The Impact of Gender Equality As Perceived by Selected Grade 11 ABM Students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School

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San Felipe Neri Catholic School


85 A.T Reyes St, Mandaluyong City

“The Impact of Gender Equality As Perceived by Selected grade 11 ABM students

of San Felipe Neri Catholic School”


FRONDA, Jamiel Enzo M.

DELEON, John Carlo

BERNARDO, Maraviene D.

BOLIVAR, Nicholas Dave C.

BILLAN, Angelic Rose C.

BUNA, Pia Ladine U.



Background of the Study

In June 2012, World Vision International commissioned a gender equality study,

supported by World Vision Australia, to examine the impact of the organization on
gender equality within its partner communities. The study was motivated by the
organization's desire to learn from past and current programming and, more specifically,
to identify whether World Vision has contributed to a change in gender equality.

The Kenya field site has been established as the first and "pilot" site for the study.
The focus of the Kenya study was to examine the contribution, if any, of the Marigat Girl
Child Promotion Project (MGCPP) to gender equality, and to assess how (any) change
in gender equality has had an impact on the achievement of three of World Vision's four
Child Well-being Aspirations. (Purnell, 2014)

Gender equality addresses the different interpretations of the claim that men and
women are equal or should be treated equally and the arguments used to advance
claims for gender equality.

Despite the gains made by women's groups, trade unions, international

organizations, government agencies and non-governmental organizations over the last
three decades, most women in the Philippines remain marginalized and disadvantaged
in the world of work.

National Perspective

Based on the information the researchers gathered, the national perspective

about gender equality is that both gender have different status and power and that is
where discrimination comes in. Despite gains made by women's organizations, trade
unions, international organizations, government agencies, and non-governmental
organizations over the last three decades, most women in the Philippines continue to be
marginalized and disadvantaged in the workplace.

Researcher’s Perspective

The researcher's perspective about gender equality is that most of the time, men
think that women are more superior than men. If the researchers would base the
performance of the two genders, women are most likely to be leaders or such.

Proposed Title and Objective

This study title “The Impact of Gender Equality as Perceived by Selected

Grade 11 ABM Students of San Felipe Neri catholic school” will help the researchers
know the perception of the selected Grade 11 ABM students of San Felipe Neri Catholic
School. This study will tend to know what is the experience of the selected students who
are being challenged by Gender Equality.


Theoretical Construct

The Researchers approach with theory “General Standpoint Theory” This

theory focuses on the perception and experience of the day to day of the person who is
being challenged by gender equality (Sprague, 2011). A general standpoint that arises
when people recognize the value of power that creates a different group within the
society (Allen, 1996)

Definition of Theory

The most important concept of standpoint theory is that an individual's own

perspectives are shaped by their social and political experiences. Standpoints are
argued to be multifaceted rather than essentializing: for example, while Hispanic women
may generally share some perspectives, particularly with regard to ethnicity or sex.


In the 1970s feminist writers inspired by that Marxist insight began to examine
how inequalities between men and women influence knowledge production. Standpoint
theory suggests that women's greater experiences of gender-based discrimination
sensitize them to these issues. Women thus should be more attuned to gender bias in
cases that come before them and in the social relations that constitute the practice of

Relation of the Study

Standpoint theory suggests that women's greater experiences of gender-based

discrimination sensitize them to these issues.

Grand Tour of Problems:

This study titled “The Impact of Gender Equality as perceived by selected grade
11 abm students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School” targets to know what is the
perception and experience of the selected Grade Eleven ABM Students of San Felipe
Neri Catholic School. This study opens people’s mind on how other people really think
about Gender Equality.

General Questions:

1. What are the lived experience on Gender Equality of selected grade eleven
ABM students of SFNCS

2. What is the perception of selected grade 11 ABM students of SFNCS on

Gender Equality based on their lived experiences?

