The Only Thing Necessary For The Unfortunate To Get Worse... Is For The Fortunate To Do Nothing!
The Only Thing Necessary For The Unfortunate To Get Worse... Is For The Fortunate To Do Nothing!
The Only Thing Necessary For The Unfortunate To Get Worse... Is For The Fortunate To Do Nothing!
Social Change - Where’s the bottleneck?
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Great Ideas, as they transform
wishes into real possibilities,
are the most empowering!
The Real Bottleneck
Social Change
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What’s needed?
Example - The Millennium Villages
The Millennium Village effort is explicitly linked to achieving the Millennium Development Goals
Interventions include food production, nutrition, education, health services, roads, energy,
communications, water, sanitation, enterprise diversification and environmental
Access to the most recent science-based technologies
Agroforestry, Insecticide-treated malaria bed nets, antiretroviral drugs, the Internet,
remote sensing, and geographic information systems.
It focuses on participatory community decision-making.
Community members and Scientific teams - Developing, Implementing & Managing
Throughout the continent, more than 400,000 people are part of this bold initiative
Connecting minds to transform a billion lives in 5475 days
Connecting minds to transform a billion lives in 5475 days
Experts are organized into “Virtual Societies” based on their respective streams of
specialization. Example, An expert in HR is organized into HR society
Each Stream society will have academicians, senior professionals and entrepreneurs as
One academic institution per domain as a Principal Academic Partner, and at least one
academic institution (besides relevant companies) per Stream as a Knowledge Partner
The Alchemists - Board of Advisors - Popularly knowledgeable, Extra-ordinary achievers
with exemplary commitment towards social development and Innovation!
Connecting minds to transform a billion lives in 5475 days
Academicians B-school driven Business Network
Pilot Interdependence Day
{100 Days} 15/08/2010
15/08/2009 HR related projects The first InteGreater Event
Countdown Begins Capacity building in Alchemists Speak of the 365 days
5475 Days other mgmt. disciplines and the next 635 days
InteGreater Awards to Experts &
NGOs(and Social Entrepreneurs)
{265 Days}
Run-up to
Countdown Projects: Streamlining & Scaling up
Cross-functional projects
{108 Days} Projects for a wide spectrum of NGOs
Projects in every Mgmt. function
100 NGOs Capacity building in other domains
Capacity building in HR Stream (Engineering, Science, Arts & Humanities)
Preparing for the Pilot! Planning & Preparation for Initiatives!
Connecting minds to transform a billion lives in 5475 days
The planet awaits the promised “Intelligence” and “Conscience”, with an increasing desperation
In our hands, we carry the destiny of the next million generations! Do we still ask WHY?