Caz Bun 6
Caz Bun 6
Caz Bun 6
Rationale: Intestinal tuberculosis (TB) is rarely seen in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). We report an intestinal TB case
with a clinical presentation similar to that of colon cancer in a patient with ESRD on hemodialysis.
Patient concerns: A 49-year-old man presented with a 3-month history of general weakness and anorexia. He had been treated
for stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to diabetic nephropathy for the last 3 years. His blood urea nitrogen and serum
creatinine levels were 96.9 and 8.1 mg/dL, respectively, at the time of admission; azotemia was accompanied by severe anemia,
hypoalbuminemia, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis. Hemodialysis was initiated for suspected exacerbation of uremia; however,
intermittent fever, night sweats, and abdominal discomfort persisted.
Diagnoses: Abdominal computed tomography (CT) and whole-body 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography were
indicative of ascending colon cancer with lymph node metastases. However, colonoscopy with biopsy revealed the formation of
submucosal caseating granuloma and acid-fast bacillus.
Interventions: We initiated quadruple therapy with isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. The patient continued the
quadruple regimen for the first 2 months before switching to dual therapy and received anti-TB medications for a total of 12 months.
Outcomes: After 9 months of standard anti-TB chemotherapy, polypoid residual lesions were noted during follow-up
colonoscopy. Laparoscopy-assisted ileocecal resection was performed. No findings suggestive of recurrence of colonic TB were
observed on follow-up abdominal CT at 6 months after discontinuation of anti-TB medications.
Lessons: If non-specific uremic symptoms persist in patients with advanced CKD, the possibility of extrapulmonary TB such as
intestinal TB must be considered. Also, in patients with radiologic suspicion of colon cancer, endoscopy with biopsy should be
performed promptly to exclude colonic TB with similar clinical manifestations.
Abbreviations: AFB = acid-fast bacillus, BT = body temperature, BUN = blood urea nitrogen, CKD = chronic kidney disease, Cr
= creatinine, CT = computed tomography, EMB = ethambutol, ESRD = end-stage renal disease, FDG = fluorodeoxyglucose, HPF =
high-power field, INH = isoniazid, M = mycobacterium, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, PET = positron emission tomography,
PMC = pseudomembranous colitis, PZA = pyrazinamide, RIF = rifampicin, TB = tuberculosis, TST = tuberculin skin test, WBC =
white blood cell.
Keywords: tuberculosis, end-stage renal disease, hemodialysis, colon cancer
Lee et al. Medicine (2020) 99:32 Medicine
Lee et al. Medicine (2020) 99:32
Figure 1. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) findings. (A) Initial abdominal CT scan shows a mass which is located just distal to ileocecal valve (arrows), with
the formation of adjacent multiple lymphadenopathy. (B) Abdominal CT obtained at 9 months after antituberculous chemotherapy shows marked resolution of
colonic tuberculosis (arrow). CT = computed tomography.
oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, 25(OH)-vitamin D anorexia, vomiting, and chronic anemia, were also often
deficiency, malnutrition, and secondary hyperparathyroidism.[6] reported.[9]
In particular, patients with CKD have a higher TB risk, increased Gastrointestinal TB comprises 3% to 5% of the total
reactivation of latent TB, and worse progression of active TB than extrapulmonary TB cases in the general population,[10] but
the general population owing to the impairment of the cell- intestinal TB is rare in patients with CKD.[5] Intestinal TB can be
mediated immune system, which is involved in eliminating caused by the reactivation of a primary infection. In addition,
intracellular microorganisms such as M tuberculosis.[7] Old age, patients with active pulmonary TB may develop intestinal TB
male sex, diabetes mellitus, hypoalbuminemia, low body mass through various routes, such as swallowing infected sputum,
index, chronic anemia, ischemic heart disease, and smoking have hematogenous dissemination of AFB in patients with active
been reported as significant independent risk factors for the pulmonary or miliary TB, consumption of food or milk
development of TB in patients with ESRD on hemodialysis.[8] TB contaminated with M tuberculosis, and spreading of infection
is most commonly seen at the early stage of dialysis, particularly directly from infected adjacent organs or lymph nodes.[10]
within 1 year after hemodialysis initiation, when malnutrition Intestinal TB is commonly observed in the ileocecal region, and
worsens and cell-mediated immunity greatly decreases.[7] hypertrophic lesions similar to polyps or tumors, segmental
Thereafter, the frequency of TB tends to decrease as the patient’s ulcerations, enterocolitis, and, rarely, diffuse colonic inflamma-
immunity improves with adequate dialysis therapy, although tion occur when M tuberculosis invades the gastrointestinal tract,
active TB itself is considered to be a major risk factor for which can cause the development of abdominal masses, local
increased morbidity and mortality in patients with ESRD.[7] tenderness, and abdominal distention. Chronic abdominal pain is
Because the incidence of extrapulmonary TB is as high as 60% to the most common symptom of intestinal TB, but it can also be
80% in patients with CKD, various non-specific symptoms accompanied by non-specific symptoms, such as unexplained
appear at the time of onset of TB, which may lead to delay in early fever, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody stools.
