Conjuration. by Bell, Book and Candle
Conjuration. by Bell, Book and Candle
Conjuration. by Bell, Book and Candle
August Hahn
Contents Credits
Introduction 2 Editors
Richard Neale
Conjuration – An Overview 4
Line Developer
Reaching Beyond the Veil 9 Paul Tucker
Licenses 64 Playtesting
Mark Howe, Daniel Scothorne, Mark Sizer,
Michael Young, Mark Billanie, Daniel Haslam,
Jamie Godfrey, Alan Moore
Mongoose Publishing
Mongoose Publishing, PO Box 1018, Swindon, SN3 1DG, United Kingdom
[email protected]
Introduction Encyclopaedia
onjuration, the art of calling something
This is the sixteenth book in the Encyclopaedia
forth from nothing, is a magic of infinite
Arcane series from Mongoose Publishing. De-
potential due simply to its very nature.
signed to be seamlessly incorporated into any
To conjure is to reach past the empty spaces of
fantasy-based d20 games system, these source-
this world and summon the heart’s desires from
books enhance and expand all arcane spellcasting
beyond. This kind of power cannot be overstated
classes, adding a whole new dimension to cam-
or underestimated. To master conjuration is to
paigns. Each book of the Encyclopaedia Arcane
never be alone, to never face a situation without
is not intended solely for Games Masters to use in
aid. When one can instantly surround oneself with
conjunction with their non-player characters, how-
protectors, a mage can become an army at a whim.
ever. Players themselves will find full details on
how to use the magic systems with new or existing
Historically, conjurers have often been treated
characters, greatly increasing the wealth of options
with awe, reverence and a mixture of fear and
presented within the core rulebooks.
respect. Unfortunately, the best known conjurers
have made the school infamous by virtue of their
chosen summoning. Although those who summon Conjuration - By Bell,
the infernal and abyssal beings of the nether
realms are only a small subset of this art, their Book and Candle
controversial creatures have burned the image of Within these pages are more than two-dozen
a hellish sorcerer consorting with demons into new spells, ten new magic items and twelve new
the minds of the populous. While this narrow feats to expand any summoner’s powers, and four
stereotype is ridiculous, it remains a hurdle for any prestige classes to strive for. There are even a
honest conjurer to overcome. selection of new summoning tables for spellcasters
who focus on specific, alternate planes of reality.
Luckily, the devotees of the conjuration school
have a wide variety of sources to aid them. The Herein will also be discovered secrets for
spells of a conjurer are drawn from a multiverse maximising the school’s powerful spells and its
of possibilities, giving spellcasters hundreds of hold over the conjured creatures. Summon up
solutions to the problems that will hamper them. a comfortable chair, sit back and light a candle.
It should also never be assumed that conjurers Turn these pages and let them conjure images of
only summon monsters; the magic of conjuration power beyond all imagination.
also creates walls, clouds and inanimate objects.
Conjuration offers yet more; this school can also Just keep the cardinal rule of the conjurer in mind.
create magical effects with sheer power and a Never call up what cannot be put down.
single word. The power word spells are incredibly
powerful and strictly the province of this school.
If a need can be envisioned, conjuration has the
power to fulfil it.
Jestin looked out across the rise. The savage, swarming tide of green-skinned beasts was approaching with a
speed that drove through his steely resolve. He was here to fulfil a contract, sworn an oath to a dying man and by
all the powers, he was going to fulfil it. The scout had died trying to return to the village, carrying with him the
warning of the coming horde. If Jestin had not found him, bleeding by the roadside, the man would have passed
in vain. Instead, he found himself here, prepared to turn back this ravening army for someone whose name he
had never even discovered.
Despite his mounting fear, Jestin was confident. His mastery of magic had grown in the past few years,
culminating into that which he was now casting. His most powerful spell, the magic reached out beyond
the walls of this world and into another. There, he could feel its energies form a portal around something of
unimaginable might. More than any mere summoning, this spell would call forth an ally from another plane; a
being that would serve him and turn its unstoppable power against this orcish horde.
With a flare of magical light, the space before him was ripped asunder and from the rift stepped a glowing figure
of incredible beauty. Clad in gleaming plate and adorned with a pair of tall, sweeping, white wings. In her
hands, this vision in silver gripped the hilt of a massive burning blade that mirrored the fiery intensity in her eyes.
With a sweep of feathers, she turned and regarded the charging masses. Jestin’s heart raced with excitement as
he pointed at them. ‘Destroy them all, my beautiful deva!’
With a glimmer of those fiery eyes, she looked over her mail-covered shoulder at him. ‘Why?’
Jestin’s mind screeched to a halt. He blinked once and tried to form words. She was supposed to obey his
commands like all summoned creatures, was she not? She should be laying waste to the orcs, not questioning his
The glowing deva smiled softly, her face like the first rays of a new dawn. ‘Not precisely. You have never cast
this spell before, have you?’
Jestin gaped. He was a great conjurer, perhaps the greatest in all the Many Kingdoms. Just because this was a
new spell for him did not mean he was some novice. Yet here he was, confounded by a celestial being who could
‘Read minds? Yes, I can. There are a million worlds and a hundred times that many languages. Surely you do
not expect me to speak them all?’ She laughed; the sound like the contented coo of a snow-white dove. She
gazed into his eyes and he could feel her gently searching his mind. Or was it his soul? When she finished, she
spoke again with a voice like crystal wind chimes. ‘You found my name in a book?’
He stared past her in horror at the nearing wave of green destruction. ‘Umm… yes. The same book I found this
spell in. Look, my lady, perhaps I summoned you in error. Let me send you back before it is too late. I did not
She laughed again and shook her head. Shimmering hair flowed around her face like living moonlight. ‘First,
you cannot send me back any more than you brought me here. You called and I answered. That is how allies
work.’ With a smile that could melt ice, she let her gaze travel over the wall of orcish warriors, now no more than
a bow’s shot away. ‘Allies have to be entreated. I am here of my own free will, just as you called to me of yours.
Jestin answered feebly. ‘No….’
The deva laughed again and lifted her sword to salute the front wave of raging humanoids. ‘All right, Jestinian of
the Far Vale, go find a place to hide. I will go and play with these creatures now. Do not worry, I will find you
when I am finished with them to discuss my reward.’ Then, with a single beat of feathered grace, she took to the
air and met the horde’s charge.
Jestin didn’t know for whom he felt more sorry; the orcs or himself…
ith all the multiverse to draw from, it and why can it not use summoning powers it
would be impossible to list everything possesses?
the school of conjuration can do.
Instead of spending page after page trying, let A possible explanation comes from the
us simply break the school down into its basic dimensional nature of summoning magic. First,
concepts and discuss them in better detail. In that virtually any creature called by summoning magic
way, you can more easily understand conjuration is an outsider, a denizen of another dimension. To
and surmise for yourself its limitations. That is, come from that distant realm, perhaps the creature
if one can truly say this wondrous school has any must travel through some in-between dimension
limitations. like the Astral. Like others who traverse the
Astral and reach beyond to far dimensions, the
The school may be boundless and infinite, but summoned creature in question may form a new
what of the conjurers themselves? We will body on the caster’s plane. This new body may
examine the kind of person drawn to this magic not have the original’s attunement to the creature’s
after taking an in-depth look at the school itself. home realm; thus, it is unable to summon others
Only by understanding what this school is, what because of this disconnection.
it offers and how it accomplishes the seemingly
impossible can one comprehend how it shapes Another thing that should be remembered about
those who work it. summoning is that it is not limited to creatures or
even to outsiders. While the best known spells of
The concepts we will examine below can be this school bring outsiders to the caster’s service,
summarised as summoning, calling and creation. summoning spells can call forth objects, beings
A book dedicated to the arcane aspects of from the caster’s world, dimensional energies
conjuration magic cannot go into much detail on and even the spirits of others. Nothing surprises
healing. This concept is entirely the province of an enemy like summoning forth his soul before
divine spellcasters, much as arcanists would love binding it within a gem.
to sunder that limitation. The other three facets of
conjuration can be found below. Pay attention! I will not be repeating this lesson,
you rapscallions! Now turn your chairs back
to face the slate and watch as I lay out these
Of Summoning and diagrams. It is vital to keep in mind the sigils of
Servants summoning when you are casting this spell. The
type of desired creature determines which one you
We shall begin with the school’s best-known
visualise. None of you wants to repeat Kiotr’s
aspect, summoning. In fact, conjurers are often
failure last term, do you? No, I thought not. If
called summoners because this aspect of the
one of you calls up an uncontrolled beast again,
school is also its best known. Summoning is
I’ll not bother to send it back next time. I could
the act of bringing an entity from another plane
do with a fresh class. Perhaps the next batch will
to the reality of the caster himself. Of course,
listen better then you lot!
conjuration schools often incorporate some
enforced control over summoned creatures, which
is a boon for the user of such magic as without Answering the Call
this mental bond, conjured monsters would be an As wide as the facet of summoning is, the aspect
unruly force to deal with indeed. of calling is narrow. Calling magic essentially
its construction from the plane of Earth. Attacking of anything, given enough willpower and magical
an opponent with a bolt of hissing acid may draw energy.
that blast from the motile depths of elemental
Water. If this is the case, perhaps this facet of the Good morning, class. Before we begin the day’s
conjuration school does not so much create as it lesson, I should congratulate whichever one of
does reshape summoned matter and energy into you has been excelling in his studies enough to
whatever the caster wishes. Regardless of the play that little…‘ joke’, shall we call it, on me in
truth, the power of creation magic is undeniable. the dining hall during breakfast. Never let it be
said I am not a good sport, and it does not bother
One argument to the theory of reshaping me in the slightest to slide out of control around
summoned material is the other form of creation the room and end up wearing my porridge. Yes,
magic; the words of power. These do not reshape greasing the floor was a wonderful application of
anything; they simply cause an effect and manifest our current subject. Yes, indeed.
their own power to do so. Or do they? This
might not disprove the reformation theory. It Now, if you will, I’d like to share my bright mood
may simply expand that which can be moulded by assigning you all an essay. Please discuss the
by a mage versed in conjuration. If magic is inherent consequences of poor control and misuse
also a force to be manipulated, power words may of conjuration. Twenty pages should neatly suffice
summon pure magic in a form usable to the caster. to convey my pride in your progress. Yes, indeed.
This suggests that creation magic may be capable
Those Who
With the power to summon nearly
anything or anyone over any vast
distance, it is not surprising that this
school of magic draws the arrogant and
the self-assured. Indeed, when you are
negotiating a contract with a celestial
archon or have only your willpower
between you and a bound balor, having
self-doubt is tantamount to suicide. The
powers at a conjurer’s disposal are not for
the weak-minded; that fact alone begets
understandable egotism.
the terrible truth of their magic and what it guide creation spells and social skills are a must
means. Conjuration is in many ways an invasive for any conjurer who wants to use his calling
act, reaching out and abducting creatures for magic successfully. A summoner is a team player,
the caster’s whim. While many do not see although he usually brings most of his ‘team’ with
consequences in this act, since the targets of him. In a group situation, the conjurer is a natural
summoning spells cannot be killed, wiser leader, though he also serves well in a support
conjurers know better. role by summoning whatever aid his companions
Would-be summoners should keep in mind that the
creatures they call up are real. Their protection The last important thing to note about a typical
from death does nothing to erase the memory of conjurer’s personality is that there is no typical
dying or the pain of whatever combat they are conjurer. Indeed, most mages have no true
forced to endure. The imposed subservience, the stereotype, regardless of their school. Likewise,
wrenching away from their world to this, and the any mage can become arrogant, for do they not all
shock of being hurled back are all burned indelibly wield forces beyond the comprehension of others?
into the minds of whatever ‘monsters’ the conjurer No assumptions should ever be made of conjurers,
summons. As such, a lifetime spent casting save that when the need arises, they probably
such spells seeds the far planes with hundreds possess a spell to meet it. Conjuration magic,
of creatures traumatised by the spellcaster and above all else, means never lacking a helping
travelling abroad might not be healthy for a hand… or claw.
callous conjurer.
