Ethics is a term used to denote a set of principles and standards that govern the way we conduct
ourselves in the world and dictate how we live our lives and how we treat others they basically yell
us what is right and what is wrong . normative ethics tell us how we ought to be and what we ought
to do
Managerial ethics are the set of ethics adopted by upper management , they are very important for
the reason that the ethics adopted by management reflect the organization’s or the company’s
image for the reason that the type of ethics adopted by management will pass on to employees
If the management supports the right kind of ethics it will cultivate an ambience of trust and
positivity between employees and management and between the staff itself on the other hand if the
management adopts the wrong set of ethics it will create an atmosphere of distrust and negativity
amongst the employees.
For example if the management takes a passive attitude towards bullying at work and not do
something to stop and prevent it . it will create a hostile work environment which will affect
productivity .
Moral management : is the management that seeks to maximize profits with keeping in
consideration the morality of their decisions and actions . they always pose this question is what we
are going to day fair to us and the parties involved
Immoral management : type of management that its sole aim is to maximize profits regardless of the
morality of their actions and decisions .
Amoral management : it is the type of management that falls in between the previous two types of
management . this types of management acts according to ethics and moral standards when called
to do so .
Utilitarian view .
Is the view that says actions are justified by their results not by the motives and intentions behind
them . the motto is to bring happiness and benefit to the maximum number of people . actions are
justified if the positives of an action outweigh the negatives
This approach makes it a priority to adopt a style of management that holds dearly moral and
natural rights of employees for example their right to expression of feelings, opinions, and just
enumeration .
This approach considers all employees regardless of their religion, race, caste, and gender to be
equal and deserving of the same treatment .
Socially responsible corporates fulfil their legal obligations and make it incumbent on themselves to
perform actions that benefit the welfare of society
Those who argue for CSR say holding social responsibility improves the public image of the
corporations because it places emphasis not only on making profits but take into account the
problems of society and environment which would encourage people to support its products and
shares , increase long run profits , decrease government regulations for CSR companies receive less
regulation from government , help save the environment through their social and environmental
responsible actions , applies the wisdom Prevention over cure on the other hand those against CSR
say it causes dilution of purpose and make for an abstraction from the main goal of organization that
is to maximize profits . though there is no scientific evidence to suggest that there is a causation
relationship between CSR and reduced profits .
CSR can be divided into four parts Economical responsibility that is the responsibility of the company
to employ staff and generate profits . Economical responsibility is considered the basis for the other
three if this type of responsibility is not achieved the others will not matter
The second type is legal responsibility it consists in abiding the Law . third is ethical responsibility
that is to do what is morally right last type is philanthropic responsibility to care for society problems
and work to solve them
One example of CSR is the example of ford motors company has huge efforts in CSR it raises it’s
investing into electrification of vehicles from 11bn to 22bn usd . it aims at full carbon neutrality for
the emission from their vehicles by 2025 . they are as well invested in salary equity amongst their