Ir. H. Isnugroho, CES: Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Program Study Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

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Ir. H. Isnugroho, CES

( 10)

Quay Walls
Quay Wall is a general term used to describe a marine structure
for the mooring or tying-up of vessels, and for loading and
unloading of goods and passengers.

The function of Quay Wall:

a. Place for berthing, mooring, docking, tying-up of the ships,

boats, vessels, etc.
b. Place for loading and unloading of goods
c. Place for debarking and embarking the passengers

Dimension of quay walls is depend on the ships which would be

served, so the ships might be able to berth, maneuver, conduct the
loading-unloading activities safely, easily and smoothly.
A quay should have a spacious enough of platform area for the following
a. Apron, area between sea side of quay and warehouse for handling
(loading and unloading) activities from the ships to the inland
transport mode (truck, train) as well as to the storehouse, vice
b. Transit warehouse for commodities storage before/after shipment
c. Area for handling (loading and unloading) activities
d. Access road for many activities.
e. etc

(Source: Bambang Triatmodjo)

Types of Quay :
1. Wharf type (parallel to the coastal line)
2. Pier type (overhanging and perpendicular to the Sea Beach line, the
ships dock on the side of pier and perpendicular to the Sea Beach
3. Bridge/Jetty type (the ships moored parallel to the coast line, and
connected with a “bridge”)
Simple Quay ( Ancol quay for yacht (pleasure boats)

Ujung (Surabaya) Ferry Quay Quay of Nangakeo Port, Kupang (

The determination of Quay type should consider the following
1. The type of ship will be served (passengers ship, general cargo,
bulk or tanker ship)
2. The wave, sea current and wind direction
3. Topography and bathymetry condition
4. Foundation bearing capacity
5. Social, economical, cultural as well as political consideration.

Wharf Type
 Wharf type is a quay built parallel to the coastal line
 This type can be created allied to the coastal line or with a
distance toward to the sea.
 Homogenous Sea-bed contour line and parallel to the coastal line
 This type is usually applied in general cargo port which is need a
spacious platform for handling activities.
The construction of wharf type falls broadly into two classifications:
1. quays with a closed or solid construction, and
2. quays with an open construction, where the deck is supported on
1. quays with a closed or solid construction
2. quays with an open construction, where the deck is supported on

Source: Fishing harbour planning, construction

and management, Quays and Slipways Source: Bambang Triatmodjo
Wharf type of anchored sheet-piles Wharf type of sheet-piles and inclined piles

Wharf type of Basra Port, Irak

Wharf type of Tokyo Harbor
Source: Bambang Triatmodjo
Wharf type built of Caisson

Source: Wikipedia Source: Bambang Triatmodjo

Source: Fishing harbour planning, construction and
Source: A. Alikhani
management, Quays and Slipways

Source: Port Botany Expansion –Quay Wall Design and Construction by Alan Betts
Concrete blocks of 50-200 Ton

Gravel back-fill (for reducing the soil pressure)

Wharf type made of Concrete mass in Zonguldak harbor, Turki

Source: Bambang Triatmodjo

Pier, Jetty or Bridge types
Pier, jetty or bridge is a quay constructed jutted-out toward to the sea.
In the Pier Type, the ships docked in the both sides, so the ship position
is perpendicular to the coastal line. Whereas in the jetty or bridge type,
usually provided with a platform perpendicular to the jetty. The ship
rests in the platform side, so its position is parallel to the coastal line.



Bambang Triatmodjo
Quay for tanker ship
Source: Bambang Triatmodjo
Dimension of Quay
Dimension of the Quay is depend on the number and types of ship which
will be served.
The Apron width is depend on the handling equipment used, the number
of train/truck lines.

Lp = the quay length

Lp nLoa (n 1)15,00 50 ,00 A = warehouse surface area
Loa = overall ship length
d Lp 2e b = warehouse width
n = the number of berthed ship
3A a = apron width
( d 2e ) See next picture
e = road width
Source: Bambang Triatmodjo
Pier for 4 docking

Pier for 2 tethering Source: Bambang Triatmodjo

Floating Jetty :
In very high tidal variation, floating jetty type might be more suitable:

Source: Fishing harbour planning, construction and management, Quays and Slipways
Forces Acting on the Quay
a. Lateral force (ship impact in the quay wall, ship attraction,
Forces seismic)
b. Vertical force (structure dead load and life load)

Ship impact force against the quay wall:

 Assuming the maximum impact occurred when fully load ship
impact against the quay with the angle of 10o to the sea-side of the
 The impact force should be supported by the quay.
 The impact energy is absorbed by fender system installed in the
 The impact force act horizontally and can be defined based on
impact energy.
 The correlation between impact force and energy is depend on the
type of fender installed.
E = impact energy (ton meter)
The impact energy: V = approach velocity of the vessel
perpendicular to the berthing line
2 (m/s)
WV W = vessel displacement
E CmCeCs Cc g = gravitation acceleration
2g Cm= mass coefficient
Ce = eccentricity coefficient
Cs = softness factor (assumed = 1)
Cc= berthing configuration factor (=1)

Source: Bambang Triatmodjo

Mass coefficient depend on the water movement surrounding the ship,
and can be defined by the following formula:
d where:
Cm 1 Cb= block coefficient of the ship
2Cb B d = vessel draft (m)
W B = ship width (m)
Cb Lpp= length between perpendicular(m)
Lpp Bd o γo = sea water density (t/m3)
Eccentricity coefficient: Ce
1 ( l )2
l = distance parallel to the berthing line from the ship
weight center to the berthing point (see picture)
r = radius of gyration surrounding the ship weight center
on the sea water surface (see the curve in the next slide)

General Cargo Ship: LPP 0,846 L1oa, 0193

Tanker Ship: Lpp 0,852L1oa,0201
The value of l :  Quay: l 1 Loa
Dolphin : l 1 Loa
Source: Bambang Triatmodjo
Wind force:
Wind blows to the ship would cause the following forces against the
1. Longitudinal force when the wind blows from the bow (α=0o)
R w 0,42 Qa Aw
2. Longitudinal force when the wind blows from the stern(α=180o)
R w 0,5Qa Aw
3. Lateral force when the wind blows from the side direction (α=90o)
R w 1,1Qa Aw
Rw= wind force (kg)
2 Qs = wind pressure (kg/m2)
Qs 0,063V V = wind speed (m/s)
Aw= windblown field projection area (m2)
Sea Current Forces
As a wind force, sea-current attacking the vessel will produce forces in
the vessel and then forwarded to the quay.:
1. Sea current force coming from the bow/stern:
Rf 0,14SV 2
2. Sea current force come from the side:
Rf 0,5 CV 2 B'

Rf = sea-current force (kgf)
S = vessel cross-section area inundated bellow sea water level (m2)
ρ = sea water density (= 1,045)
C = current pressure coefficient
V = current speed (m/s)
B’ = wide side cross-section area of the vessel bellow the water (m2)
Ship Attraction Force against the Quay
Based on Overseas Coastal area Development Institute-OCDI (1991), ship
attraction force against the quay will be hold-out by bollard or bits, and the
values are as follows:

Source: Bambang Triatmodjo

In the bollard, the forces act horizontally, beside of the vertical forces as ½ of
those values.
In the bitt, the forces act to all direction.
For ship >100.000 ton, the attraction force should be calculated taking into
account the climate, sea current condition, mooring tools, etc.

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