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B io Factsheet

www.curriculum-press.co.uk Number 156

Dominant and Recessive Alleles

Remember the following facts about genes. Fig. 1. Arrangement of alleles in nuclei.
• A gene is a unit of inheritance which codes for the development
of a particular characteristic in an organism. Diploid nucleus Haploid nucleus (gamete)

• A specific gene is always on a specific place (locus) on a specific

chromosome. A a a

b B B
• A gene will contain at least two different alleles. Some genes
contain many alleles. An allele is a particular form of a gene C c C
occupying the same locus on a chromosome as any alternative
allele of the same gene.
34 2 3
• Different alleles of a gene code for the development of particular
variations in the characteristic coded for by the gene.
This diploid nucleus has two pairs of homologous
• A diploid organism will always contain two alleles for a specific chromosomes, one pair carrying alleles of genes A and B, the
gene because they contain two of every chromosome. other pair carrying alleles of gene C. When the chromosomes
segregate independently (in meiosis) to form haploid gametes
• A haploid gamete (or haploid organism) will only contain one either of chromosomes 1 or 2 may segregate with either of
allele for a specific gene because only one of each chromosome chromosomes 3 or 4. Thus four possible combinations occur
will be present. in the gamete nucleus - chromosome combinations 1-3, 1-4, 2-
3, or 2-4. The specific alleles are carried on their chromosomes
• A dominant allele, if present, masks the expression of another into the gamete.
allele of the same gene. The dominant character is the
characteristic which develops because of the presence and
expression of the dominant allele.
You should now be able to understand the genetic basis of two
• A recessive allele, if present, has its expression masked or types of inheritance.
blocked by the presence of a dominant allele of the same gene.
The recessive character is the characteristic which develops • Alleles on chromosome pair 1-2 will be inherited independently
because of the presence and expression of the recessive allele. of alleles on chromosome pair 3-4. This is the basis of Mendelian
This can only happen in the absence of a dominant allele for the inheritance.
• Alleles on chromosome 1 or chromosome 2 will be inherited
An allele is actually a segment of DNA double helix that codes together. This is the basis of linkage inheritance.
for the synthesis of a messenger RNA molecule, this then codes
for the synthesis of a specific polypeptide which causes the Sometimes a process called chiasma formation occurs during
development of the particular characteristic coded for by the meiosis. This may interchange specific alleles between 1 and 2 –
allele. but it does not alter the actual alleles. Thus, within the ‘linkage
group’ shown on the diagram, allele A could be carried with B or
By convention, a dominant allele of a gene is shown by a capital with b, allele a could be carried with B or b.
letter, for example A. The recessive allele is shown by a small, (but
the same) letter, in this example, a. If the gene had many alleles they By a combination of Mendelian and linkage genetics, the diploid
can be shown as A1, A2, A3 ….. An, a1, a2, a3 ….. an. nucleus shown above could have given eight types of gamete:
ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, abC and abc.

