Ubiquitous services that are genuinely user-friendly to everyone will require technologies that enable
cation between people and objects in close proximity.Focusing on the naturalness, inevitability and sense of security
eyed bytouching in everyday life, this article describes human area net-working technology that enables
by touching, which we callRedTacton.
Human area network technology for communication between mobile terminals and between terminals
that areembedded in the environment has become important.when cables are used for communication between
terminals, therouting of the cables is clearlyinconvenient .When very weak radio signals are used for the
communication, data speedsare reduced by packet collision and other such problems in crowded places such as
exhibition sites and security risk fromunwantedsignalinterceptionis anotherproblem.Technology for solving such
problems includes the use of the person¶sbody as a signal path forcommunication. A transmission path is formed
automatically when a person come into contactwith a device and communication between mobile terminals begins.
Here, the human body acts as a transmission mediumsupporting IEEE 802.3 half-duplex communication at 10Mbit/s.
Humanareanetworktechnologyforcommunication between mobile terminals and between terminals that
areembedded in the environment has become important.when cables are used for communication between terminals,
therouting of the cables is clearly inconvenient.when very weak radio signals are used for the communication, data
speeds arereducedbypacketcollisionandothersuchproblemsin crowded places such as exhibition sites and security
risk fromunwantedsignalInterceptionis another problem. Technology for solving such problems includes the use of the
person¶sbody as a signal pathforcommunication. A transmissionpath is formed automatically when a person come
into contactwith a device and communication between mobile terminals begins. Here, the human body acts as a
transmission mediumsupporting IEEE 802.3 half-duplex communication at 10Mbit/s.
RedTacton An innovative Human Area Networking technology
RedTacton An innovative Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the
human body as a transmission path
RedTacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the
human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. RedTacton uses the minute
electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically, it is completely distinct
from wireless and infrared. A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the
human body comes in contact with a RedTacton transceiver. Physically separating ends
the contact and thus ends communication. Using RedTacton, communication starts when
terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations
according to the user's natural, physical movements. Communication is possible using any
body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. RedTacton works
through shoes and clothing as well.
RedTacton transmitter couples with extremely weak electric fields on the surface of the
body. The weak electric fields pass through the body to a RedTacton receiver, where the
weak electric fields affects the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal. The extent to
which the optical properties are changed is detected by laser light which is then converted
to an electrical signal by a detector circuit.
A communications path can be created with a simple touch, automatically initiating the flow
of data between a body-centric electronic device and a computer that is embedded in the
environment. For example, two people equipped with RedTacton devices could exchange
data just by shaking hands. A wide range of natural human actions -- grasping, sitting
down, walking, or standing in a particular place -- can be used to trigger RedTacton to start
a networked process.
Using a RedTacton electro-optic sensor, two-way communication is supported between
any two points on the body at a throughput of up to 10 Mbps. Communication is not just
confined to the surface of the body, but can travel through the user's clothing to a
RedTacton device in a pocket or through shoes to communicate with a RedTacton device
embedded in the floor.
RedTacton can utilize a wide range of materials as a transmission medium, as long as the
material is conductive and dielectric, which includes water and other liquids, various
metals, certain plastics, glass, etc
Reference: http://www.seminarprojects.com/Thread-redtacton-an-innovative-human-area-