Specific Questions:

1. How do they see or feel the gender equality inside the room?

2. What are the challenges of gender equality that you encountered? How did
you overcome it?

3. What is the most challenging experience you have on gender equality?

4. What are you going to do to overcome these difficult challenges you've


5. How do you expect other people who experienced gender equality will learn
from you?

6. What do you think about gender equality? Is it fair for all or unfair for all?
II. Synthesis of Literature Review

This research focuses about the impact of gender equality as perceived by

selected grade 11 ABM students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School. The researchers
want to know their perception regarding gender equality based on their lived

The researchers experienced problems and hindrances while doing the research.
The researchers find the questions needed to ask for the interviewee difficult. The
researchers also find it difficult to construct sentences, and to consolidate opinions.

However, the hindrances made the researchers think, and the researchers
educated themselves. They’ve accepted constructive criticisms. The researchers
learned something about the topic, and the researchers ought to educate other people
with what they have learned.

There were a lot of hindrances and problems all throughout the research case,
but with having interdependence the researchers are able to make the study
presentable and unique. As a final observation, the answers that the researchers gather
show that some people tend to experience Gender Inequality, yet with their experiences
they are able to learn from it.


● Gender stereotyping

The researchers noticed one of the most common hindrances on having

gender equality is gender stereotyping. It is preconceived notions that females
and males are arbitrarily given characteristics and positions based on their
gender, which are then restricted.

● Societal expectations on gender roles

Society is one of the biggest factors of why gender roles exist. For
instance, Women are usually required to dress and be respectful, welcoming and
nurturing in traditional feminine styles while men are usually strong, aggressive,
and audacious.
● Sexism

This means the discrimination on the basis of gender or sex, or the

assumption that discrimination is justified because men are superior to women.
This may be an aware or unconscious belief.

● Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is a gender-based problem that continues to be a

major infringement of human rights in all societies. Gender-based violence is
gender-based violence against a female. Gender-based violence affects both
women and men, but women and girls represent the majority of victims.
III. Methodology

This chapter presents the methods used in the study and describes the steps
carry out the analysis and interpretation of gender equality. Located here are the
research design and a linguistic analysis of gender equality.

A. Research Design

The research conducted used a Phenomenology Research Design.

Descriptive phenomenology is widely used in social science research as a
method to explore and describe the lived experience of individuals. (Christiensen,
Welch, Barr, 2017)

The researchers assume that Phenomenology is suitable for this topic

because the study focuses on the perspective, beliefs, and opinions of the
participants. This is also to gain a deeper understanding of gender equality from
the collected data.

The number of respondents to the survey was limited, but this type of
design is not dependent on the number of respondents. Therefore, the
researchers understood that it is suitable for the study where interviews and
observations are also conducted to complement the gathering of data and

B. Research Methodology

In collecting data, the researchers used the written interview through a

survey with an "open-ended question method" to gather the respondents'
perspectives. The researchers made sure that the questions were well-asked,
appropriate, and answered.

The researchers sought permission from the respondents and assured the
confidentiality of their responses while the research was conducting. They
subsequently organized the responses gathered from the questionnaire given by
the researchers to the respondents. Their responses were analyzed and
categorized based on the nature and theme of its approach.

IV. Table of Data Analysis

SQ#1: How do they see or feel R1: When students tend to do

gender equality inside the room? something and they don't want to
share it to others because they think
Theme: that they can't do it.
R2: It's still unfair because most of the
time female are the superior in the
classroom because they are the one
who are giving orders and trying to
organize the room and teachers
always want women to be the officers
the people who are gonna help
Homeroom Culture teacher because they know that
women are more capable when it
comes to responsibilities.
R3: When a teacher picks a volunteer
but he/she chooses a girl because
he/she thinks that she has a better
R4: Having gender equality in one
room is nice because in that way I am
assured that everyone is respecting
each other.
R5: Gender equality inside the room is
not about women treating men
equally, it's about what they do.
R6: Gender equality can be seen
through the groupings that are given
that are mostly half girls and half boys.

