ZEN BCBN Hydrogen Study FINALFull
ZEN BCBN Hydrogen Study FINALFull
ZEN BCBN Hydrogen Study FINALFull
The BC Hydrogen Study was conducted by Zen and the Art of Clean Energy Solutions and project partners the
Institute for Breakthrough Energy and Emission Technologies and G&S Budd Consulting Services. Work on the
study ran from February 2019 to June 2019.
The project team would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that provided input to the study
through participation in workshops, surveys, and individual interviews. The team would also like to thank the
BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, BC Bioenergy Network, and FortisBC for support and
guidance throughout the study.
Project Team
Project Sponsors
In these graphs, ‘Natural Gas’ includes all end use applications that would benefit from the lower carbon H₂/
NG blend, including heating in the built environment and industry, and transportation applications running
on compressed natural gas (CNG). ‘Transportation’ refers to applications where pure hydrogen is used as a
transportation fuel, either in fuel cell electric vehicles or hydrogen/diesel co-combustion engines.
1 IPCC. (2018). Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C. Retrieved from https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/
The natural gas infrastructure is a strategic asset for BC. Repurposing that asset for both the transportation
and storage of hydrogen presents a cost-effective pathway for the large-scale deployment of hydrogen in
the Province. The existing natural gas infrastructure can act as storage for low carbon hydrogen, initially as a
hydrogen/natural gas blend and transitioning to 100% hydrogen in some regions of the Province over the longer-
term. Hydrogen produced via electrolysis can also foster greater integration of our electricity and gas energy
system, optimizing the Province’s overall energy systems to achieve optimal efficiency and economic return on
critical infrastructure assets.
2 Canada National Energy Board (2017). Canada’s Energy Future 2018: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040.
Retrieved from https://apps.neb-one.gc.ca/ftrppndc/dflt.aspx?GoCTemplateCulture=en-CA
BC British Columbia.
Billion cubic feet. A measure of the energy content of one billion cubic feet of
natural gas.
Bcfd Billion cubic feet per day. A measure of natural gas production.
Hydrogen produced from natural gas or biomass which is net carbon neutral
Blue hydrogen
through carbon capture and storage.
C Carbon.
Clean Energy Vehicles. BC’s incentive program designed to make clean energy
vehicles more affordable for British Columbians.
Combined Heat and Power. Also called cogeneration (or cogen); it is the
simultaneous production of electricity with the recovery and utilisation heat.
CH₄ Methane.
CI Carbon intensity.
CO Carbon monoxide.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. A public private partnership supporting
FCH JU research, technological development and demonstration activities in fuel cell and
hydrogen energy technologies in Europe.
FF Fossil Fuel.
H₂ Hydrogen.
IP Intellectual Property.
JIVE 2 Joint Initiative for hydrogen Vehicles across Europe (second project).
JV Joint Venture.
MCH Methylcyclohexane.
MW Megawatt.
NG Natural Gas.
PE Polyethylene.
PVC Polyvinylchloride.
RG Renewable Gas
Steam Methane Reforming. A process by which natural gas (chemical formula CH₄)
SMR is reacted at high temperature with water vapour (H₂O) resulting in the production
of hydrogen (H₂) and carbon dioxide (CO₂).
Trillion cubic feet of gas. A measure of the energy content of one trillion cubic feet
of natural gas.
GLOSSARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii
1.0 : INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.1 : Objectives and Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.2 : Project Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.3 : Alignment with CleanBC goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4 : Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions in BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.1 : Energy Consumption in BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.2 : Liquefaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.5 : Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3 : Hydrogen Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1.2 : Electrolysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.0 : Hydrogen’s Role in Decarbonizing BC’s Energy System and Economic Sectors . . . . . . . . 60
4.1 : Natural Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.1.1 : Baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.1.5 : Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.2 : Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2.1 : Baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
8.0 : Mid-term And Long-Term Hydrogen Cost Potential and Demand in BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
8.1 : Hydrogen Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
8.2 : GHG Emissions Abatement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.3 : Hydrogen Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Q1 What role(s) should hydrogen play in decarbonizing the energy system and sectors of the
economy in BC?
Including, but not limited to, explicit consideration of the following: natural gas (NG),
transportation, industry, the built environment, feedstock for low carbon energy and fuel
production, and remote and off-grid communities.
Q2 What is the anticipated global demand and market potential for hydrogen and what is the export
opportunity for BC to meet a portion of that demand?
Q3 What are BC’s existing and potential competitive advantages in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector?
How can BC maintain and improve its advantages?
Q4 What are BC’s competitive disadvantages in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector? How can BC
address them?
Q5 What are the instruments and policies necessary to develop hydrogen supply chains in BC?
Q6 What are the existing and potential competitive advantages and disadvantages specific to using
hydrogen in the BC natural gas grid as a drop-in fuel, or as a replacement for natural gas?
Q7 What are the opportunities, challenges and costs specific to incorporating hydrogen as storage
for intermittent renewable energy in BC?
R1 A mid-term (to 2030) and long-term (to 2050) cost curve of potential hydrogen supply in BC by
quantifying the amount available at progressively higher price points.
R3 Recommendations for policies, regulations and legislation to facilitate the development of the
hydrogen sector in BC.
Figure 1. BC Historical and Projected Energy End Use by Energy Currency (2016 and 2040) 3
The majority of primary energy consumption in the Province derives from fossil fuels: 68% in 2016 and a
projected 69% in 2040.
Each energy source has a different GHG intensity, and the Province has provided guidance for quantifying GHG
emissions from different energy sources.4
Electrification can improve energy efficiency and reduce primary energy demand – for example through the
replacement of furnaces and boilers with heat pumps – but can only meet some of the Province’s energy needs.
A complementary strategy of using hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in other applications will be necessary for
the Province to meet its longer-term climate goals. This includes contributing to increased use of renewable
gas, which accounts for 75% of the GHG reductions attributed to the built environment in the CleanBC plan.
Hydrogen blending in the NG pipeline will be required to meet the 15% renewable gas goal by 2030, which is
needed to achieve the associated GHG reductions outlined in CleanBC.
3 Canada National Energy Board (2017). Canada’s Energy Future 2018: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040.
Retrieved from https://apps.neb-one.gc.ca/ftrppndc/dflt.aspx?GoCTemplateCulture=en-CA
4 (S&T) Squared Consultants Inc. (2018). GHGenius 5.0d. Calculations conducted by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources Low Carbon Fuels Branch. Retrieved from https://ghgenius.ca/index.php/downloads
From 2007 to 2016, the Province experienced a moderate reduction in emissions of 3%.6 To meet its GHG
emissions targets, the Province needs to rapidly accelerate its decarbonization efforts. Over the same period, the
GDP rose by 19%, demonstrating that economic growth can be decoupled from emissions growth.7
Figure 3 shows BC’s 2016 GHG emissions by economic sector. Transportation made up the greatest share of total
GHG emissions, followed by the oil and gas sector and the built environment.6
5 BC Provincial Government. (2019). Climate Change Accountability Act. [SBC 2007] Chapter 42.
Retrieved from http://www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/00_07042_01
6 Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2018). National Inventory Report 1990-2016: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in
Canada, Annex 10. Retrieved from https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/779c7bcf-4982-47eb-af1b-a33618a05e5b
7 British Columbia Provincial Government. (2018). Climate Action in BC: 2018 Progress to Targets. Retrieved from
Inexpensive, energy-dense fossil fuels lend themselves well to transportation and the built environment, which
is a reason for these two sectors’ large share of the Province’s GHG emissions profile. Hydrogen is well-suited to
decarbonize these hard-to-abate sectors.
8 The Hydrogen Council. (2017). Hydrogen Scaling Up: A Sustainable Pathway for the Global Energy Transition. Retrieved from
9 The Hydrogen Council. (2019). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from http://hydrogencouncil.com/faq/
2.2.1 : Compression
As a gas under atmospheric conditions, hydrogen must often be compressed, liquefied, or stored in an otherwise
dense manner prior to use.
Hydrogen tanks for forklift and public transit applications often use hydrogen compressed to a pressure of 350
bar (5,000 psi) or 345 times as dense as it would be under atmospheric conditions. (Standard atmospheric
pressure is 1.01 bar.)
This is somewhat higher than the 250 bar (3,600 psi) pressure in compressed natural gas, or CNG cylinders. The
energy loss from having to compress the hydrogen to 350 bar was estimated by UC Davis to be on the order of
8.5 percent.11 The results are consistent with a recent International Energy Agency (IEA) report.12
10 United States Department of Energy, Fuel Cell Technologies Office. Hydrogen Storage.
Retrieved from https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-storage
11 Burke, A., and Gardiner, M., Hydrogen Storage Options: Technologies and Comparisons for Light-Duty Vehicle Applications,
UC Davis Institute for Transport Studies, Jan 2005. Document reference UCD-ITS-RR-05-01.
Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7425173j
12 Gielen, D. and Simbolotti, G., IEA Energy Technology Analysis: Prospects for Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, International Energy Agency,
2005. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20080307082839/http://www.iea.org/textbase/nppdf/free/2005/hydrogen2005.pdf
13 Hydrogen Strategy Group. (2018). Hydrogen for Australia’s Future: A Briefing Paper for the COAG Council. Retrieved from
14 Sadaghiani, M.S. and Mehrpooya, M., Introducing and energy analysis of a novel cryogenic hydrogen liquefaction process
configuration, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 42 (9), pp 6033-6050.
Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.01.136
Ammonia (NH3) is also being evaluated as a chemical carrier for hydrogen, particularly for jurisdictions wishing to
export electrolyzed hydrogen in the form of ammonia for fertilizer production. Ammonia is a common industrial
chemical already produced and transported on a global scale; it is also the largest global consumer of steam
methane reformed hydrogen. Once transported to the point of demand, the ammonia can be dehydrogenated,
yielding 0.176 tonnes of hydrogen per tonne of ammonia.
