Market Crash 4
Market Crash 4
Market Crash 4
How Do Corporate Social Responsibility and
Corporate Governance Affect Stock Price Crash Risk?
Ahmed Imran Hunjra 1, * , Rashid Mehmood 1 and Tahar Tayachi 2
1 University Institute of Management Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi,
Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan; [email protected]
2 Finance Department, Effat University, Jedda 21478, Saudi Arabia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 20 December 2019; Accepted: 4 February 2020; Published: 7 February 2020
Abstract: We investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance
on stock price crash risk in manufacturing sector of India and Pakistan. We collect data of nine years
from 2010 to 2018 from DataStream of 353 manufacturing firms. We apply the Generalized Method
of Moments (GMM) to the analysis of the data. We find that when firms actively engage in CSR
activities, they lead to reduced stock price crash risk. We further find that managerial ownership
has a significant positive impact on stock price crash risk, while board size and CEO duality show a
significant and negative impact on stock price crash risk.
Keywords: CSR; corporate governance; stock price crash risk; manufacturing sector; GMM
1. Introduction
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) demands firms to engage in contributing towards
improvements in the environment and society. CSR is the concern of firms toward customers,
environment and societies while generating profits and keeping the responsibility of fulfilling the
requirements of employees and owners. The incorporation of CSR practices into a firm’s business
activities and decision making leads to competitiveness, provides business opportunities in new
markets, and ultimately helps to ensure firms’ sustainability. Therefore, firms focus on enhancing
economic value, fulfilling their responsibilities, and contributing to society through an effective
governance system. Firms with more social responsibilities enjoy moral prospects of society by
showing better social behavior. However, how CSR practices increase or decrease the wealth of
shareholders, enhance transparency about information, help to reduce the volatility of stock prices,
and protect the interests of investors. These issues need to be addressed. In a competitive business
environment, CSR has gained strategic importance. Firms with more social responsibility lead to
higher transparency in financial reporting standards and ethical standards (Lee 2016).
Firms with social responsibility reveal more financial outcomes and are involved less in earnings
management and bad news (Schuler and Cording 2006; Kim et al. 2012). CSR practices decrease
stock price crash risk (Kim et al. 2014). Crash risk involves asymmetry in risks, which is mainly
downside risk, and it is important to make decisions relating to risk management and investment.
Along with financial outcomes, stakeholders are also concerned with the social outcomes of the
firms (Darus et al. 2014). For proper implementation of CSR practices, firms need to incorporate
an effective governance system. A good corporate governance system helps firms to achieve their
financial outcomes. The concept of corporate governance is of immense importance as it includes the
relationship between the management of a firm, board of directors, shareholders and stakeholders
(Bhasin and Shaikh 2013). (Claessens and Yurtoglu 2013) note that an efficient governance system is
helpful for firms through improved financial performance, better access to finance, and more desirable
handling of stakeholders. Good practices in corporate governance line up managers’ and shareholders’
interests. (Mitton 2002; Lemmon and Lins 2003) conclude that during recessions, stock prices drop
more for the firms with weak corporate governance due to the personal benefits of executives. Weak
internal control leads towards bad news hoarding in the market, which can adversely affect the stock
prices, ultimately minimizing profits. Stock prices of the firms with weak corporate governance
structure have a tendency to drop more in the contracting economy.
The focus of this study is the emerging economies (Pakistan & India) of South Asia because CSR
practices are not up to standards in this region. This region lacks the application of good corporate
governance. More socially-responsible firms employ codes of good corporate governance that mitigate
the crash risk. There is growing trend of literature available regarding CSR and financial performance
of the firms (for example, (Roman et al. 1999; Jiao 2010; Callan and Thomas 2014)), and CSR practices
and their impact on capital cost (El Ghoul et al. 2011; Dhaliwal et al. 2011; Goss and Roberts 2011). Past
studies explain the concept of CSR, but they still are lacking with respect to the governance system
and the way these components affect the crash risk of stock prices, mainly in emerging economies.
