PCK 304 W2 Understanding The Lesson 1 (Lyka)
PCK 304 W2 Understanding The Lesson 1 (Lyka)
PCK 304 W2 Understanding The Lesson 1 (Lyka)
A. To check your understanding on the basic concepts and principles in assessing learnings using
nontraditional or alternative methods. Answer the questions below: 3 points each ( 2 points for
the relevance, 1 point for the organization)
a) They involve multistage tasks and real problems that require creative use of language
rather than simple repetition.
b) They require learners to produce a quality product or performance.
c) They involve interaction between assessor, peers, and person assessed.
5. Give and explain three principles in assessing learning using alternative methods..
1. Assessment is both process and product oriented.
The Traditional assessment focuses on the product or output only, while the Alternative
assessment focuses not only on the product or output but also on the allotted effort and the
process on how the students completed their performance task.
2. Assessment should focus on higher order cognitive outcomes.
When doing an assessment the higher order thinking skills must be present, their
creativity and critical thinking skills must be exercise while doing a task so that the
product will be unique and authentic.
B. To know if you have acquired the needed information about the basic concepts and principles
in alternative assessment, use the table provided to develop a matrix of the difference between
traditional assessment and alternative assessment of learning. Everyone will share and discuss in
the class the matrix they have developed.
C. Based on the lessons on the basic concepts and principles in assessing learning using non-
traditional or alternative methods, select one core principle in assessing learning and explain
them in relation to your experience in previous or in current teacher in one of your
For example:
Principle Illustration of Practice
Assessment should reflect real life or real- In our practicum course, we were asked to
world contexts. prepare a lesson plan then to execute the plan
in front of the students with my critic teacher
around to evaluate my performance. The
actual planning of the lesson and its execution
in front of the class and the critic teacher are
authentic ways of assessing my ability to
design and deliver instruction rather than
being assessed through demonstration in front
of my classmates in the classroom