Hydrogen can also be stored by adsorbing the gas on powders. One advantage of this method is that the
amounts of energy required to adsorb (bind) the hydrogen to the powder should be less than required to form
chemical bonds, as per the chemical storage methods above. Adsorbent storage may make it possible to store
relatively high densities of hydrogen – comparable to compressed gases – at lower pressures. BC’s Hydrogen In
Motion is developing a hydrogen storage technology by engineering a powder for this purpose.
2.2.5 : Transport
In gaseous form, hydrogen can be transported in existing natural gas pipeline networks. Small percentages
of hydrogen could be blended into existing natural gas streams without requiring infrastructure retrofits. The
blending of larger quantities, or of 100% hydrogen, could necessitate retrofits to pipeline equipment, though the
pipe segments themselves are not expected to require replacement. This concept is discussed further in Section 4.1.
Smaller volumes of compressed hydrogen are also transported by truck in tube trailers, in much the manner
done for other industrial gases.
Hydrogen can also be transported by truck in liquefied form, again in the manner of industrial gases. Kawasaki
Heavy Industries, which built Japan’s first LNG carrier vessel, plans to build the world’s first liquid hydrogen (LH₂)
carrier as part of its Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project in Australia.
When stored in the form of a chemical carrier, hydrogen transportation would follow chemical industry practice
for transporting the carrier.
This report focuses how hydrogen can be deployed in support of the Province’s CleanBC plan and broader
climate targets. Consideration is given to hydrogen’s potential in BC related to:
◆◆ BC’s Natural Gas sector (section 4.1)
◆◆ BC’s Transportation sector (section 4.2)
◆◆ BC’s Industrial sector (section 4.3)
◆◆ BC’s Built Environment (section 4.4)
◆◆ BC’s Remote and Off-Grid Communities (section 4.5)
◆◆ Energy Storage through Power to Gas opportunities (section 5.2)
Hydrogen can be combusted as a cleaner burning substitute for fossil fuels such as natural gas or oil. This is
one use case for end users of natural gas in the industrial and built environment sectors. Hydrogen combustion
equipment and technology are also being pursued in jurisdictions where natural gas is combusted for power
generation. In the transportation sector, BC company Hydra Energy has developed technology allowing for
hydrogen-diesel co-combustion.
16 The Hydrogen Council. (2017). How Hydrogen Empowers the Energy Transition.
Retrieved from http://hydrogencouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Hydrogen-Council-Vision-Document.pdf
17 National Energy Board. (2018). Canada’s Renewable Power Landscape 2016 – Energy Market Analysis.
Retrieved from https://www.neb-one.gc.ca/nrg/sttstc/lctrct/rprt/2016cndrnwblpwr/prvnc/bc-eng.html
BC is focused on low carbon intensity hydrogen pathways, or Green and Blue Hydrogen as it is commonly
called. The report focuses on low carbon intensity hydrogen, without the use of Green and Blue terminology.
It is recommended that all pathways shown in Figure 7 above be evaluated based on production cost, carbon
intensity, and availability in the Province.
Given the Province’s interest in transitioning to sustainable energy in the longer-term, it is recommended that
hydrogen produced from renewable resources including hydroelectric, wind, and biomass resources be given
special consideration as identified in the policy recommendations of this report. By-product hydrogen currently
produced in BC can also be considered renewable, as the primary energy source used in the brine electrolysis in
the sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali plants comes from the electric grid.
The technology fundamentals for each production pathway is described in the following sections. A large
production scale of 100 tonnes of hydrogen per day is assumed given that some technologies, such as steam
methane reforming (SMR) followed by carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) are only expected to be feasible
at large scale. Cost sensitivities have also been provided, where estimates could be made. Cost figures refer to
bulk centralized production and do not include transportation costs, which can vary significantly by location.
Costs also do not include any profit.
GHG intensities are also presented for each pathway. The analysis looks at both upstream and direct emissions,
projected for 2030 which account for potential changes in upstream emissions per year. The assumptions and
analysis for calculating carbon intensity are described in Appendix B.
Hydra Energy is looking to secure by-product hydrogen supply in the Province to operate trucks retrofitted with
their hydrogen co-combustion technology. They have recently evaluated the carbon intensity from this pathway
and have determined it to be 1.43 g CO₂e/MJ at the point of dispensing. This has been used in the pathway
comparison in this report.
3.1.2 : Electrolysis
Water electrolysis is a hydrogen production pathway attractive in BC given the relatively low cost of electricity
from the Province’s low carbon intensity electric grid. In addition to existing hydroelectric dams, the Province
also possesses significant wind energy resources.
Electrolysis is the process by which electricity is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The chemical
transformations are described in reaction (1).
(1) H2O + electricity → H2 + ½O2
The ideal or minimum amount of electricity required to produce 1 kg of hydrogen is 39 kWh.
The equipment in which this reaction takes place is called an electrolyzer. Electrolyzers are modular, and their
sizes vary widely depending on the chosen technology and required production capacity. They can range from
appliance-sized equipment for small-scale hydrogen production to large-scale, central production facilities. Their
modular nature makes electrolyzers attractive when relatively small quantities of hydrogen are required; higher
per-kg production costs may be offset by reduced transportation costs.
18 U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Hydrogen Production: Electrolysis.
Retrieved from https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-production-electrolysis
Figure 11 shows a sensitivity analysis of hydrogen production costs based on the cost of electricity and the size
of the electrolyzer. As would be expected, larger electrolyzers drive economies of scale in capital equipment and
installation cost.
For hydrogen to be produced at scale in BC using electrolysis, it is estimated that the cost of electricity must be
<$40/MWh. If the cost of electricity is higher, other hydrogen production processes will have a cost advantage.
This report provides recommendations by which to decrease the cost of this production pathway, which has
potential to be strategic for the Province.
19 $0.0606/kWh equates to $60.60/MWh. Source: BC Hydro. (2019). General Service Business Rates.
Retrieved from https://app.bchydro.com/accounts-billing/rates-energy-use/electricity-rates/business-rates.html
Figure 12. Cost breakdown for hydrogen produced via biomass gasification
20 Ogden, J. M. (1999). Prospects for building a hydrogen energy infrastructure. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment.
24: 227–279. Retrieved from https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev.energy.24.1.227
21 Peng, X. D. (2012). Analysis of the Thermal Efficiency Limit of the Steam Methane Reforming Process. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,
51 (50), pp 16385–16392. Retrieved from
Using a conservative 75% efficiency, applying SMR to 1 GigaJoule (GJ) of natural gas would result in 0.75 GJ
of hydrogen, or approximately 5.3 kg.22 SMR plants can produce hydrogen at very large scale; a recent plant
announcement exceeded 300 tonnes H2/day.23
SMR generates approximately 8-10 kg CO2e per kg of H2 produced (CO2e/kg H2). The report will use 10 kg CO2e/
kg H2. Existing technology such as amine scrubbers and vacuum swing adsorption can be deployed within the
SMR process to capture up to 56-90% of the generated CO2 resulting in net emissions of 2 kg CO2e/kg H2.24
Factoring in upstream natural gas GHG emissions, total GHG emissions from SMR with CO2 capture and storage
comprise 2.7 t CO2e/t H2.25, 26
In SMR processes, hydrogen production costs are driven by feedstock costs and amount to 2 to 3 times the
cost of natural gas on a $/GJ basis. For example, for a natural gas price of $4/GJ (approximately $4.20/MMBTU)
hydrogen production costs can be expected to range from $8-12/GJ H2. Our analysis of SMR production costs
yielded a per-kilogram cost of $1.32/kg H2.
CCS is estimated to add approximately $0.82/kg H2 to base SMR costs. The hydrogen production cost of SMR
+ CCS is then estimated to be approximately $2.14/kg H2. The cost breakdown is shown in Figure 14, with the
sensitivity to natural gas feedstock price shown in Figure 15.
23 Bailey, M.P. (2018). Air Products Inaugurates Steam-Methane Reformer at Covestro’s Baytown Site. Chemical Engineering.
Retrieved from https://www.chemengonline.com/air-products-inaugurates-steam-methane-reformer-at-covestros-baytown-site/
26 This analysis assumes the 2030 upstream natural gas business as usual emissions in 2030 are equal to 2016/2017 emissions.
This is supported by the figure on page 10 of the CleanBC plan. Retrieved from
See APPENDIX B: Upstream GHG emissions In BC for full details.
Figure 15. Impact of natural gas feedstock cost on hydrogen cost from SMR + CCS
Assuming that CCS processes cost approximately $0.82/kg H2 and remove 8 kg of the 10 kg CO2e produced per kg
H2 in the SMR process, the equivalent cost of carbon capture and storage can be calculated as $0.82/8 kg CO2e,
or $0.102/kg CO2e. This is equivalent to $102/tonne CO2e.
28 Jung CG, Bouysset JP. (2015). Recovered Carbon Black from Tyre
Pyrolysis. Université Libre de Bruxelles. Retrieved from
The sensitivity of hydrogen costs to natural gas feedstock costs is provided in Figure 18 below:
Figure 18. Impact of natural gas feedstock cost on hydrogen cost from liquid metal thermal pyrolysis
The Province estimates emissions associated with natural gas combustion as 57.94 kg CO2e/GJ.30 Combined with
the above information this provides an emissions intensity of 0.66 kg CO2e/kg H2 for the hydrogen produced
from thermal pyrolysis, owing to the combustion of natural gas in the process for heat. Factoring in upstream
emissions, the GHG emission intensity from thermal methane pyrolysis would be 1.77 kg CO2e/kg H2 or 14.7 g
30 (S&T) Squared Consultants Inc. (2018). GHGenius 5.0d. Calculations conducted by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources Low Carbon Fuels Branch. Retrieved from https://ghgenius.ca/index.php/downloads
31 This analysis assumes the 2030 upstream natural gas business as usual emissions in 2030 are equal to 2016/2017 emissions.
This is supported by the figure on page 10 of the CleanBC plan.
See APPENDIX B: Upstream GHG emissions In BC for full details.
33 Stakeholder input.
The sensitivity of plasma pyrolysis to natural gas feedstock costs is shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20. Impact of natural gas feedstock cost on hydrogen cost from plasma pyrolysis
Given the GHG emissions intensity of electricity from BC Hydro (54.72 g CO2e/kWh)34 the emissions intensity of
hydrogen production from plasma pyrolysis would be on the order of 150 g CO2e/kg H2, or 0.150 kg CO2e/kg H2.