Furthermore, while explaining the concept of CSR, it is necessary to include corporate governance
with major decision-makers such as directors in the board, CEOs, and ownership structures. These
decision-makers have the authority to control the activities of the firms, as well as provide guidelines
for policymaking. Boards of directors are becoming more aware of CSR practices (Boubaker and
Nguyen 2012). The application of corporate governance practices is comparatively not very effective
in emerging countries like Pakistan and India (Hunjra et al. 2020). Emerging economies and firms
are facing the issue of corporate governance and trying to find out ways to improve the governance
system in order to compete effectively and attract investors (Boubaker and Nguyen 2014). In addition,
there is a lack of CSR education in the context of developing economies (Ali and Frynas 2018). Firms in
developing countries such as Pakistan and India face the issues of paying taxes, work-related health
and safety, environmental protection, employees’ training, and human rights. Therefore, there is a need
to analyze CSR practices in the developing economy context. Moreover, (Claessens and Yurtoglu 2013)
describe that for a firm, effective corporate governance is helpful through access to funds and the
required treatment of firms’ stakeholders.
Therefore, we aim to analyze how CSR practices and corporate governance affect stock price
crash risk in developing economies like Pakistan and India. The objective of our study is to determine
the impact of CSR and corporate governance on stock price crash risk. We analyze the data of 353
manufacturing firms from Pakistan and India and apply GMM for hypothesis testing. The results of
our study indicate that CSR and corporate governance of firms help to decrease stock price crash risk,
which protects shareholders’ interests. Our study helps to promote CSR activities, improve corporate
governance practices, and stabilize the capital market. Findings of our study are relevant to the concept
that when firms actively operate in CSR activities, they refrain from bad news hoarding, which results
in decreasing stock price crash risk.
The remaining portion of the research is organized as follows: We present literature in Section 2;
data and methodology in Section 3. Section 4 describes the empirical outputs, whereas Section 5
concludes the study with insights for future work.
2. Review of Literature
The crash risk is linked with the negative skewness for the distribution of returns of individual
stocks (Callen and Fang 2015; Chen et al. 2001; Kim et al. 2014). Furthermore, crash risk takes into
account stock movements which are on the higher side, like extreme negative movements. Investors
hope to earn higher returns on stocks which have more negative skewness in consideration to the fact
that skewness is a priced risk factor (Conrad et al. 2013; Harvey and Siddique 2000). Jin and Myers
(2006) state that stock crash risks are linked to the presence of information asymmetries due to the fact
that managers or insiders have more control and can hide information from external shareholders.
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The concept of CSR gained popularity in the 1960s era, when firms showed responsibility
towards society at large as one of its stakeholders. Since then, the focus has been growing around
the globe. Mallouh and Tahtamouni (2018) describe CSR as involving social acts such as protecting
environmental safety, protection against pollution, and providing job opportunities to the local
community. Theoretically, CSR is a significant aspect influencing the value of information disclosure
of firms and crash risk (Dai et al. 2019). CSR mainly relates to maximizing the social welfare and
sustainability of firms with active management to ensure responsibilities for their stakeholders
(Clarkson 1995). Businesses have changed their structures and feature departments for managing their
social obligations more effectively and to ensure that their efforts are focused in the right direction
while engaging with the larger society and local communities. Gelb and Strawser (2001) document
that firms undertaking socially-responsible activities are relatively more transparent in providing
reliable financial disclosure. It is relevant to the view that firms judge an increase in disclosure of
financial information as a way of responsible behavior towards society in the general application of
CSR activities. Such firms are more likely to show high transparency and rarely hide bad news from
owners. Therefore, we can say that such firms are less prone to crash risks. Through engaging in
CSR practices, firms can motivate consumers and investors, helping firms overcome financial issues
(Hillman and Keim 2001; Choi and Wang 2009).
