Annual Report 1
Annual Report 1
Annual Report 1
MCS Ltd., F - 65, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase – I, New Delhi – 110 020
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2010.
The Company achieved the following results over the past three years :
Total Reserves and Surplus of the Company have increased from Rs. 833.80 million to
Rs. 1280.92 million as on 31 March 2010.
During this Financial Year, the Company has not undertaken any new drilling activities. However, 3D
seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation (API) activity in Bakrol and Indrora oilfields is
underway. This shall give us a fair idea of the locations in which drilling campaign can be started in the
second half of the current fiscal year.
The aggregate production from our fields has been 238,140 barrels in 2009-10 as compared to 282,745
barrels in 2008-09.
We are also pleased to inform you that the Company has commenced commercial sale of Associated
Natural Gas, though on a small scale, w.e.f. F.Y. 2009-10.
The developmental activities, alongwith, maybe lower crude oil prices and the natural depletion in
production from existing wells will temporarily result in somewhat lower levels of production and
profits during 2010-11. However, our cash reserves and cash generation have made it possible for us to
plan / undertake and generally complete these Seismic and testing activities in a short period of time.
As a result, we now believe that the Company will shortly be able to establish significant / additional
levels of proven and recoverable reserves in our oilfields and hopefully this, in turn, will lead to your
Company emerging with significant oil and gas volume growth within the next one to two years.
The Arbitration Tribunal constituted for determining the payment of Profit Petroleum to the
Government of India, has given its Award on 3 May 2010. Please refer to Note 2 of the Notes on
Accounts section of this Annual Report for more details. The amount paid to Government of India for
the period April 2007 upto December 2009, approximately USD 1,674,002, is a contingent asset, pending
refund by the Government of India.
The Directors are pleased to inform that in F.Y. 2009-10, the Company had paid an interim dividend of
15%, which shall be declared as final dividend for the year 2009-10, subject to approval by the
shareholders of the Company in the forthcoming AGM.
Mr. S. K. Singh retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers
himself for re-appointment.
Mr. A. Mahajan, a member of the Board of Directors, resigned as a Director of the Company, with
effect from 6 May 2010. The Directors wish to acknowledge the contribution made by him to the
Company over the years.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, the Board of
Directors do hereby confirm that in the preparation of the Annual Accounts, the applicable Accounting
Standards have been duly followed, that the Directors have selected such accounting policies and
applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the
profit or loss of the Company for that period, that the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care
for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of Companies
Act, 1956, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other
irregularities, and that the Directors have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
The Auditors, M/s V. Sankar Aiyar & Co., Chartered Accountants, retire at the ensuing Annual
General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.
Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, Management Discussion and Analysis and a Report on
Corporate Governance alongwith certificate from Auditors regarding compliance of conditions of
Corporate Governance is annexed to Directors’ Report. A declaration by the CEO (Manager) regarding
the compliance with the Code of Conduct also forms part of this Annual Report.
The activities undertaken by your Company do not fall under the purview of disclosure of particulars
under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956, in so far as it relates to the conservation of energy
and technology absorption. Particulars with regard to foreign exchange outgo appear as point no. 15 of
the Notes forming Part of the Accounts.
The Company has only two employees whose name and particulars are required to be disclosed as per
the provisions of Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with Companies (Particulars of
Employees) Rules, 1975, as amended.
Nature Employment
Remuneration Qualification Experience Last Position
Name Age Designation of Commenceme
Received (in years) Held
Employment nt Date
MD, Selan
Whole – Time 1 October
Mr. Rohit Kapur 55 Rs. 23 million Contractual MBA 31 Exploration
Director 2008
Technology Ltd.
President & Rs. 2.10 CEO, Prize
Dr. M. N. Prasad 60 Contractual Geology), 37 1 April 2008
CEO million Petroleum
M.Sc., B.Sc.
Notes : 1. Gross remuneration as above includes salary, taxable allowances, Company’s contribution to Provident Fund, Gratuity paid (but excludes Company’s
contribution to Gratuity Fund), and taxable value of perquisites. 2. Mr. Rohit Kapur was in employment for the full financial year 2009-10. Dr. Prasad was in
employment till September 2009. 3. Mr. Rohit Kapur is a Promoter of the Company. 4. Mr. Rohit Kapur holds 1,697,133 shares in the Company. Dr. M. N.
Prasad does not hold any shares in the Company.
