Oil & Gas Development Company Lirnired: D P Tment Head
Oil & Gas Development Company Lirnired: D P Tment Head
Oil & Gas Development Company Lirnired: D P Tment Head
e Board in its 117th meeting held o:q August ~2, 2010 resolved that for all
ale officers of the Company>
ill! Maternity Leave will be permissible during the first nine months of
joining the Company.
The Board of Directors in its 93rd meeting held on June 30, 2008, have
approved that the Leave Policy for Management Staff of the Company be
amended as follows:
ii) The officers should avail at least ten days Annual Leave at a
stretch at least O.".£:~ a year.
-Sd -
(Basharat A. Mirza)
GM / Company Secretary
Ext. 3553
.--- ..•.
Enclosed please find the "Leave Policy for Management Staff" for
implementation and record duly approved by the Board of Directors in its
meeting held on October 25, 2007.
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To regulate employee's absence from work, for rest and relaxation, sickness and personal
affairs in order to keep them mentally and physically fit for efficient working.
This policy covers all permanent / cqntractual full time management staff members.
3.1. Entitlement: All Company employees are entitled to the Annual Leave of 02 working
days per month, accumulating on a monthly basis.
3.2. Rules:
3.2.1. Annual Leave for employees joining during the year is calculated on pro-rata basis.
3.2.2. Annual Leave can be taken after completion of 12 months service as per Company's
3.2.3. Annual leave is not permitted during the period of notice prior to the separation from
employment, unless approved by the Chief Executive as a special case.
3.2.4. Annual Leave can be accumulated for a period of two years (maximum 48 days). Any
Annual leave beyond 48 days will lapse. Therefore, it is recommended that employees
should be encouraged to avail their Annual Leave annually. Superiors should plan their
schedules for the year to facilitate this practice.
3.2.6. Annual leave will not be encashable except in case of confirmed employees leaving the
Company, where it will be paid along with the final settlement of accounts. Employees
leaving during their probationary period are not entitled to encashment of Annual Leave.
3.2.7. The Company at its discretion, can refuse a leave request, allow a partial request, and
cancel a leave approved if already granted, and/or recall any employee before expiring of
the leave period.
3.2.9. In case of illness during the Annual Leave period, no Sick Leave will be allowed.
However, if the illness exceeds the Annual Leave period, Sick leave can be taken in
continuation of Annual Leave according to rules pertaining to Sick Leave.
3.2.11. Employees when proceeding on Annual Leave may request for advance salary for the
month on which their Annual Leave commences. This however, is subject to the
approval from Executive Director (Finance).
3.2.12. Annual leave can be availed ex-Pakistan after obtaining a NOC from the HR Department.
3.3. Procedure:
3.1.1. Employees requesting Annual Leave must submit a completed Leave Application Form
to their immediate manager and department head for recommendation, at least 4 weeks
prior to the date from which the leave is required.
3.1.2. Head of Department will forward the recommended Leave Applications to the Human
Resource Department for approval and record. If Human Resource Department detects
any problems, the employees and their immediate managers will be informed
4.1 Entitlement: Following are the Sick Leave entitlement for employees:
'';- The above entitlements are strictly upon employees' suffering from genuine illness or
injury, which makes it impossible for them to attend their normal duty.
4.2. Rules:
4.2.2. Employees falsifying information or using Sick Leave for purposes other than illness or
injury will be liable for disciplinary action.
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4.2.3. If the Sick Leave exceeds three days in continuation, medical certificate from OGDCL
Medical Officer is required.
4.2.4 If a Sick Leave application is not approved, it will be treated as leave without pay.
4.3 Procedure
4.3.1 Whenever possible, employees who are sick and are unable to come to work must inform
their immediate managers of this as soon as possible, preferably in the initial hours of the
same day.
4.3.2 On resuming duty, employees must submit their completed Leave Application to their
immediate superior for recommendation. In case the period exceeds two consecutive
days the application must accompany a medical certificate from a registered medical
4.3.3 Head of Department will forward the recommend Leave Application to the Human
Resources Department for approval and record.
5.1 Entitlement: Following are the Casual Leave entitlement for employees:
The above entitlements are strictly for cases of genuine emergencies and
other unavoidable circumstances.
5.2 Rules:
5.2.3 Employees falsifying information or using Casual Leave for purposes other than what
they have informed to acquire approval may be liable for disciplinary action.
5.2.4 Casual Leave cannot be taken within or in continuation of any other type of leave.
5.2.5 If a Casual Leave application is not approved, it will be treated as leave without pay
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5.3 Procedure
5.3.1 Whenever possible, employees who are unable to come to work due to any domestic
reason or other circumstances should inform their immediate managers 24 hours before
or at least within the initial hours of the same day.
5.3.2 On resuming duty, employees must submit their completed Leave Application to their
mangers for recommendation.
5.3.3 Head of Department will forward the recommended Leave Application to the Human
Resource Department for approval and record.
6.3 Limitations:
6.3.1 Maternity Leave is only allowed for two pregnancies during the course of employment
with the company.
6.3.2 Maternity Leave is not allowed during the first nine month of joining the company.
6.3.3 Maternity Leave will be granted 3 weeks prior to estimated time of delivery and 5 weeks
6.3.4 Employees are not permitted to be engaged III any other employment during the
Maternity Leave period.
r> 6.3.5 Maternity Leave can be subjoined with either or both Sick Leave and Annual leave
subject to medical certificate being provided. However, Casual Leave cannot be
subjoined with Maternity Leave.
6.4.1. Employee must inform her immediate supervisor well in advance and should submit the
completed "Leave Application" duly recommended by the department head, to the
Human Resource Department 4 weeks prior to the first day from which leave is required.
7.1 Entitlement: It would only be given when an employee is unable to come to work due
to beyond his control extra-ordinary circumstances like flood, earth quake, curfew & law
and order situation etc.
7.3 Rule: This leave shall not be deducted from the earned annual leave and shall be
regularized as soon an employee resumes his function after the incident.
7.3.1 The causing extra-ordinary event shall be a generally acknowledged one.
8.2 Rule: An employee on medical leave can not resume duty without the fitness certificate
from the concerned physician.
r- 9.1 Entitlement: Up to 130 days on full pay in case of death of husband and up to 100 days
in case of divorce.
9.3 Rule:
9.3.1 Shall commence from the date of death of her husband and after the provision of the
death certificate issued by an appropriate authority.
10.1 Entitlement: Up to 40 Days with full remuneration for the performance of Hajj
10.3 Rules:
11.3 Rules:
11.3.1 Can be obtained with annual earned leave but shall not exceed 180 days including the
earned days