The Quintessential Wizard
The Quintessential Wizard
The Quintessential Wizard
Michae Mear s
Contents Credits
Editor Ian Sturrock
2 Introduction
4 Character Concepts Cover Art Anne Stokes
20 The Prestige Wizard
36 Tricks of the Trade Interior I strations Andrew Jordan,
Brent Chumley, Danilo Moretti, David
47 Wizard Feats
Griffiths, David Esbri, Fred Rawles, Gillian
54 Tools of the Trade Pearce, Marcio Fiorito, Oliver Eriksen,
62 Libraries and Spellbooks Renato Guedes, Reynaldo Batista, Rick
75 Spells Otey, Stephen Shepherd, Tony Parker
82 The Wizard’s Staff
Additiona Te t Ian Barstow
89 Wizard Mercenaries
95 Apprentices Prod ction Mana er Alexander Fennell
103 Towers
121 Designer’s Notes Proo eadin Vivien Young
122 Index
P aytesters James Sparling, Shannon
124 Wizard Character Sheet Sparling, Jimi Braun, Michelle Braun, Jason
128 OGL/D20 Licences Thornton, Zachary Rieck, Steve Mulhern
Mongoose Publishing
Mongoose Publishing, PO Box 1018, Swindon, SN3 1DG, United Kingdom
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he wise old sage, stooped and walking with a magical control, and sheer persistence to gain the
staff, good-natured and kindly yet terrifying if ultimate accolade and become an Arcane Avatar, but
angered. The lean, wily battle wizard, festooned the rewards are well worth it for those who do. New
with bandoliers of magical throwing daggers and feats will astonish fellow party members as the wizard
wands. The tribal magician, feathered rattle in hand, manipulates the very nature of magic, steals spells
tattoos shimmering with magical force. The vile from others, and creates new sorts of magic item. New
necromancer, lurking in his subterranean lair, plotting weapons, robes, magic items and equipment provide the
to rule the land. All these are examples of the wizard, wizard with the tools he needs to do his job, allowing
the character class without which no game could be him to concentrate on his magic without distractions.
considered high fantasy. The Quintessential Wizard is a Every wizard worth his pointy hat will want to create his
sourcebook that will greatly expand this class, eshing own arcane nexus to assist him in his spellcasting.
out the wizard from his typical role as a source of
magical artillery to a character with more options and As he gradually becomes more experienced, the wizard
variants than any other in the game. may take on apprentices, using them to take care of
the easier chores of magic item creation in exchange
Of all the character classes depicted within the for teaching them the magical arts. Almost every
d20 system, the wizard is the most versatile. With experienced wizard will spend at least some time in
reasonably comprehensive spellbooks, the wizard libraries, researching spells, techniques, and legends;
can be more dangerous than the fighter, more sneaky many will begin to assemble their own book collections,
than the rogue, or a better all-rounder than the cleric. ranging in size from a couple of book-cases to great
Responsibility for the success and even survival of the sprawling complexes containing several buildings full
entire party often rests on the wizard’s shoulders if of tomes. Wizards who get into a lot of combat will
he wastes a spell or memorizes the wrong one, disaster
can ensue for the whole group, whereas by selecting
just the right spell at just the right time he can deal with
almost any situation successfully, however dire.
The Quintessential
With the aid of this sourcebook, any character adopting
the wizard class will find his options and capabilities
greatly expanded into new realms of which he once
only dreamed. Through the use of character concepts,
wizards may now be given a complete background and
history of how they actually came to be wizards in the
find it advisable to recruit a guardian, perhaps one of There are, indeed, very few limits as to what a wizard
the fabled Bodyguards of the Crimson Shield. Sooner may achieve throughout his career, so long as he
or later most wizards will feel the need for a secure keeps his wits about him and is always eager to learn
and protected place to perform their research, and will something new. The Quintessential Wizard will take
construct a tower based on the principles of arcane such characters all the way from 1st level to the 20th, and
geometry, some in cities, others upon or beneath the beyond.
waves, others still atop clouds or volcanoes, or even on
another plane of existence.
Despite nearly a hundred pounds of steel plate, a shield heavy enough to support Derris’s weight, and an axe half
as long as Derris’s six feet, Bruggi the dwarf was lifted off his feet by the ogre and tossed against the far wall with
practised ease. The dwarf had bragged of his skill in fighting towering creatures, but he and the ex-gladiator Molog
had proved no match for the brute. The local villagers had not exaggerated in calling him Lorg the Undefeated.
Derris’s two allies had been convinced the group could take on and destroy the ogre, what with their martial prowess
and his magical skills. Their enthusiasm had been infectious, and Derris had sensed a quick and easy route to the
kind of wealth that would let him get started on the research he had always planned. Now Bruggi and Molog were
out of the fight, crippled or dead, and Derris was trapped alone in the ogre’s cave, all his ideas for the future about to
be rendered obsolete by that vicious club of steel and wood.
The ogre stepped over Molog’s still form, locking eyes with the young wizard as his lips split into a toothy smile.
The young mage began to shake uncontrollably as the ogre trod towards him, casually hefting his spiked club back
for an easy kill. On the edge of panic, Derris fumbled through his belt pouch for his spell nexus. He pulled it forth
and aimed it at the approaching ogre. Time seemed to slow as the wizard brought his mind into alignment with the
nexus’s nodes of power. So many of them were empty. It seemed a sad waste of time now to have spent so many
hours building a tool that was supposed to last him a lifetime.
He slipped back to the familiar patterns of thought, most of his consciousness now completely detached from the
ogre’s cave as he meditated on the magical linkages and symbols woven through his nexus. Unbidden, the memory
of his time apprenticed to old Yarl ashed through his mind: the years spent scrubbing the ancient master’s tower
steps, mixing potions, heating alembics, sitting through spellcraft lessons, crafting his focus under Yarl’s close eye.
The ogre was still approaching, almost imperceptibly slowly now. The young wizard was almost completely calm,
and he knew exactly what he had to do.
Derris shifted a connection on his nexus, lining up the last in the row of nodes, noting out of the corner of his eye that
the ogre’s club had reached the end of its backward motion and was now hurtling towards his skull.
Sheets of ame erupted from the wand, setting the ogre’s jerking form ablaze and filling the cave with the choking
stench of roasting ogre esh. The beast stumbled back, howling in pain. Derris inched backward, covering his ears
to block the keening wail. As the ogre tottered backward, it caught a foot on Molog’s body and tripped backwards.
Seizing the opportunity, Derris slipped into another short trance, speaking the words of power and channelling the
ambient magical energy of the cave into his hand, forming a crackling gauntlet of electrical energy around his left fist.
he art of magic calls a diverse range of trade mastery in one aspect of magic with an inability
practitioners to its study. What is accepted as a to use one class of spell. Other concepts make slight
fact regarding magic in one land is viewed as changes to the core wizard class, replacing its access to
an anachronistic, antique notion in another. What a bonus feats with new abilities or expanding its list of
wizard does with his magic is often dictated by his class skills. Unless otherwise noted, specialist wizards
beliefs regarding the theories, practices, and source of may choose any concept, just like the standard wizard
his power. The character concepts presented here allow class.
you to model a wizard who approaches his craft from
a unique tradition not necessarily covered by the core This chapter is broken down into two sections. The
wizard character class. The wizard class is a generic first section details general character concepts that
concept that covers a wide range of potential character apply to all races. The second section introduces a few
types. While your imagination and a generous Games concepts that apply to specific character races. The
Master allow you to produce any sort of wizard from standard fantasy races each have cultures that produce a
scratch, the character concepts give you a selection of few unique concepts not found in the lands of man.
balanced, colourful options that reduce your workload
and make life easier for your Games Master. Academic
Hunched over their thick tomes of knowledge,
If you select a concept, it modifies the standard wizard academics spend their days researching a wide range
class. You cannot select a character concept and of esoteric subjects. These scholarly mages specialise
later on multiclass back into the wizard class using in accumulating knowledge and uncovering forgotten
a different character concept or the normal wizard facts, feasting on books and devouring their knowledge
character class. Many of the concepts here operate like a starving man at a banquet. While all wizards
to one degree or another study the theory and history
of the arcane arts, academics make it their passion,
preferring a tome of lore to a book of powerful
enchantments. To the academic, magic is a tool that
facilitates his main end of accumulating knowledge,
rather than a goal in and of itself.
academics over-think problems, endlessly analysing o e P ayin Alchemists are analytical and
a situation and becoming too caught up in hypotheses thorough thinkers, and this attitude spills over to
and ideas to determine a useful course of action. their personalities. They are the fantasy campaign
Academics also tend to be arrogant, as they expect equivalent of scientists, carefully weighing evidence
others to live up to their standards for intellectual and attempting to create thorough, sensible plans of
acuity and knowledge. However, some academics actions in dealing with any problem, from something as
successfully combine their knowledge with a practical mundane to efficiently loading a wagon to ambushing
approach to situations, devising clever and useful and defeating a green dragon. Alchemists are theorists
solutions to vexing problems that baf e others. and analysts. Much of their study of alchemy is driven
by making observations of the interactions of reagents
on ses At 1st level, the academic gains the Skill and predicting how they can be combined to produce
Focus feat for any one Knowledge skill. In addition, wondrous effects. Thus, alchemists are tuned in to
the academic gains two skill ranks for each point he observing effects, predicting results, and making plans
spends on a Knowledge skill. These two ranks may based on their ideas.
be spent on the same skill or may be split across two
different ones. The academic can never violate the on ses The alchemist gains Brew Potion in place
maximum allowable skill ranks with these bonus ranks. of Scribe Scroll at 1st level. While Brew Potion
The academic may use the bonus feats granted by the is normally available only to characters with a
wizard class to select Skill Focus for any Knowledge spellcasting level of 3 or higher, the alchemist’s focus
skill. In addition to the normal wizard class skills, the on creating magical elixirs gives him a leg up on other
academic gains Decipher Script as a class skill. spellcasters. Creating potions is a highly specialised
skill that requires the knowledge of and ability to wield
Pena ties The academic must choose four Knowledge some rather advanced magics. Only the alchemist’s
skills as his areas of specialisation and keep those skills intense focus on the subject allows him to circumvent
at the maximum number of ranks allowed by his level. the standard training necessary to gain Brew Potion.
These Knowledge skills may be any topic other than
arcana, nature, the planes, or religion. The academic’s The alchemist also learns to create potions that mimic
obsession with topics other than magic, be it divine the effects of spells to which he does not normally have
or arcane, is what sets him apart from the traditional access. The Expert Brewer feat is available only to
wizard. wizards who choose the alchemist character concept.
Pena ties The art of creating scrolls, normally a on ses The entertainer’s experience with working
critical part of a wizard’s training, is not an important magic to enchant and amaze audiences gives him
skill to an alchemist-in-training. The alchemist cannot an excellent sense of how to pitch his casting as a
select the Scribe Scroll feat until he has a caster level performance and to distract observers from the true
of at least 5 in any spellcasting class. Many alchemists nature of his casting. The entertainer gains Bluff,
disdain scrolls, viewing them as a primitive and Gather Information, and Perform as class skills. The
unwieldy alternative to a finely crafted potion. entertainer’s life on the road and chosen profession
grant him access to skills not normally associated with
wizards. In addition, the entertainer can use his Bluff
Entertainer skill to mask his casting. If the caster attempts to cast
Not everyone who masters a few charms turns his first a spell in front of a friendly or neutral observer, he may
efforts to battling dragons and orcs, researching esoteric use a full-round action to make a Bluff check. If his
secrets, or forging enchanted items. Some wizards check beats the Sense Motive checks of his observers,
begin from far humbler stations, such as a simple, on his next action the entertainer casts a spell without
travelling entertainer. With a few illusions and other alerting those watching him. They assume that the
basic spells, the entertainer provides an enjoyable show wizard’s incantations and gestures are merely part of
for his audience, who in turn provide him with a few his act. If the spell has no obvious visual effects, they
coins for food and a place in an inn’s common room fail to notice it. For example, an entertainer who uses
for the night. Some entertainers start out as apprentices this ability to cast charm person on a guard does not
who need to earn a few extra coins on the side, while alert the guard’s friends to his spellcasting.
others learn their craft from an established performer
and follow in their master’s footsteps. Pena ties Days on the road and nights performing
in taverns limit the entertainer’s formal training in
Advent rin As itinerant performers, the entertainer the magical arts. He does not count Alchemy or
is no stranger to travel, exploration, and the minor Knowledge (arcana) as class skills. Add one to the
adventures that go with a hand to mouth existence. minimum level necessary for the entertainer to gain any
After scrabbling together a hard earned livelihood, item creation feat, aside from Scribe Scroll.
an entertainer turns to adventuring as a chance to use
his skills to gain the fame, fortune, and a comfortable
lifestyle that casting prestidigitation for bar-room Exorcist
crowds can never provide. On adventures, entertainers In a world haunted by demons, ghosts, and other
offer skills in handling people that other wizards lack. malevolent spirits, the threat of possession hangs over
Working crowds for cash taught the entertainer how to any who come into contact with the undead and other
put on a good show. Most entertainers lack the talent threats. Unlike a rampaging orc tribe or an incursion
to cast more than a few spells per day. In order to bulk of giants, a ghost’s possession and control of a victim
up their shows, they learn to use misdirection, music, could easily go unnoticed. The mayor of a village
oration, and other tricks to provide mundane tricks that could operate for months under the in uence of an
captivate audiences. evil ghost, turning over the plans for defence to a local
gang of ogres in return for cash and happily plotting the
o e P ayin Compared to other wizards, entertainers town’s downfall merely to line his own pockets. The
take simple joy in their arts. They may lack the exorcist strives to counter such threats. Wandering the
theoretical and technical background of other mages, land alone or with a small group of witch hunters, he
but they learn many practical lessons from their days ferrets out the signs of outside in uence in otherwise
on the road that pay off in situations not covered by innocent commoners and casts them out with his
the typical magic academy’s classrooms. Entertainers magical abilities. Exorcists who have not yet mastered
are streetwise, savvy, and in-tune with the world at dispel magic serve as scouts and investigators, seeking
large. They know where to get a good drink in town, out signs of magical in uence to report back to their
what neighbourhoods to stay away from, and how to superiors and more experienced spellcasters.
talk to about buying information. Some wizards turn
their noses up at the entertainer, labelling him little Advent rin Adventuring parties planning an
more than a gimmicky wannabe, but adventurers with excursion to ancient ruins, crypts, or other sites
experience know that the entertainer’s days of travel reputed to house ghosts or similar threats seek out
grant him a good view of society and friends in almost and hire exorcists to aid them on their journey. In
most every town. any dangerous environment, teamwork and trust are
paramount to success, and any creature or threat that
can turn an adventurer against his comrades poses a on ses The exorcist’s study of mind-in uencing
tremendous threat. Exorcists are experts at noticing magic allows him quickly to diagnose the presence of
the subtle changes in behaviour and body language any outside in uences on those he meets. When using
that mark a malevolent, controlling in uence at work. Sense Motive to determine if a subject is under the
Once they identify this hidden threat, their training and effects of any enchantment spells, possessed by a ghost
mystic knowledge allows them to tailor counterspells or other creature, or the target of a magic jar or similar
designed to purge spirits and enchantments from a effect, the exorcist gains a 2 competence bonus to his
person’s mind. check. The exorcist also gains a 2 bonus to his dispel
checks made with dispel magic and greater dispelling.
o e P ayin While their study of magic allows them
to break magical enchantments and other controls, it Pena ties Exorcists study the ways of demons,
also leaves exorcists somewhat paranoid. Some would ghosts, and other creatures. They must select the skill
say that exorcists know too much of the creatures and Knowledge (exorcism) and spend 4 skill points on it at
spirits that can break a man’s will, leaving them ready first level and 1 more point for each level they gain in
to jump at any shadow or suspicious statement with the wizard class. The exorcist’s bonuses and abilities
accusations of ghostly possession or demonic in uence. stem from his in-depth, arduous study of the magical
Corrupt or fanatical exorcists go so far as to accuse any effects that can distort and bend a sentient being’s will.
who even so much as voice disagreement with their In addition, the Exorcist swears never to call creatures
plans of being under the control of demons or worse. from beyond the planes. He may never use a spell that
Most exorcists are naturally suspicious, but their summons a monster or other creature to this plane.
knowledge of the threats humanity faces makes them
more likely to accept aid and support in their struggles,
rather than expect enemies to be lurking behind every Arcane Craftsman
seemingly innocent person they meet. Toiling over a steel blade in a blazing forge, spending
countless hours carefully shaping a longbow, or sewing
an elegant, silk cloak, the arcane craftsman masters a
variety of crafts and learns to combine the mundane
arts with the study of magic to produce expertly built
enchanted items. As apprentices, arcane craftsmen are
taught that while a wizard’s command of magic and
the spells in his books measure his personal power,
a true mage masters the art of imparting permanent
enchantments into physical items. Arcane craftsmen
believe that while fireball and stoneskin are impressive
spells, their effects are eeting. The fireball bursts and
disappears, while the stoneskin evaporates after several
attacks. An enchanted blade, so long as it is properly
cared for, lasts forever. Many arcane craftsmen view
the creation of intelligent weapons and items as the
pinnacle of achievement, a task that mirrors the gods’
creation of life itself.
items. News of the newly uncovered ruins of an of the days to come. Many fortune tellers are frauds
ancient civilisation draw daring arcane craftsmen in and charlatans, but a few know enough magic to
great numbers. Discovering a unique or lost technique attempt a simple augury or similar spell. In addition to
of magic item creation ranks as one of the greatest predictions (whether backed by magic or a good act),
contributions an Arcane Craftsman can make in his fortune tellers often also sell potions, elixirs, good luck
field. Many arcane craftsmen also maintain extensive charms, and other trinkets. Though their wares are
collections of magical items and actively seek out rarely authentic, superstitious commoners take comfort
chances to add to their holdings. in owning them.
o e P ayin Arcane craftsmen cover a wide Advent rin On adventures, fortune tellers use
range of personalities and alignments. Some arcane their experience in artful deception to smooth over
craftsmen take their art very seriously and come across misunderstandings with others and avoid other social
as pretentious, arrogant, elitists. These artists take obstacles. The legitimate fortune tellers, those with
great pains to demonstrate their knowledge and skill, real magical skills, use their magic to detect hidden
delivering long, tedious lectures on the properties of a items, glimpse into an expedition’s future, and provide
+1 longsword or a cloak of elvenkind. The only reason information and support for their comrades. Many
adventurers put up with their dull company is their fortune tellers who master the wizard’s arts grow bored
unsurpassed expertise in crafting magic items. Other of bilking peasants and desire something more. They
Arcane Craftsmen view their trade as any other craft, find it difficult to convince a conventional wizard tutor
and though they take pride in their work they do not or academy that their initial training is at all valid.
allow it to spill over into their attitudes towards others. Thus, they take to adventure, seeking to expand their
These Arcane Craftsmen are designers, engineers, and skills through practice.
problem solvers. They take a very practical approach
to adventures, and their inventive minds are quite a o e P ayin While adventuring fortune tellers spurn
boon for their companions. their previous life, they remain a devious, scheming lot.
To a fortune teller, a quick lie and smile are the best
on ses The Arcane Craftsman’s studies in the arts
of creating magical items grants him access to the
Craft Wondrous Item feat at first level. Note that this
does not mean the Arcane Craftsman gains this feat for
free. He may choose to use a feat to purchase it. When
creating an item, the Arcane Craftsman also reduces
the XP and gold he must spend to complete an item by
10 (round down).
Fortune Teller
Wandering the lands, usually in a rickety wagon
festooned with colourful banners, fetishes, and other
mystical-looking trinkets, fortune tellers ply their trade
among peasants, serfs, and other commoners. They
offer glimpses into the future, using tarot cards and
similar means of divination to predict harvest yields,
grant advice in love and business, and other aspects
solutions to most problems, such as a peasant angry to master its secrets, and many who take the first steps
that the potion of love you just sold him has caused all on the geomancer’s path turn away when they find the
the sows in town to follow him around. Thus, fortune many hours of study and concentration it demands from
tellers tend to be affable, talkative, and glib. Others, its adherents. Geomancy is a poor choice for those
especially those who see their duties and profession as who want quick results, but in the long term it offers
a legitimate, important service, are quiet and reserved. some of the most powerful incantations to wizards who
They see all, carefully watching their environment, master its principles. Geomancers view other wizards
and take care to speak only when they have something as impatient and immature. They believe that only
important to say. To these fortune tellers, the story of earnest study, patience, and a strong appreciation for
the future is written in the present, but only a calm, the arcane arts gained through long years of work instil
re ective mind can read it. a proper, healthy attitude in a wizard.
on ses If the fortune teller has access to his focus, Advent rin Geomancers study the earth’s secrets,
such as a tarot deck, divination sticks, or some other and find the idea of journeying deep into a dungeon the
prop, and spends one minute carefully reading the perfect method to explore, catalogue, and unlock the
signs, portents, and omens, he may cast any divination world’s inner secrets. Some geomancers, particularly
spell at 1 caster level. In addition, he may use the dwarf and gnome ones, never see the light of the
spells from the divine spellcaster Knowledge domain sun, spending their entire life locked within the
as though they were arcane spells. The fortune teller caves, caverns, and galleries of the earth’s deepest
does not automatically gain these spells in his books, reaches. Environments that others find frighteningly
but gains the option to scribe them from scrolls or add claustrophobic and stuffy feel like home to the
them to his books as per standard arcane spells. The geomancer. Human geomancers in particular love
fortune teller may add these spells to his spellbooks to explore the deepest reaches of mines and cave
and prepare them just like any other spells from the complexes, as many of them find studying their magic
sorcerer/wizard lists. The fortune teller also gains Bluff on the earth’s surface a poor substitute for working in
and Perform as class skills. When magic can’t predict the most natural environment for their craft.
the future, a few dramatic lies quite nicely fill the gap.
Many inexperienced fortune tellers rely exclusively on o e P ayin The stereotypical geomancer is a
charm and convincing lies to ply their craft. quiet, patient spellcaster who carefully weighs his
options before making even the simplest decisions.
Pena ties The fortune teller hails from a slightly Geomancers look to the earth not only for the magical
different background from the traditional wizard. power but as a guide to life and philosophy. Storms
He typically learns his magic from an older, more rage and waste their energy, winds howl, fires burn
experienced wizard who follows this path. After a bright, but long after these have expended their energy,
few years spent fetching water, lugging the fortune the earth remains. True, the wind may scatter dirt and
teller’s gear and props from town to town, and dealing waves can wear down rocks, but geomancers believe
with irate customers who didn’t hear of a future they this illustrates the earth’s ability to change on its own
wanted to know about, the would-be fortune teller terms. Even the most powerful storm can never hope
finally learns the basics of magic. This non-traditional to sink a continent and must content itself to making
apprenticeship focuses more on practical concerns than gradual changes at the slow pace of the earth.
the normal wizard’s training. Fortune tellers do not
gain Alchemy or Spellcraft as class skills. In addition, on ses The geomancer’s focus on earth magic
the first five wizard spells of first level they learn grants them a greater selection of incantations in
must be the five Divination spells, that is comprehend his spellbooks and a greater ability to focus and use
languages, detect secret doors, detect undead, identify, certain spells compared to wizards of the same level.
and true strike. Geomancers gain an additional spell in their books
chosen from the table below each time they gain a
wizard level. In addition, when casting one of the
Geomancer spells listed below, the geomancer gains a 1 caster
Geomancers learn to sing songs of power to draw level bonus. Thus, a 5th-level geomancer casts magic
forth the energy and power of the elemental plane of stone as if he was 6th level.
earth. With their incantations, granite turns to putty in
their hands, earthquakes rumble, and organic matter Geomancers who are also specialist wizards do not gain
turns into rock. The earth is slow and ponderous. It access to bonus spells from their prohibited schools.
demands restraint and patience from those who seek
Advent rin Hedge wizards take naturally to a rough elements, and other aspects of nature. He adds the
life of adventure. Young hedge wizards learn bits and spells listed under the Animal and Plant domains to
pieces of mystic knowledge from their masters, who his spell lists and may gain or add them to his books
themselves possess incomplete, often incorrect, theories as if they were arcane spells, even if he discovers a
and practices of magic. A hedge wizard who feels his divine scroll that contains one of these domain spells.
magical potential limited by his training strikes out In addition, he chooses 2 of the following domains to
on his own, eager to hone his abilities in dangerous add to his spell lists: Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. The
situations or seeking out a magical academy where hedge wizard gains access only to the domain spells,
he can receive proper training in the art of wizardry. not to the granted powers listed with them. Each day,
Adventuring parties find the hedge wizard’s unique the hedge wizard prepares one additional spell per spell
repertoire of magic useful on adventures, particularly level chosen from his 4 domains, just as a specialist
those that require a party to venture across the wizard gains additional spells each day.
Pena ties While the hedge wizard’s peculiar brand of
o e P ayin As befits their rural upbringing, hedge magic allows him access to several spells and styles of
wizards come across as country hicks. Few of them enchantments not normally available to wizards, his
have much knowledge of the world beyond their home magical abilities are limited in some ways compared
village and its immediate environs, and all but the to normal wizards. The hedge wizard learns magic by
savviest of them have any idea of their master’s relative happenstance and experimentation, and much of what
place in the hierarchy of wizards. To the young hedge he knows is dictated by the experiences and knowledge
wizard, a wizard of only 5th level seems to be a mighty of the wizard to whom he is apprenticed. Thus, hedge
archmage. A hedge wizard’s master and teacher is wizards have several gaps in their magical training.
usually only a 3rd or 4th-level spellcaster, giving him a They must choose two schools of magic to treat as
rather skewed view of the heights wizards can attain. prohibited schools, as per a specialist wizard. The
hedge wizard chooses from Abjuration, Conjuration,
on ses The hedge wizard’s unique brand of magic Evocation, Necromancy, and Transmutation.
draws upon the mystic potential of the wilderness, the
While some wizards seek power and others seek
knowledge, the investigator seeks something much
simpler. Working with the city watch and other
law enforcement groups, he uses his magic to track
down criminals and bring them to justice. Much
like a bounty hunter or other freelance enforcer, the
investigator takes on the task of stalking and capturing
lawbreakers. Unlike his more mundane counterparts,
the investigator often starts out with only a few clues
to his quarry’s identity. Unsolved murders, crimes
with few clues, and other puzzles are the investigator’s
primary concern. He uses his magic to help uncover
the critical facts needed to solve a crime and bring the
perpetrator to justice.
protect innocents, and make the world a safe place is an important weapon against the creatures that lurk
for all. These heroic wizards consider their talents as amongst the shadows. However, it also poses many
a duty rather than a gift. Since they enjoy such great dangers. An untended campfire runs out of control
powers, they must seek to use them properly, rather and threatens the entire forest. The blacksmith slips
than slide into the isolated research of sages or the and burns his hand, crippling him for life. Fire is
selfish power-mongering of necromancers and other both an ally and an enemy, a useful tool that must
scheming, would-be conquerors who see their arcane be always kept under close observation lest it run
talents as a badge of superiority over the common wild. Pyromancers seek to control the energy of
dregs. Self-centred, ambitious wizards in particular elemental fire and forge it to their use. While other
stand as the chosen enemies of knights of the staff, who elemental mages seek harmony with their chosen
consider themselves the best defence against a wizard element, pyromancers view themselves as masters of
run rampant. ame. They exult in their chosen element’s ability to
burn through foes and wreak massive destruction, and
o e P ayin Knights of the staff are dedicated, many die trying to force their magic to obey their will.
serious, and un inching in the face of danger. They Pyromancers are known for their brief but spectacular
have little time for distractions, and some feel a careers, and for each of these wizards who retires at an
tremendous burden to do as much good with their old age, a dozen more fall in battle.
powers as possible, refusing to take any more time than
is absolutely necessary in resting and recovering from Advent rin Adventure and excitement sing a siren’s
their quests. Other knights while just as dedicated are call to the pyromancer. These wizards enjoy unleashing
less aggressive in seeking out physical evils to destroy the destructive energies they control, and warfare and
or scatter. These wizards tend to be less fanatical but adventure are two of the most convenient outlets for
more careful in choosing their fights, believing that a their skills. Like most wizards, they adventure to
hidden evil uncovered is worth a dozen obvious ones improve their skills and uncover lost magical treasures,
put to ight. but they also enjoy the pure adrenaline rush of combat
and other life threatening situations. Pyromancers
on ses Knights of the staff gain several of the same have a disturbing tendency to load up on lamp oil,
benefits and abilities enjoyed by paladins. They gain alchemist’s fire, and other combustibles, giving most
that heroic class’s divine grace ability, which allows of their adventures a spectacular and often abrupt
them to add their Charisma bonus to all saving throws. conclusion.
Once per day, the knight may infuse a burst of positive
energy into one of his spells as a free action. He adds o e P ayin Labelling pyromancers as fiery may
his Charisma modifier to the save DC of his spell, seem little more than a bad pun, but the description
though this increased DC applies only to targets who fits. Like their chosen elements, pyromancers are
have evil alignment. Good and neutral victims must untamed wellsprings of energy, enthusiasm, and
save against the knight’s standard DC. destructive power. When kept in check by their allies,
pyromancers are tremendously useful tools. They
Pena ties The knight’s focus on quests against evil deliver a devastating fireball that smashes the enemy
limits his magical training. He does not gain any of and sends them eeing in terror, provide a well-
the wizard’s bonus item creation or metamagic feats. timed flame strike, or drop a fire shield that saves the
Knights treat necromancy as a prohibited school. They day. However, when allowed to run out of control
are morally opposed to all necromantic magic and pyromancers are a threat to themselves and their
refuse to employ it under any circumstances. Like friends. In the heat of battle, a pyromancer is liable to
paladins, knights of the staff must be lawful good. A fireball his friends in an effort to incinerate a troll. A
knight of the staff who ceases to be lawful good, freely pyromancer may decide he needs to augment his spells
commits an evil act, or disobeys the paladin’s code of with a liberal dose of lantern oil splashed across the
conduct loses this concept’s bonuses and their highest battlefield, setting afire valuable treasure and even allies
level arcane spells until he atones for his transgressions. in addition to the party’s enemies.
includes all the spells listed below and all spells with ocean, serving aboard ships and using their magic to
the fire descriptor attached to their school type. This protect the craft on its voyage, calm tempestuous seas,
includes all spells, even those not listed on the wizard’s and repel attackers. Many wizards who serve aboard
spell list. Thus, a pyromancer is capable of mastering ship are simply spellcasters who view it as a lucrative
druid and cleric fire spells, though he casts them as profession. Few possess the specialised talents of a sea
arcane spells. If a spell is listed on more than one list, mage, making those who do an expensive commodity.
the pyromancer may access it at its lowest listed level.