The contribution of a dedicated and motivated team of personnel is extremely valuable in the growth of
a Company. Your Company is fortunate to have a team whose endeavors have laid a strong foundation
for the growth of the organization as a whole. Your Directors acknowledge the exemplary service
provided by the employees of the Company.
On behalf of the Company, we wish to convey our thanks to Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
(MoPNG), Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF),
Government of India and the Bankers of the Company for their continuous cooperation, support and
guidance. The Directors value the faith reposed by the shareholders in their ability to manage the
Company. We expect that with the continuous support and encouragement of our shareholders, we
shall be successful in achieving key milestones in the near future.
1. Industry Structure and Developments However, the inherent risks of dealing with nature cannot be completely
mitigated and that is why drilling activity poses a great challenge and
Government has awarded and signed a number of Production Sharing risk. The fluctuation in international oil prices as well as in the dollar
Contracts with Private Sector Oil Companies for Exploration Blocks value of the rupee is another factor which adds to the uncertainty of
under New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) and Coal Bed profits in the oil industry.
Methane (CBM) Projects. Further, the Government is expected to
launch new E & P blocks under Open Acreage Bidding. This could
result in expansion of the industry alongwith creation of new (ii) Project Constraints
employment opportunities in the oil industry. The Private Sector with
The Company did not undertake any new drilling activities during the
its Joint Ventures has contributed significantly in exploitation of
financial year 2009-10. By and large, the Company did not face any
existing oil reserves in the country with the striking of huge
project constraints during the year under review.
discoveries of oil and gas (onshore / offshore) within the Country. As
a result, the domestic crude oil production is continuously improving
with significant contributions of crude production from private A recent notification from Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
states that any new drilling activity requires its prior clearances. The
operators, thus reducing foreign exchange outflow on crude imports.
approval process at MoEF also requires considerable time and effort.
Oil sector, today, is one of the most prospective sectors where newer
growth avenues for business and employment are opening up,
Any unexpected delay in getting the timely clearances from MoEF and in
nevertheless, crude oil still represents India’s single largest item of
mobilizing the drilling rig and associated oilfield services is a potential
project constraint for the Company.
2. Outlook (iii) Financial, Legal and Contractual Risks
Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) with the Government of India
were signed by SELAN in 1995 for Bakrol, Indrora and Lohar SELAN carries a minimum financial risk. Currently, the Company has
oilfields. Further, the Company was also awarded Contracts for the the policy of using debt financing only for short term requirements
Karjisan Gasfield and the Ognaj Oilfield with the Ministry of besides using its own internal accruals.
Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) in 2004. Since 2007, arbitration proceedings for the Lohar oilfield were
underway. The Arbitral Tribunal has now declared its Award on 3 May
The Company is in the process of executing elaborate plans for the 2010.
development of its oil and gas fields. This is expected to increase the
production of crude oil / gas by implementation of the new 6. Internal Control Systems and their Adequacy
technology coupled with services of experienced professionals for
managing its oil and gas assets.
SELAN has ensured proper and adequate system of Internal Control so
that all assets are safeguarded and protected against loss from
Efforts are also being made in terms of seismic data acquisition,
unauthorised use / disposition and that transactions are authorized,
workover of existing wells and drilling of new wells to provide
received and reported in a prudent manner. Internal Control System is
accelerated thrust to the production of crude oil.
designed to ensure that financial and other records are reliable for
preparing financial statements and for maintaining accountability for
3. Segment-wise performance
assets. The internal control systems are reviewed by the Audit
Currently, the Compan is engaged in only one Business Segment that Committee in its quarterly meetings and suggestions are given to
is Production of Crude Oil and Natural Gas. strengthen the internal control measures and procedures keeping in view
the changing business scenario. Efforts are in progress to strengthen the
4. Operations and Financial Review internal control measures and procedures on a continuous basis as per the
existing business scenario.
The operations and financial review is covered in the Directors’
Report and is to be read as a part of this report itself. 7. Human Resources Development / Industrial Relations
Ethical business conduct is the foundation for efficient Corporate Governance. SELAN has a The Board has also established a Shareholders’ / Investors Grievance Committee under the
prescribed Code of Conduct which is displayed on the website of the Company. It is mandatory for chairmanship of Mr. V. B. Mahajan with Mr. R. Kapur and Mr. S. K. Singh as Members for the
the Board of Directors and Key Management Personnel to affirm compliance with this code on an specific purpose of redressal of shareholders / investors grievances and complaints etc. The committee
annual basis. A declaration to this effect by the CEO (Manager) of the Company also forms part of met four times during the year. All the members of the Committee were present at the meetings.
this Annual Report. There were no pending shareholders complaints / grievance and transfer of shares as on 31 March
2 (i) Board of Directors
The Company has designated an e-mail id of the Compliance Officer, specifically, to look after
Composition of Board investor grievances and to resolve them in a speedy manner, in compliance with Clause 47 (f) of the
Listing Agreement.
