Zaire, Kinshasa Key Richard M. Poland, Warsaw Kingsley Nathan . .USIA (R-2) Knight Donald R .. ..Nigeria, Lagos
Kelly Joan M USIA (S-6) Keyes Charmaine V .Nigeria, Lagos Kingsley Wesley . .Burma. Rangoon Knight George E ..Australia, Melbourne
Kelly John H. STATE (0-5) PM Keyes James D ..AID (R-3) COMP /FS Kinkade Glenn J Jr ..Liberia, Monrovia Knight Margaret E ..Peru, Lima
Kelly John L Jr. .Zambia, Lusaka Keys Jean E. Canada, Ottawa Kinkade Jacque D. ..Germany, Frankfurt KnightMelvin C Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Kelly Kathleen A Zaire, Kinshasa Keyser Donald Willis . STATE (0-7) INR Kinkennon Alvin G Greece, Athens Knight William El STATE (0-1 ) S/IG
Kelly Kevin .Laos, Vientiane Kiandoli Luana C STATE ( S-6) MED Kinnell Roberta L ..Belgium , Brussels Knipper Paul). ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Kelly Lt Cdr Harold I .U.K. , London Kibble Stepney C .USIA (10-3) Kinnelly Francis M. STATE (0-4) EUR Knoll Lois E .Chile, Santiago
Kelly Lynus D JE .AID (RL-5)SER/CM Kibel Richard E. Singapore, Singapore Kinney Douglas S ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Knopes Robert E. .U.K. , Hong Kong
Kelly Paul E. ..Afghanistan , Kabul Kidd Pauline W. .ACTION (R -5) 10 Kinney Eleanor A. ..Turkey. Ankara Knopp Virginia S AID (S-5) ARA -LA
Kelly Ronald ) Thailand, Bangkok Kidd Robert .Laos, Vientiane Kinney Maureen B ..Thailand, Bangkok Knott M Lea .... AID (R-4) L /LPCS
Kelly Sean Kennedy .USIA ( 0-3) Kidwell William A Turkey. Ankara Kinsel Charles R ..Philippines, Manila Knowlan Charles J. Brazil, Brasilia
Kelly Sheppard Warner STATE (R-8) A /SY Kietner Janet C. .STATE (S -5) INR Kinsey Ina Jean Viet Nam . Saigon Knowles John F. STATE (0-3) EA
Kelly William B. Canada, Winnipeg Kiehl William P .Yugoslavia. Zagreb Kinsley Steven C .AID (RL-5 )SER /COM Knowles Richard E ..Finland, Helsinki
Kelly William CJE .STATE (0-6) M/FSI Kienzle Don Roland .Germany. Berlin Kinsolving Lucien L. Viet-Nam. Saigon Knowles Wendell P Viet-Nam , Can Tho
Kelly William M Thailand, Bangkok Kilarny Mary P. STATE ( S- 3) PER Kinter George L .. Kenya, Nairobi Knox Margaret L USIA (S- 9)
Kelly William P STATE (0-5) ARA/ LA Kilday Lowell C. STATE (0-3) WarColl Kintner William R. Thailand. Bangkok Knutson Leroy Philippines, Manila
Kelsey John W. India, New Delhi Trng Kinzer George C .. .Czechoslovakia, Prague Kobayashi Tadao. ..Japan , Tokyo
Kemery Raymond F. .STATE (R-5) M/FSI Kile Robert L .Gabon , Libreville Kirby Alice L. STATE ( S -6 ) M Kobler Arthur L .. ..Viet-Nam, Saigon
Kemler Frank .AID (R-3) AG/AUD Kiley James E .STATE (0-3) SCA Kirby Elizabeth ) . .STATE ( S -4) Bicent Com Kobliska Jayne K STATE (S-6) CU
Kemp David Ira STATE (0-6) ARA/ LA Kilgas Bertha M Sudan, Khartoum Kirby Harmon E STATE (0-4) NEA Koch Bruce R ..Germany. Bonn
Kemp David L. .USIA ( S -3) Kilgore Gerald ) . STATE (R-7) SY Kirby Marie T. .Ghana, Accra Koch Kenneth D. .New Zealand,
Kemp Henry W. .Lebanon , Beirut Kilgore Gloria ) . STATE (S -6) S Kirby Richard N. .Sweden, Stockholm Wellington
Kemo Katherine Lee STATE (0-3) AF Kilgore John D Guatemala, Guatemala Kirby William Adr ..Israel, Tel Aviv Koch Nancy S. .Bahamas, Nassau
Kemp Robert G. .Denmark, Copenhagen Kilgour Mary C ..AID (R-4) COMP /FS Kirchwehm Howard E ..India, New Delhi Kochanek Anthony S. .US Mission , Geneva
Kemp Tyrone W. ..Argentina,Buenos Aires Killea William D .Iran. Tehran Kirk Gloria C. ..Nigeria, Lagos Kocher James .... South Africa,
Kempe Edson W STATE (0-3) EB Killeen Edward ). USIA (R-5) Kirk James H. Johannesburg
.STATE (S-5) A /BF ..Nigeria, Lagos
Kempel Dolores C Killeen Thomas B Bolivia, La Paz Kirk Lucia V. ..India, New Delhi Kocher Wilma l AID ( S-6) COMP/FS
Kemper Joseph M .Kenya, Nairobi Killgore Andrew 1 . .Bahrain, Manama Kirk Northrop H STATE (0-2) INR Kockler Norbert F. ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Kemper Patricia P STATE (0-4) A /OPR Killham Edward Denmark , Copenhagen Kirk Roger ..Somalia, Mogadiscio Koegel Lawrence. STATE (0-3) SCA
Kendall Harry H. USIA (10-3) Killion Dalton V .STATE (0-4 ) INR Kirkley Sidney E. ..Laos, Vientiane Koehnen Lawrence ) . ..Philippines, Manila
Kendrick Joseph II .STATE (0-3) PM Killoran Thomas F .Colombia . Bogota Kirkpatrick Brian S. ..Thailand. Bangkok Koehnke James F. ...Colombia, Bogota
Kenefick Francis ) „AID (R-3) ASIA / CD Killough T Patrick. .STATE ( 0-4) Com Dept Kirkpatrick Ronald K ..Mexico, Mazatlan Koehring John W. Cameroon, Yaounde
Kenley Tyrone . .Zaire, Kinshasa Kilpatrick Richard N. ..Indonesia, Medan Kirsch Shirley F ..AID (S -5) COMP /FS Koenig Albert .AID (R-2) SER /FM
Kennedy Bowen K .. ..Turkey. Ankara Kim Edward Sc. ..AID (R-3) SER /ENGR Kiselyak Charles A. Germany. Bonn Koenig Anne M. ..Australia, Canberra
Kennedy Charles A .Dom . Rep., Santo Kim Eva S Viet-Nam, Saigon Kiss Sandor .. .USIA (R-5) Koenig Ernest ... ..USEC, Brussels
Domingo Kim James .Zaire. Kinshasa Kitchell Raymond E ..AID (R-2) AASTA Koenig Philomena ..ACTION (R - 7) 10 /AF
Kennedy Charles S Jr. ..Greece, Athens Kimball Frank B ..AID (R- 1 ) PPC /DF Kitchen Robert W .USUN, N.Y. Koffman Boyd S STATE ( S- 1) A /OC
Kennedy Daniel M USIA (10-3) Kimball John C. .STATE (RU - 3)PA Kitchen Robert W Jr. ..USUN, N.Y. Koga Lindy M Viet-Nam, Saigon
Kennedy Donald J. Indonesia, Jakarta Kimball John W STATE ( 0-4) 10 Kitchen Robert Jr „AID (R- 1) COMP /FS Kogan Col Rudolf W Singapore, Singapore
Kennedy Donald N. ..Germany. Bonn Kimball John W .Liberia, Monrovia Kivimae Ain Herzog . ..AID (RL-4)PHA /POP Kogen David .. .Niger, Niamey
Kennedy Edwin P Jr .USIA (10-3) Kimball Robert H. .STATE ( S-7) AVOC Kiyonaga Joseph Y. .Panama, Panama Kohan Maurice D. .AID (R-2) PHA/PVC
Kennedy G Alfred .Italy, Rome Kimble Melinda L ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Kjellmark Charlotte A. Tanzania, Dar es Kohl Walter A. ..Greece. Athens
Kennedy Janiter 1 ..U.K ., London Kimmins Joe D .Cen . African Rep .. Salaam Kohlenbush William E Jr......Germany,Bonn
FEBRUARY 1974 67
Kohn Raymond Frank Lawrence loron E
Kohn Raymond Frank STATE (RU - 3)10 Krepchin Joshua H USIA (R-2) La Salle C W li ... .Romania ,Bucharest Lane Robert B. STATE (0-5) ARA /LA
Kohn Robert Allan Mexico , Mexico, D.F. Kresse Thomas Robert ..Philippines, Manila La Tempa Lena ..USIA (R-5) Lane Warren E. VietNam, Saigon
Kolar Hjalmar P. Jamaica, Kingston Kreuser Edward .. ..Mexico, Monterrey Laase Paul ..Italy, Rome Lane Willson Gr. ..Laos, Vientiane
Kolesnik James C Iran, Tehran Kreutzer Bruce ) . ..Turkey. Ankara Laatsch Allwyn A. STATE ( S-4) AVOC Lang Archie S... ..China, Taipei
Kollodge Donald G. Viet-Nam, Saigon Kreutzer Fritz M. .USIA ( S- 4) Labat Victor )..... Senegal, Dakar Langan Douglas. ..Turkey. Istanbul
Kolosiuk Wasyl. ..USIA (R-7) Kreutzer Walter E AID (R-3) OPS Labombard Girard ) VietNam, Nha Trang Lange Howard H. .STATE (0-5) EA
Kolt Cpt George . Union of Soviet Socialist Kriebel PWesley STATE (0-3) EA Labowitz Allan M ..USM / IAEA, Vienna Langford Patricia Ann ..Panama, Panama
Republics, Moscow Krieg Norbert ) ..STATE (0-3) SCA Labrie Damon Victor .STATE (R-7) EB Langham George D ..Turkey, Istanbul
Komai Ray. USIA (R-3) Kriegel Richard C ..Philippines, Manila Labrie Norman C. ..Ecuador, Quito Langhaug David Burton ..France, Paris
Komitor Ja S .Canada , Vancouver Krieger George J Jr. .STATE ( S - 1) ARAILA Labruzza Louis P Guatemala , Guatemala Langhorst Jean R. .Kenya, Nairobi
Konicki Alice B .Argentina, Buenos Aires Krieger Henry N. .USIA (R-3) Lacerte Paul H. ..Zaire. Kinshasa Langley Grace E. ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Konkol Genevieve M Mexico, Monterrey Kriendler John PR ..Colombia. Bogota Lacey David C Jr. ..Germany. Stuttgart Langlois Dorothy N. AID ( S -4) COMP /FS
Konner C Michael . .POLADS, CINCEUR Krier Mary ) . ..Iceland, Reykjavik Lacey John A ..Burma, Rangoon Langlois Joseph Llii .. ..VietNam, Bien Hoa
( Stuttgart) ..India, New Delhi
Kriesel Maj Melvin E Jr. Lackey Alvin S ..Kenya, Nairobi Lanham Charles E Indonesia, Jakarta
Konnersman Katherine ... .Bolivia, La Paz Kristofovich Eugene . USIA (R.7) Lacy Henry P ..ACTION (R -6) Lanham Robert F ..AID (RL-3 )ARA-LAPAN
Konopik Marvin Andrew France, Paris Kristula Michael A.. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. 10 /NAN /EAP Lanier Verle E .. Indonesia, Jakarta
Konya Charles J. Israel, Tel Aviv Krizay John. STATE (0-2) EB Ladd Jonathan F STATE (R-2) PM Lanigan Robert M Viet-Nam, Nha Trang
Koob Kathryn L .USIA (10-5) Krizek Eugene L. STATE (RU - 1) H Ladenburg Arthur T. Peru, Lima Lanius Paul Baxter Jr. Italy, Turin
Koon Karen L. .Finland, Helsinki Kroese Evelyn K. Turkey, Istanbul Laemmerzahl Arthur ). ..Greece, Athens Lannes Evelyn M. Viet- Nam, Saigon
Koone Carl D Nicaragua, Managua Krohn Henry C ..Greece, Athens Lafalce Carmelo P. ..AID (R-3) MO /SA Lannon James Woodward ....STATE ( S-4) A/SY
Koone Harold D .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Kroll Theodore P Belgium. Brussels Lafauci Barbara E. ..Italy, Rome Lannon John M .. .Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Koop Robert W. ..Brazil, Brasilia Kromhout Margaret STATE (R-8) trng Lafleur James R. Brazil, Brasilia Lanpher Edward Gibson . STATE (0-5) PER
Koorkanian George D. ..STATE (S-4) A /OC Kropp Margaret H. .Denmark, Copenhagen Lafleur Jerome M. .STATE ( S-4) AVOC Lenphier Vernard A. STATE (0-4) CU
Kopt John A. Viet Nam, Saigon Krowitz Edward AID (R-4) SA /VN Lafollette Evan P. Viet-Nam, Saigon Lantagne Maureen S .India , New Delhi
Kopf Kenneth Viet-Nam , Saigon Krsiean Leroy C .Greece. Athens Lafontant Jewel C STATE ( ) CU Lantz Georgia M. Viet-Nam , Can Tho
Kopf Terry .Bulgaria, Sofia Krug William A Jr. STATE (0-6) EA Latoy Vara C Hall ..Guatemala , Guatemala Lantz Rush D .Dom . Rep., Santo
Koplowitz Wilfred D Brazil, Brasilia Kruger Brenda Lee Burma, Rangoon Latoy Vara Lee ..Paraguay. Asuncion Domingo
Kopp Alice E. USIA (S-3) Kruger Mary Anne. .USIA (R - 8) Lagamma Robert R ..Italy. Milan Lanum John B Zambia, Lusaka
Kopp Harry .Poland, Warsaw Krulish Ramona E AID ( S- 5) COMP / FS Lagasse Henry A ..Canada , Montreal Lanza Anthony R Afghanistan, Kabul
Kopperman Diane ) ..Japan, Tokyo Krumviede Dale M .Austria, Vienna Lage Alice M .Nigeria, Lagos Laplante Robert .Germany, Frankfurt
Korcak Jerome M .Austria, Vienna Krupa Maj Stephen A Je Brazil, Brasilia Lagoda Carl P .USIA (R-3) Lapoint Irving F. ..AID (R -5) COMP/FS
Korchak Vladimir M. USIA (R-4) Kruse Donald A STATE (0-4 ) EUR Lahaie Roger W. .Germany. Frankfurt Lara Ishmael .. .Ecuador, Quito
Kordek John F. USEC, Brussels Kruse Thomas R Pakistan, Lahore Lahey Charles J. Philippines, Cebu Large Ronald K .Dom . Rep., Santo
Korengold Robert USIA (R-3) Krusekopf Paul C .Laos, Vientiane Lahiguera Charles E Viet-Nam, Can Tho Domingo
Korenthal Esther Germany. Berlin Krussell V Jean . STATE ( S -6) 10 Laine Peter ) USIA ( R - 4) Larkin James L. South Africa, Pretoria
Koritko Andrew William STATE (R-6) A /SY Krys Sheldon Jack STATE (0-3) PER Laingen Lowell B. STATE (0-1) NEA Larocca Francis P USIA (R-5)
Kormann John Godlove Germany, Munich Kryza E Gregory . STATE (0-2) S /IG Laird Sara M. ..STATE ( S- 7) AVOC Larocca John E. AID (R-3) SER /FM
Korn David Adolph STATE (0-3) NEA Kubek Frank J.. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Laise Carol C STATE (CM ) P Larocco Antoinette M .USM /ICAO, Montreal
Korn Thomas A Netherlands, The Hague Kubic Frank T. STATE (R-3) SCA Lajoie Ltc Roland Union of Soviet Socialist Larocco James A STATE (0-7) trng
Kornblum John C STATE (0-5) S/PC Kubisch Jack B. STATE (CM ) ARA /LA Republics, Moscow Larre Cynthia Frances. Singapore, Singapore
Kornfeld Leonard Colombia, Bogota Kuchel Roland Karl .STATE (0-4 ) INR Lakas Nicholas S STATE (0-2) EB Larrieu Duane P Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Korpal Adrian .. .Bulgaria, Sofia Kuest Frank H. .USIA (R-3) Lake Henry F ..Tunisia, Tunis Larsen Gary . STATE ( 0-3) trong
Korvela Claude W. STATE (S-1) AF Kugatow Michael M. .USIA (R -6) Lake Joseph Edward. .China, Taipei Larsen Paul B STATE (0.7) ting
Kosakoff David .USIA (R-3) Kugler Harold L .AID (R-2) AFR /ESA Lake Oscar 0. USIA (R-7) Larson Alan P Sierra Leone, Freetown
Koscinski Joseph S STATE (R-6) A /OPR Kuhl Jerome M. .Netherlands, The Hague Lakus lona ). STATE ( R -6) MED Larson Dale H .Bolivia, La Paz
Kosco Maj William G Israel, Tel Aviv Kuhla Bernard C ..Pakistan, Islamabad Lamacchia Lillian A. .USIA (R-3) Larson Denton E. Thailand, Bangkok
Koshelett Bruno A AID (R-4) Trng Comp Kuhn Ernest C. .Laos, Vientiane Lamantia Russell August Jr Italy. Rome Larson Donn Leslie. STATE ( R -4 ) IGA
Kosheleff Mary ) STATE (R.7) trng Kuhn Louis H. Indonesia, Jakarta Lamar Jeanne F. Mexico, Monterrey Larson Harry L de .U.K ., London
Koski Leslie C Laos, Vientiane Kuhr Bonnie Mae . Germany. Bonn Lamar John D ..Morocco, Tangier Larson Joan . Chile, Santiago
Kosko Louise A Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Kujubu Lawrence S Japan, Tokyo Lamb Anthony B. Poland. Warsaw Larson Terry A Philippines, Manila
Kost Barbara ) .Austria, Vienna Kulesza Magdalene C ..STATE (R -6) A /OPR Lamb Denis... STATE ( 0-3) O /ISO Larson Verne L Germany. Berlin
Kostamo Paul M Viet-Nam, Saigon Kulick Gilbert D STATE ( 0-5) SCI Lamb Murray E. Thailand, Bangkok Larson Willia C. Philippines, Manila
Kosters Hessel E AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS Kully Cpt Sheldon D .China, Taipei Lamb Robert E. Thailand, Bangkok Larson William K .Kenya, Nairobi
Kostiw Michael V. STATE (R- 7) EUR Kulyk Ada ...... .USIA (R-5) Lamb Thomas W Viet- Nam, Bien Hoa Lartz John F Jr .Philippines, Manila
Kostrab June A Austria, Vienna Kummer Adelaide. ..USIA (R-3) Lambacher Terry ..AID (R-5) AFR /CWR Larue Marilyn A Australia, Canberra
Kott Robert STATE (0-6) M/FSI Kumorek Martin P Afghanistan, Kabul Lambert David H. .USIA (10-5) Laser Lawrence C. .Brazil, Brasilia
Kotula Kirk-Patrick STATE (S-6) S / S Kuniholm Thor H „Mali, Bamako Lambert Francis X. Brazil, Sao Paulo Laskaris Anne P .Korea, Seoul
Koury Marian L. Iran . Tehran Kuniyuki Yukio A DI USIA (R-5) Lambert Larry R ..Luxembourg , Laskowski Gilbert I. USIA (10-4)
Kovach Eugene G USNATO. Brussels Kunkel John R .Nepal, Kathmandu Luxembourg Lasor Frederick EV .Cameroon, Douala
Kovach Joseph W. AID (R-3 ) IT/TS Kunsman Frank T. .Zaire, Kisangani Lambert Lynne Foldessy ....STATE (0-6) ting Lasser Gregory P USIA (S -9)
Kovach Marjorie S .Pakistan, Lahore Kuntz P Diane .Peru, Lima Lambertson David F.. STATE (0-4) EA Lassiter Alice R. ACTION (R -6) 10
Kovner Milton . STATE (0-2) EUR Kunzig Louis Albert Jr...USNATO, Brussels Lamberty Gerald .Dom . Rep., Santo Lassiter James H. Canada, Montreal
Kowalyszyn Luba S. USIA (R- 7) Kuprevicz Olga .. Japan, Tokyo Domingo Lassiter Otha N. USIA (S- 3)
Kozak Larry Joseph Saudi Arabia, Jidda Kurakane David USIA (S -8) Lambrakis GB .U.K ., London Lateef Victor Nigeria, Lagos
Kozlowski Joseph ) Burma, Rangoon Kurland Bert Viet-Nam, Saigon Lammerding Nancy T ..STATE (R-5) A /CPR Latham Ernest H I ..USIA ( 10-4)
Kozuch Frank Viet- Nam. Saigon Kursch Donald B .Hungary, Budapest Lamont James W. STATE (0-4) M /FSI Latham G Franklin ..Nicaragua, Managua
Kraatz Dieter H. France, Paris Kurthy Eva .USIA (R-5) Lamontagne Edward I r .....Liberia, Monrovia Lathram L Wade . STATE (0-1) S/IG
Kraft Walter Fr .Argentina, Buenos Aires Kurtz Bryan . .ACTION (R -5) 10 Lamoureux David C ... .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Latimer Capt David M. Zaire, Kinshasa
Kraichman Samuel Viet-Nam, Saigon Kurtz John L AID (R -4 ) AG / AUD Lampe Herbert R. .STATE (R-3) A /SY Burundi, Bujumbura
Krakauer Max F Viet-Nam , Saigon Kurtzman Leon 1 ..Nicaragua, Managua Lampel Arden .......... ..ACTION (R.5 ) Rwanda, Kigali
Kramer Alfred S. Viet- Nam. Saigon Kurze Kenneth A. STATE (0-4) S / S 10 /NAN /EAP Latimer Cecelia A .. .U.K. , Hamilton
Kramer John Stephen . .Paraguay, Asuncion Kushinsky Martin .Dom . Rep., Santo Lampert Harvey David. ..Nigeria, Lagos Latrash Frederick W .Bolivia, La Paz
Kramer Lloyd .Philippines, Manila Domingo Lancaster Bruce M. .STATE (0-2) HEW Latta Merron L .Germany, Berlin
Kramer Wilford J. .USIA (10-2) Kushlis Patricia H. .Thailand. Bangkok Landa Ronald D STATE (R -6) PA Lattanzi A Frank .. .Nigeria, Ibadan
Kramish Arnold USOECD, Paris Kushlis William J. Thailand, Bangkok Landau George W. ..Paraguay, Asuncion Latzko Frances C. .Ghana , Accra
Kranker Richard L. Laos, Vientiane Kushner Walter .Liberia, Monrovia Landberg James S. STATE (0-4) ARALA Lau Milton W .Costa Rica, San Jose
Kranz Jonathan Elliot. Bolivia, La Paz Kusrow Carl Bruce ..Germany, Frankfurt Lande Peter W. ..India, New Delhi Lauberts Alexander ..USIA (R-5)
Krashevski Stefan H. „AID (R-3) TA / RUR Kuta Sylvia T ... STATE (R-8) MED Lande Stephen L .US Mission , Geneva Laubis Robert E. .AID (R-3) LA /DR
Krason William S.. Zaire, Kinshasa Kutsmeda John E .Netherlands, The Hague Landeau Elizabeth N. Viet-Nam, Saigon Laubsch Egon P. .Germany, Frankfurt
Kratka Bruce H. ..ACTION (R -4) Kuttner Sol.. .USUN, N.Y. Landers Frank M. .AID (R-2) COMP/ FS Laudato George A.. ..AID (R-5) ASIA /NE
10 /NAN /EAP Kux Dennis H. STATE (0-3) NEA Landers Richard K Germany. Dusseldorf Lauderdale Clint A .Germany. Bonn
Kratzer Myron B. Japan, Tokyo Kuzulis Karlis. .USIA (R-5) Landtair William E STATE (0-4 ) PER Lauer Thomas STATE (R -6) M / FSI
Kraus James D .AID (R-3) AFR /NAR Kwiatkowski Carl .Bangladesh, Dacca Landfield Sherwin .. „AID (R-3) TA /PM Laun Alfred A lii Argentina, Buenos Aires
Kraus Max W US Mission, Geneva Kwiatkowski John E. Bahamas, Nassau Landgrebe Linda K. .STATE ( S-7) PA Laurello Ralph Fr .Zaire, Kinshasa
Krause Ada E AID ( S-5) AA / AFR Kwiatkowski Richard C ..Belgium , Brussels Landgren Raymond H. „ AID (R-3) OPS Laurich Mary K. .AID (S- 4) SER / PM
Krause H Alan Korea, Seoul Kyle Jerry E ..... ..Indonesia, Jakarta Landi Anthony M .USIA (R-3) Laurion Claire R. Barbados, Bridgetown
Krause Mildred . .Germany, Bonn Kyle Joseph B. ..China, Taipei Landis Marlene M .US Mission, Geneva Laursen Clyde C. .Korea. Seoul
Krauss William Kart .Germany, Frankfurt Kyriazis Catherine P. .STATE (R-7) AF Landreth Robert E. Uruguay. Montevideo Lautz Donald C .Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Krawciw George B USIA (R- 7) Kyte Clarence Ojr . Singapore, Singapore Landry Amedee S .Bolivia, La Paz Lavery M Kathleen „Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Krebs Mar V Argentina, Buenos Aires Landry Robert W. .Afghanistan, Kabul Lavigne Beverly A. .Panama, Panama
Krebs Sheldon .... STATE (0-5) 10 Lane Edward H... .China, Taipei Lavin Bernard ) .. .USIA ( 10-2)
Krecke David K. Thailand, Bangkok Lane George H. .STATE (0-4) 10 Lavorel Warren A. ..Luxembourg,
Krehbiel Albert D. .Netherlands, Rotterdam Lane George M STATE (0-3) AF Luxembourg
Krehbiel V John .Finland, Helsinki La Bree Melvin C. Guinea, Conakry Lane Gordon H STATE ( S- 4) NOC Lawandy Mishreky A...... .USIA (R-5)
Kreis Peter M. Costa Rica, San Jose La Fleur Christopher .STATE ( 0-8) trng Lane Howard A. .USIA ( 10-4 ) Lawler Dan C .USIA (R-2)
Kreisberg Donald .Netherlands, Curacao La Franchi Daniel Michael ..STATE (R -8) N /SY Lane Larry E. „STATE (0-3) SCA Lawler James N. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Kreisberg Paul H India, New Delhi La Mazza John J. .Bolivia, La Paz Lane Leonard W ..Indonesia ,Jakarta Lawless Richard PT Singapore, Singapore
Krell Franz E. Philippines, Cebu La Mee Wilma ..Norway. Oslo Lane Lyle F. ..Costa Rica, San Jose Lawrence Edward W. .US Mission , Geneva
Krene Joseph I. .USIA (10-2) La Rue Robert D Japan. Naha, Japan Lane Richard ..India , New Delhi Lawrence Loren E. STATE (0-2) M /FSI
Lovent Frances M Marsden Willard Ernest Jr
Lovett Frances M. .France, Paris Lynn Peter J. STATE ( 0-7) trng Magal Ivan V. .STATE (R-2) MED Manhard Philip W STATE (0-2) M /FSI
Loving David W Zaire, Bukavu Lyon David L .STATE ( R -8) trng Magana Guadalupe T.. ..Upper Volta , Manheim Louis S STATE (S - 1) A /OC
Low Stephen STATE (0-2) ARA/LA Lyons Michael K. STATE (0-6) M /FSI Ouagadougou Manion John E .. STATE (RU -3) A/BF
Lowdermilk William F. Viet-Nam , Saigon Lyons Roger A .USIA (R-3) Magarian Vatchik .USIA (R -6) Manley Madeline M AID ( S -6 ) AA / PHA
Lowe David D .Ethiopia. Addis Ababa Lyons Thomas Cor ..Nigeria, Lagos Magditz Louis STATE (R-7) A /OPR Manley Patricia Fern Germany. Bonn
Lowe Gabriel Argentina, Buenos Aires Lyvers Francis K .AID (R-4) Trng Comp Magee Dorothy L. STATE (0-5 ) PER Mann Charles A .Laos, Vientiane
Lowe Richard S ..Zaire. Kinshasa Magee Charles M USIA (10-3) Mann Charles K ..Turkey, Ankara
Lowell Frank W. .Portugal, Lisbon Magee Charles T. STATE (0-4) EUR Mann Col Clarence C Jordan, Amman
Lowell Frederick H. Viet-Nam . Saigon Magee James ) . Korea, Seoul Mann Dolores .. Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa
Lowengrube Bette Willner ...Mexico ,Mexico, D.F. Magee Robert W. ..U.K., Hong Kong Mann Everett James . STATE (R-3) S/IG
Lowenstein Linda AID (RL-4 )ASIA /NE Ma David H .. Burma, Rangoon Magee William F Viet-Nam, Saigon Mann Frank A. .Paraguay. Asuncion
Lowman Shepard C. .Philippines, Manila Mabbatt Frederic S .USIA (10-3) Magers Ervin D ..India, New Delhi Mann George S. ..Kenya, Nairobi
Lowrey Francis Willi .Korea, Seoul Mabon David W ... STATE (RU -5 )PA Maggio Sam LG STATE (R-4) A /OPR Mann Helen M. .Denmark, Copenhagen
Lowrie Arthur L.. Iraq, Baghdad (U.S. Mabry Donald C. ..Philippines, Manila Maggiore Mary Jane .Germany, Munich Mann Richard S ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Interests Section. Macalka Julia A .... ACTION ( S-7 ) 10 Magill John H Jr. Ecuador, Quito Mann Robert J. .Guatemala, Guatemala
Belgian Embass Macarthur Archibald G. Morocco, Rabat Maglioni Bg Ralph ) Viet-Nam, Saigon Mann William Jr AID (R -3) LA / DR
Lowrie Nancy ) Iraq, Baghdad (U.S. Macary Louis F .. ..AID (R-4) LA /CAR Magmer Kathleen A. .Finland, Helsinki Manniello John L Italy, Rome
Interests Section, Macdonald Alaster Turkey, Ankara Magnor James B Jr Turkey. Ankara Manning Arthur L Japan. Naha, Japan
Belgian Embass Macdonald Charles R .. Germany. Bonn Magruder Warren STATE ( R -4) EA Manning Maj Frank M ..Israel, Tel Aviv
LoConte Fortunata M STATE (S-6) PPT Macdonald Francis C .Guatemala, Guatemala Maguire Edward STATE ( 0-4 ) AF Manopoli John F. AID (R- 1 ) OPS
Lubar John Victor Canada, St. John's Macdonald Frank J. ..AID (R-3) SER / FM Mahan James B .USIA (R-4) Manquero Ramon . USIA ( R -6)
Lubensky Earl H STATE (0-2) Unix Trng Macdonald James B. .Bolivia, La Paz Mahan L Blair Tunisia, Tunis Manrique Carmen Varela STATE ( S-8) PPT
Lubkeman Walter H. Spain , Madrid Macdonald Joan M USIA (S-6) Mahan Val R Viet-Nam, Saigon Mansavage Gary T. .Bangladesh , Dacca
Lucas Cecelia STATE (S-4) S /GOV Macdonald John W Tunisia, Tunis Maher Catherine C. Viet-Nam, Saigon Mansfield Donald C STATE (R-2) A /OPR
Lucas David W Iran, Tehran Macdonald Margaret E. Germany, Berlin Maher JamesOd ..Tunisia, Tunis Mansfield Gladys M .Nigeria, Lagos
Lucas John K. USIA (R- 5) Macdonald Robert W. .STATE (R-3) CU Maher Peter S Ghana, Accra Mansfield John Kenneth STATE (R- 1 ) SCI
Lucas Robert T. .China, Peking (U.S. Macdonald Roderick F. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Maher Thomas D South Africa, Pretoria Mansfield Robert N STATE (S-6) A /OC
Liaison Office) Macdonald Stewart W. Pakistan, Karachi Mahler Karl L ..AID (R-3) COMP /FS Mansfield William H lii . STATE (0-3) EPA
Luchesa Richard H. Italy. Naples Macdougall John D. Cyprus, Nicosia Mahoney Haynes R. .Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Manson Maureen M. India, New Delhi
Luchs Lewis R. ..Singapore, Singapore Mace Howard P .Turkey, Istanbul Mahoney Mary ). .France, Paris Manthorpe Cdr Wm H I J .....Union of Soviet Socialist
Lucius Hallock R Tanzania, Dar es Macfarlane Lewis R Tanzania, Zanzibar Mahoney Michael M Trin & Tobago, Port-of Republics, Moscow
Salaam Machmer Frederick E Jr. Tanzania, Dar es Spain Mantilla Nestor USIA (R-6)
Luckett Charles Er Canada, Toronto Salaam Mahoney Richard M .India, New Delhi Manuel John D .STATE (S-6) A /OC
Luckett Marguerite 0 .Canada, Toronto Macias Arturo S. ..U.K ., Edinburgh Maiers John D STATE (0-7) EB Manuel Tom .Australia, Adelaide
Lucy Michael S. STATE (0-7) EB Macias Pedro A .. Chile, Santiago Maimone Diane Angela ..Iran, Tehran Manville Harrington Canada, Montreal
Ludlow James M. STATE (RU -2 )PA Macintosh Maj Robert M Jr.,Honduras, Tegucigalpa Main Ronald L... ..Iraq, Baghdad (U.S. Manz Hans J ... Viet-Nam , Saigon
Ludwig Carol E. USIA (10-6) U.K. , Belize City, Belize Interests Section , Manzano Maria R. .STATE (S-5) MED
Ludwig Otto H Viet-Nam, Saigon Guatemala, Guatemala Belgian Embass Mara Julian USIA (R-5)
Luebke Lois L Canada, Ottawa El Salvador, San Maine Margaret F. .El Salvador, San Marasciulo Edward Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Luebke Paul T STATE (R-2) A /OS Salvador Salvador Marasco Gloria P. STATE (S-6) M
Luecke Kenneth W Italy, Rome Nicaragua, Managua Mainland Edward A. .Romania, Bucharest Marble Eugene S. AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Luers William H. STATE (0-2) S/S Costa Rica, San Jose Maiolo Fortunato Guatemala, Guatemala Marburg Jean H. STATE (R-3) INR
Lufkin Shirley H. .Pakistan , Islamabad Macis Margaret A. .Nepal, Kathmandu Maiori Rachel M .USIA ( R -4) Marchany Mary E STATE (R-7) M /FSI
Lujan B Jerry . .Chile, Santiago Mack David L ..... STATE (0-4 ) AF Maisel Jay Max.. .USIA ( S- 3) Marcian Norbert F USIA ( S- 1)
Lujan Gladys K. .Chile, Santiago Mack Evelyn Marie .Netherlands, The Hague Maison Raymond C Belgium, Brussels Marcinko Lt Cdr Richard Khmer Republic , Phnom
Luken William C ..Laos, Vientiane Mack James F Costa Rica, San Jose Maisto John F. .STATE (0-5) ARA / LA Penh
Lukens Alan W STATE (0-2) PER Mack James L Somalia, Mogadiscio Maitrejean Clara Sig. .Philippines, Manila Marcolina Mary M STATE (S-5) A /BF
Luketich Dorothy A ..Afghanistan. Kabul Mack Lucille M. STATE (RU -4 )PA Maksymjuk Stefan USIA ( R -4 ) Marcott Dennis ). .Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Lukso Katharine ) . Israel, Tel Aviv Mack Thomas P ..Thailand, Bangkok Malabad Luke M .AID (RL- 3 )COMP /FS Marcott Edward STATE (0-6) M/FSI
Lukso Margaret A. Japan , Tokyo Mack Vivian F .ACTION(S-8) 10 Malakoskie Felix C .Pakistan, Islamabad Marcum John M. STATE (R-3) INR
Lumardi Constance M STATE (R- 5) PPT Mackay Louise W. .USIA (R-7) Malcolm John L .AID (R-3) AA/ TA Marcus Edward ) .ACTION(R-5) 10 /AF
Lumsden George O dr STATE (0-4) NEA Mackell Daniel ) . .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Malcolm Ronald L. .STATE (R -4) A /OPR Marcus Randolph. Togo, Lome
Luna Edilberto USM/OAS, Wash. Mackellar Margaret F India, New Delhi Malesic Anthony W Bolivia, La Paz e
Marcus Gisela STATE (R-7) A /OPR
Lundahl E Nell AID (R-5) SER /PM Mackenzie John R ... STATE (R-2) H Malesky Lann A. STATE (0-6 ) ACDA Marder Ltc Everett .Greece. Athens
Lundberg Alfred D Thailand, Bangkok Mackey James Er .Cyprus, Nicosia Maley Donna E Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Marek Joseph Lr Nigeria, Kaduna
Lunde Marion S. STATE (S-8) SY Mackey Jean E ... .Burma, Rangoon Maltara Joseph ) .Thailand, Bangkok Maresca John J. STATE (0-4) EUR
Lundgren John A .Guatemala, Guatemala Mackie Nancy ) STATE (R- 7) trng Malgin George... .USIA (R-6) Marfori Josephine B ACTION(S-8)
Lundin John E .USIA (R.7) Mackin Jean E ... .Laos, Vientiane Malick Jeffery A .. .Nepal, Kathmandu 10 /NAN / EAP
Lundy Walter A Jr Iran. Tehran Mackin Joan Lando USIA (R-6) Malik Boulos A .USIA (10-2) Margosian Leon D Viet-Nam. Saigon
Lunger Richard T .STATE (R-8) M/FSI Mackle James W. .STATE (R-2 DG /EM Malin Herbert S .Poland, Poznan Mariani Nick ) Liberia, Monrovia
Lunsford John C Viet-Nam . Saigon Macklin Thomas Er STATE (0-5) ARA / LA Malinoski Edward ) . Saudi Arabia , Dhahran Mariano Nicholas G. STATE (R-7) A /SY
Lunsford Robert C. .USIA (R-3) Maclauchlan William R. ..Zaire, Kinshasa MalinowskiGloria ) Viet-Nam, Can Tho Marin Rafael L. .Netherlands, The Hague
Lunsmann Frieda AM STATE (S-5) S/IL Macleod Carol J.... .Germany, Bonn Malkin Bruce. STATE (0-5) INR Marinelli Lawrence A .. Tanzania , Dar es
Lupinacci Richard S. .ACTION (R -4) Caribbean Macleod Josephine E. .Laos, Vientiane Mall Carol T .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Salaam
Lupo John U. Thailand. Bangkok Macmanus Elizabeth K. .AID (R-3) PHA /POP Malley Raymond C ..AID (R-2) Trng Comp Marison Boyden M. USIA (R-6)
Lupo Samuel E Ireland, Dublin Macmaster Bruce .. .Guatemala, Guatemala Mallides Elizabeth V Greece, Athens Mark David E STATE (0-1 ) INR
Luppi Hobart N. Pakistan. Islamabad Macmillan Mae R. Sudan, Khartoum Mallides Gabriel E. .Greece, Athens Mark Jim D Tanzania, Dar es
Lusby David S STATE (0-4) ARA-LA Macmillan Neil G Viet-Nam, Saigon Mallon John C Jerusalem , Jerusalem Salaam
Lush Gerson H. STATE (RU - 1)0G /PA Macmurdy Maj William LJr.U.K., London Mallon Patricia MC .France, Paris Mark Louis Jr. STATE (0-2) EUR
Lusk Howard D .Brazil, Brasilia Macnichol Layton F AID (R-2) SER / H Mallory Margie M .STATE ( S-4 ) PER Markey David S .Zaire, Kinshasa
Lustick Sylvia .. Viet-Nam . Saigon Maco John Mikulas .. .USIA (R-6) Mallow E Kathryn STATE (R-3) PER Markoff Stephanie M. .Dom . Rep., Santo
Lustig Owen ). Viet-Nam , Saigon Macomber William B Jr Turkey. Ankara Malloy Edward M. .France, Paris Domingo
Lutes Sherry Ann .USNATO, Brussels Macqueen John W .Laos, Vientiane Malone Gifford D .USIA ( 0-3) Markov Barbara USIA (R -8 )
Luther Lela B Canada, Toronto Macuk David A .... .Germany, Bonn Malone Jerry J... .Thailand, Bangkok Markov Serge. .USIA (R-6)
Luther Ltc Stanley R. .Madagascar, MacCallum Robert A. .STATE (0-5) EA Malone Joseph P .U.K ., London Markow Theodore G. .AID (R-3) AA/PHA
Tananarive MacCraken John G STATE (0-3) WarColl Malone Martha ) .Korea, Seoul Markowitz Melvin Panama, Panama
Luther Richard M. .U.K., London Trng Maloney Jeremiah P .Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Marks Edward . .Belgium , Brussels
Lutkins La Rue R. STATE (0-1 ) Univ Trng MacDonald John W Jr STATE (0-3) AF Malott John R. Japan, Tokyo Marks Edward B. AID (R-2) AA /SA
Lutkoski Robert Anthony .....Portugal. Oporto MacDonald Maj Gerald E .....Thailand,Bangkok Maloy Kevin ... .US Mission , Geneva Marks Edward D. .Philippines, Manila
Lutz Douglas Kim Colombia, Bogota Laos, Vientiane Malpass Betsy June .Mauritania, Nouakchott Marks G Rosalind . .Argentina, Buenos Aires
Lutz James C. .Dom . Rep.. Santo Burma, Rangoon Malpass Hanson R .Mauritania , Nouakchott Marks Ltc Robert C Burma , Rangoon
Domingo MacDougall Hugh Cooke ....Portugal, Lourenco Malpeli Joseph A. .India, New Delhi Markulis Anthony A ..USIA (10-5)
Luzzatto Francis A. .ACTION (R -3) 10 Marques Malsz Robert C. Bangladesh, Dacca Markwith Carl R. AID (R-3) COMP /FS
Lybyer Janice M. US Mission , Geneva MacNeil Nicholas CH .. STATE (0-5) INR Malton Charles Tr Austria, Vienna Marland Leland F. .Turkey, Ankara
Lyden John R .. Thailand. Bangkok Madden Frank M .. AID (R-3) COMP /FS Mammen Jean Elizabet. France, Paris Marlyne Muriel H. Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Lydman Jack W ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Madden James H. .USIA (0-5) Manbey David JS . .Canada, Halitax Maroncelli Marguerite M. .USOECD, Paris
Lydon Peter ) . STATE (0-5) CU Madden Roy R. STATE (R-2) A /BF Mandel David H .Bangladesh. Dacca Maroney James W. India, New Delhi
Lydon Roger M India, New Delhi Maddux John L. USIA (10-2) STATE
Mandel Judyt Landstein .USIA ( R-4)( 0-7) trng Maroney Kathleen E .US Mission, Geneva
Lyle John P ..Thailand. Bangkok Maddy Paul E ... AID (R-3) SER /CM Mandelstamm Vertner Marques Joseph J. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Lyles Donald Calloway STATE ( R -8) A /SY Maden Ann ... Bolivia, La Paz Manderino Eva C. .Tunisia, Tunis Marquis Alphonso G .Ghana, Accra
Lyman Princeton N AID (R- 1 ) AFR /DS Madigan John A .USIA (0-6) Manderscheid Gerald E. STATE (0-5) EA Marquis Bernie To India, New Delhi
Lynch Anne E Bahamas, Nassau Madison Michelle M Israel, Tel Aviv Mandin Rita M .Chile, Santiago Marr Douglas ) . .Liberia, Monrovia
Lynch Denis L. .Brazil, Brasilia Madoff Lawrence Cameroon, Yaounde Mandros James ).. ..Poland, Warsaw Marrano Louis M .China, Taipei
Lynch Donald J. .Uruguay. Montevideo Maerkle Frederic W. STATE (0-6) EB Mantull Byron P ..Algeria, Algiers Marroquin Richard Jose Costa Rica, San Jose
Lynch Helen M. Uruguay, Montevideo Maestrone Frank E STATE (0-1) FA / N War Manfull Melvin L ..Liberia, Monrovia Marrow Joyce E. .ACTION (S -8)
Lynch James M. AID (R-3) TA/ H Col Mangan David Ir STATE (0-6 ) M /FSI 10 /NAN /EAP
Lynch Lowell E. ACTION(R-4) Mattei Victor E .. Senegal, Dakar Mangelsen Albert D. ..Germany, Frankfurt Marsden Donald C Thailand, Bangkok
10 /NAN / EAP Mattett Victor ) Germany. Bonn Manger Walter H STATE (0-6 ) EUR Marsden Lee D. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Lyne Stephen R STATE (0-3) M /FSI Maffia Kenneth Robert. Viet Nam, Saigon Mangiatico Luciano ..Canada, Calgary Marsden Willard Ernest Jr ...STATE (R-7) A/SY
Marsh Lyle D ..Laos, Vientiane Paraguay, Asuncion Mazzocco William ). ..AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS McClure Richard C Viet Nam, Saigon
Marsh Noel R AID (R-3) COMP/FS Massey Johnny F .Nepal, Kathmandu MazzoccoWilliams .USIA (R- 1) McClure Russell S. ..AID (R- 1 ) PHA/FDRC
Marsh William H France, Paris Massey Parke D. .Bolivia, La Paz Mc callister Marvin A. ..STATE ( S-6 ) CU N.Y. McClure William M. .AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Marsh William W .USIA (R-3) Massey Thomas W. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Mc Camman Michael STATE (R-8) SY McCluskey William H. ..Laos, Vientiane
Marshall Anthony D Kenya, Nairobi Mast Charles A .Iran, Tabriz Joseph McClusky Campbell S Thailand, Bangkok
Marshall Dana M .Ecuador, Guayaquil Masterman Frances L Liberia, Monrovia Mc Carthy Edward K.... ..Liberia, Monrovia McCollough William F STATE (S- 1 ) A /FBO
Marshall Douglas G .STATE (0-4) 10 Masters Bernard H. ..Philippines , Manila Mc Clelland Clyde L Germany. Bonn McCollum Carl W Italy, Milan
Marshall Gene B ..Afghanistan, Kabul Masters Edward E. Thailand, Bangkok Mc Cloud Imogene G ..Kenya, Nairobi McCollum Douglas F Thailand, Bangkok
Marshall Hermano ..AID (R-2) AFR/CWR Masters Richard E Mali, Bamako Mc Cloughan Richard F. ..Bangladesh , Dacca McConaughy Walter P ..China, Taipei
Marshall James C Australia, Sydney Masterson Richard B ..Philippines , Manila Mc Corkle Nancy L... U.K., Hong Kong McConeghey Harold G USIA ( 10-2)
Marshall Janet L Afghanistan, Kabul Maston Maj Eugene W. France, Paris Mc Dowell Robert E. Turkey. Izmir McConnell Donald ) . Swaziland, Mbabane
Marshall Jim 8 . STATE (0-4) 10 Mastrobattista Marie A. ..AID (R- 5) COMP/FS Mc Elhoe Lucille G. Tunisia, Tunis McConville Donald Floyd .....Viet.Nam . Saigon
Marshall Larry M .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Mastrofini Leopold I. „ AID (R- 3) SER/ENGR Mc Farland Barry Gene ..STATE (R-8) A /SY McCoo Mildred C USIA ( S-8)
Marshall Linda Dorothy. ..Yugoslavia, Belgrade Mataragas Constantino ..Laos, Vientiane Mc Farland Florentine The Gambia , Banjul McCool Raymond C Philippines, Manila
Marshall Loretta M .. .AID (S.7) PPC/PDA Mateer William C. .El Salvador, San McGrath Thomas Gerald ....STATE (R-8) A/SY McCord Franklin STATE (0-3) 10
Marshall Nancy H ..... Gustomola, Guatemala Salvador Mc Guiro Ralph . „ Mali, Bamako McCorkle Jimmy M Laos, Vientiane
Marshall Roderick G. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Matera Lawrence W. dran, Tehran McIntosh Myrna ..Philippines, Manila McCormack John P ACTION (R -6) Micronesia
