A Study On The Customer Awareness of E-Banking Services in Madurai City
A Study On The Customer Awareness of E-Banking Services in Madurai City
A Study On The Customer Awareness of E-Banking Services in Madurai City
Banking has played a very important role in the economic development of all the nations of the world. In fact, banking is the
life blood of modern commerce. Apart from their traditional business oriented functions, they have now come out to fulfill
national responsibilities. Banks cater to the needs of agriculturists, industrialists, traders and to all the other sections of the
society. Thus, they accelerate the economic growth of a country.
In this competitive scenario, everyone wants to promote and sustain his business. There are various media through which one can
prompt the business. So, they all need awareness about systemized bank services like Internet banking, Mobile banking, and
Automatic teller machine services. E-banking is considered a powerful media. In general, the people are not aware of e-banking
and its advantage. In this context, the following research questions arise.
1. To what extent the respondents are aware about technology driven services in the study area named Madurai
3. What are the major problems faced by the user while using E-banking services?
In the present globalized scenario, everywhere there is the use of technology. In the banking sector also, including the technology
play dominate role. In many years ago, people approached the bank and waited in the long queue for withdrawing cash,
requesting a statement of account, transferring the funds etc. so the bank takes many steps to decreases the difficulties and adopt
the new technologies of electronic banking service. E-banking includes Mobile banking, Internet banking, and Automatic teller
machine. If the customers use the e-banking services, it is easy to transfer the fund. It ensures convenience (24 hours), user
friendliness, safe and secure. Advertisement plays a major role in making people aware of e-banking like Ad in newspaper, Ad in
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television, Notice etc. These e-banking is considered a powerful tool for promoting the business. Hence, the researcher made an
attempt to study the customer awareness of e-banking in the Madurai city.
1. The present study is confined to analyze the attitude of customer awareness towards e-banking.
2. This study does not cover the traditional services provided by the bank.
The project result will be also helpful to get the knowledge about the process of e-banking and usefulness to
banking sector.
4. This study gives information regarding the opinions of the customer satisfaction about the services of e-banking.
The study results are limited to the study are that is Madurai city only.
This study was conducted and targeted only e-banking respondents who used E-banking services.
The statistical tool are used in this study suffer from their inherent defects.
Due to time constraint the survey was restricted to a sample size of 300 customers.
Inability on the part of some of the respondents to answer certain questions is a limitation of this study.
The table shows the classification of the respondents based on choose the E-banking services.
Table 1
1 Convenience to use 78 26
4 Others 11 4%
The above table shows that out of 300 respondents, 142 respondents choose the E-banking services are
used Time savings that is 47%, 78 respondents choose the E-banking services are used Convenience to use that is 26%,
69 respondents choose the E-banking services are used Money savings that is 23%, 11 respondents choose the E-banking
services are used Others that is 4%, The opinion is clearly shown in the chart given below.
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Table 2.
The table shows the classification of the respondents based on Use of E-banking services
Table 3
The above table shows that out of 300 respondents, 250 respondents have used any one E-banking
services that is 83%, 35 respondents have used any two services that is 12%, 15 respondents have used all three E-
banking that is 5%, The opinion is clearly shown in the chart given below.
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Table 4.
Table 4 (1)
1 ATM 150 60
2 Mobile banking 20 8
3 Internet banking 80 32
The above table shows that out of 250 respondents, 150 respondents have used only one services of ATM that is 60%,
80 respondents have used only one services of Internet banking that is 32%, 20 respondents have used only one services
of Mobile banking that is 8%.
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Total 35 100
Source: primary data
The above table shows that out of 35 respondents, 22 respondents have used two services of ATM & Net that is 63%,
7 respondents have used two services of ATM & Mobile that is 20%, 6 respondents have used two services of Mobile
&Net banking that is 17%,
In any study Age is an important demographic characteristic of the respondents that affects opinion. The table shows the
classification of the respondents based on age.
Table 5
No of
S.No Age group Respondents Percentage(%)
1 Below – 20 12 4
2 20-25 92 31
3 26-35 95 32
4 36-50 81 27
5 Above-50 20 7
The above table shows that out of 300 respondents 95 respondents were age 26-35 that is 32%, 92 Respondents less
than 26 years age that is 31%, 81 respondents were 36-50 years age that is 27%, 20 respondents were Above 50years
age that is 7%, 12 respondents were Below 20 years age that is 12%. The opinion is clearly shown in the chart given
Chi-square test-case I:
The customers‟ age wise classification and the use of e-banking they prefer were cross-tabulated from 300 respondents.
