Red Tacton - Human Area Networking Technology That Uses Human As Transmission Path

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Transactions on Engineering and Sciences ISSN: 2347-1964 Online 2347-1875 Print

Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2014

Red Tacton – Human Area Networking Technology

That Uses Human as Transmission Path
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, Matrusri Engineering College, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Abstract: As electronic devices become smaller, lower in power requirements, and less expensive, we
have begun to adorn our bodies with personal information and communication appliances. Such devices
include cellular phones, personal digital assistants (pdas), pagers and many more. Currently there is no
method for these devices to share data. Networking these devices can reduce functional I/O redundancies
and allow new conveniences and services. Red Tacton was introduced by Nippon Telegraph and
Telephone Corporation (NTT). Red Tacton is a break-through technology that uses the surface of the
human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. So we, in this paper are explaining the
unique new functional features and enormous potential of Red Tacton as a Human Area networking
technology. In this paper I have described features, applications advantages, disadvantages of red
Tacton. Levels of connectivity: Wide Area Networks (WAN), Local Area Networks(LAN), and Human
Area Networks(HAN) for connectivity to personal information, media and communication appliances
within the much smaller sphere of ordinary daily activities.
Index terms— Red Tacton, Network, NTT, Electric field sensing
Red Tacton technology is an electronic future where information can be accessible whenever and
wherever needed at our finger tips. Some of the communication equipment that is required to provide this
immediate access to information will be incorporated into our attire. Justas a quick look at today's
wristwatch saves a trip to the nearest clock; a glance at tomorrow's wristwatch will replace finding a
terminal to check e-mail. RedTacton is a new Human Area Networking technology which was introduced
by Nippon telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT’s) that uses the human body surface is a high speed
and safe network transmission path. RedTacton is a Break-through technology that enables reliable high-
speed HAN for the first time. In the past, infrared Communications (IrDA), Bluetooth, radio frequency ID
systems (RFID),and other technologies have been Proposed to solve the "last meter" connectivity problem.
However, those technologies each have various fundamental technical limitations that constrain their usage,
such as the precipitous fall-off in transmission speed in Multi-user environments producing network
RedTacton was introduced by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) who combined
TACTON - “touch-act-on” Meaning “action triggered by touching” and RED - It is an auspicious color
according to Japanese culture for warmth and love creating the name RedTacton. It is a technology that uses
the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. The study of Human Area
Networking, i.) RedTacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body.
Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared. ii.) A transmission path is formed at the
moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a RedTacton transceiver. Physically separating
ends the contact and thus ends communication. iii.) Using RedTacton, communication starts when terminals
carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's
natural, physical movements. iv.) Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands,
fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. Red Tacton works through shoes and clothing as well.
A. Features:
Red Tacton has three main functional features:
 Touch: Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the
triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data.
 Broadband & Interactive: Bandwidth does not deteriorate even with duplex operations and
simultaneous access by many users! Duplex, interactive communication is possible at a maximum
speed of 10Mbps. Because the transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed
does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time.
 Any media: In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as
transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination.
B. Previous Work on Electric Field Sensing

27 Techscripts
Transactions on Engineering and Sciences ISSN: 2347-1964 Online 2347-1875 Print
Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2014
The development of the Human Area Network (HAN) grew out of a meeting between Professor Mike
Hawley's Personal Information Architecture Group and Professor Neil Gershenfeld's Physics and Media
Group, both at the MIT Media Laboratory. Professor Hawley's group needed a means to interconnect body-
borne information appliances, and Professor Gershenfeld's group had been applying electric field sensing to
position measurement.
C. RedTacton Transceiver

Figure 1: Block diagram of Red Tacton transceiver

The transmitter consists of a transmitter circuit that induces electric fields toward the body and a data
sense circuit, which distinguishes transmitting and receiving modes by detecting both transmission and
reception data and outputs control signals corresponding to the two modes to enable two-way
communication as shown in fig1. Implementation of receive-first half-duplex communication scheme that
sends only after checking to make sure that there is no data to receive in order to avoid packet collisions.
Red Tacton takes advantage of the long-overlooked electric field that surrounds the human body.
A. Working and Algorithm
The use of superficial electro-optic sensor by Red Tacton affords it a maximum speed of 10 mbps duplex
communication over surface of human body.