This, my beloved little ingrates, is the day I have
Calling spells are another matter, and while they been waiting for all term. Tonight, you will
expose a creature to even more risk, conscientious graduate my class and move on to plague someone
casters tend to use them more than summoning else. I am sure you all have dreams of becoming
magic once the former becomes an option. With great wizards some day. I have been content to
a calling, negotiation and bargaining become simply dream of your departure from my tutelage.
the primary tools of coercion. Though this Tomorrow, you get one year closer to your dreams,
‘diplomacy’ is often done while the subject is and mine come true. Rapture…
bound in a conjuring diagram, it has the air of
being more honest since the target is not mentally Now, with one or two exceptions, if any of you
controlled. A few calling spells somewhat break are thinking of opting to focus your studies in
this rule, but most of them offer complete free will the conjuring arts, I advise you to go join the
to the creature called. priesthood instead. The debacle we had with those
dire rats has convinced me that most of you will
Beyond the egotism that comes from the mastery never summon your way out of bed, much less
over the fates of other beings, there is the mental into an archmage’s robes. This magic requires
rush that comes from creation. While most mages discipline, focus and a surety of purpose. Sadly,
would simply see creation spells as a magical the few of you who excel at conjuration are more
means to an end, some find the power to call likely to break this world than make your way in
things into existence at will very enticing. It can it.
feel like a touch of the divine is within them,
allowing them to craft reality to their desires. Thus, out! Out, all of you! I call this class
Hubris is a common flaw among creators, a trait dismissed. Go infest some other poor teacher’s
they usually consider their due given the power classroom after the winter break. Remember, if I
they command. hear of your next instructor sliding down a flight
of stairs and wearing his lunch like a hat, I’ll know
The personality of a conjuration mage is not who to blame!
confined to purely negative aspects. The spells
they work also imbue a strong sense of leadership,
direction and, in many cases, eloquence. They
must develop strong imaginations to properly
on the capabilities and limitations of those you
n the previous chapter, the concepts of
can call. Knowing the powers of everything you
conjuration were briefly explored. The
can summon will let you choose correctly in
intent of that limited insight was for you to
the heat of battle. Keeping calm when life gets
gain a basic understanding of the school and its
complicated is more useful than any spell could
capabilities. In this chapter we will be discussing
possibly be.
tricks of the trade, nuances of the various
summoning spells, and how to keep what you’ve
called up from returning home with the taste of
ill-prepared conjurer on its fangs.
Keeping A Scorecard
As mentioned, know your creatures. Summoning
is a fine art, one you can make even finer
by practising a little organisation where
your charts and subjects are concerned. A
summoner can actually attempt to summon
a specific creature of the appropriate type
when he casts a summon monster spell,
though there is no guarantee of success
at this. Knowing this allows you to gain
even more from each spell if you know of
levelled and experienced creatures you can
call upon.
assuming you wish to allow it. This provides These special diagrams act exactly as the basic one
you with new Non-Player Characters where all in Core Rulebook I, but these grant an additional
the bookkeeping is handled by the player. If the property or power to the conjurer or the called
behaviour gets out of hand and threatens to disrupt creature. Special diagrams retain their powers
play, you can easily take control again. until a creature has entered and left the pattern.
Another calling spell necessitates creating the
Always remember that summoned beings have diagram again at full cost. The spellcraft check
real minds and real memories. If you rely too listed is rolled secretly at the time of the diagram’s
heavily on a summoned sentient creature, it will creation and, unless rushed, the caster can take 10
remember you. Some of the creatures in the upper on this roll. Failure means the entire diagram is
level summon spells have the ability to come find useless, not just the extra ability. Unfortunately,
you on your plane and exact revenge for abuses of the caster will not know this until his would-be
the past. minion steps outside the lines for a little chat
about the fleeting nature of mortality.
The Call and Answer
With the possible exception of the raw focus
required to use creation magic well, nothing is
more complex in the entire school of conjuration She found him hiding in a culvert nearby. The
than casting a calling spell. Since primarily all blood of a hundred orcs, maybe more, dripped
it does is bring an extra-planar being to you, you from her naked blade but she was completely
must prepare carefully to achieve anything besides unmarred. The gore of the slaughter he had just
suicide. Few other forms of magic require at witnessed was strewn all around, but nothing
least one other spell to be cast for anything to be stained her gleaming armour or perfect skin. With
effective; most calling spells need a special form a smile that shamed the sun, she passed her hand
of magic circle to contain what is brought. In across her sword and it was suddenly spotless.
addition, the conjurer can inscribe a special pattern Sheathing it, she walked to the edge of his ditch
to enhance this ‘containment’ while he entreats the and sat down on the crimson grass.
called creature to do his bidding.
He was actually the first to speak. 'You… you
The entire calling process is outlined very clearly didn’t have to obey me.'
in Core Rulebook I. The material presented here
expands on that process, allowing more flexibility She laughed again, her voice echoing high and
in what can be done and providing additional tools lilting. 'Of course not, you silly human. First,
for the spellcaster’s use. When you are bargaining I am an ally from the upper planes. Yours now,
with a perturbed eladrin over the finer points of a apparently, since you called and I came. I am not
contract, you will want all the help you can get. some triton you can summon and make do water
ballet for you in the family pond.'
The most important step in calling is the diagram
used as a focus. As Core Rulebook I describes How did she know about that?
it, the diagram contains the being and keeps it
from escaping until the duration of the spell that 'Second, you did not use the right kind of
brought it forth ends. In itself, this makes the containment diagram to keep me bound.'
diagram unbelievably valuable. However, any
tool can be improved upon. On page 10, several He furrowed his brow and looked up at the
diagram options are listed and with the additional glowing celestial. 'But… but I didn’t use a
costs of their creation, it is possible combine up containment diagram.'
to three of these symbols together with the basic
calling diagram. Unless otherwise noted, these She leaned down and touched him on the nose
special diagrams can be broken or disturbed just as with a playful smile. 'Exactly. That’s why you
easily as the basic one. are still alive, my silly human. Now, about my
Additional diagrams can be researched provided normal circumstances, what the mage wants, the
the spellcaster has access to proper materials. This mage gets.
should be treated as spell research and is entirely
the province of the Games Master for approval. A But what happens when the circumstances are not
new special diagram should be treated carefully, normal? What happens when the object created
as it could become known to the creatures that serves a purpose and its precise details count?
languish within it. Woe betide the summoner who Take for example, a locked door. Can a spellcaster
is summoned himself by a planar entity to divulge use major creation to simply will a key into being
the secrets of his work. and open said door? Core Rulebook I mentions
that an appropriate Craft skill must be checked
Before moving on to the art of creation, we to make a complex item, but the definition of
should examine the kinds of creatures that can be complex is a bit arbitrary. For spells with such
called or summoned. In basic terms, the charts potential, more explanation of what it can and
for the summon spells are fairly clear. A rough cannot do is in order.
approximation that can be drawn from these charts
is 1 or 2 Hit Dice for every spell level, with the A minor creation spell is perfect for filling
lower level spells adhering to this estimate more equipment needs when there is no good way to
closely than higher level ones. Thus, when a mage obtain something any other way. The limit of
casts a summon monster of the highest level he can the spell, one cubic foot per caster level of non-
cast, he gains something of approximately his own living vegetable matter, allows a wide range of
power level. choices. Anything made out of cloth or wood fits
that description, from a robe to a rope. In general,
Of course, the summoning charts are also quite if the caster could Take 10 on a Craft roll for the
limited in the diversity of creatures available.
Fiendish and celestial animals make up a large
part of the selection, with the narrow field of
outsiders listed in Core Rulebook III fleshing
out the rest. While the choices available for the
summon monster spell are open enough to fit most
situations, wider options are always desirable.
A great deal can be accomplished simply by
remembering that you can cast a summon
monster spell and choose from lower level tables,
summoning weaker creatures but in greater
numbers. Two flanking fiendish dire wolves might
be considerably more effective than one mephit,
depending upon the circumstances. Also see the
Conjuration Feats section of this book for more
information on increasing a conjurer’s options.
Conjured Hammers
and Created Nails
Using creation spells effectively can be easy. A
wall of stone spell is pretty straightforward, and
flame arrow does not exactly require finesse. The
primary spells of this category, minor and major
creation, are another matter. These spells create
objects from essentially nothing, relying solely on
the caster’s ability to visualise his desire. Under
item even if he does not have the skill to Craft the This optional rule is useful when the Games
item in question, the spell creates it flawlessly. Master does not wish mages in his campaign to
Should the caster Take 20, however, the item is become master craftsmen to use their spells, or
created but has some major defects. The item is not certain what the Craft DC for a given item
will still function, but the caster’s skill in crafting is. It also allows a mage to rely on his greater
such an item is lacking. Any item so complex strengths.
as to necessitate the caster Taking 20 cannot be
adequately created with this spell. So where does this leave our key-crafting
conjurer? The Games Master could rule that
Major creation follows the same guidelines. the major creation spell will create a key, but a
However, the crafting is made more complicated successful Spellcraft check against the DC of
by the spell’s wider array of things it can create. the lock must be made or it will not work. The
Even adamantine and mithral can be conjured same can be done for any created item that works
with major creation, albeit for a short time. Once against a DC but does not directly relate to a Craft
leather, stone and metal become possible, the check. This could also be expanded for situations
applications for this spell increase dramatically. like wily spellcasters using creation spells to
Your friend with the temper problem just gets his make false deeds (which would go against the
greataxe sundered? No problem. You need a lead Forgery skill), accurate masks of other people’s
box for an item you have discovered? Easy. The faces (Disguise skill), or flawless gems for quick
walls are closing in because someone stepped on and highly illegal sale (Appraisal skill, though
the wrong floor tile? A one-foot-thick column of a Games Master might consider this to be Craft
adamantine should slow them down. (gemcutting) instead).
The above guidelines are useful, but they And so it was that the mage kingdom of
highlight the major flaw of most spellcasting Maerldona fell to ruin. So mighty was she that
types; skill points. When you have to keep your no army could besiege her, nor any monster in
Concentration, Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft the surrounding Denlands threaten her people, no
bought up with each level, you are not left with force from without could lay the shining spires of
much to buy Craft skills. Since the creation spells Maerldona low, and indeed none did. The mage
do away with the hammering, sewing and carving kingdom worked its own destruction through
needed to craft something by hand, does a mage a most unholy practice; false commerce. So
really need to know those things to use a spell? insidious were the vessels of this fiscal poison that
While Craft skills are an excellent measure of how by the time they were found, the damage they had
complicated a mage can get with his creations, done with phantom gems and temporary gold had
they are an imprecise tool for actually achieving lain to waste the economy of proud Maerldona.
those creations.
Even the exorbitant fee charged for the quite
Instead of requiring a Craft check for a creation lengthy and intricate executions that followed
item, the Games Master might allow the mage to were not enough to save her.
test his ability to manipulate the spell being cast to
better suit the caster’s needs. When a spellcaster Excerpt from A History of the Denlands
wishes to create an object with a major or minor
creation spell, he must make a Spellcraft check.
The DC for this roll is 5 for a simple item like a Going into Business
column, 10 for an average item like clothing or a Nothing says summoned creatures have to fight.
simple weapon, 15 for a difficult item like armour A conjurer can task his ‘friends’ with anything
or a martial weapon, 20 for a complex item like an they are physically capable of. While the summon
embroidered dress, or 25 for an extremely intricate spells do not last long enough for extended work, a
or complicated item like a clock. Success creates crew of formian workers can be used for just that,
the item as desired; failure causes the spell to fail work. Summoned beings with spell-like abilities
entirely or create a flawed, unusable object. can use them at the caster’s behest, allowing for
material creation, construction, excavation, even
rapid transport in the case of monsters with innate treasure vault. Also, mundane craftsmen may
flight and teleport. take great offence to a wizard who regularly out-
produces them using materials they cannot lay
These possibilities expand when a spellcaster hands on. A tailor may find other places to put his
gains the ability to cast calling spells. Long-term needles if you keep selling silk shirts and ruin his
plans can then be made around the called being’s business. Moderation may be for monks, but it is
powers and abilities. Binding a xorn might not also the key to a successful businessmage.
seem like an effective use of power, but once you
get to a mountain and tell your ‘pet’ to go inside
and bring back all the pretty crystals it comes Making up for Lost
across, you will reconsider. Stories abound of the
incredible things accomplished by people with
This section concerns true conjurers, those mages
who have given up access to one of more schools
of magic to focus on the conjuring arts. While the
However, greater care must be taken with the
loss of those spells in abandoned schools can be
spells lesser and greater planar ally. These are
troubling, there are ways to ease the loss. The first
not beings you enslave to your will and set about
step is to be cautious in what you give up in the
a task with impunity. Allies have free will and
first place.
will rightfully demand something back for their
services. One should also keep in mind that
Conjurers have a hard choice in this regard; their
planar allies are sent either by your patron deity or
school is considered a major one and rightly so.
by another, just as powerful, dimensional power.
Thus, they have to give up another major school
You may have a lot more than an angry ally to deal
(evocation or transmutation) or multiple other
with if you abuse them.
schools as listed in the character section of Core
Rulebook I. There simply is no easy decision
Despite the caution, an ally can be wonderful.
here. Transmutation gives conjuration a run for
Not only are they generally more powerful than
its money in the versatility department, so losing
most other things you can summon, their free will
it is a huge blow to any mage. Evocation is hard
allows them to make decisions or use powers on
to lose because it has so much combat potential
your behalf without having to be so ordered. It
and it shares something with conjuration, the force
is in their best interests to ensure you are alive
descriptor. This makes evocation attractive as a
and healthy, which means they will act to protect
character option and hard to give up as well. Keep
you if need be. Treated well, a planar ally is
in mind that if force magic and pure combat are
an incredible boon and something any conjurer
not the focus of your spellcaster, evocation may
will want to cultivate as soon as he can. Treated
be the best candidate to sacrifice because while
poorly, well… let us not dwell on that.
it does excel in combat, it does very little else.
