SIP Annex 9 - Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix
SIP Annex 9 - Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix
SIP Annex 9 - Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix
Project Objective Statement: To increase the independent level readers in Grade V from
11.76% to 50% in 2020.
Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible
Oral Verification
Let the pupils Test June 2019-March
School Head 11,200 MOOE
read a RELISH Consolidation 2020
once a day Report
Conduct a Phil-Iri
“DEAR” activity Consolidation Teachers
everyday Report
Provide at least
5 vocabulary
words with
meaning and let
the pupils use it
in a sentence
Remedial Parents
Project Objective Statement: To increase the MPS in English of Grade IV-V pupils from 70% to
80% in 2020.
June 2019-March
Conduct peer tutoring Form IV School Head 12,000 MOOE
Provide differentiated
activities in English
that caters the Test Papers Learners
learners with different
learning abilities
Provide sufficient
English worksheets
that can aid the
learners in
understanding the
lesson well
Project Objective Statement: To enhance the physical appearance of the school from 70% to
80% in 2020.
Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible
Minor repair of school buildings physical June 2019-
School Head 79,250.12 MOOE
and facilities appearance of March 2020
the school
Landscaping Teachers
Installment of Water Facility
Date of Person
Activity Output Budget Budget Source
Implementation Responsible