For example, a spell listed as 3rd level on the druid list Advent rin While serving aboard a ship, sea mages
and 4th level on the wizard list counts as a 3rd level find adventures come to them in the form of storms,
pyromancy spell. marauding pirates, and hungry sea monsters. Some sea
mages tire of serving others and strike out on their own,
The pyromancer may prepare one additional fire either captaining their own ships or joining up with a
spell per spell level each day. He gains a 2 bonus band of adventurers to seek buried treasure, explore
to Spellcraft checks made to learn spells that include distant islands, and defeat pirates and other maritime
the fire descriptor in their school type. He may scribe threats. Any adventuring band that takes to the high
divine spells into his book that count as fire spells. In seas benefits from the sea mage’s talents, and any
return, the pyromancer selects any single school as a competent one quickly finds adventuring companions
prohibited one. However, the pyromancer may still in port. On adventures, sea mages fill many of the
use and prepare spells from the prohibited school that typical wizardly roles, in addition to dealing with
include the fire descriptor. any issues relating to sea travel. Even in dungeons
and subterranean environments sea mages can prove
Leve Pyromancer Schoo S e s their worth, as many of the deepest caverns host great,
1 burning hands sunless seas.
2 continual flame, fire trap, flame blade, flaming
sphere, heat metal, produce flame, o e P ayin Sea mages tend to be patient and
pyrotechnics relentless. Once they choose a goal, nothing stands
3 flame arrow, fireball in their way. Though their quest may take years of
4 fire shield, fire trap, quench, wall of fire work and occasionally they may need to put aside their
5 flame strike (fire damage only) objectives for a time, they continually keep their goals
6 fire seeds in mind. Like the sea, they are in constant motion.
7 delayed blast fireball, fire storm While great events or powerful forces can disturb their
8 incendiary cloud rhythm, such interruptions are as brief as they are rare.
9 elemental swarm (fire only) Only a fool makes an enemy of a sea mage - their
memories are long and they never stop till their desire
Pena ties As noted above under bonuses, the for revenge is satisfied.
pyromancer selects one school prohibited to him. He
may not prepare or use spells from that school unless on ses The sea mage’s affinity with water and the
they have the fire descriptor listed in their description. sea grants him an affinity for casting a few spells. The
sea mage may cast any of the spells listed below as
arcane spells, and may add any listed divine spells to
Sea Mage their spellbooks as if they were listed on the wizard
Any merchant ship that has the funding to pay a sea spell list. In addition, when using these incantations the
mage’s considerable fees does so without question. sea mage increases his caster level by 1. As sea mages
The sea mage is a wizard who specialises in elemental spend many hours aboard ships, they count Balance
water. However, of the four elements water is the and Climb as class skills and gain proficiency with the
most difficult one to manage. Water dictates its pace. cutlass (treat as scimitar.)
Though a great storm may temporarily disturb the
ocean, after a day at most the sea returns to normal. Leve Sea Ma e on s S e s
Rivers ow relentlessly onward, carving through the 1 create water, obscuring mist, purify food and
earth to accommodate their path, quenching ames, drink
paying no mind to the wind. A human mage has little 2 fog cloud
chance to command the power of elemental water, and 3 gust of wind, sleet storm, water breathing
few wizards succeed in attaining mastery solely over 4 control water, ice storm, solid fog, quench
the waves. Those spellcasters who do pursue water 5 control winds
magic combine it with a more general study of the 6 control weather
S mmoner on ses
S e on ses
Summon monster I 2 Str, Dex, or Con
Summon monster II 2 to any 2 of Str, Dex, or Con
Summon monster III 2 to Str, Dex, Con
Summon monster IV 2 to Str, Dex, Con, 1 BAB
Summon monster V 4 to Str, Dex, Con, 1 BAB
Summon monster VI 4 to Str, Dex, Con, 1 BAB, 1 HD
Summon monster VII 4 to Str, Dex, Con, 2 BAB, 1 HD
Summon monster VIII 4 to Str, Dex, Con, 2 BAB, 2 HD
Summon monster IX 6 to Str, Dex, Con, 2 BAB, 2 HD
Advent rin Tattoo mages adventure for many of the these theories and others like them. Instead, he believes
same reasons as other wizards. They seek to improve arcane energies to derive from a divine force. Clerics,
their talents, discover lost caches of scroll, spellbooks, druids, paladins, and rangers shape spells granted
and other magical items, and put their magic to use in directly from a deity, and theologians see their arcane
the name of a cause they support. Tattoo mages tend to magic merely as a variation on the power offered by
be a little more aggressive and daring than the average the same force. Theologians are deeply religious
wizard. For whatever reason, they tend to enjoy spellcasters who dedicate their talents to advancing
physically demanding challenges far more than their or supporting a deity and his temporal followers. In
more civilised brethren. some churches, particularly those associated with
magic, theologians hold many of the offices and duties
o e P ayin As a barbarian outlander, the tattoo normally assigned to clerics.
mage is loud, boisterous, and given to superstition.
Many of his tattoos are designed to ward off bad luck Advent rin Theologians adventure for many of the
and malevolent magics, and these feral wizards see same reasons as clerics. They seek to advance their
those two forces at work in even the most innocent faith by defeating the forces that oppose it, protecting
coincidences. These wizards feel a drive to prove the the commoners and other innocents who pray to their
power of their magic, demonstrating their skill with deity, and dedicating their efforts to their god in an
spells in order to win the respect of others and claim effort to spread his name and increase his renown
their places as powerful archmages. through the land. Theologians volunteer to accompany
paladins and clerics on crusades against the forces
on ses The tattoo mage’s body art serves as a of evil, and many of them strive to use their magic
mystical focus that stores ambient energies and to advance their church by whatever means possible.
allows him to channel and shape mystic power. When They combine arcane talents with their divine leanings
preparing spells, the tattoo mage may choose one spell to pave the way for their god and his followers. Like
from his books to store within his tattoos. That spell clerics, theologians receive orders from their religious
enters the energy matrix of his tattoos. Once per day hierarchy to pursue specific quests or goals. When
as a free action, the tattoo mage may switch a prepared charged with such missions, they are relentless in their
spell of the same or higher level for the spell encoded drive to rise to the task.
in his tattoos. This ability does not allow the tattoo
mage to cast extra spells. It only allows him to expand o e P ayin Much like clerics, theologians take
his selection of prepared spells. For example, a 1st- their religion very seriously, often to the point that
level tattoo mage with a 14 Intelligence can cast two it dominates their social interactions. With their
1st-level spells. He chooses to prepare magic missile emphasis on missions and expectations granted from
and shield. He then encodes burning hands into his their church’s hierarchy, theologians sometimes
tattoos. During the course of an adventure, he casts become fanatical in their devotion to their god. Others
shield. Later, he must start a fire. Lacking int and are more accepting of other beliefs and are willing to
steel, he replaces magic missile with burning hands and work with anyone so long as, in the end, their gods’
then casts that spell. needs are met. Regardless, theologians strictly adhere
to their alignment and embrace their god’s teachings in
Pena ties The tattoo mage’s barbaric upbringing all aspects of their lives.
denies him some of the training other wizard’s take for
granted. In the wilds, magic is regarded as a practical on ses Like clerics, theologians gain access to their
tool. The theory and practice behind it do not draw any deity’s domains. As devout followers of a deity, they
interest from the tribal shamans, elders, and others who draw their magical energies from their god and shape
commonly learn tattoo magic. These wizards do not it with equal parts study and prayer. The theologian
gain Alchemy or Knowledge as class skills. selects one of his deity’s domains. He gains the use of
that domain’s granted power, and adds the domain’s
spells to his books. Of course, the theologian cannot
Theologian actually use higher-level domain spells until he gains
Wizards embrace a wide range of theories on the nature the required levels.
and source of magic. Some believe arcane energies
to be an integral part of the structure of the universe. Pena ties As an ardent follower of his deity, the
Others teach that magic comes from within, a hidden theologian must spend the maximum allowed skill
talent resting in all living things that only wizards have ranks on Knowledge (religion) based on his level. In
the skill and focus to tap into. The theologian spurns addition, the religious training a theologian receives
during his apprenticeship colours his view of magic. Pena ties Practicalities are beneath the theoretician’s
The theologian may not cast spells that contain notice. At 1st level, the theoretician divides his total
alignment descriptors other than his own. For example, starting skill points by four. His focus on the technical
a chaotic good theologian could not use lawful or evil and theoretical details of magic occupies the time
spells. during his apprenticeship when he would normally
master the basics of mundane skills.
Steeped in the most intricate arcane traditions, the War Wizard
theoretician specialises in uncovering the fundamental When armies march to war, a wise general equips his
building blocks of magic and learning how to use that troops with well-crafted weapons, stout armour, and
knowledge to improve the effectiveness and power of plentiful supplies. He drills and trains his soldiers until
his enchantments. He focuses intensively on arcane they execute his commands with grace and precision.
theory, particularly research into the nature of magic, Yet, despite this reliance on strong steel and hardened
its interactions with the physical world, and the warriors, only a fool heads into battle without a small
development of new casting methods that boost the cadre of war wizards. While other mages ponder over
efficiency of existing spells. This focus allows the tomes of arcane lore, the war wizard studies tactics,
theoretician to improve and modify his spells without military history, and the lives of great generals. The
the effort and intense study normally associated with average apprentice practices writing scrolls until his
the use of metamagic feats. hands ache. The war wizard trains to cast his spells
with an opponent slashing a blade at him or wrestling
Advent rin Theoreticians who turn to the him to the ground. Characters who choose this concept
adventurer’s life do so to test their theories in a learned magic at the feet of a hardened veteran of great
practical environment. While a fireball cast in battles, a master who teaches them the practical uses
controlled situations may display several intriguing of magic in battle rather than dwelling on theory and
characteristics, these wizards are careful and thorough abstract ideals. The war wizard is like a finely honed
enough to probe the practical uses of their research. blade. His skills and talent for magic are carefully
Many theoreticians never leave their laboratories, sharpened to make him an asset on the battlefield.
but the most successful and accomplished of these
wizards insist on maintaining their work to the highest Advent rin Many war wizards work as mercenaries,
standards of experimentation and testing. and in times of relative peace they turn to adventure to
keep their purses full of coins or to satisfy their thirst
o e P ayin Theoreticians tend to be thoughtful for the excitement and thrill of combat. War wizards
but distracted. One of these wizards may be intrigued rarely shy away from con ict. Their training revolves
by an effect displayed by a demonic spellcaster around combat, and they grow restless and bored
and become so caught up in his discovery that he after spending too much time without any excitement.
momentarily forgets the deadly threat posed by the evil Adventuring bands are happy to accept a war wizard,
beast. Theoreticians are like absent-minded professors, as they know that, unlike other wizards, a war wizard is
brilliant in their chosen field but often out of touch a battle-tested veteran who will stand his ground in the
with the demands of daily living. A theoretician may face of the enemy.
become so absorbed in his studies that he sleeps late
and misses a meeting with his adventuring companions, o e P ayin Compared to other mages, war wizards
or prepares spells that he wants to test out rather than are practical and aggressive. Their magic is based
ones that might prove to be useful on an adventure. on real world experiences and applications. These
spellcasters may have only an inkling of the actual
on ses As part of their study of magical theory, forces at work behind a fireball, but that doesn’t stop
theoreticians are the masters of using metamagic them from knowing exactly how to use that spell for its
feats. Their studies into the nature of magical spells best effect. In demeanour, attitude, and bearing, war
and focus on methods for improving casting methods wizards have much more in common with fighters than
and spell formulation allow them to make much easier other wizards.
use of methods that boost the power of his spells. The
theoretician may subtract one from the spell level of a on ses The war wizard gains Combat Casting
spell that he prepares with a metamagic feat once per as a bonus feat at first level. In addition, he gains
day. At 5th level, he may do this with twice per day. proficiency with all simple weapons. As part of their
At 10th level, three times, at 15th, four, and at 20th five. training, war wizards learn to use a wide variety of
weapons and practice casting spells in combat.
Pena ties The war wizard’s specialised training comes you desire. Many wind mages describe their magic
at the price of his knowledge of magical theory and as tricking or luring elemental energies rather than
the art of item creation. A war wizard may only use commanding them.
his bonus feats gained every fifth level to select one
of the following feats: Alertness, Armour Proficiency on ses Wind mages automatically gain access to
(any), Blind-Fight, Combat Re exes, Dodge, Improved extra spells in their books when they gain a level. In
Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mobility, Point addition to the 2 spells a wind mage adds to his books
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spring Attack, Toughness. at each level, he gains one of the following spells.
The war wizard adds 1 to the casting level of any Also, when casting any of these spells the wind mage
spell to which he applies a metamagic feat. He counts adds 1 to his effective caster level. Treat any listed
his caster level as 2 when determining if he meets the spell not found on the wizard spell list as an arcane
requirements to craft a magical item. The war wizard’s spell when the wind mage casts it.
ignorance of magical theory hampers his ability to Wind mages who are also specialist wizards do not gain
modify his spells or forge enchanted items. access to bonus spells from their prohibited schools.
Leve ind Ma e on s S e s
Wind Mage 1 feather fall, jump, obscuring mist, shocking
Harnessing the power of elemental air, the wind grasp
mage is a master of weather, electricity, and fog. The 2 fog cloud, levitate, whispering wind
wind mage’s magic draws upon elemental energies 3 fly, gaseous form, gust of wind, lightning bolt,
to boost his effectiveness. However, like the weather sleet storm, stinking cloud, wind wall
and winds, air energies are difficult to harness and 4 ice storm, solid fog
impossible to predict. Thus, wind mages do not display 5 cloudkill, control winds, mind fog
the same level of reliance on air magic as other mages 6 acid fog, chain lightning, control weather
who specialise in water, fire, or earth energies. Wind 7 wind walk
mages do not interpret this as a sign of their magic’s 8 whirlwind
weakness. If anything, they see it as a strength of its 9 elemental swarm (air elementals only)
teachings. As air magic is difficult to master, wind
mages view themselves as amongst the most skilled Pena ties The wind mage faces trials and tribulations
practitioners of the mystic arts. Only wind mages, far more daunting than those faced by most apprentices.
with their dedication, talent, and precise training, are A wind mage must choose one school of magic as
capable of demanding any degree of obedience over the prohibited to him, as per specialist wizards.
capricious, independent forces of elemental air.
While many wizard hunters operate as assassins, Pena ties The wizard hunter’s emphasis on learning
some work as bounty hunters and trackers, using their how to defeat opposing spellcasters causes him to miss
magical abilities to track down and bring to justice out on much of the training most apprentices take for
wizards who have broken the law. The typical town granted. The wizard hunter does not gain Scribe Scroll
guardsman lacks the skill and experience to handle a at 1st level, nor does he gain a bonus item creation or
wizard, ensuring that these more law-abiding wizard metamagic feat at 5th level.
hunters enjoy a steady stream of work.
he potential uses and forms of magic are as See Core Rulebook I for skill descriptions.
varied as the experiences, beliefs, and goals of
the wizards who pursue its mastery. The S i oints at each eve 2 Int modifier.
prestige classes presented here each cover a unique
form of magic, one primarily shaped by the wizards C ass eat res
who practice it. Each prestige class modifies the All of the following are class features of the arcane
magical abilities of its adherents or presents wholly avatar class.
new capabilities not covered by the existing list of
spells. Ambitious wizards continually stretch the ea on and Armo r Pro ciency The avatar gains
horizons of the arcane arts. The abilities and classes no additional proficiencies with weapons, armour, or
presented here represent unique examples of the arcane shields.
S e s For each level gained in this prestige class, the
avatar gains an additional level of arcane spellcasting
Arcane Avatar ability. To determine the number of spells the avatar
Years of study and experimentation expose a wizard to can cast and his caster level, add his levels in this
a wide range of strange, mysterious energies. Normally, prestige class to his levels in wizard or sorcerer. For
wizards show no outward effects from channelling their example, a 16th-level wizard/3rd-level avatar prepares
spells and forging magic items but sometimes a wizard and casts spells as a 19th-level wizard.
spontaneously develops a variety of unique abilities
and powers unrelated to his arcane spellcasting. Some Avatar o Ma ic The arcane avatar’s physical
theorists believe that a wizard with nascent sorcery form becomes infused with magical power. Energy
abilities partially awakens those powers over the course washes over him without harm or ows through him
of his studies and training. Others are quick to point out
that only the mightiest wizards develop these powers.
They claim that when a wizard reaches the pinnacle of his
abilities, he becomes a living embodiment of the arcane
arts. Magic ows through and around him, allowing him
to call upon its powers with great ease.
Arcane avatars are so named for their supreme mastery
of magic. Though they may not know as much magical
lore as more experienced sages and wizards, they
hold tremendous power at their beck and call. Avatars
are natural spellcasters. Effects and spells that other
wizards find arduous and draining present minimal
difficulties to the avatar. He becomes so deeply
immersed in magic that he begins to see its underlying
structure and, ultimately, becomes a living part of the
magical patterns that surround him.
it ie d4.
e irements
To qualify to become a an arcane avatar, a character
must fulfil all the following criteria.
and his spells as he chooses. The avatar gains spell he melds his spirit with the magical energy and patterns
resistance of 15 his Charisma modifier. The avatar that surround him. In this state, the avatar commands
now continually radiates magic. Thus, he may be absolute control over the arcane magic in his direct
spotted with a detect magic spell or effect. He also vicinity. He shunts magic away from his enemies while
sees magical auras with his regular vision. He now allowing it to ow to his body and mind. The avatar
continuously gains the benefits of a detect magic spell must use a full-round action to enter this state, after
as a supernatural ability. which he slips into a deep trance. He remains in it for
up to 2d4 rounds, during which time he is completely
A ment Ma ic The avatar chooses two of helpless as his spirit leaves his body to meld with the
his metamagic feats. He subtracts one from the pattern of magic. Before activating this ability, the
levels those feats add to spells they modify. The avatar must decide how long he wants to remain within
avatar’s magical nature allows him to gain a critical the ow of magic. He cannot end this ability before
understanding of the underlying structure of his spells. his chosen duration. If the avatar’s body is killed while
This understanding makes it much easier for him to in this state, he dies as normal. Each round the avatar
modify his magic’s effects. meditates, he may choose one of several effects from
the following list:
Ca S e With great understanding comes
tremendous power. With his extensive knowledge of e enish Ma ic The avatar relaxes his spirit,
the fabric of magic and his intuitive understanding of allowing magical energy to seep into his body, mind,
its ways, the avatar can duplicate the effects of any and soul, refreshing and replenishing his arcane
known spell. When preparing his spells for the day, the abilities. If the avatar chooses to use this option for one
avatar may sacrifice two spell slots of any given level round, he immediately regains one spell of up to 3rd-
to prepare any spell of the same level from his spell level he previously cast that day. If the avatar spends
lists. For example, an avatar who did not have the spell one round doing nothing, he may then use this ability to
lightning bolt in his books could choose to prepare that regain a spell of up to 6th level.
spell by using two of his 3rd-level spell slots for it.
Si ence Ma ic The avatar brings the ow of magic
Co nter ma ic Just as the avatar can call magic and to an absolute halt. No magic operates within a 60 ft.
forge it into spells, so too can he dismiss it and ruin of the avatar. All magical weapons, items, constructs,
his enemy’s ability to cast spells. When attempting spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities
to counterspell an opponent’s casting, the avatar need immediately cease to function.
not use dispel magic or his enemy’s spell. Instead, he
attempts to choke off the ow of energy to his foe’s Stren then Ma ic The avatar calls arcane energies
casting. Instead of casting a spell to counter his enemy, to him, enhancing the effects of all spells cast within a
the avatar imposes his force of will on the magical 60 ft. radius of his physical form. Increase the DC of
patterns that surround him. The avatar rolls 1d20 and spells within that area by 4.
adds his arcane caster level, as does his foe. If the
avatar rolls high or ties his enemy’s roll, he successfully
counters his opponent’s spell. Counter-magic is a Arcane Avenger
standard action that takes the place of the normal Incited by a grievous crime committed against him or
counterspell action. those he loves, the arcane avenger declares a one-man
war against a particular race or monster-type. Fuelled
Master o Ma ic At 5th level of this prestige class, by anger and a driving lust for vengeance, the arcane
the avatar achieves the pinnacle of his abilities. Once avenger turns his magic into a sword of vengeance to
per day, he may now enter a meditative state in which smite his foe and repay the debt of blood his enemies
it ie d4.
e irements
To qualify to become an arcane avenger, a
character must fulfil all the following criteria.
C ass S i s
The arcane avenger’s class skills (and the
key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int),
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (any)
(Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int),
and Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Core Rulebook I for
skill descriptions.
have incurred. These crusading wizards share more S i oints at each eve 2 Int modifier.
in common with fighters and other combatants. They
gladly wade forward into battle, calling on their magic C ass eat res
to lay waste to their enemies and quench their thirst for All of the following are class features of the arcane
justice. Arcane avengers leave behind the traditional avenger class.
studies of magic in order to hone their spells into
lethal weapons against their enemy. They sculpt the ea on and Armo r Pro ciency The arcane avenger
energies they call upon in such a way as to make them gains proficiency with all simple and martial weapons.
particularly lethal against their chosen enemy, allowing He gains no additional proficiencies with armour or
them to incinerate their opponents with spells that shields.
normally lack such a devastating result.
S e s For each level gained in this prestige class,
Arcane avengers are veritable forces of nature. They the arcane avenger gains an additional level of arcane
let nothing sway them from their path, shrugging off spellcasting ability. To determine the number of spells
their old interests and goals as useless diversions on the arcane avenger can cast and his caster level, add his
their path to justice. Only a fool stands between an levels in this prestige class to his levels in wizard or
sorcerer. For example, a 12th-level wizard/4nd-level Arcane Ven eance When the avenger’s spells damage
arcane avenger prepares and casts spells as a 16th-level his arcane enemy, they feed off the avenger’s roiling
wizard. anger. This boost of emotional energy causes a sudden
surge in arcane power that increases the damage dealt
Arcane Enemy The arcane avenger must select a race by a spell. When computing the damage dealt against
or creature-type as the target of his vengeance. He an arcane enemy by the avenger’s spells, treat the spell
selects his enemy as per the rules for how rangers may as if it were modified with the Empower Spell feat. All
select a favoured enemy. The avenger chooses either a numeric effects of the spell, including duration and
creature-type or, if he selects humanoids or outsiders, damage, are affected by this ability. Note that other
one exact type of creature from those categories. The opponents affected by the same spell are not subject
arcane avenger may only select his own race if he is to these additional effects. For instance, if an arcane
evil. avenger whose chosen enemy is hobgoblins uses a cone
of cold on a group of those creatures travelling with a
Eye o Ven eance At will as a free action, the arcane pair of ogres, the hobgoblins sustain the empowered
avenger may detect evil, detect good, detect chaos, or damage, while the ogres sustain normal damage for
detect law as a spell-like ability. This ability duplicates the caster’s level. Roll damage once for all creatures,
the effect of the appropriate spell. Upon gaining this then apply the effects of this ability to the damage
ability, the arcane avenger chooses which of the four totals suffered by the arcane enemy. When applying
effects he wishes to use. From that point onward, he this ability to a spell prepared with the Empower Spell
may only employ that particular detect ability. If the feat, it counts as having received Maximise Spell.
arcane avenger selects a particular race as his arcane Maximised spells are not affected by this ability.
enemy, he must chose to detect one of the components
of his enemy’s alignment.
Society of Atheists
Aven er s oc s The arcane avenger maintains his Known as the prayer breakers, this network of magi
focus and composure while under fire from his arcane contends that the gods are nothing more than powerful
enemy. Despite his foe’s attacks and other efforts, he mortals who, through use of their magical abilities and
maintains his concentration and casts his spells without a few clever ruses, have tricked mortals into serving
fail. For purposes of Concentration checks, the arcane their whims and surrendering free will for obedience
avenger ignores all damage dealt to him by his arcane to contradictory, illogical, or harmful doctrines. The
enemy with melee weapons, missile fire, and spells. atheists see the temporal power enjoyed by clerics and
the material wealth that ows to them. They believe
Terri yin Visa e When facing his arcane enemy, the that clerics are complicit partners in their deities’
avenger seethes with energy as his rage and sorrow masquerade, pawns who have sold out their mortal
burn within. Eldritch power arcs from his body. He brethren in exchange for a few magic spells and the
howls in fury, and a red nimbus of power surrounds wealth and in uence afforded by their position. The
him. Once per day, the avenger may cast scare at his atheists seek to discredit religions and usher in a new
arcane caster level as a spell-like ability. This spell era of enlightenment, one that revolves around material
affects only his chosen enemy, and ignores the spell’s 6 concerns, rather than pointless metaphysical con icts.
HD limit on targets. Only in the presence of his chosen They believe religion clouds man’s natural cognitive
enemy can the avenger summon the emotions necessary abilities, turning him from an independent being into a
to power this ability. hapless vassal. Yet, amongst their ranks the atheists are
sharply divided.
Arcane C eave When using a spell that requires a
touch attack, be it melee or ranged, the avenger may Good atheists compete with religions through social
immediately apply the spell’s effects to a second target and political outlets. They seek to curb the in uence
if the damage from his spell causes his enemy to drop. of temples on government and daily affairs. While
The arcane avenger may only use this ability if his first they may see religion as an unhealthy in uence, they
and secondary targets are both of his arcane enemy’s deal with clerics very much in the same manner two
race. This ability only functions on the action the political or economic rivals may compete for resources.
avenger casts his spell. For instance, this ability does In times of trouble, good-aligned atheists gladly
not function with acid arrow if damage dealt on the set aside their differences to fight the forces of evil
round after it hit its target caused him to drop. The alongside the clerics they rail against. These magi hold
avenger may use this ability once per round. a particular hatred for evil religions, as they see them as
The S e eater
C ass ase ort e i S ecia
Leve Attac Save Save Save
1 0 0 0 2 Spelleating (1/day)
2 1 0 0 3 1 caster level
3 1 1 1 3 Spelleating (2/day)
4 2 1 1 4 1 caster level
5 2 1 1 4 Spelleating (3/day)
6 3 2 2 5 Spell ripper, 1 caster level
7 3 2 2 5 Spelleating (4/day)
8 4 2 2 6 1 caster level
9 4 3 3 6 Spelleating (5/day)
10 5 3 3 7 Spell-devourer, 1 caster level
task, the character is considered to be a trusted member level that victim cannot cast, either because he lacks
of the cabal and gains access to its secrets. the skill or he has no spells remaining for that level,
he automatically targets the next lowest level. If
C ass S i s the victim has no spells of the chosen level or lower
The spelleater’s class skills (and the key ability for each available, the spelleater wastes his action but does not
skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft expend a use of the spelleating ability.
(Int), Knowledge (any) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry
(Int), and Spellcraft (Int). See Core Rulebook I for skill For example, Lorrek the Foul has three levels in
descriptions. spelleating. He chooses to eat one his enemy’s 3rd-
level spells. If his foe had not spells of that level,
S i oints at each eve 2 Int modifier. Lorrek’s attempt would automatically resolve against
his foe’s 2nd-level spells. If he also lack spells of that
C ass eat res level, the attack would target 1st-level spells, and then
All of the following are class features of the Spelleater 0-level spells.
Once a spelleater has devoured a spell, he may attempt
ea on and Armo r Pro ciency The spelleater to scribe it into his spellbook. Treat this as an attempt
gains no additional proficiencies with armour, weapons, to add a spell to a book from a scroll or another
or shields. spellbook. However, the base DC to decipher the spell
is 30 the spell’s level. The spelleater retains a basic
S e eatin The spelleater can reach into a understanding of the magical patterns the spell evokes.
spellcaster’s mind and steal spells from him. He By drawing on these memories and impressions, he
establishes a mystic bridge to his victim and forces a recreates the spell in his book. The spelleater may use
spike of arcane energy into his mind, shattering one of this ability with any and all spells he consumes, but he
his prepared spells or sapping his energy. The victim may not add spells to his book if they are higher than
of this ability experiences the odd sensation of savage the maximum spell level he can cast. If the spelleater
teeth gnawing on his mind, hence the term spelleater. fails to understand the spell, he must either eat the
The spelleater activates this ability with a standard spell again or find it by more traditional means to gain
action. He must be able to see his target, and the another chance to decipher it. Obviously, casters that
ability has a maximum range of 60 ft. The spelleater do no prepare spells or use spellbooks gain no benefit
decides what level spell he wishes to attack and makes from this ability. Spelleaters may only add spells to
a spelleating check by rolling a d20 and adding his their books that appear on their class lists.
Charisma modifer and his level in this prestige class. The spelleater can use this ability once per day at 1st
The DC for this check equals 10 plus the victim’s level. At each odd-numbered level in this prestige
Charisma modifier plus the level of the spell targeted. class, he gains an additional daily use of spelleating.
If the check succeeds, the victim loses a random spell
of the targeted level from his list of prepared spells. 1 caster eve At every even-numbered level of this
Casters that do not prepare spells lose one casting prestige class, the spelleater gains an additional level
slot of the appropriate level. If the spelleater selects a of spellcasting ability. When a character gains a level
of spellcasting ability, he gains more spells per day and
these researchers madmen who court fates worse than C ass eat res
death, while others see them as courageous explorers All of the following are class features of the soulforger
who seek to push the arcane arts to their very limits. class.
Soulforgers seek to create life. They use their arcane ea on and Armo r Pro ciency The soulforger
powers to forge wholly new creatures, spawning gains no additional proficiencies with armour, weapons,
them from vats, culturing them in their laboratories, or shields.
and customising them to fit their needs. Soulforgers
research the limits of arcane spells, discovering S e s Soulforgers prepare spells as do wizards,
methods to replicate the healing capacities of divine though they have their own spell list. Their spells count
magic. With these new magical abilities, the soulforger as arcane magic and they gain new spells in their books
builds his creatures, surrounding himself with living at the same rate as a wizard. The soulforger spell lists
servants of his own design. Like a carpenter who erects are on pXX.
a building to serve a particular purpose, the soulforger
turns his vats of proto-organic material into creatures Cra t Creat re The soulforger’s primary focus lies
forged to his exact desires. in creating, raising, and devising new lifeforms. These
This power comes at a high price. Many philosophers creatures are the end result of many hours of research,
believe the gods, or perhaps even greater powers, view design, and careful creation. As the soulforger gains
this practice as an abomination against the natural levels, he learns to make more intricate creatures that
order, as only divine beings and their followers should feature a wider range of bizarre abilities and powers.
hold sway over life and death. Others claim the magic The soulforger’s creations all count as magical beasts,
used by soulforgers twists their minds, its secrets and even if their form and function mimics that of a
methods anathema to the human mind. Whatever the humanoid or other creature type.
source, the soulforger slowly slips into insanity as he
expands his knowledge. While some of these wizards To create a creature, the soulforger must first create a
manage to hold on to their minds, many slip over to laboratory with arcane tools, vats, and other resources
madness. Fancying themselves gods, these would-be costing a total of 10,000 gp. This laboratory must be
divine figures forge great armies of terrible beasts born kept in a permanent residence. Once he has acquired
and bred to serve their master. the necessary tools, he must then determine the traits
and abilities he wishes to assign to it. The following
it ie d4. table summarises the options and abilities available by
soulforger level.
e irements
To qualify to become a soulforger, a character must A creature uses the saving throws and base attack bonus
fulfil all the following criteria. of a fighter with a level equal to its hit dice. It gains
skill points equal to twice its Intelligence score plus
eats Craft Wondrous Item, Brew Potion, Spell Focus its HD. All creatures begin as either Small or Medium
(necromancy) size, the soulforger chooses which, with facings of 5 ft.
