Historical Foundations of Education
Historical Foundations of Education
Historical Foundations of Education
Education To survive for conformity To conform to the tribe to which they belong. Types Contents Agencies Organization Methods
Practical Ritualis-tic Education and pre(vocational/domestic scriptive training) TheoreticaI education (intellectual / religious training)
To impress traditional ideals and customs to the succeeding generation in order to maintain and perpetuate the long established social order To promote individual success and welfare through the harmonious develop-ment of the various avocets of human personality
Family No grades, grading Tell me and (center for system, or levels of show me practical instruction Trial and training) error Enculturation Indoctrination Organic education Language, Home Elementary and Dictation literature, Elemen- higher levels Memorizareligious tary and tion beliefs secon-dary Conscious schools imitation Harsh discipline
To educate the Physical training Roman youth for Utilitarian realizing national ideals (virbonus)
Family Military
Spartan: Birth-7: care of the mother 7-18: barracks 1820: professional war training 20: oath of allegiance 30: required to marry, fullpleged citizen Athenian: Birth-7: care of the father 716: music & physical education 16-18: public gymnasium 18-20: military service 20: full citizenship 7-10: elemen-tary (boys & girls) 10-16: seconda-ry (boys only) 16 onwards: higher (boys still
Memorization and imitation Exercise in good literary Intensive drill on parts of speech / gramma-tical elements
SYNTHESIS: 1. Culture was passed on and preserved for generation. 2. Tribal people were able to adjust and adapt to political and social life. 3. Liberal education was integrated in the curriculum. 4. The complimentary development of the person became vital for his cultural development and for the social transformation of the state. 5. The concept of educational ladder was introduced.
2. Medieval Conception of Education Education Aim/s Thought e. Education for To develop humanitarianism socially responsi-ble indivi-duals who posses all the virtues of brotherly love. Types Moral / social Religious Universal /democratic Contents Agencies Organization Used no textbook Methods
f. Monasti-sicm
7 liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy & music) g. Scholasti-cism To support the Religious Theology doctrines of the Intellectual Religious church by philosophy rational argument h. Chivalric To teach the Social More on best ideals, Military activity socials and Religious 7 free arts morals i. Guild To provide education of a practical type Vocational 3Rs Religious Intellectual
Moral / religious
Parable method Practical, familiar practices in social life and nature Language under-stood by all Uses allusions Cathedral schools Externi-do not Dictation Parish schools intend to Memori Monastic schools become monks zation and nuns Question and Interni- will answer enter the order Reflection & take vows Cathedral schools Monastic schools Medieval university Home-mother Castle- lords & ladies Universitas magistro-rumet Scholarium Studium Generale Birthe-7: home 1-14: squire (knight) 21- ready for knighthood Masters- own, buy and sell articles Apprenticesbeginners Journeymenmore remuneraive Elementary Secondary Higher / universities Lecture / reading Disputa-tion Logical analysis Example and practice Imitation Discipline Example Imitation Practice Dictation Memorization
j. Muslims
Chantry schools (by wealthy merchants/traders Burgher schools 9by lay teachers/ priest) Guild schools for the children of craftsmen Libraries
SYNTHESIS: 1. Equality before God was expounded in education. 2. Society became revolutionarized through a system of morality with fuller recognition of the integrity of the human personality. 3. The individual formed bondage to authorities and conventions of the church.
3. The Modern Conceptions of Education Educational Thought Aim/s Types Contents Agencies Organiza-tion Methods
n. Literary Realism
Italian: Development of a liberal man who would be able to appreciate the past as well as enjoy the present Northern: Rich and full life for the society as a whole To have a complete knowledge & understan-ding of the human society
3 things of the world (World of the past, Subjective world of emotion, world of grammar, rhetoric and mathematics Biblical literature
Text study to replace lecture Written themes replaced oral disposition Self-expression Double translation
o. Social Realism To prepare the aristocratic youth for the life of a gentlemen in the world of affairs p. Sense Realism To prepare the young for the concrete duties of actual and practical living in the material universe
Practical History Social Philosophy Physical Language Moral Intellectual Practical Scientific Liberal Democratic
Individual difference (Vives) Incidental study ways to be made pleasant & attractive (Rabelais) Reading for content (Milton) Direct social contacts Emphasized understanding & judgment
Comprehen Comenius School Inductive sive Curriculum School of the Mothers knees method (infancy) Things thought Vernacular School (sensory words training) 7-12 yrs Nature method Latin School (for understanding and organization of information) 13-18 yrs University for tertiary education 19-24 yrs q. Education as To train the Physical Drill subjects: Elementary Tutorial Law of habbit Formal discipline mind through vigor of the spelling, Secondary system formation rigorous body arithmetic, and 3 distinct steps: exercises in Intellectual- grammar sensation, order to develop mental memory, intellectual power reasoning capacities and to Moral good Drill form specific and wise Praise & censure habits conduct r. Rationalism To free the Intellectual Philosophy, Self-education Sensation- alism individual Social science, art, & disciplinism intellect from all social refinement Critical analysis repression Ethics morality s. Education in To develop the Holistic Nature Family Infancy or Modern Harmony with individual in education phenomena Tutors savage stageprinciples of Nature accordance with consisted of the birth to 5 yrs teaching: growth the laws of budding Childhood or activity and nature/ human activities & stage of savory- individuality development interests of the 5 to 12 yrs Order of nature: pupils own Boyhood or need, activity nature stage of experience, solitude-12 to 15 knowledge yrs Adolescence or stage of social
To develop Secular military Civic prepared-ness Physical and and aggressive- health ness for the training preservation and Vocational glorification of Universal the State Compulsory Free common To direct and Intellectual control growth Moral and Industrial development Creative through Dynamic appropriate educational procedures
Social studies
Public school
Adopted all methods tested and proven safe, practical and efficient
To determine Utilitarian the effects of the Liberal educational /cultural process in the Universal / improve-ment of democratic map w. social Traditio- To give insights Social nalism into ones social Vocational inheritance, into Recreational the ideals, Sex institutions, education/ conditions, & parental customs of education society Universal Compulsory x. Social To prepare for Intellectual Experimentalism a progressive Civic rebuilding of the Vocational social order
Principles of: pupil activity, interest, apperception, concentration, correlation, self-activity, socialization, recapitula-tion, readiness, exercise & effect Elementary Provisions for Experimen-tal Secondary individual problem solving Technical differences Scientific method Research
Social communication, cooperation & service Social groupings Socialized school manage-ment
Social Studies
Free public Democratic school school system organization Faculty and student councils
SYNTHESIS: 1. Education became person-oriented in approach. 2. The development of the mind, body and moral was enhanced. 3. The principal of freedom of thought and creativity became the basis of education. 4. Learning starts from concrete to abstract. 5. The natural interests and the characteristics of the learners were considered. 6. Education emphasized the process of learning and not on the things learned. 7. The principles of human growth and development were considered for teaching and learning effects. 8. Education became an agency for citizenship involvement for national development and progress. 9. More sciences were included in the curriculum. 10. To determine the suitability and effectiveness of the curriculum materials, systematic, and objective analysis was done. 11. Learning objectives and subject matter were scientifically determined. 12. Learners were trained to make intelligent choices by finding all available facts and the reasoning power to solve life problems. 13. Citizens were provided education for personal adjustment and social reconstruction.