Philosophy of Education

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Metaphysics: “Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy interested in matters

that are beyond or transcend material reality. It represents speculative and

synthesis activities of philosophy. Metaphysics is divided into four types which are
Cosmology, Theology, Anthropology and Ontology. Cosmology deals study of with
material nature on its most general aspect. Theology deals with study of religious
beliefs. Anthropology deals with study of man as subject and object of inquiry.
Ontology deals with study of existence”. (Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda,
Suzgo.D,(2002). Philosophy of Education An Introduction to Concepts, Principles
and Practice, pg 10).
Metaphysics influence on education.
In the content of Curriculum: “Curriculum are all those selected and
organized , integrative, evaluative and innovative learning experiences provided
to learners either consciously or unconsciously under guidance of school inorder
to achieve stipulated objectives. School curriculum is concerned with the moral,
intellectual , emotional and social development of the learner. It present
education as responsibility of school to facilitate character building and moral
training. Curriculum has its purposes , it guides the education system in a country,
helps in identification of goal and objective of education , helps in identification of
knowledge, skills and attitude in the development of individual as well as society”.
(Alumande. G , Thungu.J, Wandera.K, and Gachie. L(2008).Mastering PTE
Education, pg 49)
What educational system should attempt to do for individual and societies:
“Education system refers to formal institution, agencies and organization of a
country that transmit knowledge and cultural heritage to individuals. Process of
education system require a system that enhance the acquisition, transmission and
evaluation process. It has many components some of them are like Legislation
and policy making ,administration, Facility maintenance, Curriculum planning.
Education system to attempt for individual and societies is to be flexible and
relevant to the needs of the country, ensure stable institution are provided
acquisition of desirable knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, enhance universal
aims or purposes of education inorder to prepare young people to live and serve
in the society”. (Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera. K and Gachie, J(2008).
Mastering PTE Education, pg 3 and 5)
Role of teacher as he or she relates to the learner: “Teachers role to the
learner in relation is with purpose to enhance retention which makes learning
more permanent, stimulate and sustain interest in learning. There are methods
used by teacher in teaching which are like Primary , Secondary and Tertiary
Category. Primary category involves actual object like in natural environment.
Example: Traditional item like Spears. Secondary Category do not have value of
primary category include preserved specimen of animal such as Fish and Birds.
Tertiary Category include film, pictures, charts, photograph and maps”.
(Alumande.G, Thungu.J, Wandera.K and Gachie, J( 2008). Mastering PTE
Education, pg 111 and 113). With availability of various category of teaching this
smooths teaching and learning process.
Our perception of individual to be educated: There is good perception on
education to individual due to its importance which are like “bring about
individual development ,this develops individual potential to the highest level . It
prepares an individual to adjust well in society and to develop a high sense of
rensponsibility to self and society. Enables a person to think critically and
constructively. Preserves and transmits cultural values, practices, beliefs, and
norms of the society.” (Alumande.G, Thungu.J, Wandera.K and Gachie,J
(2008).Mastering PTE Education, pg 3). Presence well educated individual in the
society creates well stable country in bring development.
The purpose , method , content and context of education determined by
metaphysics: In the purpose of education is to “foster nationalism, patriotism and
promote national unity, this promotes sense of nationhood positive attribute of
mutual respect which enhances harmony and foster patriotism to make nation
building positive contribution. To promote social, economical, technological and
industrial needs for national development. Social , education should enable an
individual to adopt change in modern society by developing positive attitude and
relationship. Economic need to facilitate acquisition of skills, knowledge. In
method of education teaching is divided to three which are Individual, Team
teaching and Deductive approach. Individual teaching is also known as direct
learning , it teach direct classroom using sequenced and structured materials.
Team teaching group teacher take a responsibility for education of large group of
learners. Deductive approach involves teaching that begins with rules and moves
to a number of particular. In Context of education it bases on class organization
and management. Principles of effective management of class involves practice
prevention, a teacher should take preventive measures to deal with problem
associated with learner behavior. Establish clear rules and routine which is based
on moral, personal , legal, and safety educational considerations. In class
organization involves seating arrangement like in Row and Column formation ,
adequate space is left between rows and columns to allow free movement.
Horizontal desk arrangement when a teacher is carrying out demonstration and
learners have to be close to teacher”. (Alumande.G, Thungu.J, Wandera.K and
Gachie. L(2008). Mastering PTE Education, pg 86 and 131)

Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of Education An
Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice. Dar es Salaam: DAR ES SALAAM