The Board of Directors of the Company comprises of :
Compliance Officer
- One Executive Director.
- - Three Non – Executive Independent Directors. Name : Ms. Gunjan Jain
Designation : Company Secretary
Executive/ Number of No. of Committee AttendanceAttendance E-mail Id : [email protected] .
Name of
Non–Executive/ Other Memberships in in Board in Last
Independent Directorships other Companies Meetings AGM
Chairman Member 6. Buyback of Shares Committee
and The Board had established a Buyback of Shares Committee comprising of Mr. V.B. Mahajan as
R. Kapur * - - - 5 Yes
Whole-Time Chairman and Mr. R. Kapur and Mr. S.K. Singh as Members to review the buyback programme
Director undertaken by the Company. The Committee met seven times during the year and all the members
Non – Executive were present at these meetings.
A. Mahajan # - - - - Yes
Non – Executive 7. Committee for Preferential Issue of Warrants
S. K. Singh
and Independent - - - 5 Yes
Director In 2008, the Board had established a committee for preferential issue of warrants. The Committee
Non – Executive comprises of Mr. V.B. Mahajan (Chairman), Mr. S.K. Singh and Mr. R. Kapur, Members. The
T. Currimbhoy * and Independent - - - - No Committee met once during the year and all the members were present at these meetings.
Non – Executive 8. General Body Meetings
V. B. Mahajan and Independent - - - 5 Yes
Director Location and time for last three Annual General Meetings were :
2 (ii) Number of Board Meetings held and the dates on which held No Extra- Ordinary General Meeting was held during the year.
9. Disclosures
There were 5 Board Meetings held during the financial year 2009 – 10, as per the provisions of
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. The dates on which the meetings were held are : 6 May 2009 ,
25 July 2009, 29 October 2009, 6 November 2009 and 21 January 2010.
9. (a) Disclosures on materially significant related party transactions i.e. transactions of the
3. Audit Committee Company of material nature, with its promoters, the directors or the management, their
subsidiaries or relatives, etc. that may have potential conflict with the interests of the
Company at large.
The Audit Committee of the Company was constituted on 9 May 2000 as per the provisions of the
Listing Agreement. The Committee now comprises of three members, out of which two are non- Mr. R. Kapur, the Whole-Time Director was paid remuneration during the year as disclosed
executive and independent directors. The Chairman of the Committee is also a non–executive and in Note 8 & 10 of Notes on Accounts.
independent director. The Constitution of the Committee is as follows : Mr. V. B. Mahajan
(Chairman), Mr. R. Kapur and Mr. S. K. Singh, Members. During the year, 9. (b) Details of non-compliance by the Company, penalties, strictures imposed on the
Company by stock exchanges or SEBI, or any statutory authority, on any matter
Brief description of terms of reference : related to capital markets, during the last three years.
1. Review of the financial reporting process and the Company’s financial statements. None.
2. Review of the adequacy of accounting records as maintained in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. 9. (c) Disclosure on number of shares and convertible instruments held by non – executive
3. Review of the adequacy of internal control system. directors.
4. Such other powers and role as stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and
Section 292 A of the Companies Act, 1956. Mr. S.K.Singh : 1,000
Mr. V.B.Mahajan : 5,680
The Committee met four times during the current year (on 5 May 2009, 23 July 2009, 23 October
2009 and 20 January 2010 ). All the Committee members were present at all the meetings.
10. Means of Communication
4. Remuneration Committee
The Half Yearly and Quarterly results are published immediately after the Board Meeting held to
Constitution of Remuneration Committee is a non – mandatory requirement under the Listing consider and take them on record, in leading national newspapers and the same is intimated to Stock
Agreement with the Stock Exchanges. However, it has been made mandatory under Schedule XIII of Exchanges (BSE / NSE) where the shares of the Company are listed as per the requirements of the
the Companies Act, 1956. Therefore, a Committee of Independent Directors Presently, has been Listing Agreement. The quarterly results, shareholding pattern and the Annual Report are also
constituted to determine the remuneration package of its Directors when appointed. Presently, the available on the Company’s website
Committee comprises of : Mr. S. K. Singh (Chairman) , Mr. V. B. Mahajan and Mr. Rohit Kapur,
members. A Management Discussion and Analysis Report has been attached and forms part of this report.