34 (S&T) Squared Consultants Inc. (2018). GHGenius 5.0d. Calculations conducted by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources Low Carbon Fuels Branch. Retrieved from https://ghgenius.ca/index.php/downloads
35 Metz B, et al. (2005). IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. IPCC.
Retrieved from https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/03/srccs_wholereport-1.pdf
A common feature in CO2 storage options is the presence of a caprock which prevents the CO2 from migrating
back to the surface. Reservoir depths are recommended to be at least 800 m below ground, so the CO2 can be
stored as a supercritical fluid. This is desirable, as CO2 is about 200x denser as a supercritical fluid than a gas,
allowing considerably more CO2 to be stored in each reservoir.
Shallower coalbeds can also be used for storage, as the CO2 adsorbs onto the coal.
Over 200 million tonnes of CO2 have been stored underground to date.36 The Sleipner Gas Field off the coast of
Norway is one the largest CO2 storage sites; it has been used to sequester approximately 1 million tonnes of CO2
per year since 1996.37
The IPCC conservatively estimates worldwide CO2 storage capacity in depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline
aquifers to be approximately 3 trillion tonnes35 representing sufficient capacity to store 80 years’ worth of CO2
from fossil fuel combustion at 2018 consumption rates.38
Promising sequestration sites can be found around the globe, including in Canada’s Western Canadian
Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), which extends from Alberta into BC.39
36 Global CCS Institute. (2018). The Global Status of CCS: 2017. Retrieved from
Figure 22. Natural Gas Fields in BC41 Figure 23. Location of Saline
Aquifers in BC (light blue=non-
assessed, dark blue=assessed)40
Drawing these together, Table 1 compiles the estimated CO2 storage capacities for geological formations in the
40 U.S. Department of Energy. (2015). Carbon Storage Atlas, Fifth Edition. National Energy Technology Laboratory.
Retrieved from https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/netl-carbon-storage-atlas-fifth-edition
41 Bachu, S. (2006a): The potential for geological storage of carbon dioxide in Northeast British Columbia; Report to the
BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, 71 pages.
Total 3,000
storage capacity would last 160 years. Further assuming that half of the storage capacity would be allocated to
that the province focus only on low carbon hydrogen pathways, as described in 3.1.
Figure 25. Truck-based delivery cost for hydrogen as a compressed gas and cryogenic liquid
On a per-kg basis, it is more economic to deliver hydrogen as a cryogenic liquid, but not all customers consume
enough hydrogen to justify the higher capital expenditures liquid hydrogen deliveries require.
A hydrogen production plant might need to produce at least 10 tonnes H2 per day to warrant investment in
a liquefaction plant by the producer. Most end users are likely to use hydrogen in gas form, so would need to
install a cryogenic tank on-site and vaporize it prior to use. Ballard Power Systems has such an installation at their
Burnaby facility.
An important metric for each pathway is the relative cost of carbon mitigation: the hydrogen production cost
premium measured in terms of avoided CO2e emissions. This metric measures the cost effectiveness of each
hydrogen production pathway, relative to the emissions reductions it offers over SMR. Figure 27 shows this cost
of carbon mitigation for each pathway.
42 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (2019). Hydrogen Roadmap Europe: A Sustainable Pathway for the
European Energy Transition. Retrieved from
This chart shows by-product hydrogen to be the most cost-effective means of procuring hydrogen, relative to the
avoided GHG emissions. Hydrogen supply from this pathway should be prioritized.
While Figure 24 showed that natural gas-based hydrogen pathways offer the lowest-cost hydrogen supply and
Figure 26 showed that renewable hydrogen pathways offered the greatest emissions reductions potential, Figure
27 shows that the natural gas pathways have a lower cost of carbon mitigation.
The inference is that with prevailing price structures, natural gas-based hydrogen production pathways will
be critical for cost-effective hydrogen production in the Province. If prevailing natural gas prices rise, perhaps
through access to export markets, or if biomass or renewable electricity costs fall, perhaps through public policy
measures, preferred rate tariffs or technology development, the cost comparisons would need to be revisited.
Figure 29. Estimated Hydrogen Production Price and Maximum Annual Volume by non-Fossil Fuel Pathway in BC
46 Canada’s Oil and Natural Gas Producers. (2018). British Columbia’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Retrieved from
47 Ibid 46
48 Ibid 46.
49 National Energy Board. (2017). Electricity Capacity and Primary Fuel Sources. Retrieved from
Total $5.70
BC’s GHG emissions in 2016 were 62.3 Mt of CO2e.52 Natural gas plays a role in the largest emitting sectors of the
Province’s economy: transportation, oil and gas, and the built environment.
51 National Energy Board. (2019). Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles – British Columbia. Retrieved from
52 British Columbia Provincial Government. (2018). Provincial Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: 2016 Provincial Inventory.
Retrieved from https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/climate-change/data/provincial-inventory
Some metal pipes can degrade when exposed to hydrogen over long periods, particularly for the higher hydrogen
concentrations and pressures that may occur when it is injected into high-pressure natural gas transmission
systems. Embrittlement effects depend on the type of steel and on operating conditions and must be assessed
on a case-by-case basis.
Natural gas transmission pipelines are typically made of high-strength steels, with diameters of 4–48 inches,
operate at high pressures of 600–2,000 psig (42–139 bar) and are usually wrapped/coated and cathodically
protected against corrosion. Because of the high strength steels employed and the high pressure of operation,
transmission pipelines can be susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. Therefore hydrogen concentrations
are more limited in transmission networks. Nevertheless, the high pressure and large throughput of gas in
transmission networks can translate into significant hydrogen volumes, even if conservative grid injection levels
of 5-10% by volume are employed.
Steel and polyethylene (PE) are the dominant materials for natural gas distribution systems. The metallic
pipes used in the lower-pressure natural gas distribution systems are usually made of low-strength steels, and
these materials are not generally susceptible to hydrogen-induced embrittlement under normal operation.
Other metallic pipes including iron (ductile, cast and wrought) and copper that are sometimes used in natural
gas distribution are also free from embrittlement concerns. Town gas, containing approximately 50% H2, was
in common use in Europe prior to the switch to natural gas, and continues to be used in some jurisdictions,
including Hong Kong.56
There are no major concerns about hydrogen aging the polyethylene (PE), polyvinylchloride (PVC) or elastomeric
materials more common in recent natural gas distribution networks.
While the allowable concentrations of hydrogen in natural gas pipeline networks remains an area of active
research and evaluation, recent studies have concluded that transmission pipelines can accept hydrogen
concentrations of 5% (by volume) with minimal risk.57 Distribution networks have been judged able to accept
hydrogen concentrations of up to 25% with minimal risk and as high as 50% with additional validation. The
majority of stakeholders consulted in this study concluded that a hydrogen concentration target of 10%
represents a conservative near-term target for hydrogen grid injection into the natural gas network.
56 Towngas, Gas Production. The Hong Kong and China Gas Company. Retrieved from
Natural gas-consuming appliances must be able to operate without impediment on hydrogen-blended natural
gas. While most appliances are compatible with hydrogen concentrations of up to 10% H2 by volume and lower,
this is unlikely to be the case for combustion turbines, compressors (which may contain natural gas but leak
hydrogen) and CNG tanks.
For higher hydrogen concentrations – in the range of 30% and higher – performance issues may arise with
engines, burners, boilers and stoves. Appliance testing and validation for all product models and makes would be
necessary to move to these higher hydrogen levels.
Hydrogen Separation
A low-cost method for separating hydrogen from a natural gas stream would be an enabling technology for
hydrogen blending, and reduce concerns relating to downstream appliance compatibility. Pressure swing
absorption (PSA) technology is mature and could be used to remove hydrogen from a natural gas pipeline.
Leveraging the pressure difference between (high-pressure) transmission and (low-pressure) distribution
networks could facilitate a low-cost PSA solution for hydrogen separation, and it is recommended that research
to this end be supported.
Hydrogen separation technology would be particularly important where downstream natural gas might be
used by CNG vehicles, as some Type 3 CNG tanks can only tolerate hydrogen concentrations of less than 2%. An
alternative would be to require the replacement of the affected tanks.
Gas Metering
Hydrogen blends can influence the accuracy of existing gas meters. Studies have shown that gas meters would
not need to be tuned for low hydrogen blend levels (less than 50% volume).58
57 Yoo Y., et al., (2017). Review of Hydrogen Tolerance of Key Power-to-Gas (P2G) Components and Systems in Canada.
NRC-EME-55882. Retrieved from https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/view/fulltext/?id=94a036f4-0e60-4433-add5-9479350f74de
Figure 33. Limit of Hydrogen Blending along the Natural Gas Infrastructure59
58 Melaina MW, Antonia O, Penev M. (2013). Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: A Review of Key Issues.
NREL Technical Report 5600-51995. Retrieved from https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/51995.pdf
These adoption rates of hydrogen into the natural gas grid will result in significant GHG emissions reductions.
In 2030, the projected emissions reduction ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 Mt CO2e/year while in 2050 the projected
emissions reductions would range from 0.8 to 2.3 Mt CO2e/year. The GHG emissions were calculated assuming
the hydrogen displaces natural gas based on lower heating values of natural gas of 38.9 MJ/m3 and hydrogen
of 10.8 MJ/m3. The natural gas carbon intensity was assumed to be 57.9 g CO2e/MJ62 and the hydrogen carbon
intensity was estimated to be 15.9 g CO2e/MJ (1.91 kg CO2e/kg H2) based on the weighted average of carbon
intensity for the different low carbon pathways studied in this report based on capacity in BC. It was assumed
that all the hydrogen injected into the grid is burned. If the hydrogen was separated from the natural gas before
consumption and run through a fuel cell to generate electricity and heat, the improved efficiency would increase
the abated emissions by a factor of at least 2 depending on the energy efficiency ratio (EER) of the equipment.