Marsicano Marie R. .U.K ., London Matera Matteo ..Philippines, Manila Mc Intyre John 1 . ..Greece, Athens McCormack Richard L ..India , New Delhi
Marsill Lidia....... STATE (S-8) EUR Matheron Richard C. Madagascar, Mc Kiernan Richard USIA ( 10-3) McCormick Estelle Gladys ...AID (S-6 ) AFR /NAR
Marston Robert M India, New Delhi Tananarive Mc Laughlin Archie Je .. Sweden, Stockholm McCormick Francis P Turkey, Ankara
Martelanc Lucille ..STATE (S.7) ARA /LA Mathes Donald E ... USIA (10-3) Laughlin Janice A USIA (S- 7) McCormick Keith Philip . STATE (R.7) trng
Martens Robort )........... ..Romania , Bucharest Matheson James C Jamaica, Kingston Mc Neil William R. ..Liberia, Monrovia McCormick Nancy USIA (S-8)
Marthinsen Charles E.... .STATE (0-3) WarColl Mathews 8 Ellen Thailand, Bangkok Mc Nutt Leta .Lebanon, Beirut McCorvey Sandy AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Trng Mathews Charles ... USIA (R-3) Mc Taggart Arthur Viet Nam, Saigon McCoubrey Mary Jean . Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Marti fred R. ..Paraguay, Asuncion Mathews Charles R ..Turkey, Ankara Mc Teague Alan Pakistan, Islamabad McCowan Edsel B Thailand , Bangkok
Morti Leona Indonesia, Jakarta Mathews Gerald S. .Netherlands , Curacao McAdams David Senegal, Dakar McCown Henry Young Jr ..STATE (0.4 ) EUR
Martin Ann Jeryl Thailand, Bangkok Mathews Linda A STATE (R-8) trng McAdory Marcus G ..Turkey. Ankara McCoy David W .Mexico, Tijuana
Martin Benjamin STATE (RU-3)INR Mathia Robert P. Honduras, Togucigalpa McAfee Marilyn ..Iran , Tehran McCoy Richard A. STATE (0-5 ) M/FSI
Martin BurnsJr .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Mathis Raymond E STATE ($10) EUR McAleer Walter H. ..Indonesia , Jakarta McCoy William G . , Italy, Naples
Martin Calvin L. Afghanistan, Kabul Matlock Jack FJr . STATE (0-1 ) EUR McAllistor John 0 Philippines, Manila McCracken Jo Ann USIA (S-6)
Martin Charles N. Việt Nam , saigon Matos Jorge A .... Uruguay, Montevideo McAllister Michael P ... Viet-Nam, Saigon McCready George H. Poland, Warsaw
Martin Davis C ... Saudi Arabia , Dhahran Matson Roy R. STATE (S-4) PER McAlpine Harrison Laos, Vientiane McCready L Joan Bahamas, Nassau
Martin Dorothea I. ..France, Paris Matter James Kr. Israel, Tel Aviv McAndrew Thomas . STATE (0-4) INR McCreedy Patricia A Laos, Vientiane
Martin Doyle V.. ..Iceland , Reykjavik Mattheis Erma R STATE ( S-6) 10 McAninch Vornon D Colombia, Bogota McCrory Janet C Romania, Bucharest
Martin Edwin L.... ..AID (R.2) AFR/DS Matthews Carl B South Africa , Pretoria McArdle Margaret L. STATE ( S-4) PER McCrory William F Belgium , Brussels
Martin Edwin M. ..USOECD , Paris Matthews Col Wallace G Finland, Helsinki McArthur Shirl F. .Kuwait, Kuwait McCue Donald Bronton .U.K ., Hamilton
Martin F Douglas Guatemala, Guatemala Matthews David P. STATE (0-5) SCA McAskill Vincent Nepal, Kathmandu McCulloch Gerald Spain, Bilbao
Martin G Eugene STATE (0-5) M/FSI Matthews Francis E Japan, Tokyo McAteer John E. STATE (0-6) INR McCully John D. .USIA ( R-3)
Montin Graham VietNam, Saigon Matthews Gary L. Union of Soviet Socialist McAteer Mary Margaret. STATE (R-6) A /SY McCurry George R STATE (S-2) 10
Martin Henry C. US Mission , Genova Republics, Leningrad McAuliffe Charlotte M STATE ( S-4) S/FSG McCutchan Cmdr Milton L..Norway, Oslo
Martin Hodges Los ..Korea, Seoul Matthews H Freeman Jr...... STATE (0-2) M/FSI McAulifte Eugeno V. .USNATO, Brussels McCutcheon William L STATE (S-7 ) INR
Martin James H. .Laos, Vientiane Matthews Mark S Tunisia, Tunis McAvoy Clyde R. Burma, Rangoon McDaniel Frenchy Zois . Viet Nam, Nha Trang
Martin Jamos P Việt Nam , Saigon Matthows Roland D. USIA (R.7) McBoo Major W Laos, Vientiane McDaniel Morris M. Viet-Nam , Nha Trang
Martin James V. Viet-Nam , Danang Matthews Ruth S Mexico, Monterrey McBeth Mel Franklin . AID (R.5) COMP/FS McDavid William E. Brazil, Brasilia
Martin Jerry B. .Colombia, Bogota MatthewsWade HB . Poru, Lima McBride Edward C USIA (10.4) McDermott James K AID (R.2) TA/RUR
Martin Joanna W STATE (0.5) 10 Matthias Charles D. Pakistan, Islamabad McBride Joseph N. Thailand, Bangkok McDermott John E. Belgium , Brussels
Martin John Linden STATE (0-5) ARA / LA Mattingly Webster L ..Nicaragua , Managua McBride Mary K ... .STATE (S-3) A /OC McDermott Marianne Jordan, Amman
Martin Kenneth L „AID (R-4) LA / DR Mattoo Edward H. USIA (10-2) McBride Robert H. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. McDermott Michael Jordan, Amman
Martin Lt Col Thomas P. Germany, Bonn Mattox Henry Ellis .U.K. , London McCabe David H STATE (0-2) A/SY McDill Robert Senegal, Dakar
Martin Marcia L Kenya , Nairobi MattranGerald C Sudan, Khartoum McCabe Harold T. STATE (R-3) A/OPR McDonald Dian ) USIA ( R-6)
Martin Raymond B Jr. .Laos, Vientiane Mattson Edward L. Cyprus, Nicosia McCabe James O. Thailand, Bangkok McDonald Ella M ACTION ( S. 7 ) 10 /LA
Martin Raymond S .AID (R-5) PHA/PRS Mattson Gregory L. Kenya, Nairobi McCabe Mary Elizabeth. Brazil , Brasilia McDonald James M Jr. Italy, Rome
Martin Richard F. ..Liberia , Monrovia Mattson Jamos A. .Lebanon, Beirut McCall Otis ir .Laos, Vientiane McDonald John C. Guatemala, Guatemala
Martin Richard R USEC, Brussels Matz Hulda ..... Malta, Valletta McCall Pamela Z. USIA (R-8) McDonald John E. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Martin Robert A .. STATE (0.4) PM Matz James Richard . Indonesia, Jakarta McCall Sherrod B .U.K. , Hong Kong McDonald John F STATE (10.4)CU
Martin S Douglas . ..Austria , Vienna Mau Edward SC Philippines, Manila McCandless Helen C STATE (R.5) PER McDonald John W Jr STATE (0-1 ) 10
Martin Seymour 1 . Turkey, Istanbul Mau Frank A ... STATE (0-3) EB McCandliss Robert Scott.....VietNam .Danang McDonald Joseph R Uruguay, Montevideo
Martin Thomas G STATE (0.5) M/FSI Mau Michael P .Niger, Niamey McCanlies Wanda F ..Japan, Tokyo McDonald Maj Robert A.. Khmer Republic , Phnom
Martin Thomas M Jamaica, Kingston Mauck Joseph E Việt Nam, Saigon McCann Michael G. ..AID (R- 1 ) SER /PM Penh
Martin Thomas M USIA (10.4) Maughan Mary H. Switzerland, Bern McCardell Joseph .. .Philippines, Manila McDonald Ruth E. .Brazil, Recife
Martin W Wyatt .. .U.K ., Hong Kong Maulo Robert W. .Lebanon, Beirut McCarron James W. Kenya, Nairobi McDonald Steven F STATE (0-6) AF
Martindale Nowman 8 .USIA (S-2) Maupin Lester F Viet-Nam , Saigon McCarton William G .... STATE ( S- 2) MED McDonald Vincent C .US Mission , Geneva
Martindalo Thomas K. Viet Nam, Saigon Maurer William H dr.. .USIA ( 10.5) McCarthy Eugene Michael...Ivory Coast, Abidjan McDonald William F .Thailand, Bangkok
Mirindal , Walter R II ........ Việt Nam, Nha Trang Maushammer Robert J. „Honduras, Tegucigalpa McCarthy James L. ...AID (R-4) COMP/FS McDonnell Delorise W. ACTION(S-8) 10
Martinell Roger D. Brazil, Brasilia Mautner Martha C. STATE (RU-3)INR McCarthy James L. ...Afghanistan, Kabul McDonnell James P STATE (R.2) A/OPR
Mortinai Edward E. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Mavro Alexander P Indonesia, Jakarta McCarthy John F III . Khmer Republic, Phnom McDonnell Mary E Sweden, Stockholm
Martinez Manuel Nicaragua, Managua Maxim Robert M. .USR/UNESCO, Paris Ponh McDonnell Nancy D Spain, Madrid
Martinez Mario .. „Poru , Lima Maxwell Barbara H. Turkey. Ankara McCarthy John R. USIA ( 10.3) McDonnell Walter A. .AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Martinez Posqual .Bolivia, La Paz Maxwell Dayton L ... Laos, Vientiane McCarthy John T .. „ STATE (0-4) EUR McDonough Mary E STATE (RU-4)CU
Martinez Pedro USM /OAS, Wash . Maxwell Genevieve C STATE ( S-6) 10 McCarthy Margaret A. ..Nigeria,Lagos McDonough Donald E USIA (R-3 )
Martinez Richard R El Salvador, San Moxwell Gilbert S Jr. „Philippines, Manila McCarthy Robert E .. STATE (0-7) CU McDonough Jerome K. Brazil. Porto Alegre
Solvador Maxwell Martha L Sweden, Stockholm McCarthy Rose Mary .U.K ., London McDonough Michael D USEC, Brussels
Martinezroboyros Akim L .....Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Maxwell Solly Lee. .Laos, Vientiane McCarthy Stephen STATE (S-2) A /CPR McDonough Robert T Liberia, Monrovia
Martino Jon Joseph France, Paris May Clyde R Viet Nam. Saigon McCartney Arthur C. Philippines, Manila McDonough Thomas G Swaziland, Mbabane
Martino Throsio .. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade May Drew Stephen Italy, Naples McCarty Mary Beth. ..Thailand, Bangkok McDonough Walter M. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Martz Mildred C AID (R.4) COMP/FS May James A. Somalia, Mogadiscio McCarty Poul B.. STATE (0-3) SCA McDowellEleanor C STATE (R.2) L
Morusi Morgo V. STATE (R-6) S May James N. ..Germany, Hamburg McCarvey Virginia R. STATE ( S-5) EUR McDowell Grover R South Africa , Pretoria
Marusiak Mary M STATE (S-8) 10 May John J.... Việt Nam,Sagon McCoskill Charles W India, Bombay McEldowney Arthur R Singapore, Singapore
Maruta Olog , USIA (R-6) Mayadas Yuri A. ..Thailand, Bangkok McCavitt John , Ethiopia, Addis Ababa McEldowney Frederick C ......Oman, Muscat
Marvin William O Je ..... STATE (0-3) IGA Maydon June E .USIA (R-6) McCay Thomas Je STATE ( S- 2) A /OC McElhaney Douglas L. „Portugal, Lisbon
Morwitz Harold R. .Dom . Rep., Sonto Mayor Froderick.. Thailand, Bangkok McConey Margaret A. „Peru, Lima McElhiney Gary P .Argentina , Buenos Aires
Domingo Mayos Howard D AID (R-3) AG / AUD McClain Anita F .................Bolivia, La Paz McElhinoy Thomas W STATE (CM ) S/IG
Man Richard L .......... STATE (R -6) A /OC Mayfield C Thomas Singapore, Singapore McCleester Paul R. AID (R.4) COMP/FS McElhor Chester W Jordan , Amman
Mosey Jock ........ USIA (10-2) Mayflold Dorris P. Laos, Vientiane McClellan Blanche A...........STATE (R.4) ARALA McElroy Francis L... AID (R.2) SER/FM
Mashburn William A. „Philippines, Manila Mayfield Marion E STATE (S-5) EUR McClellan , Diane Ballard ...Zoiro, Kinshasa McElroy Howard M. Japan, Naho , Japan
Masinglll William STATE (S.5) DG/MED Mayfield Stophanio Honduras, Tegucigalpo McClellon Rolph C USIA (R -4) McElroy William G STATE (RU.2)M/EP
Mosko Donell C STATE (S.4) AF Mayhow Philip R „ STATE (0-4) ACDA McClelland Donald H ......Vlot.Nom , Saigon McEnaney John P Zairo, Kinshasa
Maskell Georgo E..........USIA (R-3) Mayio Albert P .......STATE (0-2) EB McClelland Donna C ........... STATE (S-6) PER McEvoy E Bruce U.K., London
Moslonke Elloon T.... USR /UNESCO, Paris Maynard Leonard . AID (R- 1 ) AG McClelland Mary A .... Tholland, Bangkok Mcfall v Francas.... Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Mason Colleon P STATE (R-8) MED Maynard Poul John ...., Laos, Vientiane McClelland Walter M. „Kuwait, Kuwolt McFarland George Adr Turkey. Ankara
Moson Dwight N. Ecuador, Quito Maynos Li Col Georgo E ..... El Salvador, Son McClintic Stophon H STATE (0-3) Justice Dept Mofarland Jomas H Jr....Tho Combia, Banjut
Moson Froderick O STATE (10.4)PA Salvador McClintock David W ...........Jordan, Amman Moforland Janet M ..... France, Paris
Mason Richard Thollond, Bangkok Mayo Radm Jomas 0 ..........Union of Soviet Socialist McClintock John D ... ..Philippines,Manila McForland Katherino E. ..AID ( S-5) SER/PM
Moson James D ................„ Poraguay,
! Asuncion Ropublics, Moscow McClintock Robert. Venezuela, Caracas Mofurlong Martin R A .... Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Moson John AdrComm.Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Moys R Glynn ..............STATE (R-3) M/MS McCloskey George AID (R-3) ASIA /NE McQoftey David C Afghanistan, Kabul
Mason Robert M ..... Konya, Nairobi Mays Thomas d .... ............ Liberlo, Monrovia McCloskey Robert Cyprus, Nicosia Megattio Donial .. ..... Chona, Acorn
Moson Rodney A.. STATE (5-8) S/S Mayso John, Qormony, Hamburg McCloud lomost Afghanistan, Kabul McCann Richard T Laos, Vientiang
Mason Williamson „Netherlands, The Hague Marione Joseph S. Lebanon, Beirut McCluro Brooks .. USIA (10-2) McConnon Suzanne ...Tunisia, Tunis
Mouse Copt Emiddio. Argontina, Buenos Aires Mozingo Jomos o Nigeria, Lagos McCluro Joma Corto ...U.K., London McCarity Col JamesM U.K., London
MBRUARY 1974 71
McGill Duncan M Miller Margaret
McGill Duncan H .STATE ( S.4) A /OC McLaughlin Michael J Jr ......Indonesia ,Jakarta Mehl Ralph E Jr. Thailand, Bangkok Meyer Charles R. .Argentina, Buenos Aires
McGinley Charles A. USIA (10-3) McLaughlin Richard D. ..Viet- Nam, Saigon Mehlert Calvin E ..Thailand , Bangkok Meyer G E Robert. .Turkey. Ankara
McGinley James A lii USIA (10-2) McLaughlin Richard R ..India, New Delhi Mehrer George W. ..Peru, Lima Meyer Helen H STATE ( ) CU
McGinness Alfred J. .Hungary, Budapest McLaughlin Robert C .France, Paris Mehu Anne E AID ( S -7) PHA/PVC Meyer James L.. .Germany, Stuttgart
McGinnis Michael .Argentina , Buenos Aires McLaughlin Roy R ..Australia, Sydney Meier Mona A ..Ethiopia,Addis Ababa Meyer Madeleine C USIA (R -4)
McGivern Edward R. .Burma, Rangoon McLaughlin Willard M STATE (R-2) 0 / FADRC Meighan Robert B Nicaragua, Managua Meyer Ray A USEC, Brussels
McGlade Clare M. Italy. Rome McLean ) Phillip Bolivia , La Paz Meima Ralph Chester Jr. STATE (0-3) EUR Meyer Richard C. AID (R-3) AN / PHA
McGlathery Linda ACTION (R -6 ) 10 /LA McLean Joseph G Spain, Barcelona Mein David G .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Meyers Donald F. STATE (0-4) EB
McGonagle Paul M STATE (0-8) trong McLean Martin STATE (0-6) M/FSI Meinecke Willard H AID (R- 1 ) AA/ SER Meyers Frank J Jr. .Senegal, Dakar
McGovern Elaine A South Africa, Pretoria McLean William H. ..Israel, Tel Aviv Meinheit Harold E STATE (0-6) INR Meyers Howard. STATE (0-1) INR
McGovern Robert N Libya, Tripoli McLendon Mack H. .Nicaragua, Managua Meirs Caroline V .. Germany. Stuttgart Meyers Marilyn Ann South Africa,
McGowan Howard L. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro McLendon Ruth A. France, Paris Meisel William M. ..Philippines, Manila Johannesburg
McGrath Catherine M Thailand, Bangkok McLeod Evelyn C „AID (R-5) COMP /FS Meisenzahl Anne M ..Korea, Seoul Meyers Robert S. USEC, Brussels
McGrath Cpt Charles J ..Italy, Rome McLeroy George B Viet-Nam, Saigon Meisol Mildred L. .Mexico, Monterrey Meysenburg Mary Ann Colombia , Bogota
McGrath Everett U Jr Viet Nam. Saigon McLerran Gregory L .Barbados, Bridgetown Meister Jean E. Panama, Panama Michael Frederick W. .Laos, Vientiane
McGrath John B. .Nigeria, Lagos McMahan James H. ACTION (R - 7) Mekeel Arthur ) .AID (R-3) ITATS Michael Mildred E .Laos, Vientiane
McGraw Mary Ursula STATE (S-2) DG/MED 10 /NAN /EAP Melani Beverly Jean Cyprus. Nicosia Michael Robert L. .Paraguay, Asuncion
McGraw Ronald H ..Turkey. Istanbul McMahill Donald E. ..Afghanistan, Kabul Melaven Emerson .Nicaragua, Managua Michaelson Jack. .Nigeria, Lagos
McGraw Teresa R Bolivia, La Paz McMahon Col Richard A ...... Viet-Nam, Saigon Melby A Wayne. .Nigeria, Lagos Michaelson Marilyn L ..AID (S- 7) COMP /FS
McGugan Vincent M .STATE (R-2) A /OS McMahon David H ... ..Tanzania, Dar es Melby Everett K. Canada. Quebec Michalak Michael W. STATE (0-7) SCI
McGuigan Kathleen. Viet -Nam . Saigon Salaam Melencamp Noble M. .Union of Soviet Socialist Michalas Spyros I.... .USIA (S- 2)
McGuinness John P Turkey, Izmir McMahon Ellen F. .Laos, Vientiane Republics, Moscow Michalec Josephine S. Peru, Lima
McGuire Edna C Yugoslavia, Belgrade McMahon James L. .Philippines, Manila Mellor Charles R .Laos, Vientiane Michalo Suzanne ... Indonesia , Jakarta
McGuire Elwood J. .U.K. , London McMahon James T.. AID (R-2) SER/MP Mellor John E ... .Canada, Ottawa Michaud Michael AG STATE (0-4) NEA
McGuire Kevin J .. Greece, Athens McMahon Michael P. .Kenya, Nairobi Mellstrom James C. Tanzania, Zanzibar Michaud Therese A. .Laos, Vientiane
McGuire Roger A .Botswana, Gaborone McMahon Terrence J. ..Afghanistan, Kabul Melone Harry R JE France, Paris Mickanen David H. .Liberia, Monrovia
McGunigle Ray V JE Japan , Tokyo McMahon Thomas F. Costa Rica, San Jose Meloni Mary ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa Mickens Andrew Jr .Finland, Helsinki
McGunnigle James W STATE (0-5) 0/ISO McMahon Thomas M Thailand, Bangkok Meloon Michael U. ..Uruguay, Montevideo Micucci Angela Marie. .Paraguay, Asuncion
McHale Edward Joseph Australia , Melbourne McMann Catherine .. STATE ( S- 7) NEA Meloy Francis E Je Guatemala, Guatemala Middelberg Marianna. .Yemen Arab Republic.
McHale James D ..Niger, Niamey McManus Gerald R. Yemen Arab Republic, Melrose Joseph H Jr STATE (0-6 ) PER San'a
McHale Judith M STATE (0-5) S/R San'a Melson Robert G. .STATE ( 0-7) trong Middleton George Guatemala, Guatemala
McHardy Linda G. Viet-Nam, Saigon McManus Joseph F. .Chile, Santiago Melton Capt Edgar R ..Afghanistan, Kabul Middleton Karen A. STATE (R-4) 0/150
McHugh Anne M STATE (S-3) EUR McMaster Helen ) . .Netherlands, Rotterdam Melton Charles A. .France, Paris Miedzinski Hazel Lee. STATE (S-9) A /OPR
McHugh John F. Thailand, Bangkok McMeekin Florence M „AID ( S- 7) SER /ENGR Melton John H ...Algeria, Algiers Miencier Edna M Viet-Nam, Saigon
McHugh Reginald ) Jamaica, Kingston McMillan Sidney L. Pakistan, Islamabad Melton Richard H STATE (0-4) ARA /LA Miklos Jack C STATE (0-2) NEA
McHugh Sheila M .China , Taipei McMillen John ) ... Venezuela, Caracas Melville Donald N. Viet-Nam , Saigon Mikovich Elizabeth A. France, Paris
Mcllwee James T. USIA (R-2) McMoil William G .Bolivia, La Paz Melvin Mary C. STATE ( S -6 ) PER Mikulik Ann Haiti, Port -au-Prince
McIntosh Clarence ) New Zealand, Auckland McMullen Robert Bruce .STATE (0-5) S/S Melzer Leo ..USIA (R-3) Milam William B .U.K. , London
Mcintosh James C. .USIA (10-2) McMullin Mary E Italy, Rome Menard H James Korea, Seoul Milanich Tillie Ivory Coast, Abidjan
McIntosh Robert D India, New Delhi McNally Donald James .Chile, Santiago Mencher Alan G. STATE (0-2) Nat Sci End Milburn Edward M. Mexico, Tijuana
McIntyre Leo R Viet-Nam , Saigon McNamara Brian Michael P Ethiopia , Addis Ababa Mendelsohn Jack W. STATE (0-4) S /AU Milburn Maj Richard A .. .U.K ., London
McIntyre Stuart H STATE (0-3 ) 10 McNamara Francis Terry .....Dahomey, Cotonou Mendenhall Edwin M. .AID (R-2) SER /FM Miles Aileen S .USIA ( 0-3)
McIntyre Terry V STATE (RU-4)INR McNamara Madeline C. .STATE ( S -8) EUR Mendenhall Joseph A .Madagascar, Miles Henry L .Paraguay, Asuncion
McIntyre Wallace D Pakistan, Karachi McNamara Thomas E. STATE (0-5) WarColl Tananarive Miles Joseph C. Panama, Panama
McIntyre William R. Pakistan , Islamabad Trng Mendenhall Roberts .AID (R-4) COMP /FS Miles Luby H .STATE ( S-4) SCA
Mclver Ltc James C. .Belgium , Brussels McNaughton Doyce R. Sri Lanka, Colombo Mendez Marcos O ... AID (R-3) COMP /FS Miles Richard M. STATE (0-5) EUR
McJimpsey James L Turkey. Ankara McNaughton James H STATE (0-5) P Mendosa Richard A. .AID (R-4) AFR /CWA Miley Benjamin K Jr. Liberia , Monrovia
McKay Margaret Ann . USIA ( R-4) McNeal Douglas B. Japan, Tokyo Mendoza Nicacio. Viet-Nam, Saigon Miley Harry C. Viet-Nam , Saigon
McKee Alan R STATE (0-5) AF McNeal Pauline . .USIA (R-6) Menke D Kathleen Spain, Madrid Milikien Norma L Tunisia, Tunis
McKee Henry Hunt .USUN, N.Y. McNeil Dennis V Cyprus, Nicosia Menken Edwin T .. Thailand, Bangkok Millan Justina AID (S-6) AFR/DS
McKee Nancy A. Philippines, Manila McNeil Francis ) III . USM/OAS, Wash. Mennard Michael .USIA (10.5) Miller Alan T. .Niger, Niamey
Mckee Richard K. India, New Delhi McNeill Gloria D. El Salvador, San Mennitt Lawrence C .USIA (S - 1) Miller Albert R. Philippines, Manila
McKee Thomas Costa Rica , San Jose Salvador Mentag Grace E Argentina, Buenos Aires Miller Alwin V Viet- Nam, Saigon
McKeel W Wayne AID (R-2) SER/FM McNertney Donald E .. Spain, Madrid Menter Elinor K Union of Soviet Socialist Miller Ardith H. .Panama, Panama
McKeithen Edwin T lii . Laos, Vientiane McNulty Joseph A. Uruguay. Montevideo Republics, Moscow Miller Bessie E Philippines, Manila
McKeldin William H .Ethiopia , Addis Ababa McPhaul E Frances STATE ( S-5) ARA/ LA Menter Sanford STATE (0-2) 10 Miller Bradford W Jr .U.K . London
McKenna James Fill Ethiopia. Asmara McPherson Laveta ) Jamaica, Kingston Merana Frederick R Cyprus, Nicosia Miller Clarence L. Spain, Madrid
McKenna John F STATE (S-4) A/OC McPherson Neil E .Mexico, Guadalajara Merchant Richard G. STATE (S- 8) AVOC Miller Cyr N Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
McKenna Patricia M. McPoland John F .AID (R-6) COMP /FS Mercil Michael C Western Samoa, Apia Miller Dan Flr . Viet -Nam , Saigon
PenhRepublic, Phnom
Khmer McRae Martha C .Korea , Seoul Mercurio John A. STATE (R-4) S/IG Miller David N. .Hungary, Budapest
McKenney Grace D Laos, Vientiane McRight Lt Cor Clarence Jr Israel, Tel Aviv Mercurio Michael STATE (0-4) O /ISO Miller Dean R Iran , Tehran
McKenzie Bruce . Germany. Hamburg McRory William F Japan, Tokyo Meresman Joseph Sweden, Stockholm Miller Donald F Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
McKenzie Robert A STATE (RU -4 )SCA McShane Peggy C .Ecuador, Guayaquil Merian Robert A India, New Delhi Miller Donald H Philippines, Manila
McKenzie Susan E. India, Bombay McSwain Robert J. Thailand, Bangkok Merighi Paul Viet-Nam, Saigon Miller Dorothy ) STATE (S-5) PER
McKeogh Michael ) . USIA (R-3) McSweeney Lois C. ..Turkey, Ankara Merriam Geraldine C .Dom . Rep. , Santo Miller Douglas. India, New Delhi
McKeon Timothy ). Greece. Athens McTaggart Col Richard R ....Guatemala, Guatemala Domingo Miller Dudley W. STATE (0-2) S/S
McKeown Mary Ann South Africa, Pretoria McWalters Mary P .Peru, Lima Merrick Roger B STATE (0-5) M /FSI Miller Duncan R .AID (R-4) PHA /POP
McKernan James F USIA (10-3) McWilliams James W. India, Calcutta Merricks Newton H Viet-Nam, Saigon Miller Emmett W .Cyprus, Nicosia
McKerness Joan R .U.K.. London Mead Morris G. Saudi Arabia , Jidda Merrill Darleen .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Miller F Brett .Nigeria, Lagos
McKesson John A III .. Gabon, Libreville Meade Frazier .Philippines, Manila Merrill David N AID (R-4) Trng Comp Miller Fred W. Afghanistan, Kabul
McKinlay James F. .STATE (0-3) ARA/ LA Meade Robert ) ..USIA (R-7) Merritt Mary Frances. Burma, Rangoon Miller Frederic G. Thailand, Bangkok
McKinley Aretha B. STATE (RU-5)CU N.Y. Meadows Howard W. Afghanistan , Kabul Merry Edward Wayne. STATE ( 0-7) trong Miller Gary M. ..Chad, N'Djamena
McKinley Brunson China, Peking (U.S. Meadows John S. STATE (0-1 ) EB Merseth Edward L .Zaire, Kinshasa Miller George A. Uruguay, Montevideo
Liaison Office) Meadows Mary E. .Brazil, Brasilia Merson Harry C Jamaica, Kingston Miller George C Laos, Vientiane
McKinney George A. Trin & Tobago, Port -ot. Meagher Edward I. Viet-Nam , Saigon Mertz Helen A. .Germany, Berlin Miller George E. .Pakistan, Lahore
Spain Means John E. Zaire, Kinshasa Mertz John G .Philippines, Manila Miller George P. USIA (R -6)
McKinney William D Ghana, Accra Meany Margaret E. ACTION (S-8) 10 Mertz John W. Venezuela, Caracas Miller George W. .Philippines, Manila
McKinnon Alexander. AID (S -6) COMP/FS Mears Alyce A... STATE (S -8) EA Meserve Ltc Edward N. .Nicaragua, Managua Miller Harriet K. .U.K ., Hong Kong
McKinnon Charles L Kuwait, Kuwait Medd Charles L .USIA (10-3) Meskimen Donald M. .Ecuador, Quito Miller Helen G .Iran, Tehran
McKinnon Yvonne S .. .Nigeria , Ibadan Meder Karen S. STATE ( S- 9) ARA /LA Mesloh Charles F .AID (R-3) OPS Miller Henry L Jr .USIA ( 10-1)
McKissic Rita E. .ACTION ( S-6) Median Ruth .Greece, Athens Messenger Glenn S STATE ( S- 2) A /OC Miller Herbert N. Laos, Vientiane
10 /NAN /EAP Medina Ramon ) .USIA ( R -4) Messere Capt Edward J. .Brazil, Brasilia Miller Hersh D .AID (R-3) OPS
McKitrick Dorothy E. .STATE (S-6) PER Medley Florence STATE (S- 8) EA Messick William L. Viet- Nam, Saigon Miller James B Argentina, Buenos Aires
McKnew Edward F. .USIA (R- 3) Medlin George C. .Laos, Vientiane Messinger Michael S ... ..USIA (R -8) Miller James C .USIA (S - 1)
McKnight Cleon ) Thailand. Bangkok Medlin Violet L .. ..Kenya, Nairobi Messmore Kathleen M. .Korea, Seoul Miller John H. .Burma, Rangoon
McKnight Maj James L Viet-Nam , Saigon Medlin William J. Viet-Nam, Saigon Metcalf Col Donald J .... .Italy, Rome Miller John M. .Brazil, Brasilia
McKone Norman R .. Botswana. Gaborone Medlock Samuel W. ..Liberia, Monrovia Metcalf Robert 8 . ..Viet-Nam. Saigon Miller John R Ghana, Accra
Mckoy Augustus AID (SL.7)MO/CM Meehan Francis ) Germany. Bonn Metcalf Susan ) ..Poland, Warsaw Miller Lester E ...Korea, Seoul
McKune Kenneth R. .Kuwait, Kuwait Meek Anna F .STATE (S-4) EUR Metcalfe Richard ) .AID ( R -4) AA / PHA Miller Lloyd Trin & Tobago, Port-of
McLain Carl E STATE ( S- 3) A / OC Meeks Dora L .ACTION (R -6 ) Metelits Michael D .STATE (0-7) CU Spain
McLain George H. STATE (RU -5 )M /FSI 10 /NAN /EAP Methven Stuart E. .STATE (R-3) EA Miller Lloyd Ivan .. Trin & Tobago, Port-of
McLain W Douglas Jr. Paraguay. Asuncion Meeks William A. .Panama, Panama Metosh Col Cyril P. .Bulgaria , Sofia Spain
McLarney Thomas P .Philippines, Manila Meenan James R ..AID (R-4) ARA -LA /PAN Metson W Graham Jr STATE (0-5) Com Dept Miller Loretta C .ACTION (R -4) 10
McLaskey Timothy D. Bangladesh, Dacca Meer Rose ... ..AID ( S-5) TA /OST Mettam Charles E .... AID (R -4) COMP/FS Miller Ltc Robert D Venezuela, Caracas
McLaughlin Emily W. .Dom . Rep., Santo Megellas James ..AID (R- 1 ) COMP /FS Metzler Phillip ...... STATE (0-6 ) PER Haiti, Port-au -Prince
Domingo Megerian Lillian. .US Mission, Geneva Metzner Clifton G Jr. ..STATE (R-3) HEW Jamaica, Kingston
McLaughlin Gerald G .Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Megill Donald M. ..Thailand, Bangkok Meukow Cmdr Walter T ..Malta, Valletta Miller M Claire STATE (R-5) PER
McLaughlin John C ..... .AID (R-3) AFR /CWR Mehen Thomas AID (R -4) LA /CA Tunisia, Tunis Miller Margaret D. Kenya, Nairobi
McLaughlin Joseph D .STATE (0-4) EB Mehl Nello 0 ... ..India, Bombay Meyer Barbara E ................Iran, Tehran Miller Margaret J. ..USIA (R-3)
Miller Mary Lou K .Costa Rica, San Jose Mitchell James W ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Eq. Guinea, Malabo Morris Robert E Greece, Athens
Miller Merrill S India , Madras Mitchell John ) .AID (R-3) AG / IIS Moore Capt Lloyd Tolson Jr..Union of Soviet Socialist Morris Robert ). STATE (0-3) CIEP
Miller Paul M. STATE ( 0-3) 10 Mitchell Kelly G. ..Turkey. Ankara Republics, Moscow Morris Robert L STATE (S- 7) S/S
Miller R Ellsworth . .USIA (10-3) Mitchell Lois Geraldine ..Viet- Nam, Saigon Moore Carlos F. ..Netherlands, The Hague Morrison Charles R Greece, Athens
Miller Raymond A .. Cyprus, Nicosia Mitchell Mildred E. .USIA ( R -6 ) Moore Carolyn M .Guyana, Georgetown Morrison Dale A. .USIA (10-3)
Miller Richard M. „Philippines, Manila Mitchell Nanette .USIA (S.4) Moore Charles G. .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Morrison David T. STATE (0-4) EB
Miller Robert D .Germany, Berlin Mitchell Richard A. ..Canada, Ottawa Moore Clare Ree. Venezuela, Caracas Morrison John Thomas ..Laos, Vientiane
Miller Robert E .USIA (R-4) Mitchell Rosemary STATE ( S- 7) 10 Moore David P. .USIA (R-3) Morrissey Dennis H AID (R - 4) LA /REP
Miller Robert H. .STATE (0-1 ) ACDA Mitchell Samuel CJr . STATE (R-2) PER Moore Dolores Tanzania, Dar es Morrissey Peter B STATE (0-1) trng
Miller Robert Marden STATE (0-2) S / S Mitchell Stanley D ... .Laos, Vientiane Salaam Morrow Juanita M. .U.K. , London
Miller Robert Wesley. .U.K., Hong Kong Mitchell Tom .Dom . Rep ., Santo Moore Ethel Lee .. Greece, Athens Morrow Robert B ..AID (R-3) ASIA /TECH
Miller Ronald L. .France, Paris Domingo Moore Eugene W.. Korea , Seoul Morrow Ward D .. .U.K ., London
Miller Roy M Afghanistan, Kabul Mitchem Willie H .. .USIA (R-2) Moore Felix E ... ..Costa Rica, San Jose Morse Adriaen M Italy. Palermo
Miller Russell. .Liberia, Monrovia Mithoeter William C Jr. STATE (0-5 ) PM Moore Herman E.. .Brazil, Brasilia Morse John W Paraguay, Asuncion
Miller Virginia Kay. .STATE (S-7) PM Mittag Rudi . .Greece, Athens Moore Jay Michael. .USIA (S - 9) Morse Leigh A Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Miller Walter M K.. .STATE ( S-5) A /OC Mixon Joel W. ..Indonesia , Jakarta Moore John D. ..Ireland, Dublin Morse Lyle A. Thailand, Bangkok
Miller William A. .Nepal, Kathmandu Mizrahi Jacques A ..VietNam, Saigon Moore John E. Thailand, Bangkok Morse Ted D .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Miller William B .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Mlynarchik Roy A. Japan, Tokyo Moore John H. ..Philippines, Manila Morse Wendell Er .Brazil, Brasilia
Miller William B .Germany, Bonn Moats Simeon L STATE ( 0-9) trns Moore John Norton .STATE (R- 1) D /LOS Mortensen Bonita B USEC, Brussels
Miller William D USIA (10-1) Moberly Claudf ..AID ( R -4 ) COMP /FS Moore Joseph B ..USIA ( R -8) Morton Berry E Viet-Nam, Saigon
Miller William D .STATE ( R -6) INR Moceri James . .USIA ( 10-1) Moore Kathleen R. .New Zealand. Morton Byron Br STATE (0-4) NEA
MillerWilliam DJr .China , Taipei Mock Robert F .Turkey. Istanbul Wellington Morton Carole L. Zambia, Lusaka
Miller William F. .France, Paris Modderno John P .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Moore Muriel M Germany. Bonn Morton Herwald H Bolivia, La Paz
Miller William F. .Colombia , Bogota Modi Susan Lowe .USIA ( 10.5 ) Moore Nancy K .USIA (R-5) Morton James H Switzerland , Bern
Miller William H .AID (R-3) LA / DR Modic Paul A. .Germany, Munich Moore Nancy Louise .Algeria, Algiers Morton Patricia Anne STATE (S-5) A /SY
Miller William .USIA (10-2) Moe Ida M ..Kenya, Nairobi Moore Pamela Helen Argentina, Buenos Aires Morville V Miro Spain, Madrid
Miller William K. US Mission , Geneva Moe Lyle E. ..Nigeria, Lagos Moore Patricia M. Viet-Nam, Saigon Moscarello Louis M .Nigeria, Lagos
Miller.Jones Henry AJr. .Pakistan, Karachi Moede Austin L ..Afghanistan, Kabul Moore Rachel F .USIA (R-5) Mosebey William LJr . Cen. African Rep..
Millett Caroline D .USIA (10-5) Moeller Arnold N. ..AID (R-2) COMP /FS Moore Ralph R ..USNATO , Brussels Bangui
Millett Maj David P Union of Soviet Socialist Moeller Donald F .Chile, Santiago Moore Richard D ...Japan, Tokyo Moseley John W „ AID (R-4) OPS
Republics, Moscow Moen Harlan G STATE (0-4) ACDA Moore Robert C Peru, Lima Moser Joyce STATE (S-8) PER
Millian Kenneth Y. .Argentina, Buenos Aires Moenkhoff Helen L .AID (S -7) M /SA Moore Robert W. .STATE (0-1) S /IG Moser Leo STATE (0-2) EA
Milligan Michael L .France, Paris Moergeli Richard N ..Greece, Athens Moore Sarah Anne ..STATE (R-5) MED Moser Martin W .China, Taipei
Milligan Wesley Flr. Viet Nam. Saigon Mottat Jay P ..Trin & Tobago. Port-of Moore Virgil L. .Belgium , Brussels Moser Thomas A. AID (R-2) Trng Comp
Millikan Carole A ... .ACTION (R -5) 10 / LA Spain Moore William H. .Morocco, Rabat Moses Martha ) . STATE (0-3) A /BF
Millington Jeffery V S .Khmer Republic, Phnom Motfett James D. .POLADS. CINUSAREUR Moore William Howard .Cen . African Rep ., Mosher Charles B. Paraguay, Asuncion
Penh Bangui Mosher Geraldine L Brazil, Brasilia
Milliren Thomas F Ivory Coast. Abidjan (Heidelberg) Mosher Norman W.
Moffett Jesse R ..Bolivia , La Paz Moore William ) .Pakistan, Islamabad .AID (R-2) PPC /IA
Mills Asbury E. STATE (R-6) NOC Moffett William A lii .Haiti, Port-au -Prince Moore Zella L. Tunisia, Tunis Mosher Robert Allen STATE (0-8) trong
Mills Carol I .. ..Nicaragua, Managua Moffitt Gregory ).. ..USIA (R-3) Moorefield Kenneth P Viet-Nam, Saigon Moskowitz Pearl France, Paris
Mills Elizabeth A Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Moffitt William Alan ..USM /OAS, Wash. Mooring Veronica L ..AID ( S- 7) AA / AFR Moskowitz Sam El Salvador, San
Mills Hawthorne Q. .STATE (0-2) PER Mogannam Ihsan L Tunisia, Tunis Moose George E. Barbados, Bridgetown Salvador
Mills Henry R. ..Lebanon, Beirut Mohler Richard L... .USIA (R-2) Moot Edwin H JE .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Mosley Barnabas Jamaica, Kingston
Mills John E. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Mohr Mark Elliott .China, Taipei Morad James L. Spain, Madrid Mosley Fanny S. ..STATE (S-7) AF
Mills John L. STATE (0-2) 10 Molfetto Charles ..Thailand.Bangkok Morales Herson E ..Tunisia. Tunis Mosley Lionel s . USIA (R - 1 )
Mills Robert H Indonesia, Surabaya Molinar Elizabeth A. .Turkey, Istanbul Morales Maria E. US Mission, Geneva Mosley Willa D. STATE (S-8) M/FSI
Mills Robert M. Jordan , Amman Molineaux Paul D STATE (0-4) INR Moran David R .Germany. Dusseldorf Moss Carl Philippines, Manila
Mills Thomas Jr. Germany. Berlin Molineu James H. .STATE (R -4) N Atlan As Moran James B .STATE (0-2) S / IG Moss Clark E AID (R-2) SER/PM
Mills Wallace A STATE (R-3) ARA /LA Moller Herbert B Jr ..Korea, Seoul Moran Lawrence ) .Australia, Sydney Moss Jane A. STATE (S-8) A /SY
Mills William BJP .Paraguay. Asuncion Moller John D ..Mexico. Monterrey Moran William H .STATE ( S-6) N /OPR Moss John F .Liberia , Monrovia
Mills William H. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Moller Kenneth B. .STATE ( S-6) N /OC Moranda Lorene B STATE ( S-6) EUR Moss Stanley D Israel, Tel Aviv
Mills William .... Canada, Ottawa Moloney William G. ..USIA (R-7) Moreau Lorraine M. .France, Paris Moss Val Jr. Guatemala, Guatemala
Millslagle Dean L. Colombia, Bogota Monahan George A. ..STATE (R-2) NOPR Morefield Richard H .STATE ( 0-3) Unix Trng Mossler John R. USOECD, Paris
Millspaugh Larry G. .Netherlands, The Hague Monblatt Steven ). ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Morehouse CM STATE (RU -3 )INR Mossman Judith K. Trin & Tobago, Port -of.
Millspaugh Robert A Uruguay. Montevideo Monczewski Matthew E .. ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Morehouse Frederick G. ..Liberia, Monrovia Spain
Milot Arthur.... .Morocco, Rabat Monier John S. STATE (0-7) CIEP Moreland Frederick Jr. ..Germany, Bonn Motch Joan F. USOECD , Paris
Milton Lee 8 .. Pakistan, Islamabad Monioudis John ..Italy. Rome Moreland Sue M. .STATE (R-3) M /MS Mothena Ted ). Nigeria, Lagos
Milton Richard H. ..Nicaragua, Managua Monjo John C ... ..Indonesia , Jakarta Morelli Leonard R. Thailand, Bangkok MotsingerVivia USIA (R-4)
Milton Robert P .Mexico, Hermosillo Monnie Stanley M. ..Laos, Vientiane Moreno Otelia C ..Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Mott James ) „AID (R-3) COMP FS
Mims William C. .Morocco. Casablanca Moretti Edward .Italy, Rome Mott Robert L Thailand , Bang
Minard D Annette .Panama, Panama Monroe Gerald Joseph ..Germany. Bonn Mould L Murray AID (R-4) AFR /N
Monroe Harry W .USIA (R -4) Morey Roy D STATE (R- 1 ) 10
Minatre Gary D .STATE (R-6) A /OC Monroe Valter V. Mount Day Olin Austria , Vienna
Minehart William L... .USIA (10-3) ..AID (R.2) COMP /FS Mortino James. „Philippines, Manila STATE (R-7) trng
Monsen G Richard. ..USIA (10.1) Morford Richard A. .Singapore, Singapore Mount Gay William
Miner Sherman L.. STATE (RU-3)S/IG Mount Robert W Indonesia , Jakarta
Minges Robert .AID (R -2) COMP/FS Monsen Lucile E .. STATE ( S-4) AOC Morgan Alice A. ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Moura Col Arthur S. Brazil, Brasilia
Minicone Anna F .USIA (R.7) Monson Reuben M. ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Morgan Bruce A. .Greece, Athens Mouser Grant E III
Montagne Elizabeth A. STATE ( S-6 ) EA Morgan Cpt Leroy W Jr. Viet-Nam , Saigon STATE (0-3) NEA
Minnich L Arthur STATE (R.1 ) CU ..Colombia, Bogota Morgan Francis É . South Africa. Pretoria Mousky Stafford .USUN, N.Y.
Minnick Clarissa C.. Turkey. Ankara Montague John A.. Mousky Stafford K. AID (R-2) AA/PPC
Minnick Ray D. .Turkey. Ankara Montana Phyllis Ann .Guatemala, Guatemala Morgan June S Greece, Athens Mousseau Nanette
Montana Thomas Guatemala, Guatemala Morgan Michael .USIA ( S- 9) Israel, Tel Aviv
Minnies Malachy Todd .STATE (0-6) EB Mowbray Robert N. Paraguay, Asuncion
Minor Ainslie B. .Haiti, Port -au- Prince Montavon Paul A ..USM /OAS, Wash. Morgan Moses .Laos, Vientiane Mowinckel John W.