The Committee met once during the year and all the members were present at the meeting.
11. General Shareholder Information
iv. Dividend : During the year 2009-10, the Board of Directors of the Company had recommended
interim dividend of 15% to the shareholders of the Company. This has been paid to the
shareholders on 21 August 2009. This is now being put for approval of the shareholders
as final dividend for the year 2009-10 at the forthcoming AGM.
v. Listing of Equity Shares on Stock : Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE).
ix. Share Transfer System : Share transfer requests received in physical form with demat requests are registered
within an average of 15 days from the date of receipt. Share transfer requests received
in physical form without demat requests are registered within an average of 20 days.
x. Distribution of shareholding as on : Category No. of Shares Held % Holding
31 March 2010 as on 31.03.2010
Promoters :
- Indian 2,534,776 16.414
- Foreign 3,953,833 25.603
Banks, Financial Institutions 2,000 0.013
Foreign Institutional Investors 445,890 2.887
Private Corporate Bodies 1,318,797 8.540
Indian Public 5,815,189 37.657
Trusts and Foundations 650 0.004
NRIs / OCBs 1,371,631 8.882
GRAND TOTAL 15,442,766 100.00
xi. Dematerialisation of shares : 85.79% of the outstanding shares have been dematerialized upto
31 March 2010.
Trading in equity shares of the Company is permitted only in dematerialized
form w.e.f. 25 September 2000 as per notification issued by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
xii. Liquidity : The shares of the Company are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and
the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE). The shares of the Company
are adequately liquid.
xiii. Field Locations : Bakrol, Indrora and Lohar oilfields in the State of Gujarat. The Company also
has Ognaj oilfield and Karjisan gasfield situated in the State of Gujarat.
This is to confirm that the Company has adopted a Code of Conduct for its Board of Directors and Senior Executives. The above
mentioned code is available on the website of the Company.
I confirm that the Company has in respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2010 received from the senior management team of
the Company and the members of the Board a declaration of compliance with the Code of Conduct as applicable to them.
To the Shareholders of Selan Exploration Technology Limited
1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of SELAN EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED as at 31 March 2010, the Profit & Loss Account and also the Cash
Flow Statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
2. We conducted the audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well
as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
3. As required by the Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order 2003, issued by the Department of Company Affairs, Government of India in terms of sub - section (4A) of Section
227 of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the annexure, a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order on the basis of such checks as we
considered appropriate and according to the information and explanations given to us.
4. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to in paragraph 3 above, we report that :
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;
b) In our opinion, proper books of account, as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of those books ;
c) The Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account ;
d) In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report comply with the Accounting Standards referred to in
sub - section (3C) of Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956, to the extent applicable ;
e) On the basis of written representations received from the Directors, and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the Directors is
disqualified as on 31 March 2010 from being appointed as a Director, in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956 ;
f) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts read with the other notes thereon give the
information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
accepted in India :
i. in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2010 ;
ii. in the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the profit for the year ended on that date; and
iii. in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.
Nature of the Dues Amount (Rs.) Period to which the amount relates Forum where dispute is pending
Sales Tax 12,20,776 1995 – 96 to 1998 – 99 Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad
10. The Company has no accumulated losses at the end of the financial year. The Company has not incurred cash losses during the financial year or the immediately
preceding financial year.
11. The Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to financial institutions or banks or debenture holders.
12. The Company has not granted any loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities. Therefore, the provisions of
Clause 4(xii) of the Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order, 2003, are not applicable to the Company.
13. The provisions of any special statute relating to chits do not apply to the Company. Therefore, the provisions of Clause 4(xiii) of the Companies (Auditors’ Report)
Order, 2003, are not applicable to the Company.
14. The Company is not dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other investments. Therefore, the provisions of Clause 4(xiv) of the Companies (Auditors’
Report) Order, 2003, are not applicable to the Company.
15. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks or financial institutions.
16. The Company has not availed any funds on long term basis during the year.
17. The Company has not raised any funds on short term basis during the year.
18. During the year, the Company has made preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Act.
However, the price at which the shares were allotted is not prejudicial to the interest of the Company.
19. Since no debentures have been issued by the Company, the question of creating securities or charge does not arise.
20. The Company has not raised any money during the year by way of public issue.
21. Based on the audit procedures performed and representation by the management, we report that no fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during
the year under audit.