Figure 2: RedTacton workability across human path

The outline below is summary of the workings of RedTacton:
 RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the human body surface.
 The receiver of the RedTacton senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body
caused by the transmitter.
 The RedTacton depends on the proposition of the optical properties of an electro optic crystal which
varies according to the changes in the weak electric field.
 RedTacton detects the changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and
converts the result into an electrical signal in a detector circuit.
Ea – Eb – Ec = Es + Use of photonic electric field sensor,
Where Ea is the electric field induced by the transmitter,
Eb is the electric field returning to the ground of the transmitter,
Ec is the electric field at the receiver, and
Es is the detected electric field at the receiver.
B. Red Tacton Radio Transmitter and Receiver
The figures below show transmitting and receiving operating mechanism of Red Tacton:

Figure 3: RedTacton algorithm of operation

28 Techscripts
Transactions on Engineering and Sciences ISSN: 2347-1964 Online 2347-1875 Print
Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2014

Figure 4: Red Tacton Transceiving “membrane” Figure 5: Red Tacton Transceiver

The transmitter receives the data signals from the interface. The transmitter circuit is invoked upon
signal perception from the data sense circuit. The electro-optic sensor thus detects the changes in the electric
field of the body.
A model of the distribution of the electric field around the human body is shown fig 6(a) Here, the
human body is standing above the earth ground, and both the transmitter and receiver have signal and
ground electrodes. An AC field can be transmitted to the body’s surface if the transmitter is capacitively
coupled to the body Fig 6(b) so the electrode is isolated with an insulating layer. If the AC signal is in the 5–
10 MHz band, the body can be treated essentially as a conductor, and for the most part, the AC electric field
induced by the transmitter does not radiate into the region of space around the body, but is transmitted over
the body’s surface and escapes to the earth ground. Communication is achieved in the receiver by detecting
this AC electrical field before it escapes to the earth ground. However, part of the AC electric field induced
on the body returns to the ground on the transmitter, and a significant part escapes directly to the earth
ground. The field distribution also changes continuously as the person moves, so the receiver must detect a
signal that is very faint and unstable, which is a challenge for ensuring stable communications. First, we
describe the key factors for the transmitter and receiver with reference to a simple equivalent circuit model.

(a) (b)
Figure.6: (a) Electric field around the body
(b) Transmitter coupled to the body capacitively Figure 7: Variable reactance circuit

For the transmitter, it is important to somehow efficiently induce a stable AC electric-field signal on the
body’s surface. Both the body and the transmitter are floating with respect to the earth ground and are
loosely coupled to it through this floating capacitance. This capacitance tends to attenuate the AC signal
induced by the transmitter, and the value of this floating capacitance changes continuously with body
movements. To get efficient induction of a stable AC electric field, we need to control the effects of this
floating capacitance. We introduced a variable reactance circuit into the output stages of the transmitter:
when there is resonance between the floating capacitance and the reactance circuit, the induced signal is
maximized. We also added a function enabling the reactance circuit to follow changes in this floating
capacitance as the body moves, resonating with it. Similar to the transmitter, the receiver is electrically
floating with respect to the earth ground, as shown in Figure 8. If common mode noise is introduced, it has a
strong effect because the impedance balance between the signal and ground lines are poor. To detect the
weak AC electric field arriving at the receiver electrode, it is important to somehow control common mode
noise. To do this, we created a differential structure in the initial stage amplifier of the receiver and
developed technology with a careful design from the receiver electrode to the positive input of the initial
stage low-noise amplifier and from the ground electrode to the negative input terminal to achieve an
equivalent differential structure. In this way we were able to reliably remove common-mode noise at the
initial-stage amplifier and improve the signal-to-noise ratio, creating a highly sensitive architecture able to

29 Techscripts
Transactions on Engineering and Sciences ISSN: 2347-1964 Online 2347-1875 Print
Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2014
amplify the weak signal. Using the basic technologies described above, we were able to efficiently modulate
the near-body electric field and implement a receiver that can reduce ambient noise to develop a near-body
quasi-electric-field communications technology that achieves the quality required to offer communications
services and operates at a minimal transmission power level.

