Community Mapping Worksheet
Community Mapping Worksheet
Community Mapping Worksheet
Gardens Stories on; Economic growth
Picnic spots
include Parents, Students, Older Adults, and my community partner in Wound Centric,
ii. Stakeholders – These are the people who can assist me to have a vision in the future and
achieve my goals. They are the people who can help me to address the issues or problems
that I am facing. They will ensure that I have a higher rate of succeeding in my future
iii. Potential Allies – these are the people who will assist me to achieve my goal and are the third party
for my final outreach. They include Banks, Foundations, Credit Unions, CDCs, and Religious
Potential Allies
Group/Individual Relationship/Contact Outreach Plan
Obtain library information from the
Artists and Cultural Theatres and Cultural cultural materials donations, and cultural
Senior Citizens groups, and friends groups seminars, holiday meals, literacy
programs, exercise classes, working with
of different communities
Provide support for programs and