4.1.5 : Recommendations
Develop provincial codes and standards for hydrogen blending into the natural gas grid
Change provincial codes to mandate all new gaseous pipelines are compatible with 100% hydrogen
Investigate integration of electricity grid and natural gas grid through low cost hydrogen production
62 (S&T) Squared Consultants Inc. (2018). GHGenius 5.0d. Calculations conducted by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources Low Carbon Fuels Branch. Retrieved from https://ghgenius.ca/index.php/downloads
Vehicles not licensed to operate on roads excluding oil & gas, heavy industry,
Off-Road Vehicles
agricultural, manufacturing, construction, and forest resource services.
Domestic Railway
Locomotives operating in BC and marine vessels registered and fueled in BC
and Marine
Pipeline Transport Transportation and distribution of crude oil, natural gas and other products
Canadian registered aircrafts flying domestically within Canada and originating in BC,
Domestic Aviation
including commercial, private, and agricultural flights
Figure 35 shows the GHG emissions of each category in BC from 1990 to 2016.
63 Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2018). National Inventory Report 1990-2016: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks
in Canada, Annex 10. Retrieved from https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/779c7bcf-4982-47eb-af1b-a33618a05e5b
Combined, light and heavy-duty vehicles make up almost four-fifths of BC’s total transportation GHG emissions
(79%). Domestic railway, marine and aviation comprise 14% of GHG emissions and off-road vehicles make up the
remaining 7%.
Vehicles 5,788 165,675
(excluding buses) 47.4 7.8
Table 5. BC New Vehicle Registrations, Registered Vehicles, and Related GHG Emissions
Light-duty vehicles far outnumber heavy-duty vehicles, but because of the latter’s greater size and annual driving
distances, each heavy-duty vehicle generates almost fifteen times as many GHG emissions per year: an average
of 47.4 tonnes CO2e per HDVs compared to 3.2 tonnes per LDV.63, 65
Public transit accounts for approximately 30% of buses in BC.65 Public transit fleets are operated by two large
agencies: TransLink in Metro Vancouver, and BC Transit in the rest of the province. Table 6 shows the makeup of
both agencies’ fleets.
64 Statistics Canada. Table 20-10-0002-01 New motor vehicle sales, by type of vehicle. Retrieved from
65 Statistics Canada. Table 23-10-0067-01 Road motor vehicle registrations, by type of vehicle. Retrieved from
68 California Fuel Cell Partnership. (2019). By the Numbers: FCEV Sales, FCEB, & Hydrogen Station Data. Retrieved from
69 California Fuel Cell Partnership. (2018). Largest Bus Manufacturer Markets Fuel Cell Buses.
Retrieved from https://cafcp.org/blog/largest-bus-manufacturer-markets-fuel-cell-buses
71 Bloomberg News. (2018). Senior China Official Urges Shift Towards Fuel-Cell Vehicles. Retrieved from
72 Ballard Power Systems. (2019). Ballard Reaches Agreement for $44M Order With Weichai-Ballard JV to Support Initial Fuel Cell
Vehicle Deployments in China. Retrieved from http://www.ballard.com/about-ballard/newsroom/news-releases/2019/05/01/
76 Federal Government of Canada. (2018). Summary: 2017 Annual Report – Canada’s Action Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas
Emissions from Aviation. Retrieved from
77 Eudy L., Post M. (2014). BC Transit Fuel Cell Bus Project Evaluation Results: Second Report. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory. Retrieved from https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/62317.pdf
Figure 38 shows the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking’s enumeration of major segments in
the transportation sector, and evaluation of the relative strengths of battery electric and fuel cell electric
technology in each.
85 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. (2019). Hydrogen Roadmap Europe. Retrieved from
86 Hardman S, et al. (2018). A Review of Consumer Preferences of and Interactions with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.
Transportation Research Part D 62: 508-523. Retrieved from https://phev.ucdavis.edu/wp-content/uploads/a-review-of-
87 Natural Resources Canada. Comprehensive Energy Use Database: Residential Sector – British Columbia. Retrieved from
88 On June 22, 2019 the Province’s CEV incentive was reduced to $3,000 for battery, fuel-cell, and longer-range plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles and to $1,500 for shorter-range plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
89 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. (2019). Hydrogen Roadmap Europe. Retrieved from
90 Ibid.
93 Ibid 92
Figure 42. Conservative and Aggressive Transportation Hydrogen Demand in tonnes by Vehicle Type
(2030 & 2050)
97 Government du Quebec. (2019). The ZEV Standard in a Nutshell: Explanatory Leaflet. Retrieved from http://www.environnement.
98 BC Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources. (2019). Legislation to Guide Move to Electric Vehicles, Reduce Pollution.
Retrieved from https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2019EMPR0011-000608
99 The number of new passenger vehicle registrations in BC were projected linearly based on new registrations over the past five
100 Statistics Canada. Table 20-10-0002-01 New motor vehicle sales, by type of vehicle. Retrieved from
102 Cambridge Econometrics. (2018). Fueling Europe’s Future: How the Transition from Oil Strengthens the Economy.
Retrieved from https://europeanclimate.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/FEF_transition.pdf
103 The analysis in this report is based on historical data through 2018. In 2019, ZEV sales have accelerated in BC, largely driven by
the newly available federal incentive and record high gas prices. The analysis was not revised to account for this increase in sales.
At this time, FCEV sales are limited by supply and it is unclear if the uptick in sales will translate to FCEVs as they are not currently
eligible for the federal incentive because of the cap on vehicle retail price.
104 Statistics Canada. Table 23-10-0067-01 Road motor vehicle registrations, by type of vehicle. Retrieved from
Figure 43. Light-duty Fuel Cell Passenger Vehicles Sales per Year (2019-2050)
105 California Fuel Cell Partnership (2018). By the Numbers: FCEV Sales, FCEB, & Hydrogen Station Data. Retrieved from
106 California Air Resources Board. (2018). 2018 Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment & Hydrogen Fuel Station
Network Development. Retrieved from https://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/zevprog/ab8/ab8_report_2018_print.pdf
The number of fuel cell vehicles sold is expected to increase exponentially from 2019 to 2040. After 2040, the
ZEV mandate will require all new vehicles sold to be ZEVs, so the growth continues linearly assuming the total
number of vehicles sold continues to grow.
The sales targets of the BC ZEV mandate are more aggressive than the mandate currently in place in California,
which is only defined through 2025. As a result, the projected fuel cell vehicles in BC exceed the California
reference case in the near-term. However, for California to meet its 2030 target of 1,000,000 vehicles, sales
will need to ramp up rapidly, which causes the California reference case to exceed the projected range for BC
Low High Low High Low High
2019 237,251 30 50 0.0% 0.0% 33 53
2020 244,962 60 816 0.0% 0.3% 93 869
2021 252,672 118 1,084 0.0% 0.4% 211 1,953
2022 260,383 234 1,364 0.1% 0.5% 445 3,317
2023 268,093 464 1,656 0.2% 0.6% 909 4,973
2024 275,804 918 1,961 0.3% 0.7% 1,827 6,934
2025 283,514 1,581 2,835 0.6% 1.0% 3,641 9,210
2026 291,225 2,141 3,470 0.7% 1.2% 5,782 12,328
2027 298,935 2,524 4,254 0.8% 1.4% 8,306 16,582
2028 306,646 2,975 5,789 1.0% 1.9% 11,281 22,371
2029 314,356 3,503 7,856 1.1% 2.5% 14,784 30,227
2030 322,067 4,122 10,638 1.3% 3.3% 18,906 40,865
2031 329,777 5,287 12,506 1.6% 3.8% 24,190 53,368
2032 337,488 6,777 14,689 2.0% 4.4% 30,937 68,006
2033 345,198 8,681 17,238 2.5% 5.0% 39,558 84,428
2034 352,909 11,116 20,214 3.1% 5.7% 50,556 103,558
2035 360,619 14,227 24,352 3.9% 6.8% 64,549 113,112
2036 368,330 18,200 30,590 4.9% 8.3% 82,285 142,961
2037 376,040 23,273 38,408 6.2% 10.2% 104,640 179,919
2038 383,751 29,747 48,205 7.8% 12.6% 132,573 225,289
2039 391,461 38,006 60,477 9.7% 15.4% 168,438 282,296
2040 399,172 48,539 75,843 12.2% 19.0% 214,453 353,896
2041 406,882 52,205 79,771 12.8% 19.6% 263,683 428,482
2042 414,593 56,128 83,872 13.5% 20.2% 316,308 506,021
2043 422,303 60,325 88,154 14.3% 20.9% 372,511 586,445
2044 430,014 64,814 92,624 15.1% 21.5% 432,038 669,335
2045 437,724 69,614 97,289 15.9% 22.2% 494,875 754,373
2046 445,435 74,747 102,157 16.8% 22.9% 560,941 841,119
2047 453,145 80,235 107,237 17.7% 23.7% 630,060 928,979
2048 460,856 86,100 112,537 18.7% 24.4% 701,933 1,017,164
2049 468,566 92,368 118,065 19.7% 25.2% 776,101 1,104,639
2050 476,277 99,066 123,832 20.8% 26.0% 851,894 1,190,063
107 Electrive.com. (2019). Hyundai & H₂E: 1,6000 Fuel Cell Trucks for Europe.
Retrieved from https://www.electrive.com/2019/04/15/hyundai-h2e-1600-
108 ZunMallen R. (2018). 1,000 Hyundai Fuel Cell Electric Trucks Headed for
Switzerland. Trucks.com. Retrieved from
2020 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 45 and Figure 46 show the projected hydrogen demand from medium- and heavy-duty hydrogen trucks in
the conservative and aggressive scenarios from 2020 to 2050.
Figure 45. Conservative Projected Medium- and heavy-duty Truck Hydrogen Demand (2020-2050) : Buses
Transit agencies around the world are looking at reducing emissions through deployment of hydrogen fuel cell
and battery electric buses. Though more expensive than conventional diesel buses, hydrogen fuel cell public
transit buses are currently available on the market from several suppliers. The modelled scenarios are based on
feedback from TransLink and BC Transit. The aggressive scenario assumes the Province institutes a zero-emission
bus mandate similar to the Innovative Clean Transit regulation in California, leading to 25% of the Province’s
public transit fleet comprising fuel cell electric buses by 2035. The conservative scenario assumes slow adoption
of fuel cell public transit buses, peaking at 12% of the fleet in 2050.