..Nicaragua, Managua Morgan Nancy E. Cameroon, Yaounde .Austria, Vienna
Minor Charles James. .Lebanon, Beirut Montealegre CA .. Moxhay Diana ) . Union of Soviet Socialist
Minor William B .Lebanon, Beirut Montgomery Byron K ..Italy. Milan Morgan Raecarol. STATE ( S-4) SCA Republics, Moscow
Mintz Steven P .... Indonesia, Jakarta Montgomery Chester C. .USIA (R-3) Morgan Robert Adr. Cyprus, Nicosia Moxley John E. „Philippines, Manila
Minutillo Robert N. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Montgomery Diana Mae ..STATE (R-7) trng Morgan William D STATE (0-3) PER Moy Paul .. STATE (0-4) EA
Mirabella John R ..AID (S.4) SER/PM Montgomery Harry M Jr.. ..STATE (0-4) NEA Mori Ichiro.. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Moyer Jacqueline R ..Nigeria , Lagos
Miracle Clayton F ..AID (R-3) PHA /POP Montgomery James D ..Haiti, Port-au -Prince Morimoto Sueo Australia, Brisbane Moyer Larry D. .Nigeria, Lagos
Misch Franz M. ..STATE (0-4) EUR Montgomery James M. ..Thailand, Chiang Mai • Morin Emile F. ..China , Peking (U.S. Moyer Lawson A Jr. STATE (R-2) INR
Misciagna Anne. .Dom . Rep., Santo Montgomery Robert J. ..Australia, Canberra Liaison Office) Moyer Lezetta ... Trin & Tobago, Port-of
Domingo Montgomery Stephen E Sri Lanka, Colombo Morin Laurent E .STATE (0-2) GSA Spain
Misey Edward G STATE (RU -2 )M /BAR Monti Peter A. ..Germany. Frankfurt Morley Gary G. ..Kenya, Nairobi Moyle Elizabeth A .. AID (R-3) IT / P
Misteldt William D .STATE (R-2) N/FBO Montllor Joseph J .... Spain, Madrid Morley Robert B. .STAT : ( 0-4 ) Univ Trng Moyle Joseph W. STATE (0-5) EA
Mishelott Russell ..AID (R-3) LA /DR Montoya Delores ) ..STATE ( S -7) EUR Morris Charles M ..Laos, Vientiane Moynihan Daniel P India, New Delhi
Mishler George M .USIA (R - 4) Montville Joseph V ..STATE (0-4) AF Morris Diana E. Greece, Athens Mraz David S... Sweden , Stockholm
Miskovish Regina A. .STATE ( S -6 ) EUR Moody Arthur É... ..STATE (R -6) AVOC Morris Franklin H .Guatemala, Guatemala Mu George .... .U.K., Hong Kong
Missakian Mary E. STATE (R-5) PER Moody Jack B Indonesia, Jakarta Morris Henrietta.. .U.K ., London Mucci William A STATE (S-1) A /MC
Missibeck James W Germany, Frankturt Moody John B Venezuela , Caracas Morris Jack R .El Salvador, San Mudd Donald E Bolivia, La Paz
Mistach Edward C. .STATE (R-6) NOPR Moody William .Netherlands, Curacao Salvador Mudd Robert C. .Hungary, Budapest
Mitchell Donald R .Laos, Vientiane Moody William 0 .Colombia, Bogota Morris Jane E .. India, New Delhi Mudge Arthur W li .Bolivia, La Paz
Mitchell Annabelle . .U.K ., London Moon Richard B ..STATE (0-3) S /IG Morris Jolene K. ..Japan, Tokyo Muehlke John G H STATE (0-5) EUR
Mitchell Charles M .Morocco, Tangier Mooney Robert C .Dom . Rep., Santo Morris Ltc John E.. .U.K., London Mueller Anita Esther Japan, Tokyo
Mitchell Col Jerry Joseph .....Indonesia, Jakarta Domingo Morris Ltc Robert P ..Malawi, Blantyre Mueller Richard W. STATE (0-5) S/S
Mitchell Col Newell D. Venezuela, Caracas Moor Carol Carter... ..Japan, Tokyo Zambia, Lusaka Mueller Robert Viet-Nam, Saigon
Jamaica, Kingston Moore Androw W.. Venezuela , Caracas Morris Lucille . ..Rwanda, Kigali Muenze Mark G .ACTION (R -5) 10
Haiti, Port-au -Prince Moore Annette ... ..USNATO, Brussels Morris Margaret A. .Dom . Rep., Santo Muir Beverly Jo ..AID ( S-6) AA/ SER
Trin & Tobago. Port-of Moore Audrey D ..Nigeria, Lagos Domingo Muir Hugh 0 . ..USIA ( R -4)
Spain Moore Bert C .USOECO. Paris Morris Murrow B. ..Peru, Lima Muir J Dapray . STATE (R-2) L
Mitchell George H Jr. .Nigeria, Ibadan Moore Blanche T ..STATE ( S-3) CU San Fran Morris Ned E .STATE ( 0.5) Univ Tang Muirhead Ellyn C. ..Viet- Nam, Saigon
Mitchell Herbert I jr. .Colombia, Bogota Moore C Robert . ..Cameroon , Yaounde Morris Patrick F. ..AID (R-1) LAPAN Mukai Tom Viet-Nam , Bien Hoa
PEDRUARY 1974 73
Mulcahy Edward W Nugent Michael J
Mulcahy Edward W. ..Chad, N'Djamena Murtha John A. .Laos, Vientiane Nell Gerald ..Laos, Vientiane Nickel Edward ) . USIA ( 10-1 )
Mulcahy William F. AID (R-3) Trng Comp Murtha John F Nepal , Kathmandu Nelsen Larry A. STATE (0-8) INR Nickerson Shirley L Germany, Frankfurt
Muldon Mary E Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Murto Warner C. .Laos, Vientiane Nelson Charles Botswana , Gaborone Nicklas Charles Edr Viet-Nam , Saigon
Mulhall Patricia STATE (S-8) NEA Muscat Robert AID (R-2) PPC /PDA Swaziland, Mbabane Nickle Thomas ) . AID (R-5) SER/FM
Mulhearn Helen ) STATE (R-2) SCA Musolf Lewis E ...Israel, Tel Aviv Lesotho, Maseru Nicks Gordon S. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Mulherin Maj Charles H Jr...Morocco, Rabat Musser Maclyn H. STATE (R-3) A /SY Nelson Clifford R. STATE ( 0-2) Univ Trng Nicol Donald ) Korea, Seoul
Mull Gerald C Niger, Niamey Mustard Ruthe D Union of Soviet Socialist Nelson Donald M Jr El Salvador, San Nicolai William AID (R-2) MO/AD
Mullen Anne E STATE (S.7) A /OC Republics, Moscow Salvador Nicolay Albert A. Laos, Vientiane
Mullen Kathleen ) . Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Muszynska Lavona STATE ( S- 4) EA Nelson Francis ) Union of Soviet Socialist Nicoloft Boris G USIA ( S- 9)
Mullen Sheila M USM /IAEA, Vienna Mutschall Vladimir USIA (R-5) Republics, Moscow Nider Ralph Lawrence Thailand, Bangkok
Muller George F. .POLADS, CINCEUR Mutton Erna Ann Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Nelson Gary L. Ivory Coast. Abidjan Nieburg Patrick E. USIA ( 10-2)
(Stuttgart) Mye Randolph L .Bolivia , La Paz Nelson Harold Tr .Korea, Seoul Niedzielak Walter J. .Lebanon, Beirut
Mulligan Donald W. Trin & Tobago, Port-of Myers Desaix B lii . „AID (R-5) COMP/ FS Nelson Harvey F Jr. Zambia, Lusaka Nielsen Preben R Germany, Frankfurt
Spain Myers Emmett L .Guatemala, Guatemala Nelson Jack L. „ AID (R-3) SER /ENGR Nielsen Steve A STATE (R-6) M/FSI
Mulligan John Patrick South Africa. Cape Town Myers Kenneth Lyle .Laos, Vientiane Nelson James C Switzerland, Zurich Nielsen Thelma C STATE ( S- 3) M /FSI
Mulligan Mary Anne Bahamas, Nassau Myers Larry K Philippines, Manila Nelson Lyle M. STATE () CU Niemann Leona E Khmer Republic, Phnom
Mullin John ) Mexico, Monterrey Myers Martin H .. Turkey, Ankara Nelson Marion C. AID (S- 7) LA /MRSD Penh
Mullin Lillian Peters .U.K ., Hamilton Myers Robert C. STATE (0-5) M/FSI Nelson Melvin W. ..Thailand, Chiang Mai Niemela Lauri STATE (RU-3)INR
Mullins James Thomas . USIA (R- 5) Myers Robert P Jr .Laos, Vientiane Nelson Nancy A AID (S- 7 ) COMP / FS Niemeyer E VJr Chile, Santiago
Mullins Lauren D .AID (R-3) OPS Myers Rodney P. .Nigeria. Lagos Nelson Nita Jo Venezuela, Caracas Niemi Donald R. STATE (0-5) PM
Mulvey Mark E. ..Cyprus, Nicosia Myers Walter Leon Ireland, Dublin Nelson Richard B Philippines, Manila Niese William Jr .Khmer Republic, Phnom
Mumford Maj Jay C .Finland, Helsinki Myerson Jacob M. .USEC. Brussels Nelson Robert K New Zealand . Penh
Mumm Alan H Laos, Vientiane Myles Stanley T. STATE (0-6) Com Dept Wellington Niesen Mary W STATE (S-5) A /BF
Munagian Mary Viet Nam, Saigon Mynatt Arvid W .. STATE (S10) P Nelson Roy C. Peru, Lima Nieto Richard M Colombia, Bogota
Mundt Alice M Cameroon, Yaounde Myrick James F. .Zaire, Kinshasa Nelson Rudolph A. .Liberia, Monrovia Nikiforov Eugene V .Germany , Munich
Mundy James CJE Viet-Nam , Saigon Nelson Thomas E STATE (0-2) EB Niles Thomas MT . Union of Soviet Socialist
Muniak Edward .AID (RL-4 )PHA/POP Nelson William AJr. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Republics, Moscow
Munn Lewright B. AID (S-4) MO/CM Nemeth Col Stephen A „Nepal, Kathmandu Nilsestuen Wayne R Afghanistan, Kabul
Munn Robert H. STATE (0-3) S/NM Nenno William C ..Australia. Canberra Nindel Benjamin E STATE (RU-2)CU
Munoz Cecilia R Uruguay, Montevideo Naas Charles Willis STATE (0-2) M/FSI Neptune J Gerard ...Zaire, Kinshasa Niner Arthur M Jr Egypt, Cairo
Munoz Roberto R .Guyana, Georgetown Naber Ruth D STATE (S-5) DG /MED Nesbitt Charles ) Saudi Arabia, Jidda Nishihara Richard Jamaica, Kingston
Munro Glenn A .Peru, Lima Nach James P Viet- Nam, Saigon Nesci Franklin .. .Germany, Frankfurt Niswander Melvin C Panama, Panama
Munroe Leslie J .Poland , Poznan Nachtrieb Robert W. Bangladesh, Dacca Ness Donald L. .Dom. Rep. , Santo Nix John U Union of Soviet Socialist
Munsee Lt Cdr Stewart F .....France , Paris Nacke Algie.... Thailand , Bangkok Domingo Republics, Moscow
Munsey Ernestine C .Germany. Bonn Nacke Yvonna M Thailand, Bangkok Ness Donald Ray . Philippines, Manila Nixon Arthur B III .. Chile, Santiago
Munsing Stefan P .Denmark. Copenhagen Nadeau Edward .Nigeria, Lagos Ness Rudolph W. Greece, Athens Nixon Jack L. Haiti, Port- au-Prince
Munske Joyce B. USIA ( R- 5) Nadler Seymour I. .USIA (10-2) Nesvig John L. STATE (0-5) M/FSI Nixon Miriam E. Peru, Lima
Munson Jerald H .Greece, Athens Nadzo Stefan C. Iceland, Reykjavik Nethercut Richard D STATE (0-3) EA Nixon Warren P .STATE (0-5) A /OPR
Muollo Thomas Senegal, Dakar Naeher Willis E STATE (RU -2 )A /OC Nettles George C. .Pakistan, Islamabad Noack David STATE (S-3 ) A /OC
Murawsky Walter .Germany, Munich Nagao Clarence M. STATE (0-6) S / S Neuberg Howard G Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Noah Lynn H. Union of Soviet Socialist
Murbach Vernon S. Morocco, Rabat Nagley John E. .USIA (R-4) Neubert Joseph W. STATE ( 0-1) S/PC Republics, Moscow
Murchie Gordon W .USIA ( 10-3) Nagy Albert A Viet-Nam, Saigon Neumann Robert G. .Morocco, Rabat Nobert Spencer C Sierra Leone, Freetown
Murchison Roderick G Jr...... South Africa, Nagy Ernest A .Italy. Rome Neumann Ronald Eldredge Iran , Tabriz Noble Marshall Hays STATE (0-3) PA
Johannesburg Nagy Tibor P. Viet-Nam, Can Tho Neuser David C Peru, Lima Noel Edgar E. Guyana, Georgetown
Murdock Delores H .USIA (R- 7) NagyWilliam C. Greece, Athens Nevera Ivonna South Africa , Pretoria Noel Lucille M STATE (R-5) PER
Muroaka Harold M. Thailand, Bangkok Naifeh George A. .USIA (10-3) Neville Mary C. Viet-Nam, Saigon Nofflet Juanita L Viet-Nam. Saigon
Murom cew Cyril STATE (S-2) A /OPR Najjar Najib A. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Nevin Stanley R .. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Nogueira Joseph M USIA (R- 5)
Muroski Donald E. .Lebanon. Beirut Nakamura George Toshio ....AID (R-3) OPS Nevitt Robert LM „Nigeria, Lagos Nojek Eugene A China, Taipei
Murphey Patricia Indonesia , Jakarta Nakata Suemi , STATE ( S- 7) CU Honolulu Newberg Richard R Pakistan , Islamabad Nolan Edmund J. Greece, Athens
Murphrey Isaac G Philippines, Manila Nakatsu Lorry M Japan, Tokyo Newberg Steven M. STATE ( S-7) EUR Nolan Guss H AID (R-3) AG /AUD
Murphy Alvis Craig Laos, Vientiane Nakki Helen A .. .USIA (S-5) Newberry Daniel 0 . .Bangladesh , Dacca Nolan Leslie M USIA ( R-7 )
Murphy Charles M. India , New Delhi Nalle Beauveau B .Liberia, Monrovia Newbill Mary E. Indonesia, Jakarta Nolton John S Jr. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Murphy Cpt Frank M Canada, Ottawa Nalle David Union of Soviet Socialist Newbry Burton C .Nepal , Kathmandu Noonan Albert W Jr. STATE (0-4) EA
Murphy David E. France, Paris Republics, Moscow Newby John S. .USIA (R-3) Noonan Harriet M. .Burma , Rangoon
Murphy Dennis P. ..Saudi Arabia , Jidda Nalywayko Dmytro M .USIA (R-5) Newland Carl . ..Laos, Vientiane Noonan John T .. STATE (R-2 ) A/SY
Murphy Diane M. Venezuela, Caracas Nance Edmund B Jr. STATE ( S -5) EA Newland Frank R. .Nepal , Kathmandu Nora Clyde G Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Murphy Edward G. USIA (0-4) Nance Sara L .STATE ( S-7) MED Newlin Kenneth W. Philippines, Manila Norberg Carl E .Germany, Frankfurt
Murphy Elinor STATE (S-3) S / AJ Nance Sidney C. .U.K ., London Newlin Michael H. Zaire, Kinshasa Norberg Julie C. .Afghanistan, Kabul
Murphy Ellen P Burma, Rangoon Nance William B Turkey. Ankara Newlin William VP STATE (0-4) S/S Norbury Joseph BJP USUN, N.Y.
Murphy Emmett . Philippines, Manila Nank Gary R. Guyana, Georgetown Newman Donald R ..Thailand , Bangkok Nordstrom Janet A. STATE (S-6) PM
Murphy Francis III Pakistan, Islamabad Nape Mary Ann . Japan. Sapporo Newman George S. STATE (0-1 ) T Noren Helen ) .U.K. , Hong Kong
Murphy Helen M .USIA (R-6) Napier Jack P Viet-Nam, Saigon Newman Herbert M Thailand, Bangkok Noring Nina , STATE (R-6) PA
Murphy Jack M Viet-Nam . Saigon Napoletan Camille A USEC. Brussels Newman Irwin B. STATE (S-3) A /OC Norland Donald R. STATE (0-2) PER
Murphy James P STATE (0-5) EA Narten Philip C STATE (0-3) EUR Newman Jane P Thailand, Bangkok Norlem Shirley K. STATE (S-6) M /WA
Murphy John USIA (S-9) Nash Frank V STATE (R-8) trng Newman John R .Philippines, Manila Norman Irene M USOECD , Paris
Murphy Margaret Ann .Laos , Vientiane Nathanielsz Ault M .. .Panama, Panama Newman Mary A Germany. Munich Norman Marcia L Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Murphy Marvin H. AID (R-3) COMP/FS Nathanson Alynn Joelle .U.K ., London Newman Nancy Jo ..AID (S- 7) SA / C Norman Onida Lou .Dom . Rep.. Santo
Murphy Mary E .France, Paris Nathness Sarah Louise Germany, Hamburg Newman Ray D. AID (R-4) COMP /FS Domingo
Murphy Mary Ellen STATE (S-6) EUR Natirboff Murat . Sudan, Khartoum Newman Richard W. .Brazil , Brasilia Norred Christopher A Jr Venezuela, Caracas
Murphy Nicholas M Saudi Arabia . Jidda Natoli Jolene C .STATE ( S-6) H Newman William M .Philippines, Manila Norris Chester Eds .U.K., London
Murphy Patricia A Ecuador. Quito Naudzius Dorothy Ann South Africa. Cape Town Newman Yale .Panama, Panama Norris James A. Indonesia, Jakarta
Murphy Patrick C STATE (S-4) A /OC Naughton Clifton B .USIA (10-3) Newnham Edward A. Austria, Vienna Norris Marion V r. Belgium, Brussels
Murphy Patrick N Turkey, Ankara Naughton Phouratsamy .USIA (R-6) Newsom David D Indonesia, Jakarta Norris Raymond L. .Poland, Warsaw
Murphy Paul T. STATE (0-7) INR Naugle Louvain . Thailand, Bangkok Newsom Eric David .U.K., London North Charles V. .Colombia , Bogota
Murphy Peter K .. France, Paris Naurocki Alfred W Costa Rica , San Jose Newsom Howard F. STATE (0-2) EA North Jerrold M. STATE (0-5) A/BF
Murphy Richard W. .Mauritania , Nouakchott Navarro Edmundo G Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Newton David G Yemen Arab Republic, North William H. .Ghana , Accra
Murphy Robert Ivory Coast , Abidjan Navez Andre ..... STATE (0-4) AF San'a Northup John H JE Viet-Nam , Saigon
Murphy Robert D USIA ( 0-3) Navratil William R. STATE ( S-4) A /OC Newton Elizabeth STATE ( S- 3) A/CPR Norton David Clark . STATE (0-5) ARA / LA
Murphy Thomas F. Laos, Vientiane Naylor William H Jr. .Panama, Panama Newton George P AID (R -3) SER / FM Norton Donald E. Israel, Tel Aviv
Murphy Thomas F. Brazil, Brasilia Nayor Michael A Israel, Tel Aviv Ngo Peggy K. Tunisia, Tunis Norton Kenneth Leroy .STATE (0-1) trong
Murphy Thomas Franklin.....STATE (0-6) INR Neal Alfred H I Japan, Tokyo Nguyen Ai Huu .USIA (R-5) Norton Richard H AID (R-4) COMP/FS
Murphy Thomas J. .Germany. Bonn Neal George E STATE ( S -6) AF Niblack Col Emmett A Jr. Argentina, Buenos Aires Norton Royall E .Zaire, Kinshasa
Murphy William G. ..Japan, Tokyo Neave John W. .AID (R-3) SER/ENGR Nibley Lloyd E. Viet-Nam, Saigon Norwood Charlotte STATE (S-8) EUR
Murray Anne V .. Indonesia, Jakarta Nebblett Milton E Viet-Nam, Danang Niblo Winfield P Viet-Nam, Saigon Norwood Harold Wayne.. .STATE (R-7) A /OC
Murray Col Lynn 0 . China, Taipei Nedett Roma M .AID ( S -4) COMP/ FS Niblock Thomas C .Philippines, Manila Norwood Thomas Lin .Indonesia, Medan
Murray Dina M .Romania, Bucharest Nedopad Louis F Viet-Nam, Saigon Nice Jeremy... .Brazil , Brasilia Nosenzo Louis VN STATE (R- 1 ) PM
Murray James D Thailand , Bangkok Nee Coleman ) STATE (0-4) 10 Nicholas Julian C Senegal, Dakar Nosko Edward T STATE (S-5) AF
Murray James ] ..Afghanistan, Kabul Neetz Roger E. Union of Soviet Socialist Nicholas Randall A .Liberia. Monrovia Notheis Walter M. .Dom . Rep . , Santo
Murray James M .Lebanon , Beirut Republics, Moscow Nichols Charles E. STATE (S -7) A /OC Domingo
Murray John Francis .Laos, Vientiane Net Edward V STATE (0-4) EUR Nichols Isabelle ) .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Novak Joseph .USIA (R -4)
Murray Joseph Alp Nepal, Kathmandu Negroponte John D .Ecuador, Quito Nichols James C. Iran. Tehran Novak Joseph S .AID (R-4) MO/SSM
Murray Joyce E .AID (S-6) COMP/FS Neher Leonardo Chad, N'Djamena Nichols Judith G STATE (S-7) A /OC Novick Jerome F .USIA ( 10-2)
Murray Lewis Roy Jr. STATE (0-4) PM Neidle Alan F. STATE (R-2) ACDA Nichols Robert L. Singapore, Singapore Novins Malcolm S Panama, Panama
Murray Mark A. Philippines, Manila Neil Bette ). STATE (S10) PER Nichols Robert W. .STATE (R-3) A /OC Nowak Stanley S AID (R-3) SER /FM
Murray Mg John E. Viet Nam, Saigon Neil Sherley R. Colombia, Bogota Nicholson Robert P. STATE (RU-5)SY Noyes Atherton lii STATE (R -4) M/FSI
Murray Richard W STATE (RU -1 )A /BF Neilond Col Patrick M. .Zaire, Kinshasa Nicholson Roger W ACTION(R-5) Noyes Jon L. .Nigeria, Lagos
Murray Thomas FJr STATE (R-8) PER Rwanda, Kigali 10 /NAN / EAP Noziglia Edward P. STATE (0-3) 10
Murray Virginia S Viet-Nam, Saigon Burundi, Bujumbura Nicholson Ronald L .AID (R-3) LA /BC NugentMichael Yemen Arab Republic,
Murrie Hilda M .Netherlands, The Hague Neitzke Ronald ) .. Norway. Oslo Nicholson Walter H. , .AID (R-4) FFP San'a
Nugnes Paul R ..France ,Paris Ogden Jerome C ... ..U.K. , Hong Kong Oreilly L Arlene. ..AID ( S-4) AFR /DP Paige Patricia M .ACTION (S -6 ) 10
Nunn Clifford CJE Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Ogden Richard M. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Oriordan Desmond ..Thailand , Chiang Mai PainterMary E. .USIA (R-4)
Nurmi Alan S ... USIA (R-4) Ogg George W Venezuela , Caracas Orlowski Sylvia ). ..Bulgaria, Sofia Painter Rodney G ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Nurnberger Elsie Marie Viet-Nam , Danang Ogino Jack S ..India, Madras Ormasa Anthony J.. .AID (R-2) AA / SA Pakchar Nathan Guatemala, Guatemala
Nussba H Elizabe . .U.K. , London
th Ogle John M ACTION(R-8) 10 Ororke James R ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa Palazzolo Mary Dell F STATE (0-5) DG/PER
Nydell CarlCor STATE (RU - 1) DG /MED Oglesby Donna Marie .USIA (0-5) Orourke Jon )...... Viet-Nam, Can Tho Palazzolo Vita A Colombia, Bogota
Nyhus Paul G Guatemala , Guatemala Oglesby George W AID (R- 5) LA / DR Orourke Margaret S. ..Panama, Panama Palladino Lucy V Guatemala, Guatemala
Nyren Albert V. ..Turkey. Ankara Ogren Kenneth E. ..France, Paris Orozco Cristobal R „ Japan, Tokyo Palmer Alice H AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Nyrop Flemming E. Indonesia , Jakarta Ohmans John L AID (0-2) OLAB Orr Harry L STATE (R-5) SCA Palmer Alison. STATE (0-3) AF
Ohta John T. USIA (10.7) Orr Peter D ..Turkey, Istanbul Palmer Clara M. .U.K. , London
Oiseth Howard USIA (R-2) Ortega Lewis ..Viet- Nam, Saigon Palmer David A STATE (R-6) INR
Ojala S Elaine ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Ortega Ruth B ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Palmer Douglas W. Viet-Nam , Danang
Okane Helen M. .Netherlands, Ortiz Alberto R ..USIA (R-8) Palmer Frederick S. .Nigeria , Lagos
O Brien Marilyn Ardelle Romania , Bucharest Amsterdam Ortiz Frank V JE STATE ( 0-2 ) ARA /LA Palmer Grace E STATE (RU-4)SCA
O Bryan Ltc William P Khmer Republic, Phnom Okeette Patricia A Ecuador, Quito Ortiz Juan .Brazil, Sao Paulo Palmer Henry U .Laos, Vientiane
Penh Okun Herbert S .... .POLADS, CINCAFSOUTH Ortman David B STATE (0-3) EB Palmer James C Jamaica, Kingston
O Connell Thomas B. ..USEC, Brussels (Naples) Ortwein Mathias ..Mexico, Guadalajara PalmerMargery ) .Nepal , Kathmandu
O Donnell John J. .Lebanon, Beirut Olason Victor B Germany. Bonn Orum Thomas T. ..STATE (R-6) INR Palmer Meredith Ann STATE (R- 7) CU
O'Brien Emmett Pakistan, Islamabad Olbrish Virginia A. Austria, Vienna Osborn David L ..U.K., Hong Kong Palmer Robie MH STATE (0-4) S/PC
O'Brien Joseph T Italy, Milan Oldham William D Viet-Nam, Saigon Portugal, Macao Palmer Ronald D. Philippines, Manila
O'Brien Robert Paul .STATE (R-7) A / SY Olds Hugh W Jr. USIA (R-4) Osborne Susan K. ..ACTION( S-9) Palmer Stephen Er STATE (0-2) Unix Tang
O'Connell Sara E .. .Belgium , Brussels Oleary David E. India , Bombay 10 /NAN / EAP Palmeri Robert J. .USIA ( 0-5)
O'Connell Sheila-Kaye .Bangladesh . Dacca Olejarz Michael H Jr Paraguay. Asuncion Osburn Ella V. AID (S- 7) OPS Palomba Pat V. .AID (R-3) SER/FM
O'Connor Edward R .Canada, Ottawa Oleksiw Daniel P USIA (10-1 ) Osguthorpe John E ..Liberia, Monrovia Paltrineri Carl T. Burma, Rangoon
O'Connor Leonard ) ..India, New Delhi Olen Milton W. Viet-Nam, Saigon Oshaughnessy Helene F ..STATE ( S-5) EA Panaccione Paul D ..Philippines, Manila
O'Connor Patrick 1 STATE (0-4) Com Dept Olenik Joseph E. .Korea, Seoul OshaughnessyPhilips ..Paraguay, Asuncion Pancoast Edwin C Ghana, Accra
O'Connor Thomas Patrick .... STATE (S-6) A /OC Olesen Jan S .ACTION(S-8) Oslowski Ronald S Viet-Nam, Saigon Pandolfi William J. STATE (R-6) A/OPR
O'Dea James S. STATE (S-4) A /OC 10 /NAN / EAP Ososky Margaret C ... .USIA (R-6) Panitt Jeffrey... Zaire, Kinshasa
O'Donnell Rosemary K. Hungary, Budapest Oleson John R Bolivia , La Paz Osso Vera M .USIA ( S-6 ) Panitz Solomon USIA (R-3)
O'Donnell Thomas .. ..Nicaragua . Managua Olguin Nicholas P Germany, Munich Ossola Thomas W. ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa Panizza Shirley E. STATE (0-5) SCA
O'Donohue Daniel A ..Korea, Seoul Olijnyk Wasyl . .USIA (R - 7) Ostapenko Walter USIA (R-7) Panor Anne .AID (R-4) SER/PM
O'Grady John M STATE (0-3) ARA /LA Oliver Beverly A. .US Mission , Geneva Ostergaard Dallas Colombia, Bogota Panos John G India, Bombay
O'Grady Walter John South Africa, Pretoria Oliver John G Spain, Madrid Ostertag F Samuel ..Philippines, Manila Pantaleo Rose STATE (R-5) PA
O'Hanlon Brendon P. .Korea, Seoul Oliver William Tr AID (R-5) PPC /RB Ostrander Nancy ..STATE (0-3) WarColl Panttaja Col William T ..Japan , Tokyo
O'Hare Dennis Jerome STATE (R-7 ) SY Oliveri Joseph P. .Dom . Rep., Santo Trng Paolozzi Bettina Frances. Jordan . Amman
O'Herron Thomas F. ..Portugal, Lisbon Domingo Ostrich Frank T USIA (S -3) Paolozzi Thomas F. Jordan, Amman
O'Mahony Joseph E .STATE (0-3) EB Olmon E Parks .Haiti , Port-au -Prince Osullivan Angela M. Viet-Nam, Saigon Papa Albert F. .US Mission, Geneva
O'Mara Charles I. Brazil, Sao Paulo Olmsted Jr James W. .Fiji. Suva Osullivan Mary M. .USIA (S -5) Papadopulo Mildred M USIA (R-5)
O'Neil Thomas P. .Finland, Helsinki Olmsted Mary S. STATE (0-1 ) PER Otis Terrell Reid ..Thailand, Chiang Mai Papailias Helen C .Khmer Republic, Phnom
O'Neill W Paul Jr. STATE (0-2) AF Olmsted Thomas F Khmer Republic, Phnom Ott Elaine L .. ..India, New Delhi Penh
O'Shea Marie F. India, New Delhi Penh Ott John W. ..Morocco, Rabat Papathanassiou Kathri .USIA (S-7 )
O'Shea Nadia Canada, Ottawa Olney Robert B Viet-Nam , Saigon Otte Gretchen E ..Norway . Oslo Papendick Dennis R. STATE (0-4) A/BF
Oakley Aida G. Viet-Nam , Saigon Olnick Norman AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS Otterbein Julianne ..ACTION (R-6) 10 Papendorp ) Theodore .USOECD. Paris
Oakley Robert B .Lebanon , Beirut Olowach Dorothy L Viet-Nam , Saigon Otterson John P ..Philippines , Manila Paper Ltc Harry W .Hungary, Budapest
Obee Kent D. .Nepal, Kathmandu Olsen Arthur ) Sweden , Stockholm Otto Allan W ..Poland , Warsaw Papierski Edward M .Liberia, Monrovia
Obenauer Peter ) Ecuador, Guayaquil Olsen Gerald R. STATE (0-3) ARA / LA Otto John L .. ..Thailand , Bangkok Pappalardo Angelo ) AID (RL.4)AG/AUD
Ober Robert Fle .Union of Soviet Socialist Olsen Jerry E Costa Rica, San Jose Otto Leonard H. Indonesia , Jakarta Pappas Chris CJE STATE (0-3) S/R
Republics, Moscow Olsen Norman L .Kenya, Nairobi Ouderkirk Richard H. ..Guatemala , Guatemala Pappas Nicholas ... AID (R-3) MO / SA
Oberholtzer Benjamin C......STATE (R- 7) A /SY Olsen Richard L USIA ( R-4) Oudsteyn Sylvia C. STATE ( S-8) ARA /LA Paquet Mary Jane.. .AID (S-6) SA/PPB
Obermayer Dennis H .Laos, Vientiane Olsen Thomas L. STATE ( S -7) ARA /LA Oumano Anne K STATE (R-2) 10 Paquette Dorothy M. Zaire, Kinshasa
Obiden Carl F. STATE (S- 7) AF Olson Clinton L. Sierra Leone, Freetown Ouweneel William M. ..Brazil, Brasilia Pardee ArthurEn STATE (RU-2 )SCI
Obligacion Amy ). Libya, Tripoli Olson Donald A. Thailand, Bangkok Overbey Ltc Robert E. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Pardon Raymond STATE (0-6) EUR
ObluckWarren .USIA (10-3) Olson Donna R .Morocco, Casablanca Paraguay, Asuncion Pare A Maurice .. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Obolensky Alexis N STATE (R-4) A /OPR Olson Elaine H USIA (S-5) Overdorf Roland ... ..Liberia, Monrovia Parent Kenneth W STATE (0-6) M/FSI
Obolensky Ludmila USIA (R- 5) Olson Eugene T. Canada, Ottawa Overmyer Allen R. ..Israel, Tel Aviv Pariente ArthurC .USIA ( R-3)
Oboyle Dennis G. ..Khmer Republic, Phnom Olson F Pierce .Norway. Oslo Overturf J Richard .USIA (0-3) Parisi Saverio .. .Portugal, Lisbon
Penh Olson Frederick W Thailand, Bangkok Oveson Ltc Richard M ..France, Paris Park Alexander G. .USIA (R-2)
Oboyle Sara ) .STATE (R- 7 ) SCA Olson Gordon B. Trin & Tobago, Port-of Owen Douglas E. .AID ( R -4) SER /PM Park Robert E ... .STATE (0-5) M/FSI
Obrien B Audra .AID (S-4) COMP/FS Spain Owen Jonathan P .USIA (R-7) Parker Alan ..India, New Delhi
Obrien Garry ) Turkey. Ankara Olson Guy E ... USIA (R- 7) Owen Richard B ..STATE (0-3) WarColl Parker Charles D ..Nigeria, Lagos
Obrien , Michael .Cyprus, Nicosia Olson Hazel C. .AID (R-3) COMP/FS Trng Parker David J. India, New Delhi
Obrien Joseph A .Australia , Canberra Olson James USIA ( R -4 ) Owen William VM Burma, Rangoon Parker Dorothy E Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Obrien Kenneth T India, New Delhi Olson Oscar Jr. .Germany, Berlin Owens Delmond ..USIA (S -9) Parker Harrison. .AID (R-3) FFP
Obrien Michael F. Colombia, Medellin Olson Richard L Argentina, Buenos Aires Owens Edgar L.. ..AID (R-2) ASIA / TECH Parker James A .STATE (0-2) M/FSI
Obrien William P STATE (R-4) CU Olson Robert K. STATE (0-4) 10 Owens John P. ..STATE (0-3) EUR Parker John D. .Ecuador, Guayaquil
Obrien William W Upper Volta, Olson Russell E Uruguay, Montevideo Owens Michael P. ..France, Bordeaux Parker M Jane ..Australia, Perth
Ouagadougou Olson Russell 0. .Nigeria. Lagos Owens Sarale A. USIA (10-3) Parker Marvin M. ..Turkey, Izmir
Oconnell Cpt Thomas W ......Chad, N'Djamena Olson V Edward. Malawi, Blantyre Oxendine Charles L Belgium , Brussels Parker Melvin A. .STATE (S- 7) S/S
Cen . African Rep.. Olson Warren G ..AID (R-3) SER/FM Oxford Helen M ...... STATE ( S- 3) EUR Parker Otha L ... ..Australia, Canberra
Bangui Olton Harry A. Sri Lanka, Colombo Oxman Bernard H. ..STATE (R-2) L Parker Richard B. ..Morocco, Rabat
Cameroon, Yaounde Olton Regina D. Sri Lanka , Colombo Oyloe Turner L .. ..Germany, Bonn Parker Robert R .. Guatemala, Guatemala
Gabon, Libreville Omachel Walter B STATE (S -4 ) AF Oyster Genevieve.. .AID (SL- 7)SER /COM Parker Thomas Jr ..Japan, Tokyo
Oconnell John G .Lebanon, Beirut Omahony Adah 0 Viet-Nam, Saigon Ozeta Delia .El Salvador, San Parker Warren E Viet-Nam , Can Tho
Oconnell Joseph Dan .Brazil, Sao Paulo Omalley Kathleen. Philippines, Manila Salvador Parker William A ..AID (R-3) IT/P
Oconnor Lt Col Peter N Singapore, Singapore Omalley Michael P .Philippines, Manila Ozols Knuts A .... ...USIA (R-8) Parker William D ..Paraguay, Asuncion
Oconnor Thomas E .Germany. Hamburg Omeara James T AID (R-5) IT/P Ozzello James... ..STATE (0-5) EB Parkinson John .USIA (R -4)
Oconnor Thomas L .Turkey, Ankara Ondecker Maj Lawrence W ...Khmer Republic, Phnom Parks Neil L. ..Spain, Bilbao
Odarchenko Paul... .USIA (R-7) Penh Parks Paul D ..Nicaragua,Managua
Ode Robert C ... .Italy. Genoa Ondiak John Japan. Naha, Japan Parks Traba F. .Bolivia , La Paz
Odell Bruce ) ... .Kenya, Nairobi Ondrey Barbara R Iran, Tehran Parks William L .. ..AID (R- 1) OPA /PAD
Odell Catherine M .STATE (RU-4)10 Ondrus Stephen R. Japan, Tokyo Pabst David A. ..Japan, Tokyo Parr Ross C. STATE (0-4) EB
Odell Harry ... .STATE (0-2) M/FSI Oneil Francis E. Philippines, Manila Pace Beryel J .. ..AID (R-3) OPS Parris Mark Robert. ..Portugal Ponta Delgada
Odell Thomas R. Viet-Nam, Can Tho Oneil Rita K .. Israel, Tel Aviv Pace Roberts ..Bolivia, La Paz Parrish Mary . .AID (S-4) COMP/FS
Odle Lawrence L. .AID (R-2) ASIA /EMS Oneill Hugh W Viet-Nam, Saigon Pace Vance C. USIA (10-5) Parrott F Coleman ..STATE (0-5) ARA /LA
Odom Lt Col William E .Union of Soviet Socialist Oneill John J Jr STATE (0-2) Unix Trng Pacey Millicent L. Switzerland, Zurich Parsons Blanchard K ..Korea, Seoul
Republics, Moscow Oneill Joseph P. STATE (0-6 ) SCA Pacheco Federico G. .Dom . Rep. , Santo Parsons Donald K. .Dom . Rep., Santo
Odonnell John B. AID (R-3) Trng Comp Oneill Patrick ). „AID (RL-6)SER/CM Domingo Domingo
Odonnell Kevin F ..India, New Delhi Oneill Rosemary D. STATE ( S-6) CU Paciorka Joseph Jr STATE ( S-3 ) PER Parsons Edmund M. Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Odor Sandra S. ..Spain, Madrid Oneill Sheila K. .Colombia, Bogota Packard David C. .Paraguay. Asuncion Parsons John P. .Liberia, Monrovia
Oechsli L Paul. .AID (R- 1 ) ASIA /SA Onimus David R. .Greece, Athens Packard Ross L .Zaire, Kinshasa Parsons Joseph M ..Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Oechslin Gayle L .STATE (R- 7) EUR Onomoto Flora K. France, Paris Packer Leo S. .STATE (R- 1 ) SCI Parsons Katherine M. Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Oohrlein Thomas F Viet Nam, Saigon Opfer Col David HE .Khmer Republic, Phnom Padgett Charles B. .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Parsons R Jeanne. .STATE (S-6) AF
Oei Ting Yi ..ACTION(R- 7) Penh Pado Joseph C .... .Canada, Montreal Parsons Ronald C Sweden, Stockholm
10 /NAN /EAP Oplinger Gerald G STATE (0-4 ) PM Paes Ned Z.. STATE (S -4) A /OC Parsons Wesley H. ..Mexico, Monterrey
Oelschig Maj Carl M lii Venezuela, Caracas Oppen Ronald P Yugoslavia, Belgrade Paganelli Robert P ..Italy. Rome Parsons Wilbur M. STATE (R-6) A /OC
Ofarrell Paul Thailand, Bangkok Oppenhuizen Capt John P ...Indonesia, Jakarta Page Aurora N. ..USIA (R-7) Pascale Gerald A.. Guyana, Georgetown
Otenstein Sharon Kan .USIA (R-7) Opstein Sally C Brazil, Brasilia Page Capt George L ..Australia, Canberra Pascoe B Lynn... ..U.K., Hong Kong
Ogara Teresa I .. ..U.K ., London Ordal Steven Rolf. STATE ( 0-8) trung Page Kenneth T. STATE (R-7) ARA /LA Pascoe Dorothy L. .Israel, Tel Aviv
Ogden Geoffrey ...Turkey, Istanbul Oreilly John P .Philippines, Manila Paige James Adr . .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Pasela JeromeE. ..Chad, N'Djamena
FEBRUARY 1974 75
Passage David D Pottor Marian 1
Passage David D. STATE (0-5) PM Pendergrast Dell F USIA ( 0-4) Petree Richard W Japan, Tokyo Pitman Chalmer E. USNATO, Brussels
Pastorino Robert Stephen ...STATE (0-5) ARA /LA Pendleton Hollis K. Philippines, Manila Petrequin Harry ) Thailand, Bangkok Pitts Henry Ltr . .Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Patalive Charles Pakistan , Islamabad Pendleton Miles S Jr. .STATE (0-5) S/S Petrich Donna ). STATE ( S -8) NEA Pitts John L. Germany, Frankfurt
Pate Ernest C Thailand, Bangkok Penfold John H. Singapore, Singapore Petrides George H ACTION (R - 4) 10 Pitts Michael George USIA (R-5)
Pate Lewis W. .Laos, Vientiane Penn Earl L. .Germany, Bonn Petrikoski Genevieve M .AID ( S-7 ) AFR /NAR Pitts Nathan A USR /UNESCO, Paris
Patla Donald R. ..Liberia, Monrovia Penn Lawrence A. Viet Nam, Nha Trang Petronis Janet France, Paris Pitts Staley L. .Nepal, Kathmandu
Paton David T ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Penner Darryl L USIA (10.5) Petrosky Anita STATE ( S-6) NEA Pivko Helen ). .Philippines, Manila
Patrick Arthur V ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Penner Vernon D Ir .STATE (0-5) SCA Petrow Chris G France, Paris Placke James A. STATE (0-3) S/IG
Patrick Gerald P AID (R-5) PHA /POP Penninger Philip E Germany, Frankfurt Petterson Donald K South Africa, Pretoria Plaisted Joan M. France, Paris
Patten Marion F Viet Nam, Saigon Pennington RC . .Laos, Vientiane Pettinelli Joseph Pakistan, Islamabad Plambeck Arthur C .Brazil, Brasilia
Patterson Charles A. STATE (RU-3)O/FADRC Penny Edward T Egypt , Cairo Pettinga Frank L ..Afghanistan, Kabul Planinshek John T USIA (R-7)
Patterson David R. .Iran, Tehran Peppers Ray ... Afghanistan, Kabul Pettit Thomas A .Brazil, Brasilia Planinsky Boyan .. USIA ( R -4)
Patterson John A. AID (R-4) AFR/CWR Peraza Maria Antonieta Brazil, Sao Paulo Pettus James T. Australia, Canberra Planty Donalds. Chile, Santiago
Patterson John S Mexico, Hermosillo Percival Leroy F Ir Switzerland, Bern Petty Wilbert C Sweden , Stockholm Plasse Roger E. .Zaire, Kinshasa
Patterson Marjorie E Japan, Tokyo Perdew John Frederick. .STATE (S- 1) A /SY Petzing Ross E. USIA (10.4) Platig E Raymond STATE (RU - I)INR
Patterson Robert F Philippines, Manila Perenyi Peter S. STATE (0-5) EUR Pezzullo Lawrence STATE (0-3) ARALA Platowski Andrew C STATE (R-7) M/FSI
Patterson Roy A JE AID (RL-4)AFR /ESA Perez Alfredo J. ACTION (R - 1) 10 /LA Pfaff Jerald Edward .France, Paris Platt John C lii .Laos, Vientiane
Pattison Hal W STATE (0-5) AF Perez Alvaro Ecuador, Quito Pfeifer Albert L .Germany, Frankfurt Platt Mark ... ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Patton John R. STATE (R-3) 0/ISO Perez Frank H STATE (RU- 1 )S/PC Pfeifter Dale B „Kenya, Nairobi Platt Nicholas China, Peking (U.S.
Pauker John .USIA (R-2) Perez Jose A Chile. Santiago Pfeiffer Robert F.. USOECD, Paris Liaison Office)
Paukert Edward Khmer Republic, Phnom Perez Louis V. AID (R- 1 ) LA /BR Pfeifle Linda Margaret . .Brazil, Brasilia Platte Michael .Liberia, Monrovia
Penh Perez Theresa. Venezuela. Caracas Pfender William Malawi, Blantyre Ploch Edward J. AID (R-5) ASIA / SA
Paul Carmen J. Viet-Nam, Saigon Pergl Gary B USIA (S-7) Pfotenhauer David STATE ( 0-7) trong Ploss Sidney I. USIA (R-3)
Paul Catherine .Argentina, Buenos Aires Perich Thomas J. .Germany. Munich Ploutz Daniel G .AID (R-2) AN /SA Plotkin Lawrence I .. USIA (R-7)
Paul Robert H Jr .AID (R-2) AG/IIS Perito Robert M .U.K. , Hong Kong Pfund Peter H .. Germany. Bonn Plotkin Robert David USIA ( 10-4)
Paul Theresa .AID ( S -5) ASIA /TECH Perkins Anthony Carson STATE (0-5) M/FSI Phelan George R Jr Venezuela, Caracas Plues Richard E Morocco, Casablanca
Pauli Edwin F .USIA (R-3) Perkins Bernice A .. ACTION ( S- 7) 10/AF Phelan Harry M Jr. STATE (0-2) EB Plummer Frances A Bolivia, La Paz
Paulin Fernand ) U.K., London Perkins Edward Joseph STATE (0-4) NEA Phelan Michael Patri, .Madagascar, Plummer Kenneth W. STATE (R- 7) PER
Paulson Henry W Viet-Nam , Saigon Perkins Jay A. Brazil, Brasilia Tananarive Plummer Maj George W. Jordan. Amman
Paulson Shirley E. Yemen, Aden Perkins John D STATE (0-4) Unit Trang Phelps Homer R Jr. Germany, Berlin Plunkett Clyde A. .Germany, Berlin
Paupe William E. Viet-Nam , Saigon Perkins Raymond L Jr. .Senegal, Dakar Phelps Warren F. .USIA (R-3) Plymale Dwight L Bolivia , La Paz
Pavich Frank R. ... AID (R.4) SER /H Perkins Robert V Indonesia , Jakarta Philbrook Alfred L. .USIA ( R - 4) Podol Richard L. Tanzania, Dar es
Pavlik Joan D Brazil, Brasilia Perlman Alvin USIA ( 0-3) Phillippe Madelene L. STATE ( S-6 ) NEA Salaam
Pavloff Pavel A. USIA (R-6) Perlman Arthur Viet-Nam, Saigon Phillips Frank H Korea, Seoul Pogue William B. .Senegal, Dakar
Pavlovski Chester ) Canada, Halifax Perlmutter Jerome H. .STATE (RU-2)N. End. Phillips ) Paulli . .Philippines, Manila Pohl Edward B Saudi Arabia, Jidda
Paxson John Mills , USIA (R-8) Arts Phillips James D France, Paris Pohl Joy L Saudi Arabia, Jidda
Paxson William B Yemen , Aden Pernick Irwin STATE (0-4) S/PRS Phillips Muriel M .Laos, Vientiane Pohl Stephen E. Philippines, Manila
Payeff William K.. ...USIA (10-2) Perreault Emily A Indonesia , Jakarta Phillips Myra .. ACTION (R -6) 10 /AF Pohlmann Edgar F USIA (R-3)
Payette Robert C Viet-Nam , Can Tho Perriello Domenic F .Laos, Vientiane Phillips Randolph S .USNATO , Brussels Poindexter Shirley R STATE (S.7) A/BF
Payne Forrest E Bangladesh. Dacca Perrin Eileen E ..Canada, Ottawa Phillips Richard B .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Polakoff Paul ..France, Paris
Payne George E STATE (RU -4 ) A /SY Perrin James ..Ivory Coast. Abidjan Phillips Robert A. Viet-Nam, Saigon Polansky John All STATE (R-7) trng
Payne Mason C Greece. Athens Perry Alma G STATE ( S-5) A /BF Phillips Spencer W New Zealand, Auckland Polansky Sol.. STATE (0-3) EUR
Payne Roy M .. Indonesia. Surabaya Perry Arline M. ..Canada , Montreal Phillips Stanley W .Pakistan, Islamabad Polatin Peter B ..Kenya, Nairobi
Payne Wendell C STATE (S-7 ) A /OC Perry Francis M Thailand, Bangkok Phillips Thomas M USIA ( S- 2) Polgar Thomas Viet-Nam . Saigon
Pazdral Nuel L. STATE (0-4) EB Perry Jack R STATE (0-3) Environ Phillipsen Wilterd L Japan, Tokyo Polichetti Louis E Afghanistan, Kabul
Peabody John D AID (R-4) PHA /POP Coun Philpott Dean Edward USIA (R-3) Polik William STATE (0-4) EB
Peacock Cdr Henry F .Philippines, Manila Perry John M. STATE (0-3) Com Dept Philpott Jimmy 0 .Nicaragua, Managua Polk William E .AID (R-3) AG
Peacock David Lewis . Colombia, Bogota Perry Robert C. .Ethiopia, Asmara Phippard James R Ivory Coast, Abidjan Pollack Herman . STATE (RU- 1 )SCI
Peacock Jeffrey D .Lebanon, Beirut Perry Stephanie C STATE (R-4) NEA Phippen Robert A .Philippines, Cebu Pollack William M STATE (0.7) CU N.Y.