Kim et al. (2014) reveal a lower crash risk for such firms that are more transparent with their CSR
disclosures. Unfortunately, some managers misuse such disclosures for better impression management
to cover poor performance rather than to actually reporting the firm’s true efforts under CSR. Lee
(2016) uses a sample of the Taiwan stock exchange and finds that CSR shows that the more responsible
firms are less exposed to crash risks. Zhang et al. (2016) examine the impact of philanthropic action
on crash risk in China and conclude that it shows the same relationship. It, therefore, leaves a gap
to discover the channels through which the CSR could mitigate the factors of hiding bad news and
crash risk. For instance, firms that are more engaged in CSR are likely to decrease their crash risk
(Kim et al. 2011a). However, Hao et al. (2018) conduct a study while taking a sample of Chinese firms
and conclude an inverse impact of CSR on crash risk. Dai et al. (2019) find a non-linear association
between CSR practices of listed firms operating in China and their stock price crash risk.
Hypothesis 1 (H1). CSR negatively impacts the stock price crash risk.
Corporate governance helps to protect the interests of firms’ owners and other stakeholders.
According to (Brennan and Solomon 2008), the process of corporate governance ensures the protection
of the interests of firms’ stakeholders by supervising the management’s activities. According to
stewardship theory of (Donaldson 1990; Donaldson and Davis 1991), and resource dependence
theory of (Pfeffer 1972; Pfeffer and Salancik 1978), when CEOs also have a dual role as chairman
of the board, they act for the interests of owners with integrated and strong leadership. Corporate
governance practices help to prevent resourceful behaviors of management and decrease crash risk
(Shleifer and Vishny 1997; An and Zhang 2013). The decrease in stock price crash risk ultimately
helps to improve the financial outcomes of firms. Rossi et al. (2015) highlight a general concept that
corporate governance practices influence the firm’s performance and enhance owners’ protections;
therefore, it increases worldwide attention. An effective governance system also improves the
accounting information quality and value of a firm (Bhagat and Bolton 2008; Alkurdi et al. 2019).
Jensen and Meckling (1976) develop agency theory explaining that managers act for their personal
benefits rather than shareholders’ benefits which lead to inefficient utilization of resources. Ayadi
and Boujelbène (2015) justify that small board size enhances communication and coordination among
members of boards, ensures better internal control and helps to reduce agency conflicts between
owners and management. Managerial ownership helps to relate incentives of management to those of
owners (Boubaker et al. 2012). Corporate governance plays a crucial part in the disclosure of financial
reporting and quality (Larcker et al. 2007; Bedard and Johnstone 2004). It has an impact on the effective
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 30 4 of 15
management of managerial remuneration. Andreou et al. (2016) conclude that a higher number or the
equal number of independent and non-executive directors on the audit committee, possessing strong
technical expertise and good industrial knowledge, and a well-described governance policy reduces
the exposure to crash risk. Earlier research in China on stock price crash risk examines the causes
of crash risk, including excessive benefits in state-owned enterprises. Xu et al. (2013) find that such
high-value benefits motivate managers to hold bad news for long periods, which can result in higher
crash risk.
The level of internal control quality in a firm determines the level to which the above-discussed
processes can effectively manage or reduce the crash risk. Firms which have ineffective internal control
procedures over their financial reporting mechanism are likely to disseminate less reliable financial
information, which becomes a primary cause of crash risk. Chang et al. (2017) conclude that better
quality of internal control mechanisms decreases the stock price crash risk. The earning quality reduces
the crash risk, and this can be better achieved through dedicated institutional holding which ensures
better control and monitoring, ultimately reducing the crash risk (An and Zhang 2013). Callen and
Fang (2013) document an inverse association between crash risk and institutional investor’s stability in
effective monitoring. Boubaker et al. (2014) conclude a direct relation between stock price crash and
excessive control while examining French listed firms. This complements their finding of undermining
the interest of minority shareholders.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Corporate Governance negatively impacts the stock price crash risk.