Hydrogen powered inter-city buses (also called “coaches” or “coach buses”) are at an earlier stage of
development than public transit buses, primarily due to technical challenges with current vehicle configurations
that constrict hydrogen storage on the rooftops due to centre of gravity restrictions. This fuel storage technical
challenge can be overcome with emerging technologies, and as with medium- and heavy-duty trucks, coach
buses are well suited to hydrogen fuel cell technology because of the long ranges and short refueling times
required for existing duty cycles.
It is assumed that there will be zero and low emissions regulations applied to these buses in the post-2025
period building on the regulation of transit buses. The aggressive scenario assumes a successful technology
development program in BC leading to adoption of 15% of new sales by 2035 and 75% of new sales in 2050. The
conservative scenario assumes moderate adoption of fuel cell coach buses beginning in 2030 and peaking at 25%
of new sales in 2050.
2020 0 0 0 0
2025 0 20 0 65
Figure 47 and Figure 48 show the projected hydrogen demand from public transit and coach buses in the conser-
vative and aggressive scenarios from 2020 to 2050.
Figure 47. Conservative Projected Public Transit and Coach Bus Hydrogen Demand (2020-2050) : Ferries
BC Ferries is committed to reducing emissions and, though is at an early stage relative to road transportation
applications, hydrogen fuel cell technology shows promise in marine applications. The aggressive scenario
assumes a successful pilot project of a single ferry in 2030 leading to 3 vessels in the fleet by 2040 and 5 by 2050.
The conservative scenario assumes no hydrogen powered ferries by 2050.
Table 10 shows the estimated adoption schedule for ferries from 2020 to 2050.
2020 0 0
2025 0 0
2030 0 1
2035 0 1
2040 0 3
2045 0 3
2050 0 5
Although there is potential for marine applications of hydrogen technology in BC other than ferries, the
technology is still at a relatively early stage of development. For the purposes of this report, it was assumed that
there will not be significant adoption of hydrogen for non-ferry marine applications before 2050
. : GHG Emissions
The GHG emissions reduction for each vehicle type based on the average annual distance travelled, fuel
economy, and diesel and gasoline emissions factors were modeled.109 The assumed carbon intensities was 3.59
kg CO2e/L for diesel in medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, 3.20 kg CO2e/L for gasoline light-duty vehicles, 3.49
kgCO2e/L for diesel in marine vessels.110 Hydrogen as a transportation fuel was estimated to have an emissions
factor of 15.9 g CO2e/MJ (equivalent to 1.91 kg CO2e/kg H2) based on the weighted average carbon intensity of
the pathways studied in this report based on their capacity in BC.
Fuel cell vehicles were assumed to have an energy effectiveness ratio (EER) of 1.9 compared to diesel engines
and 2.5 compared to gasoline engines.111
Figure 50, Figure 51, and Figure 52 show the estimated GHG abated in the conservative and aggressive scenarios
for transportation from 2020 to 2050.
109 (S&T) Squared Consultants Inc. (2018). GHGenius 5.0d. Calculations conducted by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources Low Carbon Fuels Branch. Retrieved from https://ghgenius.ca/index.php/downloads
110 Ibid.
111 British Columbia Provincial Government. (2017). Regulation 394/2008 O.C. 907.2008. Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Renewable
and Low Carbon Fuel Requirements) Act. Retrieved from http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/lc/statreg/394_2008
2030 Conservative GHG Abated (Mt) 2030 Aggressive GHG Abated (Mt)
2050 Conservative GHG Abated (Mt) 2050 Aggressive GHG Abated (Mt)
Figure 53. Conservative and Aggressive Transportation GHG Abated in Mt CO₂e by Vehicle Type (2030 & 2050)
In all cases, the deployment of light-duty FCEVs will have the greatest emissions reduction impact, driven
primarily by the far larger vehicle populations under consideration. It is therefore recommended that in the near-
term a strong credit system favouring FCEVs (to incentivize OEMs to preferentially supply FCEVs to the province)
be implemented, and that the continued roll-out of light-duty vehicle hydrogen fuel infrastructure be strongly
Turning to heavy-duty vehicle infrastructure, since the Whistler Transit fueling station was decommissioned in
2014, the only operational fueling equipment for heavy-duty transportation equipment in the Province is a 250-
bar Praxair dispenser used by Ballard Power Systems for testing buses and trucks out of their Burnaby facility.
4.2.5 Recommendations
Structure the light-duty ZEV mandate to encourage OEMs to make FCEVs available in BC
◆◆ Make British Columbia the world leader in credit value for FCEVs.
Implement a Zero Emission Bus Mandate for public transit vehicles and a Voucher Program to offset
incremental costs.
Support feasibility study for the use of hydrogen in Marine, Rail and off-road applications in BC.
Support lighthouse projects to deploy medium- and heavy-duty fuel cell vehicles in the Province.
Current biomass feedstocks being investigated at the Parkland refinery include canola and tallow oil which are
co-processed with fossil crude in the refinery. However, the available bio feedstocks will be insufficient to meet
the projected demand.
115 BC Provincial Government. (2018). CleanBC: Our Nature. Our Power. Our Future. Retrieved from
Carbon Engineering, based in Squamish, is developing an AIR to FUELSTM process whereby CO2 from air and hy-
drogen are converted in conventional chemical processes to produce synthetic crude which can be processed in
conventional refineries without any modifications. A commercial scale plant producing 100 million litres/year of
synthetic crude would require 100 tonnes/day of clean hydrogen and 550 tonnes per day of CO2 captured from
the air. Depending on the GHG intensity of the hydrogen and the energy required in the direct air capture (DAC)
process, the GHG intensity of the liquid fuels will be reduced by 70 – 90%.116 If this hydrogen is produced by
electrolysis, electrical input power would comprise approximately 250 MW117 per plant for hydrogen production
with another 8 MW for the DAC plant.118 This is a significant electrical load, representing 23% of total Site C dam
nameplate capacity.
By-product hydrogen produced by ERCO and Chemtrade provides a relatively small but low-cost hydrogen path-
way of up to 18.5 tonnes per day. Due to their locations, the hydrogen must be either used on-site or transport-
ed to another location. Given the very high demand for low-cost hydrogen in the synthetic fuels production path-
way, other sources of bulk, clean hydrogen and production will likely have to be constructed. Technology hurdles
remain that will need to be overcome for synthetic fuel production to happen at scale in BC. In addition, as fuel
cell electric vehicle adoption increases, the hydrogen market is likely to tip towards the more efficient pathway of
directly using hydrogen for transportation, rather than using it to produce a synthetic fuel. That said, the synfuels
pathway can immediately reduce the emissions of the existing vehicle fleet. Synfuels may also play a key role in
helping to decarbonize emissions relating to marine and aviation transport.
An additional opportunity for hydrogen in the industrial sector is through the displacement of natural gas related
to heating. This opportunity is discussed in Section 4.1 so is not treated further here.
118 Keith et al. (2018). A Process for Capturing CO₂ from the Atmosphere. Joule 2, 1573–1594. Retrieved from
120 The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources has provided a forecast that liquid fuel demand (gasoline, diesel)
in BC will remain flat.
4.3.5 : Recommendations
Maintain the current performance base, GHG intensity reduction mandate of the LCFS
Extend and Increase the proportion of low carbon fuels beyond 2030
Support a large-scale demonstration project in BC which uses clean hydrogen for the production of
synthetic liquid fuels.
Figure 59 shows the GHG emissions from both built environment categories in BC from 1990 to 2016.
121 Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2018). National Inventory Report 1990-2016: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in
Canada, Annex 10. Retrieved from https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/779c7bcf-4982-47eb-af1b-a33618a05e5b
Residential Building GHG Emissions by Source (2016) Residential Building GHG Emissions by End Use (2016)*
Figure 61. BC Residential Building GHG Emissions by Source and End Use (2016)122
122 Natural Resources Canada. Comprehensive Energy Use Database: Residential Sector – British Columbia. Retrieved from
Commercial Building GHG Emissions by Source (2016) Commercial Building GHG Emissions by End Use (2016)*
123 California Hydrogen Business Council. (2015). Power-to-Gas: The Case for Hydrogen White Paper. Retrieved from
124 Dentons. (2019). The Future of Gas: Transitioning to Hydrogen in the Gas Grid. Retrieved from https://www.goo-
125 Jones DR, Al-Masry WA, Dunnill CW. (2018). Hydrogen-enriched Natural Gas as a Domestic Fuel: An Analysis Based on Flash-back
and Blow-off Limits for Domestic Natural Gas Appliances within the UK. Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2, 710-723. Retrieved from
126 Fortis BC. Whistler Natural Gas Conversion. Retrieved from https://talkingenergy.ca/node/80
The modeling assumed the percent share of each segment remained constant through 2050, so the built
environment represents approximately three quarters of the hydrogen demand projected in Section 4.1.
Effectively all the hydrogen demand modeled for remote communities are attributable to the built environment. : Overview
A remote community is defined as a permanent community not connected to North America’s integrated
electrical or natural gas grids. It must have been settled for longer than 5 years, with 10 or more dwellings. The
NRCan Remote Communities Energy Database128 (based on 2017 or most recently available data) identifies 75
remote communities in BC, illustrated in Figure 64.
Fourteen remote communities rely on hydro with backup diesel generation for their electricity. Fifty-two
communities rely on diesel as their primary power source. Six communities have unknown power sources.