Figure 8: Transmitter and receiver is electrically floating with respect to the earth ground
A prototype portable card transmitter and a receiver that can be built into environments such as doors
or floors are shown in Figure 9. The system uses a carrier frequency of 5 MHz and binary phase shift keying
(BPSK) modulation and achieves transmission speeds of 200 kb/s. In some typical applications including
entry control and ticket gate systems, with the transmitter carried in a jacket breast pocket or trouser pocket
transmitting an ID, we achieved communication with a packet error of rate of less than 10–3. The transmitter
can operate for approximately one year using a single CR3032 button-type lithium-ion battery.

Figure 9: Prototype portable card transmitter and a receiver

The effects of RedTacton technology on human health, which is obviously an important issue. First, the
transmitting and receiving electrodes of the RedTacton transceiver are completely covered with insulating
film, so the body of the person acting as the transmission medium is completely insulated. This makes it
impossible for current to flow into a person’s body from the transceiver. When communication occurs,
displacement current is generated by the electrons in the body because the body is subjected to minute
electrical fields. However, such displacement currents are very common everyday occurrences to which we
are all subjected. RedTacton conforms to the “Radio Frequency-Exposure Protection Standard (RCR STD-38)”
issued by the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB). The levels produced by RedTacton are
well below the safety limit specified by this standard.
Red Tacton has many applications. So, it is not easy to explore all the applications. Some applications
are shown in Figure 10.
A. Under Water Communication
Red Tacton allows communication in outer space and in water where the speech constraints are very
high and thus enables a highly efficient means of expression of speech which is beyond the purvey of

Figure 10: Applications of Red Tacton

B. Communication inside body

30 Techscripts
Transactions on Engineering and Sciences ISSN: 2347-1964 Online 2347-1875 Print
Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2014
Red Tacton is also used for the treatment. In human body, it is used to detect ailments such as abnormal
growths, tumors and excrescences affected tissues and thus helps in curing different diseases.
C. Comparison with Other Networks
The positioning of Red Tacton with respect to existing communication technologies. The focus on
ubiquitous service has brought about the shortening of distances in communication.

Figure 11: Comparison with other networks

Red Tacton is positioned as the last 1m solution to ultimate close-range communication. Wireless
communication creates connections when signals arrive, allowing for easy connections because connectors
are unnecessary. However, seen from another aspect, the arriving signals can be intercepted, so security
becomes an issue. Several “human body communication” technologies using the human body as a
transmission medium have been reported in the past. But Red Tacton employs a proprietary electric
field/photonics method, which surpasses the other methods in terms of communication distance, transfer
speed, and interactivity.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in Tokyo, Japan is pursuing research and development of an
innovative Human Area Network technology called RedTacton that safely turns the surface of the human
body into a data transmission path at speeds up to 10mbps between any two points on the human body.
Using a novel electro-optic sensor a small PCMCIA card sized prototype RedTacton transceiver is already
developed. It enables the first practical Human area networking between body-centered electronic devices
and PCs or other network devices embedded in the environment via a new generation of user interface
based on totally natural human actions such as touching, holding, and sitting, walking or stepping on a
particular spot. It can be used for intuitive operations of computer based systems in daily life, temporary
one-to-one services, device personalization, security and a host of other applications based on new
behaviour patterns. NTT is committed to moving RedTacton out of laboratory and into commercial
production as quickly as possible by organizing joint field trials. This technology definitely stands out with
perfection, when transfer of data is fast, feasible and more importantly reliable. So, in few years from now
everything is going to fall under this super technology. And, finally I conclude, “FUTURE BELONGS TO
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31 Techscripts

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