diagnosis and appropriate treatment.[2,3] In the analysis of 70 Therefore, it is important to make a differential diagnosis from
cases of extrapulmonary TB in patients with ESRD on other gastrointestinal diseases, such as malignant tumors,
maintenance dialysis, Yang et al reported that the mean age Crohn’s disease, intestinal lymphoma, Yersinia infection, and
was 51.4 ± 17.8 years, and the male-to-female distribution was amoebic enteritis.[11]
0.9:1. They also described that the peritoneum (31.4%) was the Our patient had been undergoing conservative management
major organ that developed extrapulmonary TB, followed by the for advanced CKD for several years and complained of general
bone, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and liver.[9] In weakness, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting at the time of
addition, fever (58.6%), pain, and lymphadenopathy were the admission. Based on the laboratory findings and the patient’s
most common clinical findings at the presentation of extrap- pre-existing diseases, hemodialysis along with a diagnosis of
ulmonary TB, but non-specific symptoms, such as weight loss, ESRD was recommended. After the initiation of hemodialysis,
Lee et al. Medicine (2020) 99:32 Medicine
Figure 2. (A and B) 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography at presentation shows wall thickening with increased
F-FDG uptake (maximum standardized uptake value 13.55) in ascending colon and enlarged lymph nodes with increased 18F-FDG uptake (7.09) in pericolic,
aortocaval, and porta hepatis areas. FDG = fluorodeoxyglucose.
laboratory abnormalities and systemic symptoms improved, but intestinal TB cannot be excluded even if chest radiography results
fever developed 2 weeks after the start of hemodialysis. We are negative.[3] In our case, abnormal findings suggestive of
conducted empirical antimicrobial therapy for catheter-related pulmonary TB scarring or active TB lesion were not found on the
infections. Thereafter, PMC also developed; accordingly, chest radiography. PCR and TST of the patient’s colonic mucosa
metronidazole was administered orally and intravenous anti- also showed negative results. However, as formation of caseating
biotics were discontinued. However, low-grade pyrexia, night granulomas and positive results on AFB staining were identified
sweats, and abdominal discomfort continued, and ascending on microscopic examination of the colon specimen, he was
colon cancer with distant lymph node metastases was suggested diagnosed with colonic TB (Fig. 4A and B). In this patient, it was
based on the results of abdominal CT and whole-body PET/CT postulated that male sex, diabetes mellitus, chronic anemia,
(Fig. 1A, 2). When colonic disease is suspected, radiologic hypoalbuminemia, and malnutrition were significant risk factors
examinations such as barium colonography, abdominal CT, and of colonic TB. However, the definitive diagnosis of colonic TB
abdominal magnetic resonance imaging are recommended. and treatment initiation were delayed because of non-specific
However, it is not easy to confirm colonic TB with these symptoms, catheter-related bacteremia that occurred after the
studies.[10] Gross identification of intestinal lesions by colonos- initiation of hemodialysis, and PMC.