127 BC Provincial Government. (2018). Production and Distribution of Natural Gas in BC. Retrieved from
128 Natural Resources Canada. (2018). The Atlas of Canada – Remote Communities Energy Database. Retrieved from
http://atlas.gc.ca/rced-bdece/en/index.html : Microgrids
A microgrid is a complete system (diesel generators or small-scale hydro, distribution wires/equipment, control
systems) that provides electricity to a community; in some cases, they may provide power to surrounding
communities as well. Fourteen of BC’s remote communities are connected to one of four local microgrids owned
by BC Hydro: Bella Bella, Bella Coola (Ah-Sin-Heek power plant) and Sandspit provide hydroelectric power with
diesel as back-up, while Masset is 100% diesel generation.
5 Generators, 10.455 MW
Masset 3 Diesel n/a 26433 13.10 6.22
Diesel generators and small-scale hydro can provide consistent 24/7 electricity, facilitating the balancing of
supply and demand. Variable renewable electricity, or VRE, composed of intermittent wind and variable solar,
can provide intermittent power which can help reduce costs and emissions, but which increase the complexity
of a microgrid system. Hybrid systems of hydroelectricity with diesel back-up can supply the majority of a
community’s power needs, providing lower-cost, cleaner electrical supply most of the time, while using diesel
generators as back-up to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply.
For a microgrid without storage (generally lithium-ion battery, though in some cases flow battery), intermittent
renewables penetration is estimated at 20-30%. As integration of renewable sources increases (bringing down
the overall cost of generating the electricity), combined with falling battery prices, investing in storage options
could become an economically viable option.
BC Hydro-8
49 Diesel 92,513 58,514 100% diesel
ATCO Electric YT-1
250 kW solar +
IPP 1 Diesel Solar 1,400 78 1 MWh storage;
target 80% solar
Small amounts of
diesel, Propane,
Unknown 6 Unknown Unknown
Gasoline, Small
* Fossil Fuel
**Fossil Fuel Generation
129 Pembina Institute. (2019). Diesel, Renewables, and the Future of Canada’s Remote Communities: Introduction to Microgrids.
Retrieved from https://www.pembina.org/blog/remote-microgrids-intro
130 Natural Resources Canada. (2011). Status of Remote/Off-Grid Communities in Canada. Retrieved from
Total 92,513 70
Conversion Factors
1 MWh = 3.6 GJ
Table 14. Annual Fossil Fuel Power Generation and Generating Capacity
132 (S&T) Squared Consultants Inc. (2018). GHGenius 5.0d. Calculations conducted by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum
Resources Low Carbon Fuels Branch. Retrieved from https://ghgenius.ca/index.php/downloads
133 Wilt J. (2018). Canada’s Commitment of @220 Million to Transition Remote Communities Off Diesel a Mere ‘Drop in the
Bucket.’ The Narwhal. Retrieved from
134 Kennedy M. (2017). Energy Shift: Reducing Diesel Reliance in Remote Communities in BC. Simon Fraser University. Retrieved
from http://summit.sfu.ca/item/17979
BC Hydro is the power provider for the community of Anahim Lake and in the fall of 2016, began a 3-year
pilot project, converting the largest of 5 diesel generators to operate with LNG, with the goal of reducing both
GHG emissions and fuel costs. Cryopeak trucks LNG from FortisBC’s Tilbury Island facility in Delta, stores it and
regasifies it in Anahim Lake. Long-term expectations are that 60% of Anahim Lake’s power could come from LNG.
The NRCan remote community database estimates that 50% of the electricity is currently being generated by
135 Huter, H.-P., Kundi, M., Moshammer, H., Shelton, J., Kruger, B., Schicker, I., & Wallner, P. (2015). Replacing Fossil Diesel by Biofuel:
Expected Impact on Health. Environmental & Occupational Health, 4-9.Retrieved from
Xeni Gwet'in First Nation, located in south-central BC, is reducing their reliance on diesel through a solar
installation project. The system includes 250 kW PV with 1,000 kWh storage that provides a full day of backup
under cloudy skies and is expected to reduce diesel consumption by an estimated 143,000 litres/year, reducing
GHG emissions by 382 tonnes/year.138 While the system clearly reduces electricity cost and GHG emissions,
replacement of the lithium battery storage in 15-20 years will be a significant cost.
136 Fredericks T. (2018). Kwadacha Nation Installs Wood Gasification System. Canadian Biomass. Retrieved from
137 BC Hydro. (2017). Wood Chips Help Power Kwadacha First Nation, Cutting Carbon Emissions. Retrieved from
138 BC Provincial Government. (2017). Hybrid Solar Power Burns Cleaner for Zeni Gwet’in. Retrieved from
140 Thompson C. (2017). Wuikinuxv Nation Receives Funding for Run-of-River Hydro Project. Coast Mountain News. Retrieved from
141 FuelCellsWorks. (2019). FCW Exclusive: Tokyo Fuel Cell Expo 2019 – 300,000 Ene-Farms. Retrieved from
142 Pembia Institute. (2018). Renewables in Remote Communities: 2017 Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from
Conservative Scenario
In the top 22 communities, diesel reduction is assumed to increase gradually from 20% in 2025 to 80% in 2050,
with hydrogen responsible for 25% of the reduction. In the remaining communities, diesel reduction increases
from 5% in 2025 to 30% in 2050 with no use of hydrogen technologies.
Table 16 summarizes the demand reduction and hydrogen use assumptions for the Conservative Scenario, and
the resulting hydrogen demand and GHG reduction.
2020 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0
Total Diesel Energy Use Total Diesel Energy Use Total H₂ GHG Abat-
Year Demand Re- Reduction Demand Reduction Demand ed (tonnes
duction from H2 Reduction from H2 (tonnes) CO2e)
2020 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0
Figure 66. Remote Community Conservative and Aggressive Hydrogen Demand (2020-2050)
4.5.5 : Recommendations
◆◆ For communities that rely entirely on trucked or barged in energy supply, encourage development of
microgrids that utilize a 100% hydrogen distribution grid with local combined heat and power (CHP)
generation such as the ENE-FARM program in Japan
Work with remote communities to develop plans to implement hydrogen related projects and make it
easier for communities to own and operate their own facilities
◆◆ Provide a ‘hydrogen toolkit’ including: support to navigate funding opportunities; technical expertise for
planning, implementation and operations; and database with technical and cost details of successful
hydrogen projects
Create access to financing for cleaner fossil fuel-based systems that utilize a CNG / hydrogen blend
Figure 67. Options for Hydrogen Generated via Power to Gas. Source DNV GL.
Figure 69 shows the case of Germany, where in 2015 a total of 4.7 TWh of electricity was curtailed, the
overwhelming majority from renewables, impairing economic returns for the sector. (4.7 TWh is the amount of
electricity that would be generated by a 540 MWh generator operating 24/7/365.)
Germany had an installed capacity of 44.5 GW of wind turbines and 39.3GW of solar power at the end of 2015. The average
load profile in Germany fluctuates between 50 and 80GW on a work day and 40 and 60GW during weekends. When both
renewable sources produce electricity at full capacity in periods of a lower load profile, there is surplus electricity generation.
This situation occurred various times in 2015 resulting in 4.7 terawatthours (TWh) of electricity being curtailed (93% wind
and solar power). The network operators had to pay compensations in total of €315 million (m). This amount is expected to
increase in the coming years as grid extensions do not have the necessary velocity.
Figure 69. Wind and Solar Deployment and Annual Electricity Curtailment in Germany. Source:
143 Washington State Legislature. (2019). Authorizing the production, distribution, and sale of renewable hydrogen. SB 5588 –
2019/20. Retrieved from https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5588&Year=2019&Initiative=false
*Acil Allen projections only provided to 2040. The 2050 values were estimated based on the year over year
growth from the Hydrogen Council and Shell reports.
Figure 71. Estimated Annual Global Hydrogen Demand (2020-2050).144, 145, 146 Hydrogen consumption in
industrial processes is not included.
144 Acil Allen Consulting. (2018). Opportunities for Australia from Hydrogen Exports. Retrieved from
145 The Hydrogen Council. (2017). Hydrogen Scaling Up: A Sustainable Pathway for the Global Energy Transition. Retrieved from
146 Shell. (2018). Shell Sky Scenario: Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement. Retrieved from
*Acil Allen projections only provided to 2040. The 2050 values were estimated based on the year over year
growth from the Hydrogen Council and Shell reports.
Figure 72. Medium Range Estimated Annual Hydrogen Energy Demand of Selected Countries (2025-2050)144, 147, 148
147 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (2019). Hydrogen Roadmap Europe: A Sustainable Pathway for the European Energy
Transition. Retrieved from https://www.fch.europa.eu/sites/default/files/Hydrogen%20Roadmap%20Europe_Report.pdf
148 UC Irvine/Advanced Power and Energy Program. (2019). Renewable Hydrogen Transportation Fuel Production. Retrieved from
*Acil Allen projections only provided to 2040. The 2050 values were estimated based on the year over year growth from
the Hydrogen Council and Shell reports.
Figure 73. Estimated Annual Hydrogen Energy Demand of Selected Countries (2025-2050) : California
California’s projected hydrogen demand is expected to be as large as 1 to 4 million tonnes by 2050. The state
is also a prime candidate to be an importer of renewable hydrogen in the future and has strong Governmental
regulations and supportive funding for the initiation of a hydrogen supply infrastructure and deployment of fuel
cell powered mobility. : Japan
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) from the Japanese Government developed the “Basic
Hydrogen Strategy” (December 2017) for a plan of action until 2030, and, a future vision up to 2050. The
prognosis for 2050 is for demand of between 5 to 35 million tonnes of hydrogen per year. The country is
expected to be a very large importer of hydrogen and has already begun investigating supply options for
importing large quantities of clean hydrogen in the future. : China
China is currently the leading region for the growth of renewable hydrogen and fuel cell market segments. The
Chinese government is financially supporting these industries at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. The
prognosis for 2050 is a demand of between 18 to 160 million tonnes per year.