Besides, what does potentially more damage, a
There are measures of caution that must be taken
5d6 fireball or a celestial dire badger that sticks
with any of these methods. Most normal folk do
around for five rounds of foe-shredding mayhem?
not react well to salamanders slithering through
town delivering baked goods, so a summoner
Ultimately, the decision will be made by player
would do well to keep his workforce out of sight.
preference, as it should be. Once made, it cannot
Suspicions run riot among the common populace
be changed and it is a wide-reaching choice. Pick
and all the wealth in the world is useless if you
wisely. Once you have selected your schools of
cannot go near a city to spend it.
opposition, you will have to find ways around the
limitations that come with having no access to
There is another monster you have to keep in
their abilities. You can do this the easy way or the
mind as well - greed. Amassing a fortune means
hard way. Both have their price.
amassing an unwelcome following of people who
have their own ways of getting rich in a hurry.
The easy way is to take a level of sorcerer and
Your planar ally is not accomplishing much for
forget pretty much all of the problem. Aside
you if you have to task it with guarding your
from scrolls from the opposition schools, which The Many Paths of
may have a backlash due to your apprentice
level understanding, you now have free use of Conjuring
any wand, staff or other spell trigger or spell With the myriad dimensions that exist and the
completion item that exists. Cannot cast cat’s uncountable creatures that populate them, it makes
grace because transmutation is your opposition sense for those who work conjuration magic to
school? With one level of sorcerer, you can. The be just as varied. The act of summoning living
drawback here is a level of lost potential for your beings forces many a conjurer to interact on a
wizard class. While the boost in cantrips and first constant basis with new creatures, giving him little
level spells might be nice, a level of sorcerer does time to grow bookish and secluded. This makes
not offer much else of use to a wizard. One level him ill-suited for the typical image of a wizard and
of sorcerer gains you no free feats, the same skill still less to the prestige classes that most scholarly
selection, and reliance on a statistic many wizards sorts pursue.
do not place much value on - Charisma.
Fortunately, their exposure to dimensional
If that does not appeal to you or does not mesh energies, entities and concepts also gives them a
with your character’s abilities or concept, you will unique access to lore and techniques not found
have to go the hard way. In actuality, it is not that on their own world. This knowledge gives those
hard; it just requires a little planning. A conjurer who follow the conjuration school options not
still retains some access to his school(s) of accessible to those ‘bound by the prime’. Over
opposition through the abilities of his summoned time, trial and long arduous practice, these secrets
and called creatures. If evocation magic is have given rise to special fields of study that focus
important, but not important enough to keep as a on the interactions between the multiverse and the
school, a conjurer can always summon monsters mage who can reach into it.
to work combat magic for him. The same goes
for any of the schools a conjurer might give up.
Using your skills and powers wisely is the first
The Dragonchilde
There are creatures beyond the understanding of
duty of any wizard, conjurers included.
mortal kind. Of all the majestic creatures that
walk and fly, few can compare with the mighty
Another expensive failure today. After returning
dragon. Spellcasters with a talent for conjuration,
from the healer, I surveyed the remains of my
with their special perspective on the order of
laboratory and must declare it clinically dead.
things, know a secret about dragons that many of
Unlike previous explosions, this last one cracked
the great creatures themselves do not even know;
the foundation. The town council has demanded
dragons have an existence on both the material
I find a place outside the walls for my new home.
plane and the vastness of the elemental planes.
They actually implied I should find a place outside
This is not to say dragons have two bodies. The
the kingdom, but I chose to consider that a joke.
physical form of a dragon is entirely material,
but the power in its soul comes from the infinite
I must conclude from this past season of fruitless
energies of reality itself.
experimentation that it is not possible to force a
mephit into a cylinder of wood for the use of its
This secret is, by itself, an intriguing curiosity
flame powers. Indeed, it seems to make them very
but some conjurers have found a way to make use
angry and they do not remain confined for very
of the link that dragons share with other planes.
long at all. Why did I ever promise the Council a
By touching that connection and drawing on it, a
staff of fire for my tenure presentation? I cannot
skilled mage can access the powers of dragonkind
even cast fireball, much less make a staff that does
and even summon forth one as an ally and
it. I have to think of something and I have to do it
companion. These special conjurers, known as
soon. Time grows short…
Dragon Masters, have another name given to them
by the bemused dragons they call upon . . .
Perhaps if I try using an elemental?
Spells per Day: A dragonchilde continues Dragonsign: The power of dragons is not one
training in magic as a means of furthering his to rest lightly in a mortal frame. Each time
union with draconic energies. Thus, when a new Dragonsign is gained, the dragonchilde’s body
dragonchilde level is gained, the character also shifts a little more to resemble a cross between
gains spells as if he had also gained a level in a a dragon and the conjurer’s original race. The
spellcasting class he belonged to before he added first instance of Dragonsign always includes
the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any fangs and claws. These grant the use of them as
additional benefits a character of that class would natural weapons with full proficiency, though the
have received, only the new spells. conjurer may not make attacks of opportunity
with them. Dragonsign claws inflict 1d4 damage the dragonchilde must take a standard action
for a medium-size being, while the bite inflicts during which he must remain immobile for the
1d6. These are modified by Strength as per bite entire round; the dragonchilde may not be moving
and claw attacks for a dragon as noted in Core under anything else’s power.
Rulebook III.
Channel the Wyrm Within: At this level of
The second Dragonsign covers the dragonchilde ability, the dragonchilde can draw on the magical
with fine scales the colour of his draconic connection between his dragon blood and the
ancestor. These scales may not cover every inch elemental planes to spontaneously alter spells
of the dragonchilde’s body, but they exist in thick with an energy descriptor (fire, cold, acid, sonic,
enough sections to grant a natural armour bonus of or electricity). As a free action while spellcasting,
+2. Each Dragonsign gained thereafter increases the dragonchilde can exchange the spell’s normal
this protection by +1 until 8th level, by which point descriptor for one that best matches his ancestor
the dragonchilde has a +4 natural armour bonus. dragon’s type. The Games Master may have to
This bonus stacks with any natural armour the make a judgement call on what best applies, but
dragonchilde might already have. most types will be obvious.
The third Dragonsign increases the dragonchilde’s The altered spell does not gain any additional
height by approximately one foot. This is a effects, but the type of damage it inflicts or any
proportionate increase that strengthens the body secondary effects dependent on its energy type
as muscles and bone density grow to support the changes to match the new descriptor.
larger frame. This grants a +2 inherent bonus to
Strength and Constitution. At the dragonchilde’s The Gift of Breath: A dragonchilde receiving the
option, he may channel even more draconic Gift of Breath gains a breath weapon attack usable
power through himself during this period of once per day per 3 full levels in this prestige
transformation. If he does, the inherent bonuses class. The type and area of effect are the same
can be increased by +2 to either or both statistic. as the character’s draconic ancestor, doing either
If this is done, the sheer bulk of these physical 10d6 damage or duplicating the breath weapon’s
changes reduces his Dexterity by –2 for each non-damaging effect. If the draconic ancestor had
increase. Thus, if a dragonchilde wishes, this multiple breath weapon types, the dragonchilde
Dragonsign could leave him with a +4 Strength may choose which one to gain. Once chosen, the
and Constitution, but at the cost of –4 to his breath weapon cannot be changed later. The DC
Dexterity score. of this special attack is 10 + ½ character level +
Charisma bonus.
The fourth Dragonsign increases the size and
sharpness of the dragonchilde’s teeth and claws. The Gift of Spirit: The soul of the dragonchilde
Damage increases to 1d6 and 1d8 respectively for has bathed in the energies of dragonkind for so
a medium-size character. This sign also marks the long, it has become suffused with the might of
most radical change in the dragonchilde’s body, ages. The dragonchilde automatically shrugs
huge wings with a span of twice his height. This off sleep effects and cannot be paralysed. In
change is excruciating but, when it is done, the addition, the dragonchilde can bring the edges of
dragonchilde gains the ability to fly. See The Gift his incredible spirit to surround him like a blazing
of Wings for more information. aura at will. This aura causes dragon fear, as per
the rules for a dragon’s frightful presence in Core
The Gift of Sight: The dragonchilde’s eyes Rulebook III, with a range of 30 feet. Creatures
become draconic, deepening in colour with a slit with more Hit Dice than the dragonchilde has
pupil that widens in dark conditions and contracts caster levels are unaffected. The Gift of Spirit also
in bright light. This permanent change grants the makes the dragonchilde immune to the frightful
dragonchilde darkvision with a 60-foot range. presence of dragons.
The dragonchilde also develops the ability to see
invisibility as a dragon does, though he does not The Song of Dragoncalling: The dragonchilde
possess it with the same acuity. To see invisibility, learns a special trilling song in Draconic that calls
to the souls of all dragons. Using this song, the hatchling of his type. Physical statistics all revert
dragonchilde can cast lesser or greater planar to the appropriate hatchling’s abilities, modified
ally and substitute any dragon of equivalent only by the inherent bonuses and penalties that
Hit Dice as the target. As part of an ancient occurred from the third Dragonsign. All other
power of the dragoncalling song, a dragon of statistics (Hit Dice, Armour Class, etc.) are as the
compatible alignment to that of the dragonchilde new hatchling form. All spellcasting abilities are
is summoned. If the caster is lawful good for also retained, making him far more powerful than
example, then any good-aligned dragons will his apparent size and form would suggest.
attend to aid the caster. Any evil-aligned dragon
would therefore attend a chaotic evil dragonchilde. There are numerous other mental and spiritual
The dragon arrives disposed to the conjurer and changes that can occur from rebirth as a dragon.
does not require any reward other than mutual These are up to the Games Master, but may
respect and the right to call on the dragonchilde include alignment shift, memory loss of varying
in the future for a return service. The type of degrees, and a change in the character’s patron
dragon called does not have to correspond with deity. The Gift of Rebirth should not be taken
the dragonchilde’s ancestor, but most who learn lightly, but for those dragonchildren devoted to the
the song prefer their own kind. The Song of majesty of their ancestors, it is a gift beyond price.
Dragoncalling cannot be used more than once a
day due to the strain on the throat and soul of the
dragonchilde. The Force Mage
Not every conjurer focuses on summoning. The
The Gift of Wings: The dragonchilde goes school can do so much more than call creatures,
through a hideously painful transformation at this and some spellcasters realise this from their
stage of development. A pair of wings, the ones first days as an apprentice when they cast mage
described in the fourth Dragonsign, tear their way armour. A wonderful spell, especially at lower
free of the dragonchilde’s flesh and stretch forth levels, mage armour represents the aspect of
to catch the sky. The dragonchilde instantly gains conjuration magic that creates constructs of force.
knowledge of their use as power floods his body This avenue of spellwork is not well researched
and grants him the magical ability to fly. The and most conjurers move on past mage armour to
Gift of Wings gives a flight movement rate of 90 explore conjuration’s other possibilities.
feet (average). This also lets the dragonchilde
purchase the flight-related feats available to The force mage is an exception. Versed in both
dragons, but they are not gained automatically. conjuration and evocation, his predilection for
force-descriptor spells and combat magic begins
The Gift of Rebirth: This power, once gained, with a few simple spells and quickly becomes a
is a death sentence for the dragonchilde’s mortal magical path for all his future works. As he delves
life. Within thirty days, he must find a female into the mysteries of the interaction between the
dragon of his ancestor’s breed and have it agree two schools and the power of created force effects,
to a truly bizarre arrangement. Thirty days after he reaches an epiphany and calls forth his mage
gaining the 10th level in this prestige class, the armour for the first time without casting a spell to
dragonchilde dies. If a female dragon swallows do it.
his body before 24 hours pass after his death,
she becomes pregnant with a single, perfect egg. This act marks the spellcaster as a force mage,
This egg contains the soul of the dragonchilde someone with a special talent for blending
and, as it gestates, the character transforms into a conjuration and evocation through the use of
hatchling of his ancestor’s type. The egg must be force-descriptor spells and effects. Most force
laid, nurtured and hatch correctly. Once it does, mages begin self-taught, but the lore of the path
the dragonchilde is reborn into the world as a true can be passed down from one force mage to
dragon. another. Their conjurer training makes them
adept at forming mutually beneficial relationships,
He retains his skills, class abilities, and any mental though arrogance and pride sometimes push force
statistics that would be higher than an average mages apart to pursue their studies alone.
A force mage’s abilities in pure combat are not to Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int) and
be overlooked. Many of their powers suggest a Spellcraft (Int).
martial mind and because of the things they gain,
training as a fighter would not be inappropriate Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.
interspersed with advancement in this class.
Combined, the two disciplines can make for a
potent combatant, terrifying to behold, wielding Class Features
a power that few have any resistance to and fewer All of the following are class features of the force
still can escape. mage prestige class.