A cross tabulation with a chi-squared test requested from the computer package. The output is shown below in the table.
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Table 6
Age vs use of e-banking Cross tabulation
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Chi-Square Tests
In any study Occupation is an important demographic characteristic of the respondents that affects opinion. The table
shows the classification of the respondents based on Occupation .
Table 8
1 Business man/women 69 23
2 Government employee 51 17
4 Student 11 4
5 Professional 35 12
6 House wife 7 2
The above table shows that out of 300 respondents, 127 respondents were Private employee that is 42%, 69
respondents were Business man/women that is 23%, 51 respondents were Government employee hat is 17%, 35
respondents were Professionals that is 12 %. 11 respondents were student that is 4 %. 5 respondents were House wife
that is 2 %. The opinion is clearly shown in the chart given below.
Among the 300 respondents 127 were Private employee that is 42%
The Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks (named after William Kruskal and W. Allen Wallis) is a
non-parametric method for testing whether samples originate from the same distribution. It is used for comparing more than two
samples that are independent, or not related. The parametric equivalent of the Kruskal-Wallis test is the one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA). When the Kruskal-Wallis test leads to significant results, then at least one of the samples is different from
the other samples. The test does not identify where the differences occur or how many differences actually occur. It is an
extension of the Mann–Whitney U test to 3 or more groups. Since it is a non-parametric method, the Kruskal–Wallis test does not
assume a normal distribution, unlike the analogous one-way analysis of variance. Kruskal–Wallis is also used when the examined
groups are of unequal size (different number of participants).
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Ho6: There is no significant difference in the ranks given by the respondents of different occupation dimensions of workers to the
opening of e-banking account services for convenience(24 hours).
HA6: There is significant difference in the ranks by the respondents of different occupation dimensions of workers to the opening
of e-banking account services for convenience(24 hours)
Table 9
Factor analysis, a Multivariate interdependence statistical technique is a data reduction tool. Factor analysis removes redundancy
or duplication from a set of correlated variables. It is helpful in representing correlated variables with a smaller set of “derived”
variables. Factors are formed that are relatively independent of one another. The present researcher has applied the factor analysis
for the Specify your opinion about the problems you have met while using e-banking services
As the first step, sample respondents 300 in number were requested to state to what an extent they agree or disagree with the 17
statements. To measure the degree of preference of the ATM with each of these 17 statements, likert type 5 point numerical scale
was use. Strongly agree carrying score 5, agree the score of 4, neither agree (or) disagree carrying the score 3, Disagree the score
of 2 and Strongly disagree the score of 1.
The appropriateness of the factor model is tested before extracting the factors. The test statistics for sphercity based on a chi-
square transformation of the determinant of the correlation matrix. Another useful statistics is the Kaiser-Meyer-OlKin (KMO)
test of sampling adequacy. Small values of the KMO statistics indicate that the correlation between pair of variables cannot be
explained by other variables and that factor analysis may not be appropriate. Generally, a value greater than 0.5 is desirable.
The correlation matrix was examined carefully and the two tests, viz., Bartlett‟s test of sphercity and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
were undertaken to test if it was judicious to proceed with factor analysis in the present study.
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Df 136
Sig. .000
The significance (0.000) is less than
the assumed significance value (0.05). so the null hypothesis H0 is rejected, the alternate hypothesis H1 is accepted, and hence the
factor analysis is valid, next, one may look at the KMO co-efficient to cross check Bartlett‟s test. It can be seen (0.626) is more
than 0.5, so one agrees with Bartlett‟s test that the factor analysis is valid.
There are two main stage in factor analysis as the first stage, principal component analysis was used for the initial extraction of
the factors. PCA is a technique for forming a set of new variables that are linear combination of the original set of variables. The
new variables are called „Principal Component or factors.
The Principle Component Analysis is used for initial extraction of factors. The Eigen value more than one was considered for the
information of new principal components. The Factor I explained with variance 17.538 and Eigen value 2.981. The Factor II
explained with variance 13.667 and Eigen value 2.32. The Factor III explained with variance 9.267 and Eigen value 1.575. The
Factor V explained with variance 8.851 and Eigen value 1.505.The Factor VI explained with variance 7.759 and Eigen value
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1 2 3 4 5 6
No printing statement .773
Table exhibits the rotated factor loadings for the 17 statements(variables) have been reduced to six factors, namely
F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,and F6. These six factors with suitable names are given below:
F3- Inconvenience.
F4-Inadequate services.
F5-Fresh card.
F6-Fee charged.