We use a set of control variables, i.e., firm size, return on equity, earning per share and stock
volatility in our study. (Harvey and Siddique 2000; Chen et al. 2001) show that the size of a firm
positively affects stock price crash risk. (Hutton et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2011a, 2011b) explain that
an increase in financial performance helps firms to decrease crash risk. As per the outcomes of
(Kim et al. 2014), stock volatility positively influences stock price crash risk.
ri,τ = αi + γ1,i rm,τ−2 + γ2 , i rm,τ−1 + γ3,i rm,τ + γ4,i rm,τ+1 + γ5,i rm,τ+2 + єi,τ (1)
We measure firm related weekly returns as to be the natural log of one plus the residual return
from Equation (1) above:
wi,τ = ln(1 + еi,τ )
While estimating Equation (1), every firm-year is needed to have data of a specific number of
weekly stock returns to improve the thin trading concerns.
The first measure of stock price crash risk is Negative Conditional Skewness (NCSKEW). This
calculation confines the asymmetry of distributing returns and also is repeatedly explained in past
studies. Negative values for the skewness explain data that are left-skewed, and positive values
explain data that are right-skewed. NCSKEW can be calculated by considering the negative of the
third moment of firm-specific weekly returns for each year and can be stabilized by taking the standard
deviation of firm-specific weekly returns and raising it to the third power. We calculate NCSKEW
as follows: X X
NCSKEWi,t = −[n (n − 1)3/2 w3 i,τ ]/[(n − 1) (n − 2) ( w2 i,τ )3/2 ] (2)
This measure is multiplied with negative 1, so that a higher value corresponds to higher crash
risk. The other measure of stock price crash risk is down-to-up volatility of firm related weekly returns
(DUVOL). We calculate DUVOL as the natural log of standard deviation ratio of firm-specific weekly
returns of firm i in year t, which we calculate when the returns are above and below the annual mean.
where, nu and nd represent the number of up and down weeks for the firm in year t, respectively. A
higher crash risk signifies a higher value of DUVOLi,t (Chen et al. 2001).
We use two measures of CSR activities; following (Feng et al. 2018; Javeed and Lefen 2019),
the first measure includes an index for CSR as social contribution value per share (SCV). This
indicator fulfills the environmental, societal and economical aspects of CSR practices of the emerging
economies. Further, it helps to understand the social performance of manufacturing firms that how they
contribute towards social values. This index incorporates all elements which are necessary for social
benefits. These elements include earnings per share, producing value for shareholders, government
tax revenue-producing value for society, salaries of employees, interest on loans from creditors, and
other values for stakeholders. Furthermore, we eliminate the pollution of the environment as a social
cost. We use the following formula to calculate CSV:
We follow (Camelia-Daniela Hategan et al. 2018) for the second measure of CSR as a binary method
of assigning values of 0 and 1. We place a value 1 if firms have one of four social activities; corporate
giving, costs relating to health and safety at workplace (Dumitrescu and Simionescu 2015), expenses
relating to training courses of employees (Dumitrescu and Simionescu 2015; Obrad and Gherhes, 2018),
and expenses connecting with waste management (Istrate et al. 2017), otherwise we use 0. We use three
measures of corporate governance which include board size, CEO duality, and ownership structure.
These mechanisms of corporate governance represent the main power of decision making of the firms
and controlling business activities. We calculate CEO duality as a dummy variable and use 1 when the
chairman and CEO in a large firm are the same person, or equal to 0 otherwise. We value board size
as the number of members on board. We follow (Mehmood et al. 2019) to measure CEO duality and
board size. We follow (Li et al. 2007) to measure managerial ownership as the percentage of shares
held by top managers and their families. Following (Widyaningsih et al. 2017), we use the proxy of
firm size as a natural log of total assets. We also use return on equity as net income divided by average
equity. (Mehmood et al. 2019) apply the same measure of return on equity. We calculate earnings per
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 30 6 of 15
share as net income after interest and tax over a total number of shares issued. (Salim and Yadav 2012)
use the same proxy for earning per share. To measure price volatility, we follow the measure of (Habib
et al. 2012) and calculate the range of stock prices for each year, and then take an average of the highest
and lowest prices. For price volatility, we divide the range by average and then raise the second power.
We explain the proxies of variables in Table 1.