Base Attack Bonus: +7. Spells per Day: A force mage continues training
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast arcane spells in magic as he explores the complex interactions
of 3rd level or higher. Must be a conjuration of force. Thus, when the force mage reaches
specialist and cannot have evocation or abjuration second level and every other level thereafter (4th,
as opposition schools. Must know at least 3 force- 6th, 8th and 10th), the character gains spells as if he
descriptor spells. had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he
Feats: Spell Focus – Conjuration, Spell Focus- belonged to before he added the prestige class. He
Evocation. does not, however, gain any additional benefits a
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8+, Concentration 8+. character of that class would have received, only
Special: Must have scribed a scroll of each force- the new spells.
descriptor spell known at least once.
This essentially means that he adds half his level
of force mage (rounded down) to the level of
Class Skills another spellcasting class the character already
The force mage’s class skills (and the key ability has and then determines spells per day and caster
for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), level accordingly. If the caster had more than one
Improved Force Focus: The force mage’s ability Spectral Strike: The physical manifestations of
to channel force energies improves at this level, force that the mage summons with his Spectral
allowing him to freely use Force Focus instead abilities gain power, speed, and enhanced effects
of only once per day. Unfortunately, this ability at this level. A 9th level or higher force mage clad
comes so easily to the force mage that casting in Spectral Armour benefits from the effects of a
an applicable spell without using Force Focus cat’s grace (+4 to Dexterity) and bull’s strength
becomes difficult. The casting time for any spell (+4 to Strength) while it is active. A Spectral
with an energy descriptor the force mage does not Weapon gains the speed weapon special quality as
want to change increases to a full-round action listed in Core Rulebook II.
unless it is already longer than that. Another
benefit of Improved Force Focus is that the force Master of Force: The force mage now
mage gains the keen special weapon ability with understands implicitly the way force energies
his Spectral Weapon. apply to the magic he wields. He can freely
substitute the force designator in his spells as per
Spectral Steed: When the force mage casts Improved Force Focus, but his casting times are
phantom steed, the resulting creation appears not increased if he chooses not to. He essentially
surrounded in barding that resembles the mage’s becomes specialised in force magic in addition to
own Spectral Armour. This barding has the same conjuration. He does not have to choose another
armour bonus as that class power and does not opposition school, but he gains an additional spell
impede the phantom steed in any way. per level he can cast, provided it is one with the
force designator or one he can substitute.
This augmented phantom steed can fight, having
all the relevant combat information of a heavy
warhorse. In addition, the phantom steed gains 2 The Soulbinder
hit points instead of 1 per caster level and when Mages tend to be very careful with calling spells,
astride this creation, the force mage counts as due to the inherent risks in using them. The
having the feat Mounted Combat. This bonus entities conjured can be temperamental and
is more an expression of his mastery over the difficult to control. The easier path for many is
force that comprises the creature than any real to simply summon monsters and make do with
horsemanship skill. Lastly, a Spectral Steed’s their services. This is a wise choice for most
physical attacks all count as +3 weapons for the spellcasters, since a called creature takes time,
purpose of defeating damage reduction and its effort, and can be very dangerous if it escapes.
base movement rate (including flight) gains +10 The challenge of using the difficult magic of
feet. calling spells is not one most mages, even most
conjurers, have the dedication to master.
Force Shadow: The force mage can create a
duplicate of himself made of force energy once The exception to this rule is the soulbinder.
per day for 7 rounds. This duplicate can appear at Whether by heritage, training, or inborn talent,
any point within 90 feet provided the force mage these conjurers delight in the complexities of
has both line of sight and effect. The duplicate personal interaction with planar beings and the
has the force mage’s hit points and combat power inherent in mastering them through magic.
statistics, but benefits from none of the mage’s A soulbinder is not just a mere conjurer; he is
items or current spell effects. This Force Shadow a lord of the prime plane with rulership over
can act as a channel for touch ranged spells but powerful creatures from other dimensions. This
cannot otherwise initiate or benefit from magic. elevates him above mortality and puts the power of
At the Force Mage’s option, the force shadow a god in his worthy hands.
can manifest any of his Spectral class abilities,
but while the shadow has them, the Force Mage At least, that’s how the worst of them see things.
cannot manifest them himself. Controlling the Aside from them, some soulbinders are very
Force Shadow is a simple act of will and does not analytical, approaching their magic with an almost
keep the force mage from taking other actions, scientific focus. Others have a knack for drawing
even casting spells. complicity from the creatures they conjure and
The Soulbinder
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Planar Sage, +1 level of existing class
Diagram Expert +2
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Eyes of +1 level of existing class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 - +1 level of existing class
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Diagram Expert +4 +1 level of existing class
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Voice of Authority +1 level of existing class
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 - +1 level of existing class
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Diagram Expert +6 +1 level of existing class
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Touch of +1 level of existing class
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 - +1 level of existing class
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Soul of Dominion +1 level of existing class
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast conjuration Spells per Day: A soulbinder continues training
arcane spells of 4th level or higher. in magic as a means of furthering his mental
Feats: School Focus – Conjuration, Skill Focus abilities. Thus, when a new soulbinder level is
– Diplomacy or Intimidation. gained, the character also gains spells as if he
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8+, Knowledge (the had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he
planes) 10+, at least two planar or elemental belonged to before he added the prestige class. He
languages. does not, however, gain any additional benefits a
Statistics: Intelligence and Charisma 16+ character of that class would have received, only
the new spells.
purposes of determining spells per day when he and try to master it with the magically augmented
adds the new level. power of his voice alone. This allows the
soulbinder to make a Diplomacy or Intimidation
Planar Sage: The wealth of knowledge a check (his choice) opposed by the creature’s Will
soulbinder gathers through his research into save. If this check succeeds, the creature accepts
the nature of the planes gives him an excellent the caster as its master and agrees to any task the
knowledge of outsiders, other planes of reality, spell that called it allows as a request. This power
or magical effects that concern either. This acts is usable twice per day as well.
as the Bardic Knowledge class ability, using the
mage’s soulbinder levels. This power only works Touch of Admonishment: A magical ability
concerning the soulbinder’s field of expertise, not developed by long exposure to dimensional
the wide range of lore available to a bard. energies, the soulbinder gains a touch attack
that gathers the energies of the planes into his
Diagram Expert: Having drawn thousands of fingertips and releases them explosively into
practice containment diagrams, a soulbinder has a target creature or object. This causes some
a special degree of skill at using them. The listed physical damage and a great deal of excruciating
bonus for this class power is added to any check pain. The Touch inflicts 1d8 plus Charisma bonus
required when creating a diagram. The number in magical damage, is not subject to damage
listed in the bonus is inclusive and does not stack reduction or elemental resistances, and can be
with previous Diagram Expert bonuses. enhanced once a day to inflict the same spell
effect as symbol of pain. The Touch requires a
Furthermore, a diagram laid by a soulbinder melee touch attack, does not invoke an attack of
is resistant to disruption and gains a Will save opportunity nor can it be used to take on, and
against anything that would act against
the soulbinder’s will. This save is made at
the soulbinder’s base Will save and is only
modified by the Diagram Expert bonus. The
DC is determined by the type of disruption;
10 for a straw or narrow object crossing
the diagram’s lines, 15 for a large object
doing so, 20 for minor damage (less than
10 points), and 25 for major damage (10-
30 points of damage). The Games Master
is free to rule that massive damage to, or
interruption, of the diagram disrupts it
automatically with no save allowed.
does not offer a saving throw against, its damage spiritcaller usually begins walking this path trying
or pain effect. If the target is of outsider or to comprehend the truth of spirits as creatures to
extraplanar origin they are also instantly banished be conjured. This art quickly transcends these
back to their original plane. simple goals and leads the seeker to deeper
revelations - the truth of mortality and the secret of
Soul of Dominion: The soulbinder is now a true eternal life.
master of the binding and calling arts, having
bolstered his personality and will to near divine Hit Die: d4
levels of potency. He can call 4 additional Hit
Dice of creatures when he casts binding and ally
spells. He can also Take 10 on opposed Charisma Requirements
checks or opposed Charisma-based skill checks. To qualify to become a spiritcaller, a character
Creatures who escape a diagram of containment must fulfil all the following criteria.
within 100 feet of him must immediately make
an opposed Will save or return to their plane of Spellcasting: Must be able to cast conjuration
origin. arcane spells of 4th level or higher and may not
have necromancy and conjuration as schools of
The Spiritcaller Feats: Spell Focus – Conjuration.
There is a dimension beyond those that conjurers Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 10+, Knowledge (the
normally contact, a place that most spells never planes) 10+.
reach, most plane travellers never go, and most Statistics: Constitution 14+.
who find it never return. This dimension is the Special: The spiritcaller must have been brought
home of the dead, where spirits go when loosed to –1 hit points or more and then stabilised by any
from the mortal coil. Even on worlds where means before death.
the deceased have specific places to go, like the
domains of their gods, this ephemeral realm
touches the physical plane at the moment of death Class Skills
and provides the route for passage onward. The spiritcaller’s class skills (and the key ability
for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration
This bleak dimension is tied to the ethereal plane, (Con), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken
sometimes existing as a shadow of the material individually) (Int), Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
world. At other times, it has a completely
different reality of its own and those who enter it Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.
upon their demise become its denizens and forget
the waking lands above. No matter what the
nature of this land of death, its existence is known
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the spirit-
to few and understood by fewer still.
caller prestige class.
One of those rare scholars with knowledge of the
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Spiritcallers
spirit dimension is the spiritcaller. Spiritcallers
gain no proficiency in any weapon or armour.
have a rare combination of gifts; they possess the
Note that armour check penalties for armour
knowledge of the death plane, the magic to contact
heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance,
and call beings from it, and the physical fortitude
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently,
to withstand the terrible demands this art makes
Pick Pockets, and Tumble.
of them. To extend one’s reach into the realm of
the dead, one risks being pulled into it fully. Once
Spells per Day: A spiritcaller continues training
there, even a spiritcaller has little hope of escape.
in magic to understand the ephemeral nature of
spirits and the plane of the dead. Thus, when a
Though the nature of a spiritcaller suggests
new even-numbered spiritcaller level is gained,
necromancy as his primary art, the magic of
the character also gains spells as if he had also
life and death is secondary to what he does. A
gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged
The Spiritcaller
Class Base Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day
Level Attack Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Death Lore, Spirit ---
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Grey Secret +1 level of existing class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 The Rite of ---
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 --- +1 level of existing class
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Forced ---
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Grey Secret +1 level of existing class
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 The Rite of Soulfire ---
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 --- +1 level of existing class
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Grey Secret ---
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 The Rite of +1 level of existing class
to before he added the prestige class. He does not, invisibility when in the spiritcaller’s line of sight.
however, gain any additional benefits a character This ability can also be used as a detect undead,
of that class would have received, only the new usable at will, that only functions to sense and
spells. locate incorporeal undead.
This essentially means that he adds half his level Grey Secret: The spiritcaller learns more about
of spiritcaller (rounded down) to the level of the connections between the worlds of the living
another spellcasting class the character already and the dead each time he gains Grey Secret. This
has and then determines spells per day and caster knowledge lets him learn a special form of magic
level accordingly. If the caster had more than one that transcends the boundaries between arcane
spellcasting class before he became a spiritcaller, and divine spells. Each time the spiritcaller gains
he must decide to which class he adds each even- a Grey Secret, he can choose any level of spell
numbered level of spiritcaller for the purposes of he can cast. He loses one spell slot cast per day
determining spells per day when he adds the new of that level, but receives any divine conjuration
level. magic of the same level as a known spell.
This rite can alternately be used to conjure a suspend this power for 1 round as a free action on
deceased being to communicate with. This his turn, but otherwise, it is always active.
resembles speak with dead and can be done once a
day. The spirit cannot be summoned for any other The Rite of Soulfire: The spiritcaller has learned
purpose through this rite, but it will always answer to conjure pure spiritual energy. By working the
to the best of its ability any questions put to it by Rite of Soulfire as a full-round action, he can
the spiritcaller. sacrifice any spell slot he currently has available
to create a blast of pale grey flames. This power
Forced Manifestation: By making a touch works like the spell fireball, but it does 1d6 per
attack on an incorporeal creature, even one made spell slot level of holy or unholy damage, half
incorporeal by a spell effect, the spiritcaller can on a failed Reflex save. This only affects living
force it to make a Will save opposed by his own. creatures, though holy damage will also affect
If the targeted creature does not succeed in beating undead. The spiritcaller can choose which type
the spiritcaller’s save, it is immediately forced to of damage to inflict when each soulfire blast is
manifest for one round per spiritcaller level. In thrown.
the case of magical incorporeal effects, the effect
is negated if temporary or suspended for one The Rite of Unbinding: The final secret a
round per spiritcaller level. This power also gives spiritcaller can learn is the Rite of Unbinding.
the spiritcaller the constant ability of ghost touch, This rite, which takes 1 full day to perform and
as the weapon special quality of the same name in consumes 50,000 gp in rare material components,
Core Rulebook II. If necessary, the spiritcaller can must be performed in a most unpleasant place
- the grave of an ancestor. The ritual is arduous
and requires three successful Spellcraft checks at
DC 30 to perform correctly. Failing any of these
checks returns the spiritcaller to the experience
point total required for the level prior to achieving
10th level in this prestige class, along with a
commensurate loss of all the 10th level benefits.
glowing deva as she flew over the rocky edge of
he spells available to a conjurer are
the ditch he had found and came to land beside
extremely potent, but a mage cannot live
him. She was no more than the length of one of
by spells alone. The skills and abilities he
her glimmering wings from him, more than close
possesses outside his magic are just as important
enough to split him in two with her flaming sword.
as that which resides within his spellbook. Indeed,
'Why… why did you help me?'
a spellbook can be lost, but personal talents are
an integral part of any character. The decisions a
She turned her head almost daintily, quite a trick
player makes while creating a character, especially
for an armoured celestial who had just butchered
the choosing of feats, can mean the difference
several hundred orcs and left a battlefield of
between life and death. The more choices a player
humanoid corpses behind her. 'Because you
has available during this process, the better.
needed the help. Still, I suppose it is a fair
question. Doing this for free is against the rules.
