Osprey - OWG 017 - Rogue Stars - QUICK REFERENCE SHEET

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Target Numbers Table (p.6) Activation Modifiers (p.8) Reaction Modifiers (p.9)
Action Attempted Target Number Civilian -4 Civilian or Nonreactive -4
Activate 8 Green -2 Green -2
React, Spot, Quantum Leap, Terrain, Shoot, Veteran +1 Veteran +1
Melee, Throw Grenade, Endure, Tech Elite +2 Elite +2
Blind Jump 15 Hero +3 Hero +3
Take the Initiative 16 Per Stress marker on the character -1 Per Stress marker on the reacting character -1
Opponent rolled an Activation Critical Failure +2
Initiative Modifiers (p.7)
Squad leader’s Leadership Trait +1, +2 or +3
All squad members are Veteran +1
All squad members are Elite or Heroes +2
Squad has Blitzkrieg Tactical Discipline +2
Change of Initiative summary (p.9)
Roll ofSuccesses
1 (or 10and Failures
below TN Summary
if using increased criticals): (p.6) Initiative switches when:
Critical failure 1. The non-active player spends a Reaction to perform a TN16 Take the
Roll of 20 (or 10 above TN if using increased criticals): Initiative roll and succeeds, or
Critical success 2. The active player decides to pass
Critical activation success: roll one more activation die (without risk
of reaction) or cancel a reaction The non-active player may perform a free TN16 Take the Initiative roll
Critical activation failure: opponent reacts, with +2 to roll whenever they:
Critical reaction failure: lose Hidden status and become 1. Put an enemy OOA, or
Sitting Duck 2. Reach a mission objective
Critical reaction success: roll one more reaction die or reaction
causes no stress Losing initiative removes all stress tokens from a squad

Movement Summary (p.11) Quantum Leap Modifiers (p.11)
Crawl: move 1”, character is prone, no terrain roll Quantum Scrambler within 4” -2
Walk: move 2”, no terrain roll Quantum Harness is overheated -1
Run: move 4” + 1” per lvl in Fast or Extra Legs, terrain roll on broken ground Carrying a Heavy load (Wounded comrade, heavy
Sprint: move 6” + 1” per lvl in Fast or Extra Legs in a straight line, weapon etc.)

terrain roll on broken ground Character’s level of Quantum Harness Operator +1, +2 or +3

Jump Pack: move 8”, must land

Flight Pack: move 8”
Quantum Leap: any distance, make quantum leap roll


Morale Roll Modifiers (p.30) Morale Roll Results (p.30)

Character’s level of Steadfast +1, +2 or +3 Critical failure: character Panics (d20: 1-10 Surrender, 11-20 Rout)
Squad leader’s level of Leadership +1, +2 or +3 Failure: character receives 1 Pin and 1 Stress.
At least one friend within 2” with no Wounds who is not Routing, Success: character fights on as normal.
Surrendering, or Entangled
Critical success: character gains Steadfast 1 until the end of the
Per Pin or Wound on the character -1
game, or remove all Pin and Stress markers – player’s choice.
Character is a Civilian -4
Character is Green -2
Actions that do not cost Stress
Character is the last man standing from his squad -1
Bounty Hunters or Star Cops fighting Pirates +1
Rally, drop item, drop Prone at the end of a move action, free
Militias fighting on their home planet (result 8 on the Location table) +1
hack, counterattack in melee
Miners fighting in a Mining Station (result 3 on the Location table) +1
Pirates as attackers in a Steal Valuables, Smuggling, or Boarding Action
Miners as attackers in a Repair mission +1
Psionics or Cultists fighting in a Psi-crystal forest +1
Psionics fighting Cultists, or vice versa +1

Spot Modifiers (p.12)
First Aid Modifiers (p.14)
Psi Roll Modifiers (p.12) Character’s level of Perceptive +1, +2 or +3
Character’s level of Medic +1, +2 or +3
Character’s level of Target character’s level of Stealth -1, -2 or -3
+1, +2 or +3 Character is using a Medikit +2
Psionic Master Visibility modifiers (as per mission) -1, -2 or -3
Target is Mineral or Vegetable
Per Wound marker -1 Using a Motion Detector +2 (unless character is same or -2
Character is in melee -3 Target using a Stealth Suit -2 Xenologist)

ROGUE STARS QUICK REFERENCE SHEET V4.indd 1 22/02/2017 11:46


Melee Combat Modifiers (p.18) Ranged Combat Modifiers (p.16)