(NCSKEW)i,t = α + β1 (SCV)i,t + β2 (CSR)i,t + β3 (CGI)i,t + β4 (FS)i,t + β5 (ROE)i,t + β6 (EPS)i,t + β7 (SV)i,t + µi,t (4)
(DUVOL)i,t = α + β1 (SCV)i,t + β2 (CSR)i,t + β3 (CGI)i,t + β4 (FS)i,t + β5 (ROE)i,t + β6 (EPS)i,t + β7 (SV)i,t + µi,t (5)
On average, firms earn a high return on equity with less variation in the values. Earnings per
share of the firms is high with a large variation in the value, which shows inconsistency in earnings per
share of the firms. We find less variation in the values of stock price volatility, and average volatility in
stock prices is also low. It shows that firms keep a balance of stock prices to meet the challenges of
unstable economic conditions. Table 2 further explains the correlation analysis among independent
and control variables. We find that there is a weak correlation among variables, which proves no
multicollinearity problem exists in the model.
We present the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) test in Table 3 to verify the multicollinearity,
which may occur due to the overlapping of variables. VIF values show that there is no
multicollinearity problem.
Table 4 illustrates the results of GMM for the overall manufacturing sector of Pakistan and India.
We find that SCV and CSR negatively impact the stock price crash risk of firms. This signifies that
when firms are more active in their CSR activities and contribute towards society, they also contribute
to reduced stock price crash risk.
Further, outcomes of corporate governance reveal that the dual responsibilities of CEO and
board size show significant and inverse influences on stock price crash risk. However, managerial
ownership shows a positive and significant impact on both measures of stock price crash risk. The
results of managerial ownership show that managers are likely to operate for their own interests, which
ultimately affects stock price crash risk positively. Results of the control variables of our study are
generally consistent with past studies. Analysis indicates that firm size has a significant and positive
influence on stock price crash risk, which follows the outcomes of (Chen et al. 2001; Kim et al. 2014).
Findings of stock volatility also indicate a high crash risk which is in line with the outcomes of
(Kim et al. 2014). However, outcomes also confirm that there is low crash risk with an increase in
earnings per share. In addition, return on equity does not show any significant outcome on crash risk.
We explain country-wise findings in Table 5 to confirm the robustness of our findings. We find that
CSV and CSR show a significant and inverse relationship with stock price crash risk in both countries.
Further, we conclude that CSR firms have less chance of risk associated with stock price crashes for
emerging economies of Pakistan and India. Results also indicate that board members and CEO duality
reveal significant inverse effects on stock price crash risk in both countries. However, the impact is
positive only in the case of managerial ownership. In particular, when the financial performance of
a firm goes down more than investors expect, managers try to hide the bad news to safeguard their
reputation, wealth, and jobs (Gormley et al. 2013). Findings of control variables suggest that firm size
and sock volatility positively impact the stock price crash risk. Earning per share shows a significant
and negative influence on crash risk. However, findings show varying outcomes with respect to the
impact of return on equity on stock price crash risk for different models.