Peak Herschel FJr . Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Persi Alfred R. Belgium, Brussels Phipps Russell G. Indonesia, Jakarta Pollak Harry M .U.K . London
Peale Samuel R. Sudan, Khartoum Persiko Robert D .Mexico, Mexico, O.F. Piason Frank ). Italy, Rome Polley Chester F Jr .STATE (0-4) NEA
Pearcy Charles R. Laos , Vientiane Person Artis E. ..Malta, Valletta Piatek Bernard F Canada, Ottawa Pollin Pierre H .. STATE (S-3) A/OPR
Pearcy Harold M. Philippines, Manila Person Dorothy .. ..Philippines, Manila Picard Chester A STATE (R-6) A /OC Pollock Gladys Anne . .U.K . London
Pearl Nancy E .. Mexico, Tijuana Peshott Roy G ... Jamaica, Kingston Piccolo Joseph Jr „.Nicaragua, Managua Pollock James C. Germany. Bonn
Pearson Aletha E .. AID (S-5) SER/OM Peters Bobby G. ..Philippines, Manila Pickens Patricia K. AID (SL- 7)AA/PPC Pollock Mary S. Zaire, Kinshasa
Pearson Bruce L Colombia, Bogota Peters Edward L STATE (R-3) A /OC Pickerel Kenneth R. .Lebanon, Beirut Pollock Ronald H Viet- Nam, Saigon
Pearson Thomas A .AID (R-2) ASIA /CD Peters Ingrid C. AID ( S-1) ASIA /TECH Pickering Laurence G India, Calcutta Polson Francis T.. .ACTION (R -6) Micronesia
Pease Norman L. .Ivory Coast, Abidjan Peters Janice W. Venezuela, Caracas Pickering Thomas R STATE (0-1 ) S / S Polumbo Loretta L .Poland, Warsaw
Pease Ralph E. STATE (R-2) A /BF Peters John G. .Israel. Tel Aviv Picon Leon ..USIA (10-2) Polzien Marilyn M. Sweden, Stockholm
Peashock David ) Mali, Bamako Peters Lauralee M Viet-Nam. Saigon Pielemeier John D. AID (R-5) AFR/DS Pompa Leonard Turkey, Ankara
Peasley Carol A Nepal, Kathmandu Peters Lee M Viet-Nam, Saigon Pierce Clarence E dr .Egypt. Cairo Pond Anne K... STATE (RU -5 )O /FADRC
Peck Edward L STATE (0-3) P Peters Phelon D. .Nigeria , Lagos Pierce David Catlin STATE (R-7) trng Pond Richard ) Afghanistan, Kabul
Peck Robert A. STATE (0-4) NEA Peters Richard B Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Pierce Joseph E. .Philippines, Manila Poole David G IT Liberia, Monrovia
Pedersen Harry Nigeria, Lagos Peters Wayne E Greece. Athens Pierce William Allen ..Indonesia, Surabaya Poole Geraldine P STATE (S-6) EUR
Pedersen Richard F. .Hungary, Budapest Peters William T. Venezuela, Maracaibo Pierson Don Carlos. France. Paris Poole Henry B Jr Greece, Athens
Pedersen Wesley USIA (R-2) Petersen Charles N ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Pierson Gordon K. Tunisia, Tunis Poole Richard A.. STATE (0-3) ARA-LA
Pederson Dorothy V. Sudan, Khartoum Petersen Ernest P. Viet-Nam, Can Tho Pierson Robert Cr. Viet-Nam, Saigon Poole William C ..Lebanon, Beirut
Pedonti Charles E STATE (S-3) EA Petersen Lawrence L Guyana, Georgetown Piez William STATE (0-3) EA Pooley Charles T. Venezuela, Caracas
Pedrick Perkins C STATE (R- 1 ) S/IG Petersen Ramona Iceland, Reykjavik Pike Douglas; Viet-Nam, Saigon Pope Frederick Ir USIA (R-6)
Peek Louis S. AID (R-2) AFR/CWR Petersen Robert USIA ( 0-5) Pilger Richard L Japan, Naha, Japan Pope Laurence E .Libya, Tripoli
Peel Harris . USIA (10-3) Petersen Terry M .Laos, Vientiane Pilkauskas Paul P STATE ( 0-5) EB Pope Rosamond A France, Paris
Peer Betty C Cameroon, Yaounde Petersen W Gary. Greece, Athens Pilkington Margaret M „AID (R-5) AA /PHA Popovich John E Jr. .Ecuador, Quito
Peer Rene C .AID (R-3) COMP/FS Peterson Barbara .Turkey. Ankara Pilli Edward R .Ecuador. Quito Popp Walter E „AID (R-4) AASTA
Pegues Clarence E Jr. Thailand, Bangkok Peterson Caryl V. .STATE ( S- 7) PER Pillsbury Philip Win ..Iran, Tehran Popper David H. .Chile, Santiago
Pehrsson Cpt Pehr H .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Peterson Catherine C STATE (R-5) PA Pina Paul H. Viet-Nam, Can Tho Popple Paul M. Viet-Nam, Danang
U.K., Belize City, Belize Peterson David A Dr. .STATE (R-7) A / SY Pinch Edward T. .Pakistan, Karachi Porpora Jeanette Korea, Seoul
Honduras, Tegucigalpa Peterson Edwin ) . Viet-Nam, Saigon Pinckney Samuel M Jr .Netherlands, The Hague Porpotage Dora ) . Indonesia, Jakarta
Guatemala, Guatemala Peterson Eugene C. USIA (R - 4) Pineau John A. Cyprus, Nicosia Port Cdr Joseph C. .Italy. Rome
El Salvador, San Peterson George ). ..Japan. Naha, Japan Pineau Julienne L. ..USIA (S- 5) Porter Blaine D. .STATE (0-5) EA
Salvador Peterson Glenn A. AID (R-5) COMP/ FS Pingitore Pierre C ..Haiti, Port -au -Prince Porter Bruce F. .Portugal, Luanda
Costa Rica, San Jose Peterson Hilding A Germany, Munich Pingree Michael M Somalia, Mogadiscio Porter Dwight .. ..USM /TAEA, Vienna
Nicaragua, Managua Peterson Ivan B. Guatemala, Guatemala Pinholster William L Viet-Nam, Saigon Porter George W STATE (10-3)CU
Pelczynski Casper ) . Panama, Panama Peterson Jon D ..Japan, Tokyo Pink Alyce F. ..Germany, Berlin Porter Leonard ). ..Thailand,Bangkok
Peleuses Gus P Kuwait, Kuwait Peterson Karen M STATE (R-6) SCA Pinkett Mary ..AID (S -5) COMP /FS Porter Ralph C III .STATE (0-4) INR
Pell Francis M. ..Thailand, Bangkok Peterson Lars E. .Mali, Bamako Pinkney Anne .STATE (0-4) EUR Porter William J. STATE (CM ) P
Pelland Alfred ) . .STATE (S-6) A /BF Peterson Mary ). .Finland, Helsinki Pinner Marjorie Parris STATE ( S- 7) AF Portuondo Guillermo .USIA (R -4)
Pelletreau Nancy Leslie ..Italy, Palermo Peterson Perry South Africa, Pretoria Pinto Joseph . USIA (R-4) Porvaznik Michael ..Kenya, Nairobi
Pelletreau Robert H Jr Algeria. Algiers Peterson Peter ) Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Piper Larry G STATE (0-3) AF Posch Irma E.. .Netherlands, The Hague
Pellowski Mildred A. .Nepal, Kathmandu Peterson Ralph A USIA (R -4) Pipkin Michael B ..USIA (R-5) Post Edward E Jr. Indonesia, Jakarta
Peltier Alec M Indonesia , Medan Peterson Richard B ..AID ( R -4 ) COMP /FS Pippitt Cameron ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Post Richard St F. .Portugal, Lisbon
Peltier Kenneth N Chad. N'Djamena Peterson Richard L ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Piret Edgar L. ..France, Paris Post Ronald ) Thailand , Bangkok
Peltier Richard J. STATE (R-3) AF Peterson Richard R. STATE ( 0-5) SCA Pistor Michael IF ..U.K., London Postupack Catherine Irene ..Germany.Bonn
Pemstein Ronald D .USIA (R-7) Peterson Robert B .Philippines, Manila Pitcher Allan L „AID (R-3) SER /ENGR Posz Gary S. STATE (0-4) PER
Pena Abe M. Honduras, Tegucigalpa Peterson Robert D .China, Peking (U.S. Pitcher Shackford ..Lebanon , Beirut Potee Helen M AID (SL-7)AA / SA
Pena Jose M AID (R-3) ARA- LA /PAN Liaison Office) Jordan , Amman Potter Humphrey T ..Nicaragua, Managua
Pena Paula Ghana, Accra Peterson Vernon W. Viet- Nam, Saigon PitcherWilliam M ..Liberia, Monrovia Potter Jane M ..Peru, Lima
Pena Yolanda R .Nicaragua, Managua Peterson Wayne Stant. Viet-Nam, Saigon Pitchford Gerald E .. ..AID (RL- 5)ARA- W /PAN Potter jo Carole ...Guatemala, Guatemala
Penberthy Grover W .U.K. , Belfast Petitjean Gwen .. Greece. Athens Pitkin Genevieve M. ..Netherlands, Potter Jule D .. ..France, Paris
Pence Thomas A. .Liberia, Monrovia Petraglia Joseph ) .USIA (R -4) Amsterdam Potter Marian 1 . ..Germany, Munich
PEDRUARY 1974 77
Rovak Samuel J Rounds Robert R
Revok Samuels.. STATE ( R -6) A /OC Riggs Fletcher E. Thailand, Bangkok Robinson Linda 8 . .USUN, N.Y. Ronhovde Erik S.............Union of Soviet Socialist
Revey E Lowis . ..India, Bombay Riggs Floyd A ... STATE (0-5) EUR Robinson Reed P .STATE (0-2) N /MC Republics, Moscow
Ra Harold M. .Bolivia, La Paz Rigsby Gladys 0 . .Laos, Vientiane Robinson Robert W. Sudan, Khartoum Ronollo Richard A Peru, Lima
Reyes William D ..Germany, Frankfurt Riley Albert D. .China , Peking (U.S. Robinson Roger M AID (R-3) OPS Ronsheim Non .Morocco, Rabat
Reyna Carlos M. .Colombia, Bogota Liaison Orice) Robinson Thomas Lee Gabon, Libreville Ronto Jack W. ..Germany, Frankfurt
Reynders Thomas R .STATE (0.4) M /FSI Riley Barry M. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Robinson Yvonne STATE (R-7) SCA Rooch Cpr Melvin R ... China, Taipei
Reynolds Charles W STATE (0-5) ARALA Riley James B ..... Guatemala, Guatemala Robock Leonard 1 .USIA (10-3) Roodhouse James W. Germany, Frankfurt
Reynolds Constance M. STATE ( S-8) EUR Riley John P. ..U.K., London Roby John S ..... ..AID (R.4) SER /FM Roody Rosalie N STATE ($-7) A /OC
Roynolds Donald K ... .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Riley Patricia M .USIA (S- 5) Roche Col William L Czechoslovakia, Prague RoofVernon E. .STATE (S- 4) A / SY
Reynolds Doreen L..... .USM/OAS, Wash. Riley Paul T......... ..AID (R-3) COMP/ FS Roche Donald W. „Philippines, Manila Rooney William F. „Panama, Panama
Reynolds Eugenol ...Philippines, Manila Riley Wilson Adr STATE ( 0.5) Univ trng Roche Peter ) .Lebanon , Beirut Roop Lyda E ... ..USIA (S-6)
Raynolds lii Collins Sierra Leone, Freetown Rimas Algirdas ). .STATE (0-5) EB Roche William J. Italy, Rome Root Danny B .Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Reynolds Oscar A .......... ..Nigeria, Lagos Rimmer Stephen H .. .AID (R-4) COMP/FS Rochlon Donald H ..Thailand, Bangkok Root John F Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Reynolds Rebecca Karon ....Tanzania, Dar es Ringhart Joanne A ....... ..USIA (10-5) Rochow Joel W... USIA ( 10.5) Root William A ..Germany, Berlin
Salaam Ringdant Phillip M....... STATE (R-5) AF Rock John B Saudi Arabia, Jiddo Rope William Frederick ..China, Peking (U.S.
Reynolds Robert C. Việt Nam,Silicon Ringelberg Thomas. El Salvador, San Rocke Lucian Lr. ..Thailand,Bangkok Liaison Office)
Reynolds Robert P. .Thailand , Bangkok Salvador Rockweiler Robert A Tanzania, Dar es Roppo Dorothy A. ..Poland, Warsaw
Rhotigan Edward P. AID (RL -5 )SA / L Ringland Peter ... ..Iran, Tehran Salaam Rorick Alberta I. ..Bolivia, La Paz
Rheingans Charles R .Thailand, Bangkok Rinkar Joseph M ..Germany, Bonn Rockwell Stuart W. STATE (CM ) AF Rosacker Harian F. Japan, Tokyo
Rhino Floyd W .USIA (R-2) Rinnan Harold .... ..Laos, Vientiane Rockwood Lawrence .Ghana, Accra Rosal Paul M. ..Laos, Vientiano
Rhinohart Frank E ..... Morocco, Rabat Riordan Donald P .... ..AID (R.4) SA /MGT Roderick Hilliard USOECD, Paris Rosales Dorothy Ann ..USIA (S-6)
Rhoades Iro Otto .... Viet Nam,salon Rlordan Jerris Kathleen . ..Zaire, Kinshasa Roderick Mary Nell USIA (S- 6) Rosapope Carl ] STATE ( R -4) SCA
Rhoades Poter W........ ..USIA ( S- 9) Ripa Thaddous A.. STATE (R.2) SCA Rodos Judith STATE (0-5) M /FSI Rosar Joan E ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Rhoads William O ..AID (R- 1 ) Trng Comp Ripps Evelyn ..AID (R.2) COMP/FS Rodger Jon A Liberia, Monrovia Rosdahl Lyle H. Ecuador, Quito
Rhodos Robecca .Panama, Panama Risbeck Grace E. ..U.K ., Hong Kong Rodgers M Clarke Jr STATE ( S-5) M /FSI Rose Douglas S. ..Thailand, Bangkok
Rhodos William W .AID ( R - 3) M / TA Rishol Thomas Lac ..Turkey. Ankara Rodgers Jeanne Roa . STATE ( S-6) NSC Roso Edythe B. .USIA (R.7)
Ribera Nivao M Panama, Panama Rising Col Lucien E. „Netherlands, The Hague Rodgers Maria Augusta......U.K., Hong Kong Rose Jack B .. Konya, Nairobi
Ribera Robert C Panama, Panama Risse Lawrence A. ..Netherlands, Rotterdam Rodgers William H ..USIA ( 10-2) Rose Jack M. Vi Nam, salon
Riccio Robert A Argentina, Buenos Aires Ritchie Robert F... Peru, Lima Rodgers William L. .Brazil, Brasilia Rose John Viet-Nam ,Danong
Rice Arthur Groeco, Athens Ritchotto John F ... ..USIA ( 10.4) Rodman George F. Kuwait, Kuwait Rose Lisle A .... STATE (R-5) PA
Rice Edwards Turkey,Ankara Rittue John A ..... ..STATE (R-2) M/FSI Rodman Richard A. ..Philippines, Manila Rose Thomas L.. „Philippines, Manila
Rice Esther M. STATE ( S- 2) PER Rivers Charles M. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Rodman William L...... .U.K., London Roson Arthur M. .STATE (0-3) EA
Rico Patrick M .. STATE (RU- 3)SY Rivers Ismael... ..Guatemala , Guatemala Rodriguez Acevedo Jose A ... Dom. Rep., Santo Rosen Gerald A .USOECD, Paris
Rico Thomas Joseph ...Indio, New Delhi Rivera Jose A. ..AID (R-5) SER /FM Domingo Rosen Lawrence .AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Rica William A ...... Pakistan, Islamabad Rivera Rudolph Lowrance ...Ecuador,Guayaquil Rodriguez Judith Spain, Madrid Rosen Line R. STATE ( R -6) INR
Rich Fred ). Philippines, Manila Rivero Horacio .. Spain, Madrid Rodriguez Neida.. STATE ( S -8) 10 Rosenbaum Honry .Kenya, Nairobi
Rich Jeraldyno M. Afghanistan, Kabul Rives Lloyd M. STATE (0-2) EA Rodriguez Roberto .. ..Germany, Frankfurt Rosenberg Richard ) . .STATE (0-5) EA
Rich Marilyn A...... Australia, Canberra Rivas Oris O ..STATE ( S-4) A /OPR Rodstrom Mildred E ............Uruguay, Montevideo Rosenblum Sanders F ..USIA (10-3)
Rich Robert G Jr. Trin & Tobago, Port -of Rizik Philips France, Paris Roe Glenn Paul US Mission, Geneva Rosenfeld Eugene ..U.K ., London
Spain Rizk William S. Korea, Seoul Roebuck Thelma C ..Nigeria, Lagos Rosenfeld Nathan .Brazil, Brasilia
Rich Stanley ..... USIA (R-4) Rizzio Malvin L .Pakistan, Peshawar Roebuck Wilbert Ir .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Rosenquist Henry E. El Salvador, San
Richards Benjamin R .......STATE (RU -3 )A /BF Rizzo Elias E ..AID (R-2) TA/ DA Roeckel Edward Jr. Afghanistan, Kabul Salvador
Richards Diana Moo ..........USIA (S.4) Ros Josie L .... .STATE ( S-6) SCA Rooder Edward F STATE (R-3) PA Rosenquist John T. Liberia, Monrovia
Richards Fornando L. .Conado, Toronto Roach James R .STATE ( ) CU Rooder Larry W. Israel , Tel Aviv Rosenthal Edward B ..Argentina, Buenos Aires
Richards Fred R ....... ...Liberia, Monrovia Roach William E. ..Nicaragua, Managua Roeder Phyllis R Kuwait, Kuwait Rosenthal Irving . ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Richards Lols C... ...AID ( R - 4) AFR /DP Roano Glenwood P „ Ghana, Accra Rochi Carol A. ..Tanzania, Zanzibar Rosenthal James D Cen. African Rep...
Richardson Blaine C AID (R-3) ASIA / SA Robb Lester A....... ..AID (R.2) SER/ENGR Roohr Robert Jetterson. SAIR ( 0-3) trong Bangui
Richardson Cocil S.. Belgium, Brussels Robbins Ellen L. .USIA (10.5) Roosch Thomas .Mexico, Mexico ,D.F. Roser S Marshall de AID (R -A) COMP/FS
Richardson Clark M Viet Nam , Nhi Trung Robbins W Douglas . .Laos, Vientiane Rogal Michael A .. Laos, Vientiane Rosetti Joseph E. STATE (RU -2 )A /SY
Richardson Donald M ..***** ...Australia, Molbourne Robello Eugano W .Laos, Vientiane Rogers Alan A. Spain, Barcelona Rosinski Joseph 1. Sri Lanka, Colombo
Richardson Gary A ..........Germany. Bonn Robert Lowranco J .... ..Italy, Rome Rogers Bruce C STATE (0.4) AF Rosinus Gunther K Germany, Berlin
Richardson Holen L. ..Laos, Vientiane Roberts Adelina Rodriguez...Austria ,Vienna Rogers Capt Edward B Jr ....Germany, Bonn Rosner ColAlbert A. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Richardson Jorrel M. South Africa, Pretoria Roberts Beatrice L. ..Uruguay, Montevideo Rogers Col Selwyn PJr . Grooco, Athens Rosner Norman M. AID (R-3) OPS
Richardson John W. STATE (R.2) SY Roberts David A. ..Sri Lanka, Colombo Rogers Dwayne S. .Argentina, Buenos Aires Rosner William R STATE (0-1) trng
Richardson Karl S. Japon , Fukuoka Roberts David L ..STATE (R-5) A /SY Rogers Frada W. .Laos, Vientiane Ross Barbara ). .Canada, Ottawa
Richardson Lilymae s STATE (S.5) AF Roberts David Lr. ..Lebanon, Beirut Rogers Gladys Pearlson STATE (0-1) M /WA Ross Christina R STATE (R-8) MED
Richardson Mary E. Italy, Rome Roberts Donald A STATE (0-6) INR Rogers Jerry L... Norway, Oslo Ross Christopher W S. .Lebanon, Beirut
Richardson Ralph W ... Paraguay, Asuncion Roberts Emory G ..AID (R-2) SER/ENGR Rogers John G. .Ecuador, Quito Ross Clathan Mcclain . .Liberia , Monrovia
Richardson Robert B. .AID (R-4) SER/COM Roberts Gary G. „Peru, Lima Rogers Kenneth N .STATE (0-4) ARA /LA Ross Claude G STATE (CM ) AF
Richardson Robert P Konya, Nairobi Roberts George B Jr. STATE (0-2) D Rogers Montgomery L. .Dahomey, Cotonou Ross David A. .Italy, Milan
Richardson Samuel R .Turkey. Ankara Roberts Herbert .Thailand, Bangkok Rogers Philip R .USIA (R-3) Ross David R Viet Nam, Salzon
Richardson Virginia .Nicaragua, Managua Roberts James R .AID (R-3) Trng Comp Rogers Raymond J... Viet-Nam , Seon Ross Delores E. .Laos, Vientiano
Richardson William B STATE (R-6) M Roberts John E Indonesia, Jakarta Rogers Richard H. Thailand, Bangkok Ross Genie M .. „ STATE (R-8) MED
Riche Theodore R Guatemala , Guatemala Roberts John S .USIA (R-5) Rogers Robert K. ..AID (R-2) SER /FM Ross Jo Anno D. ..Australia, Canberra
Richey Earle .... STATE (0-2) PER Roberts Joseph L STATE (S-7) S/S Rogers Robert K Sr. Philippines, Manila Ross Kenneth L Laos, Vientiane
Richman Alvin ..USIA (R-4) Roberts Keith D. „AID (R-3) COMP/FS Rogers Ronald A .Thailand, Bangkok Ross Lillian A. Spain, Madrid
Richmon Phyllis E .AID (S.7) AFR/NAR Roberts Loretta A .Laos, Vientiane Rogers Stephen H. .USOECD, Paris Ross Rhodo M .USIA (R-5)
Richmon Wayno s STATE (S-2) EUR Roberts Marjorie M. ..AID (S.5) PPC /RC Rogers Wayne M. Spain, Madrid Ross Richard F. Sri Lanka, Colombo
Richmond Addison Jr STATE (RU.2)SCI Roberts Mary .... Indonesia, Jakarta Rogier Jean F. „AID (R-3) TA / H Ross Roberta Susann . India, New Delhi
Richmond Lt Col John P Portugal, Lisbon Roberts Owen W. STATE (0-3) S /PC Rohaley Dolores M. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Ross Roger P. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Richmond Robert G. STATE (0-4) EA Roberts Rowland E Jr Belgium , Antwerp Rohla Michael R „ AID (R-5) CO /SA Ross Shermon H „Dahomey, Cotonou
Richmond Yole W STATE (10-2)CU Roberts Toddy D. Jerusalem , Jerusalem Rohland Ltc Roberto Italy, Romo Ross William D ... Colombia, Bogota
Richter John V .... AID (R.5) SER/FM Roberts Timothy Jr Việt Nam. Saigon Rohits Gleason D AID (R-3) AA /SA Rossano Gerard N Philippines, Manila
Richter Stephen W Pakistan, Islamabad Roberts Wolter R USIA (10.1 ) Rohmann Johanna W Khmer Republic, Phnom Rossell Idris M. STATE (RU-3)INR
Richter William J ...... .AID (R-3) COMP/FS Roberts William M. .STATE (S10) DG/MED Penh Rosselot Robert E. India, Calcutta
Richtmyer Priscilla K.. Brazil, Brasilia Robertson Beatrice M. „Denmark, Copenhagen Rohror Edith Ann. AID ( S-5) COMP /FS Rossi Frederick 1 ..Philippines, Monile
Rick Dolores Chile, Santiago Robertson David „Ponoma, Panama Rohrer Karl V .. Colombia , Bogota Rossi Herman III Italy, Rome
Rickard Samuel M lii Alghanistan, Kabul Robertson Douglas D Colombia, Bogota Roland Albert. USIA (R-2) Rossignoli Mory „Brozil , Rio de Janeiro
Rickard Woodrow ) .. ..AID (R-4) OPS Robertson Eloise Zoire, Kinshasa Roland Chandler P STATE (0-4 ) NEA Rossiter HenryD Tonga, Nuku'alota
Rickert Jonathan B. Romania, Bucharest Robertson James E. Peru. Lima Roller Cordia H .. .Thailand, Bangkok Rossiter Ruth E. .AID (R-3) COMP /FS
RiddellWilliam M ... Songgol, Dakar Robertson Rob R AID (R.3) Trng Comp Rollins Anilor E .. Colombia, Bogota Rossman Dolores M „Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Riddle Col Andrew M .Netherlands, The Hague Robertson William V... STATE (0-6) M/FSI Rollins Barbara Jo.. France, Paris Roth Flora M .USIA (R - 4)
Rider Jomos E Burmo, Rangoon Robins David Snyder. ..Kuwait, Kuwolt Rollins Catharine Ann STATE ( S-8) A /CPR Roth Lois W ..... USIA ( 10-3)
Ridge Eleanor M. .Conado, Toronto Robins.Mowry Dorothy USIA (10.3) Rollins Lloyd A Poru, Limo Roth Richard Allon . STATE ( 0-2) thi
Ridgeway William G USIA (S- 1) Robinson Brondon . AID (R.2) LA /DR Roman Alvin Laos, Vientiane Roth Robert H Lobanon, Beirut
Ridgway Rozannol Bohomus, Nossou Robinson Charles A.. Burma, Rongoon Romano James Now Zealond , Roth Virginia S... .AID ( R -4) IT / P
Ridley Christine W. STATE (R-5) PER Robinson Edward L ... USIA (R-4) Wellington Rotharmel Marjory D France, Paris
Riebhoff Donald R. Viet Nam, ngon Robinson Francos USIA (R-4) Romano Lowranco A...... USIA (R.4) Rotho Marschal D dr . Poklstan, Islamabad
Riedel Bernard L ....... Honduras, Tegucigalpo Robinson Fred ........ Turkey, Ankara Romberg Alan D. STATE (0-4 ) EA Rothenberg Morris ..... STATE (0-2) 10
Risto Robert H ... Quyano, Georgetown Robinson Coorgo A .U.K., London Romol Joseph STATE (8-6) A /OC Rothin Phillip C ... Jerusalem , Jerusalem
Riettel Alexis D. AID (RL-4)ASIA /SA Robinson Grover S Philippines, Manila Romeo Joseph A Md Po STATE (R-2) MED Rothman Phifer P. USIA (10.4)
Riogor John Indio, Now Delhi Robinson Howard STATE (0-3) PER Romeo Joseph M STATE (R.5) N / OPR Rothney Le... ..Viet-Nam, Can Tho
Rivie Nicholas M STATE (0.7) EB Robinson James A. Brazil, Brasilia Romeo Nicodemo „Belgium , Brussels Rotklein Bernard ..., STATE (0:4) INR
Riomer Reynold A. ..Fronco, Paris Robinson Joyne M...... Viet Nam, alcon Romero Loretta C AID (SL-7)OPS Rotundo Vincent Togo,Lome
Riosi John L .......... Liberio, Monrovio Robinson John 8...erman.Dom . Rep ., Santo Roming Wolter L.......... , Yomen Arab Ropublic, Roughton Curtis M .... Mr.Nam, Salon
Ritenburg Raymond ........Colombia, Bogota Domingo Son's Rouleau Robert A ... Turkey, Ankara
Rifkin Norman ....................Comoroon, Yaounde Robinson John P... ...Viet-Nom , Soigon Romino Woodward STATE (0-3) EUR Rounds Bruce C. Philippines, Manila
Rifkin Sylvio ..U.K., Hong Kong Robinson Jones 0 STATE ( S-6) AF Ronan Marti Tn USIA (R-3) Rounds Richard rum.Viet-Nom , Salgon
Rigas Dovid W USLC, Brussels Robinson Kenneth ........ France, Paris Rondon fornendo ... „Peru, Lima Rounds Robert R .. Costa Rico, San Jose
Roundtree William H .Dom . Rep., Santo Rutledge Roger Keith Italy, Palermo Sanchez Mariano .USIA (R-5) 10 /NAN /EAP
Domingo Ruwe L Nicholas STATE (R-2) A / CPR Sanchez Nestor D. Colombia, Bogota Scanlon John H Morocco, Rabat
Rounes Aristides K. .USIA (R-3) Ryan Bill .AID (R-4) COMP/ FS Sanchez Philip V Honduras. Tegucigalpa Scanlon Maurice ) . STATE (R-4) CU Miami
Rouse John Hall Jr .STATE (0-3) M/FSI Ryan Dierdre Mead. .USIA ( 10-4) Sandberg Dennis A ..STATE (0-5 ) M /FSI Scanlon Thomas . .Germany, Stuttgart
Roush James L. .AID (R- 1) PPC /RC Ryan Dondald G. .Dom . Rep., Santo Sandberg Robert A. Japan, Tokyo Scarbrough Frederick E. Somalia, Mogadiscio
Rowe David .Greece, Athens Domingo Sandel Joseph J. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Scarto Domenick ) . AID (R-4) ASIA /CD
Rowell Edward M STATE (0-3) S /IG Ryan Henry A. .Guinea, Conakry Sandel Leo ..US Mission . Geneva Scarlata Lawrence J Jr .Greece, Athens
Rowinski Genevieve C .Nigeria, Lagos Ryan Henry B .Norway. Oslo Sanden Harold T ..New Zealand, Scarlis Basil George. STATE (0-6) INR
Rowland Mona B Thailand, Bangkok Ryan Hewson A USIA ( CM ) Wellington Scarritt Ralph .Brazil, Brasilia
Rowlett John E Jr. Philippines, Manila Ryan Jack W Brazil, Brasilia Sanderhoff Lubert 0... Pakistan, Islamabad Scassa Eugene L. .Zambia. Lusaka
Rowsome Beverly Z. STATE ( R -6) PA Ryan James P Jr. Zaire. Kinshasa Sanders Brian STATE (R-5) O /FADRC Scenna Michael A STATE (R- 7) M/FSI
Roxborough John W li . ..Korea, Seoul Ryan John M. .AID (R-S) TA /RUR Sanders Cameron M Jr. ..USNATO. Brussels Scerbak John R Korea, Seoul
Roy ] Stapleton STATE (0-3) EUR Ryan Mary A. STATE (0-5) AF Sanders Charles A .Laos, Vientiane Schachner Alice .USIA ( R - 4)
Roy Wayne Alan STATE (0-6) INR Ryan Robert Jr Morocco, Rabat Sanders Dale E .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Schachowskoj Sergej .USIA (R-6)
Royce Josiah .AID (R-2) SER/ENGR Ryan V Barbara . Uruguay, Montevideo Sanders Irving L. .USUN , N.Y. Schadler John A. Tunisia, Tunis
Royer William B Jr. .Morocco, Rabat Ryan William W. .Iran, Khorramshahr Sanders Joseph .. USIA (R-2) Schaefer Clifton J. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires
Royle Michael S. .Madagascar, Rybak David M .AID (R-5) PHA /FDRC Sanders Kathryn E Thailand, Bangkok Schaefer Edward A. AID (R-5) LA /DR
Tananarive Rybka Lorraine H. ..AID ( S-7) LA / DP Sanders Keith F. .Laos, Vientiane Schaeter Edward W. STATE (0-3) PM
Roylos Annette .Bulgaria, Sofia Ryder Donald E Viet- Nam, Saigon Sanderson Melville AJO . .Sudan, Khartoum Schaeter Ltc Donald A.. .France, Paris
Rubel Charles Thailand, Bangkok Ryerson Hall „Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Sanderson Ruth K. .U.K. , Hong Kong Schaeter William E Jr. „AID (R-2) COMP/FS
Ruben Janet E. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Ryerson William E .Austria, Vienna Sandford Eleanor W STATE ( S- 1) PER
..Spain, Madrid Schaeffer Eugene M ..U.K., London
Rubenic Jacqueline M .STATE ( S-6) A /OC Rylance George A Sandin Robert B. .USIA ( 10-4) Schaer David H. ..Kenya, Nairobi
Rubenstein A Irwin . STATE (0-3) ARA- LA Sandman Leonard . Israel, Tel Aviv Schafer John R .Pakistan, Islamabad
Rubey Cpt Ervin B Je .New Zealand. Sandmann Jeffrey R. .USIA (R-7) Schater M Virginia .China, Peking (U.S.
Wellington Sandoval Barbara P .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Liaison Office)
Rubino Anthony F. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Sandoval Eloy C AID (R-5) SER / CM Schaffer David H .. Viet-Nam , Saigon
Ruble Richard W Jr. .Canada, Montreal Saalfrank Louise C. Switzerland. Bern Sandoval Felipe Venezuela, Caracas Schaffer Howard B STATE (0-3) PER
Rublee George... .Panama, Panama Saba Joseph Philip STATE (0-6 ) CU Sands Leroy A. .AID ( R - 4) AFR /CWA Schaffer Teresita C .STATE ( 0-4) Univ Trng
Rubley Jack, USIA (R-2) Sabbagh Isa k Saudi Arabia, Jidda Sands Linnea C. Algeria, Algiers Schaller Charles W. STATE (0-4) 10
Ruchti James R Germany, Stuttgart Sabbagh Isa K ..Lebanon, Beirut Sandstrom John L ..USIA (10-3) Schantz Arthur D. .Ecuador. Quito
Ruckman James R Greece, Athens Sabin Joseph C Jr STATE (R-3) 0 /SY Sanford James T ..Nigeria, Lagos Schartman Susan Morocco, Rabat
Rudbeck James P. Costa Rica, San Jose Sablosky Irving L... .USIA (0-3) Sangiovanni Raymond A .....ElSalvador, San Schatz Gary Davis STATE (R- 7) A / SY
Panama, Panama Saccheri John B ..Ivory Coast. Abidjan Salvador Schaub Charles E Jordan. Amman
Rudd Neil G. Viet-Nam , Saigon Sacchet Edward Michael...... Italy, Rome Sanna Mark Anthony. STATE (R-7) SY Schaufele William Eir .USUN , N.Y.
Rudel Ludwig . AID (R-2) COMP /FS Saccone Alfred A. USIA (R-3) Sanphy Elizabeth F ..Libya, Tripoli Schaumburg Bernd W STATE (R-7) A /SY
Rudins Lydia 1 .USIA (R-7) Sachs Dannette Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Santiano Anthony Michael ..Australia, Sydney Scheel Allen F STATE (R-7) A /SY
Rudolph Jack ) Dr. .Chile, Santiago Sackett Ross D.. STATE () CU Santos Eleanor D. .Germany, Munich Scheer Stuart STATE (RU-2)DG/MED
Rudolph William A Germany, Frankfurt Sacksteder Frederick H Jr ....STATE (0-3) IBWC Santos Luisa A ... STATE (S-8) ARA /LA Scheer Warren N .USIA (R-5)
Rudowski Daniel P Kenya, Nairobi Sadler Charles R. ..AID (R-4) AFR /NAR Santos Reinaldo C AID (R-2) MO / LA Scheid Carl P Uruguay. Montevideo
Rudy Robert 1 STATE (S- 1 ) 0 /ISO Sadler Paul ..U.K ., London Sanz Ramon . Spain, Valencia Scheidig Ricardo E. STATE (R-4) A /OPR
Rueckert George L. STATE (0-4) EUR Sadlik Joseph ) . USIA (10-4) Saponari Kathy M. STATE ( S- 9) MED Schell Barbara L STATE (0-5) PER
Rueda Richard Jr .Peru, Lima Sadowski Carol Lynn France, Paris Saporito Francis V. .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Scheller Robert F. STATE (S-3) A /OC
Ruehle Ernest C .China , Taipei Sady Edward L. STATE (RU -7 )A /OC Sapp Cpt Earle W .U.K., London Schenck Audrey A. .Brazil, Brasilia
Ruelas Celia A .Laos, Vientiane Saenz Adolph B ..Venezuela, Caracas Sapp John D. ..AID (RL- 4)COMP/FS Schenck Richard C. Venezuela, Caracas
Rut Helen Nepal, Kathmandu Saenz Paul . .Senegal, Dakar Sapperstein Carol Lynn. STATE (S10) MED .Peru, Lima
Rufener Joan Marie Lebanon , Beirut Safir Enver .USIA (R-8) Sardinas Marthal .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Schenk Mary L...
STATE ( S- 5) ARALA Scheperle Ruth A AID (S-3) COMP/FS
Ruffin Robert R. Greece, Athens Sagers Sidney M Sargent L Benjamin Honduras, Tegucigalpa Scher Shirley .. .Netherlands, The Hague
Ruffin Zelma N India, New Delhi Sagevick George L. STATE (R -6) A /OPR Sargent Robert M .Bulgaria, Sofia Schermerhorn Lange. STATE (0-5) M/FSI
Ruffino Daniel V. .Laos, Vientiane Saiers Edward L .. Ghana, Accra Sargent Walter H.. STATE ( R -4) A /SY Scherr Daniel.
Ruggiero Robert R. Saudi Arabia, Jidda .Bolivia, La Paz Saridakis Gustave. .STATE (RU - 1)IGA .Australia, Perth
Sainz Reyes M Scheyvaerts Francine Germany, Bonn
Ruggiero Vincent USIA (R-3) Sakadolskis Romas . USIA (R-7) Sarkisian Leo .USIA (R-3) Schiavone Daniel H STATE (S-7) A/OC
Rugh William A USIA (10-3) Sakamoto Barbara Y .STATE ( S- 7) 10 Sarkissian Sarkis M. .USIA ( R -6) Schieck Frederick W AID (R-2) LA /DR
Ruh Kenneth .Germany. Bonn Sakamoto Sunao. .U.K., London Sarmiento Jaime USIA (R -4) Schiele David L Viet-Nam , Nha Trang
Ruiz Aldelmo. .Yemen, Aden Sakaue Munco STATE (0-3 ) SCA Sarros P Peter STATE (0-4) S / S Schiff Julia 0. .USIA (R-6)
Ruiz Anthony A. .AID (R-2) OPS Sakave Yoshio .USIA (R -4) Sartorius James STATE (0-4 ) INR Schiff Lorane M.
Rulis Modesta M „AID ( S-6 ) AFR /CWA Saks Micha el R USIA ( 0-5) Sasaki Grace K.. .Belgium , Brussels STATE (S-4) EUR
..India , New Delhi Sassower Jacob. .Israel. Haifa Schiff Stanley D .STATE (0-1 ) NEA
Rumme Theodor . STATE (0-5) INR Sala Lawrence B Schifferdecker Arnold P. STATE (0-5) NEA
Rumrill Clark Jerusalem . Jerusalem Salah Golnar . .USIA (S -9) Satcher Sylvester .Khmer Republic, Phnom Schittman Irving
Rumsfeld Donald USNATO, Brussels Salamie Mary Ann . Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Penh .Germany. Bonn
Schill James A.. .Laos, Vientiane
Runner Benjamin C .Lebanon. Beirut Salay Marian ) Indonesia, Jakarta y
Satler Sidne ........ .. Viet-Nam, Saigon Schimel Ruth M STATE (0-5) PER
Ruoft Edward G. Viet-Nam , Saigon Salazar Richard T. .France, Paris Satterfield Bangta May. .Yugoslavia, Zagreb Schindell Jean B .Peru, Lima
Ruppert Philip W Thailand, Bangkok Saldania Liceria C STATE ( S-6 ) CU San Fran Satterfield Earl P. .Germany. Bonn .Peru. Lima
Rusby Paul G ..Afghanistan, Kabul Saldinger Amy Lee .USIA ( S - 9) Sauble Leonard R. VietNam , Danang Schindell Robert M.
