Red Tacton Presentation

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Paper presentation


Technology is red tacton with the other technology for
making many things easier; I can say that data transmission.
our concept is standing example for that. And know about human area network .
So far we have seen LAN, MAN ,
WAN , INTERNET & many more but
here is new concept of “RED TACTON ”
which makes the human body as a
communication network by name ....
HAN (Human Area Network).

NTT lab from Japan is currently

testing & developing this
revolutionary technology .Red Tacton is a
new Human Area networking technology
that uses the surface of the human body as
a safe, high speed network transmission
path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric
field generated by human body as medium
for transmitting the data. The chips which "I recently

will be embedded in various devices acquired my own in-body device -- a

pacemaker -- but it takes a special radio
frequency connector to interface to it.
As more and more implants go into
bodies, the need for a good Internet

contain transmitter and receiver built to Protocol connection increases."

send and accept data in digital format. Gordon Bell, a senior researcher at

In this paper we will discuss about Microsoft's

red tacton, and its working. Bay Area Research Center in San

States, and applications of red tacton Francisco

various fields. And we will compare our
We may have imagined Red Tacton is a new Human area
the feature as a place crawling with networking technology that uses the
antennas and emitters, due to the huge surface of the humanbody as a safe, speed
growth of wireless communications. And transmission path. RedTacton uses the
it is seems that the current means of minut electric field emitted on the surface
transferring data might already have a very of the human body. Technically, it is
serious competitor none other than the completely distinct from wireless and
human boby. infrared .A transmission path is formed at
the moment a part of the human body
Thus NTT labs from Japan comes in contact with a Red Tacton
has announced that is currently testing a transceiver. Physically separating ends the
revolutionary technology called “ red contact and thus ends communication
tacton ”,which use the electric fields Using Red Tacton, communication starts
generated by the human body as medium when terminals carried by the user or
for transmitting the data . The chips which embedded in devices are linked in various
will embedded in various devices contain combinations according to the user's
a transmitter and receiver built to send and Communication is possible using any body
accept data in digital format. The chips surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms,
can take any type of file such as mp3 feet, face, legs or torso. Red Tacton works
music file or mail and convert it in to the natural, physical movements.
format that takes the form of digitals pulse
that can be passed and read through a
human being electric field .the chip in
receiver devices reads these tiny changes
and convert the file back into its original

Red tacton:

Working The Red Tacton transmitter

induces a weak electric field on the surface
of the body. The Red Tacton receiver
Using a new super-sensitive
senses changes in the weak electric field
photonic electric field sensor, Red Tacton
on the surface of the body caused by the
can achieve duplex communication over
transmitter .Red tacton relies upon the
the human body at a maximum seed of
principle that the optical properties of an
10 mbps
electro-optic crystal can vary according to
the changes of a weak electric field. Red
Tacton detects changes in the optical
properties of an electro-optic crystal using
a laser and converts the result to an
electrical signal in an optical receiver
circuit. The transmitter sends data by
inducing fluctuations in the minute electric
field on the surface of the human body.
Data is received using a photonic electric
field sensor that combines an electro-optic
crystal and a laser light to detect
fluctuations in the minute electric field.

The naturally occurring electric

field induced on the surface of the human
body dissipates into the earth. Therefore,
this electric field is exceptionally faint and
unstable. The photonic electric field sensor Features of Redtacton
developed by NTT enables weak electric
fields to be measured by detecting changes Red Tacton has 3 main functional
in the optical properties of an electro-optic features.
crystal with a laser beam.

Human area network

In addition to the WANs

(Internet) and LANs, there are applications
best served by Human Area Networks
(HANs) that connect the last meter.

Human society is entering
Communication with just a touch or
an era of ubiquitous computing, where
everything is networked. By making
Touching, gripping, sitting,
Human Area Networks feasible,
walking, stepping and other human
RedTacton will enable ubiquitous services
movements can be the triggers for
based on human-centered interactions and
unlocking or locking, starting or stopping
therefore more intimate and easier for
equipment, or obtaining data. using
people to use.
RedTacton, communication starts when
terminals carried by the user or embedded DI ELECTRICS&CONDUCTORS
in devices are linked in various ( signals pass through materials)
combinations through physical contact (signals travel along surface)
according to the human's natural .


cccccccommunication is possible at a
maximum speed of 10Mbps. Because the
transmission path is on tthe surface of the
body, transmission speed ndoes not
deteriorate in congested areas where
pmanypeople are communicating at the
same timet Taking advantage of this
speed, device driversdrivers can be
downloaded instantly and executexecute
programs can be sent.