As at 31 March 2010 (in Rs.)
Particulars Schedule 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
Shareholders’ Funds
Share Capital 1 154,427,660 143,207,060
Reserves and Surplus 2 1,280,915,886 833,803,069
Share application money pending allotment - 29,700,000
Loan Funds
Secured Loans 3 148,392,458 250,790,646
Deferred Tax Liability (Net) (See Note 11) 335,527,000 322,198,000
TOTAL 1,919,263,004 1,579,698,775
Fixed Assets 4
Gross Block 183,712,388 169,964,033
Less: Depreciation to date 117,514,984 100,822,210
Net Block 66,197,404 69,141,823
Capital Work in Progress (at cost) 13,830,368 20,633,900
Development of Hydrocarbon Properties
As per last Balance Sheet 891,915,838 531,068,059
Additions during the year 150,397,146 449,098,211
1,042,312,984 980,166,270
Less : Written off during the year 108,998,084 88,250,432
933,314,900 891,915,838
Current Assets, Loans and Advances 5
Inventories 105,235,956 112,492,609
Sundry Debtors 110,052,187 98,980,074
Cash and Bank Balances 785,594,842 468,959,000
Other Current Assets 6,716,299 5,322,433
Loans and Advances 15,713,835 12,380,610
1,023,313,119 698,134,726
Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions 6
Current Liabilities 86,039,374 93,677,149
Provisions 31,353,413 6,450,363
117,392,787 100,127,512
Net Current Assets 905,920,332 598,007,214
TOTAL 1,919,263,004 1,579,698,775
737,486,552 1,027,577,287
* 10 *
For the year ended 31 March 2010
(in Rs.)
Particulars 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
Net Profit/(Loss) before tax 438,509,147 708,563,758
Adjustments for :
Depreciation (including impairment loss) 18,441,680 9,822,856
Interest paid 23,929,049 32,093,087
Loss on sale of assets 403,520 25,255
Provision for Gratuity 6,860 388,910
Provision for Leave Encashment 203,202 385,866
Interest Income (26,074,187) (29,356,866)
Expenditure on Development of Hydrocarbon Properties written off 108,998,084 88,250,432
125,908,208 101,609,540
Operating Profit before Working Capital changes 564,417,355 810,173,298
Adjustments for :
Trade and other receivables (15,799,204) 8,922,099
Inventories 7,256,653 (39,530,780)
Trade and other payables (8,786,050) (17,819,476)
(17,328,601) (48,428,157)
Cash generated from operations 547,088,754 761,745,141
Taxes paid (116,116,604) (106,839,476)
Net Cash from Operating Activities 430,972,150 654,905,665
11 *
Forming Part of The Statement of Accounts
(in Rs.)
Particulars 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
15,442,766 Equity Shares (previous year 14,320,706) of Rs. 10 each, fully paid up 154,427,660 143,207,060
Note : During the year, the Company had bought back and extinguished 107,940 equity shares of
Rs. 10/- each under the Buyback Scheme (see Note 4) and issued 1,230,000 shares of Rs. 10 each on
conversion of warrants (see note 4)
Surplus :
Capital Reserve :
- 2,051,158
(ii) Profit on Forfeiture of Warrants / Forfeited Shares (see note 4) 9,405,000 106,000
9,405,000 2,157,158
Capital Redemption Reserves :
190,650,000 5,507,685
General Reserves
Medium Term Loan – from Banks (See note below) 146,960,126 247,931,361
Interest accrued and due as on 31 March 2010 (since paid) 1,432,332 2,859,285
Note :
Exclusive charge on all fixed assets and current assets both present and
Due within one year –Rs. 69,460,126 (previous year Rs. 100,500,000).
148,392,458 250,790,646
* 12 *
149,645,482 14,446,184 - 164,091,666 93,840,860 16,598,032* - 110,438,892 53,652,774 55,804,622
3,048,670 - 663,214 2,385,456 1,057,426 165,090 540,396 682,120 1,703,336 1,991,244
OFFICE EQUIPMENTS 4,679,147 133,289 1,275,972 3,536,464 1,566,658 203,053 986,469 783,242 2,753,222 3,112,489
COMPUTERS 1,321,957 62,500 223,672 1,160,785 647,392 166,315 218,172 595,535 565,250 674,565
VEHICLES 8,448,730 - 3,869 8,444,861 3,103,966 763,809 3,869 3,863,906 4,580,955 5,344,764
508,423 - - 508,423 168,740 24,008 - 192,748 315,675 339,683
2,311,624 1,273,109 - 3,584,733 437,168 521,373 - 958,541 2,626,192 1,874,456
TOTAL 169,964,033 15,915,082 2,166,727 183,712,388 100,822,210 18,441,680 1,748,906 117,514,984 66,197,404 69,141,823
Previous year 140,241,950 30,121,153 399,070 169,964,033 91,293,169 9,822,856 293,815 100,822,210 69,141,823 48,948,781
* 13 *
Forming Part of The Statement of Accounts (contd…)
(in Rs.)