copy, microscopic analysis, and culture of the colonic tissue are For the primary treatment of intestinal TB in patients with CKD,
the most useful diagnostic procedures for colonic TB.[10] PCR standard chemotherapy, that is, quadruple therapy (HRZE) for the
analysis of intestinal mucosa is another adjunctive diagnostic first 2 months followed by dual therapy (HR) for a further period of
method for confirming TB and has been reported to be more 4 to 7 months thereafter, is recommended.[13] However,
sensitive than tissue culture or AFB staining.[10] TST is widely administration of anti-TB medications is often continued for a
used as an additional diagnostic tool for TB, but its usefulness is period longer than 9 months and, in particular, up to 12 to
limited because of immune abnormalities in patients with ESRD 18 months.[14,15] Patients with CKD are more susceptible to
undergoing dialysis.[12] Because active or past pulmonary TB is treatment failure of TB because of a higher incidence of adverse
accompanied only in 25% of patients with extrapulmonary TB, effects related to anti-TB medications and poor adherence to
Lee et al. Medicine (2020) 99:32
Figure 3. Colonoscopic findings. (A) Initial colonoscopy shows a large fungating circumferential mass with hypertrophic ulcerations in the ascending colon. (B)
Semi-pedunculated polypoid masses of reduced size are noted on the 9-month follow-up colonoscopy.
medications as well as immune system abnormalities. Therefore, colonic lesions was demonstrated in the follow-up colonoscopy.
adequate dosing intervals and careful follow up are required.[16,17] However, ileocecal resection was additionally performed because
Surgical intervention should be considered in addition to anti-TB residual lesions were noted in the ascending colon even after 9
drug therapy if there is bowel perforation with or without abscess months of anti-TB chemotherapy (Fig. 3B). It has been reported
or fistula, massive gastrointestinal bleeding, complete bowel that colon cancer might develop later because of chronic
obstruction, or intestinal obstruction with no response to anti- inflammation and abnormal immune responses at the site of a
TB medications.[11] There were no medication-related toxicities or previous intestinal TB lesion.[18,19] Therefore, appropriate surgical
specific side effects observed in our patient during the 12-month intervention is needed for residual lesions after completion of anti-
standard anti-TB therapy. In contrast, his systemic symptoms such TB chemotherapy.
as fever and abdominal pain were markedly resolved after the In summary, in our patient with stage 5 CKD secondary to
initiation of anti-TB medications, and gradual improvement in diabetic nephropathy, hemodialysis was initiated for suspected
Figure 4. Microscopic features of colon specimen. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin stain shows confluent granulomatous inflammation with caseous necrosis below
muscularis mucosa. Lymphocyte cuffing around the granulomas is also seen (100). (B) Acid-fast bacillus stain demonstrates mycobacterium as a red rod (arrow)
in the interface of caseous necrosis and viable cells (400).
Lee et al. Medicine (2020) 99:32 Medicine
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Author contributions
surgery? World J Gastrointest Surg 2017;27:174–81.
Conceptualization: In Hee Lee. [12] Giouleme O, Paschos P, Katsaros M, et al. Intestinal tuberculosis: a
diagnostic challenge—case report and review of the literature. Eur J
Data curation: Joong Goo Kwon, Chun-Seok Yang, Sungmin
Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011;23:1074–7.
Kang. [13] Milburn H, Ashman N, et al. British Thoracic Society Standards of Care
Formal analysis: In Hee Lee. Committee and Joint Tuberculosis CommitteeGuidelines for the
Methodology: In Hee Lee, Seong Gyu Kim. prevention and management of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Validation: Min-Kyung Kim, Dong Jik Ahn. and disease in adult patients with chronic kidney disease. Thorax
Writing – original draft: In Hee Lee, Seong Gyu Kim. [14] Sharma MP, Bhatia V. Abdominal tuberculosis. Indian J Med Res
Writing – review & editing: In Hee Lee. 2004;120:305–15.
In Hee Lee orcid: 0000-0003-3562-7586. [15] Debi U, Ravisankar V, Prasad KK, et al. Abdominal tuberculosis of
the gastrointestinal tract: revisited. World J Gastroenterol 2014;
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