Devices and Reagents: Burettes, Volumetric Flasks For 100 and 250 ML, Tubes

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Laboratory work 6

Preparation of buffer solutions with a given pH

Devices and reagents: burettes, volumetric flasks for 100 and 250 ml, tubes,
pipettes, chemical glasses for 50 ml, funnels, universal indicator paper; 0.1N
solutions of acetic acid and sodium hydroxide, 0.2M solutions of ammonium
hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
Experimental part:
1. Get an assignment from the teacher (see table 1 for options)
Table 1
№ of Buffer solution pH Initial solution Initial solution
option volume, ml 1 2
1 100 4 0,1N CH3COOH 0,1N NaOH
2 100 4,25 0,1N CH3COOH 0,1N NaOH
3 100 4,75 0,1N CH3COOH 0,1N NaOH
4 100 5 0,1N CH3COOH 0,1N NaOH
5 100 5,25 0,1N CH3COOH 0,1N NaOH
6 100 9 0,2M NH4OH 0,2M HCl
7 100 9,25 0,2M NH4OH 0,2M HCl
8 100 9,5 0,2M NH4OH 0,2M HCl
9 100 10 0,2M NH4OH 0,2M HCl
10 100 10,5 0,2M NH4OH 0,2M HCl

2. Calculate the required ratio of the volume of the initial solutions, using the
formula for calculating the pH of buffer solutions.
3. Calculate the absolute values of the volumes of the initial solutions required for
the preparation of 100 ml of the buffer mixture.
4. Select a smaller volume solution. Rinse the burette, then fill it to zero. Pour the
required volume from the burette in the appropriate volumetric flask.
5. Pour the second solution through the funnel into the flask just below the mark.
Then bring to the mark, adding solution from the pipette. Close the flask with a
stopper and stir.
6. Pour about 5ml of the buffer mixture into a cup or tube. Determine the pH using
universal litmus paper. Compare the color with the standard color on the scale.
7. Pour 2 ml of buffer solution and 8 ml of water in a test tube. Calculate the
dilution of buffer solution. Determine the pH after dilution with universal indicator
8. Fill in table 2. Write the calculation of the quantitative composition of the
Table 2
The equations pH calculation The volume of The volume of pH by
of equilibrium solution 1 solution 2 indicators
in the system

9. Wash the glassware.

Contents of the report:

1. Theme and purpose.
2. Tables, calculations.
3. Conclusions on the work done.
Questions and tasks
1. Buffer systems, their classifications.
2. Calculation of рН of acid and basic buffer solutions.
3. Mechanism of action of buffer systems.
4. Buffer capacity.
5. Basic buffer systems of the organism. Acidosis. Alkalosis.
6. Hydrocarbonate buffer system, mechanism of action.
7. Hemoglobin buffer system, mechanism of action.
8. Phosphate buffer system, mechanism of action.
9. Protein buffer system, mechanism of action.

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