KUD (E-Banking) Paper Full
KUD (E-Banking) Paper Full
KUD (E-Banking) Paper Full
Banking Industry is the driving force in the financial sector any economy. After liberlisation and
deregulation, it has received expected impetus. The Globalisation also posed various external
challenges. Due to the dyamism in the expectations of today’s customers,modern banks are
compelled to faster their services with the right mix of technology.This is the question of their
servival.It has forced the entire banking industry to strengthen their performance efficiency.
During the last two decades ,the banking sector has witnessed remarkable
transformation.However it needs to address several issues which will impact on its future
survival. In digital era, the banking sector has witnessed outstanding innovations. This
phenomena needs to continue for the success of the Banking industry. Both use of computer
Technology has been so fast changing, that it has become troublesome for both the customers
and the banks to choose the best approach. All over the Globe, the banks are restructuring their
business strategies towards new opportunities provided by e-banking technology. The bankes are
impelled to search for innovative way to attract more customers to utilize their services.
Understanding the changing needs of the customers is the challenge for the banking industry.The
most dynamic element of today’s banking is changing customer preferences and demand for new
and innovative products and services at the click of the mouse.’Time’ is the most essential
element. So, today customers are not willing to be restricted to any geographical and time factors
for performing their banking dealings. Customer Satisfaction is very vital for every banking
sector. The major task of today’s banking sector is to recognize the perception of the customers
and structure the strategies to satisfy the customers and to strenghthen the service quality. The
main thrust behind the present investigation is to examine and understand the effectiveness of
the adoption and utilization of e-banking and also to peep into all those adequacies of
prefering to e-products in the selected Syndicate Bank branches in Uttara Kannada Dist.
To assess the awareness of the customers regarding various e-products provided by the
To learn the specifics regarding the challenges in front of the banking industry
The inferences can be applied only to two cities namely Yellapur and Ankola of Uttarakannada
The data collected relates to only 1month and 15 days (From Jan 15 to 29 feb 2020)
4.Research Methodolgy:
The investigator has selected the sample size of 100 customers who have their bank account in
syndicate banks of Yellapur and Ankola in UttaraKannada District on random basis to examine
the preference of customers towards e- banking services. Both the Primary Data and Secondary
Data have been used. The primary information has been gathered through the use of a
structured questionnaire and the secondary data have been collected from published and
unpublished Articles, National and international Journals, Ph.D.Thesis, Books, Even News
5.Research Methodolgy:
The questionnaire consists of both close -ended and open –ended questions. Concerning to close-
ended questions checklist and Liker scale were included. The analysis of the has been carried
out by using percentage method,frequencies and chi-Square tests. Charts and tables are also
6.Literature Review:
Ogunlowore Akindele John and Oladele Rotimi(2014).They investigated that there is a critical
of electronic banking money, there is a critical change, by and large, banking services and
critical part for the banking industry and also the customers benefits should be a identifying
factor.It is neccessar on the part of the banking machinery to reduce the costs, accelerate
Hess, L R (1999) He investigated on consumer satisfaction and explored that the bank-
customers' overall satisfaction of the customers’ is influenced by the satisfaction of bank officer.
The investigation explores that the previous service involvement of the customer with an
Karjaluoto et al. (2002) Explored that 'banking is not confined to any age and geographical
area. customers feel pleasurable only when they have reasonably effortless access to their
Puja Khatri and Yukti Ahuja (2010) They worked on consumer satisfaction and researched
that consumer satisfaction is particularly affected by service quality given to them. The
investigation discovered that private banks appear to have satisfied their bank-customers superior
Elavarasi. R. and Surulivel (2014) explored that which commercial bank gives better services
in connection with electronic banking services to customers in Kumbakonam City. The after
effect of their investigation showed that the mean age of E-banking users is 0.795 and 0.205
respectively and the majority of the respondents were men as compared to women.