Analysis Interpretation

Homeroom culture gives us a wealth of reasons based on their answers to

say that gender is a big deal in terms of responsibilities inside the classroom.
Theme Responses

SQ#2: What is your perception of R1: When people of all genders have
gender equality? equal rights, responsibilities and
Theme: R2: Everyone's fair.
R3: The equality and rights of each
gender to the society.
R4: It is all about equal rights for all
Egalitarianism R5: Gender equality is when people
receive equal rights, opportunities,
and responsibilities. I think we're
blessed that we're living in a
generation wherein we somehow
experience this.
R6: Gender equality is when people of
all genders have equal rights,
responsibilities and opportunities.

Analysis Interpretation

Gender equality connects to the word Egalitarian which is the theme

because of the said equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities in all spheres of life.

Theme Responses

SQ#3: What challenge/s of gender R1:.When someone thinks that men

equality have you encountered? are men they don't give up, well in fact
How did you overcome it? men are human with the same
feelings like women.
Theme: R2: Discrimination. I ignore it.
R3: Belittling women. I made the
things possible that they thought i
would not since I'm a woman
Discrimination R4: The challenges that I've
encountered that we women are being
underestimated by others. I've
overcome it by fighting my rights or by
just ignoring it.
R5: I remember when our teachers
are always calling our boy classmates
when they need help in carrying their
R6: When other people, mostly guys
see you as a weak person because
you're a girl and for them there's a lot
of things you can't do. I overcome it by
not listening to what they say and just
prove to them that they are wrong.

Analysis Interpretation

An over-generalized belief about a particular category of people is mainly

the reason of why discrimination takes place in genders. Therefore, they strongly
prove that they can do things on their own regardless of their gender.

Theme Responses

SQ#4: What would you do to R1: Listen to yourself, then reflect.

overcome these challenges? R2: Ignore them.
R3: Prove them wrong.
Theme: R4: I will stand up for my rights
because gender equality is also
human rights and anyone should have
Upholding Rights R5: Prove that we can also do what
men can do.
R6: I will let myself do whatever I want
and let other people know that also
girls or women can do everything.

Analysis Interpretation

Believing in yourself in order to uphold the rights of a certain gender is how

they would overcome these challenges.

Theme Responses

SQ#5: How do you expect other R1: We develop ideas about the
people to learn from your or their world. We then test the ideas to see if
experiences? they are true, but others have the
ability to correct it and do it in a simple
Theme: way.
R2: I expect them to learn something
new from me or from their experience.
R3: I want them to know that we
women can also do things like how
they do it.
Raising Awareness R4: I expect that people fight for their
rights and stand for gender equality to
reduce gender stereotyping or
R5: By learning to voice out their
opinions. And to not limit themselves
even if someone says they can't do it.
R6: People should respect and treat
everyone the same because that's
what we all deserve.

Analysis Interpretation

Raising awareness to the world to fight for their rights because of their
strength that would prove other people that it is what they deserve.

Theme Responses

SQ#6: Do you think gender equality R1: Yes, simply because equality is
is fair? If not, then why? the process of being fair with men and
Theme: R2: Yes.
R3: As of now, no, some people still
think that they are superior to the
other gender.
R4: For me, gender equality is fair
Perception of because all genders should be treated
Fairness right and equal.
R5: Based on its name "equality", I
can say that it's fair.
R6: No, because until now there's still
a lot of discrimination towards women
when it comes to their ability to work,
to what they should only do and how
they should act in this society.

Analysis Interpretation
They believe on the fairness of gender equality, but knowing the
generation today, some of them aren’t convinced of its fairness because of the
discrimination that happens a lot.

V. Recommendation

Based on the findings and results in this study, the researchers

recommend further research that could do some more studies about the
awareness and impact of gender equality in relation to the students since the
result is inconclusive.This will provide them with a wealth of knowledge on how it
is implemented in our society. To be a person who is open-minded on any issue
that occurs in everyone’s lives.

To the future researchers, the researchers recommend enlarging the

sample size in order to fully earn the knowledge and analyze bigger perceptions
of gender equality.

To the students, the researchers recommend deeper knowledge and

awareness with regards to gender equality and to take the said issue seriously.

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