Geodynamics 1

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Exercises Geodynamics Turcotte et al. (2002)

Technical Report · October 2017

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3 authors, including:

Sergio Esteban Silva Sánchez

Los Andes University (Colombia)


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Geodynamics - Homework 1
Sergio Esteban Silva Nicolas Bedoya Jauregui
201414836 201413649
Daniel Felipe Forero
August 2016

All problems extracted from Turcotte et al. [2002]

1.1 Problem 1.4
First, the radius that should be taken is the located in the core - mantle bound-
rmcb = 6371Km − 2891Km = 3480Km (1)
~ = µ0 .m (1 + 3 cos2 (θm )) 12 )
|B| (2)
dB µ0 .m 1 −1
= 3 (1 + 3 cos2 (θm )) 2 )(−6) cos(θm ) sin(θm ) (3)
dθ 4πrmcb 2
dB µ0 .m cos(θm ) sin(θm ) π
= (−3) 3 −1 = 0 θm ∈ ((2n + 1) ∪ (nπ)) (4)
dθ 4πrmcb (1 + 3 cos2 (θm )) 2 2
Then: If θm = 0 :

~ = µ0 .m = 380 µT
|B| (5)

1.2 Problem 1.18

In order to calculate the relative plate velocity between the Nazca plate an
South American plates at Lima, we have to localize the rotation pole:

N azca − SouthAmerica = 56o N, −94o E Lima, P eru = 12o S, 77o W (6)

Also we know that the angular velocity of the plates is:

ω = 0, 72 deg/M yr = 12, 5 ∗ 10−3 rad/M yr (7)

Using the formula 1.18 given in the book we can calculate ∆ but first we have
to fund the lineal velocity and we need to recalculate the poles to north latitude
and East longitude.
v = w ∗ r ∗ sin ∆ (8)
[cos(∆) = cos θ cos θ + sin θ sin θ0 cos(φ − φ0 )] (9)
0 0
θ = 34o φ = −94o θ = 102o φ = 283o (10)
[cos(∆) = cos(31) cos(102) + sin(34) sin θ(102) cos(−0.94 − 283)] (11)
∆ = 69, 47o (12)
v = 74, 58mm/yr (13)
Finally we calculate the direction of the vector

π (cos λp sin(θp − θ))

β= + arcsin( ) (14)
2 (sin ∆)

π (cos(56) sin(−266 − 283))

β= + arcsin( ) (15)
2 (sin 69.47)
β = 95.36o (16)

1.3 Problem 1.22

Figure 1: Triple junction problem 1.22

For solve this problem, we have to make a vectors diagram give in the Figure
Then, we can calculate the magnitude of the velocity vector, using the cosine
|VCB | = (502 + 602 + 2(50)(60) cos(45)) 2 (17)
|VCB | = 43.1 mm/yr (18)

Figure 2: Vectors diagram

The azimuth can be calculated with de sine law, then:

Az = 180o + α (19)
60 sin 45
α = arcsin ( ) (20)
Az = 180o + 79.86o = 259.86o (21)

2.1 Problem 1.13
The surface distances between the Earth’s magnetic poles and geographic poles
North: 1890.31 Km
South: 2446.29 Km
All the equations are in the following link:
Geodynamics/blob/master/HW1/Tarea 1 Geodinamica.ipynb.
This problems have been programmed in Python 2.7 whithin the IPython Note-
book environment.

2.2 Problem 1.15

The distance between the paleomagnetic poles obtained from North American
and European rocks as a function of time, could be plotted like:

Figure 3: Distance between North magnetic poles measured in Europe and
North America

It should be noticed that distance appears to remain constant, close to

3000 km up until around −200 M yr which seems to correspond to the Tri-
assic. After, in the Jurassic was the Geologic period in which the Laurasia
continent started to separate from North America and Europe. Then, though
poles seem to be coming closer, this actually means that they are approaching
their current position, so Laurentia and Eurasia are actually seaprating from
each other. Also, we can see that between −500 M yr and around −200 M yr the
distance is near to be constant. This event, could be explained by the presence
of the rocks in the same location.
The graph is strong evidence in the side of continental drift showing how pole
positions measured from the different continents vary with time reaching the
current position.

In order to calculate the relative plate velocity between the Nazca plate an
South American plates at Sierra Negra, we have to localize the rotation pole:

N azca − SouthAmerica = 56o N, −94o E SierraN egra = 18.98o N, −97.32o E


Also we know that the angular velocity of the plates is :
ω = 0, 72Deg/M gr = 12, 5 × 10−3 rad/M yr (23)
0 0
o o o o
θ = 34 φ = −94 θ = 71.02 φ = −97.32 (24)
Using equation 9:
∆ = 37.1o (25)
v = 47.93mm/yr (26)
The azimuth could be calculated with the equation 14, then:
π (cos(56) sin(−266 − 262.68))
β= + arcsin( ) (27)
2 (sin 37.1)
β = 79.51o (28)
Based on this Azimuth and velocity, we can conclude that the Galapagos islands
will collide with the South american continent approximately at the boundary
between Ecuador and Colombia, at the coordinates 1o N 78o W .
If we calculate the distance between Galapagos and the point given, we can
see that the time could be calculated like:

∆ = 0, 244 rad (29)

s = ∆ ∗ r = 1555, 62Km (30)
1555, 62 Km
time = = 32, 46 M yr (31)
47, 93 Km/M yr
These calculations might differ from what will actually happen as we are as-
suming that one of the two plates is static in order to make them. Also, the
subduction between this two plates could affect the colission.

Plates Velocity (mm/yr) Azimuth (o )

Cocos-Nazca 39.52 8.90
Nazca-Pacific 124.63 98.14
Cocos-Pacific 129.1 80.86

Table 1:
Velocities and azimuths calculated using spherical trigonometry.

Furthermore, when we calculated Cocos and Pacific velocity and Azimuth

by means of flat trigonometry we are able to find that the velocity of the plates
is 130.25 mm/yr and azimuth is equal to 115.8 o . At first glance it’s easy to
notice that the speeds obtained with the different methods are quite similar, as
expected. As we can see, the only variable that change is the Azimuth. This
could be explained by the conversion between the 2D geometry and spherical

Figure 4: Triple junction problem 1.22

Donald Lawson Turcotte, Gerald Schubert, and Donald Lawson Turcotte. Geo-
dynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

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