Ivory Coast General General (See Plan) : Also See Abidjan SBM/MBM
Ivory Coast General General (See Plan) : Also See Abidjan SBM/MBM
Ivory Coast General General (See Plan) : Also See Abidjan SBM/MBM
GENERAL (See Plan) PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION: Masters must advise ETA and draft,
24 hours and again 6 hours before their arrival, to the Port Commandant
(COMPORT) or in his absence, to the consignee. For a night arrival, the
GEO-POLITICAL: telegram must arrive at the station before 1700 hrs.
Capital City: Yamoussoukro. When at anchorage off Vridi Canal, vessels should watch for signals from
Nationality: (noun) Ivoirian, (adjective) Ivoirian. Vridi Signal Station, which keeps continuous watch, and advise them
Population: 20,617,068. regarding the time the Pilot will board their ship. Port Captain’s office and
Vridi Signal Station keep a permanent watch on VHF Channels 12 and 16.
COMMUNICATIONS: Agents may be obtained through Abidjan Radio on 2182 kHz. Abidjan Radio
International Direct Dial Code: 225. answers on 1813 kHz.
Number of Internal Airports: 7.
Major Languages Spoken: French (official), 60 native dialects with Dioula VHF: Port Control listens on Channel 16 and works on Channel 12.
the most widely spoken. Channel 12 is strictly reserved for the harbour traffic, and ships wishing to
talk to each other should do so on a ship-to-ship Channel 8.
ECONOMY: Also see ‘‘VTS/Radar’’.
Currency: 1 CFA Franc BCEAO (XOF) of 100 Centimes.
Exchange: (as of March 2010) VTS/RADAR: Installed in the Harbour Master’s office. Vessels can contact
US$ 1.00 ␦ XOF 488.99 port radar by calling ‘‘Comport Abidjan’’ on VHF Channels 16, 12 and 11, or
Exchange rates under licence from XE.com through Abidjan Radio, which keeps watch on Channel 16.
Main Industries: Foodstuffs, beverages, wood products, oil refining, truck TUGS: Tugs join vessel at the port entrance. Towing lines are provided by
and bus assembly, textiles, fertiliser, building materials, electricity and ship the tug. Tugs work on VHF Channel 8.
construction and repair. BERTHS: Bananier Quay: (Banana Carrier Quay): Length 350 m., two
ENVIRONMENT: berths, depth 7.0 m.
Territorial Sea: 12 n.m. North Quay: Length 775 m., five berths (No. 1 – 5) from east to west, depth
Other Maritime Claims: Continental Shelf: 200 n.m. 10.0 m.
Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 n.m. West Quay: 1,525 m., 10 berths (No. 6 – 15) from north to south,
Coastline Extent: 515 km. depth 10.0 m.
Climate: Tropical along coast, semiarid in far north; three seasons - warm South Quay: 1,145 m., six berths (No. 16 – 21) from north to south,
and dry (November to March), hot and dry (March to May), hot and wet depth 11.5 m.
(June to October). Ro-Ro Berth: Length 200 m. Depth 12.5 m.
Natural Resources: Petroleum, natural gas, diamonds, manganese, iron A temporary Ro-Ro berth is located at the north quay of the fishing harbour,
ore, cobalt, bauxite, copper, gold, nickel, tantalum, silica sand, clay, cocoa length of the quay 350 m., depth 7.0 m.
beans, coffee, palm oil and hydropower. A quay 90 m. long, situated on the south bank of the lagoon between the
Natural Hazards: Coast has heavy surf and no natural harbors; during access canal and the discharge canal (Bietri Canal) extended by a system
the rainy season torrential flooding is possible. of piles, permits the mooring of vessels 140 m. long and with 7.92 m. draft.
Terrain: Mostly flat to undulating plains; mountains in northwest. This quay is called Siveng Quay and is reserved for the company of the
Average Temperatures: same name.
Month High Low Mooring buoys lined up in the north part of the port (Banco Bay) are used
January 32␥ C 23␥ C by vessels taking on timber.
June 28␥ C 22␥ C The quays of the port are not equipped with cranes, so loading and
September 28␥ C 22␥ C unloading operations are undertaken by vessels own gear.
BULK FACILITIES: Vessels arriving with cereals destined for Grand
Moulins d’Abidjan are received at Berth No. 1, or they are given a berthing
ABIDJAN: 05␥ 18' N 004␥ 00' W (See Plan) priority. Handling is by means of suckers and conveyor, average rate of
discharge 150 t.p.h. The capacity of the silos is 30,000 tons. The Grand
Also see Abidjan SBM/MBM Moulins are also equipped to load pellets in bulk at this berth. They can also
receive cereals for third parties; in this case the transporting vessel still
PORT LIMITS: The pilotage zone is limited by a circle with a 3.5 mile benefits from the mooring priority.
radius centred on the pier lighthouse of the west jetty of the entry canal. The handling companies Transafric and Socopao are also equipped with
DOCUMENTS: All ships calling at Abidjan to discharge cargo will have suckers (Vigan pumps) for discharge of cereals. Evacuation is then made
to supply on arrival altogether 13 sets of Cargo Manifests and 4 sets of either by tipper lorries (Transafric) or by direct discharge under hangar
Freighted Manifests for each port of loading (IMO Class Code for all (Socopao). The vessels are then directed to the ordinary berths and do not
hazardous cargoes), as the administration no longer accepts reproductions benefit from any mooring priority. The rates of discharge are 50 – 70 t.p.h.