Epistemology: “Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies

nature, source, and validity of knowledge. One principal question epistemological
study begins whether or not reality can be known. They are types of knowledge
which are Empirical, Revealed, Authoritative, Rational, and Intuitive knowledge.
Empirical knowledge is derived from senses. Revealed knowledge is derived from
prime importance in field of religion. Authoritative knowledge is the information
that originates from experts. Rational knowledge is derived from reasoning.
Intuitive knowledge is derived from instances of coming to know without having
gone through the formal process of reasoning”. (Ishumi, Abel. G. M and Nyirenda,
Suzgo. D( 2002). Philosophy of Education An Introduction to Concepts, Principles
and Practice. Dar es Salaam: DAR ES SALAAM UNIVERSITY PRESS, pg 13)
Epistemology and Education
Education is importance to educator because both thinking on education
and the activity of educating deal with the question of knowledge: “Education is
the process of acquiring and developing desirable knowledge, specific skill,
positive attitude and values. According to Professor Richard Stanley in his book of
Ethics and Education, he says `education is the transmission of knowledge, skill,
attitude and value`. Education should be worthwhile interms of knowledge and
experience. Education importance are like bring about individual development,
prepares an individual to adjust well in society and develop high sense of
rensponsibility to self, enables the person to think critically and constructivity”.
Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Education, pg 1 and 2. Authoritative knowledge is important source of knowledge
in education “ because it from the experts who have written them , the
importance of authoritative knowledge it brings knowledge to all without each of
us going out to search for that same information and verify kbowledge claims”.
(Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of Education An
Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice, pg 13)
Education think as which is the best form of knowledge and best ways of
knowing: “This applies with the use of appropriate teaching methods and to
provide the best form. Means is employed according to a plan in the teaching and
learning process. They are approaches of teaching methods which are individual ,
Team and Deductive teaching . Individual teaching refers academically focused,
teacher directed classroom using sequence and structured materials. They are
elements like Orientation of a learner and Lesson presentation. Team teaching is
cooperative approach to teach in group of teachers take responsibility for the
education of large group of learner. They are characteristics like teacher make use
the varied skills in best possible manner and content of lesson is presented in a
variety of ways. There are advantages of the method like provide professional
growth provide teacher with opportunities to share ideas, plans and observations
and encourage learner to develop broader range of interest. Deductive approach
involves teaching that begins with a general rule to number of particular and end
with conclusion. Teacher is the centre of the class and responsible for
presentation and explanation of new material . They are advantages of this
approach which are it is direct and saves time and train learner to apply general
rules to particular examples”. (Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L
(2008). Mastering PTE Education, pg 87 and 88)
Educators think the best way that can help learner acquire knowledge:
“This through the use of Participatory and Non Participatory method. In
participatory method this involves demonstration and discussion. Demonstration
involves sharing how something is done. Enables learner to prepare activity as on
their own and as individual or group. Used to teach skill such as administering first
aid and baking bread. This is used when skill to be learnt is difficult and time
content coverage is limited. They are Advantage of the method like it train
learners to be good observer and enhance formation of concepts. Discussion is an
interaction between two or more people. It is pre- planned, organized and
unique. Discussion is to be limited to few major aspects inorder to have indepth
discussion. Discussion method is divided into three types which are Whole class,
Small group, and Panel discussion. The advantages of the discussion method it
provide an excellent opportunity for learner to practice their oral communication
skills and gives learner practise in critical thinking and listening. Non participatory
method involve the use of Lecture and Project method. Lecture method is a
process delivery a body of knowledge according to a pre- planned scheme. They
are stages of lecture method this involves Preparation, Introduction, Presentation
and Conclusion. They are advantages which are used to teach large classes and
cover wide content within a limited time. Project is an activity carried out by an
individual or group learner in a more natural and environment that is freer than
that of an everyday classroom . Usually under guidance and supervision of a
teacher. There are advantages which promotes ,cooperate and team spirit among
learners and learner develop skills on how to organize and carry out individual or
group work without teacher constant supervision”. (Alumande. G, Thungu. J,
Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE Education, pg 96,97,and 99)
The emphasis of various knowledge will be reflected in areas of emphasis
in a curriculum: “Involves teaching and learning method, the preschool curriculum
emphasizes the use of approach that give a learner a chance to utilize knowledge,
skills, and attitude gained from learning experiences practically. Other approaches
include Role play, Group work , Question and Answer, Trial and Error. Group work
is a method useful during storytelling, poems, musics and environmental vision.
Doing , Question and answer this widen child scope intelligence. Limitation and
role play all adult should strive to set good example because they are likely to be
imitated by children who are in still informative years. Trial and Error children
learn through their mistakes . Adult should be patient with them. Eventually they
learn what works and what does not. Interacting with other children and adult ,
interacting enables children to grow into sociable and selfless individuals.
Teaching and learning methods cut accross various curriculum process. Example:
Story telling can be used in language, Social and environmental activities”.
(Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Education, pg 69)

Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of Education An
Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice. Dar es Salaam: DAR ES SALAAM
Axiology: “Axiology is a branch of philosophy that study general theory of
values. Theory of values shows rational man and social life are bent upon system
of values. Axiology is divided in two subdivisions which are Ethics and Aesthetics.
Ethics is the study of systems and customs as seens in the lives of particular group
of human being. Aesthetics is the study concerned with values in the realm of
beauty and art”. (Ishumi, Abel. G.M and Nyirenda, Suzgo.D(2002). Philosophy of
Education An Introduction to Concepts, Principles and Practice, pg14)
Value and education
Human being cannot live without their values: “Fundamentally education,
reflect the values and standard of a society and its educators. It is impossible to
avoid appearance or discussion of value issues in the classroom. Education
transmit what is worthwhile in a moral acceptable manner. It most involve some
improvement us result of learning something of value. Example: Learning to steal
or to tell lie cannot be described as education because it is not acceptable in
society.” Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L (2008). Mastering PTE
Education. Pg 2’
Teaching of aesthetics cannot be avoided in school particularly in areas
related to art, music, and literature: “The scope and content of African education
in formal and informal education children learn through folk song and dances
which is music and arts. Also chidren learn through stories, riddle, proverbs, and
poem which is literature. All these contribute to the children intellectual, Spiritual
and moral development”. Alumande. G, Thungu. J, Wandera.K and Gachie.L
(2008). Mastering PTE Education, pg 28 and 29
Aesthetic influence school compound design, the physical environment and
its attractiveness to outsiders.

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