Attacker Range*
Attacker’s level of Weapon Master or Martial Arts +1, +2 or +3 Point Blank (target is within 2”) +1
Civilian or Green -2 Close Range (2–8”) –
Per Wound marker -1 Short-Range weapon at Long Range (for each additional 2”
Per friend in contact with target (max. 3) +1 between shooter and target beyond 8”)
Fighting from higher ground +1 All other weapons at Long Range (for each additional 4” between
shooter and target beyond 8”)
Defending an obstacle +1
* Note that certain weapons have a maximum range.
Powerful Blow +1 or +2
Surprise Attack +2
Per Pin marker -1
Called Blow: Limb (arm, leg, pseudopod, tentacle etc.) -3
Shooter’s level of Marksman +1, +2 or +3
Called Blow: Two-handed weapon -4
Civilian or Green -2
Called Blow: One-handed weapon -5
+1 on Called and
Called Blow: Head or Equipment -6 Accurate weapon
Aimed shots
Prone -2 Primitive weapon -1
Unarmed attack (ignore if attacker has Martial Arts) -2 Called Shot: Limb (arm, leg, pseudopod, tentacle etc.) -3
Improvised weapon (e.g. chair, rifle used as club etc.) -1 Called Shot: Two-handed weapon -4
Two-handed melee weapon used with Crippled arm -3 Called Shot: One-handed weapon -5
Big or Huge Trait +1 Called Shot: Head or Equipment -6
Target Hail of Fire -2
Per Pin marker +1 Double shot using Ambidexterity Trait -1
Target’s level of Weapon Master or Martial Arts -1, -2 or -3 Double Hail of Fire using Ambidexterity -4
Prone +2 Off-hand shot -1
Civilian or Green +2 One-handed rifle shot -3
Melee Combat Results (p.21) Per Aim action performed in the same Activation (max. 2) +1
Surprise Attack +2
Critical failure: Opponent chooses: perform a Free Hack, move 2”
Limited visibility (fog, darkness, smoke, dust etc., as per mission) -1, -2 or -3
away without suffering Free Hack, the attacker drops the weapon,
or the attacker falls Prone.
In light cover (vegetation, dead mount, wooden fence, computer
Failure: No Damage is dealt. If the roll fails by 5 or more, opponent monitor/desk etc.)
may perform a free counterattack or move 2” away without In heavy cover (low wall, vehicle, pile of bricks, boulder, big log,
suffering a Free Hack. -2
corner of building etc.)
Success: Normal Damage is inflicted. In fortified cover (metal wall, bulkhead, bunker window etc.) -3
Critical success: Normal Damage +2 is inflicted, unless it was an Crawling/Prone (ignore if at Point Blank range) -2
unarmed attack. Diminutive -1
Large target (small vehicle, Big Trait) +1
Ranged Combat Results (p.17)
Very large target (large vehicle, Huge Trait) +2
Critical failure: Roll d20: 1–15, weapon is out of ammo Sitting Duck +2
and cannot shoot until one action has been used to reload it. 16–20, Target’s level of Difficult Target -1, -2 or -3
weapon malfunctions and cannot shoot until fixed (TN10 Tech roll)
Damage Modifiers (p.17)
Failure: No Damage is dealt.
Attack’s Damage - variable
Success: Normal Damage is inflicted.
Armour on body part hit + variable
Critical success: Normal Damage +2 is inflicted.
Target’s level of Tough +1, +2 or +3
Token Summary (p.6) Per Wound marker -1
Target’s squad has the Hard to Kill Tactical Discipline +1
Stress: -1 per token to activation/reaction rolls
Shot was a critical hit -2
Pin: -1 per token to shoot and morale rolls; +1 per token on melee
rolls against the character
Hit Location Table (p.21)
Wound: -1 per token from melee, morale, endure, damage, and
Roll Succeeds By… Body Part
psi rolls
0–3 Torso
All markers on opponent’s squad: +1 per token on Take the
4–5 Torso or Arm
Initiative rolls
6–7 Torso, Arm or Leg
All markers are removed from a character when they go OOA
8+ Torso, Arm, Leg or Head

Hit Location Damage Table (p.22)

Damage Table (p.22) Body Part Damage Result
Result Effect Light Weapon dropped, arm temporarily Crippled
2 or less OOA Arm Serious Weapon dropped, arm permanently Crippled
1 Pin, 1 Wound. Critical Critical Weapon dropped, arm Severed, pass TN7 Endure roll or go OOA
Light Leg Grazed
1 Pin, 1 Wound. Serious
6–9 Leg Serious Leg Crippled
10–14 1 Pin. Light Damage Critical Leg Crippled, knocked Prone, pass TN7 Endure roll or go OOA

15 1 Pin, Superficial Damage Light 1 additional Pin

16+ 1 Pin Serious 1 additional Pin, knocked Prone (1 additional Wound if already Prone)
1 additional Pin, knocked Prone, Staggered (OOA if already Prone or
Endure Roll Modifiers (p.22) Light Knocked Prone, pass TN5 Endure roll or go OOA
Character's level of Tough +1, +2 or +3 Head Serious Knocked Prone, pass TN10 Endure roll or go OOA
Per Wound marker -1 Critical OOA, pass TN10 Endure roll or die!

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