One thing a conjurer should always try to keep
Hmmm.' She looked thoughtful, her fingers
in mind is that many of the creatures he will
drumming demurely on the hilt of her blade.
summon are sentient. Communication, through
spells or language, is almost always possible. A
Jestin had two thoughts in rapid succession. One,
calling spell is not necessarily an instant ticket
he could run for it. He had a spell that made him
to an enraged monster bent on his destruction.
very fast and she might be tired. The second
Diplomacy is not a lost art for a conjurer and
thought was that the first thought was incredibly
should be considered as important a tool as a
stupid, given that she could both fly and read his
containment diagram. Intimidation might also
mind. In fact, she was probably…
work in some cases and should not be discounted
either. Both skills can benefit from the Skill Focus
'Listening right now? Yes, I am. You are cute
feat should the conjurer wish to take this route,
for a human, but you need a lot of practice if you
though the skills being cross-class for him will
are ever going to live up to the title ‘Conjurer
hamper his development somewhat. The new feat
Supreme’. Perhaps you should stick to elementals
Silver Tongue will help in that regard.
until you can handle the big stuff, eh?' She flashed
that smile at him again. 'As for my payment for
Those who work conjuration magic know that
all this,' she gestured out at the quiet carnage that
in many instances, the creatures they command
surrounded them, 'we’ll call it even with this.'
will more than make up for any shortcomings
they may personally have. However, this is no
Jestin blinked at her as she leaned down and
licence to neglect personal skills. All the potential
kissed him. His world went cascading away and
a summoned monster may offer is wasted when
he found himself flat on his back in delightful
dispel magic sends it back from whence it came.
shock. Above him, the deva laughed melodically
Summoning Mastery, listed below, can mitigate
and vanished in an amused flash of light. It was
that problem, but it does not negate the possibility
some time before he tried to stand again. While
of losing one’s creatures to dismissal in one way
he lay there, staring at the sky, a thought occurred
or another.
to him. The ability to summon a planar ally was a
priestly thing. He should not have been able to do
The feats listed below are designed specifically for
that at all, much less get a favour for free.
conjurers and spellcasters with a conjurative bent.
Most of them are suitable for any spellcasting
character to take, of course, and only a few are
exclusive to conjurers. Still, any mage or priest
with a penchant for summoning will find these
Blood of the Beast (General) took this feat as Blood of the Outsider, he could
You have, though magical means or other strange cast charm person on an outsider even though an
circumstances, something outside your race as outsider would normally be an invalid target for
part of your heritage. This special connection to the spell.
another type of creature allows you to affect them
when others could not. If the spell has a size category limitation as well,
this feat will only allow the special type to be
Prerequisite: Special; the Games Master must affected by the spell as long as the creature in
allow you to have a bizarre heritage that allows the question is not more than one category larger
type of creature you choose for this feat. than it normally allows. Games Masters should
be careful when allowing this feat, as it can make
Benefit: This feat is called several different some very interesting spell effects possible. This
things, depending on the type of creature you feat may only be selected once.
select when taking it. You choose a creature
type other than humanoid, such as animal, beast, Special: This feat may only be selected at 1st level.
magical beast, fey, dragon, etc. Through your
bloodline connection with this creature type, you Called Companion (General)
have the ability to target them with spells that For reasons you may never understand, a powerful
normally only affect humanoids or creatures of the outsider has taken a liking to you.
prime material plane. For instance, if a conjurer
Benefit: You may cast lesser planar ally, planar
ally, and greater planar ally as if they were
wizard/sorcerer spells of the same level. You
automatically know them when you reach the
caster level required to cast them. You may
receive the services of the creature called for
free, depending on its mood and how it is treated
by you after the spell is cast. In every important
way, this feat gives you an outsider for a friend.
Unfortunately, the boundaries of a planar ally are
such that this companion can only come to your
aid when you cast the spell needed to bring it to
this plane. Also, like any friend, this relationship
can be tenuous and will require maintenance to
Prerequisite: Must not be good-aligned. Benefit: When casting the minor or major
creation spells, you automatically succeed
Benefit: You cannot summon or call celestial without the need for a Craft roll of any type. If
creatures or outsiders with good alignments you actually have 5 or more ranks in the Craft
through the use of your own spells or magical item skill applicable to the item you create, it counts
effects that do so through spell completion or spell as masterwork quality. Quite elaborate work
trigger. By giving up this type of conjuration, is possible with this feat, including engraving,
all fiendish creatures and evil-aligned outsiders special designs and exotic styles, provided these
you call or summon through the use of your own techniques are known to you.
spells appear with full hit points for their Hit Dice,
stay one round longer than their duration would An additional effect of this feat comes when you
normally permit and gain a +1 morale bonus to have 20+ skill ranks in the skill appropriate to
attack rolls and saving throws. the item you create with major creation. If you
choose to pay 10% of the item’s market price in
experience points, it becomes permanent and the
duration of the spell that made it is instantaneous. if this bonus is applicable. Your creation spells all
This use of the spell creates enchantment-quality last one time increment longer than their normal
items, though some odd property of creation duration (one extra round if the duration is in
magic does not allow gems created this way to be rounds, one minute if in minutes, etc.).
used for enchantment or as material components.
Imbued Spell (Metamagic)
Greater Conjuring (General) You can cast two spells, one right after the
You have a natural talent with your chosen school. other, with the effects of the first occurring
When casting conjuration spells, you achieve a simultaneously with the second.
better effect than others.
Prerequisite: Any four metamagic feats.
Prerequisite: School Focus (conjuration) or Spell
Focus (conjuration). Benefit: When you cast an imbued spell, its
effects do not take place immediately. Instead,
Benefit: Your summoned creatures gain a +1 they remain suspended until you cast another spell.
morale bonus on all unarmed, melee and ranged The Imbued Spell then takes place on the target
weapon damage rolls, provided you summon them or effect of the second spell, even if the range of
with your own spells or with spell completion the Imbued Spell would not normally allow this.
items. Your called creatures also gain the same Saving throws, area of effect, and damage are not
bonus, but you can cancel it as a free action at affected, but the number of allowable targets from
any time. Your healing spells that come from the the Imbued Spell is altered to encompass all of
school of conjuration all achieve +1 point per die, the targets of the second spell, up to one target per
caster level.
If you have a Dexterity of 13+ and you are Planar Birthright (General)
unarmed when a target provokes an attack of Outsider or Elemental heritage grants you some
opportunity from you, you may use Instantaneous knowledge regarding another plane and a special
Draw to instantly ready a weapon and take that power.
attack of opportunity if you desire. This counts as
your use of Instantaneous Draw for the round. Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level.
Musical Summoning (General) Benefit: When you select this feat, you must
Your gift of song can summon aid to your side choose either the upper, lower, or elemental
without the need for spellcasting. planes as your ancestor’s dimension of origin.
You gain the language appropriate to your plane
Prerequisite: Caster level 5+, access to the bard of choice (Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, or one of
list of spells. the elemental tongues), a minor resistance, and
a power as shown on the table below. Your type
Benefit: By sacrificing a number of bardic songs does not change, but spells like true seeing will
per day equal to any summon monster spell you reveal your partial outsider nature as an aura
qualify to cast, you can spend one full round around you. You may make Knowledge (plane of
and make a Perform check at DC 15 + level of choice) rolls untrained. Spell-like abilities granted
the summon up to summon VI. If successful, the function at character level and have the listed DC.
music you play casts the summon monster for you.
You do not even have to know the spell, simply Silver Tongue (General)
having a caster level sufficient to cast the spell you The talent of manipulation comes naturally to you.
desire is enough.
Prerequisite: Charisma 14+.
This can be interrupted just like normal
spellcasting, but you may make a Perform check Benefit: Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidation
in place of Concentration if you choose. This feat permanently become class skills for you. No
can even be used to cast defensively, though that matter what skills a new experience level offers,
requires a Concentration check and does not allow you may always choose to buy these three as class
the substitution of Perform. All particulars of the skills. In addition, you receive a +1 competence
cast spell are as if you had the minimum caster bonus to the use of these skills.
level required for it.
Verisimilitude (General)
You have an honest, unassuming attitude that
others find little to take offence at.
has agreed to let me proceed with my proposal.
f course, all of the incredible potential The weapons that vex them so much have to be
of the conjuration school is meaningless subject to some kind of magic and my speciality
without the spells to express it. may provide the answer to neutralise this threat. I
Summoning, calling and creation are diverse wish I knew what made them so terrified of these
enough elements that it could take dozens ‘swords’, but it is enough to know I will be paid
of books to thoroughly explore their many handsomely for the blades when I deliver them.
applications. While a conjurer might be satisfied My master’s special spell should suffice along with
with a collection of summon monster spells, he is a description of each weapon. This will be diffi-
denying himself the true power of his school if he cult, but oh, the reward! Conjurer to the Council!
limits himself to them. I’ll be famous!
Bind Guardian I
Conjuration (Calling)
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
saving throw; failure binds them all. A willing Identical to bind guardian I, but this uses the
subject may voluntary fail this save, but targets are summoning chart for summon monster III and the
generally hostile to the idea of remaining perma- experience cost for successful binding is 300 XP,
nently with you. You can only have twice your half if the spell fails.
arcane caster level in Hit Dice worth of guardians
at one time. If the spell affects multiple creatures Bind Guardian IV
from one casting of bind guardian I and any are Conjuration (Calling)
slain thereafter, the survivors must all be released Level: Sor/Wiz 4
before replacements can be bound. An additional Components: V, S, XP
limitation of this spell is that while you have Casting Time: 1 minute
bound guardians, you cannot prepare or cast the Range: Close
summon monster spell used to summon them until Duration: 1 round
they are released. Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
At the caster’s option, the guardians can be as-
signed (at the time of binding) to another individ- Identical to bind guardian I, but this uses the
ual, but they still count towards your total number summoning chart for summon monster IV and the
of Hit Dice available and the decision cannot later experience cost for successful binding is 400 XP,
be changed without releasing them first. half if the spell fails.
Bind Guardian II
Conjuration (Calling)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
If the spell is centred on a specific target, he gets Saving Throw: Reflex half
no initial Reflex save at all and must suffer the Spell Resistance: No (See below)
normal spell effect for the first round. In this case,
Spell Resistance does apply and, if successful, the As call darkness, except the sphere of brilliant
call darkness is negated without manifesting at all. light created by the spell is a blinding flare that
lingers and flares for the spell’s entire duration.
Material Components: A black gem worth at least Those caught in the area of effect suffer 1d4 per
100 gold pieces and a two-inch square of black caster level up to 5d4 total and must make a For-
silk. titude save or be dazzled for ten rounds. Success
at this save reduces the dazzle effect to one round.
Call Energy As with call darkness, you can centre its effect
Conjuration (Creation, Variable) on one target. If you do, that target must make an
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 additional Fortitude save. Failing this save blinds
Components: V, S, M the target for one hour while his eyes recover. Of
Casting Time: 1 action course, the blind and dazzle effects do not function
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 ft./level) on beings without eyes.
Area: 20-foot burst
Duration: 1 round per level Material Components: An opal or pearl worth 100
Saving Throw: Reflex half gp and a two-inch square of pure white silk.
Spell Resistance: No (See below)
Call Radiance
Conjuration (Creation, Light)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 ft./level)
Area: 20-foot burst
Duration: 1 round per level
ity to travel the planes. A successful save avoids The echoing call remains active until its three
this fate but the stress of resisting the conjuration additional summons finish. If you are dispelled
causes 1d6 points of subdual damage per caster during this time, all of the monsters summoned
level (maximum of 5d6). with the call instantly vanish and no further sum-
monings occur. Once all three summoning echoes
Echoing Call I occur, the spell ends and is not vulnerable to dispel
Conjuration (Summoning, Hanging) any longer. All of the extra creatures brought
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 about by this call disappear if for any reason the
Components: V, S original creatures from the summon monster do,
Casting Time: Special including the end of the summon’s duration.
