International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG)

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Patient Safety Goals

International Patient Safety
Goals (IPSG)
International Patient Safety
Goals (IPSG)

 To promote specific improvements in

patient safety

 Highlight problematic areas in health care

 Describe evidence- and expert-based

consensus solutions to these problems

International Patient Safety
Goals (IPSG)
1. Identify Patients Correctly
2. Improve Effective Communication
3. Improve the Safety of High-Alert Medications
4. Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-
Patient Surgery
5. Reduce the Risk of Health Care-Associated Infections
6. Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting from Falls
IPSG.1 Identify Patients
O Using two patient identifiers, not including patient’s
room or location
O Before administering medications, blood, or blood
O Before taking blood and other specimens for clinical
O Before providing treatments and procedures
O Policies and procedures support consistent practice
in all situations and locations
IPSG.2 Improve Effective

O The complete verbal and telephone order or test

result is written down by the receiver of the order
or test result.
O The complete verbal and telephone order or test
result is read back by the receiver of the order or
test result.
O The order or test result is confirmed by the
individual who gave the order or test result.
IPSG.2 Improve Effective

O The complete verbal and telephone order or test

result is written down by the receiver of the order
or test result.
O The complete verbal and telephone order or test
result is read back by the receiver of the order or
test result.
O The order or test result is confirmed by the
individual who gave the order or test result.
IPSG.3 Improve the Safety of
High-Alert Medications
High-Alert Medications are

O Medications involved in a high percentage of

errors and/or sentinel events

O Medications that carry a higher risk for

adverse outcomes

O Look-alike/sound-alike medications
IPSG.3 Improve the Safety of
High-Alert Medications

O Policies and/or procedures are developed to

address the identification, location, labeling,

and storage of high-alert medications.

O The policies and/or procedures are

IPSG.3 Improve the Safety of
High-Alert Medications

O Concentrated electrolytes are not present in

patient care units unless clinically necessary, and
actions are taken inadvertent administration in
those areas where permitted by policy.
O Concentrated electrolytes that are stored in patient
care units are clearly labeled and stored in manner
that restricted areas.
IPSG.4 Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-
Procedure, Correct-Patient Surgery

O Uses an instantly recognized mark for surgical-site

identification and involves the patient in the
marking process.
O Uses a checklist or other process to verify
preoperatively the correct site, correct procedure,
and correct patient and that all documents and
equipment needed are on hand, correct, and
IPSG.4 Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-
Procedure, Correct-Patient Surgery

O The full surgical team conducts and documents a

time-out procedure just before starting a surgical
O Policies and procedures are developed that
support uniform process to ensure the correct site,
correct procedure, and correct patient, including
medical and dental procedures done in settings
other than the operating theatre.
IPSG.5 Reduce the Risk of Health
Care-Associated Infections

O The organization has adopted or adapted

currently published and generally accepted
hand-hygiene guidelines.
O The organization implements an effective
hand-hygiene program.
O Policies and/or procedures are developed
that support continued reduction of health
care-associated infections.
IPSG.6 Reduce the Risk of Patient
Harm Resulting from Falls
O Implements a process for the initial assessment of
patients for fall risk and reassessment of patients
when indicated by a change in condition or
medications, among others.
O Measures are implemented to reduce fall risk for
those assessed to be at risk.
O Measured are monitored for results, both successful
fall injury reduction and any unintended related
International Patient Safety
Goals (IPSG)
1. Identify Patients Correctly
2. Improve Effective Communication
3. Improve the Safety of High-Alert Medications
4. Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-
Patient Surgery
5. Reduce the Risk of Health Care-Associated Infections
6. Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting from Falls
Patient Safety Goals

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