MEningitis TB

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Problems of infections

PRZEGL EPIDEMIOL 2013; 67: 629 - 632

Katarzyna Guziejko, Piotr Czupryna, Anna Moniuszko, Sambor Grygorczuk,

Maciej Kondrusik, Joanna Zajkowska, Sawomir Pancewicz


Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfections
Medical University in Biaymstok

In this paper we present a case of a 58 years old male with a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis tuberculous meningitis (TBM). Tuberculous meningitis is usually caused by hematogenous spread of Mycobacterium
from lungs. The TBM is a severe disease with high mortality. The symptoms usually increase gradually and in the
course of the disease 3 clinical stages (prodromal phase, phase of neurological symptoms and phase of paresis)
may be differentiated. Cerebrospinal fluid examination, chest x-ray and sputum culture are crucial for diagnosis
of TBM. The proper diagnosis and early causative treatment significantly improve the outcome of the disease.
Key words: extrapulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis
In Poland for many years there has been a steady
decline in tuberculosis incidence, this is among many
reasons mainly due to improved life conditions of Polish
population such as better nutrition, higher standards of
sanitation, as well as effective chemotherapy and tuberculosis eradication programs (1). In 2009 the incidence
rate of all forms of TB amounted to 21.6 per 100,000
inhabitants, which rates Poland in a group of European
countries with average TB incidence rate (2).In 2008
TB mortality rate in Poland amounted to 2.1/100,000
population (3). Although the extrapulmonary type of TB
is rare (in 2009 incidence rate amounted to 1.5/100,000
population) it must be taken into consideration during
differential diagnosis of disorders of other organs and
systems (2). One type of extrapulmonary tuberculosis
characterised by severe course of the disease and high
mortality is tuberculous meningitis (TBM). The disease
develops as a consequence of mycobacterium blood
borne dissemination from TB primary focus most often
localised in lungs. In approximately 40-50% of patients
with identified TBM chest x-ray shows miliary changes,
or old tuberculosis lesions (4,5).
The development of the disease is insidious, following phases can be differentiated (6.7).
I. Prodromal symptoms such as malaise, mild fever,
loss of appetite, headache, which are not typical, and
their duration may extend to several weeks.
II. Neurological symptoms which include lethargy,
progressive cognitive disorders, cranial nerve palsy

(usually oculomotor) and meningeal signs.

III. Paralysis with concomitant coma, increase in intracranial pressure, and subsequent increase in intracranial fluid space.
Not typical clinical course with slowly increasing
symptoms and often mildly expressed meningeal signs,
contributes to late diagnosis, and delayed implementation of a specific treatment, which significantly worsens
the prognosis. TBM, if left untreated usually leads to
death. Despite the availability of effective and specific
treatment, the outcome of the disese may be fatal, which
is the consequence of late or unrecognised tuberculous
We present a case study of a patient with miliary
tuberculosis, as well as TBM, who was hospitalised in
Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfections
of Medical University in Bialystok, and in whom the diagnosis of TB was given at a time of symptoms appearance suggesting central nervous system involvement.


A 58 year old patient (farmer) who for 6 months was
under care of Pulmonary clinic, because of persistent
productive cough, loss of body weight (25kg) and weakness, was admitted to the Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfections on the 1/09/11 with suspected
encephalitis. On an x-ray performed a month prior, there

National Institute of Public Health National Institute of Hygiene


No 4

Katarzyna Guziejko, Piotr Czupryna et al.

Table I. Results of cerebrospinal fluid examination

Doba leczenia

Wodo jasny,
Wodo jasny,

Cytoza (kom/ul)

















45 (Neutrofile-81;
14 (Neutrofile-7%;

was visible presence of a shadow in left lung -apical

upper lobe (suspected TB). Between 31/08/- 1/09/11 the
patient was hospitalised in an Internal Disease Unit at a
District Hospital due to worsening headaches, especially
in the parietal area, motor aphasia, and difficulty with
movement. Because of increasing cognitive decline,
and the appearance of meningitis symptoms, on the
second day of hospitalisation the patient was referred
to the Neurological admission room with suspected
hemorrhagic stroke. CT examination scan revealed only
widening of the ventricles. The patient was referred to
our Department with a suspicion of encephalitis.
On admission the patient was conscious, with psychomotor agitation, without logical contact and with
body temperature of 38.8C. On GCS he scored 10
points. Physical examination revealed : neck stiffness
4cm, positive bilateral Kernings sign, positive right side
Oppenheims sign, dehydration, quiet vesicular sound,
palpable left supraclavicular node, as well as inguinal
nodes and dental decay. Laboratory tests revealed elevated inflammatory parameters (CRP- 35.9mg/l, ESR58/70, WBC- 10k), mild hyponatraemia (131mmol/l). In
the next 24 hours lumbar puncture was performed. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination revealed polinuclear pleocytosis, elevated protein concentration and low
glucose level (Tab.1.). Due to abnormalities observed on
the chest x-ray indicating miliary tuberculosis (Fig.1.)
antituberculotic treatment was commenced (Rifampicin 600mg/d, Pyrazinamid 1500/d, Nidrazid 300mg/d,
Streptomicin 1.0/d). In addition antioedematous drugs

