Idiographic and Nomothetic
Idiographic and Nomothetic
Idiographic and Nomothetic
Idiographic approach: Nomothetic approach:
Researches the individual and attempts to describe the nature of the Focuses on developing norms and general laws about human behaviour
Provides a ‘benchmark’ against which people can be compared, classified
People are studied as unique entities, each with their own subjective and measured (e.g. the IQ of individuals)
experiences, motivations and value
Can be used on the basis in which likely future behaviour can be
No attempts to make comparisons between an individual with a large predicted and/or controlled (e.g. 5HTT gene for OCD)
group, standard or norm
Uses scientific methodologies within psychology such as experiments.
Associated with qualitative data and research methods – case studies, Quantitative data/numerical data which can be used in statistical analysis
unstructured interviews and other self report measures to work out central tendencies of behaviour
Central aim is to describe the richness of human experience and to gain Involves a large number of people in order to establish how people are
insight into the persons unique way of viewing the world similar
Idiographic research methods ー Idiographic research methods Nomothetic research methods ー Nomothetic approach tends to
are in depth can be narrow and restricted tend to be more scientific ‘lose the whole person’
P A strength of the idiographic P One weakness of idiographic P A strength of the nomothetic P An issue with the nomothetic
approach to research is that in its research methods is that while approach to research is that it is approach is that it does not help
pursuit of in-depth qualitative the data collected from and considered scientific us appreciate the characteristics
data, it provides us with a more individual’s case study may be in E This is because in order to and richness of human behaviour
complete account of an individual depth and very informative, it develop laws that apply to the E With its use of general laws and
than nomothetic methods would cannot be generalised to the general population, the predictability, the nomothetic
E For example, idiographic general population nomothetic approach aims to test approach does not help us fully
methods such as case studies like E It is hard to deduce a cause and variables under standardised understand the emotion and
Clive Wearing provide findings effect relationship and there is conditions using quantitative feeling associated with
which may reveal important rarely a control group present to methods, which provide averages behaviour. For example, knowing
insights about the functioning of compare the results with and lend themselves well to that there is a 1% lifetime risk of
memory E Lastly an issue with case studies is statistical analysis developing schizophrenia gives us
E However, nomothetic approaches that the conclusions drawn from E This can help us determine a little understanding about what
may rule out such cases that do them are often subjective group norm, for example, life is like for someone who is
not fit the norm as mere interpretations of researchers identifying that the average IQ is suffering from the disorder
anomalies leading to the field and therefore open to bias 100. This knowledge can be E This means that in search of
missing out on research L Therefore while idiographic extended to help identify generalisations, the nomothetic
opportunities to investigate and research methods may be in abnormalities by drawing up cut approach may sometimes
learn from unique cases depth, they may also lack validity off points beyond which overlook the richness of human
L Therefore, idiographic and have to be considered behaviour is considered abnormal experience
approaches deserve credit for its carefully as evidence i.e. an IQ below 70 is seen as a L Thus, adopting exclusively
willingness to treat every sign of intellectual deficient nomothetic practices to research,
individual as a unique and disorder – IDD may hinder our ability to truly
meaningful entity, which can lead L This demonstrates that not only understand behaviours and how
to valuable conclusions does the nomothetic approach to help someone that goes
have scientific credibility but also through it
can be readily applied to identify
NOTE: Only select the relevant AO1s (e.g. 2/3 points) and four evaluation points (AO2/AO3)