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Pakistan India
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
0.129 *** 0.297 *** 0.176 *** 0.129 *** 0.018 0.710 *** 0.057 ** 0.382 *** 2.398 −0.016 0.133 *** 0.187 *
(3.120) (10.345) (6.927) (8.441) (0.637) (9.589) (2.373) (6.422) (1.076) (−0.430) (3.927) (1.968)
−0.052 −0.136 *** −0.048 *** 0.002 0.023 0.346 *** 2.234 0.637 *** 0.301 *** 0.003 0.071 *** −0.019 ***
(−1.170) (−2.831) (−13.049) (1.392) (0.117) (10.046) (1.013) (7.956) (6.861) (0.060) (4.281) (−2.789)
−0.128 *** −0.185 *** −0.161 *** −0.261 *** −0.18 *** −0.127 *** −0.025 ** −0.649 *
SCV — — — —
(−2.840) (−3.307) (−8.120) (−3.619) (−7.967) (−3.671) (−2.163) (−1.889)
−0.170 *** −0.390 * −0.097 *** −0.305 *** −0.016 −0.446 * −0.171 *** −0.017 **
CSR — — — —
(−7.118) (−1.670) (−3.135) (−2.395) (−1.249) (−1.656) (−12.095) (−2.435)
0.692 * 0.055 *** −0.089 *** −0.043 −0.176 *** −0.315 * −0.650 * −0.024 −0.478 *** −1.653 *** −0.036 *** −0.035 **
(1.950) (2.881) (−3.171) (−1.054) (−7.929) (−2.495) (−1.887) (−1.187) (−3.329) (−2.780) (−16.882) (−18.231)
−0.126 *** −0.115 * −0.249 *** −0.019 *** 0.015 −0.239 * −0.067 −0.536 * −0.559 * −1.120 ** −0.292 ** −0.351 ***
(−3.890) (−1.711) (−34.465) (−2.801) (0.529) (−1.899) (−1.315) (−1.735) (−1.819) (−2.160) (−2.110) (−10.341)
0.006 * 0.002 * 0.017 ** 0.018 ** 0.275 0.487 0.068 *** 0.002 0.051 *** 0.007 * 0.002 * 0.001 *
(1.910) (1.773 (2.553) (2.510) (0.149) (1.586) (2.918) (1.261) (2.310) (1.930) (1.951) (1.771)
0.015 ** 0.071 0.004 ** 0.187 0.549 * −0.002 * 0.031 * 0.931 * 0.132 * 0.015 0.545 *** 0.724 **
(2.412) (0.115) (2.117) (0.160) (1.698) (−1.667) (1.690) (1.817) (1.681) (0.531) (3.200) (2.137)
−0.068 −0.019 −0.023 0.478 *** 0.020 0.007 * 0.005 0.143 0.139 0.064 *** 0.054 0.032 *
(−0.390) (−0.734) (−0.819) (7.677) (0.725) (2.425) (1.231) (1.521) (1.497) (2.930) (1.612) (2.207)
−0.102 * −0.794 *** −0.604 * −0.061 * 0.295 −0.057 ** −0.081 −0.059 * −0.369 ** −0.017 ** −0.001 −0.189 **
(−1.730) (−4.271) (−1.834) (−1.822) (1.269) (−2.539) (−1.321) (−1.691) (−1.911) (−2.150) (−1.169) (−2.401)
1.954 * 0.184 ** 0.397 * 0.184 0.386 * 0.079 *** 0.749 * 0.137 0.129 * 0.079 0.471 *** 0.277 *
(1.880) (2.230) (1.720) (0.129) (1.691) (3.431) (1.689) (1.489) (1.812) (1.129) (2.960) (1.743)
1.448 0.639 0.056 * 0.041 * 0.059 * 0.025 ** 0.114 0.052 * 0.056 * 2.817 0.017 0.066 **
(0.940) (0.772) (1.685) (3.178) (2.170) (2.165) (1.311) (1.757) (1.893) (0.640) (0.483) (1.877)
Note: L1 = First lag of dependent variable, L2 = Second lag of dependent variable, NCSKEW = Negative Conditional Skewness, DUVOL = Down-to-up volatility, SCV = Social Contribution
Value per Share, CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility, CEOD = Chief Executive Officer Duality, BS = Board Size, MO = Managerial Ownership, FS = Firm Size, ROE = Return on Equity,
EPS = Earnings per Share, SV = Stock Volatility, C = Constant, ***, **, and * represents significant level at 1%, 5%, and 10%.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 30 11 of 15
5. Discussion
Our results show that CSR and corporate governance are important determinants of crash risk
for manufacturing firms in emerging economies (Pakistan and India). The negative impacts of both
measures of CSR on crash risk demonstrate that with increased corporate social responsibilities
activities, the chances of crash risk are reduced. Thus, we conclude that firms with CSR have less
chance of risk associated with stock price crashes for emerging economies. In line with the findings
of (Kim et al. 2014; Lee 2016), this study entails that firms with CSR have more transparent financial
reporting standards that lead to a low level of crash risk.
The positive impact of managerial ownership on stock price crash risk reveals robust evidence
that managerial ownership is a reliable tool to predict future risk of the stock price (Huang et al. 2017).