156. Dominant and Recessive Alleles Bio Factsheet

Exam questions may only involve Mendelian genetics, or only In codominance, if both alleles of a gene are present, both are
involve linkage genetics. They sometimes involve a combination expressed. The alleles are not dominant or recessive. For example,
of Mendelian and linkage genetics and you should be able to the ABO blood group gene contains three alleles, IA, IB and IO. IA
recognise and explain this. produces antigen A on the red cells, IB produces antigen B on the
• In Mendelian inheritance, if a single gene is involved red cells but IO does not produce any antigen. Codominance is
(monohybrid inheritance) the ratio of different phenotypes in shown in people with genotype IAIB because both alleles are
the F1 (first filial generation) will always be 3:1. expressed so the red cells carry antigen A and antigen B. In horses
coat colour is governed by a pair of alleles, CC that governs the
• In Mendelian inheritance, if two genes are involved (on development of a cream coat and CB that governs the development
different chromosome pairs) the ratio of different phenotypes of a brown coat. Codominance is shown in heterozygotes which are
in the F2 (second filial generation) will always be 9:3:3;1. CCCB. The alleles are both expressed and result in a palomino horse
with a golden coat and white mane. The homozygotes CBCB and
• In linkage inheritance, where two genes on the same CCCC would develop a brown coat and a cream coat respectively.
chromosome are involved, certain combinations of alleles will
occur more frequently than in Mendelian inheritance. In the In epistasis one gene may hide or inhibit the expression of another
F2 generation an expected 9:3:3:1 ratio could become a 3:1 gene. In other words, ‘the genes interact to modify the effects in
ratio. This is when alleles are at adjacent loci on the the phenotype’. For example, rats have a dominant allele B that
chromosome so that they are unlikely to be separated into gives a black coat colour and a recessive allele b that gives a cream
new combinations (recombinants) by chiasmata. The two coat colour. This colour gene acts in association with an epistatic
alleles thus tend to behave as if they were a single gene gene on another chromosome (so randomly assorting) which has a
controlling two characters. dominant allele E which allows the development of colour and a
recessive allele e which inhibits colour development, resulting in
Genetics questions often include sex linkage. Sex linked albino rats with white fur and pink eyes. The albino rats could have
characters are those which occur much more frequently in one genotypes BBee, Bbee, or bbee. Black rats could have genotypes
sex than in the other. In most organisms, the X-chromosome carries BBEE, BBEe, BbEE or BbEe. Cream rats could have genotypes bbEE
alleles regulating development of female characteristics and the or bbEe.
Y-chromosome carries alleles regulating development of male Practice questions
characteristics. The X-chromosome also carries many alleles that Try to answer these questions based on the information given above and
regulate characteristics other than sex. In many species, including then refer to the mark schemes for answers and comments.
humans, the Y-chromosome is very short and carries few or no
alleles apart from those relating to inheritance of sex. The female 1. Cockatiels (a species of small parrot) have colouration controlled by
carries two X chromosomes (XX) and the male carries one X- several genes.
chromosome and one Y-chromosome (XY). (a) One gene determines the presence or absence of red cheek patches.
When birds with red cheek patches are interbred the offspring may
or may not have red cheek patches.
Fig. 2. Basis of sex-linkage
Interbreeding birds without red cheek patches always produces
birds without red cheek pouches.
In humans, red-green colour blidness and haemophilia
(i) Explain this information, using the symbols R and r for the
are two examples of sex-linkage to the male. alleles involved. 3
Female nucleus Male nucleus (ii) By means of a genetic cross show how interbreeding birds with
red cheek patches could produce birds without red cheek
H h h Parental genotypes:
Offspring genotypes:
Offspring phenotypes:
Expected ratio of offspring phenotypes: 5
C c c no correspond-
(b) Another gene controls the main colour of the body feathers of
ing allele on Y-
XX XY cockatiels. One allele (S) produces silver colouration. The other
allele (G) produces grey colouration.
Heterozygous birds are silvery grey.
This individual has inherited the X- (i) Identify and comment on this type of inheritance. 2
A recessive character chromosome carrying the recessive alleles. (ii) Show, using a genetic diagram, the results of crossing a
can only be expressed ‘h’ must be expressed because that region heterozygous bird with a silver bird.
if the recessive allele of the X-chromosome is not covered by an Parental genotypes:
is present on both X- X or Y-chromosome carrying the dominant Gametes:
chromosomes, allele. ‘c’ must be expressed because the Y- Offspring genotypes:
(dominant allele chromosome is ‘genetically empty’ and has Offspring phenotypes:
missing). no corresponding dominant allele. ‘h’ and Expected ratio of offspring phenotypes: 5
‘c’ will therefore always be expressed when
they occur in the male and are said to be
‘male sex-linked’.