Range: Special
Duration: 3 rounds (See text) Casting echoing call I costs 100 XP, but these are
Saving Throw: None only paid when the spell first activates. If the spell
Spell Resistance: No is dispelled before being used, not cast or is lost
because its slot gets refilled, the 100 XP are not
The word that activates this hanging spell is added spent.
when you cast a summon monster I, II, or III
spell. This does not significantly alter the spell’s Echoing Call II
casting time. The summon spell occurs normally, Conjuration (Summoning, Hanging)
summoning what you desire from the appropri- Level: Sor/Wiz 8
ate choice. Echoing call does not apparently do Components: V, S
anything until your turn comes up the round after Casting Time: Special
you complete the summon monster spell. Then, Range: Special
the same type of creature(s) summoned appear Duration: 3 rounds (See text)
again anywhere you wish within 30 feet. The Saving Throw: None
same thing happens the next round and the one Spell Resistance: No
after that, essentially quadrupling the power of the
original summon monster spell.
Similar to echoing call I, except that it is cast with a touched item, 25 for having seen it, or 30 if only
summon monster IV. All other spell details remain a description is known. The DC is increased by
unchanged except experience cost, which increas- five if the item is attended. If the save is failed,
es to 200 XP. the spell fails. If the item is attended, it automati-
cally gets its attendant’s Will save to resist this tel-
Echoing Call III eportation. If the spell fails, the attendant knows
Conjuration (Summoning, Hanging) what attempted to happen and gets a general idea
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 of distance and direction to the call’s caster.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Special Greater Creation
Range: Special Conjuration (Creation)
Duration: 3 rounds (See text) Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Saving Throw: None Components: V, S
Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Similar to echoing call I, except that it is cast with Duration: Special (See text) (D)
summon monster V. All other spell details remain Saving Throw: None
unchanged except experience cost, which increas- Spell Resistance: No
es to 300 XP.
This spell duplicates the effects of major creation,
but the duration is greatly increased. Double the
Girding Call duration on every category of item except
Conjuration (Summoning, Hanging) vegetable matter, stone, crystal, and base metals.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Vegetable matter created is permanent and the
Components: V, S, F duration of the spell is considered instantaneous in
Casting Time: Special this regard. Stone, crystal, and base metals created
Range: Personal exist for one full day per caster level. Also,
Duration: Instantaneous multiple objects of any material allowed can be
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless, object) created as long as they are related in some signifi-
Spell Resistance: No cant way (tools in a set, chess pieces, coins, etc.).
As apportation, but the spell has its effective In addition to these effects, items created are
weight limit increased to five pounds per caster considered masterwork if the caster possesses five
level and the focus can be any number of objects ranks or more in an appropriate Craft or
that can be held, worn, or wielded as long as the Profession skill.
total weight is within the mentioned limit. When
the girding call is cast, it summons the items, Greater Infusion
which appear held, worn or wielded in any way Conjuration (Creation)
the caster wishes as a free action. This allows the Level: Sor/Wiz 6
caster to instantly go from unclad to fully garbed Components: V, S, F
and armed with a single word. As with apporta- Casting Time: 1 minute
tion, magical items can be used for foci. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Duration: One minute
There is an alternate way to cast this spell. If done Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (See text)
this way, it is not a hanging spell and takes five Spell Resistance: Yes (See Text)
minutes to cast. What this form of the spell does
is attempt to summon any one item within the As lesser infusion, except the energies used are
above weight limit. The caster has to have a clear much more potent. A pure channel of dimensional
description of the item or have seen or touched it power opens between the caster and either the
personally. He must make a Will save to succeed
at this summoning. The DC for this save is 20 for
upper or lower planes, transforming the appropri- This spell applies the fiendish or celestial tem-
ate creature(s) with the application of the half- plate to the creature affected. Even summoned
fiend or the half-celestial template. As with the creatures not normally eligible for this template
lesser version of the spell, the creature makes an can be altered, though the duration in this case is
opposed Will save immediately; success on its part only 1 round for each two full caster levels. If this
frees it from control. The energies of this spell are special duration elapses before the summoned or
too potent to be channelled through a familiar; it called beings are released, they are immediately
cannot be used as the lesser version can. sent back to their home planes from the stress of
the dimensional energies. Of course, if a sum-
Focus: A lens of gemstone valued at 1,000 gp that moned creature is already fiendish or celestial,
has been exposed to the environment of the type there is no effect at all.
of plane channelled for at least one uninterrupted
month. This focus must be exposed to the same There is a risk to using this spell. As soon as the
plane for one full day each year or it cracks and creatures appear and the template is applied, they
can never serve as a focus for this spell again. receive an opposed Will save against you. If they
succeed, the spell that summoned or called them
Lesser Infusion is dispelled and they return home. In the case of a
Conjuration (Creation) called being, this does not negate the template that
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 remains as a permanent change. This spell can,
Components: V, S, F however, be dispelled as if it were a polymorph
Casting Time: 1 minute other cast at your level.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (See text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (See Text)
This spell has a special effect if cast during the rit- Casting Time: 1 action
ual that calls a familiar. The familiar receives the Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
opposed Will save as mentioned previously. If the Duration: 10 rounds
familiar succeeds at the save, it does not transform Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (object, see text)
or become bound to the caster’s service. This Spell Resistance: None
causes a magical backlash that prevents the caster
for obtaining any form of familiar for 1 full year. An extremely dangerous spell, and one that knows
If the familiar fails the opposed save, it applies the no friends, planar breach tears open the barri-
template and becomes the caster’s familiar. ers between the planes and forms a ragged rift of
wild energies and destructive forces. Essentially,
Focus: A lens of gemstone valued at 500 gp that the spellcaster begins a powerful summoning
has been exposed to the environment of the type spell and lets it go out of control after determin-
of plane channelled for at least one uninterrupted ing the focal point anywhere within range. At
day. This focus must be exposed to the same that point, a 10-foot long by 5-foot wide wall rips
plane for one full day each year or it cracks and open and remains open for the entire duration of
can never serve as a focus for this spell again. the spell. Every creature in range of the spell is
moved 5-feet each round towards the rift with no
Planar Breach save or Spell Resistance allowed to resist this pull.
Conjuration (Creation) Dimensional anchor prevents the forced motion.
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 Creatures holding onto fastened structures, such
Components: V, S as walls, must make a Strength check DC 25 every
round of the spell’s duration to avoid being pulled
towards the rift as described above.
fected targets, beginning with the lowest hit points and driving target creatures to their knees through
and adding another creature until the hit point the crushing force of overwhelming pain. The
limit is reached, act as if struck with the cause fear spell’s targets, beginning with the lowest hit points
spell. Any creature with more than 20 hit points and adding another creature until the hit point
is only affected for one round, but weaker targets limit is reached, act as if struck with a symbol of
flee in panic as per the cause fear spell for 1d4+1 pain spell and are considered prone for one full
rounds. round after being affected. Unlike the symbol
spell, this affect only lasts 1d4 rounds. If any
Power Word, Pain given target creature has more than 30 hit points, it
Conjuration (Creation, Force) is only affected for 1 round and is not forced prone
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 at all. Conversely, any target with fewer than five
Components: V hit points in the area of effect dies instantly from
Casting Time: 1 action agonising shock with no save possible.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Area: Any number of creatures with up to 75 total Power Word, Push
hit points within a 15-foot radius sphere Conjuration (Creation, Force)
Duration: See text Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Saving Throw: None Components: V
Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
A potent echo of agony accompanies your spoken Target: Any creature with fewer than 20 hit points
word, shrieking through the spell’s area of effect or any object under 50 pounds
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) gates this damage, though a dimensional anchor
Duration: See text spell negates the grasp completely. If the target
Area: Any number of creatures with up to 80 total survives this spell, it appears five feet from you in
hit points within a 15-foot radius sphere any direction it chooses.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes Song of Farsending
The inexorable power of sleep fills the area of Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Bard 6
effect when you speak this powerful word. The Components: V
spell selects targets one at a time, beginning with Casting Time: 1 round
the lowest hit points first and adding another target Range: Personal or Touch
until it reaches its limit. If a new target creature Duration: Instantaneous
would take the total over 80, that target is unaffect- Saving Throw: Will negates
ed. Targets of this word are immediately knocked Spell Resistance: Yes
unconscious as per the sleep spell.
Individual creatures with more than 40 hit points This spell actually requires a Perform (singing)
are only slept for 1d4 rounds. Creatures with 20 check to cast due to the complex vocal sounds it
to 39 hit points are asleep for one minute, and draws upon for its effect. The DC for this check
weaker creatures are rendered unconscious until is 10, 15 if cast in combat. The target of this spell,
awakened or eight hours pass. which may be you or any other being you can
touch (possibly requiring a melee touch attack
Rending Grasp in combat), is instantly transported to any place
Conjuration (Calling, Prime)
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: One summoned creature or
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
you have been before, even if this requires planar Casting Time: 1 action
travel. The song transports the target, its familiar Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
if any, and up to 10 pounds of non-living equip- Effect: One summoned familiar
ment per caster level. There is no chance of error Duration: Instantaneous
with arriving and if a physical obstruction is in the Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
arrival point, the spell moves the target as far as Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
needed in the shortest possible straight line to an
unobstructed space. This is a simple spell that instantly transports the
caster’s familiar to him from anywhere within one
If the transported target is currently in command mile per caster level. The familiar can resist this
of summoned or called creatures, they are all call, but will not do so under normal
transported with him, appearing within 5 feet of circumstances. If the familiar does resist the call,
him when they all materialise. This can make the the caster instantly knows why and can release the
song a very powerful spell in the repertoire of a spell without losing it or spending the spell slot it
conjurer. occupies.
spellcaster who focuses his efforts on against evil, allowing the wearer and his allies
conjuration usually finds most of his to freely pass or attack in and out of the circle
needs met by the creatures called up by without disrupting it.
his spells. Permanently enchanted items are not
as important to a master of conjuration as they The true fellhunting power is incredibly powerful.
might be to other mages. This is not to say that It emits a magic circle as the greater property,
he cannot benefit from such treasures, however. but instead of a protection from evil effect for
In fact, the art of conjuration can be greatly the wearer, armour of true fellhunting provides a
enhanced by certain items. A conjurer with one constant shield of good, as per the spell shield of
of the elemental summoning devices can dedicate law but with all mentions of chaos replaced with
the spell he would have used for that elemental the evil descriptor.
to another purpose. This makes spellcasting
more efficient and that makes the conjurer more
Armour of
Armour imbued with this
special property is normally
created when foul creatures
from the lower planes threaten
to overwhelm the prime
material. Wrought of shining
silver and inlaid with glowing
runes of protection, armour
of fellhunting is a powerful
tiny golden statuette of them appears in one of the a grenade-like missile weapon in the same manner
charm hoops. as holy water. Any creature or creatures (this
choice is made by the creator of the oil at the time
Targets can remain indefinitely as charms, but of its making) that could be summoned by the
only seven charms can exist at once. A charm can imbued spell appear as close to the point of impact
be pulled from the bracelet and used to conjure as possible. If the oil strikes an appropriate target,
the creature that it represents in the same way as the creature can take a free grapple attack upon
a bracelet of friends. Once used in this way, the appearing.
hoop for that charm disappears and cannot be
regained. When a target reappears by the use of its Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous
charm, it is considered to be a summoned creature Item, summon monster IX; Market Price: 52,000
and remains under the bracelet wearer’s control gp.
for 7 rounds. After that time, the creature becomes
free-willed again and loses the summoned status.
It does not, however, return anywhere and may be Eternal Balm
remarkably annoyed with the wearer. The cream of this light, odourless balm makes
an item created with minor or major creation
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous permanent. Each jar of eternal balm contains 4
Items, planar binding, polymorph any object; doses when first made. Each item treated with
Market Price: 19,500 gp. the balm requires one dose per cubic foot of
material. Precious metal, gems, adamantine and
mithral all require an extra dose to make them
Crucible of permanent. Note that gems and precious metals
made permanent in this way cannot be used as
Conjuration spell components.
This magical tool, resembling a small cauldron
and matching stand holds a heating or cooling Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion,
source as the user requires. Crucibles of permanency; Market Price: 12,000 gp.
conjuration are usually made of fine steel or
mithral, with jewels inset around the rim of the
cauldron and the stand. The crucible’s stand holds Gatereaver
a large quartz crystal that generates exactly as A greataxe of impressive size and heft, Gatereaver
much heat or cold as commanded and maintains is an ancient weapon forged in the cosmic fires
that temperature for any length of time stipulated. at the core of all realities, or so the legends
As such, it is an excellent tool for any alchemy say. Whatever its origin, Gatereaver displays
and adds a +2 circumstance bonus on any such extraordinary might and is not a weapon to be
checks made during the creation of alchemist wielded lightly. Even its appearance speaks of
items. power, from its rippling steel blade to the dozens
of gems that decorate its haft. The whole weapon
The true power of a crucible becomes evident is surrounded in an aura of dimensional energy,
when used by a spellcaster with the Brew Potion which is constantly changing hue and intensity.
or Craft Wondrous Item feat. Once per day, the At its brightest, Gatereaver seems to be alive with
crucible of conjuration can be used to create a a prismatic tempest of fire, lightning and blazing
special oil. This oil is imbued with the power of light. The patterns in the axe’s blade are ever
a summon monster spell the user wishes to cast changing, though they have no known meaning in
into the crucible. This process takes one full hour any language.
and costs 500 gp in materials per spell level of the
summon. The creator must also pay 50 XP per Where Gatereaver goes, chaos and upheaval
level of the summon monster spell. follow. The wielder of this greataxe is always a
foe to be feared, as it can guide the hand that holds
The oil created by the crucible is bottled it regardless of the wielder’s actual skill. Its array
immediately after being made and can be used as of magical powers are impressive, but the weapon
is feared most for the ability that gives rise to its Gatereaver’s wielder attacks at a minimum Base
name; the edge of Gatereaver tears open reality Attack Bonus of 15 unless he possesses a better
and cleaves rifts into other dimensions. one already.