The factors and variables within those factors are presented in the following tables( )
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Table 10
The Five factors have been loaded on factor-1, The factor is named as Incomplete process on the basis of loading. The
Eigen value for the above Factor 1 was 2.981, and the percentage variance was 17.538.
Table 11
The Four factors have been loaded on factor-2, The factor is named as Changing password on the basis of loading. The
Eigen value for the above Factor 2 was 2.323, and the percentage variance was 13.667.
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The one factors have been loaded on factor-3, The factor is named as Inconvenience on the basis of loading. The Eigen
value for the above Factor 3 was 1.575, and the percentage variance was 9.267.
Table 12
1.543 9.075
The two factors have been loaded on factor-4, The factor is named as Inadequate services on the basis of loading. The
Eigen value for the above Factor 4 was 1.543, and the percentage variance was 9.075.
Table 13
1.505 8.851
2 Expiry date .543
The two factors have been loaded on factor-5, The factor is named as Fresh card on the basis of loading. The Eigen value
for the above Factor 5 was 1.505, and the percentage variance was 8.851.
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Table 14
The one factors have been loaded on factor-6, The factor is named as Fee charged on the basis of loading. The Eigen value
for the above Factor 6 was 1.319, and the percentage variance was 7.759.
Table 15
It is evident from the table that the statement ,Card get locked with factor loading of 0.748, Changing password with factor
loading of 0.813, Difficulty using other banks ATM center with factor loading of 0.688, Slow process with factor loading of
0.698, Fresh card with factor loading of 0.855, Fee charged with factor loading of 0.173, are the statements with the higher
loading factors of F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,and F6 respectively. Therefore, these are the identified six variables, which carry greater
influence over the relative factors that the respondents are mostly facing the high problems of ATM.
Attitude is a behavioural disposition which is part of the structure of human perception It is an enduring organisation of
motivational, emotional, perceptual and cognitive processes with respect to some aspects of the individual‟s world. It is an
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enduring system of one‟s belief, feeling and action tendencies. Scaling is the extension of measurement. It is the process of
placing respondents in continuum. This attitude scale is used to identify the level of satisfaction of the respondents used by ATM,
Mobile banking, Internet banking.
High 55 22
Medium 164 65
Low 31 13
Out of 250 respondents, 164 (65%) have medium level attitude towards ATM services, 55(22%) have High level attitude towards
ATM services. 31(13%) have low level attitude towards ATM services.
Mobile banking
High 3 20
Medium 11 73
Low 1 7
Total 15 100
Out of 15 respondents, 11 (73%) have medium level attitude towards Mobile banking services,3(20%) have High level attitude
towards Mobile banking services. 1(7%) have low level attitude towards Mobile banking services.
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ISSN: 2455-2631 © August 2016 IJSDR | Volume 1, Issue 8
Internet banking
High 6 17
Medium 26 74
Low 3 9
Total 35 100
Out of 35 respondents, 26 74%) have medium level attitude towards Internet banking services, 6(17%) have High level attitude
towards Internet banking services. 3(9%) have low level attitude towards Internet banking services.
To the bank:
Much need to be done in the areas of creating awareness about the availability of electronic banking products and
services, how they operate and their benefits. Banks should organize public exhibitions and talk shows and make
products accessible to all customers.
The bank should come forward with more meaningful advertisements and awareness campaigns to create awareness
among customer‟s regarding e-banking services and to make e-banking popular among the entire age and income group.
Banks should try to win customers confidence by providing adequate security to transaction. If the problems comes in
the banks should ensure that at no time should service case as a result of network problem.
The bank staff must know all the facilities of e-banking so they can say about
the e-banking facilities to the customer properly, so the researcher suggest be properly trained regarding this scientific
The bank should come forward with more advertisements through the flex in the bank so the customers may easily
understand how to operate e-banking services at the counter of all banks.
The customer may not be charged for using the ATM more than 3 times.
To the customer:
To the Government.
Governments should provide adequate regulatory framework that will ensure customer protection and security
Government compel educational institutions to introduce e-banking as a special subject in depth with practical
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ISSN: 2455-2631 © August 2016 IJSDR | Volume 1, Issue 8
Most of the respondents are aware of e-banking either fully or partially. E-banking are the most preferred choice followed by
ATM, Internet banking, Mobile banking in terms of the frequency of usage for the benefits accrosing time savings come out to be
the major benefit followed by easy processing, inexpensive, and easy fund transfer, bill payment etc. some of respondents are
account holders of different banks, and they have been availing the e-banking facilities provided by the banks. In many
advertisement can play a major role in making people aware of e-banking technologies, e-banking is useful and they will use it in
future. So our country will get super power in the year 2020.
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