156. Dominant and Recessive Alleles Bio Factsheet

(c) A sex-linked gene governs the appearance of feathers with a dark (b) (i) it is codominance;
edge. The dark edge is caused by a recessive allele (d). both alleles are expressed in the heterozygotes/SG individuals;
In birds the male has two X-chromosomes which are the same
(ii) Parental genotypes: SG × SS ;
length and carry the allele. Female birds carry an X-chromosome
Gametes: S and G only S ;
and a shorter Y-chromosome which does not carry the allele.
Offspring genotypes: SS SG ;
State the possible genoypes of the following birds:
Offspring phenotypes: silver silvery grey ;
(i) female with dark edged feathers:
Expected ratio of
(ii) male with dark edged feathers:
offspring phenotypes: 1 : 1;
(iii) male with plain feathers:
(iv) female with plain feathers. 4
(c) (i) female with dark edged feathers: XdY ; (allow XdO)
(d) Write down the genotype of a female bird with silvery grey dark (ii) male with dark edged feathers: XdXd ;
edged feathers and no red cheek patches. 1 (iii) male with plain feathers: XDXD or XDXd ;
(both needed)
2. In mice, black fur is due to a dominant allele, B, brown fur is due to the
(iv) female with plain feathers. XDY ; (allow XDO)
recessive allele, b. A second (epistatic) gene, on a different chromosome
(d) XdYSGrr ;
pair, regulates the expression of the coat colour gene and has two alleles
– a recessive allele, a, gives a non-agouti coat where the black or brown 2. (a) to give brown offspring the black parent must have a recessive
pigment is evenly distributed along the hairs, also a dominant allele, A, allele for brown/be heterozygous for colour;
which gives an agouti coat where the pigment is only present in uneven to give non-agouti offspring the brown agouti parent must contain
bands along the hair and the other parts of the hairs are yellow. a recessive allele for non-agouti/be heterozygous for agouti;
(a) In a cross between a brown agouti mouse and a black non-agouti
mouse, some of the offspring were brown and some were non- Parental phenotypes: brown × black
agouti. agouti non-agouti (no mark)
Explain how this could occur, illustrating your answer with a genetic Parental genotypes: bbAa Bbaa ;
diagram. 6 Possible gametes: bA and ba Ba and ba ;
(b) What proportion of the offspring would you expect to have black
genotypes: BbAa bbAa Bbaa bbaa ;
non-agouti fur? Explain your answer. 2
(c) A third gene contains a dominant allele, M, which causes the phenotypes; black brown black brown
production of the pigment melanin. Its recessive mutant allele, m. agouti agouti non-agouti non-gouti;
prevents melanin synthesis so that mice which are homozygous
(b) 25%;
(mm) for this allele have white fur and pink eyes, (the albino form).
the two genes are on different homologous pairs of chromosomes
Write down the colour phenotypes of mice with the following
and so are inherited in a Mendelian fashion/are not linked (on the
same chromosomes);
(i) BbAaMm:
(c) (i) BbAaMm: black agouti;
(ii) BBAAMm:
(ii) BBAAMm: black agouti;
(iii) bbaa mm. 3
(iii) bbaa mm. albino;
3. In sweet peas a gene governing flower colour has a dominant allele, P,
for purple flowers and a recessive allele, p, for red flowers. Another 3. (a) (i) PL, pL, Pl, pl ;
gene governing pollen shape has a dominant allele, L, for long pollen two pairs of homologous chromosomes are involved;
grains and a recessive allele, l, for short pollen grains. one pair carries alleles P and p, the other pair carries alleles L
(a) What possible gametes could be produced by the heterozygous purple and l;
flowered plants with long pollen grains with genotype PpLl, if: these chromosomes segregate independently in meiosis so P
(i) the two genes behave in a Mendelian fashion; 4 can be inherited with L or l and p can be inherited with L or l/
(ii) the two genes are very closely linked. 4 recombinants pL and Pl can form;
In each case explain your answer. (ii) PL and pl/ nearly all PL and pl with a very low percentage of
recombinants pL and Pl;
(b) By means of a genetic diagram show the results of crossing two the two genes are on the same homologous pair of chromosomes;
purple flowered long pollen grain plants, heterozygous for both thus must be inherited together;
characters, together. Assume that the two genes are completely ‘very closely linked’ implies that they are on adjacent loci on
linked together. Explain your answer. 6 the chromosome and so unlikely to be recombined by a chiasma;
1. (a) (i) allele r must be the recessive allele for absence of cheek patches; (b) P and L being adjacent on one chromosome will behave as one allele
because birds with no cheek patches must be homozygous/ producing two effects, ditto for alleles p and l;
double recessive/rr because when interbred they can’t produce Parental genotypes: PLpl × PLpl (no mark)
offspring with red cheek pouches; Possible gametes: PL and pl PL and pl ;
allele R must be the dominant allele for red cheek pouches so recombinants are unlikely to form because a chiasma is unlikely to
crosses between heterozygous/Rr birds can produce offspring separate adjacent alleles;
with red cheek pouches (RR or Rr) and offspring with no Offspring genotypes: PLPL PLpl plpl ;
cheek pouches (rr); Offspring phenotypes: purple purple red
flowers flowers flowers
(ii) Parental genotypes: Rr × Rr ; long long short
Gametes: R and r R and r ; pollen pollen pollen ;
Offspring genotypes: RR Rr rr ; Expected ratio: 3 purple flower long pollen : 1 red flower short pollen;
Offspring phenotypes: red red no pouches (Give due credit to candidates who linked P with l and p with L on the
Expected ratio of original pair of homologous chromosomes).
offspring phenotypes: 3 red pouches to 1 no pouches ;
Acknowledgements: This Factsheet was researched and written by Martin Griffin.Curriculum Press, Bank House,
105 King Street, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 1NU.

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