Gatereaver is also fearsome in that the artefact By swinging Gatereaver vigorously through the
does not seem concerned with any purpose it air and wishing the blade to do so, the wielder can
serves. It can slaughter a village of innocents rend open a gate as per the 9th level spell of the
as easily as it protects a paladin’s castle from same name. This gate is to a random plane unless
a demonic siege. As uncaring as it is potent, the wielder wishes to be specific. The wielder has
Gatereaver is a weapon for epic struggles and a 5% change per character level of breaching the
titanic conflicts. Wise is the wielder who casts desired plane if this is attempted. Like the spell
it aside after the battle is done. Wiser still is the gate, the wielder can call forth a planar being
wielder who cuts a hole with Gatereaver and casts from this rift, which remains open for 1d10 rounds
the accursed blade into it immediately. before closing in any event.
Gatereaver acts as a +5 keen greataxe of throwing The wielder can use this power in the midst of an
and returning. The weapon acts as bane against attack as well. If the successfully struck target,
any outsider it strikes, regardless of alignment. which must be Huge or smaller, succeeds at a
By silent act of will, Gatereaver can ignite itself Fortitude save against a DC 21, it is merely flung
with dimensional flames. These flames do 2d6 into the rift as it opens after suffering the attack’s
additional damage per strike and no form of damage. If the save fails, the cosmic power of the
defence except dimensional anchor or immunity axe tears him to shreds in the violent, whirling
to disintegration effects will reduce or negate it. chaos between shorn realities. Using this ability,
whether as part of a melee attack or not,
as noted above, is a full-round action.
Horn of Echoes
A silver horn, chased in gold, the horn
of echoes is blown for two full rounds
just before casting a summon monster
III spell. The spell is affected as if
the spell echoing call I had been cast.
Unlike the spell of the same name, this
call cannot be dispelled once it begins.
Using a horn of echoes does not require
a Perform check, but if the user wishes
to, success at a Perform check (DC 25)
after one round of blowing the horn
obviates the need for a second round.
A horn of echoes can be used as often
as desired, but every use after the first during the circles. Instead of attacking the wearer, such
same day carries a cumulative 10% chance of it beings are immediately empowered to return
shattering and becoming useless. home and opt to do so through the power of the
mantle. Escaped beings get no saving throw or
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Spell Resistance to avoid this effect unless they
Items, echoing call I, creator must have 5+ ranks have more Hit Dice than the wearer’s caster level.
in Perform; Market Price: 27,500 gp. If so, they may make a Will save against a DC of
20 + 1 per day of captivity. If the wearer of the
mantle attacks the creature during its escape or
Kukri of Binding beforehand, he receives no protection at all and
This single-edged angled dagger is crafted of must suffer the attack as normal.
silver and iron in a braided pattern and hammered
into a single blade. The handle is ivory and bears Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous
complex magical rune work. In the hands of Items, magic circle or sanctuary; Market Price:
someone without the ability to cast conjuration 2,500 gp.
magic, it merely acts as a +2 kukri. Wielded by
a spellcaster with the ability to realise its full
potential, the kukri of binding becomes much Mantle of Mastery
more. This fine mantle, normally worn over normal
clothing or robes, imparts remarkable powers
A spellcaster capable of casting conjuration over bound outsiders and summoned monsters
spells can wield the kukri as a +3 outsider bane to the spellcaster that dons it. As a full round
kukri and he does not suffer a non-proficiency action, the wearer can try to exert mastery over
penalty when doing so. The wielder can instead any single summoned or called creature within
choose to suspend the bane ability and attempt to 30 feet through an opposed Will save against
bind an outsider struck by the weapon. This is a it. This creature can be one of the wearer’s own
dangerous gamble, because failure at this attempt conjurations or someone else’s, though he receives
renders the outsider immune to binding, calling or a +2 circumstance bonus to the save if he conjured
dismissal type magicks for 24 hours afterwards. the target in question. A failed mastery attempt
turns the creature against the wearer immediately.
To attempt to bind an outsider, the wielder must
make a successful melee attack with the kukri. If the check succeeds for the wearer, the target is
The outsider then makes an opposed Will saving considered his for the duration of the spell that
throw against the wielder. If this save fails, conjured it. This acts as dominate monster and
the outsider is bound as if by the spell greater can function regardless of the target type. If the
planar binding. The target is rooted to the spot; creature exists for an indefinite duration (such as
treat this effect as a containment diagram that is one conjured through lesser planar binding), the
automatically successful. The wielder of the kukri domination lasts one hour and must be rechecked
can then barter or demand service as the spell if the wearer wishes to retain control thereafter.
allows. The kukri can only bind one creature at
a time, losing the power to do so until the current Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: dominate
victim has performed its service and departed. monster, lesser planar binding; Market Price:
Even free-willed outsiders are empowered with 25,000 gp.
the ability to return to their home planes after
rendering service to the wielder; this is an effect of
the kukri. Orb of the Heavens
A glowing sphere of seemingly solid light, the
eight-inch-wide orb of the heavens serves as a
Mantle of Sanctuary link to a celestial being from the upper planes.
A spellcaster clad in a mantle of sanctuary does This celestial cannot manifest directly on the
not need to fear attack from creatures that escape prime except through a physical host - the holder
from his own containment diagrams or magic of the orb. The Games Master determines the
exact personality of this celestial, but when the halved and cannot be enhanced or extended by
orb is used, it merges spiritually; this creates an any means. At the end of this halved duration,
amalgam of its own personality and that of the the monster is dispelled automatically and returns
user. This can be quite a roleplaying challenge, from whence it came despite any effect to bind or
but the rewards are considerable. retain its services. The creature is considered to
be dissipated as if slain and cannot be summoned
Once per day for up to one round per character again for 24 hours.
level, the holder of the orb takes on the half-
celestial template. When this occurs, the Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Tenser’s
orb disappears into the merged being. This transformation; Market Price: 1,500 gp.
combination cannot be dispelled, but a banishment
or similar effect ends the duration of the merger
instantly and causes the orb to manifest again. As Slate of
a side effect of the powerful energies in the orb, it
constantly radiates a bless effect while solid and
Created originally by a mage with a serious
exposed to light of any kind.
tendency to hold grudges, this one-square-foot
black slate board is bound in a frame with ash
Unfortunately, there exists a dark shadow to this
wood and silver corners. When any outsider
glorious item - the orb of the damned. This looks
successfully damages the person carrying the slate
like coalesced darkness or sometimes like a sphere
with a weapon, unarmed attack or spell, the slate
of glowing blood. As one might presume, the orb
records the being’s most commonly used name in
of the damned lets the user take on the half-fiend
indelible chalk using very elaborate handwriting.
There is only room on the slate for one name, and
if another outsider does the bearer damage, the
Regardless of form, the orb’s user always
previous name is erased in preference of the new
manifests wings and has his alignment shifted
one step towards good or evil along that axis,
depending on the type of orb used. This is a
By holding the slate and speaking the name on it,
permanent change that only occurs the first
the bearer can cast whichever version of planar
time the orb is used, though further exposure
binding it takes to summon that outsider to him.
and willing use of the orb may facilitate further
As this is a calling spell, the bearer would be
alignment shifts as the Games Master deems
prudent to have a magic circle and containment
diagram ready. Once the name on the slate is
used, it erases itself completely and is ready to be
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous
used again.
Items, greater planar binding, magic jar; Market
Price: 150,000 gp.
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous
Items, greater planar binding, true seeing; Market
Potion of Intensity Price: 42,000 gp.
This incredible magical liquid is consumed the
round before casting a summon monster spell of
any level. The spell can only summon a single
Theurgical Talismans
These tiny wooden objects were initially created
creature for this potion to be effective. The
by druidic ritual, but arcane spellcasters have
monster that appears will be at full hit points for
learned the art of their construction as well.
its Hit Dice, receives a +4 enhancement bonus to
Crafted to augment summoning spells, theurgical
Strength and Dexterity, a +2 deflection bonus to all
talismans can be very potent when used wisely,
saves, and a +1 morale bonus to all damage rolls.
but they have the potential to disrupt arcane
spellcasting if not handled carefully. Perhaps
Also, the creature cannot be dispelled, banished
owing to their original intent, these talismans do
or dismissed by any means. On the down side,
not disrupt divine summoning spells at all.
the duration of the summon monster spell is
ages can be difficult for a Games Mas- in the powers and problems of every form of
ter. As non-player characters, they can monster the player can summon. When planar
be tricky to keep track of, require a great binding becomes an issue, the Games Master
deal of bookkeeping where their spells are con- gets to keep track of a whole new creature in the
cerned and are tough to use effectively in combat campaign and the services owed to and due from
with the kind of complications that can arise in a it. While some of this burden falls on the player,
major conflict. They require time and attention to the Games Master has to keep track of it as well.
use correctly, considerably more than a fighter or a Add creation spells that can bring anything into
monster with a simple series of attacks. As such, the game at any time, and you have a Games
wizard or sorcerer encounters can be a real trial to Master’s nightmare.
Luckily, there are things a Games Master can do
The situation only gets worse when the mage in to not only keep everything in the game flowing
question is a player character. Then, not only do smoothly with the presence of a conjurer player
you have all of the above to contend with, but you character, but to actually enrich the game with the
have to predict what effect the mage’s abilities will complications such a character provides. While
have on any given situation without having any not every drawback conjuration has from a Games
overt control over the character’s actions. With Master's position can be turned into an advantage,
so many spells doing so many varied things, the the impact of a conjurer can be lessened to
impact a mage can have on a game is staggering. acceptable levels. A conjurer will make any
Games Master work harder for the
game, but the effort can pay dividends
in a better time had by everyone
Keeping Things
A single conjurer can quickly become a
veritable army of summoned creatures,
bound extradimensional servitors and
continuous created effects. The mass
of information needed to keep up with a
conjurer without bogging down play can
be staggering, but a little organisation
can go a long way. The key is
delegation of responsibility.
When dealing with a conjurer, enemies should the caster and surrounding him can negate his
keep in mind the primary flaw in most conjuration most impressive spells.
spells - casting time. Many powerful summoning
and calling spells have a casting time of one full Assuming the worst and a conjurer gets his spell
round, if not longer. This offers an excellent cast, there are several courses an enemy can
opportunity to disrupt any spellcasting before take. The first is perhaps the simplest; destroy
it completes. An archer tasked with the job of the conjurer and ignore the summoned creature.
pinning down spellcasters can be invaluable for This can be challenging, especially if the conjurer
this. Any effect that causes damage can ruin a has been the subject of this kind of single-
conjurer’s chances of summoning allies. minded attack before. A prepared wizard can be
difficult to pin down, much less slay. However,
If a conjurer casts defensively to mitigate the the fact that killing the conjurer keeps him from
possibility of spell disruption, enemies should summoning any more creatures is incentive
keep other methods of doing so in mind. enough to try.
Grappling or otherwise immobilising the conjurer
can end the spell without even allowing a Another way to cope with a conjurer’s spells is
Concentration check. Silence shuts down almost to keep dispel magic, dismissal and banishment
any conjuration spell that is not prepared or handy. These spells are all valuable tools,
cast with the feat Silent Spell. Also, a summon especially the first. Keep in mind that any spells
monster spell requires an open area within thirty or effects generated by a summoned creature
feet of the conjurer for its subject to manifest. end immediately if they disappear for any
The spell gets disrupted automatically if there is reason. Thus, it is often more efficient to target
nowhere for the monster to appear. Thus, rushing a summoned creature with dispel magic instead
of a spell it has cast. Also, a dispel magic that
successfully affects a summoned creature ends
the spell that summoned it. This is an effective
way to deal with a summon monster spell
that summoned multiple monsters; dispel one
creature, and every creature that came with it
disappears as well.