S i s Heal 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, by 5 ft. and a reach of 5 ft. A soulforger of 4th level or
Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks. higher may create larger creatures. Smaller creatures
S ecia Discover a copy of the forbidden Book of Bone require such fine, exact craftsmanship that they are
and Blood, an ancient codex that contains the secrets beyond the soulforger’s abilities. The basic creature
of creating life from raw materials both mundane and begins with the following ability scores: Strength 8,
fantastic. Dexterity 10, Constitution 10, Intelligence 6, Wisdom
6, Charisma 4.
C ass S i s The soulforger selects the options he wants his creature
The soulforger’s class skills (and the key ability for to have and notes their listed soulforger level. A
each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), soulforger may only choose traits, features, and abilities
Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (any) (Int), that have a listed level equal to or less than his current
Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). See level in this prestige class. After totalling the levels
Core Rulebook I for skill descriptions. of all the selected options, multiply the result by 250
to determine the gold piece value of the raw materials
S i oints at each eve 2 Int modifier. needed to produce the creature and by 25 to determine
the XP cost of the rituals and incantations necessary
to grant the creation a spark of life. The process of
forming the creature’s body from the proto-organic it ice The creature’s Hit Dice determines its hit
goop of its component materials requires a number points, saving throws, and base attack bonus. It gains
of full days of work equal to the total levels of the the base attack and saves of a fighter whose level equals
creature’s qualities. The soulforger can undertake no its Hit Dice. The soulforger’s products use a d8 for
other tasks aside from tending to his creation, though their Hit Dice. Once the creature is completed, roll
he need not spend consecutive days tending to his to determine its hit points. A creature that does not
creation. If by some mishap or attack the soulforger’s possess one level in this ability has 1d4 hit points, 0
lab is destroyed while he is in the midst of creating a base attack bonus, a saves of 0.
creature, the beast is automatically destroyed and the Me ee ama e The creature has a melee attack that
soulforger must begin his work anew. deals the listed damage. A creature may be granted a
second melee attack simply by purchasing two attacks
For example: Fenwix is a 7th level wizard/5th level for it. Each attack deals damage according to its level,
soulforger. She wishes to create a skirmishing creature and both attacks use the creature’s base attack bonus
to help defend her tower. It will have 4 hit dice (level without penalty. A creature that does not have at least
4), do 1d6 damage in melee (level 2), 1d8 ranged (level 1 level in melee damage has no effective melee attacks,
5), move at 50 ft. (level 5), climbs (level 4), have a mild but may use weapons if it possesses hands. This attack
poison on its quills (DC11, 1d2 Dex/1d2 Dex) (level is a claw, bite, fang, or other natural attack.
5), +3 natural armour (level 3), the use of true strike an ed ama e The creature has a natural ranged
once per day (level 4), Point Blank Shot, Far Shot and attack, such as a launched barb or a manticore’s spikes,
Precise Shot as bonus feats (level 5), low-light vision that deals the listed damage. This attack has a range
(level 1) and Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 4 increment of 30 ft. Creatures with 2 or fewer levels in
(10 bonus stat points) (level 5). The total levels used is this ability have no natural ranged attack. The creature
4+2+5+5+4+5+3+4+5+1+5=43. Fenwix must spend has unlimited ammunition for this attack.
250 x 43 = 10,750 gp and 25 x 43 = 1,075 xp to create Movement The creature has the listed speed for its
the creature, and the process will take 43 days. level. A creature with 0 levels in this feature has a
movement of 15 ft.
S ecia Movement In addition to walking or choose multiple abilities from this list, so long as he
running, the creature has a special mode of movement. pays the level cost for each of them. Creatures that
Creatures that gain the swim or climb movement mode become Large or Huge because of this feature may
have a speed equal to their walking speed when using have any of the standard facings listed in the core rules
those special abilities. Creatures that gain the ability to for those sizes.
burrow dig through the earth at half their normal speed. Stat Points This feature grants the soulforger a pool of
Creatures that can y move through the air at twice points to add to the creature’s base characteristics. The
their walking movement rates. basic creature begins with the following characteristics:
Poison A creature with a poison feature of 4th level or Strength 8, Dexterity 10, Constitution 10, Intelligence
higher produces a natural venom usable with all of its 6, Wisdom 6, Charisma 4. Each point gained from this
attacks gained by the melee damage and ranged damage feature may be spent on any of the six characteristics.
features. Creatures that do not have natural attacks Soulforgers cannot select this feature more than once in
cannot use poison. The creature’s poison requires a order gain more than 20 points to add to his creation’s
Fortitude saving throw at the listed DC to resist. The base characteristics.
damage listed with the DC is placed in order of primary
then secondary damage. The soulforger may choose Contro and Maintenance o Creat res The
which of the six characteristics (Strength, Dexterity, creatures created by the soulforger exhibit many
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) the outward signs of life, yet their origin causes them to
poison damages. No poison can damage more than one interact with magical healing in strange ways. These
characteristic with its poison. All the creature’s natural creatures are never affected by cure spells or any other
attacks are coated with its poison. beneficial divine magics. Only the soulforger’s spells
Nat ra Armo r The creature gains the listed may heal them. These spells must be cast by the
natural bonus to AC. The bonus comes from a tough soulforger responsible for a creature’s genesis. Spells
hide, armoured plates, or other thick, hard parts of its cast from scrolls and potions, even those crafted by
anatomy. A creature with 0 levels in this ability has a the appropriate soul forger, have no effect on them.
natural AC bonus of 0. Furthermore, they do not heal naturally. Without
S e i e A i ities Creatures can be engineered with magical aid, their wounds continue to fester and never
unique organs, incredible intellects, and other bizarre fully heal.
features that allow them to duplicate magical spells.
The creature uses a standard action to activate the spell Over time, the beasts concocted by the soulforger
ability. Its caster level equals its hit dice. Otherwise, slowly grow insane. While soulforgers blame this on
obey all rules listed in the spell’s description. These their still imperfect understanding of the fundamental
spell-like abilities count as supernatural monster nature of life, their critics and most priests claim it is a
special qualities or attacks. The soulforger may grant mark of the gods’ disfavour towards their blasphemies.
a creature several spell-like abilities by purchasing this After four weeks of life, there is a 5 chance per day
ability multiple times. Each ability must be linked to that a soulforger’s creation turns into a malevolent,
one particular spell. For example, a creature may have murderous fiend. Its alignment immediately shifts
the ability to cast magic missile once per day, not the to chaotic evil, and if its master does not also follow
capacity to use any 1st-level spell. an evil alignment it either seeks to kill him and seize
S e Leve 1 ay The creature may cast a single his treasure or venture out on its own to plunder and
arcane or divine spell of the listed level once per day. ravage the countryside. A soulforger can preserve his
S e Leve 3 ay The creature may cast a single creation’s sanity by regularly strengthening the magical
arcane or divine spell of the listed level three times per bounds and fields that give it life. By completing a
day. ritual that requires 500 gp in consumable materials,
S e Leve At i The creature may cast a single the soulforger prevents his creation from going wild
arcane or divine spell of the listed level an unlimited for one week. After a creature has turned to the path
number of times per day. of evil, nothing short of a wish can return it to normal.
on s eats The creature gains the listed number of A soulforger who maintains several creatures must
feats. When choosing its feats, the beast must fulfil all spend 500 gp on each of them to prevent their slide to
listed prerequisites, such as minimum characteristics, madness.
other feats, and so on. Spell-like abilities do not count
as spellcaster levels. The soulforger may not select this The soulforger’s creations cannot speak unless they
feature multiple times to gain bonus feats. spend skill points to acquire languages. They obey
S ecia A i ities At the listed level cost, the creature the soulforger to the best of their abilities at all times,
gains a specific special ability. The soulforger may unless they turn wild.
ea in The creatures created by the soulforger may Madness Whether as the result of some curse by the
not be healed with divine magic, nor do they heal gods or the strain of mastering his unique form of
naturally. As beings created by a mortal, they lack the magic, the soulforger slowly loses his grip on reality.
connection to the outer planes necessary to gain divine Many claim that the process of creating life places too
healing or heal naturally. Arcane healing, such as spells much of a strain on the intellect and the soul for a mere
cast by a bard, does heal these creatures. mortal to pursue it. Such practices, they say, are best
left to the gods. Whatever the source of this madness,
S e s The soulforger gains access to a unique set of its affects are undeniable.
spells that combine many enchantments from the divine At 3rd level, the soulforger’s grip on reality slightly
spell lists with several arcane formulae. The soulforger loosens. He suffers a permanent 2 penalty to Wisdom.
wields spells as a wizard, and must prepare spells each Slight noises, subtle hints, and other minor details now
day from his spellbooks. At 1st level, his spellbooks escape his notice. Even when at rest or trying to sleep,
contain all 0-level soulforger spells and a number of the secrets of life and obsessive plans to produce more
1st-level spells equal to 3 his Intelligence modifier. powerful creatures dance in his head. Even the least
With each level gained in this prestige class, the ambitious soulforger finds these thoughts itting at the
soulforger gains three new spells in his books. These edge of his consciousness. This obsession with his
spells may be from any level to which the soulforger craft makes it difficult to focus on other tasks, and his
has access. A soulforger’s scrolls count as arcane ones mind wanders at the most inopportune moments.
for purposes of determining who else may read and use
them. The soulforger’s Intelligence determines which At 6th level, the soulforger develops an unhealthy
spells he may cast, his bonus spells, and the saving attachment to his creatures. He cares for them asif
throw DCs of his enchantments. they are his own, natural children and refuses to
acknowledge their aws. The soulforger must make
The So or er a Will save (DC 25) to order his creations to make
C ass ase ort e i suicidal attacks or needlessly risk their lives. For
Leve Attac Save Save Save S ecia instance, the soulforger now refuses to use his creatures
as guinea pigs for magic item testing, trap springers, or
1 0 0 0 2 Craft creature,
other recklessly hazardous tasks. He must always use
his healing magic to tend to his creatures, even if other
2 1 0 0 3
allies are more grievously wounded.
3 1 1 1 3 Madness At 9th level, the soulforger’s attachment and concern
4 2 1 1 4 for his creations blossoms into insanity. If the
5 2 1 1 4 soulforger views his creations attacking others, running
6 3 2 2 5 Madness rampant, or taking other uncontrolled actions, he
7 3 2 2 5 must make a Will save (DC 30) to take notice and
8 4 2 2 6 respond. The soulforger makes this saving throw
each round. If he fails it, he may not take any hostile
9 4 3 3 6 Madness
actions against his creatures. If he succeeds, he may
10 5 3 3 7 Craft Flesh
act normally. Regardless of the result of his save, he
must make another the next round to determine his
available actions. The soulforger refuses to take action
So or er S e s er ay against his creations, even if they attack him first. The
C ass soulforger finds it incredibly difficult to raise a hand
Leve 0 1 2 3 against his children, and many have died at their hands,
1 3 1 - - - - paralysed with fear at the monstrosity they built and
2 4 2 - - - - their undying, paternal love for it.
3 4 2 1 - - -
Cra t esh Go em At 10th level, the soulforger’s
4 4 3 2 - - - research into the creation of life grants him important
5 4 3 2 1 - - insights into the preparation, manufacture, and magic
6 4 3 3 2 - - needed to produce a esh golem. The soulforger may
7 4 4 3 2 1 - build a esh golem at half the listed gp and xp cost for
8 4 4 3 3 2 - the rituals needed to produce it. Furthermore, he need
9 4 4 4 3 2 1 not have access to the spells listed under the golem’s
10 4 4 4 3 3 2 prerequisites. The soulforger’s arcane teachings
allow him to circumvent the traditional methods used Sun mages gather in conclaves, with each such group
to create golems. Unfortunately for the soulforger, dedicated to watching over a particular realm or stretch
his warped view of his creatures extends to his esh of wilderness. When undead, orcs, and other threats
golems. If one turns berserk, he is vulnerable to its gather to threaten the elves, the sun mages form one
attacks. The rules for the soulforger’s madness apply of the first lines of defence against the rising tide of
to any esh golems he produces using this class ability. darkness. They use their magic to smite their enemies,
They do not count against any golems he crafts using drive back creatures of the deeps, and watch over their
traditional methods. charges. Drow in particular are the hated enemies of
sun mages, as their abandonment of the surface world
So or er S e List signifies to the sun mages that they are irredeemably
0 cure minor wounds, daze, detect poison, disrupt corrupted. After all, only the most twisted elf could
undead, inflict minor wounds, light, mending, mount, turn his back on the warm, blessed light of the sun.
open/close, purify food and drink, resistance. Sun mages form expeditions to the earth’s depths,
1 cause fear, chill touch, command, cure light wounds, seeking to carry the purifying light of their patron to
death watch, detect undead, enlarge, ghoul touch, their enemies. Such crusades take the form of small,
hypnotism, inflict light wounds, invisibility to undead, highly trained parties of sun mages, paladins, and
ray of enfeeblement, reduce. rangers who delve deep into the earth, seeking out and
2 bull’s strength, calm emotions, cure moderate eradicating dark elf cities, orc encampments, and other
wounds, death knell, delay poison, endurance, enthrall, nests of evil.
gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict moderate wounds,
lesser restoration, make whole, scare, speak with it ie d4.
animals, spectral hand.
3 animate dead, blindness/deafness, contagion, cure e irements
serious wounds, halt undead, inflict serious wounds, To qualify to become a sun mage, a character must
negative energy protection, remove blindness/deafness, fulfil all the following criteria.
remove disease, speak with dead, speak with plants,
vampiric touch. S e castin Ability to prepare 3rd level arcane spells.
cure critical wounds, death ward, enervation, fear, ace Elf or half-elf.
inflict critical wounds, minor creation, neutralise S i Knowledge (Astronomy) 4 ranks.
poison, poison, restoration, status. S ecia The would-be sun mage must dedicate himself
greater command, healing circle, hold monster, to the study of celestial bodies, observing the moon,
magic jar, major creation, permanency, raise dead, slay sun, and stars for a week. During this time, he may not
living. eat, speak, or use magic of any sort. Typically, such
initiates stand atop a wooden platform erected atop the
tallest tree in the elves’ forest.
Sun Mage
Many elf communities revere the sun as a god. She C ass S i s
brings light to the world, provides for the health of The sun mage’s class skills (and the key ability for each
plants and animals, banishes the dark, and radiates life skill) are Alchemy (Int), Climb (Str), Concentration
and happiness. To the elves, the sun is the centre of all (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (any)
that is good in the world, a great beacon of the power (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
of good and the enduring spirit of elvenkind. Some elf See Core Rulebook I for skill descriptions.
wizards seek to harness the power of sunlight and put
it to use with their magic. To these sun mages, there is S i oints at each eve 2 Int modifier.
no better choice for a patron. The sun embodies many
of the qualities elves hold dear. She shines steady and
bright, endures year after year never growing dim, C ass eat res
and casts a joyous light on the world. Sun mages seek All the following are class features of the class name
similar ends with their magic. They drive back the class.
shadows, endure in the face of evil, and stand stalwart
as eternal guardians of their people. They embrace a ea on and Armo r Pro ciency The sun mage
militaristic interpretation of elven sun lore, viewing her gains no additional proficiencies with weapons, armour,
as a steadfast guardian of the elves and ever watching or shields.
eye of all that is holy and just.
S e s For each level gained in this prestige class,
the sun mage gains an additional level of arcane
The S n Ma e
C ass ase ort e i
Leve Attac Save Save Save S ecia
1 0 0 0 2 Adept of the sun, 1 spellcasting level
2 1 0 0 3 Lightbringer, 1 spellcasting level
3 1 1 1 3 Shadowbreaker, 1 spellcasting level
4 2 1 1 4 Child of the sun, 1 spellcasting level
5 2 1 1 4 Lightbearer , 1 spellcasting level
spellcasting ability. To determine the number of It only boosts the effectiveness of the spells he may
spells the sun mage can cast and his caster level, add normally use.
his levels in the sun mage to his levels in wizard or
sorcerer. For example, a 9th-level wizard/2nd-level sun Li ht earer At 5th level, the sun mage becomes the
mage prepares and casts spells as an 11th-level wizard. living embodiment of his order’s ideals. He no longer
stands in the sun’s loving gaze but serves to bring it
Ade t o the S n The sun mage gains access to a to the deepest recesses of the earth. With a standard
set of sacred tomes kept within his order’s tower or action, the sun mage may channel the energy of the
other fortress. He automatically adds the following sun, casting dazzling light from his form. This effect
spells to his spellbooks: daylight, faerie fire, flame operates as a daylight spell cast upon the sun mage at
strike, pyrotechnics, searing light, sunbeam, sunburst. his arcane caster level. Lightbearer is a supernatural
The sun mage may not share these spells with other ability.
wizards, as they are written in a cipher known only
to sun mages. This code and its spoken language are
taught to all sun mages, who gain it as a free language. Wordbearer
Sun mages use their secret tongue to communicate with Even the most ignorant peasant knows a wizard must
one another and to leave secret signs to other members speak a few words to use his magic spells. Most
of their order. incantations are composed of words designed to focus
the caster’s concentration and unleash the energies of
Li ht rin er At 2nd level, the sun mage gains the his prepared spells. These words rarely possess any
supernatural ability to cast the spell light at will. The
sun mage calls upon the arcane power of the sun to
cast its radiance. The sun mage casts this spell at his
arcane caster level.
sleep spell. The victim of this ability may make a Will single creature’s body to burst into intensely hot ames.
save to resist its effects. A creature forced asleep by The creature suffers 3d6 points of damage per round
this power awakens in 1d4 hours or if forcefully shaken and suffers a 2 circumstance penalty to all checks,
or disturbed, as per the sleep spell. The wordbearer saves, and attacks for 2d4 rounds. Spellcasters must
may speak this word three times per day. make Concentration checks with a DC determined by
the damage dealt for the round by this ability to use
ord o Po er Terror This word of power arouses spells. In addition, the victim must make a Will save
crippling fear in a single subject, freezing him in place to take any action other than standing in place and
as his muscles become rigid and his mind blanks. The beating at his ames, though such efforts are useless to
victim is allowed a Will save to overcome this effect. extinguish the energy unleashed by the word of power.
On a failed save, the creature is helpless. All melee A creature reduced to 10 hit points by this ability
attacks against a helpless target gain a 4 bonus to hit. disintegrates into dust. Damage dealt by word of
A helpless creature treats his Dexterity score as if it power, destroy cannot be repaired by the regeneration
were 0 and his Dexterity modifier was 5. As a full- and fast healing special abilities, though it may be
round action, an opponent may deliver a coup de grace healed by other means, such as cure spells, potions, and
against a helpless creature. On a successful save, the natural healing. The wordbearer may speak this word
victim still suffers the effects of a close brush with his twice per day.
deepest fears. He is considered shaken, suffering a 2
morale penalty to all attacks, damage rolls, and saving ord o Po er Annihi ate The final word of power
throws. The effects of this ability last for 2d4 rounds. usable by mortals is infused with such potent energies
The wordbearer may speak this word three times per that as it emerges from a wordbearer’s mouth, it
day. transforms into a rolling wave of azure energy. This
wave extends forward in a cone, dealing several
ord o Po er Pain When the victim of this word effects to all caught in its area of effect. All spells and
of power hears its dreaded syllables, he immediately spell-like effects in the word’s area are affected as if
crumples to the ground in searing agony. The target by a greater dispelling cast at the wordbearer’s total
of this ability suffers 3d6 points of damage and is level. All creatures must make a Fortitude save or
rendered helpless, as described above, for 1d4 rounds, immediately suffer 2d4 points of permanent damage
with no saving throw allowed. Creatures immune to to each of their ability scores, rolling once for each
critical hits are not affected by this word of power. The creature, and 10d6 damage. On a successful save, a
wordbearer may speak this word three times per day. creature ignores the ability damage and takes half the
hit point damage. Word of power, annihilate ignores
ord o Po er estroy The wordbearer’s mastery all cover. It cleaves through stone, metal, and any such
of his art allows him to speak to the very matter that obstacles until it reaches the edge of its area of effect.
forms the universe. With a single word, he orders a The wordbearer may speak this word once per week.
smart wizard always has something up his battle. Rope trick provides a relatively safe and secure
sleeve. Whether it’s a spell, a dagger, or a shelter for the night. High-level wizards have enough
wand, wizards present a great challenge spell slots to cover most of the potential situations they
because of the difficulty in assessing their abilities. may face. Not only are their spells more powerful,
After all, a paladin’s, fighter’s or ranger’s abilities are but they can select spells designed to deal with many
fairly obvious to the naked eye. True, these classes’ foes, ones that focus a lot of damage on a single enemy,
armour and weapons may be imbued with magical or those useful in a wide range of situations. Low-
abilities and powers that remain hidden until they are level wizards have fewer spells and ones that are less
used in combat, but most magic swords or armour are effective than their more experienced comrades can
merely more efficient or durable than their mundane cast. Thus to get the most mileage of their spells, these
versions. The wizard’s spells are unknown quantities wizards need to find innovative and creative ways
until he hurls them at his enemies. Stealth and trickery to use them. This section details a few new uses for
may be the rogue’s areas of expertise, but the wizard low-level spells such as unseen servant or rope trick
runs a close second when it comes to catching the that grant them greater utility. These new uses do not
enemy unprepared. This chapter focuses on a few expand on or alter the spell descriptions. Instead, they
useful tips and the abilities needed to enhance your apply the spell’s effects to unique situations or describe
wizard’s effectiveness in battle. In addition, it includes a trick you can effect by altering the typical use of the
expanded rules for running magical duels between spell. Some descriptions merely point out uses for
wizards. spells that you may have overlooked.
by one type for each 20 you boost its physical form. Summon Monster: So long as you have little to no
Remember, a creature cannot wield a weapon more emotional attachment to the monsters called with it,
than one size category larger than its own, making this summon monster presents a wide range of potential
a handy tool to disarm enemies. If your Games Master uses.
allows enlarge to work in this manner, the victim of
such a use of this spell should be allowed a saving If you suspect an area is trapped, summon a monster
throw to resist it. and order it to walk through the area. You may need to
call something large and bulky to do this, as many traps
Invisibility: Since most items carried by a character require a minimum weight to trigger. If your Games
affected by this spell become invisible, it provides a Master is forgiving, he may let you order a summoned
handy method for sneaking weapons into secure areas. creature to hop up and down to set off a trap. It’s better
Have one party member carry each person’s primary than losing a party member.
weapons before casting this spell upon him, granting
you an invisible weapon caddy. When a fight breaks Many spellcasters ignore this spell type’s range.
out, the invisible character drops the weapons, allowing When approaching an enemy encampment, position
the rest of the party to retrieve them. a summoned monster to attack from the direction
opposite to the direction from which you and your
Levitate: As an offensive spell, levitate is good for companions plan to strike from. The resulting
neutralising a fighter’s melee abilities. Merely lift him confusion may grant you a bonus to surprise your
off the ground and leave him dangling in mid-air. In enemies, and it may also place them in a vulnerable
addition, levitate can be used to create an emergency position.
ladder. Use this spell on one end of a rope to send it
upward, leaving the rest of the rope trailing behind. Similar to their use as a trap-springer, summoned
Remember, levitate can support 100 lb./caster level. monsters also make good scouts and test subjects.
Feed them your potions, send them forward to touch
Mount: While good characters may be repulsed by this suspicious-looking treasures, and order them to enter
use of mount, you can finance your adventuring career any potentially dangerous areas first.
by selling the horse you summon with this spell. Be
sure to never use the spell this way in an area in which Tasha’s Hideous Laughter: While normally useful in
you expect to spend a lot of time or settle down. combat, this spell can also help wreck an opponent’s
reputation. If you can find a hiding spot with line of
Reduce: This spell is quite useful when used against sight to a rival during a sombre social occasion, such as
inanimate objects. You can pass off reduced weapons a funeral or important conference, this spell can serve
as trinkets or toys, use the spell to destroy doors and to humiliate him and soil his reputation.
other barriers, or weaken a beam or column within a
building. A single well-placed reduce could cause an Tenser’s Floating Disk: One of those spells that
entire building to tumble to the ground. newcomers disdain but veterans love, floating disk
works best when used in combination with other spells.
Rope Trick: One of the most easily abused spells If you need to make your way across water, acid,
in the game, rope trick is the true tool of the arcane or some other dangerous surface, cast this spell and
maestro. Since rope trick can be dismissed at will, it levitate on yourself. Your allies climb on the disk then
is the ultimate ambush spell. If you can anticipate the use a staff or pole to reach out and touch you while
site of a battle well ahead of time, pile vials of acid, you levitate three feet above the ground. By willing
alchemist’s fire, and lamp oil within the rope trick’s the disk to come closer to you, your friends push your
dimensional pocket. If you adventure with a suitably forward along with the disk.
gung-ho barbarian or other warrior, he may be willing
to volunteer for rope trick duty. When the fight breaks For a more offensive use of the spell, craft a low-level
out, lure your enemy under the rope trick and dismiss fireball by stacking lamp oil and alchemist’s fire on the
it, sending massive amounts of acid, oil, green slime, disk, setting it a ame, and ordering it to hurtle towards
caltrops, or whatever else you have stored within the a building or group of enemies.
spell’s area (such as an enraged barbarian) down upon
your enemies. Cheesy Yes. Effective Once in an True Strike: While virtually guaranteeing a 95 chance
adventuring career, but when it works, it’s worth it. to hit most opponents, true strike also makes otherwise
impossible shots much easier. Use this spell to attack
passwall, seeming, transmute mud to Investi ator The investigator’s magic allows him
rock, transmute rock to mud, wall of to discover secrets and ferret out his enemies. While
iron, wall of stone. other wizards may use magic to learn of the world,
6 antimagic field, globe of the investigator uses it to reveal hidden enemies
invulnerability, greater dispelling, and provide his adventuring companions with the
mass haste, repulsion. information and reconnaissance they need to overcome
7 Drawmij’s instant summons, their foes. Investigators also help solve crimes and
forcecage, mass invisibility, track down outlaws, using spells to uncover or interpret
Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion, clues to bring the guilty to justice.
Mordenkainen’s sword, phase door,
plane shift, spell turning. S e Leve Common S e s
8 etherealness, mind blank, polymorph 1 animate rope, change self, charm
any object, prismatic wall, protection person, detect secret doors, detect
from spells. undead, unseen servant.
9 astral projection, prismatic sphere. 2 darkvision, detect thoughts, knock,
locate object.
ia o ist Seeking power through bargains struck with 3 clairaudience/clairvoyance, hold
infernal powers, the diabolist traffics with demons, person, slow.
devils, and other evil outsiders. He uses his magic 4 arcane eye, locate creature,
to call them and bind them into his service, exacting polymorph self, scrying.
magical lore or tasks from them before allowing 5 prying eyes, Rary’s telepathic bond,
them to return to their homes. The diabolist relies on sending.
magic that calls on others to complete tasks for him 6 analyze dweomer, true seeing.
and ward off outsiders who attack him. The diabolist 7 ethereal jaunt, greater scrying,
rarely depends on others for assistance or protection, shadow walk.
preferring instead to help himself with his magic. 8 discern location, etherealness.
As most diabolists are evil, few have dependable or 9 foresight, refuge.
trustworthy cohorts.
Protector This wizard uses his magic to ward off
S e Leve Common S e s attackers and prevent harm to his friends and allies.
1 animate rope, chill touch, hypnotism,
protection from chaos/evil/good/law,
reduce, summon monster I.
2 arcane lock, darkness, see invisibility,
mirror image, summon monster II.
3 gaseous form, halt undead, magic
circle against chaos/evil/good/law,
suggestion, summon monster III
4 charm monster, locate creature, minor
globe of invulnerability, summon
monster IV, wall of fire
5 animate dead, dismissal, hold
monster, lesser planar binding,
Mordenkainen’s faithful hound,
summon monster V
6 planar binding, repulsion, summon
monster VI
7 banishment, control undead, summon
monster VII
8 binding, demand, greater planar
binding, summon monster VIII, trap
the soul
9 gate, imprisonment, soul bind,
summon monster IX
The protector sees it as his duty to counter the efforts Building Your Own
of enemy spellcasters or provide aid to his companions,
preserving them in the face of the enemy. Sometimes, List
a protector chooses to watch over a village or other The five sample spell lists all exhibit a few tendencies.
region rather than limiting his magic to his close The scholar has plenty of divinations to help him
friends and allies. These protectors operate much like uncover information, but he also has spells like
rangers, settling in an area and keeping a watchful phase door and stone shape to help him explore lost
eye out for trespassers, monsters, and other threats, tombs and penetrate sealed crypts. The protector’s
destroying or driving them away before they can harm incantations allow him to keep an area hidden from
the community. monsters, move quickly over the countryside, and
defeat monsters that wander too close to his home.
S e Leve Common S e s Think of two or three primary traits that define your
1 alarm, change self, hold portal, magic wizard and then consider a few other useful spells that
missile, message, mount. fill some secondary tools you may find useful.
2 arcane lock, fog cloud, Leomund’s
trap, magic mouth, misdirection, The best way to complete this sort of spell
whispering wind. customisation is to ip through the spell lists and think
3 fly, nondetection, phantom steed. about your character and his spells. Plan out your
4 fire trap, hallucinatory terrain, solid spell selections at higher levels and think about how
fog. your wizard would use spells in his daily life. If he
5 dream, hold monster, prying eyes, were not an adventurer, what would he do for a living
sending. Would he become a mercenary who used his magic in
6 guards and wards, move earth, great battles A sage who calls on outsiders to answer
permanent image. his questions and aid his research A tinker who crafts
7 mass invisibility, shadow walk. magic items and uses his spells to build and repair
8 antipathy, prismatic wall, screen. mundane goods Such simple considerations can go a
9 shapechange, time stop. long way to eshing out a wizard and turning him into
a unique character. Many players think of wizards as
Scho ar Obsessed with history, magical lore, or little more than mobile artillery platforms. While that
some other esoteric subject, the scholar uses his spells can be fun to play, do not let such narrow thinking blind
to gather information about his chosen subject and you to the wide range of roles a wizard can fill.
expand his learning. The scholar prefers spells that
reveal secrets, but also employs magic that frees him to The Co o rs o Ma ic
study an object or enemy without fear of attack. The While selecting spells with an eye towards establishing
scholar’s spells are a mix of divination, exploration, and a unique character can go a long way to individualising
immobilising magic. your character, the spells you use remain the same.