of documents supplied by the Agents. Prime materials for manufacture of fertilisers are received in bulk at the
Furthermore, Masters are reminded to hand to Agents on arrival the Siveng Quay where discharge is by derricks and suckers.
following: The timber yard is situated in the north part of the port. It is bordered by
5 Animal Lists (or nil) a quay of 380 m. from which the timber is put in the water or loaded on
Arms and Ammunition List (or nil) barges before being towed to the vessel on which it is to be loaded. The
4 Bonded Stores Lists equipment of this park (yard) is as follows: 10 ton and 10 ton gantry cranes,
4 Crew Effects Declarations 10 ton derrick, 36 ton and 1 ton forklifts.
6 Crew Lists The park for discharged timber is situated between the west quays and
5 Ports of Call Lists the fishing port; it is bordered by a quay of 350 m. called Quai de Chalandge
5 Narcotics Lists (or nil) (lighterage quay), depth 2.5 m. The equipment for this park comprises: 50 ton
6 Passenger Lists (or nil) and 12 ton forklifts.
4 Stores Lists CONTAINER FACILITIES: Four berths (No. 22 – 25) each 200 m.
1 Vaccination List length are in service. A study with regard to equipping these quays with
Furthermore, the attention of Masters is drawn to the fact that the customs gantry cranes is being undertaken. The area of the container park is
services are strictly enforcing the control regulations on incoming vessels 60,000 sq.m. Loading and unloading of the containers is by ship’s gear.
and very heavy fines are imposed in cases of omission or mistakes in Transport on the quays is made by trailers.
Declarations of Slop Chests, Stores Lists etc. OTHER FACILITIES: Ro-Ro Berth: This berth has a park of
All manifests and Bills of Lading should refer to the IMO class code for approximately 40,000 sq.m.
hazardous cargoes. Details of the ramp of the temporary berth, situated on the north quay of
It should also be noted that hazardous cargo found and not mentioned in the fishing harbour are as follows: width 17.0 m., height above chart datum
above documents will have to remain on board. 1.5 m., permissible loading 20 tons by pulley. The height of the quay above
Also see ‘‘Notices’’ and ‘‘Shipmasters’ Reports’’. datum is 1.8 m.
MAX. SIZE: LOA 243 m., draft 10.06 m. Greater LOA may be accepted. The port has two floating cranes: one with 150 tons capacity and one of
For drafts over this limit, a special request should be addressed to the port 25 tons capacity.
authorities, who, after taking the tide and current into consideration, will Reefer Cargoes: The banana carrier quays are provided with air
decide whether or not the vessel should enter. conditioned and stocking hangers as well as necessary equipment for
Tankers: Draft 9.45 m. loading.
Also see ‘‘Abidjan SBM/MBM’’. SOGIP Shipping: Private quay for fishing vessels. Cold room with capacity
DENSITY: Varies from 1025 in January to 1000 in November. of 2,200 tonnes at 20␥C.
RESTRICTIONS: Ships may enter or leave Abidjan only between certain TANKER FACILITIES: Two oil wharfs situated on the east bank of the
time limits. These limits can be obtained from the Pilot Station on access canal accommodate large vessels of more than 200 m. with a max.
Channel 12 or from the local Agent no more than 3 or 4 days ahead of time. draft of 9.45 m.
PILOTAGE: About 1 hour prior to arrival ships equipped with VHF shall Palm oil is usually taken on board at Berth No. 16 where two pipelines
confirm to the pilot station, on Channels 12 or 16, their correct hour of arrival come from the oil depots. The diameter of these pipelines are 4 in., and the
off the roads; then the boarding time for Pilot shall be communicated. It is flow rate is 250/280 t.p.h. Vessels mooring at this berth do not have priority.
essential that these times are clearly understood both by ship and pilot station. These oils may be taken on board at any other berth by tankers.
Ships shall stay in a position so they keep across the swell and the wind Wine in bulk is also received at the ordinary berths and also discharged
which both generally come from the south and they shall put the pilot ladder by tankers.
on the lee side, i.e. port if steering eastward, starboard if steering westward. Mooring of tankers at the wharves of the Vridi Canal is made at slack water
Pilotage is compulsory, except for shifting alongside quays. For ships and departure at the end of high tide. It is also to be noted that, in spite of
leaving harbour or shifting within harbour limits, request for a Pilot should be reinforced moorings, the mooring to these wharves is sometimes rendered
made at the Harbour Master’s office at least 3 hours before sailing or shifting. impossible because of the heavy swell which builds up in the canal.
For a night sailing or shifting, request must be made before 1700 hrs. Also see ‘‘Shipmasters’ Reports’’ and ‘‘Abidjan SBM/MBM’’.
Warning: When embarking Pilot, keep well clear of sandbank extending STEVEDORES: Gangs must be ordered before 1700 hrs. on the previous
from entrance to Vridi Canal. day.
ANCHORAGES: Vessels may anchor on the outer road in 20 – 30 m. of MEDICAL: All medical services and hospitalisation can be arranged
water, firm sandy bottom, also to the south and to the west of the west jetty without difficulty. Crew members are obliged to have valid certificates against
of the Vridi Canal. yellow fever.
PRATIQUE: Request for free pratique is given by the Agent to Port Health FRESH WATER: Supplied from the quay at the rate of 40 t.p.h. per
Authority, who will board vessel on arrival. hydrant. Can be supplied by barge.