Ruser Claus W STATE (RU -1)S /PC Sale Beryl M AID (S -7) SAVL Sauer Beulah C. Uruguay, Montevideo Schindler Arlene K. Ghana, Accra
Rush Bruce W .Laos, Vientiane Sale Kenneth E. ..USIA (R-5) Sauer Werner .Philippines, Manila Schindler Sol. ..Korea, Seoul
Rushing Charles E. Italy. Rome Salisbury William R... .Bahamas, Nassau Sauls John C STATE (R-2) 10 Schissel Gregory A .Liberia, Monrovia
Rushing Lee S. ..France, Paris Salko Michael Jr. Venezuela, Caracas Saulters Willie C ... Viet Nam, Can Tho Schlamm Pauli .U.K ., London
Rusinak George E. Pakistan, Islamabad Salmi Ralph H ... ..Iran, Tehran Saunders Brenda There ... STATE ( 0-3) trong Schleber Carolyn Lorraine ...STATE (R-8) trng
Russ Coral .Indonesia, Jakarta Salmon Charles B Jr. .Netherlands, The Hague Saunders Dorothy M. Spain , Madrid Schlenker Thomas A. Cameroon, Yaounde
Russell Arthur F Greece, Athens Salmon Joan A ..Peru, Lima Saunders M Allen STATE (R-7) M / FSI Schlessinger Andrew .Israel, Tel Aviv
Russell Arthur .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Salmon John W Jr STATE (0-6 ) PM Saunders Patricia A Portugal, Lisbon Schlieper Edwin G. STATE (R-5) A /OPR
Russell Barney L Union of Soviet Socialist Saloom Joseph A lii STATE (0-7) INR Saunders Richard .USIA (S- 2) Schlindwein Barbara L... .ACTION (R -6) 10 /LA
Republics, Moscow Salsavage Metro W. Germany. Bonn Saunier Richard E. ..ACTION (R -4) 10 Schloeder M Kathleen .USIA (10-6 )
Russell Beatrice Ann . STATE (R-5) AF Salseda Michael M. ..Guatemala, Guatemala Sause Oliver L. .Paraguay, Asuncion Schlomann Ernst A Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Russell Christopher H .AID (R-2) L / LPCS Saltsman Joseph I.. ..France, Paris Sauve Phyllis C .STATE ( S-8) AF Schloss Anne Marie. .U.K., London
Russell Harold S STATE (R-2) L Salveson Franklin E ..Nicaragua, Managua Savage Edward ... STATE ( 10-2)EUR Schloss Donna Lee ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Russell Howard H JE Sri Lanka, Colombo Salvo Bernard ) . .AID ( R -4 ) M /SA Savage Eleanor Wallace ......France, Paris Schlossman Alvin .USIA (R-2)
Russell Hugh C. Sierra Leone, Freetown Salvo Joseph P ..Laos, Vientiane Savage Francis Y .USIA (R-3) Schlotthauer Julius P .Ecuador, Quito
Russell John W L Dr. .USIA (R-3) Salvucci Paula B. ..Italy. Rome Savage Janeen L .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Schmader Gordon F. .USIA (R - 4)
Russell Joseph I. Viet- Nam, Saigon Salyer Nancy W. ..ACTION (S- 7) 10 / LA Savage John R STATE (0-5 ) M / FSI Schmalzel Col Joseph L. .Peru, Lima
Russell Lawrence D. STATE (0-4) S / IG Salzburg Joseph S ..Viet-Nam, Saigon Savalas Constantine. Greece, Athens Schmelzer Frank E Jr. .U.K., Hong Kong
Russell Layton R. .Bahamas, Nassau Salzer Warren L .. ..Nepal, Kathmandu Savery James H. .Costa Rica, San Jose Schmertz Andrea Sant USIA (R -4)
Russell Louis P Turkey, Adana Samac Diana E Sweden , Stockholm Sawyer Inez STATE ( S-5) INR Schmid Patricia A .Ghana, Accra
Russell Maj David E .Laos, Vientiane Samar Terrance ). ..Jordan, Amman Sawyer Mildred M. .USIA (R-5) Schmidt Adolph William Canada, Ottawa
Russell Mary E ..AID ( SL- 7)AFR /NAR Sammartino Peter. ..STATE ( ) CU Sawyer Thomas E. STATE ( R -4) EUR Schmidt Carl W. .Poland, Warsaw
Russell Marys. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Sammis Lt Col Donald S Jr..France, Paris Sawyer Warren C .. .Iran, Tehran Schmidt Judith Ann. .Lebanon , Beirut
Russell Mckinney H. .Germany, Bonn Samoska Pauline S. ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa Sawyers Rush A ST .USIA ( S- 3) Schmidt Laura M Venezuela , Caracas
Russell Paul H „AID (R-3) FFP Sampas Dorothy M. STATE (R-5) O /FADRC Saxton Paul ) .Peru, Lima Schmiel Eugene David .STATE ( 0-7) trng
Russell Ray E. .AID (R-4) COMP /FS Sampas James G ..STATE (0-3) SCI Sayer Cdr William D .Pakistan, Islamabad Schmitz Charles A .. Japan, Tokyo
Russell Raymond Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Sampson Mary Eustace. ..Thailand, Bangkok Sayers Nancy E .Senegal, Dakar Schmoeger Thomas M. .Germany, Frankfurt
Russell Raymond J. .STATE (R-6) SY Samsel Brenda C ..Philippines, Manila Sayre Abbott P ..STATE ( S- 3) AVOC Schneider C Michael .STATE (0-5) EUR
Russell Roger L... Viet-Nam, Saigon Samsel Howard M. .Germany, Frankfurt Sayre Robert M. ..Panama, Panama Schneider Christine .Belgium , Brussels
Russell Roger Sir .Zaire, Lubumbashi Samsel Ronald T. ..Philippines, Manila Scafe John C. .Germany, Frankfurt Schneider David T. India, New Delhi
Russell Ronald G .AID (R-3) SER / H Samson David I .. Singapore, Singapore Scali John A USUN, N.Y. Schneider Harold ) . .Ethiopia , Addis Ababa
Russell Theodore E. Italy, Rome Samuels James Jr .Haiti, Port -au -Prince Scalise Valentine E STATE (0-4) SchneiderHenry . STATE ( S- 2) A /OC
Russillo Victor D STATE ( S -1) EA Samuels Michael A STATE (R-2) D Scancarella Olive S .Haiti, Port-au-Prince Schneider Matthew G USIA (R-5)
Russo Edith E USIA (10-6) Samuelson Stanley D .Turkey, Ankara Scanlan John D ..Poland. Warsaw Schneider Michael D .USIA (R-3)
Ruth Thomas Ali .STATE (R-7) M / FSI Sanbrailo John A. ..Nicaragua, Managua Scanlan Richard A ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Schneider Rita M Indone sia , Jakarta
Rutledge Chester F Philippines, Manila Sanchez Andres G Venezuela, Caracas Scanlon James M. ACTION (R - 3) Schneider Ruth M USIA (S-6 )
FEBRUARY 1974 79
Schnoidman Harold F Silver loon
Schneidman Harold F. .USIA (10-1 ) Scott Walter L ..Ecuador, Quito Shalala Fred ] .France, Paris Sherry George B ..Guyana, Georgetown
Schodt Eddie W Thailand, Bangkok Scott William 0 . .STATE (R-5) 0 /FADRC Shalett Nancy A .El Salvador. San Sherwin Leonard ) . ..Pakistan, Islamabad
Schoeb Donald R. STATE (0-4) PER Scotton Frank W USIA ( 10-3) Salvador Sherwin Walter ) .AID (R -3) SA /PPB
Schoenfeld Richard . .STATE (R-2) MED Scribner Edith Ingwersen ....STATE ( S- 5) Bicent Com Shallow Donald D. ..Tunisia, Tunis Sherwood Harrison 8 . Sweden, Stockholm
Schoepfer Arthur E dr .Laos, Vientiane Scrignar Doris STATE ( S- 8) PA Shankle Arthur P ) STATE (0-4) ARNLA Sherwood Mary B .USIA (R-3)
Schofield Steven R Laos, Vientiane Scruggs Carolyn V. Kenya, Nairobi Shanklin Robert T .AID (RL- 3)ARA -LA /PAN Sherwood Robert K .. STATE (0-2) AF
Scholl John G. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Scruggs James D lii ..Morocco, Rabat Shanley Seton ... STATE (0-5 ) M /FSI Shetterly Howard E. .USIA (R-3)
Schollaert James 1 STATE (0-5) EUR Scruggs Max D Cameroon, Yaounde Shannon Barbara A. .Nigeria, Kaduna Shewairy Nadine E .France, Marseilles
Scholz William L. ..Trin & Tobago, Port-of Scully Leo P. USIA (R-5) Shannon Daniel .Costa Rica, San Jose Shields Jo Dell. Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Spain Scully Richard T. STATE (0-5) 10 Shannon Donald K. Chile. Santiago Shields Paul M. .AID (R -2) AG /IIS
Schoonover M Norman Ivory Coast, Abidjan E
Seal David . ..Zaire, Kinshasa Shannon John ..Guatemala, Guatemala Shields Robert L VietNam , Saigon
Schoonover Richard C .Tunisia, Tunis Seale Lt Col Thomas A. Thailand, Bangkok Shapiro Goodwin ..Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Shields Rose B. STATE ( S-1) A /OPR
Schor Warren USIA (S-4 ) Searby Daniel M. STATE (R- 1 ) EB Shapiro Harold .AID (R-3) SER /COM Shields Vincent M .Indonesia, Jakarta
Schorer David W. Union of Soviet Socialist Searcy William G Thailand, Chiang Mai Shapleigh Alexander W ..ACTION ( R -6 ) 10 Shimasaki William M .Brazil. Rio de Janeiro
Republics, Leningrad Searing Richard C. STATE (0-4) NEA Sharek Carl R. USIA (10.4 ) Shimomura Alice N Japan, Naha, Japan
Schott Col Homer E ..Iran, Tehran Searl Capt Floyd C .Peru, Lima Sharp David A. Thailand. Bangkok ShimpMax . STATE (0-3) A /OPR
Schott Kenneth C STATE (S-4) ARA / LA Searl Harry T AID (R-3) COMP /FS Sharp Ronna Ruby Union of Soviet Socialist Shinn David H. Tanzania , Dar es
Schoux Christina H AID (R-5) COMP /FS Sears Jack A. .USIA (10-5) Republics, Moscow Salaam
Schoux William P ..Paraguay. Asuncion Sears John W. .Ecuador, Quito Sharp Sally R .AID (R-5) TA / PM Shinn James W. STATE (0-5) EUR
Schow Anna M Viet-Nam, Saigon Sears Roy G. .USIA ( S-2) Sharpe Richard G STATE (R-6) N /OC Shinn William T Jr .France, Paris
Schrader Carol Japan, Tokyo Sease James H. .El Salvador, San Sharpe Willard D Viet-Nam, Saigon Shipp Lois 1 . Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Schrader Roger C .US Mission , Geneva Salvador Shaughnessy Daniel E „AID (R-3) COMP/FS Shippe John J. .Romania, Bucharest
Schrage Barbara Jane ..China, Taipei Seasword Mary Sommer . STATE (0-5 ) INR Shaver Fred AID (R-2) AG Shippy Amelia Ellen STATE (0-6) ARA /LA
Schrage William F .Romania, Bucharest Seaton Mark R Colombia , Bogota Shaver Fred Mli . .Chile. Santiago Shiraishi Charley T. .Philippines, Manila
Schrager Stanley N ..Zaire, Kinshasa Seaver Christopher 1 . Colombia, Bogota Shaw C Grant. STATE (RU -2 )A /OC Shirk Albin B AID (R-4) COMP /FS
Schreiber Eugene . .STATE (0-4 ) AF Sebastian Peter .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Shaw Charles W. ..Tunisia, Tunis Shirk Eldred C USIA (R-2)
Schreiber Joseph B. Viet- Nam, Saigon Seckel Alice L .. Viet-Nam, Saigon Shaw David G ..Ecuador, Guayaquil Shirk Peter W Viet-Nam , Danang
Schreiber Lt Adrian H .Chile, Santiago Seckinger Charles B. Viet-Nam, Saigon Shaw Dennis R. ..Nigeria, Lagos Shirley Fredrick G Philippines, Manila
Schreiber Michael N .USIA (R-5) Sedlacek Donald E Italy. Rome Shaw John B ..Uruguay, Montevideo Shirley John W. USIA ( 10-2)
Schreiber Philip E ..Laos, Vientiane Seefeldt Raymond W .Germany, Munich Shaw John P. STATE (0-1) INR Shirley Katherine H STATE (0-5) EUR
Schreider Frank. ..USIA (R-3) Seeger William A. ..Thailand, Bangkok Shaw Lt Col John V. ..Colombia , Bogota Shishkin Hildegard B STATE (R-4) S / R
Schreiter Seymour L USIA (S- 2) Seel Deborah R .Germany. Bonn Shaw Norman F. ..Philippines, Manila Shlaudeman Harry W STATE (0-1 ) ARA/LA
Schrider William F.. ..Laos, Vientiane Seeley Erwin C. .Bolivia, La Paz Shaw Oliver C ..Indonesia, Jakarta Shoemaker Robert V. AID (R-5) AFR /DS
Schroeder Beverly A. STATE ( S- 7) EUR Seelye Talcott W. Tunisia. Tunis Shaw Richard .AID (RL-4 )COMP /FS Shoesmith Thomas P ..Japan, Tokyo
Schroeder Frank M STATE (0-4) A /BF Seema Joy. .Laos, Vientiane Shaw Sandra STATE (R-5) INR Shoftner Ethel G. New Zealand,
Schroen Gary C ..Iran, Tehran Seepe Peggy K .. Sudan , Khartoum Shaw William B. .Thailand, Bangkok Wellington
Schroeter Richard B USEC, Brussels Sega Anthony E. Italy, Palermo Shay Gertrude .Saudi Arabia, Jidda Shogi Eleanor Judith .U.K., London
Schuchmann Lloyd W. ..Greece, Athens Segall Edwin E. ..STATE (0-3) EUR Shea Donald T. .USIA ( 10-2) Shogi Stephen .U.K ., London
Schulick Edward H. ..India, New Delhi Segars Joseph M STATE (R-6) S / S Shea Edward ) ..AID ( R - 4) AG / SEC Sholes Christopher L. Turkey, Istanbul
Schulle Charles W. ..Philippines , Manila Seger Cmdr Ralph Lir Sri Lanka, Colombo Shea James F. ..Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Shonk Sara E .Laos, Vientiane
Schulman Helen ..Tunisia, Tunis Segrest Charles D .Morocco, Tangier Shea James M. AID (R-3) AA /SA Shope Bill. ...Turkey, Ankara
Schulman Martin Thailand, Bangkok Seiberling Harriet L .Ghana, Accra Shea Susan Elizabeth ..USOECD, Paris Short George D. Sri Lanka, Colombo
Schuloff Franklin A ..Laos, Vientiane Seidel John Jr. .Lebanon, Beirut Shea Terence ). STATE (R-2) A /SY Short JD Philippines, Manila
Schultz Carl D lii . Brazil, Recite Seidi Grace B ..AID ( S- 6 ) COMP /FS Sheagren Barbara Jo. ..Italy, Rome Shorter Charles B. .Philippines, Manila
Schultz Edward F. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Seidner Francis ... STATE (RU - 2 )10 Sheahan Cornelia M. ..Austria, Vienna Shostal Pierre Rwanda, Kigali
Schultz Leroy R Germany, Frankfurt Seifman Richard M AID ( R -4 ) LA /DR Shealy Thomas E. ..Laos, Vientiane Shoup Frederick Owen . STATE (0-5) EB
Schultz Patricia L.. Colombia, Bogota Seim Harvey B.. .USNATO, Brussels Shean James G Guatemala, Guatemala Shouse L Gordon India, Madras
Schulz John J..... ..U.K ., Hong Kong Seitz RaymondGM. .STATE (0-5) S/S Shear David ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Shover Donna M. STATE (S-5) AF
Schumacher Erma ..Italy. Rome Sekiya Mabel S ... Uruguay, Montevideo Shearer Robert B. Thailand, Bangkok Shroeder Terry B Thailand, Bangkok
Schumaker James F STATE (R-8) trng Seligmann Albert L .Germany. Berlin Shearer Wilma M. South Africa, Pretoria Shropshire Harry W ..AID (R-3) SER /FM
Schunter Elaine Barbara .....STATE (0-5) PER Seljak Karyl M STATE (R-7) EUR Shedlock Alice C .Ghana , Accra Shu C Edmund .AID (R-3) AASTA
Schuster William E. .Norway. Oslo Sell Douglas A STATE ( S-5) AVOC Shedlock John R. .Chile, Santiago Shugart Thomas H Jr. .Germany, Munich
Schwab Gerald . .AID (R-3) LA /DP Sell Louis D STATE (0-6 ) M /FSI Sheehan Carol M ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Shuler Robert Lee. Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Schwab Melva M ..AID (R-3 ) COMP/FS Sell Robert J. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Sheehan Charles R STATE (RU -4)M /FSI Shull Ltc Paul N. Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Schwab Philip R. .AID (R -2) LA /BR Sellers Robert G Thailand, Bangkok Sheehan Donald F. Union of Soviet Socialist Guatemala, Guatemala
Schwar Jane Harriet. STATE (R -6) PA Sellin Theodore STATE (0-3) EUR Republics, Leningrad Nicaragua, Managua
Schwartz Andrew .USIA (10-3) Seltzer Sheldon D Tanzania, Dar es Sheehan Geraldine R STATE (RU -3 )C /Y El Salvador, San
Schwartz Marvin A. Tunisia, Tunis Salaam Sheffey John P. STATE (R-2) ARA /LA Salvador
Schwartz Steven A Greece. Athens Semakis Larry W STATE (0-4) NEA Sheils Marylou STATE ( S -5) N /CPR Costa Rica, San Jose
Schwartze Kathleen D Romania, Bucharest Semler Peter STATE (0-3) ACDA Sheinbaum Gilbert H. STATE ( 0-4) EUR U.K. , Belize City. Belize
Schwarzwalder Anthony M .. Bangladesh, Dacca Semser Ethel F. .USOECD, Paris Shekmer Michael E Greece, Athens Shumate John P Jr. STATE (0-3) M /FSI
Schwebel Stephen M STATE (R- 1 ) L Sena Ray Jr. Venezuela, Caracas Shelby Barbara M Costa Rica, San Jose Shumway Jeddy K .. Uruguay, Montevideo
Schwegel Virginia S .Austria, Vienna Sencindiver David H. .Greece, Athens Sheldon Courtney R. .USUN, N.Y. Shurtlett Leonard G. .Mauritania, Nouakchott
Schweikart William H. Liberia, Monrovia Senkow Michael. .STATE ( S-6 ) NOC Sheldon Courtney R. .USUN, N.Y. Shutt Merrill M. Thailand , Bangkok
Schwencke Frank P AID (R-3) IT /P Senner James M. Afghanistan, Kabul Sheldon Lois E STATE ( S-6) AF Shy John .Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Schwendker Gladys C. .AID (R-4) SER /PM Sens Andrew D STATE (0-5) EB Shellenberger Jack H. .USIA ( 10-2) Siatacas Spiros A.. .US Mission, Geneva
Schwertfeger Dorothy G. .Zaire, Kinshasa Senser Robert A .STATE (0-2) EA Shellhorn Charles W. ..Germany, Frankfurt Siahaan Odjahan . USIA (R-5)
Scioli Leonard ). Italy, Rome Sentowski Valeria P ..Algeria, Algiers Shelton Capt John P. .Morocco, Rabat Siatis Panos P .USIA (R-3)
Scissors Richard C .STATE (0-3) EB Septon Arthur B Jr. .Greece. Athens Shelton Turner B. .Nicaragua, Managua Siavage Robert A .Philippines, Manila
Scoggin James E. Costa Rica , San Jose Sera Michiko Jean ..Japan. Naha, Japan Shen Mary Euyang .USIA (R-3) Siddons Sandra A .Kenya, Nairobi
Sconce Joe ) Colombia , Bogota Serchak Ltc William E Sweden, Stockholm Shepanek Chester G. .USIA ( S- 1) Siderius Maj Robert R. Lebanon. Beirut
Scoon Casimir E .ACTION (R -3) Caribbean Sergeant Charles F STATE ( S-6) NOC Shepard James M. ..AID ( R - 4) COMP /FS Sidman Barry .AID (R-2) LA /DR
Scordo Jennie .. .Germany, Bonn Sergeant William C Honduras, Tegucigalpa Shepard Ralph L Viet-Nam, Saigon Sidney Carmen STATE (S-8) SY
Scotes Thomas .Lebanon, Beirut Serling Jacob AID (R-2) AG /IIS Shepard Stanley S. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Siefken William H. STATE (0-6 ) AF
Scott Claretta K STATE (0-5) CU Seroor Jeanette STATE ( S-6) AF Shepard William M .. .USIA ( R -4) Siegel Jeffrey R. .Germany, Bonn
Scott Frank A .USIA (10-3) Service Robert E. STATE (0-4) EB Shepard William Seth STATE ( 0-4) EUR Siegel Stanley Thailand, Bangkok
Scott Gerald W STATE (0-6) EA Settle James D .Peru, Lima Shepley Steven C .Laos, Vientiane Siegert George W. .USIA (R -3)
Scott Helen N STATE (R-5) PER Sevag Aris Gabriel .USIA (S-9) Sheppard David P .USIA ( 10-2) Siemens Evelyn R. STATE (S -4) INR
Scott Inga Dom . Rep., Santo Severson Betty Jean ..Japan, Tokyo Sheppard Frank W JE .Philippines, Manila Siemienkiewicz Gerald .Greece, Athens
Domingo Severson Phillip L. Thailand. Udorn Sheppard Frederick H. ..Pakistan, Islamabad Sierra Anthony D. .STATE ( R -4) A /OPR
Scott Irma A. Togo, Lome Sevier Lewis V. .France, Paris Sher Elizabeth A. Yugoslavia, Belgrade Sierra Maj Hector G .Spain, Madrid
Scott James R .Guatemala, Guatemala Seward Wanda Lee. .Ecuador, Quito Sher Ronald ... .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Sievering Nelson For STATE (RU - 1)SCI
Scott Jerry W .USIA ( 10-5) Sexton Jane E. ..Italy. Rome Sherburne Maj Thomas N ....Indonesia, Jakarta Sieverts Frank A STATE (RU - 2) 0
Scott Joan V .STATE (S-5) M/DG Sey Bonnie B. .Liberia, Monrovia Sherer Albert W Jr. Czechoslovakia, Prague Sigler William A AID (R - 2) LA /CA
Scott John F. STATE (R-7) trng Seymour Jack M Jr. .Poland, Warsaw Sheridan R Ann . India, Bombay Sigmund Anne M. Nicaragua, Managua
Scott John Mcd Jr STATE (S-3) NEA Seyster James Gary .STATE (0-6) NEA Sherlock Francis .Guatemala, Guatemala Siira Eino M AID (R-3) AFR /ESA
Scott Joyce E ..Union of Soviet Socialist Shackleton Robert G. .Germany. Bonn Sherman Earle W .USIA ( 10.4) Sikes Joseph T.. STATE (0-9) trng
Republics, Moscow Shadel Willard F Jr .Colombia, Bogota Sherman Edric Jr. .Kenya, Nairobi Silberman Allan D STATE (0-4) INR
Scott Kenneth M Jr. Ivory Coast, Abidjan Shafer Francis E STATE (RU -3)INR Sherman Lois M .Zaire, Kinshasa Silberstein Joseph A. STATE (0-2) EB
Scott Leslie Andrew .El Salvador, San Shafer Ronald Kurt .AID ( R -4 ) SA / C Sherman Michael M. .Germany. Munich Silberstein Manuel .STATE (0-4) M /FSI
Salvador Shatter Dale Le .Chile, Santiago Sherman Phyllis G. ..AID (S-6) SER/COM Silberstein SpencerM. .Pakistan, Islamabad
Scott Monroe A. Viet-Nam, Saigon Shaffer Frederick W. USIA (R-3) Sherman Solomon G. .Ecuador. Quito Silins Ints M .... Romania , Bucharest
Scott Richard B Afghanistan, Kabul Shatter Harrison L .Philippines, Manila Sherman William C STATE (0-2) EA Siller Herminia M Brazil, Sao Paulo
Scott Robert L Indonesia, Medan Shaffer lii William C ... .Chad, N'Djamena Shermat Ergash. .USIA (R -4) Silva Alan A. .Bangladesh, Dacca
Scott Robert Lester .U.K., London Shatter Juanita K .USIA (R -4) Sherper Keith W ..AID ( R -3) TA /DA Silva Raymond E. .Argentina, Buenos Aires
Scott Robert V. Thailand, Bangkok Shaffer Ronald D .Greece, Athens Sherper Kenneth H. AID ( R -4) AFR /DS Silva Walter John .STATE (0-3) WarColl
Scott Samuel Tr .Kenya, Nairobi Shafron Harold ... ..AID (RL -2 )SA /PPB Sherrill Col Alvan Cor ...Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Img
Scott Stuart N. ..Portugal, Lisbon Shaft Norman T. .Colombia, Bogota Sherrill IreneM. .Ecuador, Quito Silver Arthur D. AID (R -4) LA /DP
Scott Vernon R AID (R -3) PHA/POP Shahboz Mercy A ..Morocco, Rabat Sherrill Joseph R .China, Taipei Silver Loon ...... ..USIA (R-2)
Silver Neil E STATE (R-7) M / FSI Slack George L. Cyprus, Nicosia Smith James A ...... .STATE (0-6 ) CU Snow James A. .Lebanon, Beirut
Silverberg Louis STATE (0-2) D Slak Dorothy M. .USIA (10-4) Smith James Alexander. ..South Africa. Snow Mary Ann .USIA (R -6)
Silverman Arnold ) . .USIA (10-4) Slater Mari Michele .USNATO , Brussels Johannesburg Snow Stephen R. ..Turkey, Adana
Silverman Jonathan L Japan, Fukuoka Slater Warren E. STATE (0-3) WarColl Smith James E Saudi Arabia, Jidda Snowden Carol S .Korea. Seoul
Silverthorne Lucy G STATE (S-5) PPT Trng Smith James F ..AID (R-3) Trng Comp Snyder Gerald E STATE (0-5) M /FSI
Silvis Edward A. Colombia, Cali Slattery Janina . STATE (0-4) ARA /LA Smith James R. STATE (0-6 ) A /OPR Snyder Harry M. „ Nepal, Kathmandu
Simcox David E Spain, Madrid Slavik Pauline A. ..Turkey, Ankara Smith James R. Viet-Nam. Saigon Snyder James M STATE (0-2) EUR
Simmers Betty ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Slavin Frances A ..AID (R.5) ITATS Smith James Tr Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Snyder Jesse L.. .AID (RL-4 )Trng Comp
Simmerson Raymond E USIA (R-7) Slawecki Leon MS USIA ( 10-4 ) Smith Jean E. Viet-Nam. Saigon Snyder Joseph C III . STATE (0-5) M/FSI
Simmonds John Watkin Zaire, Kinshasa Slawiak Lorraine A. ..ACTION (R -8 ) 10 / AF Smith Joan Veronica STATE (0-6) INR Snyder Richard C USIA (R-7)
Simmons Bruce B Saudi Arabia , Jidda Sledge Janet H ..ACTION (R - 5) Smith John B .. ..Thailand , Bangkok Snyder Robert E STATE (0-6) INR
Simmons Carroll Japan. Naha, Japan 10 /NAN /EAP Smith John Timothy. STATE (R-3) AF Snyder Stanley E Laos, Vientiane
Simmons Charlie E AID ( R -4) COMP/FS Sleeper Louis G. ..USOECD. Paris Smith Joseph L. .Paraguay. Asuncion Soares Michael F. ..Madagascar,
Simmons Frederick F. Jordan, Amman Sleght Alexander K. Brazil, Salvador Smith Joyce A. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Tananarive
Simmons Gerald E .Dom . Rep.. Santo Slevin Edward ...... ACTION (R - 2) Smith Keith C. .Hungary, Budapest Sober Sidney ..STATE (0-1 ) NEA
Domingo 10 /NAN /EAP Smith Kenneth F ..Philippines, Manila Sobien William A. .STATE (R-5) A /OC
Simmons John F Jr STATE (0-5) EB Slezak Lester P. Sweden , Stockholm Smith Kirby L .Brazil, Sao Paulo Sobol Joseph .France, Paris
Simmons Lou Anne STATE ( S -6 ) EUR Sliter Harry S Jr. ..Tanzania , Dar es Smith Lamonte C Belgium , Brussels Sobotta Joseph A.. Viet-Nam . Saigon
Simmons William L .. Pakistan , Islamabad Salaam Smith Leslie Ann . Switzerland, Bern Sockwell Oliver R STATE (R-6) A /BF
Simms Edward T. STATE ( R -4) DG /MED Sligh Frederick H. ..Afghanistan, Kabul Smith Lewis Curtis. ..Khmer Republic, Phnom Soderberg Helen G STATE (S-5) AF
Simms John W. .STATE (0-4) ARA/ LA Sloan Imogene . .Belgium , Brussels Penh Sodersten Z Kathryn. ..Turkey. Izmir
Simms Kenneth A. ..Turkey. Ankara Sloan James L. AID (R-3) ENG Smith Lewis T ..Philippines, Manila Soelberg Ray Bruce ..Thailand, Bangkok
Simon Donald ) STATE (RU -2 )O /FADRC Sloane Charles F .AID (R-3) OPS Smith Linda S. ..Philippines, Manila Soergel Donald E. Khmer Republic, Phnom
Simon Hugh Vernon Jr. STATE (0-6) ARA/ LA Sloane Gerald I .. Burma , Mandalay Smith Louis STATE (R-6) PA Penh
Simon Joseph J.. .U.K ., Hong Kong Sloat Jewell B. ..Guyana. Georgetown Smith Margaret M. ..Nepal, Kathmandu Sohlin Donnelly A. ..Khmer Republic, Phnom
Simon Peter AID (RL- 2 )PPC /IA Slocum Glenn G Jr. Cameroon, Yaounde Smith Marvin F ..STATE (R-3 ) S/IG Penh
Simonpietri Andre C ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Slocum Kent .Nigeria. Lagos Smith Mary C ..Nigeria, Lagos Sohm Earl D .U.K ., London
Simons Frances B. ..Canada, Montreal Sloss Leon. STATE (RU - 1)PM Smith Mary Susan .. ..USIA (R-6) Sohns Ernest R Sweden, Stockholm
Simons Thomas W Jr. STATE ( 0-4) S /PC Slott Richard ..Thailand. Bangkok Smith Matthew Dr. ..Mexico, Matamoros Sokol George K .Greece, Athens
Simonson Marguerite M STATE (R-6) CU Slotten Wayne H. Viet Nam, Nha Trang Smith Melba E Bangladesh, Dacca Soldan Rudolph .Philippines, Manila
Simpkins Leroy C. Romania, Bucharest Slusser H Robert .AID (R-3) ASIA /CD Smith Michael B STATE (0-3) EB Soldow James ) USNATO, Brussels
Simpson Chloris E. AID (S-6) AA/ TA Slutz Robert Fle STATE (0-3) Justice Smith Moffett R ..Bangladesh, Dacca Soldow James ) .USNATO, Brussels
Simpson Daniel H STATE (0-5) AF Smail Robert W. Thailand, Bangkok Smith Morton S USIA ( 0-2) Solem Richard R ..AID (R- 5) PPC/DF
Simpson Howard R. .Algeria, Algiers Small F William . ..Thailand, Bangkok Smith Myron G Indonesia, Jakarta Soles Ann Forrest Thailand, Bangkok
Simpson Hugh E .Philippines, Manila Small George W. .Germany. Bonn Smith N Shaw ..Brazil, Sao Paulo Solinski Ethel D. .Zaire, Kinshasa
Simpson P Warren . USIA (10-3) Smallenbroek Theodore. Viet- Nam, Saigon Smith Norman L. STATE (0-3) IGA Solitario Thomas .Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Simpson Richard L. USIA (S-2) Smalley Judith Ann STATE ( S- 7) DG /MED Smith Norris P. ..Japan, Tokyo Sollenberger Howard E. STATE (RU- 1 )M/FSI
Simpson Robert „Finland, Helsinki Smallwood William G .STATE (0-5) ARA/LA Smith Patricia A. STATE ( S- 7) A /SY Solloway Richard P .Ecuador. Quito
Simpson Robert E. Australia, Canberra Smiley George E. .Philippines, Manila Smith Patricia ..Afghanistan, Kabul Solmssen Peter STATE (0-3) CU
Simpson Roberts STATE (0-5) EB Smiraglia Frank ). STATE ( R -4) EUR Smith Paul A Jr USIA (R-2) Solomon Caryn Marie Argentina, Buenos Aires
Simpson Virginia M. STATE (S-5) SCA Smith Alfred E... .USIA (R-5) Smith Paul R Jr USIA ( S- 9) Solomon Col William G Canada, Ottawa
SimsLeona ..ACTION (S-7) 10 /AF Smith Alice M. .Turkey. Ankara Smith Peter G. ..China , Taipei Solomon George J. ..Uruguay, Montevideo
Sims Robert STATE (S-3) A /OC Smith Allen D .Argentina, Buenos Aires Smith Peter R. Thailand, Bangkok Solomon Paul... ..Mexico, Nuevo Laredo
Sims William P. Greece. Athens Smith Arthur ..Nigeria, Lagos Smith Philip Meade . ..Liberia, Monrovia Soltis Marjorie Ann ..STATE (S-8) S/S
Sinclair Thomas . ..Hungary, Budapest Smith Arthur Union of Soviet Socialist Smith Phillip D. ..Nepal, Kathmandu Somerville Kathleen STATE (S-6) EA
Sindelar H Richard lii .. STATE (0-8) trong Republics, Moscow Smith Raymond F. STATE (0-6) AF Sommer Charles G .Mexico, Merida
Sinen Philia .USIA (R-6) Smith Barbara Guatemala, Guatemala Smith Raymond Vaughn .....STATE (R- 7) SY Sommerlatte Karl E Union of Soviet Socialist
Singer Bernard. Japan, Tokyo Smith Beulah Mae .AID ( S -7 ) TA /EHR Smith Rebecca 0 Venezuela, Caracas Republics, Moscow
Singer Deborah Ann India, New Delhi Smith Beverly Ivory Coast. Abidjan Smith Richard A. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Sommers William A. AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Singer Norman A. .U.K. , Belfast Smith C Gregory Ir .Peru, Lima Smith Richard A. Dom. Rep. , Santo Sonandres Thomas W. .STATE (0.5) Univ Trng
Singer Stanley H ..Togo, Lome Smith Carol Lynn .Belgium , Brussels Domingo Sonders Leon ) .China, Taipei
Singer Steven H Colombia , Bogota Smith Charles B. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Smith Richard A Jr. Mauritania, Nouakchott Sonne C Melvin Jr. STATE (0-2) PER
Singletary James D AID (R-3) TA / EHR Smith Chester G. .Thailand. Udorn Smith Richard J STATE (0-3) Com Dept Sonne Lorraine ..Israel, Tel Aviv
Singleton Anthony V. ..Tunisia , Tunis Smith Clara M. .Bangladesh. Dacca Smith Richard W .Egypt, Cairo Sonneborn Margit C ..Switzerland, Bern
Singleton Ralph M Viet Nam, Saigon Smith Clint E Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Smith Robert L. USIA (R-3) Sonnenfeldt Helmut STATE (0-1 ) C
Singleton Stephen E. Philippines, Manila Smith Col John B. South Africa, Pretoria Smith Robert P. South Africa, Pretoria Soodak Robert. USIA (R-3)
Sinks Jimmy M Viet-Nam , Saigon Swaziland, Mbabane Smith Robert S. STATE (R- 1) AF Soper Maj W John .Laos, Vientiane
Sinn Melvin E. Colombia , Bogota Lesotho, Maseru Smith Robert William STATE (0-4 ) PM Sorensen John E. .U.K., London
Sinnicki John G ..Nigeria, Lagos Smith Col Rayburn L Jr........Ivory Coast, Abidjan Smith Royce L .. ...Philippines,Manila Sorensen Paul D. STATE (R-7) A /SY
Sinnott Christopher V .. ..Italy. Rome Upper Volta. Smith Rufus Grant ..India, New Delhi Sorenson Glenn H. STATE (S-3) A/OPR
Sinozich John D STATE (0-3) EUR Ouagadougou Smith Rufus Z.. STATE (0-1) EUR Sorenson Maxine E ..Germany. Bonn
Sinton John E Lebanon, Beirut Togo. Lome Smith Russell India, New Delhi Sorenson Roger A. .Ireland, Dublin
Sioris Constantine P Greece, Athens Niger, Niamey Smith Sally T.. Singapore, Singapore Sorg Richard B. .Pakistan, Islamabad
Sioris Demetrios A. Guatemala, Guatemala Dahomey. Cotonou Smith Samuel Vick. STATE (0-5) EB Sorge Col Marlowe B ..Norway, Oslo
Sipes John W .STATE (RU - 1)PM Smith Cot George F. Greece, Athens Smith Sandra Ann . .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Sorkin Marvin. Germany, Berlin
Sipprelle Dudley G. ..Venezuela , Caracas Smith Dane F Jr... Pakistan, Islamabad Smith Sarah Ann . STATE (0-7) INR Sorokin Roman . .USIA ( R-7 )
Siracusa Ernest V ..Uruguay. Montevideo Smith David G ... Thailand, Chiang Mai Smith Sharon C. ..U.K., London Sorrentino Adele .USIA (S-6)
Siriano Harold ... Greece, Athens Smith David Warner .Guyana. Georgetown Smith Shirley M. Brazil, Sao Paulo Soso G Jean . ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Sirkin Abraham M USIA (10-2) Smith Donald G. ..USIA (S-2) Smith Stephanie A Ivory Coast, Abidjan Sothan Charles E .AID ( R -4) COMP/FS
Sisco Joseph John STATE (CM ) NEA Smith Donnell D. STATE (0-4) 10 Smith Steven H ACTION (R -5) 10 Soucek Marie .AID (S-7) SER /PM
Sisk Charles H ..Nigeria, Kaduna Smith Douglas H. .Morocco, Rabat Smith Thomas WM ..U.K., London Soukhanov Maria .USIA (R-7)
Sisterman John B .Pakistan, Karachi Smith Earl E. .Bolivia, La Paz Smith Verna E ..India , New Delhi Sound Marilyn ... ..Austria ,Vienna
Sittmann William Fredrick ..STATE (R-8) A / SY Smith Earl H Costa Rica, San Jose Smith Vernon G Philippines, Manila Sousa Maj Richard G ..Netherlands, The Hague
Sivard Robert P. .USIA (R-2) Smith Edward H Jr Indonesia, Jakarta Smith Vivian .USIA ( S-5) South James L ... STATE (RU - 2 )IGA
Siverson Sandra E .Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur Smith Edward M .STATE (R-7) M /FSI Smith Walker W .. STATE (RU - 2)A /BF Southard Clifford E .Nigeria, Lagos
Sizer Henry Sears . Viet-Nam, Saigon Smith Elaine Diana STATE (0-4) Com Dept Smith Walter Burges II ..Israel, Tel Aviv Southerland J Harlan ...Turkey. Ankara
Skaltsounis Helen G .US Mission, Geneva Smith Eldon B. STATE (0-1) EA Smith Wayne S ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Southwick E Michael . STATE (0-5) CU
Skellenger Charles 0 . .France, Paris Smith Elizabeth 1 .STATE ( S- 8) AJOPR Smith Wesley S Swaziland, Mbabane Sowash William B ...Argentina, Buenos Aires
Skeryo Margaret .. .STATE (S-7) A /OC Smith Elsa B STATE ( S-8) EA Smith William C AID (R-4) OPS Spain James W. ..Turkey. Ankara
Skiff Robert W. Thailand, Bangkok Smith Emery Peter .STATE (0-3) PM Smith William W Uruguay, Montevideo Spalla Louis R. Thailand, Chiang Mai
Skiles Victor H. .USR /FAO , Rome Smith Frank R. Philippines, Manila Smoak Marion H. STATE (R- 1 ) A /CPR Sparacio Sammie. USIA (R-3)
Skinner Frank W .Laos, Vientiane Smith Frederick Jr. STATE (RU - 1)SCA Smolik Michael STATE (0-3) M/FSI Sparks Joseph C. STATE (S-3) A /OC
Skinner Margaret. Ireland, Dublin Smith Gary R. .Bahrain, Manama Smoot Elizabeth A. Italy, Rome Sparks Lesley M .Khmer Republic, Phnom
Skoczylas Elenie N USIA (R-6) Smith Gene C Colombia, Bogota Smoot Harvey W .USIA (R-3) Penh
Skoda Charles T. STATE ( S- 2) PER Smith George A. .Pakistan, Karachi Smoot Mary Cynthia ..Italy. Naples Sparks William F .AID (R-3) MO/AD
Skoff Helen D STATE (S -6 ) AF Smith Georgel . .Zaire, Kinshasa Smucker Larry F AID (R-4) ASIA / SA Sparrow George B Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Skok William Henry ..Italy. Turin Smith George R JE Jerusalem , Jerusalem Smyser William R. STATE (0-2) NSC Sparshott Richard 0 India, New Delhi
Skol Michael M. .Dom . Rep.. Santo Smith Glenn Lee. .Turkey. Izmir Smyth Cecil B Jr. Viet-Nam, Saigon Spat William C ...... .Philippines, Manila
Domingo Smith Grace H.. .Khmer Republic, Phnom Snapp Mary E. Guatemala, Guatemala Spathopoulos Alexander M..AID (R-4) SER/FM
Skoll Molly G ..U.K ., Hong Kong Penh Snead Jack R. Viet-Nam, Saigon Spaulding Thomas M ..Guinea, Conakry
Skotzko Waldimir .STATE (R -6) M/FSI Smith Hadley E Viet-Nam, Saigon Sneed Phillip R Sudan, Khartoum Spear Carroll ..Liberia, Monrovia
Skoufis Peter ) ..France, Paris Smith Harlie STATE (R-3) M / FSI Sneider Richard L STATE (0-1) EA Spear Jeannette A .Philippines, Manila
Skoug Kenneth N JE .STATE (0-3) WarColl Smith Harold R Viet Nam, Saigon Snell Charles E .Philippines, Manila Spear Moncrieff ) . Viet-Nam, Nha Trang
Trng Smith Hiram E .Laos, Vientiane Snell Robert C. .AID (R-2) SER /ENGR Spears Karen S .Paraguay, Asuncion
Skow Norman P. Viet-Nam, Saigon Smith Howard F .Ecuador, Quito Snelling Annie R Viet- Nam, Saigon Spector ) Brooks. ..Indonesia, Jakarta
Skowronski Harriet P. Viet Nam. Danang Smith Hugh I.... ..AID (R-5) SER / H Snider Clyde W. Honduras, Tegucigalpa Spector Sam .Philippines, Manila
Skuby Ltc Vladimir ..Poland, Warsaw Smith , Bruce. .Tunisia, Tunis Snider Denise L .U.K ., London Speers Michael F. „AID (R-3) ASIA /CD
Skuse John R. ..USIA (R - 4) Smith Jack M .STATE (0-3) EUR Snow Christopher .. .Bulgaria, Sofia Speicher John C .AID (R-4) ARA-LA
Slack Edward ... ..USIA (10-3) Smith Jackson L. ...USNATO, Brussels Snow Denman TI STATE (0-5) M / FSI Speight Maj William P. .Madagascar,
FEBRUARY 1974 81
Spolls Richard L Surprise Robert
Tananarive Starbuck Frank F. .USIA (10.5) Stevens Charles S ... AID (R-2) ENG Straus Richard .. STATE (0-2) CU
Spells Richard L... STATE (S-9) D Stark David B. Viet-Nam, Saigon Stevens Douglas K Jr. ..Bahamas, Nassau Straus Ulrich A. Switzerland, Bern
Spence Melvin T. STATE (R-7) trng Stark George W ..USNATO. Brussels Stevens Franklyn E. .U.K ., London Strausz-Hupe Robert .Belgium , Brussels
Spencer Charles Sir Peru , Lima Stark Meritt W Viet-Nam, Saigon Stevens Justice B ..Sweden, Stockholm StrawberryKenneth R STATE (RU-2)P
Spencer Lesley M STATE (S -7) L Starkey Glen R JE ..STATE (R-3) 10 Stevens Lynn E ... .Austria, Vienna Streator Edward Jr STATE (0-2) EUR
Spencer Raymond L USIA ( 10-4) Starkey James H III . ..Colombia, Bogota Stevens Michael G Ecuador, Quito Streeb Gordon L STATE (0-4 ) EB
Spengler William F. STATE (0-2) S /PM Starnes Max E. AID ( R -4) COMP /FS Stevens Peter N. Guatemala, Guatemala Streed Nancy R ..AID ( S-5) COMP /FS
Sperling Jonathan L Thailand, Bangkok Staron Irene V. ..Lebanon. Beirut Stevens Richard L. Spain. Seville Streicher Joseph O Jamaica , Kingston
Spicer Cordelia S STATE (0-6) SCA Starr Dennis Julian Austria, Vienna Stevens Vincent W Indonesia, Jakarta Strelick Arthur P. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Spicer R Peter Swaziland. Mbabane Starrett Samuel D .Bahrain, Manama Stevenson Lloyd C. Belgium . Brussels Strickler Theodore Eugene ...Ethiopia,Asmara
Spicer William STATE (RU- 2 ) A /FBO Starrs Francis R Jr STATE (0-2) CU Stevenson Mary L. ..Japan, Tokyo Stricklin Jay S. Trin & Tobago. Port-of
Spielman Herbert USNATO, Brussels Starzynski Paulf .USIA (S- 2) Stevenson Robert A. STATE (0-1) PER Spain
Spier Delmar D. ..Laos, Vientiane Staskiewicz Stefan. .USIA (R-5) Stevenson Rufus ..Mali, Bamako Strieby Judith A. .Brazil, Brasilia
Spiers Ronald I Bahamas, Nassau Staszak Joseph F. .USIA (R-7) Stever Edward T. STATE (S -2 ) A /MC Stringer William H. USIA (R-3)
Spiker Donald R .Ethiopia, Asmara Staubs Ralph Arthur .STATE ( S -7) MED Steverson Howard L .Ghana, Accra Strite Carolyn .... Germany. Hamburg
Spillane John P Switzerland, Bern Stauffer Dale A STATE ( S-6) NEA Stevie Phyllis A Paraguay. Asuncion Strohmenger Otto USIA (R-2)
Spillman Frank ] France, Paris Staufter David H. STATE (R-3) PA Steward Altarie B AID ( S-5) COMP /FS Strom Allan W. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Spires Charles E USIA (R-5) Stauffer James E. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Steward James H ..Lebanon, Beirut Stromayer James USDECD, Paris
Spiro Herberts STATE (R- 1 ) S /PC Stave Thomas C Thailand. Bangkok Steward Joyce Ann ..Lebanon, Beirut Strong Bruce W Japan, Tokyo
Spiro Joel S .USEC. Brussels Steadley Dana ..... Spain, Madrid Stewart Edward C. ACTION (R -4) 10 Strong Dale G. AID (R-3) COMP /FS
Spisak Andrew William .STATE (0-8) trng Steadman Odeal C. .ACTION ( S-6) 10 Stewart Edwin .. ..Greece, Athens Strong Evalyn M. Sierra Leone, Freetown
Spittle David L. .Korea, Seoul Stearman William Llo USIA (0-3) Stewart Eldon Y AID (R-2) COMP/ FS Strong Gregory D. STATE (0-6) NEA
Spivack Herbert D ..Germany, Munich Stearns Monteagle . STATE (0-1) EA Stewart John Todd . STATE (0-4 ) M /FSI Strong Hewlett Peters Jr. AID (R-2) FFP
Spooner JClark Viet Nam. Saigon Stebbing David H. .Ecuador. Quito Stewart Jon W .USIA ( 10-4 ) Strong Louise M South Africa,
Spooner Thomas E E USIA (10.5) Stebbins Robert C .STATE ( S-4) SCA Stewart Josephine. .AID (S -6 ) ASIA /NE Johannesburg
Spoth George M. STATE (RU - 2)A /SY Steckel George William Viet- Nam, Bien Hoa Stewart Laddie ) ..AID (R -4 ) MO /PUR Stroud Margaret E. Saudi Arabia, Dhahran
Spotts Frederic N .STATE (0-4 ) EUR Stedman William Perry Jr ....Bolivia, La Paz Stewart Ronald W ..Greece, Thessaloniki Stroupe David A. STATE ( R -8) MED
Sprager Hart G. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Steed Louis M .USIA ( 10-4) Stewart Thomas B Viet-Nam, Saigon Strovas Frank C .Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Sprague Edmund W Viet-Nam, Nha Trang Steedman Charles ..ACTION (R -3) 10 / AF Stewart Wesley D .Costa Rica, San Jose Struck William W. STATE (0-5) INR
Sprague Florence USIA ( S- 9) Steel Horton W ..AID (R-3) OPS Stewart William C Jr. Viet-Nam , Saigon Struharik Paul A .. Viet-Nam, Nha Trang
Sprague William B Jr. USIA ( S - 1) Steele Bernard T STATE ( S-6) INR Stibal Ronald Lee .Pakistan, Islamabad Strutzel Michael P Austria, Vienna
Spreitzer Marguerite E .STATE (S-5) EA Steele Carol H Viet-Nam. Saigon Stibravy William ) UNIDO, Vienna Stryker Gerald USIA (R-2)
Sprick Karl H .U.K. , Hong Kong Steele John S. Viet-Nam , Saigon Stickel Wendy A. ..Thailand, Bangkok Stuart Constance C STATE 'R-2) CU
Springer Craig B .Bolivia, La Paz Steele Sterlyn B. .USIA (10-3 ) Stickler Barbara M. Chad, N'Djamena Stuart Mahlon D. .Ghana, Accra
Springer Edward H ..Libya, Tripoli Steen Dwight R Colombia, Bogota Stickney Col Louis S Jr ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Stuart Richard K STATE (RU -2 )INR
Springer Florence P .STATE ( S -4) EUR Steeves James W. Spain, Madrid Stickney Enoch M Jr AID (R-3) COMP /FS Stuart Warren E Union of Soviet Socialist
Springer Gertrude L. Viet-Nam. Saigon Stefan Charles G. STATE (0-2) EUR Stieglitz Perry ] Thailand, Bangkok Republics, Moscow
Springer Herbert A .Nigeria, Lagos Stetten Alan L. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Stier Victor L. ..Finland, Helsinki Stubbs William B lii .USIA ( 10.4 )
Springer Richard L. STATE (0-4) 10 Stegelmann Ingrid M Malawi. Blantyre Stiles Winthrop A ..Afghanistan, Kabul Stuckey Charles W .Mexico, Tijuana
Springer Stephen R India, Bombay Steigman Andrew L. .Nigeria, Lagos Stillman Arthur M US Mission , Geneva Stuckey Robert W ..Afghanistan, Kabul
Sprott John STATE (R-2) M /FSI Stein Charles R STATE (R-2) S /IG Stimson Arthur H ..Germany, Munich Stuckner Kenneth E Spain, Madrid
Sprowls Roger G. .Laos, Vientiane Stein Harry Leonard STATE (0-6 ) ARA /LA Sting Joe T Jr. STATE (S-6 ) A / OC Stukel Thomas W Jr .AID (RL-5)SER/CM
Spruce William E. US Mission , Geneva Stein Herman Pakistan, Karachi Stipp Rebecca F Saudi Arabia, Jidda Stull Lee T. STATE (0-1) 10
Spurr Warren F STATE (S-2) A /OC Stein John H. Libya, Tripoli Stirn John P. USIA (R -4) Stuman Thomas R ..Liberia, Monrovia
Spurrier Donald L. AID (S-4) COMP/FS Stein Robert A. .Libya. Tripoli Stivers John 0 AID (RL- 3)TA/ H Stumpf Edward Richard. STATE (0-5) EB
Spurrier Helen D STATE (S-6) A /OC Steinberg David 1 . ..Thailand. Bangkok Stlawrence Joseph L. ..Thailand, Bangkok Stumpp Larry M .Nigeria, Lagos
Squire Arnold W Viet-Nam , Saigon Steinberg Leon N. USIA (R-5) Stocker Carol K STATE (0-5) EB Stupp Carol M. .USUN, N.Y.