A fireball looks like a fireball whether Jobru the
S e Leve Common S e s Singing Mage or Alessa of the Blue Star casts it. To
1 alarm, comprehend languages, grease, some players, the d20 magic system loses a lot of its
identify, unseen servant. mystery when the connection between a spell’s effects
2 cat’s grace, knock, shatter. and its mechanics is always obvious. For example,
3 hold person, tongues. experienced fantasy gamers quickly recognise common
4 charm monster, remove curse. spells such as lightning bolt or hold person. They know
5 contact other plane, hold monster, the spell’s effects, rules, and other mechanical aspects.
Leomund’s secret chest, stone shape. When an evil necromancer blasts them with a spell,
6 greater dispelling, legend lore, true they are more likely to calmly consider the spell’s rules
seeing. than feel any awe or fear towards the spellcaster. By
7 phase door, vision. the same token, a player character wizard has trouble
8 discern location. instilling any wonder or mystery in his character if the
9 dominate monster. rest of the party understands the power of his magic
just as well as, if not better than, he does.
modify the in-game descriptions of your spells in Icons are standards, ags, crests, holy symbols, and
order to help cloak their true nature. Rather than use any other objects that represent a cause, group, or the
the stock description of a cone of cold, that spell may wizard’s personalities. A wizard strongly connected to
appear as an on-rushing horde of icy spearmen or a or allied with a political, religious, or social body may
rumbling avalanche of ice balls. use his symbol as part of his spells’ effects. A wizard
who worships Thor may cast spells that appear as a
To modify your spells, choose one or more primary hammer. His detect secret doors is a glowing hammer
traits that distinguish your magic. Each of these is a that taps the walls for hollow spaces, while his fireball
visual effect linked to your wizard’s personality, goals, streaks from his hand as a fiery sledgehammer that
history, or magical training. Once you have chosen bursts into a swarm of smaller weapons that streak into
these visual effects, apply them to the general spell his enemies.
types described below, all of which include suggestions
for using the general effect types. Peo e cover any sort of recognisable humanoid or
creature. A wizard may use a spectral image of his
Vis a E ects deity or an ally to manifest his spells. An elf wizard
Every visual effect manifests as part of your spell. may call a host of spectral archers who fire his magic
They alter how the spell appears to onlookers but have missile in a volley of phantom arrows. A necromancer
made no other modifications to the spell’s mechanical who casts cause fear may appear to tower over his
effects. For example, a fireball that appears as a geyser target, casting a terrifying shadow over his enemy.
of boiling hot water uses exactly the same mechanics as
the general fireball spell. Never alter the spell’s effect Persona effects modify the spell’s appearance or
owing to the alterations you make to its appearance. origination. Spells effects erupt from the wizard’s body
You may only change the mechanics of a spell with a in a strange or disturbing manner. A wizard who casts
metamagic feat or with the explicit approval of your insect swarm in this manner may vomit up the beetles
Games Master. If you are a Games Master using these or other bugs that appear with the spell.
guidelines to spice up your non-player characters,
carefully consider any changes to spells before ea ons are a popular visual effect with wizards who
using them. The d20 spells are carefully balanced favour damaging spells, particularly evocations. While
against each other, and small changes can have major, weapons fit into the other categories listed above,
unforeseen effects. If you allow a water mage to douse they are common enough (and interesting enough) to
a fire with fireball because his version of the spell warrant their own section.
appears as a burst of hot water, you render other spells
such as the druid’s quench useless. Why ever bother Choosin Vis a E ects
preparing specialised incantations if spells that used to The first decision you must make in customising your
be highly focused now have a wide range of uses A visual effects is whether you wish to use several effects
spell’s description should be a bit of chrome that makes with your spells or if you want to choose one single
the game more interesting and engaging, not an excuse effect to apply to all your incantations. There are good
to abuse the system’s magic rules. Do not allow these reasons for using both options and the final decision
guidelines to turn into a tool to subvert and modify the comes down to personal taste.
magic rules.
If your wizard has a single, strong trait that you want
Visual effects can be broken down into a few general to re ect in his magic, select a single effect and apply
types. Each type is applied to spell effects in a different to all your spells. This effect draws a lot of attention
manner. from the other players and non-player characters you
encounter. This effect should be something tied closely
Anima effects are popular with feral spellcasters or to your character’s basic concept and background. You
those who are in tune with nature. Spells modified with do not want it to be something that can change halfway
this visual effect take on the look and feel of an animal. through a campaign, since it would be reinforced and
Some spellcasters choose a single totem animal that emphasised each time you cast a spell.
manifests with all their spells, while others use a wide
range of animals that re ect the various effects of their Otherwise, it makes the most sense to select a wide
spells. A lightning bolt modified with an animal visual range of visuals that tie into each spell and your
effect could appear as a swooping hawk formed from character. Your combat spells, such as cone of cold,
electricity or a ball of lightning that growls like a bear may have weapon visual effects, while utility spells
as it rolls through its targets. have animal ones. Spells with a target listed as You
all have personal effects, such as a mage armour spell A touch spell should have a different look and feel to
that appears as a phantom suit of scalemail emblazoned one that is a burst effect. This section breaks spells
with your family’s crest. down into a few basic categories and gives notes and
ideas for using the basic visual effect types with each
Visual effects need not be static over time, especially as category. Most of these categories are based on a
your character meets and overcomes major challenges. spell’s targets or area of effect, since those traits are
If you become known as a dragonslayer, your spells the ones most likely to in uence how a spell appears
may use a draconic motif to symbolise your skill and to observers. The categories follow the spell areas,
accomplishments. Even if you select one visual to targets, and a few common effects that transcend the
apply to all your spells, it could change over time. In target and area types. These categories include cones,
such a case, your visual should change only in response bursts, touch attacks, ranged touch attacks, creature/
to a major alteration to your character’s background object-targeted, immobilising, and other types. Each
or personality. Your Games Master may choose to visual effect category includes ideas and notes for
introduce alterations to your magic in response to the applying it to each general type of spell.
interference of divine powers or mighty spellcasters.
If your wizard violates a stricture of his religion, his Animation These spells grant motion or temporary
deity’s symbol may manifest in his spells, a subtle life to an inanimate object. Examples include animate
reminder of his past transgressions. You may also opt dead, unseen servant, animate rope, and control water.
to change your visuals during the course of a single
adventure. When your character is angry, his spells rst These spells fill an area with energy or some
may appear very different than when he is happy or other effect. Burst spells are stopped by solid material.
depressed. To simulate such changes, simply pick out
visuals appropriate to each mood and organise them Cone A cone begins at the caster’s hands or other
into distinct sets. appendages and extends outward, growing wider as the
cone grows longer. Cone of cold is the quintessential
A yin Vis a E ects cone spell.
A spell’s effect, range, duration, and other factors all
determine how a visual effect modifies its appearance. Cy inder A cylinder spell is similar to a burst,
except it forms a circular area of effect and then
projects downward to form a cylinder, rather than
originating at the central point of the area and
projecting outward.
material. For example, an ice storm could appear as a toward your foe or a sword that materialises next to him
whirling storm of icy knives. and attempts to cleave him in two.
Emanation To ch
An emanation may appear as a shimmering icon that A touch spell appears as a glowing version of a weapon
fills its area of effect, granting or in icting its spell or icon that you clutch in your hand and swing at your
effect on anyone who touches it. opponent. When you smith him with the item, he feels
the spell’s effect.
Immo i isin
Much like animal effects, a weapon or icon can take Personal effects do not fit the same categories as other
on a form appropriate to the spell’s effect. A weapon visual effects. Instead, they are defined by how the
visual effect may manifest as a whip or net, while spellcaster changes or creates a spell.
an icon or symbol may form a curtain of energy that
engulfs and traps its target. Persona E ect
reath ea on
an ed To ch You exhale the spell effect, spitting a fireball, yelling
A ranged touch attack could appear as a missile weapon to produce a shout, or create a lightning bolt similar to
that you aim and fire at your target or as a spinning icon a blue dragon’s. Cone spells and bursts all work well
or symbol you hurl at your opponent. with this effect, as do gas spells such as stinking cloud
or obscuring mist.
S read
Spread spells can appear as great bubbles that grow to ody Modi cation
fill their area of effect, sliding around obstacles to reach Your body changes in response to a cast spell. For
their targets. A weapon burst is a wall of daggers or defensive spells, you sprout a temporary armoured
spears that spreads out over the area. shell or develop tough scales. With touch spells, your
hands may sprout great talons, while other spells may
Tar et cause you to partially take on the form of a creature
Since target spells always hit (though the spell’s victim capable of creating an effect similar to the spell. For
may make his save) this spell type can appear with example, when casting a fire spell you may partially
a wide range of visual effects. If you use a weapon transform into a humanoid/red dragon mix. A fly spell
effect, it may manifest as a ranged weapon that streaks appears as wings that sprout on your back, while resist
elements grants you thick fur against
cold damage or thick scales to resist
heat effects.
Persona A terations
Some spells that change the
target may in fact change
the caster. For example,
enchantments such as charm
person or suggestion may grant
the caster an incredibly persuasive voice and bearing.
While the spell mechanics remain the same, the in-
game effect is turned on its head.
S t e Chan es
Not every effect must be a drastic, eye-catching change.
Your eyes may change colour, the air around you may
suddenly become warmer or freezing cold, or your hair
may change colour or stand on end.
spell effects helps keep the other players guessing as to Arcane Duels and
the true nature of the spells in your repertoire. By the
same token, your descriptions could leave your Games Competitions
Master confused. You want the other players to be When wizards gather to debate issues and demonstrate
uncertain about your true powers, but not the Games new spells, they also engage in competitions to prove
Master, who must apply the game rules of the spell you their arcane mastery and knowledge of the art. While
wish to use. It may be asking your Games Master a bit a delayed blast fireball may impress a general or a
too much to learn all your spell descriptions. Instead, barbarian warlord, the true arcane master appreciates
make up a set of index cards with notes on your spells the theory and artistry behind a spell’s effects. It is one
and hand them to your Games Master as your use them. thing to cast a spell. It is another to understand it.
Such a spell card has four entries. The rules presented here allow for non-violent arcane
duels between wizards and other arcane casters,
S e Name and Leve The name of the spell in the including bards and sorcerers. They are intended
d20 rules and its level. primarily for Games Masters and serve as an alternative
E ects A brief summary of the spell’s effects, use of magical abilities. In addition, your Games
focusing primarily on the spell’s mechanics. Master can use these rules to create tests of skill for
Caster Leve Your current caster level. admission into a wizards’ guild, secret society, or other
Vis a E ects A brief summary of the visual effects arcane cabal. These rules can also come into play
you commonly apply to the spell. when the characters encounter a neutral or potentially
friendly spellcaster who wishes to challenge a player
For example, a magic missile spell card may look like character wizard to a game or test of ability. Rather
this: than simply having two competing wizards stand across
a room and blast away at each other with their spells,
Ma ic Missi e i 1 the rules here allow wizards to engage in battles of
E ects Creates up to 5 magical darts that deal 1d4 1 wits, spell mastery, and arcane ability.
force damage, no to hit roll required. Creates one dart
for every odd-numbered caster level.
Caster Leve 7 (4 darts)
Vis a E ects
When angry, appears as a host of phantom dragons that
swoop around target and breath fire upon him.
When cast in a forest, bolts of green energy arc from
nearby trees to strike targets.
Arcane Chess could not choose to roll against the same member of
A popular game with wizards of civilised lands, arcane the opposing team. Each would have to pair off with a
chess is a combination of the traditional board game different opponent.
with a set of tests that draw out a player’s arcane
abilities and allow him to gain an advantage in the During a match between multiple players, each player
game. As the wizards move their pieces, they may use keeps a log of the points he has scored against all his
arcane energy to slightly alter the rules of a piece’s other opponents. Each time a player takes a turn,
movement or its ability to capture. To an outside he makes a skill check against all the other players,
observer, the pieces seem to move themselves while the scoring a point against each player he defeats. The first
two wizards stare intently at the board. Sometimes, the player to score five points against all his opponents
astute watcher notes that a piece makes what should wins. Players may use their spells to aid any other
be an illegal move. Wizards move pieces using the player’s defensive skill checks, stacking the modifier
raw potential of their prepared spells. When making provided by each spell.
a move, a wizard may bid one of his prepared spells
and use that to grant a piece special abilities and alter S e e
the rules of the game. As the match progresses, the A second alternative to two wizards’ blasting the hell
wizards burn their spells to gain advantages, until one out of each other is a display of magical power made
player wins or loses of his prepared spells. The arcane to impress and awe observers. Wizards use this trial
chess board can be arranged in a multitude of ways, of talent to showcase the spells they know and the skill
with matches between teams of two or more players, with which they wield them.
grand melees with three or more players competing at
once, and other variations all possible. Each round, a wizard selects and casts a spell. He does
not target his opponent with this spell, instead setting
Mechanics it off at a safe distance from the duellist. The caster
Arcane chess functions somewhat like combat. Each makes a caster level check modified by the level of the
player rolls for initiative, though this is modified by spell he used. In addition, the caster gains a bonus or
Intelligence rather than Dexterity. Feats that modify penalty to this check equal to his Charisma modifier.
a character’s initiative apply to this roll, such as A caster with 5 or more ranks in perform gains a 2
Improved Initiative, apply as normal to this roll. The synergy bonus.
quick wits and re exes that allow a character to seize
the upper hand in a physical con ict also allow him After a pre-determined number of rounds, usually
to act quickly and decisively in this game. To make a five but sometimes more or fewer depending on the
move, make a Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana) check. participants, each competitor adds up the results of his
Your opponent does the same. If you roll high, you caster level checks. The highest total wins the duel.
make an advantageous move and gain a victory point.
If you tie or lose, your opponent foils your effort or you This type of display of power is often used by primitive
make a poor move. The first player to 5 victory point spellcasters to demonstrate their abilities to their tribe
wins. and cow potential successors. Some crafty wizards
challenge a rival to a duel, use relatively weak spells
In addition, when making a check you may opt to bid during the competition, then attack their opponent
a spell before making a roll. Add twice the spell’s after he has used his most powerful spells during the
level to your result. If you bid a spell, your opponent test. This type of spell duel is most common amongst
senses this and may bid a spell to help counter your wizards’ guilds and other institutions that judge
efforts. However, you do not reveal which spell levels applicants on their knowledge and ability of magic.
have been bid until after both of you have chosen spells During any given year, the top dozen or so competitors
and rolled your skill checks. You may also opt to use in a general, open competition are allowed entrance to
a spell when on the defensive, but your opponent does the guild.
not receive the option to bid a spell in response to boost
his attack.
Wizard Feats ene t While wearing armour, you may opt to cast a
spell as a full-round action rather than a standard one.
etamagic and item creation feats both grant You carefully concentrate in order to complete your
critical advantages to wizards who elect spell, reducing the arcane spell failure chance of any
them. While this class is not quite so light or medium armour by 20 , to a minimum of 5 .
dependent on feats as the fighter, a wizard can mould This reduction is not cumulative with the reduction
himself into an arcane master by carefully selecting a gained from Arcane Armour Proficiency (Light) you
few that bolster his magic. Those feats listed as wizard may only apply the best reduction. This feat does not
may only be selected by characters who meet the affect the arcane failure chance for heavy armour.
prerequisites and have at least one level in the wizard
class. Arcane no ed e i ard
Through research and study, you discover the secrets of
Arcane Armo r Pro ciency eavy several magic spells that you add to your books.
Prere isite Ability to prepare arcane spells from a
i ard spellbook.
You may arcane cast spells while wearing the heaviest ene t Each time you select this feat, you gain three
armours, such as splint mail or full plate. There is still arcane spells in your spellbook. These spells may be
a chance the armour interferes with your abilities, but selected from any level that you may normally cast.
you are much more adept at avoiding spell failure than You may select this feat more than once, gaining three
untrained mages. additional spells each time.
Prere isite Armour Proficiency (heavy), Arcane
Armour Proficiency (medium).
ene t While wearing armour, you may opt to cast a
spell as a full-round action rather than a standard one.
You carefully concentrate in order to complete your
spell, reducing the arcane spell failure chance of any
armour by 30 , to a minimum of 5 . This reduction
is not cumulative with the reductions gained from
Arcane Armour Proficiency (light) and Arcane Armour
Proficiency (medium) you may only apply the best
Enemy oc s Genera
Your spells are deadly against a particular race or
monster type.
ene t When your spell affects your chosen enemies,
they suffer a 2 penalty to their saving throws against
your spells. You may choose this feat multiple times,
choosing a different monster each time. You may not
stack the benefits of this feat by selecting the same
monster more than once. You choose the enemy
affected by this feat in the same manner that rangers
choose a favoured enemy. Select any monster type
from this list: aberrations, animals, beasts, constructs,
dragons, elementals, fey, giants, magical beasts, oozes,
plants, shapechangers, undead, or vermin. You gain
the bonus against any creature from your selected
type. If you wish to gain this feat against outsiders
or humanoids, you must select a specific creature
type from those categories, such as human, elf, slaad,
demon, or hobgoblin.
Im e ea on Metama ic
When you cast a spell that requires you to touch your
target in order for the spell to take affect, you alter the
spell so that you transfer its arcane energy to a weapon,
allowing you to attack with it and deliver your spell.
ene t If a spell has a listed range of touch, you may
cast the spell on a weapon. You may then attack with
that weapon instead of making a melee touch attack
to deliver the spell. If the weapon hits, you deal its
normal damage and the spell’s effect. If you miss,
compare your attack result to your opponent’s touch Im roved ar i ard Tactics i ard
armour class. If you hit that AC, you deliver the spell Combining your studies of anatomy and vivisection
but do not deal damage with your weapon. This feat with a penetrating mental acuity, you are able to injure
works only on spells that require you to physically your opponent by careful placement of your attack
touch a target, not ones that require a ranged touch rather than mere brute force.
attack. A spell prepared with this feat takes up a spell Prere isite Base attack bonus 5 or higher,
slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level. Knowledge (anatomy) skill, War Wizard Tactics
ene t For the melee or ranged attack with which you
Im e ea on Stri e Metama ic use your War Wizard Tactics feat, you may use your
You can channel a touch spell into your weapon in a Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength modifier
split second, allowing you to cast a spell as you make when determining the damage done. This feat may not
an attack. be used against opponents who are immune to critical
Prere isite Imbue Weapon. hits or who are more than 30 ft. away from you.
ene t If a spell has a listed range of touch, you may
cast the spell on a weapon, as per the Imbue Weapon Item Lore Genera
metamagic feat. In addition, you may rapidly channel Your knowledge of magic item creation allows you to
the spell into your armament, allowing you to cast your inspect an enchanted piece of equipment and determine
spell as a move-equivalent action that does not draw the nature of its magical abilities.
an attack of opportunity. Thus, you may cast a touch Prere isite Any item creation feat, arcane caster
spell, transfer it to a weapon, and make an attack with level 5th .
that weapon in the same round. You may only use this ene t If you possess the item creation feats
feat with a spell that lists its range as touch. A spell necessary to create an item, you may inspect that item
prepared with this feat takes up a spell slot two levels and determine its magical qualities without the need
higher than the spell’s actual level. of spells such as identify or analyse dweomer. If you
spend an hour doing nothing but inspecting the item,
you may make a Spellcraft check with a DC of 20 the to mind-in uencing effects caused by magic items or
item’s required caster level. If your check succeeds, special abilities you wield.
you learn the lowest level, or least powerful, item
feature that you do not yet know about. You may use Materia Sacri ce Genera
this feat once per day per item. By using a set of valuable material components while
preparing a spell, you ease the burden of applying
Machine Master i ard metamagic feats to your incantations.
You have studied the workings of constructs, such Prere isite Caster level 7th , any metamagic feat.
as animated items and golems, and have learned the ene t While preparing a spell, you may use gems,
secrets of affecting their sentient, arcane minds with gold, or other precious materials of any sort that have
enchantment spells. a market value of 500 gp value to reduce the level
Prere isite Caster level 7th , Spell Focus increase caused by metamagic feat. For each 500
(enchantment). gp you use, reduce the level increased caused by a
ene t Your spells from the enchantment school affect metamagic feat by 1. You may not reduce the level
all constructs as per the spell descriptions. Normally, penalty imposed by a metamagic feat to below zero.
constructs’ minds are simply too alien for a spell such Material components used in this manner are consumed
as confusion or charm monster to alter their thoughts. when you prepare your spells.
Your magic is tinged with energy derived from your
understanding of enchantments, allowing you to Mystic oodho nd i ard
affect artificial or arcane intelligences. You ignore a By studying the arcane patterns of a spell, you can
construct’s immunity to mind-in uencing effects with sense the location of the spellcaster responsible for it.
enchantment spells you cast. They are still immune In addition, your understanding of a caster’s abilities
grants you an improved ability to resist their effects.
Prere isite Caster level 3rd , Spell Focus
ene t You have studied the unique patterns present
in the signature of a magical spell, allowing you to gain
important insights into a wizard’s or other spellcaster’s
abilities. When you are affected by a spell, you may
choose to automatically fail your save in order to gain
an insight into the spell. In return, you gain several
advantages. You receive a 2 bonus to all saving
throws against that spellcaster’s spells. You gain an
intuitive sense of that caster’s magic, allowing you to
determine his general direction and distance relative to
your current location. Your target’s distance is defined
either as close, up to a mile away, near, from 1 to 10
miles away, or far, more than 10 miles distant.
Tools of the rats, and other pests whose organs may be harvested
for material components. The handled net works in
a similar way to a normal, thrown net. It may only
agic is the wizard’s first tool of choice, yet target is entangled and suffers 2 on attacks and a
there are times when a sharp dagger is more 4 penalty to its effective Dexterity. The creature is
useful than a cone of cold or a meteor trapped within the net and may not move. To escape,
swarm. On adventures, wizards face a few unique the trapped creature must make an Escape Artist check
hazards in comparison to other classes. They are (DC 20) as a full-round action or tear through the
extremely vulnerable to physical attacks, as they rarely mesh netting (5 hit points, burst DC 20) to escape.
wear armour, and if forced to fight, the weapons they While trapped within the net, a creature must make a
carry are rarely effective. Wizards attempt to remedy Concentration check (DC 15) to cast any spells.
these weaknesses with spells and magical or mundane Unlike the standard net, a handled one counts as a
equipment. While magical incantations are normally simple weapon. This net requires much less training
an effective means to drive away attackers and stave off and skill to use effectively.
injury, few wizards master enough spells to guarantee
their safety at all times, particularly when they face a
series of battles during the course of a day. The proper
Robes and Armour
Thick steel plates may offer protection against an ogre’s
tool is both more reliable and easier to use than an club, goblin’s arrows, or troll’s claws but to a wizard
equivalent spell. such protection is little more than a straitjacket to
choke off and ruin his magical talents. Wizards disdain
Weapons armour, though the development of spells such as shield
and mage armour shows that they do consider it an
Wizards carry few weapons, and traditionally
spellcasters consider taking up arms as a last resort important resource in battle. Still, few wizards risk the
option. After all, the wizard forced to rely on his vagaries of strapping on even the lightest protection,
dagger or staff in lieu of his magic, is a wizard who preferring instead the utility and comfort offered by a
has burnt his last prepared spell, or a mage who is in simple layer of robes.
terrible danger indeed. The weapons presented here
are popular with wizards primarily for their ease of use. o e ee Poc ets A favourite of wizards who carry
After all, most wizards would rather spend their time a wide range of material components, deep pockets
studying magic rather than learning to heft a battleaxe robes offer a wide range of places in which to tuck tiny
or fence with a rapier. items. These robes have small storage pockets sewed
Unless otherwise noted, the armaments listed below all throughout their sleeves, inner surfaces, and other
qualify as simple weapons. areas, each designed to be easily accessible even under
the most stressful circumstances. The wearer of these
a er Thro in This slender bladed knife is robes may designate up to 8 Tiny or smaller items to
specially constructed for throwing. Lighter and smaller hide within this article of clothing. The wearer may
than a normal dagger, a throwing blade has a much recover any of these items as a free action that does not
longer range than its larger cousin but is unwieldy in provoke an attack of opportunity.
melee. When used to make a hand-to-hand attack, the
throwing dagger’s wielder suffers a 2 competence o e Miser s This mundane-looking piece of
penalty to his attack roll. clothing is a favourite amongst merchants, adventuring
wizards, and others who must normally carry gems,
Net and ed A fine, mesh netting mounted on gold, jewels, and other small, expensive trinkets into
a wooden hoop set with a long handle, this net is dangerous areas. A miser’s robe has small pockets set
designed to capture tiny creatures such as butter ies, into its hems, each of which may be sewn shut with
Sim e ea ons
ea on Si e Cost ama e Critica an e Inc. ei ht Ty e
Dagger, Throwing Tiny 1 gp 1d3 X4 20 ft. 1 lb. Piercing
Net, Handled Small 10 gp 2 lb. None
Mundane and
Experienced wizards rarely carry
much non-magical equipment. Some
wizards are so eager to show off their
skill in crafting magic objects that
they imbue even the simplest items
with arcane powers. Adventuring
spellcasters on the other hand will
happily carry any item that is useful
to them, whether it is of mundane or magical
a small cache of coins tucked inside. This robe has origin. Anti-magic zones, extreme weather, and
4 such pockets, each of which can hold one Tiny or strange beasts can all make it difficult to employ a spell
smaller item or a total of 25 gp. Finding these pockets or magic item. The right tool at the right time can spell
requires a Search check (DC 20) to notice the coins or the difference between victory and defeat.
jewels tucked inside the robe’s cloth. Opening a sewn-
shut pocket is a full-round action that draws an attack ire roo Oi Distilled from a variety of in ammable
of opportunity. Once a pocket is open, it must be once liquids, materials, and reagents, fireproof oil increases
again sewn shut with a needle, thread, and a successful the capacity for an item to resist the effects of fire and
Craft (tailor) or Dexterity check (DC 10). extreme heat. Each dose of this uid may be used
to coat one medium-size or smaller object. For 24
i ard s Armo r An enhancement that may be hours after the solution is applied, the object gains fire
added to an existing type of armour rather than a class resistance 5. Fireproof oil may not be used on living
of protective gear of its own, wizard’s armour is created creatures, though constructs may gain its benefits.
by taking a typical armour design and modifying it to If spread on a living creature, the oil acts as a mild
allow for greater freedom of movement and improved contact poison, dealing 1d2 points of temporary Con
ability to complete arcane spell gestures without damage as its initial damage and 1d2 more points as
interference. An existing suit of armour may not be its secondary effect, DC 12 Fortitude save to resist.
modified in this manner. Instead, wizard’s armour A living creature’s skin absorbs the oil, causing the
must be created from scratch. To calculate the cost poison damage and denying the creature its protective
and effectiveness of wizard’s armour, select a base qualities.
armour type, such as chainmail, and determine the
cost and stats of a masterwork version. Then, increase Mindshar This highly controlled substance is banned
the cost by 200 gp, decrease its armour bonus by 2, in some realms for long-term side-effects it can have
drop its weight by 5 lbs., and reduce its arcane spell on a wizard’s mind. Designed to improve its user’s
Armo r Ta e
Armo r Ma e Armo r Arcane S eed
Armo r Cost on s on s Chec Pena ty S e ai re 30 t. 20 t. ei ht
o es
Robe, Deep Pocket 7 gp 0 0 0 30 ft. 20 ft. 4 lb.
Robe, Miser’s 8 gp 0 9 0 0 30 ft. 20 ft. 4 lb.
E tras
Wizard’s Armour 200 gp 2 0 10 5 lb.
E i ment Ta e ea on a ities
Item Cost ei ht Many of the magical weapons developed by wizards
are equally useful in the hands of a skilled fencer or a
Fireproof Oil 50 gp
fumbling apprentice. Weapons designed for a wizard
Mindsharp 25 gp tend either to enhance his spellcasting ability or help
Paindull 80 gp protect him in battle.
Scrollcase, Adamantine 500 gp 1/2 lb
Scrollcase, Leather or Bone 1 gp 1/2 lb Acid Dripping with green ichor, an acid weapon
Scrollcase, Mithral 250 gp 1/2 lb delivers acid damage against its targets. Upon
Surgeon’s Kit 30 gp 1 lb command, the weapon’s blade, bludgeon, or edge turns
Walking Stick 5 gp 1 lb into a solidified, shimmering piece of acid that burns
through whatever it hits. An acid weapon deals an
additional 1d4 points of damage on a successful hit. In
Magic Items addition, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 13)
With their skill in working spells and forging magical or suffer an additional 1d4 points of damage on the next
items, wizards rely on enchanted gear much more than combat round unless the acid is somehow neutralised.
other classes. Wands, staffs, potions, and scrolls are all Spellcasters prefer acid weapons for their potential to
common pieces of equipment to a wizard, while other ruin an opponent’s casting in later rounds.
classes see them as rare and fabulous items. Since
wizards have access to many item creation feats; they Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
can produce their own magical gear at roughly half the Armour, Melf’s acid arrow; Market Price: 2 bonus.
prices paid by other classes. Thus, wizards develop
a wide range of items to help them survive their Invisi e Ammunition imbued with this enchantment
adventures. is rendered invisible, allowing to it strike a target
unawares. Invisible arrows are extremely difficult to
Ma ica ea ons dodge yet they are also difficult to aim precisely. The
While a weapon imbued with magical power may user of invisible ammunnition suffers a-2 circumstance
seem out of place in the hands of a wizard, a few penalty to his attack rolls. The target of invisible
magical weapons have been developed specifically to ammunition loses his Dexterity bonus to Armour Class
aid spellcasters in the course of their adventures. With and all dodge bonuses. This weapon quality may only
their skill at producing magic weapons, some wizards be applied to ammunition, such as arrows, bolts, or
research and produce arms specifically designed for sling stones. Furthermore, after being attacked with
combatants with little skill in battle. invisible arrows the target and his allies may still
be caught by surprise, allowing the attackers to take
another partial action. The
victims of such an ambush
might not be aware of an
assault until just after the first
arrows hit.
encounter against an opponent who is not aware of the Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms
weapon’s true qualities, an attacker’s first strike made and Armour, great dispelling, insanity; Market Price:
with a phantom weapon catches his target atfooted. 4 bonus.