Particulars 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
a) Inventories :
Stores and components relating to Development of Hydrocarbon Properties (at cost) 89,825,715
Stores, spares and consumables (at lower of cost or net realisable value) 5,107,741 6,159,514
Stock of Crude oil (at lower of cost or net realisable value) 10,302,500 9,055,124
105,235,956 112,492,609
b) Sundry Debtors :
* 14 *
Forming Part of the Statement of Accounts (contd…)
(in Rs.)
Particulars 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
Interest on Bank/Intercorporate Deposits (TDS Rs 2,843,112 ; Previous year Rs. 5,678,141) 26,074,187 27,995,666
Gain on Foreign Exchange 684,142 -
Others 1,433,893 439,698
Total 28,192,222 28,435,364
Handling and Processing Charges 7,663,428 8,158,020
Other Direct Operative Expenses 10,422,407 7,777,100
Payments to Contractors for services 7,343,042 7,652,509
Land Rent 1,605,423 1,079,205
Power and Fuel 2,405,085 2,069,141
Repairs and maintenance :
- Plant and Machinery 1,957,573 2,894,222
- Others 675,058 1,594,901
Stores, spares and consumables 1,598,010 1,473,697
Transportation 8,531,875 9,066,520
Total 42,206,901 41,765,315
Contribution to Provident Fund 236,520 232,776
Gratuity 315,582 395,620
Leave Encashment 498,511 853,277
Salaries and wages 33,116,895 49,831,788
Staff benefits 668,778 708,985
Total 34,836,286 52,022,446
Administrative services and supplies 3,453,317 3,075,273
Advertisement and Business Development 2,027,636 3,533,424
Advisory Services 2,152,603 3,062,398
Communication 904,207 787,587
Directors Fees 800,000 780,000
Insurance 429,879 1,294,977
Loss on sale/write off of fixed assets 403,520 25,255
Miscellaneous expenses 2,409,565 2,838,730
Legal Fees 3,348,638 3,728,305
Rent 1,790,020 2,296,132
Rates and Taxes 20,635 75,373
Travelling and Conveyance 2,155,125 2,549,389
Interest on delayed payment of Statutory Dues 5,054,176 1,661,528
Total 24,949,321 25,708,371
Cementing and Pumping Services 769,523 32,490,940
Contract Rig Charges and Rig Site Preparation 3,809,251 175,002,423
Insurance 77,211 1,050,341
Management and Drilling Supervision 5,360,700 13,307,046
Materials for Drilling of Oil Wells 558,615 52,800,802
Miscellaneous Expenses 1,346,975 9,087,700
Mud Chemical, Engineering & Logging Services 8,462,015 65,153,784
Perforation and Well Cleaning Services 40,245,037 47,801,368
Rent 1,721,822 1,219,288
Seismic Survey, Data Processing & Wireline Services 83,923,420 46,441,205
Travelling & Conveyance 4,122,577 4,743,314
Total 150,397,146 449,098,211
* 15 *
And Notes Forming Part of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010
1) The financial statements are prepared under historical cost convention, on a going concern basis and in accordance with applicable accounting
standards under Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006, notified by the Central Government under Section 211(3C) of the Companies Act,
2) Use of estimates :
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the amount reported in the
financial statements and notes thereto. Differences between actual results and estimates are recognised in the period in which they materialise.
3) Revenue recognition :
Income on sale of crude oil and gas is accounted for net of VAT and recognised when the risk & rewards are transferred to the buyer’s
4) Fixed Assets :
5) Valuation of inventories :
a) Crude oil - valued at cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower. Cost is calculated on absorption cost method.
b) Stores, spares and consumables - at cost (on weighted average basis) or net realizable value, whichever is lower.
6) (i) Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of transaction.
(ii) In terms of Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with Government of India, selling price of crude oil per barrel is to be determined FOB
delivery point at the prevailing international market rates in US Dollars. However, payment is receivable in Indian Rupees at the US
Dollar / Rupee conversion rate prevailing at the time of payment.