In addition to the
human body, various conductors and
dielectrics can be used as transmission
media. Conductors and dielectrics may
A communication environment can be
also be used in combination
created easily and at low-cost by using
items close at hand, such as desks, walls,
and metal objects. But there is one
limitation on the length of the conductor to
be propagated, on installation locations, common with passive wireless ID tags,
and on the thickness of the dielectric to be which can trigger simply by proximity.
passed through.

Application fields
Many application using
Red Tacton are introduced. Some are:
When a consumer stands in
front of an advertising panel, advertising
and information matching his or her
attributes is automatically displayed. By
touching or standing in front of items they
are interested in, consumers can get more
in-depth information.

Intuitive Operations:
Communication is
triggered by totally natural human actions
Red tacton
and behavior, so there is no need to insert
devices embedded medicine bottles
smart cards, connect cables, tune
transmit information on the medicines
frequencies, or any of the other
attributes. If the user touches the wrong
inconveniences usually associated with
medicine, an alarm will trigger on the
today's electronic devices. Natural
terminal he is carrying. The alarm sounds
movements and actions are the trigger.
only if the user actually touches the
There’s no "operation" any more. Just
medicine bottle, reducing false alarms
intuitive human interaction. RedTacton By shaking hands, personal profile
transceivers embedded in two terminals data can be exchanged between mobile
can communicate not only data but also terminals on the users. (Electronic
the control or configuration instructions exchange of business cards)
needed to operate devices. Cable Communication can be kept private using
connections are eliminated. The body authentication and encryption technologies
itself is used as transmission medium. Group photos taken with digital
cameras are instantly transferred to
individual's mobile terminal. Diagrams
written on white boards during meetings

Print out where you want just by touching are transferred to individual's mobile

the desired printer with one hand and a PC terminals on the spot.

or digital camera with the other hand to Personalization:

make the link Complicated configurations Digital lifestyle can be

are reduced by downloading device drivers instantly personalized with just a touch.

"at first touch". Setup, registration, and configuration

Display notebook PC screen on information for an individual user can all

projectors with just a touch. Transfer be uploaded to a device the instant the

songs to portable music players from device is touched, eliminating the need for

notebook PCs with just a touch the device to be registered or configured in

advance. A pre-recorded configuration
script can be embedded in a mobile
terminal with built-in RedTacton
transceiver. When another device with
RedTacton capabilities is touched,
personalization data and configuration
scripts can be downloaded automatically.
that each secure access could be initiated
and authenticated with a simple touch. At
Your own phone number is allocated and the same time, all the transaction details
billing commences. Automatic importing and relevant user attributes (personal
of personal address book and call history. identity, security clearance, etc.) could be
The PC is configured to the user's logged by the security system.
specifications simply by touching the
mouse. Room temperature and lighting are
customized when a switch in the living
room is pressed.

Carrying a mobile RedTacton-

capable device in one's pocket, ID is
verified and the door unlocked when the
user holds the doorknob normally. Secure
The seat position and steering wheel lock administration is possible by
height adjust to match the driver just by combining personal verification tools such
sitting in the car. The driver's home is set as fingerprint ID or other biometric in the
as the destination in the car navigation mobile terminal. Automated car door
system. The stereo plays the driver’s lock/unlock just by touching the handle;
favorite song. Touching the TV remote unlocking a bicycle just by sitting on it. As
control triggers a filter/search routine a pass in amusement facilities
according to your personal programming
Security Applications:
RedTacton could be
installed on doors, cabinets and other
An electrically conductive sheet is
locations calling for secure access, such
embedded in the table. A network
connection is initiated simply by placing a this technology there is no problem of
lap-top on the table. Using different sheet hackers as our body is itself a media. So
patterns enables segmentation of the table we can say that red tacton will after its
into subnets. coming into market will make a great
change & will be adopted by many people.
So let us welcome the technology of next
generation into our life.

digit magazine


So we conclude that, when we

compare red tacton with other technology
present today it can give a better
performance over others. And we can say
that to connect the network with in short
distances red tacton is best. And also in

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