The target does not expect the attack to be effective,
wrecking his guard and allowing the attacker to make
a devastating strike. The phantom quality may only Specific Weapons
be applied to a melee or missile weapon, but not a er o the Archma e Appearing as little more
ammunition. than a battered old knife, the dagger of the archmage
is in truth a powerful weapon in the hands of a wizard.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and This blade functions as a +3 returning dagger. In
Armour, major image; Market Price: 2. addition, the dagger is extremely light and easy to
handle. Making a normal attack with it counts as a
S e rea er Imbued with a strong anti-magical aura, move-equivalent, rather than a standard action. Thus,
a spellbreaker cleaves through magical protections the wielder may attack with the dagger and then use his
with ease. When a spellbreaker hits a target, there standard action. However, you may not attack with the
is a chance it destroys spells such as mage armour, dagger or any other weapon using your standard action
shield, and stoneskin. When making an attack with in that turn. You must take some sort of other action
a spellbreaker, its special ability activates on one of with it, such as casting a spell. Thus, a wizard or other
two conditions. If the attack misses but would have spellcaster could attack with the dagger and cast a spell
hit if not for a magical spell that improves the target’s during his turn.
Armour Class, that spell immediately becomes the
target of a dispel magic cast by a 5th-level wizard. If Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms
more than one spell improves the target’s Armour and Armour, haste, time stop; Market Price: 162,302
Class, randomly determine which spell is affected. If gp.
the spellbreaker hits but a spell reduces the damage it
causes, such as stoneskin, the weapon’s ability activates Ma e ade In the hands of a combatant who has
against that enchantment. no skill with magic, the mage blade functions as a
mundane masterwork longsword. It grants its wielder
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms a 1 enhancement bonus to attack and no further
and Armour, Forge Ring, dispel magic, antimagic field; special abilities. However, in the hands of a combatant
Market Price: 3 bonus. who is capable of preparing and casting arcane spells,
the mage blade’s true nature becomes apparent. In
S i Few wizards have more than a rudimentary such hands, this weapon acts as a 3 weapon. In
skill with weapons, leaving them to fight with daggers, addition, it grants its wielder the fighting abilities of
clubs, and staffs against enemies who wield superior an experienced fighter. He gains the use of the feats
arms. A weapon imbued with the skill quality grants Weapon Focus (longsword), Power Attack, Martial
its wielder full proficiency with its capabilities. For Weapon Proficiency, and Cleave, even if he does not
example, a longsword of skill grants its wielder Martial normally meet the prerequisites for those feats. The
Weapon Proficiency (longsword) while a bastard sword wizard gains these feats only on attacks made with the
of skill grants its wielder Exotic Weapon Proficiency mage blade. For example, a mage fights with a mage
(bastard sword). As a rule of thumb, the weapon grants blade in his primary hand and a second longsword in
a proficiency equivalent to its listed type and any his left. When attacking with the weapon in his left
necessary prerequisite feats. hand, the wizard does not use the feats granted by the
mage blade.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armour, cat’s grace; Market Price: 1 bonus. Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, Tenser’s transformation; Market Price:
i ard ammer A bane of spellcasters, a wizard 72,315 gp.
hammer destroys prepared spells before a spellcaster
has a chance to cast them. If a spellcaster who must Sta o Grace S i at Arms Similar to a mage
prepare spells is struck by this weapon, he must make blade, this enchanted weapon grants an arcane
a Will save (DC 20) or lose his highest level spell from spellcaster who wields it in battle the abilities and
those he currently has prepared. If the spellcaster skills of an experienced warrior. In the hands of a
has more than one spell prepared at his highest level, non-spellcaster, the staff of graceful skill at arms
randomly determine which one he loses. functions as a masterwork quarterstaff. When wielded
by an arcane spellcaster capable of preparing and Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, detect
using spells, the staff grants him several bonuses. The magic, detect secret doors, detect poison; Market Price:
weapon operates as a +1 quarterstaff. It also grants 100 gp.
the wielder the following feats: De ect Arrows, Two-
Weapon Fighting, and Weapon Focus (quarterstaff).
The wizard may use these feats even if he does not have Staffs
the prerequisites necessary to gain them. These feats A rentice s Sta Created by a master wizard as
only apply to attacks made with the staff or while the a gift to his apprentice and a sign of the youngster’s
wizard carries the staff in his hands. The requirement attainment of the wizard’s mantle, an apprentice’s staff
that the wizard carry the staff in his hands replaces the is designed to provide a young adventuring wizard with
usual requirement to have one hand free to use De ect a few spells that prove useful in warding off enemies
Arrows. and surviving adventures. Few wizards continue to use
an apprentice’s staff after progressing in magical ability
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic but most keep theirs as a treasured memento of their
Arms and Armour, protection from arrows, Tenser’s master’s kindness. An apprentice’s staff allows the use
transformation; Market Price: 98,300 gp. of the following spells:
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, scribe scrolls or write spells into a spellbook. When
true strike; Market Price: 1,800 gp. employed to complete either of those activities, the user
subtracts 10 from the gp cost necessary to complete
Me ir s ac ac o Sa e Trans ort This plain- a scroll or add a spell to his books. The ink generated
looking leather satchel is imbued with a powerful by the stylus is infused with the mystic potential of a
combination of alteration and transmutation magic. dragon’s blood, making it well-suited to completing
Any item placed within the backpack gains a 10 bonus such work.
to its hardness when the backpack is closed. Glass
beakers, potion vials, asks of oil, and other fragile Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
items become extraordinarily difficult to shatter when the finger bone of a dragon, minor creation; Market
they are kept within this bag. An item must be small Price: 2,000 gp;
enough to fit completely within the backpack. Items
placed within this backpack are immune to the spell Ten orn s Ve in Tar et mmy The wizard
shatter, while other incantations that deal damage Tengorn was renowned as a mercenary captain and
to crystalline objects, such as shout, must defeat the battle mage during his younger years. An impetuous
object’s newly increased hardness. hothead from the great northern barbarian tribes, the
warrior code of Tengorn forbade him to cower behind
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, other warriors in battle. Instead the wizard fought
shatter, stoneskin; Market Price: 1,500 gp. alongside the front rank warriors, carrying his magic
to the enemy. Such rash tactics exposed Tengorn to
Mystic Grinder This bizarre though highly useful many dangers, and as he grew older the wisdom of his
item is a simple porcelain mortar and pestle. Any coins years slowly came to outweigh the foolhardy urges of
or valuable metal placed into this item and ground his youth. Reluctant to ruin his reputation as a skilled
down turn into a thick, white paste. If the user than combatant, Tengorn forged his vexing target dummy
places the cover over the item and speaks the command to help protect him in battle. This magical item is
word, he may choose to transform this paste into any a 6-inch tall wooden statue of a warrior in armour
material component necessary to cast a spell he either bearing a shortspear and a large shield. When the item
has prepared or which appears on his list of known is placed on the ground and its command word spoken,
spells, as per a sorcerer or bard. When the cover is it grows into a man-sized animated object. The target
removed, the white paste transforms into the material dummy acts as a shield bearer, de ecting attacks meant
components appropriate to the chosen spell. The cash for its owner. Though crafted of wood, the dummy is
value of the coins must equal or exceed the value of the surprisingly agile, granting its user the equivalent of a
component. The grinder may only produce components shield spell so long as it remains active. If an attack
which are consumed in the course of the spell’s casting. misses the user but would hit him if he did not have
Though coins and metal are normally too hard to easily the benefit of the shield granted by this item, the attack
grind down, within this item they break down easily. instead strikes the dummy. The dummy is AC 12 ( 2
The component white paste is utterly worthless and natural) has 28 hit points and is hardness 5. Its base
disintegrates if removed from the mortar. The material saving throw for each type is 2. The target dummy
components produced with this item must fit within may animate for up to 60 minutes once per day. It
the 6-inch wide, 4-inch deep mortar. This item does moves at a rate of 30 ft and may take no actions except
not produce change. For example, if 10 gp are used from moving next to its owner. The dummy provides
to produce components worth 5 cp, all 10 gp are lost. its benefits against any attack made from or passing
The material components produced are enough for one through its threatened area. If the dummy drops to 0 or
casting of the chosen spell. Note that you may use fewer hit points, it is permanently destroyed. This item
components for purposes other than casting a spell. may be returned to its smaller form at any point before
its 60 minutes have elapsed, though it may not return to
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, its active form until the next day. After shrinking, the
minor creation; Market Price: 1,500 gp. dummy automatically repairs all damage it sustained
while in its large form. The target dummy provides
Sty s o End ess In Crafted from the claw of protection to the person who activated it and no one
a dragon, the tip of this elegantly crafted writing else. It cannot be ordered to assist others.
instrument is coated with a fresh, moist dash of ink.
The stylus continually refreshes its ink supply, allowing Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous
its user to write without the need of an inkwell. The Item, enlarge, limited wish, reduce, shield; Market
stylus’s true power becomes apparent if it is used to Price: 24,000 gp.
Tr m et o Arcane Tri m h Forged by the great spellcaster may see through his familiar’s eyes so long
paladin-wizard Thyrtus, this golden horn generates a as he wears the goggles. However, while doing so the
tremendous wave of golden energy that sweeps forth to wizard or sorcerer must focus his concentration as if
smash the magical protection of all it touches. When he were maintaining a spell. The user also cannot see
sounded, the trumpet creates a 60 ft. long cone of through his own eyes while using this ability, rendered
energy. Any creatures caught within this area that have him effectively blind to his immediate surroundings so
spell resistance may temporarily lose that ability. Make long as he uses this item.
a caster level check for a 15th-level wizard against each
creature with SR. On a success, that creature loses its Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
SR for 2d6 rounds. The trumpet may be used once per clairaudience/clairvoyance; Market Price: 6,000 gp.
Me ir s O ent Trave in Case This magical
Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous item is a two-foot long, one foot-high, one foot-wide
Item, antimagic field, shout; Market Price: 120,000 gp. wooden box with a small door mounted at one end.
A travelling case designed specifically to keep a
familiar safe and secure in even the most dangerous
Wondrous Items for environments, the interior of the box is large, extra-
dimensional space similar to the pocket held within a
Familiars bag of holding. Within this space is a small pool of
A wizard’s familiar is much more than a useful water, an ever-full food dish, and a comfortable pile of
resource but a lifelong companion who forms a bond bedding. The area within the box otherwise operates
closer than anything experienced by most mortal as Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion, providing
beings. Thus, wizards develop a small range of magical protection against all spells and conditions that do not
items expressly designed to aid and protect their animal pass through its portals. Only creatures which can fit
allies. into the case may enter the dimensional pocket, which
has enough room to fit 5 Tiny creatures in comfort.
Co ar o Armo r This leather neck band surrounds
a Tiny or smaller creature with a tangible field of Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
invisible energy, granting it an armour bonus from 1 Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion; Market Price:
to 8. The collar must be worn for its armour bonus 49,000 gp.
to apply. Creatures larger than Tiny cannot physically
wear the collar, and it provides no protection if worn
anywhere other than around the throat or neck.
he mightiest wizard is rendered impotent features, and rules for their manufacture. The second
without access to his arcane tomes. Books of section discusses libraries and how they may aid a
spells are the meat and drink of a wizard’s wizard in his adventures. Rules cover the accumulation
existence. Each morning he must study them to renew and use of books and present a library stat block to
his abilities and prepare himself for the challenges define a character’s personal collection or the resources
of the day. A wizard’s mind may hold the capacity available in a city’s library or a wizards’ guild’s vaults.
to comprehend and prepare the mightiest spells in
creation, yet without a book to learn them from
the wizard is little better than a dead weight for his
The traditional spellbook, a leather-bound tome
adventuring allies. containing pages of parchment, is not the only possible
storage space for a wizard’s grimoire of spells. While
The spellbook presented in the core rules represents the traditional book is the cheapest and easiest method
the bare minimum of an acceptable tome of magic. It for keeping spells, over time wizards have developed
is a durable volume that serves its role well, though not a wide range of methods to record their incantations.
with any particular distinction. As a wizard grows in These repositories range from the wondrous to the
power and skill, his spellbooks can evolve with him. mundane. Adding a spell to one of these books works
The most powerful archmages utilise great tomes of just as adding a spell to a normal spellbook. A scroll is
power which defend themselves against thieves, hold consumed in the process of using it to scribe a spell, as
intelligent spirits that lend counsel to a wizard and normal.
aid his efforts to prepare a spell and foil attempts by
other wizards to decode and master the enchantments
contained within. Spellbooks, like any other mundane S e oo Mar et Price
item, hold the potential to receive a wide range of Demonic Amulet 500 gp
magical abilities. Elemental Amulet 500 gp
As wizards gain more spells and accumulate a large Puzzle Strips 25 gp
collection of magic tomes, they store their collections Rune Stone 1,000 gp
in small libraries of esoteric, mystic, and mundane Spell String 25 gp
books. These collections can help a wizard research
arcane lore, solve riddles and other puzzles, or study Spellbook, disguised 40 gp
the weaknesses and secrets of a particular foe or Spellbook, standard 15 gp
Tablet, clay 10 gp
Tablet, stone 5 gp
Tattoos 200 gp/spell level
Wooden Slats 25 gp
communication with the demon and teaches it a new whose type matches the amulet’s elemental type. For
spell. A bound demon may hold 100 pages worth of example, a wizard who prepares summon monster
spells. Once a spell has been added to the demon’s III from an air elemental amulet must call a small
repertoire, it may not be removed. The demon’s air elemental with that spell when he casts it. Market
essence is trapped within an amulet forged from Price: 500 gp.
silver and cooled in the blood of a virgin humanoid,
preferably an elf. When preparing spells from a bound P e Stri s A puzzle strip is a long, narrow strip
demon, a wizard gains a 1 caster level bonus for any of leather with arcane runes scribed along one side.
spell that includes the evil or chaotic descriptor. This When a wizard wants to prepare a spell written on to a
bonus only applies to spells prepared from the demon. strip, he wraps the strip along his staff so that the side
Market Price: 500 gp. with the writing faces outward. Only when arranged
in this manner are the spells written upon puzzle strips
E ementa Am et Forged in the energy of an legible. Otherwise, the strips look as if they have
elemental plane, this eldritch token contains within its gibberish marked along their length. A spellcaster must
form the bound spirit of a simple, elemental dredge. make an Intelligence check (DC 20) to determine the
The dredge is a barely sentient shard of elemental strip’s secret. If a character discovers the strip’s secret
matter, capable of whispering arcane knowledge into its through roleplay, count that as a successful Intelligence
owner’s mind and little else. Unlike other spellbooks, check to decode teh strip’s purpose. Each spell strip
the elemental amulet is strictly restricted in the types holds a single spell of up to 5th level. Spells above 5th
of spells it may contain. The tiny dredge is capable of are too complex and long to hold within a puzzle strip.
understanding and learning a limited sub-set of spells. Wizards commonly use puzzle strips during times of
Elemental amulets come in four different varieties, war or when expecting to be involved in heavy fighting.
one each for the four primary elemental planes. Each Market Price: 25 gp.
amulet may only hold the spells listed below. When
first discovered, an amulet contains 1d6 random spells.
When a wizard prepares a spell from an elemental
amulet, he gains a 1 caster level bonus when using
that particular spell.
Am et
Ty e Possi e S e s
Air acid fog, chain lightning, cloudkill,
control weather, fog cloud, gaseous
form, gust of wind, lightning bolt,
obscuring mist, shocking grasp, solid
fog, stinking cloud, summon monster*,
whispering wind, wind wall
Earth detect secret doors, flesh to stone,
move earth, stone shape, stoneskin,
stone to flesh, summon monster*,
transmute mud to rock, transmute rock
to mud, wall of iron, wall of stone
ire burning hands, delayed blast fireball,
fire ball, fire shield, fire trap, flame
arrow, flaming sphere, incendiary
cloud, meteor swarm, pyrotechnics,
summon monster*, wall of fire
ater cone of cold, control water, ice storm,
Otiluke’s freezing sphere, sleet storm,
summon monster*, wall of ice, water
destroy, and if kept stored in an area somewhat shielded allows an elf wizard to form a deep, mystic bond with
from the elements they remain clear and legible for the living wood of his spell cache. It costs 250 gp to fill
centuries. It costs 350 gp per spell level to scribe a an entire slat. Scribing a cantrip on to a slat costs 125
spell to a stone tablet, 175 gp for a cantrip. Market gp. Market Price: 25 gp.
Price: 5 gp.
Cra t Ma ica oo Item Creation
Tattoos Popular amongst primitive wizards and those You can bind, craft, and create magical spell books.
spellcasters paranoid about losing their spellbooks, this Your knowledge allows you to produce spellbooks
method involves the scribing of magical symbols onto that aid wizards in their studies, ward off thieves, and
a wizard’s skin via a tattoo. This method is particularly display other traits that make them useful tools. In
popular amongst wizards involved in crime who expect addition, you are skilled at scribing spells into books
arrest and imprisonment at some point in their careers. and can do so more cheaply than most wizards. Your
The total spell levels a wizard may store in this manner knowledge of magical tomes extends to handling even
are determined by his size. A wizard may also use mundane collections of spells.
tattoos to scribe spells on-to the skin of his allies,
followers, and associates. If tattoos are scribed on the Prere isites Arcane spellcaster level 3 , ability to
wizard’s skin, he must keep them in places that he can prepare arcane spells.
easily see. When scribed on another person’s body,
the tattoos can be placed in a few more areas, allowing ene t You can create a spellbook and grant it any
a wizard to store more spells in that manner. Evil features whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting and
wizards who work with or employ humanoid servants enchanting a magical spellbook takes 1 day for each
use ogres as living spellbooks, scribing tattoos upon 1000 gp in its price. You must spend 1/25 of the
them which store their spells and denote the ogre’s feature’s gold piece cost in experience points and half
favoured position. the listed market price in consumable materials. When
making a spellbook from scratch, as opposed to adding
When a wizard chooses to prepare spells from his new features to an existing one, you must purchase a
tattoos, he gains no special benefits or drawbacks from standard spellbook or one of the exotic spellbook types
studying his spells. While studying spells from another detailed in this chapter.
creature’s tattoos, the object of the wizard’s studies
must remain motionless or at rest while the wizard You can repair a damaged book if you could make the
prepares his spells. Market Price: 200 gp per scribed tome and its component features. Doing so costs half
spell level. the XP, half the gold, and half the time necessary to
build the item and all its features from scratch. When
Tattoo S e Stora e repairing a wrecked book, you may choose to drop
S e Leve s features from it in order to save time and money when
Si e o n tattoos others tattoos repairing it. However, if after restoring a book you
choose not to repair some of its features, you must pay
Tiny 2 4
full price to add those features at a later date. When
Small 5 10 repairing a spellbook, you may pay half the gp cost to
Medium 9 18 add each spell within its pages in order to restore the
Large 12 24 spell to the book’s pages.
Huge 18 36
Gargantuan 45 90 You must pay the gp cost of any material components
Colossal 90 180 and the xp cost necessary for spells listed as
prerequisites under a spellbook feature. When
ooden S ats Popular amongst elf wizards, these repairing a tome, you must pay the full cost for the
slices of wood are carved from living trees and branded prerequisite spells listed under its old abilities.
with the symbols of a magical spell. Each slat is a
single, thin slice of wood or tree bark. Each slat is
equivalent to two pages from a standard leather-bound Spellbook Qualities
spellbook. Thus, a single slat is capable of holding two Very like magical weapons, spellbooks may be imbued
cantrips or a single 1st-level spell. While in the deep with a variety of special quality that grant them a wide
meditation that doubles as his sleep, an elf can meditate range of mystic enhancements, defences, and other
over his slats and prepare his spells while he sleeps. features. Each feature is given a rating. Add together
The ancient connection between an elf and the forest the total features listed under each spellbook quality’s
market price. To determine the market value (and Arcane Enhancement Some spellbooks may be
creation cost) for a magical spellbook, multiply the cost granted an arcane aura that improves the capability
of its features by the spellbook type’s features modifier. of the spells they contain. When a wizard prepares a
Each spellbook type has different characteristics spell from this kind of spellbook, this tome’s magical
and abilities which affect the cost of adding magical qualities allow the spell to be cast with greater
features to it. For example, a clay tablet can only hold proficiency than is normally possible for the caster. If
one spell. A feature added to it has much less effect you choose this spellbook feature, select a single school
than one added to a standard, parchment spellbook of magic. Any spells from your chosen school which
capable of holding dozens of incantations. Spellbook you prepare from this book gain a 1 enhancement
features may not be added to tattoo spellbooks. bonus to their save DC. However, the magical
capabilities of the book make it much more difficult to
S e oo a ity Modi er add spells to its pages. Multiply the cost of adding a
S e oo Modi er spell to the book by 5. Market Price: 3 features.
Demonic Amulet x1.5
Elemental Amulet x1.5 e ence A spellbook may be enchanted to resist
Puzzle Strips x1 certain types of damage, such as fire, acid, or cold.
Rune Stone x2 When you select this spellbook feature, choose one of
Spell String x1 the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or
Spellbook, disguised x1 fire. Your spellbook gains damage resistance 20 against
Spellbook, standard x1 the type of damage you selected. You may choose this
Tablet, clay x0.25 feature more than once for a spellbook, but each time
Tablet, stone x0.25 you take it you must select a different energy type. You
Tattoos Not applicable could not select fire twice in order to grant a tome fire
Wooden Slats x0.5 resistance 40, for example. Market Price: 1 feature.
areas of expertise are too esoteric even for a knowledge magical items, the investigation of the properties and
elemental. This feature occupies the space needed for a abilities of relics unearthed on dungeon expeditions,
3rd-level spell. Market Price: 3 features. and the research of new spells.
S eed When you study the contents of this spellbook, Li raries The asics
reduce the preparation time by half as per the rules for Much like a player character, a monster, or a trap, a
preparing spells. Note that if you prepare spells from library can be presented by a series of statistics that
several books, determine which portion of your daily describe its capabilities. Each library is a unique
preparation time is spent with this book and reduce collection of knowledge. The statistics presented here
that time by half. For instance, if you learn half of allow you to differentiate between the books collected
your spells from this spellbook, you need only study by a hermit and a great library located within the
for 45 minutes a day to prepare your spells. Half of capital city of a sprawling empire.
your normal daily hour of study is spent with this book,
allowing you to cut that 30 minutes of studying time in To ics Each library has books which focus on a few
half. Market Price: 2 features. different realms of study. Each topic corresponds to a
specific Knowledge sub-skill, such as arcana, religion,
Storin A small pocket of space resides within the nature, or the planes. Some libraries offer such a great
covers of your spellbook, allowing you to store objects breadth of information that a determined researcher
within it. You may store up to 50 lbs. of equipment could uncover information on almost any topic
in this space without increasing your book’s weight. imaginable. In this case, the library lists All’ as one of
The book may hold any volume of material, so long its topics. Any subject that qualifies as a Knowledge
as its total weight does not go above 50 lbs. Treat this skill may be listed as a library topic.
space as a bag of holding for all other purposes. Market
Price: 1 feature. an s The topics covered by a library offer virtual
ranks in their corresponding knowledge skills. A
ard o Protection A powerful field of magic wizard or scholar who does research within the library
surrounds your spellbooks, protecting them from the eventually gains these ranks on a temporary basis and
prying eyes of thieves, rival mages, and other snoops. may use them to make skill checks appropriate to the
When a person with an alignment different from yours Knowledge skill. The ranks offered by a library are
touches this book, he must make a Fortitude save (DC determined by its size.
14) or suffer 2d6 points of damage. On a successful
save, the victim sustains half damage. The type of ration Some libraries are better organised than
damage and the alignments of those subject to this others are. A collection of books which is stored in a
effect are determined by the ward you select. Market well-documented, clearly described manner is much
Price: 2 features. easier to access a particular piece of information or
volume than a room with books piled randomly on
Ty e A i nments shelves, in closets, and on tables. The duration statistic
o ard A ected ama e Ty e serves as a base measure to determine how long it
Chaos All lawful Acid takes to receive the benefits of virtual knowledge ranks
Evil All good Cold offered by a library. A library’s duration is determined
Good All evil Fire solely by its level of organisation. The topics it covers
Law All chaotic Electricity and its size have little to do with its maintenance and
Libraries and Tomes ration escri tion
of Knowledge ho rs A well-organised library focused on
one topic or featuring an extensive
Wizards cherish knowledge in the same manner a
fighter values his blade, a cleric finds faith in his deity, catalogue of its contents and their
and a rogue relies on his quick wits and re exes. location
Ancient knowledge holds the key to a wide variety of 1 day A library covering multiple topics with
problems, from the perplexing riddle posed by a sphinx its contents clearly described and listed
to the spells and weapons necessary to defeat a horrid in detail. The average library that
demon. Wizards and sages amass large collections covers one or two topics.
of books to help them deal with such issues. A well- 3 days An extensive library with a cataloguing
stocked library also aids in the production of new system that lists the general topics
covered by its books but does not Lan a es Not every library holds books written in
detail the contents of each specific common. Some contain extensive collections penned
volume. in Elvish, Dwarvish, Celestial, and other languages.
1 week The average library that covers up A researcher who does not read those tongues cannot
to a dozen topics in depth or offers a take full advantage of the library’s resources. Each
wide range of information. Books language has a numerical rating, expressed as a
are grouped together by the penalty that is applied to the virtual skill ranks a
organisation system which does not library provides to a researcher. Draconic is a popular
include a complete list of the library’s language for scholars, as it cuts across cultural lines so
contents. far as most wizards are concerned. Obviously, a library
10 days An extensive library with little or collected by a member of a humanoid race probably
no documentation of its contents. contains volumes written in that race’s language.
Books are stored according to their
contents, but individual books are The language modifier may apply only to certain topics
often mixed in with the wrong within a collection. For example, a library maintained
category. by a heroic order of paladins may contain religious
2 ee s A very large or very poorly organised tracts written in Celestial and books taken from their
collection of books. Books may be enemies that detail devils, demonology, and foul rites in
stored by some factor that has nothing the Infernal script.
to do with their contents, such as
storage in alphabetical order by title. Si e The physical size of a library places a cap on
1 month Becasue of the great number of books the amount of information it holds. Obviously, thirty
the library contains and the poor state monstrous, thick books contain much more information
of its upkeep, the library is difficult to than a dozen pamphlets, each less than ten pages in
use. Some clues as to the general length. Libraries use the same range of size categories
subjects it covers and its storage as creatures. The total size of a collection determines
methods exist, but the library is in such the number of volumes it holds and the physical size
poor condition that a researcher must of the structure needed to contain it. Furthermore,
spend significant time looking for only sprawling libraries could possibly contain enough
books that may help his efforts. books to offer information on any topic imaginable.
3 months The library is little more than stacks of
books piled in closets, tossed on to Si e escri tion
tables, and stuffed into bookshelves. A Tiny A collection of a dozen or so books, a
researcher would need to spend the single bookcase.
first three months of his research Sma A large (20 ft.-by-20 ft.) room of
determining the nature of the library’s bookcases and shelves.
collection before he had any chance of Medi m Two or three rooms of bookcases and
performing any useful research. shelves.
Lar e Up to six rooms full of shelved books.
e A dozen rooms used solely for the Knowledge as a class skill, he gains only half the
purpose of storing books. virtual ranks which he normally would have from a
Gar ant an An entire building dedicated to nothing library.
but the storage and use of books.
Co ossa Multiple buildings or one extremely large If a character has more ranks in a Knowledge
structure set aside for book storage and skill than the virtual ranks offered by a library, he
research. does not gain as much benefit from research as an
unskilled researcher. If a character has more ranks
in a Knowledge skill than the virtual ranks offered
Using Libraries by a library, he either gains one of two benefits. The
To make use of a library, a researcher must have researcher may gain enough virtual ranks so that the
uninterrupted access to the library’s books for a period sum of his normal and virtual ranks is equal to twice
of time equal to its duration statistic. After this time, the virtual ranks offered by the library. Instead, he may
the researcher gains virtual ranks in one Knowledge opt to receive a 2 competence bonus to his Knowledge
skill that corresponds to one of the library’s topics. If check. A researcher who already is an expert in a field
the library is so extensive as to list “any” under its encounters many tomes he has already read or must
topics, the researcher may pick any Knowledge skill spend time reading through subjects with which he is
and gain that number of virtual ranks in it. already familiar in order to find the critical nugget of
A character with virtual ranks may make one information that covers gaps in his learning. However,
Knowledge check using his extra ranks per day. He since a skilled researcher is already familiar with his
must have access to the library in order to gain the subject, he needs only half the normal time to gain
benefits of these ranks, and spends the entire day of the benefits of a library. He can quickly skim through
his check reading through the library’s volumes and books that offer little new insight into his studies. A
researching a particular problem. Unlike normal researcher only gains this benefit if he has more ranks
Knowledge checks, a check made using a library may in a Knowledge skill than the virtual ranks offered by
be retried once for every 4 virtual ranks in a subject the library. Virtual ranks granted by a library work only
offered by a library. This represents a researcher’s when the researcher has the opportunity to work within
continued attempts to track down a book that answers the library, as outlined above.
his questions. It is possible that a failed check means
the researcher failed to find the right book. With For example, Dezek the Arcane has 8 ranks in
enough work, he eventually finds the right book. If Knowledge (underdark). He visits the library of Geffis,
a researcher exhausts the retries offered by a library, which offers 10 virtual ranks in underdark lore. If
it lacks the resources necessary to answer his query. he Dezek studies there, he may make Knowledge
Further retries by the researcher or others automatically (underdark) checks with a total of 18 ranks. The
fail. maximum total of ranks plus virtual ranks available at
the library of Geffis is 20, twice the 10 virtual ranks
Virtual ranks ignore the normal cap on the maximum offered by that place. A character with 11 ranks in
limit on ranks based on character level. These ranks Knowledge (underdark) could gain a maximum of 9
are not permanent resources a character may use but virtual ranks from the library. A character with 18 or
a temporary resource based on the library’s contents. more ranks in the skill would be better served using
Virtual ranks also count just like any other ranks the library to gain a 2 competence bonus to his skill
spent on a skill. Thus, if a character does not have check.