◆◆ Business and job growth for local, remote ◆◆ Competition from Australia that has established
communities and First Nations in BC a clear government-led strategy to produce and
export large quantities of renewable hydrogen in
◆◆ Large future demand markets including
the future
California, Japan, Republic of Korea and China
relatively close to BC ◆◆ Loss of the strong hydrogen and fuel cell resource
base in BC to competitive regions around the
◆◆ The opportunity for multinationals involved in
the clean energy economies to invest in BC
◆◆ Growth of the BC hydrogen related research
and technology development
◆◆ The ability for BC to play a positive role in the
reduction of GHG by producing and exporting
large quantities of renewable hydrogen
◆◆ A large hydrogen export economy in BC will
support low-cost domestic market needs
Canada’s hydrogen and fuel cell sector is recognized as a global leader. In 2018, the industry generated revenue
of $207 million and was responsible for 2,177 jobs. British Columbia, as the “cradle of the modern fuel cell
industry”, is home to Canada’s largest hydrogen and fuel cell industry cluster as shown in Figure 74.
BC’s cluster has advanced technologies for hydrogen production and processing, equipment and systems testing,
has undertaken world-leading research, development and commercialization, and has played a leading role in
standards development. The Province is also home to world-class academic institutions supporting the clean tech
sector. Centres of Excellence have been established at the University of British Columbia (UBC), the University of
Victoria (UVic), Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC).149
149 UBC: Centre for Energy Systems Applications, Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability and the Institute for Resources,
Environment and Sustainability. SFU: School of Mechatronics. UVic: Institute for Integrated Energy Systems. The aforementioned
and UNBC are all involved with the Pacific Institute for Climate Change Solutions.
150 CHFCA. (2018). Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Sector Profile. Retrieved from
The carbon intensity of BC Hydro’s electricity generation is one of the lowest in North America, meaning
hydrogen produced through electrolysis would have a very low carbon footprint.
As noted in prior sections, BC’s low-cost natural gas can provide another path for supplying cost-competitive
hydrogen, even when CCS costs are factored in.
Finally, BC’s coastal access and relative proximity to leading markets such as California, Japan, South Korea
and China put the Province in an excellent position to become an exporter of clean hydrogen. The Province’s
economy is heavily dependent on the export of natural resources, and hydrogen is a means by which BC can
provide energy exports without emissions.
7.1.4 : Recommendations
151 Corvus Energy. (2017). Global Aluminum Supplier Makes Significant Investment in Corvus Energy. Retrieved from
152 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. (2019). Stream 5: National Ecosystems. Retrieved from
153 Wikipedia. (2019). Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage. Retrieved from
Figure 78. Conservative and Aggressive Aggregate Hydrogen Demand in tonnes by Sector (2030 & 2050)
Figure 80 and Figure 81 show the conservative and aggressive GHG emissions reduction scenarios from 2020 to
2050 by sector, and Figure 82 shows the detailed breakdown by sector in 2030 and 2050.
2050 Conservative GHG Abated (Mt CO₂e) 2050 Aggressive GHG Abated (Mt CO₂e)
Figure 82. Conservative and Aggressive Aggregate Hydrogen Demand in tonnes by Sector (2030 & 2050)
Initially, natural gas offers the greatest potential for GHG emissions reduction, but by 2050 the transportation
sector is expected to dominate savings. This occurs for two reasons. First, it will take time to build up the
hydrogen transportation sector because of the large number of gasoline and diesel vehicles on the road and
because of the time needed to develop the technology and scale up performance. In contrast, the natural gas
grid can begin incorporating hydrogen immediately. Second, most transportation applications will be powered
by fuel cells, which offer a significant efficiency improvement compared to burning the hydrogen. This analysis
assumed the hydrogen injected into the natural gas grid will be burned directly, so the savings potential is
greater in transportation applications.
Figure 83. Status and Publicly Stated Plans of Hydrogen Technology Deployments by Continent. Source:
Hydrogen Council.
Complementing the hydrogen deployment data, Figure 84 shows the International Energy Agency (IEA) summary
of the number of countries offering policy support towards these deployments. IEA estimates that 10 to 15
countries already offer policy support for each of hydrogen fuel infrastructure, fuel cell passenger vehicles
and buses. Some jurisdictions have also extended policy support towards the use of hydrogen in the built
environment (building heat and power) and industry.
154 The Hydrogen Council. (2019). Fostering Deployments – Next Steps. Retrieved from
A series of one-page summaries outlining the current status of deployments in eight jurisdictions leading the
world in adoption of hydrogen technologies is available in Appendix D: Jurisdictional Review summaries. These
summaries include policies, incentives, and regulations in place in these jurisdictions.
155 Swiss Confederation, Federal Customs Administration. HVC - General / Rates. Retrieved from:
156 Swiss Confederation, Federal Customs Administration. Lump-sum heavy vehicle charge (PSVA) for Swiss vehicles. Retrieved from:
157 Swiss Confederation, The Federal Council. Federal Council amends Heavy Vehicle Charge Ordinance. 23 September 2016.
Retrieved from: https://www.newsd.admin.ch/newsd/message/attachments/45467.pdf
158 Reuters. Hyundai signs deal to sell 1,000 hydrogen powered trucks in Switzerland. 19 September 2018. Retrieved from:
159 Bloomberg. China’s Father of Electric Cars Says Hydrogen Is the Future. 12 June 2019. Retrieved from:
160 Bloomberg. China’s Hydrogen Vehicle Dream Chased With $17 Billion of Funding. 27 June 2019. Retrieved from:
Based on the review, the project team assigned ratings from 0 to 4 to quantify the strength of each region in
5 categories: current adoption, future adoption, incentives, policy support, and financial commitment. The
project team also assigned a rating of 0 to 4 indicating how great a priority the following 5 factors are for the
jurisdiction: hydrogen exports, hydrogen imports, local power-to-gas adoption, local fuel cell vehicle adoption,
and technology export. The results are summarized in Figure 86 and Figure 87.
Figure 86. Strengths of Key Jurisdictions Relating to Hydrogen Technology Adoption and Development
161 US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Wind Energy Technologies Office. Production Tax
Credit and Investment Tax Credit for Wind. Retrieved from: https://windexchange.energy.gov/projects/tax-credits
There is an immediate urgency to decarbonize BC’s energy supply across all industry sectors. Hydrogen produced
at scale from natural gas currently offers the lowest cost and highest availability of low carbon hydrogen when
coupled with carbon capture and storage technology. Restricting to renewable sources of hydrogen would limit
hydrogen production to electrolysis and biomass gasification pathways, which are currently higher cost and have
limited supply in BC based on available resources. Restricting to renewable sources only would slow market
penetration of hydrogen in BC.
BC’s low carbon hydrogen production pathways include:
a. ‘Green’ hydrogen produced by electrolysis powered by renewable electricity sources such as hydro, wind,
geothermal, or solar;
b. ‘Blue’ hydrogen produced by steam methane reforming (SMR) with carbon capture and storage (CCS),
biomass gasification with CO₂ sequestration, or hydrocarbon dissociation with solid carbon storage/utili-
c. Hydrogen by-product from industry such as hydrogen produced in the chlor-alkali process.
‘Clean hydrogen’ should be defined based on an overall carbon intensity value with clearly defined methodology
for calculating the carbon intensity (CI). CI < 36.4 g CO2e/MJ is the recommended threshold. For clarity, the term
‘Renewable Gas’ could potentially be modified to ‘Low Carbon Gas’ in the CleanBC goal and Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Regulation.
The LCFR awards credits based on carbon reduction, and hence is already aligned with this recommendation.
Set a threshold for the CI of the hydrogen for all provincially funded projects
3 and stipulate that there must be a transition plan for hydrogen to be produced
within the province during the project.
In the past large demonstration projects like the Whistler bus fleet imported hydrogen to demonstrate end
use applications. This resulted in negative public perception and did not drive the long-term build-out of
hydrogen production infrastructure in the province which is critical to the growth of deployments following
pilot demonstration periods. Where possible, it is recommended that projects use renewable pathways
when demonstrating end used applications, and this should be reflected in project scoring criteria. In some
cases, demonstration projects may need to use imported fuel for a period of time while local fuel supplies are
developed for the project.
There are strategic benefits to encouraging the development of grid connected electrolysis projects in the
Province. At the current industrial electricity rates of ~$60/MWh, the economics for electrolysis are challenging
and development of projects will be limited. The existing rate structure does not reflect the benefits that
electrolysis installations offer.
The electrolysis hydrogen production pathway offers unique opportunities to connect the electric grid and
natural gas energy infrastructure in an optimized and efficient system. BC’s natural gas infrastructure can be
used simultaneously as a clean energy storage and transmission system for the electric system. Utilizing the gas
system for electricity storage through power-to-gas conversion can improve electricity system efficiency and load
factor, provide a mechanism for BC Hydro to offer dispatchable capacity by having large electrolysis demand
loads that can be turned down on demand, minimize costs for end users, and create new delivery channels for
low carbon fuels. Electrolysis also enables a distributed model of hydrogen production that is inherently scalable.
The electrolysis pathway is currently the most expensive hydrogen production pathway for at-scale hydrogen
production in the province. The big cost driver is electricity, making up approximately 70% of the levelized cost
of hydrogen based on BC Hydro’s current industrial electricity rates. There are a number of potential special
rate structures that could support the economic viability of hydrogen production via electrolysis. It is therefore
recommended that the Province work with BC Hydro and BCUC to evaluate potential rate tariffs that would
reflect the benefits of electrolysis projects. Rate structures to be considered include:
◆◆ Introduce a special rate for electrolysis plants. This could be accomplished by introducing a mechanism to put
a value on carbon reduction when presenting proposed rate tariffs to BCUC.
◆◆ Support permanent adoption of the Freshet Rate Schedule (1892), which would enable higher capacity
production and reduced costs during certain times of the year.
◆◆ Support development of rate programs for interruptible power demand, which fits well with electrolyzer load
following capability.
◆◆ Reconsider BC Hydro’s proposal for a Load Attraction rate but consider restricting this rate program to
projects that support the Province’s decarbonization goals.
◆◆ Consider a rate structure based on time of use charge, such that electrolyzers can be controlled to operate
only in off-peak periods and reduce demand charges.
◆◆ Investigate the potential to offer retail access to power for electrolyzer operators. This could be limited to
purchase of power within the province.