The PSC permits sale of gas to domestic users. Sale of Gas is based on a rupee denominated rate as per contractual agreements.
(iii) The accounts receivable and payable are restated at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date and the resultant exchange difference is
recognised in the Profit & Loss Account.
7) Considering the nature of the oil industry and that Accounting Standard AS-26 being not applicable to Oil Industry, it is considered appropriate to
show the development expenses of oil fields under "Development of Hydrocarbon Properties" as a separate item. Development of Hydrocarbon
Properties includes the costs incurred on the collection of seismic data, drilling of wells, collection of log data, interpretation and reservoir modeling
costs and other related expenditures. These expenditures are amortized over a period not exceeding the remaining period of the contract. The
categorization / allocation of expenses is done on a basis considered appropriate by the Management.
8) Employee benefits :
The Company makes regular contributions to duly constituted funds set up for Provident Fund and Family Pension Fund. In respect of accruing
liability for gratuity, the employees have been covered under the Group Gratuity Scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India. There is no
prescribed rule for encashment of leave by employees.
9) Leases :
The Company has not entered into any financial lease. Hire charges for equipment and rental for premises are treated as operating lease and
charged to revenue.
In accordance with Accounting Standard 22 – Taxes on Income, deferred tax is recognised, subject to consideration of prudence, being the
difference between accounting and taxable income that originate in one year and are capable of reversal in a subsequent year.
At each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the
Company estimates the recoverable amount. If the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable amounts, an impairment loss is recognized
in the profit and loss account to the extent the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.
The Company creates a provision when there is a present obligation as result of past event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a
reliable estimate can be made of the amount of obligation. A disclosure of contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a
present obligation that will probably not require outflow of resources or where a reliable estimate of the obligation cannot be made.
* 16 *
1. Contingent Liabilities :
Disputed sales tax demand under appeal, not provided for - Rs. 1.53 million (previous year 1.53 million).
The future cash outflow on the above, if any, is determinable only on receipt of the decisions pending before the authorities.
2. In the Arbitration Proceedings between the Company and the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India (GoI) with respect
to the Lohar oilfield, inter-alia, the issue was whether Profit Petroleum is payable to the GoI in a financial year, when the Investment Multiple in
the preceding year is less than 3.5. The Arbitral Tribunal has by its Award dated 3 May 2010, declared that the Investment Multiple actually
achieved has to be calculated every year to determine the share of Profit Petroleum in the preceding year, to be shared in the succeeding year.
Consequently, Profit Petroleum is to be shared with the GoI only, if the Investment Multiple in the preceding year exceeds a value of 3.5. Since
the Investment Multiple actually achieved by the Company at the end of the preceding year, i.e. 2009 is less than 3.5, no Profit Petroleum is
payable to GoI. The amount recoverable from the Government of India up to 31.03.2010, based on the Award, is estimated at USD 1,674,002
(excluding interest).
3. In the opinion of the Board and to the best of their knowledge and belief, the value on realisation of the current assets, loans and advances in
the ordinary course of business will not be less than the amount stated in the Balance Sheet.
4. During the year, 1,230,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 155 each were issued on conversion of warrants of Rs. 10 each and 570,000
warrants of Rs. 10 each were forfeited and the Application amount of Rs. 9,405,000 was transferred to Capital Reserve. During the year,
107,940 shares were bought back under the buyback scheme.
5. The disclosures of Employee Benefits as defined in the Accounting Standard are given below :
i) Change in present value of obligation Amount in Rs.
31 Mar 2010 31 Mar 2009
Gratuity Leave Encashment Gratuity Leave Encashment
(Funded) (non funded) (Funded) (non funded)
a) Present value of obligation as at the
1,521,083 869,413 1,132,173 483,547
beginning of the period
b) Interest cost 114,081 65,206 79,252 33,848
c) Current service cost 248,892 340,625 403,227 465,716
d) Benefits paid - (98,511) (67,644) (455,854)
e) Actuarial (gain)/loss on obligation (356,113) (104,118) (25,925) 342,156
f) Present value of obligation as at the end of 1,527,943 1,072,615 1,521,083 869,413
iii) Expense recognized in the statement of profit and loss Amount in Rs.