Li raries
Ma im m Ma im m Minim m Avera e Ma im m
Si e To ics an s ration ration ration
Tiny 1 4 1 day 1 day 1 day
Small 3 6 1 day 2 days 3 days
Medium 6 8 1 day 5 days 10 days
Large 12 10 2 days 8 days 2 weeks
Huge 24 12 2 days 11 days 3 weeks
Gargantuan 48 14 3 days 16 days 1 month
Colossal 96 16 3 days 1 month 3 months
could use this feature to remove the invisibility or racial Creating Libraries
requirement. The Spellcraft DC to substitute one of the To create a library’s statistics, first determine its
cloak’s features is 26, or 20 plus 2 times the minimum size. The larger the library, the more topics it covers.
caster level of 3. However, sprawling libraries are also much more
difficult to use if they are not properly organised. A
Monster Lore A library that has this special quality library’s size determines the range of topics it covers,
includes a selection of tomes detailing the habits, the depth of information it may provide, and the
abilities, and ecology of monster races. This special time it takes to search through its contents. As you
quality is linked to a single monster type, such as should expect, a larger library can cover much more
outsider or humanoid, and has a number of ranks much information on a subject than a small one.
like a more mundane library subject. A wizard or Choose a library size using the table described under
other character may research monster lore just like any the size statistic in this section. Optionally, you may
other subject. After spending the requisite time in the grant a physically small library a higher size category
library, he gains a new virtual skill, Monster Lore, with if it holds a small selection of detailed, useful books.
a subtype determined by the monster category covered The size guidelines here assume that many of the books
by this library quality. A researcher gains a number in a library do not have a direct bearing on any one
of virtual ranks equal to this quality’s rating. He may particular question.
now spend a day in the library to research a particular
monster. If the creature falls into the category covered After selecting a size for the library, choose a list of
by the researcher’s Monster Lore skill, he makes topics that the place’s books cover. Generally speaking,
a Monster Lore check with a DC equal to 10 plus these topics should be at least somewhat related, unless
the monster’s hit dice. On a successful check, the a library was assembled to handle a few particular areas
researcher learns the details of a randomly determined of knowledge. A library of size Huge or higher may
special attack, a randomly determined special quality, have the “Any” topic, as described under that statistic.
or a particular weakness possessed by the creature. Smaller libraries lack the breadth of subjects and
On a failed check, there is a 25 chance the character number of volumes necessary to support that topic.
uncovers an incorrectly reported or misinterpreted trait.
The Games Master should create something fitting for A library may have as many special qualities as
the creature. you wish though it must meet the minimum size
requirement listed for a quality. However, you may
A researcher may gain the benefits of multiple Monster waive this requirement if the library was specifically
Lore virtual skills by researching each of the monster built to provide for the use of a special feature. For
types covered by a library’s collection. example, a wizards’ guild’s library may be Medium-
The Monster Lore virtual skill is not normally a size, but feature such special qualities as identify items
character skill. Instead, it is simply a game mechanic and item creation lore.
representation of the knowledge contained within a
library’s books. When making a Monster Lore check, Li raries and the Cam ai n
a researcher is determining whether he can find the Now that you have some rules for libraries, a question
information he needs within the library’s books. A remains. What role can libraries play in a campaign
character may make one Monster Lore check for a After all, fantasy roleplaying games are all about
given creature at each library that has this feature. heroism, adventure, and thrills, not days and nights
spent poring over musty tomes in an ancient library.
Trans ations A well-stocked library includes volumes While a library might not provide for the most thrilling
that describe many languages and provide translations action, it can serve an important role in the course of an
of them to and from Common and other tongues. This adventure. In particular, the special qualities a library
feature includes a list of languages the library supports. may offer are all particularly useful to wizards during
A researcher may translate texts from the listed the downtime between adventurers. A library may
languages to any other listed language or into Common. also serve as the starting point for many adventures. A
A character may translate 10 plus his Intelligence treasure map tucked between two old, disused books
score pages with a full day of work. Inevitably, such a pushes the characters to seek out an adventure, while a
translation will not be so precise as one carried out by critical piece of lore may provide the hint that causes
someone who fully understands both languages, but the difference between victory and defeat for a band of
should serve to give a basic understanding of the text. crusading heroes.
P ayer Characters and Li raries grant him this rate. If you spend 1 day a week doing
A player may decide that he wants to construct a nothing but maintaining your library’s order, others
library. The following rules apply to any attempt to may use it at the listed average duration without your
construct a library from scratch. The guidelines given assistance.
above are for Games Masters who wish to create
libraries as part of their campaigns or to provide stats are and E otic oo s
for libraries owned and maintained by non-player It is possible that, during the course of an adventure,
characters. you may discover an ancient tome that provides critical
insights into a particular field of study. In this case,
Physica S ace Obviously, you need a place to keep your Games Master may award your library a bonus
your library. You must rent or own a building or topic that does not affect its size, or a few free bonus
space within a building in order to keep a library. The ranks in a topic it already covers. As a rule of thumb,
number of books that comprise even the smallest viable a book is worth a base 500 gp if it serves as a library
collection is too great for a wizard to carry around in a topic on its own, and an additional 20 gp for each rank
backpack or even with a few pack mules. A portable it provides. Special volumes such as these may operate
hole or a type 2 or 3 bag of holding are all capable of as libraries unto themselves, providing virtual ranks in
transporting a Tiny library, as are similar magical items. Knowledge skills to those who own them. Such books
make excellent treasures for wizard characters who
oo s You must accumulate tomes of lore in order maintain large collections of books and often engage
to support your library. You must obey the limit of in research. Individual books may also provide the
maximum ranks and the spread of Knowledge skills benefits of a library special quality.
based on your library’s size. To gain a rank in a given
topic, you must spend 20 gp to find and purchase a Ancient Lan a es and Ci hers This tome provides
book or books appropriate to the topic. Assume that 4 ranks in Decipher Script as a virtual skill. Its owner
the first rank in a topic represents 2d6 books, with each must use it as per the corresponding library special
additional rank covered by 1d8 additional volumes. quality. The owner must spend 4 days studying the
book to learn its contents. He may then spend a full
S ecia a ities The special abilities and subjects a day in study to make a single skill check using his
library may cover may all be added to your personal virtual ranks. The owner spends time reading through
library. Unlike standard libraries, you may build a the book, seeking out any hints as to the encoded
personalised collection that focuses on such esoteric message’s meaning. Market Price: 900 gp.
subject matter. You may ignore the minimum size
requirement for the special qualities.
However, to determine the physical space
your library requires, count each special
quality as a topic. Topics that have a rank
or numerical rating accumulate books at
the same rate of growth as standard topics.
Those that lack such a rating are detailed
in 2d20 volumes.
Item Creation Lore This eldritch tome describes the Trans ations A single book provides translations from
methods and means of manufacturing one particular one language to another. These volumes operate as per
item. Its owner must make a Knowledge (arcana) the special quality for translations made between the
check as per the corresponding library special quality. two. Market Price: 500 gp.
As per the special quality, this book may only serve to
replace one prerequisite necessary to manufacture an
item, and it may not replace the minimum caster level
or any required item creation feats. Market Price: 4,000
Derris dropped the great tome on to the desk with a heavy sigh. For two weeks, he had scoured the Great Library at
Monnok, yet his efforts had been all for naught. He was so close to finishing his plans for building the staff, yet the
final piece of the puzzle continued to elude him. The Vardanaian oracle had said he would find the knowledge he
sought here in the library, yet thus far his search had proven fruitless. The only thing he had managed to find so far
was Vuorm, the maddening, primitive half-orc who was also doing work there. Calling the stupid brute a wizard was
an insult to spellcasters across the continent, as far as Derris was concerned. Luckily for Derris, the half-orc’s many
charms, feathers, and piercings produced a loud jingling as he walked, alerting the wizard to his approach.
As it did now.
Derris slammed the book shut and steeled himself for another inane conversation with the fool. It was bad enough
they let half-breeds into this place. Why did the thing have to insist on speaking to him
Ah, young Derris,’ Vuorm growled as he came around the corner. Still studying your books, I see ’
Yes, Vuorm. I am quite busy at the moment,’ the wizard said, hoping the dense orc would move along.
The half-orc chuckled. But never too busy to discuss the art, now, are you Still clinging to your outmoded beliefs ’
Derris rolled his eyes and closed the book he had not even had a chance to look at. Do you honestly believe that
your traditions have any grounding in the truth You merely interpret magical theory through a lens of superstition,
fear, and religion. You cloud the truth and declare it a new path. What more do I need to hear ’
Good, still as aggressive as ever. You can’t deny the magic of the priests and naturalists, the spells they weave on
behalf of the powers. You’ve adventured, I’m sure you’ve fought unholy priests and other blasphemies. The magic
they work is real. That is beyond debate. My tradition holds that our magic is from a different pantheon. Argue
against that as much as you wish, but I see the great jaguar spirit in my spells. It has sent my enemies eeing for their
lives, and struck down those foolish enough to stand against me. I have seen the jaguar totem of my forefathers do
this. That you cannot deny.’
What you call the jaguar spirit is merely the manifestation in your mind of the powers you command, and weak
powers at that’ Derris added in his mind. My powers have the same source, and I shape them in my mind when I
cast them. I care little for the form they take, thus they re ect my emotions. You impose your silly beliefs on your
spells, producing the visual effects you see. Anyone who has studied magic knows that it ows from the source. The
gauntlet that appears when I cast my shock spell is the true, uncorrupted form of the spell.’
The half-orc chuckled and shook his head derisively before moving along. What a fool, Derris thought. The priests
and hedge wizards working real magic Those fools were even worse than Vuorm, wrapping their religion and absurd
notions of divine magic around the truth of the source. The clerics simply held the secret of healing magic and
refused to yield it. To claim the gods had some hand in it was the height of folly.
Spells east o
he core of any wizard’s power lies in the arcane Leve Sor/Wiz 4
formulae and incantations he keeps within his Com onents V, S, M
spellbooks. After all, without spells on hand Castin Time 30 minutes
the wizard’s skill and experience in harnessing an e Self
magical power are rendered useless. Each spell is a Tar et You
carefully crafted tool designed to meet one specific ration 1 hour/level
need. While some powerful spells allow a wide range Savin Thro See below
of uses, most are tailored to function best in a specific S e esistance No
situation or in the face of a particular problem. Thus,
wizards continually research new spells to aid them Feast of Flesh has some similarities with ghoul touch,
in adventures, research, and other situations. When a although its effects are far more long-lasting and serious.
wizard encounters a problem that his current selection Owing to the grim material component required, few
of incantations is incapable of defeating, he must either except the vilest of necromancers will ever cast it. It
beg, borrow, or steal a new spell from a fellow wizard opens up a channel not just to the negative energy plane,
or design a new one for his own use. With so many but also to the primal essence of ghoulishness on that
wizards active in magical research, new spells appear at plane.
a steady rate.
For the duration of the spell, you are granted the ability
to paralyse your opponents with your unarmed strike
ar Stri e
attacks. This paralysis lasts 1d6 2 minutes. Elves are
immune to it. Your victims may make Fortitude saving
Leve Brd 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
throws to resist the effects of the paralysis. All your
Com onents V, F
unarmed strike attacks gain a bonus of 2 and do normal
Castin Time 1 action
damage without penalty (rather than subdual damage).
an e Touch
If you kill anyone with your unarmed strike attacks
Tar et Weapon touched
while affected by this spell, you may either consume
ration 1 minute/levelSaving Throw:
their corpse there and then to gain an additional hour
i ne ates harm ess o ect
added to the duration of your feast of flesh, or leave the
S e esistance Yes (harmless, object)
corpse be in which case it may rise as a ghoul itself after
1d4 days (see Core Rulebook III).
This minor enchantment allows an arrow, bolt, sling
stone, or other missile to soar through the air, striking a
In addition to your paralysing touch, you gain a 2
distant target as easily as one within point blank range.
bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting magic
Multiply the shot’s range increment by 5. You must be
able to see your target as normal. You
gain no additional bonuses to hit. The
missile merely ies much longer than
or sleep spells for the duration of the spell. You work living creatures, overwhelming them in a horrid spray
yourself into such a frenzy that it is very difficult to of death magic that deals 1d6 points of damage per
control you with magic. caster level to a maximum of 15d6. Those that succeed
take half damage. In addition, any creatures killed by
At the Games Master’s discretion, a character who uses this damage arise as zombies under the caster’s control
this spell too frequently may have a chance of becoming in 1d4 rounds. Treat these creatures as monsters you
a ghoul himself when he dies. created with animate dead.
Material component: At least 5 lbs of raw esh from Material Component: A fistful of dirt taken from a
the caster’s own species, to be eaten during the casting freshly dug grave.
ero s L c
Grave Storm Divination
Necromancy Leve Brd2, Sor/Wiz 2
Leve Sor/Wiz 7 Com onents V, S, M
Com onents V, S, M Castin Time 1 action
Castin Time 1 action an e Touch
an e Close (25 ft. 5 ft./2 levels) Tar et Person touched
Area Cone ration 1 hour/level or until used
ration Instantaneous Savin Thro Will negates (harmless)
Savin Thro Fortitude half S e esistance Yes (harmless)
S e esistance Yes
Hero’s luck grants its recipient a limited form of sixth
Drawing upon the lethal arcane energies of the grave, sense. Once during the spell’s duration, you may choose
this spell brings into existence a horrid stream of grave to gain a 2 insight bonus to an attack, skill check,
dirt, putrid esh, maggots, and bone dust. This material or saving throw you make. You must elect to use this
extends forward in a cone from your hand. It slams into bonus before making your roll. After you gain the
bonus, the spell ends.
Im e To ch S e
Leve Sor/Wiz 4
Com onents V, S
Castin Time 1 action
an e Touch
Tar et Creature touched
ration Until discharged
Savin Thro Will negates (harmless)
S e esistance Yes (harmless)
Loya G ardian This minor though useful incantation calls forth one
Abjuration of hell’s many treasure imps, a vicious little creature
Force charged by the dukes of hell with counting and
Leve Sor/Wiz 5 inspecting their treasures. The imp appears as a small,
Com onents V, S, M red skinned creature with tiny horns and a vicious,
Castin Time 1 action barbed tail. It possesses 10 ranks in the Appraise skill.
an e Personal Otherwise, it has the stats and abilities of a normal
Tar et Tar ets E ect Area You imp. During its time on the material plane, it uses its
ration 1 round/level skills to inspect and evaluate any item given to it. It
atly refuses to undertake any other action, even if it is
This spell calls into existence a globe of magical subject to a spell such as charm monster or suggestion.
energy that drifts around you in a lazy orbit. The orb In such a case, it immediately returns to hell and this
is invisible but at all times you have a clear sense of its spell ceases. Under no circumstances does the imp
location. While this spell is in effect, you may use a undertake any action other than to inspect items given to
free action to mentally push the globe into the path of an it. This spell is based on an ancient contract established
incoming attack, causing your opponent to automatically by the warlock Melzek, who struck a deal that allowed
miss you as the globe absorbs the attack. You may use the dukes of hell to rent out their most troublesome
a globe in this manner once per round to cancel one underlings in return for a small fee. The magical
attack. The globe may be used against any attack that
requires an attack roll. For purposes of any secondary
effects caused by the attack, treat it as having rolled a
miss on its attack roll.
Mant e o read
Fear, Mind-Affecting
Leve Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Com onents V, S
Castin Time 1 action
an e Personal
Tar et You
ration 1 round/level
Me e s ia o ic Treas rer
Conjuration (Summoning)
Lawful, Evil
Leve Sor/Wiz 1
binding that calls the imp immediately breaks and of damage and 1d4 points of temporary Constitution
returns the imp if he undertakes any actions other than damage per round as the beetles tear and devour their
those directly connected to assessing an item. esh. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the
Constitution damage and halves the hit point damage for
Material Components: A small sack filled with coins or that round.
items worth 5 gp. This item must be handed to the imp
as soon as the creature appears. The imp takes the sack The swarm of beetles originates from the demonic pits
and gold with it back to hell when the spell breaks or of the outer planes. The beetles cannot be harmed by
ends normally. normal weapons, as there are far too many of them to
destroy with a sword or other weapon. An area attack
Me e s S arm o Voracio s e eet es that covers more than half of the swarm destroys it if it
Conjuration (Summoning) deals more than 25 points of damage.
Chaotic, Evil
Leve Sor/Wiz 8 Undead, elementals, and constructs are immune to this
Com onents V, S, M spell. The beetles find dead esh repulsive and they are
Castin Time 1 action unable to devour inorganic matter.
an e Close (25 ft. 5 ft./2 levels)
E ect 15 ft. radius spread of voracious, esh-eating Material Component: A fine powder made from dried
beetles ground beetles and powdered brimstone.
ration 1 round/level
Savin Thro See text Mon s i htin Grace
S e esistance No Transmutation
Leve Sor/Wiz 2
This powerful spell calls into existence a tremendous Com onents V, S
swarm of demonic voracious beetles whose razor- Castin Time 1 action
sharp pincers scythe through esh with ease. Any an e Personal
creature caught within this swarm takes 10d6 points Tar et You
ration 1 minute/level
This enhanced version of sleep allows you to lull a A favourite spell of wizards attached to mercenary
single creature into a deep slumber. This spell works companies, this spell creates a temporary siege engine
against humanoid and giant targets, such as orcs, that you and your allies may crew and fire. In addition,
humans, ogres, and trolls. The target of this spell must each time you prepare the engine for firing, it magically
be able to hear you. Deaf creatures or those within a creates its own ammunition. This makes it much easier
magical zone of silence are immune to this spell. The to prepare the weapon for attack, increasing its rate of
maximum number of Hit Dice this spell can affect is fire. The type of siege engine created depends on your
equal to the caster level. caster level.
A creature affected by this spell slides into a deep sleep. Level 7 to 11: You may create a ballista. It takes 2
While asleep, a creature is helpless. Normal noises do rounds to prepare this weapon for firing. The ballista
not awake a creature. As a standard action, you may counts as a 1 weapon.
slap or otherwise disturb a creature in order to awaken
it. A sleeping creature that sustains damage from any Level 12 to 16: You may create a ballista as above or a
source automatically awakens. light catapult. It takes 2 fewer rounds than normal to
prepare the catapult for firing, though the time necessary
Material Component: A pinch of sand and a tiny pillow. to aim or re-aim it is unchanged. The catapult or ballista
counts as a 2 weapon.
Pa sy
Necromancy Level 17 or higher: You may create a ballista, light
Fear, Mind-Affecting catapult, or a heavy catapult. It takes 3 fewer rounds
Leve Sor/Wiz 1 than normal to prepare a heavy catapult for firing,
Com onents V, S, M thought the time necessary to aim or re-aim it does not
Castin Time 1 action change. These siege weapons function as 3 weapons.
an e Close (25 ft. 5 ft./2 levels)
Tar et 1 living creature Material Component: A large rock weighing 1 lb or a
ration 1 round/level crossbow bolt, depending on the type of siege engine
Savin Thro Fortitude negates created.
S e esistance Yes
nseen Tric ster
The creature affected by this spell is overcome with a Conjuration (Creation)
mild case of convulsions and seizures. The magical Leve Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
energy of this spell temporarily disables and disrupts the Com onents V, S, M
target’s muscles, making it difficult for him to control Castin Time 1 action
his fine motor movements. A spellcaster affected by an e Close (25 ft. 5 ft./level)
these tremors must make a Concentration check (DC E ect One invisible, mindless, shapeless body of force
15) each time he attempts to cast a spell with a somatic ration 1 minute/level
component. While casting, his tremors disrupt and ruin Savin Thro None
the hand motions he must make to complete his spell. S e esistance No
Material Component: A pinch of dirt from a wizard’s This improved form of unseen servant is capable of
grave. taking on a much wider range of actions than its simpler,
lower level brother. The unseen trickster can fulfil all
the roles and abilities listed for an unseen servant. In and has 20 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness
addition, it can take a limited number of actions to 5. Attacks against the wall hit automatically. Damage
disrupt or annoy the caster’s enemies. The trickster against a section that reduces it to 0 hit points leaves a
may not attack, but it may use the aid another combat hole in the wall. A creature may attempt to sunder the
action. It attacks using its caster’s base attack bonus. wall with a Strength check (DC 23).
The trickster tugs at its target’s belt straps, pokes him in
the eye, and otherwise makes a nuisance of itself. The You may designate one side of the wall to reach forth
trickster also has the limited ability to filch items from and grasp at attackers. Anyone standing within 5 ft. of
the unwary. The trickster has 4 ranks in the Pick Pocket that side of the wall is subject to 1d6 attacks from the
skill and has a Dexterity score of 10. Items it steals clawed arm bones used to form the wall. The wall fights
seem to hover in mid-air as the trickster carries them and as a skeleton. In addition, it may make grappling attacks
it has an effective Strength score of 2. Thus, it can lift to immobilise its victims. The wall makes its attack
20 pounds or drag 100 pounds. on your initiative. If for some reason you do not have
an initiative in the battle, roll for the wall without any
Apart from the exceptions listed above, the unseen modifiers.
trickster acts as an unseen servant. It cannot be killed,
but is destroyed if it takes 6 points of damage from a o Sna es
an area attack. Against such assaults, it automatically Conjuration (Summoning)
fails its saving throw. If you order the trickster to move Leve Sor/Wiz 6
beyond the range of this spell, it immediately dissipates. Com onents V, S, F
Castin Time 1 action
Material Components: A short length of string tied into an e Medium (100 ft. 10 ft./level)
a loose knot. E ect Wall of writhing snakes whose area is up to one
5-ft. square/level (see text)
a o ones ration 1 minute/level
Conjuration (Creation) Savin Thro See text
Leve Sor/Wiz 5 S e esistance No
Com onents V, S
Castin Time 1 action You cause a tremendous pile of interwoven vipers to
an e Medium (100 ft. 10 ft./level) spring into existence. This wall may be used to seal off
E ect Wall of human bones whose area is up to one a hallway or fill a gap in an existing wall. The snakes
5-ft. square/level (see text) anchor themselves so that they form a continuous barrier
ration 1 minute/level with a wall or other solid matter available. The snakes
Savin Thro See text never occupy the same space as any unliving or living
S e esistance No matter. If an object exists in the area in which you
attempt to create the wall, the snakes form around it.
You create a wall crafted from human bones. The wall The snakes always appear as a at wall, though you may
forms whatever shape is necessary to fill the area in shape them to fit a hole or other space.
which you create it. It shifts to seal off holes or fill a gap
in an existing wall. The bones form a seamless barrier The wall’s size and dimensions are dictated by your
with stone walls, trees, or any other obstacle. The bones caster level. It is 1 inch thick for every 4 caster levels
never occupy the same space as any unliving or living and has 15 hit points per inch of thickness. Attacks
matter. If an object exists in the area in which you against the wall hit automatically, but as the snakes
attempt to create the wall, the bones form around it. The continually move and shift within the wall, all attacks
wall of bones always appear as a at wall, though you deal half damage. As an attacker hacks through some
may shape them to fit a hole or other space. The wall of the snakes, the rest move to fill the hole. The wall
does not need to be anchored in place. It forms supports regenerates 3 hit points per round in any 5-ft. section
and struts formed from leg bones. The wall may use that has taken damage. The wall cannot regenerate acid
this bones to move at a speed of 15 ft. per round. It damage. If a section of wall is reduced to 0 hit points, it
moves at your direction, though you must spend a move- is breached until it regenerates back above 0 hit points.
equivalent action to direct the wall. You must be able to
see the wall in order to command it. You may not break through the wall, as the snakes
are too uid to grasp and rend. However, you may
The wall’s size and dimensions are dictated by your attempt to force your way through the wall with a
caster level. It is 1 inch thick for every 4 caster levels DC 15 Strength check taken as a move-equivalent
Staff This chapter covers new feats, new item abilities, and
ext to a oppy, pointy hat, a stout, wooden rules for constructing and using a spell nexus. A spell
staff is one of the most stereotypical pieces of nexus is a magic item that must be crafted as usual, but
wizardly equipment. It is the most popular of can later be modified to gain new abilities.
the few weapons available to single-classed wizards,
and the magical versions presented in the core rules
are among the most powerful items available in the
Arcane Nexus: A New
game. Until a wizard reaches 10th or 11th level, he has Magic Item
little chance of laying his hands on a magic staff that is An arcane nexus is a magic item that allows a mage to
powerful enough to serve him well. The rules presented improve the use of his spells. This item may increase
in this chapter allow a wizard to create his own, personal the save DC of his spells, allow him to simulate a
staff or other nexus, an enchanted item attuned to his metamagic feat, hold prepared spells for rapid use in
magical abilities that serves to focus and improve his the near future, accept enchantments normally usable
spell casting abilities. Unlike the standard focus (see only on the caster or another living creature, and more.
The arcane nexus is honeycombed with a physical and
mystical spell matrix that allows it to serve as a conduit
and storage space for magical energies. Unlike other
magic items, the arcane nexus is attuned to a specific
spell caster. In the hands of a stranger, the nexus is little
more than a mundane piece of equipment. A wizard’s
staff, for example, serves as little more than a weapon
in the hands of an orc or a dwarf fighter, but when in its
owner’s grasp it allows him to smite his enemies, cast
down cities, and forge magic to his will.
The arcane nexus can take on a wide range of shapes and
forms. Staffs and wands are the two most common, as
they are both easy to handle. Wands are small enough
to make transporting or hiding them fairly easy, while
staffs offer the advantage of serving as a weapon or
walking stick. Staffs are the most popular form of nexus
because the physical size of an arcane nexus determines
the number and scope of abilities it can offer its owner.
The matrices encoded within an arcane nexus are both
physical and arcane. Thus, a larger item is capable
of holding a larger selection of abilities and powers.
Arcane nexuses use the weapon size scale to determine
their relative size class.
Si e E am e
Tiny Ring, necklace, scarf
Small Crown, hat, mask, buckler, wand
Medium-size Club, walking stick, small shield
Large Staff, cloak, large shield
sin an Arcane Ne s
An arcane nexus must be on the wizard’s person for it to
function, unless an ability specifically states otherwise.
The arcane nexus also takes up an item slot, the exact
nature of which must be chosen when you determine the
nexus’s size and nature. For example, a nexus crafted as
a ring counts towards the maximum number of magical After a nexus is completed, the person to whom it is
rings you may wear when you don it. You must wear attuned must handle it for one week in order to cement
the item in an appropriate manner in order to gain its his bond with the item. At any one time, a wizard may
benefits. For example, you would have to wear the ring only have one nexus. Attuning to a new nexus (or re-
in order to use it. You could not carry it in your hand attuning to an old one) breaks his bond to his former
while wearing a few other enchanted rings. Considering nexus.
the item’s form and function, you must wear or use it
as if it were a standard magic item in order to gain its A i ity S ots
benefits. A nexus’s physical size limits the number and type of
abilities it can hold. Part of the nexus’s power draws
Cra tin an Arcane Ne s from the mystic patterns carved into it. As you add more
As a new class of magical items, arcane nexuses require features to one of these items, you leave less space for
a separate feat for their manufacture and modification. subsequent features. Each arcane nexus ability lists
You may use this feat to produce a nexus for others, but how many slots it occupies in a nexus. A nexus’s size
once an item is attuned to a specific caster, no one else determines its total available number of slots.
can use it.
Arcane Ne s S ot Si es
Cra t Arcane Ne s Item Creation Si e A i ity S ots
Your study of the principles and theories of arcane Tiny 2
matrices allows you to craft items and trinkets that are Small 4
attuned to the specific aura, tendencies, and magical Medium-size 8
potential of an arcane spellcaster. This type of item, Large 12
known as a nexus, allows a spellcaster to modify and
improve his arcane spells. Arcane Ne s A i ities
The special abilities offered by spell nexuses are
Prere isites Arcane spellcaster level 1 , ability to designed to improve a wizard’s spellcasting ability,
prepare arcane spells. enhance his spells, or provide additional minor benefits
ene t You can create an arcane nexus and grant it based on the spells he knows. When choosing an ability,
any features whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting and you may opt to set the caster level for any spells it uses
enchanting a nexus takes 1 day for each 1000 gp in its to any level less than or equal to your current caster
price. You must spend 1/25 of the feature’s gold piece level.
cost in experience points and half the listed market price
in consumable materials. When making an arcane nexus Some special abilities require a wizard to expend
from scratch, as opposed to adding new features to an spells to activate them for the day. This act is similar
existing one, you must purchase a masterwork item of to preparing an arcane spell, but instead of studying
the appropriate type in order to grant it the first feature. his books the wizard spends his time meditating,
When creating a nexus, you must choose one specific handling his nexus, and aligning the magical fields
person to whom it is attuned. That person, and only that within it. Rather than prepare his power, the wizard
person, may use the staff’s abilities unless specifically slowly channels it into the nexus, granting it the energy
noted. necessary for the ability to function as described. You
may channel the energy represented by a spell slot
You can mend a broken nexus if you could make the exactly as you would prepare a spell using it. Once you
item and its component features. Doing so costs half have used a spell slot in this manner, treat it as if you
the XP, half the gold, and half the time necessary to cast a spell you had prepared with it that day.
build the item and all its features from scratch. When
mending a broken nexus, you may choose to drop Encoded A i ities
features from it in order to save time and money when The matrix crafted within a nexus has the potential
repairing it. However, if after mending an item you to serve as a repository for a wide range of magical
choose not to repair some of its features, you must pay energies. By holding, amplifying, and slowly releasing
full price to add those features at a later date. arcane energy, the nexus can replicate the effects of
You must pay the gp cost of any material components low-level arcane spells many times over the course of
and the xp cost necessary for spells listed as the day. Each morning, the nexus’s owner meditates
prerequisites under a nexus ability. When repairing over his nexus, using the same concentration, mental
an item, you must pay the full cost for the prerequisite exercises, and arcane talents he uses to prepare a spell
spells listed under its old abilities.
to bleed magical energy into the nexus. Once fuelled though only objects touching your nexus are affected.
in this manner, a nexus is capable of using its battery of This ability lasts continuously for 24 hours after you
energy to power several special abilities that manifest spend a 2nd-level spell slot to fuel this ability.
as magical spells. Depending on the effect, it may Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus,
be usable two or three times per day or available for detect magic; Market Price: 250 gp; Slots: 2.
unlimited use. Only the person attuned to a nexus can
fuel and activate these abilities. Activating an encoded etect Poison By touching an object, creature, or
ability is a standard action that does not provoke an other item, with your nexus, you can determine if it
attack of opportunity. contains poison. Your nexus vibrates slightly as it
resonates with the poison’s nature. Treat this as a
After 24 hours, the energy funnelled into an encoded detect poison spell cast by a 1st-level wizard, though
ability dissipates harmlessly. The nexus can only you may only detect poison in objects your nexus
maintain the power you channel into it for a limited time touches. You may use this ability three times per day.
before it seeps through its mystic vessels. The attuned owner of the nexus must spend a 1st-level
An arcane nexus may only gain each encoded ability spell slot to fuel this ability.
once. For example, you could not add the true strike Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus,
ability to a nexus twice in order to use it twice a day. detect poison; Market Price: 50 gp; Slots: 1.
Encoded Caster Mar et S ots ar vision So long as you touch your nexus, you gain
A i ity Leve Price sed the benefits of a darkvision spell cast at your arcane
caster level. To fuel this ability, you must spend a 3rd-
Burning Hands 1st 50 gp 1
level spell slot to fuel this ability.
Detect Magic 1st 250 gp 2 Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus,
Detect Poison 1st 50 gp 1 darkvision; Market Price: 1000 gp; Slots: 2.
