Patient Safety Plan

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This plan is to institute a Patient Safety Program for the hospital. This plan facilitates education,
communication, consistency and effectiveness of the program.

This patient safety plan ensures that Hospital Super Speciality Hospital implements and
maintains a patient safety program in accordance with NABH standard.

It is the responsibility of all employees of Hospital Super Speciality Hospital to be familiar with
the contents of this plan and adhere to the procedure outlined within.

This Patient Safety Plan shall be distributed hospital-wide.

The Patient Safety Plan supports and promotes the mission, vision and values of Hospital Super
Speciality Hospital through the practice of developing and implementing a culture of safety
among its employees , patients and visitors.

In a culture of safety and quality, all individuals are focused on maintaining excellence in
providing care. Safety and quality thrive in an environment that supports teamwork and respect
for other people, regardless of their position in the organization. Management demonstrate their
commitment to quality and safety, and set expectations for those who work in the organization.
Leaders evaluate the culture on a regular basis.

The Plan implements through the continuous integration and coordination of the patient safety
activities of the medical staff, clinical departments and support service departments at the
Hospital Super Speciality Hospital, that have the responsibility for various aspects of patient and
staff safety. Each employee of the organization performs a dedicated and critical role in ensuring
patient and employee safety.

The organization wide patient safety program is designed to reduce medical errors and hazardous
conditions by utilizing a systematic, coordinated and continuous approach to the improvement of
patient safety. This approach centers on the establishment of mechanisms that support effective
responses to actual occurrences and hazardous conditions; ongoing proactive reductions in
medical errors; and integration of patient safety priorities in the design and redesign of all
relevant organizational processes, functions and services. Hospital Super Speciality Hospital at
Brooklyn integrated patient safety program is implemented through the Safety Committee.
Director Administration / Safety Officer provides oversight and ensures alignment of patient
safety activities and opportunities for all individuals who work in the organization to be educated
and to participate in safety initiatives. Patient Safety Officer has the authority to intervene any
clinical or non-clinical activities, which poses negative outcome to the patient’s well being, and
involves the hospital leadership in the initiation of corrective action measures. Having a Patient
Safety Officer is important and crucial key not only to the success of the Patient Safety Plan in
the hospital, but also to the success of the hospital as a whole.

The Patient Safety Plan offers the opportunity through the education , proper and effective
orientation and training that emphasizes clinical and non clinical aspects of patient safety, an
interdisciplinary approach to patient care, improvement of patient safety and the requirement and
mechanism to report medical errors. Staff involved in serious /sentinel events have access to

Emphasis also is placed upon patient safety in areas such as patient’s rights, patient family
education, continuity of care and plan for managing performance deficit. Full disclosure of
serious medical errors, reportable events and any unanticipated outcome are made to
patients/families through the provider as appropriate.

Types of medical / health care errors included in data analysis are:

Near Misses:
Any process variation which did not affect the outcome due to a screening by chance but for a
recurrence carries a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome. Some may call it a potential
for error.

An event that is not consistent with routine patient care or hospital procedure which either did
not or could have resulted in injury, loss to a patient or visitor or which may give rise to a claim
against the Hospital, an employee of the hospital, or a member of the hospital medical staff.

An unintended act, either omission or commission, or an act that does not achieve its outcome
such as medication errors and adverse drug events or reactions

Hazardous Condition:
Any set of circumstances, exclusive of the disease or condition for which the patient is being
treated, which significantly increases the likelihood of a serious physical or psychological
adverse patient outcome.

Sentinel Event:
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury or the risk
thereof including any process variation for which a recurrence would carry a significant chance
of serious adverse outcome. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function.

Any care giving process with a misuse, under use or overuse of care will also be a subject
for review and further analysis.

Investigation, Analysis, Coordination and Reporting :

A broad range of data analysis be reported to and reviewed by the Safety Committee monthly.
The results of investigations and analytical reviews shall, in turn, be forwarded by the committee
to the appropriate entities for further, in-depth evaluation, review and responses. Responses shall
include any corrective action taken or plan for corrective action. The Patient Safety Committee
serves as a clearing house for these data and information that affect patient Safety. Any incident,
process, event and condition may be subject to investigation through the Root Cause Analysis

Patient Safety Indicators in the Hospital Super Speciality Hospital

Providing indicators monthly Report on specific sets of indicators is a routine

essential of the Patient Safety Plan. Presently we follow the guidelines of NABH standard In
any event, when we find that an error occurred, we revisit the issue and dedicate ourselves to
mitigate the status through a risk reduction strategy. All Patient Safety Indicators for NABH
standard are observed effectively and continuously in all patient care areas of Hospital Super
Speciality Hospital.

Sentinel Event Alert:

The event has resulted in an unanticipated death or major permanent loss of function, not
related to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition.*


The event is one of the following (even if the outcome was not death, or major permanent
loss of function unrelated to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition):
• Suicide of any patient receiving care, treatment and services in a staffed around-theclock
care setting or within 72 hours of discharge
• Unanticipated death of a full-term infant
• Abduction of any patient receiving care, treatment, and services
*A distinction is made between an adverse outcome that is primarily related to the natural course
of the patient’s illness or underlying condition (not reviewed under the Sentinel Event policy)
and a death or major permanent loss of function that is associated with the treatment (including
“recognized complications”) or lack of treatment of that condition, or otherwise not clearly and
primarily related to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying

Major permanent loss of function means sensory, motor, physiologic, or intellectual impairment
not present on admission requiring continued treatment or lifestyle change. When “major
permanent loss of function” can not be immediately determined, applicability of the policy is not
established until either the patient is discharged with continued major loss of function, or two
weeks have elapsed with persistent major loss of function, whichever occurs first.

• Discharge of an infant to the wrong family

• Harmful Medication Error or adverse drug event
• Hemolytic transfusion reaction involving administration of blood or blood products having
major blood group incompatibilities
• Hospital Acquired Infections
• Surgery on the wrong patient or wrong body part
• Unintended retention of a foreign object in a patient after surgery or other procedure
• Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia ( bilirubin> 30 milligrams/deciliter)

We have a Hospital wide interdisciplinary response mechanism to all the sentinel event alerts. It
is done through a correction plan to intercept any such occurrence in our health care hospital and
to its consumers. To address any patient safety issue related to sentinel event alerts, will be
addressed through the risk reduction strategy and follow up through an action plan.
In the patient safety plan it includes our performance and measure of success through an
analysis of Patient Safety Indicators.

Indicators to be monitored monthly

1. Improve accuracy of patient identifications

2. Timely reporting to critical result
3. Medication error management
4. DVT prophylaxis
5. Surgical safety checklist
6. Reduce the risk of healthcare association
7. Adherence to safety precaution by employees working in Lab. and Imaging
8. Monitoring adverse anesthesia event
9. Monitoring transfusion reaction
10. Incidence of fall
11. Incidence of bed sore
12. Providing pre-exposure prophylaxis to the employees
13. Monitoring needle stick injuries and body fluid exposure
14. Safety round and exercise on HIRA

The authority to implement the patient safety plan is with the patient safety committee. The plan
is to be evaluated yearly. The safety committee will work to improve patient outcome. The
committee will provide a forum for the collection of and analysis of risk to patient safety and
will identified risk factors for the purpose of improving patient care. The committee will promote
the application of evidence based methods. The committee will meet monthly.









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