31 Mar 2010 31 Mar 2009
Gratuity Leave Encashment Gratuity Leave Encashment
(Funded) (non funded) (Funded) (non funded)
a) Current service cost 248,892 340,625 403,227 465,716
b) Interest cost 114,081 65,206 79,252 33,848
c) Expected return on plan assets (101,982) - (374) -
d) Net actuarial (gain)/ loss recognized in the (356,593) (104,118) (25,551) 342,156
e) Expenses recognized in the statement of
(95,602) 301,713 456,554 841,720
profit & loss
Note : The above information is given from the report furnished by the Actuary as at the end of the year.
* 17 *
(Rs. in 000’s)
Particulars 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
Computation of net profit in accordance with Section 349 of the Companies Act, 1956
Profit Before Tax 438,509 9,823
Add : Depreciation charged in the Accounts 12,540 37,000
Managing / Whole –Time Director’s Remuneration 23,000 25
Loss on sale of Fixed Asset 404 -
Impairment Loss 5,902 780
Directors Sitting Fee 800
481,155 756,192
Less : Depreciation under Section 350 of the Companies Act, 1956 12,540 9,823
Profit as per Section 349 of the Companies Act, 1956 468,615 746,369
Commission payable at 5% of the Above 23,431 37,318
Salary & Commission restricted to 23,000 37,000
Note : Provision for accruing liability for Gratuity and Leave Encashment which are done on overall Company basis and are not separately ascertainable
and, therefore, not included above.
The Company is primarily engaged in the business of exploration and production of oil and natural gas. Therefore, it is a single segment business.
(ii) Enterprises over which Key Management Personnel are able to exercise (control)
significant influence
(b) Transactions with the above parties in the ordinary course of business
(b) Average number of equity shares of Rs. 10/- each outstanding during the year
- Basic 14,463,314 14,402,533
- Diluted 14,463,314 14,567,533
Cash EPS is calculated after adding back Development of Hydrocarbon Properties written off,
Deferred Tax and Depreciation to Net Profit.
11. Major components of Deferred Tax Liabilities and Deferred Tax Assets are as under : (Rs. in Thousands)
* 18 *
(Rs. in 000’s)
Particulars 31 March 2010 31 March 2009
16. (i) Remittance in foreign currency to Non – Residents on account of dividends – NIL Interim Dividend Interim Dividend
(ii) Dividends paid through mandatee bank accounts in india 2009-10 2008-09
a) Number of non-resident shareholders 372 315
b) Number of shares held by them 5,142,236 4,911,879
c) Dividend (paid in INR) (Rs. in Thousands) 7,713 7,368
d) Year to which the dividend relates 2009-10 2008-09
b) Tax Audit 40 40
e) Reimbursement of expenses 18 1
f) Service Tax 53 70
19. The Company has not received any intimation from “suppliers” or “service providers” regarding their status under the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (Development) Act, 2006, and hence, disclosure, if any, relating to amounts unpaid as at 31 March 2010 together with interest payable as
required under the said Act are not as certain able.
20. Previous year figures have been regrouped wherever necessary to correspond with the current year figures.
Annexure to our Report of Date
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration no. 109208W
21 July 2010 Membership No. 024282
* 19 *
And Company’s General Business Profile
(in terms of amendments to Schedule VI of Part IV)
I. Registration Details
Registration No. TC/SMS/ 5 5 - 0 2 1 4 4 5 State Code 5 5
Application of Funds
Net Fixed Assets Investments Hydrocarbon Properties
6 6 1 9 7 4 0 4 N I L 9 3 3 3 1 4 9 0 0
Accumulated Losses
V. Generic Names of Three Principal Products/Services of Company (as per monetary terms)
Product Description O I L E X P L O R A T I O N
Product Description D R I L L I N G O F W E L L S
Product Description C R U D E P E T R O L E U M
21 July 2010 SECRETARY
* 20 *
Dr. Corbishley began his career with Shell in 1971 and has spent over 30
years with them in various countries including most recently as
Managing Directors of Shell – India for five years. Dr. Corbhishley has a
Ph. D. from the University of Durham; Corporate Advisor with SELAN.
Mr. Singh has over 50 years of extensive experience in the Oil Industry in
S. K. SINGH Senior Management positions starting with Burmah – Shell followed by
Shell and B.P Zambia Ltd., Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. and as
advisor to Essar Oil Ltd.; member of the Board of Directors of SELAN.
Mr. Mahajan has held senior management positions in both public and
private sector. Having started his career at Asea Brown Boveri, he has
V. B. MAHAJAN worked at Richardson Hindustan Ltd. (now Procter and Gamble India
Ltd.) and was Managing Director of NAFED; member of Board of
Directors of SELAN.