I have a lovely view from my room. The iron bars Nowhere in the description of the calling spells
make it a little difficult to appreciate the river and the does it say that the being forgets its enslavement
field of wildflowers outside, but at least I can smell to the conjurer. Think about this for a moment;
freedom when I wake up on my cot each morning. you are a powerful extraplanar entity, hundreds,
For a year now, I have enjoyed the hospitality of the possibly thousands of years old, and you are
Crown because of my little ‘joke’, but I suppose I yanked from your home plane, imprisoned in
should be lucky I still have hands. Some ‘Master of a tiny diagram, and forced to do the bidding of
the Many Planes’ I turned out to be. I may never live some mage? Would you not be just a little upset?
down the embarrassment of being incarcerated for Would you not want some kind of revenge?
trying to pass conjured mithral, but I intend to try. I
have big plans when I get out of this accursed place. Again, this concept needs only go as far as the
My first plan is to learn the teleport spell. Games Master wishes it to. If the idea of working
a furious outsider bent on killing one of the
Calls and player characters is not conducive to the plot of
the campaign, it does not need to be a concern.
Consequences It is easy enough to decide that the dimensional
An obvious way to keep conjurers under control entities callable by planar binding spells are
is to ensure that they always exercise caution also magically prevented from seeking revenge
when they work calling magic. Diagrams and unless they manage to escape their containment
magic circle traps are an important part of being while still on the conjurer’s plane. This keeps the
careful, but the consequences of calling spells go interaction between mage and minion simple and
much farther than escaped creatures. Assuming a limits the number of plot threads an overworked
conjurer manages to bind an extraplanar creature Games Master has to keep in mind.
and force it to do as he commands, the encounter
between them does not have to end with the If the concept of extradimensional revenge does
entity’s return to its home plane. sound appealing or a player character conjurer
is getting out of control, there are a few things a
Games Master should keep in mind. The easiest
thing to enforce is alignment. A good-aligned
conjurer would probably have a hard time with
calling spells, as they are essentially enslavement
and if used with creatures from the lower planes,
evil. Consorting with demons and devils is not
the kind of behaviour that affirms a person’s
dedication to truth and justice. Enforce the
strictures of the character’s alignment and the
problem of calling spells might just solve itself
without revenge becoming an issue.
I hadn’t intended for the djinni to die, but if it is To really twist the concept of conjuration, consider
dead, how do these creatures even know of me? the roleplaying possibilities of having all of the
How do they keep finding me? I see them at night player characters be four Hit Die outsiders. One
when I try to sleep, out of the corner of my eye, greater planar binding spell could instantly call
but they never come for me directly. Why? If they the entire group of them and place them under
hate me so much, why haven’t they killed me? the command of a Non-Player Character conjurer.
Isn’t that what monsters do? I swear sometimes, The campaign possibilities are endless, and if
if the college didn’t teach differently, I would think things become too unpleasant, at least a lesson
these things had souls. or two might be learned about treating one’s own
bound minions better.
of creative mages. I must admit to being partial
have probably said it a hundred times by now,
to the half-celestial template, but that is because
but that is only because it bears repeating; con-
it figures prominently in another one of my
juration magic has enormous potential. When
games. I freely admit that the half-fiend template
I started writing this book, it was with the idea of
is really cool too. An interesting idea for that
expanding the potential of what I saw at the time
one is to apply it to something that will not be
as one of the least detailed schools in the game.
changed much by it, like a gargoyle. When the
Now, many pages later, I am not ashamed to admit
characters get their collective tails kicked liberally
I was wrong. In my own campaign, the conjurer’s
by something that was supposed to be ‘easy’, you
player has a great time with his magic and now I
will certainly get your players thinking.
know why.
Perhaps, ultimately, that is what I like the most
Conjuration is more than just versatile; it is
about conjuration magic. It can be played as a
downright fun. The thrill of commanding
simple school with charts and spells that do not
monsters and shaping reality with a thought is
require much creativity to use, but it can also be
both immensely entertaining to watch and to carry
so much more. It can make a mage into a warlord
out. I enjoy waiting to see what the conjurer in my
and an engine of sheer destruction. It can also
game is going to do next. It can be a battle of wits
make a mage rich beyond the dreams of avarice
to keep up, but it is a challenge that brings with it
through creation spells and conjured work forces.
hours of laughter, serious action and friendship. Is
It offers the simple comforts of an unseen servant
that not what roleplaying is supposed to be about,
and the opulent pleasures of a Mordenkainen’s
after all?
magnificent mansion. Whatever you need,
conjuration can provide, as long as you think.
I was able to widen the boundaries of conjuration
a little in this book, not that it really needed
I offer a warning in each book and, before I sign
the help. Between the feat Sylvan Soul, the
off on this one, here it is. Do not let conjuration
dragonchilde prestige class, and spells like
detract from the physical world of your campaign.
apportation and girding call, there should be
Whether you are the Games Master or a player,
no end to the new things conjurers can summon
you owe it to yourself to explore and interact with
up now. The new containment diagrams and
the game world. Summoned monsters are nice,
theurgical talismans make summoning and calling
but hired mercenaries are good too and usually
up creatures more fun too. Honestly though, if I
last a lot longer. The bed in a mansion might be
had to pick one thing in this book to use myself, it
incredibly comfortable, but a real house cannot
would be Called Companion.
be dispelled. Enjoy conjuration all you want, but
keep it in its place.
Why? Because nothing in a conjurer’s repertoire
of spells allows him to give the creatures he
August Hahn
brings forth a choice. Called Companion allows
a conjurer to have what none of this other spells
truly provide; a friend. The feat was created so
that a conjurer could make the choice of calling
up something without forcing them into a diagram
or extracting obedience. Do not get me wrong,
those things can make for great gameplay too but
the idea of having a friendly being literally and
figuratively ‘on call’ was an option I felt was too
important not to be offered.
Life had certainly gotten complicated. The village was grateful for the rescue and though he had tried to
include the deva in the story of how he had saved them, the townsfolk did not want to hear about her. They
were a simple people and magic was both terrifying and unknown to them. In their eyes, he had somehow
defeated the entire orcish horde by himself. It was flattering to be sure.
The village had insisted he stay as their guest for as long as he wished. The guardsman who had given
him this task in the first place, it turned out, had been the leader of the town militia and a landowner. With
no family to inherit, the village had decided unanimously to give him the man’s house and farm. They
just naturally seemed to assume the dead man’s former status went with the gift. Jestin found himself a
homeowner, militia leader and hero, all in the same day.
Of course, he did not have the first clue about how to run a militia. He was a wizard and a conjurer, a
worker of spells in a village that feared magic. He was not half as strong or tough as the smallest man in
the village and if he had to harvest a crop, he would probably rupture something. None of that seemed to
matter in the slightest to these people.
Days passed into weeks until a year had rolled by. His role in town became a comfortable one, if a little
odd. The men of the village treated him like a younger brother, one that could not quite keep up with them
but was no less wanted around anyway. The women had a harder time of things, as many were of his age or
older, and unmarried. While he was welcome here and appreciated, he was still an outsider. The townsfolk
never said as much, but he knew that he was not considered a suitable prospect for matchmaking. They did
not act like he was a wizard around them, but they remembered it.
Truly, that was just as well. He was too tired from the fieldwork and weapons practice every day to do
much courting. Besides, no matter how lovely the girl, he could really only see one face when he closed his
eyes. The deva had left her mark on him with that kiss. Sometimes, as night, he could still feel it burning
his lips. He often fell asleep, body aching, with her voice in his mind.
The season’s harvest had been pulled in and new seeds planted before it occurred to him to call on her
again. The spell was obviously not one that offered any binding or control, but he found himself glad
of that. Not that he could have done so in any event. He had long since traded most of his expensive
components to travelling merchants for a replacement plough and new armour for the militia. He had even
purchased a fine steel sword for himself and could claim to swing it passably. His life as a wizard had all
but slipped away. Only one thing magical remained to be done.
It was a quiet winter evening when he spoke the words of calling once more. At first, he was afraid he
would falter from lack of practice, but when the light began to form in the centre of his study, he breathed
a sigh of relief. From the glowing column stepped forth a vision in silver. The deva from so many autumn
dreams took a look around the room, her glowing eyes finally coming to rest on him. To his amazement
and delight, she smiled and laughed her melodious laugh. 'Jestinian of the Far Vale, Conjurer Supreme!'
He looked up at her from his chair and rose to bow. 'It is Jestinian of Brookwarden, Farmer Substandard
now, my lady,' his unexpected modesty surprising her.
She looked him over with a critical eye and nodded. It might have been his wishful imagination, but she
seemed to approve of what she saw. 'You seem different, Jestin. Not so haughty as before, but not so
fragile either. I doubt you would need my help against any orcs now. I like it.' She turned slight and rested
her gleaming hand on her sword hilt. 'I suppose I’ll be going then.'
He practically teleported out of his seat. 'No!' he shouted, forcing himself to calm down. 'I mean, you
don’t have to if you don’t wish. I have something cooking for dinner.' He blushed at his forwardness. 'I
am not much of a cook, but if it pleases you to join me, I have enough to poison us both.'
The deva laughed again and laid her hand on his arm. 'Jestin, I would be delighted.' Without knowing how
or why, Jestin could see in her eyes that his life was about to get even more complicated.
Rules Summary
The Dragonchilde
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Draconic +1 level of existing class
Imbuement I
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Dragonsign, The +1 level of existing class
Gift of Sight
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Channel the Wyrm +1 level of existing class
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Dragonsign, The +1 level of existing class
Gift of Breath
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Draconic +1 level of existing class
Imbuement II
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Dragonsign, The +1 level of existing class
Gift of Spirit
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 The Song of +1 level of existing class
8 +6 +6 +2 +6 Dragonsign, The +1 level of existing class
Gift of Wings
9 +6 +6 +3 +6 Draconic +1 level of existing class
Imbuement III
10 +7 +7 +3 +7 The Gift of Rebirth +1 level of existing class
The Soulbinder
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Planar Sage, +1 level of existing class
Diagram Expert +2
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Eyes of +1 level of existing class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 - +1 level of existing class
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Diagram Expert +4 +1 level of existing class
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Voice of Authority +1 level of existing class
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 - +1 level of existing class
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Diagram Expert +6 +1 level of existing class
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Touch of +1 level of existing class
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 - +1 level of existing class
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Soul of Dominion +1 level of existing class
The Spiritcaller
Class Base Fort Ref Will Special Spells per Day
Level Attack Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Death Lore, Spirit ---
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Grey Secret +1 level of existing class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 The Rite of ---
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 --- +1 level of existing class
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Forced ---
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Grey Secret +1 level of existing class
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 The Rite of Soulfire ---
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 --- +1 level of existing class
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Grey Secret ---
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 The Rite of +1 level of existing class
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Conjuration Spells
1 Level Conjuration Spells
6th Level Conjuration Spells
Bind Guardian I (Calling) Bind Guardian VI (Calling)
Craft Material (Creation) Dimensional Rift (Creation)
Power Word, Push (Creation, Force) Dismissive Glance (Calling, Prime)
Summon Familiar (Calling) Greater Infusion (Creation)
Power Word, Deafen (Creation, Sonic)
2nd Level Conjuration Spells
Apportation (Hanging) 7th Level Conjuration Spells
Bind Guardian II (Calling) Bind Guardian VII (Calling)
Call Radiance (Light) Echoing Call I (Summoning, Hanging)
Power Word, Block (Creation, Force) Greater Creation (Creation)
Wave of Unbinding (Prime)
3rd Level Conjuration Spells
Bind Guardian III (Calling) 8th Level Conjuration Spells
Call Darkness (Creation, Shadow) Bind Guardian VIII (Calling)
Power Word, Fear (Creation, Fear) Echoing Call II (Summoning, Hanging)
Planar Promise (Calling)
4th Level Conjuration Spells Rending Grasp (Calling, Prime)
Bind Guardian IV (Calling)
Call Energy (Creation) 9th Level Conjuration Spells
Lesser Infusion (Creation) Bind Guardian IX (Calling)
Power Word, Pain (Creation, Force) Echoing Call III (Summoning, Hanging)
Planar Breach (Creation)
5th Level Conjuration Spells Song of Farsending
Bind Guardian V (Calling)
Girding Call (Summoning, Hanging)
Power Word, Slumber (Creation, Sonic)
Conjuration Feats
Name Prerequisite
Blood of the Beast Special, only selected at 1st level
Called Companion None
Celestial Focus Must not be evil aligned. Caster level 3+
Conjurer's Last Defence Spell Focus (conjuration), Spellcraft 8+
Fiendish Focus Must not be good aligned
Forge of the Mind Caster Level 9+, See text
Greater Conjuring School Focus (conjuration) or Spell Focus (conjuration)
Imbued Spell Any four metamagic feats
Instantaneous Draw Spell Focus (conjuration), Caster level 5+
Musical Summoning Caster Level 5+, access to the bard list of spells
Planar Birthright Must be taken at 1st level
Silver Tongue Charisma 14+
Summoning Mastery Iron Will, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Sylvan Soul Wisdom 12+, Charisma 12+, Handle Animal 1+,
Wilderness Lore 1+
Wrathful Conjuration Barbarian Rage as a class ability
Versimilitude Charisma 14+