Further, managerial ownership creates agency problems where owners prefer their personal benefits
over firms’ benefits. In addition, managerial ownership also leads managers to hide bad news, which
also increases stock price crash risk. The findings of managerial ownership are similar to the outcomes
of (Andreou et al. 2016). Findings of CEO duality justify organizational and management theory, which
explains that when a CEO has high power, he/she has more advantages, which results in less costly
outcomes (Sah and Stiglitz 1986). Integrated leadership helps to alleviate costs relating to information
acquisition and coordination, and it also enables adaptability and better decision making (Boyd 1995;
Jensen and Heckling 1995; Li et al. 2019). In addition, (Adams and Ferreira 2007) explain that when
CEOs have more power, they are keen to share more inside information with boards with unified
leadership, which is useful for firms. This implies that CEOs who are at the same time chairmen of
boards may try to avoid shareholder monitoring by disclosing information as a bonding behavior.
Further, findings indicate that directors on boards play a major part in corporate governance, mainly
in monitoring top-level management (Fama and Jensen 1983). The monitoring of the board of directors
plays a role to decrease stock price crash risk. This further indicates that corporate governance plays a
monitoring role that mitigates the opportunistic behavior of the managers which negatively affects
stock price crash risk, and our results are aligned with the findings of (An and Zhang 2013).
The negative impact of board size signifies that when there is age diversity in board size that
includes both young and old directors, it helps to reduce stock crash risk (Jebran et al. 2020). In
addition, (Andreou et al. 2017) find that young CEOs’ positively influence stock crash risk as they have
the motivation to possess negative information during the starting period of their career.
6. Conclusions
We analyze the effects of CSR and corporate governance on stock price crash risk in Pakistan and
India. We select 353 firms from the manufacturing sector of both countries. We find that CSR, CEO
duality and board size negatively impact the stock price crash risk of the firms operating in emerging
economies (Pakistan and India). This implies that CSR and corporate governance are means to lower
the crash risk. However, our findings show that managerial ownership has a positive relationship with
stock price crash risk. The outcome of managerial ownership confirms agency issues prevailing in
firms where management prefers their own interest instead of shareholders’ interest, which leads to
enhanced crash risk. Managers of firms can find benefits from our study in order to improve corporate
strategies and policies by adopting effective corporate governance mechanisms. As emerging countries
(Pakistan and India) are facing unstable economic conditions, the findings of our study provide insight
for the management of firms and for investors to emphasize social contribution in order to reduce stock
price crash risk and stabilize capital markets. Our study is beneficial for firms because an effective
governance system helps to lower crash risk. Therefore, it is in the primary interest of shareholders
to invest their funds in those firms that have better corporate governance practices. Outcomes of
our study imply that managerial ownership contributes to implementing effective policies relating
to risk management. Further, findings suggest that corporate governance practices lead to mitigate
opportunistic performance of management; they also help to reduce stock price crash risk. This further
shows that a decrease in crash risk indicates high efficiency of corporate governance practices.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 30 12 of 15
The findings of our study encourage managers and owners to contribute more in CSR practices.
Our study may provide a guide for investors to select firms with high CSR practices while investing
funds to cover the loss caused by stock price crashes to their personal interests. Therefore, our study is
helpful for investors who involve themselves in managing their crash risk while investing in stock
markets. Our study suggests investors should consider necessary information about CSR practices
as a factor influencing the stock price crash risks of the firms. Policymakers may focus more on
implementing efficient corporate governance and CSR practices to attract investors to make their
investment more secure. Our study further suggests that if management reacts positively to the
demands of firms’ stakeholders and focuses on enhancing the relationships with fund providers,
customers, and suppliers, then CSR practices not only help to improve the brand image of the firm,
but also decrease stock price crash risk. This study is limited to only two countries which can be
extended by including more emerging countries and could be used to make a comparative analysis
with developed countries. Future research can be done to find some more factors affecting the firm’s
risk relating to a stock price crash in order to enhance its understanding.
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