Darkvision 3rd 1000 gp 2
Feather Fall 1st 50 gp 1 eather a Once per day, a single command word
Hold Portal 1st 60 gp 1 spoken activates a feather fall spell cast by a 1st-level
Light 3rd 500 gp 2 wizard. You must be touching your nexus in order to
Mage Armour 1st 50 gp 1
Mage Hand 1st 75 gp 1
Resistance 1st 75 gp 1
Shocking Grasp 1st 75 gp 1
True Strike 1st 500 gp 1
Metama ic Enhancements
Metama ic eat Caster Leve Prere isites Mar et Price S ots sed
Empower Spell 3rd Craft Arcane Nexus, Empower Spell 2000 gp 2
Enlarge Spell 1st Craft Arcane Nexus, Enlarge Spell 1000 gp 2
Extend Spell 1st Craft Arcane Nexus, Extend Spell 1000 gp 2
Heighten Spell ( 2 levels) 5th Craft Arcane Nexus, Heighten Spell 2000 gp 2
Maximise Spell 7th Craft Arcane Nexus, Maximise Spell 3000 gp 4
Quicken Spell 9th Craft Arcane Nexus, Quicken Spell 4000 gp 4
spell with damage of the selected type. Any secondary crafted into your nexus, making it impossible to destroy
effects offered by the spell that are dependent on the short of shattering the nexus.
energy type, such as burning hands’ ability to ignite
combustible materials, are lost. You need only have a spell in your books and possess
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus, the ability to cast it in order to store it within your
resist elements; Market Price: 1000 gp; Slots: 2. nexus.
spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects. Only the E ementa Imm nity Your nexus is specifically
nexus’s owner gains this benefit, as the item draws on attuned to an element or form of magical energy. It
its attuned owner’s aura to power this feature. is immune to all damage of a particular type. Choose
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus, one of the following descriptors: acid, cold, electricity,
resistance; Market Price: 4000 gp; Slots: 2. fire, and sonic. Your nexus gains immunity to that form
of energy. In addition, while holding or wearing your
Arcane Shie d This feature, extremely popular nexus you gain a 2 circumstance bonus to all saves
with invokers and other aggressive mages, protects a against effects that deal damage of your chosen type.
spellcaster from his own spells. The nexus is attuned Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus,
to the unique patterns of its owner’s magic, causing it protection from elements; Market Price: 4000 gp; Slots:
to send a spike of anti-magic through its bearer when it 2.
is exposed to critical amounts of its user’s own energy.
This allows you to take only half damage against your St rdy Constr ction Imbued with a series of
own spells on a failed save, no damage on a successful reinforcing enchantments, your nexus is far more
one. You gain this benefit whether your spell affected difficult to break than a normal object of the same
you owing to a spell-re ecting effect or because you design and materials. Your nexus gains a 2 bonus to
caught yourself within a spell’s area. Wizards who its hardness and an additional 5 hit points. Increase its
favour fireball or ice storm against closely packed break DC by 2.
enemies commonly employ this wondrous feature. Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus,
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus, mending; Market Price: 500 gp; Slots: 1.
protection from elements; Market Price: 2000 gp; Slots:
4. S mmon Ne s As your nexus is highly attuned to
your unique magical signature, you may call it to your
Arcane ard Not only is the staff attuned to your grasp merely by locking your eyes on it and focusing
magic, but it also reacts negatively when others whose your concentration. As a standard action, you may
arcane patterns do not match yours handle it. If a force your nexus to y 120 ft. through the air to your
person who handles your staff does not share your grasp. The nexus immediately hurtles towards you
alignment, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 18). and into your grasp. It weaves around obstructions
Anyone whose alignment is one step away from your to reach you, but if for some reason it encounters an
own suffers 1d6 points of electricity damage. A person insurmountable obstacle it hits the object and drops to
whose alignment is two or more steps away from your the ground. If your nexus is tied down or otherwise
own suffers 2d6 points of electricity damage. As a free secured in place, you may make a Strength check to
action, you can mentally disable this feature if you are sunder its bonds. If a living creature holds the nexus,
in physical contact with your nexus. This ability ceases make a Strength check opposed by the creature’s check.
to function until you grasp your nexus and mentally This ability functions only if you can see your nexus
command it to re-activate. and it is within 120 ft. of your position.
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus, Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Arcane Nexus,
shocking grasp; Market Price: 1000 gp; Slots: 1. mage hand; Market Price: 500 gp; Slots: 1.
hile wizards are feared for the great arcane or tell your Games Master that you wish to find a
power they command, experienced warriors henchman who can act as your bodyguard.
and commanders know that a wizard caught
in melee is a mage whose time is at an end. Wizards Mercenary Hiring a mercenary can be risky business.
are trained with few weapons, and aside from the After all, he fights for money rather than out of a sense
crossbow the arms they wield are largely ineffectual. of loyalty or friendship. Compared to a henchman, a
Few wizards hazard the risk of wearing armour, leaving mercenary bodyguard is much more likely to abandon
most to rely on spells such as shield and mage armour you in the face of danger. Considering the vital role a
to ward off attacks. Even relatively powerful defensive bodyguard plays in ensuring your survival, that chance
spells such as protection from arrows and stoneskin might be all that stands between victory and defeat.
grant an advantage to non-spellcasters, as they occupy
valuable spell slots that could be filled with cone of Hiring a mercenary requires two steps. First, you must
cold or flaming sphere, spells that can scythe through determine the types of warriors that are available in
the most heavily armed and armoured ranks. A wise your current location. For example, you have little
commander gladly trades a hostile wizard who works chance of finding a highly trained veteran in a tiny,
spells to protect himself for one who tosses bolts of sleepy village located far from any current war zones.
lightning down on his enemies. On the other hand, a large city located on a major
trade route has more than its fair share of mercenaries,
In some regions, particularly those where wizards allowing you to track down a competent warrior whose
are common and wield considerable economic and skills match your needs. The maximum level of a
political power, a unique fighting style emerges mercenary you hire is determined by the size of the city
amongst the swordsmen and mercenaries who seek in which you seek out a hireling. Generally speaking,
work as guardians, bodyguards, and defenders. These it is much easier to find and hire mercenaries from the
specialised soldiers learn to complement the magical warrior class as opposed to fighters. Warriors lack
talent of a wizard, using their weapons and armour to specialised training and abilities of fighters, making
protect a wizard from harm while he works his magic. them more common, less expensive, but less capable
In particular, armies that employ wizards commonly than a fighter of a similar level.
train small corps of elite soldiers to protect their
arcane elements. After all, wizards do not come
cheap. A few well-trained guards can spell the
difference between a devastating volley of fireballs
and an exposed and swiftly destroyed group of
Gaining a
There are several ways in which you can gain a
personal bodyguard. You can either attract one
to you in a manner similar to gaining a normal
henchman or you can seek out and hire one. A
henchman is more reliable than a hireling but a
mercenary requires only that you have enough
Provide Cover ta e
o r e ative Si e e ree o Cover Cover AC on s Cover e e Save on s
Two sizes smaller None 0 0
One size smaller One-eighth 1 0
Same size One-quarter 2 1
One size larger One-half 4 2
Two sizes larger Three-quarters 7 3
Three sizes larger Nine-tenths 10 4 (half damage if save fails, no damage if successful)
Four sizes larger Total
spell, spell-like ability, or attack. You cannot swap You may use this feat once per round. You may not use
your save with a person who did not need to make this feat if you are prone, atfooted, or have lost your
one, though you may switch saves with a person who Dexterity bonus to AC.
was not allowed to make save to resist an effect that
hit both of you. In this case, your ally receives the
result of your save while you automatically fail. When Arro Shie d Genera
swapping saves, roll for both parties, add modifiers Your sharp eyes and lightning re exes allow you to
including Re ex save bonus and then decide if you de ect arrows aimed at your friends. You leap in front
wish to exchange results. You trade the total saving of your ally, knocking aside an arrow or other missile
throw result, not just the result of the die roll. You meant for him.
may never force an ally or other person to swap saving Prere isite De ect Arrows.
throw results with you, if he does not wish to do so. ene t In addition to de ecting missiles fired at you,
you may also de ect ranged attacks made against
anyone standing within the area you threaten without a
reach weapon. Treat this as a normal use of the De ect
Arrows feat, except you may activate this feat when an
eligible ally comes under a ranged attack. If you fail
your Re ex save to knock aside the missile, resolve its
attack against you rather than its original target. You
may not use this feat if you are prone, atfooted, or
have lost your Dexterity bonus to AC.
You may not use this feat if you are prone, atfooted, the conditions of your readied action) must attack you
or have lost your Dexterity bonus to AC. rather then the ally you protect with your Bodyguard
feat. When using Draw Attack in this manner, you may
ra Attac Genera force ranged attacks to target you. You may not use this
You watch for melee attacks against an ally you defend, feat if you are prone or atfooted, or if you have lost
leaping to de ect them as they are made. your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Prere isite Bodyguard. S ecia When resolving attacks forced against you by
ene t When using your bodyguard feat to defend an this feat, you gain the AC bonus from your shield, if
ally, you may actively defend your ally by intercepting any.
melee attacks made against him. This feat works in
two different ways. You may choose the ready action Lea in e ence Genera
to defend the ally you protect with your Bodyguard feat Your re exes and acute awareness allow you to leap
on his action. When your ally makes his next turn, you forward and protect an ally from the effects of a ranged
automatically become the target of any melee attacks attack or area of effect spell.
made against your defended ally so long as he is within Prere isite Absorb Blast, Alertness.
the area you threaten without a reach weapon. This ene t As a free action, you may make a standard
includes any readied attacks made against your ally and move before activating your Absorb Blast feat. You
attacks of opportunity triggered by his actions, such as may make this move to enter a spell or other attack’s
casting spells or firing a missile weapon. If you drop area of effect. You may use this feat once per round.
before resolving all the attacks against your ally, the You may not use this feat if you are prone, atfooted,
remaining attacks may target him as normal. or have lost your Dexterity bonus to AC.
S ecia If you gain the Sel ess Sacrifice feat, you may
You may also ready an action to de ect that attacks also activate your Leaping Defence feat in order to use
of a specific enemy or an enemy who fulfils a specific that feat.
criterion, such as moving into an area or attacking
your ally. Your chosen enemy (or the one who fulfils Provide Cover Genera
You protect your ally not only with your shield, but
with your body. Attacks meant for him instead de ect
off your amour or injure you.
Prere isite Bodyguard, Draw Attack.
ene t You provide cover to the ally you protect with
your Bodyguard feat. The total cover you provide
depends on your size relative to the ally you protect.
the effects as if you failed a Re ex save against the the support of several heavily armed and armoured
attack. You may use this feat once per round. You may warriors.
not use this feat if you are prone, atfooted, or have lost
your Dexterity bonus to AC. The order of the crimson shield is an elite band of
warriors whose talents and skills have been carefully
Shie d Other Genera cultivated by a powerful coven of wizards. These
You have developed your awareness far beyond the elite warriors swear an oath to defend a particular
mundane senses. You can feel the presence of magic spellcaster, pledging their lives to defend their charge
and other arcane affects without the aid of magic. in battle regardless of the danger to their own lives.
Prere isite Bodyguard, Combat Re exes, Draw Combining a rigorous martial discipline with a near-
Attack, base attack bonus 4. fanatical dedication to their cause, the bodyguards
ene t As a full-round action, you defend the ally are a force to be reckoned with when combined with
who gains the benefits of your Bodyguard feat. You a wizard’s arcane might. While lacking the skill
must grant your ally the AC bonus from your shield in and ability at arms as a fighter or other warrior, they
order to gain the benefits of this feat. So long as your form one man defensive walls that allow the wizards
ally remains within the same space as you occupy, all they protect to blast their enemies with magic from
attacks directed against him that require a to hit roll, a relatively safe and secure position. These elite
including melee attacks, missile attacks, ranged touch defenders are known for their bright red shields,
attacks, and touch attacks, automatically target you. So which are painted in that manner to de ect attention
long as you remain standing, you move to intercept all away from the spellcasters they protect. According to
attacks. If the person you defend moves out of your this order’s lore, the crimson shield symbolises their
area, he immediately loses your defence, allowing willingness to shed their life’s blood in order to protect
attacks to resolve against him as normal. You may not their charges. Bodyguards endure tremendous shame
use this feat if you are prone, atfooted, or have lost if their charge dies while under their protection, and
your Dexterity bonus to AC. some go so far as to commit suicide rather than face the
shame of failing in their sacred duty.
eats Absorb Blast, Bodyguard, Iron Will. Crimson Shie d Conditionin The stalwart
S i Heal 4 ranks. warriors of the crimson shield value the life of their
S ecia You must protect a wizard or sorcerer from charge almost more than their own. The thought of
harm for at least three consecutive months. During this intentionally harming the mages they defend is akin to
time, the wizard may never drop below 1 hit point due considering suicide in the bodyguard’s mind. Magical
to damage from any source. After proving your ability enchantments, such as suggestion or charm person,
to protect an arcane spellcaster, you may apply for may never be used to cause a bodyguard to harm his the
membership with the bodyguards of the crimson shield. spellcaster he protects either through his actions or lack
of intervention. This protection does not extend to the
C ass S i s spellcaster’s friends and allies.
The bodyguard of the crimson shield’s class skills (and
the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft on s eat Members of the order of the crimson
(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), shield study how to better defend their charges,
Knowledge (arcana), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot ignoring their martial skills, magical talents, and other
(Wis), and Swim (Str). See Core Rulebook I for skill areas of training in favour of sharpening their ability
descriptions. to absorb punishment meant for others. At 2nd and
4th level, the bodyguard gains an additional feat from
S i oints at each eve 2 Int modifier. the ones listed in the following list: Alertness, Arrow
Shield, Combat Re exes, De ect Arrows, Draw Attack,
C ass eat res Leaping Defence, Lightning Re exes, Provide Cover,
All of the following are class features of the bodyguard Sel ess Sacrifice, or Shield Other.
of the crimson shield class.
Master o the Crimson Shie d At 5th level, the
ea on and Armo r Pro ciency The bodyguard of bodyguard of the crimson shield becomes a master
the crimson shield gains proficiency with all armour of his order. The bond he forges with the wizard he
and shields. serves takes on a supernatural quality. Once per day,
he may choose to force an enemy caster to target him
ody ard s To hness The bodyguard of the with a spell that would normally affect his charge.
crimson shield trains extensively to improve his Using this ability is a free action. The bodyguard
capacity to absorb punishment. At 1st and 3rd level, may only use this ability if his charge currently gains
he gains 6 hit points. These bonus hit points are the benefits of his Bodyguard feat. Only spells that
treated as if they were gained via the Toughness feat, target the protected wizard directly may be affected by
and the bodyguard is considered to have that feat this ability. Master of the crimson shield counts as a
for all purposes, such as determining if he has the supernatural ability.
prerequisites for a different feat. As with Toughness,
the bodyguard’s Constitution does not modify these
bonus hit points.
t is common in fantasy worlds that a young wizard
serves for a time under a more experienced master The system presented in this chapter details an
who guides him down the proper path of becoming alternative version of the leadership feat for wizard
a mage. In exchange for a steady payment of cash and characters. It allows them to attract a small group
unquestioning obedience, a neophyte gains invaluable of inexperienced wizards who provide income and
instruction in the arts of spellcasting, magic item physical labour in return for the opportunity to study
creation, and the tactical and social considerations that magic at the feet of an experienced adventurer. While
all arcane spellcasters must observe. For years, an apprentices lack the skill and experience of the standard
apprentice toils in the musty tower of accomplished cohort and band of followers granted by Leadership,
archmage, soaking up what little knowledge he can they offer several advantages that help broaden a
between days spent scrubbing oors and nights wizard’s arcane capabilities.
of tedious work copying scrolls, fetching material
components, and washing out beakers and other lab Arcane T tor Genera
tools. Normally, adventuring wizards make a poor Your reputation as a powerful wizard and accomplished
choice as a master for a young student. After all, it is adventurer draws ambitious young mages who seek to
much harder to pay attention to the fine subtleties of learn the secrets of magic. These neophytes provide
read magic while an orc tribe rains arrows down upon you with regular payments and assistance in the
him and his master. However, some enterprising young mundane portions of a wizard’s life in return for regular
spellcasters intentionally seek out explorers, crusaders, instruction in the arcane arts.
and other adventuring wizards. After mastering the
basics of the arcane arts at an academy or under Prere isite Arcane caster level 6th , you must own
the tutelage of a traditional master, these ambitious a permanent base of operations that provides living
youngsters seek to further increase their talent and quarters and workspace for your team of students.
experience by serving under the watchful eye of a ene t This feat attracts a steady stream of loyal
dedicated, powerful wizard on the rise. In exchange apprentices to you. These wizards act as followers
for help in researching magic spells and preparing and subordinates, carrying out tasks at your command
magical items, the apprentice receives hands-on and aiding your research into arcane studies. Unlike
training in practical matters of magic and adventures followers gained with the standard Leadership, these
such as how to best use spells to battle large numbers apprentices expect to pay you for your assistance.
of weak enemies, the traps and tricks to expect in an However, they are less skilled than normal cohorts and
ancient tomb, and other valuable advice for a would-be followers and tend to leave you once they have learned
adventurer. After soaking up his master’s enough to strike out on their own.
teachings, the apprentice heads out on his
own for a life of adventure.
Arcane T tor Score Your arcane tutor score is They are, after all, seeking training to improve their
determined in much the same manner as the Leadership limited skills, thus they are both inexperienced and
score. In short, your arcane tutor score equals your unprepared for the adventuring life. Apprentices do
arcane caster level plus your Charisma modifier. In not accompany you on adventures unless your Games
addition, apply the Leadership modifiers listed under Master decides otherwise. As a rule of thumb, only
the Leadership feat to this score. the direst need or a direct threat to an apprentice’s
life will prompt him to join you on an adventure.
N m er o A rentices y Leve This is the You cannot simply order an apprentice to follow you
maximum number of apprentices you can attract by into a dungeon. As with any non-player character,
level. Unlike the Leadership feat, your followers your Games Master has final say on whether your
are all wizards. Normally, Leadership only attracts apprentices obey your orders. However, the unique
warriors, experts, and commoners as followers. While relationship between a master and his apprentices
Arcane Tutor does not grant you a cohort and gives grants you several advantages and options when dealing
you far fewer followers, the apprentices offer you more with your students.
exibility and capabilities than the followers offered by
the standard Leadership feat. Income The most tangible benefit of taking on
apprentices is the fees they pay to you in return for
your instruction. It is common practice for well-to-
Benefits of do families to pay experienced wizards in return for
Apprentices instruction and aid for their magically-talented children.
Other times, a young mage scraps together the cash
During a dangerous trek into a dungeon or an to pay room, board, and the going rate for instruction
expedition to a distant wilderness, wizards-in-training from an experienced mage. The pay rate you receive
offer fewer advantages compared to standard cohorts.
depends on the level of your apprentice. The more apprentice absorbs only enough of the total xp loss to
experienced the apprentice, the less he is willing to pay. bring him to the minimum needed to attain his current
Younger mages stand to learn much more, and thus are level, leaving you to pay the remaining portion of
willing to pay more, than a wizard who has already his normal share. Your apprentice can also work on
mastered the basics of magic. portions of the item creation process concurrently with
your efforts, allowing you to cut down on the total
A rentice s Leve Month y Income time needed to complete the project. Reduce the time
1st 90 gp needed to produce the item by 1 day for each two levels
2nd 60 gp of experience your apprentice has attained. You may
3rd 40 gp never reduce the time necessary to produce an item
4th 30 gp to less than 1 day. Note that the apprentice does not
shoulder any of the xp loss caused by casting spells
on s S e s When an apprentice enters your service, necessary to complete an item unless the apprentice
you may add all his spells to your books. In return, is the one who actually uses the spell. When an
the apprentice gains 2 spells per caster level from your apprentice assists in creating an item, there is a chance
books. Your Games Master determines which spells that he may inadvertently spoil your efforts owing to
your apprentice selects. When an apprentice gains a his inexperience. See research mishaps below.
level, you decide which spells he adds to his books.
You gain these spells in your books, too. You must inish Items An apprentice can shoulder the burden of
select spells that your apprentice is capable of casting. creating items that you have designed. You sustain the
For example, you could not force a specialist wizard full xp loss for completing the item, but your apprentice
apprentice to choose spells from his prohibited schools completes all the mundane work and helps manage the
or those from levels that he cannot cast due to an arcane portions of the item creation. You need only
insufficient Intelligence score. spend 1 day working on the item. Your apprentice
handles the rest of the labour involved in finishing
Prod ce and Se Items If your apprentice has any the item. However, in order to complete the item, the
item creation feats, you may have him create items apprentice must have any item creation feats needed
that you may sell. You must buy spell components to create it. You may fulfil the minimum caster level
and raw materials necessary to make the item from and spells needed, but your apprentice must have the
your own pocket. An apprentice must normally meet necessary creation feats. If casting the spells necessary
the prerequisites, such as minimum caster level, feats, to complete the item would require more than 1 day of
and spells known, to craft an item. Furthermore, the work, you must spend the time necessary to complete
apprentice automatically refuses to produce items those spells before your apprentice can complete the
whose experience point cost would cause him to lose item. In addition, if an apprentice lacks any of the
a level. After all, the apprentice seeks your aid in prerequisites necessary to create an item, such as spells
expanding his skills, not working himself to death in a
magic item sweatshop.
Drawbacks to
The greatest problem facing a wizard who wishes to
maintain a stable of apprentices is drawing and keeping
quality workers. Many apprentices enter the service
of an archmage with dreams of swiftly expanding their
skills, but quickly grow disillusioned at the prospect of
working in what amounts to a magic item sweatshop
punctuated with occasional bits of instruction from
their master.
Other Actions An apprentice is capable of using the To n City Po ation ecr itment Chec Modi er
rest of his skills and abilities at your direction. For
400 1,000 -2
example, you could have your apprentices use spells
such as identify to pick through a pile of magic items 1,001 2,000 0
you uncovered on your last adventure. You could also 2,001 5,000 2
order your apprentices to research a topic in a library 5,001 12,000 4
using the rules presented in this book, allowing them to 12,001 25,000 6
gain virtual skills and skill ranks that they subsequently 25,001 8
use. The following guidelines cover actions not
explicitly described here: The base DC necessary to recruit a 1st-level apprentice
Unless your Games Master rules otherwise, is 5. For each 5 by which you beat this DC, you may
apprentices never willingly risk their lives to fulfil your opt to increase your new apprentice’s level by 1 or
wishes. They enter your service in order to expand recruit an additional apprentice. You may combine
their magical skills, not serve you as fanatical, suicide these effects to recruit multiple wizards whose level is
soldiers. above 1. For example, if the total of your recruitment
You must pay all expenses your apprentices check is 24 you have a few options, as this result beats
encounter while fulfilling missions you give them. For the base DC by 3 full units of 5. You could recruit
example, if the Grand Library of Tuegonz charges 50 4 1st-level wizards, 2 2nd-level ones, one 4th-level
gp per day for access to its archives, you must pay this wizard, and so on. If your result is high enough to
fee if you want your apprentices to work there. yield an apprentice but not good enough to attract one
whose level is as high as you wish, you may always
Your apprentices refuse to undertake or
ignore the result of a recruitment check. You are under
complete any actions that would cause them to lose a
no obligation to accept potential apprentices.
level of ability. Again, your apprentices seek to expand
their skills, not work themselves to death solely for
You may make one recruitment check per day,
your benefit.
spending 2d4 hours at libraries, the wizards’ guild, and
other places where spellcasters normally congregate. inexperienced mage to complete an item better left to
Regardless of the results of a recruitment check, you a more skilled wizard is a potential recipe for disaster.
may never recruit more apprentices than allowed by When an apprentice helps finish creating an item you
your Arcane Tutor score. Apprentices are acutely designed or helps you complete an item, there is a
aware that a master can only spread himself amongst so chance that your student’s efforts end in an arcane
many students and refuse to sign on with a tutor who mishap. If your apprentice is involved in making an
already has an abundance of pupils. item whose prerequisites he does not completely fill, he
must make a mishap check. Roll a d20 and add your
etainin A rentices When an apprentice signs apprentice’s arcane caster level and his Intelligence
on to work with you, he does not agree to a lifelong modifier. This check has a DC of 10 if your apprentice
contract. Most apprentices stay with a master for a year works to complete an item you initially designed or 8
at most before setting off on their own, either seeking if he helps you throughout the process of making an
out a new master to learn from or going it alone as an item. A roll of 1 always fails this check. Increase the
adventurer, researcher, or craftsman. A newly recruited DC by 2 for each prerequisite the apprentice does not
apprentice remains within your service for 3d6 months, meet. If your apprentice fails his check roll d100 and
after which he leaves your service for greener pastures. consult the arcane mishap table. During the course of
producing the item, if your apprentice mixes the wrong
An apprenticeship is a two way street. While your ingredients, he may allow the magical energy needed
apprentice works for you, you must also take time to produce the item to run rampant, or causes a massive
to instruct him in the mystic arts. You must spend 2 backlash of arcane energy. Minor mistakes may
weeks every 2 months tutoring your apprentices. If you increase the cost or time needed to produce an item.
fail to meet this requirement, reduce each apprentice’s Major ones can yield cursed items or threaten the lives
period of service by 3d6 months. If this reduces any of both you and your student.
apprentice’s term to 0 or less, he immediately leaves.
Any projects he was working on remain unfinished. If a mishap effect refers to a worker, there is a 50
Your apprentices expect instruction and aid in return for chance that you or your apprentice are affected by the
the work they do and the cash they pay you. result if the two of you work together on making an
item. Otherwise, if you left your apprentice to work
ee A portion of the money an apprentice pays alone the mishap affects only him.
you goes toward room and board. You must own or
provide a permanent structure where your apprentices
may live and work. You must pay 5 gp per apprentice
level per month to provide them with food, clothes,
and other basic necessities. If you fail to meet this
payment, reduce the fees from each apprentice by
half. Stung by your skin inted ways, your apprentices
withhold their payments to you and instead use their
money for food and shelter.
Research Mishaps
The greatest danger in relying on apprentices lies in
their imperfect understanding of magic, item creation,
and other aspects of the wizard’s arts. Trusting an
Arcane Misha Ta e 13 1 “Two for one beers don’t happen every night.”
d100 Apprentice wastes time and effort bungling
res t Arcane Misha your instructions. Increase time necessary to
01 03 “I see. It needs steel, not lead.” Slight errors produce the item by 1 day.
in production waste some materials. Increase 1 1 “Well, allowing it to soak for 3 nights didn’t
cost of producing item by 25 . Item remains hurt it.” Apprentice wastes time and effort
unfinished until you pay this price and spend bungling your instructions. Increase time
an additional day working on the item. necessary to produce the item by 3 days.
0 0 “Oh dear. Where’d I put that diamond dust ” 1 21 “You wanted me to do what by when ”
Moderate errors in production waste some Apprentice wastes time and effort bungling
materials. Increase cost of producing item by your instructions. Increase time necessary to
50 . Item remains unfinished until you pay produce the item by 1 week.
this price and spend an additional day working 22 2 “Should it be bubbling like that ” Energy
on the item. backlash during item’s creation causes a minor
0 0 “It was cracked when I found it.” Major errors explosion. Treat this as a fireball cast by a 5th
in production waste some materials. Increase level wizard centred on the apprentice’s work
cost of producing item by 100 . Item remains area.
unfinished until you pay this price and spend 2 2 “Should smoke be coming out of it ” Energy
an additional day working on the item. backlash during item’s creation causes a
10 12 “So I misread pounds for ounces. How moderate explosion. Treat this as a fireball cast
expensive can mithral be ” Traumatic errors by a 7th level wizard centred on the apprentice’s
in production waste some materials. Increase work area.
cost of producing item by 200 . Item remains 2 30 “Don’t worry, that’s normal. Now, let’s add
unfinished until you pay this price and spend that lamp oil to it.” Energy backlash during
an additional day working on the item. item’s creation causes a tremendous explosion.
Treat this as a fireball cast by a 9th level wizard
centred on the apprentice’s work area.
31 33 “Will it ever stop growing Please say yes.”
Worker’s nose grows to one foot in length,
causing them 1d6 points of permanent
Charisma damage. If the damage heals, the
victim’s nose slowly returns to normal.
3 3 “Well, wizards don’t need muscles anyway.”
Arcane backlash wracks worker’s body,
shrivelling his muscles and causing 1d6 points
of permanent Strength damage.
3 3 “I-i-i-i-i-t c-c-c-c-c-could b-b-b-b-be w-w-
w-w-worse.” Bolts of electricity arc from
the item, leaving a worker with a variety of
nervous tics, shakes, and unsteady hands.
Worker takes 1d6 points of permanent
Dexterity damage.
0 2 “Wait a second. How do those cantrip things
work again ” A temporary fold in space causes
an astral parasite to take root in a worker’s
brain, causing 1d6 points of permanent
Intelligence damage.
3 “I have seen the light!” A rogue bit of divine
energy seeps into the creation process,
causing a bizarre magical effect that forces the
apprentice to become a fanatical adherent of a
deity appropriate to his alignment. He leaves
your service to become a cleric. Money and
xp spent to produce the item are wasted. A
restoration spell returns him to normal.
he wizard’s forbidding, mysterious, and archmage’s lonely tower may seem to be an exposed,
inaccessible tower has long been a standard vulnerable stronghold compared to the thick walls,
idea in fantasy gaming. Many adventures soaring towers, and legions of men-at-arms of a
centre on a raid against an evil wizard’s abode or fighter’s castle. However, wizards commonly design
an expedition to explore and loot the bizarre, highly their towers to serve as conduits and foci for arcane
magical ruins of an ancient archmage’s home. This energy. An attacking army finds bolts of lightning
chapter is meant for both players and Games Masters. arcing from a tower’s walls to cleave through their
For players, this section includes comprehensive rules ranks. Their catapults’ stones rebound from its imsy-
for designing and building a wondrous, arcane lair. looking walls, and when they finally send soldiers
Though of little use down a dungeon, a wizard’s tower forward to storm the front door they find demons,
can be an enormously valuable asset during a long- elementals, and other terrifying creatures awaiting them
term campaign. It is a safe haven in times of danger, within its halls.
a reliable place for a wizard to retreat to in the face of
a determined enemy or great chaos. For wizards who A wizard is as closely connected with his tower as he
commonly create new magic items, formulate spells, is with his familiar or his magical focus. Using the
and commit other research, the tower is a laboratory
stocked with a wide range of arcane tools. Any wizard
with an extensive collection of spellbooks, magic items,
and other treasures can rely on his tower as a safe
keeping place for his accumulated wealth.
For Games Masters, this chapter provides ideas for
designing the lairs of non-player character wizards,
villains, and other spellcasters the characters may
encounter. Adding a variety of weird magic, strange
effects, and other unusual items to a wizard’s lair helps
maintain a sense of wonder in the game. A tower of
carved jade situated atop a drifting cloud makes for a
unique, entertaining dungeon crawl. Use the features
presented in this chapter, such as reversed gravity
rooms and summoned creatures bound into the tower,
to inject some variety and danger into your encounters.