This program could be either specific to electrolysis pathways and administered by BC Hydro (e.g. similar
mechanism to Power Smart to fund a portion of project capital such as interconnection costs) or could be
broader and less technology specific and administered by the Province. Program funding is a less restrictive way
to make the economics for hydrogen production more commercially viable in the near-term.
A liquefaction plant is a strategic infrastructure asset in BC required to support the wider spread adoption of
hydrogen and transport fuel cost effectively throughout the province. Transportation of gaseous hydrogen over
long distances is expensive compared to transportation of volumetrically dense cryogenic liquid hydrogen. For
example, transporting gaseous hydrogen over a 500 km distance will add approximately $10/kg to the cost of
the fuel, versus $3/kg to transport liquid. A liquefaction plant would have to be located next to a large-scale
hydrogen production plant with access to various modes of transportation including highway and rail. It is
recommended that the initial plant be located in the metro Vancouver area if possible, to create an economical
supply of hydrogen to support critical lighthouse projects and early deployments in the 2020-2025 timeframe.
Develop standards that enable hydrogen injection into the NG grid: create a
11 mandate for technical bodies to address hydrogen injection into the NG grid in
relevant codes, standards, and protocols
The current regulatory framework governing BC’s gas production, transmission, and distribution sectors is not
fit-to-purpose for the inclusion of hydrogen. The current mix of federal and provincial acts, regulations, statutory
codes and standards do not specify the exact constituents of natural gas or renewable gas and their allocable
percentages. The framework is spread over multiple layers of authority, including the National Energy Board,
Canadian Standards Association, BC Oil and Gas Commission, the BC Utilities Commission, and Technical Safety
BC. In order to introduce hydrogen into the natural gas pipeline system, a combination of code and regulatory
changes will be required. It is recommended that the province take a leadership role to develop the required
regulatory framework by convening the relevant agencies and driving progress.
Consider changing provincial codes to ensure all future gaseous pipelines are
12 compatible with 100% hydrogen, develop plans to transition other critical
components to support increasing volumes of hydrogen in the grid.
In order to enable a potential transition to 100% hydrogen in the NG distribution system, it is important to
ensure materials are compatible. The incremental costs to make pipelines 100% H₂ compatible during new
construction and/or planned replacement are relatively small compared to digging up and replacing.
Other components in the system will also have to transition to material and design compatibility for hydrogen. It
will be important to signal the timeframe by which other components (valves, turbines, appliances) will need to
be hydrogen compatible in order to ensure a smooth and timely transition.
Under the current regulatory framework, Fortis is unable to invest in precommercial activities related to
technologies, including hydrogen, required to meet the 15% Renewable Gas target. There are still considerable
technological and practical gaps to deploying hydrogen at scale in the natural gas network. Dedicated funding to
support pilot projects, studies, and research initiatives will be critical to enabling hydrogen to reach its potential
in the decarbonization of the NG system. Fortis is currently working to establish an innovation fund that would
be funded through the multi-year rate application which would also complement the proposed provincial fund.
Pilot demonstrations that could be supported by this fund would help to identify and develop solutions for
existing regulatory barriers and would help to accelerate hydrogen adoption.
Transportation (General)
Support and collaborate with progressive municipalities in the development
14 of zero emission zones (e.g. regions with no combustion vehicles allowed by
Progressive municipalities could provide a focal point for hydrogen and fuel cell deployment at scale, similar to
certain regions in China. Coordination of federal, provincial, and municipal government efforts in these regions
would be critical. Cities with aggressive targets will help drive development and adoption of medium- and heavy-
duty vehicles that are not covered by the light-duty ZEV mandate in BC.
Similar to past prescriptive calls to develop infrastructure for emerging technologies, such as the call for E85
fueling stations, a prescriptive call focused on funding for hydrogen fueling infrastructure is a key enabler to
support the expansion of the hydrogen fueling infrastructure to support vehicle deployments in the province.
Regions such as California have learned through experience that the development of infrastructure must lead
vehicle deployment for successful rollout of fuel cell electric vehicles. Station developers must currently compete
with a wide range of other projects, and this uncertain funding environment makes it challenging for developers
to plan expansion of the network.
It is critical to support the deployment of hydrogen fueling stations in the Province in order to attract vehicles
and support the business case for station owners. The CEV program has some existing funding mechanisms
in place, but further funds will be required in order to support the projected station requirements. Better
communication of existing funding sources is also recommended.
Other jurisdictions, such as Norway, California, and China, have had success driving adoption of ZEVs through
“soft” incentives that provide benefits to the driver beyond reducing the initial capital cost. In addition to
allowing lone ZEV drivers to use the HOV lane, the Province could consider measures like reduced tolls and ferry
travel benefits (discounted travel, free reservations, a percentage of reservation space only available to ZEV
drivers, preferred loading, etc.). These types of incentives can be low cost to the Province while still impactful in
the decision-making process for consumers.
Transportation (Medium-Duty)
Create a Province-to-Province program with other jurisdictions (e.g. China,
21 Japan, Korea) that facilitates the deployment of BC and foreign technology in
both jurisdictions focused on medium-duty trucks for city use.
Support homologation efforts to enable the import of medium-duty (delivery trucks) from China, or other
jurisdictions, that will provide load for the BC hydrogen infrastructure, export opportunities for local industry
(e.g. Ballard, Loop) and competition for North American OEMs that will drive costs down. This would include
demonstration programs to validate vehicle performance in BC.
Transportation (Heavy-Duty)
Implement a Transit Bus zero-emission fleet rule in the province similar to the
22 Innovative Clean Transit rule in California.
The creation of a zero-emission transit fleet rule would require TransLink and BC Transit to outline a plan and
move beyond the testing phase for battery electric and fuel cell electric buses. Fuel cell electric buses are not
competitive in comparison to other technologies in small-scale demonstrations, primarily due to the cost of the
fueling infrastructure. For this reason, agencies tend to choose the easier pathway to demonstrate autonomous
zero-emission operations to meet near-term board or policy objectives. The implementation of a zero-emission
transit fleet rule would require these agencies confront the realities of scaling up the fueling infrastructure for
both battery electric and fuel cell technologies.
Distribute these vouchers regionally to ensure that a diverse set of communities has access to zero-emission
transit. Vary the value of the vouchers between technologies to address the cost differences proportionally. This
is similar to CARB’s Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) voucher program
which subsidizes technologies that are beyond the development stage but are not yet commercially viable due to
cost and scale.
Fuel cell electric and battery electric transit buses are at a sufficient technology readiness level, with hundreds of
vehicles deployed globally, that demonstration projects are no longer necessary to prove out the functionality.
Cost is the primary impediment to adoption, and a targeted voucher program -in conjunction with a transit fleet
rule -will drive the scale of deployments, providing the scale to reduce costs.
In demand modeling discussion it was agreed that by 2030-2050 timeframe there should be some adoption
in marine and rail based on international pilot projects underway. Other industries in BC, such as mining
and forestry, use large diesel-powered off-road vehicles that are also well suited to conversion to hydrogen.
Feasibility studies would be precursors to funding pilot demonstration projects for these applications.
Maintain strong and ongoing low carbon fuel standards to show project
28 developers that investment in hydrogen production for these markets will be
sustained over the long-term to justify the high up-front capital investment.
The low carbon fuel standard is driving the forecasted demand for hydrogen in synthetic fuel production and
Built Environment
Focus hydrogen efforts for the built environment in the reduction of carbon
30 emissions through injection of hydrogen in the NG grid for use in heating and
domestic hot water.
Focusing hydrogen efforts for the built environment in this area will result in the strongest benefits. Hydrogen
backup power systems or distributed power generation systems do not provide a compelling business case in the
province given the low cost and carbon emissions profile of electricity.
Encourage new construction to select future proof appliances which allow for
31 increasing hydrogen content with no or minor changes.
Every remote community is different and solutions for reducing diesel dependence will be community and site
specific. Many communities do not have the human capacity with the technical know-how to even start the
planning process, let alone develop and implement a project. Provide a ‘hydrogen toolkit’ including support
to navigate funding opportunities, technical expertise for planning, implementation and operations, and a
database with technical and cost details of successful clean energy projects involving hydrogen that can provide
information for communities just starting the planning process.
Support export market studies and pilot programs in BC, particularly where
34 international investment can contribute to production capacity that also
benefits the local market.
BC’s natural resources, including low carbon renewable hydroelectric reserves, natural gas reserves, and
fresh water supply, coupled with coastal access and relative proximity to leading markets such as California,
Japan, and South Korea, uniquely position the region to be an exporter of clean hydrogen. While study
stakeholders indicated that there is insufficient hydrogen supply in the Province to meet local demand and
decarbonization objectives, international investment for large-scale hydrogen production has the potential to
benefit local markets as well as generate significant revenue. BC’s economy is heavily dependent on export of
natural resources, and hydrogen fits as a future export resource that can support both local and international
decarbonization efforts. A successful export market will likely rely on producing hydrogen from natural gas
reserves coupled with CCS technology, as other pathways tend to be more expensive and in limited supply.
Sector support
Identify hydrogen and fuel cells as a priority sector for BC and communicate
36 this clearly and consistently to Federal Government.
The importance of hydrogen in the Province must be elevated. Clear and consistent messaging about the role
and strategic importance is critical for both internal alignment and prioritization at the provincial level, and for
communicating and driving support at the federal level.
The recommended outreach initiative would be a collaborative effort with industry and government partners to
lead outreach to groups such as municipalities, first responders, and community leaders in a coordinated and
effective way, similar to the California Fuel Cell Partnership. This could be managed through a working group in
an existing organization such as CHFCA.
Provide provincial R&D funding in support of hydrogen and fuel cell technology
38 that can be combined with matching funds from the Federal Government or
other nations.
Investment is needed to maintain the province’s leadership role in hydrogen and fuel cell R&D. Local
organizations should have access to funding that can be leveraged to access greater funds from outside entities.
For example, a recent federally funded Ballard Power R&D project was moved from BC to Ontario because there
was no provincial funding available in BC, which was required to access the federal funds. The ARC program
could be expanded to meet this need, or a new fund formed that isn’t tied specifically to clean energy vehicles.