Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education
Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of Education An
Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice. Dar es Salaam: DAR ES SALAAM
Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of Education An
Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice. Dar es Salaam: DAR ES SALAAM
Axiology: “Axiology is a branch of philosophy that study general theory of
values. Theory of values shows rational man and social life are bent upon system
of values. Axiology is divided in two subdivisions which are Ethics and Aesthetics.
Ethics is the study of systems and customs as seens in the lives of particular group
of human being. Aesthetics is the study concerned with values in the realm of
beauty and art”. (Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of
Education An Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice, pg14)
Value and education
Human being cannot live without their values: “Fundamentally education,
reflect the values and standard of a society and its educators. It is impossible to
avoid appearance or discussion of value issues in the classroom. Education
transmit what is worthwhile in a moral acceptable manner. It most involve some
improvement us result of learning something of value. Example: Learning to steal
or to tell lie cannot be described as education because it is not acceptable in
society.” Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Education. Pg 2’
Teaching of aesthetics cannot be avoided in school particularly in areas
related to art, music, and literature: “The scope and content of African education
in formal and informal education children learn through folk song and dances
which is music and arts. Also chidren learn through stories, riddle, proverbs, and
poem which is literature. All these contribute to the children intellectual, Spiritual
and moral development”. Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L
(2008). Mastering PTE Education, pg 28 and 29
Aesthetic influence school compound design, the physical environment and
its attractiveness to outsiders.