Squire Christopher A. STATE (0-2) PER Steiner Steven E. Union of Soviet Socialist Stockman Charles J Jr. AID (R- 1 ) LA /DR Sturdevant Robert N .USIA (R-3)
Ssangulia Walerian . USIA (R-8) Republics, Moscow Stockman Richard L. Singapore, Singapore Sturgeon George S Khmer Republic, Phnom
St Denis John H El Salvador, San Steingasser Col Joseph ..Austria, Vienna Stoddard Philip H .. STATE (RU-2)INR Penh
Salvador Steinkamp Kent R Spain. Barcelona Stoddart Jonathan D STATE (RU - 1)PM Stutesman John H. Canada, Vancouver
St John John . STATE (0-4) INR Steinmetz John P. .STATE (0-4 ) EB Stoehr Sandra A. .Austria, Vienna Stutsman Homer R. .Laos, Vientiane
St Lawrence Joseph Leo .Thailand, Bangkok Steins Kenedon P .Uruguay. Montevideo Stoessel Walter ) Union of Soviet Socialist Stutz G Frederick .USIA (10-2)
St Mars Verne Frederick STATE (RU -2 )A /SY Steitz Gunter P .. Philippines, Manila Republics, Moscow Styles Michael H. STATE (RU-2)EB
St Pierre Rita 1 Mali, Bamako Stella Robert A. .USEC. Brussels Stokes Birney A. .STATE (0-3) AF Styma Mitchell Poland, Warsaw
Stabler Wells . Stellmacher Edward O .Philippines, Manila Stokes William N. STATE (0-2) S /IG Subt Georgette . ..India, New Delhi
STATE (0-1 ) EUR Stempel John D Zambia . Lusaka Stoltztus William Adr ..Kuwait, Kuwait Subwick Erma ) . .USNATO. Brussels
Stack Michael R .Dom . Rep.. Santo .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. United Arab Emirates,
Stemple Richard ) . Suchan Gregory Michael Mexico. Monterrey
Domingo Sten Charles R. .Germany, Frankfurt Abu Dhabi Suddarth Roscoe S. Jordan , Amman
Stackhouse Heywood M ...... STATE (0-2) NEA Stenger Jerome Jr. .Finland. Helsinki Bahrain, Manama Suddath Joseph M. STATE (S-7) A /OC
Stacy Carolyn 0 . Iran , Tehran Stenswick Larry E. .U.K., London Qatar, Doha Sudholt Allan W Ethiopia. Addis Ababa
Stacy Roy A .. Ivory Coast. Abidjan Stepanek Joseph F .Bangladesh. Dacca Oman, Muscat Sugden G Scott USIA ( 10-3)
Stadelman Raymond E. AID (R-3) COMP/FS Stephan Charles E STATE (R-6) A / SY Stolz Richard Flr .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Suib Richard H. USIA (S- 1 )
Stader Donald E Viet-Nam, Saigon Stephan Charles L III .Zaire, Kinshasa Stolzenbach Conrad. ..Japan, Tokyo Sulak Michael A STATE (R-7) A /OC
Stadtler Walter E. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Stephan Ralph W Jr. ..Japan. Osaka- Kobe Stone Albert H Jr Sulik Michael J. Greece, Athens
Stafford Clarence 0 Jr. STATE (R-8) A /SY ..Nicaragua, Managua
Stephanides Charalambos Ireland. Dublin Stone David H .USIA (R-5) Sullivan Angela Elizabeth ...Germany, Bonn
Stafford Col Mebane G .Israel, Tel Aviv S Stone Galen L. ..France, Paris Sullivan Daniel P ..Philippines, Cebu
Stafford Robert F .Norway. Oslo Stephen Karint .Germany. Bonn Stone Howard E. ..Italy. Rome Sullivan Herma G .U.K., London
Stafford Walter E STATE (S-6) S/S Stephens Bart N ... USIA (10-3) Stone Jennifer M .ACTION (R - 7) 10 /LA Sullivan James P Mauritius, Port Louis
Stagliano Vito A Senegal, Dakar Stephens Diana Carol Peru. Lima Stone Jimmie M. .Dom . Rep. , Santo Sullivan John .STATE (0-4) Com Dept
Stahl Patricia A. Hungary. Budapest Stephens Elizabeth L .USIA (R -4) Domingo Sullivan Joseph F STATE (S-5) A /OC
Stahlman John W Panama, Panama Stephens Fred D. .Thailand. Chiang Mai Stone Sanford ) .. ..Laos, Vientiane Sullivan Joseph G. STATE (0-6 ) ARA /LA
Stahnke Paul K .Denmark, Copenhagen Stephens Jerry M. ..Turkey. Istanbul Stone Susan R ..Korea, Seoul Sullivan Joseph J. USIA (R-3)
Staley Arnetta B. Brazil, Brasilia Stephens John C Colombia, Bogota Stonebrook Edward C. Bolivia, La Paz Sullivan Kenneth P. ..Germany, Bremen
Stalter Louise M. .ACTION (S- 7) 10 Stephens Marie ). Philippines, Manila Stoneman Elvyn A STATE (R-2) INR Sullivan Paul B Jr. ..Turkey, İstanbul
Stammer Thomas Allen Zaire, Kinshasa Stephens Mary R. .USIA (R- 7) Stoneman Walter G .AID (R- 1 ) COMP /FS Sullivan Richard M lii .Oman, Muscat
Stammerman Kenneth A. STATE (0-5) EB Stephens Patsy G. STATE ( S- 7) M /PSI Storing Paul E.. STATE (0-4 ) CU Sullivan Roger W. STATE (0-3) EA
Stanaland Darrell E STATE (R-8) IGA Stephens Thomas E Luxembourg. Story Bascom H. „AID (R- 1 ) COMP /FS Sullivan Sean F. ..Swaziland, Mbabane
Stanback Barbara .Norway, Oslo Luxembourg Story Daniel E Viet-Nam, Saigon Sullivan W Haskell Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa
Stanciu Aurel USIA (R- 7) Stephens Thomas 0 ..Uruguay, Montevideo Stottlemeyer David L .USUN, N.Y. Sullivan William H ..Philippines, Manila
Standish John ..Afghanistan, Kabul Stephens William Jr ..Tunisia, Tunis Stottman Charlotte A. ..Germany. Bonn Sulser Jack A. Germany, Frankturt
Standley Robert R Brazil, Brasilia Stephenson Byron R ..Portugal, Lisbon Stoumpos Catherine .Morocco, Rabat Sultan Herbert L. ..Laos, Vientiane
Stands Wanda L. Viet -Nam. Saigon Stephenson George C. ..Kenya. Nairobi Stout Carles E Germany. Bonn Suma James C .Dom . Rep., Santo
Stanfield Sylvia G .U.K., Hong Kong Stephenson James E .AID (R- 1 ) ASIA /CD Stout Charles R. STATE (0-3) PER Domingo
Stanford G Alonzo .Brazil , Brasilia Stepherson Elton Jr ..France. Paris Stout Doyle W. Venezuela, Caracas Summ Godfrey Harvey ... .STATE (0-2) INR
Stanford Gary S. Indonesia, Medan Sterling George W .USIA ( R -6) Stout Irene E. ..Chile. Santiago Summers Col Archie W ..Burma, Rangoon
Stanford C Bangladesh. Dacca Stermer C Lester STATE (0-4) EA Stout Virginia L. ..Guatemala, Guatemala Summers George L .. ..Mexico, Guadalajara
Stanford William L AID (R-3) AG/AUD Stern Robert H STATE (0-5) Com Dept Strachan Robert K. AID (R-3) MO /ASIA Summers Thomas E ..USOECD, Paris
Stange Paul W STATE (R-2) A / FBO Stern Sonja H ..Morocco, Rabat Strachan William Viet-Nam, Saigon Sumner Clayton ..AID (RL-3 )COMP /FS
Stanley Clifton Cir STATE (0-6) Com Dept Stern Thomas.. STATE (0-1) PM Strader Gwynnel .U.K., London Sumption Dale E. ..Thailand,Bangkok
Stanley Diane ... Ivory Coast, Abidjan Sternberg Michael D ..Switzerland, Zurich Strahl Carroll R AID (R -4) ITATS Sundberg Capt John P. ..Netherlands, The Hague
Stanley Laurance Bahamas, Nassau Sternberger Howard 1 ..AID (R - 4) COMP/ FS Strain Stephan. ..Finland, Helsinki Sunderland Roland S ..Germany, Frankfurt
Stanley William R. ..Ghana, Accra Sterner Michael... STATE (0-2) NEA Strand Robert R ..STATE (0-4) AF Sur Tahir Hakki .USIA (R-4)
Stansfield Alan K. Germany. Frankfurt Sterner Thomas A. AID (R-2) ASIA /CD Strasser Daniel A ..Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Sura George. ..Lebanon, Beirut
Stanton Dianne Lee Germany. Bonn Sterzing Henry K. .USIA ( R -4) Strathearn Bruce D .STATE ( 0-7) trong Surber Russell Jay. .STATE (0-6) ARA /LA
Stanton James W Liberia, Monrovia Stettner Walter F ..Laos, Vientiane Strathern Clifton R. Indonesia, Jakarta Surles William B .AID ( S-3) MO/AD
Stapleton Col Samuel L. Argentina, Buenos Aires Steven Roberts .Chile. Santiago Stratmon David L Sr. ..Tunisia, Tunis Suro Carmen C ..... Singapore, Singapore
Stapleton Seton Lebanon. Beirut Stevens Bradley Gene STATE (R-7) A /SY Stratos Mary E. STATE ( S -4) ARA /LA Surprenant Tobie 0 .USIA ( 10-4 )
Starbird Linwood R .U.K ., Hong Kong Stevens Carol B USIA ( S- 9) Straub Alice Kathleen ..Canada, Ottawa Surpris e Robert J .. ..Mali, Bamako
Sutherland Peter A ...STATE (0:4) PER Talcott Orogory M. At (97) trai Torok Tomore ..................USIA (8-9) Thompson Jamos D Austria, Vienna
Sutter Donald ) France, Marseilles Tallman Loon ... USIA (9-3) Torpak Michael......... USIA (R-31 Thompson Jomos i ..India, New Delhi
Sutter Willis ......... USIA (10:4) Tombong Joseph A ...STATE (0-2) PA Terranova Holendam .....STATE (S-1) PER Thompson Jomus L. ..Ohana, Accra
Suttorlin Jomos S ....4 STATE (0: 1 ) 8/10 Tommy Mildred P ... ..Morocco, Casablanca Terranovo Joseph de STATE (0-2) PER Thompson James M. Hungary, Budapest
Sutton Daniel de Viet Nam , ngon Tonen Tod MQ France, Paris Torroll Daniels Indonesia, Jakarta Thompson Jomos R „U.K.,Hong Kong
Sutton Elizabeth Brancol.Ivory Coast,Abidjan Tanaquoot Sue D ..... Viet Nam, Saigon forrell Edwin M Quatemala, Quatemala Thompson Jonot „STATE (9-3) DC /MED
Sutton Gorold M ..... STATE (0-4) INR Tongnay Mildred M. Franco, Paris forrell Norman ........ STATE (0:4) PM Thompson Jono M.mmSTATE (R-6) A/ART
Sutton Richard Y ........ ..AID (R-3) OPS Tonguy Charles R ..... Netherlands, The Haguo ferry Carroll Milton ........ Spain, Ibiza Thompson Jessie .....USIA (R:7)
Suttor Richard E ...........AID (RL-4)LA /DR Tonii Floro M ...............Philippines, Manila Torry Charles W ..................Philippines, Manila Thompson Joanna M ........M. orocco, Tangler
Svet Corold ....... Argentino, Buenos Aires Tonk Martin M ..... AID (R.1 ) COMP/FS Terry Frank Q.... ....STATE (S-2) SY Thompson John B....... ...STATE (0-4) AVOPR
Svendsen Eric E...... ....STATE (0-6) M/FSI Tonnor Maurice M mmm.....STATE (0-4) INR Torry Juanita M ............. USIA (S-8) Thompson Lorry C STATE (0.5) 10
vực Duong ... USIA ( S-3) or
Tonn V Jord an USI A (10.4 ) Terry Paul A ....... Bulgaria, Solla Thompson Mocalon. ..Laos, Vientiane
Svobodo Josef .Khmer Republic, Phnom Tonnhauser John U ..AID (R-3) LA / DR Tervola Victor U USIA ( S- 1) Thompson Mary Cocill Brazil, Brasillo
Ponh Tano Malvin M ... .U.K ., Bolizo City, Belize Tosamer Karen Sylvia .US Mission, Geneva Thompson Michael S. ..Belgium , Brussels
Swafford John H ........ .STATE (R-3) A /OC Tanona Felicia C. Union of Soviet Socialist Tatar Rono L. .Ghana, Accra Thompson Proston ... ..STATE (5.9) S
Swattord John M ........ STATE (8-6) A /SY Republics, Leningrad Tati Flora M. STATE (S-6) EA Thompson Road W.. Viet Nam . Xil on
Swain Virginia Q....... Malta, Valletta Tape Gerald E. USM/IAEA, Vienna Taven Irwin K ..USIA (10-3) Thompson Richard E..........STATE (5-5) A /OC
Swon Alan ..AID (R-5) SER/MP Tapp William F. ..Liberia, Monrovia Tewalt Ronald L. ..Liberia, Monrovia Thompson Richard S France, Paris
Swan Charles V ... STATE (R-2) A /FBO Tappan Walter C. Viet Nam, Saigon Texido Robert C. Austria, Vienna Thompson Robert A .... ..Thailand, Bangkok
Swon Marshall w $ USIA (10.3) Tarnott Peter..... ..Luxembourg, Thacher Richard M. ..Khmer Republic, Phnom Thompson Stephen B ..USIA (R.7)
SwongoJohn V. ..Việt Nam, Can Tho Luxembourg Penh Thompson Vivian ....... Afghanistan, Kabul
Swonk Emory C ....... .......... STATE (0-1) POL Tarrant James R. STATE (0-5) EUR Thal Dan . STAT : (04) Unly trai Thompson W Kenneth .. ..Turkey,Istanbul
CINCLANT Tartter Jaan R STATE (0-2) EB Tholacker Donald D. ..Nepal, Kathmandu Thompson Ward C Korus, Seoul
Swankowski Eugano L.........STATE (3-6) N / OC Tosca Henry J ... Groeco, Athens Thall Marcia ... ..Laos, Vientiane Thompson William ......... ..USIA (10-3)
Swanson Lewis E ..Vlat.Nom , Saigon Taschetta Mary.Rita 2 Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Thatcher Dennis R ..Belgium, Brussels Thompson William R .... ..Viet Nam, Min Hoi
Swanson Li Col Stanley R ...France, Paris Taska Betty K ... ..USIA (R-5) Thoxton Clinton ...... Spain, Madrid Thompson William W.. ..AID (R.4) OPS
Swapp Qary R Italy, Rome Tato Frank A ... Philippines Manila ThayerHarry ET . .USUN, N.Y. Thoms Andrew @ Je... Germany, Bonn
Swort Randolph A STATE (0.5) EB Tatge Edward William ..Italy, Milan Thell Peter A. ACTION (R -6) Thomsen Lavernet STATE ($-1) PER
Swortz David M ...... Union of Soviet Socialist Totu Francis ) ..Nopal, Kathmandu 10 /NAN /EAP Thomsen Samuel B STATE (0.4) EA
Republics, Moscow Toweel Kamolo .Lebanon, Beirut Theodore Augustus Iran, Tehran Thomsic Frank L..................Tholland. Udorn
Swoony Qarott Gordon STATE (0-5) PM Taylor Betty C .... .Lebanon, Beirut Therioult Noyle C ..... „Venezuela, Caracos Thomson Barbora Pogon .....STATE (0-3) PER
Swedenburg Wayne A. ..STATE (0-3) PER Taylor CorlE STATE ( S- 2) DG /MED Theros Patrick N. ..STATE (0-5) WorColl Thomson Capt Alexander D.Portugal, Lisbon
Sworney James ). .Belgium , Brussels Taylor Carl Je... Burma, Rangoon Trng Thomson David R ..... STATE (0-2) M/FSI
Swooney Rita 1 ... STATE (S-5) PER Taylor Charles C. .Belgium, Brussels Therry Leonard D .............Uruguay, Montevideo Thomson James F. Brazil, Brusilla
Swwney Ruth M. STATE (9.7) PER Taylor Clyde Donald .El Salvador, San Thibault Albert Alp ..Sri Lanka, Colombo Thomson John C. Chino, Tolpai
Sweet Norman L. „AID (R- 1 ) SA/L Salvador Thiboult Darryl R ........ ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Thomson M Claro ...Indio, Modras
Sweet Robert L. Ethiopia, Addis Abobo Taylor Dan N STATE (RU - 2 )IGA Thieman Cecilia L P ..... STATE (S- 7) MED Thomson Richard C JP .........Laos, Vientiano
Sweet Ruth B ..... .Pakistan, Islamabad Taylor Everard S...... .Denmark, Copenhagen Thieme Earl L .. Việt Nam, Nha Trang Thorburn W Qorth .......... Brazil, Brasilia
Sweetwood Charles W Indio, New Delhi Taylor Frank c . Brazil , Rio de Janeiro Thigpen George H ....... Costa Rico, San Jose Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Swolgort Dennis P ...... ..Ivory Coast.Abidjan TaylorHenry L. ..Iran, Tehran Thiviergo Arthur Jr ..............Philippines, Manila Thornberry Fredrick L ..STATE (R-7) A /OC
Swoisthal Ronco M. STATE (S-6) PER Taylor) Clagott. Zombia, Lusaka Thomas Agnes M ....... ..Germany, Frankfurt Thornburg Somuel C .AID (R- 1 ) SER/MO
Swendsen Martha C ..U.K. , Hong Kong Taylor James E STATE ( S-7) INR Thomas Alma Lucille. ..STATE (R-6) M /EP Thornburgh Charles 1 Grooco, Athens
Swenson James P. Indonesia, Jakarta Taylor James E .Gormony, Munich Thomas Alvin C ..... ..Franco, Paris Thorno Myrtle E. STATE (RU-3)INR
Swanson John A Viot.Nom , Saigon Taylor John .......... .U.K., Hong Kong Thomas Charles E ....... .USIA (R-4) Thorno Nicholas G W........ Ethioplo, Addis Ababo
Swenson Rosalind ...... Viet Nam, ngon Taylor John R ........ Spain, Madrid Thomas Charles H II.........STATE (0.4) S / S Thorno Richard L....... .U.K ., London
Swenson Russell .... ..AID (R-3) PHA/POP Taylor Larry R ..Zoiro, Kinshoso Thomas Cheryl Kathloon ....Indonesia, Jakarta Thornley Alfred R. India, New Delhi
Swerdlin Georgo D. Swodon, Stockholm Taylor Lowranco Palmer.###Yugoslavia , Zagreb Thomas Clifford P Jl..... Australlo, Canberra Thornton Calvin F Germany, Frankfurt
Swett Morbert D. South Africa, Taylor Lewis B Ir . ..AID (R.2) SER/ENGR Thomas Cynthia A ... STATE (R-5) SCI Thornton Cono A ... STATE (5.7) A /OC
Johannesburg Taylor Luther ..Spain , Madrid Thomas Edward H. ..Upper Volto, Thornton John W. „Paraguay, Asuncion
Swiderski Brod .......... Chino, Toipel Taylor Moj Robert K ..Laos, Vientiane Ouagadougou Thornton Warren R Germany, Bonn
Swierczek Wolter .......... Germany, Bonn Taylor Morgorot V. ..Indonesia, Jakarta Thomas Francis Hugh......STATE (0-4) M /FSI Thorpe David B .Chile, Sontiago
Swions Pater Bird STATE (0.4) ACDA Taylor Mildred .. Viet-Num, Silicon Thomas Fred CIT ..VietNm , sizen Thorpe Knuto FK , ..AID (R-4) OPS
Swift Elizabeth A. ..STATE (0-5) CU Taylor Poul Daniel .. STATE (0-4) INR Thomas Garnett L ..Lebanon, Beirut Thorson Col Peter L .... ..Polond, Worsow
Swift Frieda Jo Jopon, Tokyo Taylor Philip Botes lil . Colombia, Medellin Thomas Georgo D „ Afghanistan, Kabul Thorsen Margaret E. Spain, Madrid
Swihort James W JE ..Yugoslavia , Belgrade Taylor Robert.. ..Uruguay, Montevideo Thomas Gilbert L.... AID (R-4) OPS Thorsen Thomas W. Việt Nam, Salon
Swindle Bedford E. ..USIA (S-3) Taylor Robert L... .Bolivia , La Paz Thomas Howard Jr Viet-Nom , Donang Throadgill Mary Jane ..Laos, Vientiane
Swing William L. STATE (0.4) EUR Taylor Rush W Jr. „ Portugal, Oporto Thomas Isabell M .. Ghana, Accra Thro John B STATE (R-3) INR
Swinney Mary K. Franco, Paris Taylor Ruth S Poru. Lima Thomas Jomos K ..Koroo, Seoul Thrower Jack E .......... .Dom . Rep., Santo
Swinson Thomas S ..USIA (R-4) Taylor Samuel ....... ..El Salvador , San Thomas Jennifer M. „ACTION(S- 9) 10 Domingo
Swint Jacqueling E ..AID (S-6) COMP/FS Salvador Thomas John H ... Viet Nam, Sleon Thurber Jomos P JF .USIA (10-3)
Swisher A Dole . „ AID (R-3) ENGR/OPNS Taylor Sarah ..Malta , Volletta Thomas John M .STATE (0-1) A Thurman David E. ..Pokiston, Karachi
Switt Froncos F „ Brazil, Salvador Taylor T Elkin .USM /OAS, Wash. Thomas Jon R .... Spain, Madrid Thurmon , Richard. „ STATE (0-6) NEA
Switzer Capt James R .Chile, Santiago Taylor Thelbert F Viet-Nam, Bien Hoi Thomas Josio W. STATE ( S- 7) AF Thuroczy Nicholos M ,,US Mission, Geneva
Switzer Thomas W ... ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Taylor Thomas W .... „ STATE ( S-4) A /OC Thomas Lavondus R .. ..Germany, Frankfurt Thurston Patricia D .... ..Chile, Santiago
Switzler Sholly Lao STATE (S-8) S/S Taylor Wilma Pouling „.Netherlands. Thomas Lawrence M ..... ..Viet-Num, Socon Thurston Robert V .U.K., Belize City, Belize
Swoboda Maximillion USIA (R-3) Paramoribo Thomas Louis C Union of Soviet Socialist Thydon James E ..... Qormany , Berlin
Swope Mony Elizabeth ..Mexico, Mexico, DF, Teague Aundrae M. Pakistan, Islamabad Republics, Leningrad Tibbs Dand . Philippines, Manila
Swope Worron L „ Germany, Fronkfurt Toogue Ruth R. Jopan, Tokyo Thomas Ltc Edward .... ..Union of Soviet Socialist Tibbs Melvin A ..USIA (R.7)
Swoyer Jeon M ... ..Morocco, Robot Tooro Richard W. ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Republics, Moscow Tico Donald C. .Yugoslavio , Belgrade
Sykes Kathleen S.... ..India , Modras Teasley R Bruce .Liberia, Monrovia Thomas Maldon R ..Mexico, Hermosillo Tichonor Thomas E. ..ACTION (R -6 )
Sylowo Bernice Ann ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Tebrau Isabel M ...... .AID (R-4) IT/P Thomas Nellief ..USIA (R-7) 10 /NAN /EAP
Sylvostor Charles T. .STATE (0-4) 10 Tech Jack L , Union of Soviet Socialist Thomas Phillip F ..Thailand, Bangkok Ticknor Joel D .... .Ghona, Accro
Sylvostor John Jr. Japan. Noha, Japan Ropublics, Moscow Thomas Richard L ..Gronce, Athens Ticknor William O. STATE (R-3) S/S
Symmos Harrison M ..STATE (0-1 ) S/IG Tedeschi John . ..Philippines, Manila Thomas Robert Allen . „USIA ( R -4) Tiede Lt Col Herbert R ..Union of Soviet Socialist
Synodis Peter N. ..Morocco, Casablanca Teople Howell S. ..Liberia, Monrovia Thomas Robert K. ..USUN, N.Y. Republics, Moscow
Szabados Rudolph L ..USNATO, Brussels Tettt John F ... ..Jerusalem , Jerusalem Thomas Ross F... Viet-Nam , Saigon Tiedt David F .. ..AID (R -4) ASIA /CD
Szabo Daniel .. ..STATE (R- 1 ) ARA / LA Togethott Robert H. STATE (R.2) INR Thomas Stephen C ..Afghanistan, Kabul Tienken Arthur 1....... ..Tunisia, Tunis
Szentadorjany Gyula .USIA (R-5) Tail Kurt H. ..Turkey. Ankara Thomas Wade E. Venezuela, Caracas Tienken William Henry. ..Mexico, Mazatlan
Szepesy Eugano . ..Bolivia, La Paz Teir Grace ) ..Norway. Oslo Thomas Walter .... ..Venezuela, Caracas Tierney Eugeno.... Viet Nam , leon
Szlosok Clayton E. ..Liberia, Monrovia Telford Sidney T Jr .. ..Khmer Republic, Phnom Thomas William R ..Morocco, Rabat Tierney MargaretMP ..AID (S.4) PPC/IA
Szojak Mildred I ..Turkey, Ankara Ponh Thomas William R. ..Pokistan, Islamabad Tierney Richard J..... STATE (R-7) trng
Szopa Eugene S ..STATÉ (0-3) A /OC Telford Vernon R Colombia, Bogota Thomas William WIE..... STATE (0-3) WarColl Tierney William ..AID (R-3) MO/ SA
Szwoda Diano M ... ..STATE ( S- 7) S/S Tolich Marie Louise Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Trng Tiger M Gordon..... Pokiston, Karachi
Szydlowski Peter A ..Ecuador, Quito Tolkins A Stephen Jr. South Africa, Cape Town Thomasson Larry F. ..Japan, Tokyo Tigho Thomas B „ AID (R -4) SER/CM
Telleen David R. .STATE (0-6) 10 Thompson Alan R. ..Yugoslavia, Belgrado Tigha Thomas C .STAI : (0-2) trai
Taller Dirck ...... Spain, Barcelona Thompson Allen T... ..Vla -Nam, soleon Tikijian Alice A. ..AID (S.4) SER /FM
Tolles Erminio .Ecuador, Quito Thompson Arthur R ..Zairo, Kinshasa Tileston Fred M Laos, Vientiane
Templo Wosley D ... Philippines, Manila Thompson Blanche E ..Turkey, Istanbul Tilford Dennis M .AID (R.4) COMP /FS
Toback William STATE (R-3) A /OPR Templomon Donald C .. ..USOECD, Paris Thompson Charles B ... ..AID (R-2) SER /ENGR Tillinghost Low E ..Nigeria,Lagos
Taconi Eoward C....... .......Thailand, Bangkok Templeton Wilbert R. ...AID (R.2) SA/IR Thompson Col Lawrence D..Morocco, Rabat Tilney William S ..Franco, Nico
Tolgort Rex R. STATE (RU- 2)OG /MED Tennant John A ..... ..Vat Nam, Can Tho Thompson Colin R. ..Thailand, Bangkok Tilton Doris F .. Konya, Nairobi
Taglo Lilliant Honduras, Togucigalpa Tonnent Maj Charles E........Laos, Vientiane Thompson David K. ..GIAI : ( 0-2) thg Tilton William T ..Senegal, Dokar
Tohor Daniel Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Tenney S Dickson .. ..STATE (0-6) SCA Thompson Elizabeth H........Morocco, Rabat Timberman Thomas F ..Philippines, Manila
Toit Susan I..... .STATE (R-2) M/MS Tennillo Clayborno Adr . .STATE ( S-6) INR Thompson Ernest L. STATE (R-3) N /BF Timmins Dovid B STATE (0-3) INR
Tojibnopla ZH .USIA (R-6) Tonny Francis B ..STATE (10-2)CU Thompson Francis A II.........Orosco, Athens s
Timmin Mary Jane ..Poland, Warsaw
Takacs Jozsef..... .USIA (R-3) Tonerlo Theodoro . .Ecuador, Quito Thompson Goorgo R ..Sudan, Khartoum Timmons John D.. ..Tongo, Nuku'alota
Tokocs Marilyn M ..............Liborio, Monrovia Topas Lois E ........... STATE (S.4) P Thompson GwonA....... ..Pokistan, Islamabad Timrud Herbert W ... ..USIA ( 10-3)
Tokata Howard A.. ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Topper Thomas ) ... ..Finland , Helsinki Thompson Herbert B ..Chile, Santiago Tims Robert I...... ..USIA ( S- 2)
Talarico Maryt Viet Áom ,salon Torado Margaret H .........Indonesia,Jakarta Thompson Herbert L ... ...Tunisia, Tunis Tinker Richard D ..Vlat.Nom , Saigon
Tinney Philip M Vincent Ronald
Tinney Philip M. Singapore, Singapore Trice Eloise M ...... ..China, Taipei Tyson Richard C ...... ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Vanblake Henry E ... ..AID (R -4) COMP/FS
Tinsler Douglas L. ..Philippines, Manila Tricinella Mildred D. ..Chile, Santiago Tyson Zariel G .. ....Afghanistan, Kabul Vanbuskirk Alden L ..AID ( R -3) SER /ENGR
Tinsley Carolyn W. ..USR /UNESCO, Paris Trimarco Thomas Hugh .Italy, Rome Vancamp Janet S ..AID ( S-7) LA /PAN
Tinsley Jimmy P. Germany, Munich Trinka Frank G ..Austria, Vienna Vance Sheldon B. .Zaire, Kinshasa
Tipton John B .Chile, Santiago Tripp Richard W USIA ( S- 2) Vance William R .... Iran, Tehran
Tipton Marian L. .Chile, Santiago Trogler Donna D Viet- Nam, Saigon Vanden Eykel Myrna STATE (R-7) PA
Tisak M Susan Senegal, Dakar Trombino Joseph Jr. Bolivia, La Paz Ubrich Wayne F ..STATE ( S-6 ) A /OC Vanderheuvel Gerry STATE ( R -2) EUR
Titus Ross P STATE (0-4) EUR Trostle Ronald G ...Indonesia, Jakarta Udall Elma.. ..STATE ( S-5) EUR Vanderhoeven Ludovicus M.Thailand, Bangkok
Tkacik John Jr STATE (0-7) trng Trotter Charles D. STATE (R-7) A /SY Udey Donald E. .USIA (S- 2) Vanderhoof Edward S.. Viet-Nam, Can Tho
Tobia Peter E ... .Nicaragua, Managua Trotter Kenneth W .Peru, Lima Uhler John M ..USIA (R -4) Vandevander Ronald L ........Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Tobias Ruth ..Indonesia, Jakarta Trout Joseph Francis Viet- Nam, Saigon Uhrman Simon STATE (R-3) PER Vandivier James Richard ....STATE ( S- 2) A /OC
Tobler John H ..AID (R- 1) AA/ TA Trout Maurice E. .STATE (0-3) PM Uliassi Pio D STATE (R-2) INR Vandivier Philip F .. New Zealand,
Todd Francis M Viet-Nam, Saigon Troy Col Guy K. Austria, Vienna Ulinski John AJr . .AID (R- 1) PHA /PVC Wellington
Todd George R. .USIA (R-4) Troy John F. Spain, Madrid Ullrich Daniel W. STATE ( S-4) A / OC Vandoren Melvin L Brazil, Brasilia
Todd James C .. Trin & Tobago, Port-of True James W Spain, Madrid Ullrich Ronald Edward .Guyana, Georgetown Vanduren Velma A .AID (S- 7) OPS
Spain True Lawrence D „Nepal , Kathmandu Ulrich Michael ) ..Philippines, Manila Vandyke Alfred J..... .AID (R-2) SER /ENGR
Todd James R. Barbados, Bridgetown Trueheart William C. STATE (0-1) SCI Ulsaker Norman L ..AID ( R -4) Trng Comp Vandyke Stuart H. ..AID (R-1) PPC /IA
Todd John A Jr ...Brazil, Brasilia Trujillo Dora Canada, Toronto Umhoefer Richard J..... ..Philippines, Manila Vanhaeften Carl F AID (R-2) LA / DR
Todd Susan Davis ..USIA (10-6) Truman Shirley A ... .Dom . Rep., Santo Uncal Luis D USIA (R-5) Vann Charles E. .AID (R-4) OPS
Todman Terence A....... Guinea, Conakry Domingo Undeland Richard E. ..Jordan, Amman Vannort Isabelle. .Austria, Vienna
Todorovic Slavko .USIA (R-5) Trumps Col Shirly R USNATO, Brussels Underhill Francis Tr . ..Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Vanquill Michael E. .Laos, Vientiane
Togami Frances „Nigeria, Lagos Tsigris Constance M .........Iran, Tehran Underwood Frank D ..Japan, Tokyo Vanraalte Regi. .Indonesia, Jakarta
Toler John H STATE (R-2) O/ISO Tsukahira Toshio G Japan , Tokyo Underwood Julie E .. ..ACTION(S10 ) 10 Vantuyl Barbara Anne. ..Mauritius, Port Louis
Tolle Edwin R Viet Nam, Nha Trang Tsukayama Robert A. Japan , Tokyo Underwood RH USIA (R-3) Vanwagoner Leon Viet-Nam, Saigon
Tolman Elizabeth B .USM/OAS, Wash Tu Trang Huyen ... .USIA (R-6) Unger Leonard .STATE (CM ) EA Vargas FelixC. STATE (R-7) trng
Tolson Florence C Venezuela, Caracas Tua Benjamin STATE (0-6) CU Ungerleider Joan M .ACTION (S-8) 10 Vargo Mary Jean . Canada, Ottawa
Tolson Jerome Fr .Colombia, Bogota Tubbs Gordon A... USIA (R-3) Unti James G ... .Pakistan, Islamabad Varley Victoria Marie .U.K., Hong Kong
Tom Edward W STATE (R-2) IGA Tucci Dominic L STATE (R-4) SCA Updegrove Brad Lee. .STATE (R-7) SY Varney William F India, New Delhi
Tom Lucy Christina South Africa, Pretoria Tucci Eugene D. AID (R-3) SER /ASHA Upston John Er. STATE (R-2) 10 Varros George Peter STATE (0-4) A /SY
Tom Margaret S .Gabon, Libreville Tuch Hans N Brazil, Brasilia Urano James A. AID (R-3) AA/ TA Vartzikos Nicholas AID (RL- 3)AG /AUD
Tomas John E .... ..Guyana, Georgetown Tucker Col William Jr. .USNATO, Brussels Urban Elayne Jeannette ......Colombia, Bogota Vasaitis Tadas J .... .USIA (R -6 )
Tomasi Myron E. .Brazil, Brasilia Tucker Frank M Jr. ..Malta, Valletta Uribe Ernesto USIA ( 10-4) Vasas Richard W. Kuwait, Kuwait
Tomasso Richard L. .Burundi, Bujumbura Tucker Gardiner L. .USNATO, Brussels Urquhart Edward ..Morocco, Rabat Vasile Joseph A. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Tompkins Tain Pendleton ....Portugal, Lisbon Tucker Jacquelyn ) . .Laos, Vientiane Urquhart Raymond M. AID (R-3) COMP/FS Vasko Philip F. Philippines, Manila
Tomsen Peter India , Bombay Tucker James K. .Laos, Vientiane Ursino Frank A ..USIA (R-3) Vaubel Ethel M Indonesia, Jakarta
Tomseth Victor L STATE (0-4 ) EA Tucker Joe L .AID (R-5) MO /ASIA Usenik Frances A „Poland, Poznan Vaughan Gertrude E. .AID ( S-5) ASIA / SA
Toner Joseph S .. ..Turkey, Ankara Tucker John W .Laos, Vientiane Usher Richard E STATE (0-1) S /IG Vaughan Marguerite B .Canada, Ottawa
Toney Gerald R .Brazil, Recife Tucker Margaret L. AID ( S- 7) AA / SA Usman Kadir M USIA ( R -6 ) Vaughan Yvonne A. .ACTION (S- 7) 10
Tonini Franklin .... .Chile, Santiago Tucker Susie . Spain, Madrid Usrey Gary S. STATE ( 0-7) trng Vaughn Arthur A Indonesia, Medan
Toole John L. Zaire, Kinshasa Tucker William K. USIA (S -2) Usry Willis F ..AID ( R -4) COMP /FS Vaughn Capt Robert E Turkey, Ankara
Toole Ltc Jay C .France, Paris Tueller Blaine C .Panama, Panama Ussery Othel E. STATE ( S-6 ) A /OC Vaughn Leon E. AID (R-3) SER / FM
Toomey William D. STATE (0-2) PA Tufte Inga R. USM /OAS, Wash. Ustaski Walter .Bolivia, La Paz Vavrecka Patricia A .... Cyprus, Nicosia
Toon Malcolm .Yugoslavia , Belgrade Tugman Col Robert F .Denmark, Copenhagen Usuda Joseph T. Khmer Republic, Phnom Vayhinger Albert C. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Tooraen Fru R. USM /IAEA, Vienna Tuleja John E ..... Liberia, Monrovia Penh Vaznaugh Frederick S. . Brazil, Brasilia
Torella Ernest R Cyprus, Nicosia Tull James L. STATE (0-3) WarColl Utecht Richard W .. „AID (RL-5 )COMP /FS Vazquez Edward .. Sierra Leone, Freetown
Torelle Ethel E. AID (S-5) PPC/IA Trng Uttinger Col Joe W. Australia, Canberra Vea Theodore H. .U.K. , Hong Kong
Tornavacca Louis STATE (S-4) A /OC Tull James N ..Zaire, Kinshasa New Zealand, Veale William C. ..France, Strasbourg
Torp Kenneth H STATE (0-5) Trans Dept Tull Marjorie ... .AID ( S- 7) IT/ PS Wellington Veedam Voldemar .USIA (R-5)
Torre Edward A. Guyana, Georgetown Tull Theresa A. Viet-Nam, Danang Uyeno Keiso. ..Laos, Vientiane Vega Brunilda P Colombia, Bogota
Torres Carmen R USIA (R-4) Tulloch Elsa L .AID ( S -6 ) LA / EP Uyeno Shirow ..Japan, Tokyo Vego Joseph V Viet-Nam, Can Tho
Torrey Charles P. STATE (0-2) ARA /LA Tumas Helen S.. Viet-Nam, Saigon Veith Rose M .AID (S-4) SER /PM
Tortosa Manuel Raymo . USIA (S.4) Tumavick Nancy M Thailand, Bangkok Velarde Margaret E. STATE ( S -6) H
Torvestad Robert J. Ghana, Accra Tumminia Frank. Romania, Bucharest Velaumandavin Wilma . .USIA (R-5)
Totino Thomas A .Laos, Vientiane Tunis Eric D ..Afghanistan, Kabul Veldt Bette ... ..Turkey, Istanbul
Totten Charles Dr.. Israel, Tel Aviv Tunnell Arthur W Jr. AID (R-3 ) SER /FM Vacca Mary A. Italy, Rome Veler Annette L... Germany, Frankfurt
Totz Myra L ........ .USIA (S-5) Tuohey John ..Germany, Berlin Vaccaro Albert A STATE (R-3) INR Velez Lester Rene . Brazil, Brasilia
Toulotte Albert F. Philippines, Manila Tuohy Sharon L ..Bolivia, La Paz Vaden Lillie T. .USIA ( R -4) Veliotes Nicholas A Israel, Tel Aviv
Toussaint Donald R. Indonesia, Jakarta Turcotte Linda S. Zaire, Kinshasa Vago Richard L. .Finland, Helsinki Velletri August STATE (0-3) NEA
Towell Timothy L Brazil, Porto Alegre Turley Thomas R ..Morocco, Rabat Vahey Mark A. ..AID (RL-4)AG / AUD Velott Larue H. STATE (0-4) A /BF
Towery Furman G Afghanistan, Kabul Turman James A Viet- Nam, Saigon Vail Col William H Colombia , Bogota Venegas M Linda .USIA (S- 7)
Townsend Doris Aleen . USR/UNESCO, Paris Turner Dorothy K STATE (R -4) PER Vaitaitis Helen M AID (S- 7) AA /PHA Venezia Ronald F AID (R-4) LA /DR
Townsend Elizabeth J. Pakistan, Lahore Turner Hugh J lii .. STATE (R-7) M/FSI Vaitkus Jonas. USIA (R-5) Verdin Ruth V. .U.K ., Hong Kong
Townsend Lewis R. , USOECD, Paris Turner John L Germany. Bonn Vaky Viron P. Colombia, Bogota Vere Joseph M „AID (RL-4 )ARA-LA /PAN
Toyryla David T..... Spain, Madrid Turner Luvenia C. ..ACTION ( S-8) Valandingham Mary A. .Thailand, Bangkok Veret Barton ... AID (R -3) GC
Tozzi Amy Lou.... .Chile, Santiago 10 /NAN / EAP Valas Robert J. ..STATE (R-3) S /IG Verner Jaroslav .Afghanistan, Kabul
Tracey Margaret .U.K., London Turner Neely G. .U.K., London Valdes Philip H .Germany, Munich Verrier Alfred Jr. .Thailand, Bangkok
Tracy ThomasM. Belgium, Brussels Turner Samuel L. ..Thailand, Songkhla Valdez Arthur E. .Dom . Rep. , Santo Verschuur Jan B. .France, Paris
Traeger Fred W Denmark, Copenhagen Turner Virginia H .. Pakistan, Islamabad Domingo Verville Elizabeth G STATE (R-2) L
Tragen Irving G Guatemala , Guatemala Turner W Fitzhugh. STATE (0-3)S/R Valdez Manuel Jr. .Zaire, Kinshasa Vest C Woods Jr. STATE (R-4) PA
Trahan Eugene A Jr .Zaire, Bukavu Turner William C .STATE ( ) CU Vale Olga Marie .France, Paris Vest George S ... STATE (0-1) S /PRS
Trail George A III .Nigeria, Kaduna Turnquist Dan E. STATE ( 0-5) Unix Trng Vale W Michael. ...Tunisia, Tunis Vestrich Alan 1 . .Guyana, Georgetown
Trainer Frank P France, Paris Turpin William N ..USIA (0-2) Valenzuela David W ..El Salvador, San Vettel Thelma E. STATE (RU -2)INR
Trainer Thomas A ... STATE (S -7) A / OC Turqman Thomas 1. STATE (0-3) EB Salvador Vetter Charles Tr... .USIA (R-2)
Trainor William JJr.. STATE (RU-2)INR Turrentine Archelaus R .STATE ( 0-4) Uniy Trng Valenzuela Maria D..... ..Mexico, Hermosillo Viccellio Cmdr John S.. Japan, Tokyo
Traister Robert M Viet-Nam , Can Tho Turtle Caroline Marr. ..STATE (0-4) S /IG Valerga Stanislaus Rp ..France, Paris Vicini Eileen F „Morocco, Casablanca
Trapp Marilyn .Laos, Vientiane Tuten James T ... .Netherlands, Valis Laddie L. Canada, Halifax Vickers Harold E. .Tunisia, Tunis
Trattner John H .France, Paris Paramaribo Valk Lois Annette .Philippines, Manila Vickers Willie Jo .Tunisia, Tunis
Traub Daniel L Sweden, Stockholm Twaddell William H ..Venezuela , Caracas Vall Frances E. ..Afghanistan, Kabul Victoria Virginia M Colombia, Bogota
Traulsen Grace T. STATE (S-2) NEA Twentyman Lee A ..Paraguay, Asuncion Valle Dolores A. Costa Rica, San Jose Vieira John A ..... Saudi Arabia , Jidda
Traurig Ruth R USIA (R-3) Twinam Joseph W. STATE (0-4) PER Vallejos Viola 0 Guatemala, Guatemala Viets Richard Noyes STATE (0-4) S /S
Trayfors William H. .Nepal, Kathmandu Twining Charles HJr . ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Vallese Domonic STATE (0-6 ) EUR Viger Victoria A .Zaire, Kinshasa
Trbovich Darinka ... AID (R -4) COMP/FS Twitty Georgene M... ..ACTION ( S-6 ) Vallimarescu Serban .. USIA (10-2) Vihel Marilyn A. STATE (R-6) 10
Treacy Hubert ) .USIA (R-3) 10 /NAN / EAP Van Ackooy Lillian . STATE (S -5) EUR Vik Se DellG .Liberia, Monrovia
Treacy John .Brazil, Sao Paulo Twitty John C .. ..USIA ( 10-4 ) Van Antwerp Thomas E ..STATE (R-3) A /OPR Viles Ann H Viet-Nam, Saigon
Treadway Ralph S Viet-Nam, Danang Twohie GeorgeFrancis ..STATE (0-4) S / S Van Buskirk William R. STATE (R-4) M /FSI Viles John L Viet-Nam, Saigon
Treasrau Eugene L Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Twombley William F. ..USIA (R-3) Van Campen Wilvan G .STATE (RU - 2) S /FW Villalobos James J. .AID ( R -3) COMP/FS
Trebbe F Donley. Khmer Republic, Phnom Twyman Margaret G. ..STATE (R-2) CU Van Den Berg Johanne. .Greece, Athens Villalobos Jose M. Colombia, Bogota
Penh Tyburski John A ... STATE ( R -8) A /OC Van Der Karr Richard .USIA ( R - 4) Villalovos Louis... .Mexico, Hermosillo
Trefry Bg Richard G ...... ...Laos, Vientiane Tyler David A. ..ACTION(R - 7) 10 Van Doren Charles N. STATE (R -1) ACDA Villarreal G Claude. .Chile, Santiago
TreichelJames A. STATE (0-4 ) Com Dept Tyler James E. ..USNATO, Brussels Van Eck Ethan G ..Honduras, Tegucigalpa Villegoureix Ritaud P. .Haiti, Port -au-Prince
Trembath Barbara Kenya, Nairobi Tyler Lance H ..U.K ., Hong Kong Van Gilder Edmund ..Morocco, Casablanca Villinski Theodore ) Morocco, Rabat
Tremblay Donald R. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Tyler Thomas Edward . ..Nigeria, Lagos Van Heuven Marten HA STATE (0-3) EUR Vinal Henry G. Philippines, Manila
Tremblay Theodore A. STATE (0-1 ) POLAD Tyndall Col Robert H. Indonesia, Jakarta Van Hollen Christopher. Sri Lanka, Colombo Vince John .USIA ( S- 1)
COMAC Tynes Robert E .. ..Burundi, Bujumbura Maldives, Male Vincent Eugene G. Sudan, Khartoum
Trencher Richard A .Laos, Vientiane Tyree David L .Greece, Athens Van Horn Mary E Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Vincent John Way STATE (0-5) AF
Trent Mary V. STATE (0-3) Saipan TTPI Tyskiewicz Lynda M Cyprus, Nicosia Van Order Matthew H. Pakistan, Karachi Vincent Joseph I. USIA ( S- 9)
Tretola Mary Faye STATE ( S-6) A/ OC Tyson Gregory ..Belgium , Brussels Van Oss Hendrik .. ..Portugal, Lourenco Vincent Marc .. ..Tunisia, Tunis
Tretola Michael ). STATE (S-4) A / SY Tyson Herbert L ..Kenya, Nairobi Marques Vincent Reginald C ..India, New Delhi
Tribble James W. Kenya, Nairobi Tyson Paul H STATE (R-8) trng Van Twisk Tony M. ... Liberia,Monrovia Vincent Ronald E Jordan, Amman
Vincent Susan M „Peru. Lima Walker Jack. AID (R-3) COMP/ FS Ward Stephen E .STATE (0-5 ) NEA Webb John W .. Greece, Athens
Vine Richard D STATE (0-1) EUR Walker James E. .Ghana, Accra Ward William E .Liberia, Monrovia Webb Ronald A.. STATE (0-3) EB
Vining Dale K. ..Iran, Tehran Walker James J. .Liberia, Monrovia Ward William E Viet-Nam, Saigon Webber Frederick M. Burma, Rangoon
Viragh Bendeguz A. Viet -Nam, Saigon Walker Julius W Jr .STATE (0-3) AF Wardlaw Frank P. STATE (0-6 ) M /FSI Webber Robert T. .STATE (RU-1)SCI
Virden Richard A .Brazil, Sao Paulo Walker Lannon Viet- Nam, Saigon Ware Clinton A STATE (S- 7) 10 Weber Arnold R. Senegal. Dakar
Viselli Thomas Ir Greece, Athens Walker Peter C STATE ( 0-3) Univ Trang Ware Hoyt N .USIA (10-2) Weber Ervin ) STATE ( S -3 ) SY
Viszneki Mary B. ..Thailand, Bangkok Walker Richard T. .Austria, Vienna Ware Robert C. AID (R-5) MO / SA Weber Feurdnant S. AID (RL-4 )SER /FM
Vital James Liberia, Monrovia Walker Rober TP .USIA (R-3) Warfield Virginia L .USIA (10-4 ) Weber Ronald L. Saudi Arabia, Dhahran
Vitale A Stephen Germany. Berlin Walker Robert R. .STATE (S- 7) AOC Wary Edward A STATE ( S-5) AVOC Weber Walter A. .Niger, Niamey
Vitale Paul G Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Walker William Graham STATE (0-4) EPA Wargo Katherine L. .France, Paris Webster Daniel K. .Greece, Athens
Vitulano Ann M .ACTION(S-5) Walkinshaw Robert L Viet-Nam, Bien Hoa Warheit David C .. STATE ( 0-6 ) M /FSI Webster Lecile .. STATE (S -6) ARALA
10 /NAN / EAP Wall Richard E ..Chad, N'Djamena Warin Richard L Indonesia, Jakarta Wechsler Henry C. .Mexico, Tijuana
Vlahovich Daroslav S Canada, Winnipeg Wall Rita A. Cyprus, Nicosia Waring Robert 0. .Lebanon, Beirut Wechsler Irving R. USIA (R-2)
Vlaovich Marilyn N Switzerland, Bern Wallace Anthony H .India, New Delhi Warne W Robert STATE ( 0-4 ) Univ Trong Wedberg James A. Tanzania, Dar es
Vogel Joe B. ..Nigeria, Lagos Wallace Catherine A. „ ACTION (R -6) 10 /LA Warnecke Mabel L. AID (R-3) AFR /CWA Salaam
Vogel Merten M .AID (R- 1 ) ENG Wallace Christopher ..Morocco, Rabat Warnecki Aloysius . „Uruguay, Montevideo Wedeman Miles G AID (R- 1) SA /VN
Vogel Patricia C Cameroon, Yaounde Wallace Daniel STATE (R-4) A /SY Warner Frederick France, Paris Weden Charles F Jr. Khmer Republic, Phnom
Vogelgesang Sandra L .STATE (0-5) M/FSI Wallace David M. ..Philippines, Manila Warner George C .Peru, Lima Penh
Volk Edwin H USIA (R-8) Wallace Donald B Jr Brazil, Sao Paulo Warner Jack E Viet- Nam, Saigon Wederspahn Gary M. ..Guatemala , Guatemala
Vollbrecht Anthony A Viet Nam, Nha Trang Wallace Frank E. ..Burma, Rangoon Warner Leland W Jr .Nicaragua, Managua Weeks Richard L .Netherlands, The Hague
Vollmann Ltc Phillip D Denmark, Copenhagen Wallace James H. ..Philippines, Manila Warner Margaret E. STATE ( S-4 ) A /OC Weeks Wilbur F. USIA ( 10-3)
Vollmer Capt Cecil R ..India, New Delhi Wallace Josephine E. ..Austria, Vienna Warner Norman E STATE (0-3) S /NM Weeks Willet lii .. .Zaire, Kinshasa
Nepal, Kathmandu Wallace Kathryn 0 . USIA (S- 3) Warner Pamela D .Netherlands, The Hague Weems William R Nepal, Kathmandu
Volpe John A... .Italy, Rome Wallace Robert T. ..China , Taipei Warner Richard N. .Iran, Tehran Wegner Col Leonard W Jr .....Lebanon , Beirut
Volz Rita Marie . STATE (R-8) A /OPR Wallace Roger W .STATE ( R -4) A /CPR Warner Robert B. .USIA (10-2) Wehby George A .USIA ( R -4)
Von den Steinen Erwin W ....Yugoslavia , Zagreb Wallace Stephen F Viet- Nam, Saigon Warnock John A. .STATE (0-3) S /FSG Wehmeyer Donald A STATE (RU- 1 )L
Von Briesen Mary E. China, Taipei Wallace Virginia M. .USNATO, Brussels Warnock Milton P Iran, Tehran Wehner Arlene V. .Cen. African Rep..
Von Duclouch Tati M .USIA (R-5) Wallace Wilbur J .. Jamaica, Kingston Warpula Karin L. .Norway, Oslo Bangui
Von Glatz Richard A USIA (10-3) Wallace William Lee ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Warren Charles G .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Wehr Janet M US Mission, Geneva
Von Sassenscheid Bertram Greece, Athens Wallen Richard H STATE (R-8) trng Warren Cline .Netherlands, The Hague Weidberg Janice ..Nigeria, Ibadan
E Waller Stephanie S. .Dahomey. Cotonou Warren Everett G .Denmark, Copenhagen Weigel J Henry. VietNam, Saigon
Vonspiegelteld Wolfgang ....Viet-Nam . Saigon Waller William ) STATE (0-4) M/FSI Warren George Lewis Jr STATE (0-3) PM Weigley Gwendolyn M. India, New Delhi
Voorhees Harold C. Netherlands, The Hague Walling Raymond V. ..Laos, Vientiane Warren Louis B Jr India, New Delhi Weihrauch Dorothy E. STATE (0-3) A /ALS
Voorhies Otto G .Philippines, Manila Walling Robert R. .Hungary, Budapest Warren Lucy Taylor .STATE ( S- 7) AF Weikle Douglas A .USIA (R-4)
Voran Dallas C. ..Bangladesh, Dacca Wallingford Marie A .Ivory Coast, Abidjan Warren Oakley D. ..Thailand, Bangkok Weiland Robert 0 .Nicaragua, Managua
Voronin Alexander USIA ( R-5) Walls Donald F. Thailand, Bangkok Warren Raymond A. ..Chile, Santiago Wein Gerald R .AID (R-4) LA /DR
Vorrasi Steven W. ..Philippines, Manila Walls Gerald A. ..Liberia, Monrovia Warren Thomas E .. ..ACTION (R - 3) Micronesia Weinberg Charles B ..Peru, Lima
Voth Leland W .Laos, Vientiane Walls Phillips Union of Soviet Socialist Warren Thomas ) . ..Iran, Tehran Weiner Herbert E India, New Delhi
Voth Robert C ..Norway. Oslo Republics, Moscow Warvariv Constantine .USR /UNESCO, Paris Weiner James A. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Vought John R. STATE (0-3) WarColl Walmsley Richard W .USIA (R-2) Washburn James V. Viet-Nam , Saigon Weinert Helen V. STATE (R-6) MED
Trng Walsh Anne V .... .Peru, Lima Washburn John L. STATE ( 0-4 ) 10 Weingart Patricia K. Tanzania, Dar es
Voultsos Mary Japan, Tokyo Walsh Capt Francis R Jr. ..Uruguay, Montevideo Washburn Velma I. Indonesia, Jakarta Salaam
Vraniak Louis F. STATE (R -7) AVOC Walsh Cornelius C .. .Poland, Warsaw Washer Frederick R STATE ( S-5 ) A /BF Weingarten William A.... ..Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Vreeland Frederick D .France, Paris Walsh David A..... .Senegal, Dakar Washington Don Q USIA (R-7) Weinger Simon ... AID (R-3) PPC /PE
Vunovic Xenia ..STATE (0-6) 10 Walsh Elizabeth Anne STATE (R-8) PA Washington Lonnie G ..Belgium, Brussels Weinhold William J.... Sri Lanka, Colombo
Walsh George T. Bangladesh, Dacca Washington Myra L Colombia, Bogota Weinmann Frances Lee El Salvador, San
Walsh James Donald . .Kenya, Nairobi Wasiniak Edward G Viet-Nam, Saigon Salvador
Walsh John F .. .Kenya, Nairobi Waska Robert E ... STATE (0-3) INR Weinraub Donna E .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Walsh John Patrick. STATE (0-1) FA /Air U Waskewich Edith M. .STATE (RU-3 )H Weinstein Rhoda ..Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Wachob James R STATE (0-3) CU Walsh Mary Catherine. .STATE (R-6) NEA Wasowski Halina .USIA (R-8) Weintraub Sidney. STATE (0-1 ) EB
Wackerbarth Paul M Brazil, Belem Walsh Ralph Claiborne STATE (0-5) CU Miami Wasson Richard S .Liberia, Monrovia Weir Thomas S AID (R-3) COMP/FS
Waddell Alfred USIA (10.4) Walsh Richard Jr. STATE ( ) CU Wasson Terry Lee ..India, New Delhi Weir William D STATE (R-3) ACDA
Waddle Frank L. China, Taipei Walsh Rita Iran. Tehran Wasylyshyn Alexandra Viet-Nam, Saigon Weirick John V. .Austria, Vienna
Waddle Kimberly A Peru. Lima Walsh Sean P. AID (R.4) SER / H Waszkiewicz John H. .Nigeria, Lagos Weisenborn David E ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Wade Floyd Ads USIA (10-3) Walsh Thomas E ..Mexico, Mexico. D.F. Waterman Charles E Jordan, Amman Weisenburger Margaret P....STATE (R-3) EUR
Wade William F STATE (S-6) ARA /LA Walsh Thomas H STATE (0-5) EUR Waterman Daniel F ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Weiser Lawrence W ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Wade William W .U.K. , London Walstrom Milton C STATE (0-2) CU Honolulu Waters Gerald A. ..Venezuela, Caracas Weislogel Winifred S .STATE (0-3) AF
Wadley Don F .Laos, Vientiane Walt Robb R Iran, Tehran Waters Rebecca Roberts .Germany. Bonn Weiss Ann M STATE (S-8) NEA
Wadsworth Bryant H ..Japan, Tokyo Walter Robert Michael STATE (0-7) INR Watkins Charles E .. STATE (0-3) S/IG Weiss Charles . ..Germany, Frankfurt
Waffle Wilbur M AID (R-3) ASIA /TECH Walter Ruth M. ..USIA (R-3) Watkins Guy W Jr. .STATE ( S-8) NEA Weiss Gus W Jr. STATE (R- 1 ) CIEP
Wagenseil Warren C Ecuador, Guayaquil Walter Shirley M. .Australia. Canberra Watkins Robert Earl Jr. ..Nigeria, Lagos Weiss Leonard STATE (0-1 ) INR
Waggoner Loring A. .Pakistan, Islamabad Walters Everett Glenn Viet Nam, Saigon Watkins Stephen B. STATE ( 0-4 ) Unit Tent Weiss Seymour. STATE (R- 1) PM
Wagner Connie Ann . .Guatemala, Guatemala Walters Frank ) . STATE (0-4) SCA Watson Alexander F. .STATE (0-4) ARAILA Weiss Stephen M. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Wagner Darlene G Viet-Nam . Saigon Walters Homer F. Germany. Bonn Watson Bobby L ..Mexico, Guadalajara Weiss Walter Frederick . .STATE (0-4) OMB
WagnerDavid Japan. Tokyo Walters Kenneth L. .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Watson Donald E. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Weissman Marvin ..Brazil, Brasilia
Wagner David P Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Walters Paul L.... Viet-Nam, Can Tho Watson Douglas K. Ecuador, Quito Weisz George..... ..Germany. Berlin
Wagner George E. ..Laos, Vientiane Walters Susan ). Germany. Munich Watson Ellen v .STATE ( S- 2) EA Weitzel Richard F .STATE (S-4) NEA
Wagner Gunther 0 .Nicaragua, Managua Walthal Margaret B STATE ( S-7) EUR Watson James FW .AID (R-3) ENG Welbert Charles ..Morocco, Rabat
Wagner Jean K .Finland, Helsinki Walther Kenneth W. Burundi, Bujumbura Watson William M .STATE (RU -2 )DG /MED Welch Donald M .Ethiopia, Asmara
Wagner Leroy L. Viet-Nam. Saigon Walton Frank H Iran, Tehran Watson William S. .Colombia, Bogota Welch Edward ) ..Philippines, Manila
Wagner Ruth N. USIA (R-6) Walton Henry E. Thailand. Bangkok Watson Zetta ) .STATE ( S -4 ) ARA -LA Welch Julia .. ..Kuwait, Kuwait
Wagner William C Jr. Uruguay, Montevideo Walton Mary Estelle .Hungary, Budapest Watt Jay E Japan, Tokyo Welch Mary E ..Italy, Rome
Wagner William P lii . Guinea, Conakry Walton R Max . ..Morocco, Rabat Watt John David ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Welch Mary M. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires
Wagoner Col Fred Er South Africa, Pretoria Walton Sharon F. .Nigeria, Kaduna Watters Etfiel AID ( S- 7) MO /CM Welch Richard S. ..Peru, Lima
Swaziland, Mbabane Wanamaker Alice ). .USIA (S-6 ) Wauchope Keith L .STATE (0-5) ARA /LA Weldon Charles L. ..Laos, Vientiane
Lesotho, Maseru Wanamaker William E .. Viet-Nam, Saigon Wayker Charles D .Germany. Bonn Welker Colette M ..Tanzania , Dar es
Wagoner Sydney S. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Wandler Harvey M USIA (10.4) Wayland Cynthia B. STATE (R- 7) S /PRS Salaam
Wahl Judith M Colombia, Bogota Wandless Carolyn M. USIA (R -6 ) Waylett William J... AID (R-2) SER /ENGR Welkom Lt Col Jerome G .....Norway,Oslo
Wahl Theodore A Philippines, Manila Wang AP .USIA (R-5) Wayman Kenneth Lli .STATE (R-7) trng Wellman Christine F. .STATE (S10) DG /MED
Waight James W. Thailand, Bangkok Wang David Weitsi .Germany, Munich Wazer M Patricia Viet-Nam, Saigon Wellman Harvey R. ..STATE (0-1) S /NM
Wajda Thomas 1 . New Zealand, Wann William D .AID (R-5) SER /CM Wear George R Thailand. Udorn Wellons George R. Morocco, Rabat
Wellington Wanning H Francis III . STATE (0-5) EB Weatherford William 0 . .Guinea, Conakry Wells Melissa F .STATE (0-3) Com Dept
Wakefield Donna R. .USOECD, Paris Ward Charles D Swaziland, Mbabane Weaver Alice M. Pakistan, Karachi Wells Sharon S VietNam, Saigon
Wakeman Donald C. ..Philippines, Manila Ward Darrell L .. .Ghana, Accra Weaver Clare M .Paraguay, Asuncion Wells Stella M. .AID ( S -4) COMP/FS
Walck John A. STATE (S-6) A /OC Ward Francis E. .USIA (R-3) Weaver Donald C. .USIA ( R -4) Wells Walter Edward Guatemala, Guatemala
Walcott Millicent E. .Nepal, Kathmandu Ward George Flr . STATE (0-6) S / S Weaver Dorothy M .Iran, Tehran Welsand Rita ). ..Nigeria, Lagos
Wald Howard F. Iran, Tehran Ward James R. ..Trin & Tobago, Port-of Weaver Elizabeth C .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Welsh Anne V .Romania ,Bucharest
Wald Royal ... ..STATE (0-3) SCI Spain Weaver Eric R .. Spain, Seville Welsh Irene R ..Khmer Republic, Phnom
Waldin Betty A. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Ward James T.... .Thailand. Bangkok Weaver Kaarn Jayne Japan, Tokyo Penh
Waldmann Raymond ... STATE (R-1) EB Ward John Kendall Union of Soviet Socialist Weaver Robert .Nepal, Kathmandu Welsh James K Jr. .France, Paris
Waldron Carol E .Thailand, Bangkok Republics, Moscow Webb Brenda ). Greece, Athens Welsh Lt Col Jerome F ..Romania , Bucharest
Walker Billy K. ..Tanzania, Dar es Ward Joyce G. Union of Soviet Socialist Webb Eugene R Tunisia, Tunis Welsh Maj George H .Denmark, Copenhagen
Salaam Republics, Moscow Webb Haven N. ..Panama, Panama Welter Daniel R STATE (0-5) PER
Walker Byron P. STATE (0-3) NEA Ward June ES . .Philippines, Manila Webb Helen M .Greece, Athens Welton Richard S .Spain, Madrid
Walker David M. Viet-Nam, Saigon Ward Larry A .Kenya, Nairobi Webb Henry H. Viet-Nam, Saigon Welty Dean L. .Korea, Seoul
Walker Edward Lee. ..India, New Delhi Ward Matthew P Jr .Burma. Mandalay Webb James Herbert .Belgium , Brussels Welty John M ..AID (R-4) PPC /DF
Walker Edward S Jr STATE (0-5) NEA Ward Paul V STATE ( 0-4) Univ In Webb James Jr .Peru. Lima Wendel Dennis E Viet- Nam, Nha Trang
Walker Gaylord L. ..Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Ward Phillip R. .Philippines, Manila Webb John F. .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Wendel Raymond Viet Nam, Nha Trang
Walker Howard K. ..STATE (0-4 ) AF Ward Robert M AID ( R -3) PPC /DF Webb John H. ..AID (R-3) COMP /FS Wendt E Allan USEC, Brussels
FEBRUARY 1974 85
Wenger Paul N Wolcott Pator C
Wenger Paul N AID (R-3) LA / DR White Robin Lane. STATE ( 0-8 ) trong Willen Norma ). .U.K., London Wilson Emma 8 . .USIA (R-6)
Wenick Martin A. Union of Soviet Socialist White Rollie H JE .Finland, Helsinki Willenz Eric STATE (R-2) INR Wilson Ernest Ghana, Accra
Republics, Moscow White Sanford W .Paraguay. Asuncion Willett Donald E STATE ( 0-7) trng Wilson George Edward STATE ( S -5 ) ARA / LA
Wenk Robert Canada, Ottawa White Walter P Jr ..India. Bombay Willett John Hurd . Tunisia, Tunis Wilson Gerard P STATE (0-7) E
Wenndorf Rodelle L. ..Korea, Seoul White Wayne Edward . STATE (0-8) ting Willett Perley Odell Viet- Nam, Saigon Wilson Grace E. STATE ( S-4 ) EUR
Wentner Mildred K. ..Jordan, Amman White William G Thailand, Bangkok Willey Patricia M .Niger, Niamey Wilson Harriet Sierra Leone, Freetown
Wentworth John P. STATE (0-3) Com Dept White William R .India, New Delhi Williams A Joseph Jr. STATE (0-4 ) EB Wilson Helen A .Morocco, Rabat
Wentz Charles W Chile. Santiago White Yvonne M .Nigeria, Lagos Williams Albert N .Dom . Rep . , Santo Wilson James D De AID ( R -4) COMP/FS
Wentz Joyce M Guinea, Conakry Whitehouse Charles S .Laos, Vientiane Domingo Wilson James M Jr STATE (0-1 ) EA
Wenzel Kurt W Viet-Nam, Saigon Whiteley John W .Hungary , Budapest Williams Aline S .STATE (R-4) PER Wilson Jerry Preston STATE (R -6) SY
Wenzel Robert H. STATE (0-2) EA Whiteman Glenn D .U.K. , London Williams Ann. ..Philippines, Manila Wilson John R. Afghanistan, Kabul
Weppner A Virginia STATE (S-7) EA Whiteman Stanley E. Cyprus, Nicosia Williams Barbara B. AID (RL-4 )SER /PM Wilson John S. .Pakistan, Islamabad
Werner Sally USUN , N.Y. Whiteridge John C III STATE ( S -4) A /OC Williams Betty C Switzerland, Bern Wilson Joseph Charles .New Zealand.