The Basics
A wizard’s tower is his home, sanctuary, research
station, and fortress rolled into one. As befits their
mastery of the arcane arts, most wizards construct
secrets of arcane geometry, the wizard or the tower’s drawing on ambient magical energies. Rooms, walls,
architect creates a structure that attunes to its owner, and doorways designed to the exacting specifications
channelling magical energy into him by soaking up of arcane geometry grant the individual to whom the
and focusing the ambient arcane potential in the region structure is attuned several benefits while he stands
surrounding the tower. In many ways, a tower serves within it.
more as a conduit or trap for magical energy than a
home for its owner. In essence, the tower is a building- Prere isites Profession (engineer) 8 ranks,
sized magical item. The shape and dimension of a Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (the planes)
structure determine its capacity to channel energy. The 8 ranks, spellcaster level 9th
tower-shape, a single tall, square or circular structure, ene t You may design and build arcane towers
offers the best potential to fulfil its purpose. Thus, this as per the rules detailed in this chapter. If you have
is why wizards most commonly prefer a single, solitary this feat yourself and so are able to design your
tower to a full-blown castle or other fortress. tower yourself, you will not need to pay a designer or
architect and so may reduce the cost of building the
The wondrous features offered by a tower come at a tower by 20 . When designing a tower, the geometrist
steep price. Another reason that most wizards build must declare one person the tower’s owner or master
only a solitary tower rather than a full-blown keep and attune the place’s affects to that individual.
or castle is the great expense involved in erecting a Throughout this chapter, references to the tower’s
structure infused with a wide range of enchantments. owner or to the wizard attuned to the tower refer to this
While wizards prefer not to admit it, economic chosen person.
concerns are often as much a consideration in their Norma If you do not have this feat available (either
decisions as arcane ones. by having it yourself, or by employing an architect who
does have it) you may not build an arcane tower using
Ne eat Arcane Geometry the rules in this chapter, although you may still build a
Your knowledge of engineering, magic, and the planes more mundane tower or other residence.
combined allows you to design buildings capable of
Designing a Tower
There are several steps to building your own mystic
abode. Resolve them each in the presented order.
selecting your tower’s location, designing your oor and defences not available to its more exotic cousins.
plan, and selecting the magical effects you wish to add
to it, determine the gold piece cost of its construction, Aeria Using a variety of powerful elemental magics,
the cost of any special components needed for magical it is possible to erect a tower that oats high in the
effects or wondrous building materials, and the time sky. Commonly, the wizards who opt for such a tower
necessary to complete the project. In addition, your harness the power of elemental air to forge a cloud of
Games Master may determine that your character must thick, substantial vapours capable of supporting the
embark on a special adventure or quest in order to weight of a large, stone structure. This aerial home
obtain materials necessary to complete your tower or has the advantage of appearing as nothing more than a
win the services of elementals, archmages, and other typical cloud from below, though a sharp-eyed observer
powerful figures whose services you require. can note that the cloud never seems to move in the
sky (unless the tower can also y see below). Aerial
1. Choose a Location fortresses have several advantages over the typical
Your tower’s general location dictates many expenses wizard’s tower. They are inaccessible to anything that
related to its construction, from raw materials to labour lacks the ability to y, making it incredibly difficult for
costs. The increased costs incurred by choosing an a wizard’s enemies to mass an army or other large force
exotic location for your tower, such as an undersea to besiege his home. More importantly, a cloud tower
trench or an island in the midst of a lava ow, can be enjoys that benefit no matter what stretch of land it
compensated for with increased privacy and defensive hovers over. A wizard could thus construct a relatively
capabilities. It is much more difficult to storm a isolated, safe haven within a few miles of civilisation.
tower that stands perched atop a drifting cloud than to
besiege one that stands in the midst of a forest. The Aerial towers serve as powerful magnets for the
construction cost modifier applies only to the expenses elemental force of air. A wizard who owns and
determined in step 2, designing you basic oor plan. maintains an aerial tower can use that excess energy to
The magical and exotic features added in other steps boost his abilities to summon and bind creatures from
cost the same, no matter where your tower stands. the plane of elemental air.
calling and binding creatures whose powers dwarf adventurers stop seeking the place. An overeager band
those exhibited by creatures summoned by a wizard of of explorers could easily mistake an otherwise harmless
similar ability who has yet to construct a tower. Fire wizard for an enemy who must be destroyed and
spells burn hotter, brighter, and longer when the tower’s his treasures looted. In addition, most dungeons are
master uses them within his domain. Of course, water connected to caverns deep beneath the earth by several
creatures find such environments uncomfortable and lengthy tunnels.
are repulsed by the arcane energies of a fire tower,
making it almost impossible to summon or contact such Standing within the earth but lacking the perfect
creatures from this domain. geometry of a traditional wizard’s tower, subterranean
lairs offer some enhanced abilities when casting spells
P anar The ultimate isolated fortress, a castle built on related to the earth. However, these energies are
an entirely different plane of existence is completely poorly focused and not as great as those offered by
inaccessible to all but the most powerful of a wizard’s an underworld tower. What the subterranean “tower”
enemies. Even then, such foes must discover where offers in cost and ease of use it makes up for with its
in the multiverse such a tower stands. The planar rather limited mystic potential. The exception to this
options cover towers built on the astral or ethereal rule lies in necromantic magic. Subterranean lairs dug
planes. Those constructed on planes with environments from the soil of a graveyard or other burial ground offer
similar to the wizard’s home world should use the other a few benefits to a wizard who uses the dreaded magic
locations presented here. While on a different plane of death. Such lairs focus on and collect the sickly
relative to the wizard’s plane of origins, the guidelines powers of rot, disease, and death and channel them into
presented here apply to that tower in the context of their master.
its location. Planar strongholds are proof against
most attacks, yet like glacier towers they stand in ndersea While the idea of erecting a tower on the
environments populated by creatures normally far more oor of the ocean may seem ludicrous, a powerful
powerful than those encountered in the typical wooded archmage can command the economic and arcane
or mountainous wilderness. The strange, otherworldly might necessary to erect such a wonder. Typically,
creatures of the planes are powerful enough to threaten towers built beneath the waves are erected on land,
even the most experienced wizard.
carried by ship to the construction site, and then nder or d In the heart of the earth lie many
assembled beneath the waves by work teams of gigantic, sprawling caverns. In some of these great
locathah, sea elves, merfolk, or other friendly ocean- vaults stand complete kingdoms of underdark races,
dwellers. Undersea towers are incredibly expensive, with multiple cities, towns, and other settlements
but for a wizard who demands isolation or is deeply scattered across their bounds. Epic wars rage,
connected to the sea, such an abode is the ultimate kingdoms rise and fall, and an entire history is written
wizard’s tower. Normally, these structures are designed without notice from the world above. The creatures of
to maintain airy environments within their walls, but the deepest realms are amongst the most fearsome and
some wizards who have adapted to life underwater dangerous in the world. Drow priestesses and derro
ood their homes and dwell within them, content to warlords jealously guard their territory. Yet, despite
allow their magic to sustain them. This option removes these dangers, some wizards choose to build their
the threat of a collapse or other catastrophe from lairs in this underworld environment. Many strange,
destroying the tower’s contents, and also makes it more magical radiations seethe in the underworld’s depths,
difficult for air breathers to storm the structure. making it an ideal place for research, magic item
creation, and summoning creatures.
Undersea towers offer a variety of advantages to mages
who dwell within them and attune themselves to their Standing in the midst of the earth, underworld towers
structure. Summoning creatures of elemental water is provide easier access to the elemental plane of earth.
much easier from within the confines of an undersea The mystic energies and arcane potential of the great
tower, as the conduits that form between the structure caverns allows a wizard to attune his spells to elemental
and the elemental plane make travel between the earth, granting him the ability to summon powerful
two much easier. Of course, the watery environment earth creatures and bind them to his will. In addition,
of the sea repels fire elementals, making it difficult the earth magics make it much easier to enchant metal
to summon fire creatures or otherwise contact their items, such as weapons and armour. Many underworld
elemental plane. races, such as drow and derro, commonly used magic
items because of this. Wizards who are drawn to earth
magic or who seek to forge powerful enchanted items
commonly establish their towers in the deep earth
benefit from the in uence of an urban tower. These area’s ruler, or simply risk the chance of settling,
structures provide no special benefits or hindrances for unwelcomed, on someone else’s doorstep. The prices
wizards who seek to deal with creatures and beings listed for the tower’s feature cover the materials and
from other planes, though most cities have strict laws labour necessary for construction. Optionally, your
against summoning demons and elementals within Games Master may charge more if you erect your tower
the town walls. Of course, the city fathers must first in an isolated area or in one that lacks the manpower
catch a wizard in the act of summoning before they can or materials you need. As a rule of thumb, if a region
prosecute him. cannot supply 25 or more workers and lacks stone,
wood, or other common building materials, increase all
2. esi n a oor P an prices by 50 . This extra charge covers the costs of
Once you have selected a location for your tower, you importing materials and attracting workers.
must now design the tower’s layout. The following
table summarises the architectural features available Aeria Any ying creatures may help in the
in a tower and their cost. The price listed on the construction of an aerial tower, while air elementals can
construction costs table must be multiplied by your aid in the creation of the solid cloud or other oating
tower location’s construction cost modifier. This construct that serves to carry the tower. A work team of
represents the difficulty in transporting materials and 25 Medium-size ying creatures or 10 Large or greater-
hiring craftsmen willing and able to work in exotic size creatures and 5 air elementals of any size are
locations. At your Games Master’s option, you can required to produce an aerial tower. Recruiting twice
eliminate or reduce this multiplier by recruiting the number of workers reduces this tower’s construction
creatures adapted to your tower’s location and cost modifier by one. You must have command of
uncovering or creating materials specifically adapted to these workers for at least one-third of the tower’s total
your tower’s location. construction time. If the wizard or one of his allies is
capable of using the spell gate or a similar effect on
The costs presented here represent the base price for a daily basis to open a passage to the elemental plane
building the standard brick, mortar, and wood dwelling. of air, reduce the construction cost modifier by an
When a wizard decides to erect a wondrous tower, additional one. Access to that aerial realm allows the
such as one that stands in the middle of a fiery lake of easy recruitment of air elementals and the collection of
molten rock, the cost multiplier serves to represent the the light but durable material necessary to construct the
increased difficulty and expense of such an endeavour tower’s oating foundation. This cloud-like foundation
with an abstract rule. However, to add more avour extends 20 ft. in all directions around the tower’s base.
and challenge to the process of building a tower, your Creatures of Huge size or smaller may walk on it
Games Master may require you to uncover some without falling through. Others plummet to the surface.
specific materials or allies.
A atic Building an aquatic tower requires the aid of
Standard Building a normal, stone or wooden tower a ship and creatures capable of breathing water. You
requires only that you either own the plot of land on must have access to a dozen such creatures for four
which you plan to build, gain the permission of the hours a day for half of the time necessary to complete
the tower. During this time, the workers lay the granting them such protection for 8 hours a day, each
foundation and prepare the lower levels of your tower. day of construction.
These workers may either breathe water due to their
natural abilities or from a spell or other magical effect. G acier A tower perched atop or glacier (or one carved
The construction cost modifier covers the ship and from ice, see Exotic Materials, below) requires the
materials needed to build the underwater foundation, services of craftsmen and labourers who can function in
but you must either recruit your underwater workers or the bitter cold. The tower’s construction cost modifier
somehow acquire magic to sustain a work team beneath takes into account the difficulty in recruiting workers
water. Aquatic towers may include an airlock for easy and carrying materials to the far reaches of a glacial
access to the sea or lake oor. or tundra area. A portion of the work necessary to
complete this tower involves tunnelling through ice to
ire To er Constructing a tower on the slopes of an build the tower’s foundation. If you gain the services
active volcano is hazardous work, to say the least. This of 3 or more fire elementals of any size each day,
tower’s construction cost modifier covers the expenses decrease the tower’s total cost by 10 .
of buying materials and tools capable of withstanding
the heat of this environment. However, human, dwarf, P anar Obviously, you need to have easy access to
or other labourers are normally not capable of working an extra-planar location to build a tower there. You
in such an environment or are unwilling to do so. You must be able to ferry your workers to and from the
must recruit a work crew of at least 20 intelligent construction site each day. In addition, the price of the
creatures capable of performing manual labour whose tower includes fees for soldiers and wizards hired to
creature type has the fire descriptor listed in its creature defend the workers. In the alien realms of the ethereal
type. For example, fire elementals or azers would fulfil and astral planes, workers from the prime plane feel
this requirement. You may also utilise workers who are uncomfortable in this alien environment if they do not
either immune to fire damage or have fire resistance 5 have proper protection. Planar towers have several
or higher. Note that if you possess the magical means critical factors that distinguish them from structures
to grant workers immunity or resistance to fire damage, built on the prime plane. Traits such as gravity and
they may fulfil this requirement if you are capable of building materials operate much differently on other
planes than they do on the astral or ethereal. See
Designing Planar Towers below for more details.
nder or d The expenses necessary to build an In most cases, rooms or chambers are assumed to
underworld tower revolve primarily around recruiting be around 10’ high, and costs should be altered
and paying workers native to the area, such as deep accordingly if you wish to have unusually high or low
dwarf craftsmen and svirfneblin labourers. If you ceilings.
attempt to import workers and materials from the
surface world, increase your underworld tower’s ooms Both of these categories cover additions made
construction cost modifier by 1. Obviously, there is to an existing structure or modifications made inside of
plenty of rock and similar building materials in the one. They also cover the cost of building a wholly new
underworld, but if for some reason you chose to build a dwelling. The costs listed assume your dwelling has
wooden tower, you must arrange for delivery of all such ceilings 10 ft. tall. You may increase this height by 5 ft.
materials from the surface. for every 25 you increase the price. If you reduce the
height to 5 ft., reduce the cost of construction by 25 .
r an While building a tower within a city offers
easy access to cheap raw materials and labour, you may Air oc arcane This is a simple doorway-shaped hole
encounter problems with the government. For each in the wall, with a magical barrier that allows passage
week of construction, you must make a Diplomacy of creatures and objects but keeps the water on one side
check (DC 15) or incur additional taxes, bribes, and and the air on the other. Passing from one medium to
other fees totalling 1d6 x 100 gp. Furthermore, you the other can be somewhat disconcerting, but the barrier
must purchase or otherwise gain control of a plot of presents no more of an obstacle than would diving into
land before you may begin construction. As a rule or climbing out of a pool. Unlike a mechanical airlock,
of thumb, a 50-ft.-by-50-ft. plot of land costs at least there is no need to wait for an arcane airlock to cycle
1000 gp within a city’s walls. Your Games Master may through one medium to the other one can simply walk
increase or decrease this price, depending on the size of in or out. As with any other doorway, an arcane airlock
the city, its population, and the neighbourhood in which can be fitted with any kind of door, portcullis or similar
you wish to build. without affecting its magical properties.
The costs listed above are slightly higher than those Air oc mechanica This small, steel chamber
normally charged for mundane construction. A allows you to move from one medium, such as water,
wizard’s tower must be built to perfection according to another, such as air. Using a mechanical airlock,
to the tenets of arcane geometry. Only with a perfect you could install a door at the base of an aquatic tower
melding of mystic angles, ley lines, and other factors without worrying about ooding the bottom-most
can a tower channel the magical energies necessary to levels. Note that the cost of a mechanical airlock is
power its special qualities. never affected by a tower’s construction cost modifier.
It takes 5 rounds for a mechanical airlock to cycle
through a medium.
Arro S it M rder o es These are small openings S e s Illusionists and other wizards can cast spells
through which you may fire missile weapons or cast upon your lair to conceal its presence or improve its
spells. They grant 90 cover to anyone standing defences. Pay the standard cost for such services. Of
behind them. Arrow slits are opened in a wall, while course, you can always cast spells yourself, paying only
murder holes are installed in the oor. the cost of components and xp as normal.
oor ay The price to open a doorway and install a Tra A few traps help deter would-be thieves and
door in the interior or exterior of tower. create obstacles for any attackers. Multiply the trap’s
CR by 100 to determine its gp cost.
Gate Portc is An iron grill that may be installed
within a door to improve its effectiveness. T nne You may expand a building’s cellar or make
additions to subterranean lair by tunnelling into the
ein orced a s These walls are thicker than rock. If your hideout is below ground, you must dig
standard ones and can take more punishment. out new rooms and corridors in order to expand it by
purchasing this option to create larger, open areas.
Secret oor or Tra oor The price for a hidden
portal is determined by the Search DC needed to find it.
As a rule of thumb, you cannot purchase a secret door Special Chambers
with a Search DC above 25. Wizard’s towers are far more than simply a collection
of bedrooms, kitchens, and other mundane chambers
So nd roo n You may install padding within or on that happen to serve as a wizard’s living quarters.
the walls of single room, making it difficult for sound Drawing on the magical potential of a wizard’s tower,
to enter or escape it. The Listen DC for any sound that these rooms offer special abilities and enchantments.
passes through such a wall increases by 10. If a room has a price list “as per room” build a normal
room then add the special features for the chamber at
the listed price.
of physically fitting into this room may grow here as the wizard gains a 1 bonus to his caster level check
normal. to beat a creature’s spell resistance. The modifier to
the Charisma check to break free of a lesser or greater
indin Cham er Any wizard who wishes to dabble planar binding trap increases by 5, as that feature is a
in summoning and controlling powerful creatures function of the mithral diagram inscribed in the binding
of the outer planes needs a binding chamber within chamber. Some towers collect energy that is somewhat
his tower. This room is designed to safely imprison useful in summoning and commanding creatures of the
a demon, elemental, or other outsider. It includes elemental or outer planes.
a pentagram inlaid upon the oor in mithral. Any
creature attempting to break this diagram must destroy Summoning Weakness: When using this tower’s binding
a portion of the metal that forms it. The mithral is a chamber, the wizard attuned to the tower decreases
quarter-inch thick and has hardness 15 and 7 hit points. his save DC by 4 and suffers a -2 penalty to his caster
Depending on the nature of the wizard’s tower, the
arcane caster attuned to the structure’s arcane geometry
gains bonuses and penalties to his efforts to call and
bind creatures. If the summoned creature’s type
matches or includes the name or descriptor listed in the
table, the caster gains benefits or penalties to his use of
spells such as greater planar binding. A single binding
chamber may only be used to hold one creature at a
level check to defeat his target’s spell resistance when energy directed and channelled by this room’s arcane
casting the following spells: binding, greater planar geometry. The room’s inner walls are protected from
binding, lesser planar binding, and magic circle. The a variety of elemental effects. They gain the benefits
Charisma check DC to break free of the trap used of a protection from elements spell cast by a 5th-level
in conjunction with lesser planar binding or greater wizard against 2 energy types of your choice. Note
planar binding increases by 5, as per using a diagram that the chamber provides no special protection for
to capture a summoned creature with a combination creatures within its area, nor does it repel damage
of magic circle and dimensional anchor. Summoned in icted from outside the room. The magical field that
creatures of the listed type find the energy collected strengthens the walls faces inward.
and amplified by the tower to be repellent. They seek
to avoid it at all cost. This energy disrupts the caster’s Li rary A secure location to store tomes of spells,
ability to establish a link to some elemental planes books of lore, and librams detailing a variety of
and interferes with the spells normally used to call and subjects is a common feature of wizardly abodes. At its
command powerful creatures. most basic level, a library is merely storage space for
books. Shelves and cases line its walls, while a desk or
ast Cham er Constructed of thick stone, iron, and table may sit in the middle of the room for use during
other durable materials, the blast chamber is a safe research or as simply a comfortable place to sit while
haven wherein a wizard can test powerful, destructive reading. The accomplished mage adds a few special,
magics such as delayed blast fireball in a safe, useful features to his library.
controlled environment. Blast chambers absorb all
damage from area of effect spells, even if such a spell Pest Control: Moths, mice, and other tiny creatures are
would normally extend its area of effect outside of the a bibliophile’s bane. These tiny, annoying creatures
room’s area. These chambers are particularly popular have a frustrating tendency to feast upon paper, tear it
with evokers and other wizards who prefer destructive into shreds for bedding, and otherwise mindlessly spoil
spells to more subtle magic such as enchantments. valuable tomes. With the proper runes carved into a
The blast chamber’s walls are soaked with magical library’s walls, a library may be protected by a variety
of charms and wards that drive off scavengers, vermin,
and other pests. These wards take on a wide variety of
forms. Some summon tiny air elementals that scatter
bugs and mice, while others create illusory predators
that scare off anything interested in feasting on a
mage’s hard-earned literary collection. A library with
this feature does not suffer any risk of vermin mishaps.
Animals or vermin with 1/2 HD or fewer must make a
Will save (DC 15) to enter the place unless the library’s
owner specifically allows the creature entrance. Adding
pest control to a library costs 500 gp.
Sea ed Cham er Lined with lead, guarded with protection, depending on the price of the protections
wards, and inscribed with a series of protective runes, used to seal it from outside observers. Using the
the sealed chamber provides a safe haven for wizards fundamentals of arcane geometry, the sealed chamber
concerned by the potential for enemies to use divination is designed to ward off divination magics and similar
magic to spy upon their research, meetings, and other effects used to spy on areas from a distance. Anyone
activities. The sealed chamber offers several layer of attempting to use a spell or magic item to peer into this
chamber must make a caster level check for his spell To er Location Item Advanta e
to function, as per the spell nondetection. If this check Standard None
succeeds, the caster must then make any Scry checks as Aerial Air
normal. Aquatic None
Glacier Air
Caster Leve Chec C Cost Fire Tower Fire
15 10,000 gp Planar Force
Subterranean None
20 20,000 gp
Subterranean, Graveyard Necromancy, evil
25 30,000 gp Undersea Water
30 40,000 gp Underworld Earth
Urban Enchantment
or sho This chamber includes a forge, bellows,
masterwork artisan’s tools, alchemist’s equipment,
workbenches, and other items normally used in the
3. S ecia E ects
The arcane power that ebbs and ows through a
production of magic items and alchemical mixtures.
tower’s structure enables a clever mystic architect to
Anyone using this workshop gains a 2 competence
create several powerful, magical effects that grant the
bonus to all Alchemy and Craft checks. In addition,
tower wondrous features. Flying towers, structures
when creating magic items the master of the tower
that move on long, stone legs, reverse gravity areas,
gains a 10 discount on the gp and xp cost of
and permanent portals to other planes are all possible
producing the item if one or more of the prerequisite
with enough cash and the services of a master of the of
spells are from the school or have a descriptor listed
arcane geometry. The following special effects either
with the tower type in the table below.
apply to the entire tower or to a single room.
To er S ecia E ects
E ect Cost
Alarm 1,000 gp
Attuned areas 500 gp/5 ft.-by-5 ft. area
Bound guardians See description
Flying tower 250,000 gp
Folded space 1,000 gp/5 ft.-by-5 ft. area
Magic portal See description
Password door Cost of door 2,000 gp
Pools See description
Reverse gravity field 500 gp/5 ft.-by-5 ft. area
Sentient tower 250,000 gp
Walking tower 125,000 gp
Watchful eyes 10,000 gp
o ded S ace While from the outside a tower with this Ma ic Porta One of the more expensive but useful
special effect may appear to be merely a 10 ft.-by-10 tower features, powerful or rich wizards create
permanent gates between their abodes and places Poo s A small vortex to the elemental and para-
across the world they frequently visit. Creating a elemental planes can keep a basin or pool full of an
passage in this manner is a time-consuming and otherwise expensive or exotic uid. Pools of acid,
expensive proposition. The portal must be forged alchemist’s fire, lantern oil, liquor, and other materials
from gold, mithral, adamantine, or another expensive are all possible with this tower feature. The pools
material. The portal can either work one-way or allow yield 6 asks of usable liquid per day and replenish
for round trips. One-way portals are much easier to themselves at dawn. The price of a pool depends on its
construct, as they require only a mystic focus and contents.
enchanted door built within the tower. Two-way portals
require such items to be constructed at both the tower Li id Price
and the destination spot. A creature on the working Acid 2,000 gp
end of a portal may look through it to observe its Alchemist’s Fire 1,500 gp
destination area. A portal costs 1,000 gp for every mile Green Slime 3,500 gp
it transports its users. Double the cost for a two-way Holy Water 1,000 gp
portal. Lantern Oil 1,000 gp
Water 500 gp
Pass ord oor Using a combination of the spells Wine 700 gp
arcane lock and magic mouth, a password door speaks
a short riddle of up to 25 words to anyone who attempts everse Gravity ie d A reverse gravity field works
to open it. Those who reply with the correct answer on similar principles to the effects used to produce
may open the door normally, and it remains unlocked folded space. The gravity field in the room is altered,
for 10 minutes. Otherwise, treat the door as if it were causing items to fall in a direction other than down. A
under the effect of an arcane lock spell. Optionally, the guest walking into a reverse gravity room may fall up
door may have its riddle inscribed on its face or may to the ceiling or across a room towards the far wall.
have not hint at all to its password. Wizards primarily use these areas to befuddle intruders,
particularly in conjunction with pit traps positioned in
the ceiling of dead-end corridors and false closets. A
small group of mages has developed an entire form
of performance art that revolves around throwing an
item through several areas of altered gravity, giving the
object a graceful, twirling path of ight as it “falls” up,
sideways, down, and around.
the doings of visitors. One built on the shores of a lake so on as normal. A walking tower is piloted from a
of fiery is energetic, aggressive, and easily angered. central throne or control panel, usually situated near
Despite their seeming independence, a tower’s several windows to give the pilot a clear view of the
personality obeys the commands of the tower’s master surrounding terrain. If a tower loses its pilot while in
without question. motion, it continues at its current speed and direction
until it either crashes or another pilot takes control. If a
a in To er A walking tower features giant walking tower somehow falls over or otherwise loses its
wheels, mechanical legs, or some other form of footing, the pilot must make a Dexterity check (DC 20)
locomotion that allows it to walk, roll, or otherwise to successfully guide the structure back to its feet or on
travel across land. This ability may be purchased for to its wheels.
standard, fire, glacier, undersea, underworld, and urban
towers. Note that if the tower leaves the environment atch Eyes A series of small, glass globes set
that grants it special abilities, such as a fire tower throughout the tower allows the structure’s owner to
moving away from the volcano or lava ow from use his Scry skill to peek into any room so long as he
which it draws fire energy, it loses those characteristics stands within the tower’s walls. The DC to view a
until it returns to its home environment. Walking room is 15. Treat this skill check as a use of the spell
towers are ponderous, clumsy walkers. They have a scrying focused against a particular room rather than
speed of 15 ft. and may run, take double moves, and a specific individual. In addition, the wizard does not
need a focus in order to use this scrying ability. He
merely concentrates on his tower and mentally peers
into the room. Note that the wizard looks into the room
with his own sight, though the spells normally usable
with scrying work with this tower feature.
The tower shook, shuddering, and moved upward with a great tearing sound.
We’re clearing the ground, master Derris,’ his apprentice Dylek reported, leaning out of the window.
Excellent. Mind the roof, and make sure Tervik keeps a sharp eye out for anything approaching from above.’
The apprentice nodded slowly as he made his way up the stairs. A single roc or young dragon could send the entire
tower toppling over with one pass. As he ascended to the roof, he saw how far away was the cloud for which they
were bound.
The old goat is in control of the place, but keep your eyes out for anything ying about here.’
That’s for the master to know and us to find out. Just pray that geometrist Harkyn crafted that cloud with the proper
matrices. For all we know, we could drop right through it when the master tries to set us down.’
It’s not the fall I’m worried about. It’s what the master will do if we lose the tower...’
Mi e Mear s
A Choose a Location 105 G
Choosing Visual Effects 41
Ability Slots 83 Collar of Armour 61 Gaining a Bodyguard 89
Absorb Blast 90 Collar of Recall 61 Geomancer 9
Academic 4 Compute Total Cost 120 Gloves of Reach 59
Acid 56 and Time Goggles of Arcane Insight 59
Adept of the Sun 33 Construction Costs 111 Goggles of Familiar Sight 61
Adjudicating Personalities 102 Counter-magic 21 Goggles of True Strike 60
Alchemist 5 Craft Creature 28 Grave Storm 76
Alzar’s Helpful Hands 59 Craft Flesh Golem 31 Gutter Mage 10
Applying Visual Effects 42 Craft Magical Book 65
Apprentice’s Staff 58 Crafting an Arcane Nexus 83
Arcane Armour Proficiency 47 Creating Libraries 72 Hedge Wizard 10
Arcane Avatar 20 Creative Spellcasting 36 Hero’s Luck 76
Arcane Avenger 21
Arcane Chess 46 I
Arcane Cleave 23
Arcane Craftsman 7 Dagger of the Archmage 57 Imbue Touch Spell 76
Arcane Duels and 45 Dagger, Throwing 53 Imbue Weapon 49
Competitions Defence 66 Imbue Weapon Strike 49
Arcane Enemy 23 Demonic Amulet 62 Improved War Wizard Tactics 49
Arcane Enhancement 66 Design a Floor Plan 109 Investigator 11
Arcane Knowledge 47 Designing a Tower 104 Invisible 56
Arcane Mishap Table 100 Diplomacy Check Modifiers 90 Item Lore 49
Arcane Nexus 82 Diplomacy Check Situations 90
Arcane Nexus Abilities 83 and DCs
Arcane Senses 48 Divine Blessing 48
Knight of the Staff 12
Arcane Shield Proficiency 48 Do the apprentices get along 102
Knowledge 67
Arcane Tutor 95 Draw Attack 92
Arcane Vengeance 23 Drawbacks to Apprentices 98 L
Arrow Shield 91 Durable 66
Augment Magic 21 Durable Magic 48 Leaping Defence 92
Avatar of Magic 20 Libraries and the Campaign 72
E Libraries and Tomes of 68
Avenger’s Focus 23
Elemental Amulet 63
Libraries: The Basics 68
Encoded Abilities 83
Lightbearer 33
Benefits of Apprentices 96 Encrypted 66
Lightbringer 33
Body Guard Availability 90 Enemy Focus 49
Loyal Guardian 77
Bodyguard 91 Entertainer 6
Bodyguard Feats 90 Exorcist 6 M
Bodyguard of the Crimson 93 Expert Potion Brewer 5
Shield Eye of Vengeance 23 Machine Master 50
Bodyguard Weekly Pay 90 Madness 31
Rates Mage Blade 57
Building Your Own List 40 Magic Items 56
Familiar 66
Magical Weapons 56
Far Strike 75
C Mantle of Dread 77
Feast of Flesh 75
Master of Magic 21
Call Spell 21 Fireproof Oil 54
Material Sacrifice 50
Cast on the Run 48 Force Staff 58
Mechanics 46
Channel Energy 48 Fortune Teller 8
Melgir’s Backpack of 60
Child of the Sun 33 Safe Transport
The Quintessential Wizard PLAYER
Y / N
Heavy 1 -6 x3
1st Level SI E
3rd Level
4th Level
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