Fig. 1. Miliary tuberculosis

were used (Mannitol 20%) and glucocorticosteroids

(Dextamethasone 16mg/daily in decreasing doses for
the entire duration of hospitalisation). In 3 consecutive
induced sputum examinations, acid resistant bacilli was
present, additionally in culture system BacT/ALERT as
well as in LJ medium elevated level of mycobacteria
was found. Furthermore csf (sample taken within the
first 48 hours) of hospitalisation, bacteria culture after
38 days acid resistant mycobacteria grew. During the
hospitalisation the patients neurological symptoms
improved. After 19 days of antituberculotic treatment
control csf examination indicated normalisation of
CSF parameters (Tab.1.). Patient was discharged home
after 23 days of hospitalisation in general good health
with recommendation to continue treatment in a Lung
Diseases and Tuberculosis Unit in the District Hospital.
After 7 weeks and modification of treatment with
two drugs (Rifampicin with Isoniazid) the patient was
admitted to our Department for a check-up. During
the admission the patient presented in general good
health, without any abnormalities in physical examination. Chest x-ray revealed gradual remission of miliary
changes (Fig. 1). Patient was discharged home in general
good condition with recommendation to continue antituberculotic treatment (Rifamazid 300+150) in outpatient
clinic and a follow up check-up in Lung Diseases and
Tuberculosis Clinic in his place of residence.

TBM is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis
(2). The disease develops slowly, and is difficult to
diagnose, because it does not manifest itself initially
with characteristic symptoms. In the discussed study the
disease progressed in 3 typical for TBM phases (6, 7).
The condition of the patient deteriorated significantly
with the emergence of subsequent symptoms proving
the progression of the disease, and the prognosis for
total recovery, without significant neurological deficits
depended on the time of antituberculotic treatment
In differential diagnosis different etiological factors
were taken into consideration, which could have caused
tuberculous meningitis and encephalitis (viruses, bacte-

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Tuberculous meningitis a case report

Fig. 2. Miliary tuberculosis partial regression of changes

ria). CSF test plays a vital role in suspected tuberculosis

etiology. CSF lymphocytosis, elevated concentration
of proteins, and reduced concentration of CSF glucose
suggest diagnosis. In CSF examination at the beginning
of the patients hospitalisation, in addition to typical
deviations in protein and glucose levels, polinuclear
pleocytosis was found, which can occur in the initial
phase of the disease (10). Glucose concentration in CSF
(23mg/dl) fully met the criterion level of less than 60%
of the concentration in the blood serum (94mg/dl). The
growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in culture of the
CSF sample is still the best standard in diagnosis of
tuberculosis. Unfortunately, traditional microbiological tests have low sensitivity and long waiting period
for positive results, while new and faster molecular
tests (bacterial DNA amplification by PCR) remain
expensive and inaccessible in routine hospital diagnosis.
Although these tests have positive predictive value and
high specificity, their sensitivity in diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is hardly satisfactory. This is
most likely due to low concentration of mycobacteria
in CSF, insufficient volume of test material (CSF), and
the presence of inhibitory substances in the process of
bacterial DNA amplification. Due to this, negative test

Fig. 3. Miliary tuberculosis after 2 months of treatment


results do not exclude TBM. Taking into account the

above mentioned factors, molecular tests should be
performed along with the traditional microbiological
studies (12, 13). Bacteriological infection confirmation
and thus defined time necessary to obtain tubercular mycobacteria growth, (depending on medium, sometimes
up to 2 months) should not delay appropriate therapy
if there is a clear clinical rationale suggestive of TBM.
Imagining tests (CT, MR) of CNS are helpful in assessing the severity of the disease, and qualification of
the patients for life saving medical procedures (severe
hydrocephalus). In the course of TBM CT scan of the
head usually reveals in at least half of the patients widening of ventricles, abnormalities on the base of the brain
and cerebral infarctions. Less frequently tuberculoma,
or oedema of the brain are observed . MR of the head
is more sensitive in imaging of CNS inflammation lesions (meningeal enhancement) in the TBM compared
to CT scan (4, 14). In approximately 50% of patients
with TB there are also tuberculous lesions in the lungs,
so x-ray of the chest as well as microbiological sputum
test, remain an essential part in diagnostic process.
On a basic of the chest x-ray and patients history, it
was decided to commence specific therapy. The choice
of right combination of antituberculotic drugs as well
time of TBM treatment, should cover intensive 4x drug
treatment (Isoniazid INH, Rifampicin RMP, Pyrzinamid
PZA, and Streptomycin SM), which continuation will
be two drug maintenance therapy (INH+RMP) for 12
months. Administration of glucocorticoids (Dextamethasone) favourably influences revisable changes in CSF
as well as greatly increases survival of patients. They
should be administered sequentially over a period of 6-8
weeks in decreasing doses. Glucocorticoid therapy has
no effect on the incidence rate of late consequences of
neurological disorders (6, 15, 16, 17). On the third day of
the specific therapy one could observe overall improvement in a patients well being, as well as regression of
neurological symptoms. Check-up examination on the
19th day of therapy showed tendency towards normalisation of parameters csf. After 2 months of treatment with
4 drugs (INH+RMP+PZA+SM), two drug therapy was
maintained (INH+RMP). Check-up chest x-rays showed
gradual remission of lung changes.
As previously mentioned, tuberculous meningitis
and encephalitis occur rarely, but it should be taken into
consideration in differential diagnosis of neuroinfection.
Early diagnosis and commencement of specific therapy
determines survival of the patient.


Katarzyna Guziejko, Piotr Czupryna et al.

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Received: 18.03.2013
Accepted for publication: 18.04.2013
Address for correspondence:
Lek. Katarzyna Guziejko
Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfections
Medical University in Biaystok
14 urawia Str.15-540 Biaystok
Tel. 85 74 -09- 514, fax 85 74-09-515
e-mail: [email protected]

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