Wertime Theodore A USIA (10-2) Whitfield George P Indonesia , Jakarta Williams Beverly C Philippines, Manila Wellington
Wertman Patricia Ann STATE (0-7) trng Whitfield Malvin G .Somalia, Mogadiscio Williams Bill ..AID (RL- 3)FFP Wilson Lynne Belnay USIA (R- 7)
Wertz Alma H USIA (S- 7 ) Whiting Albert W .Bolivia, La Paz Williams Cecile A Ghana, Accra Wilson Mary Frances .China, Taipei
Wescott Janet Lane . Jvory Coast , Abidjan Whiting Ben L AID (R-2) SER /FM Williams Charles G STATE ( S- 3) A /OPR Wilson Orme Dr ..Yugoslavia, Zagreb
Wesoloski Elizabeth I. Afghanistan, Kabul Whiting John D. STATE (0-4) Army Williams David H Kenya , Nairobi Wilson Richard L. ..STATE (0-3) M
Wesselman Walter L. Ghana, Accra Whiting Ruth W. ACTION(R-5) Williams David W. STATE ( 0-1) trong Wilson Richard Patri ..Lebanon, Beirut
West Jack . Ethiopia, Addis Ababa 10 /NAN /EAP Williams Dorothy E. STATE ( S-5) MED Wilson Robert H .AID (R-2) OLAB
West James Lr. USIA (R-6) Whiting Thomas ) .AID (R-2) AG /AUD Williams Edward L. STATE (0-6) EB Wilson Robert Afghanistan, Kabul
West Walter G Panama, Panama Whitley Col George A Thailand, Bangkok Williams Edward W Viet-Nam, Saigon Wilson Sheila P .Bolivia, La Paz
Westbrook Alice D Thailand, Bangkok Whitley Julian P Jr. Philippines, Manila Williams Floyd .Pakistan, Islamabad Wilson Theodore. Viet-Nam, Danang
Westerdale Neill R ..Japan, Naha, Japan Whitlock James C Jr STATE (0-4 ) PER Williams Frederick B ACTION (R -4) 10 Wilson Thomas F. .Haiti, Port -au -Prince
Westerlund Charles W Viet-Nam , Saigon Whitlock Marshall Brazil, Manaus Williams Frednell. STATE (R-5) PER Wilson Thomas L .Laos, Vientiane
Westlake Gene W. Viet-Nam , Saigon Whitman Edward B Jr. Morocco, Casablanca Williams Gene H. Singapore, Singapore Wilson Thomas Nr. .Kenya, Nairobi
Westley John Richard Kenya, Nairobi Whitman Gerald J. Colombia , Bogota Williams George E. Viet-Nam , Saigon Wilson Veda B .Nigeria, Ibadan
Westmore Donald B. Japan, Tokyo Whitman William B Jr. STATE (0-4) EB Williams Helen W .STATE ( S -8) MED Wimberg John E .India, New Delhi
Westmoreland James 0 . ..STATE (0-4) CU Whitmer Stephen R .AID (R-5) ASIA /CD Williams Howard F .Ecuador, Quito Wimmel Kenneth C. .China, Taipei
Westmoreland Lt Michael N Indonesia, Jakarta Whitney Jane .. Germany. Stuttgart Williams Izella H. STATE (S-7) AF Winberg Carl O. .Bangladesh. Dacca
Weston Lt Col Elton L Afghanistan, Kabul Whitney Peter D. Japan, Tokyo Williams James Alan . Cyprus, Nicosia Winder Joseph Ab . Germany. Bonn
Weston Thomas Gary .Germany, Bremen Whittaker Ford E Greece, Athens Williams James E. AID (R- 1 ) AA/ SER Windle George David Tunisia. Tunis
Westring Eleanor C STATE (S-6) NEA Whittemore James C .Bangladesh, Dacca Williams James L Korea, Seoul Windley Guy F .. Viet-Nam, Saigon
Wetherbee Donald A. STATE (0-4) EA Whittemore Olin S. Greece. Athens Williams James L ..Nepal, Kathmandu Windsor Robert A Yugoslavia, Zagreb
Wetherbee Harry L......... Union of Soviet Socialist Whitten James D STATE (0-8) trong Williams Jimmie C Greece, Athens Wine Andrea M USIA (S- 9)
Republics, Moscow Whitten Willie AJr . .AID (R-3) AFR /ESA Williams John A .. .Netherlands. The Hague Wines Carroll F. .Bangladesh. Dacca
Wetherbee Mickey Joan STATE ( S-6) NEA Whittle Boyd T. AID (R-3) LA /DR Williams John E. ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Wing Chloe C .U.K ., London
Wettering Frederick L ..Kenya, Nairobi Wible Robert C India, Madras Williams John ) AID (R-3) SER/COM Wing Herbert Gilman STATE (0-4) PM
Weyl Michael.. .Germany. Bonn Wicart John C .. Venezuela, Caracas Williams John L .. Viet-Nam , Saigon Winge Russell M New Zealand.
Weyland Walter P .AID (R-3) COMP/ FS Wick David Steven Germany. Berlin Williams John Scott .USIA (10.5) Wellington
Weyres Virginia A .Spain , Madrid Wicke Catherine G. .Botswana, Gaborone Williams Justin Jr. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Winkler Gordon .. Iran, Tehran
Wheat Myna Beryl Iran, Tehran Wickel James Japan, Tokyo Williams Karol Ann E. Viet-Nam, Saigon Winkler Virginia M STATE (R- 7) MED
Wheaton James L Jr. Japan, Tokyo Wickham Ben B Jr Iran, Tehran Williams Lawrence C. USIA (R-3) Winn David M. .Lebanon, Beirut
Wheeler Carol E. STATE (0-7) trng Wickham Robert Thailand, Bangkok Williams Leonardo M. .Greece. Athens Winn Elisabeth A. USIA (R-5)
Wheeler Clyde M USIA (R-6) Wicks Robert J...... .Brazil, Brasilia Williams Lilliana C. STATE (S-7) 10 Winn William W. Colombia , Bogota
WheelerHenry P ...Philippines, Manila Widenhouse Thomas M Upper Volta, Williams Mary F ..Argentina, Buenos Aires Winnett Mary Jane USIA (R-6)
Wheeler Joseph C ..Pakistan, Islamabad Ouagadougou Williams Mary Jane Afghanistan , Kabul Winship Stephen . Thailand, Bangkok
Wheeler Marcella D .Czechoslovakia , Prague Widner Patrick 1... Honduras, Tegucigalpa Williams Mary L STATE ( S-8 ) NEA Winslow Donald F. .STATE (S-5) ARA /LA
Wheeler Paul E. ..Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Wiederhold Dennis G .U.K., Hong Kong Williams Max H .Bolivia, La Paz Winstanley Ralph II STATE (0-5) EB
Wheeler William B .AID (R-2) LA / CAR Wiegand Col Karl L .... Japan, Tokyo Williams Norman Robert Peru , Lima Winstanley Ruth Willow STATE (0-7) S / S
Wheelock John T. Qatar, Doha Wiesender Margaret. STATE ( S- 1) HEW Williams Ogden.. AID (R- 1 ) COMP/FS Winter Andrew Jan STATE (0-6) PER
Whelan Joseph A Austria, Vienna Wiesner Louis A. STATE (0-2) S/R Williams Richard H. Italy, Palermo Winter Dolores I.. Zaire, Kinshasa
Whelton Joseph M Philippines, Manila Wiess John A. .AID (R-2) OPS Williams Richard L. .STATE (0-4) INR Winter Elaine C .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Wherry David C. STATE (R- 1 ) MED Wiggin Charles B AID (R-2) COMP/FS Williams Sandra L. .Nepal, Kathmandu Winter Marcus L. Kenya, Nairobi
Whilden Stephen H. STATE (0-5) INR Wiggin Henry C Tanzania, Dar es Williams Thomas Edward ....Turkey, Istanbul Winters Donald H .Ecuador, Quito
Whipple Boyd V. .Guatemala, Guatemala Salaam Williams Virginia L. STATE (R-3) CU Wirth Mary B .Peru, Lima
Whipple David D ..Finland, Helsinki Wiggins Frontis B STATE (0-3) EUR WilliamsWilliam M. .Korea, Seoul Wirtz Anthony H. .Laos, Vientiane
Whistler Richard T ..Indonesia, Jakarta Wiggins Guy A. .USUN , N.Y. Williams William W. India, New Delhi Wise Samuel G JP .Italy. Rome
Whitacre Gordon C. .Greece, Athens Wight Leon .AID (R-3) PPC /RB Williamson Daniel L Jr. Japan. Tokyo Wiseman Barbara Turkey, Ankara
Whitaker Marjorie M. STATE (S-4) PER Wight William Leeds lii STATE (S10) MED Williamson Florence E. STATE (S-7) EUR Wiseman Michael W. AID (R-5) SA / L
White Alfred J. ..Austria , Vienna Wilbur Halsey HM Viet-Nam, Saigon Williamson Irving A Jr STATE (0-5) EB Wisgerhof Paul R STATE (0-5) Com Dept
White Allan W ..STATE (RU -2)A /BF Wilcox John G Tunisia, Tunis Williamson Jack ..Khmer Republic, Phnom Wishinski Paul R .Nepal, Kathmandu
White B Geraldean ..STATE ( R -6) PER Wilcox Philip C Jr. Indonesia, Jakarta Penh Wishon George Edwin . USIA ( 10-3)
White Barbara M .USUN, N.Y. Wilcox Robert H. .Argentina, Buenos Aires Williamson Jeter Lr AID (R -2) OPS Wisner Arnold K. US Mission, Geneva
White Barbara M USIA ( CM) Wilcox Wayne .U.K . London Williamson Jimmy D. Philippines , Manila Wisner Frank G II . .Bangladesh, Dacca
White Barbara P. STATE (S-6) PER Wilcoxen Frances L. Colombia, Bogota Williamson Jo Anne STATE (S-9) EA Witcher Rosa C ..ACTION (R -6) 10
White Betsy B. .Netherlands, The Hague Wild Caroline E AID ( SL-8)PHA/PVC Williamson Larry C. .U.K. , London Witecki Thomas A.. .Austria, Vienna
White Eileen Carrie Jordan, Amman Wild William C Jr. .Liberia, Monrovia Willig Richard C AID (R-3) COMP/FS Witherell Ronald A .Paraguay. Asuncion
White Elizabeth Ann ..Iran, Tehran Wilde Henry .Lebanon , Beirut Willimann Marie Louise. Thailand. Bangkok Witherell William H STATE (R-2) EB
White Elizabeth Ann ..ACTION (R -5) 10/AF Wilder Carol E .USIA (10-6) Willis Charles E .. Viet-Nam , Saigon Witherow Boyd M. .Korea, Seoul
White Frances WD Poland, Warsaw Wilder Clyde P. AID ( R -4) COMP/FS Willis James W .Argentina, Buenos Aires Withers Archibald M. Viet-Nam , Saigon
White Franchot E. STATE (R-7) A / SY Wilder Throop M Jr. US Mission, Geneva Willis Patricia A Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Withers Dorothy S. Panama, Panama
White Freddie A ... Union of Soviet Socialist Wildermuth Ronald A. .Bangladesh. Dacca Willner Robert I STATE (0-4) EA Withers Elouise STATE (S.7) AF
Republics, Moscow Wilding-White Charles F. .Laos, Vientiane Wills E Ashley .Romania, Bucharest Withers John L.. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
White Gail R Guatemala, Guatemala Wildman Quentin ) . .Guyana, Georgetown Wills J Robert Thailand, Bangkok Withey Lyn M. .USIA (R- 7)
White George M. STATE (R-7) trng Wilds Charles R .U.K ., Hong Kong Wills Judith N. AID, ( S- 7) AFR /NAR Witman William II STATE (0-1 ) AF
" hite James W. ..Portugal, Lisbon Wile Frank S. STATE (0-2) EUR Wills Warren E. .Italy. Naples Witmer Howard Sli .STATE (0-5) M /FSI
ite Jeffrey S. .Yugoslavia, Belgrade Wiles John W Viet-Nam, Saigon Wilmer Kenneth L. STATE ( S-9) A /OPR Witowski Edward S Jr STATE (R-2) MED
"ite John M. „Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Wiley Andrew L. Viet-Nam, Saigon Wilmeth Doris E Trin & Tobago. Port -of Witt Col Harry A.. ..Australia,Canberra
te Joseph E. Pakistan, Karachi Wiley James F. Jamaica, Kingston Spain Witt John E. STATE (S-6) M /FSI
te Joyce ..Indonesia, Jakarta Wiley Marshall W. STATE (0-3) NEA Wilmink Janet M. .Germany, Frankfurt Witt Lawrence W .STATE (R-2) INR
aite Jr William T ACTION (R -2) 10 Wiley Robert W. AID (R-2) SER/COM Wilsey Donald W Venezuela, Caracas Witt William H. STATE (0-2) FA/NWC
site Katherine M .STATE (S -4) PER Wilgis Herbert E Jr. STATE (0-4) EUR Wilson Alton E .AID (R-3) AA /PHA Wittbrod Geraldine ) .. .STATE (R-7) PER
Thite Lewis M. STATE (0-3) AF Wilhelm John JJr . .Greece, Athens Wilson Andrew A .AID (R-3) PPC/PDA Witte Jeanne B ..Italy. Rome
Thite Lona B ..Afghanistan, Kabul Wilhelm John K .. STATE (R-3) S /PC Wilson Arlen Ray .Honduras, Tegucigalpa Witten Charles H. Viet-Nam. Saigon
e Maj Robert ..Philippines, Manila Wilkes William N Jr. Somalia, Mogadiscio Wilson Barbara ) ..ACTION (S- 7) 10 /AF Witter Ltc Lee F ..Indonesia, Jakarta
e Maureen T. Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Wilkie Wilmer ). .Philippines, Manila Wilson Betty A .. ..Singapore, Singapore Woellert Donald L. STATE (S-3) A /OC
.e Merrill A. STATE (0-3) PER Wilkin Teresa ). .USIA (S-9) Wilson Cheryl Q .AID (RL-5 )COMP/ FS Woerheide Marcella F STATE (RU - 3)A /OPR
ite Michael K. ..Ivory Coast, Abidjan Wilkinson Edward H Argentina, Buenos Aires Wilson Dalton Argentina, Buenos Aires Woerz Bernard ) Japan. Tokyo
'te PaulE. Khmer Republic, Phnom Wilkinson Etta I. .Laos, Vientiane Uruguay, Montevideo Woessner William M. .U.K., London
Penh Wilkinson Milton ) . STATE (0-4) EUR Wilson Dan A. Paraguay. Asuncion Wofford Daniel J. ..China, Taipei
thite Pearlie A... Japan, Tokyo Wilkinson Sharon P Brazil, Sao Paulo Wilson David M USIA( 10.4) Woggon Theodore H. .Venezuela, Caracas
White Priscilla L. .Portugal, Lisbon Wilkinson Theodore S III ...USNATO . Brussels Wilson David M Bangladesh. Dacca Wohlgemuth Olga ) .Costa Rica, San Jose
Vhite Ray E Jr. Austria, Vienna Wilkowski Jean M .Zambia , Lusaka Wilson David R. .Lebanon, Beirut Wojahn Hilda ) Turkey. Ankara
White Raymond A Jr .Panama, Panama Will Raymond B. USIA (R -4) Wilson David S ..Italy. Rome Wojciechowski Barbara A ....STATE (R-7) EA
White Reta E STATE ( R -6) O /FADRC Willa Stuart A .. .Philippines, Manila Wilson Dawson S. STATE ( 0-3) EA Wojda Richard F. .Union of Soviet Socialist
White Richard W India, New Delhi Willebeek -Le Mair Jacob .Peru, Lima Wilson Douglas B .USIA (R -8) Republics, Moscow
Vhite Robert E. Colombia, Bogota Willems Leonard F. Union of Soviet Socialist n
Wilso Edwar d ..Italy. Rome Wolansky Dona M. .Burundi, Bujumbura
White Robert W Lebanon, Beirut Republics, Moscow Wilson Edward B .Pakistan, Islamabad Wolcott Peter C ..USIA ( 10-4)
Wolcott Philip A Jr „ Yugoslavia, Belgrade Woznicki Marion . .USIA (R-3) Young Ella Mai. ..Laos, Vientiane Zubrinsky Aida. South Africa, Pretoria
Wolczanski Gerald F ..Lebanon. Beirut Wrampelmeier Brooks STATE (0-4 ) NEA Young Etta ). .Niger, Niamey Zucca Albert L. Italy. Rome
Wold Phillip Howard Germany, Munich Wray Eugenia L Mauritius, Port Louis Young Gloria .. STATE ( S- 8 ) AF Zuckerman Stanley A USIA (10-3)
Wolf Ira Peru , Lima Wren William ) .AID (R-3) COMP/ FS Young Harry Er .Honduras. Tegucigalpa Zughaib Elias K Lebanon . Beirut
Wolf John C .Panama, Panama Wright Charles A. .AID (R-3) AA/PHA Young Howard W. .USIA (R-3) Zukas Joseph H. AID (R-5) COMP/FS
Wolf John Stern Greece, Athens Wright Donna Maye STATE (S -6 ) AF Young James ) ..Afghanistan, Kabul Zukauskas Rita A. STATE (S-6) A/OC
Wolf L Louise. Costa Rica, San Jose Wright Jack A. AID (RL-3 )SER /ENGR Young Jennie B Viet-Nam, Saigon Zumwalt Fred Lee Ecuador. Quito
Wolf Victor Jr .Denmark, Copenhagen Wright Lacy A Dr Viet-Nam, Can Tho Young Joan P STATE (S -8 ) EA Zumwalt William B Burma, Rangoon
Wolfe Alan D .Pakistan, Islamabad Wright Marshall STATE (0-1 ) H Young John . AID (R -3) ASIA /TECH Zunis George P. AID (R -3) MO /ASIA
Wolfe Geoffrey Ernest STATE (0-6) EB Wright Pauline C. AID ( S-4 ) SER /PM Young Johnny .Kenya, Nairobi Zurhellen ) Owen Jr .STATE (0-1 ) ACDA
Wolfe George. .USM/ICAO, Montreal Wright Peter C. Guatemala, Guatemala Young Juanita L Venezuela . Caracas Zurkin Igor USIA (R- 5)
Wolte Larry L .U.K. , London Wright Rebecca L. .Rwanda, Kigali Young Katherine K ..USIA (10-5) Zvinakis Dennis C. Viet -Nam. Saigon
Wolfe Lucienne V. STATE (R-3) A /OPR Wright Roderick M. STATE (0-4) T Young Oliver G. ..Laos, Vientiane Zwaduk Linda ) . Union of Soviet Socialist
Wolfe Mack C STATE (S-3) A /OC Wright Stephen E .Greece, Athens Young Pearl FA . .Laos, Vientiane Republics , Moscow
Wolfe Martin S STATE (R-2) MED Wright Wilbur I ... STATE (0-4) NEA Young Robert A. Thailand, Bangkok Zweifel David E Mexico, Mexico, DF
Wolff Warren Guatemala, Guatemala Wright William A STATE ( S- 7) INR Young Robert A Thailand, Bangkok Zweifel Sam .. South Africa , Pretoria
Wolfter William A .Pakistan, Islamabad Wright William D. Viet-Nam, Saigon Young Robert J. .AID (R-2) IT/PS Zwick Kenneth E .Laos, Vientiane
Wolford John L... Viet-Nam , Saigon Wrobel Florence ) .Italy, Rome Young Roy 0 . Viet-Nam, Saigon
Wolford Richard F AID (R-3) OPS Wroten Marva Ann. . Morocco, Rabat Young Thomas M Tunisia, Tunis
Wolfson Philip ... STATE (R-2) INR Wrubel Lorraine Mary Zaire. Kinshasa Young Vincent E. .AID ( R -4) COMP /FS
Wolk Mary E Peru. Lima Wu Luci ant USIA (R-5) Young William B STATE (0-4) INR
Wolkow Dwight D Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Wuensch William L ........ Germany. Bonn Youngs Kenneth B. Viet-Nam. Saigon
Wollam Park F STATE (0-2) A /BF Wukitsch Thomas Kenneth ..STATE (0-8) trng Younts George R Jr ..STATE (R-3) SCI
Wolle William D .Kenya, Nairobi Wulff Robert M. .Laos, Vientiane Yrizarry Anthony C. Indonesia, Jakarta
Wollemborg Leo R .Germany , Berlin Wunder Van S lii .Panama, Panama Yuhas Andrew Viet- Nam. Saigon
Wolridge Dianna P STATE (S-8) EA Wunsch Edward L Viet-Nam, Saigon Yuhasz Raymond Alexander Belgium, Brussels
Wolter Raymond H .. ..Indonesia , Jakarta Wunsch Gerald A. .Mexico, Hermosillo
Woltman Edward C Jr. .Ecuador . Quito Wurdemann William H Jr. AID (R-3) SER /ENGR
Womack Theresa P .Nepal, Kathmandu Wyatt Felton M. Luxembourg.
Wong Andrew R. Viet -Nam, Saigon Luxembourg
Wong Anthony L W. Viet Nam, Saigon Wyckoff Lcdr Roger D Union of Soviet Socialist Zachary Dan A .France, Paris
Wong Arthur Viet-Nam, Saigon Republics, Moscow Zaelit Lucille . .China , Peking (U.S.
Wong Rose P Brazil, Brasilia Wycoff Norman G AID (R-3) SA /VN Liaison Office)
Wong Wayne WS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Wyeth Pamela .USIA (S-9) Zagorski Elizabeth T .Nepal, Kathmandu
Wood B Sue Philippines, Manila Wygant Michael G STATE (0-5) AF Zajac Eugene C. Turkey, Istanbul
Wood Bruce W AID (R-5) SA /RD Wyles William G .USIA (R-7) Zak Marilyn A. AID (R-5) LA /MRSD
Wood Cdr Sidney E Jr. .Finland, Helsinki Wylie Donald A. .Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Zak Michael S .AID (R-4) ARA -LA
Wood Chalmers B. New Zealand Wyman Lowry.. USIA (S-9) Zaldivar Mary Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Wellington Wyman Parker D Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Zamarrippa Beatrice K ........STATE ( S- 7) A /OC
Wood Dennis M Viet-Nam . Saigon Wyman Samuel H. Saudi Arabia, Jidda Zambito Frank Joseph Jr.....Argentina, Buenos Aires
Wood Doris E. ..Canada, Ottawa Wynn B Harry . Viet-Nam, Saigon Zanella Patricia Ann ..AID ( S- 7) AA /TA
Wood George G JE India, New Delhi Wynne George G .USIA (10-3) Zanga Louis USIA ( R-6)
Wood Jack G STATE (R-2) 10 Wynne Willard ) .Burundi, Bujumbura Zangara Anthony .Laos, Vientiane
Wood Robert T. Singapore, Singapore Wythe Evelyn A. Dom . Rep. , Santo Zanin Joseph D Greece, Athens
Wood Sylvia M Tunisia, Tunis Domingo Zarechnak Dimitry STATE (R-6) A /OPR
Wood Theodora A. Viet-Nam. Saigon Wzorek Carolyn A. ACTION (R - 7) Zastera Jaromir. USIA (R-7)
Wood Theodore R. AID (R -4 ) COMP/FS 10 /NAN / EAP Zavada Vincent P. STATE ( S- 2) NEA
Woodard Nellie E. .Colombia , Bogota Zavis William M Sweden, Stockholm
Woodard Richard 0 . .Lebanon. Beirut Zawawi Mahmoud Ar .USIA ( R -6 )
Woodbury Wendell W STATE (0-2 ) M/ FSI Zayac Mildred M STATE (S-4) White House
Woodhull James E .Nigeria, Lagos Zayyani Ataollah .USIA (R-5)
Woodman Col Richard T .Norway. Oslo Zehner Jan R. ..Germany, Berlin
Woodring Patricia A STATE (S-7) H Zeigler John Saudi Arabia , Jidda
Woodruff Arthur H. .Canada, Ottawa Zelaya Rafael . Uruguay, Montevideo
Woodruff Richard V. AID (RL-4)AG Yaeger Leonard .AID (R-2) COMP /FS Zelin Gertrude V. STATE ( S-5 ) NEA
Woods Anne Brevard STATE (0-8) trng Yahraes Marjorie A. USIA (R-2) Zeller Donald .USIA ( R -4)
Woods Charles W STATE (S-6) A/OC Yahyavi Morteza K.. .USIA (R-5) Zeller Jack R Germany. Bonn
Woods Donald E .El Salvador, San Yaki Michael M Indonesia, Jakarta Zellmer Daniel E STATE ( S -5 ) NEA
Salvador Yalowitz Kenneth STATE (0-5) Com Dept Zeman Joseph E. Belgium, Brussels
Woods Harris . Japan. Osaka-Kobe Yamamura Robert A ... STATE ( S -2) A /OC Zenger C Richard .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
WoodsHerbert AID (RL-4 ) PHA/ POP Yanci Joseph Thomas . Germany, Frankfurt Zerolis John W. Trin & Tobago, Port-of.
Woods James E USIA (R-6) Yang David .USIA (R-5) Spain
Woods John B. .Laos, Vientiane Yang John K. .AID (R-5) SER /FM Zervas James C.. „Afghanistan, Kabul
Woods Mary G USIA (R-5) Yano Helen M Italy, Palermo Zerzavy Frederick M Viet-Nam, Danang
Woods Ronald E .France, Strasbourg Yap Gerardo .USIA ( R-5) Zettel Margaret .Ghana. Accra
WoodsWilbert STATE (S- 7) A /BF Yates Bobby B. .Nicaragua , Managua Zettler Toby T. .Ecuador, Guayaquil
Woodsend Elizabeth A. .Nepal, Kathmandu Yates Carla V. ACTION(S-7) 10 Zhivkovitch Olga M Italy. Naples
Woodward Donald R .Pakistan , Karachi Yates Hubert L. STATE ( S-4) A /MC Zielinski Joseph R .Philippines, Manila
Woodward Hugh Mcl USIA ( 10-2) Yates John M. India, New Delhi Zierjack Carol M. Singapore, Singapore
Woodward Mary E. .USIA (S-4 ) Yates Kenneth A. USIA ( 0-5 ) Zietlow Marlene G ..Afghanistan , Kabul
Woodward Patricia .US Mission , Geneva Yauchuczek George S. .Panama, Panama Ziff Norman .Colombia , Bogota
Woody David C. Indonesia, Jakarta Yeabower Anna M .Paraguay, Asuncion Zigler Robert S. ..Viet-Nam, Saigon
Woody Saunders B .STATE (S-7) A /OC Yeager Kenneth R Khmer Republic, Phnom Zilinsky Sandra Lee. Bolivia, La Paz
Woolfley H L Dufour Italy, Rome Penh Zimmer Everett Cor .Germany, Frankfurt
Woolfolk Pauline C .ACTION (S- 7) Yeaman Donald R AID (R-3) AA /SA Zimmerly Garnett A. .AID (R - 1) AA / SA
10 /NAN / EAP Yeats Florence Peru. Lima Zimmerman Anne C .Bolivia, La Paz
Woolley Douglas J. .U.K. , Hong Kong Yellman Donald J. .Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Zimmerman David M Jr. ..Nigeria, Lagos
Woolley Susan M Thailand, Bangkok Yelton Elmer E Mexico, Hermosillo Zimmerman E Heinz. ..Austria, Vienna
Woollons Sidney L .Barbados, Bridgetown Yelton Nancy A .US Mission, Geneva Zimmerman Julie Ann .Spain, Madrid
Woolston Charlotte A. STATE (S-8) D/LOS Yeomans Charles D. Viet- Nam. Saigon Zimmerman Lila E .Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Woolwine Walter James .Zaire, Kinshasa Yerkes Col Charles W Jr. .Portugal, Lisbon Zimmerman Michael D. na, Accra
Woosley Dorothy L Iran, Tehran Ylitalo / Raymond .Canada, Toronto Zimmerman Robert E. ..Laos, Vientiane
Wooton Richard C .USIA (10-2) Yoder Amos STATE (0-2) 10 Zimmerman Robert F .Thailand, Bangkok
Wootton Charles G Germany, Bonn Yoder Robert D .STATE (0-3) SCI Zimmermann Renate ..Japan, Tokyo
WorcesterWilliam E .AID (R-3) TA / H Yoder Von C Viet-Nam, Saigon Zimmermann Robert Walter Spain . Barcelona
Word Carol A. .ACTION (R -4) 10 Yodzis Joseph R Guinea, Conakry Zimmermann Warren Union of Soviet Socialist
Worley Pauline M. .USOECD, Paris Yohn Michael Van Breda ..... STATE (0-4 ) M/FSI Republics, Moscow
Worley Robert L .Laos, Vientiane Yonkers Charles E. .Dahomey. Cotonou Zinoman Murray David STATE ( 0-5) Univ Trng
Wormald Holmes .Liberia, Monrovia Yoo Anna Shinn . USIA (R-6) Zinsler Cpt Frank G. .Ecuador, Quito
Worrel Stephen W. .STATE (0-5) S/S Yordan Carlos M .Brazil, Brasilia Zischke Douglas A .Guatemala, Guatemala
Worrell Granville .USIA (R-2) York Charles T. .U.K., London Zivetz Herman.. ..Ghana, Accra
Worsham Ethel Mae .Nigeria, Lagos York Robert L .USIA (R-3) Zlatoper Grga .. .USIA (R-3)
Worth David T .U.K., Hong Kong Yoshioka Marian AID ( S -7 ) PHA/PRS Zographon Jenny. ..Thailand, Bangkok
Worthington Amos DJr . .AID (R-3) TA / H Yost Joseph B. AID (R-3) SER /COM Zondag Cornelius H. ..Afghanistan , Kabul
Worthington Julia .. .Korea, Seoul Yost Robert L .Burundi Bujumbura Zopfi Thomas Matthew lii ...STATE (R-7) A /SY
Worthington Paul F .AID ( R -4) TA /DA Youens John P Viet-Nam, Saigon Zorman James M. Saudi Arabia , Jidda
Worael Arthur I. .Czechoslovakia, Prague Youle John ) .Italy. Naples Zorn Richard HII . Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Wozniak Robert J. Cyprus, Nicosia Young Edward M .AID (R-3) COMP /FS Zornes Earl Viet Nam, Saigon
Wozniak Suzanne K. Indonesia, Jakarta Young Elizabeth Anne ...Mexico, Mexico, D.F. Zuber Helen A .USUN, N.Y.
FEBRUARY 1974 87
NOTE: Tho symbols AF, ARA, EA , EUR, 10, and NEA appearing boforo an entry indicate the regional bureau jurisdiction
within the Department of Stato.
AF Abidjan, Ivory Coast (E) APO New York 09843 EUR Bermuda. See United Kingdom . EUR Budapest, Hungary (E)
5, Rue Jesse Owens Tel: 10855 V, Szabadsag Ter 12
P.O. Box 1712 EUR Bern, Switzerland (E)
ARA Asuncion, Paraguay (E) 93/95 Jubilaumsstrasse Tel: 329-375 (after office hours: 119.
Tel: 32-46-30 629)
1776 Mariscal Lopez Ave. Tel: 43 00 11
NEA Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (E) APO New York 09881 ARA Buenaventura, Colombia (CA)
Box 2203 EA Bien Hoa, Viet-Nam (CG)
Tel: 21-041 APO San Francisco 96243 ARA Buenos Aires, Argentina (E)
Arabian Gulf
Tel: 61534-35 NEA Athens, Greece (E) EUR Bilbao, Spain (C) Sarmiento 663
AF Accra, Ghana (E) 91 Vasilissis Sophia's Boulevard Tel: 46-32-11
APO New York 09253 Plaza de los Alfereces Provisionales, 2.
(P.O. Box 194) 40 AF Bujumbura, Burundi (E)
Liberia and Rowe Rds. Tel: 712951, 718401 APO New York 09285 (Boite Postale 1720)
Tel: 66811 EA Auckland, New Zealand (CG) Tel: 217966, 217967 Chaussee Prince Louis Rwagasore
NEA Adana, Turkey (C) P.O. Box 470 AF Blantyre, Malawi Tel: 34-54
Ataturk Caddesi 6th Floor, A.M.P. Building (P.O. Box 380) AF Bukavu, Zaire (C)
APO New York 09289 Queen and Victoria Sts., E. (Boite Postale 3037)
Tel: 30-992 Nyrho House, Victoria Ave.
Tel: 3555 Tel: 438 1 Ave. Kasongo
AF Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (E) EA Australia (Commonwealth of) Tel: 2594/2479
ARA Bogota, Colombia (E)
Crown Prince Asfaw Wossen St. EUR Austria (Federal Republic of) Calle 37
APO New York 09319 No. 8.40 EUR Bulgaria (People's Republic of)
Tel: 10666 EUR Azores. See Portugal. Burma (Union of)
APO New York 09895 EA
EA Adelaide, South Australia , Australia (CA) NEA Baghdad (U.S. Interests Section ) Tel: 329.100 AF Burundi (Republic of)
Christensen Diamond Products Co. Mansur St.
Tel: 34171 ARA Bolivia (Republic of) NEA Cairo, Egypt (U.S. Interests Section ))
919.929 Marion Road
Mitchell Park ARA Bahamas (Commonwealth of) NEA Bombay, India (CG ) 5. Sharia Latin America
Tel: 96-6311 'Lincoln House,' 78 Bhulabhai Desai Rd. Box 10, FPO New York 09527
NEA Bahrain Tel: 363611 through 363618 Tel: 28219
NEA Aden , Yemen ( E-temporarily closed)
Steamer Pt. (Tawahi) AF Bamako, Mali (E) EUR Bonn, Germany (E) NEA Calcutta, India (CG)
Tel: 2881 , 2882 Rue Testard and Rue Mohamed V Mehlemer Ave. 3A Shakespeare Sarani , Calcutta 16
Tel: 46-63, 48-34 5300 Bonn -Bad Godesberg Tel: 44-3611 through 44.3616
NEA Afghanistan (Kingdom of)
EA Bangkok, Thailand (E) APO New York 09080 EUR Calgary, Alberta, Canada (CG)
PM Air University (State Dept. Rep.) Tel: 02221-8955
Maxwell Air Force Base 95 Wireless Rd. Room 1050-615 Macleod Trail S.E.
Alabama 36112 APO San Francisco 96346 EUR Bordeaux, France (CG) Tel: AC 403 : 266-8962
Tel: (205) 293-2819 Tel: 59800-14 No. 4 rue Esprit-des-Lois ARA Cali, Colombia (C)
NEA Aleppo, Syria (CG -temporarily closed ) AF Bangui, Central African Republic (E) Tel: 52. 65.95 Edificio Pielroja (Carrera 3 , No. 11.55)
Sebil Quarter Place de la Republique Centrafricaine AF Botswana (Republic of) Tel: 88136, 88137
Tel: 17600. 17601 Tel: 2050. 2051 EA Cambodia (The Khmer Republic)
ARA Brasilia , Brazil (E)
NEA Alexandria, Egypt (CG -temporarily NEA Bangladesh Avenida das Nacoes, Lote No. 3 AF Cameroon (The Federal Republic of)
closed)ed ) ARA Barbados APO New York 09676 EUR Canada
2 Ave. El Horreya Barcelona, Spain (CG) Tel: 230120.42-5263
Tel: 22861,25607. 38941 EUR EUR Canary Islands. See Spain .
Via Layetana 33 ARA Brazil (Federative Republic of)
AF Algeria (Democratic and Popular Republic APO New York 09285 EA Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.
AF Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (E. Australia (E)
of) Tel: 319-9550
AF Algiers, Algeria (U.S. Interests temporarily closed) Moonah PI ., Yarralumla , A.C.T.
NEA Basra, Iraq (C -temporarily closed) Ave. du 28 Aout 1940 APO San Francisco 96404
Villa Mektoub, 4 Chemin Sharia Hurriyah Tel: 31.06 Tel : 73.1351
Cheikh Bachir Brahimi Tel: 4231-2-3
Tel: 60-14-25 through 29, 60-36-70 EUR Bremen , Germany (CG) EA Can Tho. Viet-Nam (CG)
through 72 AF Banjul, The Gambia (E) Prasident-Kennedy-Platz APO San Francisco 96243
(P.O. Box 596 ) 8 Cameron St. APO New York 09069
NEA Amman, Jordan (E) Tel: 32-00-01 AF Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa
Jebel Amman Tel: 526 (CG)
Tel: 38301-9 NEA Beirut, Lebanon (E) ARA Bridgetown, Barbados (E) Broadway Industries Centre
Corniche at Rue Aiv Mreisseh P.O. Box 302 Heerengracht. Foreshore
EUR Amsterdam , Netherlands (CG) Tel: 240800 FPO New York 09553 Tel: 43.7061
Museumplein No. 19 Tel: 63574-7
APO New York 09159 ARA Belem . Para, Brazil (C) ARA Caracas, Venezuela (E)
Tel: 790321 , 790442, 791052 Abenida Oswaldo Cruz 165 EA Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (C) Avenida Francisco de Miranda
AF Angola. See Portugal. Tel: 23-2396 , 23-2196 359 Queen St. La Floresta
Tel: 31.2649 Apartado 62292
NEA Ankara, Turkey (E) EUR Belfast, Northern Ireland (CG). See United APO New York 09893
Kingdom . EUR Brussels , Belgium (E)
110 Ataturk Blvd. 27 Blvd. du Regent Tel: 33-86-61
APO New York 09254 Queen's House, 14 Queen St. ( 1 )
Tel: 28239 APO New York 09667 AF Casablanca , Morocco (CG)
Tel: 18-62-00 Tel: 13. 38. 30 1 Place de la Fraternite
EUR Antwerp. Belgium (CG) EUR Belgium (Kingdom of) Tel: 60521/22/23, 60562
64-68 Frankrijklei, Antwerp 2000 EUR Brussels, Belgium (USEC)
EUR Belgrade, Yugoslavia (E) 23. Ave. Des Arts EA Cebu, Philippines (C)
APO New York 09667 Kneza Milosa 50 Philippine American Life Insurance
Tel: 32-18.00 APO New York 09667
Tel: 645655 Tel: 13. 44. 50 Bldg., Jones Ave.
EA Apia, Western Samoa (E) ARA Belize. APO San Francisco 96528
(No office maintained ) EUR Brussels, Belgium (USNATO) Tel: 7-31.51,7-31.52
Belize City, Belize ( CG ) Autoroute Brussels-Zaventem AF Central African Republic
ARA Argentina (Argentine Republic) Gabourel Lane and Hutson St. APO New York 09667
PM Armed Forces Staff College (State Dept. Tel: 3261 Tel: 41-00-40 EA Ceylon. See Sri Lanka
Rep .) EUR Bucharest, Romania (E) AF Chad (Republic of)
Nortolk, Virginia 23511 EUR Berlin , Germany (M)
Tel: (703) 444-5555 Strada Tudor Argezhi No. 9 EA Chiang Mai, Thailand (C)
170 Clayallee AmEmbassy, Box BUCH Vichayanond Rd .
AF Asmara , Ethiopia (CG) APO New York 09742 c / o AmConGen, APO New York 09757
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt St. Tel: 832-4087 APO San Francisco 96346
Tel: 12-40-40 Tel: 203
Chile ( Republic of )
EUR Germany (Federal Republic of) ARA Jamaica
ARA Chile (Republic of) CA Japan
AF Dar es Salaam , Tanzania (E ) AF Chong (Republic of)
EA China ( Republic of ) National Bank of Commerce Bldg, NEA Jerusalem (CG ) (2 officos)
EA China , People's Republic of NEA Orasco (Kingdom of)
(City Drive Br . ) on City Drive 18 Agron Rosd via Israel
LA Christchurch , New Zealand (CA) PO Box 9123 ARA Quadalajara , Jalisco, Mexico (CG ) Tel: 223491
tel 22115 Progreso 176 Nablus Rd , via Israel
PM CINCAFSOUTH (POLAD) Toli 25-29-95/6 , 7 , or 8 Tel: 02231
Meadquarters AFSOUTH EUR Denmark (Kingdom 01) ARA Quatemala (Republic of) APO New York 09253
FPO New York 09524 (Naples , Italy) NEA Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (CC)
Telegrams: USDOCOSOUTH Naples ( no stract address) ARA Quatemala, Guatemala (E ) NEA liddo, Saudi Arabia (E)
Tel : 623-8123 ext. 2601 APO New York 09616 Se Avenida 11-65 Polentino Rd ., Ruwais
APO New York 09891 APO New York 09697
PM CINCEUR (POLAD ) ARA Dominican Republic Tel: 23201 through 23209
Headquarters US European Command Tol: 53410, 54110, 52188, 52396,
APO New York 09128 (Stuttgart, NEA Doha , Qatar (E ) ARA Guayaquil, Ecuador (CG) 52589
Germany) No office maintained . 9 de Octobre and Garcia Moreno AF Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa
Stuttgart 7301 66325 AF Douala , Cameroon (C ) Tel: Casilla X/5 11-570 (CG)
PM CINCLANT (POLAD) Avenue Leclerc, B.P. 4006 AF Guinea (Republic of) 521 So. African Mutual Bldg.
Norfolk, Virginia 23511 Tel : 3231 Tel: 934-3051
EUR Dublin , Ireland (E) ARA Guyana
Tel: (703) 444-6104 NEA Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
42 Elgin Rd . , Ballsbridge EUR Hague, The Netherlands (E)
PM CINCPAC (POLAD ) 102 Lange Voorhout NEA Kabul , Afghanistan (E)
FPO San Francisco 96610 (Honolulu, Tel: 64061/9
AF Durban, Natal, South Africa (CG) APO New York 09159 Wazir Abkar Khan Ming
Hawaii) Teli 62-49.11
Tel: (808) 433.9706 Norwich Union House Tel: 24230-9
6 Durban Club Place NEA Haita , Israel (CA) AF Kaduna, Nigeria (C)
PM CINCSO (POLAD) 5 Ahmadu Bello Way
U.S. Southern Command Tel: 28388, 28389, 28380 ARA Haiti (Republic of)
Quarry Heights, Canal Zone EUR Dusseldorf, Germany (CG) EUR Halitox, Nova Scotio, Canada (CG) Tel: 3373-6
Tel: 82-4140 5 Cecilien Alles Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. NEA Karachi, Pakistan (CG)
PM CINCUSAFE (POLAD) 4.Dusseldorf 30 Hollis St. and Prince St. 8 Abdullah Haroon Rd .
Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Europe Cecilion Alle 5 Tel: AC 902; 429-2480, 1, 2 Tel: 515081
APO New York 09633 APO Now York 09080
Tel: 490081 EUR Hamburg, Germany (CG) NEA Kathmandu, Nepal (E)
Tel : 94.822422 Alsteruter 27/28 King's Way (Kanti Poth)
PM CINCUSAREUR (POLAD) ARA Ecuador ( Republic of) Box 2, APO New York 09069 Tel: 11199, 31311 , 11603, 11604
Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe EUR Edinburgh , Scotland (CG). See United Tel: 44-10-61
APO New York 09403 (Heidelberg. Kingdom EUR Kaunas, Lithuania
EUR Hamilton, Bermuda (CG). See United
Germany) 3 Regent Ter. AF Kenyo (Republic of)
Tel: 57-6651 Tel: 031-556 , 8315 Kingdom .