A sound structured questionnaire was designed by considering the problems faced by the
customers in their banking dealings. An analysis as to how the customers respond to the e-
banking technology and what are their appreciations and recommendations all have been
summarized in this part of the study.To study the perception and awareness of customers
regarding e-banking, the data were collected,classified and analysed systematically using tables,
percentages and statistical tools like Chi-Sqaire .The out come after the assessment of the usage
and adoption of e-banking and awareness towards this technolgy by the customers having their
bank account in Syndicate bank concerning to Uttarakannada district has been prsented in the
next part:
Awareness Analysis:
Sl No Accessability Percentage
1 Access to E- banking 95%
2 Non-Access to e-Banking 05%
The above table reveals that 95% of respondents are having access to e-banking. Only 5
B) Know-E-Banking
Sl No Awareness Percentage
1 Know E- banking 98%
2 Don’t Know E-Banking 02%
The above table reveals that 98% of the respondents are aware of e-Banking. But only
2% are not aware of e-Banking. It indiactes that almost all the customers in consideration are
For the prsent study the following hypotheses have been designed
A) Ho=There is no significant association between gender and e- banking services
Table :1
Table 1.Gender wise Satisfaction level of Respondents Convenience and Cost effective
Chi-Sqaure Test 10.59 3 7.815
The above table 1 reveals that out of 100 respondents, Male are 65% and Female are 35%. 30
respondents are highly satisfied and 30 respondents are dissatisfied But the females are less
dissatisfied. Only 13 are neutral. This investigation was done on the satisfaction level of Male
and Female towards the ATM and NET banking functioning . The investigator applied chi-
square test of Karl Pearson on the above and got computed x2 value as 10.59, degree of freedom
is 6 and the table value is 7.815. Since the computed value is greater than assumed value null
hypothesis is rejected. So, there exists a significant association between Gender and usage of E-
Marital Status wise Satisfaction level of Respondents Convenience and Cost effective
SL. Gender No of %
No Responde
nts Satisfied Dissatisfied
1 Married 43 43% 15 8 12 8
2 Unmarried 57 57% 25 20 6 6
Total N=100 100% 40 28 18 14
Source Primary Data
respondents are highly satisfied and of them 25 are unmarried.Ony 18 are dissatisfied. But the
females are less dissatisfied. Only 14 are neutral. This investigation was done on the satisfaction
level of Marital status and perception towards the ATM and NET banking functioning . The
investigator applied chi-square test of Karl Pearson on the above and got computed X2 value as
8.128, degree of freedom is 6 and the table value is 7.815. Since the computed value is greater
than assumed value null hypothesis is rejected. So, there exists a significant association between
Age- wise Satisfaction level of Respondents for Convenience and Cost effective
SL. Age No of %
Highly Neutral
No Respondents
Satisfied Dissatisfied
1 Below-25 24 24% 12 9 3 0
2 25-35 43 43% 32 8 3 0
35-45 18 18% 8 3 4 3
Above 45 15 15% 7 4 2 2
Total N=100 100% 59 24 12 5
The above table 3 reveals that out of 100 respondents,24 are in the age range of below-25 and
there 43 in the age range of 25-35. The table reveals that 59 respondents are highly satisfied and
only 12 are dissatisfied. Only 06 are dissatisfied below the age of 35. That indicates that the
younger genaration is fully satisfied with the e-banking. This investigation was done on the
satisfaction level age-wise towards e-baking. The investigator applied chi-square test of Karl
Pearson on the above and got computed X2 value as 18.719, degree of freedom is 9 and the
table value is 16.919. Since the computed value is greater than assumed value null hypothesis is
rejected. So, there exists a significant association between age and usage of E-Banking.
Post-Graduate 36 36% 20 9 6 1
Professional 10 10% 5 1 3 1
Total N=100 100% 54 21 20 5
The above table 4 reveals that out of 100 respondents,54 respondents are highly satisfied and
Undergraduates and Postgraduates are more in number. Only 5 are neutral. The table also reveals
that 21 are satisfied and 20 are dissatisfied. This investigation was done on the satisfaction level
educational-wise towards e-baking. The investigator applied chi-square test of Karl Pearson on
the above and got computed X2 value as 17.250, degree of freedom is 9 and the table value is
16.919. Since the computed value is greater than assumed value null hypothesis is rejected. So,
Occupation- wise Satisfaction level of Respondents for Convenience and Cost effective
2 Businessmen 41 41% 30 10 1 0
Professionals 15 15% 12 2 1 0
Housewives 9 9% 5 1 2 1
Total N=100 100% 62 28 6 4
The above table 5 reveals that out of 100 respondents,62 respondents are highly satisfied and among them
businessmen are ranking first.(30). Only 06 are dissatisfied and 04 are neutral. This investigation was
done on the satisfaction level Occupation-wise towards e-baking. The investigator applied chi-square test
of Karl Pearson on the above and got computed X2 value as 18.793, degree of freedom is 9 and the table
value is 16.919. Since the computed value is greater than assumed value null hypothesis is rejected. So,
Income- wise Satisfaction level of Respondents for Convenience and Cost effective
The above table 6 reveals that out of 100 respondents,68 respondents are highly satisfied and among them
respondents having annual income ranging from Rs 300000 to 500000 are ranking first.(40). Only 05 are
dissatisfied and 02 are neutral. This investigation was done on the satisfaction level Income-wise towards
e-banking. The investigator applied chi-square test of Karl Pearson on the above and got computed X2
value as 21.698, degree of freedom is 9 and the table value is 16.919. Since the computed value is greater
than assumed value null hypothesis is rejected. So, there exists a significant association between Income
7.Summary of Findings:
3. 40% of the respondents covered under the age group of 25 to 35 years are highly satisfied
7. Out of 100 respondents, 15% of the respondents are dissatisfied who are not aware of e-
8. The Chi-Square test reveals that there is a significant association between Gender,Marital
The vitality in the expectations of the customers has impelled the entire banking
mechanism to adopt the latest technology for their survial.Today the customers are not satisfied
with care and consideration only but they expect more concern and promise from banking
industry.Threrefore the banking industry has to concentrate on the changing needs of the
customers.The success of e-banking not depends only on the adoption of technology but also on
approach, assurance and involvement in operaration at all levels of the banking system.
Customers expect that some conditions the banks must set to make them satisfied.
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