Vallis Bldg. , Front St. AF Khartoum , Sudan (E)
PM CINCUSNAVEUR (POLAD) NEA Egypt (Arab Republic of) FPO New York 09560 P.O. Box 699
Box 2 ARA El Salvador (Republic of) Tel: 1-2908 , 1-2909 Gambouria Ave.
FPO New York 09510 (London , England) Tel : 74700 and 74611
Tel: 629-9222 ext. 514 EUR England . See United Kingdom . EUR Helsinki, Finland (E)
AF Enugu , Nigeria (C-temporarily closed ) Ilainen Kaivopuisto 21 EA Khmer Republic
ARA Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua , Mexico (C) Box H, APO New York 09664
1896 Ave. 16 de Septiembre 2 A Ogui Rd . Tel: 11931 NEA Khorramshahr, Iron (C)
Tel : 22510 Equatorial Guingo (Republic of) Pohlavi St.
ARA Hermosillo, Mexico (CG) APO New York 09205
ARA Colombia (Republic of) EUR Estonia Isstoson Bldg., 3d Il. Tel: 3612
NEA Colombo, Sri Lanka (E) AF Ethiopia (Empire of) Blvd. Centenario y Miguel Hidalgo y
44 Galle Rd . , Colpetty Costilla AF Kigali, Rwondo (E)
Tel: 26211 through 26217 EUR Finland (Republic of) Tel: 3-84.91 13 Blvd. Control
EUR Florence, Italy (C) Tel: 5601
PM COMAC (POLAD) ARA Honduras (Republic of)
Ha .. Military Airlift Command (MAS) 38 Lungorno Amerigo Vespucci ARA Kingston, Jamaica (E)
APO New York 09019 EA Hong Kong (CG ). See United Kingdom . No. 43 Duke St.
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62226 26 Garden Rd .
Tel : (618) 256-2026 Tel: 298-276 Tel: 932-6340
FPO San Francisco 96659
AF Conakry, Guinea (E) EUR France (French Republic) Tel: 23-9011 AF Kinshasa, Zaire (E)
2nd Blvd , and 9th Ave. EUR Frankfurt am Main, Germany (CG) EUR Hungary (Hungarian People's Republic) 310 Ave. des Aviateurs
Boite Postale 603 6 Frankfurt am Main, 21 APO New York 09662
Tel: 415-20 through 24 Siesmayerstrasse AF Ibadan, Nigeria (C) Tel: 25881-6
APO New York 09757 Barclay's Bank Bldg,
AF Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) P.M.B. 5221 AF Kisangani, Zoire (C )
Tel: 740071
EUR Copenhagen, Denmark (E) Tel : 24101 (Boite Postale 515)
AF Freetown, Sierra Leone (E ) Ave. Eisenhower
Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24 Wolpolo /Westmoreland Sts. EUR Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain (CA)
APO New York 09170 Edificio Porto Magno, San Antonio Abad Tel: 2957 , 2958
Tel: (01 ) 12 31 44 Tel: 6481
EUR French West Indies, Sue France, EA Kobe, Japan (CG) . Seo Osaka -Kobe.
EUR Iceland (Republic of)
ARA Costa Rica (Republic of) EA Korea (Republic of)
EA Fukuoka , Japan (C) NEA India (Republic of)
AF Cotonou , Dahomey (E) 5-26 Ohori 2 -chome EA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (E)
Rue Caporal Anani Bernard Chuo-ku , Fukuoka-shi 810 EA Indonesia (Republic of)
Tel: 26-93 A.JA. Building
APO San Francisco 96502 NEA Iran (Empire ot) Jalan Ampang
ARA Cuba (Republic of) Tel: 75-9331 /4 NEA Iraq ( Republic of) P.O. Box 35
ARA Curacao, Netherlands Antilles (CG) EUR Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (CA) Tel: 26321
EUR Ireland
Santa Anna Boulevard, 19 Hotel Miramar NEA Kuwait (State of)
P.O. Box 158 Tel: 2 11 41 EUR Ireland, Northern. See United Kingdom .
Tel: 13306 NEA Kuwait, Kuwait (E)
AF Gaborone, Botswana (E ) NEA Islamabad , Pakistan (E) P.O. Box 17
NEA Cyprus (Republic of) Koh -i-Nor House Diplomatic Enclave
The Mall Ramna 4 Tel: 424-156, 424-157, 424-158
EUR Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak Socialist
P.O. Box 90 Tel: 22161-22180 AF Lagos, Nigeria (E)
Republic ) Tel: 2944-5 King's College Rd .
NEA Dacca, Bangladesh (E) NEA Israel (State of)
AF Gabon (Gabonese Republic ) Tel: 57320-8
Adamjee Court Bldg., Montijheel NEA Istanbul, Turkey (CG)
Tel : 244220-9 AF Gambia , The 147 Mesrutiyet Caddesi NEA Lahore, Pakistan (CG)
APO New York 09380 50 Zafar All Road
AF Dahomey (Republic of) 10 Genova, Switzerland (U.S. Mission to Tel: 81081-5
European Officeof UN and other Int. Tel: 45-32-20
AF Dakar, Senegal (E) EA Laos (Kingdom of)
(Boite Postale 49) Orgs.) EUR Italy (Italian Republic)
BIAO Bldg., Place de l'Independenco 80 Rue du Lausanne ARA La Paz, Bolivia ( E)
AF Ivory Coast (Republic of)
Tel : 26344/45 ; 22143 Tel: 32.70.20 Banco Popular del Peru Bldg.
EUR Gonoa , Italy (CG) NEA Izmir, Turkey (CG) Corner of Callos Mercado y Colon
NEA Damascus, Syria ( E-temporarily closed) Banco d'America o d'Italia Bldg . 386 Ataturk Caddesi APO Now York 09867
Chare (Ave.) o l-Mansour, Abu Piazza Portello 6 APO Now York 09224
Rummanih Tel: 32136 Tol: 50251
Box G , APO New York 09794
Tel: 32555-6-1 Tel: 282-741 to 282-745 EA Jakarta, Indonesia (E ) EUR Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
EA Danang , Viet Nam (CG) Modon Merdeka, Selatan 5 (CA)
10 Gia Long St. ARA George town, Guyana (E) APO San Francisco 96356 Leon y Castillo, 139-70
APO San Francisco 96349 31 Moln St. Tel: 23 33 63 and 24 12 58
Tel: 2686 Tel: 40001-9
Tel: 957-2401 , 2402
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (C)
EUR Latvia AF Mali (Republic of) Tel: WELLington 7-6301 Kobe Office:
NEA Lebanon (Republic of) EUR Malta 10 Montreal, Quebec, Canada (ICAO) 10. Kano -cho 6 -chome. Ikuta -ku. Kobe
901 International Aviation Bldg. (650 )
EUR Leningrad. Union of Soviet Socialist NEA Manama, Bahrain (E) Tel: (078) 331-6865 / 8
Republics (CG) Tel: University 6-5028 APO San Francisco 96503
Petralavrova 15 ARA Managua, Nicaragua (E) AF Morocco (Kingdom of)
Box L Blvd. Somoza EUR Oslo, Norway (E)
APO New York 09885 EUR Moscow , Union of Soviet Socialist Drammensveien 18
APO New York 09664 Tel: 26771 Republics (E)
Tel: 724-548 Tel: 56-68-80
ARA Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil (CA ) Ulitsa Chaykovskovo 19/21/23 EUR Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (E)
AF Lesotho (Kingdom of) APO New York 09862
EA Mandalay. Burma ( C )(SP) Tel: 252-00-11 through 252-00-19 100 Wellington St.
AF Liberia (Republic of) 71st St. and South Moat Rd. Zip: KIP 5T1
AF Mozambique. See Portugal. Tel: AC 613: 236-2341
AF Libreville, Gabon (E) Tel: 555
Blvd. de la Mer, Boite Postale 185 EA Manila , Philippines (E) EUR Munich, Germany (CG) AF Ouagadougou, Upper Volta (E)
Tel: 20-03. 20-04, 33-48, 33-37 1201 Roxas Blvd. 5 Koeniginstrasse Boite Postale 35
APO New York 09108 Tel: 21-91 , 21.92
AF Libya (Libyan Arab Republic) APO San Francisco 96528 Tel: 23-0-11
Tel: 5-80-11 NEA Pakistan (Republic of)
EUR Liechtenstein (Principality of) NEA Muscat, Oman (E)
ARA Lima, Peru (E) ARA Maracaibo, Venezuela (C) P.O. Box 966 EUR Palermo, Italy (CG)
Avenidas Wilson and Espana Edificio Matema Avenida 15 Tel: Muscat 2021 Vaccarini 1
Tel: 30660 Calle 78 Tel: Muscat 301 Tel: 29-15-32
Tel: 71171 , 71172 EA Naha, Japan (CG) EUR Palma de Mallorca, Spain (CA)
EUR Lisbon, Portugal (E) EUR Marseilles, France (CG) Jaime 111
Avenida Duque de Loule No. 39 Asahi Building. 664 Yamakushi-baru,
APO New York 09678 No. 9 Rue Armeny Aza Aja. Naha 67 Despacho 8
Tel: 555140 through 555149 Tel: 33.78.33 through 33-78-37 APO San Francisco 96248 Tel: 22 26 60
ARA Martinique, French West Indies (C) . See Tel: 68-0856 /60 ARA Panama, Panama (E)
EUR Lithuania France. AF Nairobi, Kenya (E) Avenida Balboa at 38th St.
EUR Liverpool, England (CG) 10 Rue Schoelcher, Fort-de-France (P.O. Box 30137) Tel: Panama 25-3600. Balboa Canal
Cunard Bldg., Pierhead Tel: 71.93-03 Cotts House. Eliot St. Zone 52-5248
APO New York 09218 AF Maseru , Lesotho (E) Tel: 34141
Tel: Central 8501 ARA Paraguay (Republic of)
Kingsway EUR Naples, Italy (CG) ARA Paramaribo, Surinam (CG). See
AF Lome, Togo (E) P.O. Box 333 Piazza della Repubblica Netherlands.
Rue Pelletier Caventor and rue Vauban Tel: 266 80122 Naples Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat 13
Tel: 29.91 ARA Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico (C) FPO New York 09521 (Box 18) Tel: 73024
First St. Tel: 660966
EUR London, England (E) EUR Paris, France (E)
24/31 Grosvenor Sq., W. I Tel: 2-0241 , 2-1241 ARA Nassau . Bahamas (E) 2 Ave. Gabriel
Box 40. FPO New York 09510 AF Mauritius Adderly Bldg. APO New York 09777
Tel: 499-9000 Tel: 3221181 (3223040 atter hours and Tel: 265-7460
AF Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) weekends)
AF Lourenco Marques, Mozambique (CG). See EUR Paris, France (UNESCO )
ARA Mazatlan . Sinaloa, Mexico (C) NEA Nepal ( Kingdom of) 2 Ave. Gabriel
Portugal. Centro Commercial Plaza
No. 35-2nd fl, Rua Salazar Avenida del Mar s/n AF N'Djamena. Chad (E) Tel: ANjou 7460
Tel:26051.2.3 Rue du Lt. Col. Colonna d'Ornano EUR Paris, France (USOECD)
Tel : 28-85. 26-87 B.P. 413
AF Luanda , Angola (CG). See Portugal. AF 19, rue de Franqueville
Avenida Paulo Dias de Novais Mbabane. Swaziland (E) Tel: 30-91/2/3/4 Tel: 524-8200
No. 42 - 13th and 14th floors Embassy House EUR Netherlands (Kingdom of the) EA Peking Office, People's Republic of China
Allister Miller St.
Tel: 72494 , 73155 P.O. Box 199 ARA Netherlands Antilles (LO)
AF Lubumbashi, Zaire Tel: 2272 NEA New Delhi, India (E) 17 Guanghua Road
(Boite Postale 1196) Shanti Path, Chanakyapuri 21 Peking. P.R.C.
EA Medan, Indonesia (C) EA People's Republic of China . See China .
1029 Blvd. Elisabeth Tel: 70351
APO New York 09662 13 Djalan Imam Bondjol
Tel: 22290 EA New Zealand 10 Permanent Mission of the United States of
Tel : 2324. 2325 America tothe Organization of
AF Lusaka, Zambia (E) ARA Medellin , Colombia (C) EA Nha Trang. Viet-Nam (CG)
Edificio Santa Helena APO San Francisco 96243 American States (OAS). Washington ,
(P.O. Box 1617) Avenida Primero de Mayo DC
David Livingstone Rd. and AF Niamey, Niger (E) Dept. of State, Washington, D.C. 20520
Tel: 313-188 Boite Postale 201 Tel: 632-9376
Independence Ave.
Tel: 50222 EA Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (CG) Tel: 26-70. 26-64 EA Perth, Western Australia, Australia (C)
24 Albert Road ARA Nicaragua (Republic of)
EUR Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of) APO San Francisco 96405 171 St. George's Ter.
EUR Nice, France (C) Tel:22-4466
EUR Luxembourg. Luxembourg (E) Tel: 699-2244
22 Blvd. Emmanuel Servais No. 3 Rue Dr. Barety ARA Peru (Republic of)
ARA Merida, Yucatan, Mexico (C) Tel: 88-89-55
APO New York 09132 Calle 56A No. 453 NEA Peshawar, Pakistan (C)
Tel : 401-23,24,25,26,27 Tel: 60-30. 26-03 NEA Nicosia, Cyprus (E) 11 Hospital Road
Therissos St. and Dositheos St. Tel: 3061 , 3405
EUR Lyon, France (CG) ARA Mexico, D.F. , Mexico (E) FPO New York 09531
7 Quai General Sarrail Cor. Danubio and Paseo de la Reforma EA Philippines (Republic of the)
Tel: 65151/5
Tel: 24-68-49 305. Colonia Cuauhtemoc EA Phnom Penh, Khmer Republic (E)
EA Macao. See Portugal. Tel: 525-9100 AF Niger (Republic of) Blvd. Preh Norodom
EUR Milan, Italy (CG) AF Nigeria (Republic of) APO San Francisco 96346 Box P
AF Madagascar (Malagasy Republic)
Plazza della Republica 32 EUR Norway (Kingdom of) Tel: 24511, 22152, 22407
EUR Madeira Islands . See Portugal. APO New York 09689 AF Nouakchott, Mauritania (E) ARA Piura, Peru (CA)
NEA Madras, India (CG) Tel: 652841-2-3-4.5 American Embassy, BP 222 EUR Poland (Polish People's Republic)
Mount Rd . AF Mogadiscio. Somalia (E) Tel: 20-60
60006 Via Primo Luglio EUR Ponta Delgada. Sao Miguel, Azores (C). See
Tel : 83041 ARA Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico (C) Portugal.
Tel : 2811 Gonzelez No. 1915 Avenida D. Henrique
EUR Madrid, Spain (E ) EUR Monaco ( Principality of) Tel: 2-00-05 APO New York 09406
Serrano, 75 EA Nuku'alota, Tonga (E) Tel: 22216, 22217
APO New York 09285 EUR Monaco, Monaco (C)
(Office maintained at Nice, France) EA Okinawa. See Japan. ARA Port -au -Prince, Haiti (E)
Tel: 276-3400 Harry Truman Blvd.
AF Malabo . Equatorial Guinea (E) AF Monrovia, Liberia (E) NEA Oman (The Sultanate of) Tel: 2-0751. 2-0752, 2-0740
United Nations Dr.
Asturias and Amengol Coll. APO New York 09155 EUR Oporto, Portugal (C) AF Port Louis, Mauritius (E)
EUR Malaga . Spain (CA) Tel: 22991 , 22992 Apartado No. 88 Anglo-Mauritius House
Apartado Postal 403 Rua Julio Dinis, 826-30 Intendance St.
Tel: 21 74 54 ARA Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (CG) Tel: 6-3094 /95/ 96 Tel: 2-3218
Avenida Constitucion 411 Poniente AF Oran, Algeria (C)
AF Malagasy Republic. See Madagascar, Tel: 43 06 50/59 NEA Port Said, United Arab Republic (C
25 rue Lamaratime temporarily closed)
AF Malawi (Republic of) ARA Montevideo, Uruguay (E) Tel: 362-22 Sultan Hussein St.
EA Malaysia Lauro Muller 1776 EA Osaka-Kobe, Japan (CG) Tel: 4705, 8000
APO New York 09879 Osaka Office:
NEA Maldives (Republic of) Tel: 40-90-51 to 59 and 40-91-26 ARA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (C)
9th floor. Sankei Building Rua Uruguai, 155, 11th floor
NEA Male, Maldives ( E) EUR Montreal, Quebec, Canada (CG) 27. Umeda-cho, Kita -ku, Osaka (530) APO New York 09676
(No office maintained) 1558 McGregor Ave. Tel: (06 ) 341-4250, 341-4258 /9, 2756 Tel: 8516, 5657
Chile ( Republic of)
EUR Germany (federal Republic of) ARA Jamaica
ARA Chile (Republic 01)
LA China ( Republic of) AF Dar es Salaam , Tanzania (E ) AF Ghana (Republic of) LA Japon
National Bank of Commerce Bldg, NEA Greece (Kingdom of) NEA Jerusalem (CG ) (2 offices)
EA China , People's Republic of (City Drive Bl.) on City Drive 18 Agron Road via Israel
Christchurch , New Zealand (CA) PO Box 9123 ARA Cundalajara , Jalisco, Mexico (CO)
Progreso 175 Tel : 223491
PM CINCAFSOUTH (POLAD ) Tel : 22716 Nablus Rd , via Israel
Toli 25-29-95/6, 7 , or $
Headquarters AFSOUTH EUR Denmark (Kingdom of) Toli 82231
FPO New York 09524 (Naples , Italy) ARA Quatemala (Republic of) APO Now York 09253
NEA Dhohran, Saudi Arabia (CO)
Tolograms USDOCOSOUTH Naplos (no streat address) ARA Guatemala , Guatemala (E ) NEA Jiddo, Saudi Arabia (E)
Tel : 623-8123 ext. 2601 APO Now York 09616 su Avenido 11.65 Polentino Rd ., Ruwois
PM CINCEUR (POLAD ) APO Now York 09891 APO Now York 09697
Headquarters US European Command ARA Dominican Republic Tel: 23201 through 23209 Tel : 53410, 54110, 52180, 52396,
APO New York 09128 (Stuttgart, NEA Doha , Qatar (E ) ARA Guayaquil, Ecuador (CG) 52589
Germany) No office maintained . 9 de Octobre and Garcia Moreno
Stuttgart 7301 66325 AF Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa
AF Douala , Cameroon (C) Tel: Casilla X/5 11-570 (CG)
PM CINCLANT (POLAD) Avenue Leclerc, B.P. 4006 AF Quinea (Republic of) 521 So. African Mutual Bldg.
Norfolk,Virginia 23511 Tel: 32-31 Tel: 834-3051
Tel : ( 703) 444-6104 EUR Dublin, Ireland (E) ARA Guyana
42 Elgin Rd ., Ballsbridge EUR Mague, The Netherlands (E) NEA Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
FPO San Francisco 96610 (Honolulu, Tel: 64061/9 102 Lange Voorhout NEA Kabul, Afghanistan (E)
Hawail) AF Durban, Natal, South Africa (CG) APO New York 09159 Wazir Abkar Khan Mina
Tel: (808) 433-9706 Norwich Union House Tel: 62-49.11 Tol: 24230-9
PM CINCSO (POLAD) 6 Durban Club Place NEA Maita , Israel (CA) AF Kaduna , Nigeria (C )
U.S. Southern Command Tel: 28388, 28389, 28380 5 Ahmadu Bello Way
ARA Haiti (Republic of)
Quarry Heights, Canal Zone EUR Dusseldort, Germany (CG) Tel: 3373-6
Tel: 824140 5 Cecilien Allee EUR Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (CG)
4.Dusseldorf 30 Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, NEA Karachi , Pakistan (CG)
PM CINCUSAFE (POLAD) Hollis St. and Prince St. 8 Abdullah Haroon Rd.
Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Europe Cecilien Alles 5
APO New York 09080 Tel: AC 902; 429-2480, 1, 2 Tel : 515081
APO New York 09633
Tel : 94.822422 Tel: 490081 EUR Homburg, Germany (CG) NEA Kathmandu, Nepal (E)
ARA Ecuador (Republic of) Alsteruter 27/28 King's Way (Kanti Poth)
PM CINCUSAREUR (POLAD) Box 2, APO New York 09069 Tel : 11199, 31311 , 11603 , 11604
Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe EUR Edinburgh , Scotland (CG). See United Tel: 44.10-61
APO New York 09403 (Heidelberg. Kingdom EUR Kaunas, Lithuania
Germany) Regent Ter. EUR Hamilton, Bermuda (CG). See United
Kingdom . AF Kenya (Republic of)
Tel: 57-6651 Tel : 031-556, 8315
Vallis Bldg. , Front St. AF Khartoum , Sudan (E)
PM CINCUSNAVEUR (POLAD) NEA Egypt (Arab Republic of) FPO Now York 09560 P.O. Box 699
Box 2 ARA El Salvador (Republic of) Tol : 1.2908 , 1.2909 Gombouria Ave.
FPO New York 09510 (London, England)
Tel: 629.9222 ext. 514 EUR England . Seo United Kingdom . EUR Helsinki, Finland (E) Tel: 74700 and 74611
ARA Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico (C) AF Enugu, Nigeria ( C-lomporarily closed) Itainen Kaivopuisto 21 EA Khmer Republic
Box M, APO New York 09664
1896 Ave. 16 de Septiembro 2 A Ogul Rd . Tel: 11931 NEA Khorramshahr, Iron (C)
Tel: 22510 AF Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) Pohlavi St.
ARA Hermosillo, Mexico (CG) APO New York 09205
ARA Colombia (Republic of) EUR Estonia Issteson Bldg., 30 II. Tel: 3612
NEA Colombo, Sri Lanka (E) AF Ethiopia (Empiro of) Blvd. Centenario y Miguel Hidalgo y
44 Golle Rd . , Colpetty Costillo AF Kigali, Rwondo (E)
Tel: 26211 through 26217 EUR Finland (Republic of) Tel: 3-84.91 13 Blvd. Central
PM COMAC (POLAD ) EUR Florence , Italy (C) ARA Honduras (Republic of) Tel: 5601
Ha ., Military Airlift Command (MAS) 38 Lungarno Amerigo Vospucci ARA Kingston, Jamaica (E )
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62226 APO New York 09019 EA Hong Kong (CG). Ses United Kingdom ,
Tel: 298-276 26 Garden Rd , No. 43 Duke St.
Tel: (618) 256-2026 FPO San Francisco 96659 Tel: 932-6340
AF Conakry, Guinea (E ) EUR France (French Republic) Tel: 23-9011 AF Kinshasa, Zaire (E)
2nd Blvd , and 9th Ave. EUR Frankfurt am Main , Germany (CG) 310 Ave, des Aviateurs
Boite Postale 603 6 Frankfurt am Main, 21 EUR Hungary (Hungarian People's Republic)
APO New York 09662
Tel: 415-20 through 24 Siesmayerstrasse AF Ibadan, Nigeria (C) Tel: 25881-6
AF Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) APO New York 09757 Barclay's Bank Bldg.
Tel: 740071 P.M.B. 5221 AF Kisangani, Zaire (C)
EUR Copenhagen, Denmark (E ) AF Freetown, Sierra Leone (E) Tel: 24101 (Boite Postale 515)
Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24 Walpole /Westmoreland Sts. EUR Ibiza , Balearic Islands, Spain (CA) Ave. Eisenhower
APO New York 09170 Tel: 2957 , 2958
Tel: (01 ) 12 31 44 Tel: 6481 Edificio Porto Magno, San Antonio Abad
EUR French West Indies , See France , EUR Iceland (Republic of) EA Kobe, Japon (CG), Sea Osaka.Kobe.
ARA Costa Rica (Republic of)
EA Fukuoka, Japan (C ) NEA India (Republic of) EA Korea (Republic of)
AF Cotonou, Dahomey (E) 5.26 Ohori 2-chome
Rue Caporal Anani Bernard EA Indonesia (Republic of) EA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (E)
Tel: 26.93 Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi 810 A.L.A. Building
APO San Francisco 96502 NEA Iran (Empire of) Jalan Ampang
ARA Cuba (Republic of) Tel: 75-9331 /4 P.O. Box 35
NEA Iraq (Republic of)
ARA Curacao, Netherlands Antilles (CG) EUR Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (CA) Tel: 26321
Santa Anna Boulevard, 19 Hotel Miramar EUR Ireland
P.O. Box 158 Tel: 2 11 41 EUR Ireland, Northern. See United Kingdom . NEA Kuwait (State of)
Tel: 13306 AF Gaborone, Botswana (E) NEA Islamabad, Pakistan (E) NEA Kuwait, Kuwait (E)
NEA Cyprus (Republic of) Koh -i-Nor House Diplomatic Enclave P.O. Box 17
EUR Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak Socialist The Mall Ramna 4 Tel: 424-156, 424.157, 424-158
Republic) P.O. Box 90 Tel: 22161-22180 AF Lagos, Nigeria (E)
Tel: 2944-5 NEA Israel (State of) King's College Rd.
NEA Dacca, Bangladesh (E) Tel: 57320-8
Adamjee Court Bldg., Montijheel AF Gabon (Gabonese Republic) NEA Istanbul, Turkey (CG)
Tel: 244220-9 AF Gambia , The 147 Mesrutiyet Caddesi NEA Lahore, Pakistan (CG)
AF Dahomey (Republic of) 10 Geneva , Switzerland (U.S. Mission to APO New York 09380 50 Zafar All Road
European Officeof UN and other Int. Tol: 45-32-20 Tel: 81081-5
AF Dakar, Senegal ( E)
(Boite Postale 49) Orgs.) EUR Italy (Italian Republic) EA Laos (Kingdom of)
BIAO Bldg., Place de l'Independance 80 Rue du Lausanne
Tel: 32.70.20 AF Ivory Coast (Republic of) ARA La Paz, Bolivia (E)
Tel: 26344/45; 22143 Banco Popular del Peru Bldg.
EUR Genoa , Italy (CG) NEA Izmir, Turkey (CG) Corner of Collos Mercado y Colon
NEA Domascus, Syria (E-temporarlly closed) 386 Ataturk Caddesi
Chare (Ave.) ol-Mansour, Abu Banca d'America o d'Italia Bldg. APO New York 09867
Plazza Portello 6 APO New York 09224
Rummanih Tel: 32136 Tel: 50251
Tel: 32555-6-7 Box G , APO New York 09794
Tel: 282.741 to 282-745 EA Jokarta, Indonesia (E) EUR Las Palmas, Conary Islands, Spain
EA Donny, Viet Nam (cc) Modan Merdeka, Selatan 5 (CA)
10 Gia Long St. ARA Georgetown, Guyana (E ) APO San Francisco 96356 Loon y Castillo, 139.70
APO Son Francisco 96349 31 Moin St. Tel: 23 33 63 and 24 12 58
Tel: 2686 Tel: 40001-9
Tel : 957-2401 , 2402
Porto Alegre , Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (C)
EUR Latvia AF Mali (Republic of) Tel: WELLington 7-6301 Kobe Office:
NEA Lebanon (Republic of) EUR Malta 10 Montreal, Quebec, Canada (ICAO ) 10. Kano -cho 6 -chome, Ikuta-ku, Kobe
EUR Leningrad. Union of Soviet Socialist NEA Manama, Bahrain (E) 901 International Aviation Bldg. (650)
Tel: University 6-5028 Tel: (078) 331-6865 / 8
Republics (CG) ARA Managua, Nicaragua (E) APO San Francisco 96503
Petralavrova 15 Blvd. Somoza AF Morocco (Kingdom of)
Box L EUR Oslo, Norway (E)
APO New York 09885 EUR Moscow . Union of Soviet Socialist Drammensveien 18
APO New York 09664
Tel : 724-548 Tel: 26771 Republics (E) Tel: 56-68-80
ARA Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil (CA) Ulitsa Chaykovskovo 19/21/23
AF Lesotho (Kingdom of) APO New York 09862 EUR Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (E)
EA Mandalay, Burma (C )(SP) Tel: 252-00-11 through 252-00-19 100 Wellington St.
AF Liberia (Republic of) 71st St. and South Moat Rd. Zip: KIP 5T1
AF Libreville, Gabon (E) Tel: 555 AF Mozambique. See Portugal. Tel: AC 613; 236-2341
Blvd. de la Mer, Boite Postale 185 EA Manila, Philippines (E) EUR Munich, Germany (CG) AF Ouagadougou. Upper Volta (E)
Tel: 20-03, 20-04, 33-48. 33-37 1201 Roxas Blvd. 5 Koeniginstrasse Boite Postale 35
APO New York 09108 Tel: 21.91 , 21.92
AF Libya (Libyan Arab Republic) APO San Francisco 96528 Tel: 23-0-11
Tel: 5-80-11 NEA Pakistan (Republic of)
EUR Liechtenstein (Principality of) NEA Muscat, Oman (E)
ARA Lima , Peru (E) ARA Maracaibo, Venezuela (C) P.O. Box 966 EUR Palermo, Italy (CG)
Avenidas Wilson and Espana Edificio Matema Avenida 15 Tel: Muscat 2021 Vaccarini 1
Tel: 30660 Calle 78 Tel: Muscat 301 Tel: 29.15-32
Tel: 71171 , 71172 EUR Palma de Mallorca, Spain (CA)
EUR Lisbon, Portugal (E) EA Naha, Japan (CG)
EU Marseilles, France (CG) Jaime 111
Avenida Duque de Loule No. 39 Asahi Building. 664 Yamakushi-baru.
APO New York 09678 No. 9 Rue Armeny Aza Aja, Naha 67 Despacho 8
Tel: 33.78.33 through 33-78-37 APO San Francisco 96248 Tel: 22 26 60
Tel: 555140 through 555149 Tel : 68-0856 /60
ARA Martinique, French West Indies (C) . See ARA Panama, Panama (E)
EUR Lithuania France. AF Nairobi, Kenya (E) Avenida Balboa at 38th St.
EUR Liverpool, England (CG) 10 Rue Schoelcher, Fort-de-France (P.O. Box 30137) Tel: Panama 25-3600. Balboa Canal
Cunard Bldg ., Pierhead Tel: 71.93-03 Cotts House. Eliot St. Zone 52-5248
APO New York 09218 AF Maseru . Lesotho (E) Tel: 34141 ARA Paraguay (Republic of)
Tel: Central 8501 Kingsway EUR Naples, Italy (CG ) ARA Paramaribo, Surinam (CG). See
AF Lome. Togo (E) P.O. Box 333 Piazza della Repubblica Netherlands.
Rue Pelletier Caventor and rue Vauban Tel: 266 80122 Naples Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat 13
Tel : 29.91 ARA Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico (C) FPO New York 09521 (Box 18) Tel: 73024
First St. Tel: 660966
EUR London, England (E) EUR Paris, France (E)
24/31 Grosvenor Sq . , W. 1 Tel: 2-0241 , 2-1241 ARA Nassau , Bahamas (E) 2 Ave. Gabriel
Box 40. FPO New York 09510 AF Mauritius Adderly Bldg. APO New York 09777
Tel: 499-9000 Tel: 3221181 (3223040 after hours and Tel: 265-7460
AF Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) weekends)
AF Lourenco Marques, Mozambique (CG). See EUR Paris, France (UNESCO)
Portugal. ARA Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico (C) NEA Nepal (Kingdom of) 2 Ave. Gabriel
No. 35-2nd fl. Rua Salazar Centro Commercial Plaza AF N'Djamena, Chad (E) Tel: ANjou 7460
Tel:26051.2.3 Avenida del Mar s/n Rue du Lt. Col. Colonna d'Ornano
Tel: 28-85. 26-87 EUR Paris, France (USOECD)
AF Luanda , Angola (CG) . See Portugal. B.P. 413 19. rue de Franqueville
AF Mbabane, Swaziland (E) Tel: 30-91/2/3/4 Tel: 524-8200
Avenida Paulo Dias de Novais
No. 42 · 13th and 14th floors Embassy House EUR Netherlands (Kingdom of the) EA Peking Office, People's Republic of China
Tel : 72494. 73155 Allister Miller St. (LO)
P.O. Box 199 ARA Netherlands Antilles
AF Lubumbashi, Zaire Tel: 2272 17 Guanghua Road
NEA New Delhi, India (E) Peking. P.R.C.
(Boite Postale 1196) EA Medan, Indonesia (C) Shanti Path. Chanakyapuri 21
1029 Blvd. Elisabeth Tel: 70351 EA People's Republic of China. See China .
APO New York 09662 13 Djalan Imam Bondjol
Tel : 22290 EA New Zealand 10 Permanent Mission of the United States of
Tel : 2324. 2325 America tothe Organization of
ARA Medellin, Colombia (C) EA Nha Trang, Viet-Nam (CC) American States (OAS ), Washington,
AF Lusaka , Zambia (E) APO San Francisco 96243
Edificio Santa Helena DC
(P.O. Box 1617) Avenida Primero de Mayo
David Livingstone Rd. and AF Niamey, Niger (E) Dept. of State, Washington, D.C. 20520
Tel: 313.188 Boite Postale 201 Tel : 632-9376
Independence Ave. EA Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (CG)
Tel: 50222 Tel: 26-70. 26-64 EA Perth. Western Australia, Australia (C)
24 Albert Road ARA Nicaragua (Republic of) 171 St. George's Ter.
EUR Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of) APO San Francisco 96405 Tel:22-4466
EUR Luxembourg, Luxembourg (E) Tel: 699-2244 EUR Nice, France (C)
No. 3 Rue Dr. Barety ARA Peru (Republic of)
22 Blvd. Emmanuel Servais ARA Merida, Yucatan , Mexico (C) Tel: 88-89-55
APO New York 09132 Calle 56A No. 453 NEA Peshawar, Pakistan (C)
Tel: 401-23,24,25.26.27 Tel: 60-30. 26-03 NEA Nicosia, Cyprus (E) 11 Hospital Road
Therissos St. and Dositheos St. Tel: 3061 , 3405
EUR Lyon, France (CG ) ARA Mexico, D.F. , Mexico (E) FPO New York 09531
7 Quai General Sarrail Cor. Danubio and Paseo de la Reforma Tel: 65151/5 EA Philippines (Republic of the)
Tel : 24.68.49 305. Colonia Cuauhtemoc EA Phnom Penh , Khmer Republic (E)
AF Niger (Republic of) Blvd. Preh Norodom
EA Macao See Portugal. Tel: 525-9100
AF Nigeria (Republic of) APO San Francisco 96346 Box P
AF Madagascar (Malagasy Republic) EUR Milan , Italy (CG) Tel: 24511 , 22152, 22407
Plazza della Republica 32 EUR Norway (Kingdom of)
EUR Madeira Islands . See Portugal. APO New York 09689 ARA Piura, Peru (CA)
AF Nouakchott, Mauritania (E)
NEA Madras, India (CG) Tel: 652841-2-3-4-5 American Embassy. BP 222 EUR Poland (Polish People's Republic)
Mount Rd. AF Mogadiscio. Somalia (E) Tel: 20-60
60006 EUR Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores (C). See
Via Primo Luglio ARA Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico (C) Portugal.
Tel : 8 Tel: 2811 Avenida D. Henrique
Gonzelez No. 1915
EUR Madrid, Spain (E) EUR Monaco (Principality of) Tel: 2-00-05 APO New York 09406
Serrano, 75 EA Nuku'alota, Tonga ( E) Tel: 22216, 22217
APO New York 09285 EUR Monaco, Monaco (C)
(Office maintained at Nice, France) EA Okinawa. See Japan . ARA Port-au -Prince, Haiti (E)
Tel: 276-3400 Harry Truman Blvd.
AF Malabo, Equatorial Guinea (E) AF Monrovia, Liberia (E) NEA Oman (The Sultanate of) Tel: 2-0751 , 2-0752, 2-0740
United Nations Dr. AF Port Louis, Mauritius (E)
Asturias and Amengol Coll . APO New York 09155 EUR Oporto. Portugal (C)
EUR Malaga. Spain (CA) Tel: 22991. 22992 Apartado No. 88 Anglo-Mauritius House
Rua Julio Dinis. 826-30 Intendance St.
Apartado Postal 403 ARA Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (CG ) Tel: 6-3094 /95/ 96 Tel: 2-3218
Tel : 21 74 54 Avenida Constitucion 411 Poniente
AF Malagasy Republic. See Madagascar. AF Oran, Algeria (C) NEA Port Said, United Arab Republic (C.
Tel: 43 06 50/59 25 rue Lamaratime temporarily closed)
AF Malawi (Republic of) ARA Montevideo, Uruguay (E) Tel: 362-22 Sultan Hussein St.
EA Malaysia Lauro Muller 1776 EA Osaka -Kobe, Japan (CG) Tel: 4705, 8000
APO New York 09879 Osaka Office: ARA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (C)
NEA Maldives (Republic of) Tel: 40-90-51 to 59 and 40-91-26 9th floor, Sankei Building Rua Uruguai, 155, 11th floor
NEA Male, Maldives (E) EUR Montreal, Quebec, Canada (CG) 27, Umeda-cho, Kita -ku. Osaka (530 ) APO New York 09676
(No office maintained ) 1558 McGregor Ave. Tel: (06) 341-4250, 341-4258 / 9, 2756 Tel: 8516, 5657
FEBRUARY 1974 91
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (5)
Box 2 American Embassy PM U.S. Coast Guard (POLAD )
ARA Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (E) ARA Santiago, Chile (E) 400 7th Street. SW . Room 8324
15 Queen's Park West 1343 Augustinas APO San Francisco 96263
Tel: 82801-4 Tel: 333551-6 Washington. D. C. 20590
Tel: 26371 Tel: (202) 426-2278
EUR Portugal (Republic of) ARA Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic (E) EA Taiwan . See China.
Calle Cesar Nicolas Pensen and Calle PM U.S. Military Academy (Faculty Mem .. Dept.
EUR Poznan, Poland (C) NEA Taiz, Yemen (Office-temporarily closed ) Soc. Sci.)
Leopoldo Navarro Main St. West Point, New York 10996
Ulica Chopina 4 APO New York 09899
Tel: 595-86, 591-62 Tel: (unavailable) Tel: (914) 938-2802
Tel: 682-2171
EUR Prague, Czechoslovakia (E) EUR Tallinn, Estonia EUR U.S. Mission to the European Communities
Trziste 15, 12548 Praha EUR Sao Miguel, Azores. See Portugal. (USEC ). Brussels
AF Tananarive, Madagascar (E)
Am ConGen PRG. APO New York 09757 ARA Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (CG) ( Boite Postale 620) 23, Ave. Des Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Tel: 53-66-41 / 8 Edificio Conjunto Nacional 14 rue Rainitovo, Antsahavola Tel: 13.44.50
Rua Padre Joao Manuel. 20 Tel: 212-57 10 U.S. Mission to the European Office of
AF Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa (E) APO New York ( SP) 09676 United Nations and Other
Tel: 37-5574 AF Tangier, Morocco ( CG )
Navarre Trust Bldg., Chemin des Amoureux International Organizations, Geneva.
Pretorius St. EA Sapporo, Japan (C) Tel: 359-04 80 Rue de Lausanne, Geneva,
Tel: 33031.9 North 1 West 13 Switzerland
APO San Francisco 96201 AF Tanzania (United Republic of) Tel 32. 70. 20
NEA Qatar (State of) Tel: 22-5121/3 ARA Tegucigalpa, Honduras (E) 10 U.S. Mission to the International Atomic
EUR Quebec, Quebec, Canada (CG) NEA Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Avenida La Paz Energy Agency ( IAEA), Vienna.
1 , avenue Ste -Genevieve APO New York 09887 VIII, Schmidgasse 14. Vienna, Austria
Quebec 4 EUR Scotland. See United Kingdom . Tel: 2-3121 through 24.2-3127
Tel: AC 418: 522-7080 (After hours: Tel: 34.75-11, 34-66-11
AF Senegal (Republic of) NEA Tehran, Iran (E) 10 U.S. Mission to the International Civil
EA Seoul, Korea (E) 260 Ave. Takti Jamshid Aviation Organization ( ICAO ).
ARA Quito, Ecuador (E) 82 Sejong-Ro APO New York 09205 Montreal.
120 Avenida Patria APO San Francisco 96301 Tel: 60511. 60711 901 International Aviation Bldg.
Tel : 30020 Tel: 72-2601 through 2619 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
AF Rabat, Morocco (E) NEA Tel Aviv, Israel (E)
EUR Seville, Spain (CG) 71 Hayarkon St. Tel: University 6-5028
2 Ave. de Marrakech Paseo de Las Delicias No. 7 APO New York 09672
FPO New York 09544 Box 99 EUR U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty
APO New York 09284 Tel: 56171 Organization (USNATO ), Brussels.
Tel : 30361/62 Tel: 231885 Autoroute Brussels- Zaventem
EA Rangoon, Burma (E) EA Thailand (Kingdom of)
AF Sierra Leone APO New York 09667
581 Merchant St. NEA Thessaloniki, Greece (CG ) Tel: 41-00-40
Tel : 18055 EA Singapore (Republic of) 59 King Konstantine St.
ARA Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil (CG) EA Singapore, Singapore (E) APO New York 09693
Tel: 73.941 EUR Mission to the Organization for
Rua Goncalves Maia 163 No. 30 Hill St. Economic Cooperation and
Tel: 2-6612 . 2-6577 , 4.1599 FPO San Francisco 96699 ARA Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico (CG ) Development (USOECD ), Paris.
Tel: 30251 Tapachula 96 19 rue de Franqueville
EUR Reykjavik, Iceland (E)
Lautasvegur 21 EUR Sofia, Bulgaria (E) Tel: 428-1375 Paris, France
FPO New York 09571 1 Alexander Stamboliski Blvd. AF Togo (Republic of) Tel: 524-8200
Tel: 24083 Tel: 88-48-01/88-48-05 10 U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN).
EA Tokyo, Japan (E)
EUR Riga, Latvia AF Somalia (Somali Democratic Republic) 10-5 Akasaka l-chrome New York.N.Y.
EA Songkhla, Thailand (C)(SP) Minato -ku 799 U.N. Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017
ARA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (CG) Tel: 573-6501
147 Avenida Presidente Wilson 28 Sadao Road APO San Francisco 96503
APO New York 09676 Tel: 388 Tel: 583-7141 EUR U.S. Mission to the UN Industrial
Tel: 252-8055 AF South Africa (Republic of) EA Tonga Development Organization (UNIDO ).
EUR Romania (Socialist Republic of) EUR Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Vienna
EUR Toronto, Ontario, Canada (CG ) 14 Schmidgasse
EUR Rome, Italy (E ) Republics) 360 University Ave. Tel: 34.75-11
Via V. Veneto 119 EUR Spain (The Spanish State ) Tel: 416 362-7513
PM U.S. Naval Academy (State Dept. Rep.)
APO New York 09794 EUR Trieste, Italy (C) Annapolis, Maryland 21402
Tel: 4674 NEA Sri Lanka (Republic of)
Via Galatti 1 Tel: (301 ) 268-7711
EUR Rome, Italy (FAO) EUR Stockholm , Sweden (E) APO New York 09293
Via Delle Terme di Caracalla Strandvagen 101 Tel: 30221 PM U.S. Naval War College (State Dept. Adv. to
Tel : 63./05./20 President
EUR Rotterdam , Netherlands (CG) ARA Trinidad and Tobago Newport, Rhode Island 02840
Vlasmarkt 1 EUR Strasbourg, France (CG)
15 Ave. d'Alsace AF Tripoli. Libya (E) Tel: (401) 841-2245
APO New York 09159 Garden City 10 U.S. Representative to Food and
Tel: 11. 75. 60 Tel: 35.31.04-5-6
Shari 'al-Nsr Agriculture Organization (FAO ).
EUR Russia. See Soviet Union . EUR Stuttgart, Germany (CG) Tel: 34021 , 32026 Office of, Rome.
7 Urbanstrasse
AF Rwanda (Republic of) APO New York 09154 AF Tunis, Tunisia (E) AF Upper Volta (Republic of)
EA Saigon , Viet Nam (E) Tel: 246341 144 Ave. de la Liberte
Tel: 282-566, 282-549. 258-559 ARA Uruguay (Oriental Republic of)
4 Thong Nhat Blvd. AF Sudan (Republic of the)
APO San Francisco 96243 AF Tunisia (Republic of) EUR Vaduz, Liechtenstein (CG)
Tel: 91750 PM Supreme Ha. Allied Powers Europe (POLAD) ( Office maintained at Zurich,
c/o American Embassy EUR Turin, Italy (C) Switzerland)
EUR St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (CG) Brussels, Belgium Via Alfieri 17
King's Bridge Rd. Box T, APO New York 09794 EUR Valencia , Spain (CA)
Tel:AC 709: 726-4524 EA Surabaya, Indonesia (C) Tel: 543-600, 543-610, 513-367 Pascual y Genis, 10
Djalan Raya Dr. Sutomo 33 Tel: 21 69 73
ARA Salvador, Brazil (C) APO San Francisco 96356 NEA Turkey (Republic of)
Edificio Fundacao Politecnica Tel: Selatan 836 and 837; Darmo 7545 EUR Valletta, Malta (E)
Bloco A, 4th floor EA Udorn, Thailand ( C )(SP ) Airways House
Avenida Sete de Setembro 73/79 ARA Surinam . See Netherlands. Photic Rd. Udorn Dhani Sliema, Malta
Tel : 3.4908, 3.4911 EA Suva, Fiji (E) AF Uganda (Republic of) Tel: 36411
EUR Salzburg. Austria (C) Jogia -Mistry Bldg., Cumming St. NEA United Arab Emirates EUR Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (CG)
I Franz Josef Kai Tel: 25304/5 1030 W. Georgia St. (2nd floor)
NEA United Arab Republic. See Arab Republic Tel: AC 604: 685-4311
Tel: 43705 AF Swaziland (Kingdom of) of Egypt
ARA San Jose, Costa Rica (E) EUR Sweden ( Kingdom of) ARA Venezuela (Republic of)
Avenido 3 and Calle 1 EUR United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great
EUR Switzerland (Swiss Confederation ) Britain and Northern Ireland) EUR Vienna, Austria (E)
APO New York 09883 1X Boltzmanngasse 16
Tel : 22-55-66 EA Sydney. New South Wales, Australia (CG) PM U.S.A. John F. Kennedy Center for Military A - 1091, Vienna
EUR San Marino (Republic of) 37.49 Pitt St. Assistance Tel: 34.66-11, 34-75-11
APO San Francisco 96209 (State Dept. Rep .)
EUR San Marino San Marino (C) Tel: 241-1031 Fort Bragg. North Carolina 28307 EUR Vienna, Austria ( IAEA)
(Office maintained at Florence, Italy) Tel: (919) 396-3517 VIII. Schmidgasse 14
NEA Syria (Syrian Arab Republic) Tel: 34.75-11, 34-66-11
ARA San Salvador, El Salvador (E) PM U.S. Air Force Academy (Faculty Member)
No. 1230, 25 Avenida Norte NEA Tabriz, Iran (C) EUR Vienna, Austria (UNIDO)
Shahnaz Ave. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80840
APO New York 69889 Tel: (303) 472-2270 14 Schmidgasse
Tel: 25-7100 APO New York 09205 Tel: 34-75-11
Tel: 2101 , 5487 PM U.S. Army War College (Diplomatic Adv. to
NEA San'a, Yemen Arab Republic (E) Commandant) EA Vientiane, Laos ( E)
P.O. Box 1088 EA Taipei, Taiwan (E). Rue Bartholonie
No. 2 Chung Hsiao West Road Carlisle Barracks. Pennsylvania 17013
APO New York 09843 Tel: (717) 245-3505 APO San Francisco 96352
Tel: Not available Second Section
Zurich, Switzerland (CG )
Tel 194
EA Viet Nam (Republic of )
EUR Warsaw , Poland (E )
Aleje Ujazdowskie 29/31
Am Embassy, Warsaw
c/o Am ConGen, APO New York 09757
Tel . 2830419
EA Wellington , New Zealand (E )
IBM Center
155 157 The Terrace
(PO Box 1190)
Tel. 41-074
EA Western Samoa
EUR Winnipeg . Manitoba , Canada (CG )
6 Donald St. Winnipeg 13
Tel AC 204 : 474.2394.2395 2396
AF Yaounde , Cameroon (E )
(Boite Postale 817 )
Rue Nachtigal
Tel . 33 57 , 33 58
NEA Yemen (Aden) (People's Republic )
NEA Yemen Arab Republic
EUR Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of )
EUR Zagreb , Yugoslavia (CG )
Zrinjevac 13
Tel 444.800 (after ott hrs . 444-238 )
AF Zaire ( Republic of)
AF Zambia ( Republic of)
AF Zanzibar, Tanzania (C )
83 A Tuzungumzeni Sq ., Box No 4
Tel: 2118, 2119
EUR Zurich , Switzerland (CG )
Talacker 35
Tel . 23.07 10
CA. $ 38,000 *
CM .. $36,000 *
Class 1
$ 36,000
Class 2 $ 32,581 to $ 36,000
Class 3 . $25,800 to $ 30,960
Class 4 $20,677 to $24,811
Class 5 $ 16,799 to $20,159
Class 6 $ 13,863 to $ 16,635
Class 7 $ 11,641 to $ 13,969
Class 8 $ 9,969 to $ 11,961